#character study | modeling
starrysharks · 4 months
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did i mention i finished her model?
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anna-naray · 7 months
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"Raf is one of the young devils who came to Earth to complete a stage and become a 100% guardian devil! She and Ang-li are best friends, and this 13 thunders (y/o) little devil is also the main model of a famous brand in Zolfanello City run by Ang-li's father!"
Here we're with devil Raf! I really like her style, which remained pretty much the same as in the early studies! The hat is the most important part of her figure, as well as the big leviathan boots!
I also paid homage to Raf from the TV series with the red tuft on the bangs, while I decided to give a drastic cut to her beautiful curly hair on both sides of her face heheh!
I hope you like it!✨
Characters -> Sulfus - Raf - Kabalè - Ang-Lì - Cabiria - Mefisto
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First complete designs ↓ and other studies here
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clownsuu · 1 year
My brother in christ do u use any resources for ur anatomy/poses. It is chefs kiss mwah belissimo i would like to learn ok thank u
Pov me learning
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Lol no whoops-
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doodlingbot · 1 year
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some doodles :) + a screenshot redraw
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lycanfoe · 7 months
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guilty gear oc part 2
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
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ah yes. the 'handsome' td boys. hexagon, oblong and gigachad.
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luck-of-the-drawings · 10 months
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(messin around with (ONLY) pens and colored pencils, error correction done with paper n glue)
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minecraftbookshelf · 11 months
To Walk A Mile In Each Others Shoes: The Ranchers
Summary: The soulbonds have consequences, and for some they are more welcome than others. Tango and Jimmy Edition
Characters: TangoTek & Solidarity Gaming
Word Count: 370
General Note: I'm posting these as separate one-shot style posts for each soulbond pair. They are all written but I have them queued up and spaced out. All posted will be on this blog under the tag "to walk a mile in each others shoes" and also on my AO3, which is linked on my pinned post.
Tango notices the itching first. A creeping sensation at his hairline and in-between his shoulder blades. At first he thinks its just sweat and dust, the normal byproducts of the work he and Jimmy are putting into building and populating their ranch. It takes him an embarrassing amount of time to realize that it isn't.
It's feathers. Sprouting in his hairline and down his back, fewer than Jimmy's, but in the same places, an unmistakable mirror of downy fluff and a few scattered emerging pinfeathers.
The itching gets worse and Jimmy shows him how to use pressure and cold to relieve it. Tango doesn't seem to have the ability to make the oil needed to keep them healthy, so Jimmy uses his own, flustered and rambling the whole time he shows Tango how to work it into the feathers.
They feel better after, though still itchy. An odd sensation of growth against his skin.
The pinfeathers never get the chance to open up.
(He never connects the dots, doesn't really register the weird sensations of deja vu, the vague sense of Knowing what is about to happen right before it does. And even if he had, he probably wouldn't have realized where they came from.)
Jimmy doesn't notice until the ranch burns.
He knows a lot of people would probably make a joke about his obliviousness there, but in his defense he doesn't usually stick his hands into fire.
Until the ranch burns and Tango is raging and Jimmy is trying to put out two fires at once, both of them more literal than advisable.
The ranch burns and Tango burns and Jimmy reaches into the flames and pulls him out and it doesn't so much as singe his skin.
One things avians and netherborn have in common, Jimmy learns, is that they are always cold. Hollow bones and Nether-nature equally out of place on the ground of the Overworld. But netherborn produce heat, warming the air around them. Jimmy can't get as hot as Tango, no shimmer over his hand no matter how hard he strains and stares, but Tango says its enough he can feel it.
They may not have many nights in the game, but at least they can keep each other warm.
Team Ranchers || Team Box || Dessert Duo || The Boat Boys || The Homewreckers || Bad Math || Tilly Death Do Us Part
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cynameru · 5 months
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hi what if i told you i'm no longer sane
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Character studies for The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo series.
Model sheets of character Vincent van Ghoul.
These pictures of character studies were posted here for informative purposes.
The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo and all its characters © Hanna-Barbera Productions, developed by Tom Ruegger and produced by Mitch Schauer, 1985.
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
Jazz Fenton is by far the best older sister I’ve come across in cartoon media and blows pretty much every 2000s-era Disney Channel big sister figure out of the water for the sole reason and sheer fact she actually loves and cares about her younger brother, isn’t self-absorbed, and doesn’t treat him like total fucking trash.
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eenochian · 9 months
it’s very funny how this fandom suddenly cares so much about sensitivity, meanwhile no one was up in arms about folks calling valeria shit like “cartel mommy” and simping for her. and, if you point this out, you get told that it’s “less important” or incomparable. way to tell victims of cartel violence that they don’t matter. y’all can’t preach about sensitivity and mindfulness while doing the exact opposite of that.
sensitivity is something that needed to be brought up a long time ago. people need to be mindful about the content they’re engaging with and producing. COD and its characters are based on very real issues and very real situations, mindfulness is needed for every single character.
seeing this only be brought up in the context of makarov and graves is honestly so, so frustrating. they’re not the only problematic characters that you need to consider when making content. western militaries like the US and UK are incredibly controversial and have devastated vulnerable people and their countries. price, ghost, soap, gaz— any member of the military, especially the special forces, is problematic. they’re not good people and should not be treated like saints, nor should they be idolized for what they do.
that all being said, the concepts of “be mindful and sensitive when making content” and “let people enjoy problematic media” can absolutely, 100%, co-exist. art is not meant to be a paradigm of moral goodness, it has always been a medium for people to explore things that are considered "taboo" in a safe space. there's a reason why "dead dove: do not eat" exists as a genre – with proper warning and precautions put in place, people can explore darker topics. for some, it's morbid interest. for others, it's a way of coping with trauma and experiences they've had in real life.
i want to repeat this just to make it very clear: be mindful and sensitive with the content you're producing. do not romanticize topics that should not be painted in a good light. don't minimize the impact of characters' actions or act like people are in the wrong for being uncomfortable with them. in this fandom especially, people treat atrocities like jokes because we're becoming desensitized to them. it's up to every individual to ensure that they don't forget how impactful a lot of this stuff is in real life. war is not a joke. terrorism is not a joke. people dying is not a joke. do not romanticize any of these things in your content, even if you're exploring the different sides of the people behind these things.
humanize the characters all you want. horrible people are still people, after all. humans are not one-dimensional beings. humanize them, but do not romanticize them.
be kind to victims, be sensitive, and be mindful about what you engage with. no one is perfect, no thing is perfect, but we can always do better. we need to approach every topic through this lens instead of picking and choosing who to support. everyone is deserving of it, everyone is entitled to basic respect. we don't need to compete and argue over who has it worse, we just need to be better across the board. support real victims. don't let media warp your perceptions of reality. be conscious of the content you make and consume.
#call of duty#cod#cod mw2#mw2#modern warfare#putting it in very clear words because i'm scared people may misinterpret what i'm saying:#for the love of god— LISTEN when people tell you that you're doing something wrong.#especially if these are victims or people knowledgeable of the topics you're portraying.#do your research. learn about the things you're writing or reading about.#do not portray bad people or harmful things in a positive light.#it's completely possible to “simp” for villains without disregarding or defending their actions. these characters are fictional.#it's better to get your rocks off to a set of pixels modeled after a normal person than a REAL person that does harm.#but be cognizant of what you're looking at when you do.#if you can support real victims— please do.#donate to ukraine. educate yourself on the war. learn about the harsh reality of cartels. study the impact of colonization and racism.#not only is it good to be informed of things in the real world— but it allows you to better understand these topics in the media.#i'm FAR from perfect. i'm not immune to doing wrong. i'm no exception to this criticism.#also wanted to throw this into the post but i may make another to address this specifically:#it is VERY telling that this fandom only started talking about sensitivity once (predominantly) white folks started being impacted by it.#no one cared about valeria being called “cartel mommy” or the cartel being romanticized.#graves gets criticized for being racist. but even he's often given a “pass” by the fandom.
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Finally got around to reading Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma after hearing Good Omens folks talk about it forever.
Yeah it’s that good.
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kordeliiius · 2 years
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studying the Creature
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seraa-relearns-art · 7 months
Some studies I did for my artclass this morning! Had a ton of fun making these, the model was very nice :) For the last one, our teacher wanted us to imagine a humanoïd alien-type creature, and I'm planning on completing this piece! Maybe not right now as I've got so much schoolwork to do, but sometime in the near future :D
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Attempting to art dump, but I'm really low energy so I don't have much art lmao
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Hehehehe, we were having so much fun, yall. In order we have my oc Lanazel, just a random dude my friends are saying is Dazai? Idk, maybe it's Dazai. Maybe it's not. My friends oc Skorch, My oc Vanta. Pickles the drummer ×3 The last one was during a lockdown drill and in the dark lol. My vtuber model is in the works. My dnd characters lore. Then, just a random study I did of some guy I found on Twitter. I can not find it again, so credit the creator!!
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