#chapter 1. with lightning comes a truce
theaverewrites · 1 year
Yokai and Yaksha - i.
You felt the rough bark against your back before you even realized you'd fallen against a tree. Your eyes closed for a second as you relaxed yourself before opening them again, taking in your surroundings.
It was midday, if the position of the sun was any indication. You were pretty high up somewhere, and from here you could see the harbor you were trying to get to. There were unfamiliar white flowers littered around you, you would've picked some if you had the energy.
Most of all, you heard silence. You were always very aware of noises, your ears being better than that of humans, so you expected to hear great sounds everywhere you traveled. But here, in these beautifully unfamiliar, tranquil mountains, the only noise you could hear was the gentle humming of the wind as it flew past your figure and the sound of your own thoughts.
This serenity, so strange but so welcomed, didn't last for long. It never did. You could hear the way the winds changed, the tender hugs of breeze becoming, for only a second, waves of violent wind. And you could hear someone, too. Right in front of you, where nobody had stood prior.
You opened your eyes again, though you didn't remember closing them, and were faced with the edge of a spear. The spear was a brilliant emerald color. It shone like it'd never seen bloodshed. Your eyes trailed upwards, to the hands—rough looking and scarred by time—to the arms, and they landed on the face.
It was youthful, and held malice that you recognized all too familiarly. He had dark hair with lighter teal streaks. His eyes, so blank, were a rare gold. He had some sort of diamond imprinted on his forehead. You could only wonder what it meant.
The boy said nothing to you, so you took it upon yourself to initiate interaction.
"Can I help you?"
You did your best to sound normal, to not let the strain seep in. But even with your centuries of experience, you could not mask your exhaustion. You'd traveled for so long. Why wouldn't this boy let you rest, even if only for an hour?
"I'm unaware," he started. His voice was rough, as if his words were choked in his throat and he'd untangled a web of misery to get them out, "of how you managed to stay hidden for so long. But you've only made my job easier, demon."
You tilted your head. The people you served were quick to call the yokai of less benevolence, "demons." You've heard the venomous title be thrown at the Oni and the Tengu, but nobody would dare to hurl that word at you. You sighed. "I'm sorry, there must be a misunderstanding."
He raised his spear to his right side, at the same height as your head. "Don't play stupid." He swung, that beautifully jaded spear coming full force at your neck. And then, ever quickly did it happen, it was hot. Hot and bright. And the spear never made contact with you.
You could hear it clatter on the ground, each bit of contact it made ringing out in your ears. And you could hear the boy, raspy as ever, cry out in pain. His hair stuck up in all sorts of direction, and there was a newly placed burn mark on his right arm. It was then that you realized just what had transpired.
He had been struck by lightning.
You look up towards the sky, your mouth slightly agape. There wasn't a thunder cloud in the sky. Moreover, there wasn't a scratch on you, despite you and the boy being so close. You let a smile creep onto your face as you stood. "I didn't think she still cared about me…"
You took a step forward so you were, wobbly as you were, standing over your assailant. "As I was about to say, I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding. I am no demon."
"Then why—" he paused, and you could sense that he was trying to speak through the burning pain. "… you feel like one."
You hummed in thought, kneeling down next to him and taking his arm. He ripped it away from you. "Don't touch me."
"Sorry. The demons you know have been eradicated a long time ago, haven't they?" You asked, standing back up straight. "Perhaps the yokai of Inazuma feel similarly enough that, in your unfamiliarity, you can mistake us for demons."
"Yokai?" The word was rough on his tongue, as if he didn't actually believe anything you were saying.
"We are creatures of Inazuma. Some of us take the forms of ogres or animals, but none of us are monsters by nature."
"… I see."
"Now that that's cleared up, you owe me," you said, your hands on your hips.
"You owe me. You tried to strike me, so now you have to make it up to me."
"What, do you want to strike me in return? I've already been struck by lightning, what else do you want?"
Your eyes went wide, your face getting all hot at the suggestion. "Of course not! I'm a Kirin, we don't hurt people like that!"
"I thought you were a Yokai."
"I—" you sucked on your teeth, your face relaxing as you calmed yourself down. It was never any good when you got all frustrated. "Yokai is a catch-all term for the mythological creatures of Inazuma. There are many species of Yokai, and the Kirin is just one of them."
"I do not follow."
"Um… jeez, okay. Like, dogs? There are shibas and huskies and all sorts of breeds. And while all shibas are dogs, not all dogs are shibas. You get it?"
"Hm. Okay." The boy had looked away from you as if you no longer interested him.
"Good, so now you—" you cut yourself off as you stumbled a bit, holding your arms out to steady yourself. The boy looked back up at you.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked, brows furrowed.
You smiled gently, shaking your head as if to say, "everything is fine."
You watched as his eyes looked over you, perhaps now noticing your current state. You hadn't looked at yourself in a few days, but you were probably all dirty from the excruciating traveling you'd done. You had sustained some sort of injury atop your head that went untreated, so you could imagine that blood had dried up there.
"What happened to you?" The boy asks, standing up himself.
You shrugged, laughing to yourself a little with a silly grin on your face. "Tough trip, I suppose."
"Come here."
The command was curt, and slightly agitated. Surely he wasn't annoyed at your dismissal of your injuries, right? That'd be silly, wouldn't it?
"You said I had to make things up to you, right?"
Seeing as you weren't moving, he scoffed and approached you instead. He grabbed you by the arm, and with another violent gust of wind, you both were gone.
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sadexact · 2 years
•Rogue Titan• Eren Jaeger
Chapter 1
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•This story happens between the 4 year gap of season 3 and 4.!?!
•It is slightly different to actual aot gap it makes more sense to me with my story!.!?
Previous chapter prologue
Today was the day it all changed forever, secrets were released, someone and something to be revealed. Nobody saw it coming and neither did Lexa, but she knew what she had to do. After discovering the location of Edith's latest descendant Sarah Turner, resided in country Ainaeco. Having the information meant she could fulfill Persephone's master plan, inherit the claw, and force titan. However, having that came at a cost, a big hiccup.
🪬Start of  story...🪬
What  bought eldians surprise was Marley asking for them to help fight against the Middle East. hesitant at first due to their attempt at securing the founding titan and failed, but helped out of trying to gain truce.
"Theo, it is on you to give orders, we have Eren as well" Hange turns over to Theo so he can give out order.
"Alright, we wi—"
"What is that?"  Theo paused out of horror.
Massive bunch of smoke appears around the empty field in between Marley and the Middle East. A strike of lightning appears.
🪬Lexa pov🪬
(Imagine her with a British accent, how she was brought up)
its now or never, its what I need to do, my only way to get to paradis is being captured. But not without putting up a fight. All 9 titans are here today, but none are a match against me.
I let out a smoke charge from a tree and jump out into the smoke. I transform.
🪬Third pov🪬
A massive strike of lightning occurred indicating someone had shifted, and the loudest roar to have ever occurred.
"Is that what I think it is.." Levi let's out in disbelief.
"I thought it didn't exist?" Theo replied.
"What is it?" Eren let's being intrigued as to who and what titan it was, he couldn't see it in Ymir's memories, besides a blur that felt like it was meant to be there. " something that's not supposed to exist..." Armin piped in fright.
The blue eyes were seen, people ran and people were scared. Electrical waves came in killing dozens of Marley warriors, then she appeared...
A blue beast appeared from the shadows, ready for someone to come at her. She let out a monstrous howl. Nobody could believe their eyes, people had only heard myths and stories, never believing it to be true. The rogue titan has made an appearance and is looking for trouble. Three claws in each hand appeared with electricity seeping out, soldiers and humans around were beside themselves, no idea what move to make.
"Theo, bloody do something before we all die!" Hange screamed out of fear.
"Reiner... get in there!"
Dead bodies scattered everywhere as the titan went haywire, people were electrocuted, gassed and claw to pieces.
...Lightning went through the sky, Reiner came to play....
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🪬Lexa POV🪬
My thoughts and actions were interrupted by the sounds of someone transforming. I couldn't believe my eyes... the armoured titan. He began charging at me and threw me to the ground, but only for me to grip my claws to his legs, swung and kick him in the head sending the titan into a tree. I unleash my thunder wip, waving it around before wrapping it around the torso and electrocuting the armour. I picked him up by the throat and sent him to his comrades.
I look towards the Eldian soldiers, I spot the found the founder.
I let a loud roar as to say bring it on, i abstract my steel like claws. The armoured gets back up again, runs after to me
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I flip and dig the claws into his chest, he broke them off and piffed me into a tree. So much pain and electricity going through my body, maybe I should lay to rest. No I can't, I need the founders help, I need to fight.
I get up.... I'm pissed, so weak, Marley warriors. I felt numb, like I was ready to unleash hell, Turner's never give up.
I abstract a new set of claws and I charge, the titan swings I dodge, I swipe at his face and unleash an u holy roar and jump onto him swinging him the ground.
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I suddenly hear something flying towards me and my visions goes blank... (thunder spear)
🪬Eren pov🪬
People were yelling, I was ignoring them, I needed answers. After the titan was hit with a thunder spear it collapsed to the ground, knocked out. This was my chance, I took towards the titan, slicing the nape. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a girl. I reached out for her and retracted her from the titan, my thoughts got the best of me... she was an angel from hell, beautiful. Why couldn't she be pictured in Ymir's memories. I look at her and it blurs, it’s blank.
"EREN!" Mikasa pulls me away from her in case more damage is done, but I can't stop looking in shock.
Levi decided that she was coming back with us to paradis, much to Marley's dismay.
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We were travelling back, me and Armin were sitting together. He mentioned the rogue titan, and I needed answers.
"Armin, what is The Rogue titan?" I was questioning him hopefully to get an answer.
"I-I I grew up believing that it never existed, just a tell-tale. The Titan was seen once, in time of crisis. Those that saw it never made it out alive and th-“ he stopped for a moment in thought.
"The people outside the smoke it surrounded by only saw two bright blue eyes, and that was what we saw today... it is real eren, and-and I'm terrified because of what it can be capable of. Uh-I -just we know nothing Eren, surely there is something about it in your memories that can help?!" Armin was overwhelmed, this new found titan was in most people's nightmares, obviously his too.
"What do you mean nobody ever seen it, I am confused. I look back in my memories and there is nothing but a blank page with spilt ink, its like a shadow that Ymir is blocking me from seeing and it angers me because I want answers." I let out in frustration.
"Maybe your chance is coming when she wakes up." Armin lays his hand on my shoulder in comfort, I don't feel the same love for him as I did a long time ago. But I play along.
Arvo everyone
First chapter done, love some feedback for my editing. My first story up and polished looking forward to next chapter
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
Okay! So!  SOMEHOW, I have had yet to share the links to my favorite fics that I bookmarked from the Irondad Big Bang, and that is a CRIME, because the work that these authors and artists put in and the way they came out is BEAUTIFUL!!! Plus, it breaks my rule of “share any story you bookmark”. So! I’m gonna fix that. 
That said, I want all of them to get credit, so I’m going to put all of them on one post so that stories don’t get overshadowed by the most recent post or anything, because they ALL deserve ALL of the credit, because these stories are AMAZING!!! 
To avoid this post being too long, I’m not gonna put warnings or anything, just the summaries and number of chapters, so make sure you read any and all tags before you actually start the stories, just in case! :) 
These aren’t ranked or anything. I’m just putting them in alphabetical order. :)
P.S. All artists are credited in the stories--they deserve recognition too, because their art work is beautiful, so make sure you check them out with the links provided!! :D <3  
Come, My Darling, Homeward Bound by @i-am-irondad Chapters Posted: 7/9 Updates: Sunday and Thursday 
Peter and Morgan have been imprisoned in an eleven-by-eleven foot shed, for almost five years. Morgan celebrates her sixth birthday, still under the naive impression that the shed, is the only place that exists. Peter is weighed down by his guilt of allowing her to live a lie.Set after Homecoming (Not an Infinity War or Endgame Compliant)
Friendly Fire by @jolinarjackson Chapters Posted: 9/12
Finding a careful truce with the government, the “rogue Avengers” are allowed to return to the Compound where they are put under house arrest. Peter coming to spend one week at the Compound during his summer break couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time as the opportunity to bond a little more with his mentor is overshadowed by a conflict he doesn’t quite understand. When he starts to develop a mysterious medical condition, however, the former team is forced to work together – not just to protect Peter’s identity from the DODC, but also to find the cause for his illness before it’s too late.
“He’s my kid,” Tony said, his voice hoarse. “He’s my kid and I failed him.” He covered his eyes and took a few deep, shuddering breaths. “All I ever do is fail him.” Natasha knelt down in front of him and cupped his face in her hands, waiting for him to meet her eyes before she said, “Right now, he doesn’t need you to fix this. He doesn’t need you down here. He needs you over there, in the medbay, by his side.” She thumbed tears from the corners of his eyes and ignored the ones running down her own face. “You haven’t failed him yet.”
Great Power, Greater Responsibility by @starjargon Chapters Posted: 15/16
King Anthony Stark isn’t a proponent of the debt-slave laws, but he’s not exactly opposed either. However, when he acquires a boy who needs his protection, he suddenly finds a reason to take a stand. And for the first time in his life, to care about someone else.
Ohana by @jen27ny Chapters Posted: 7/8 Updates: Sundays and Wednesdays
“HYDRA?” (The hairs on the back of his neck stand up and a chill runs down his back. He dismisses it, thinking it’s because of the cold metal bedframe.) “Yes, HYDRA. Our home.”
When Tony recruited Spider-Man during the debacle of the Sokovia Accords, he never thought it would lead to anything else but a mentorship; giving the boy a suit and a few pointers here and there. He never dreamt that Peter would charm his way into Tony’s life, claiming a spot right next to Morgan. For a while, it looked like the universe finally gave Tony a break.
Until Spider-Man suddenly disappears.
For two years, Tony doesn’t stop looking for him, doing everything in his power to bring the boy back. But to no avail. It’s like the earth opened up and swallowed him, leaving behind nothing but a Peter-shaped hole in Tony’s heart.
Then, during one mission, they meet a HYDRA agent who can stick to walls and has a very familiar face.
once upon a Reality by @the-reverse-mermaid​ Chapters Posted: 4/4
A supernatural stranger appears in Tony’s house to make him a deal: Peter has been taken, but if Tony can locate him in each of a series of fiction-based alternate universes, they can have each other back.
Along the way, they work a couple things out.
(Crack taken seriously, pretty much; based around the children’s story, “The Runaway Bunny”, featuring 6 different AUs)
no matter what (you keep finding something to fight for) by @rejectedmarvel​​ Chapters Posted: 3/24 Updates: Wednesdays and Fridays
Since the apocalypse graced the world, Tony Stark was no stranger to pain it unleashed. It was a second skin at this point, a looming presence weighing him down as he tries to make his way through a world gone mad. Tony likes being alone, not being too close to anyone. He can’t lose anyone else, never again.
But in this new world, the universe seems to keep sending people his way. Now, stumbling into the care of a wise-ass kid with Bambi eyes and a messy mop of brown curls, Tony is thrust into a new side of the apocalypse. Now on the race to a possible cure and the bubbling friendship with this kid, Tony may just have to face his many demons to make it out this journey alive.
~ The Last of Us AU ~
North Star by @unfathomable-universe​ Chapters Posted: 5/13  Updates: Mondays and Thursdays 
They came in the middle of the night.
The signs were all there. His mother sewing their valuables into the lining of their coats. Photos and papers being burned in the fireplace. His father not returning from work that evening. Later, Peter would realize that the signs were there. Later, Peter realized his parents intended they escape.
They did not escape. They were arrested.
An Irondad au of the book Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepeteys
The Lightning Strike by @booksxtvxsupernatural​​ Chapters Posted: 1/1
The day Thanos snapped his fingers, Peter was far, far away, surrounded by strangers, and with no hope of getting home. He could do nothing as the last infinity stone slid into place on a gauntlet covered hand, and could do nothing as Thanos disappeared from the face of the Earth.
He could do nothing as one by one, the heroes fell around him. He could do nothing as Tony Stark fell to his knees and crumbled before his eyes, cradling Peter's head in his hands.
No, Peter could not do anything then. But he could do something now. And maybe that would be enough. To bring everyone back, to save his aunt and friends and hero, he would stop at nothing. Time and space be damned.
This time, he would be right here, and he would fight to the bloody end before he let the universe take anything else from him.
That would have to be enough.
Let me just say: my comments on these people’s stories are...LONG as ALL HECK, because there are MANY EMOTIONS that come with these stories. I have to warn you of that now. For most of them, you’ll definitely want a box of tissues. 
Thank you to these amazing writers and artists for contributing to the Big Bang! I’m really lucky to have been able to read your stories, and for those that are unfinished, I’m so excited to see how your stories continue and eventually finish off!! You’re all amazing and I love you all!! <3 <3 
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eirenare · 5 years
TROS Reylo fic: “Rey of Jakku”
Okay, so...
To kriff with all my nervousness and anxiety over sharing some of my creative stuff, I haven’t come as far as to actually plan the plot of a long fanfic (when I’ve always had trouble to finish/do even basic stuff) to feel negative about it—my excitement and pride shouldn’t be clouded with that, so yeah, buckle up dear anxiety of mine because I'm in charge tonight
Here’s the current (and probably fixed to stay like this) line-up of chapters + summary phrases from my TROS-speculative soon to be AU, Reylo-centric fic, “Rey of Jakku” (WARNING: heavy SPOILERS for the story, though, on most of the summary phrases):
“Rey of Jakku”
Posted on: for now only on Archive of Our Own (Ao3) (link on the fic name above)
Rating: Mature (might jump to Explicit)
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death
Relationships: Reylo, Finnrose, Stormpilot/Finnpoe (unrequited because yeah as much as I love both ships I’m just a big drama queen, sorry Poe)
Genre tags: angst, angst and hurt/comfort, fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, mutual pining, temporary character death, angst with happy ending
Theme tags: Reylo-centric, Rey-centric, Ben-centric, Force bond, Force visions, holocrons, Sith holocron, Jedi holocron, Force levitation/flying, resurrection, spooky Palpatine, Dark Rey/Darth Rey, Throne of Balance, Force choking, World Between Worlds, Mortis, Force lightning
Chapter count as of today: 1/10
PART I (uploaded)
1. In Batuu / Building bonds
2. A vision and a disturbance
3. Fleeing from Batuu
4. A glimpse at you
5. To consume oneself / All-consuming darkness / Darkness all-consuming
PART II (update scheduled for this week)
6. Recovery / Visions of the past / Bakura
7. “Together” / Ahch-To / Search / Dagger / Whispers of Legends
8. Kef Bir / Riders of the moon / Reaching the Death Star
9. The scavenger / The Sith holocron / A disturbance in the Force / Here yet not here / Running away / Duel / Crossed sabers, crossed hearts / Heartbeat (breathe)
10. In too deep / The price of failure / Show me the powers of the dark once more
11. The waiting game / The Sith holocron / Bonding / The girl and the droid / The light in him
12. Kijimi / The plan / Seeking allies / The last night
13. The copy / Invasion / Display of might / A change of heart (smugglers divided)
14. Opening the holocron / Cracking
15. What the holocron hid
16. Lando / The pieces of a puzzle / Fusion / More than a dream
17. Contact / The lingering longing / Learning each other / To dance across the stars
18. Suspicions / Truce
19. The temple of Pasaana
20. Secret meeting / Leap of faith / Trust fall
21. The Jedi holocron
22. Ambush / Fleeing once more / Unlikely allies / “Now you follow her (orders)” / To relinquish leadership
23. Rebellion / Clash / Unworthy / The rise of red
24. Contact failed
25. What lurks in the dark / The shadow we freed / Possession / A warning call / Laying the bait
26. The Master Puppeteer’s prisoner / Pain across the stars / (A bond) bared (for all to see) / Closed off from the Force / Ben
27. Taking the bait / “The Eclipse”
28. (A bond) severed / A hopeless fight / To bargain with the devil / Exchange / Safe (in the Resistance)
29. Far away / Allies and enemies
30. Learning and re-learning / A forgotten box / The same eyes / An ancient bond / Split / The First and the Force
31. Call to arms / Hope for the people (Luke’s heritage)
32. The Master Puppeteer’s shadow / The shadow’s fight
33. “Mind Walk” / Sinking, rising / Truths and discoveries / The call of the kyber
34. The Throne of Balance
35. Isolation / Fractured / Bleeding / A shadow’s mask (a tool in black and red)
36. To beckon the light to the darkness / “The Force will be with you”, “always”
37. Identity / Who I (really) am / Merciless
38. Chasing ghosts (of the past) / Assembled forces / Ring (unrequited) / “Force Storm” / The Red Fleet / Insurrection / “A thousand armies won’t stop me (I’ll break through)”
39. Ritual / Open the door
40. Broken ritual / The last duel / “He is mine” / Mirror (their blood running through his veins) / “Please”
41. “When the sun sets we’re both the same (half in the shadows, half burnt in flames)” / The Master Puppeteer’s charade / Passage
42. A world between worlds / Like a black hole / “Let the past die...” (embrace) / “But I do (and I see you for who you are)” / The door to Mortis
43. What we brought into this world / Mortis, rotten (otherworldly guide) / “Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi” (lessons from the past) / “Who wields the dagger...” / Rey and Rey / “... kill it, if you have to” (mask) / “We’ve passed down all we know—a thousand generations live in you now—but this is your fight” / The parts that makes us whole (acceptance)
44. Throne / The tainted Force (life and death) / The fight for the Force / He who controls light and darkness (blade) / What we are, who we are / As one we strike (eclipse) / “Force Rage” / “Rey of Jakku” / Sacrifice (their blood spilling from his veins) / Checkmate / The setting moons
45. A clash of minds / “Dark Transfer” / Mortis, fading / “A light that never comes”
46. In light, life / (A bond) mended / Mortis, in bloom
47. (We are) balance / To choose / A Force anew / Renewal
48. Wreckage / The hope to live / Unlikely saviors (their knights)
49. Binary sunrise / Home
50. Epilogue: gray
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danyka-fendyr · 6 years
Scar Tissue Chapter 1: Gotham at Fight
A/N: The name is a pun off of “Gotham at Night.” I’m tagging @writingtheworks bc...well, she asked to be tagged. This is meant to be a full-length fic, and this first chapter is just to kind of give people a taste of what’s to come. Enjoy!
The air over the city buzzed, hot and heavy like the rain pelting down through the night. Even in the dead of summer, it still rained in Gotham. If New York was the city that never slept, Gotham was the city where the sun never shone.
Jason looked over at the girl crouching on a gargoyle next to him, her cape fluttering behind her, a wash of darkness fading into Gotham’s sky. He could still remember when Bruce had brought her home. It was the tail-end of his first year of being Robin, and he had been offended by her existence. It was only natural, of course. He had been training, had earned his way here. She was only a little girl with a tiny, quaking frame, drenched in rain like she was tonight. She was quivering, curled in on herself and unsure, black hair slicked down to her head and dripping water. Defying all of this, her eyes glowed the brightest green Jason had ever seen. It was unearthly almost, the way they cut through him like knives, hesitant and afraid, but also curious and sharp.
Jason had to admit that a lot had changed in the 3 years he had known her. She had gotten taller, for one. Had filled out some, thanks to the regular food she was provided with. Jason told himself that it was only the food causing her to fill out, and that there had been no other changes, even if the Batgirl suit was skintight. Her sharp elbows and knobby knees had turned into softer, rounder edges, but Jason knew better than to mistake her for being soft. Maybe some other girl, but not his Rorie.
He winced at the possessive note in his thoughts, brushing it aside. It was true. She was his Batgirl, just like Barbara had been Dick’s. That was all there was to it. And if maybe he was falling in love with her a little, well, Dick had done that with Barbara too, so Jason reasoned that would probably be fine as well. He wasn’t, but if he was.
Her hair fluttered in the wind, inky strands reaching out towards the twinkling stars. When another dark haired child arrived at Wayne Manor, Alfred had wasted no time in making a joke about how if Bruce wasn’t careful he’d end up with a collection. Jason scoffed at the idea that any kind of trend would start with that. Clearly more than just hair color went into choosing a Robin.
“Where to next, Boy Wonder?” she waggled her eyebrows teasingly, interrupting his thoughts.
Thunder cracked across the sky, and a grin cracked across her face. Rorie had always like thunderstorms, crazy and wild just like her. One time, in the first few months she had been at Wayne manor, Jason had found her standing underneath a tree in the middle of a storm, arms thrown wide as she basked in the chaos. Jason had quickly yanked on a jacket, rushing out to scold her and explain the probability that she would be struck by lightning. She had turned up her tiny, sharp little face to him, and said, “Huh.”
Suffice it to say, she had not moved a muscle until the storm was over. Jason nearly had a panic attack the whole time, but he also wasn’t a snitch. Either Bruce hadn’t known, or he hadn’t bothered to go out and save her. Either way, she came back inside later, much to Jason’s relief.
“Your call,” he said, shrugging nonchalantly.
“We could visit that bakery on the upper east side,” she sing-songed suggestively, hopping off the gargoyle and shimmying over next to him.
“We could.” He continued to stare impassively out at the city.
“Hey!” she pouted. “You said it was my call!”
There was a beat of silence.
“Fine. We hit the lower east side, see if there’s any scum there by any chance, and then we visit the bakery.” She said it like the matter was already decided, not like she was offering a truce.
“Deal,” Jason said anyway.
“Yay!” she lurched forward, wrapping her arms around Jason’s neck, fingers grabbing handfuls of his cape as she teetered from the strain of reaching to his greater height. She was by no means short, but neither was Jason.
His hands reached around her waist to support her, and he laughed into her ear.
“Careful Batgirl. You’ll hurt yourself before tonight’s thugs have any chance.”
She pulled away, rolling her eyes, but she still bounced on the heels of her boots.
There was a rustle and she stilled, narrowing her eyes. Jason looked over their heads, finding the Batman himself hovering in that brooding manner he always had when the cowl was on.
“I see you two were productive while I was gone.”
If you looked carefully, you could detect an undertone of humor in his voice.
“Yes, we were. We decided where to head next for you,” Rorie piped up, hands on her hips in an ironically Superman-esque pose.
Clark would be proud when Jason told him later.
“Oh? Where to then?” Batman did not sound unskeptical.
Jason said, “Lower east side,” at the same time she said, “Cookies!”
“Those are in opposite directions,” Bruce pointed out.
“Not if we hit the lower east side first and then head toward cookies,” Rorie reasoned.
“That would still put them in opposite directions,” Jason piped up.
“Hey! I thought you were on my side!” She elbowed him, hard.
“I’m on nobody’s side,” Jason teased. “I’m a rogue. An outlaw!”
She giggled, and Jason could swear he saw Bruce roll his eyes behind the mask. Then again, maybe it was just a trick of the light.
“Well, this outlaw still has an hour of patrol left. Patrol first, then cookies,” Bruce said.
“So we are getting cookies?” Rorie gasped.
“I’ll think about it.”
Before he could say anything else, Rorie was launching herself off the edge of the building, grappling her way over to the lower east side. Jason ran after her, and Bruce sighed before shaking his head and following suit.
“So, that was nothing short of awesome!” Rorie said, looking up at Jason in awe, a wide grin plastering her face.
Jason felt the hot blush sweep across his cheeks, but he told himself it was only from the post-patrol excitement. Never mind that he was already chewing on a cookie in the kitchen of Wayne Manor and his adrenaline had sufficiently disappeared.
“Wasn’t anything special,” he said, mouth full of chocolate chip.
“Are you kidding me? You totally saved me.” She giggled, half-nervous and half-gleeful, still coming down from the near-death experience high.
“You would have done the same for me.” He shrugged.
“Nah,” she joked. “I would have just let you die.”
She hugged him again, still wobbling. Jason wondered if there would ever be a time when she wouldn’t wobble or have to reach up on her toes to hug him in this most impractical of ways, arms wrapped around his neck and face painfully close to his own.
“Thank you, Robin,” her voice was softer, the joking tone gone.
She sounded tired, something Jason could relate to. She also sounded grateful, like she knew just how dangerous the metal bat zeroing in on her face had been. Jason watched it replay in his head again for a moment, her body there on the ground, the gang banger poised to ram the end of his bat down into her head, wild with whatever drug had been in his system.
She pulled back, and Jason felt something soft against his cheek. Her lips, feather light, pressing against him, her eyelashes fluttering against his temple. Jason’s hands seized up around her waist, his heart going almost faster than it had been beating the crap out of that thug.
She turned to walk away, presumably to go to her own room and sleep in her own bed, but Jason stopped her.
“Hey Rorie?” She paused. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
She turned around, giving him a shaky smile.
“Yeah. It’s not the first time, right?”
“Doesn’t have to be the first time.” Jason frowned. “You wanna be alone?”
She paused for a moment, deliberating. Jason knew what that meant.
“You could always come sleep in my room, if you wanted.” He said it casually, easing her pride into the idea.
“I mean, I guess if you’d be alright with it.” She shrugged, traipsing off to her room to grab some pajamas.
When she came back, she looked, in a word, cozy. She was wearing her comfort pajamas, and she looked 5 minutes away from stress baking and stress eating while the cookies were in the oven. What? Jason was a detective, he noticed things.
Her thick, fuzzy pants and oversized flannel top hung loosely off of her frame, and when she smiled Jason could see the tops of her retainer. Bruce’s wealth and social standing had provided her with a set of designer teeth, but they did not come without a certain amount of maintenance.
“You wanna watch a movie?” she asked.
“We have school tomorrow,” Jason pointed out.
She groaned. “Please don’t remind me.”
“You like school.” Jason laughed.
“Yes, but you know what I don’t like? Waking up. And you know what I have to do for school? Wake up.”
“You would sleep forever if you could,” Jason teased, slinging his arm over her shoulder as they headed down the plush carpeted halls of the manor to his room.
“I like sleep,” she whined, leaning into him.
“Then why did you volunteer for a job that keeps you up all night?”
“Well once I’m awake there are so many distracting things to keep me awake. I like being asleep, but I don’t like actually going to sleep. An object in motion tends to stay in motion, Jay-bird.”
“Whatever you say.” He rolled his eyes.
Jason opened the door to his room, and Rorie snickered.
“What?” Jason asked, confused.
“I forgot you were like this,” she teased.
“Like what?” He was seriously lost here.
She gestured to his room. Jason couldn’t see anything wrong with it. The bed was made, sheets crisp and clean, not a wrinkle to be seen, and all his clothes and other various belongings were off the floor and in their proper places. His music was neatly stored off to the side, organized alphabetically by artist for ease of access, and his books were stored alphabetically on his bookshelves by author. It was flawless. What could her problem possibly be?
“You’re so clean cut!” she giggled, bursting into laughter. “You don’t even realize what a classic good boy you are Jason Todd.”
“I am not!” he protested, even as her crouched body grew concerningly nearer to the floor.
If she started rolling on the floor laughing, Jason was convinced he would suffer the ultimate humiliation.
“You get straight-A’s, you’re a complete nerd for Shakespeare, and I’m calling it now, you’re going to audition for the school play. Also, you spend your spare time stopping evil. Goody-two-shoeeeesss,” she sang.
“I hate you. So, so much.” Jason sighed, her teasing relentless.
“Gosh,” she said, her apple green eyes locking with his own, “I love you Jason Todd.”
Jason gasped, quiet and almost imperceptible. The way she said it was so raw, so truthful. The most casual thing, hitting him like a 50 lb weight landing square on his heart.
“I love you too,” he whispered to her back while she crawled into his bed, peeking out from under the teal comforter.
“You coming?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t be a bed hog, okay?” he said, pulling his own pajamas out of the drawer.
“Never fear. You should know by now, boy detective. I am a cuddler, not a bed hog,” she informed him as he headed to the bathroom to change.
When Jason came back, she was once again sober and solemn. Her eyes were dark and clouded, filled with all of her thoughts. Jason walked slowly, as though he were approaching a wounded animal. She didn’t hesitate, though. She reached out her arms towards him, and he fell into them, hugging her tightly as Gotham’s dark night sky wrapped around their consciousness like a blanket.
“I’m tired, Jay,” she whispered.
“I know. Go to sleep Rorie. It’ll be better in the morning,” he told her.
Jason knew he was lying. He knew the city would still be bursting at the seams with crime in the morning, dotted with seeds of people willing to murder teenage girls in one overripe sewer of a city, and the sun rising wouldn’t change anything about that. Jason knew the city better than anyone else in this family, and he knew it would not be better in the morning.
But this was Gotham, and sometimes lies were necessary if you wanted to make it through the night.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Captain Falcon: The First Peacekeeper (Part 2) Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Demise (Disclaimer!! I own nothing of Nintendo, Korra, or InuYasha!!) I woke up and found myself in the secret lab. “He’s awake,” said Roll, “Thank goodness.” “Where am I?” I asked. “You’re back in the lab,” said Luna, “You were brought here after an intense battle.” “InuYasha,” I said. I quickly got back up. “Wait, you still need attention to your wounds,” said Luna. “I’m fine,” I said, “Is the battlesuit working?” “Its been fixed up,” said Luna. “Good,” I said as I was about to get it, “Then let’s…. What the?” The door to the battlesuit wouldn’t open. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Are you going to try and use the suit again?” asked Roll. “Yes, open,” I said. “Your purpose as a hero is to fight and help others, not to kill them,” said Roll. “Roll, open this damn door,” I said. “Do you want to kill InuYasha?” asked Roll. “Roll, just let me have it!” I said trying to bust the door down. “Will killing InuYasha improve your emotional state?” asked Roll. “Yes.. no, I don’t know!” I said, “Just give me the damn suit!!” “Is this what your friends would’ve wanted?” asked Luna. “It doesn’t matter!” I said. “Your friends wouldn’t approve of th….” Said Luna. “MY FRIENDS ARE GONE!!!!!!” I shouted as I hit a wall, “My friends…. Are gone….” “Your friends are here,” said Roll. “No… they’re not here,” I said, “They’re gone….” “They’re here,” said Luna. She showed me a video. I saw a familiar face. It was my friend from Brooklyn, Juniper. “Nicholas, if you ever see this, then you’ll know that I’m safe. A lot of people couldn't make it out of the skirmish alive, but I managed to get somewhere safe." I couldn’t believe it. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,” she said, “But I want you to know that you’ll always be my best friend. I want you to know that I’m safe and I’ll come back someday.” “Thank you Luna,” I said. She smiled. “I guess I’m not who I use to be anymore,” I said. “Nick,” said someone. It was Korra. “Guys….” I said. “I’m…” She interrupted me with a hug. “We’re gonna help you save Wendy,” she said, “And this time, we’ll be on your side.” I smiled. “But next time, try not to kill one of your own allies,” said Asami. “Oh man,” I said. “I…” “No its alright,” said Asami, “The 1-up cerum fixed my wounds.””Nicholas, we found something you should see,” said Princess Bubblegum. She was showing me footage of other half humans that were captured by Dimaccio’s forces. “What’s he doing with them?” asked Luna. “I don’t know, but the answer’s here somewhere,” I said. I saw that there was some kind of pool of water with other half human’s blood. “Wait a minute….” I said. “He’s making one of his own half humans,” said Korra, “I knew something was up.” “ No you didn’t, but I did,” I said, “I told you he was bad news.” “Then that means he just made that law to keep us out of the way of his true scheme!” said Asami, “We gotta stop him.” “No, first we have to free those half humans that he kidnapped,” I said, “We can’t leave any behind.” “Got it,” said Asami. “You’ll need help,” said someone. We turned and saw InuYasha and his friend Kagome. “You,” I said. “I saved your life, so don’t get all huffy on me,” he said. “You…. Saved me?” I asked, “Why?” “Because I need your help,” he said, “It turns out that he’s planning an attack on my home and won’t stop until they’re captured.” “Not on our watch,” said Korra, “You want out help you got it.” “Truce?” asked InuYasha as he held out his hand. I thought for a moment. “Truce,” I said, “Don’t hit me and we’ll get along just fine.”  “Deal,” said Inuyasha. We were heading for his fortress. “Asami and I will free the prisoners while you go and destroy the weapon,” said Colleen. “Not so fast!” said someone. It was a man in a mechanical suit. “Varrick?” I asked. “How do you know my name?” asked Varrick. “Dude, its me,” I said. “Prove it,” he said. “…You’re a dick,” I said. Zhu Li looked at him then back at me. He took off his mask. “Ok,” he said. We went inside to find the secret weapon. Ghirahim was watching us. “Come to me, my prey,” he said sharpening his sword. Colleen was freeing some of the half humans stuck in cages. “Follow me,” said Colleen. We were walking around a lab. I sensed someone was there. “Wendy?” I asked. I saw her lying in a cage. I opened it and she saw me. “Nicholas?” she asked. “That’s right,” I said, “I’m here to get you out of here.” She looked down. “I…. I can’t,” she said. “What?” I said. “I said I can’t,” said Wendy, “I’m the cause of all of this…” “No, that’s not true,” I said. “Yes I am, don’t you get it?” she said, “If we hadn’t met, then your friends wouldn’t have been divided, more importantly, this whole war wouldn’t have been caused. Its all my fault.” “Don’t say that,” I said, “To be honest it was me who was to blame. I was responsible for dividing everyone, but I brought us all together to fight the real enemy.” She looked down. “It would be better if you stay away from me,” said Wendy, “Its for the best that I’m locked up. Then I won’t hurt you like I almost did.” “Its not for the best that you stay hidden from the world,” I said, “I was scared when I had my gifts. I didn’t think I was able to be somebody.” She looked at me. “But I knew that somehow I had to become the hero I am now, and now,” I said, “I’ve done what I can to keep this world safe and so far its been successful. If I can do that, then I can handle being with a half human or demon.” “But what will other people think?” asked Wendy as she changed her form, “Do you think you would love this?!” “But Wendy that isn’t who you are,” I said, “Its just how you feel.” I held her face. “And this is how I feel,” I said. I kissed her turning her back to normal. “I love you,” I said. “Well, isn’t that sweet,” said someone. I turned to see Dimaccio and Ghirahim. “I hate sweet,” he said. “You,” I said. “So, any trouble finding the place?” asked Dimaccio. “I know all about what you did,” I said, “Tricking InuYasha into attacking those people, making Wendy look like a monster to scare the hell outta the city, all so you could swoop in and be the hero.”  “I did what was necessary in order to protect the half humans,” said Dimaccio. “Protect?” I asked, “You hunt them down, you lock them up, and you use their powers for your own game!” I said. “I needed InuYasha and Wendy to look like they were spreading chaos because without chaos, my company has no reason to exist,” said Dimaccio. “Is that was this was all about?” asked Korra, “Job security?” “Precisely,” said Ghirahim, “And you almost ruined everything, but luckily you gave us something worth dying for.” He showed us footage of the fight between me and InuYasha. “However you failed to destroy him,” said Ghirahim. He showed us the weapon they were creating. “That’s where this comes in,” said Dimaccio, “If man won’t kill demon, then science will. And once the world sees the head of the NGOS saving them from the greatest half human threats in the last years, it’ll buy my NGOS at least 20 years of funding.” “Not if I can help it,” I said, “The people saw both of us in action. Its you who’s head’s gonna be on the platter.” Ghirahim got in front. “What are you gonna do boy?” he asked, “Are you gonna kill us?” “No, no I’m gonna expose you, and your plan,” I said, “And then we’ll see who the real hero is.” “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that,” said Ghirahim as he changed form. His skin was made of some kind of metal. “Now I will dispose of you and your little team!” he said. He charged at me and I dodged. “Guards!” said Dimaccio. Task force soldiers showed up. “What do we do now?” asked Korra. “We fight,” said Wendy. Her hands were glowing with dark magic. She shot some projectiles at them and then teleported and took down the snipers. “Your girlfriend’s a cool fighter,” said Korra. “Shut up Korra!” I said. I tried attacking Ghirahim but his skin was too strong to break. “You keep doing that and you’ll never cut through,” he said. “But I can make you fall!” I said. I kicked him and he fell on the next floor. I noticed a crack at his chest. “If I attack that area I might weaken him,” I said. He came at me again. Meanwhile Colleen was helping all the half humans escape the facility. “This way,” she said. Asami was driving a truck. “I hope Varrick doesn’t mind if I borrow this,” she said. I kspt battling Ghirahim. “You’re pretty good for a kid,” he said. He shot projectiles at me and I deflected them.  I charged at him and kicked the sword out of his hands and he fell to the ground defenseless. “Very well, its time to play dirty,” he said. He shape shifted to look like me. “Alright,” I said. We charged at each other fighting. Korra saw. “What the….” Said Korra. Fake Nicholas got out a giant sword and came at me. “Which one is Nicholas?” asked Wendy. Korra was confused. “I don’t know,” said Korra. “The one that obviously doesn’t have a big sword!” I said. We were fighting. I gave her a familiar sign. Korra shot an earth projectile at Ghirahim and then InuYasha lunged at him. “Wind Scar!” he said. He broke his disguise turning him back to normal. He crawled away from me. “Its over Ghirahim,” I said, “You’ve lost.” “No, no, no,” he said, “YOU WILL DIE!!!” He shot lightning at me and I reflected it with my beam sword. It turned his skin into a pale white color. “I… I can’t hold on any longer,” he said. Wendy sensed something. “Watch out!” she said. She pushed me out of the way. Dimacio tried to shoot me with a shotgun. “You had a great run Nicholas, but your days in this world are over,” he said. “I don’t think so,” I said getting into a fighting stance, “We’re shutting down your weapon now.” “Not so fast,” he said. He fired another shot but Kuvira blocked it. I then jumped at him and kicked him. Dimaccio dropped his gun and fell into the tub of strange liquid where the weapon was being created. “Is he dead?” asked Kagome. “I’ll check,” I said. A hand emerged from the liquid. “Holy fuck!” I said. A giant monster came out. It had grey skin, red hair and yellow eyes. “Run!” I said. We all escaped the building. “Demise is born!” said the creature. Colleen analyzed Demise. “That thing looks like a cross between the monster hunter and Dimaccio,” she said, “No wonder its coming after us!” InuYasha held him back. “I’ll hold him off while you run!” he said. “No way,” I said, “I’m done running away.” I got out my sword and jumped at Demise. He grabbed my leg and threw me at a building. He then lunged at me. I landed on someone’s car. “Ma’am,” I said, “I’m gonna need to borrow your car.” She quickly got out. I threw the car at Demise and he broke it. “Shit,” I said. Korra started attacking him. “Over here you big pile of muscle and darkness!!” she said. “Korra,” he said. I chased after him. He pushed me down to the ground and then hit me with concrete. He then swung me around and threw me at a building. “Nick!!” said Colleen. Demise got in her way. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked. I saw a huge truck. “Get away from her!” said Opal. She was airbending at him but it had no effect. He did a ground quake attack that shook the whole city. Parts of the road were cracked. Wendy saw a pair of guns. “Weapons,” she said. She quickly ran and grabbed them. “Oh no you don’t!” said Demise. Task Force soldiers fired at him. He attacked them all with brute force. “You leave them alone!” said Wendy. She fired her guns from her hands and somehow her feet. Demise ran after her. “No!” she said, “Stay away!!!!” Somehow she summoned a giant hand to attack. “What the….” She said. “Now you’re going to get it,” he said. He heard a car honk. It was me. “How bout a truck full of bob-ombs!!” I said. I quickly turned but he took out his sword and did a slice attack. The back of the truck exploded leaving the car part exposed. He grinned at me. “Oh shit,” I said. He charged up enough energy for an attack. Korra and the others got in the way. “You want him you’ll have to go through us!” she said. “All of us!” said Colleen. “So be it,” he said. He fired a beam of powerful energy that nearly destroyed the whole city and us as well. Or so I thought. We were somehow saved by something. Or someone. Wendy got a good look at her and recognized her. “Rosalina?” she asked. Rosalina looked at her. “Hey Wendy,” said Rosalina smiling. I looked at InuYasha. “Is she with you?” I asked. “I thought she was with you,” he said. “We’re on the same side,” said Rosalina. “But… why did you come back?” asked Wendy. “I came back to find you, I wanted to apologize,” said Rosalina. “For what?” asked Wendy. “For what happened all those years ago,” said Rosalina. “I don’t remember what that was,” said Wendy. “Neither do I,” said Rosalina. They hugged. “She’s ok,” said Wendy, “She’s just emotional.” A small star like creature appeared from her hair. “Looks like we’re both half humans,” said Rosalina. Demise grabbed Wendy. “Let me go!!” she said. “Not a chance,” said Demise. I lunged at him but he pushed me down. He then threw Wendy at a building and she hit her head. “WENDY!!!” I shouted. My eyes grew red with rage. I grabbed my beam sword and charged at him. “DIE!!!!!!” I shouted. We clashed at each other with my swords. I switched powers from my power matrix to try and outsmart him but he was too quick. Wendy was gaining back consciousness and saw me battling Demise. I finally managed to hit him. He got furious and then attacked me. He then jumped on my and punched the suits power supply. He attacked me so much that the suit fell apart. I was completely defenseless. “Prepare to die,” he said. A giant hand attacked him. It was Wendy. “Fuck off!” she said. She fired at him. I felt something inside of me happening. Another one of my half human genes was kicking in. I saw a Lucario give me a hand and took it. Something amazing happened. Wendy kept firing at Demise but ran out of ammo. “Shit,” she said. “You’re out of ammo,” he said, “And out of ideas.” Someone shot an aura sphere at him. It was me. “What?” he asked, “But I killed you!” “I don’t die easily,” I said as aura glowed in my hands, “Behold the power of Aura!” I started attacking him with a barrage of attacks. Wendy helped me fight him back while Asami and Korra helped the others. “There’s only one way this ends Nicholas Shay,” said Demise, “Either you die, or I do.” “Not gonna happen!” I said. I jumped at him again. He then charged at me and we both fell off of a building. Wendy grabbed onto my legs and Demise grabbed my arm. My robotic arm. “I’m not letting go of you,” said Demise, “So you’ll have to pull us up!” “Don’t do it Nicholas!” said Wendy. “You have two choices Nicholas,” he said, “Either pull us up, or both of us die.” I tried but he was heavy. I then saw my beam sword. “What are you doing?” he asked. I took it and stabbed my metal arm. “No!” he shouted. I finally cut my arm off and he fell to the ground. When the dust settled his body turned back to normal and the substance was burned in the fire. Wendy pulled me back up. Ghirahim saw everything. “No…. no,” he said, “Just you wait Nicholas… This isn’t over.” Wendy and I returned to the others. “Looks like we owe you a real apology for all this,” said Tessa. “Don’t sweat it,” I said. InuYasha gave me a handshake. “Anytime you need some assistance, come and find me,” he said, “I’ll be waiting.” Kagome got on his back and they flew away. “Man, that was an intense battle,” said Bolin, “Wait til mako hears about this.” “Yeah,” I said. “I’m sorry about your friends though,” said Korra. “My friends are right here,” I said. Wendy hugged me and then gave me a kiss. “I love you too,” she said. Later Dimaccio was thrown in jail for his crimes and the N.G.O.S was terminated. The heroes were free to act on their own terms again as well, and they say I’m the one who fixed it. Oh and those half humans that were captured? They were all returned back to their rightful homes and families. As for me, there was something coming that I didn’t even know about. I was back in my apartment and saw someone in the shadows. “So you’ve finally figured it out after all these years?” he asked. “Figured out what?” I asked. “That you’re no longer the only superhero,” said the person, “Let me tell you son, you share a world with other heroes and half humans, and I can see you’ll fit perfectly for what I’m planning.” “Who are you?” I asked. The person stepped out. I couldn’t believe who it was. “I’m Captain N,” he said, “I’m here to discuss the Peacekeepers plan.” I got a letter from Korra a few days after the recent events that happened. "Nicholas, I heard you finally found yourself an appartment to live in. I'm really glad you did. I didn't really like the idea of you living in the 'Heroes Lounge' by yourself after what happened. Ever since I became the avatar, all I wanted was to keep everyone I care about safe. And by signing the Bio-Human Registration Act, I thought I was sparing you what almost happened to me. Now I realize i was only sparing myself. The news said that the Registration Act was made null and void, allowing us to do what we do best. We were given a second chance, and its best that we don't squander it. Hopefully one day we can understand each other. I know I hurt you Nicholas, and I'm sorry. We may have our differences, but that doesn't change the fact that you're still my friend.   I wish we agreed on the document, I really do. I know you're doing what you think is right, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. I heard from a friend that someone recruited you for a secret project. So I promise you Nicholas Shay, no matter what, if you need us…if you need me…I'll be there. THE END Cast: Nicholas Shay Colleen Kelly (Captain Falcon) Finn Luna Gadd Princess Bubblegum Wendy Korra Asami Tessa Bolin Opal Crash Bandicoot InuYasha Kagome Ghirahim Joseph Dimaccio/Demise Task Force Soldiers Toadstool (Cameo) Monty Mole Samus Aran (Other Cameo) Mouser Reapers by Muse Home, It's becoming a killing field There's a cross hair locked on my heart With no recourse and there's no one behind the wheel Hell fire, You're wiping me out, killed by Drones, (killed by) Drones (killed by) You rule with lies and deceit And the world is on your side 'Cause you've got the CIA, babe But all you've done is brutalise Drones! War, war just moved up a gear I don't think I can handle the truth I'm just a pawn And we're all expendable Incidentally Electronically erased By your Drones, (killed by) Drones (killed by) You kill by remote control The world is on your side You’ve got reapers and hawks babe Now I am radicalized Drones! You rule with lies and deceit And the world is on your side 'Cause you've got the CIA, babe But all you've done is brutalise You kill by remote control The world is on your side You’ve got reapers and hawks babe Now I am radicalized Here come the drones! Here come the drones! Here come the drones! Cold War by Janelle Monae So you think that I'm alone That being alone is the only way to be When you step outside You spin like fire for your sanity This is a cold war You better know what you're fighting for This is a cold war Do you know what you're fighting for If you want to be free Feel on the ground is the only place to be Cause in this life You spend time running from depravity This is a cold war Do you know what you're fighting for This is a cold war You better know what you're fighting for This is a cold war You better know what you're fighting for This is a cold war Do you know what you're fighting for When wings to the weak And bring grace to the strong Make our legal stumble as it applies in the world All the tripes come and the mighty will crumble We must brave this night And have faith in the world I'm trying to find my peace I was made to believe there's something wrong with me And it hurts my heart Lord have mercy ain't it plain to see That this is a cold war Do you know what you're fighting for This is a cold war You better know what you're fighting for This is a cold, This is a cold war You better know what you're fighting for Do you know? Is a cold Do you? Do you? Ah ah ah ahhhh Ah ah ah ahhhh Is a cold, You better know what you're fighting for Nicholas Shay will return in the Peacekeepers series…… Wendy was trying out her new guns for her hands and feet. “They fit like a glove don’t they?” I asked. “Absolutely,” said Wendy, “Thanks for making these.” “Thank Luna,” I said, “If it weren’t for her, these wouldn’t have existed, and nor would I get another arm.” “Ah you’re just lucky that I had a spare, but I would still be able to make a new one in less than a week,” said Luna. Wendy fired with them and tried out some new combos. “Sweet!” she said. “I think you’ll be ready for a field test soon Wendy,” I said, “But you’ll need a codename too.” She thought for a moment. “I think it be cool if I was called….” She said, “Bayonetta.” She grinned. …..And so will Bayonetta…..
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 2 Part 1
at long last... PLOT
Yup, this is where shit goes down. No gem stuff and then A LOT OF GEM STUFF.
tw for floods/drowning/mass death (not our guys, but in the background)
Link to next part at the end.
(last part)
Chapter 2
3004 BC
Raindrops the size of rocks hammered down on Aziraphale. They burst on the back of his head and clumped his wings into feathery bricks.
He only had to make one more circuit before returning to the ark. The desert below was a bog. The humans had all retreated to their homes when the rain started to pour; soon it would rise around them.
He squinted through the water streaming down his face at the settlement nearby. The clay-brick houses were dark and hunched under the pounding rain. A lone stick-figure in black stood up to its ankles in floodwater outside one home. Aziraphale paused mid-flap. He knew who that was.
The angel swooped down to the sodden patch of buildings. He landed with a splash and waded over to the figure. It was having an argument in the doorway of one of the huts.
The bottom of Aziraphale’s robes stained brown as he squelched over, catching odd words under the noise of the rain.
“Nono, I already explained.” Crawly’s voice rose as Aziraphale got nearer. “You can’t just wait this one out. It’s not a few inches of wet we’re talking about. You’ll all be floating facedown in a few hours if you don’t get a move on.”
He was talking to a villager. She was a tiny old woman whose narrowed eyes vanished without a trace into a sea of wrinkles. “I’ve lived in this valley through all kinds of weather, young man,” she snapped. “I’m not goin’ to strap the entire house on my back, not to mention the goats, thank you very much, on the word of some stranger who’s come to town dressed like the grim reaper. Shove off and let me get back inside before I catch my death.”
“Inside is where you’ll catch your death -”
The door slammed. Crawly yelped and snatched his hand out of the way just in time. He sloshed backwards, muttering something disrespectful of the elderly.
Aziraphale couldn’t let this go on any longer. “Crawly!”
Crawly looked around. His expression darkened further when he saw Aziraphale.
“Get away from there! What on Earth are you doing?” Aziraphale bore down on him with splashy displeasure.
“Oh, you know.” Crawly waved an arm. “Saving a few lives. Undermining the Great Plan. Wiling, tempting, etcetera. Why do you care? Shouldn’t you be up on a cloud watching all this unfold?”
“Yes, all right, you’ve made your feelings clear,” Aziraphale snapped. He glanced around. They were the only people, or entities, in sight. “You’ve got to get out of here. It’s not safe. I’m not meant to be out here either, I should be boarding the ark with the others.”
“Right.” Crawly laughed, although he had never looked less amused. “Holed up for the next forty days and nights with Gabriel and Michael. Rather you than me.”
“It’s the safest place to be right now. The only safe place, in fact.” Floodwater slopped up to Aziraphale’s knees. He could no longer hold his robes above the wet. He let them float, heavy and pulled by currents. “Look, you didn’t hear this suggestion from me, but if you shape-shift, you might be able to sneak into the hold with the animals.”
“Angels above, demons below breathing in camel dung. How typical.”
“Crawly, please. There’s nothing you can do for them. Do you really want to stay here and watch them drown?”
“Maybe someone should.”
Crawly turned and stalked away, pushing against the tide. The water swelled and poured through the streets. Aziraphale heard cries from the humans’ homes; they must be realising they would never leave them again.
“Crawly,” he called out again. His voice sounded pitiful under the rising rains. A low moan whistled in his ears, as if the land was preparing for something seismic and terrible to occur.
He was almost out of time to get back to the ark. Aziraphale glanced nervously over his shoulder, then waded after Crawly.
The demon was taller and faster, even beaten back by a rising current. Aziraphale summoned his wings again and used them to push the water back. It didn’t matter at this point if any humans saw him.
“There isn’t much time,” he panted, catching up.
Crawly’s back radiated stony silence at Aziraphale as he trudged on against the flood. Aziraphale took a clumsy leap forward and almost slipped under the water that was now at chest-height. He got a handful of Crawly’s sleeve.
“I said, there isn’t much time -”
“You should get a move on, then.” The demon tried to shake him off, but the angel kept his grip. “Don’t worry about me. Don’t need to breathe, remember?”
“It’s not drowning I’m worried about!”
Water rushed in and covered their heads. The world changed colour and focus. The village was the murky brown of the bottom of a lake, houses improbably stuck in the ground like barnacles.
Chunks of debris rushed towards them, swept along by the floodwater. Aziraphale flicked his wrist and diverted a few rocks before they could hit either of them. More came. Slabs of rubble and driftwood and human detritus careened along in the current. The houses would collapse eventually, and they’d really be in danger.
This was a bad idea. But -
Aziraphale snapped his fingers.
An angel and demon reappeared in the desert, stumbling in the water and feeling very nauseous.
“Burgh,” said Crawly. He clutched Aziraphale’s arm, looked furious with himself, and pushed away again. “For Satan’sss sake, angel, what did you do that for?”
Aziraphale pressed a hand genteelly to his mouth. [1] Short-range teleportation was a cheap and nasty way to travel, even for celestial beings. Disassembling and reassembling one’s atoms a quarter-mile away was an easy enough trick, but the motion-sickness was murder.
“Listen to me, dear boy,” he said, once he was sure nothing non-verbal would come out. “I have no wish to see you discorporated here. Let’s go back to the ark, you can get dry - well, dry-ish - and we can think about what to do next. I daresay we can call a truce for the next forty days and nights. I can sneak down to see you any time, if you like. Erm, within reason. It might even be fun.”
Crawly stared at him.
“Fun,” he said, flatly.
Aziraphale’s smile slipped off his face.
He could see the village they’d just left in the distance. Tops of buildings protruded from the water. Behind Crawly’s head, the first house toppled ponderously sideways into the flood. A vision flashed in Aziraphale’s mind of a family driven up onto the roof, three stories high, with nowhere left to leap. If only they could keep climbing higher, into the clouds, outrunning the rising water.
He said, small-voiced, “I’m only trying to make the best of things.”
Crawly glared out at him from behind curtains of wet hair.
They might be further out, but the Flood was still coming for them. It poured in around their bodies with grim relentlessness, while raindrops the size of hailstones bounced off the surface. For the second time, water closed over their heads, and they stared at each other through the gloom.
Crawly sighed and turned away.
Aziraphale didn’t know how to cope with the feeling of shame. He’d never experienced it before. He looked away from the demon, back towards the town.
A landslide rushed towards them, along the ocean floor.
Aziraphale squeaked and lunged for Crawly again.
It was more a tackle than a rescue. Aziraphale wrangled Crawly into his arms before the avalanche could discorporate them both. Physics obligingly stepped aside. Aziraphale erupted from the waves, hauling a squirming and regrettably bony demon out of harm’s way.
Crawly spat out water and kicked the air. Aziraphale spread his wings and soared higher. Rain battered them. Lightning seared the sky like a firebolt, and seconds later the thunderclap rattled them down to their celestial essences. Angel and demon clung to each other while, above and below them, the Earth roared and drowned itself.
Crawly elbowed out of Aziraphale’s grip like a cat that no longer wanted to be picked up. He summoned his own wings and flapped a short distance away.
“Would you stop sssaving me?”
Aziraphale was getting tired of this. “Stop being so pig-headed and save yourself, then,” he said, snippily.
Crawly actually hissed at him. He pointedly turned his back on Aziraphale and stared down at the churning sea.
Entire walls of buildings rushed by beneath them. Crawly followed each one, eyes wide, until they swept past and out of sight. Aziraphale knew the demon was checking for humans. He was doing the same, with equal futility.
Lightning struck again, hitting the water with a crackling zap. Crawly’s eyes flashed gold. They were beautiful. It wasn’t the first time Aziraphale had thought so, but it was the first time he caught himself noticing.
Another thought crowded into his mind, as unwelcome as the rainwater tipping in rivulets down his spine. Each lightning bolt lit up the sky like holy fire. Someone looking in the right direction, with the right kind of eyesight, could see the pair of them from miles away.
“Crawly,” he said, urgently. “The ark.”
Crawly muttered, “Don’t talk to me about that eyesore, angel -”
“It’s crawling with Archangels.”
“Yeah, and?”
“All of them are watching the skies for me.”
“...Oh, shit.”
Crawly stared back at Aziraphale, pale-faced.
Without another word, they turned and dived back under the waves.
Discorporation was a picnic, comparatively. In the sense that they could imagine a picnic. Neither of them had any idea what the punishment would look like for palling around in the rain with one’s opposite number, while back at base a roster of angels got on with the Ineffable Plan. Neither wanted to find out.
The flood was fast and thunderously powerful. Angels could opt out of being affected by physical forces, to a point. Aziraphale centred himself in Earthly space and thought at the current that he was rather ignorable, really, and it might as well just flow around him rather than buffet him along. The current paused to consider and then obligingly skipped over him. Debris, and Crawly, continued to hurtle past. Aziraphale reached out without thinking and caught the demon by the arm.
The ring on his right hand glowed, and inner warmth filled him down to the fingertips as his shield unfurled. Boulders broke on it and streamed past him. He pulled Crawly close, so that the shield could cover them both. Something large thudded onto it and pushed him back, but it held. Crawly screwed up his face as if in pain, or intense concentration, and Aziraphale felt the shift as time slowed down, water thickening and swirling like paint, rocks breaking and tumbling past them like comets.
They moved together, in a slow-motion spin, like a ballet. Crawly’s red hair streamed between them like water weeds. His golden eyes shone, and so did the sigil on his cheek, and the ring on Aziraphale’s finger, and their bodies shone pure light and everything blurred together -
Two sets of wings erupted from his back. He beat them and felt the shock-waves pulse through the water. He spun and smashed three boulders to smithereens on his shield
I never used to have a shield? /
               I’ve always had a shield
and yelled just for the Hell of it. He felt -
He felt.
Large. Strong.
Not quite done yet? Like he got taken out of the oven too quickly. Or like a bird before all its feathers came in.
He felt -
Like flying!
He rocketed straight up and broke the surface of the floodwater.
His wings beat the air, wind pounding in his ears. He didn’t have a heart, but his body agreed that something thrummed in his chest and spurred him on. Storm clouds massed, the same colour as himself, a hodge-podge of greys. He flew closer to them. His hair, long and wild, whipped in the wind, while raindrops falling at half-speed broke harmlessly on his face
This is all wrong /
                 This is perfect
They’ll destroy us /
                 They can’t touch us
Angels aren’t supposed to /
                 No I’ll never be an angel again, unforgivable, that’s what I am
His form wobbled. For a moment he had four eyes and two noses and mouths and his body boiled over and tried to split apart
what is this what were we thinking what have we done they’ll see us
One body became two.
Aziraphale tumbled through the air. Time flowed at normal speed. It felt faster. Up, down; any direction, he couldn’t have said. Rain pelted him, and he plunged out of the sky.
Crawly’s voice, raised in a roar. Too far away. Aziraphale saw a flash, a stick figure in black, high above him and shrinking as he fell.
He hit the water. Something smashed into him. Darkness.
[1] In theory, angels can’t be sick, but in theory, they also don’t eat. Aziraphale and theory were on uneasy terms by this stage.
(Chapter 2, Part 2)
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experimentalmadness · 5 years
Cin Vhetin Ch. 7: Vornskr
Chapter Summary: Din and Zethu Desh finally clash in a fight to the (attempted) death. 
Bloody fight sequence full of that good good sexual tension between enemies-to-lovers ahoy
Pairing: Din x OC/Reader (however you prefer to read it)
Masterlist: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Ao3 Link
“Tell me again why we’re stopping in this hellhole?” Zethu asked as she stepped off the ramp to her Lancer. 
Din leaned against the Razor Crest’s own landing ramp waiting for her. There was a viciousness in her mannerism that seemed heightened now. When they had last been partners of convenience she had carried herself with an almost arrogant, casual confidence—cracking jokes, teasing their inevitable fight.  
“I have a contact who’s ex-Rebel. I don’t care what intel that Crimson Dawn boss gave us, I’m not flying Corewards until I know more. Besides, ” he gestured down to where the kid was hiding behind his legs. “Can’t exactly take this one into a firefight.”
“Guess not,” Zethu agreed, staring harshly down at the child. It made a gentle gurgle of recognition at Zethu, but her expression never shifted. “Fine. Let’s get this done,” she ran a check of her weapons on her belt, sheathing a few extra vibroblades into hidden pockets on both her boots. 
Nevarro’s outpost was not exactly large or exciting, but Din guessed even an outlier merc like Zethu would have made a few stops here in her time. Judging from how she never glanced around at the buildings or its denizens, he supposed he was right. It might be a mistake to bring her here, but he didn’t have much choice. Crimson Dawn’s power may be fading in terms of the larger underworld clans in the galaxy, but their reputation was well earned. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that if they didn’t go through with this mission the fallout would be swift and bloody. He already had to contend with the imps, and if this hunt meant the worst of his pursuers would be within eyesight for a few solid weeks, well...at least he could check one less worry of his list. 
Those concerns were temporarily shunted to the side as Din caught sight of Cara Dune exiting the tavern. He grinned under the helmet at the scowl she wore on her face as she stomped over to him. His hand was out to clasp hers when she sucker punched him on the shoulder. “What the hell?” she said. “Crimson Dawn now? You’ve got the imps out for your blood and you go and get yourself involved with Crimson freakin’ Dawn?”
Zethu’s frame shook with low, growling laughter. “Nice aim,” Din rubbed at his aching arm. “And it wasn’t planned.” 
“You must be the contact Mando spoke of,” Zethu said, head cocked to one side appraisingly. 
The teasing brawling attitude melted off of Cara as she looked over at Zethu. “Is this the merc that says she’s gonna kill you?” she asked quietly. 
“Any reason why we shouldn’t kill her first?” Cara’s hand went to the blaster at her hip. 
“I wouldn’t.” Zethu’s voice was matter-of-fact, but the threat was there. She never reached for her own weapon.
“That’s funny, cause I don’t see a reason to let you fly out of here alive. We,” Cara gestured to herself and Din, “could just as easily handle the mess you made.”
There was a tense silence for a moment before Zethu slowly smiled, revealing the sharpened points of her teeth. “I think I’m going to like you.”
Din only shrugged in response to Cara’s nonplussed reaction and waved Zethu on ahead to the tavern. Zethu stuck her hands into her jacket pockets and walked on in—backwards, of course. The smile still partially hovered on the corner of her white-gray lips, but it never quite reached her eyes. 
“Ok, what’s the plan here,” Cara asked as soon as Zethu was out of earshot. 
“Complete the job. Get Crimson Dawn off my back. Get some credits out of the arrangement?”
“No, you stupid spacejocky, about the merc!” Cara shoved him. “It’d be easy for us to take her down here. She’s on our turf. Karga could even arrange something.”
“She’s smart, Cara, I think she’s known we could try something like that since she landed with me. Besides, I promised a fair fight. Let’s just get that intel. One step and a time.” Din made his way forward to the tavern. 
Zethu had already gotten a booth and a drink. She was surveying, he knew the look. By now she’d have picked out the best exit, the best cover if things turned into a fight, and the best diversion if she needed to make a sudden escape. It’s what he would have done. She could have refused coming with him to Nevarro. That one sole thought kept him from blasting her where she sat. She could have rendezvoused with him later, but she came anyway knowing she could be walking into a trap. 
He and Cara sat opposite Zethu and Cara pulled out an old datapad. “Gedos Sal,” Cara said. “Now I don’t know the guy that well, but he ran some codes for the rebellion. Shut down a lot of TIE-fighter factories and could get intel no one else could. Always knew he had a bit of shady history but who doesn’t? If he’s run to Coruscant its as decent a place to hide in plain sight.”
Din picked up on the uncomfortable shift in Zethu’s posture. He looked down at the grainy image of Gedos on the datapad. Sometimes it could be hard to deal with near-human species on pictures alone, but it struck him on closer inspection that the white of the background screen almost bled into the skin, and the eyes while he had thought discolored and clouded on his own holoprojector on the Razor Crest, were actually of the same quality of Zethu’s. 
“He’s an Offshoot.” 
Again, that shift of discomfort. “Yeah,” her voice was flat. 
“You knew him?”
“Long time ago.”
“Least that explains the Dawn boss’ snap decision to send you. She just watched you gun down three of your kin, probably figured you’d be good to go for more.” It was a cruel thing to say, but even so Din was surprised that he managed to strike a clear nerve. Zethu’s eyes bored into him. She stood up from the booth suddenly, knocking back the rest of the drink in one go. 
“So that’s it? We good?” She barked. 
“If you want my opinion,” Cara continued, ignoring the outburst. “He’ll most likely being near the tech centers. No idea what he did after the war, but he’s got no reason to run from the Republic. My best guess is he’s still working for them doing much the same he always did. Running codes, and intel on any remnants of the Empire in the Coreworlds. He probably knows you’re coming. If a hit was put out, stuff like that has a way of making its way down the line.”
“Thanks,” Din said, sliding out of the booth. “Oh and one last thing. Could you watch after the kid?”
“You know I’m no good with that kid stuff,” Cara shook her head. 
“C’mon. It would only be temporary. Besides it likes you.”
She gave a grunt that Din took for a reluctant yes. Zethu was quiet as they left the tavern, as if she was still waiting for the ambush. “You don’t have to do this,” Din didn’t know why he said that, maybe her discomfort was annoying him. 
She looked at him as if he was crazy. “I don’t much care one way or the other. It’ll give me some extra credits.”
“You care that little for your own people?”
“They care little enough for me,” she tossed her hair out of her eyes as a hot wind from the lava fields blew through the outpost. “Why? You stupid loyal to every Mandalorian you run into? Not that there are many these days.”
 Din put out a steadying hand on Cara’s shoulder even as the urge to punch the merc rose in his blood. Zethu looked completely unphased. “I look out for myself. I don’t mind being judged for it, because it’s the truth and am still alive because of it.” She stuffed her hands back into her pockets and turned her back on the both of them, heading for her ship and called out over her shoulder. “Maybe I could have banded together with the rest of my kind, done some kind of grand stand against our Arkaninan overlords. That would have really shown ‘em, huh? Then I could be dead like the rest of your Mandalorians.”
“Better dying like a warrior than living like a coward.”
That stopped her cold. Din vaguely became aware that Cara was frantically asking what he was doing, but the blood was pounding in his ears. Zethu craned her head around, one colorless eye glaring at him through the shifting silver of her hair. “I’m not a coward.”
Din wanted to laugh at that. Any honorless, kin-slaying, petty murderer like her was a coward. She gave him no time for any retorts. That vornskr snarl was back on her face as she drew both her vibroblades and launched herself at him. Din easily dodged out of the way seeing Cara draw her blaster. “No!” he managed to shout. “She’s mine.”
He’d had enough. No more truces, no more assignments, more looking over his shoulder for a cowardly merc who always managed to turn tail when they could face off in a fight. He’d kill her now. She wore no armor but her crimson leather jacket and pilot’s gear. She had a blaster on her hip but favored her blades. Smart. The beskar would catch most of her shots anyway. All he had to do was outlast her onslaught. 
And, stars, she was fast! She charged him without a thought, feigning to the left before rising like a lightning strike, her blade clanged against his pauldron. “I’ve killed a lot of people before,” she hissed as she passed him, “but never a Mandalorian.”
A blow to her stomach sent her skidding across the dust. A crowd was forming and Cara stood, grim-faced on the sidelines. The punch didn’t keep the merc down for long. Din somersaulted under her blade swing and cracked another punch to her jaw. She fell backwards, but too late, it was a controlled move. She pulled into a cartwheel, and Din actually felt a red line of pain where her blade nicked between his pauldron and vambrace.
They stood sizing one another up, walking circles around the other. A thin trickle of blood trailed down Zethu’s lips and she looked in satisfaction and the red dripping onto his beskar. He was going to wipe that look off her spacescum face. But, Din had to admit as she readied herself for another strike, perhaps this wasn’t going to be as easy as he first thought.
Din swung a punch and sent Zethu to her knees. 
Just keep breathing. 
Exhaustion had burrowed down deep into every bone in his body. Blood dripped from numerous gashes where Zethu’s blade had found gaps in his amor. The merc stood ragged before him, circling, blood falling into the dust, lurid purple bruises splashed across her albino skin. She ran at him. Din gritted his teeth as her blade tore another opening in his skin, but she was losing ground. He grabbed her, glove wrapped around her face and head and slammed her into the dirt, bringing his vambrace into her chest. Air wheezed from Zethu’s lungs and Din was certain he felt a rib give against his armor. He followed it up with a downward strike of his own vibroblade, but he struck only hard ground as she rolled to the side. 
When they had started this brawl the sun had been high in the sky. Now darkness was closing in on the outpost. Why didn’t she stay down? Zethu vaulted back onto her feet, one hand lightly pressed against her injured rib cage. Determination show through her eyes and Din found himself regarding her as a wild animal. Survival was the only thing that mattered. And bringing down her prey. He remember her in the caves on Akiva after the earthquake. Bloodied, broken, and still ready to face him in a fight at the end of the tunnel. 
She tried another run at him, but Din lay cover with a blast of fire from his flamethrower causing Zethu to stagger back away from the heat. That was probably the last of the fuel. He stared across the fighting pit they had created to see where his blaster lay after Zethu and scrambled like a mad creature to disarm him. 
As if sensing his next move Zeth charged him before he could roll to grab his blaster. With a surge of unexpected strength she practically leapt on him, gripping him on either side of his neck before smashing her own head into his helmet. Din heard the sickening crunch as Zethu’s nose broke. Blood consumed his vision, and with a weak laugh Zethu swiped one hand across the blood, marring his visor entirely.
Din stumbled backward, blinded. Was she crazy? Using her own blood to gain the advantage? If he wasn’t the direct target of Zethu’s wrath he might have even found the move admirable. His world had gone entirely red. He could see the silhouette of his enemy standing in front of him even if he could not make out much more than her legs. He tried to frantically wipe the blood clear of his vision but his efforts didn’t help much. “Gotcha, Mando,” Zethu gurgled as he was grabbed roughly by the throat and slammed up against a wall. 
Just because he was blind didn’t mean he was helpless. Din backhanded wildly and was rewarded with a solid impact and a thin cry. He hoped he had hit her broken nose. Relying on touch instead of sight, he reached out and grabbed Zethu by the collar of her jacket before she could fall away from him. He let the momentum carry him down onto the ground, pinning her underneath him.
For a heartbeat there was just the sound both their ragged breathing. Din could not see her fully, the parts that he could bathed her in a bloody red light. “You’re dead, Offshoot,” he panted, pressing his blade to her throat. 
“So are you.”
That was when he felt the sharp tip of a vibroblade nudge just under his breastplate. He wouldn’t have time to pull back, even if he cut her cleanly across the throat she’d still have half a second reaction to stab him through the gut. Din’s eyes went wide. He heard something echo with a crack and he half expected to feel pain blossom through him. But it never came. The thin pinprick of the vibroblade left him as Zethu’s arm went limp and flopped into the dust. 
Din looked up, startled to see Cara Dun standing over them both, her rifle parallel with Zethu’s head as the merc lay unconscious. “I had just about enough of that,” she said.
He pulled himself off of Zethu, sitting backwards on the ground, breathless. He tried to summon up the words to...what? Thank his friend? Taunt her for interrupting his fight? His vision swam and not from the blood obscuring his visor. Every gash and cut from Zethu’s knife throbbed with sudden agony as the adrenaline left him. He collapsed backwards and let darkness overtake him. 
She was swimming through a thick, black, inky ocean. Somewhere far above Zethu felt the idea of pain in all of her limbs. Her face felt like it was on fire, but down here in the depths it was muted. She took a deep breath through heavy lungs, knives stabbed into her as her chest rose and fell. 
That was when she felt it. 
She wasn’t certain what it was, just that she was not alone here in the dark. It was far off, distant, but she felt it like a thrumming in her bones, like a ringing in her ears. And whatever it was, it had noticed her. 
And it was coming. 
Zethu awoke with a jolt and immediately wished she hadn’t moved. Pain crashed over her in sudden waves. She blinked open eyes in a room that was entirely too bright for its own good even with the one window. She tried to sit up and regretted it. Her ribs screamed in pain even with the bacta patch draped across them. Her face too, she pinched the patch across the bridge. Someone at least had set the break.
Memories of the fight came flooding back. If she was alive then that would mean—! She tried to roll over off the cot, but was stopped by a familiar figure sitting up in a chair by the door. 
“Hey there.” 
The Mandalorian’s voice was a mockery of her own first greeting towards him and Zethu flopped back onto the cot with a disappointed sigh. “You’re still alive?”
“Just lucky that way.”
She could see bandages poking out from under the beskar. There was no way he was in better shape than she was. Zethu groaned again as she made herself sit up to spite him. “So now what?” just that amount of energy left her drained. “You here to finish the job?”
He regarded in silence and Zethu did not like his scrutiny. She couldn’t see his damn face, but she didn’t need to. What the hell was up with this man? Most marks wouldn’t hesitate to get the drop on their hunters like this. She was without weapons, without strength, and totally helpless. All he had to do was pull the trigger on one of his blaster, strangle her with one hand, stab her in the heart, and it would be over. 
“Why didn’t you use your blaster?” he asked, breaking the tense silence. 
“What?” If this was his way of mocking her, she didn’t care—she’d make herself be ready for round two if she had to. 
“In the fight. You had your blaster. All you needed to do was use it once you closed the gap between us in the fight. Why didn’t you?”
Zethu raised an eyebrow. “Any fool can shoot a blaster. You called me a coward. When I kill you, Mando, I’ll do it with my bare hands.”
He rose from his chair and Zethu’s breathing picked up. There was no escape. She didn’t have enough energy to get to her feet no matter how much she willed her legs to work. She didn’t want to die like this. She didn’t want to die at all. The Mandalorian stalked over to her bedside and she closed her eyes with a hiss. If this was going to happen she hoped it was quick. 
A weight fell upon her injured chest and Zethu blinked open her eyes to see that the Mandalorian had placed her two vibroblades atop her. Bewildered she looked up into that masked face. “Why?”
“You’re not a coward, Zethu Desh. Rest. We’re leaving for Coruscant tomorrow at first light,” he paused as he made his way to the doorway, turning back to face her. “Don’t die before I get a chance to kill you again.”
Then he just...left her. Unharmed. Zethu’s breathing steadied as she collected the blades. She couldn’t, for the life of her, understand this particular mark. He was...honorable, she grudgingly admitted to herself. And no one had gone toe-to-toe with her in a ring for as long as he had. The memory of his blade at her throat rubbed uncomfortably against her. He had nearly had her. Yet, how was she still alive? 
The thought of his pity or mercy made her distinctly angry. She had no time for either. Prey was prey. It was kill or be killed in this galaxy and if that fool Mandalorian was thinking he could get the drop on her he had another thing coming. 
She rubbed the hilt of her blades together, frowning. Something felt off. The weight from one of the blades was heavier than they should have been. She examined the odd vibroblade and felt a leaden weight crash into her stomach. It wasn’t her knife that he had given back to her.
It was the Mandalorian’s. 
0 notes
iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
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"Right, listen up. If you have ale, then you have a friend in Grog Strongjaw. A goliath of towering height and size, this barbarian has an appetite for the two great loves in his life: combat, women, and ale. Wait...
Easily the brains of the group, Grog is often consulted for his vast knowledge of shapes, colors, and shiny things. Also ale.
In his early years, armed with his two-handed great axe, Grog often enjoyed proving his might amongst the ranks of his family's wandering herd. But after coming upon an unsuspecting elderly gnome in the woods, he objected to the killing of such an innocent life. A creature of impulse, Grog felt only pity for this terrified little thing. His disobedience cost him dearly. Beaten bloody and banished by the herd leader, his uncle Kevdak, Grog was abandoned and left to die.
Exiled from his herd, it was then that the relative of the very gnome he fought to save, saved him. It was the kindness of a gnome cleric named Pike that healed Grog, bringing him back from death's edge. And they have remained close friends ever since.
Most nights, Grog can be found challenging entire taverns to wrestling matches! Or accompanying Scanlan to the nearest house where you pay for, er, lady favors. Also ale."
Grog is a refugee barbarian, having been banished by his people. Grog is physically the strongest member of Vox Machina and often attempts to take the majority of damage due to his high armor class and constitution.
Before the Stream
  Shortly after Vox Machina's adventures in Stillben, Grog left the group and traveled back to Westruun. After not hearing from him for several weeks, the rest of the party traveled there as well and met Pike Trickfoot for the first time. She told them that Grog had been acting strangely and had marched on his own through the Bramblewood Forest towards Gatshadow Mountain. Deep within the mountain, they discovered a mind-controlled Grog, the reanimated corpse of his father, Stonejaw Strongjaw, and a dying mage attempting to become a lich. The party slayed the mage, but not before he embedded his phylactery into Grog's chest.
While in the Frostweald, Grog entered a portal alone to retrieve an item. A nymph, named Nahla, was on the other side protecting it. Instead of attacking him, she liked what she saw. After a while, Grog returned looking quite satisfied with himself while holding the item the group needed.
With the help of Eskil Ryndarien, the phylactery was successfully removed from Grog, although it left behind some lingering necromantic energy.
At some point, Grog inadvertently almost killed Trinket when he hit the bear's backside with the flat side of his axe, causing Trinket to charge through a heavily trapped area of a dungeon. Vex was not amused.
Grog was the one who decided to keep one of the penises of the trolls, that his teammates shot off, as a souvenir. It was later used as a distraction in an encounter
Grog has previously been mentally dominated by another opponent, which caused him to turn against his group and almost kill a few of the party's members.
During a mission, Grog was fighting an umber hulk just like in "Into the Greyspine Mines" (1x02). He ended up getting confused, and, in an attempt to bull rush the creature, he fell 170 feet to the cavern floor. He was knocked unconscious and almost killed by the impact.
Grog and Scanlan managed to intimidate a group of hostile mages in a fighting pit when Scanlan summoned a pony, that Grog abruptly decapitated and smeared its gore on his body while screaming.
Grog was responsible for a blue dragon, Brimscythe, turning against Vox Machina when he found a treasure room and went into a "rage loot"; when the dragon emerged, Grog paused to acknowledge it before he continued looting the room. Grog's choice almost cost some members of Vox Machina their lives, but it also significantly increased their party funds.
Grog convinced the group that in order to find good security for their new keep, which they named Greyskull Keep, the potential guards would have to fight each other to the death.
On the road from Emon to Kraghammer, Grog successfully prevented a fight between a roving band of goliath barbarians, led by his uncle Kevdak's son, Zanror, and Vox Machina after he recognized his cousin. The truce was only temporary, though, and Grog left with the understanding that their next meeting would almost surely be their last—though this later turned out not to be the case.
Name: Grog Strongjaw Nicknames: Greg, Phillip, Jumbo Titles: Grog the Victorious, The Bearded King, Grog ‘ Peanutbutter ‘ Strongjaw of the house of Peanutbutter, Grand Poobah de Doink of All This & That, The First Tourguide of Whitestone. Age: ??? ( probably late 30′s ) Birthday: Unknown  Gender: Male as heck Sexuality: Heterosexual (Questioning???)  Birthplace: somewhere Residence: Whitestone, Emon. Where ever his family is. Relatives:
Pike Trickfoot - Surrogate Sister
Unknown - Mother [ Unknown. ]
Stonejaw Strongjaw - Father [ Deceased ]
Kevdak - Uncle [ Deceased ]
Zanor - Cousin [ Alive ] 
Height: 8′7″ ( Enlarged via Titanstone Knuckles: 12′7 Weight: 645lbs Character’s body build: All muscle baby. Eye Color: Black/Dark Brown Hair Color: Presumably black, based on his beard. If he could grow more hair.  Type of hair: N/A (Thick af beard tho dude.)  Hairstyle: Bald as hell. Complexion and skin tone: Gray like stone. Flecked with silver & blacks.  Scars: A large scar on his chest, across his heart. Brand from the Slayer’s Take on his right arm. Various scars from other injuries in battle.  Mannerisms:  Tends to zone out when too many people are talking. Rushes in, impulsive. Driven to be better than his enemies. Competitive. Protective of Pike. Makes a lot of jokes, usually at the expense of others In a good way. Tries to impress or intimidate most people.  Usual Body Posture: Proud. Defensive. Sometimes more casually, and uncaring.  Tattoos:
Tribal tattoos on most of his body, including over his head and down his face.
The same tattoo of a Bear Kevdak had, but on his back. 
(ngl here probably something to remind him of pike. ok? matching tats. Lemme live.)
Class: Barbarian │ Fighter race: Goliath.
Stats           Level 17 (Barbarian 15 / Fighter 2) Character         Physical           Mental HP 230              STR 26             INT 6 AC 17                DEX 15            WIS 10 DC –                  CON 20           CHA 13
Grog has a few abilities that allow him to inflict more damage in combat and demoralize the enemy. The primal path of his rage is that of the berserker—his rage is a means to an end, in which his thrill is derived from the chaotic nature of battle. He later took two levels in the fighter class, gaining use of Second Wind and the Great Weapon Fighting style in addition to the use of Action Surge.
Goliath Abilities
Mountain Born
Natural Athlete
Powerful Build
Stone's Endurance
Additional Features
Beard Growth (Belt of Dwarvenkind)
Darkvision (Belt of Dwarvenkind)
Dwarven Resilience (Belt of Dwarvenkind)
Elemental Resistance (Fire/Cold/Lightning) (Titanstone Knuckles)
Enlarge (Titanstone Knuckles)
Siege Damage (Titanstone Knuckles)
Great Weapon Master (taken at level 12)
Barbarian Abilities
Brutal Critical (2 dice)
Danger Sense
Frenzy (Path of the Berserker)
Intimidating Presence (Path of the Berserker)
Mindless Rage (Path of the Berserker)
Persistent Rage
Reckless Attack
Relentless Rage
Retaliation (Path of the Berserker)
Fighter Abilities
Action Surge
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting 
Second Wind
Chapter 1: ( #Strange Bedfellows )       During the first chapter of Critical Role, Lady Allura asks Vox Machina to find her friend, Lady Kima, who disappeared into the mines of Kraghammer upon learning of a great evil resting beneath it during a vision quest.
CHAPTER 2: ( #In My Own Hubris )   The second chapter of Critical Role begins after Vox Machina says goodbye to Pike Trickfoot temporarily in the holy city of Vasselheim. Trouble with the law splits the party into two separate groups as they attempt to make amends, and during their stay, they encounter new friends, new enemies, and new revelations before eventually returning home.
CHAPTER 3   ( #The Hanging Tree )         The third chapter of Critical Role begins as a mysterious couple known as the Briarwoods arrive in Emon for a formal feast. Knowing that they were responsible for the deaths of his family, Percy decides it's time to achieve his vengeance. Following his lead, Vox Machina is accused of destructive behavior and kicked off the Tal'Dorei Council. Now they need to clear their names, but the cost might be Percy's soul.
CHAPTER 4 ( #This Means War )       The fourth chapter of Critical Role begins shortly after the defeat of the Briarwoods. As Sovereign Uriel Tal'Dorei III announces his abdication, four dragons calling themselves the Chroma Conclave attack the city of Emon. After saving whomever they can and resettling them in Whitestone, the members of Vox Machina rally their allies to kill the dragons and take back their home.
CHAPTER 5 ( #Leave The Past Behind )        The fifth chapter of Critical Role picks up after Vox Machina killed Umbrasyl and saved the city of Westruun.  With three more dragons of the Chroma Conclave threatening the world, unlikely heroes must gather the power of the Vestiges of the Divergence and overcome their personal struggles to save civilization.
CHAPTER SIX ( #What Lies Beneath )      The sixth chapter of Critical Role begins with one member of the Chroma Conclave, Raishan, proposing an alliance with Vox Machina to take down the leader, Thordak. Although the party does not trust her, the dragon's strength and knowledge would be a great asset to them. As Thordak swells with madness and power from his position within Emon, time is running out until the final confrontation with the Cinder King.
CHAPTER SEVEN ( #Rally Around The Family )      The seventh chapter of Critical Role begins after the destruction of the Chroma Conclave. With the major threat taken care of, Vox Machina sets out to tie up some loose ends, including the final leg of Keyleth's Aramenté and the ever-present threat of Hotis's return.
CHAPTER EIGHT ( #Gods and Monsters ain’t shit. )    The Current happenings, and final arc. Main Verse tbh. 
MODERN:     Grog probably owns a gym. Or a bar? Both??? Needs to be actually thought about tbh. 
   •  Companion: Once part of a roaming group of Qunari, Grog spoke out against their violence towards an old Dwarf. His tribe broke him and left for him dead. But he was saved by the old dwarf, and taken in by him. Raised along side of Pike Trickfoot, the two became family & traveled together.       or something like that. All you gotta know is he’s a tal-vashoth fuck for hire. 
DC: idon’t even know man. probs some cool superstrong dude. 
Fallout: Super Mutant. Totally. Just w/ like. A Good Sense and would fight anyone for his lil pals. Probably. 
Overwatch: probs big dude w/ an axe & throwing hammer. Tanky motherfucker too. 
Mass Effect Trilogy: Krogan krogan krogan kr o g an 
Mass Effect: Andromeda: still krogan. like i cannot explain to u how much i love my boy as a krogan hes like a fckn easter egg in the fckn game ffs okay ??? l i k e HES A KROGAN MAN  krogan berserker who is REady to FIGHT EVERY B DO Y
Elder Scrolls: fuck man iunno. probs like. Rad af Half Orc? Half Giant?? who is just like lmao fuckin come aT ME YOU DRAGON FUCK. Definitely Would Steal A Horse to look Cool.
Other’s may come out eventually. Keep an eye out for specific posts per au.
   • I don’t write him completely as he is in the show. Close tho. I want to try and adhere to most of the canon. However, one to note, is that Grog doesn’t really forgive Scanlan At The Moment.    •  I do write him as someone who has ADHD, which is p much fuckin canon more bc Travis has implied it!    •  I will ship him, but not with Pike!! Their relationship is strictly platonic!!!   •   As far as I’m aware, Grog is Straight. Maybe Questioning but still.
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