#character: yin zheng
movielosophy · 2 years
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New Life Begins ~ This tree is quite efficacious
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I’m up to date on New Life Begins and I love it so much. It’s gorgeous, we’re getting more and more exploration of the different regions in the world, plot is advancing along with the budding romance, and there are so many different female characters/relationships shown on screen. And so many wives + concubines teaming up and making friends with each other, as well as maids and servants being part of the household.
I got Iqiyi VIP for Between Us (and then discovered I needed a VPN as well) but I’m going to be keeping it for this show.
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hotaruyy · 2 years
Li Wei whirls into her life like petals twirling through the spring breeze.
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lovefrombegonia · 5 months
Thinking about Yuder Aile's looks
I did think before that Yuder must be quite plain looking. Not ugly but not extraordinary either. Atleast, that's how he always thought of himself. But then I realised Yuder Aile is a freaking unreliable narrator. And that got me thinking even more of how he looked like. Of course, we have a great manhwa and many novel illustrations of how Yuder looks.
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And they are all so cute! I just tend to visualise them a bit differently than whatever official arts make them out to be. That's to be expected, after all, we all imagine things differently when it comes to looks. Btw this is not me criticizing the manhwa or the illustrations. They are all so beautiful and I love them all 🥰🥹
TBH I think Yuder is actually...quite an unconventional beauty (lol ik so original). You know there are some people who, at first glance, look pretty but not extraordinary...but then the more you look at them, the prettier they become??? It's like some kind of magic happening. I had a senior in my college who was like that. The more I look, the prettier she becomes. I think of actors like Rekha and Tabu who become prettier the longer you look at them.
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Also, in the world of Turning, it seems the beauty standard is bright hair and bright eyes, pastel colours and all. And Yuder is full on a goth gf. No pastels. Stark and contrasting. Black hair, dark eyes, pale af, stoic, and intimidating. He is not all sharp tho. He has chubby cheeks, according to Kiolle Diarca, so, I think Yuder has baby fats on his cheeks. That's insanely adorable to me. I can see why Enon wants to pinch those cheeks. I keep thinking of actor Yin Zheng, he has the most adorable cheeks. He makes me go insane. BTW check out his masterpiece of a drama called "Winter Begonia" ❤️ it's a cdrama based on a danmei novel.
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Yuder thinks he is tall. And HE IS. He is 5'11". That's tall, ok. From the QnA, Kuyu did say he has a thin body type, so, I imagine him as a lean muscled body type. Not lanky at all. Like, Bruce Lee. A powerful house of a man, with defined biceps and core. Yuder from manhwa does remind of Bruce Lee a lot tbh. I really like that, Bruce Lee is my childhood!
(NB: I love his expressions)
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So, that's how I think Yuder looks like. I am bad at the visualising part tho, so, Yuder keeps on shifting in my mind. I imagine a youthful face carrying the expression of a war veteran, and that makes people around him intimidated but also intrigued. All the descriptions in the novel remind me of the most is actually a very famous character, known as, the motherfucking Moon Dong-Eun from "Glory"! Played by Song Hye-Kyo. The eyes...look at her EYES!! That's Yuder Aile staring into your soul!!!!
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You can even feel the eerie glare from behind the shades!
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I think Lady Snowblood, played by Meiko Kaji, is also a good reference for Yuder's eyes. Look at her! I think this one is more suited for Yudrain Aile tho.
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Ok. That is where I end my ramblings LOL
Wanted to say this for a long time. I would love to hear what others think Yuder looks like too. What other actors or even fan casting do you think of? Yuder Aile is such an interesting character. He is such a blorbo. I love him so much, and I am so happy I stumbled onto this treasure of a novel 💕
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sarah-yyy · 2 years
a few of y’all have asked me about new life begins, and i’m procrastinating over work so............
BASICALLY this story revolves around the royal family of xinchuan (head of the nine states). xinchuan has a tradition wherein the other eight states send eligible women over to marry the xinchuan princes. the show opens with all these women coming into xinchuan for this selection
this is our main character li wei
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bbg does Not want to be selected as a bride for any of the princes. she comes from jichuan (one of the least wealthy states, most of them are farmers) wherein people marry for love and men aren’t allowed to have concubines, she is Not Into this xinchuan polygamy bs, and is doing all she can to be sent back home asap so she can live her chill life
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this is the sixth prince yin zheng, unloved (for now!) and mostly unnoticed (also for now!!) son of an unfavoured concubine. he’s introduced as being sickly and of little note in the political field. he mostly gets along with his brothers by virtue of having little interaction with them and keeping a real low profile
this boy is way smarter than he presents to outsiders!! he knows that the least favourable political marriage will be assigned to him, so he figures he might as well get ahead of it and voluntarily ask for the nominee from jichuan to be his wife
li wei ends up yin zheng’s concubine!!! which is the worst!!! not only does she have to conform to this xinchuan polygamy bs, she’s not even his main wife!!! she’s depressed for a few days until she catches wind that yin zheng only has a few weeks left to live (fake news) and it just kickstarts a whole bunch of hilarious shenanigans in which she tries to be nice to him before he dies and she gets to go home to jichuan as a widow
cue yin zheng (who doesn’t know what li wei is thinking) going: she’s??? nice to me???? mayhaps..........she be.........in love with me??????
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(uhhhh because she’s adorable???? i like her) 
ANYWAY y’all get the drift, it’s the whole arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, pining after my spouse vibe that i absolutely love!!! 
but it’s not just that!!! it’s also that the female characters are all well-written and the friendships between all of them are so cute!! 
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first left is shangguan jing, fifth prince’s wife! she’s from danchuan which is a matriarchal society. she’s good at martial arts and very straightforward. does not really want to be married to xinchuan (much less to the fifth prince who starts off liking someone else), but is Doing Her Duty. i am SO INVESTED in her relationship with the fifth prince ahhhh, he’s a wimp (affectionate) who, this far in the show, has come to love his wife and is fretting constantly over how to make her happy/make her love him 
first right is hao jia! she’s the second prince’s concubine and li wei’s bff. she’s sweet and well-natured and essentially Good At Everything. the second prince is kind of a dick with obvious dv tendencies, but he’s the eldest son of the emperor’s wife and next in line for the throne. i am just HOPING we get to see hao jia go off on him one day soon 😭 (side note: i’m actually also curious about the second prince’s wife - i wonder if she and hao jia will team up to get rid of the second price ugh)
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this is yuan ying junzhu, my li wei’s yin zheng’s wife. hoooo boy folks, when the emperor ordered yin zheng to marry her against his Very Strong Objection, i thought we were going to start in on the angst and the whole jealous wife arc, but!!! she’s got zero interest in him, and they decide that she’ll basically stay at the manor as his advisor/li wei’s tutor! she 100% likes li wei more than she likes yin zheng lbr
not pictured but also a+++ characters that i love: the third prince’s wife + his harem of concubines (he’s named them all after the 24 traditional solar terms); the seventh prince and his wife (both of whom are adorable and just try to stay low-key and out of trouble); song wu²; all the servants at the sixth prince’s manor
ANYWAY this show is light-hearted and fun and an absolute delight to watch!! it’s been awhile since we’ve had a romcom-ish cdrama that’s had actual budget to produce something to this quality 💖 11/10 would rec!!! 
where to watch: iqiyi // viki // youtube status:  this updates every sunday to wednesday (local chinese time), with 2 eps being released every day. 22/40 eps have aired so far, i think iqiyi subs are up to date with the current airing schedule but i can’t be sure? someone correct me if i’m wrong! 
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nemainofthewater · 6 months
Best character surnamed: Yin
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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azulserszzp · 5 months
avatar characters were never given full names so i decided to give them full names 
FULL NAMES (kids 1st)
Aang Kesen
Sokka Yukihiro
Jet Rikuto
Zuko Homura (Lee Rinjiro)
Mai Yīnchén
Suki Takeru
Katara Yukihiro
Azula Homura
Ty lee Fei
Toph Beifong
Yue Yukitomo
FULL NAMES (adults)
Bato Cui
Chit Sang Zhu
Hakoda Yukihiro
Zhao Liu
Gyatso Feng
Ozai Homura
Ursa Homura/Hinata
Iroh Homura (Mushi Zheng)
Yukihiro meaning "ocean of snow"
Takeru meaning "warrior"
Homura meaning “blaze” or “flame”
Rinjiro meaning “second son of the approaching fire.”
Feng meaning "wind" or "air"
Zhu meaning "vermilion red" or "cinnabar"
Yīnchén - Means "gloomy"
Fei meaning "fairy"
Rikuto meaning "land"
Beifong meaning "northern square"
Yukitomo meaning "snow friend"
Liu meaning "kill and destroy"
Cui meaning "towering"
Kesen meaning "spirit, energy, air"
Hinata meaning "sunny place or a sunny side"
Zheng meaning "tea"
Yukihiro = you-key-hair-ro
Takeru = take-ou-tear-ou
Homura = hoe-more-uh
Feng = fuh-aang
Yīnchén = yin-chin
Fei = fuh-aye
Rikuto = rick-toe
Beifong = bae-fuh-ong
Yukitomo = you-key-toe-mo
Kesen = kay-sin
Cui = chew-ee
Liu = luh-ouu
Hinata = huh-naa-tuh
Rinjiro = ren-gee-ro
Zheng = zuh-ee-ong
(i thought the giving zhao the name of zuko's actor was funny also bc it suited him by the way to my knowledge, all of the names are asian although i didn't take them from just the cultures that would've been based off of where they lived like for example katara and sokka's last name to my knowledge isn't inuit ursa's two last names isn't her surname it's her second married name zuko's second name is her surname which he uses as a disguise "Lee Rinjiro")
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qpjianghu · 21 days
shaking crying screaming throwing up re: Desire Catcher (2019)
(Show CW: there is sexual violence involved in the core case. Please take care!)
I need to just ramble incoherently for a hot sec because oooooo boy the vibes are impeccable??
The TLDR is:
The two male leads have a relationship that's like Wangxian spiced with Pingxie. I know. I KNOW. The pining is off the charts, my friends. Truly unparalleled.
There is absolutely no romance whatsoever! (Except for the case where there are two men who adopt an abandoned baby together?? I mean?? ^_^) Huge win for the aros!!
If that's all you need, read no further, I shall not spoil. Come back and scream with me when you're done.
More detail below:
There are lots of surface-level similarities to Under the Skin: Frenemies-to-bromance male leads, one is a cop with a chip on his shoulder and impeccable dark/leather jackets, the other is a floppy-haired, khaki-wearing consultant with a peppy demeanor that hides deep personal trauma... but, honestly, I think Desire Catcher is what Under the Skin WISHES it was. (No shade if you loved Under the Skin -- I just personally wanted a bit more from it.)
The male leads, my goodness. Zheng Yecheng plays Lu Fengping, and Xin Yunlai plays Luo Fei. They are both so FREAKIN' good. Their characters at first just seem like typical archetypes of the stoic one and the bubbly one (WHICH I LOVE ANYWAY) but they take everything to the next level with their microexpressions that both reveal and conceal their haunted pasts, and extreme pining. Which leads me to...
The Wangxian of it all... *delighted sigh*... The person who wrote like the one fic on Ao3 in this fandom pointed out (much more eloquently than I'm about to) that Luo Fengping spends most of the show trying (and not knowing how) to save Lu Fengping the same way that Lan Wangji spends so much time trying (and not knowing how) to save Wei Wuxian. I won't spoil anything about their successes vs. failures in this post, but I have been turning around this brilliant point in my head for a week now and I am still vibrating at a totally normal frequency about them.
Which brings me to the devastating trope of how do you save someone who doesn't want to be saved? Yes yes yes OF COURSE this is a Mysterious Lotus Casebook reference. Come chew glass with meeeeeeee
And there's also: The Girl Cop!! (lol) Liang Yin!!!!! I ended up loving her. I need to watch the show again just so I can love her more, because the whole time I was worried she would become a love interest to one of the guys she shared a past with. But they all find solace and redemption WITHOUT romance!! What a concept!
Which brings me to another show this one reminded me of: the k-drama The Guest. That show also has a glorious polycule who are all connected through a shared trauma and need each other to heal. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS.
The case of the week stuff was pretty good. And by pretty good I mean completely devastating.
The big final plot resolution was a little werd ngl but you just gotta squint through some of the copaganda, shhh, it's fine
(The ENDING though.... literally just heart eyes all over the place, motherfuckers)
Look I know I said there wasn't any romance, but Luo Fei and Lu Fengping spend at least five minutes every episode pining at each other / into each other's eyes RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY SALAD while a dramatic ballad plays in the background, so, like. That's a thing. <3
Did I literally pay for the more expensive Viki subscription service so I could gif their pining in better HD?? Who's to say???
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moononmyfloor · 2 years
New Life Begins: Li family costume appreciation
I am not Chinese by nationality nor ethnicity, nor have I received any formal education on Chinese culture and history. Therefore my observations may be erroneous and I'd be grateful for any correction offered by a more knowledgeable party!
Period dramas are not meant to be 100% accurate representation of historical details. Some dramas may attempt to have some semblance of reenactment, in which case it would simply be a bonus. Especially ahistorical fusion dramas will attempt more modified takes on historical wardrobes, sometimes mish-mash pieces with elements from multiple dynasties. So take everything here with a grain of salt.
The wardrobe of New Life Begins, for the most part gave me a vague Song Dynasty inspired aesthetic. If you followed this drama faithfully you may have noticed that it had gone an extra mile with its worldbuilding details, where there are 9 provinces that would remind you of real provinces of China due to their placements and unique characteristics. I did a post about that here.
There I said, the FL Li Wei's home province Jichuan, makes me think of Yunnan- adjacent area because it is described as mountainous and well-suited for farming, atop other reasons such as its placement on the map..
AND how the styling of the Li family stood out among the other characters! Some details, reminded me slightly of Miao ethnicity, who are especially noted for their silver jewellery.
Here are the similarities I noticed:
The hairpins and combs
(Left: Miao combs, Right: Li mama's combs)
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Additionally notice Li baby brother's thick silver necklace.
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Irregular front lapels of the jacket and bead tassels on hemlines
I don't think I have ever seen something like this on Han Chinese hanfu jackets.
(Left: Miao dress, Right: Li Wei's dress when she first arrived)
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Later, when she marries as the Legal Main wife, her wedding dress also improves in details to honor her background, compared to when she first married in as a concubine where she wore a regular red wedding hanfu like everyone else. At first I wondered if it's an alternate version of Xiuhefu but then felt like the finer details resemble the Miao dress more. It wouldn't be far-fetch of an estimation considering how the rest of details I mentioned above also direct to the same conclusion.
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Notice the elaborate headdress quite different from the Han wedding jewellery we usually see, the dress itself being a jacket-skirt combo and not a one-piece outer robe etc hanfu.
And of course, the beaded tassel details continue. See the dress in motion here.
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I really like that during Yin Zheng's visit to Li Wei's hometown, they incorporated some silver ornament details to his dresses as well.🥰
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Overall I think it's not a stretch for me to say that New Life Begins did care for its visual storytelling a lot, that it attempted to do something layered with its character and costume designs. It is so delightful to see the merging of different elements of different heritages like this, and it is very much fun to go treasure hunting for those details!
I hope you enjoyed this AND, once again, do correct me if I got this wrong!
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theangelmojo · 19 days
I don't even know if this counts as spoilers after this long. I'm having a rewatch of WB and I just want to have a little rant. So - spoiler warning for episode 32 of Winter Begonia.
This plotline is the one that rankles me the most out of everything, leaving me feeling the most dissatisfied... even angry, tbh. Upset, mostly.
I really don't understand the reasoning CFT gives SXR to convince him not to tell his sister his identity. I also don't understand SXR agreeing to it. After they realise that Lin Dan Qiu is faking being her brother, isn't that a sign to tell the truth???
CFT says she's suffered enough and it's not worth ruining her more, but what is there to ruin? LDQ is such a selfish character who not only gambled, but happily allowed her to pay his debts and didn't question how she got the money so fast... it's so selfish. Isn't this a sign he won't take good care of her? She's so excited to have her brother back, but all he wants is her money.
IDK why I'm so upset by this. It's probably Yin Zheng's excellent acting breaking my heart every few seconds XDDD I can't bear the thought of SXR never reuniting with his family. I have written in my head a whole scenario where he presents the pendant to his sister and then tells her she may hate opera, but he has built the life he wants within opera. And then IDK. She accepts it and becomes a die-hard fan XDD and of course her baby will support her uncle to death too!!
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movielosophy · 2 years
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New Life Begins ~ I can do that!
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ao3feed-myatb · 2 months
Oh! My Emperor
read it on AO3 by Prettyweiying22 Jin Xiaobao was Minister Jin's only son, but he was a disappointment. He was unruly, arrogant at times, and spent money as if he were the one earning it. But worst of all, he was an omega. Omegas were rare and protected, but not in the Jin household. In that household, they were the lowest of the low. So they hid his identity. But tell me, how did his son get the Emperor's interest? Words: 813, Chapters: 2/10, Language: English Fandoms: 花开有时颓靡无声 | Meet You at the Blossom Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Zong Zheng Huai En, Jin Xiaobao, Su Yin, Jin Bao, Que Si Ming Relationships: Jin Xiaobao/Zongzheng Huaien | Zheng Huaien Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mpreg, Harems, Omega Jin Xiaobao, Alpha Zong Zheng Huai En, Emperor Zong Zheng Huai En, Empress Jin Xiaobao read it on AO3
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wangmiao · 1 year
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i’m eating fishball snack and thinking about yudan (zhang luyi, click here if you don’t know why his nickname is yudan/fishball). this is me attempting to summon yudan in yin zheng style lol. i mean it. once i saw a post on weibo filled with screencaps of yin zheng’s 2016 weibo posts on zhang luyi, and i swear there was a post of yin zheng holding a bag of fishball snack and refering to zhang luyi. BUT i’m sad that i didn’t save the post or the screencap, and i couldn’t find it anymore...
anyways, these two are my faves, and i’m super glad that they seemed to get along really well (they made that famous funny “狗带/goudai news” video together). i don’t know how much zhang luyi posted on weibo back then, but yin zheng interacted with him and posted bts photos a lot. i’m sad that even yin zheng’s weibo is changed to showing posts in the past 6 months only, and i can’t search for those posts anymore...
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here’s a photo of them from years ago, and see the characters on the board behind them? the first row says “...eat fishball?” lol...so my fishball connection is really not that far off.
even after three-body, people including myself are making a connection because they both speak english with an english accent. i’m like i want them to be on a travel variety show so badly (like the one yin zheng used to be on, but this time he’ll be with someone who can understand and appreciate his english accent)...but considering how cryptic zhang luyi is lol, i think i probably have a better chance hoping for them to lead in a movie or tv show at some point in the future.
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also it’d be so intereting if yin zheng actually gets to play luo ji in season 2 of three-body. i’d be like damn dashi, do you know that luo ji and wang miao used to be a thing lol?
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xiaolanhua · 2 years
i finished New Life Begins and this drama was so incredible in many ways!!! 
i liked it all: 
the characters and their stories
the main leads and their chemistry was awesome
how they focused on the women of the show
the consistency the drama had beside having 40 episodes
it didn't felt draggy at any point
did i already said the WOMEN???
yin zheng is such a great and funny male lead, bai jing ting did really well portraying him 
tian xi wei i love you baby!!! li wei is such a bless loved her <3
it didn't have any love triangle (that's a win for me)
the cinematography THIS DRAMA IS GORGEOUS
the staff from yin zheng palace is so freaking funny i loved those dorks, specially su shen, he's such a mood 
the costumes are beautiful, i felt in love with li wei's wardrobe 
yuan ying <3333333 
one of my favs of this year for sure!
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reinaka42 · 6 months
忘川风华录 Cheat Sheet - QIN
Character list for the music project/game Wang Chuan Feng Hua Lu
Created solely for my own convenience
All images etc taken from the game's official website
Info taken from Wikipedia
Mao-mao not included, sowwy
嬴政 | Ying Zheng | Doanh Chính
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Also known as Qin Shi Huang
First emperor of China, founder of the Qin Dynasty, victim of his own hubris
I cannot stop making fun of this dude
Theme song: Zu Long Yin, Shi Jian Qian Qiu
Also appears in: Shu Feng Liu, Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
巴清 | Ba Qing | Ba Thanh
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Also known as Widow Qing
Wealthy businesswoman, owner of several cinnabar mines
Supplied Ying Zheng the good stuff
Theme song: N/A
In-game rarity: 玄
李斯 | Li Si | Lý Tư
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c. 280 – 208 BC
Politician, chancellor under Qin Shi Huang and Qin Er Shi
Theme song: N/A
Also appears in: Shi Jian Qian Qiu, Kuang Gu Hui Xiang
In-game rarity: 天
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arytha · 7 months
After patting the dust off his hand, Yin Ren leaned forward and carefully checked on Zheng Chengshuo’s wound. “It’s okay. It’s quite shallow.” “I know.” “I helped you dodge the knife attack, so that counts as paying back for the cake.” Yin Ren struggled. Originally he was going to mention chocolate muffins, but now it seemed that it didn’t matter. “Actually, I found him just now.” Zhong Chengshuo wiped away the blood from his glasses and spoke in a sincere tone. “If you hadn’t pulled me away, I could have subdued him right then and there.” In other words, what he did was unnecessary. He could’ve caught a ghost, while Zhong Chengshuo would have caught this knife-wielder without injuries. Why even mention such a woeful matter? Yin Ren: “…..” Yin Ren: “Zhong Ge, has anyone ever told you your personality is very…” “Out of character? Many have told me this.” Zhong Chengshuo put back on his glasses while maintaining a calm expression. “Fortunately, I have no need to fit in for the time being.” Aren’t you missing the point? Yin Ren didn’t know if the dizziness at the moment was because he had used evil qi or because his partner was too maverick… or maybe both. Sadly, he realized that chocolate muffins were out of the question.
yin ren don't mind him
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