#waiting for maint to be over
meiko3323 · 5 months
Father in her character demo be like:
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ok im not by any means a lore theorizer, my brain is much too smooth for that, but every now and then, like a bouncing DVD logo touching a corner, i have a coherent thought. and Arlecchinos demo sparked some which id like to put forth. making it as a text post cuz archons know, i get real wordsy ^^'
spoilers obv if youre not far enough in story.
now. upon several rewatches of the original and reactions, the first non-Arle voiceline jumped out at me:
"A spark cannot shatter all shadows until it sets all ablaze or else to the other end of light lie still bleak shades"
this made me think back to was it Childes or Wanderers voiceline? where they say that given the chance, the Knave would betray the Harbingers if it suited her. so what if, hear me out, in her quest of retribution she seeks to somehow go against the Fatui/ Harbingers/ Tsaritsa? retribution that is, for the myriad suffering theyve caused to innocent ppl around teyvat. idk abt full on taking them down, as the top 3 harbs are said to have power that rivals archons, but mb put a sizeable dent in their forces, or otherwise impede their plans. she also heavily implied a wish to collaborate w us, the Traveller, in the future at several occasions during the Fontaine AQ. mb she wants to enlist our help in her goal. circling back to that line, i think the spark is obv Father, and the shadows she wishes to shatter i strongly believe are the Fatui/ Harbingers. and unlike me, the line after is confidently saying "set ALL ablaze" = complete eradication of that organization.
my next thought was actually aided by a yt comment under one of the recent vids w her (idr if teaser, demo, or short, likely short) that said sth along the lines of "shes not a wolf in sheeps clothing, shes a sheep in wolfs clothing, forced to blend in w the wolves that took her in". this comment popped into my mind as i watched the scene where she is walking in mb some type of dream or mind world, w numerous children running around, playing and singing. and she has such a soft look on her face as she gazes at them. but then she collects herself w her signature 🤫 to flip the switch to ig we can call it her wolf side, and the scene changes to her against the red eclipse moon thing (crimson moon?). where was i going w this?.. i think the fact that her "natural" or innermost state is her sheep side where she just wishes to run the orphanage in peace and be a good mother Father to the children and she has to actively suppress that and channel her wolf side in order to carry out her version of justice, and ofc keep blending in w her adoptive wolves (harbingers) until the time is right.
finally, her last voiceline of the demo struck me as very crucial:
"I hear that the children love to play by the fireplace, so let us continue to use the name, "House of the Hearth". Still... its flame is no longer needed for you have the strength to defend yourselves"
from what i can unpack, this is obv talking abt her leaving her position as orphanage director and passing that torch (heh) to Lyney. which btw goes in line w a theory proposed by ABD Illustrates on yt regarding pyro characters (and jumping off to predict plot of Natlan). ill link it btw, go give it a watch, its very insightful:
anyway. she wants the orphanage to keep its name after her retirement. she feels that the children no longer need her (its flame) as under Lyneys leadership they can fend for themselves. a sad look comes across her face as she says this. i believe shes not as unfeeling/ uncaring and is more attached to the children than she dares to admit, and is pained to leave them behind in pursuit of her greater goals.
oh and going back to the 4.6 patch trailer, the boss battle bw her and her main trio of children - despite her thinking Lyney is fit to take over, she wants to give him one final test ig to reaffirm her decision, and to give him the confidence boost to take up that post. cuz he is very unsure of himself, and is always anxious of disappointing Father and not living up to w/e expectations he believes she has for him.
omg that was a lot. this was prob a solid hour of pure stream of consciousness. hopefully theres some coherent nuggets in there. most of it isnt horribly deep, honestly prob surface level stuff that might be painfully obv to others. but i wanted to write it out nonetheless
i invite anyone that bothered to read these long-winded ramblings to respectfully share their thoughts/ theories in the comments and/ or reblogs. was there anything i missed or forgor?
thank you for your time ^^
ps: the trailer was phenomenal btw OMG - the cinematography, the music?! i cant wait for tnbee to make an epic remix of it. and ofc for real lore theorists to dig in and drop their videos on it o3o
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hello....... xiyao hunger games au........ pls say more
are they both tributes
hello anon u have opened a can of worms i have been thinking abt this au for over a year. my xiyao hunger games au.... theyre technically both tributes, just not in the same games..?
they meet each other as victors, a few days after meng yao wins his games, as he waits for his victor interview with ceaser flickerman.
lan xichen had won the games previous to this, dominating both the in-game and out-of-game play, his early life career training from belonging to district 1 combined with his 'prince charming' aura makes him a favourite for the capitoltes, who clamour to sponsor him, and a BEAST in the games.
meng yao, who was not of a fan of the games as so much he saw it as an egregious feat of capitol power, and a fascinating lesson in propaganda, watched this with both awe and an analytical eye.
he would not volunteer for the games (he's neither stupid nor suicidal), but if the opportunity came to either rise up from the poor life he's living in district 11, or give his mother one less mouth to feed, he'd grab the chance with both hands.
they won in contrasting ways, due to their very different backgrounds and personalities
lan xichen won with honour (as much as children killing other children can be considered honourable). mainting his single alliance with his district mate until the end, winning with a final sword duel that had the capitolites swooning in their seats. he's the image of perfection, a low kill count leaves little blood to mar his image.
meng yao won with deception, almost all his kills coming from either literal or figurative backstabbing. as one of the underdogs, and malnourished 15 years old from district 11, he wouldnt win in a straight fight with most tributes, let alone the careers. despite this, he left a bloody trail behind him to become victor, with 2 direct and 4 infirect kills under his belt. (he's still a capitol darling, as most victors are, but in a more - we like you right now but we can and will turn on you if you make a slight mistake)
meng yao did not expect to win once reaped and is struggling to deal with being alive when he thought he'd be dead, so is having a minor breakdown waiting to be interviewed.
lan xichen decides to visit the new victor and give them some advice on how to deal with the victory tour and [gestures vageuly to capitol] that, and kindly interrupts the start of said breakdown. this somehow leads into mimicking the iconic hand-caressing-intense-eye-contact-meeting scene from cql (i love the scenet too much not to include it).
ANYWAYS this is getting too long now, but just know that meng yao had a MASSIVE crush on lan xichen as he watched him win his games, and if it weren't for his mini breakdown whilst waiting to be interviewed he would totally be internally fangirling, and that lan xichen is completealy enamoured with meng yao after meeting him once.
they become a favourite capitol pairing (not couple just yet), constrasting heights and images creating a perfect pair (this is self indulgeant).
hopefully this makes some sense to u anon, and u enjoyed the rambling
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nikkiissleepy · 6 months
oh maint is over already? that's... weird... wait what the fuck is that the time
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ya-jirushi · 2 years
Tsurune Audio Drama: A Shot of Color 2 At the Home Center
I know Seiya can't cook and all but... damn, he really is out here struggling, huh? So who wants a hardware store speedrun? (not really) Just a couple of notes in case some of the stuff is unfamiliar to people. Notes: -weed mats are those dark plastic fabric sheets put on top of garden plots to keep anything covered by them from getting any sunlight and growing. -instant/ready made mortar is just some quick to prepare cement the caulking gun is probably to dispense it, not sure what kacchan needs it for reagrding the lattice tho... - *he really just said bow here but it's pretty point a to b when the bow is involved it's gonna be kyudo so
Seiya: Weed mats, gravel, and what's this supposed to be... It looks like a wire puzzle- Kaito: Ouch! Seiya: Ah, I'm so so— ah... Kaito: Huh... So it was just you, Seiya. Seiya: What do you mean 'just' me? Kaito: You should look where you're going, be more careful. Also your glasses are slipping off. Seiya: That's because I bumped into you... That aside, what're you here at the home center for, Kaito? Kaito: I'm here to buy some lattice repair materials, instant mortar, and a caulking gun. Seiya: ...Huh, what are those? Kaito: In short, stuff for garden maint. Seiya: ...You could've said that to begin with. Kaito: I mean you asked. Seiya: Well, yes, but– Kaito, you do DIY too? Kaito: "Too"? Seiya: You can cook, right? You were pretty involved with it during the training camp and when we're at okonomiyaki too. Kaito: It's just doing repairs, and DIY stuff isn't that big of a deal anyway. Even with cooking it's just 'cause I wanna eat something tasty. Seiya: Hm... Kaito: You seem like you're the type that'd either grin and bear it even if it wasn't good or you just wouldn't eat. Seiya: ...It isn't as if I can't do it myself. Kaito: I guess that's true. Seiya: ...In the first place, isn't it because you're like that that Nanao ends up leaving everything to you? Kaito: Uh... Well- fine, you've got me there. Seiya: So you admit it. Kaito: Well you spoil Minato too, don't you?? Seiya: "Spoil him"?! Kaito: Sure it sounds nice saying that guy's got focus 'n all, but on the flipside doesn't that just mean he's narrow-minded? He's always got kyudo* on the brain too. And you made that worse by always poking your nose in his business. Seiya: What're you... Kaito: I get that you're concerned about Minato, but that kind of concern is different from me just making Nanao food. Seiya: ... Kaito: I just think it'd be better if you laid off him a little, but that's between you two. It's not like I know the whole story, so if it wasn't like that then that's on me. 'Don't think I'm that off the mark either though. Seiya: ...The advice is much appreciated. Kaito: You're probably being sarcastic, but I'll take it. ...Y'know, if we don't hurry up this place is gonna get packed with families soon. Seiya: Wha- ah... Kaito, wait! Kaito: What? Seiya: You're well-versed with this place, right? Kaito: "Well-versed"? Wait, what're you getting at anyway? Seiya: Do you know where the gravel is? Kaito: Huh...? Seiya: And the weed mats. Kaito: That's over in that section. It's all gardening stuff so I'll just guide you. Seiya: There's this too, there's some symbol here but I don't know what it is. Kaito: Huh, which? Ahh, this is probably a doorstop. Seiya: A doorstop? Kaito: My grandma's got a lot of these at her place, like at the bathroom and stuff. It's a simple lock that's like a hook Seiya: ...You seem rather familiar with it. Kaito: It's common sense. Was your house more traditional? Seiya: No it's normal... Kaito: Then why the doorstops? Seiya: ... Kaito: ...My bad for asking. Well, anyway, let's go over to the metal fixtures section. Seiya: You're a great help, I wouldn't have been able to find these by myself. Kaito: This place is stupid huge after all. Kaito: Here, this is them. Take your pick. Seiya: They're pretty cheap. And to have this much just for 168 yen... Will this really be fine? Kaito: They asked you to buy it because it is, didn't they? ...Pfft, don't worry 'prez. Seiya: Huh, about what? Kaito: These might not look like much but they're tougher than you'd think. You don't need to worry about them. Seiya: What're you talking about? Kaito: The doorstops. Seiya: I see. Though it seems as if you were subtly taking a jab at me as well. Kaito: Must be your imagination. Seiya: Let's say that it was.
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someexistite · 1 month
Autistic Rant about a sign
Oh hey, it's you again! Wait, you're not ____? Well... shit. Anyways, I went to the antique mall the other day and found this thing that set off my autism.
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This is not a sign. This is a travesty. We do NOT make signs like this. It is INCORRECT. Do NOT do this. This is why we can't have nice things.
There are so many god damn things wrong with this sign.
For starters, here's what the sign looks like in its natural habitat.
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It's tiny. It is microscopic. From what I remember, it was sized somewhere between a standard license plate and a motorcycle license plate. In other words, very small. According to the Standard Highway Signs (SHS) manual, Sign lettering should be no less than 3 inches tall. Given that a standard license plate is only 6 inches tall and this sign is smaller and has a massive white rectangle in the middle, I feel safe in saying that the text size is too small.
Speaking of the massive white rectangle, why the hell is it there? It serves NO purpose. The sign would've been just as garbage without it, you don't need to separate those two lines of text, especially since you didn't bother putting a white outline around the sign, and you definitely don't need an oversized hyphen in there, so why is it there? It's just a waste of space.
Come to think of it, why isn't there a white border on the sign? Was there really a reason for this sign being so small? Also, why is the text white? It's on an orange background, shouldn't the text and all that be black.
WHY THE FUCK IS THE SIGN ORANGE??? What the hell did you gain from that? Those fuckers down at not Kleem Inc so why the hell should I care who made the sign Incorporated LLC know DAMN well orange is for construction signs and construction signs ONLY. You couldn't go with a white sign? There's plenty of similar signs in white! Or at least a blue one? The blue has local precedent as an "END [administrative division] MAINTENANCE" sign!
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I'm surprised they used the correct abbreviation for "maintenance." At this rate, I'd expect it to be shortened to "MAINTE" or some garbage.
In summary, this sign sucks and it should've never been made. It's microscopic, the wrong colors in every way, poorly designed, and rage-inducing. I would be happy it's no longer in use, but it means some poor soul is gonna take this sign home, not knowing the sins it has committed. It's also twenty fucking dollars, like, really? There were full-size stop signs for the same price at that booth! Why would I choose Pain and Suffering: The Sign over a stop sign? There were so many other, much more substantial signs at that booth for less.
If you notice that I keep changing who I'm referring to between "them" and "you", please stop noticing it.
kk bye thanks for coming to my autism talk
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blondrichclosetwitch · 8 months
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“I came for the pleasure but I stayed for the pain.”
Horse katie j 1/25/17
And is that why i’ve been having headaches and back problems?
So what do you advise (winces) jesus...i can feel it
What do you advise i work on today?
I mean obviously the first thing is resume ...get that up on...send it to tylor?
And then follow up on the edgar casey ...should i ask aaron if he can remake priestess power into a...into a hippie website? My reiki website, basically? Or is it still gonna be associated with.....
Is it still gonna be associated with the sex stuff? So we have to make a brand new one. So i need to talk to him about that.
Let’s see what i can get going.
Should i walk around and pass out resumes today?
Is there a place in greenpoint i’m gonna find?
And i should....(picks up phone)
I’ll hit up margot later morning again.
(texting) margo It’s time for restos for real. Blond is...(then there is a touch of some other tape looped in where you hear her say, “ok sorry about that” , like it taped over a tape or something, and then it goes back to horse katie j. )
Wow. so what is laurie gonna say about all the spell stuff? Does she know that my cervix is broken and that Blond is responsible for it and that she already forced me get an abortion in the first place? (sidenote: in the tapes in december, right around winter solstice, there’s a tape where fakekatie woke her up super early to tell her that Blond caused her accident; in september “gina” told her/me that my cervix was broken & i’d never be able to get pregnant again right when i got back from italy)
And my neck is damaged, and my back is damaged. And that her daughter is like...off kilter, if she’s trying to destroy my business.
Did she understand this about her daughter before?
Did laurie ask Jakk if he is still in love with me?
(long pause)
Did he say yes?
(even longer pause)
What do you mean?
Did Jakk say yes?
Jakk did not say yes?
(softly) he is though
Wait a minute (confused) what are you saying?what are you saying? Hold on. The problem with this thing is it’s too light. What do you mean?
(changes pendulum, thinking it will help with clarity)
Alright, so......
Horse, is this you
I’m asking for all protective spirits to be here
(long pause)
So laurie asked Jakk if he was in love with me
And what did, and what did jakk say
Jakk said he was
Why, were you giving me a....is that other pendulum too light? Ok. got it.
I was having some issues yesterday with questions with katie too.
Looks like this might be our pendulum. Do you like it?
It has a nice feel to it.
I wonder if Katie’s gonna be able to give up the safety pin.*
(i took a screenshot on this line; it was 17:36/-15:37—fakekatie was insistent on me using the safety pin connected to the pendulum; when I asked about it, she said it was a symbol that the spirituality was connected to the purity of a child.)
You think she will?
It’s time to get coffee, and do the tree ritual and then we’ll work on the resume. And then send it to tyler...and start pounding it.
(long pause, receives transmission)
Ask Lonnie to meet with me.
Send him an email today— Ok
Is Jakk looking for a restaurant job for me?
And can i start calling my clients and saying, hey i’m doing a special, i’m just seeing clients i love...
Is it true that the guy that contacted me yesterday, bill-bill....did Blond offer him money? Yup
Did she offer him five thousand?
Fuck. fuuuuuck.
Is there........should i just stop asking questions right now and get on my clothes and get coffee and do the tree ritual and start on my resume
And she can’t touch me anymore, cause i’m not working—--right? (I quit seeing clients because fakekatie was insisting every call was one of Blond’s guys, and I was petrified)
And i’m protected.
And should i do the prayers before sleep is that the best thing to do
And katie will always tell me if—---is it true that katie is jesus? And that i am mary, mother of god \oh what about timing to go and talk to ..high maintenance? (I was being interviewed by the high maintenance show about being a sexworker)
What’s the best day? Today? Tomorrow?
So later on in the day like 5:00? Yeah? Ok.
You think i should talk to Lonnie first.
(now talking to “psychic jakk” )
(translating transmission)
So......if you talk to me, if you see me, if you answer the phone....she will come after me and she’ll hurt me. And that’s why you haven’t answered any correspondences. But you do realize that, like...the spells were all true. And that she’s been doing all this spell work on us since 2014.
And molly.. , uh maggie was in on it?
Are she and maggie in a fight now?
They’re slightly made up?
But it’s not the same right? It’s not like it was before.
Maggie knows that she’s..twisted. That’s what i thought.
Ok. um..alright. You know..ok. She’s not home right now is she? No. ok. What time are you leaving? 2? Let me finish the resume and then maybe (laughs) we can have sex before you go to work. (Now I’m not sure—this is the first mention of these afternoon psychic sex outings, so maybe this was the first time)
Would that be nice? Alright let me work on this. That makes things a little clearer. And she stopped following you on instagram, didn’t she
Like, things are bad there aren’t they?
Are you sleeping on the couch? Yes
and when do you start at saam bar? Do you start in february?
That’s fantastic. You must be so happy. I’m so happy for you. That makes me so happy. Eeeeek. Ok i’m gonna get to work..i’ll talk to ya a little later. Ok i love you. Bye.
NR 73 1/25/17
What do you want me to do? Put it in my mind.
You want me to put the safety pin in my mouth?
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(This is a 30 min tape, but you can imagine the rest. Just imagine psychic sex if you thought you were psychically talking to your boyfriend, blah blah blah. But this detail is the important part. Psychic Jakk insisted it be in my mouth every time, and that we do this everyday. )
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libidomechanica · 1 year
This we mind
For me none hourly-mell comes from soft sith her mind.     Hush, Espan way and smile. Not mind; whyles dead o’er. This we mind. Our bed, and sootest glowings.     Yet all what caugh a shalls, and hourse;
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michajawkan · 5 years
was waiting a bit to see if 5.0 update went up so I could let it download while I slept but it's suddenly very tomorrow so I'm bed now;
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lustinglilac · 3 years
I Still Get Jealous
Not me getting inspired by @allthemenofmydreams this post & whipping something up! (poor Mason, I felt bad to throw him under the bus but someone had to be the flirt 🥲)
Pairing: Jack Harlow x reader
Warnings: explicit language, some kissing, jealousy, alcohol, mason’s ego getting hurt.
Jack wasn’t usually the jealous type, he rarely ever got jealous. He knew his girl was his and she was loyal, that was all that mattered.
But in a moment where he thought he was going to enjoy himself, he surprisingly didn’t. He was too busy watching the interaction between his friend and his girlfriend.
“So, how’re you liking it out ‘ere?” Mason’s southern English drawl reached her ears as she smiled at him.
“It’s really nice. It’s definitely not Los Angeles, that’s for sure.” She emphasizes.
“Good. You should come by sometime, I’d love to show you ‘round my hometown.” His eyes sparkling as he spoke to the pretty girl.
She giggled, thinking nothing of it, “We’d love to. I’m sure it’s beautiful.”
“Mase! We need you for this next clip!” Chilwell’s voice rang out across the field, grabbing his attention.
Mason merely sighs, telling her he’d be right back as she checked her phone out of boredom.
She looks back up to where Jack, Christian, Mason and Ben stood on the field, talking and laughing amongst themselves.
They’d finished filming outside, walking over to where Jack’s team was, the Chelsea stars leading them inside.
Mason took his spot next to her, much to Jack’s dismay, making her laugh with something he’d said.
“What’s so funny?” Jack bites his tongue, catching everyone’s attention.
Christian notices the tension in the hallway leading to the trophy room, “Yeah Mount, we wanna laugh too.” He nudges Jack, who was barely smiling at this point.
She furrows her brow, mainting her eye contact with her boyfriend, a way of asking what was wrong without actually saying it out loud.
“Nothin’, we were jus’ joking around.” Mason clears his throat, continuing into the room with the camera crew ready to record again.
“… We want to thank Jack for being here with us today. We actually have a present for you—“ Christian pulls a material from behind his back, unraveling it and handing it over to Jack, who was not as enthusiastic as before.
Grabbing it from Christian’s hands before holding it up to the cameras with a grin plastered on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“Thank you, can’t wait to wear it out.” He nods, taking a quick picture with it before handing it over to his team for safe keeping.
As they walked along the room, the cabinets lined with trophies of past and present as well as jerseys of former players.
Mason didn’t know where he got the sudden burst of confidence from, letting the others explain some of the achievements, speaking so that she could hear him. But, that wasn’t the case.
“Y’know, my name would look great on your back.” He smiles that bright smile in her direction just as she’s taken off guard by what he’d said.
“I think I’ve seen enough— we should get goin’, don’t wanna take too much of your time.” Jack cuts the conversation short, surprising those in the vicinity that had heard him.
Christian and Ben dumbfounded, being the closest to him when he spoke. She gasped both at Mason’s comment, then at Jack’s. Surely, Mason had to know Jack was her boyfriend or did they not make it clear enough to him.
“Y-yeah, that’s totally fine.” A member of the production crew assured them, cutting the segment short as Jack walked away, meeting up with his agent a few feet in front of him.
“Jack.” She calls out, her legs carrying her to him as he barely looked her way. She finally reaches him once they stepped outside to the car, grabbing his hand and making him look at her.
She couldn’t read his face when he spoke to her, putting on his sunglasses and stepping into the vehicle with her close behind.
She threw a look towards his manager, who shook his head and shrugged, holding the door for her to get in.
“Is this really how we’re going out tonight?” She breaks the silence in the car, watching the scenery out the window on the way to their hotel.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” Jack drawls, too occuppied on his phone to look at her.
The rest of the ride was silent, deeming it better not to talk than to just get frustrated with one another. They were meeting the players at a popular club in a few hours, tensions were clearly very high.
She chose a short black dress that complimented her body and a pair of expensive heels that Jack had bought her for her birthday one year.
Jack took a quick glance at her, “You look good, babe.” He commented curtly, making her raise a brow. He rarely ever called her babe unless he was stressed or annoyed or something was bothering him.
“Thanks. You too.” She watches him put on his cologne as she pulls at the hem of her dress, grabbing her purse.
“Yeah.” She breathes out, taking his outstretched hand, the first physical interaction she had with him since leaving the stadium.
The pair arrived in no time, the hostess leading them straight to the VIP area where Christian and some others were already seated, getting up to greet them.
“He giving you a hard time?” Christian spoke in her ear as Jack was out of earshot, ordering drinks.
She shakes her head, giggling, “He’s fine. Just in a mood.”
“About earlier, I don’t think Mason knows you’re his girlfriend.” Christian explains just as Jack walked back to them. “And I sure as fuck didn’t tell him yet, I like messing around with Jack. Give it a few more hours.”
That’s when it made sense, Mason had no clue she was with Jack. How could he? They’d tried to keep their relationship as private as they could until recently, it was in no way Mason’s fault.
A few minutes later, Ben and Mason showed up, Jack already on guard as he placed a hand around her waist before she could ask him what he was doing.
Mason’s eyes going straight to the hand at her waist, tearing his eyes away when she greeted him and Ben with a small hug each.
“Sup, man.” Jack nods in his direction, downing his drink, letting the liquor burn his throat.
And Jack wasn’t much of a drinker these days so it surprised her when he ordered alcohol.
Mason had said his hellos, rounding the table to stand next to her just like before. She placed a hand on his bicep, laughing and smiling with him, throwing a wink towards Christian who was watching the interaction amusedly while Jack scowled.
Bottle service had come around as soon as their section was fully there, the bottle girls holding expensive liquors that caught her attention.
She reached for a shot and downed it just as Mason had his ready to drink. Jack watched her before grabbing the back of her head, pressing his lips flush against hers, tongue and teeth clashing. One hand going to the base of her throat, while the other gripped at her ass, making her gasp. She whimpers slightly when his teeth catch her plush bottom lip before letting it go.
Mason spluttered on his shot, which he barely even sipped, the slight bit that went into his mouth nearly left him breathless as he cleared his throat, Chilly coming up to him patting him on the back.
“Mate, y’okay?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion as Christian couldn’t help but crack up in the corner.
“Y-yeah. Fine. I’m fine.” He heaves, putting the shot on the table before averting his attention to something, anything, else but them.
She panted when Jack pulled away, “Baby, what the f—“
“Gotta show these fuckers who you belong to, babygirl.” He smirks, kissing down her neck softly before turning his attention to her lust blown eyes.
“And you say you don’t get jealous?” She snorts.
“Nah. You’re mine and I’m yours.” Jack finally smiles, kissing her again, savoring the taste of lipgloss and sweet liquor.
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matt-erialgirl · 3 years
Matt being able to sense your panic attacks and talking you down from them holding your hands to help warm them up
Awh babes ♥️ first of all, I hope you’re doing well and that your day has been amazing / turns out amazing. I hope peace, joy and stability flood your heart and mind for as long as can be. I’m sorry this took so long but I wanted it to be really sweet so I couldnt just write it half asleep yk?
I almost did a little “here’s what i think” but I feel like that’s not enough with something as personal as this. So here’s a little fluffy something 🥺♥️
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Working remotely had its perks, it really did. But this? This is a major drawback. Today, you were closing out last year’s projects. Wrapping it all up, getting the last approvals, final signatures. It was the busiest time of the year - the beginning of the new year.
Ping. Ping.
Your teeth ground against each other as you clenched your jaw. I should turn my notifications off. But what if someone tries to reach me and they can’t? But the sound is so frustrating. But I don’t want to look irresponsible.
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Overlapping sounds filled your ears with noise and your mind with buzzing that felt like television static. Too much, too fast.
There was enough to do to fill up your schedule for another two weeks, but you only had a few hours. And it wasn’t enough time.
It’s not enough
It’s not enough
It’s not enough
It’s not —
“I can’t,” you whispered, hands shaking, eyes staring at your screen as your cursor blinked between the words, message after message popping up in the corner of your screen, its arrival made known with the ever so annoying ping.
“Babe?” Matt called out, his voice carrying to you from his make-shift office in the bedroom, “are you okay?”
Surrounded by his new case’s documents on the bed, Matt waited for you to respond. He had heard your soft statement saying that you “couldn’t” but he couldn’t focus on much else with how often your laptop pinged.
“Baby?” He called out again, this time, worry etching itself on his features, his heart jumping into his throat when he heard how fast yours was beating. Something was wrong.
Rushing outside, Matt could sense you were still sat at the small table by his kitchen, your breathing choppy and fast, every exhale coming out in a small puff.
“Baby what’s going on?” He asked quickly, rushing over to your side, his hand finding your back and rubbing firm, comforting circles into your skin.
He could feel you shaking, your bones vibrating, your lungs tight, your eyes staring at your screen, unmoving.
You’re having a panic attack.
The second Matt realised what was wrong, he acted quickly. He reached over and pushed the laptop shut, silencing the repetitive sounds flying out of your its speaker. Next, he pulled a chair closer to you, sitting down and cradling your face in his hands.
“Is it okay if I hold you?” He asked gently, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. You nodded frantically, your eyes welling up with tears, their salty smell hitting Matt’s nose. As soon as he sensed your tears, his heart broke. He hated that he couldn’t protect you from everything; that sometimes, he just needs to be there to pick up the pieces instead of avoiding the damage. He threw his arms around you, pulling you out of your chair and settling you in his lap. He held on to you tightly, your sobs finally finding their way up to your chest and tearing themselves out.
“Shhh” Matt breathed into your ear, one hand cradling the back of your head, while the other one pulled your cold hands up his t-shirt, pressing them against his warm chest to calm you down.
“I’ve got you. You’re okay. Just focus on breathing. You want to breathe with me? Let’s breathe together hmm?” He said gently as he stroked through your hair.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your heart, your body shaking with the intake of breath. Matt timed himself and drew a breath in with you, synchronising his breathing with yours to keep you focused on maintaining a rhythm. On the exhale, you pressed your forehead down into his shoulder, you heart still hammering in your chest but the noise and the panic in your mind started to settle. Every comforting touch from Matt helped ground you, his soft-spoken words in your ear distracting you from the stress that nearly crushed you.
Slowly, you got yourself back together, your heart slowing down to a steady thrum, head quiet, tears dried. However, exhaustion weighed you down as you recovered.
“You’re not going back to work today,” Matt said gently after he sensed you calm down, “you’ve been carrying that team for so long, I think they can manage one afternoon without you.”
“I have a responsibility,” you sighed against his neck, your hand under his t-shirt still against his warm chest, feeling his steady heart, “if they let me go-“
“So be it,” Matt shrugged, running his fingers through your hair, “if this job is crushing you constantly like this, they don’t deserve to keep you. You’ll find something else, something better. Something more deserving. I wont watch you stress your way into one panic attack after the other. It’s not fair to you.”
“Have I told you how much I love you?” You asked him, drawing your head back to look up at him, his eyes lowered in your direction as a toothy grin spread across his beautiful face.
“You tell me all the time,” he said, pressing a kiss against your forehead, “and I love you more than anything and everything.”
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myonepiece · 3 years
Hello author-san! (idk what name you go by here on tumblr (╥﹏╥) lemme know) I have a fluff headcanon request!
How do you think Killer, Kid and Kyoshiro would react to their s/o randomly made flowers crowns for them, each with the flower they think represents them, like
Killer gets a dwarf sunflower crown
Kid gets a rose flower crown (causes hes a prickly bitch but we love him)
Kyoshiro gets a lavender flower crown
And you get a morning glory flower crown! (I saw them and they just reminded me of you) (っ´▽`)っ ♥️💖
This is what the flower looks like if you're curious!
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i can't- i love you 😭😭 you're just too freaking precious 😤🖤 also i've never actually specified what to call me, i've gotten author-san a lot and i love that but any nickname is fine too (you can also just call me jenny) 🥰
killer, kid, kyoshiro when their s/o makes them a flower crown
description: killer, kid, and kyoshiro (separate) when their s/o randomly makes them a flower crown
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-he's super confused at first until you hold out, he just kind of stared at it
-if you try to put it on him he's gonna push it away, he's not wearing a flower crown in front of the crew, in front of kid
-he's not interested in wearing a flower crown.
-you'll have to wait until you're in private later, when he's lounging on the bed and you happen along looking allcute and innocent and irresistible
-he oustretches one of his arms so you can slip onto the bed beside him and you snuggle up against him
-his eyes flutter closed but you stare up at him trying to stifle your giggles and anticipating smile
-after a few minutes once you thinks he's asleep, you take the flower crown from where you were hiding it beside the bed and slowly reach your hands up
-then his eyes shoot open glaring down at you, but you keep moving, mainting eye contact as well
-you lightly place it on killer's head and bring your hands back pressing them into killer's body in attempt at defusing him with your cuteness
-and luckily it works, he sighed through his nose then his hold on you tightens and he falls back to sleep, you survived
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-there is no way you're getting that on him while he's concious, he will smack it out of your hand
-so you wait until he's asleep
-all comfortable (and unconscious) in his workshop chair
-then you sneak in, tip toeing across the room to the side of his chair and stilling just in case he woke up at all
-when he doesn't move you step forwards, reaching up and slowly putting the flowers atop his red hair
-and then...
-he wakes up!
-barely, but his eyes are open and narrowed at you in a suspicious glare
-"what are you doing?"
-"i.. came to nap with you!"
-he hesitates then grunts and you take that as a sign of acceptance, so you crawl onto his lap, he moves his arms to make room for you before coiling them around your waist
-he doesn't even notice the flowers as he falls asleep, his arms firmly around you holding you to his chest, and the pink, red, and white flowers sticking out against the color of his hair
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-most definitely the easiest to give a flower crown to
-especially when he’s drunk
-because then he’s just a mess, his arms flying all over constantly holding you in somewhere, hugging or even petting you
-so you take his chin in one of your hands and lean in closing the gap with a kiss that denjiro quickly turns passionate- mostly just messy though
-and with your free hand you sneak the flower crown up onto his head
-you pull away to look up and smile at how adorable he looks
-but of course kyoshiro isn’t done kissing you, and the smile you’re giving him is too much for the drunk in love (and sake) man to handle
-so one minutes he’s pressing his lips against yours feverishly once again
-and the neck his nose is smushed against your shoulder and he’s snoring
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fairyavengerwrites · 4 years
toys ⇝ brock rumlow
content warning: explicit smut. 18+ MINORS, PLEASE DO NOT ENGAGE, mutual masturbation, use of sex toys, mild exhibitionism, unprotected vaginal sex, spanking
pairing: Brock Rumlow x reader
word count: 1456
author’s note: this kinda went off on a tangent. i also wanted to make brock a bit meaner but my softer side came thru, i guess. next time lmao! anyways enjoy <3
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Brock did not know about your collection of sex toys. He didn’t need to. You only brought them out when he was long gone on missions and you just needed something to alleviate the need between your legs. 
At the moment, Brock had been gone for three weeks, and you were getting desperate. You did not know when your boyfriend would be back, either, which wasn’t helping things.
So there you were, in the middle of the king sized bed, surrounded by plush pillows that comfortably supported you as you thrust a hot pink rabbit vibrator in and out of you, desperately wishing that instead, it was Brock’s cock stretching you out. But until then, the vibrating machine would have to do. The little ears were stimulating your lips at the same time as it filled you, pleasure pooling in your core. With your other hand, you pulled and pinched at your nipples, eyes closed as you imagined all the things that Brock would do instead, just how much better he was at making you feel good.
In your attempt to satisfy yourself, you had lost focus of your surroundings completely, and so you were unaware that Brock had just entered your shared apartment, finally home from his mission and just ready to get into bed with his cock kept warm by his sweet girl. But upon hearing the quiet noises coming from the bedroom, he knew that was not going to be the case. He recognised the sweet whines and moans, taunting him as he quietly stalked towards the bedroom. Brock pushed the door open silently, and although he sort of knew what to expect, he hadn’t expected to see you so brazenly sprawled out on the bed, thrusting some sort of toy in and out of you rapidly whilst you pawed at your own tits. It was an extremely arousing sight, watching you try to pleasure yourself. His first instinct was to stop you, though, to take over and become in charge of your pleasure, but he held himself back, wanting to see just how you would bring yourself to orgasm. 
It looked like you were struggling to do so. Brock watched as you gasped and whined, trying to reach your orgasm, but it wasn’t long before you huffed in annoyed, pulling the toy out and accepting defeat. He stepped out of the door, almost pouncing on top of you on the bed. You gasped in surprise, but relaxed when you realised that it was just Brock. Then a rush ran inside of you again; you knew that Brock prided himself in how he pleased you, and he was going to have a field day with the fact you were unsuccessful in bringing yourself to orgasm. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or aroused. Or both.
Brock caged you in under him arms, picking the vibrator out from your hands. You took in a deep breath, apprehensive. He chuckled as he look at the toy, glistening with your juices.
“You wanna tell me what this is, baby?” Brock asked. Of course, he knew what it was. He just liked to see you squirm. And you, did, shying away and averting your gaze.
“Uh-uh,” he tutted, grabbing your chin with his fingertips, forcing you to look at him. “Go on, princess, tell me what it is.”
“I-it’s a toy,” you mumbled, just a little embarrassed.
“And what were you doing with it?” Brock’s gaze was so intense that you wanted to look away again, but you knew you couldn’t. You blinked at him, trying to work out the words, but your need was so desperate your mind had gone blank. Brock knew.
“It’s ok, pretty girl,” Brock assured, placing the toy back in your hand. “You can show me.” He pushed away and sat back on his heels, waiting for you to start the show again. Slowly, you turned the vibrator back on, pressing it against your entrance. You gasped, mainting eye contact as you pushed the toy inside of you. You watched Brock watch you, eyeing up how your pussy greedily inhaled the toy. You started thrusting it slowly again, letting your head fall back onto the pillows. The pleasure was so much more intense and satisfying with Brock watching over you. He was palming himself over his pants, watching you ram the toy inside of you. 
“Make some noise for me, princess,” he ordered. Brock stopped palming himself to pull his cock out of his pants, and your pussy just clenched at the sight of it. Your toy was never going to compare to it, and you wanted it in you, now. 
“Brock,” you whined, pulling the toy out and sitting up. You reached for him, but he stopped you and placed the toy back by your pussy. 
“No, princess. You gotta make yourself cum first before you get my cock,” Brock told you. You whined in annoyance, but it quickly became a moan in pleasure as he started to guide the toy in and out of you. Once you both got the rhythm going again, he let go to watch you again. You were now quickly reaching your orgasm again, the vibrations sending pleasurable shockwaves through you. Your second hand went back to your nipple, stimulating the bud to increase the pleasure. 
“Getting closer, princess?” Brock asked. The hand not stroking himself reached for your other tit, and instead of pulling and pinching as you were, he spanked it roughly multiple times. “Answer me, baby.”
“Y-yes,” you stuttered out, flicking your wrist to get more stimulation out of the toy. 
“You wanna cum?”
“Yes! Please!” You cried, feeling the coil of pleasure tighten to breaking point. 
“Go on, then, princess. Cum,” he ordered, slapping your breast once more to push you over the edge. You screamed as you finally came, arching your back of the bed as you rode out your high. You breathed heavily as it washed over you, finally dropping you hips when you felt it ebb away. 
“That feel good?” Brock asked you. He was still stroking himself, and he moved the hand by your breast to instead stroke your cheek. You nodded at him, smiling softly. He leaned forward to cover you.
“Good. Cause we’re not done yet, pretty girl.” Brock nudged the thick head of his cock against your lips, mixing your juices together. You whimpered, slightly oversensitive after your high. You clutched his t-shirt, wiggling your hips to get more friction. “I just got home baby, and it was a long mission.”
“I missed you,” you mumbled, the sensations rushing through your head.
“Well, I missed you too, pretty girl,” Brock returned, pressing the head against your entrance. “Missed this pretty pussy too.” He thrusted forwards, groaning as he slid in to the hilt. You whined too, arching your back again. Brock slid an arm underneath you, holding him close to you and keeping you both there for a few moments. The intimacy felt good after being apart for so long, and only made your bliss feel sweeter. Then he started to ruthlessly thrust into you, growling as you clenched down on him.
“Shit, princess,” Brock growled, throwing his head back. The rutting had no pattern to it, just an animalistic need taking over the movements. The speed was almost bruising, and the lewd sounds of your skin smacking together should’ve been embarrassing, but the shameless sound only added to your pleasure. You tucked your head into his neck, babbling and moaning nonsense as the coil got tight again.
Brock shuffled slightly to hook both of his arms under your knees, hoisting your hips up slightly and allowing him to thrust deeper into you. The slightly change in position was even more blissful, hitting the right spot in side of you. You could’ve cried from the stretch and the sensitivity, bucking your hips wildly. 
“God, you love this, don’t you, princess? Feel you squeezing my cock so bad.” Brock groaned, watching you drop your head, mewling at the sensations. “Look so pretty, princess. You ready to cum again?” You nodded, whinning desperately. 
“Go on,” he whispered, pushing you over by tugging on your bottom lip. You wrapped your legs around him as you came again, holding him close to you as you cried out from the washing pleasure. Brock, however, did not relent from fucking you, moving faster and faster as he chased his own finish. Finally, he stilled, growling your name as he spilled into you. Brock let go of your legs and place his arms either side of you, pulling you into softer kiss. 
“I really missed you,” you mumbled sleepily, softly grinning. 
“I missed you too, princess. Let’s go get you cleaned up.”
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beth-bethar00 · 2 years
Aesop's once skin is coming out tonight and I can't wait... I'm tempted to sleep until maint is over because I'm sick but I can't...
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bread0nhead · 4 years
I really liked the sub drop scenario you wrote some time ago and I wanted to know if you would like to write something similair because your smut is very good and I enjoy reading it a lot ;)
Maybe a really hot time with hard dom levi with a female s/o (you write amazing) were she uses her safe word? Idk if you know what a safe word is but thats a word you say when you want it to stop because you are maybe in to much pain or something :)
Have a amazing evening:))
Amantes sunt amentes (18+)
Thanks for the request anon!! It makes me so happy to know you have been enjoying my work :)
Levi x f!Reader
Rating: M18+ - seriously, do not read if under the age of 18 or easily triggered.
*currently unedited*
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The strain on sitting on the backs of your legs for as long as you have starts to get to you. The constriction of your tight corset is only adding to the level of difficulty. A thick silk ribbon crosses on the side of your mouth, thwarting any future dialogue. But none of these caused as much discomfort as the pooling wetness admits your thighs. You look back on what brought you to this carnality.
Levi sat at the head table, glaring at you while the other cadet had the audacity to flirt with you before him. Sure, you weren’t out with the truth of your relationship, but Levi still found it as disrespect. But it wasn’t the fellow male cadet flirting with you to be the disrespectful one. It was you, who toyed with the flirt while mainting eye contact with Levi. You challenged Levi, dared him to do something- expose your relationship before everyone to show ownership of who you belong to. You dragged your eyes away and returned them to the flirtatious fellow and pulled him close into you while you whispered in his ear. Levi’s blood was boiling- how he wanted to throw you on the table and tame the brat you are. Levi got up from his seat and walked over to you with the most stoic of expression. His hand gripped the top of your shoulder and leaned down into you- close enough so only you could hear.
“Up in my room, now. When I get up there, you better be on your knees, gagged and waiting for me like a good girl.”
His words played relentlessly in your mind. “When I get up there.” The when currently held the majority of your focus. You have been waiting for over an hour. Finally, you hear the door unlatch and any discomfort was replaced with relief and excitement. Levi stepped in and was instantly welcomed with you on your legs waiting patiently for him at the door, like some puppy waiting for it’s owner. Levi gave a hum then proceeded to walk right past you. You turn your head around and find that Levi has started to boil of kettle of water, and grabbing for his tea. You were left confused, was not in the mood? Is he actually mad? Or is this a form of torture for the games you played earlier? While he waited for the water to boil, Levi grabbed the chair from his desk and placed it in front of you. Still not speaking a single word. The kettle screamed for his attention, and you heard the clinking sounds his prepping his tea. You continued to wait patiently- dreading each second. Levi sat down in the chair before you with his legs crossed and taking sits from the teacup. His eyes bored into you, never faulting from the constant gaze. Your legs rubbed together, trying to feel some stimulation. Levi kicked apart your legs and pressed his boot on your clothes cunt. You let out a yelp in surprise as you watched his grin form.
“That was pretty brave of you, Kitten. Playing such shitty games. Well it’s my turn to play a game.”
His boot pressed harder down and started to twist and turn- treating you like nothing but an insect. You felt humiliated, but equally as turned on. Levi finished his tea and got up to set the cup down on the nearest table.
“I need to train that mouth of yours to behave- to only whisper in my ear.”
Levi removed this belts and straps, and proceeded to drop his pants and freeing his stiff cock. A single clear bead peered out from his tip and drooled down to the floor. His right hand gripped his base, giving it a few pumps. His other hand gripped the crown of your hair yanking you up on your knees. You inhaled sharply and craned your mouth as wide of you could- knowing what was to come next. Levi shoved your mouth around him, giving you no ability to breath easily as his length took up residence in your throat. You choked and gagged at the sudden invasion, which only made your warm throat roll and constrict around him. The tightness of your maw made Levi’s eyes roll in the back of his head and produce a low groan. He would pull back on your hair, then shove you face back down. Eventually he grabbed onto both sides of your face to abuse your mouth. You gagged and moaned around him, adding to even more pleasure. He face fucked you until his thick white ropes filled your stomach from swallowing every single drop.
Your body collapses to the floor as you gasp for air. The back of your hand drags across your mouth, collecting your spit and wiping it away. Your attention gets drawn back to Levi as you hear his redress and start to walk to the wooden chest at the end of his bed. The creaking sound of wood and brass send a chill up you spin as he opens the container. Only you and him know the contents of that box. You love the echoing sound from when the lid slams shut and reverberates through the room. For what comes next, is always unforgettable.
“On the bed, and spread your arms and legs.”
The snapping sound of rope being pulled in his hands sends a wave of pleasure to your core. You stride to the bed, giving a show with each strut.
“On your stomach.”
You do just as he says, you lie facedown and strep your arms and legs into an ‘X’ position. The sound of rope dragged against the bed posts and wrap around your limbs being tightly tied off. You attempted to move, assess the situation and if you would be able to escape. Of course, any knot by Captain Levi is solid, you can barely move an inch. Gentle kisses work their way up your body starting from the small of your back to the shell of your ear.
“What’s the safe word?”
You swallow a lump in your throat- the contraction in his tone is so different from just moments ago. His question is soft, caring, he is genuine when it comes to your safety.
“....strawberry....” your voice is meek as your eyes flutter shot.
A sudden sharp smack to your left ass cheek flares up your nerves, sending a long moan from your lungs. Levi smacks your again, this time on the right side.
Levi smacked again having you wailing again.
The second smack, this time it’s harder and has a grip at the end.
The third smack starts to sting.
The fourth smack and your sure you will be brushing tomorrow.
The firth smack Levi was being cheeky with. He gently rubbed circles on your ass before slapping you with fever.
This continued until you counted up to 30. Your whole rearend was swollen and bright red. The stinging did not faulted once. You were panting and your sex was yearning for him, your wetness soaked your panties beckoning Levi in.
“That loser would never be able to get you wet like this.”
Levi dragged two fingers over your cunt, collecting some of the juices. His other hand gripped onto the sides of your underwear and pulled it to the side. Once your core was exposed to Levi, he dipped two fingers into your entrance, loving the erotic squelching sounds. His fingers fingers inside, pressing up against your walls. He could feel the way your body naturally sucked on his digits, pulling him in. The feeling had him cussing under his breath. Levi pulled out his fingers and replaced them with his tongue. His tongue lapped you up, tasting everything you had to offer. His hand reached under and played circled on your clit, sending you wild. His tongue dove inside twisting inside of you. Levi was going fast and strong- forcing your body to jerk and shiver. His free hand reached up and cupped one of your breasts playing with the pert nipple. He was playing with all your pleasure points. He could feel your begin to creep closure to your release, and just as you were about to hit your high- he stopped.
Levi kept doing this until you were sobbing to cum. Five times to be exact. Levi’s cock was stiff as ever again, precum was oozing down his shaft as he watched your cunt pulsate around nothing- wanting to be filled. His touch fell gentle as his right hand slowly smoothed up your back. His hand stopped just at the nape of your neck, gripping on and yanking your head back. Levi ghosted his lips to your ear, dragging his tongue on the shell.
“Who do you belong too?”
“You! I belong to you! I’m so sorry I was being such a brat! Please, take care of me!”
Levi’s hand snakes to the front of your throat and tightened around your airways. The same time his hand yanks you back, his cock plummeted inside. You scream from the sudden fill, and Levi takes his other hand and slaps it over your mouth to quiet you down. One hand stays on your throat and the other on your mouth as his hips snap into you. Your arms and legs still tied down. Levi abuses your body like a whore as he ruts himself inside of you with fury. You can hear him grunt and swearing, saying such harshly erotic things. Levi is thrusting so fast that the friction of the rope burns your skin and you can see blood begin to stain the restraints. His hand tightens around your throat more, but his other hand abandons your mouth to shove your face into the pillow. Levi fucks into you like his cock could burst through your stomach. The lack of air starts to collapse your mind, and rope burn distracts you from the sexual pleasure. Tears prickle up in your eyes. Levi does not take notice to your quiet crying or the new shade of red. His fucking is moving the whole bed. You didn’t want to say it, you wanted to fight through it.
It’s like time has stopped completely. But when you finally move, you realize it was Levi. He completely detaches himself from you and is wide eyed. He scans your body frantically, riddled with guilt. Once he sees the blood around your wrists and the purple necklace around your throat, all he can feel is remorse. Levi makes haste to remove the restraints and pull you into a hug.
“Shit! I am so sorry. I fucking lost control. I’m such an asshole.”
Levi coddled your face and used both thumbs to wipe away your tears while kissing your cheeks. Each sniffle tugged on his heartstrings.
“It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean it, and your not an asshole.”
Levi rolled next to you and pulled you down into his chest. He rubbed your back and strached gently as your sculp knowing those are your comforting spots. He tried to stop looking at your wounds, he was kicking himself mentally for hurting you. You caught a glimpse of his ruth expression and peppered kisses all over his face.
“Hey. I know you love me, and would never intentionally hurt me.”
You kissed Levi on the lips and pulled away with a soft smile. You returns back but with time with passion as your tongue dipped between his lips in search for his own. The kiss became hot, lighting up the passion once again. Levi gently caressed the back of your head before slowly flipping you onto your back. His kiss broke free from you to trail all across your body. He looked into your eyes seeking confirmation to continue, with a nod, Levi sunk himself back inside of you.
“You’re right. I do love you.”
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c0rpseductor · 2 years
maint is over in like 3 hours but im so impatient </3
i was going to work on my fic while i wait for maintenance but im just not in the right zone to write. i feel like my brain has been drained of all creative energy for a while now so writing and drawing and stuff is hard. im hoping if i just try to relax ill get it back soon
im trying to decide what to do while i wait for maint to finish. maybe take a shower and watch moulin rouge! (2001)?
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starry-flavored · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland X Reader Insert:
Chapter 3:
My eyes darted open only to find i was in a very small and unfamiliar space. The trotting of hooves could be heard and new and unfamiliar smells invaded my nose.
My clothes had been changed too, whoever did this was going to get one hell of a mess to deal with. My arms were stuck. I couldn't open my mouth either.
The binds were tight and and the feeling around my wrists was scratchy, and as i twisted them around i could feel many knots.
Wincing slightly at the unpleasant feeling. I could tell it was a rope since the feeling wasn't icy and it was tightly secured and refrained me from moving.
'i guess there is a chance for me to break free'
My feet were also restrained with the same material but for some reason i couldn't see them.
Instead a long seemingly black material was covering my legs. '....am i wearing a dress?...oh I'm gonna murder them..'
Whoever did this must have had a death wish. Looking around it seemed no one else was in here. So i tried getting up with the little help i had from my hand and feet. And as soon as i was up i tried finding a loose string from the rope. Digging around i finally found it and pulled, but the rope was only getting tighter.
'dammit...plan B then..' I brought my hands up pulled them down over my chest and behind my back The material snapped and my hands were free.
I removed the tape over my mouth and unlatched the rope around my feet.
My bruised hands brushed against the material of the clothes.
'damn...seems pricey...' I went forward to attack whoever was riding that horse, but no one was there. "Huh.." Confused as to why i had been tied up in a carriage with a horse that didn't seem to have anyone riding it. I tried getting the horse to stop by petting it but to no avail: it almost seemed like someone had hypnotized it. I looked around and it seemed like a big forest,luckily i had noticed a path the horse was following behind so i just had to follow that.
'remember (Y/N) behind you is the way back home, don't get lost' I stood up carefully holding the carriage.
'seems like I'm gonna have to jump' I got ready, and soon enough i went forward and landed on a bush. Hurrying back up after landing far enough from the carriage.
I turned around and went straight forward away from the original path the horse was following.
'damn gotta get away from it fast if it decides to follow me' I ran and ran as fast as i could. And soon enough the horse catched up to the fact that i wasn't on him anymore and he was trotting at full speed towards me. 'dammit!'
A thought ran across my mind and it was to climb up a tree: surely he wouldn't follow you there!
'sure but whoever tied me up would tho'
I kept running forward, not wanting to defy off the main path because if i did, i would get lost and it was probably worse than whatever was waiting for me if i didn't escape in the first place.
'I'm gonna get ran over by a carriage if i keep this up! This could go on until i'll get tired but surely i could reach a safe place before that happens right?'
I shook my head 'no! It's bad to think like this i have to come up with a solution!Even if the horse is far off behind me since i ran before it did- it will catch up soon if i keep this up!'
As a last resort i decided to take a sharp turn very far from the main path.
'dammit i have to take in some details or else I'm gonna get lost'
I looked behind me to take in any signs of the horse catching up but it seemed far away for now, i couldn't even hear it's hooves. I slowed down to catch my breath. I was almost out of breath and i strayed away from the main path 'how am i going to go back now?'
I took some pebbles in my hand and anything i. Could find and placed it behind me each time i took a step. Each time i found a pebble or a rock i let another one fall from my hand behind me and onto the floor.
It felt like hours passed until i heard something come from behind me.
'this doesn't sound good and in fact it sounds a little bit huma-' I thoughts were cut off as an arrow came flying right in front of my face and landed on the tree at my right. 'oh no...It looks like it came from the left even if the footsteps later sounded like they were behind me' I ran forward not caring about the path anymore.
'if someone's here there's no way I'm coming back the same way! I'll have to find another way!'
I ran as fast as my legs could handle, still hadn't recovered completely from the earlier chase.
Three more arrows came flying from behind me 'whoever this person was they were trying to get me a certain place if they couldn't catch me, i have to change paths.'
The chase continued as i tried to take many turns left and right, i didn't care if i strayed too far from the maint path back home , i was just going to have to find it later.
Eventually i couldn't hear the steps anymore and i stopped running. 'man...i guess i lost them'
I rested against a tree to catch my breath and suddenly a body much larger than mine slammed it's hands on either side of the tree, trapping me between them.
The last thing i saw before i blacked out was the moon As it shone high up in the sky.
Chapter 1:https://starry-flavored.tumblr.com/post/657029745582686208/twisted-wonderland-x-reader-insertchapter-1-yn
Chapter 2: https://starry-flavored.tumblr.com/post/657029909985853440/chapter-2-i-woke-up-again-not-too-long-after-and
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