#character: su wu ming
movielosophy · 2 months
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Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty 2 - reunion
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menelaus-blue · 1 year
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is it clear who my favorite characters are? i hope so.
this template is by @/oshikasa over on “the website formerly known as twitter” or whatever
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daffodilsinspring · 5 months
Xie Lan&Hua Cheng - A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
Feng Xin&Mu Qing - Blue by Troye Sivan ft.Alex Hope
Pei Ming&Yushi Huang - The Dawning of Spring by Anson Seabra
Yin Yu&Quan Yizhen - Fools by Lauren Aquilina
Yushi Huang&Ling Wen - Good News by Ocean Park Standoff
Banyue&Pei Sue - Story of My Life by One Direction
Shi Qingxuan&He xuan - Let's Hurt Tonight by One Republic
Jun Wu&Mei Nianqing - Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
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theballadofmars · 9 months
12. QI RONG: dies in night 1 at 12:30 A.M because doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions and wanders around the pizzeria. Probably kicked an animatronic because he's bored.
11. LANG QIANQIU: tried to be calm and serene about the situation, but gets anxious and angry and goes fight the animatronics. Leaves the security office and Foxy inmediatly kills him.
10. BEEFLEAF: if they're together they die in night 1 because sqx gets braver at hx's side and is curious, goes to explore and brings hx along. Obviously, they get killed.
9. HE XUAN: they go to the kitchen for a midnight snack at 5:00 A.M and finds Chica there. She kills them.
8. FENG XIN: survives night 1 (he didn't listen to the instructions so is a miracle), but runs out of patience in night 2 and fights the animatronics when they try to enter the office instead of closing the door. He loses.
7. SHI QINGXUAN: if they are alone, they will just panic. They talk to the animatronics and scream. Survives two nights (yeyy!!!), but the third night they're so afraid that they close the door and run out of power.
6. QUAN YIZHEN: doesn't listen to Phone Guy's instructions, falls asleep and somehow survives night 1 and 2 like that. Third night is when he can't sleep because of the noise, fights the animatronics to shut them up and ends up getting killed by the Cupcake.
5. PEI MING: so, this may seem a weird placement, but pm is actually pretty competent in his job. Plus, he makes Chica uncomfortable so he only has to fight three animatronics. But by night 4 he becomes too confident in his surviving skills and forgets to check Foxy as much as he should and dies.
4. FENGQING: they would go together, because is fengqing and they're a dynamic duo. They yell all the time, but also work great together. They die at night 4 because they're in the middle of an argument, forget about the animatronics (it's not the first time this happens) and Golden Freddy kills them because he can't deal with them yelling / making out anymore.
3. MU QING: almost survives 5 nights, but after 4 days of this he gets a bit cocky and he's killed at 5.00 A.M by Golden Freddy.
2. XIE LIAN: ok, listen. Xl is about to die every night, but somehow survives at the last minute. The animatronics are pretty confused about this. He ends the week without problem, but when he goes for his paycheck he is bitten by one of the animatronics and spends the rest of his life paying the hospital debt and dealing with ptsd, which you could argue that is worse than death.
1. LING WEN: she's lw. Job with terrible hours, with lots of multitasking where they don't pay you enough to deal with this shit? That's her territory. Survives 5 nights + the extra night + custom night 20/20 mode.
HONORABLE MENTIONS for characters that didn't make it to the ranking because they're just like that:
-HUA CHENG: he's not trapped with the animatronics, the animatronics are trapped with him. This bitch would survive the first night and come back the next day with a bat made of steel and break every animatronic. Then burns the place down. If this is after xl gets bitten, the animatronics don't survive even a day.
-HUALIAN: they fuck in the security office. The animatronics are uncomfortable and don't approach them.
-SHI WUDU: works one night, then sues the company. He's now the owner of Fazbear Enterteiment. And maybe William's next victim.
-YUSHI HUAN & PEI SU: spent one night there, don't come back because it's not worth it.
-YIN YU: is Phone Guy. He dies at night 4 but special mention anyway because Phone Guy.
-JUN WU: would be the fucking killer. Gets springlocked and makes it everyone's problem.
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svsss-fanon-exposed · 7 months
Resource: Pre-SVSSS Timeline
This is a timeline of pre-SVSSS events. It is the same timeline in my analysis post, but simply copy-pasted into its own post for those who would rather just have a timeline to reference without having to scroll past many paragraphs of analysis.
Read the analysis post here!
This timeline operates under the following conditions. For some of these conditions, alternatives are discussed in the post linked above-- if you wish to use any of the alternative calculations, then you're more than welcome to adjust the timeline as applicable for your own use!
"Years" are counted from the first day of the spring festival/Chinese new year, rather than January 1
All character ages are nominal ages, so they were born in the year they are counted as age "1"
Luo Binghe was born after the new year, and so his nominal age is only about one year higher than chronological.
Shang Qinghua met Mobei-jun before the battle of Bai Lu Mountain
The system's time limit for SQH does reference the time of the Qing generation's ascension
The Immortal Alliance Conference takes place roughly in the middle of the year. Based on the fact that it is warm enough for the disciples to dip their feet into a stream and find that pleasant, it would make sense for the IAC to occur in a warmer season (Ch. 4)
If using this timeline, keep in mind that the earliest and latest notes for date rangescan overlap-- do not accidentally have a disciple join the sect before the current peak lords ascend, or have SQH become head disciple after ascension! Dates with ranges are colored green (earliest) and red (latest).
Timeline below:
Earlier than -21 YR
LQG: <10-11
(earliest) Liu Qingge joins Cang Qiong Mountain
-21 YR
LQG: 10-11, SQQ: 12, YQY: 15, QHT: <16, QJL: 16
Shen Jiu sold to Qiu Jianluo
Yue Qi joins Cang Qiong Mountain
-19 YR
LQG: 12-13, SQQ: 14, YQY: 17
(earliest*) Yue Qingyuan enters the Lingxi Caves with Xuan Su
-18 YR
LQG: 13-14, SQQ: 15, YQY: 18, QHT: <19, QJL: 19
(latest*) Yue Qingyuan enters the Lingxi Caves with Xuan Su
Shen Jiu kills Qiu Jianluo and burns down Qiu Manor
Shen Jiu becomes Wu Yanzi's disciple
(earliest*) Yue Qi leaves the Lingxi Caves
(earliest*) Yue Qi becomes head disciple
(latest) Liu Qingge joins Cang Qiong Mountain
-17 YR
LQG: 14-15, SQQ: 16, YQY: 19
(latest*) Yue Qi leaves the Lingxi Caves
(latest*) Yue Qi becomes head disciple
Yue Qingyuan meets Su Xiyan
Shen Jiu kills Wu Yanzi and joins Cang Qiong Mountain
-16 YR
LQG: 15-16, SQH: 15-17, SQQ: 17, YQY: 20
(earliest) Shen Qingqiu becomes Head Disciple
(earliest) Shang Qinghua meets Mobei-jun and becomes inner disciple at age 17
(earliest) Shang Qinghua receives the directive to become head disciple within three years
(earliest) Shang Qinghua becomes head disciple
-14 YR
MF: 2, LQG: 17-18, SQH: 17-19, SQQ: 19, YQY: 22
(latest) Shen Qingqiu becomes Head Disciple
(latest) Shang Qinghua meets Mobei-jun and becomes inner disciple at age 17
(earliest**) Su Xiyan imprisoned and subjected to torture in Water Prison
(earliest**) Battle of Bai Lu Mountain
(earliest**) Tianlang-jun Sealed
-13 YR
NYY: <1, LBH: 1, MF: 3, LQG: 18-19, SQH: 18-20, SQQ: 20, YQY: 23
(latest**) Su Xiyan imprisoned and subjected to torture in Water Prison
(latest**) Battle of Bai Lu Mountain
(latest**) Tianlang-jun Sealed
Luo Binghe is Born
Su Xiyan Dies
(earliest) Qing Generation ascend to become Peak Lords
-11 YR
NYY: 2-3, LBH: 3, MF: 5, LQG: 20-21, SQH: 20-22, SQQ: 22, YQY: 25
(earliest***) Ming Fan joins Qing Jing Peak under Shen Qingqiu
-9 YR
NYY: 4-5, LBH: 5, MF: 7, LQG: 22-23, SQH: 22-24, SQQ: 24, YQY: 27
-8 YR
NYY: 5-6, LBH: 6, MF: 8, LQG: 23-24, SQH: 23-25, SQQ: 25, YQY: 28
(latest) Shang Qinghua receives the directive to become head disciple within three years
(earliest***) Ning Yingying joins Qing Jing Peak under Shen Qingqiu
-5 YR
NYY: 8-9, LBH: 9, MF: 11, LQG: 27-28, SQH: 27-29, SQQ: 29, YQY: 32
(latest) Shang Qinghua becomes head disciple
(latest) Qing Generation ascend to become Peak Lords
(latest) Ming Fan joins Qing Jing Peak under Shen Qingqiu
-4 YR
NYY: 9-10, LBH: 10, MF: 12, LQG: 28-29, SQH: 28-30, SQQ: 30, YQY: 33
Luo Binghe's adoptive mother dies
(earliest) Luo Binghe joins Qing Jing Peak
(earliest) Shen Qingqiu reaches Core Formation
-3 YR
NYY: 10-11, LBH: 11, MF: 13, LQG: 29-30, SQH: 29-31, SQQ: 31, YQY: 34
(latest****) Ning Yingying joins Qing Jing Peak under Shen Qingqiu
(latest) Luo Binghe joins Qing Jing Peak
-2 YR
NYY: 11-12, LBH: 12, MF: 14, LQG: 30-31, SQH: 30-32, SQQ: 32, YQY: 35
(latest*****) Shen Qingqiu reaches Core Formation
-1 YR
NYY: 12-13, LBH: 13, MF: 15, LQG: 31-32, SQH: 31-33, SQQ: 33, YQY: 36
Year 0
NYY: 13-14, LBH: 14, MF: 16, LQG: 32-33, SQH: 32-34, SQQ: 34, YQY: 37
SVSSS Begins
Further References and Footnotes:
*Yue Qi was in the Lingxi Caves for more than one year and Qiu Manor had already been destroyed by the time he got out (Ch. 21)
**The birth of Luo Binghe occured a few days after the battle of Bai Lu Mountain. Depending on when LBH was born, it could be at the end of year -13 or the first few days of year -12 (Ch. 21)
***We do not know the earliest a child can join Cang Qiong Mountain, even though the appropriate age for cultivation most likely cuts off somewhere around 15 (due to YQY joining at that age and no comments about him being "too old"). For the purposes of this timeline, I am setting the absolute youngest to age 5, but more realistically a disciple wouldn't join until age 8-10 at the earliest.
****It is unknown whether the only time that disciples can join Cang Qiong Mountain is during the recruitment trials. Therefore, there remains a possibility for Ning Yingying to have joined the sect in the same year as Luo Binghe, but at some point before the recruitment trials due to connections. This can potentially be supported by Shen Jiu joining after the IAC, but at the same time, it is not confirmed that SJ joined CQM immediately, or if he had to wait until the next recruitment trial, so there is no clear canon precedent-- nonetheless, it is still possible. Note that Ning Yingying can only join at this late point if Luo Binghe joins at age 11, and after her. The only hard requirement is that NYY joined at some point before LBH.
*****I have placed this as the absolute latest time SQQ could have formed a golden core because this puts him at having been cultivating for sixteen years. It is a bit of a stretch already , but I don't think that "ten and a few" years could really be any longer than this. It is also worth noting that by the time SQQ reaches core formation, every other peak lord has already done so, with Yue Qingyuan first, Liu Qingge and Qi Qingqi next, and Shang Qinghua most likely last (Ch. 24)
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mtkay13 · 2 years
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Qi Ye cast poster!!
This had started as a sketch, waaay back as I was still reading Qi Ye. The original is pretty different from this (I considered adding it in the post but I actually don't like it anymore haha), but the plan was already to make this big spread with most of the -more or less- important cast.
I will add here some thoughts about the whole piece, and I guess, Qi Ye itself. My main goal was probably to express my deep and intense feelings for Qi Ye, its grandness, and its awesome cast-- and along with that, flesh out my mental image of each of them, their personality, their style. Here is a table with the names, so we know who is whom, and so I can add some details about my perspective on them and their design.
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Jing Beiyuan has always come quite naturally. I just go for the "prettiest face" I ever came with in terms of : my own taste, and the features I find the most delicate. I'd argue he's the easiest character to draw for me across both QY and TYK. On this image, he's probably around 16 or 17. I find his expressions to be very fun to work on in general.
Ping An is also quite an easy character to draw, just for how specific Priest is when describing him.
Wu Xi's design is mainly inspired by a discussion with my friend Hanya, who talked about how, in SHL, Wu Xi more resembled a northern shaman than a southern shaman. It made me want to explore the designs and characteristics a bit more, and come up with more colourful fabrics, patterns, and darker skin color. Same goes for Ashinlae and Nuahar, to have them matching Wu Xi's aesthetic.
Ming Hua was included in this just because of the mess the mention of his name caused in the story. The two jealousy tantrums are just so delightful!!
Su Qingluan was made to resemble Jing Beiyuan, of course. What I wanted to reflect in her face was her frustration, mainly.
Ji Xiang and Hua Yue... Well. Nothing particular about their design either, but they had to be there. Of course, of course they had to be there.
Finally, an opportunity to draw Zishu with his fan and henchmen! Not mad that he kinda looks like a villain, here.
Lu Yu!! I drew him with an Ashinlae mask, since he disguises himself as Ashinlae. I included him because he matters a lot in my headcanons about Siji Manor. (it isn't specified, in Qi Ye, whether or not he's actually part of the manor, but I like to consider that he is for various reason that I may detail if I ever make a Siji Manor post)
I'll skip Jiang Xue and Liang Jiuxiao because their designs are steady for me, now.
I hesitated a lot for Helian Pei's pose, but ended up going for this one (looking bored, out of his depth, lost in the distance with his birds around him). I considered showing him with a bird in his hands, but I guess that's not the main vibe I get from him. And then, well, golden, flashy clothing, suited for an emperor.
Helian Zhao had to be in a showy armor, and I hated making it because it's so much work, haha. I took inspiration from an armor in NiF. I'm quite happy with how he came out in terms of both vibe and showiness.
I tried going full out on Helian Qi. Making him the villain that Qi Ye deserved. Dark, showy, elegant and horrible.
Helian Yi is also pretty solid for me, by now.
About the illustration itself, the main challenge was definitely to make a nice colour palette while still differenciating all the characters. I wanted to go with something intense, eerie, that could also complement the main tones I would go for (= red, purple, blue and green). I'm quite happy with how the golden tones, along with the green and reddish lights, make the whole thing come together. I struggled a little bit with the composition at first, but once I got the flow and the main figures down, it just happened quite easily. Anyway, I'm quite proud of this, and hope it conveys the love and admiration I have for Qi Ye well.
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nemainofthewater · 10 months
This poll might look a little familiar.... Due to a timing mix-up yesterday, I am proud to present the 'Best Non-Sword Weapon' poll take 2: Electric Boogaloo!
This time I've chosen to group the options by weapon with wielders in brackets*. Due to space issues, the media that each of them come from is under the read more, and this is definitely a non-exhaustive list!
*Except Xie Lian, who by virtue of winning the previous poll has been brought straight through to part two!
Thank you to everyone from the NiF discord and the watch party discord (and especially @shadaras) who have been amazing at suggesting characters with non-sword weapons! Couldn't have have done it without you! Also thank you to @thebansacredbanned who looked up the names of various obscure characters for me.
Propaganda, examples, and write-ins absolutely welcome!
Fan Wen Kexing (Word of Honour) Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) Qing Ming (Yin Yang Master)
Umbrella Lord Grim (The King's Avatar) Chu Xuanji (Love and Redemption) Zhan Shiqi (Ancient Detective) Su Muyu (Blood of Youth)
Musical Instrument The Lan Sect (The Untamed) Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) Huang Yaoshi (Legend of the Condor Heroes)
Gun Wang Zhi (Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty) Fan Xian (Joy of life, novel)
Spear/Staff Sikong Qianluo (Blood of Youth) Hong Qigong (Legend of the Condor Heroes) Sun Wukong (Journey to the West) Guan Yu (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) Wu Zhu (Joy of Life)
Knives/Other Bladed Weapon Tang Lian (Blood of Youth) Yang Lu (A Journey to Love) Xiao Mei (House of Flying Daggers)
Whip Chu Wanning (Erha) Gu Xiang (Word of Honour) Jiang Cheng and Yu Ziyuan (The Untamed)
Bow and Arrows/Crossbow Bo Ya (Ying Yang Master) Yan Xiaoyi (Joy of Life) Mei Changsu (Nirvana in Fire, Novel) Xiao Yao, Fangfeng Yiying, and Fangfeng Bei (Lost You Forever) Strip of cloth Xie Lian (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Needles Gong Yu (Nirvana in Fire) Wen Qing (The Untamed)
Giant Bell Wu Xin (the Blood of Youth) Demon Monk (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Wu Cheng'en and Journey to the West (2010) 吳承恩與西遊記
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Director: Kan Weiping Screenwriter: Wang Shuqiang / Ding Aimin Starring: Liu Xiaolingtong / Ma Su / Shi Xiaoqun / Sun Tao / Chi Chongrui / Ma Dehua Genre: Drama / Biography / Fantasy / Adventure / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2010-07-01 (Mainland China) Episodes: 46 Single episode length: 46 minutes Also known as: Wu Cheng En and Journey to the West / 吴承恩与西游记 Type: Crossover
In the movie, the protagonist Wu Chengen is wise and foolish, advocating justice, suave, romantic, poetic, calligraphy and painting, and is unique through the ages; the characters of "Journey to the West" such as Sun Wukong, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, etc. It complements the original characters in the play; the rich and fantastic myths, fantasy, chivalry, bold and interesting artistic expression styles, and modern high-tech three-dimensional expression methods greatly expand the extraordinary imagination of heaven and earth. During the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, Wu Yue, a minor official in Shanyang County, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, went to Yuntai Temple in Huaguo Mountain with his son, and talked with his old friend Puyin, hoping that his son Wu Cheng'en would be able to study and become an official and honor his ancestors. However, Wu Cheng'en, who has never forgotten his books and is very talented, fell in love with the lively monkeys in the Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain, and imagined that he could be as free, unconstrained, and omnipotent as the monkeys.
The 76-year-old old master Li has failed the examinations for more than 60 years. On this day, he entered the examination room with a rope and declared that if he failed to pass the first place, he would die. However, Wu Chengen won first place in this exam, and his friend Shen Kun came in second. Master Li, who failed the ranking, was full of regrets, but full of hope for Wu Chengen. Before he died, he asked Cai Ang, the official of the court, to discipline Wu Chengen more, so that he could be promoted to an official in the future, fulfilling his wish. Wu Chengen's elder sister, Wu Chengjia, was born beautiful. Luo Wanjin, a rich man in Shanyang County, relied on the relationship between Yan Song, the prime minister of the court, and tried every means to marry Wu Chengjia, but the Wu family refused; his son Luo Pang was jealous of Wu Chengen's talent and had nothing to do; The family formed an indissoluble grievance.
Wu Chengen's parents, sister, and wife Ye Yun are full of hope for him to study and become an official. Wu Chengen still goes his own way, reading monkey books, learning monkey steps, listening to monkey shows, and getting acquainted with monkey artist Niu Yufeng. Shen Kun and Li Chunfang, good friends from the same hometown, jokingly called Wu Chengen a monkey idiot. Although they tried their best to persuade him to cherish his talents and become an official, they couldn't resist Wu Chengen's unshakable stereotypes and his stubborn opinion that he didn't want to be an official. His friends have to let him take pleasure in monkeys, make monkeys their friends, and take writing Journey to the West as his own ambition. Accompanied by his beloved wife and a monkey, Wu Chengen traveled around the world and returned to Huaguo Mountain, which shocked the court and experienced many challenges.
However, Wu Chengen is determined, cares about the folks, and has fantastic ideas, how the Monkey King was born, the golden cudgel is like a wind, the monkeys make trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the friend Bajie refuses relatives. Yufeng, his wife, saves her husband by dripping blood, and the wits fight the old way such as Huang Feng, beating the Bull Demon King angrily, punishing pirates, and building a monkey garden in righteousness came into being. A mythological masterpiece "Journey to the West", which symbolizes the perseverance, optimism, and enterprising spirit of the Chinese people, full of ideals, great wisdom, and courage, has finally been completed under the pen of Wu Chengen.
Facing the manuscript of "Journey to the West" written by his late friend Wu Chengen, his good friend Li Chunfang sat upright at the table, wrote "Journey to the West written by Wu Chengen" on the front page, and murmured softly: Cheng En, you are the Monkey King, You are Sun Wukong! You say you are Sun Wukong! Ten years after Wu Chengen's death, his "Journey to the West" was corrected by Li Chunfang and officially published by Nanjing Shidetang in 1592. On October 8, 2005, the Wu Chengen Memorial Hall was completed and opened in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province...
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_Cheng%27en_and_Journey_to_the_West_(2010)
Link: N/A
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randomshenaniganery · 9 months
TGCF Donghua
okay so I've been watching this shit since it was released and I'm fully enjoying waiting for the weekly episodes and I wanna rant about it because I love it so much but I do have some minor gripes
Bad chuchu out of the way first
I am not happy with how generic and unoriginal the designs for most of the supporting characters. Like yeah they still look somewhat different but when the pool of named characters will expand it will get harder and harder to tell people apart if they keep on going with this route. Almost everyone suffers from same face syndrome which I know is rampant in current anime I just wished they allowed for at least more dynamic silhouettes, hairstyles, and color palettes. It feels like a more toned down version of the character design in the manhua. Lang Qianqiu in the manhua is so easy to recognize because of his outfit and pei ming looks more like the bastard he is etc. Don't get me started on the design for Kemo, the manhua felt eh I feel like Kemo was too pretty and too slim but in the donghua its just he's a straight up orc idk, i feel like they could've done better. Pei Su looks very generic, I think out of everyone he's the most generic looking of them all. SQX, Ling Wen and Jun Wu are the best designs for the supporting cast and I think Banyue is also okay looking cause you can tell her apart from the rest so far.
I am super disappointed in Qi Rong's reveal because it doesn't feel as impactful in the book. In the book the reveal of him looking like Xie Lian was so dramatic to me I was like oh my god is that his brother? A twin? a doppelganger? And then Qi Rong just kinda looks like that, tbh his voice actor and his clothes are fine I think they fit. It's just weird how he suffers from same face syndrome. If they made everyone look less like each other making Qi Rong look like Xie Lian would have been so impactful and a really cool cliffhanger but they couldn't do that because even fucking Lang Qianqiu kinda looks like Xie Lian with lighter hair. Also the Fang xin design is alright on the clothes but the mask gives off a bit cheap however I get that it can't be super detailed and it still does its job so I can handwave that small pet peeve.
Also censorship we couldn't get Xie Lian falling on Hua Cheng's lap and so them trying to make up for that was super awkward LMAO, they could have solved this by making SQX fall right on Hua Cheng's chair so that they could justify why Xie Lian grabbed Hua Cheng and throws him but they didn't... and it's so awkward...
I think it was like Episode 2 of s2 that the animation feels weird, Mu Qing's face felt off to me idk what was going on it just felt like something went down but the next episode it was perfectly fine anyway.
Something the manhua didn't have was Fu Yao and Nan Feng looking a bit like each other, that was so fucking funny and it's a great display of how much they hate each other and live rent free in each other's heads ong. I love that detail the donghua did I think that's smart.
The voice actors are so great in both dubs they're doing amazing (I haven't listened to the jp dub) I have no complaints I love their work
ONE of my favorite things about the donghua is being able to see Hua Cheng's expressions even when Xie Lian is doing something in the book so he wouldn't notice. I love seeing how pleased he is every time someone points out the intimacy with him and Xie Lian. Like in season 1 when Fu Yao is shocked/horrified that Xie Lian shared a bed with Hua Cheng, San Lang puts a hand on his chin and looks so fucking smug and happy. This happens a couple times in s2 as well someone will be like oh that's weird you're so like this with Hua Cheng and he becomes a smug cat it's great.
Another one I enjoy is during the beginning of the banyue arc when Xie Lian reveals to Fu Yao and Nan Feng that he's used to sleeping in squalor the camera goes to Nan Feng not revealing his face but clearly showing his guilt over what Xie Lian reveals. That's good shit.
Lan Chang picking a fight off screen, also cool, love seeing her. I like that she looks inconspicuous so for someone who doesn't know shit about tgcf they will not see *that* shit coming.
ALSO the men look kinda generic if they're not the mls but the girls are all gorgeous???? like the woman who was Hua Cheng's speaker, the girl who led Xie Lian further into the gambling den, XUAN JI, Banyue all the girls are unique without being so ostentatious and I love them. If you put them beside each other they all look like they're own thing but still on theme. From clothes, to hairstyle and colors it's easy to tell and that's good design. I also include SQX's female form cause she's gorgeous too.
The donghua I think adds to stuff I haven't read I'm not sure if this is because I have a bad memory but I don't recall reading a flashback of Lang Qianqiu and the failed robbery. But the message of that entire section was so fucking good. The way that what Lang Qianqiu said about 'maybe he shouldn't have intervened' and the sound effects UGh. It's so good, i love how the book tackles the morality of everything, breaking down Lang Qianqiu's firm positivity and believing in humanity but still promoting being kind and considerate through Xie Lian. This theme still carries on in the show and I think they're doing a great job.
GOD THE MUSIC in the donghua is so fucking good, I love it. The songs, the meanings, the beat it's all perfect I can't say anything more.
even though i'm disappointed in the character design choices the donghua is very solid, I love it a lot. It does come off as very expositiony sometimes but I think that's very prevalent in Chinese Wuxia and Xianxia. Probably weird for people who aren't used to the genre but to anyone who's seen something like it, it's not unbearable and it's kinda necessary because of how the book is written. Waiting for wednesday patiently whilst i draw huahua
There are so many fun details the Donghua adds that shows that they know the story and where it's going as well hinting at character stuff, it's so fun to spot those. Like Xie Lian's reaction to Hua Cheng biting the bun made me wanna claw my face that shit was good af.
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faededaway · 9 months
Characters from SVSSS (scum villain's self saving system: (character list for SVSSS)
Cang Qiong Mountain Sect
(there are 12 peaks/ as in there are 12 different groups that together make Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. Not all of them are mentioned in the novel. Some are only mentioned as a collective)
- Sect Lord : Yue Qingyuan (Zhangmen-shixiong )
Qing Jing Peak (sect that focuses on literature with martial arts and other stuff)
- Shen Yuan - Shen Qingqui (peak lord)
[our MC]
- Luo Binghe [MC of Proud Immortal Demon Way]
- Ming Fan (Shen Qingqui's disciple, Binghe's senior)
- Ning Ying Ying (calls Binghe A-Luo)
Wan Jian Peak
- Wei Qingwei (peak lord)
Bai Zhan Peak (peak that roughhouses more than others. Beat first, speak later)
- Liu Qingge (Liǔ Qīnggē, “Willow, Clear Song”)
• Role: Bai Zhan Peak Lord, Liu Mingyan’s older brother
- Ji Jue (a disciple)
- Yi Shui (a disciple)
Qian Cao Peak (healer peak)
- Mu Qingfang (木清芳, Mù Qīngfāng, “Wood, Clear Fragrance”)
• Role: Qian Cao Peak Lord
Xian Zhu Peak (the women only peak)
- Qi Qingqi (齊清萋, Qí Qīngqī, "Even, Clear Luxuriant")
• Role: Xian Zhu Peak Lord
- Liu Mingyan (柳溟煙, Liǔ Míngyān, "Willow, Drizzle Mist")
• Role: Xian Zhu Peak disciple, Liu Qingge’s younger sister
An Ding Peak (logistics peak)
Shang Qinghua (尚清華, Shàng Qīnghuá, "Still/Esteem, Clear Flower")
• Role: An Ding Peak Lord, real world penname Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky
Zhao Hua Temple
- Master Wu Chen
- Abbot Wu Wang
Huan Hua Palace
- Palace Master (I couldn't get his name, he was mostly referred as Palace Master)
- Palace princess (I couldn't catch her name either)
- Gongyi Xiao (公儀蕭, Gōngyí Xiāo, “Public Ceremony, Mournful”)
• Role: Huan Hua Palace disciple
- Qin Wanyue (秦婉約, Qín Wǎnyuē, “Graceful & Subdued”)
• Role: Huan Hua Palace disciple; Wanrong’s older sister, one of Luo Binghe’s harem members in the original novel
- Qin Wanrong
• Role: Huan Hua Palace disciple; Wanyue’s younger sister, one of Luo Binghe’s harem members in the original novel
- All Ma - a disciple
- Su Xiyan [spoiler]
San Mayou temple:
3 girls who are collectively referred to as temple sisters.
Tian Yi Monastery
Ba Qi Clan
(a smaller clan which has mid to eh levels of disciples.)
Demon world
- Mobei-Jun: Luo Binghe’s future subordinate, his excellent right hand and engine oil for committing evil deeds, murder, and mayhem (I've quoted the book here)
He's an ice king. Lord of the North side of the demon world.
- LinGuang-Jun : Mobei-jun's uncle
- Tianlang-Jun Binghe's dad. Also, he was lord of Demonworld.
- Zhuzhi-Lang: Binghe's cousin
Town folks/Others.
Jin Lin City
- Yang Yixuan, I’m the son of the owner of the Jin Zi weapons shop.
Lu Liu Border disciples
Lou Qin Border disciples
Qiu Haitang someone who knows Shen Qingqui
Madam Meiyin: a succubus/ brothel owner
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movielosophy · 2 months
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Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty 2 - even if they investigate separately, they come to the same conclusion
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volann · 1 year
Everyone in tgcf is a foil character (if you squint)
(pt 2, pt 3, pt 4)
I will be writing this as I reread the book, so this is the first part where I'll write about Xuan Ji and Xiao-Ying. I may not remember some details about Xie Lian and Hua Cheng bc I haven't reread those parts yet but hopefully it won't affect anything important. And neither do I have the revised version nor do I know Chinese, so everything is based on the og version. (also English isn't my first language, I asked my friend to check everything but there may still be some mistakes)
I'll start with Xuan Ji, Pei Ming’s ex that burned down temples and killed 17 brides to attract his attention. So the thing that keeps her as a ghost is her obsession with the man that prevented her suicide attempt. Also she wears red. Yes, I will be comparing her to Hua Cheng here. And this might be a stretch, but the plot may be indicating that she's his foil because Xie Lian first thinks that Hua Cheng is the ghost groom. Anyway, it's more important how those two are different. Xuan Ji's final goal is Pei Ming's love and attention. She doesn't take into consideration his needs and feelings, her own feelings come first. This is their main difference. Xuan Ji broke her legs to trap Pei Ming into staying, died to make him grieve — Hua Cheng died several times to save Xie Lian and didn't care about himself. She cries about how much she sacrificed, like Pei Ming owes her because of it — Hua Cheng gives his ashes to Xie Lian and doesn't care what will happen to them. He only wants Xie Lian to be happy. Xuan Ji wants Pei Ming to come to her, while Hua Cheng has been looking for Xie Lian for hundreds of years. Xuan Ji blames Pei Ming for everything that's wrong with her and her life — Hua Cheng would never. Xuan Ji shows how dangerous an obsession can be. Her love leads first to self-destruction, obvious in her broken legs and her last suicide attempt, and then to burned temples and people's deaths (although she was a general, her actions likely affected others even then). Hua Cheng did burn down temples too, but only to avenge his love, who didn't know about it for hundreds of years. Hua Cheng builds new temples for him. And, in the end, Xuan Ji is as powerful as she is only with Qi Rong's help while Hua Cheng became supreme on his own– his feelings are much stronger.
It is possible to find some similarities with Xie Lian too: besides being a fierce general, she is incredibly beautiful (and Xie Lian is Flower-Crowned Martial God), and while she had a high position during her life, now she's just a ghost. Xuan Ji feels as if noone is on her side, the one closest to her — betrayed her (add two suicide attempts there, although the reasoning is quite different). This reminds me the most of Xie Lian from book four, but fortunately he did see good in people, and in the end the only one suffering because of his actions was Wu Ming. Are these similarities the reason why he doesn't want to judge her without knowing the whole story?* The fact that he sees himself from the past in Xuan Ji and understands the desire to have someone who will stay by your side no matter what? Well, he never judges anyone too quickly and I can't claim anything. So. When compared to Xuan Ji, everyone showes their good sides, wow, what a revelation, I know.
*It doesn't really fit in this theme but those words might be directed at the reader since there are many lies in the book. The first that comes to my mind is the fact that Xie Lian knew about Nan Feng and Fu Yao's true identities already in the first book, but nothing in the text indicates that. But we're not speaking about them (yet?). In case of the ghost groom we first know the legend, then Xuan Ji's retelling and, finally, Pei Su's words, which we perceive as the truth. Every time characters' motivations are changed completely. This happens with many stories, from Xie Lian's past to less important parts like this one.
Now let's speak about the character whom I didn't plan to speak about at first: Xiao Yin. It is possible to compare her to Hua Cheng, or, to be more specific, Hong Hong-er: everyone thinks she's ugly and bullies her. Of course, we only see this behavior from Xiao-Pengtou (I don't remember the "tou" part in his name but wiki says it so it must be true), and the only other person with at least some significance from her village is the teahouse owner who is more of a narrator. But both she and Lang Ying avoid the light and don't look in people's eyes, and in the end she says she hasn't had any good days in her life, which probably means people in general didn't treat her well. Another similarity is the fact that Xiao Yin says that maybe she was born unlucky in the last moments of her life, while Hong-er was literally born under the Star of Solitude. But, unlike him, Xiao Yin isn't angry at the world. Before meeting Xie Lian Hong Hong-er wanted to ruin the festival for everyone with his own death, and now Hua Cheng mostly cares only about the crown prince. But Xiao Yin drags Xiao-Pengtou inside the circle made by Ryoe to save him. I can't think of a better example but from some angles it can be similar to Xie Lian saving Mu Qing, but he had eight hundred years, and he doesn't really care about the past anymore, and the whole situation is different… anyway, Xiao Ying only wants to help people, especially Lan Ying, helps Xie Lian as soon as she sees he needs it, but in the end most of it is in vain (Xiao-Pengtou did die), even her death didn't change anything, and the only one who grieves for her is the bandaged boy. Remember Xie Lian and his attempts to save Xianle? There even was a bandaged boy too. Xie Lian might have lied to Xiao Ying because of it, but he does lie out of kindness quite often, so this may not be true. Back to Xiao Ying. No matter how hard she tries, people always misinterpret her intentions and look for a catch (you want to help this boy? no, surely you're helping the ghost bridegroom). This is a common theme in all of mxtx's novels, Xie Lian isn't an exception. Even Xie Lian compares himself and Xiao Ying and says that she's stronger. That's probably because in her last words, she wanted to overcome her misfortune. No matter what she wanted to help everyone, including those who mistreated her, and didn't even think of sending an awful plague onto them.
I don't think Xiao-Pengtou is important enough to write something about him, although it is quite interesting how he could affect everyone's actions by just being there — after his death everyone was sorry. He probably would fit into an essay about ruling figures in tgcf. There isn't much said about Lan Ying yet, and later we learn way more about Nan Feng and Fu Yao, so there are some things I want to say that are not about characters. The themes important for the whole book and many characters — desire for closeness with other people, striving to find someone who will understand you and will never leave, inevitability of tragic events, discrepancy between what you are and what people see you as, distortion of history — are introduced in the first chapters. All of them will be important in the future arcs and probably this is why it's so easy to find foils: we see how the same themes are explored in different characters. I wonder how many words will be used for more important characters if I wrote so much on Xiao Ying…
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pinkpeachesdiary · 1 year
About tgcf (Heavens official blessing)
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A novel from MTXT, it's a global phenomon that gained adaptations in the form of: manhua, dongha (second season soon), audiodrama and live action (still in production)
We follow the story of Xie Lian (in the gif), a formor crown prince of the kingdom of Xian Le. As a formor martial god, he used to live on Earth until one day he ascended for the third time ( :0 ) and has to help the heavens to pay his debt caused by the damage of other heavens officials during XL ascending (have I mentioned XL is known for being extremelly unlucky?)
During the first arch we meet some other characters and get to know better the world of tgcf: The calamities and other officials
Pay attention to these names cause you'll see them a lot: Nan Feng, Fu Yao, Hua Cheng, San Lang, Mu Qing, Feng Xin, Jun Wu, Pei Ming, Ban Yue...
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There are five original books, but they are a fast read when you're invested (like I was)
Without adding spoilers, you will see the mysteries of this world and their characters get untagled throughout the archs, you will be surpised with the character developments and the major plot twists
A soft bl story, their love story is definetely one of the most beautiful ones I have ever read about, it's really deep and true, (oh to have a relationship so faithful like theirs!)
But bear in mind that it's not all fluff, the characters stories are really complex, there are even some TW for major injuries, su!c!d3, g3noc!d3, and gor3. Rember folks, our xie lian is a martial god, he's super strong and is a specialist at swordmanship.
I guarantee, it's a balanced read (excpet book 4, oops) with amazing lore, powerfull battles, a little bit of comedy, romance and quite suffering.
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*image from the manhua, available on billibilli
If you're interested, I don't recommend searching more about it on tags, otherwise you'll get spoilers!!
In the US there's already official publications of the novel, but not in south america (as I'm aware of). I believe plenty of countries in Europe already have their official books.
Hope you enjoyed it and that you'll become a fan of this amazing series!
*pardon me if I made some grammar mistakes :)
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believeinyourotp · 7 months
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Best of the best
Korroh: I mainly shipped this because I said forget Mako.
Love it
Love is a strong word
It’s fine
Boroh: would love to see them chill together.
Bolin x Eska: I would love to see Bolin stand up to her bizarreness
Bolin x Opal
Kai x Jinora
Korrasami: they’re good, I think it’s interesting they have an ex in common and cheated on both of them, then Mako just became their friend lol
Kya x Izumi: the thumbnails cute
P’li x Ming-Hua
Pema x Lin: Tenzin’s love interests
Pema x Tenzin: they’re cute and have a nice little family
Zaheer x P’li: Bad ass tall girl x the leader of the Red Lotus
Tenzin x Lin: I love the idea of what ifs between them, but canonically just can’t see it
Wu x Mako: Ok, even though I haven’t watched the final season in its entirety, I just don’t think it’s one of the dynamics I’m into
Zhu’li x Varrick
Makorrasami: if they decided to become a polycule, that’d be cool
Kya x Lin
Mako x Iroh II: I’m not sure how to feel.
KorRyu: they were funny when they first met
HuanKorra: I think I did ship them a bit for a while, now not really
Jinora x Skoochy: the potential it had, yet they never met, and we never seen Skoochy again lol.
Only as friends
Bolin x Korra: I mean I can see why some people ship it, but I feel like it reminds me of my past relationships where I was put in an awkward position, where I felt that I should like them, I should date them, but the romantic feelings never came.
Irosami: I feel people shipped this because Mako was a jerk and a cheater, I don’t think that means he can’t be redeemed, but I feel sometimes his character needs time to win back the heart of his the watchers.
Bolin x Asami: Such pair the spares, I can’t see it romantically happening.
Opal x Korra: Gonna be honest, I might need to watch the series again, legally and safely.
Masami: They could have been cute but…
Kuvira x Asami: Well Kuvira is her friend’s enemy…
Makorra: F R I E N D S
The Krew
Kuvira x Korra: Maybe after a redemption arc
Bataar x Su: Nope, he lied
Kuvira x Zhu’li: ?
Iroh x Eska(?): Royals but no
Amon x Korra: He’s too far off in age, I have standards to uphold
Absolutely Not
Any incest ship
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ao3feed-fengqing · 5 months
Cuando el amor llega
by EarthAndHeaven Feng Xin es el gerente de seguridad de asuntos internos de J&W Tech, una empresa de telecomunicaciones dirigida por el señor Jun Wu, CEO de la empresa. El gerente vive una vida muy rutinaria hasta que conoce a un "ángel caído del cielo" y se vuelve su amor platónico. Por otro lado, una persona muy cercana deja señales de interés en él. ¿Feng Xin será correspondido o el amor seguirá tocando su puerta? Una historia llena de confusiones, acción y amor. Los personajes de TGCF le pertenecen a MXTX . Fanfic con fines de ocio. Historia de un amor platónico con toques eróticos y sexuales. FengLian. FengQing, HuaLian Words: 8189, Chapters: 2/7, Language: Español Fandoms: 天官赐福 | Heaven Official's Blessing (Cartoon), 天官赐福 | Heaven Official's Blessing (Webcomic), 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Hua Cheng (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Jun Wu (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Ling Wen (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Pei Ming (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Yin Yu (Tian Guan Ci Fu), He Xuan (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Shi Qingxuan, Quan Yizhen, MXTX | Moxiang Tongxiu Characters Relationships: Fengqing - Relationship, FengLian - Relationship, Hualian - Relationship Additional Tags: Hualian, fenglian, FengQing, Gay Character, Gay Love, Tender Sex, Lime, Lemon, Gay Sex, Platonic Relationships, Action & Romance, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Humor, Romantic Fluff, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - No Powers, POV Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu), POV Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Yaoi, Love, Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Falling In Love, Boys In Love, True Love, Love at First Sight, Drunk Sex, Drunken Kissing via https://ift.tt/ktuYUxe
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