#chapaa chase
littlemxhoney · 8 months
Have y'all ever taken photos of the chapaa chase? 📸
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that chapaa is upside down 😭🦊
Watch the Palia let's play
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dubukat · 9 months
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PS I hate chapaa chase. I don't have good enough internet to play. I just want that damn wallpaper.
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tortor-sauce · 4 months
anyone else notice jel walks dangerously close to the chapaa chase during the festival?
(self-indulgent jel x oc at the end)
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lelianaslefthand · 3 months
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making a wish 🧡🎋
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bowithoutadaemon · 4 months
I have gotten everything I want from the event with both my characters. Wellllll, I might buy some more lanters. But basically I am done. No need for grinding.
But the hotpot game is so fun I still keep going back nearly anytime I play during market hours. xD
I just buy the cheapest fireworks, which gives you a bunch of price wheel coins as a bonus. And then spin the wheel for more stuff to sell. It's like between 1k and 3k a night I make by selling all the fireworks. The envelopes would go to waste otherwise, right?
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micerhat · 9 months
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Just give Tau your tickets, they will always be the Chapaa Chase Champion.
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raggedy-sam · 2 months
Here, have this silly clip I made of running into Jel during the Chapaa Chase.
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einarsfishingshack · 9 months
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If you haven't logged in a while, make sure you log in these days for your FREE gifts! These are to celebrate 300k on discord and are available to everyone in game!
*Friday, September 8, 2023 12:00 PM - Sunday, September 10, 2023 12:00 AM: 10 Unopened Oysters
*Saturday, September 9, 2023 12:00 PM - Monday, September 11, 2023 12:00 AM: 3 Lucky Coins
*Sunday, September 10, 2023 12:00 PM - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 12:00 AM: 400 Chapaa Chase Tickets
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ariparri · 4 months
I’m enjoying the Luna New Year event and the Maji Market. The chapaa chase is so much fun xD I can’t wait to make a drawing with Eureka running around catching them!
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And the new emotes are cute xD Look, here’s Eureka with her future husband (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
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Reth man, I can’t handle the flirting (๑>◡<๑) I love all his dialogue man, especially his “I like easy things” dialogue xD
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muraplumleaf · 9 months
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Maji Night Market is live! Singularity 6 really struggled with the patch yesterday, but it came live last night, and I got to do some quests and check everything out. It's a cute little event! The fairgrounds are super pretty, with lots of lanterns. The fireworks display at night is really cool. There's 3 quests so far, and they're pretty rewarding! The Chapaa Chase minigame is pretty competitive, so it was not fun for me, but most of the rewards are recolors of a quest reward, so I don't feel like I'm missing much. The skateboard event item was very disappointing, because it's just decorative furniture, not a toy or anything. The price of the dragon plushie is unusually steep for what it is, a plushie, but if I grind all month, I should be able to get it before the holiday ends.
Overall, not bad for a first try! I hope they add more minigames next time so prizes aren't dependent on one super competitive minigame.
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yoiku · 9 months
More Palia thoughts
Well, i'm a collective level of 73 now and did join a small community. Here's some more of my thoughts so far. This is going to be pretty long, so putting it behind a cut!
addressing the multiplayer bits first... Still not finding the mmo bits of the game very meaningful as someone who is just trying to chat up strangers and has no existing friends to play with. It's cool that flow trees need more than one person to cut down, but the fact that having the final tier axe lets you chop the smaller ones by yourself kinda negates a good chunk of that. Nice that you can get some by yourself i suppose, but i'm finding more and more people going solo not even bothering to ask in server chat if others would like to reap the rewards as well. Palium ore should have the same trait in my opinion, if they want to go down the road of -you need someone to help you with this so group up!- Cooking with more people would be faster and probably fun, but so far no-one i've asked in chat has wanted to try it together. And if i'm low on food buffs and need to make more, it's still faster to cook by myself than start asking around for someone to cook with. I dunno if i'd need to join some bigger community. But also feels like people in general just rather play solo. and I get that. The most fun I've had with others has been chasing the magic sernuk and magic chapaa. they're also fun to hunt alone, but running across half the map with some others just to catch a blinking magic deer has that nice feeling of playing together. Its also nice when you're mining and you come across randoms who you briefly mine together with. has that sharing is caring kinda feel to it.
Overall the community aspects are very barebones. I know it's a beta but if the game is tooting it's horn as an mmo, they should really prioritize improving those parts of it. no close proximity chat also makes people talk less when they meet in the wild. it feels pretty awkward to talk to one or two specific people near you and the conversation will always be visible to the entire map. You could party up or use whisper but generally peeps dont seem to be interested in that. And the fact that the social tab is bugging out most of the time, not showing any community members online even if there are a bunch. Most of the time adding a friend by the search function doesnt work. Joining another player's server has sent me to a void a few times. And the community chat tab is all kinds of weird and the chat clears itself every time you swap zones, even though community chat is not tied to any zone. The item requesting is a nice feature but should be expanded upon. let community members gift items between them more. or let me send mail to people on my friends list with some item attachments.
I like the general mood in the game though. it feels relaxed and a nice thing to hop into to do some fun tasks and decorating. Overall gives me a wholesome feeling. I like that.
The single player aspects of the game are really promising so far though! The story has piqued my interest a little as i've talked to the npc's more and they've started to talk to me about the history and the world in general. Like i'm already really interested in some areas they're mentioning and some people they talk about. The characters that are in so far are really well fleshed out and majority of them are interesting. The design and voiceacting is also great. I got a really nice feeling when i noticed that the npc's are talking to me more and more casually and friendly as i've gained frienship levels with them. even the voiceacting bits change.
The professions are fun. Fishing and hunting are my personal favorites, although I really wish we had more creatures to hunt. Leveling in general is rewarding and fun. I love to get mail from NPCs. I also love our mysterious blueberry loving friend, hope to hear from them again. Finishing the big bundle was just the right amount of challenging. Can't wait for the next elemental bundles to be added and seeing where that takes the story. Finding the treasure chests in the wild is always fun in any game. Bonus points for the devs for respecting the classics with that treasure behind the waterfall. We all know it's likely there but it still sparks joy when it IS there. lol. And gliding is naturally fun as well. Getting blasted into the air from a geysir and seeing how far can you glide. CAN i get to that bit there? I'm going to try. Several times. Seeing glimpses of the old ruins from some spots really makes me wanna go there. Let me in!!! +_+
This game has scratched my stardew valley -itch somewhat, which is no small feat. It has plenty of flaws and bugs and it does need a lot more content and features. But it is a very solid base to build upon. The beta is now open for everyone to join, so the devs are going to have their hands full with dealing with the influx of users for a while. They've patched in stuff pretty quickly so far! No release date has been announced yet, which i find a good thing. While it does have a good amount of content already, I do feel like it needs more to be a fully launched game and i'd rather them take the time they need with it. I will be sticking with the game seeing where it goes. I doubt i'll have much to do in it after a few weeks from now, but I will be following the development closely for sure! This is a game i'd like to see thrive.
Oh, and i love finding random shiny pebbles and gifting them to a gentle and quirky robot who knows how to appreciate a good shiny pebble. My people.
Here's a friend referral code if anyone is interested to try the game: https://accounts.palia.com/sign-up?referral=10945c08-80af-41df-917a-65761a8904c3
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littlemxhoney · 8 months
Does this song make anyone else immediately stressed out? 😅
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dubukat · 8 months
Chapaa Chase at Maji Market
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kennylotl · 5 months
I saw you put out your Palia referral code. I'm not saying I did this but you can totally use any 'extra' email accounts you might have to make a Palia account and even without the dupe account playing the game your og account will get the referral items. So if no one's used it that's an option, just saying
that is true, but tbh i stopped playing palia a while ago lol
i might get back into it, idk what's all been added, i stopped a bit after the market with the chapaa chase ended
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sharky857 · 8 months
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The Magistrate is asleep. Time for the real "Chapaa chase" to begin. 😈
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gameforestdach · 9 months
Bereite dich auf eine aufregende Nacht voller Unterhaltung vor, wenn Singularity 6 sein erstes zeitlich begrenztes Event in Palia, den Maji Markt, startet. Angesiedelt im Herzen des Kilima Village Fairgrounds, lädt dich dieses immersive Event ein, an spaßigen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen, spannende Quests abzuschließen und dynamische neue Regionen zwischen dem 29. August und dem 26. September zu erkunden.Erlebe die spannende 'Chapaa Chase' und fange niedliche, murmeltierähnliche Kreaturen.Genieße köstliche Leckereien auf dem Nachtmarkt.Sammle exklusive, eventbezogene Möbelstücke.Erlebe eine atemberaubende Feuerwerksshow mit beeindruckenden Effekten.Verdiene Stempel auf deiner Karte, indem du Aktivitäten abschließt, und schalte fantastische Belohnungen frei! Erlebe den Maji Markt hautnahDie Hauptattraktion dieses Festivals ist die Chapaa Chase, eine unterhaltsame Aktivität, bei der die Spieler zusammenarbeiten, um murmeltierähnliche Kreaturen zu fangen. Neben Spaß und Herausforderungen steht Teamwork im Vordergrund, und eine serverweite Leistung während der Verfolgungsjagd bestimmt die Anzahl der Tickets, die die Spieler erhalten. Diese Tickets können bei den Händlern des Events für exklusive Gegenstände ausgegeben werden, was der Verfolgungsjagd einen strategischen Aspekt verleiht. Festival-Geschmack und exklusive SammelobjekteSingularity 6 sorgt nicht nur für Unterhaltung, sondern auch für vielfältige Geschmackserlebnisse, indem köstliche Leckereien auf dem Nachtmarkt präsentiert werden. Auch Möbelfans haben einen Grund zur Freude, da eventbezogene Möbelstücke erhältlich sind. Egal ob majestätischer Liegestuhl oder bezaubernde kleine Lampe, bei diesem Festival gibt es immer etwas Unerwartetes zu entdecken. Ein Feuerwerksspektakel und Community-FeedbackDas Highlight des Maji Marktes ist die Feuerwerksshow mit besonderen Effekten! Die Entwickler geben an, dass dies ein fesselndes, sinnliches Erlebnis ist, das die Palia-Community zusammenbringt. Durch die Ausrichtung solcher Veranstaltungen möchte Singularity 6 auch Einblicke und Meinungen der Gemeinschaft gewinnen und signalisiert, dass dies der erste von vielen Events ist. Erkundung außerhalb der FestivalstundenDenkst du an eine Afterparty auf dem Jahrmarktsgelände? Dann hast du Glück! Auch wenn der Nachtmarkt nicht stattfindet, können die Kilima Village Fairgrounds von den Spielern erkundet werden. Auf weitere vergnügte Nächte freuen Mit dem Start des ersten zeitlich begrenzten Events von Palia, Maji Market, lässt sich sagen, dass in der Welt von Palia gerade erst der Anfang gemacht wird. Worauf freust du dich am meisten bei diesem Event und kommenden Events? Lass uns deine Gedanken hören!
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