#chaos: muse
ok hear me out reacting to discord messages with emojis essentially serves the same purpose as aizuchi (interjections that show the listener is paying attention or understands the speaker). if a friend is going on a spiel in discord DMs, reacting with emojis to successive messages can be a more efficient way of showing you're listening without interrupting the flow of messages by responding with "yeah" or "yep."
and then you have custom emojis that vary across servers which allow individual servers to develop their own emoji dialect. joining a new server and looking at its custom emojis scratches my linguist brain because immediately i think about when/where/how said custom emojis are used.
i also think about nitro discord users being able to spread server emoji dialects (but only to a limited extent because regular discord users can't save and use custom emojis outside of their original server). i've now been in a handful of interactions where i've had to ask about the etymology of certain custom emojis and the explanations i've received are always fascinating.
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theladyrebecca2 · 4 months
El and Mike’s ‘I missed you, but this isn’t working anymore’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I missed you, and your absence drove me crazy.’
El and Mike’s ‘I couldn’t even write it’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I tried so hard to say it’
El and Mike’s ‘I won’t see you again for a long time’ vs Will and Mike’s ‘I don’t want to be anywhere if I can’t see you.’
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socialc1imb · 5 months
And I, (I, I) I have been programmed to obey
But now (now, now) you are my handler
And I, (I, I) I will execute your demands
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My mind (mind, mind) was lost in translation
And my heart (heart, heart) has become a cold and impassive machine
Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
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ruviart · 7 months
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Still a WIP but wanted to share anyways
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evelina18-6-blog · 3 days
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
Eris should be a romance option if only for the absolute hilarity of everyone - Primordial Chaos included - not liking her except for the One Bitch Mad (hehe) enough to say I Like That and be down to do it with her. Would be hilarious.
(Also her smarmy remarks and killing her aside Eris does have genuine sweet moments with Mel. That one interaction where Eris gives Mel the nectar is genuinely cute I'd say.)
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chaoticmvse · 3 months
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#CHAOTICMVSE: caught in an endless spiral that only seems to realize the downward path, a predominantly innocent rose does not know how to assert itself. Even if the thorns promise a certain protection, what can you do when your muse is nothing but chaos?
JOCELYN KAINE EDWARDS born Morozova: ⸻ she’s a maneater if we believe the headlines. did she really murder her husband? the perfect balance of danger, fun and charm, she was at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant because of her demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that she was dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way. happily taken by alexander wolkow.⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ german and english preferred, no triggers, 21+, fandomless story character, always in chara (no pb feelings + talk, otherwise it’s highlighted), selective-active, get in touch right here and if you‘re interested into plotting follow me here.
rules to follow: reply according to muse and vibe, blogging almost daily. Please don't take it personally if I'm obviously online but don't reply. + please be patient, everything is still under construction.
alternative faceclaim: sydney sweeney
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quinloki · 7 months
That twisted villain kind of love where he’s already decided you’re his, and you just need to accept that.
The kind of love where he grabs you by the back of your neck and shoves his tongue down your throat, reveling in the sounds you’re making even if you wanted to stay quiet.
It doesn’t matter that you’re choking and protesting, the flush on your face and the gasp for air when he leans back is all he’s looking for. You can spit on his face and he’ll lick it off before pulling you into another invasive kiss.
You can scratch and beat on him the entire time, please do struggle against the inevitable. He’ll dine on your resistance and acquiescence in equal measure. There’s so little space between Monster and Master, but he’ll push you over that line in time.
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A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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so happy to have seen the chair shenanigans in full (poor aj😭😂; also the fact tom and luke fit??)
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itsnotjustgibberish · 19 days
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I can’t believe I’ve had these concepts for my HMSonas for well over a year and have only just articulated their designs and pieced together more of their lore
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vxmpirehunterd · 2 months
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UPDATE: A REASON FOR MY ABSENCE, A BRIEF SUMMARY Normally I don't make posts about my life but I think I need to give an update to all the peeps out there about my random absences. I don't talk about my life a lot due to the amount of dysfunction and heartache that goes on behind the scenes that drain my will to be creative, to interact with everyone, to even live. It's like every year that goes on, there was something in the background that disrupted my life and mental state further.
First and foremost I've grown up a parentified child taking on responsibilities not mine to bear with no say in the matter. Being forced to give up my own childhood for my own parent's selfish decisions. Then I moved away from my mother's to my father's. Which wasn't even better from 2014-2019 living with him was very terrifying due to his anger issues and violence whenever I didn't do things his way. He had this expectation for me to go to college full time while working full time and expected me to pay for my own college and pay him rent. When I stopped going to school to focus on working, he would verbally and sometimes physically hurt me. I had lost a severe amount of weight due to the stress and decided to move back in with my mother in 2019.
Fast forward 2021 my father died of cancer and my mom is in a custody battle with one of her many baby daddies and looked to me for financial support since she hadn't worked in nearly a decade. I had started a new job around that time but my mental health was drained at that point.
Now in 2024 my mother has decided to bring my elderly and sick grandmother into the household where we don't have a lot of resources and we really aren't equipped to give her proper care. But now the table has turned where she has finally got a new job a month ago and I am not working currently. She decided to dump the task of taking care of a confused, incontinent, elderly grandmother onto. Even though my own mother never had anything good to say about her own mother and I don't have great experiences with my grandma either. But we have to take care of her because "we're family." Gimme a break.
So right now I'm a bit pissed, sad, tired, and a myriad of other unpleasant emotions. If you ever want to know why Koji is gone all the time. Here is your answer. Family life bullshit.
But not to worry, I've been working on trying to get myself out of this hole I've seemed to find myself in again. Because I do want to interact with all my new followers and old ones. It's just that I've been recovering from deep wounds.
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thechaoscousins · 2 months
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My only comfort now is knowing Daemon will be avenging his cousin's death. Rhaenys' death will not be in fucking vain.
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manzisme · 9 months
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guess what gang. found more gg doodles and comms i forgot to post over on tumblr. *Baiken j.D's you*
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blood-starved-beast · 4 months
I don't know how to explain this properly but given the interactions so far I think Moros is the grandchild that most resembles Primordial Chaos in personality. Chaos's hardcore sass aside, some of the things Moros says feel idk, disconnected in a way that remind me of Chaos. Both also have been removed from mortals secluded in their own realms for very long. It's interesting I'd say.
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tophthedaydreamer · 1 year
extremely self indulgent au where instead of being destroyed, chaos sonic is reprogrammed by nine to be loyal to him. keyword him.
so when things fall out between nine and sonic, chaos goes along with nine and becomes his lackey. the roles are reversed, now a "tails" is the leader and a "sonic" is the follower.
and because I'm a rabid shard the metal sonic fan, maybe nine gives chaos a black coat of paint so he looks less like sonic (oh the painful memories!).
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