#chara ' headcanon
butterscotch-goat · 1 year
Undertale headcanon: after the pacifist route Chara doesn't follow frisk out of the underground. they know frisk made a difference, they know everything will be okay, they know there's nothing left to do, and they're content. they pass on. I like to think that :)
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Here me out, since Flowey/Asriel’s favorite character is canonically Papyrus… Chara’s favorite is Sans.
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eniyioyun · 6 months
Undertale Chara Headcanos
*Gay and asexual. (He/They)
*He is older than Frisk and Asriel and smaller than Kris.
*He has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and neurological disease.
*When he is angry, he cannot control himself at all, he cannot control himself in the same way in a different way.
*He can use magic and his magic is illusion (zikadraws from tumblr)
*He can put himself at risk with illusion and use it to surprise his enemy. While he doesn't realize that the illusion is real, he makes the finishing blow with his knife.
*He went up the mountain to commit suicide.
*You can meet Asriel and other monsters, make friends with them, and use them to help them. He found peace with help.
*He hated a bad family and values, the evil, selfishness and stupidity of humanity, and was filled with revenge.
*Actually, albino.
*He has red eyes from birth, so he was declared "devil" in the village where he grew up.
*They environment saw him as a man because he behaved masculinely, but his fulfillment of these was interrupted by the fact that he did not belong to any gender. She was also subjected to hate and bullying because she was attracted to men. No one accepted him as he was. Until he meets Asriel, who will be his half-brother.
*He has a very dramatic and unfortunate sense of humor. He loves puns, dark humor, scaring people, and elaborate jokes.
*Half Greek and half German.
*He has a German accent (reddit @Dragon_X627279)
*Addicted to everything sharp. And Toriel's snail pies.
*His hobbies are knitting, eating chocolate, collecting weapons and reading books.
*When something bothers him, he becomes sullen and doesn't say anything.
*He likes to do make-up, especially when he catches Asriel and forces him to do make-up.
*He is flirty with men, so many men thought she was a girl. He just flirts FOR FUN, as much as a CHILD can flirt.
*Apart from the Dreemur family, his favorite monsters are Gaster and Sans. He loves looking at their work. He is also a fan of Gerson.
*Gaster taught him sign language, he always talked to him in sign language.
*He also learned the Wingdings alphabet, but only used it for important matters.
*The main reason he learned the Wingdings alphabet was to read the secret research notes written by Gaster and Sans.
*Caught by Gaster while reading his research notes in the middle of the night. He thought he would be very angry, but Gaster patted his head and showed him the real experiments.
*He was surprised when he and Frisk met Gaster again. He was especially disappointed with the scars on his face and how they disappeared so quickly.
*Thanks to Sans, his inner nerd came out, he enjoys listening to their scientific nonsense. They are both great students.
*There were times when he and Sans would fight for fun, neither of them could beat the other, but when they got to the point of killing each other, they would stop and do tear-inducing victory dances.
*Like Toriel, she constantly laughs at Sans' jokes.
*When he met Sans, he was very excited, lively, energetic and curious, at first he had a hard time keeping up with him, but later it was Asriel who had a hard time keeping up with the two of them.
*When he met Frisk and Sans, he was very happy that his sense of humor had not changed, but he was sad that his old energetic and lively self was replaced by a lazy Sans, and he hated that his friend's life energy was depleted. .
*Gerson taught him various martial arts.
*When Chara used these defensive arts to attack and intimidate, Gerson hit her with a stick.
*As a result, Chara tried to scare him like crazy with an illusion, but Gerson wasn't afraid at all.
*Chara must be the person who admires Gerson the most after Undyne.
*Gerson's encounter with Frisk disappointed him for the third time. He was no longer a hero... So he declared Undyne as his new admirable figure.
*Chara is a very smart child, she has an advanced intelligence for her age and that's why she is so crazy.
*He likes to talk to his spirit knife, he believes it talks to them too. He only showed it to Asriel. Asriel saw this as a game and liked to talk with the knife. Chara was telling them what the knife said.
* He belittles poor and weak people. At first she judged Asriel for being weak and tried to make him tougher but then she accepted that he was just cute.
*He can stand on his own two feet, is very self-confident and can sometimes be a bully. *He is not a very good person. He is not thoughtful or kind, tends to be rude and indifferent, has annoying and dangerous habits, and is generally a "freak" but is always himself. Nobody changed it, it won't change for nobody and nobody will change it
*After his death, his soul was corrupted and he became "the actor's name". Whatever the "player's name" was, it was.
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If there is a character you want headcanon, write it!
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breakmake · 1 year
Dumb GenoChara/Player HC
Your "human soul" and "determination" that Chara refers at the end of the No Mercy (KillemAll, Genocide, whatever) to isn't referring to the Player Characters SOUL (Which is specifically referred to as a SOUL, in all uppercase, as opposed to the players "human soul" spoken in quotations). "determination" Means the Player's desire to choose and Determine their path. Not desire (or substance) to persist beyond death and change fate. The player views fate in Undertale (the game, not the stories surrounding it) as branch of linear events(even if varied, not every little thing can be accounted for), so they don't determine to change said fate, but choose fate. "human soul" means the Player's effort and engagement with the Game, whether good or bad. Good in sync with the players Neutral & Pacifist Routes(On the course of being a better person Post-Pacifist after Asriel's reflection of Charas actions), and bad resonating with their hatred of humanity growing and rivaling or surpassing your emotions, hence why they are able to destroy the world post-genocide, they supersede you in intent.) Not a culmination of their being (that likely doesn't exist in game beside from the one the player accidentally stole by starting the adventure, Frisks) We don't have SOULs from the perspective of Undertale Characters, We never gain LOVE, those go to the Characters. Chara can't (and probably wouldn't) start the genocide run on their own, though they (and even Frisk) can overpower the players control at times. Chara is the one most aware of the Player's nature of a 'nonhuman human' , knowing they're a sentient (or even cruel) being from their actions, but nothing more than that. They know you act Human ("Human SOUL" probably also representing the bad part of human persistence, given Charas bad blood with her own blood) however, the SOUL they initally take is Frisks. The SOULs following those no longer belong to the Players (stolen) hand, but Chara's.
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goldenanomaly · 5 months
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after idk HOW many years of being a fan of these games, i think i've finally settled on my designs for these kids.
some headcanon stuff below:
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chara meant moving onto deltarune by saying this, btw 🙄
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corbanara · 2 months
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I've been wanting to do this for a long time
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zephyrchama · 3 months
(Obey Me! Headcanon)
You might use the brothers' soaps from time to time, but they also use yours in secret.
Except it's less of a secret and more of a headache because all seven of them "borrowing" a little bit of lotion or shampoo (or even chapstick) here and there means you're constantly running out of soap, perpetuating the cycle of having to use theirs.
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labmousegirl · 1 year
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the state of literary analysis in fandom is tragic
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salchichas-art · 1 month
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my designs of teen chara and frisk !!
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tiramisu-rambles · 1 month
Sunday x Reader scenario, childhood friends in a modern AU
Imagine falling for a boy who plays the violin to accompany his sister on the piano.
His sister is a renowned idol in the future, but only he's seen behind closed doors how much it took for her to get onto that stage.
These days, the boy is a successful corporate worker who's famous for other things. He rarely sees his sister's mask crack anymore. No one's seen his own mask falter.
You don't recognise Sunday when you finally meet him again, moving back to the capital city of Peacony 'where dreams are made.'
You reminisce about your childhood and high-school days, where even if Sunday and Robin always felt special, pretty, too dazzling to be your friends, they still felt human.
Robin still seems human when she greets you with a big hug and excited chat. Sunday..
You'd fallen for him when he was a boy looking out for his family, with soft smiles and comfortable silences shared as you walked together after school.
You're not sure if you know the Sunday before you now.
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sandswirls · 9 months
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Undertale human headcanons ❤
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luckyarchivist · 4 months
Touchstarved Voice HCs
Ais - He smokes so I have to give him smoker's rasp b/c it's one of like two things that's sexy about smoking. He doesn't speak loudly —honestly he slurs words and mumble-speaks and cuts off words quite often — but his voice carries surprisingly well. Stays mostly in one pitch. Deeper, more resonant voice with a warm timbre: he talks and it feels like a cozy day in your brain.
Vere - I like to call his voice "mommy voice, for men". Honestly, rather than me explaining it, just listen to Doppio Dropscythe read his lines. The drawl of it and the semi-melodic intonation is everything I'd imagined for Vere!
Mhin - Most clear thing about their voice in my head is this underlying hiss to all of their words, like they're always whispering, even when their volume is normal. It leads to a raspy quality that's different from Ais's rumble. I think they probably have a higher-pitched tone of voice than any of the other LIs, but not by too much.
Leander - Announcer-y quality: you could pick his voice out of a crowd, easy. Plays with his speech: lots of variation in tone, speed, pitch and so on. Some (American) people have made him British, which I could never put onto a man I love (/j, I'm so sorry, British people) but I do think he has some qualities of the stereotypical posh British accent — mainly, the enunciation of every word. He doesn't cut corners when speaking, though not to the point of sounding unnatural.
Kuras - definitely the hardest of the main five for me to hear. I think he has a pretty deep voice, with a soothing cadence to his speech. Like Leander, his words are all enunciated and easy to understand. However, he's kinda the opposite of Ais — the demon says mean things with a warm tone of voice, and the angel says nice things with a cold, even tone. If you manage to surprise him, though, or perhaps get closer to him, you could trip up his normally smooth speaking and make him sound more "human".
BONUS: Of course, these two don't have any lines yet, but just based on looks...
Sen: Personally don't think her voice is super deep, but it is throaty, like she's speaking from the back of her mouth. I think she probably pauses a lot when she talks. IDK why, but she has the energy of someone who takes a while to get through a sentence, so she'd rather just show you without having to tell you.
Elyon: If anyone would have a British accent it would be this guy. He speaks with mostly a teasing-slash-condescending tone of voice, but whether it's intentionally or unintentionally is anyone's guess. I don't think Elyon's voice is as deep as Ais's or Kuras's, but it could still be considered conventionally sexy.
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wildflowercryptid · 4 months
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florian's always struggled to make friends so he didn't really have any back in galar... uh, actually — it might be more accurate is that he USED to have one...
headcanon explanation + bonus under the cut!
like mentioned above, florian has always struggled a lot with making friends. while he's a kindhearted and friendly kid, he can come across as kinda intense to others, ( especially when discussing his interests, ) and that's led to him often being alienated amongst his peers. though he's grown used to being by himself and has learned to not care if others dislike him, he still hopes that he can find at least a few people to connect with outside of his family. it's a hope that's always been present, ever since he was growing up in wyndon.
of course, he wasn't the only loner amongst his childhood peers. around 7 years old, he found a friend in bede fee, who attended the same primary school as him. bede themself wasn't exactly the friendliest kid out there and often had spats with people who made fun of them for their family's low-income status, but florian managed to get them to warm up to him. the two got along pretty well and found comfort in having a friend that seemed to understand them, both being lonely kids who were often picked on by others. after a while, they became pretty much inseparable as they frequently played, read, and laughed together. to florian, it didn't matter that people picked on him just as long as he had bede there to be his friend. bede shared a similar sentiment... at least, at first he did.
admittedly, florian has a habit of resting on his laurels when it comes to things he doesn't have an interest in improving. ( it doesn't matter if he isn't as good of a battler as his sister, all he needs is to be strong enough to keep himself safe during field research. it doesn't matter if he's ostracized amongst his peers and looked down upon, he's alright as long as he has someone to call a friend. etc, etc. ) bede, however, couldn't keep themself from caring about their place in the pecking order. they were sick of others looking down on them, sick of others thinking they were better than them. they just couldn't understand how florian could stand people treating him poorly without getting angry. over time, frustration and resentment towards his attitude festered inside them. these feelings were only exacerbated by their struggles at home and being sent to the orphanage. while they would still call each other friends, their bond had definitely become strained.
everything came to a head when they were both 11 years old, when rose visited bede's orphanage and his acknowledgement caused a major shift in their personality. after all, someone that important seeing their potential surely meant that they better than their peers, right? they soon became much more pompous and rude in nature. florian still stayed close by despite bede's worsening attitude towards him, but it wasn't before long until all of their pent-up feelings came flooding out. their friendship ended with massive fight, with bede telling florian that they were sick of being weighed down by an " annoying pest " like him. while they expected for him to take their cruel remarks in stride like he always did with everyone else, bede couldn't help but feel a little guilty when florian ran off in tears. the two stopped talking after that fight and ever since then, there's always a worry in the back of florian's mind that his friends will eventually get sick of him like bede did. ( thankfully, the friends he's made since then have helped make him feel a lot more secure in their relationships. )
apologies for the long-winded explanation, here's the bonus i promised to make up for how sad this hc got :
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the goofy ass side effect of coming up with this headcanon is realizing that they accidentally shaped each others' taste in guys rip
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Undertale characters see S/O break a bone and then S/O basically just does a Far Cry healing animation and doesn’t even care they got hurt.
Undertale Sans - He grabs your arm gently but firmly, with dark eye sockets. "b u d d y ? N e v e r d o t h a t a g a i n." He hated every second of it. What's wrong with you? Go to the hospital like a normal person, you're going to hurt yourself more.
Undertale Papyrus - He faints. First, the shock of seeing your leg on the wrong side triggered him, but you simply putting it back in place like it's nothing? That's too much man. He can take a lot of things, but this is a big no.
Undertale Toriel - .... She was about to heal you, that for sure stopped her dead in her tracks. She's speechless. And immediately turns into Goat Mom mode and starts lecturing you about how dangerous this is and how it could have hurt you even more. Now you sit down this instant and you let her heal you properly.
Undertale Asgore - He lived hundreds of years and still discovers new things. Though, that one is maybe a bit too much. The noise of the bone snapping back into place made him so uncomfortable he suddenly panics his way out of the house, pretending he needed to get groceries or something.
Undertale Undyne - She stares in awe for a few seconds. Then she explodes. "This was AWESOME. Do it AGAIN!!!" She's very excited about this. She's even ready to break your arm if you need it! Come on!
Undertale Alphys - The scientist in her leaves her body. Why even try? You clearly have no idea how to fix a bone. It's so dangerous and you just act like everything is alright now??? How??? You should be screaming in agony???
Undertale Frisk - Well they can do cool things too. Frisk immediately struggles to lick their elbow with all they have.
Undertale Chara - They roll their eyes at you. You think you're in a video game or something? They're not taking you to the hospital when you realize you're dying because of how painful this is. You did that to yourself.
Undertale Mettaton - He gasps, then runs to you with a camera. Can he break one of your bones so you can do it again and put it in his next movie? Please, please, please, pretty please....
Undertale Gaster - He hisses at you, all his goop puffing like an angry cat. This is the worst sound he has ever heard, please never do that again or he's going to blip into another dimension again!
Undertale Grillby - He stays neutral, but his fire body suddenly burns for real, which means you triggered him. And now the bar is on fire, and Sans is on fire, and all the customers are running in circles screaming for their lives. What have you done?
Undertale Muffet - No big deal, it happens all the time with her eight arms too. She doesn't even notice when one is broken with time, as she has seven other functioning ones. You're not special, who cares.
Undertale Burgerpants - Oh look at that. He's dating another weird person. Welp, that's official. He has a type apparently. He wishes he didn't have one. Why can't he date normal people who do things like normal people should?
Undertale Flowey - Did you just pull out the friendliness pellet he threw inside your arm with your teeth? "You can't do that! That's illegal! I just broke that bone, you can't fix it like it's nothing! Cheater!" He's so mad! Stop breaking his fun. He wants to kill you!
Undertale Gerson - He wiggles his eyebrows at you. You know his back is hurting as well, right? You know. A little trick like that could help like hell. Come on. Don't be shy.
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floweypilled · 6 months
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my most recent and first (maybe) designs for these two... @_@
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