#chapter four and five repost
sea-owl · 2 years
Spring's Rebirth Chapters 4 & 5 repost
I was scrolling through my posts to find out a part of chapter 4 didn't post correctly on the Tumblr side. So under the read more I'm posting the full chapter 4 and 5 just to avoid some confusion.
“Felicity did your sister tell you where she was going?” Portia asked her youngest when she got back to the meadow. 
Felicity bit her lip. Did she make Penelope leave? Despite her promise to Mama to stay in the meadow? Felicity knew she shouldn’t have said what she said, hell she felt regret forming the moment the words left her mouth. But she was so angry and tired of Penelope trying to scare her away from her best friend. Even Hyacinth began noticing it, if her asking why Penelope was more distant from her now was anything to go by. 
It’s also not like Felicity doesn’t understand where her sister is coming from either. Penelope doesn’t know this, but Felicity saw what happened that day the older six came to collect Gregory and Hyacinth. She saw how cold Kate and Penelope were treated. She saw a realization hit Penelope’s face. When Kate was about to chase after demanding proper decency for protecting and taking care of the younger Bridgertons during the war Felicity saw Penelope stop her.
“They won’t listen no matter what you say Kate,” Penelope said. “Believe me it is not worth wasting your breath.” 
Her sister has been hurt, and now Felicity is best friends with someone who is from the same family. She understands her sister is trying to protect her, but sometimes Felicity wished Penelope would get angry at the ones who hurt her. 
“Felicity?” Portia called, gaining her youngest’s attention. 
“No mama,” Felicity answered. “She’s probably with Phillip though. I’ll go fetch her.”
Portia sighed. “Alright, see if Phillip can come too, I have something I would like to discuss with both of them.” 
Felicity nodded and started to make her way to the edge of the meadow. The nymph paused midway when her foot hit something that felt like parchment. 
“Penelope’s scroll?” Felicity said, picking up the reading material. “That’s weird.” Penelope was usually tidy with her things, either taking them with her or sending them away back to her room.
 Something crunches under Felicity’s foot, causing her to look down once more. Dead flowers, of all things, lined up in a row, leading to the edge of the meadow. Felicity blinked and looked closer. Yup, dead flowers. but these don’t look like any her mother has ever created. Was Penelope that mad that her powers started acting up? 
Felicity’s hands tightened on the scroll, a swoop going through her stomach. Her pace going faster and faster the closer to the edge she got. It will be okay Felicity tells herself. She’ll apologize to Penelope when she finds her with Phillip and then they’ll go back to mama so she can tell her whatever she needs to tell them. Maybe it will be good news like she found or spell or potion that help Penelope find her domain. Maybe its potential marriage talks? Maybe Phillip and Penelope decided to get married. Maybe Phillip will finally become Felicity’s brother in-law. 
“Felicity!” Something tugged her wrist. 
Oh, there’s Phillip. Wow, she got to his forest fast. Is that a cliff she’s five steps from? There’s something glowing red from the bottom. 
“Oh, Phillip,” Felicity said. “I was just looking for you and Penelope. Mama wants to see you both.” 
Phillip frowned. “Felicity, Penelope isn’t here.” 
Now it was Felicity’s turn to frown. “If Penelope isn’t here, then where is my sister?” 
The first thing Penelope thought when she started to gain consciousness was that she was gonna help Kate kill Michael, the god of wine, illusions, and insanity. He was the only one who could get her drunk enough to the point she doesn’t even remember when she started drinking, and her headache could match all those times she went to Mount Aubrey without taking feverfew.  Her whole body felt sore too, despite the very soft bed she was laying in. 
Gods whose spare room was she in? She hoped it was Michael’s so she didn’t have far to go when she and Kate would hunt him down. 
“How are you feeling?” A soft feminine voice whispered. “Shadow traveling for the first few times tends to wear people out, and Colin gave you no warning so I’m sure your body got hit hard.” 
That was not either Kate’s or Sophie’s voice.
Brown eyes met blue and Penelope realized the goddess in front of her was in fact Lady Francesca Bridgerton. 
“Lady Fran-” Gods her head. Penelope couldn’t even sit up to properly great the magic goddess.
“Here, drink this, it will help with the headache,” Lady Francesca said. In her hand was a small bottle filled with a glowing, milky purple liquid. 
Penelope leaned away. “My lady, I truly mean no offense but the last time I drank something with that color Michael decided it would be a good idea to mix hallucinate berries Phillip had created on a dare into his wine batch.” She thought her mother would actually succeed in killing Michael that day when Portia found her and the others high out of their minds. 
Lady Francesca coughed like she was trying to hold back a laugh. “Penelope, I promise you this potion does nothing more than help with your headache and body pains.” 
Well, it’s not like Phillip or her mother is here to grow some ginger. Penelope also did not want to be in this mysterious bed for who knows how long either. Despite the soreness everywhere in her body Penelope drinks the potion. It was sweet surprisingly, which must’ve shown on her face because Lady Francesca giggled. 
“Just a little bit of sugar to help the medicine go down,” Lady Francesca said. 
Well, whatever was in that potion definitely helped. Penelope’s headache, while not completely gone, had defiantly lessened to a buzz in the back of her head that she could ignore if she focused on something else. 
Penelope sat up. “My lady may I know where I am?” 
Now that she could take in the room around her Penelope was absolutely positive she has never been here before. For one the jewel greens and blues were a far cry from the earthy colors she had grown up with. Also, it was dark, and she’s not just saying that because the curtains are closed around the bed she was laying in. Even on the far side of the room where she could see light peaking in it was somewhat muted. 
Lady Francesca cocked her head. “I see shadow traveling took a lot more out of you than we thought. You're in the Underworld, my queen.” 
Penelope’s eyes widened, memories flooding back. 
A light sparked in his green eyes. “But there is something you can do for me. Allow me to take my wife and queen home?”
A kiss to her hand. “I had spoken to your father a day after the solstice, and he agreed to the match.”
Neither she nor her mother was informed of such a match. 
He was leading her away from the meadow. Away from her mother’s protective barrier. 
He wrapped her in his arms, the very same way she had done to Felicity earlier that day. “It’s just Colin, my beautiful and witty queen.”
They fell into the darkness. 
Penelope stood and threw open the curtains. 
A rocky gray landscape awaited her outside, like she was in a giant underground cave. A barren field sits right outside her window, then further is a field full of dead grass. Both circle the building she is standing in. Even further out is the river Styx, and the chasm that leads to Tartarus, the prison where the defeated giants are kept. The only thing giving off light is red poppies that seemed to form a trail going up and out. No wonder the light was so muted. She really was in the Underworld. 
She was married to King Colin. Penelope felt her cheeks flush. 
Penelope turned to Lady Francesca. “I am not fit to be queen of the Underworld. Why did he take me?” 
“That is something for Colin to tell you.” 
Lady Mary walked into the weaving room of Lady Danbury, the goddess of Fate.
"Portia came to visit me today," Lady Mary said, taking a seat next to the older goddess. "She was looking for Penelope."
"Girl probably wanted a break," Lady Danbury snorted, not looking up from her work. "Can't say I blame her; Portia is so protective of those girls. I think she sometimes forgets Penelope is a goddess in her own right and not a nymph like her sisters."
Lady Mary studied her friend's face. Lady Danbury didn't look directly at her, keeping her gaze on the golden strings that make up the fabric of fate. She looked pensive as she picked up two strings and began braiding them together.
"I just find it odd," Lady Mary continued. "That Violet had hinted at her's and Portia's families coming together not a few days before and now Penelope is missing."
Lady Danbury said nothing but continued braiding the two strings.
"Lady Danbury, what are you not saying?"
Lady Danbury still continued to braid the two strings, but now Lady Mary studied the strings below the two being braided. So many strings, so many lives ending at the same time or close to one another. The numbers she saw were usually reserved for war time.
"For gods and mortals alike to grow there must be an end," Lady Danbury finally said. "Whatever happens Mary, know this must be done."
Colin had to stop his jaw from dropping when he saw Francesca lead Penelope into the throne room.
Penelope was dressed in the color pallet of the Underworld. Her dress a deep jewel green that accentuated her already generous bosom. Her red curls plaited back into a bun with a few hanging loose to frame her face. A gold pin with a ruby poppy flower on the end helped hold the bun in place. Black sandals cover her feet, while black eyeliner darkened her beautiful brown eyes. 
His wife was gorgeous, a hidden gem among the gods. And she was all his. 
“Leave us,” Colin ordered the members of his court. 
As the court members filed out there were plenty who snuck peaks at their new queen. Colin will have to deal with some of the more lecherous ones later. 
Colin rose to meet his wife and sister halfway. Francesca handing Penelope off before making herself scarce. 
“King Colin,” Penelope bowed. 
Colin smirked. Oh so they were still using titles? Very well then.
Colin picked up Penelope's hand, brushing his lips against her knuckles. "Queen Penelope."
Penelope pulled her hand back to her chest, unconsciously laying it near her heart. Her cheeks flushing to a delicious apple red. "My lord I think there has been a mistake."
Colin shook his head. "There's no mistake my dear wife." Snapping his fingers, a tiara appeared in his hand. The tiara was circular in shape with thin golden vines creating the shape. Decorating the crown was matching ruby poppy flowers with black pearls as the middle. "This tiara was created for my queen, and when you are ready to accept it, it will be laid on your head."
Penelope shook her head. "Why me?"
Colin led her over to the window that looked over the Trail of Poppies. "The Trail of Poppies has never been like this before. Has never been full of life. Your power did this Penelope. Your power has done the impossible."
Penelope shook her head. "I don't have that kind of power. This is a mistake. There has to be another reason, or another choice to make."
Colin wrapped his arms around her from behind. "You are the only choice."
Penelope sat in the library as she watched King Colin and Lady Francesca gather scroll after scroll.
"What is all this for?" Penelope asked.
"If you are to be queen you must know the workings of your kingdom," King Colin said, half in jest. "Fran will help advise you until you get the hang of it."
Lady Francesca nodded. "After that we can start searching for your own right-hand advisor."
"I haven't agreed to be queen," Penelope reminded them.
"Yet," King Colin and Lady Francesca said together.
Penelope looked at the mountain of scrolls that was now taller than her. She has never honestly seen so many scrolls in one place, Lord Odysseus' archives being the exception. Well, it will give her something to do until she figures out how she's going to convince King Colin that he made a mistake.
Unrolling the first scroll Penelope began to read.
The job of the Underworld is to have a place for souls after their mortal bodies can no longer contain them. A system was set in place determining how a soul may spend the rest of their eternity based on how they lived their mortal life. 
If a soul is judged to be good or heroic they are sent to Elysium where they can rest in a blissful life. If the soul has committed crimes against man or gods, they are sent to the Fields of Punishment where justice may serve that was not given in their mortal life. If a soul is neither good or bad, if it was ordinary then to the Asphodel Meadows it went where it may rest until it is ready to reincarnate. 
Penelope blinked. "There's a meadow down here?"
Portia was exhausted. She has spent many nights looking for her third daughter. At first when Felicity told her that Penelope was not with Phillip Portia thought Penelope had just wandered too far. It was not the first time her curiosity had led to her sleeping overnight away from home. Portia could handle that. All she had to do was distract herself with her other daughters and hang a lamp outside the door incase Penelope wandered in at night. When Penelope did not come home after the second night is when Portia started her search.
She checked with Penelope's few friends. She rechecked with Phillip incase he saw her in the time passing. With Mary and Kate. With the wine god, Michael. With the demigods, Sophie and Gareth. Even Penelope's acquaintance, the recluse forge god, Simon. All of them had not seen her.
It was now the mandatory monthly meeting for the Court of Earth which Portia was taking to her full advantage of in her search for her daughter.
"Lord Odysseus," Portia said, approaching the god of history. "Have you seen my daughter? I know sometimes she likes to listen to the stories you pick up."
Lord Odysseus was a younger minor god. His physical appearance put him around King Benedict's age. Brown hair pulled back at the nape of his neck, and scruff on his face. He was a collector of past events and the stories they told.
"I'm sorry Lady Portia, but no I have not seen Lady Penelope since the Solstice Gathering," Lord Odysseus answered.
Portia sighed. It was the same answer she had gotten from all the others. She knows other immortals did not care to notice her daughter but do they truly think so little of her that no one would think it strange for her to be wandering around days away from home?
"Thank you Lord Odysseus," Portia bowed. "If you see her please let her know I am looking for her."
Lord Odysseus bowed back. "Of course Lady Portia."
Portia looked around, who else could she ask?
"Have you still heard nothing about Penelope?"
Portia turned to see Phillip. "Phillip, I'm surprised to see you here, usually they have drag you to these."
"I was hoping to hear something about Penelope as well," Phillip said. "Have you spoken to King Benedict or Lady Eloise yet?"
Portia snorted. "We both know the Bridgertons don't pay enough attention to know anything."
"It doesn't hurt to try," Phillip urged.
No it doesn't Portia agreed. She was running out of options either way. No one she's spoken to has seen Penelope and Portia can't leave until this forsaken meeting was over with. Might as well make sure she checks every box she can.
Portia bowed to King Benedict and Lady Eloise when she reached the throne. "My king, Lady Eloise."
"Lady Portia." King Benedict nodded. "Is there anything you need? Are the crops not doing well?"
"No my king," Portia said. "I actually wish to ask you if you have knowledge on the whereabouts of my daughter Lady Penelope. She has not been home in many nights."
At first King Benedict said nothing, as if he thinking over his answer. Portia finds herself leaning closer. Does he have some information? Is she close to finding her daughter?
Finally King Benedict shook his head. "I'm sorry Lady Portia but I have not seen Lady Penelope since the Solstice Gathering."
Portia wanted to scream. How has no one in this blasted court have any knowledge where her daughter could be? Is her search too narrow? Portia could find no reason why Penelope would travel to the Court of Heaven or the Court of the Underworld. Despite her curiosity, Penelope has always stayed within the Court of Earth.
"Th-thank you your highness," Portia, her voice cracking.
Court was officially called to order, and Portia took her seat next to Phillip. Taking deep breathes she missed the way Phillip's eyes narrowed on Lady Eloise.
Phillip watched Lady Eloise the whole time court was in session. The goddess of the hunt and knowledge was a known talker, but her lips had not once moved since Portia asked about Penelope. Add in when they were asked King Benedict's brown eyes remained calm while there was a flash of something in Lady Eloise's gray eyes.
She knows something, Phillip was sure of it. He was tempted to tell Lady Portia, but the poor mother was stressed enough without false hope. No best if Phillip figured out what she knew first.
With the death of King Edmund and his domains being split among his three older sons the Underworld could no longer support any form of mortal life . . .
Penelope rubbed her temples; her eyes had started to blur out the words between support and life. The potion, while very affective and long lasting, was wearing off. Her head pounded with her headache coming back with vengeance. She really needed to get a hold of some feverfew.
"Are you alright?" King Colin asked her.
"Lady Francesca's potion is wearing off," Penelope answered. She put her head down and covered her eyed with her arms to block the limited light. "I need to get a hold of some feverfew and ginger."
Lady Francesca tapped her chin. "We shall ask Lord Phillip to bring some next time he brings a new batch of souls. In the meantime, I believe Uncle Nicholas has said that salmon is good headaches. We could have some smoked for dinner. I can also work on making another batch of potions."
King Colin nodded. "Sounds perfect. I'll have Dunwoody tell Cook."
Penelope peaked up at them, her eyes narrowed and one eyebrow raised. She couldn't eat that. One should never eat food from another court unless they planned to stay there permanently.
King Colin noticed Penelope's glare. "Relax Pen. I meant what I said when I promised you that the crown would not be placed on your head until you asked. The salmon we have is imported, all our food and drink are."
Penelope placed her head back down. Imported salmon. Imported was good. Imported food went under many spells shipping out and in to be able to be eaten by other courts. Her mother blanketed those spells onto her fields dedicated to trade. She can work with imported salmon until Phillip came down with new souls and she could ask him for-
Wait a minute. . .
Penelope peaked her head back up. "Why is Phillip bringing souls down to the Underworld?"
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casualhedonists · 10 months
✩ it don’t need your loving, it just needs attention ✩
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pairing: Coriolanus Snow x reader
summary: perhaps you’d bitten off a little more than you could chew when you agreed to let Snow pretend to court you. (title from attention by doja cat)
warnings: NSFW (18+), snow being snow, themes of sex work (not the reader), cuckolding, eventual smut, fake relationship, unprotected sex, themes of voyeurism & mild exhibitionism, murder/violence mention (but no actual murder) (not yet at least?), MAJOR manipulation/gross power dynamics + generally darkish themes, some power play, lots of switching between dom/sub dynamics, oral sex, thigh riding, face sitting, degradation, dirty talk, edging/orgasm denial, eventual piv (pls tell me if i forgot anything!)
i do not give permission for my work to be reposted/translated anywhere, under any circumstances.
taglist: if you’d like to be tagged, pls comment on this masterlist (helps me keep track of everyone!! i can’t always answer everybody who asks, but know i’ve added you and ily!) 💌
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
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pseudowho · 10 months
Pseudowho's Original JJK Masterlist
Scroll through to see...
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Suguru Geto
Choso Kamo
Aoi Todo
JJK multi-character fics
Nanami Kento Masterlist
Updated: 28th March 2024
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🔥 Smut 💔 Angst 💕 Romance
☕ Comfort/Fluff 🤡 Clowning
🐙 Monsterfucking. 📚 Education (*dirty laugh*)
1st of December 🔥☕💕 -- No-Nut November is over-- but Nanami Kento won't let you get away with it that easily.
7:3 🤡 -- Nanami Kento never thought about his 7:3 pattern...a fourth wall breaking moment.
"Dad Reflexes" Ask and Drabble 🤡💕☕-- Nanami Kento can catch anything.
Daylight Robbery 💕☕🔥-- when Gojo asks Nanami to cuckold him and his fiancée, things don't go the way Gojo planned...
Debellatio 🔥💕-- a Nanami x Reader x Higuruma sex-pollen threesome.
Ditch the Party 🔥💕-- Nanami Kento hates parties. But the drinks? The drinks make him bold.
Domain Expansion theory-- Pseudowho's vision of Nanami Kento's domain expansion.
Edging Nanami Kento 🔥💕-- The reader drives Nanami Kento to the edge and back again.
Fire and Iron 💕☕🔥-- AU!Nanami Kento is the town blacksmith, and the reader is forced to stay the night after tending to his wounds.
Full 🔥☕💕-- Nanami Kento treats his pregnant wife like the goddess she is.
Glory Glory 🔥☕💕-- "Help, I'm stuck!" on a mission with Kento, and he takes full advantage of the compromising position.
Good Boy 🔥💕-- after a bad day, you know exactly what Kento needs to help him relax...
Good Girl 💕🤡 -- a drabble
Grandpapamin ☕💕-- Nanami Kento as a grandfather, Headcanons.
Grey 🔥💔💕-- The reader lives a vigilante life; so does Nanami Kento, a changed man after the events of Shibuya. When she is sent to hunt him down, Nanami Kento has a proposition for her.
Grey! Nanami Headcanons Part One ☕💕💔-- post-Shibuya Nanami Kento x Reader headcanons.
Grey! Nanami Headcanons Part Two ☕💕💔-- post-Shibuya Nanami Kento x Reader headcanons.
Grey! Nanami Christmas ⛄🎄 Headcanons ☕💕💔-- post-Shibuya Nanami Kento x Reader Headcanons.
Hanahaki 💕☕💔-- being in love with you is killing Nanami Kento.
Hide and Seek 🔥-- Game night gets spicy.
"How well can you drive?" 🔥 -- the reader takes matters into her own mouth so Kento can prove his driving skills.
Infiltration (MULTI-CHAPTER) 🔥☕💔💕
(COMPLETE!) --the reader and Nanami Kento must pretend to be married, infiltrating a Curse-user cult to take it down from the inside.
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Pillow Talk
Chapter Three: Deadly Games
Chapter Four: The Rumbling Shrine
Chapter Five: Breaking Point
Chapter Six: Exposed
Chapter Seven: The Captive Goddess
Chapter Eight: Unchained
In From the Cold ☕🔥💕-- The reader wanders in the snow, lost and injured after a mission gone wrong; will Nanami Kento save her?
Kento Comes Home Drunk 🔥💕-- and the reader handles his advances like a total champ.
And, its sequel... Reader Comes Home Drunk 🔥 💕-- where Kento manages the reader's advances like an absolute champ.
Knismolagnia 🔥💕-- Kento has a somewhat...erotic response to being tickled.
Last Moments 💔☕-- Nanami Kento remembers a childhood holiday.
Nanami Kento, and the Curses of an Unusual Nature (MULTI-CHAPTER) -- Nanami Kento is deemed the only Sorcerer sensible enough to handle some frankly weird Curses
- Chapter 1: Gone Shopping 🤡 -- locals are going missing at a large shopping centre; Nanami Kento is sent to investigate.
Nanami Kento's Massive Squeezable Man Tiddies 🔥☕-- the reader being casually obsessed with Kento's chest...repost link HERE!
Operation Babymaker (a new series!) 💕💔🔥☕ -- Nanami Kento takes trying for a baby very seriously indeed.
A Trip to the Tailors-- the reader reveals she's been off the pill for months, and Kento cannot contain himself.
Benchpress-- the reader interrupts Kento's workout, and is manhandled into submission.
Ditch the Party...again-- tipsy Kento is back, and deadlier than ever.
Wet Dreams-- Kento gives the reader a free-pass for when he's asleep...and he returns the favour
Raising You ☕💔💕-- When the reader is de-aged by a Curse, Nanami is forced to raise her like a daughter.
Red 🔥💔-- Nanami Kento, the infamous Curse-user, has been on the run for years...what will you do when he catches up to you?
Resolute ☕💔💕-- The reader helps Nanami to accept that he has a drinking problem.
Seasons of Grief 🔥💔💕☕ -- The reader supports Nanami Kento through the anniversary of Yuu Haibara's death, and afterwards, when Kento nearly loses the reader
Shirtsleeves 🔥 -- The reader steals Kento's last shirt, and receives her comeuppance.
Still Got It ☕💕-- The Nanami kids' parents are boring...right?
Stoic 💕🔥-- Kento is furious when Gojo assumes that his lack of PDA towards the reader shows a lack of desire.
The Accumulation of Little Despairs ☕💔💕 -- The reader struggles with low-mood; Nanami Kento comes to the rescue
The Chase 🔥💕-- The reader has insisted on No-Nut November; Nanami Kento gets his revenge by hunting her down and taking his reward.
Why I love Nanami Kento
Yet Another Sex Pollen Fic, PART ONE 🔥💕
And...PART TWO 🔥💕 -- the reader has a problem... and only Nanami Kento can help her scratch the itch.
Higuruma Hiromi Masterlist
Updated: 6th March 2024
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Calamus et Gladius (the pen and the sword) 🔥💕💔☕-- slow-burn, enemies to lovers Culling Game smut with Higuruma and a foreign reader
Daddy 🔥☕💕-- dating apps are a hazard for men like Higuruma Hiromi...
Debellatio 🔥💕-- a Higuruma x Reader x Nanami sex-pollen threesome
Fellatio 🔥-- the bathtub lawyer receives head in his office.
Fumus et Ignis 🔥💕-- sometimes, Hiromi smokes and ties you up while he makes you ride him.
Glory Glory 🔥☕-- 'Help, I'm Stuck!' with Hiromi, two bottles of wine and a compromising position with his gavel.
Hiromi and Nemo ☕-- tales of Higuruma Hiromi, and his little black cat.
Hiromi Higuruma Relationship Headcanons ☕🔥💕
In Flagrante Delicto 💔☕🔥💕-- Higuruma struggles to adapt to life as a sorcerer, refusing all of your offers to help...until he needs you.
"I've Committed a Crime" Ask and Drabble 🤡💕-- Higuruma is a ruthless tease
Jus in Bello: A Judicious Domain 💔🔥💕-- The reader throws Higuruma out of their home after they struggle to adapt to his new Cursed power...and the reader must then hunt him down in the Culling Game, to bring him home.
Men with Big Noses 🔥💕-- you reveal a kink for Higuruma's nose, and he shows you exactly what he can do with that.
Milk and Honey 💕🔥-- Hiromi is obsessed with your milk, and loves you while you sleep.
Office Besties ☕💕-- Hiromi and you are just friends...right?
Sanguis et Vinum 🔥💕-- period sex with Higuruma
Shower drabble ☕💕-- Higuruma comforts you after a bad day.
The Stairwell 🔥💕-- You've been teasing Higuruma all day at the office; he catches up to you, eventually.
Vinum Rubrum 🔥💕-- wine is better when you share a glass...and your mouths.
The Widow's Keeper ☕💔💕-- The reader and Higuruma traverse the complexities of love and grief, after the death of Nanami Kento, her first husband.
"Your Honour" Ask and Drabble 💕🤡🔥-- Hiromi forgets your name as he cums.
Suguru Geto Masterlist
Updated: 23rd February 2024
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Deadly Nightshade 🐙🔥💕-- a Suguru Geto "sex pollen" fic.
Kamo Choso Masterlist
Updated: 28th December 2023
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Glory Glory 🔥☕-- 'Help, I'm stuck!' on a mission together, and virgin Choso is offered the opportunity of a lifetime.
Snowhere to Go ☕💕-- When your date plans are foiled by the snow, you and Choso make your own fun with a stack of old board games.
Aoi Todo Masterlist
Updated: 27th January 2024
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Act of the Soul 🔥-- Aoi Todo uses his Boogie Boogie on the reader during sex.
JJK's Multi-Character Masterlist
Updated: 31st March 2024
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Being gross in long-term comfortable relationships ☕💕-- with Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Yuuta, Maki, Megumi, Nobara, Yuuji and Ino
"Cumfaces" Ask and Drabble 🤡
Defending Your Honour ☕💕-- the JJK boys are sick of the creeps and perverts who harass our dear reader.
Nanami, Todo and Geto
Higuruma, Ino and Yuuji
Gojo, Megumi and Nobara, Inumaki and Toji
Firemen 💔☕💕-- the JJK Crew rescue the Reader, and fall in love at the same time.
Nanami and Higuruma Aesthetics: ☕ 'Besto Friendos' dichotomies
Neat Suit/Messy Suit
Cold Anger/Hot Anger
"Stay down!" Fighter/"Get Up!" Fighter
City-Skyline Penthouse/Converted-Factory Penthouse aesthetics
IKEA Flat-pack Aesthetics
How They Ejaculate 🔥📚-- a physiological ejaculation study of Gojo, Nanami, Geto, Choso, Toji, Higuruma and TrueForm!Sukuna
Penis Synonym Smutfics 🤡🔥 -- with Nanami Kento, Hiromi Higuruma, Takuma Ino, Gojo Satoru and Inumaki Toge
Penpals (a Panda fic) 🐼☕-- he didn't mean to Catfish you. Honestly.
Shower Mat 🔥💕-- the reader buys an 'old lady shower mat'...that makes shower shenanigans suddenly possible.
Takuma Ino as a Young Dad ☕💕-- when Takuma unexpectedly becomes a father...
The Rebounds 🔥💕-- Yuuta and Maki show you the date of your life, after you're dumped
They Find You Wearing This...Unsexy Monstrosity 🤡 -- with Itadori Yuuji, Satoru Gojo, Higuruma, Sukuna, Toji, Nanami and Suguru
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chilling-seavey · 15 days
Dreamland (ln4) —MASTERLIST
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Fanboy!Lando Norris x Famous!Author!Reader ↳ Summary: As a flunking university student in dreary Bristol, Lando is sure there’s another life waiting for him elsewhere. A life that he can only dream of living with the girl with a million dollar career, verified instagram, and a stunning smile that he swears was created for him. But maybe those dreams stray no farther than his phone screen.
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Chapter List
Part One - Dreamland ↳ 6.8k words
Part Two - Don't Wake Me Up ↳ 20.7k words
Part Three - Late Night Talking ↳ 7.7k words
Part Four - Daydreaming ↳ 19.9k words
Part Five - Grapejuice ↳ 20.6k words
Part Six - Grapcjuice Part Two ↳ 11.9k words
Part Seven - Maroon ↳ 11.8k words
Part Eight - Can We Pretend That We're Good? ↳ 17.9k words
Epilogue ↳ 2.4k words
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ja3hwa · 11 months
♡ 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐔𝐬 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : You were a simple town folk, living your life that was run by strict rules and a cruel chruch in year 1473. But what happens one night when a not one, not two, but eight vampires come to your rescue?
『Word count』 : 15.8k, and counting
-> Genre: Supernatural. Smut. Angst. Fluff.  Mafia au
Paring: Mafia!ot8!Vampire!Ateez x Human!Reader
[Warnings] : Individual warnings will be listed in each chapter
Again, know I've been gushing about this by seriously thank you to everyone on here. The fact that we have hit 4k is insane in my mind. You all mean so much to me, and I'm so happy that we've been able to make such an amazing community. Thank you ♡♡♡
Masterlist | Navigation
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Chapter One : Eternally Ours
Chapter Two : Sweeter Than Being Drunk
Chapter Three : Thank You For Saving Me
Chapter Four : Until The Break Of Dawn
Chapter Five : .....
To be continued...
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If you want to be added to this mini series's tag list. Let me know my commenting, inboxing, or dming me. ♡ also, Id you wish to be added or taken off my permanent tag list, do let me know as well. Enjoy sinning ♡♡
© Ja3hwa. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
Buy Me A Ko-Fi ♡
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withleeknow · 10 months
wishful thinking. (masterpost)
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summary: the instruction was plain and simple: no strings attached. but you should’ve known from the beginning that it could never apply to you and him.
pairing: minho x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, friends with benefits au, college au; fluff, angst, smut; individual warnings for each part
current word count: 31.5k+
listen to 🎧: the playlist
updated: 28.08.2024
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / main masterlist / taglist / ko-fi
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chapter index:
one: flutter / intro (2.3k) ⤷ neither of you owes the other anything at all.
two: in plain sight (4.9k) ⤷ “if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’re jealous of him.”
three: puzzle pieces (3.2k) ⤷ there’s something about today. some lines, blurred.
four: spring daffodils (3.5k) ⤷ your axis shifts. it’s overwhelming just how much you want to be good for him.
five: say what you mean (2.8k) ⤷ “did anything change for you?”
six: like lightning (4.9k) ⤷ it strikes you the same way lightning splits open the whole sky on a cloudless night, abrupt and unmistakeable.
seven: built to break (4.3k) ⤷ “time for yourself, or time away from me?”
seven.5: limbo (5.6k) ⤷ you were watching how it all reflected so beautifully in the rippling waters below. he was watching you.
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all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
When the End Comes | Masterpost (jjk)
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☆summary: Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook?
☆status: completed
☆pairing: photographer!Jungkook x lawyer!female reader
☆rating: 18+ (minors DNI, every chapter contains mature content)
☆genre: breakup!au, slice of life!au, angst with a big A, smut, fluff
☆total word count: 77.9k
☆a/n: this one is for the anon that suggested a breakup sequel in a character ask, you really inspired me to write this whole thing and I'll forever be thankful for you <3
☆Thank you to @moonleeai for beta-ing this whole thing, you are amazing!!! <3 everyone go check her blog out, she has some amazing writing too!!
☆Thank you to @jessikahathaway too!! Your support as I wrote this story meant everything and you really helped me advancing it <3
☆Read The Forgotten Spaces here, the prequel to When the End Comes! It does not need to be read to understand When the End Comes, but I think it still should be read first to have a better understanding of the characters in general!
☆Add yourself to the taglist here! (if you were on the taglist for The Forgotten Spaces, you're already on the taglist for When the End Comes)
But love never leaves a heart, where it found it, found it You found it Someday, I'll fall into you That's where I'll be now when the end comes
When the End Comes, Andrew Belle
➳Chapter one: when you break up (9.4k)
Thank you for the years. I had a lot of fun with you.
➳Chapter two: when you try to live apart (8.7k)
Why? Why did she do this?
➳Chapter three: when a wedding forces you close again (17.6k oop)
Ask me again tomorrow. Maybe I'll hate you then.
➳Chapter four: when you try again (14.2k)
Let's try. For real. So no more apologies.
➳Chapter five: when the end comes (15.8k)
You never said yes when I asked you to marry me.
➳Epilogue: the wedding (12.1k)
The only thing is, we already got married.
All rights reserved to @/oddinary4bts, 2023, 2024. Do not copy, repost or translate.
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kookslastbutton · 7 months
Those Eyes Chico ༓ myg (m) | Series Masterlist
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✑ Summary: As the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour, you’re expected to bring your expertise to the table. This shouldn’t be a problem—you’re the best in the business and you’re used to drawing a strict line between your professional and personal life. But what happens when the lines you’ve fought to keep as separate blur for the first time?
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pairing: idol!yoongi x plus size!poc!reader
genre/AU: angst, fluff, smut, slowburn, coworkers2friends2lovers, winter setting, forbidden love?
word count: tbd
warnings: oc is 28, Yoon is 30, oc is not originally from South Korea, oc has light brown eyes, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, body insecurites, fear of being blacklisted, emotionally restrained yoon, mentions of smoking, unstable parental relationships, conservative parents, mentions of therapy, mentions of dating scandal, eventual sexual content, and more specific warnings per chapter.
now playing: Sweet Dreams by The Last Shadow Puppets
a/n: This series is dedicated to my wonderfully crazy friend and beta, Gloom @theuselessdaydreamingidiot, and to all our fellow Yoon lovers bc we miss our sweet man SO MUCH 🥺 Enjoy! 💞 Also huge thank you to @itaeewon for designing this beautiful series header! Love it!!
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Chapters | Read Teaser
༓ chapter one [6.5k]
༓ chapter two [6.1k]
༓ chapter three [8.1k]
༓ chapter four
༓ chapter five
༓ chapter six
༓ chapter seven
༓ chapter eight
༓ chapter nine
༓ chapter ten
༓ chapter eleven
༓ chapter twelve
༓ chapter thirteen
༓ chapter fourteen
༓ chapter fifteen
༓ chapter sixteen
༓ chapter seventeen
༓ chapter eighteen
༓ chapter ninteen
༓ chapter twenty
༓ ch.chapter twenty-one
༓ ch. chapter twenty-two
༓ ch. chapter twenty-three
How often do you update?
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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bloatedandalone04 · 8 months
Things Unseen and Heard
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➪the one where you overhear bradley talk about you to jake and decide to give him the space he apparently wanted.
Warnings: smut, angst, fluff, oblivious bradley, insecurities, self-deprecating thoughts, unprotected sex, swearing, alcohol consumption, maybe more
Word Count: 4.1k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | happy birthday if it’s your birthday, we share a birthday !
You couldn’t be blamed for accidentally hearing him say it. 
Really, how could you have known that he was talking poorly about you to, who you assumed was Jake, after getting home a bit earlier than you had expected? 
You had just moved in with Bradley, your boyfriend of nearly two years, only a couple of weeks ago, and to say you were happy with the change would be an understatement. You were filled with excitement at the new chapter you had started with him, and were overjoyed to have someone there to come home to after living by yourself for so long. 
You were so in love with him and to be now officially living with him felt like the right move. 
And you thought he felt the same way, but now you’re unsure. 
It was one in the afternoon on a Saturday, and you had told Bradley that you wouldn’t be home until around four, so it really wasn’t his fault that he didn’t have a filter right now for the words leaving his mouth. 
He was sitting at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, grey sweats and a black tee the only things covering his ridiculously hot body from your eyes. You bite down harshly on your lip as you begin to close the door, keeping an eye on him as you do so. 
His back was turned to you, his elbows braced on the marble as he held his phone to his ear. “‘I don’t know man, it’s like she’s lonely all the time or something,” he rasped in his deep voice, making your hand grip the wooden door just before it slammed shut. “Yeah, she moved in like a week and a half ago, but it feels way longer than that.”
Your brows furrow as you step away from the still slightly open door and peer into the kitchen again. He had to be talking about you, unless another woman moved in without you ever running into her. 
“Fuck if I know,” he laughed, leaning back against the bar stool as you lean against the doorframe. “She’s just been all over me. At first I thought it was because we’re living together now, but I can’t get a minute alone without her there. It was hot when she was living in her old apartment and we’d only get to see each other a few days a week, we’d be all over each other then, but now it’s like she can’t spend a second without me.”
You cross your arms as your bottom lip turns in a frown. You knew you were more affectionate than most, but that was one of the things Bradley said he adored about you. Had you known you were overstepping a bit, you would’ve backed off and saved yourself the embarrassment of having Jake find out about it before you did. 
“No, of course I still love her, I’m fucking in love with her,” he said and your heart swelled just a bit before he added, “I just wish she could leave me alone for more than five seconds. I’m surprised I actually have the house to myself today. I kind of missed it.” 
That had it breaking all over again and you turned away in an attempt to save some of your dignity. You felt beyond embarrassed and were actually debating on running out the door and leaving again, but you were stronger than that. 
You loved Bradley so damn much, so it hurt to hear him say those things about you without ever coming to you about it before he told his friend. You always tried to be honest with each other, and you thought it was going well. 
Well, you thought a lot of things, you guessed. 
He clearly needed space, despite his months of constant begging for you to move in with him. If he needed it, you’d give it to him, even if you did find out through accidental eavesdropping. 
You press the heel of your hand against your eyes in an attempt to hide your tears before pushing the door fully closed and letting it hit the frame loudly. “Hey, I’m back,” you weakly call out before taking a deep breath and rounding the corner for the third time.
Bradley looks over at you and smiles, lifting his left index finger as he says, “Hang on, Jake, Y/n just got home,” and he drops his hand then begins to stand up. “Hey, you’re back early-”
“I’m going out again,” you cut him off and hold up your hand, making him stop before he was fully off the stool. His brows furrowed in confusion as he pressed his phone to his chest. “I’ll only be here for a few minutes, I’m already late.”
You hated how easily you were able to lie to him.
“Okay,” he trailed off, sitting back down but still facing you. “Come here, come kiss me.”
Had you not overheard him call you clingy, you’d be all over him right now and only further proving his words. You give him a forced smile and shake your head, “I can’t, Roo, I have to be out of this house in less than five minutes,” you lie again and blow him a kiss before running down the hall and into your shared bedroom, leaving him to sit there with a confused expression on his face. 
“Hang on, Hangman, I’ll call you back,” you could hear his muffled voice that was followed by his footsteps leading up to the room. He poked his head into the doorway, meeting your eye in the mirror as you reapplied some makeup that had faded during the few hours you were out. “Hey, is everything okay?”
He sounded so sweet, you wanted to kiss him and touch him, but you were hurt. You rub your lips together before smiling at him with your reflection. “I’m good, Roo,” you assure him, setting down the blush colored lipstick container onto the dresser and turning to face him. “Just late for….lunch. A late lunch with Fi.”
“Okay,” he hummed as he stepped into the room. He made it to you in three strides, his hands finding your waist and his eyes finding your lips. “You look pretty. Almost too pretty for lunch with Fi. Should I be jealous?” He teased and leaned down to kiss you, but you pulled away with a forced laugh. 
“I’m really late,” you dismiss your unusual actions and pull off your oversized shirt. It was actually Bradley’s, but you felt like he didn’t really want you to wear his stuff right now. You throw on a simple black crop top and grab your purse before turning and nearly bumping into him. 
He steadies you with his hands on your hips again, and when you meet his eyes, you could see the faintest hint of concern in them. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked, much softer than before. It was a bit harder to lie to him this time, but you force yourself to nod anyway. He holds your gaze for a few more seconds before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours in a deep kiss. “I love you. Have fun.”
You pull away with a less forced smile and nod again. “Love you,” and then you were stepping out of his arms and quickly walking out of the room, once again leaving him to question your weird behavior.  
That was the start of it all. 
After getting back from a surprise lunch date with your friend, Fiona, you went straight into the bathroom, passing by Bradley, who was in the living room and watching a dumb reality TV show. He barely got a glance at you before hearing the faint sound of the bathroom door shutting, making him sit back against the couch when he realized he missed the chance to stop you before you got in there.
He checked his phone and saw that it was nearly eight at night, and how you had failed to answer the two texts he had sent you. He sets the device aside before crossing his arms and watching another hour worth of the show. 
It was nearing nine thirty when he got himself ready for bed, which was just a quick change into black boxer briefs, and he noticed that you still hadn’t left the bathroom. He plugged his phone in and pulled back the sheets on the bed, but before he could go check on you, the door to the bathroom opened and you stepped out wearing an old tee of your own instead of one of his. 
You quickly smile at him as you cross the room and throw your clothes into the hamper that was in the closet, plugging your own phone in afterwards and not looking at him. 
Bradley watched you with weary eyes as he stood at his side of the bed. “Hey,” he said, and you briefly look up at him. “How was your day?”
“It was good,” you answer, brushing your slightly damp hair before climbing into bed. “Long.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, getting in next to you after turning off the lights. “It’s almost ten, baby. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.”
You give him a smile before laying down on your side of the bed instead of in the middle like you normally did. “Yeah,” Bradley’s smile faded at the single word and he watched as you turned your back to him. “Night, Bradley.”
Bradley? You always called him Roo, why the fuck did you call him Bradley? 
“Night,” he trailed off, moving to lay down as well. He had an inner debate with himself before letting his desire to hold you overpower the option to give you a bit of space, and he was glad you didn’t pull away from him when he wrapped his arms around you after moving to lay in the middle of the bed instead of on his side. “I love you, baby, so much.” He promised then kissed the back of your head, staying there afterwards and breathing in the sweet smell of your conditioner. 
“Love you,” it was barely above a whisper, and it was just enough to have him believing that everything was fine, and that maybe you just had a bad day. 
But when he woke up the next morning, he found that you had placed a throw pillow in between you at some point last night, and he was still in the middle of the bed while you were practically on the edge. His arms weren’t around you anymore, instead around the stupid pillow, and he was met with the smell of linen instead of coconut and vanilla. 
You were still sound asleep, and Bradley decided not to wake you as he got himself dressed in light jeans and a white tee. He tossed the throw pillow onto the bottom of the bed before gently moving your body onto the middle of it, where you instinctively pressed yourself against his still warm pillow. 
He guessed you did actually have a tiring day yesterday, and that had him keeping the curtains shut and quietly leaving the room, letting you sleep for as long as you wanted.
It was the weekend, after all.  
He made himself breakfast, then set aside a plate for you as he texted Nat.
Phoenix: Hey, Rooster. Are you and your girl down for a night at the Hard Deck tonight? 
Bradley thought about it for a few seconds before taking his phone with him and walking back to the bedroom. You were awake now and scrolling on your own phone, and he was a bit confused as to why you didn’t come out and say good morning like you always do, but he pushed the thought to the back of his head as he moved to sit next to you. “Hi, pretty girl,” he greeted and brushed your messy hair out of your face. 
“Hi,” you say back, once again forgetting to add Roo to the end of your sentence. 
“I made you breakfast, it’s on the counter,” he says as you sit up and pull the sheets over your body a bit more. 
You give him a small smile, “Thanks,”
He smiled back and reached for your hand, lacing your fingers together once you grabbed hold of it. “Nat invited us to the Hard Deck tonight,” he tells you, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “Wanna go?”
Your smile fades a bit as you ask, “Will Jake be there?”
At your odd question, Bradley’s brows furrow. “Yeah, I think so, why?”
You shrug and place your other hand over his before bringing it up to your mouth and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “Just wondering,” you answer and get up. “Sure, we’ll see.”
Then you were out of the room and wandering off down the hall.
You did end up going to the Hard Deck, but kept mainly to yourself at the bar. Every time Bradley looked over at you to check in, you were in a deep conversation with Penny. 
He was going on an hour of playing pool and losing to Jake when the blond also caught onto your unusual quietness. “What’s going on with your girl, Bradshaw?” He asked as he sunk a solid colored ball. “She mad at you or something?” 
“No,” Bradley answered as he finished his third beer. He was feeling the effects of the alcohol by this point, and he wanted to throw you over his shoulder and take you home more and more with each passing second. “I don’t think so. I haven’t done anything or forgotten anything, so I think we’re good.”
“You think?” Jake laughed as he stood up to his full height. “That’s reassuring.”
The two men both looked over at you, and when you turned and met their gaze, you only gave them a half smile as you sipped on your second drink of the night. 
Jake poked at his cheek with his tongue before he asked, “You think she heard what you said about her yesterday?” 
“No,” Bradley confidently answered. “She wasn’t even home, man, and she knows I love her and her need to be around me all the time.”
“Uh huh,” Jake laughed and set the pool cue down. “Well, I’ll let you go get all flirty with her. Gonna go beat Payback’s ass at darts. See you later.”
Bradley just shook his head as he made his way over to you and wrapped his arms around your middle from behind. “Hi, baby,” he mumbled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
You laughed and gave Penny an apologetic look, and she just shook her head with a smile before walking over to the other end of the bar. “Hi, boozie,”
Bradley rolled his eyes and buried his face against the side of your neck. “Missed you,” his voice sounded muffled but you still heard him.
“I’ve been here the whole time, Bradley,” there was that damn name again. “How could you have possibly missed me?”
He lifted his head and gave you a pointed look. “I always miss you,” he muttered then dropped his gaze to your mouth. “I always want you.”
You turn your head to look back at him. “Like, right now?” Bradley nodded and held back a groan when you bit down on your lip. “Okay, boozie. Take me home then.”
Bradley grinned at you before paying for both yours and his drinks and practically carrying you out the door. When you got home, he was all over you in the way you were usually all over him. 
You were a mess of limbs as he rocked his hips into yours, your head tilted back against his pillow as moans left your mouth. “I love you,” he rasped as he fucked you into the bed, his lips pressing open mouthed kisses to your neck and shoulders. 
“I love you,” you say back, sounding a bit breathless. Your hands run down his back and pull his body closer to yours as you clench helplessly around him. “Bradley.”
Bradley grunted at your use of his real name, and he lifted his head to look in your lust filled eyes. “Roo. Call me Roo,” he begged and felt his high approaching. “I’m your Roo, baby.”
You moan and reach up to grip his hair. “Oh, God,” you whimper, tightening your legs around his waist. 
“Please, baby,” he pleaded, his hips stuttering when you clench tighter around him. “Please, call me Roo.”
You bite down on your lip again before pressing your face against his shoulder. “Roo,” you oblige, making Bradley moan loudly and drop his head against the pillow next to yours. “I’m gonna come.”
“Come for me,” Bradley groaned and fucked into you harder than before. You cling onto him as your high washes over you and triggers his own. He fucks your mixed releases back into you with each thrust until he can’t anymore and falls against you.
He doesn’t know how long you stay like that, but when he feels himself begin to fall asleep, he pulls out and wraps you up in his arms. 
A few more seconds of silence pass before he breaks it. “We’re okay, right?” He wearily asks and feels you tense up against him.
“Course,” you reply and kiss his shoulder. “We’re okay, Roo.”
You both fell asleep soon after that, and for a brief while Bradley believed everything was okay, but then he woke up to his arms around a fucking pillow again and saw that you had already left for work. 
Bradley was a bit annoyed as he got himself ready and turned up the Broncos radio as he drove to work. 
While last night was great and it seemed like you were back to normal, that wasn’t the case as when Bradley got home and found you sitting on the couch, before he could even move to sit next to you, you were getting up and making your way to the kitchen. 
He tried to ask you how your day was, but your response was short and seemed forced as you made dinner then ate it in silence. That night you fell asleep on the edge of the bed again while Bradley moved to the middle of it in an attempt to get closer to you, and when he tried to wrap his arms around you, your body tensed up and you pushed him away in your sleep. 
He had no idea what the fuck was going on with you, but he was determined to find out. The last straw was when you failed to say goodbye to him before work again and when he found you on the couch again after arriving home, you didn’t greet him with words. Just a small, barely-there smile. 
Bradley left his boots on as he walked over to the couch in three strides and towered over you. “Hey,” he tested, and you only looked up at him again with that forced smile. He felt like he would lose his mind if you gave him one more fake expression. “What’s wrong?”
Your brows furrowed as you shifted towards the edge of the couch. “What?”
“Somethings wrong,” he stated and took a step towards you. “Either with me or with us, and I want to know what it is.”
“Nothing’s wrong, Bradley,” you tried to assure him but he knew better. 
“See, no, there is,” he rasped. “Because you just called me Bradley again when you’ve literally only been calling me Roo for the last two years.”
Your gaze drops as you play with the edge of the blanket that was thrown over your body. You went quiet again and Bradley ran a hand through his hair and made it a mess as he sat down next to you. 
“Baby, tell me what’s wrong,” he said desperately. “Whatever it is, I can fix it.”
You shrug as you look over at him. “But you can’t,” you say quietly. “I’m what’s wrong with us. I’m the one who has to fix it, and I’m really trying to.”
Bradley was as confused as ever as he took in your words. “What are you talking about?”
Your bottom lip trembled a bit as you shrug again. “I heard you talking to Jake,” 
It was a pretty vague sentence as he talks to Jake all the time, but he knew exactly what conversation you were referring to. His eyes widened and he opened his mouth to say something, but you just shook your head. 
“I’m clingy, I get it. I’m trying not to be. I’m trying to give you space here, Bradley,” you whispered and he hated the way you sounded so sad. How could he have not realized your sudden change in behavior was all because of him? “You need space, and I’m sorry I’ve been such a handful since I moved in. I was thinking maybe we should take a break or something so you can-”
“No,” he said before he could bring himself to listen to the rest of that sentence. “I don’t want that. At all. How could you think I’d ever want to go on a break with you?”
“Because you said you missed having the house to yourself,” you weakly answer and Bradley felt his heart break at his own harsh words. 
He could barely remember that conversation with Jake as he had been too focused on trying to figure out what was going on with you, but you clearly remembered it as if it happened this morning. 
“I didn’t mean that,” he said and tried to get you to meet his eyes. “Baby, I didn’t mean that, I promise. I’ll admit it was a lot at once when you first moved in and I should’ve talked to you about it and not Jake, and I’m sorry I didn’t.”
You didn’t say anything as you blinked away tears, and Bradley felt even worse. 
“This is why you’ve been so distant with me lately?” He regretfully asked and you nodded. “I’m….fuck, I’m so sorry. I don’t want to go on a break with you, ever, okay? I mean it, I want you and need you. Always. I should’ve never said all that shit about you. I swear, baby, I didn’t mean it. I love you so much.”
You meet his eyes with a blurred vision. “You say that now, but what if-”
“What if nothing, Y/n,” he cut you off and took your hand in his. “Whatever you were about to say, forget about it. I want you here with me every single day. I need you here with me. I’m sorry that I made you feel like I didn’t. I promise, I don’t want space. I don’t want to be away from you unless I’m deployed, and even that is something I don’t do willingly.”
You use your free hand to wipe away your tears but they keep coming as you move towards him. “I don’t want you to think I’m overbearing, Roo,” you cried and he pulled you against his chest and wiped at your tears for you. “I’m sorry if I was.”
“You weren’t,” he promised, kissing the top of your head repeatedly as you shook against him a bit. “God, I’m such an asshole, baby. I’m so sorry. I love you.”
“I love you,” came your whispered response as you gripped his shirt. “Promise me that you’ll talk to me next time, okay? Please?”
“There won’t be a next time,” he replied and you pulled away to look up at him. “I promise you that. There shouldn’t have even been a first time.”
You nodded and he leaned down to press a deep kiss to your mouth before pulling you back against his chest. “I don’t know how to face Jake now,” you confessed. “I’m just embarrassed.”
Bradley wanted to punch himself square in the face, because how the fuck could he have made you feel embarrassed about yourself? What kind of boyfriend was he? “I’m so sorry,” he said again, holding you close to his chest. He missed having you this close to him, and he knew that was his own fault. “Jake defended you over the phone, by the way. And that in itself should’ve had me shutting up, because I should be the one defending you, always. He said I was acting like a dick and I should be grateful that someone as amazing and sweet as you actually picked a guy like me.”
You laughed and nuzzled against the side of his neck. “He did?”
“Yeah,” Bradley answered and kissed the side of your head. “And he was right. I don’t deserve you, baby, but I promise I’ll do better. I’ll be better for you.”
You nodded again and pulled him onto you as you moved to lay down. “I missed you,” you quietly admitted and he groaned as he buried his face against your shoulder. 
“Not nearly as much as I missed you,”
look at me working on my birthday...
sorry for any spelling errors ! I'll edit once I get home MWAH
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ickyblickyy · 1 year
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
sypnosis: upon losing feelings for your boyfriend monoma, you start developing a new attraction towards the football team's quarterback. the only problem is, you two have never met. but that's where your bestest friends come in.
content: sm!au, college!au, quirkless!au, angst, fluff, swearing, a couple of kys jokes, best friend!shinsou, ex!monoma, strangers to lovers (??), probably ooc
status: ongoing (very inconsistent with updates i am so sorry)
tag list: closed!!
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we up to no good 🫦 (y/n's friends)
hot ppl + bakugou (bakugou's friends)
ONE. he dont want u either
TWO. i think that's an offense idk
THREE. undying love (written)
FOUR. new couple alert
FIVE. the ultimate rizzler
SIX. good idea (written)
SEVEN. i like the chase
EIGHT. and on read he leaves me
NINE. went from gn to goodnight
TEN. mouth will stay shut (written)
ELEVEN. i hate that my family adores you
TWELVE. i might like her
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© ickyblickyy 2023 please do not steal, copy, or repost my work onto other platforms.
1K notes · View notes
sincerelyrki · 9 months
fate works in different ways, sometimes it even comes disguised as a life sized pikachu and a clumsy idol.
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SYNOPSIS ➙ Niki knew that the pikachu’s on stage with them were real people dressed in a costume but that doesn’t mean he can’t get shocked after accidentally revealing one of their identities. his shock quickly changed to amusement as the revealed pikachu could only think of one thing to say as the tension in the room heightened- “pika pika?” it’s not like you could avoid him after humiliating yourself either, you still have all of tour left.
PAIRING ➙ idol!riki x nonidol!fem!reader
WARNINGS + GENRE ➙ smau. fluff. riki is down bad. forced proximity. opposites attract. reader is the leader of a 5 member dance group. angst. friendly fighting. real fighting (js one scene). overprotective riki. jealousy. yn gets in some fights. older reader (a year older). more to be added if necessary.
STATUS ➙ STARTED ! HIATUS [march 27, 2024]
TAGLIST ➙ OPEN ! send an ask or comment to be added
FEAT ➙ chuu (soloist). jaehyun (boynextdoor). wonbin (riize). ricky (zerobaseone). yuma (&team)
A/N ➙ i lied this one comes before he loves me not 😝😝 anywaysss
spotify playlist
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| chuu’s chu (plural)
| emflopout
| yn’s dads
| fan accounts aka the holy grail
| one : if you want something to play with get a pikachu
| two : Shit day 😔
| three : girl he doesn’t want you [ written ]
| four : merrily we fall out of line…
| five : 1 2 3 any boys here? ❤️😍😝
| six : cake and candles my brother [ written ]
| seven : take off your sunglasses
| eight : fuck ass tom holland
| nine : reliable car max?
| ten : twenty questions
| eleven : MADE IT TO THE PRIV 💪
| twelve : my pini <3
| thirteen : i think i have a stalker
tba + titles are subject to change
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@ SINCERELYRKI do not plagiarize, translate, copy or repost
922 notes · View notes
gyumibear · 2 months
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“cupid, what you do to me….” | stupid cupid — nct dream
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synopsis ── after your latest forum fails miserably, you’re almost out of an extracurricular! that is, until a mysterious account going by the name “cupid” brings you just the thing you need to fix your reputation: park wonbin, radio show host and your longtime crush. with the help of cupid, wonbin suddenly falls head over heels in love with you! you’d expect for this to be a good thing right? but no! everyone’s starting to notice how strange wonbin’s acting and now it’s up to you to figure out how and if you can get wonbin back to normal before anyone finds out what you’ve done. especially because “cupid” has disappeared… stupid cupid.
pairing — campus crush!park wonbin x journalist!reader
genre — smau + written. romcom. suggestive. love spell au. college au. angst. “strangers” to lovers.
warnings — hella swearing + crude humor (kys jokes). mentions/illusions to: food/sex/alcohol consumption. fighting (physical and verbal). mind control (what cupid does is essentially brainwashing). light jealous and possessive behaviors. use of pictures of yn but only for reference. everyone makes fun of each other a lot, but not maliciously. yn is a manga reader so spoilers for jjk, csm, the summer hikaru died & black butler. more warnings in the actual chapters, but please always lmk (!!) if i missed something. keep in mind: this story doesn’t describe the idols in real life and is written by a blk person so aave will be used.
playlist — stupid cupid nct dream. mutual butterflies ryan trey. don’t get mad wayv. cosmic red velvet. one kiss riize. love language hibiki. off the record ive. 2nite p1harmony.
notes — the taglist is open! (26/50) updates every saturday! creds to the respective artists for the graphics used! please consider reblogging or replying with your thoughts on each chapter!! it means the world to me but i appreciate spam likes too! you can join the taglist by replying to THIS post. asks will be deleted sorry </3… it’s just easier to manage for me.
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profiles ── hate91.1 | public forum mods | specialz
act one let me monopolize that heart…
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ONE ── this week’s forum
ᯓᡣ𐭩 TWO ── nobody wants wonbin
ᯓᡣ𐭩 THREE ── chat… am i cooked?
ᯓᡣ𐭩 FOUR ── tell her the truth
ᯓᡣ𐭩 FIVE ── party ready!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 SIX ── byob (bring your own baby)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 SEVEN ──
ᯓᡣ𐭩 EIGHT ──
ᯓᡣ𐭩 NINE ──
ᯓᡣ𐭩 TEN ──
act two girl you got me crazy…
to be added…!
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additional notes ── ah sunny back again with another smau! yippee!! um, i don’t have much to say except hii if you’re new round these parts.. i hope y’all enjoy because i worked hard and i hope this doesn’t flop? i’ll be sad. pleek.. pleek…?
early taglist ── @onlyhyunjin @pxnklover @glorism @nujeskz @soheendo @starwonb1n
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2024 © GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify, or translate my work onto other social media sites.
353 notes · View notes
starryevermore · 9 months
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au
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the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. (AO3) (pinterest board)
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series warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later 
TOTAL WORD COUNT (up to this point): 58,860
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i DO NOT consent to my works being reposted, translated, or published on any third party site or app. if you see my work posted on any platform that is not my tumblr, my wattpad (starryevermore), or my ao3 (illiterate), it has been stolen and reposted without my permission.  
reblogs and feedback encouraged. 
my blog is strictly 18+. by clicking on the links or read more, you are agreeing that you are an adult. any minors found interacting with my blog will be blocked. 
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chapter one
your parents are convinced that you will marry the king by the end of the social season. and so, too, it seems does coriolanus snow. 
chapter two
though you want nothing less than to marry coriolanus snow, he seems intent on finding you a reason to comply.
chapter three
coriolanus will make you fall in love with him one way or another. 
chapter four
you realize there is more to this than snow just wanting a bride.
chapter five
snow does not like the idea of others playing with his toy.
chapter six
now that he knows of sejanus’s interest in you, coriolanus can only think of how to keep you away from him. 
chapter seven
snow is pushing his luck with you, but you will not let his attempted slights go by. 
chapter eight
sejanus crosses a line.
chapter nine
he is in love.
chapter ten
coryo haunts your every moment.
chapter eleven
finally, coriolanus can call you his.
chapter twelve
you can’t believe that this is truly a good thing. 
chapter thirteen
coriolanus doesn’t understand why you've shut him out. 
chapter fourteen
you try to reconcile your feelings. (you fail.) 
chapter fifteen
you cannot seem to stay away. 
chapter sixteen
coriolanus gets to enjoy you.
chapter seventeen
finally, you enjoy your honeymoon. 
chapter eighteen
you say the words coriolanus is so desperate to hear. 
chapter nineteen
you and coriolanus return to the capitol. 
chapter twenty
the ton learns of how its king adores the queen.
chapter twenty-one
changes are coming.
chapter twenty-two
you and coriolanus adjust.
chapter twenty-three
you ask for something coriolanus is not willing to give. 
chapter twenty-four
coriolanus becomes obsessive.
chapter twenty-five
coriolanus’s obsession brings distance, and you are not sure you can handle such a thing. 
chapter twenty-six
you are not doing well without coriolanus, nor is he without you.
chapter twenty-seven
you reach your final straw.
838 notes · View notes
chvoswxtch · 1 year
the bodyguard
[status: completed]
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summary: after a series of terrorist attacks in new york, an article you wrote calling out the cowardice of the organization's leader causes you to become a target, and frank castle is assigned to be your bodyguard. the resurgence of former flames and shocking sinister revelations will test just how far frank is willing to go to protect you. divulgences of his mysterious and convoluted past will make you question just how much you can actually trust him. will frank be your savior? or the reason for your demise?
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a/n: a HUGE thank you to my love @thyme-in-a-bubble for that incredibly breathtaking header. this series was inspired by the absolutely lovely @lowkeythor's genius request for a bodyguard!frank x reader fic. it is a slow burn-so get comfy. this is a punisher series friends, so there will be mentions of violence and gore, as well as other mature themes. (there will eventually be spiciness bc i can't resist) if you'd like to be added to the tag list for updates, please let me know!
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»— anything marked with an astrik contains explicit content. minors dni.
»— all work is my own. please do not repost anywhere else without my consent.
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chapter one: it's my job
chapter two: take the day off
chapter three: trouble
chapter four: it's like that
chapter five: conflict of interest
chapter six: invasion of privacy
chapter seven: checkmate
chapter eight: sorry
chapter nine: stakeout
chapter ten: pancakes
chapter eleven: we got a problem
chapter twelve: confession
chapter thirteen: desire*
chapter fourteen: i got you
chapter fifteen: teach me*
chapter sixteen: an adjustment
chapter seventeen: a favor
chapter eighteen: first date*
chapter nineteen: personal
chapter twenty: secrets
chapter twenty one: a little more time
chapter twenty two: fade to black
chapter twenty three: revelation
chapter twenty four: i love you
chapter twenty five: promotion
chapter twenty six: epilogue*
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the bodyguard soundtrack
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3K notes · View notes
webslingingslasher · 9 months
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banner made by: @thursdaygxrls
(yes, i reposted this. i needed to edit the dates. thank you to those who will re-reblog and re-like.)
it's finally here. a major quick thank you for all the love and patience everyone has shown me over this series. i hope it's worth the wait.
word count: 11k.
it's getting real now...
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Chistine Kiko just handed you an eighth of mushrooms and you weren’t one to disappoint. Even if it was your first time. “My fucking dad wouldn’t let me do anything in the Hamptons. I literally only had my dab pen and coke. Like, what kind of person does that?” 
They taste like fucking shit, Christine licked her pudgy fingers dry while you were gagging between chews. “He sounds,” baby barf, “like a monster.” She doesn’t pick up on your sarcasm, “thank you! Everyone said I was being dramatic too, glad to know I can rely on you.” 
You cough on the last swallow, Christine patted at your back, a red solo cup pushed in your hand. “Drink. I mean, he bossed me around all summer too. He thinks I wanna be like him, like, try that with your other kids?” You pull the cup down, “you’re an only child?” 
Christine shrugs, “it’s never too late.” You hum while you finish the mixture, it was ultra sweet, you assume it was full of booze. “So, basically, you’re gonna have a super fun time and I will totally be here for you if you need me, but I have friends to see, ya know?” 
It’s a nice way of saying she will absolutely not be around if you need her. You stop her with a hand on her wrist, “wait, how long until this hits? Will I know?” Christine smirks, “about an hour, give or take. Ride the wave and pick a bed to land in.” 
You’re alone for an entire two minutes, just enough time to get your own cup of jungle juice, the same mixture as Christine’s, before an arm drops around your shoulders. The voice alone makes you want to eat sand, you just know he’s about to say something stupid. 
With his girlfriend in tow, blonde hair whips towards you, a snotty smirk, “did you see Harvey yet?” It takes everything in you not to wack his arm. “No, not yet.” 
“Well, I’m sure he’s going to love your top.” You huff at him, “this wasn’t even the shirt Ally wanted me to wear, so, fuck you!” Matt holds a hand to his chest, “I am in a committed relationship, and even if I wasn’t, ew.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself, blondie. I’ve seen cuter rats.” He narrows his eyes, “I will pray for evil to find you.” Ally gasps, “Matty, no.” 
Holding a middle finger up, your eyes wander around the room until you zone in on Harvey resting against the staircase, a gleam of light hits his wrist, silver dances in your eyes. 
Harvey must have felt you, his chin rises in a poor excuse for a nod. You flash a four finger wave, raising your cup to your mouth when he starts laughing with a friend. Matt pokes your elbow at the interaction, “what kind of dress are you wearing to the wedding?” 
You grin, “I’m not sure yet, I don’t wanna clash with Ally.” You turn to her, “we both can’t wear white, right?” 
“Hey, hey, hey, if anyone’s going to marry Ally it’s me, and it’ll be in a church so you’ll either sit it out or burn.” 
Checking your phone you nibble at your lip, thirty eight minutes. Trent’s nowhere to be found, you need to start looking. And subtly. You take a step back, pretending to be interested in a fake text. “Give me five minutes, I need to make a call.” Ally’s quick to give the go ahead, “okay, text me if you can’t find us!”
Thirty seven minutes. Your shoulder hits a freshman’s, jungle juice splashes on the hardwood; spilling out an apology you step over the puddle. A boy you haven’t seen before smiles at you, if you weren’t on a mission, you’d be saying hello. 
You loop by the garage, heart stuttering when you capture Peter and Ethan playing a game of beer pong. Trent wasn’t there, your last hope and prayer was in the backyard. 
Surrounded by rose bushes, the chapter president had his lips wrapped around a cigarette. The red glow lit his cheeks up on the inhale, two girls and another guy with him, you think you shared a class with one of the girls last year. 
Trent catches your eyes, it’s clear you both don’t want anyone to know what’s going on. He directed his gaze towards your phone, a hand moved around in his pocket before he produced his own. 
You stare at your home screen, expecting the message any second. It comes when you move back inside. 
‘Use the backstairs, my room is on the left at the end of the hall.’ 
‘Give me five minutes.’ 
Thirty two minutes, you don’t have any time to waste. Your feet hit the stairs. 
Trent’s room is messy and terribly decorated. Clothes covered the floor, empty bowls and plates scattered across his desk, a still sweating, sealed water bottle makes you smack your lips. How tempting. 
A string of flags, a political one that doesn’t surprise you in the slightest, a ‘Saturdays are for the boys’ one, and a black and white american flag. The trio makes you roll your eyes, it seems very fitting for his personality. No shoe has a matching partner in the entire room, you’re scared to think of what might be under his bed. 
You don’t feel safe or comfortable enough to sit on it either, it’s unmade and with a noticeable and questionable looking stain. He does have a couch though, and it looks very, very comfortable. It feels like you’d sink right in. It’s not enticing enough, you don’t trust it. 
You check your phone again, it’s been five minutes and it could be the liquor, but you feel a slight wobble. Twenty three minutes until blast off Trent slides through a small crack in the door, your arms cross defensively.  “I know you’re not fucking me, but you can at least pretend to care about my time.” 
“Wrong. I wouldn’t care about you, even if you were fucking me.” He proudly takes a seat at his desk, he offers you nothing. A smug look rolls over, “you’ve built it up long enough, what do you need from me?” 
The sooner it’s over, the better. “My friends and I have a bet on your potential new members, if the person I pick makes it through recruitment, I win. I need you to make sure I win.” 
Trent’s facade slips, even just for a millisecond. “One more time, and I need you to be very clear on it, alright?” 
Were you slurring your words? You try to speak clearer. “I know someone who’s going to pledge, and I promise you he has no involvement in this, but I need him to be recruited so I can win some money. All I need is for you to make sure I win and they don’t.” 
A brief pause, Trent looks sympathetic. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with that.” You cut him off, he accepted the terms last Friday, and again when you sent over copies of your- Noa’s hard discoveries. 
“No, no, Trent, you did. You said anything I needed, and I need this.” 
“If you would’ve told me what you needed, you would’ve known I couldn’t help you.” 
“This is bullshit, I’ll start singing from the rooftops about your payoff.” 
“No, you won’t. I’m the president, so I get final say on who we fully recruit-” You roll your eyes, “I know.” 
“- but I don’t get to choose who makes it past rush, you need a member to bid on a pledge. You need someone to big brother him, I can’t do that. If I get involved it becomes dirty rushing, and that is the biggest ‘no no’ to exist.” 
You slump, everything comes crashing down. “So… you can’t even pull rank here?” Trent shakes his head, “absolutely not.” 
“So this was all for nothing?” 
“If you can find a member to bid on him, you have my promise he’ll make it, and I’ll cut whoever you need so you can win. That’s it.” 
You’re at a loss, you have no other member you could ask. Matt could never keep a secret, you didn’t know Ethan well enough and there was no way in hell you’d ask- “Want my advice? Parker is your best bet.” 
You shake your head wildly, it takes a moment for your mind to click back into place. “You really want to involve someone else into this? You know what’s at stake, right?” You’re hinting at his secret, Trent shrugs. 
“If anyone is going to know about it, I’d want it to be Parker. He can keep a secret and has no issue in playing dirty if he’s in on it.” You’re suddenly very thirsty, you keep licking your lips for moisture. 
“He doesn’t know who I am.” Not a total lie. 
“Then introduce yourself.” 
You shouldn’t have to do anything, he’s the one not making good on his promise. You made good on your end and in return he’s barely lifting a finger. Maybe it had something to do with not wanting Peter involved due to fear of judgment. Or, maybe he’d be impressed like Trent. 
If you wanted Peter to be a conquest, it couldn’t start by you asking for a favor. That was friend behavior, and you wanted to be anything but friends. This was Trent’s problem, not yours. He doesn’t understand that you can make things difficult for him if he backs out. 
Your tongue is thick and you need water. You have no time for this. 
“Listen, Trent. This is your problem. I held up my end of the bargain, and you have to do yours. I don’t care how you do it, but you’re going to pledge Isaac Barns. If you don’t, I’ll turn shit around and make this the dirty frat, the frat that cheated for first place.” 
Trent held a clenched jaw, you saw nothing but fury in his eyes. “We’ll figure something out. No need to get mouthy.” If you had more time you’d entertain his comment, but it’s clear he’d figure something out. 
You eye the plastic water bottle next to him, snatching it from the side. “And I’m taking this, talk to me when you have a plan, Simpson!” When his door slams shut, it rings in your ears. 
You feel every muscle in your legs move while you walk, and within minutes it seemed like everything got brighter. A vibration washes down the back of your thigh, you slap around, it’s your phone. A single text. 
You’ve been missing too long, one way to stop the questions. 
‘Finding Harvey…’ the response was a keyboard smash. 
Blinking harsh, the room feels like it’s blending together. You’ve never felt this way, it’s like the entire house is moving underneath your feet. The floor waves you into the crowd, everything feels like it’s slow motion, yet sped up at the same time. 
“Hey!” You don’t know who it is, it’s a stranger, his voice sounds distorted. You shake your head clear, and step right by him. You’re on a mission and can’t be sidetracked, things are hitting quickly and you need to find Harvey to explain plans have taken a very sharp left. 
A spin of bodies, you find one that stands out. You catch her shoulders. 
“Lindsey!” You fight for the words, they’re like butter. “Have you seen Harvey Guyn?” 
She’s fucking plastered, a slur of letters string out. “... hall.. wine… yeah! haha…” A gasp when she sees a friend across the house, you’re forgotten in a second. Putting your faith in her, you take careful steps, slapping your hands on the wine closet and tugging it open.
“Harvey! You in here? Lindsey said you were-” there was no chance to finish, Harvey was busy doing it for you. His head was thrown back on the wall tiles, a guttural moan ripped from his throat. Wrapped around his fist was a tight hold of black hair, to help Christine Kiko keep his dick swallowed down.
“Oh shit,” you slam the door on them, standing in shock for a few seconds. It wasn’t about him hooking up with her, he could do what he wanted. But it wasn’t everyday you saw something like that in person, and you had to give credit to Christine, she was taking it like a champ. 
It gave you an out for the night, you were too high for anything but breathing. 
Thank god for Christine Kiko. And really bless her for catching up with you in record time spurting apologies while wiping her mouth clean. “I know, I know, you guys were hooking up, but-” 
You stop her sorry, “how’d you know?” She rakes her long nails through her hair to untangle it, it comes out clean instantly. “My dad is super simping for his dad and we vacationed together this year so he had me try and make Harvey happy so he could tell his dad they should do business.” 
Christine has no idea how fucked up that sounds, “what would he have done if you were his son?” She doesn’t miss a beat, “Harvey swings both ways, doesn’t he?” 
Music shakes your feet, Christine’s hair looks soft. It’s black and pin-straight, you reach out, you comb your fingers through without a hint of struggle. “Wow, you take such good care of your hair.” 
“Rice water, you’re welcome.” She looks back at the door, “I need some things to finish up, but um, you feeling alright? It looks like it’s settling in.” It is. You’re busy twisting the cap on your water bottle, the small ridges skate across your thumb to create a soothing repetition. “Yeah.” 
It makes her smile, “yeah? You should go outside, the trees look fucking awesome, even when it’s dark.” You thank her for the idea, and stand still for a little too long after Christine retreats back to the wine closet. You think it’s your brain trying to remember how to walk, you blame the bass reverberating off the flooring. 
The second you’re able to actually pick your feet up, you move three steps before noticing it feels like you have lead boots on. You clomp towards the couches, perched on the side, sitting pretty, was your best friend. 
Making eye contact, you replay what just happened. You can’t stop it, it’s uncontrollable, bubbling from your throat, you laugh. Loudly. The longer you laugh, the more intense it gets. Ally has no idea what’s going on, but you assume the giggle is contagious. 
“What! Tell me!” You’re trying, but you can’t catch your breath. Each time you try to push more than two words out, you’re back to laughing so hard your shoulders shake. There’s only one reason you’re finding this so funny, you try to collect yourself. “I…” Another round, Ally’s right with you; you think she’s just excited to see what’s got you so giddy. 
“Okay, okay. Christine Kiko gave me some shrooms, and they, like, just hit. Also, I just caught her sucking Harvey’s dick.” Ally sputters, “what?!” A hand covers her mouth, the imagery catching up to her. “Oh my god!” You nod, she said it better than you could. “And you saw this?!” It’s like the idea is unbelievable to her. “Uh huh, right in front of me.” 
Ally presses the hand covering her mouth, to her cheek. A moment of silence, until she starts to laugh just like you did. You almost copy, until she stops and gives you an ironclad look, “wait, did you say mushrooms?” 
You pretend your mind is exploding. “I’m experiencing things I couldn’t explain right now.” Ally’s hair looks almost as soft as Christine’s. You grab a thick piece, breaking it into thirds and start to braid. It feels like rope, your fingers turn into a ball of yarn, fumbling into one useless clump.
“Are you okay? Matty and I were about to go upstairs.” Your eyes flash towards the stairs on instinct, then you're back at her. “Coming back down?” Ally grins and sends you a wink, “not if I give him a reason not to.” She drops her grin, “unless you need company, in that case, I’m here for you.” 
Just because you chose to spend your night tripping, it doesn’t mean Ally has to ditch bedtime with her boyfriend. Wouldn’t that be an incredibly selfish thing to do? “I don’t need a trip sitter, I have myself. And Christine. Also, have you seen Prince?” 
“Uh, no. He went off with Rocco the second we got here.” Rocco, the second you hear his name, you think of his hair, how does one achieve an afro? Would it be wrong to ask?
“Cool, cool, no doubt, no doubt.” Ally eyes you, she’s trying to make sure you’re fully okay before she pulls Matt upstairs. You flash a smile, it’s enough to have her drop her shoulders in relief. “You always have me, you know where I’ll be.” 
“And I am so, so grateful for you, Ally Storm.” Because, you are. In your opinion, mushrooms make you emotional. You went from laughing to appreciative in one minute, suddenly you’re hugging your best friend while holding back tears. “You are so kind, and patient, and nice, and, like, so super supportive to me.” 
Ally squeezes you right back, “you should do drugs more often, I’m loving the praise.” You pull back to wink at her, “it’s only cause you’re so great. Go do your boyfriend, since I can’t get any tonight.” 
“You think sex on shrooms would be good?” The idea hadn’t occurred, but thinking about it makes you agree with her. “Sex on hallucinogens? That’s boyfriend behavior.” Ally pats your arm, “next time, invite me. I’ll let you know how it is.” 
A twinkle in her eye appears, you dread what’s about to happen. “Sup, slugger?” The arm around you is entirely too heavy, but oddly comforting. Like a weighted blanket. “She took mushrooms.” You nod, Matt rubs your shoulder, you almost purr. “Having fun?” Normally, you have a love hate relationship with Matt. You both love to hate each other, but not seriously. Not that it’s been said, but you know Matt would protect you with anything in him if needed. 
Tonight, right now, Matt is a solid force. “Permission to hug?” Ally’s eyes widen, she almost doubles down on the sentiment of doing drugs more often. “You wanna full on, front touch me?” Nevermind, Matt just ruined it, like he ruins everything. “Not anymore, you ruined it.” 
“Oh, no, no, no. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” Before you can try and dodge it, Matt’s got you in his hold. It’s very obvious he’s doing it for the pure enjoyment of annoying you, it’s almost endearing. Almost. You’d fight better at shoving him away but he’s got a warmth radiating from his chest and into yours. 
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Peter watches you bump hips across the room with Paul’s girlfriend, your fingers pull at her hair. A wild look crosses her face, two of you giggling.
“I didn’t know she was Ally’s friend.” Ethan scratches at his arm, Peter’s guard goes up. He knows why he’s surprised to know you were the friend in question, he doesn’t know why Ethan thinks so too. 
Ethan shrugs and asks Peter about something, he can’t focus. “You know her?” 
“Yeah, that’s my bio girl.” 
Peter felt constricted, he doesn’t know why. “Wait, what? That’s my freshman.”
Ethan stares at the side of Peter’s head. “She’s not a freshman.” Peter sneers at his friend, “yeah, no shit.” Ethan kisses his teeth, “I invited her to the party.” He doesn’t know why, but Peter feels slightly challenged. 
“So did I.” His arms cross over his chest, he mumbles the rest. “On the first day.” 
“Funny. When I asked she said she had no plans.” 
Peter can feel his jaw clench, he wants to kind of fucking punch him, if he’s being honest. And that makes him even more upset, because why is he so threatened? Ethan may have an inkling that his best friend wants you more than he does, but he also wants him to know he could have competition. 
“Funny.” It’s clear Peter did not find it funny. 
“She’s cool. You know, witty, kind, pretty…” Peter’s doing what he can to keep himself from walking away, he wants to scream that he had eyes on you first. But that’s an insane thought, only one that could be casted by a witch. 
“She’s difficult and entitled.” 
All Ethan hears is ‘she’s fucking perfect for me.’ And his mind was made up, you were no longer someone he’d pursue. You’re all Parker’s, because he wants you. Even if he won’t admit it, yet.
“So, you have no issue with me moving in on that?” Peter’s a little too quiet, choosing to nurse on his beer in hand. “Do what you want, man.” He finishes his drink, he looks back up at you, sharing a warm embrace with Paul. 
“Cause, I don’t mind leaving it alone, if you want.” It takes a second, but Peter lightly shrugs. No words needed to be said, it told Ethan everything he needed to know. “You saw her first, it’s only fair.” It’s tiny, and it’s a microflash, but Peter grinned. What was understood, didn’t need to be explained. 
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Heavy steps found themselves at a familiar face.
“My roommate ditched me and this floor looks like a pirate ship.” You point down for good measure, Ethan’s a good sport and looks with you. “Is it moving?” 
You nod quickly, glad he too can see the shifting boards. Ethan’s sweater catches your attention, it looks soft. By default he looks like a teddy bear, you can’t hold yourself back, latching yourself to the cashmere you run your hands over his back. 
“It’s so soft.” 
Ethan laughs, he has no issue returning the love. You melt under his touch, everything is so warm. “I can feel your hands.” Your lab partner knows exactly what’s going on, “yeah? What’d you take, X?” 
You pull back to spread pixie dust from your fingertips, “magic mushrooms.” Lights flash in cohesion with the music, you’re awe at the sharp beauty. Swirls of color cloud your vision, loud bass rings your ears. Vibrations flow from your toes up to your knees, a circle of laughter around you is contagious. 
You can’t stop the giggles, you weren’t sure who was laughing or why but it seemed so fitting. 
You throw your head back, the room spins and you squeal when your waist is held tight. 
“Ethan!” You hug him again, you can’t stop patting his sweater. “Wanna do some shots?” Ethan shakes his head, “no, you want some water.” You stop, “oh my god, yeah, that sounds so good.” Your lower back is nudged, you’re guided into the kitchen where you see a blur of motion. 
Stumbling, your back collides into another body. You spin quickly, you can’t believe it’s taken this long to see him. 
“Peter, hi!” 
Your arms loop around his back, you pull him tight to you and sigh. He’s broader than Ethan, but his shirt can’t match Ethan’s sweater. Peter feels oddly frozen, you shuffle into him further, an awkward pat is granted to the middle of your back. “Hi.”
“No, no, like this.” You fix the placement, it’s like he’s never given a hug in his entire life. Peter’s offering no warmth, it feels like he’s just allowing you to have this moment. You give him an unsure glance when you pull back, “I’ll make you better, don’t worry.” 
You’re stopped before you could try and teach Peter a proper hug. “Let’s not hug, Parker.” You blink wildly at your lab partner, before looking back at Peter, he has an unimpressed gaze on Ethan. “No hugs? You don’t like hugs?” 
It’s unacceptable, you pull at Ethan’s arm. “Here, show him how it’s done.” Ethan tries to shake his head, you loop around his waist tightly. “See, Peter? This is how you hug.” 
“I know how to hug.” 
You smile and nudge away from the cashmere, your arms open wide. “Okay, show me.” 
A frown takes over, since he’s being mean, you can too. 
“Fine. I don’t like your haircut, how about that?” Peter lacks the reaction you want him to give, “thank you.” You narrow your eyes at him, “Christine should’ve given you the mushrooms instead, you’re kinda grumpy.” 
Ethan pushes you back, “okay, D.A.R.E. Water.” You took the bottle and looked between the two friends. “Be honest, did you guys know they were hooking up?” 
Peter furrowed his eyebrows, you had the urge to rub it out. Ethan slapped your hand down. “Who?” You hold a finger up to pause the conversation, water has never tasted so clear. 
“Mmm…” you blink awake. “Harvey and Christine. Did you think he wasn’t planning on me finding out? Was he fully prepared to try and bang me after he got head from another girl? Cause, I don’t think so.” 
A song you haven’t heard before plays, it sends waves of warmth over your skin. 
Ethan shrugs, “sounds like Harvey, yeah.” 
You jeer around the plastic bottle, “boo.” Peter’s short circuiting in his brain. You were hooking up with Harvey? The pieces were muddling. His Harvey? That guy sucks. Peter reacts subconsciously, grabbing whatever you handed him. An empty water bottle, you smile, “thanks!” He grunts before tossing it in the kitchen sink. 
“This party would be so much better if Taylor Swift was playing.” 
It takes everything in Peter not to roll his eyes, Ethan one ups him in a second. 
“Which album?” 
You gasp, Peter swears he sees a sparkle in your eyes. For a split second he regrets not asking you the same thing. “Any of them! Do you like her too?” 
Peter thought his best friend read between the lines from their earlier conversation. He assumes he didn’t.  
“She’s alright, I have a few of her vinyls.” Record scratch, Peter just lost you. Your hand grabbed Ethan’s shoulder, you leaned in closer and gave him doe eyes. “No way, I don’t believe you. Which ones?” 
Ethan laughs, “I have them in my room, swear to god. I like her sister albums.” 
Peter watches your hand slide down his sleeve until you latch around his wrist, “show me.” Ethan shrugs, “alright, we can-” Peter steps in front of him, the path blocked. 
“Keznek.” As in, you’re not doing what I think you’re doing, right?
“Parker.” As in, do you really think that low of me?
A third name is brought into the mix, Peter looks down, you’re smiling big at him and for a second he feels like he’s smiling back. 
“Who’s that?” 
You point at yourself, “me.” 
He finally has your name, it’s fitting. He doesn’t think he’s ever thought a name could fit a person, until he heard yours. A weird urge to compliment it tugs at him, he buries it down. Witch. 
Attention back on Ethan, “you swear you have them?” He’s almost offended you’d ask, “promise.” You look to Peter, “can you confirm?” Peter sucks in a breath through his teeth, he shakes his head slowly. “I can’t.” 
The answer is obvious, “I have to verify, if you’re telling the truth you’ll win cool points forever.” Plan impeded, the chapter president just walked through the kitchen, a gleam in the wolves eye. His hand clapped Peter’s chest, the light abuse caused you to frown. 
“Nice to see you’re making friends with Parker.” 
You flip the script, a fake smile. “I’m sorry, who are you?” Ethan laughed behind you and was immediately silenced with a harsh glare from Trent. “Watch it, Keznek.” Peter’s face hardened at the tone. 
“You’re taking my advice, I love to see it.” 
Peter has his eyes on you, it takes strength to ignore it. “Wanna talk about advice? You should play some Taylor Swift.” Trent scoffs, “get fucked.” Peter speaks up before you have a chance, “hey, woah.” The head of the house wasn’t about to be talked to like he was a chapter officer, even if he was. His response was pushing Peter back and walking away. 
“I understand why he’s the president,” you watch the room swirl together. “He’s super mature.” Smacking your lips, you blindly reach for Ethan. “Do you see these fucking lights right now?” Peter glances around, it’s the same party lighting they use each time. 
“Are they dragging?” You focus in, when you move your head slow trails of light follow. “Yeah, woah.” Peter clears his throat, the sound cupped around your ears. “Your friend here, freshman?” You spin, “who’s friend?” 
Peter looks at Ethan for a second, you’re busy trying to pull at a loose thread on Peter’s sleeve. “How are you getting home tonight?” You twirl the strand around your finger, the tension snaps it. When the blood returns to your fingertip, it warms your entire hand. 
“Dunno yet. I’ll figure it out later.” You look down at your feet, they seem like they’re a million miles away from you. The floor shifts underneath you, it makes your knees shake, you clutch Ethan’s arm to balance yourself. “Pirate ship?” You nod, “ahoy, matey.” 
Peter shifts when you take him in, more or less just focused on his face. He stands a little taller, then questions it, because why would he care about how tall you perceived him to be? “Peter,” he waits. Pointing behind you, “wanna do a shot? Ethan refused, like he hates me or something.” You can’t stop looking at him, the lights dance over his face, casting him in an angelic glow like no other. 
“You think mixing shots with mushrooms is a good idea?” You move around, like your body couldn’t stand holding still. “Just one.” One wouldn’t hurt, and it’s not like he’s doing it for you or anything, he planned on having a shot anyways. You were just another person to pour for. 
“Sure. Pick the poison.” You answer quickly, an honest response. “Rat.” Ethan starts to laugh and it’s contagious, you start giggling too. You don’t know why he’s laughing, but it feels good to have someone to laugh with. Peter tilts his head to the ceiling with a heavy sigh, “no, freshman. I meant booze.” 
“Oh! Not vodka, I hate vodka, I can taste it in anything, even when Ally mixes it with Hawaiian Punch. So, please never give me vodka. I hate it.” 
Peter smirks at Ethan, “so, vodka?” You sputter, you wonder if you confused love and hate in your speech. You shake your head quickly, “no, no, no, Peter. I hate vodka, please don’t give me any.” 
Ethan slides a bottle down to Peter, it’s a party classic. Peter waits on you, “this good enough for you, princess?” It was sarcastic as all hell, but it still made you feel warm and fuzzy. “Yes, prince.” Peter just shook his head while he poured them up. 
Raised glasses, you wait for the toast. “Here’s to A’s, C’s, and double D’s.” The words made you send a glare to Peter, it seemed like he was waiting for it. “You know, like grades?” It’s not what he meant, all three of you knew it, but you couldn’t fight him on it either. It still works, a cheer is a cheer.
Normally, you’d find Fireball warming, tonight, you find it burning. You almost choke on it, holding it in your mouth for longer than you should’ve, the instant sting had caught you off guard. “Jesus Christ, freshy. Swallow.” It’s like you need a reminder, you’re able to take it down; a shutter takes over your body. 
You turn to your lab partner, a sour look on your face. “Why did you let me do that? You’re supposed to be smart.” Ethan holds his hands up, you’re not about to throw him under the bus. “Hey, I tried. You’re the one that only wanted Parker’s opinion.” 
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Peter was dragged out of his bed a little too early for a saturday in his opinion. He woke up to Trent hanging over his bed, poking him harshly on his shoulder. “The fuck do you want, Simpson?” If Peter had to guess what time it was by the shadow in his room, it was pushing early morning. 
“Get up. We need to go somewhere.” Peter blinked quickly, dragging a heavy hand up to rub the sleep from his eyes. “Now?” Trent started to stab, Peter slapped his hand away. “The fuck, man?” His president wasn’t playing around. “Get the fuck up, Parker.” 
Only when Peter sat up did Trent back away, “don’t wake anyone up. I need you downstairs in five.” When his door was shut, Peter squeezed his eyes shut and allowed himself to taste the idea of sleep one more time. Then, he got up, tugged on sweatpants and a hoodie, and silently crept downstairs. 
Peter tried to ask what was going on, and where they were going, but Trent just kept saying, ‘you’ll see,’ and ‘shut the fuck up and trust me.’ It wasn’t until he was walking up the steps to Cathedral hall, he had an odd feeling, a slight buzz in his stomach. It heightened when they took a turn for the girls section. 
“Hey, Simpson, if this is a planned parenthood thing-” 
“Shut the fuck up, Parker.” Out of nowhere he stopped, Peter almost ran into him. Trent banged on an decorated door, a whiteboard with Ally’s name, the other one had been swiped, the name unclear. “I thought Ally was at the house?” Trent beat the door harder, “she is.” 
Peter’s eyebrows furrowed, he was about to ask, yet again, why they were there. The answer came when the door flew open, eyes squinting at the hallway lighting, stands you. “You’re not Ally.”
Peter’s slightly surprised you’re home, he had no idea when or how you left last night. He also doesn’t really care. 
“No shit,” you lightly scoffed when Trent shoved his way in, your shoulder hitting the doorframe. “Good morning to you, too, dick.” Peter gently walked in, making sure not to bump against you. It made you smile lightly, “good morning, Peter.” He nodded back, “morning.” Trent bounced on Ally’s bed, it produced a loud creak. “No wonder she’s always at the house.” 
You sat on the edge of your own bed, gesturing to the spot next to you or your desk chair for a seating option for Peter; he chose the chair. Peter looked over your face while you woke up, your eyes puffy from being rubbed at, you stretched with arms over your head, a peek of skin showed your stomach. 
“You look sick.” It snapped you from your daze, you frowned at Trent. “Thanks, it’s my natural beauty.” Trent pulled a sour look, “that’s what girls look like without makeup?” Peter doesn’t really notice a difference, and that’s not a bad thing. “It’s too early for your shit, Simpson.” He looks towards you, you poke your tongue out at Trent, a childish moment to prove you had someone on your side and not his. 
Peter watches you lean back, velvety thighs on display. A hand goes behind your back, a plush resurfaced. Spider-Man sits on your lap, arms wrapped tight around his waist. He thinks it’s a squishmellow of some sort, he remembers he hooked up with a girl last year with at least twenty on her bed. She didn’t have a Spider-Man one though. 
“How are you feeling?” You look tired, maybe a little hungover. Little to no energy. Peter thinks it’s the comedown of your previous night's choices. You grin, holding Spider-Man a little tighter. “Like a champ, you?” 
Trent scoffs, “enough bullshit, wench. You know why we’re here.” Peter feels the hair on his neck stand up, Trent can be a prick, but he really has a vendetta against you. “Jesus Christ, Simpson. She’s a human being.” It’s the bare minimum, but it still makes you feel warm and fuzzy. “It’s okay, Peter. He’s just mad he can’t satisfy women.” 
Trent flies up, “fuck you! I’m doing you a fucking favor and-” Peter stands up just as quick, pushing Trent back down with a hand on his shoulder. “Sit down, Simpson.” With Peter as mediator, you don’t worry about standing up for yourself. 
“You’re not doing me a favor, I’m doing you a favor! You’re the one that couldn’t hold up your end of the bargain, you asshole!” Trent fights against Peter’s hold, “you’re the one that came to me!” You throw your Spider-Man to the side and step up, Peter backs up against your chest, literally using his body as a barrier. “You’re the one that involved Peter!” 
Peter shoves hard on Trent’s chest, it sends him flying back into Ally’s bed. You step back, Peter’s doing his best to look between the two of you. It’s exasperated, “involved me in what?” It goes silent, you weren’t going to say anything, you were the one who told Trent to fix it. Trent’s the one that brought in Peter, Trent’s the one to surprise you with a visit. 
Trent’s breathing is harsh, he’s more worked up than you are. You don’t know if it’s the situation or your comments, but you’re not saying a word until he does. “Look, your friend here, she’s the one that got us the intel on the other frats.” Trent’s a lot more gentle this time around, you think it may have something with the way Peter’s looking at him, daring him to try and make a move. 
Peter glances back at you, you look away, a poster more interesting. “She needs something in return and I can’t help her. I told her to ask you and I’d look the other way, but someone had to be difficult.” 
���I held up my end, Simpson. You do the same.” Trent huffed, “I fucking told you-” he lowered his voice at Peter’s glare, “- that I couldn’t do anything. I told you to ask Parker and you were the one that stormed out all pissed. I brought him here, isn’t that good enough?” 
Your arms cross, no, it wasn’t good enough. “I never wanted to involve Peter, I told you that last night. I just wanted you to figure out a way to fix it.” Trent throws his arm out at Peter, “I did! He’s fucking here! He’s gonna fucking fix it!” 
Peter feels like he’s going crazy, “fix what?” His chapter president rubs at his forehead, a heavy sigh. “You need to pledge… Fuck, what was his name?” You roll your eyes, you have little to no hope. “Isaac Barns.” Trent nods, “yeah, him. Parker, all I need you to do is pledge him and this-” an allover gesture to your body, “-goes away.” 
Peter takes a second to let it sink in, he almost laughs, but it seems a little too real to be a joke. “Dirty rushing, really? You do know what’s at stake if I say yes, right?” Trent’s jaw looks like it’s about to break into a thousand pieces with the tension it’s under. “Yes, Parker, I know what I’m asking.” Peter runs his tongue over his teeth, “right, so you understand why I have to say no.” 
You jump in, your hand on Peter’s arm, pulling him to face you. He’s staring at the placement, it’s sending a burn up and down, radiating heat. You pull away before he can shake your hold off, “please?” Peter steps away from Trent with a final warning glance, “tell me, freshman. Are you in a sorority?” You frown, “no.” He nods, like he already knew the answer. “Right. And are you aware of what could happen to me if I agree?” You have an idea, and it tells you it wouldn’t be good. “That’s if you get caught, you have Trent’s go ahead.” 
Peter laughs, he doesn’t give a shit Trent’s right there. “You think I trust him to have my back? He’d throw me under the bus in a second.” Peter doesn’t know what you know, you look in Trent’s eyes when you respond, making it clear that that would never happen. “Then trust me, and trust me when I say he won’t.” 
Trent looks away from Peter, he makes the connection in a second. 
“What do you have on Simpson?” You sputter, you feel a flush of warmth coat you. “I’m not like… some blackmailer or anything.” Trent shouts out from the bed, “ha!” Your eyes flash to the same poster from before, nothing has changed. “Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. President. Do you want to share with the peanut gallery?” Peter raises his hands, displeased, “don’t insult me and ask for a favor in the same breath.” 
“Look, Parker, just fucking pledge the kid, alright? It stays between us. Don’t think I don’t have shit to lose by letting this happen. I have the same risk you do.” Peter disagrees, “you’re not the one pledging.” Trent stands up, “but I’m cutting whoever she tells me. We’re both playing dirty.” 
Peter’s trying to think about it logically, he just doesn’t understand why. You have all the answers, they’re only there because of you. “Why?” You pause, “what, this guy your boyfriend or something?” You shake your head quickly, “no, no, no. Not at all. He doesn’t even know I’m doing this. He’s just a person I know who’s rushing, that’s it.” 
Peter kisses his teeth and shakes his head in disbelief, “yeah, I don’t know about that.” Total defeat, you were at a loss. Your answer was Trent, if Peter wouldn’t do it, Trent needed to find someone who would. “Trent,” it comes out as a whine, a defiant toddler pointing at Peter. 
“C’mon, Parker. Think about this. You’re smarter than your own good.” Peter sizes his president up, he really doesn’t like what he’s implying. “And I’m supposed to trust you?” You push on Peter’s arm, “no, you’re supposed to trust me. Trent won’t touch you, no matter your answer. Even though I really wish it was yes.” 
Peter’s doing his best to push down all emotion, because if he wasn’t, he’d find out that he wanted to say yes. Just because you asked him. And that’s not who he is, or what he does. He’s known you for a week and he’s about to put his entire academic career at hand, it’s dehumanizing to himself. Witch. 
“Fine.” You cheer, Peter’s whipped into a side hug. He claws your arms away from him, “I didn’t say yes. I’ll think about it, okay?” You nod, it’s enough for you, “thank you so much, Peter. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” 
Trent throws his hands up, “hello? You’re welcome.” You sneer at him, “you did nothing but put it all on Peter.” Peter tilts his head, he didn’t think about it like that, but you’re right. “You’re insufferable and will never find a man to put up with that.” That was a blow, a harsh one at that. You’re pretty good at brushing things off, or firing back, but Trent went a little too far. He hit that deep down, hidden, insecurity. 
You just really wanted to go back to sleep, the thought of Peter in your room no longer slightly excited you. You just wanted to be alone. “Jesus fucking Christ, Trent. Who the fuck says shit like that?” You shrug, “it’s obvious he was just giving me constructive criticism.” You try to joke, it doesn’t really work. 
Peter looks down at you, it’s like you sunk down into the floor. Trent made you feel small. “It’s not funny, nothing about that was funny. That was fucked up, Simpson, the fuck is wrong with you?” There’s not an ounce of remorse on his face either, “sorry.” Peter wants to break his arm, instead he shoves him towards the door, nothing near gentle. “You’re a fucking dick.” 
“Yeah, and you just wanna stick yours in her.” If he wouldn’t be at grounds of expulsion from the frat, Peter would’ve laid him the fuck out right then and there. “Shut the fuck up, Simpson. Just leave it alone.” He does, and throws the door open before parting you with a middle finger. 
Peter pauses at the door, his eyes on your figure. It’s not like he cares about you or anything, Trent was a dick, an uncalled for amount of mean. “Don’t listen to him, he’s still reeling from that ‘can’t please a woman,’ comment.” You give a small smile, “thanks, Peter.” 
Peter’s hand holds the door handle, a tight lipped grin. He doesn’t know why, but he feels like he just has to tell you. Clearing his throat, “hey, freshman?” You perk up, he finds himself looking down at your mouth, eyes trailing towards your collarbone. Peter stops himself, it’s not about that right now. 
“You’re not… you’re not totally insufferable.” 
Something about it makes you explode, you can’t stop the cheek hurting grin. For a second, Peter matches it. “Are you saying I’ll find a man to put up with me?” Peter shrugs a shoulder, “the world is pretty big, freshman. There’s gotta be at least one.” 
At least Peter won’t think you’ll die alone, he might even be at your side. “Thanks, Peter. For everything. And for thinking about it, it means a lot to me.” Peter closing the door on himself, he briefly pauses, “just because I said I’d think about it, doesn’t mean I’ll do it.” You nod, “I know.” 
“Good. I just didn’t want you to get disappointed.” Your eyes brighten, “you care about disappointing me?” 
It goes unanswered, instead, Peter takes a deep inhale. “I’ll see you around.” With that, you were alone with Spider-Man once more. 
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The plastic chair next to Peter slides out, nickel legs scratch the tile underneath them. 
“So, how are we feeling about a verdict?” 
Peter doesn’t even flinch, he takes a bite of his sandwich. It was better before it was ruined by the presence of a demonic presence. Your hands drum on the table like you’re building yourself up for a yes, Peter thinks it’s funny you find him so easy. 
“It’s been two days, freshman.” You huff dramatically, “not a freshman.” 
“You act like one.” 
This is the part where you question your attraction towards him, it’s proof to the saying ‘you can’t pick who you love.’  You lean closer, it’s not about semantics. Peter pulls back when you get too close, he must be scared of another hug. 
“It’s a pretty easy answer, Peter. If you won’t do it, fine. But your president better figure out another way and quickly. We already have the PNM list, you make the choice sunday.” 
It isn’t his problem but the more he knows about it, the more it becomes his. Peter can’t deny the curiosity, for a witch you have no real magic, beyond what you’ve casted on him. 
Peter sighs, “alright, explain it to me. Sell it to me.” You sit straighter and fix your hair, clearing your throat you interlock your fingers on the table and begin to pitch. “I’m going on the ski trip this year, yay you.” You pout dramatically, “I needed money because my boyfriend isn’t a member of the frat and I wasn’t budgeted in.” Your words were a nod towards Ally, as if she couldn’t pay for it herself if she needed to. 
Peter wants to bang his head against the table, there’s no fucking way he had to spend a week with you in a house. That’s constant communication. That’s hell. 
“We bet every year on a member that makes it in, if we win, we get the money. I upped the stakes this year, and I know someone who signed up to rush.” You smile and poke at his arm, it’s solid. Peter looks down at your finger, you pull back and finish. 
“That’s where you come in. You pick him.” 
Peter crosses his arms over his chest while he tilts his chair back, he’s mulling it over in his mind. He looks over your face while he pokes at his cheek with his tongue, if that’s his concentration face, you hope to make him think a lot more. 
“What do I get out of it?” In Peter’s mind, it’s a bit unfair. He’s putting his reputation, spot in the frat and possibly academic probation on the line. And he gets nothing out of it. He doesn’t even want anything in return, or nothing he can think of at the moment at least. It still feels like he has to bargain for something, he’d regret it later. 
You try to hide the shock, you didn’t think Peter was that kind of guy. You didn’t know him, but you didn’t take him for a sexual favors type of person. You wanted to hook up with him, sure. But when he felt like it was owed to him, it felt icky. 
“Oh,” you look around the room, your voice lowers. The deal took a dirty turn. “What, um…” You look back at him before escaping eye contact, you don’t feel as bold. “What did you have in mind?” 
You didn’t hide the shock well, Peter’s chair is back on four legs with a slam. “No, god no.” Okay, he wasn’t asking for sex, but god no? Peter worded it wrong, you took it as a personal offense. “Not…” He’s not even going to try and explain that one out, he ditches the part where he would try to say ‘not that I wouldn’t have sex with you, because I would, but…’
“I’m not asking for you to fuck me, I just meant I’m putting a lot on the line for a girl who assaulted me and a guy I barley like.” Assault is a harsh word, you’d fight him on it but the last part mattered more. You could give him the dirt on Trent, he said if anyone knew he would prefer it to be Peter. 
“Wanna know what I have on Trent?” You have his attention, suddenly Peter looks very interested in what you have to say. He nibbles on his bottom lip for a second before nodding, for this part, you really lean in. 
“He failed out. The school sent him a letter saying he was dismissed, he had a fourteen average.” Peter’s trying to connect the dots, for once, he truly had no idea what was going on in the frat house. “His dad donated eighty-six grand, anonymously, and the next day? Bam. Reenlisted and all roles reinstated, like nothing ever happened.” Peter’s not surprised one bit, it’s very on brand for the Simpson family, to pay their way out of trouble. At least he can say you didn’t leave him empty handed, it’s good ammo to have in the back of his pocket. 
“I’ll consider your request more seriously.” It’s something, and you’ll celebrate it, you pull him into a hug, just for a quick second to squeal in his ear. You’re shrugged off in a second, you don’t care. “Thank you! See, I just knew I picked the good one!” 
The good one? 
You’re up and pushing the seat in, your bag hung over a shoulder. “I’ll see you friday?” In relation to the weekly party, he nods slowly, like you’re an idiot. “I do live there, yes.” You’re unfazed, you’ve come to realize he’s just a mildly grumpy person. It’s mostly cute. 
“Will you let me know then, is that enough time?” Peter will do anything to have you leave, he wants five minutes of peace with his lunch before he has thermodynamics. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” Your eyes sparkle, he has to look back at his plate. “Thank you, Peter. You’re the bestest.” 
You really, truly are a witch. Because his sandwich tasted a whole lot sweeter when you walked away. It turned into sog the second you placed yourself at Ally and Paul’s table. Ally’s eyes flashing over to his, a grin when he was caught looking your way. He finished in record time, he needed to get out of the room, it was starting to get a little too warm for his comfort. 
Ally started in the second you placed yourself across from her, eyes flashing to where you previously were. “Hanging out with Parker?” You shrug, if it helps getting her off your back, it helps. “He’s cute.” A squeal, she pulls at her boyfriend's arm. “Did you hear that? Matty, ask Parker if he’s into her.” 
Matt crushes a coke can, a burp follows. “No.” Ally’s face scrunches up, “why not?” Matt’s swiping at his phone, you can’t tell what game he’s playing, the glare from the lights are too bad. “Cause it’s not my business, or yours.” Ally pulls away from him entirely, her arms crossed over her chest in a huff. Uh oh, she’s mad. 
“Babe, can you get me a water? My wallet is in my backpack.” When she makes no move, he peeks over, “please? I can’t pause this level.” It’s a huff from his girlfriend, “what? You’re mad at me now? Look, I can’t even ask him if I wanted to, he’s leaving.” You look over your shoulder, Peter’s walking out with headphones stuffed in his ears, blind to the outside noise. How lucky. 
“Yeah, good thing you don’t live together or anything, Matt.” It has his total attention, “no need for that hostility, honey. If you want me to ask, I’ll ask.” It’s the right move, and he played right into Ally’s hand. A cluster of kisses to his cheek, “thank you, Matty. Love you.” A smile’s back on his face, his reward was his request being honored. 
The second Ally’s out of earshot you laugh at her boyfriend. “She plays you like a fool.” 
Matt doesn’t care one bit. “Yeah, love makes you do that. You’ll find out, she-devil.” 
You just hope you’re not the fool.
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A six car pileup on the bridge caught Spider-Man’s attention, adrenalin courses his veins, any traces of that six egg omelet from Linda weighing him down vanishes. A screech of his name, he clocks it instantly. A woman, barely fourty. Spider-Man knows who it is, it’s the reporter that called him a Spider-Menace last week. Oh, how the mighty fall. 
A head tilt at the woman, she’s panicking. Thrashing in her seat, crumpled between glass and leather. She’s begging him for help, he watches for a moment before speaking over the screams. “Calm down, I’m gonna help you. Just felt like being a menace.” Tears, she speed runs apologies, tells him it’s just a job and her son loves him. 
“Alright, alright, come here.’ A grown woman, clinging to his hip is almost comedic. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…” Spider-Man doesn’t need to hear it a million times, it doesn’t mean much to him after the first one. “You’re alright, just wait over here for the fire department, okay?” 
There’s countless other shouts, he’s already running back up the freeway. Spider-Man has no plans to stay in the city after this, no, instead Peter is going to take the long train back and listen to a podcast. But right now, Spider-Man has a job to do. 
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Three copies of the same page, everyone calls a name.
Ally starts, “I call Conner Frise.”
 Prince next, “Sam Mason.”  
Ally pokes your shoulder, “c’mon, what’s your pick?” 
You pretend to think about it, two pairs of eyes waiting expectantly. You grin, “Isaac Barns.” Confidence spills, “and I’m gonna win.” 
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Peter’s clouded in infatuation. If he was animated, he’d have hearts and stars swirling around his head. Maybe it was the booze that had him feeling so loose, for once dropping the urge to push you away, and to pull you closer. Or maybe it was you. All he could smell was your perfume, it choked him in the right ways. Something he’d be smelling long after you were gone, something that made him want to breathe in against your neck. 
You haven’t left him alone all night, circling back over and over until all he could think about was you, you, you. 
He didn’t know a neck could be so pretty, how he’d kiss over your pulse and hope it would race as much as his. And he never really noticed hair, until it framed your face. Peter was never much on picking up sounds, but now he’s heard your laugh, the one he pulled from you, he’d never be able to unhear it. 
And your voice. It whispered a song into his ears, it sent him leaning in, begging for more of the inflections. Peter didn’t care what you were talking about, as long as you were speaking to him, he’d listen. He wasn’t one to notice clothes, only when they fit just right or left little to the imagination. But on you, everything was your color. 
Peter can’t think of anything else but your lips, they’re puffed while you spin words. Velvet tumbles produced, hints of a smile around your ‘S’s. It’s like you don’t notice him getting closer, as he steps forward, you step back. You weren’t trying to escape, it was subconscious, you were making more room for him, you don't realize he doesn't want space. 
“It was really kind of sad, because the whole time you were rooting for the main character,” he’d asked you about a book he saw in your room. He doesn’t really care about it. 
“Right,” one step closer. 
“But then it all comes down at the end and you realize he really wasn’t a good guy,” Peter takes another step, your back brushes the brick wall. Little pricks dig into your shirt, it doesn’t stop you. 
“And then?” 
You smile, “this is where it gets good,” Peter leans his hand on the wall next to your head, you make no notice. “It is.” It’s more of a statement than a question, he’s relaying it to his own situation. 
“You find out he set up his friend,” it was the twist, you’d been setting it up, but Peter has no reaction. You wonder if he was even listening to you, maybe it would’ve been better if he had read it himself. 
“Are you listening to me? Cause I just kind of just spoiled the whole thing.” 
Peter can’t stop himself, he leans in. His head hangs low, you raise your chin to look in his eyes. How have you still not picked up on his hints? “Why’d he set him up?” You hum, a sparkle forms in your eyes, he was listening. 
“Well, if we're talking about my personal analysis, I think it’s cause-” 
Your lips are pillowy, puffed under his mouth as they’re wrapped around your words. Your skin is warm under his hands, he can feel your hips burning his palms over your clothes. Peter tugs you closer while simultaneously pushing you further into the brick, when you hum into his kiss, he licks your bottom lip. 
Open mouth kisses, your hands tug at the curls on the back of his neck, he’s not one for girls playing with his hair. But you, he wants you to touch wherever you want. He can’t fucking breathe, but he doesn’t care, you’re enough of a breath of fresh air. Peter feels more alive in this moment than he has in a long time. 
You pull from him, puffs of air tumble. Peter’s desperate for more, you’re just so sweet. Wet marks dot from your jaw to your neck, your hands tug at the lapels of his flannel. “Peter,” it’s breathless, he wonders if it’s the kiss or him. 
Hands tuck under your thighs, you gasp as you’re pulled up to equal height on the wall. Your legs loosely straddle his waist, nails digging into his shoulder when he hums over the middle of your throat between gentle bites and smoothing his tongue over the attack. “Fuck,” it’s a whimper, you don’t mean to, but fuck. 
Maybe he shouldn’t have cornered you like this, but what’d you expect looking at him like that? 
Peter retraces his steps, all you can think is that he tastes as sweet as he feels. It was everything you’d been pining for, and more. You were screaming in color, each grip of his hands felt like water paint, soaking deep and spreading. 
Would it be selfish if you wished he felt the same? 
“Parker, you out here?” 
You squeak, your feet hit the ground. Peter’s head is spinning, his instinct to get as far away as possible. “Yeah,” it’s airy. He clears his throat, you look over his face, he’s avoiding eye contact. “Peter,” you feel a jolt when he backs away. A stab when he steps around the corner, you try to follow, he’s quicker. 
You feel everything crumble when you realize he doesn’t want anyone to know he was with you. 
“Where you at? We’re mixing everclear for the PNM’s.” 
“Peter,” it’s on deaf ears. He doesn’t even look at you, how could he kiss you like that and then act like it was nothing? Why would he kiss you like that if it meant nothing? 
“Right here,” you watch his back disappear. “Tequila if we’re evil, beer to make them puke.” His frat brother laughs, “you’re a sick man, Parker.” 
It really, really doesn’t feel nice to be left behind in the cold. Especially when he just made you feel so warm. And it really doesn’t feel right when you want to cry, and it feels humiliating when you give him a grace period, just so you didn’t follow him from the back of the house. Just so no one would see you, just so no one would know what just happened. 
Just so you could keep it to yourself. 
You feel nothing when a shoulder hits yours, your fingers feel hot from the contrast of the breezy outdoors to the crowded, humid room of bodies. Ally’s arm hangs over your neck, you want to scream. 
Peter’s eyes catch your frown, he should’ve done more. But if he doesn’t understand anything, how would his frat brothers? He feels bad, and a little more sober than he should be, a little too sober to have done what he just did. A line of shots, Peter adds an two extra, but he doesn’t add everclear, he chooses Fireball. 
A pink, plastic shot glass slid in front of you. You look up, Peter’s waiting and watching, he raises his own. “Cheers, freshman.” It’s something, he’s waiting on your call, you’re so close and you can’t blow it now. You plaster on a smile and shake Ally’s arm off, you raise it up. 
“Cheers, Parker.” 
Peter must’ve had more than he thinks, because wow, what a gross feeling. 
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Peter does his best to be a good person, part of that is knowing when you fuck up. And what he did at his party on friday, was a fuck up. It wasn’t that he particularly cared about you, or your feelings, but he could admit that he pulled a shitty move. So shitty he dodged you the rest of the night and left you high and dry with his answer about your favor. 
You didn’t even have a way to try and contact him, other than beating down his door but even you knew that would be a bad idea. Which leads him to now, standing on the front lawn, with thirty two potential pledges. 
Peter’s turn to bid. A terrible idea. But all he could think about was getting back in your good graces and how much it fucking annoyed him to want that. Peter can feel Trent’s eyes burning into him, he takes a step forward, boldness in his chest. 
“I bid Isaac Barns.” 
It would either be the worst or best decision of his life and for whatever reason, you’re worth the gamble.
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its.parker requested to follow you.
Your eyes widened, suddenly you’re very awake. Peter’s the one that kissed you, Peter’s the one that walked away, Peter’s the one that ignored you. Peter’s the one that followed you. Mixed messages, but it proved something. It wasn’t his main with ten pictures, it was his personal, his finsta, the one full of his personality. 
You nibble on your bottom lip, it shouldn’t be that easy for him. Tapping on his account you hit the request button, just because you follow him doesn’t mean he gets to follow you. Mind spinning, you replay friday night again. 
The tension eased and multiplied in one action. Peter had made you feel butterflies in the deepest pits of your stomach, when he kissed down your neck, when he wrapped your legs around his waist, when he went in for more, when he kissed you first. 
Even thinking about it makes your cheeks hurt from a grin, you squeal out and kick your feet in your bed. Peter Parker kissed you, and it meant something. It had to, something tells you that Peter doesn’t jump without thinking. 
Peter’s holding his breath while refreshing his page, still no notifications. He’s worried he blew it that night, not that it matters, it was just a kiss. Everyone kisses, if you really think about it, kisses don’t mean much. At least that’s what he tells himself. 
spider.luvr66 requested to follow you. 
If he acts now, he’d be a bit crazy. You hadn’t responded to him, but he doesn’t care. He’ll wait a couple minutes, then respond. It feels like his brain is melting, he’s not supposed to, and doesn’t feel like this. It’s against who he is now. 
But, fuck, you make it difficult for him to not think about you. Peter swears you’re a witch. 
Accept. spider.luvr66 is now following you. 
Follow request accepted, you are now following its.parker.
You sit up, it was quick, you wonder if he was waiting for the notification. It doesn’t matter, you have the Peter Parker bible in your hands, and you were about to do some research. 
You finally had access to his posts, and you were about to scroll through every single one. But the most recent one was the most important of all. A picture of Peter, crossed arms back to back with a slightly familiar face. The caption told you everything you needed to know about Peter. 
‘big brother season.’ 
You had your bid and he posted the proof.
Whatever he did friday was forgiven. That wasn’t who he was, but this, putting himself on the line for you, this was his true character and whether he wanted you to notice that or not, you did.
And it was a bold act for a guy who pretended he didn’t kiss you breathless. 
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hoshinasblade · 3 months
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presenting: king of swords | hoshina soshiro
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description: a multi-chapter fic inspired by this; royal prince au.
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pairing: prince!hoshina soshiro x f!reader genre: angst, comfort, fiancees to enemies to friends to lovers trope snippet: prince hoshina soshiro was never meant to inherit his father's throne, but he refuses to accept his fate of being wed to you, a woman who he has just met. you were not given the right to choose who to take as husband, yet you had decided long ago that you may forego love but never respect. trapped in a marriage where the currency is hatred, you and the prince would rather wage war against each other than wait for love to bloom. CHAPTER ONE: KING OF SWORDS CHAPTER TWO: FIVE OF WANDS CHAPTER THREE: THREE OF SWORDS CHAPTER FOUR: TWO OF CUPS CHAPTER FIVE: QUEEN OF SWORDS
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upload of chapters will commence on july 15th. i might not write other fics in the meantime while this is in the works, but one-shots and drabbles from requests i receive in my asks are still fair game. as always, i appreciate any interactions on my works but please do not repost them anywhere. feel free to drop by my asks and leave me prompts - i always reply though there might be delays, so if you sent me something and i haven't answered, im just taking my time.
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