#character: lucas sinclair
perfectday1972 · 2 years
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same energy
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stbb-summaries · 4 months
Story # 45
Title: Behind the Veil Main Pairing(s): Max and Lucas, El and Dustin, Mike and Will, Joyce and Hopper, Jonathan and Nancy Rating: M (Mature, Shows adult themes, but not explicitly) Genre: Romance, Action, Fluff, Angst, Horror, Omegaverse Word Count: 5,000 Completeness: 3 Warnings: None Summary:
Not believing that her uncle Billy is dead, Max and Lucas’s 16yr daughter, Samantha (Sam for short) heads into the forbidden areas around Hawkins and seeks answers to the missing (aka the dead to others) But finds things much more sinister hidden behind the veil.
Art forms preferred: I'd like any art! Highest rating art preferred: M (Mature, Shows adult themes, but not explicitly)
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kennahjune · 1 year
HEAR ME OUT?? Please—
I LOVE love LOve when like, in fics, Steve has this really weird talent or interest that nobody knows about or like nobody expects but then oddly enough it sort of fits him.
And just like— it opens up so much possibility for character projection.
My favorite is writer Steve but I’ve been growing increasingly obsessed with Steve who’s hyper fixation is snakes.
The image in my head is like— everyone’s hanging out at the trailer park for one reason or another, and they hear Robin fucking /screech/.
Everyone’s on their feet in a split second, worry and confusion and deep dread forcing the way into the forefront of their minds.
Turns out: it was a snake. A really small one at that.
Eddie and Wayne offer to take it and dispose of it, the two of them having done this various other times with the other snakes people find in the trailer park.
But Steve pushes to the front of the group yelling and scolding.
“No absolutely not!”
Eddie shares a look with Nancy, both chalking it up to Steve’s hero complex acting up and him trying to protect them from the potentially dangerous critter.
“Look, Stevie—“
“You are not going to kill that little sweetheart!”
Eddie paused, shared a confused furrow of brows with Nancy and Robin, and turned to face Steve fully.
“Stevie, baby, that’s a snake.”
Steve stood with his hands on his hips, a determined glint in his eye, and nodded. “No I thought it was a squirrel.”
Eddie sighed loudly. “Then what do we do with it?”
“Well not fucking kill it for starters! It’s harmless. Aren’t you baby?”
Eddie and everyone else watched Steve step up to the snake that was hanging from the trailer’s side door. “Um, Steve what’re you doing?”
Steve ignored them completely and simply plucked the snake from its place on the door. From somewhere beside Eddie Robin squeaked in horror and Will groaned while Lucas gave a violent shudder.
“Such a small baby aren’t ya?” Steve cooed at the little snake wrapped around his hand.
“Steve— that’s a snake,” Nancy said warily, eyeing said snake like it killed her mother. “A potentially dangerous snake.”
Steve scoffed while the snake lifted the front of its body to peer at him. “She’s not dangerous, she’s a goddamn rat snake. They’re harmless.”
Just as he said it, the snake turned its head and not his finger. Where Steve didn’t even blink, everyone else freaked.
Eddie and Robin rushed over to him, Eddie immediately taking a look at his hand but keeping his hands away from the snake. Robin kept her distance but rambled about rabies or whatever.
Steve huffed and laughed quietly. “Guys, seriously. It’s a rat snake, they’re completely and utterly harmless to humans. They have such a small amount of venom it doesn’t bother humans. And besides, this little baby’s so small she couldn’t even break the skin.”
He was right, there was no sign of breakage or even redness on Steve’s hand where he was bitten.
Eddie looked at his boyfriend a little in awe and even more in love.
Jesus Christ.
Dustin and Mike walked slowly over to Steve, each asking to hold the snake.
Steve held it out gently, Dustin taking it first and holding it delicately in his hands. When he passed it over to Mike, the snake wrapped itself around his hands and a bit up his arms. Eddie was a little in shock at the giggle the younger Wheeler let out.
Dustin, Mike and Steve sat on the trailer’s side steps and held the snake together, going back and forth about random animal topics that Eddie couldn’t be bothered to remember.
When he asked later, Will and Lucas were delighted to explain that the entire reason Dustin was allowed to join The Party was because in 4th grade he brought Mike a frog he found. Lucas explained that Mike and Dustin had both gone through and extensive reptile and amphibian phase in elementary school and still held onto some of that obsession.
From then on, whenever anyone in the trailer park found any form of snake or rodent that they wanted gone, they called Steve.
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hothammies · 6 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 2 (small au details under the cut regarding their wardrobe)
max's design
takes off her jean jacket during supply runs / fights - used to be billy's jacket
signature weapon is a sawblade baseball bat - was taught how to swing from billy but the bat was modified by dustin
lucas' design
has started wearing jackets less and switched to dress shirts - the jackets were getting in the way of his new shoulder holster
signature weapon is a crossbow / revolver - the best marksman of the group and most knowledgeable with guns (his dad taught him everything as a war veteran) can really use anything!
dustin's design
found his vest off of some dead biker guy, thought it looked sick, and hasn't taken it off since - he puts pins on it to personalize it
no real signature weapon because he tends to stick away from fighting, more support - he knows basic fighting skills but is a beast with his crafted weapons (e.g. bomb traps, molotovs, etc)
is the pack mule when it comes to supply runs - he stays with mike and will to scout but brings a heavy backpack with possible backup supplies / weapons if need be
other notes: wanted to share that the apocalypse starts in 2019 while the kids were born in 2015. the first arc of the story takes place in apocalyptic 2028 and so on (their current designs are for arc 3). reason? i wanted them to experience some of the music and technology up to the 21st century :] i'll make a more official story thing later! maybe i'll write something for this au or draw a comic? idk my creative writing skills are pretty weak but we'll never know until we try LMAO
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twitwi289 · 2 months
I love Lucas Sinclair. That’s it, that’s the post.
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lordystrange · 1 year
”Five tickets to Barbie”
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”Five tickets to Oppenheimer”
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”Can’t decide because they want to seem cool by choosing Oppenheimer but they really just wanna see Barbie”
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upsidedog · 1 year
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i was gonna do this meme with the original format then a much better came to mind
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cuepickle · 1 year
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Camp Skull Rock: The Campers
Can’t stop thinking about summer camp AU
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mothellie · 6 months
I think the Duffer Brothers' history with racism in their show goes a lot deeper than a lot of people realize.
Lucas as a character has three distinct B plot stories that get assigned to him: being a minor antagonist to Eleven in season one, being a good friend to the rest of the Party, and being in love with his girlfriend. While Mike's plot is directly centered around two of the most pivotal characters of the show, Dustin is given two different role model characters that shape his arc and is overall the genius that helps the rest of the cast get out of several difficult situations, Will still being connected to the Upside Down after his disappearance in 1983 and that playing into several major plots, Max having a multitude of centric storylines especially in season four and Eleven literally being THE main character- Lucas is only ever given plots that help serve and uplift the other (white) characters. Unless you count him... playing basketball and being friends with Jason. I guess?
Erica is similar to Lucas, but to a much larger degree. I'd like you reading this to think of any single Erica standalone plot in the show that has nothing to do with/does not predominantly or solely benefit the white characters around her. I'll wait.
The Sinclair parents are only touched on in brief sections for the sake of filling the episodes, only ever playing a more major role in Season Four. If you could call it that. I'm sure most of you couldn't even tell me their names off of the top of your heads. (It's Charles and Sue, by the way.)
Argyle was the first somewhat major character of color to be introduced to the show after Erica played her part in season three. I could say similar things about his role in the season overall that I can about Lucas and Erica. Except they set him up to play a bigger role in the next season at the end of season four, going as far as to show him in Hawkins and have Jancy verbally allude to him sticking around, only for the show heads to ghost Eduardo Franco and let him find out he wasn't being brought back through an official social media cast photo.
Kali was a former subject from the same lab El came from, having escaped and subsequently began to lead a vigilante life of enacting revenge on those who played a hand in her suffering. She was the first subject El ever met after leaving the lab, shown to be incredibly powerful and strong-willed. Her and El had an immediate connection, calling themselves sisters right after meeting. But after El was finished with her self-discovery period on the S.S. Kali Gang for one (1) often-forgotten and poorly-written episode, Kali was quite literally abandoned both in spirit and on screen, never to be seen or even mentioned again.
All other characters of color are either killed violently (Patrick), have like ten minutes of screentime total (Jeff and Calvin Powell), or are just straight up background only and may not even have names.
They can dedicate an entire section of season four's plot to Suzie's family, but not to genuine character development for Erica or for Kali to return. They can make room for a whole pointless predatory plot between Billy and Karen, but not to give a more important role to the Sinclair parents. They have room to include a whole plot about El getting bullied in school, but not for Lucas to have a more meaningful story outside of his white friends and girlfriend. They can platform three known white zionists while Palestine currently undergoes a gruesome genocide even as I type this, but they don't have room for Argyle in season five (or even the decency to give Eduardo a fucking phone call).
Not only do the Duffers constantly write themselves into holes because they keep adding unnecessary fodder to the plot, and refuse to kill ANY of their main characters in favor of just creating new characters for the sake of killing them off in mediocre ways despite the fact that they're trying to fit 20+ B plots into 8-9 40-50 minute episodes per season and wondering why half their show doesn't make sense- The time they DO dedicate to character-specific B plots and character arc progression visibly favor the white characters.
If I watch S5, and that's a huge if, I will be sailing the high seas. Between all of this, the fact that they filmed part of season four in an old Nazi prison and tried to turn it into a fucking AirBNB, and the fact that at least four people who play major roles in the show actively support the current genocide of Palestine- I won't be giving them (or Netflix for that matter) another cent of my money.
While you're here, please do your completely free daily click to send aid to Palestine, and here's a list of other resources for how to help more directly.
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cringengl · 1 year
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stbb-summaries · 4 months
Story # 43
Title: The Wrong Turn Main Pairing(s): Lucas Sinclair & Max Mayfield, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson & Mike Wheeler & Lucas Sinclair & Max Mayfield, Max Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler & Dustin Henderson, El/Jane Hopper & Max Mayfield, Kali Prasad & El/Jane Hopper. Rating: M (Mature, Shows adult themes, but not explicitly) Genre: Angst, Horror, Sci-Fi Word Count: 5000 Completeness: 2 Warnings: Claustrophobia, Near Death Experiences, Body Horror, Mind Manipulation, Human Experimentation, Child Abuse/Neglect, Panic Attacks, Trauma, Dissociation, Summary:
"After being trapped in the Tunnels in an attempt to defeat the Mindflayer - Max, Lucas, Mike, Dustin & Steve think they won't survive long. They think they are rescued by personnel at Hawkins Lab only to find themselves trapped within the mysterious facility. Even worse, their time spent in the Tunnels has side effects that will alter their lives forever and may help them extinguish the evil living underneath their town forever. "
Art forms preferred: Traditional/Digital drawing, Manipulation, Graphics package (icons, section breaks, etc.) Highest rating art preferred: M (Mature, Shows adult themes, but not explicitly)
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gay-episode · 6 months
No thoughts, just Lucas's career goal being so DAMN CUTE😭 everyone else's career goals were realistic jobs like Mike wanting being a writer, but Lucas just wants to be a straight up crime fighting super hero- uggghhh my heart❤❤❤❤
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loserharrington · 1 year
eddie is interesting to me because for someone who rejects social norms and is anti-conformist, he is SUPER driven by stereotypes.
we see it mostly in him disliking basketball players despite their other interests (including lucas who is both nerd AND jock), testing erica on her dnd knowledge because she’s young, and thinking nancy was some straight laced goody two shoes (enough that it’s shocking to him that she owns guns). also with steve in the way he had yet to see how much he changed as a person since high school even though he’s long fallen from popularity and dustin evidently talks about how much he looks up to him all the time. (you’d think he’d take dustin’s word for it considering the type of person dustin is.)
it’s almost like he has a black and white way of thinking. despite all of the evidence there that these people can’t be checked into one box, he continues to believe that they can only be one way.
i just think it’s interesting that he makes assumptions about people in the same way they make assumptions about him, but turns around and rants about much he dislikes the fact that people misjudge him and the people like him for their interests.
if he had lived, i could see him going through a self discovery arc (similar to steve’s) and learning that stereotypes aren’t always true and people aren’t what they seem at face value. and i think he believes that he already knows this, but his behaviors tell otherwise.
he already started to see this a little bit when he spoke to chrissy. how he thought that she would be “mean and scary” only to find out she’s sweet and kind. he then finds out steve is actually a “good dude” and not who he expected him to be.
as he meets the rest of the characters and sees how all these different types of people interact with each other in harmony, he might be shocked to learn that he’s not who he thought himself to be either
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afewproblems · 1 year
Season Two Halloween AU Part Five
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Synopsis: What if Eddie had been at Tina's Halloween Party in Season Two? Featuring Steve!Whump, Stancy Breakup, and Eddie just trying to keep up with all these new revelations about who King-Steve actually is...
Huge huge HUGE shout-out to Jess @strangersteddierthings for being my sounding board and letting me send such long messages full of spoilers!! I can't thank you enough!
“Dustin, what the hell are you doing here?” Steve says as he hurries towards the kid, he looks around as though expecting another person to follow behind him. 
“I can’t find Nancy or Jonathan, you’re the only other one who knows about--”
The kid, Dustin, tilts himself to look past Steve at Eddie with suspicious eyes, “you know”.
Steve freezes, his shoulders a rigid line of tension as Dustin steps around him to head for the screen door.
Eddie had to give it to the kid, he certainly had guts just waltzing in here like this. 
“You still have your bat?” 
Steve looks from Dustin to Eddie and lowers his voice to mutter something that has Dustin shaking his head rapidly.
"The one with nails, Steve".
"Your what?" Eddie blurts out, forcing the other two to turn towards him. Dustin full on glares. His eyes narrow in irritation while Steve's face pales before smoothing out in that same guarded expression from earlier.
Dustin steps closer to Eddie and crosses his arms over his chest, "who are you?"
"That was a rule," Dustin cuts across Steve, smacking the back of one hand into the palm of the other, "no one else gets to know, and I can't tell Max, so you can't just tell him--"
Steve jerks his head as if slapped, a flush building on his cheeks and ears, "I haven't--Eddie's not, I don't--"
Dustin waves his hand dismissively and turns towards Eddie once again. 
"Look, it's cool that Steve is expanding his social circle but you should leave".
The attitude on this kid.
Eddie holds out a hand at Dustin and laughs but it tumbles out with a tinge of hysteria, "I'm sorry, I'm still stuck on the whole Nail Bat thing?" 
Steve groans, his head swings back and forth from Eddie to Dustin as though he's not sure who to answer first.
He sighs and runs one hand over his face, roughly from the slight wince he makes as he brushes the black eye, "look," Steve barks out, "he's a friend".
Something in Eddie's chest warms at the words despite the incredulous scoff that threatens to tumble out. Steve Harrington, friends with Eddie Munson? 
Dustin snorts, "you don't have friends? I only ever see you with Nancy and Jonathan".
Steve flinches slightly at the words, but Dustin carries on talking, brushing past Steve to the house.
"We don't have time for this, I've been looking for you guys all day and now it's dark and there are lives at stake--"
"Je-sus, okay, okay," Steve takes three long strides to catch up to Dustin and steps in front of him, he reaches out for the kids shoulder but seems to think better of it and instead runs the hand through his hair.
"You said lives are at stake?" 
It's like a switch is flipped in the kid, he whirls around on Steve, a stream of near gibberish falling out of his mouth at a mile a minute, Eddie can hardly follow it.
"And now he's this big," Dustin hisses, throwing his hands nearly two feet apart from one another.
Steve holds up his hands, "okay, Christ, how do you know it's not just a lizard, Dustin?" 
"Because its face opened up and ate my cat, Steve".
Steve looks up at Eddie, meeting his gaze with a nervous laugh, "listen, Dustin, uh, he watches too many B-Monster movies, I'm just gonna take him back to his house".
Now Eddie wouldn't say he's necessarily a, 'go-with-the-flow' kind of guy, but he can roll with the punches --any Dungeon Master worth their salt needed to be able to think on their feet when the time came. 
Which is probably why he opens his big fucking mouth. 
"I mean, life and death situations with cat-eating Kobolds sounds exactly like my kind of night fellas". 
Steve frowns and tilts his head, staring at Eddie while Dustin perks up, his eyes widen in surprise.
"Kobolds? You play D&D?" Dustin says skeptically, pushing past Steve to make his way up to Eddie now.
Eddie laughs at the question, "kid, I run the D&D club at Hawkins High". 
Suddenly it's like there's a different kid standing in front of him, his face lights up in wonder and he opens his mouth to continue when Steve makes a sputtering noise behind him.
"Henderson," Steve bites out, hands on his hips, "I swear to God, if you interrupted us for some Halloween prank, you're dead".
He stands there for a moment scowling at the pair of them before turning on his heel and walking towards the house.
"It's not a prank," Dustin huffs defensively, his arms cross over his chest and his face scrunches into a frown. 
He looks up at Eddie briefly, all good will from the D&D revelation earlier now forgotten as Dustin follows Steve's path towards the door.
Eddie sighs, he could just leave at this point. Either this is the most elaborate way someone has ended a smoke session with him, or the weirdest role playing game Eddie has ever found himself in the middle of. 
But something about the fear in Dustin's voice has Eddie lingering beside the abandoned loungers. He bends down to pick up the forgotten joints and puts them back in his lunchbox before putting the lunchbox back in the backpack. No sense in letting some perfectly good jays go to waste. 
The screen door slides open again revealing Steve, who blinks in surprise, "you stayed?" 
Eddie shrugs, "I said I would, didn't I?" 
Steve nods, and ducks his face, but he can't quite hide the smile that blooms, his eyes crinkle at the corners for the briefest moment before it falls.
"Listen, I know that it sounds like a load of shit--"
"Understatement," Eddie cuts in with a shake of his head.
"Yeah, but you need to know, if you come with us, you're in it. I'm not joking, this is your chance to just walk away". 
It's almost as if Steve is pleading with him, and it's then that Eddie notices what Steve has gripped between his hands. 
A fucking baseball ball bat, studded with nails that have been haphazardly hammered into the end of it.
Eddie looks from the bat, to Steve's face as Dustin steps out of the house now with two walkie talkies in his hand. He reaches for Steve's backpack and unzips it to place them inside before zipping it up again. There's a grim determination on both of their faces that Eddie has never seen on another person in real life and suddenly he's speaking without thinking again.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
Eddie swipes a shaking hand through his sweat matted hair as he watches Steve and the rest of the party move about the Byers living room. 
As though mere hours ago they didn’t just fend off a group of flower faced creatures hellbent on entering their fortified school bus to tear them apart.
It was crazy. 
It was absolutely batshit that all this time there were creatures from another dimension running around their sleepy little backwoods town. 
Eddie shudders at the memory of the sounds they made, the horrible grating wails like metal on metal, echoes in his mind. 
And now…a person was dead. Mr. Newby.
Eddie had met him once while buying a used amp at the Radio Shack just a few months ago. He was nice, asked about the band and what instrument Eddie played. He had even offered to help Eddie get the amp out to his van.
And now, he was dead. 
Mr. Newby would never take Joyce out for another date, he would never walk into his job and help take inventory, he would never offer a helping hand or piece of advice ever again.
Eddie can't help but think about how close they had all come to ending up like Bob, how one of these things had almost crawled into the bus.
What if they hadn't been called away? Bob had a gun and that hadn't been enough to stop the pack of creatures from…
Eddie looks to Steve.
Steve who hasn't stopped pacing the Byers living room since Hopper herded all of them into the house. 
He takes five steps to the window at the front of the room, and five steps back to the door of the kitchen, again and again.
And suddenly, things make so much more sense. 
The strange haunted expression on Steve's face Eddie would see between classes whenever he thought no one was looking.
The way the three of them, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve never let the kids go anywhere without a ride. 
The way Steve had looked at his empty pool yesterday.
Things happen in the dark, in the woods.
On the fifth pass, Eddie reaches out to Steve and catches the hand closest to him. 
Whatever trance Steve was in dissipates, leaving him to blink once and look down at Eddie's hand before slowly curling his fingers more firmly around Eddie's and squeezing gently. 
"How're you holding up?" Steve asks quietly as he drops Eddie's hand to pull a dining chair up to where Eddie is seated on a beaten up recliner. 
Eddie scoffs at the question and shrugs, "when I figure that out, you'll be the first to know".
Steve nods, a small half smile climbs up his face. 
It drops as he looks across the room at Will.
Jonathan kneels beside the couch, talking quietly to his brother, who stares blankly at the ceiling while Nancy watches on beside them. 
Eddie's eyes follow Nancy's hands, the way she hesitates to touch Jonathan before eventually giving in and draping her hands over his shoulders. 
He looks back at Steve who also seems to be watching Nancy. He breathes out a long sigh and shakes his head, before turning back to Eddie.
"If it makes you feel better, you're taking it better than I did the first time".
Eddie raises one skeptical eyebrow and smirks, "I highly doubt that--"
"I ran away," Steve cuts across him with wide eyes, "I almost left Nance and Jon with a monster, one of those things that took Will," he holds Eddie's gaze for another beat before dropping it to the floor.
"So, don't sell yourself short". 
Eddie opens his mouth to tell Steve he should take his own advice but Hopper suddenly makes his presence known once more as he closes the door to Joyce's room behind him and walks back into the living room. 
"Okay, we may not have backup on route for a few more hours--"
"If they're even coming," Mike scoffs from the corner, "who says they believed you anyway?"
"Listen, until we are told otherwise, we need to sit tight," Hopper barks, sending a glare Mike's way. 
Hopper deflates slightly, as though realizing who he's talking to, and takes a deep steddying breath which he releases slowly through his nose, “we can't just charge in without backup--"
"If we sit here on our asses those things will eventually make it to town, you saw the tunnels Hop," Dustin bites out this time, shooting his own fierce glare at the chief as he stands beside Mike.
"They'll tear everything apart," Max says softly from the floor. She's settled against the back wall of the living room against the collage of drawings that Will had completed in his frenzied state, Lucas sits closer and takes her hand in his own.
"Oh no," Steve mutters under his breath, he spares Eddie a glance before standing up from the chair, "no, no, we can't fight these things by ourselves, we're outmatched here Henderson". 
"Not if we know how they work," Mike insists. He walks towards where Max and Lucas are sitting, nearly stepping on the pair of them in his haste.
"Jesus Mike," Lucas hisses under his breath while Max settles for stomping her foot against Mike's own. He jumps at the sudden pain and the three of them dissolve into vicious bickering and name calling until Steve and Nancy pull the kids away from each other. 
"Okay, just, keep going Mike," Nancy tells him, once everyone has settled down once more. She gestures to the drawings taped up around the room. 
"As I was trying to say," Mike sneers at Max who scoffs and crosses her arms, "what if it's all connected, the tunnels, the dogs, Will?" 
No one speaks, the words seem to hang in the air as all eyes move to the couch where Will lays  wrapped in blankets and staring unseeing at the ceiling.
Mike continues, "this all started after that day in the field--" 
"And if he was infected," Dustin interrupts with a gasp as Mike nods rapidly, pointing at him and then the drawings again.
"It's like a virus, connecting him to this, this--"
"Hivemind," Lucas supplies, his voice hollow as he stands up to join the rest of the kids, "like what Mr. Clarke told us".
"Okay, okay, slow down God Dammit," Hopper huffs as he lifts his hand to pinch his fingers into his eyes.
"Hivemind?" Steve says slowly, as though rolling the word around on his tongue, "like bees?" 
Dustin blinks once, his face morphing in surprise, "kind of, it's like a superorganism made up of several others all working together, one collective consciousness". 
"A Mindflayer," Eddie whispers, just loud enough for the kids to turn their heads towards him.
He's been quiet for so long, sitting on the sidelines of this group that had clearly worked together in a crisis before. It was almost like listening to Jeff, Gareth, and Grant in a Hellfire session, watching them work out a trap in real time before executing their plan. 
It would be endearing if there weren't actual monsters running about.
"Holy shit," Mike breathes out while Dustin darts off towards the bookshelf in the corner.
He flips up some of the drawings until he finds what he's looking for and loudly crows, "yes!"
Dustin marches back to the kitchen table and slams the book down on the surface before flipping several pages. He slaps the back of his hand on the page in triumph as he sends Eddie a confident grin. 
"This isn't a game kid," Hopper sighs but steps closer to look at the book nonetheless.
"But it's the closest metaphor we have," Dustin argues back.
"Analogy," Lucas says as he steps towards the table, a shit eating grin pulls at his mouth as he catches Dustin's eye.
"Fine, analogy, whatever!" Dustin mutters, a red flush climbs up his neck until it settles on his ears, he slaps his hand on the books again, "can I get on with it or do you have more vocab for me?"
"Dustin," Nancy sighs, reaching out for his shoulder with one hand, she gives it a slight shake, "what would this even tell us?" 
"Well," Dustin turns to Nancy now and points at a section below a horrifying drawing of a humanoid man with a squid for a head. Four tentacles point in all directions while its hands wield a terrifying glowing orb. 
It's not something that Eddie has thrown at his players in years now that he's managed to figure out how to balance his encounters properly. 
Because Mindflayers…were horrific.
"They're basically from another dimension, and they travel to different worlds to conquer other species that they see as inferior to themselves". 
"Conquer," Steve breathes out beside Eddie who can't help but shuffle closer to brush his shoulder against Steve's own.
Steve gives Eddie a brief smile before looking back to where Dustin and Hopper are arguing once again. 
Eddie lets his gaze drift only to find Nancy staring at him curiously, her sharp blue eyes flit from Steve and back to himself, the weight of her gaze makes Eddie want to pull away from Steve but he holds his ground and stares right back. 
Nancy offers him a tentative smile, which does nothing to ease the sudden tension in Eddie's chest, feeling as though he's been caught. 
He could easily explain this away, despite the rumors running rampant at school about Eddie, there is no way anyone would believe the same would be true of Steve Harrington.
Eddie ignores the unhappy weight that settles in his stomach at the thought, he let himself get way too close, way too quickly. 
Besides, there wasn’t a chance in hell that Steve was, that he could be…
Eddie shakes himself and moves away, lamenting the loss of Steve’s warm shoulder as he lets Hopper's voice pull him back to the matter at hand.
"Okay then," Hopper nods, looking around the room. 
"How do we kill it?" 
They have a plan.
Or at least, half of them do.
Going based off a thirteen year olds hypothesis that their friend is basically a spy for a creature from another dimension -which in hindsight is definitely not the craziest thing they’ve experienced today.
Is it something that Eddie would have never come up with in his wildest dreams? Undoubtedly.
But that was before a girl with literal mind-powers showed up and tossed a dead demodog through the Byers window.
Jesus Christ. 
So, with El and Hopper on their way to the lab, the rest of the party busies themselves by packing the Byers Station Wagon for the drive to Hopper's cabin.
They have to flush this thing possessing Will out of him before it's too late and the cabin is far enough out of town that whatever happens hopefully won’t affect anyone else.
Eddie tries not to think too deeply about what that might mean.
He manages to find another portable heater in the Byers basement and hauls it into his arms before turning around to walk back up the stairs.
When Eddie reaches the landing his heart stops for just a moment when he realizes he can't see the kids. He takes another step into the kitchen and breathes out a sigh of relief when he sees the four of them huddled around the kitchen table with the still open Monster Manual. 
Eddie pauses for just a moment when he spots a Hawkins County map beside the book. 
It's covered in red marker.
An intricate design of lines ending with two circles…both around areas outside of the city center. 
Eddie shakes his head and keeps moving, much to the visible relief of the kids as he makes his way to the back door. 
One problem at a time.
He knows that Steve is around here somewhere, he was helping Jonathan carry Will to the car while Joyce and Nancy gathered as much rope from the shed as they could carry.
God, it's so dark now. 
Eddie understands what Steve meant before, the way the trees rustle in the wind and the moonlight catches on animal eyes that shine in the dark. It's enough to put him on edge as he makes his way around the Byers property. 
Every snap of a branch was a demodog prowling in the brush, every distant howl was a monster coming to drag him into the Underdark.
He shivers and keeps moving, fighting the urge to look over his shoulder every few steps.
Eddie finally makes his way to the shed, peering inside only to startle as Nancy's voice floats through the cool November air. 
"Thank you, for staying with the kids," she says quietly.
Eddie freezes where he stands with the heater in hand. He knows he shouldn't be here for whatever this is, listening in on yet another private conversation between Nancy and Steve but his feet remain planted in the earth. 
"Yeah well, I might be a shitty boyfriend, but it turns out I'm a pretty damn good babysitter," Steve hums so casually that Eddie wonders if it's really him speaking. They’re on the other side of the Byers shed, Eddie can almost make out their shapes between the uneven slates of the wood.
"It's okay, really," Steve takes a deep breath, "you should go with Jonathan". 
"Steve," Nancy's voice is wet this time as she speaks but Steve hushes her with a sigh.
"It's okay Nance,” he pauses for a beat, “all I want is for you to be happy, and I don’t think you’ve been happy for a long time”.
“What about you,” Nancy whispers, so softly that Eddie almost misses it this time.
Eddie hears the sounds of footsteps and the rustle of fabric, a muffled sniffle and several whispered words that he can't make out from this distance. 
The whispering goes on for another minute or two before they fall silent, only the sound of cicadas and frogs echo in the midnight air around them.
Eddie takes this as his cue to begin to loudly walk over, purposefully grinding his steps into the gravel and walking more heavily than he normally would.
He comes around the corner of the shed to find Steve holding Nancy, his head on top of her own as she presses her face into his chest. 
Eddie clears his throat and watches as Nancy steps away from Steve. He lets her go, both of their movements lighter than they have been in days.
"If you guys checked the shed, Joyce said it's now or never".
Nancy nods and walks over to take the heater from Eddie, giving him a warm smile as her gentle hands brush his own, and huh --he kinda gets it now. How Steve could have fallen head over heels for this secret badass girl, Nancy Wheeler. 
"Thank you," Nancy smiles and Eddie sputters, running his now free hands through his hair.
"For what, I didn't--"
She raises a single eyebrow, and looks from Steve, before bringing her gaze back to Eddie.
"For being there, for all of them". 
With that, Nancy walks back towards the house leaving Eddie to feel as though he missed a lot more of that conversation than he should have. 
They finish refortifying the Byers house, boarding up the broken window that El had tossed the dead demodog through. Eddie adds one last nail and hammers it in before stepping back to admire their handiwork.
Steve lowers his hand from where he held the board in place and shoots Eddie a grin before he collects the box of nails from the floor and turns to put it on the coffee table.
"Steve?" Eddie says quietly. He doesn’t need to really, the kids aren't paying attention to the pair of them, but this is just for Steve. Eddie doesn't need four pairs of eyes staring at him as he tries to say this.
"I just, I'm sorry about Nancy".
Steve tilts his head in confusion, but Eddie keeps going.
"If we do make it out of this, I don't want you to think you were a 'shitty' anything". 
Eddie winces as Steve's eyes narrow slightly.
"I'm guessing you were standing by the shed a lot longer than we thought," Steve says slowly as he looks back at the kids and takes another step even closer. 
Eddie winces at being caught and nods, “I was looking for you originally to see if you guys needed any more help, and then I heard voices and just,” he shrugs, “I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay or not, after that”.
“And for what is worth, you definitely have changed,” Eddie offers with a sly grin, “I don’t think anyone would have expected Steve-the Hair-Harrington to use Faberge, let alone let us plebs in on his secret”.
Steve’s mouth opens and closes before breaking into a wide grin, a startled laugh falling from his mouth, growing in volume until Eddie can’t help but join him.
Steve raises his hands to run over his face and into his hair as he looks at Eddie, the grin on his face softens slightly the longer he looks.
Suddenly, his eyes harden and the look of determination from yesterday takes over. Steve squares his shoulders and breathes out a strangely broken sigh before he reaches out for Eddie's hands. He takes the hammer from him and sets it down on the coffee table beside them.
"My Nonna told me once," Steve whispers, using his hand to point into the middle distance, "Steven, people will come in and out of your life all the time, and the ones that are meant to be there will stay, and if they go, then it wasn't meant to be". 
Steve breathes out a sudden nervous laugh, "she was so straightforward and I loved that about her".
Eddie doesn’t dare to breathe as Steve shakes his head.
"And you, you stayed," Steve continues softly, "and I just…" 
Eddie's own breathing picks up as Steve leans closer, enough that Eddie can count the freckles on the bridge of his nose.
"Fuck what Dustin said, I think I need more people in my life like that". 
Eddie's eyes widen slightly as the words begin to register. No, no way, this can’t be happening.
He lets out a strangled laugh and leans away from Steve’s space, “more friends in your life right?”
It all happens so quickly after that.
Steve freezes where he stands. His face moves through several expressions, some so brief that Eddie can’t quite tell what is going on before it smoothes out once again into something blank; Steve lifts his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose before dropping it to his side and nodding.
“Yes, right, friends, duh,” Steve laughs but it's not at all like the bright wild one he let out just a few seconds ago.
This one was dull, hollow.
Eddie opens his mouth to say something, anything to wipe away the horrible emptiness in Steve's eyes but Dustin suddenly pushes past Eddie to grab the sleeve of Steve’s jacket.
"Steve!" Dustin says frantically, "Steve, we have a problem!" 
The sound of a car door slamming outside catches their attention and a sinking feeling begins to form in the pit of Eddie's stomach. There's no way Hopper and El would be back from the lab yet, and Jonathan said they would radio if there were any changes. 
So who the hell was outside?
Part Six
Tag List:
@eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @goodolefashionedloverboi @ellietheasexylibrarian @bambibiest @sadboislovebeans @howincrediblysapphicofyou @coleys-a-nerd @whycantiuseunderscore @airconditioning123 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @corrodedbisexual @starman-jpg @ilovecupcakesandtea @yoriposts @clumsiluni @pelinelin @phantomcat94 @lololol-1234 @anaibis @airconditioning123 @steveshairspray @hellfireone @sunswathe @eddielives1986 @tentativeghost @robin-not-batman @estrellami-1 @manda-panda-monium @tinyplanet95 @perseus-notjackson @queenie-ofthe-void @rainbowsaw @sp0o0kylights @littlebluejane @hi-im-eff @phantypurple @just-ladyme @thoroughlycollected @justrandomfandomstm @swimmingbirdrunningrock @finntheehumaneater @dynamic-powerm@nightmareglitter
and for some peeps that I think may be interested! @steddierthings @steddie-there @steves-strapcollection @henderdads @stevesbipanic @spooky-brakers
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
“So,” Nancy says, all business. Steve knows her, knows she’s pushing down whatever feelings she has. Knows it won’t last. Appreciates it anyways. “Barb?”
Steve nods, leading her back down the hall. “Listen up,” he says. “Our top priority right now is saving Barb and Will from the Upside Down.” He looks around. “Jonathan’s already out looking for Will. We’ll need to read him in before we go, but he deserves to be part of the rescue mission for his own brother. First things first, though, we’re going to need weapons.”
“They’re vulnerable to fire,” Robin continues. “So Molotov cocktails, and lots of them. Nancy, you had a gun last time. Any idea where that would be?”
Nancy frowns, shakes her head. “I don’t have one.”
“It’s Jonathan’s.” Steve runs a hand through his hair. “So we’ll need to bring him in soon. He also had a bat filled with nails, which I ended up taking. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, I need you to think up ideas on flamethrowers. If nothing else, lighters and cans of hairspray. Let one of us know what you need, and we’ll find a way to get it for you.”
“And me?” Eddie asks.
Steve grins. “Oh, you’re gonna love this.” He tosses a tape at Eddie. “Metallica, Master of Puppets. 1986.”
Eddie looks down at the tape, then up at Steve, open-mouthed. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
“I’ve got a player in my room. How fast can you learn the second track?”
“Oh, my guitar!” Eddie says, scrambling up. “Holy shit. Uh, depends on how hard the song is. I’ll let you know once I’ve listened to it a few times.”
“Eddie,” Steve says before he can leave. He freezes in the doorway. “If you want to back out…”
“You’re a distraction,” Robin says softly. “The bats follow the sound. The first time around, you die because you weren’t willing to let them get to Dustin.”
“Which we’ll fix this time,” Steve says firmly. “We know what went wrong. We’ll make sure to close the vents this time.” He works his jaw. “I’m not losing anyone.”
Eddie looks at them. Robin, to Steve, to everyone else. “I’m in,” he says quietly.
Steve nods. Eddie leaves. They hear his footsteps heading upstairs. Steve’s door closes, and a few seconds later the song starts up.
Steve tenses. “I’m never gonna not think of that.”
“Steve,” Robin says, and nods to the couch beside her, inviting him to sit down.
He does, taking her hand and squeezing it, breathing out harshly. “Okay,” he says. “Boys, start brainstorming. Nance, can you go find Jon? We need him and his gun.” She nods and walks out.
El approaches Steve. “You gave me a hug,” she says seriously. “When they were being loud. Your head is being loud. Will a hug help?”
Inexplicable tears burn at the corners of his eyes. “Y’know what? I think it just might.”
She smiles and hugs him, and he hugs her back, pulling her to sit beside him. “Y’know what?” He whispers.
“What?” She whispers back.
“Your hair grows out, and it looks so pretty.”
She looks excited at the prospect. “It does?”
“Mhm. Right, Robs?”
“Oh, yeah,” she agrees. “Bitchin’, even.”
“What is ‘bitchin’?” El asks as Steve slaps at Robin.
“Something Robin shouldn’t’ve said,” he says, pretend-glaring at her. “Timeline, Robs, c’mon.”
She snorts. “Okay, nerd.”
“Band geek.”
She squawks and launches herself at him, and Steve laughs as he curls over El, who’s giggling.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
@paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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ronanceisintheair · 2 months
Seeing someone make lucas playing basketball about Steve is embarrassing. I promise a black boy did not learn or suddenly find interest in basketball because of some white dude that he isn't even that keen on.
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