#char nymph
I took a long nap today <3
- nymphia ( twst )
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hyperfixated-homo · 2 years
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trying to get back into drawing stuff. here's a half sketch thing
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9 [any]
What would be considered a "good dream"? Well,,........
Other than -cough cough- the special kind Hikōkai does actually dream about some of the things they've done and experienced under ANBU fondly-- though they would be more nightmares to other shinobi,,,. (The smell and taste of blood in the air, the heated fluttering adrenaline rush of seeing the fear in the white of his victim's eyes,, the feeling of being high on his job,,,.)
Ferd would... also beyond the "special kind" enjoy romantic fluffy-sappy dreams about nature and his partner(s),,,. He dreams about forests and meadows and rivers,, chasing and long slow kisses with no rush or quicker more frequent ones with lips that taste like burning summer,,,. He dreams about them in different forms, water exchanged like air or the flutter of wings or the sweet juicy burst of fruit...
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thehomebakery · 4 months
What's special about your magic staff?
My staff came from the first tree in my village.
I caught it in my fishing lines, when I pulled it up it was dry.
A strange woman gave me a seed. Instead of a plant, it grew this instead.
The metal came from my ancestors' sword.
I carved it myself.
I dropped it in the fire once, and it didn't even char.
As tradition with my family, the wood came from my crib.
I pieced it together it from driftwood at the beach.
I fell in love with a nymph, when I had to leave the forest she gave me one of her branches to remember her by.
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starriesse · 6 months
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—— ♡ ⊰ Sylveon NPTs ... !!
[PT: Sylveon NPTs. End PT]
✦ ⁔⁔ Names — Sylvie. Nymphia. Sylph. Pixel. Charmette. Ribbon. Ribbonette. Frillbon. Ribaura. Aura. Soothine. Pixelite. Cucharm.
✦ ⁔⁔ Pronouns — Fai/Fairy. Fae/Faer. Syl/Sylph. Nym/Nymph. Rib/Ribbon. Cu/Cute. Char/Charm. Aura/Auras. Sooth/Sooths. Pi/Pink.
✦ ⁔⁔ Titles — The Intertwining One. They With Ribbons. The Pink One. The Soothing One. They Who Sooth. The Cute Charmer. The Cute One.
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Reflected Through the Looking Glass (Part One)
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Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman) x fem! Reader
Summary: Lucifer lost few things in the fall. Most notably the loss of connection with the Father, but not the Mother. Following Dream's defeat, Lucifer returns to Gaia, the abode of Mother for answers. Slumbering peacefully as the world around her moves forward, Y's (Y/N's) days are spent listening to the subtle changes of the world above. Upon Lucifer's return, Y's life changes drastically as Mother holds the secret of Y's existence close to her heart, a secret Lucifer is keen to unravel. Lucifer uses they/them pronouns bc all angels are canonically genderless in The Sandman. The reader is an angel. This is a soulmate thingie (idk how to describe it without giving away the whole fic). Heart-wrenchingly soft fluff.
Warnings (don't take these seriously, they exist for funny ha-ha's): Mentions of womb-like conditions, Lucifer and the reader share clothes (SCANDALOUS), reader and Lucifer BATHE together (OH NO), homosexual activities (somebody get a hotline to Jesus)
ACTUAL warnings: Consent in terms of touching non-sexual areas is dubious, (small of the back, head, thighs, etc)
Word Count: 4.1k
Mother's mantle is warm, inviting. Soft gelatinous liquid envelops you, soft glow stones giving the slightest color to the room, seen through your hooded eyes. Pulsing and changing luster with Mother's drumming heartbeat, the soft illumination gave color to your eyes, pinks, reds and oranges filling in the gaps of your retina. You've been in Mother's mantle for eons, growing and learning as the seasons changed for the last few millennia. The softening of the earth above you marked rain, and continued softening indicates the turn of spring, roots growing and expanding as fresh growth dots the landscape above you. When the ground dries and fragrance fills the air, you know Summer is upon you. Mother is most active during these seasons.
As the season changes once more, cooler air fills the mantle, and the ground above you begins to rustle with activity, small creatures preparing for the changes above. Finally, once the ground above you grows cold and damp, and all life seems to rest, you know winter has come. Mother's heartbeat grows slow, and it is in this season that she returns to her mantle. Contrary to popular belief, Mother does not sleep through winter. She rests, yes, but she does not lie dormant. Planning and preparing for the next season, Mother comes into view, and the constant heart beat that drones from above, below and beside you grows steady and sure, a pair of hands submerging into your cradle, tweaking, measuring and perfecting you.
"Hello little one, it's time for me to rest for a little while," she says, voice muffled and whimsical, a product of the goo that you grow in.
Mother slowly eases into the cradle, long leathery limbs soaking in the substance. Sighing, she holds you and you smile as you're softly rocked and cooed at, utterly dwarfed by the giant dryad-like woman. Here you grow, and slowly dream as she rests with you, coming and going as she sees fit, waiting for the earth to thaw.
Mother's heart races, she's busy, very busy. It's spring and the earth has much growing to do. She's planned a fire this year, a big one in the northern forest of Gaia. This is what is above, the subject of most of her brief musings with you. The brush has grown thick, choking out new growth. These forest are made up of towering redwood and giant sequoia trees, big hulking entities that will survive the fire. You listen intently as the first strikes of lightning hit the ground, toes flexing and limbs twitching as you feel the earth above you begin to char and burn. It's invigorating, the death and rebirth cycle of earth, and you softly smile. There is no reason to fret, not until mother's heartbeat suddenly slows.
Then, as you hear the nymphs and dryads chattering fade, a voice alien and musical echoes through her mantle.
"Mother, I've come to stay with you," it muses.
Heavy hooves clatter through the mantle, and for the first time in a great many years, the dryads grow the moss around your cradle in a webbed pattern, blending it in to the stone and dirt walls, hiding you from sight. The comforting light fades, and soon you find yourself completely submerged in darkness, and for the first time in the eons long slumber, you're afraid.
Mother is unnaturally quiet. The guest is slow, measured even, pacing the room variably. In your catatonic state, all activity around you is pronounced, most notably the rustling of the dryads that have made a bed for themselves directly on top of the moss over your head. An unnatural warmth comes from there bodies, heating the cradle to that of winter, when Mother's body heat keeps the cradle from freezing. They twitter above you, and every once in a while, a hand cuts through the moss to give a reassuring pet to whatever expanse of flesh it lands on. You're not reassured, silently begging for Mother's individual attention.
All grows still, and that foreign voice begins to drone.
"Mother, I've come to you in dire need,"
Mother hums in response, giant form creaking as she adjusts her position.
"I find myself the most powerless I've ever been since the fall. It seems Dream has found his way out of the sorcerers grasp,"
"I'm well aware of Dream's escape. It is as it should be. The world was out of balance for too long without him," Mother croaks.
The voice laughs, a musical, bell toned laugh that causes the dryads to chirp amongst themselves.
"Please, how could the lack of Dreams throw Earth out of balance?"
"Well that's simple isn't it? Things that should lie dormant and preoccupied by dreams lay restless and aware,"
The voice hums again, and footsteps turn and pace towards the cradle. Above you, the dryads clutch at the edges of the stone cradle, making a barrier between the top of the cradle and the strange visitor.
"Defensive, aren't we?" it chuckles. "I've never seen your dryads behave this way before, some new creation they're protecting, is it?"
"Their behavior is warranted. There are certain places even the closest of my children do not have the right to explore," Mother demands, voice growing dangerous as the guest refuses to leave the perimeter of the cradle.
"Mother, I am surprised by you! After all I've done for you, you'd dare-"
"Don't chastise me, child! I created you, and I've continued to look after you, regardless of the rift that it causes between the Father and I," Mother snarls, "You of all my children know how I hate your quarrels, and yet you continue to bother me and upset my peace with your petty squabbles,"
The guest grows silent, and the dryads begin to softly twitter amongst themselves. A few hands stroke you, and you feel a sense of safety return.
"I'm sorry Mother. I've offended you," it softly concedes. "I've come to beg your hospitality, and I've seem to have lost your favor,"
"Child of mine, you know I am not malevolent, come, sit next to me so that I may soothe your worries,"
Their voices fade away, and for the first time in almost two centuries, you begin to dream.
A soft silence fills the room, and a form gently leans over the moss covered cradle. Mother's heartbeat is slow, winter is upon the world. The guest has resided with Mother for almost six moon cycles. The fire is over, all life has blossomed and died. The last of the leaves lay scattered and frost-bitten on the ground. Leathery hands cut through the moss, and Mother's hulking mass slowly slides into the cradle. The nameless guest, frequently referred to as 'Child' by mother, lays a few paces away, deep in slumber. Their heartbeat is one you've begun to sense, slow, measured and occasionally erratic. In the mantle all life is emphasized, and as the dryads lie dormant in the roots of a great tree, loneliness threatens to seep into your soul.
This sense of abandonment is what has drawn Mother to risk your discovery. Cradling you, she softly whispers about her future spring plans to you, a spring that you'll never get to see. Your existence is made bearable only by the slumbers that render most of your days timeless. Slowly, she pulls you out of the cradle completely, bringing you to her chest, taking care not to sever the umbilical cord that brings life to you from the center of the mantle. Your wings lie limp and motionless, and you feel their weight. The soreness is uncomfortable, and you wriggle, trying to find purchase in Mother's arms.
"Shh little one, you'll wake Lucifer," Mother chides.
Lucifer. The voice that calls to Mother, heartbeat slow and resonant. Fingers scrabbling for purchase, you coat Mother's arms in the goo, sliding from her arms, dangerously close to falling.
"Ai! You stop that before I leave," Mother hisses.
You slow, gently relaxing into her arms. She hums in approval, rising up to her full height, bringing you close to the dirt that encases the mantle.
"Feel," she directs, taking one of your hands and placing it against the earth.
It's cold, but wet. And as the goo slides off of your body, you smell it for the first time. It's must is strange, earthy, and just like Mother. You decide you like the smell of earth. Roots tug at your hand, and you whimper at the itchy sensation. Mother chuckles, slowly wiping away the dirt on your palm.
"So needy," she sighs. "Don't worry little one, soon you will awake,"
You are placed back into the cradle, falling into a dreamless sleep.
Two hands pull you from your sleep. Cries of anguish and pain fill your ears. The wails of the nymphs alert you to danger, and the chittering of the dryad that holds you is urgent. Another pair of hands pulls at the cord that ties you to the earth, and pain fills you as it is severed. Panic fills you as oxygen depletion renders your brain cloudy. A bark-covered hand encircles one of your ankles, another hand coming down on the flat of your foot. Hot-white pain fills you and you cry out, gasping your first breath. Twittering in approval, the dryad breaks into a run as you begin to cry. Jostling you to and fro, the bark of the dryad pinches at your skin, and noticing your discomfort, moss fills in and replaces the forearms of your rescuer.
Moonlight filters in through your eyelids, and you feel the sting of wind as the dryads run for cover. Opening your eyes for the first time, the world flutters as the dryad's paces become more urgent. A strange shape circles above you. You think it's a bat, but it's limbs are too elongated. Mother loved bats, maybe she sent this one to you? The thing begins to dive, coming closer and closer. It must be a very strange creature, maybe one of Father's creations? The dryad notices and begins to chatter shrilly, and only then are you afraid. Arms extend from above, encasing your nude form. The eyes that bore down from above are serene, a shade of blue you've never seen before.
The world moves slowly as wind hisses past your ears. You grasp onto this strange creature's form, encircling their neck. Their hands move, encircling your waist, grasping at your bottom. The contact makes you blush, and you wiggle away. You're so bare, so naked, unlike them. Your cheeks grow hot as you realize that they've covered their skin. Being naked is wrong somehow, and you desperately wish to be back in your cradle, softly cared for by Mother, where these terrible feelings didn't exist, where safety and warmth were a given. Loneliness hits you like pummel to the chest, and you start to sniffle. You don't like this situation, and all of the wisdom passed down to you by Mother while you slept does little to calm you.
"Don't cry," the thing softly whispers in your ear, "You're safe with me, little one,"
The voice is very familiar, but unnerving. It's like those recurring dreams you have, where a person chases you through various locations. The face is never the same, the feelings associated with the game of cat and mouse variable, but yet the person that runs after you is the same somehow. Young and vulnerable, clinging onto anything would be natural, but as the wind whistles strange things into your ear while the ground slowly fades from view, it becomes apparent that you have no choice. Grasping on tighter to your captor, you bury your face into their neck, clinging onto the hope that this is all a terribly vivid dream.
"There, that's better, good girl," they whisper, placing a gentle kiss on the shell of your ear. "You have nothing to fear, after all, you were made for me. No one can take care of you like I can,"
Made for me? You were made for Mother. A nagging thought probes at the back of your head, from millennia ago, a distant memory, no, a phrase. It had been whispered, gently coursing it's way through reeds. She's Morningstar's..... Made for..... Like a reflection in a looking glass. Mother would find you. Mother would make this right. As the harsh winter winds whip at your body, you could only pray that this is true. Bit by bit, the cold bites at you until you start to violently shiver.
"Cold," you whisper.
Your limbs have begun to grow numb from the cold, it hurts to move them, the even bend your fingers.
"I know little one, can you wait?" the nickname both calming and revolting you. It's Mother's nickname for you. They have no right to use it with you. But it comforts you nonetheless.
"Mother," You whimper.
The thing sighs, and you slowly begin to dive. Trees fill your vision, and you hold them as tight as you can. If they let go, you'd surely fall to your death. A jolt goes through you as they land on a platform. You look like you're still in the trees. Gently lowering your feet on the ground, you test the firmness of the platform. Upon finding it sufficient, you relax. Looking up at the thing, you notice the stark contrast in height. Most things in Mother's mantle are larger than you, but somehow it seems more applicable with them. White-gold hair curls perfectly around their face. Arguably beautiful, pleasing to the eye. Wings dark and glossy flicker in amusement as you watch them, taking note of your features. Without explanation, they begin to tug at the strange material they clothe themselves with, slowly revealing milky-white skin that seems to glow in the moonlight.
They look a lot like you, at least the top half. It's mostly uncovered, a band of soft fabric running along the upper part of their chest. It looks like bandage material, something wrapped on rather than sewn to fit. Looking down at your own chest you wonder if you should have one too. The place between their legs is also covered. Coverings under coverings seems silly to you. None of the dryads or nymphs used coverings, and Mother certainly never did. In fact Mother abhorred coverings. Creations made by human beings to protect themselves from her other creations, she'd snarl. Maybe this thing was human?
"Come here," they beckon, voice low.
You still cling onto them for support, your legs shaky and tired as you adjust to your weight. The chill makes you weak, and their gaze makes you feel uncomfortably vulnerable.
"Where?" you frown.
"Closer," they whisper, smirking. You take a small step forward, still leaving a modest distance between the two of you. "Even closer," they say, pushing the small of your back forward. Your breasts press against their ribs, and you turn your head, attempting to hide your shame.
Their hands glide under your thighs, gently lift you upward until your shoulders are level. With a flick of their wrist, the coverings begin to move through the air, as if of their own volition. Cloth twists around your forms, causing you squeak as it binds your legs to their thighs, leaving room for them to bend their knees. Encasing you even further, you notice as your torsos are bound together, breaking away to individually cover your arms. It's strange, to be so bound to them, and you feel an odd pressure on your breasts, the soft material of their under cloth creating a barrier between you. Maybe this is the purpose of underclothes?
They take off once again, and this time the added security of the makeshift harness gives you the chance to enjoy flying. It feels right. This time you don't hesitate to wrap your arms around them once again, resting your head on their shoulder, gazing out at the stars. Wrapping their arms around you, they hum in approval.
"You're perfect," they sigh. "Just like I knew you'd be,"
Gloved hands caress your back. The sensation is still alien, but it feels okay. The added warmth from your joined torsos is nice, but as Lucifer labors, you notice a slight build up of moisture between your bodies, adding to the stickiness of the goo from the cradle. Contrarily, the feeling of wind whistling through your ivory wings is both pleasurable and exhilarating. Stretching them out, you move to mimic the thing's wings. Gently touching the ends of their wings with yours, smiling softly at the sensation.
"Don't do that, you'll mess with my flying," they chastise.
You fold your wings up again, blushing in shame, turning away from them as best as you can. You begin to pout, desperate to separate yourself from this thing and their odd criticisms. They laugh, a hand reaching up to turn your face so they can whisper in your ear once more.
"Sweet one, I did not mean to be harsh, you're wings are very beautiful," they say, soothing voice killing your childish anger, "I'll teach you how to fly another time," they promise, peppering kisses on your forehead and ear.
The kisses are nice, but the anonymity of the stranger makes causes you to resent them.
"Who are you anyway?" you ask, craning your head to look at them.
"I'm Lucifer Morningstar, ruler of Hell,"
Of course! Your eyes widen in recognition. This is the guest of Mother's! You are surely safe in their care, after all, Mother loves them so. Mulling over the last title, you wonder aloud.
"You're a star?"
They begin to laugh, a full, boisterous laugh that fills you with glee. Yes. You are safe. No one this pretty or this nice would ever take you from Mother.
"No, not like that. I'm a fallen angel," Lucifer explains
"Like me?" You ask.
"Sort of. Only you're not fallen,"
"Is that bad?" you whisper.
"It's neither good nor bad. It just is," they shrug, accidentally clipping your chin on their shoulder, causing you to bite your lip.
You cry out in pain, and Lucifer tenses up. Their grip on you is tender, protective.
"What happened little one?"
"I bit my lip,"
Lucifer hums, choosing to caress your back as comfort. Your blood tastes strange, metallic. It tastes how Lucifer smells; sweet and a bit spicy.
"I'll have a look when we reach hell,"
Hell is cold. Above pits of fire that boil and foam it is still cold. A river of ice runs through most of hell, and you're once again grateful for the coverings provided. You soar through the rocky caverns until you're met with the sight of a glorious space, enclosed and sheltered from the strange cries of agony that bounce off the canyon-like walls. Once again waving their hand, Lucifer commands the coverings to unravel, and you watch as the fabric returns to it's original form, leaving you nude once more. It's uncomfortable to be this naked, and you grasp at Lucifer, attempting to cover yourself again. In this strange, cold and dark place, the cloth acted as a safety net, now you have nothing but the hulking frame of your wings that hide very little.
"Now, you'd better stop that," they warn. "You can't rely on me for protection all the time,"
This revelation scares you, and you once again think of Mother, a pit of fear carving it's way into your stomach. Lucifer doesn't speak, slowly untangling you from them before roughly dragging you toward an opening in the wall. It's disconcerting how gruff they are with you, the environment around them seemingly changing their personality. Your footwork is clumsy, and you trip, falling forward. Lucifer manages to catch you, and you feel ashamed of your lack of coordination. But instead of a cold glare, regretful care fills their eyes as they help you up.
"I'm sorry little one, I forget that you're still as clumsy as a newborn lamb," Lucifer apologizes, gently guiding you toward the vat of steaming water with tender dedication.
They softly lower you into the water, hands guiding your shaky limbs up the stairs and downward once more. You sigh and slide into the steaming water until your head barely sits above the surface. The sensations in your toes and fingers feel odd, almost like you're being poked repeatedly. Turning to look at them, you verify that this is not the case. You giggle at the oddness of your body, the variable sensations that it can produce, completely oblivious to Lucifer's presence. The water ripples as they lower themselves into the water, and for the first time you see their torso completely uncovered. It looks different than yours, but you don't think too much about it.
Your wandering gaze doesn't seem to bother them, hands gently coming to cup your face, eyes full of adoration. The bath begins to cloud with the dissolved substance of the cradle, and this change causes Lucifer to hum in disapproval.
"Oh my, you really are coated in that fluid," Lucifer grimaces.
Taking a glob of something from a bottle, Lucifer brings their hands to your scalp, running their fingers through your hair, desperately trying to rid you of every inch of dried goo. It feels good, like every sensation Lucifer brings to your body. Their focus on your scalp gives you the opportunity to regard them without the piercing intensity of their gaze. Their lips are pursed in concentration, the divot between their browbones emphasized. Limbs long and slender move and churn, collarbones flexing and fading from scrutiny. The moment ends, hands returning to your back. Dipping your head backward, Lucifer rinses your scalp. Leaning over you, Lucifer looks beautiful. As the substance slowly rinses away in the water, you dare to look deep into those discerning eyes, and find them to be serene. Reaching upward, you return to that embrace you know so well, much to Lucifer's approval. The embrace feels especially vulnerable, no shroud covering you from feeling every inch of their skin.
They smell especially sweet, and you wonder if you smell pleasant to them. Their wings hang loose, relaxed. Their back muscles are especially pronounced, enlarged from the flight. Ripples in the water alert you to movement, a piece of cloth slowly massaging every inch of your backside. It feels good, and you lose yourself in the feeling. Turning to look at them, they lean forward, planting a sickeningly sweet kiss to your cheek.
"Sorry," they chuckle as your face burns red, "I couldn't help myself,"
Their soft smile morphs into a frown as they notice the dried blood on your lip.
"You did bust your lip,"
Taking the utmost care, they clean the blood away from your lips, grimacing as a fresh bleed leaks from your lips. Their thumb takes a final swipe at your lip, blood dotting the pad. Blue eyes bore into yours as they angle it toward their lip, gently sucking away the remnants. Your cheeks burn, intently watching their every move.
"Your iron levels are low," they muse. "We'll fix that,"
Cupping your face once again, you shyly drop your gaze, much to Lucifer's amusement. Hands pull you upward, helping you out of the tub. You make a conscious effort to avoid looking at their form. It feels improper, and a bit risque. All life is built in with some sense of sexuality, as was Mother's way, but without Mother's guidance it was unclear whether or not yours was warranted. Softness encased you, fabric running up and down your arms, down your legs, drying your hair. You realized this was Lucifer's doing, yet their hands remained delicately planted on your hips. Your sexuality must be unwarranted after all.
Robes were produced and both you and Lucifer were clothed. A strange looking creature brought a tray of food into the room, and to your delight it was fruit. Fruit trees brought the most fragrance to the Earth, and therefore must taste the best. Indeed it did, and you hummed, completely oblivious to the juice that slid down your chin. You ate until your stomach hurt a little bit, the tray disappearing as swiftly as it was sent for. Sleepiness tugged at your eyelids, noting only the slightest of changes around you. Lucifer cleaned your face and your hands with utmost care, gently cradling you as you were moved once again.
Softness caressed every corner of your body. Sleep overcame you slowly, and you drifted off to the familiar sound of Lucifer's heartbeat, growing slow and confident as they too fell asleep.
A/N: My obsession with winged reader inserts becomes apparent. This is completely self-indulgent. Yes, I wanted to be an angel as a child. Yes, I was absolutely crushed when I found out I couldn't be one when I died and went to heaven. If the catholic church was smart, they'd tell all the little children that if they were extra good they'd become angels. I digress. Spicy stuff in the next part!
Tags: @hecatescrystaldagger @the-fuck-do-i-know
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shocked-collar · 2 months
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HERE'S THE LINEUP AND I'M SORRY SOME TEAMS ARE KINDA WEIRD !! I can only do so much with the slots I'm given !! Get used to your exploring buddies!
There's some names you may not recognize here, but that's okay cause they're just my little babies. (MC ocs.) As for the others....
Susan belongs to @professional-medical-malpractice
Lou belongs to @evilmannodasmybabygirl
Melvin belongs to @snuffk1t
Eve belongs to @somniferum-decomp
Mary belongs to @your-mystic-nymph
Char belongs to @imoverherestrokingma
Felix belongs to @mangedmutt
Francis belongs to @corruptfoxarc
Missy, Bree, Ina, and Everild belong to me !!!
the rest belong to gato, obviously. PREPARE UR DASHBOARDS CAUSE IMMA BE POSTIN, LADDIES.
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a-french-coconut · 4 months
Travis Stoll (Part 8)
Persephone's garden is a breathtaking place, a gleaming spot amidst the grey shades of Asphodel and the charred earth of the Fields of Punishment.
It's gigantic, trees and flowers made of the most precious jewels spread further than he can see.
"Beautiful, is not ?"
"Did you do this all by yourself ?" asks Travis amazed as they walk trough the garden, each flower more exquisitely crafted than the other.
"Lord Hades gifted me this garden when I first arrived, he tried to make this place my home. As time passed, my garden grew more beautiful each winter."
They stop at a small clearing surrounded by small flowers.
"This is where grow all the medicinal flowers. Which one do you need ?"
"One that cures poison, my brother got attacked by a hellhound and he is set to die because of it. Only your flower can save him."
Persephone hums, a flower growing from her palm. It's small, fragile even. The green emeralds constituting the petals sparkling.
"This will cure your brother instantly, but unfortunately, I cannot give it to you freely."
"Why not ?" he protests, anger slowly boiling his veins. His brother's salvation is right there.
"You must understand the balance between life and death. If I were to give you the flower without receiving anything back, that balance would be broken. As Kore and Persephone, I cannot let this happen."
"What do you want in exchange then ?"
Beware of the price you are willing to pay
The prophecy echoes in Travis's mind, along with the promise he made to Will.
"What do you offer me, son of Hermes ? Your father is the god of trades, surely you didn't expect for me to hand you the flower without payment."
"Of course not." he lies, the small hopeful part of him that thought that Persephone would show compassion crushed like Minthe on the banks of the Cocytus.
It was foolish to think a divine being would understand what's it's like to lose someone they hold dear.
Not even the one who rules them and hears their sorrow constantly.
Hermes didn't show up when he prayed and prayed every night so that his mother would stop coming home drunk, passing out on the couch after screaming at Connor that he was a mistake.
Hermes didn't bother coming when he finally had the courage to call social services, his mother's screams about him being a bastard, a pathetic worthless son, resonating long after she left them.
Hermes didn't even knew they existed until they managed to steal from everyone at camp unnoticed, revealing the trick at campfire.
And despite all of that, he never hated him, never despised his father like Luke did. Because Hermes, certainly for him but nonetheless, gave him the best gift he ever received.
He gave him a brother, a person that would be there no matter what.
A reason to strive for a better life, one that wasn't on the streets or in foster homes.
A boy with the most beautiful smile and the loudest laugh, with the most unhinged plans and an atrocious crush on a son of Athena.
A boy dying ,with surely only a few hours left.
"Well ?", asks expectantly Persephone.
"Do you remember the wind, my lady ?"
"What ?"
"The wind caressing your face as you feel the sun on your skin. The wind blowing through the trees, whistling as you lay on the grass. The playful wind carrying you in the sky, making you dance with the clouds."
"I am a goddess, child. Those sensations you describe are meaningless to me."
He can see Persephone's hand trembling slightly, her eyes distant.
"Maybe now that you have grown used to Underworld my lady. But as a daughter of Zeus, have you never fly ? Perform tricks for your nymphs companions as your hear them laughing below ?"
Small, crystal tears drop on the ground, the Queen reminiscing a long time ago, one where she was named Kore.
"That's what I offer you in exchange of the flower, my wings. A divine part of me against my brother's life."
"I'm afraid it's not a fair trade little thief." whispers distantly Persephone.
"I think it is my lady. Those wings, they represent a life you lost when you became Queen of the Underworld. Not even when Lady Demeter greets you with spring do you become Kore fully again. I can help feel the wind again."
"Kore..." she whispers, "not even my mother calls me by that name anymore."
In front of Travis, Persephone shifts to a much younger girl, flowers braided in her hair, before transforming back.
Without a word, she hands him the flower.
As silent as she is, he takes it delicately and set it on the ground.
White wings flap on his ankles.
"Giving up a part of your godly essence is not a pleasant experience."
Travis gulps, a knot in his stomach tightening each second.
"I'm ready."
Quick as lighting, Persephone conjures a knife and cut off his wings.
Travis screams.
part 9 posted !
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saetoshis · 2 years
[‹ ABOUT ›] i started this new blog in around september, and we already have over 1k followers and sooo many lovely mutuals from not only this account but my past one! and i adore you all SO MUCH, this is just me spewing my love and thoughts into one giant post 🤗 // if i forgot you PLEASE let me know and i'll add you :') i have soo many mutuals i need to keep track sobs!
[‹ EXTRAS ›] if you can, listen to the song! i just think it rlly ties into how i feel from a musical standpoint sob! im a music nerd excuse me ahksla
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MY SWEET VLYNN ! i not only adore your writing but also your formatting, it's so pleasing to the eye :') i find your energy soothing and bright - your confidence radiates to me and i always absolutely adore seeing you on dash! we don't interact too much but i hope we can more in the future :)
LOLA LOLA LOLA BABY ! you've been here since diaphanoso snifle i adore you sooo much ! everything you post i go "that's so real" in my head, i adore your creativity and you have such a strong sense of morals which i admire :') i'm soo glad to have gotten close to u ! let's keep thirsting over aether and each other more next year ehehe
LINAAA even tho we are new moots i literally love ur energy on dash.. it's kinda bright and chaotic and SOO funny ! your theme actually makes me wanna take a bite out of ur acc if that makes sense jaksdla BUT i legit adore your energy (esp in tags omfg they make me die) and hope we can interact n thirst sooo much more next year :)
BAKI OMGFGKJF baki i stg. you make me LOSE MY MIND every time you post.. it's either making me choke from laughing so hard or actually dying from the MM M MM OH SO YUMMY thirsts ! you had me at toji n i was like i have to follow RN. BUT STOP i adore ur energy it's like bright chaos it makes me feel SOOO FULL OF GOOD ENERGY :) let's thirst over toji in jjk s2 next year :P
MY SWEET LALAA ! your fics literally bring me to my KNEESSS i adore the way you write especially bachira, n you're always putting me on to new chars and animes like hellsing :') i love your creativity and how you're always thinking of creative blog names n themes i adore them all !! gimme even more chars to thirst over in 2023 :)
ARES i dont think u understand how much i adore seeing u on dash like. even the controversial posts i'm like "stop thats so real" like everything u say i agree with. the energy is like.. chaotic chill I LOVE IT it feeds my soul :') i cant wait for more moshares interactions n maybe irl eheheheh :)
cadie dont get me started. HALAHAKAKA i literally love u like i am in love w you :') you're my bright lil light on dash n i swear when i see u in notifs im like "I CAUGHT U !" you're such a like.. precious soul to me i just wanna hug u snifle !! you remind me of warm hugs yesyes that is ur energy to me!! my sweet cadie snifle I MUST SEE U MORE ON GENSHIN N DASH NEXT YEAR :)
ARLO ! SOGLO ! BUNLO ! omgongog you might not know but i swear u have an influence on me ! your energy is so like .. calm but attractive if that makes sense snifle ! the 'nodnodnod' n use of 'soggy' has captured me i swear ! now im always saying soggy ! but i rlly love seeing u on dash n ur like.. my biggest scara association if that makes sense ! i wanna see evennn more scarlomouche all 2023 :')
MY BABY MY WIFE my BEAAAUTIFUL WIFE ! nymph / kk / kirei my absolute babe. my beloved since diaphanoso .. my biggest kyo n gyo n tengen thirst partner ehehe ! your energy is like omgog warm and chaotic I ADORE U ! every time i rewatch kny n see kyo im like 'yeah that's my wife's man' ehehekekej I HOPE TO THIRST OVER KNY EVENNN MORE WITH U ! one day ill finish bleach n catch up to all ur faves :)
PARADIS ! omgomg i swear we haven't interacted much sobs BUT I WANNA MORE ! you give me suuuch calm sweet energy on dash :') I ALWAYS ADOREEE your formatting your brain is just like WHOAA so special so creative ! i can't wait to see more pretty colors on dash from u ehehe AND HOPEFULLY EVEN MORE INTERACTIONS IN 2023 !
ZENNN ZENZEN ! omg we rlly have not interacted much but stop. i adore ur navi SO MUCH I WANNA EAT IT ? like does that make sense? prob not BUTASLASAL STOP STOPP. i love ur interactions w toji's rp blog i love seeing just like. no shits given layin everything out ahaklaa BUT ! i hope to see more feral shit on dash from u AND MORE INTERACTIONS TOGETHER NEXT YEAR :)
KATTAKSDHKAL KAT MY BABY ! my lil genshin buddy snifle ! i not only adore ur writing but i just ADORE U ! you're my lil kit kat sob :') i hope tumblr fkn unflags u someday HAKAKA it is ridiculous how much i miss u here ! but im glad i have u on genshin n hopefully we can share more lil leaks n show off tcg n showcases to each other next year ehehkeeke !
my love my light my literal best friend :') I SRSLY DONT KNOW WHAT ID DO WITHOUT YOU TO TALK TO :(:(((:(:(( nana bun HAKDAL grammy bun i miss u SOOO BAD ! WE NEED TO CATCH UP RN. like HOP ON DISC RN ! i am kissing u my sweet, soulful-energied baby! i could cry ! ahdkalsda BUT LETS MEET UP AGAIN N THIRST OVER GYOMEI AGAIN IN 2023 !
OMFGHKLASDKLAAAA ZARI STOP. bro it's been like 2 days of being mutuals but STOP I LOVE SEEING U ON DASH I LOSE MY MIND ! your energy omfg. it's irreplaceable i stg ! the feral thirsts, the thoughts u put in my tinie head ! ill go insane one day I SWEAR ADKASL im gonna bite u 24/7 in 2023 :')
JEM MY SWEET THING ! you are my biggest daichi association ever ! every time i see anything haikyuu/daichi related im like STOP I WONDER IF JEM HAS SEEN THIS OMG ! you have like calm chaotic but also bright energy snifle ! i hope to see more daichi fics n interactions in 2023 :))
omg HALEYYEHKALDSA stop stop ! i adore how you write not only tendou but all characters snifle ! your theme caught my eye so hard n im sooo glad i clicked follow sob ! you are such a sweet, bright soul on dash to me !! you also put me on SOO much good haikyuu art i adore it :') i cannot WAIT for more tendou fics n art n interactions next year :P
azrael my beloved my pretty thing ! u get me like u just GET ME yk? i feel like we're aligned or smth ! every time i interact with you im just thinking "mm m mm azrael gets it!" I MISS SEEING U ON DASH I NEED MORE AZRAEL THOUGHTS ! im yelling at yukimiya to give u sum kisses for the new year :P
REINEAKJSDKLA reine my baby. I SWEAR U DONT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH RESPECT N ADMIRATION I HAVE FOR UR TALENT ! you're such a sweet soul too i can't help but smile when i see "MOSHI" randomly in my disc notifs asdklalad !! you have such a gifted, creative, beautiful mind to me ! i cannot wait for more art n selfship drawings n silly lil dms in 2023 :)
SOSAAAA every time i see u on dash legit love sosa plays in my head ! your energy omfg it cannot be replicated. it's SOOOO GOOD and the way u reblog asks n check up on ur moots is SOO SWEET ILL CRY ! youre the sweetest brightest lil light on this app :') I NEED MORE FERAL UNCENSORED SOSA THOUGHTS ASAP ! i hope to see evennn more next year eheeheke
FAWN FAWN FAWN BABY ! i adore ur acc sm omfgklf i also LOVE that u post abt lesbian culture n ur lil thoughts on genshin women esp lisa ! you're such a strong presence n it's sooo like... energetically warm to me !! i just adore seeing ur reblogs n thoughts spewed out on dash ! i hope we can interact EVEN MORE IN 2023 ! kisskiss to u :)
omg jen ASKALLAAAA my baby my baby omg ! my sweet thing i treasure you SO MUCH ! your feral unhinged uncensored thoughts on dash r sooo sooo contagious i stg ! every time i see u horny post im like oh. OH OHHH oh. OHH yeah oh right oh! HAKHSA but i srsly love ur sweet n caring energy you are one of the just most.. precious people ive met here ! i hope for more thirsts n interactions n LOVE with you next year !
MARI. i see like everything u put out on dash n i think to myself "thats so real" like ur brain is sooo intriguing to me.. IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT ! you have like neutral chaotic energy and im always like "i wanna peek in ur brain even more" ! but i will legit NEVER forget that satosugu fic you wrote where getou was gone and it was reader + satoru and getou like came to them in a dream sorta situation?? OMG THAT FIC CHANGED MY LIFE it was my first time reading an angsty fic ahdkala but i LOVED IT ! but anyways that was long omgomg i cant wait to see more peeks of ur brain this next year :P
VIVA VIVAAAA your energy on dash actually makes me smileomgomg i think to myself "viva n cyno" all the time like u are sooo associated with him in my brain ! i love love LOVE your writing style sm, n the cyno content is TOP tier to me ! youre so funny your energy is just so bright to me ! but i hope to see even moreee viva n cyno next year n hopefully even more interactions ! :)
MY BABY JUJU ! omgomg every time i see jjk or getou art im like "WAIT HAS JUJU SEEN THIS?" you're like the sweetest lil bean to me ! i adoreeee adore you n MISS U ! WE NEED TO GET BACK INTO JJK ANALYSIS AGAIN ! i miss talking abt the chapters w you ! i am giving u a warm squishy hug rn cuz i miss u soooo much ! i hope for more jjk/getou brainrot n thirsts in 2023 :)
ZEHR MY LOVE MY LIGHT MY BABY ! i miss you SOOO MUCH STOP ! you are the fkn funniest person on this app i am SOO SERIOUS ! your energy is so warm and chaotic and the feral unhinged tags FEED MY SOUL ! you make me choke from laughing so hard i will cry ! i miss u zehr bear ! i am hugging u virtually :)
OMGOGM DAE ! my tengen brainrot buddie ehehehe every time i see itto or tengen art/fics im like stop it rn where is dae ! im falling back into my tengen phase again so expect a lot in ur inbox ehehhe ... you have such sweet energy on dash like seeing u in my inbox makes me SMILE SO HARD ! i adore u baby n i hope for amazing things AND SOME MORE TENNIE BRAINROT NEXT YEAR !
KELS KELS ! u feed me soooo well with the jjk art reblogs n haikyuu / jjk fics ! i will die adkasladh you have calm n bright energy to me ! i associate u sooo hard with yuuji (prob from the prev. username hehe) ! but you remind me of the feeling of hot coffee on a cold day if that makes sense.. like soothing n cozy :') I CANT WAIT FOR MORE FICS N INTERACTIONS THIS NEXT YEAR ! kisskiss for u kels !
ABBYYADHJADKAD stop i miss u so much ! even tho i dont know shit about marvel or that stuff?? i will always read anything u write cuz i ADOREEE IT SM ! whenever i see u pop into my inbox w a lil meme i smile soo hard eeek ! i hope school is treating u well n ur doing AMAZING ! n if not i hope that next year brings u the amazing vibes that you deserve :) i love u abby ehekeke
NYMPH NYMPH my kny food distributor ehehekee i stg my fav muzan fic is that muzan + koku fic u wrote from WAAAY back when ! i miss u sosososo much ! i hope life is treating u well ! i miss interacting so bad ahakalaa !! im giving u 365 kisses so every day of next year is a good one :)
bruh omg xel i literally think u are the funniest person i have ever met in my entire life HAKAKAKAAA like. i genuinely lose my shit every time u post ESP ABT KISHIBE ILL DIE RN THINKING ABT IT ! but you have such warm n happy energy it makes my soul feel soooo full ! i cant wait for more WEIRD kishibe thoughts n yummy thirsts next year :P
OMGOMG APOLLO my baby pollo ! i am sooo glad to have u as a mutual stop omgog ! you have like omg. the most precious energy ive ever felt thru a screen HASKDAAA you're so warm and inviting and bright it makes me feel right at home !! your fics are so amazing and the way u push out content is so admirable ! i adore u and i hope for even moreee interactions in 2023 :')
SNOW OMFAKSDJKALAAA you and xel are like.. the most ridiculously hysterical duo ive ever experienced in my life ! interacting w you guys on diaphanoso was INSANE i loved the kny brainrot sm ! you're the sweetest little precious soul ive ever met ! ill cry thinking abt it omgoggn i love playing genshin w you and teaching u all kinds of things ! i cant wait to play n interact even more !!!
CHERRY MY BELOVED MI BEBECITA ! MI CORAZON ! i love your energy so much like your sense of justice and bright, loud + confident personality makes me feel SOO GOOD i admire u a lot ! you always feed me with sooo many kny thirsts i ADORE U ! i am hugging u soooososo tight and i hope 2023 is AMAZING FOR U !
VAL OMGLAKSDAAAA VAL VAL ! i see u writing bleach i promise one day ill watch it all n catch up with you :') your energy is so positive and loving, i can feel it through the screen i swear ! you make me feel right at home, and i love that we've stayed mutuals through my blog switch and after around a year ! im sending all my good energy to you for this next year :'))
BRUH AHKLAAAA BELLA GTFO i love you. everything u put out on dash makes me fucking DIE LAUGHING STOP ! youre like one of my most precious mutuals from diaphanoso omgogm you've influenced me to be more confident n loud on dash hhehehee I ADORE U ! i cannot wait for more belloshi interactions n thirsts in 2023 :)
DONDONDON I WILL CRY RN ! you are soo close to my heart my beloved ! if i could speak french id put a cute little french term of endearment but alas i am. not there yet :') snifle you make me feel SOOO safe and warm. i adore your heart and your preciousness it makes me emotionalahdkaaaa but i cannot wait for more don + moshi time this next year :')
SLEEPY SLEEPS MY BABY ! you make me smile so hard when i see u in my inbox, you're always putting me onto new chars and it has me GASPINGAJSKAA i love your energy it's soft, like a warm hug and sleepy cuddles !! i cannot wait for more interactions n PLSPLSSS gimme some more chars to thirst over with you next yearhehehe
PURPLE my baby my love ! my mutual since diaphanoso ! i adore your sensitivity and brightness, youre such a precious person to me and i just genuinely admire your soul ! i loveee the law art reblogs you put out, they feed me sooo well :') and your emergency requests i adore so much! you are such a beautiful person to me ! ill cry omgogm ! but i hope the new year brings you nothing but good things ! you deserve it all :))
NEPPY NEP ! my bf since diaphanoso :') i adore your bright n confident energy SO MUCH ! your big biggg heart makes me soo so easily comfy and happy with you !! you have so much confidence and i swear it's contagious :) i cant wait for more genshin + moshtune interactions this next year ! i am sending u all my thirsty n positive energy !!
BROOOAKAKAKAA stop stop. dont get me started ill tear up ! emmie oomfghfgf i literally am in love with u ! youre my best friend stop stop ! you make me feel so safe and comfortable like i rlly dont feel that way with a lot of ppl ! you have such a bright heart and just warm energy ITS SO CONTAGIOUS. ur so contagious im sniffling ! we must have more emmoshi interactions ! i am giving u all my motivation n energy for 2023 :')
JES OMGOMG ! i swear youve been sticking around w me for SOOO LONG like almost 2 years?? i think?? but SOB your energy is so bright to me i adore talking to u sm :') there's always tea to spill n its sooo investinghahakak but i cannot wait for more memories n interactions w you ! you are my go-to for fnaf fics ALWAYS ill always put people onto you when they ask for jjk / fnaf recs ehehheeh
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2022 SAETOSHIS. thank you all for the memories, craziness, love n hugs! i adore u all! // all credits for music go to animenz on youtube, song performed: kimiiro signal - saekano: how to raise a boring girlfriend OP
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Ahh.. i havent been online for some time now ! How are you guys ?
- nymphia ( twst )
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unknownspecies · 1 year
default known species: name
anonymous asks unknown species: anon
when i do find something to bully you over get to know you, i'll be giving you a special tag :> here are the ones that i currently know of
interact with me somehow to put your tag in this list if i don't have it !
@/my-neighbor-taishiro #stripper for old men (and their GROWN grandchildren): echo
@/kitakitten #onlyfans subscriber number 1: kaze !!!! <3
@/qichun #shidou’s leashholder: caly
@/sookisaurus #smoker's first cigar: risu ;)
@/trafaligar #smoker's second cigar: ina ;>
@/reverie-starlight #light of my life: reverieeee
@/truegoist #local dumpsterfire :’) : atlas
@/lumiinix #fake friend: lumi >:|
@/sugardaddyreo #eternal tormentor: kisa
@/maplesuna #tokyo revengers ult pimp: maple
@/oxygenstarrved #dildo girl: peri
@/strawberrystepmom #blind to all but size: kendall
@/margumis #overhead light lover: mars
@/moondist-lore #tagless: nesi
@/utahimeow #whore: char
@/linpunny hanma obsessed: dessy
@/nymphoheretic also hanma obsessed: nymph
@/ushiwhacka #local lipstick business owner: rika <333
@/kuroosdarling #my lovely menace: aims >:) <333
@/manjibunny @/kuroosdarling
#sun summoner: zaya
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maria021015 · 4 months
Part 28 of convincing you to read my Stiles x oc fanfic using dialogue from ‘Rising Tides’.
Stiles: (presenting breakfast) The toast is kinda burned, but if you eat around the charred stuff it should be fine.
Zaida: Before we eat, I have to show you something.
Stiles: Did you go investigating without me?
Zaida: No, of course not. I just did some snooping,
Stiles (whining) Come on, that’s the same thing!
Zaida: Oh, so you admit it?
Stiles: I make you a nice breakfast, braving lung damage from smoke inhalation and completing a side-quest to disable your top-of-the-range security, and you go investigating without me. When you were meant to be waiting in bed, might I add? This is a complete betrayal. I am outraged. Positively incensed. Absolutely indignant.
Zaida: (rolling her eyes and opening and secret door) Still concerned with being offended? Or is this a good enough distraction?
Stiles: (freaking out) Oh my God! Definitely dropping it. Already forgotten. Attention diverted successfully. This is insane! You have an actual secret room, hidden behind an actual bookshelf, triggered by an actual book!
Zaida: What’s more is it’s an actual supernatural treasure trove. Wolfsbane, Mountain Ash, Mistletoe…but check this out.
Stiles: What is that? A bestiary?
Zaida: Something like that. It’s in a form of Ancient Greek so I can’t read it exactly, but I can translate enough to know it’s about the different types of Nymphs, tied to all sorts of elements, not just water. The strange thing is, it’s titled ‘Callisto’. Why would it be about all kinds of Nymphs if she was a Naiad?
Stiles: Her mother was a Naiad. Plus, maybe it’s not ‘Callisto’ as in the nymph. Maybe it-
Zaida: (realising) Oh my God! It’s my family’s name.
Stiles: Maybe your bloodline wasn’t just water Nymphs. Maybe it was all different kinds. We need to get this translated. This could be exactly what you were looking for.
Zaida: It’ll take time, but I think I can do it. I know modern Greek well enough to be able to transfer the ancient lettering into that. It shouldn’t be too hard to translate from there. I just need to find what denomination of Ancient Greek it's written in. Different areas had different characters with slight variations.
Stiles: The name could be a hint. If you really are descended from Callisto, your mom’s ancestors were from Arcadia. That’s the Peloponnese now, which is coincidentally where your dad was from too, right?
Zaida: *stares in surprise*
Stiles: (shrugs nonchalantly) What? Don’t look so shocked, I listen when you talk. Is there an alphabet online for that region?
Zaida: *still staring*
Stiles: (researches on his phone) Here we go, Regional Ancient Greek alphabets, and…bingo! Arcadian.
Zaida: You are a literal genius, Stilinski. Okay, I say we eat this delicious breakfast that you risked smoke inhalation to make, and then we can get started on trying to crack this thing.
Stiles: (sees Zaida reading) Oh no way, they made a book of that movie?
Zaida: ‘Jane Eyre’ was published in eighteen forty-seven. Movies weren’t even invented until the eighteen-eighties.
Stiles: So was toilet paper.
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incarnateirony · 7 months
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Thrill with lissome lust of the light, O man! My man! Come careering out of the night Of Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan! Come over the sea From Sicily and from Arcady! Roaming as Bacchus, with fauns and pards And nymphs and satyrs for thy guards, On a milk-white ass, come over the sea To me, to me! Come with Apollo in bridal dress (Shepherdess and pythoness) Come with Artemis, silken shod, And wash thy white thigh, beautiful god, In the moon of the woods, on the marble mount, The dimpled dawn of the amber fount! Dip the purple of passionate prayer In the crimson shrine, the scarlet snare, The soul that startles in eyes of blue To watch thy wantonness weeping through The tangled grove, the gnarled bole Of the living tree that is spirit and soul And body and brain — come over the sea, (Io Pan! Io Pan!) Devil or god, to me, to me, My man! my man! Come with trumpets sounding shrill Over the hill! Come with drums low muttering From the spring! Come with flute and come with pipe! Am I not ripe? I, who wait and writhe and wrestle With air that hath no boughs to nestle My body, weary of empty clasp, Strong as a lion and sharp as an asp — Come, O come! I am numb With the lonely lust of devildom. Thrust the sword through the galling fetter, All-devourer, all-begetter; Give me the sign of the Open Eye, And the token erect of thorny thigh, And the word of madness and mystery, O Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan Pan! Pan, I am a man: Do as thou wilt, as a great god can, O Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! I am awake In the grip of the snake. The eagle slashes with beak and claw; The gods withdraw: The great beasts come. Io Pan! I am borne To death on the horn Of the Unicorn. I am Pan! Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! I am thy mate, I am thy man, Goat of thy flock, I am gold, I am god, Flesh to thy bone, flower to thy rod. With hoofs of steel I race on the rocks Through solstice stubborn to equinox. And I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend Everlasting, world without end, Mannikin, maiden, Maenad, man, In the might of Pan. Io Pan! Io Pan Pan! Pan! Io Pan!
See also  Crowley’s Pan to Artemis
Uncharmable charmer Of Bacchus and Mars In the sounding, rebounding Abyss of the stars! O virgin in armour, Thine arrows unsling In the brilliant, resilient First rays of the spring!
By the force of the fashion Of love, when I broke Through the shroud, through the cloud, Through the storm, through the smoke, To the mountain of passion Volcanic that woke — By the rage of the mage I invoke, I invoke!
By the midnight of madness: — The lone-lying sea, The swoon of the moon, Your swoon into me, The sentinel sadness Of cliff-clinging pine, That night of delight You were mine, you were mine!
You were mine, O my saint, My maiden, my mate, By the might of the right Of the night of our fate. Though I fall, though I faint, Though I char, though I choke, By the hour of our power I invoke, I invoke!
By the mystical union Of fairy and faun, Unspoken, unbroken — The dust to the dawn! — A secret communion Unmeasured, unsung, The listless, resistless, Tumultuous tongue! —
O virgin in armour, Thine arrows unsling, In the brilliant resilient First rays of the spring! No Godhead could charm her, But manhood awoke — O fiery Valkyrie, I invoke, I invoke!
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gothsuguru · 6 months
Kairoooooo helloooo so what kind of monsters would various jjk chars be? Add minor (chars that don't have enough screen time I mean NOT UNDERAGE😭😭..I mean they are just monsters so no issue ig. Whatever suits you!)
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suguru: vampire, naga, siren, & incubus! he’s soooooooo dracula-coded it’s BONKERS. he just gives the AESTHETIC of a vampire to me — elegant, alluring, sultry, manipulative, cunning, & so dangerous. <333 and him as NAGA… serpent coded monster he’s so dangerous and envelops you with his tail to curl you into his body… and i’d let HIM! and HIM AS A SIREN! suguru is very oceanic to me he’s super ocean-coded and i feel him as a siren would be AMAZING — he lulls you w a false sense of security and takes you down, he’s dangerous/cunning/corrupted but soooooo sexy and so seductive. and this brings me to my next one… incubus!suguru. dangerous and a sex-fiend/demon… WHEW. would terrorize your dreams in the most DELICIOUS of ways.
satoru: friendly/playful poltergeist & nymph! he’s like casper the friendly ghost! i just think he’d play so many pranks and be so playful! tbh ghost!gojo… kinda need him idk… and also him as a NYMPH! just unbelievably beautiful, lurks in the lakes, lures you in w beauty…
nanami: elf, headless horseman, & a sphinx! he’s elegant like an elf and kinda has elven features to me! and as a kid i loved the story of the headless horseman so i feel like i could see nanami as him! and sphinxes could also work for kenjaku/geto but i wanted to add it for nanami bc i didn’t wanna add too much for suguru 😭
toji: werewolf, dragon, & incubus! werewolf is obvious bc he’s rugged and predatory and bears his canines at anyone who dares to cross him. dragon bc he’s so powerful and impervious to most attacks! and INCUBUS BC HE’S SEXY!!!!!! him as a sex demon is delicious to me
kenjaku: naga and a yūrei! this one is for ME specifically bc in my curator!geto fic kenjaku is a yūrei painting! (a japanese ghost essentially) and naga… that’s a given — him and geto are sooooo serpent coded it’s insane.
sukuna: devil, fallen angel, & him as trueform sukuna 😭 i feel like i don’t even have to explain this like “i’m the Fallen” like DUH! NO SHIT!
yuji: he’s a werewolf! playful, insanely strong, and his boyfie is a vampire <333 but seriously i think yuji as a werewolf would be PERFECT! he’s rugged and rowdy but also very pack-oriented (and we’ve seen him be likened to a wolf in the manga — he’s predatory when need be)
megumi: gumi is a vampire! i think this one is pretty easy/self-explanatory LMAO he’s pale, demure, and still extremely strong! also he’s SO pretty! him and his werewolf boyfriend (yuji) are everything to me <3
nobara: she’s an elf! but a non-elegant one 😭 loud and brash and playful! she kinda reminds me of when marcille goes buckwild when she has to eat senshi’s food 😭
shoko: her as a zombie would be so cool! i think it’d be such a fun twist esp since she has RCT! her essentially going beyond death and still having consciousness would be so cool! i think she wouldn’t be a normal zombie, i still think she’d be functional! like a monster high!zombie 😭
here’s some pics of some of the monsters/creatures!
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headless horseman:
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maggi3chas3 · 1 year
So here's a little bit of the first page or so of the book I'm writing =D
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑂𝑛𝑒
𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆; 𝑶𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒉
I'm a bit of a shitty person; I admit that. So I suppose I deserve all that's happened to me recently. That doesn't necessarily mean I won't complain about life in general, however.
I don't think that's quite appropriate at the moment, though. I'll save the sarcasm for later.
I never thought I'd end up back here; I never thought it would end here, right back where it started. I mean, this circus was my home. The Illusionists took me in at, what, nine? Something around that age. The performance tent had been so lively then; shit, it was pretty damn lively a month ago. Now? It was sad. Depresing; pathetic. I suppose she and I match quite a bit, then.
My shoulders tense, I lifted the heavy tent flap of once bright shades of purple, and passed my gaze over what remained of my childhood. The bleachers were long abandoned, charred and blackened and collapsed in some areas. The sand that covered the floor was of a similar pattern. In the center of the horeshoo of seating stood two wooden towers; each about twenty feet up, with the top of the tent fifteen feet above that. In between the two, there hung the wooden bars me and Astrix had swung on all our lives. The right tower, the one I would usually perch on, had nearly collapsed; the crows nest where we would stand and jump from was cracked and burned. The left tower, Astrix's usual show placement, was in much better conditions, only the base being of a more extreme blackness than the rest.
I exhaled a long breath I didn't know I had been holding; it puffed out into a cloud of cold. I supposed it must have been quite freezing inside. It was Autumn, of course, but me and Bilzerian's presence must have lowered the temperature by a few tens of degrees. My wings fluttered softly at my back.
Speak of the devil; "Why are we back here?" He demanded, appearing with a gust of cold at my side that made even I shiver.
"I'm ending this." I strode a bit faster towards the center, my voice barely a fracture in an icy lake. The once soft sand pricking against my bare feet, I knew where Astrix would set her trap. I knew where I had to go.
Blitz almost laughed; "Really? Oh, I'd like to see you try!" He grinned an icy grin at me, the ends of his mane of blue hair glistening with frost. That laugh snapped needles into my lungs every time it sounded. I continued on; he could feel how I felt and I knew how he felt in turn; he was aware of the fact that his mere presence made me want to shit myself like a toddler, and I knew he was thoroughly pissed at me while simultaneously being amused and giddy to see me frightened. That just made me more frightened.
"I won't be trying, actually. That's the point." I muttered, my teeth softly grinding. I sensed a remanence of Astrix and Styvies power; that of a Goddess and a Nymph, right in between the towers. I took a quick breath, looking down at my frosted arms.
"Think about this carefully, Cheshire." Blitzerain mused.
"Shut up." I snapped back; a phrase that was second nature to him and I. That didn't stop the ends of the strings of my mind to strain as I said it. I took another step forward and held my breath; yet nothing happened.
Blitz smiled, "I suppose you were wrong, hm?" I felt him attempting control; that icy cage tightening around my chest. I refused; he would have to try harder than that, yes. I would be in control, for once.
I drew in a breath and jolted my left arm; a tendril of cold shimmered up to my shoulder, my forearm and down narrowing and freezing into an icicle in a split second. Vague runes flickered faintly under the sand. My frosted feathers puffed out, a slight snowfall of frustration.
Blitz sighed, coating his tone in a sweet, popsicle glaze, "Cheshire, don't do this. It's really just more trouble; a waste of time. You know it's-"
"You're a waste of time, you know that? All of this was a waste." I bit back, cutting him off. I wasn't in the headspace for any sarcastic, snarky comments, so that was all I had at the moment. I promise you I can do better. Another pulse of fast cold enclosed my chest; sharp flutters of my heart had to be steadied to stop it. I couldn't let him happen yet; my anxiety had other plans, but I insisted on keeping those as plan Bs and beyond.
My icicle arm snapped itself in three, now earning me a claw of ice. I stomped on the rune circle's center again, and was slammed abruptly in the gut by a swinging log.
The wind was knocked out of me; I silently wished the wind god would also be slammed aside, but alas, I had no such luck. I tumbled across the sandy floor, only coming to a stop when purple chains burst from the runes and shackled me, then dragging me all the way back to their origins. This was the day I discovered what burnt sand tastes like (more pleasant than one would imagine, in my humble opinion). I felt my chest completely freeze over; I didn't fight this time. I was thrusted from my own vessel, now hovering above my body in Bilzerian's place. He screamed bloody murder, thrashing in the bonds and cursing in the language of the gods. He flapped our wings, lifting off the ground for only a moment before another set of bindings shackled them, slamming him back on the ground. Ice jutted from the floor and merged with the chains, but it was no use. The ice magic only fused with that of the chains, securing us further to where we sat.
Blitz thrashed and shouted some more, I don't know for how long; I had learned to tune him out when I wasn't the one dragging him around against my will, if I even had a will at this point.
Eventually he tired both himself and my body out; we swapped places once more, and I was greeted by aching muscles and joints, marks of bruising likely to show its face in the next day or so where the chains met my skin. My throat felt like shards of glass had traced insults down its back. Blitz blew to the edges of his range, about ten feet from me, and sat down midair to mope about life. I wanted to do quite the same from where I was. He reeked of rage; I knew I would have to brace myself for when that avalanche tumbled my way.
Now, all I had to do was wait. I took that time to look around some more, as the chains had tightened during Blitz's fit, and I could barely move, let alone stand. The log that had struck me from the West had crashed on the East side of the tent, slamming into a storage area and closet; the entrance was at the South end, the horseshoe of bleachers leaving an opening to face it. The log would have crashed into some of those bleachers if they were still standing. What a way to spend my eighteenth birthday, the back of my mind muttered, the tracks beneath my flighting and derailing trains of thought.
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seekdevotion · 1 year
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*          𝐀𝐇𝐎𝐘  𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐘𝐒   !   have  to  run  back  to  class  in  a  bit  unforch  but  popping  in  rl  quick  to  wave  you  over  to  lil  ole'  devo  here  !  we're  a  semi  appless,  multimuse  supernatural  town  rp  framing  the  fictional  seaside town  of  devotion  based  in  the  even  more  fictional  state  of  south  of  tene  with  fun  little  creechs  dilly  dallying  about  from  sirens  and  sea  witches  spotted  round  the bluffs  near  you,  to  faeries  &  nymphs  and  not - saur - ooky - spooky  ghosts  (  regular  degular  humans  included, ofc.  )  you'd  see  nearly  just  about  anywhere in town.  we're  fun,  we're  lax,  we're  ass  over  tiddies  silly  with  pocketfuls  of  lore  to  root  around  in  for  your  perusal  and  most  importantly  we're  looking  to  close  cap  with  22  muns  on  deck  ⎯  25  muns  total,  most  of  which  are  calling  for  you  🫵 to  snatch  right  up  so  come  on  down  and  call  1-800-seekdevotion.  I  repeat,  call 1-800-seekdevotion  and  seek some answers from yours truly or better yet: find  yourself  a  sxc  spot  with  a  char,  or  two,  or-[CANNONSHOT]  !  
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