#charity heist masterlist
talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist - Masterlist
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Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader  - An SPN Heist AU
Pairing: Dean x female!reader (you)
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing, a ton of bad jokes.
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! A Heist AU inspired by Leverage.
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CHAPTER 1 - aka. The Pre-Coffee Preamble
CHAPTER 2 - aka. The Bad Guns
CHAPTER 3 - aka. Front Row Seats to the Gun Show CHAPTER 4 - aka. The Arm Candy Conundrum
CHAPTER 5 - aka. The Swanky Party
CHAPTER 6 - aka. Trapped in the Closet CHAPTER 7 - aka. The Scaredy Cat Stratagem CHAPTER 8 - aka. B is for Boredom, Bad Decisions and Bobo the Clown CHAPTER 9 - aka. Can’t be a Superhero Without a Sad Backstory CHAPTER 10 - aka. The Joys of Soundproofing CHAPTER 11 - aka. The Reluctant Rescue Team CHAPTER 12 - aka. All Chained Up With Nowhere to Go Ch. 13 - aka. INFORMATION REDACTED Ch. 14 - aka. INFORMATION REDACTED Ch. 15 - aka. INFORMATION REDACTED Ch. 16 - aka. INFORMATION REDACTED Ch. 17 - aka. INFORMATION REDACTED
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New chapter names and publication dates will be revealed as the story progresses!
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queenie-official · 11 months
Okay so you’re one of the only ones I’ve seen mention AJ recently so I wanted to come to you with this thought. You know the ‘write a prisoner’ website it went around tiktok for a little? Well I was thinking, in a universe where his ending is different (no spoilers just in case your other followers haven’t watched it) reader finds him on the write a prisoner site and they become penpals. You’re able to develop a genuine connection with one another and he’s able to talk and vent to you about everything that’s gone wrong/right in his life and you’re able to do the same thing. He ends up writing you sappy little poems and love notes eventually cause he realizes you are more than just a penpal to him. At some point you end up surprising him with an actual visit and it just solidifies his feelings being able to finally see you in person. If we’re going off of the mafia!au for him, then maybe he ends up having some of his men on the outside start to keep tabs on you..solely for protection purposes of course not because he wants to make sure he’s the only guy you’re talking to. There’s a couple videos I saw where the girls were still able to be surprised with flowers on the doorstep somehow by their penpal and I definitely feel like he’d do the same thing. There’d be a line in one of his notes afterwards of like ‘Did you get my little surprise, sweetheart? Just wait till you see how much I can really spoil you once I’m out of here.’ Ahhh maybe it’s just me that gets all giggly at this idea. Idk just a little thought 😅
main masterlist
okay so ima break this up a bit because it’s easier for my brain to focus 😭 will start with looking at it from Aj’s character and then from if it was Mafia!Ani
(i’d also like to state idk how the ‘write a prisoner’ website works exactly but i feel like it’s pretty self explanatory so ima just roll with how it works in my mind)
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Aj: becoming pen pals with a prisoner and bonding is a lot easier then you went into the website thinking, you only really go in with the fact you’ll be speaking with a criminal. once you see his photo your interest is peaked (i mean how could it not look at him)
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anyway you guys start off with simple topics when messaging like favorite hobbies and Aj mentions to you that he has a love for playing the piano- (idk about you guys but there’s nothing hotter then a man who can play an instrument and play it well) maybe he even makes a promise to you that when he gets out he’ll play for you.
and Aj is such a sweetheart he so would write you poems maybe he starts off with something simple and sweet that can be interpreted in a friend way because for as confident as a guy he is you make him nervous. he only started writing you poems once you two where close enough for him to feel safe and be open with his thoughts and how he got into this situation. and honestly you don’t think he’s to bad of guy after all he never went out of his way to kill anyone during a heist and he always made sure to donate a percentage to charity organizations, so you’re able to push the fact he’s a criminal aside.
as your relationship with him progresses and his friendly poems slowly turn into something more you realize how badly you want to visit him. to see his pretty face in person (even if it is behind a glass frame) and to hear the voice you’d been imagining in your head. so with all the courage you can muster you do some digging and make plans to surprise him. Oh boy are you grateful you went through with it- seeing him in person was almost surreal. somehow he was more handsome in person and furthermore his gravely voice was definitely hotter then you ever could of imagined. he’s a smooth talker, seemingly more bold in person then he was through a screen (which shocked you since with most people it’d be the opposite). oh and when he sees you… sees your smile- the way you flutter your lashes when listening to him speak- he knows he’s done for, knows that there’s no one else he wants more in his life and even more importantly he cannot wait for his release date.
you make the effort to visit him as often as you can…
Mafia!Anakin: we all collectively agree Ani is a possessive man- even if he doesn’t always show it but Mafia Ani, oh that man isn’t afraid to show he’s possessive in fact as far as he’s concerned he owns you. so to no one’s surprise he 100% has men on the outside looking after you. making sure you’re safe, single unbothered by those around you.
Anakin has connections everywhere, i mean he’s the top boss. so if he wants to surprise you with something he will, and he’s got the money for it so honestly what’s stopping him?
waking up and getting ready to start your day only to here your doorbell go off, opening your front door to see a huge bouquet of flowers. it really confuses you at first- i mean you don’t really talk to other guys (probably because every time you did they suspiciously disappeared- if you had their number and messaged them all they’d say is they moved away) so who are they from. taking them inside and seeing a note on the ground that must of fallen out of the bouquet your question is answered.
‘Hope you like them Pretty girl’
it’s not even signed but you know exactly who it’s from. of course you confront him at your next visit, and once you do all he does is give you a sly little smile through the glass as you both hold the phone next to your ears.
‘just wait till you see how much i can really spoil you once i’m out of here’
ugh that resonantes with me sm 😩 he 100% would say that and then swiftly move the conversation along as you blush silently, something about how he said it or maybe it’s the look in his eyes that leaves you flustered.
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i think i ranted a bit to much about this 😀 my apologies huns 😭 but anyways you’re so real for this and thank you for dropping it in my asks 🫶🏼
you’re actually my first ask too so 🤭🤭 thank you for the absolute serotonin boost this gave me Xx <3
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nightowlfandom · 2 years
Villain! BNHA AU- Our Little Apprentice: Episode-Todoroki Pt1
Triggers- Fem! Reader, talks of cheating, violence,
Episode-PROLOGUE| Episode-Deku| Episode- Bakugou
Now playing- Episode: Todoroki
O.R.C.H.I.D- Kink Unlocked : Temperature Play
“Y/N please let’s talk about this!”
“Talk about what?!” you snapped. “The fact that I FOUND you with your tongue down some girl’s throat?” your voice wavered. “AND DO NOT TELL ME IT WAS FOR THE CAMERAS.” you held out a threatening finger. “How could you do this to me?”
“Y/N I would never! I didn’t! My agency thinks I should be with her to boost my reputation! They probably fabricated the whole thing with someone who looked like me!”
“What did you say in response?” you asked. “When they said it...what did you say?”
He was silent.
“So this is about your fucking agency.” you laughed harshly. “Forget old quirkless Y/N and her clumsy ass...do you think that excuses what you did?”
“Y/N this isn’t about you being quirkless- Maybe to them but-!”
“I don’t believe you...you were wearing the bracelet I gave you for your birthday that one year...the one you suddenly lost the minute you went mainstream...Remember?”
“Maybe the others are right...you’re probably just insecure but that doesn’t mean-.”
Your face faltered as those words left his lips. “Insecure?” You cut him off. “...M-me being hurt that I saw you or someone I thought willingly kissed someone else for publicity is me being insecure?” you dared to ask. “Me already having to deal with people telling you I’m a charity case...is that it?” you crossed your arms.
“That’s not what I said-”
“THAT’S HOW IT SOUNDS...I watched you kiss her like you kiss me...without so much as a hitch!”
“Y/N you’re emotional right now. Let’s please talk about this! How can I prove to you-”
(Flashback end)
“Y/N? Y/N!” Izuku waved his hand in your face, snapping you out of your daze. “Did you hear me?”
“Huh?” you raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I didn’t. What did you say?”
“I said you did a good job on the heist.” he repeated himself. “In both regards.” he winked. You felt your face heat up. “How did everything go?”
You all had returned to the warehouse. You had been zoning in and out since everyone was talking about...shit- who cared.
“A few troublemakers but I made short work of them.” you replied. “They weren’t well armed at all.”
“Well thanks to your device, we were able to successfully extort that asshole and get what we wanted, what was it’s name again?” Tenya asked.
“O.R.C.H.I.D. Short for Operative Really Cool Hyper Intelligent Device....I was 16 when I thought of it don’t judge me. She’s the most powerful super computer in the world.” 
“What made you build her?” asked Izuku. 
“I was build as a homework helper for Y/N while she was still in school. Then she gave me hyper intel to allow me to interact as humans do...along with this totally fabulous style.” the silver haired avatar gloated. 
“Aren’t you scared she’d turned against you?” Shoto asked, making you roll your eyes.
“Y/N is my creator...I’d never turn against her...you on the other hand. One command and you’re all dust.”
“She’s kidding.” you shook your head. “O.R.C.H.I.D, behave.”
“They all have muscles, they shouldn’t be scared.” your A.I rolled her eyes.
“Okay, you’re being muted.” you pressed a button that completely folded up your super computer back into a laptop sized disk.
“That still impresses me no matter how many times I see it.” Izuku shook his head.
“T-thanks.” you stared down at your fingers. “Not that I’m grateful to be here but, do I actually have a place to sleep or am I just gonna stay here with a blow up mattress.” you half joked. 
“Oh we all have our own bedrooms. I’ll show you yours now if you want.”
“That’d be great.” you nervously smile.
“G’night Y/N~” Denki sang as you passed him. “Feel free to come to my room any time.”
“No one is gonna let me live this down are they?” you whispered to yourself.
You got your answer in the form of a smack to your ass, courtesy of Katsuki who hadn’t stopped smirking since all you to the warehouse. Of course. “Y/N is easily the best piece of ass I’ve ever had.” he boasted, not caring if you could hear.
“God the things I’d do to her-”
“You and me both dude.”
“I can’t wait to bed her over and-”
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Go die, Shoto.” you spat in response as you and Izuku left the board room.
“Dude what did you do to make her hate you so much?” Kirishima asked as you walked farther down the hall. You and Izuku stopped outside a door with your name written on it in black permanent marker.
“It’s not much, but-”
“It’s perfect.” you waved him off. It was twice as big as the shoebox bedroom you used to live in. “A paint job is all it needs.” you nodded.
“Great. Um...I’ll leave you to it then...Hey Y/N?” 
“Yeah Izu-” he cut you off with a very quick peck on the lips.
“I’m really glad you’re here...really.” he grabbed your hand. “I really did miss my best friend.”
“I missed you too Izu.” your faced heated intensely like it did did when he gave you a heart-shaped cookie with your name on it for Valentines day once. “Just don’t make me regret this, okay?”
“I won’t. I promise.” he whispered. “...Night.”
“....Have nice dreams.” you called quietly as the door closed. “ORCHID, set up.”
“Setting up!”
You grabbed your handheld keyboard as you sat on the cute little twin bed they had picked out for you. “Why am I doing this?” you sighed. “I’ve always fought for the greater good.”
“...Well, and I’m sorry to say this...the greater good hasn’t treated you well since you were a child and I was only as big as a cellphone helping you with your homework. I know I’ve been against this...but maybe you should be making the world pay.”
“Weren’t you just reprimanding me for doing this like 12 hours ago? anyways...That’s what I’m afraid of. What if I have to fight the people I call my friends.”
“According to my data, no one in your graduating class has taken up hero work. All of them are imprisoned...or doing the devil’s work.”
‘Really?” you raised an eyebrow. “So it was only me and my naivety. I guess I thought since I finally got a quirk of my own, I owed it to God or whoever else was listening...cuz I thought it was a blessing.” you began undressing yourself from your day clothes.
“When you built me, you promised to use my data to help people. But you never said which side you’d fight on...you’re allowed to change your mind at any time...remember that. I just want you to be happy.”  
You nodded as your AI companion assured you. You missed your friends and Izuku was right. Humanity sucked ass. “Okay then.” you pulled your shirt over your head.  “Fine.”
“Y/N, someone’s outside your door.”
“Huh?” you looked up at your screen. 
“Not outside anymore.” a new voice grabbed your attention 
“DUDE WHAT THE FUCK!” you sent a power blast at Shoto who had barged in.
“Too slow.” he smirked, stopping it with an ice shield. “To think I can encapsulate your quirk in my palms...much like I’ve encapsulated your heart, Y/N.” he hummed as he shut the door.
“GET OUT!” you yelled, not caring if the whole damn compound could hear. You hid behind your discarded clothes. “WHY ARE YOU IN HERE!”
“I assumed you were hungry so I was told to bring you dinner.”
“And you couldn’t knock like a regular FUCKING PERSON!” you seethed. You ran behind the bed and bent down grabbing a bunch of random clothes out of your duffel. “Or leave it outside the damn door!”
“I’ve been acquainted with your body on more than one occasion Y/N.” 
You grumpily put of a pair of pajama shorts and the first shirt you saw sticking out. “Fuck off.”
“You kept my shirt?”
“Huh?” you looked down. It was a plain black button-up that you instantly recognized to be his. You stole it from him when you slept over at his place one night. “Whatever-”
“Y/N...” Shoto began. “Can we talk?”
“About what?” you crossed your arms. “I have nothing to say to you!”
“I never cheated on you...”
“This again!” you seethed. “Shoto, I am NOT worried about that right now.” You noticed he was holding a plate. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks...your favorite midnight snack as I remember.” he smiled as he set it on the table. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between us, and you hated it. 
“Remember when we first met?” he broke the silence.
“How could I forget...” you huffed.
“Need help with that?”
Your body froze as the helping hand came out of nowhere. The book you had been trying to reach was put in your hand with ease.
“Um...thanks!” you smiled nervously. You had already heard rumors from some of the girls around, but at the same time they told you not to get your hopes up.
“I’ve never seen you around here, I can only assume you’re new?”
“Mhm? Y/N L/N..I’m that quirkless girl you may have heard about.”
“Oh, really? I didn’t hear th-”
“Don’t lie. Please, it will make it easier for us to get along.” you laughed stiffly.
“S-sorry, I just didn’t think you wanted to talk about it.” he smiled. “If it’s any consolation, I also heard you were quite beautiful...”
“From who?”
“My conscious.”
“What?” you went wide eyed.
“I ...I don’t know why I said that....” he froze. “I’m sorry.” he rasped. 
“N-no, that’s okay.” you giggled. “Um....I liked it.”
(End Flashback)
“To think we’ve come so far since then.” he mused. 
“Well, things change.”
“To think something as trivial as a mistaken kiss-”
“Is that what you call it, you were practically dry humping the girl.”
“Oh, now you’re being dramatic on purpose.” he glared. 
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t think the ‘unce unce’ music affected your brain too” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “Seriously, it’s like you don’t even remember!”
“Y/N...are we talking about the same instance?” he raised an eyebrow. “I am very lost right now.”
“Well you shouldn’t be! You’d think you’d remember your own birthday party!”
“Birthday party?...You’re not talking about the kiss?”
“Of course I’m not talking about the kiss! I’m talking about the club!”
For some odd reason he looked hella confused. “Y/N, what on Earth are you-”
“You don’t remember walking out of a club on your 18th birthday like 7 years ago? Before graduation?”
“Y/N, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
“You are so unbelievable!” You seethed. “You don’t remember being at The King of Hearts Club in Tokyo.”
“Of course I do, it was my birthday, but Y/N...I left like 3 hours after I got there to go to your place!”
“Oh really, because I went there after Bakugou called my phone saying you were drunk as hell and needed to be picked up.” you scoffed. 
Now YOU were confused. How did he not remember?! “I wonder-....”
“Wonder what?” he asked.
“ORCHID can access video feeds...if she can get the footage- or at least coordinates”
“Already on it!” your AI companion spoke. “Shoto Todoroki entered The King of Hearts club at 8PM and left at 11:15PM”
Now you were even more confused. “But I got there at arounf 11:30...I SAW him!...Show me the camera feed! The Red Room is where I saw him.”
“Showing camera footage of The Red Room of the King of Hearts club Jan. 11th, 7 years ago.”
You watched in complete shock. The screen showed someone who very much looked like Shoto from the back, but what really killed you was the fact that the person you thought was Shoto morphed into someone else. You saw yourself on camera stomping off 45 seconds before he morphed back into someone completely different.
“My files show that the person in question has a quirk that allows them to take on the form of another.” O.R.C.H.I.D spoke. “They were arrested 3 years ago for attempting to impersonate the U.S president and is currently in the Los Angeles State Prison.”
You didn’t know how to feel, what to do, but you knew one thing....
Shoto was telling the truth...
“Oh my god.” you covered your mouth with your hands.
“I never cheated on you Y/N...I swear on my life.”
“I...I blamed you...I said I never wanted to see you again.” you whimpered. “I said those awful things to you.”
You felt your soul start to ache. 
“No- don’t do what I think you’re about to do.” he ushered up to you and held the sides of your face. “Don’t say what I think you’re about to say.”
“Shoto I spent the last 7 years of my life hating you-”
“And I sent the last 7 waiting for the day I could redeem myself.” he replied. “It’s not your fault, What you saw was your reality in that moment...whether you knew it or not. When you told me what you saw I knew something was wrong but I knew your trust in me was so fucked from the whole agency thing, that I couldn’t get you to believe me.”
You telling Izuku who also kicked his ass the next week wasn’t any help either....
“I- I...” you felt the tears sting your eyes. 
“Shh, don’t cry...please don’t cry.” he began pecking your lips. “Shhhh.” He rested his forehead against yours, and you were full on crying now. He wrapped his arms around your, holding you close for the first time in years. He always wanted to do it, he just didn’t think it would be under this circumstance. 
“I am so sorry.” you sobbed into his shoulder. “Shoto I-”
“Shh, it’s okay.” he laughed. “Please don’t cry...” 
Shoto tightened his hold on you, but you couldn’t see him clenching his fists. Watching that footage sent a chill up his spine that could curdle blood. He spent years wondering what he did only to be framed...this wouldn’t go without a little visit to the states...but for a...courtesy visit...but first-
“Y/N...” he made you look at him. “Look at me.” he held your gaze. “Oh, I missed you so much baby~ Did you miss me?”
“Um....mhm.” you sheepishly nodded.
“Then...why don’t we celebrate a little...hm?”
“What do you mean by that?” you had completely forgotten your hunger at this point.
“Let me show you~”
... To be continued (Coming Soon)
I just wanted to say....um...thanks for being patient with me...um...I haven’t been okay...but I will be..I promise. 
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password-door-lock · 11 months
Mystictober 2023 Masterlist
Read everything in one place on AO3!
Day 1-- Favorite character/Dance (MC x Unknown) [820 words] Unknown decides to indulge you a bit with a slow dance before the eternal party begins.
Day 2-- Photograph (MC x GE Saeran) [591 words] Since leaving Magenta, Saeran has been getting into photography, and you're his favorite model.
Day 3-- Wizard/Potion (Saeyoung post-RAE) [628 words] Saeyoung stars in a new, Halloween-themed Sevenstar Drink ad.
Day 4-- Royal/Rebel (MC x Unknown) [1.1k words] You're beginning to feel like a fairy tale character locked up in a tower, and so you're more than willing to leave with the knight in shining armor who comes through the window to rescue you.
Day 5-- Zombie (MC x Suit Saeran) [2.4k words] Fortunately, you managed to lock the believer that attacked you in the bathroom. Unfortunately, no matter what you say, Saeran refuses to believe that there are zombies at Magenta. Content warning: guns, minor character death (the character that dies is the zombie believer)
Day 6-- Alien (MC x Unknown) [1.3k words] Two weeks into your surveillance mission on planet Earth, a mysterious stranger reached out and asked you to help him find the owner of a phone.
Day 7-- Festival/Music (MC x Saeran; Gummy Worms universe) [754 words] After the events of Gummy Worms, Saeran plays at his first charity music festival.
Day 8-- Mummy (MC x SE Saeran) [835 words] You need help decorating cookies to look like mummies. Saeran needs something to do.
Day 9-- Maze (MC x Unknown) [996 words] You get lost at Magenta (again) and Unknown comes looking for you.
Day 10-- Lover/Midnight (MC x Ray) [900 words] Ray comes to visit you at midnight.
Day 11-- Superhero (MC x Suit Saeran) [1.3k words] Saeran tries to taunt you by dressing as Ray, but you've got something up your sleeve.
Day 12-- Text message (MC x Unknown) [968 words] You won't stop bothering Unknown while he's working.
Day 13-- Leaves (MC x GE Saeran) [988 words] You and Saeran rake leaves together for the first time.
Day 14-- Pirate (MC x Unknown) [1.1k words] Unknown is a pirate. You're the royal heir. It's a tale as old as time.
Day 15-- Scream (MC x Unknown) [743 words] Unknown comes to get you from the apartment.
Day 16-- Saeran x MC/Dessert (MC x GE Saeran) [816 words] You and Saeran try raspberry cheesecake ice cream together.
Day 17-- Haunted House (Unknown & MC) [968 words] You're convinced that Rika's apartment is haunted.
Day 18-- Coffin/Bat (Vampire Unknown x MC, with a hint of Vampire Saeyoung x MC) [881 words] You have a lot of questions about vampires. Unknown might even be willing to answer a few of them.
Day 19-- Barbie (MC x SE Saeran) [785 words] You introduce SE Saeran to early 2000's Barbie movies.
Day 20-- Headcanon (MC x Ray) [1.1k words] Ray makes you your very own emojis.
Day 21-- Beast (MC x Unknown) [1.6k words] Unknown is certain that he'll still be a monster even after you kiss him.
Day 22-- Doctor (MC x Suit Saeran) [1.3k words] Saeran has a headache. You, apparently, have trouble understanding and following simple instructions.
Day 23-- Favorite Emoji (MC x Suit Saeran) [751 words] You think Saeran's confused emoji is the cutest thing ever.
Day 24-- Mirror (MC x SE Saeran) [1.3k words] There are no mirrors in the bunker, but you still have a few in your apartment.
Day 25-- Frankenstein (MC x Unknown) [960 words] Unknown is tired.
Day 26-- Road Trip (MC x Unknown) [857 words] Maybe you're just nervous, but you seem to have the wrong idea about the situation.
Day 27-- Danger (MC x Ray) [1.2k words] Ray isn't going to let you leave so easily. Content Warning: manipulation
Day 28-- Heist (MC x Unknown) [964 words] Unknown wants you to break into Rika's apartment and steal some documents. You're not so sure you're the best fit for the task.
Day 29-- AU (MC x Vampire Ray) [1.2k words] Ray is a little odd, but you don't mind. Content warnings: manipulation, biting (in a vampire way)
Day 30-- Disguise (MC x Unknown) [725 words] You've got a crush on the purple-haired guy.
Day 31-- Halloween/Free (Can be read as MC x SE Saeran, MC x Saeyoung, or just platonic with both of them) [939 words] You bought a cotton candy machine for Halloween.
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peterthepark · 3 years
begin again (5)
pairing: tasm!peter parker x f!reader
tags: tooth rotting fluff, some angst, mentions of wounds and vague depiction of panic attacks, one bed trope, weddings and yk all that
summary: peter deals with the aftermath of your family’s revelation, and swears to protect you. but he finds himself becoming vulnerable for you every second.
note: lol this chapter was cute…. enjoy this early release! comment or send an ask for the taglist ;)
missing out? ➤ [my masterlist] - [series masterpost]
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Peter couldn’t breathe. His throat felt tight and his lips could barely move, almost as if he had webbed his own mouth shut. The bathroom lights were too bright and the humming of the bulbs were driving him insane. He picked up on every tiny sound — the leaky faucet in the kitchen, the scraping of silverware against porcelain, the groaning of pipes inside the wall. He could hear the rushing of blood inside him, and it harmonized with the ringing in his ears.
The room felt eerily cold.
Wilson Grant Fisk. New York’s token crime lord. Leader of organized crime. Great enemy of the syndicate group known as the Maggia. Powerful. Wealthy. Deadly. Four-hundred and fifty pounds of pure brute and muscle.
And a fucking piece of shit.
To the public eye, the heavyset man was simply nothing but a powerful businessman and wealthy philanthropist. He’d done his noble part in donating to charity, funding activists and establishing foundations around New York.
But to Peter, the man was nothing but rot.
Peter shuddered audibly as he looked at himself in the mirror. His pupils were dark and his lips appeared chapped, as if he had gone through hell in the past ten minutes he’d spent hiding in the bathroom (and he was going through hell). His skin felt itchy and the palms of his hands grew cramped as he gripped tightly at the sink counter. The feeling reminded him of the rainy nights he’d spent alone at Aunt May’s, scrubbing at the blood on his skin as he sat by the edge of the tub. It reminded him that the world was still just as cruel and dark as he remembered it to be and that wherever he went, ruin inevitably followed him no matter how happy he was.
No matter rain or shine, the day or occasion, he was always going to be Spider-Man somehow.
Peter had his fair share of encounters with Fisk’s coalition. It never led to good things, and caused more altercations with their rival gang Maggia as well. Robberies, bank heists, kidnappings — Peter had dealt with all of their bullshit and he had gotten himself into trouble every single time. He’d come home to the apartment with gashes on his side, highlighting the outline of his ribs; you’d hear the brunt end of it, unaware that the hissing and groaning on the other side of the wall was the product of Peter’s poor stitchwork.
A knock on the door caused him to tense up. He pushed himself off the sink counter, approaching the door with a defensive stance. He leaned his cheek against the thick wood, pressing his ear to it.
Oh. Your heartbeat. He’d recognize it from anywhere.
His shoulders relaxed. He didn’t hesitate to turn the knob and open it. You stood worried, wringing your hands together against your dress; Peter could see the anxiety in the tangles of your hair, in which you had been running your fingers through nervously as you looked for him. In the middle of dinner, Peter had run off as a stuttering mess without an explanation. You chased after him in a flurry of concern, wondering if you had done something wrong or if this was too much for him. He exhaled once your eyes met his. “Are you okay? You look awful.”
You have a criminal living right under your nose.
He forced himself out of his trance, scoffing at the remark. “Wow, thanks.”
“I’m just saying how it is.”
“Y/N, I’m good,” You narrowed your eyes, wondering why his tone was suddenly sharp. He picked up on it, then cleared his throat to speak with a softer voice. “Just not a big fan of — of that kind of food. Nothing beats the classic microwave and tea on an empty stomach, which I’m sure you know a lot about. Coffee addict.”
You saw right through his lie. You didn’t laugh at the jab.
“Pete, are you sure you’re okay?”
He nodded through gritted teeth. “I’ve never been better, Y/N.”
Footsteps approached, and Peter felt himself tensing up again — just when he had relaxed at the sight of you, Fisk stood in the hallway.
The looming image of his suit and gold cane left a hitch in Peter’s breath. His nails dug into his hands, and he bit down harshly on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood.
“You two alright?”
“Just peachy.” Peter huffed with a firm nod of his head, licking his lips. You were taken aback when the boy grabbed your arm abruptly, pulling you to stand behind him. He didn’t let go of you, but his grip tightened around your skin with every word he said. “You know what, we were actually gonna head to bed early.” He glanced at you, and you took it as a sign to follow along.
“Yeah, I…” You hesitated. “We’re pretty tired from the drive. I think we’ll call it a night, Wilson.” You shrugged with one shoulder, putting on your best smile as Peter started to lead you out the hall. “Thanks for dinner.”
Peter’s steps were quick, tugging you behind him as you whispered questions under your breath and tried to match his pace.
“It was great meeting you, Peter.” Fisk spoke slowly.
His laugh was bitter as he looked over his shoulder with a piercing scowl. “You too, Mister Fisk.”
Peter didn’t speak until you reached the bedroom. The tension was unbearable. You could tell your neighbor was trying to mask his anxiety; it was too noticeable from the way his hands trembled and his jaw flexed under the shadows of the yellow-hued room. You shut the bedroom door behind you as he sat on the edge of the queen bed, hunching over as he stared vacantly at the floor. You didn’t move from your place, surveying him from afar as questions of your own started to arise. You leaned against the door with your hands behind your back, swaying on your heels.
“What is your issue?” You asked blankly. Part of him was scaring you, but you had a feeling that this was deeper than he was letting on.
He shook his finger at you, almost like he was thinking aloud. “Fisk is your…”
“My aunt’s boyfriend.”
“And – and how long have they…?”
“Like six years. Why?”
“Just curious.”
You huffed loudly, drawing Peter’s gaze towards the sound. His head perked up as you approached and sat beside him. “Then why do you look scared shitless?”
He turned to you with an offended look. “I’m not scared shitless.”
“You sure look like it. Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?”
“Wilson Fisk is… he’s a bad man, Y/N.” You stared at him, chewing on the inside of your mouth.
“Yeah. I know, Peter.”
The nonchalant tone of your admission left him perplexed. “What?”
You laughed at him. You just laughed, and Peter was even more confused because this wasn’t a laughing matter.
“You don’t think I know what a background check is? Peter, Wilson Fisk is all over New York. The Fisk Tower, everything. I’d be stupid not to research him, especially if he’s dating my aunt.” You paused, sucking in a breath. “Can I be honest with you?” A beat. “I joined the Bugle because...” Another beat. “Well, I’m sure you’ve realized that my parents aren’t around anymore…”
“Yeah.” He sighed. “God, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, Peter. I’m fine. I figured – I figured my parents were nobodies. They were good people, but at the end of the day they were nobody. My family was always well-off, but when Wilson – when Fisk, made his way into our lives, it just changed. I thought we were in New York that time for a vacation. But, fuck, we were there for a business deal.” You lowered your voice, glancing at the door with apprehension. “And we got mugged, and it couldn’t have been a coincidence. I know Fisk had something to do with their murders, and so I joined the Bugle because I need help. And the only person who can help me with this level of a threat is Spider-Man. It’s a reach, I know — but if he saved me once, he can do it again.”
Peter looked at you with such intensity. Your speech knocked the wind out of him, and he couldn’t tear his gaze away from his reflection in your eyes.
Your eyes. He knew you.
That young girl he saved in Hell’s Kitchen with the bullet that barely grazed her arm. The girl that looked at him with such longing that guilted him because he couldn’t save her parents. The girl that, even when he was beating her parents’ murderers to a pulp, stopped him and touched his fist with such tenderness as if he wasn’t covered in blood.
The girl that looked at him like she could just see through his mask.
You were her. And it made so much sense now.
“Was that too much?”
He stared at you with his lips slightly parted, breathing heavily as you blinked at him. “Y/N, you have no fucking idea what you’re dealing with.” Peter stood from the bed, interlocking his hands behind his head as he paced back and forth in front of you. “Shit. Shit. Shit!”
“Dude! Hello?! You are being so confusing!” You snapped at Peter, jumping up from your position.
“Oh, jeez. If only you knew.”
“Knew what?” Your gestures were wide and dramatic, outstretching your arms into the air as your face contorted into irritation. “What is going on with you?” His breathing quickened, and your face fell as his chest began to heave abnormally fast. “Hey. Hey, Peter.” You stepped in front of him, resting your hands upon his shoulders. The motion caused his distracted gaze to frantically meet yours. You flashed a strained smile at him. “Hey, you. Easy, there. Breathe with me.”
One. Inhale. Two. Exhale.
He was swimming in the color of your dilated eyes. His body calmed itself at your touch, and Peter followed your pace of breaths while you refused to break his stare.
And again, it felt as if you were seeing right through him.
Fuck it.
“Y/N,” Peter began, jaw trembling. His fumbling hands grabbed your arms, and he shook you gently. “Y/N, I’m Spid—“
The bedroom door opened with a creak. Jessica peeked her head through the crack, concerned but amused eyes bouncing between you and Peter.
“Wilson mentioned you guys left? Am I interrupting something?”
You and Peter looked at her with wide eyes. “Yes!”
She quickly closed the door, and Peter felt like every ounce of courage in his body had dissipated. He stood there, breathless. He knew he looked absolutely stupid with his mouth ajar and his nostrils flared. Your head turned to him attentively. “You were saying?”
“It was nothing.” Based on the frown on your lips, you didn’t look convinced. He laughed it off weakly, letting go of you. “It’s nothing. I swear.”
“You’re sure?”
You shifted on your feet. “Okay. If you ever need to bring it up again…”
“I don’t. Trust me.”
Yeah, totally. Way to go, Parker.
He was relieved, yet he felt nothing but foolish. Peter was angry at himself for being reckless once again, especially now that Fisk was involved. Had he told you about Spider-Man, it would’ve made you even more vulnerable, and that was the exact situation that Peter wanted to avoid. Hurting you. Finding you one minute too late in your apartment — hurt. His world was full of darkness, and Peter knew he couldn’t lose the light that you’ve brought into his life. He wondered if you had any idea of how much you’ve been a help to him, to his health, to his habits, to the sadness that lingered in the back of his mind; he wondered if you knew how much of a grip you had on him, even though he’d never admit it aloud.
There were many things he couldn’t admit to you.
But he knew that he needed to keep you safe.
Especially when you’d look at him like that, like you understood every part of him, even the parts of him that he couldn’t understand himself. It pained him, because he wanted to tell you things; he wanted to be as open as possible, but he’d rather keep to himself if that meant having you alive in his life.
Now that Peter thought about it, he wasn’t keeping things from you because of Spider-Man, but because he was a coward.
A cowardly fool.
He straightened himself out on the tiny loveseat as the light from the bathroom shut off, muttering curses under his breath as he pretended to scroll mindlessly through his phone. Peter kept his eyes trained on the screen as you walked past in a heavy sweatshirt, casually drying your hair with a towel as you rearranged the clothes in your luggage.
“You’re taking the sofa?” You piped up. He merely nodded in an effort to act occupied, not even bothering to look at you. His lack of interest made you frown, but you quickly covered it up before he could take note. “See anything interesting on there?”
He finally glanced at you. “Hm?”
Peter noticed that your shampoo scent changed, and that he’d never seen you in that sweatshirt. It was unfamiliar, yet he liked it on you.
He liked a lot of things about you.
“Do you do that often? The spacing out thing?”
“It’s called thinking, Y/N.” He smirked at you. “Dunno if you do much of it anyways.”
You scoffed. “You treat all your girlfriends like this?”
Girlfriend. Peter liked how it sounded coming out of your mouth. He tossed his phone into one of the pillows, smugly crossing his arms against his chest as he looked at you. “Only the fake ones.”
You zipped up your luggage, placing a hand on one of the bedposts with quizzical eyes. “Oh? Plural?” You bit your lip. “Exactly how many fake girlfriends have you had, Peter?”
He slowly grinned with realization. “Are you jealous?”
“Nope.” You huffed, turning away. “I don’t get jealous of fake relationships. Or any — or any relationships.”
“Sure, Y/N.”
“I’m serious!”
He raised his hands in a surrender. “No, no, trust me. I believe you.” You playfully shook your head at him. “No need to be defensive.” He sat up, peering at you from across the room with puppy eyes. “You’re the only fake girlfriend I’ve had.”
“Very reassuring, Peter.” It shouldn’t have made you giddy, but it did. It was pathetic how a simple comment such as that made you smile. You forced yourself to keep a neutral face as you slipped under the bedsheets. “Lights off?”
“It’s your call.”
“Night, then.”
Peter sighed, throwing a blanket over his head. “Night.”
It was quiet. And for once, it felt cozy.
Yet Peter appeared cramped from his spot on the loveseat; his long legs were bent at an awkward angle, and you stifled a sleepy laugh at how he curled up like a ball. It was oddly endearing, seeing the grown man tossing and turning on either side of his body with frustration as he tried to withhold his sighs. Peter was obviously awake and the shifting of his movements wasn’t making it any easier for you to fall asleep.
You cleared your throat, hoping you’d catch his attention for a moment. “Comfortable over there?”
“Luxurious.” He mumbled almost immediately, like he anticipated your question. “You?”
“Spacious. I give it five stars, honestly.” You stared at the wall clock with wide eyes now, watching the second hand tick loudly in the darkness of the room. Pity loomed over you, having had plenty of experiences sleeping on an uncomfortable sofa, and you couldn’t help but become troubled at the idea of Peter waking up with a stiff neck and jumbled limbs. “Do you want to maybe… sleep here?”
Your voices were shy and quiet, but a tiny bit of excitement laced itself in your tone.
A breath escaped from his lips. “Like next to you?”
“You can take the other side.” You continued staring at the clock, ignoring how Peter’s head slightly raised from behind the loveseat. “I’m okay with anything.”
He paused, unsure of what to say next. “I don’t know about that.”
“You don’t have to.” You gulped as you suddenly felt dryness in your mouth. “Figured we’re, you know, both adults… and I guess I just want you to be comfortable.”
Another pause.
“I want you to be comfortable, Y/N.”
“Always am around you.” His heart skipped a beat.
Peter reluctantly got up from the other side of the room, padding over to the bed with short steps. Moonlight seeped through the drawn curtains, illuminating the conflict on his face and the jitteriness of his hands as he slid under the comforter. You felt his eyes searching your face, but you nervously trained your gaze to the ceiling. You were clutching the sheets tightly with newfound stiffness in your body as the bed dipped from added weight.
His jaw tensed as he tried not to move, not wanting to bother you with his restlessness. You felt dizzy as you attempted to even your breathing. Peter wasn’t sure where to put his arms, awkwardly tucking them by his sides as you continued to lay on your back. He could just feel the heat radiating off of you.
Silence, yet the both of you were wide-awake. You abruptly laughed at the awkward circumstances, and you cursed yourself as Peter’s head slightly rolled to the side to look at you.
“What’s so funny?”
“Hm.” You turned your neck. “Are you always this quiet?”
He yawned softly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You shrugged, squinting your eyes at him. “Just kinda surprised since you make all sorts of noise back in your apartment.” You pursed your lips together. “It’s not very neighborly of you.”
“Neighborly? You know what’s not neighborly? Talking to your neighbors through the wall. Like some weirdo.”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have to do all that if you’d be quiet at night. You know, when people are sleeping and stuff.”
“Yet you’re always awake, listening to me.”
“And how do you know I’m awake?”
Neither you or Peter had noticed how your bodies were fully facing one another at this point, distracted by your banter while your eyes glazed over the intensity on his face. You weren’t sure if it was the mindlessness that came with sleep, or if you were just too caught-up in the conversation to care, but you don’t shy away.
His arm briefly brushed against yours as he propped his elbow up on the pillow, resting his head against his palm. It felt intimate with how close together you were now, but you mirrored his position without a thought. The night beamed between the strands of your damp hair, hiding the rosiness that creeped up your cheekbones while the corners of your mouth tugged into a knowing smile.
“You’re infuriating.” Peter whispered raspily.
There was an unexplainable form of tenderness expressed in his words. Your tongue darted out to lick at your lips, and his brazen eyes shamelessly followed the motion.
“Have you met you?”
He wanted to lean in. Every fiber of his being told him to do it — to kiss you softly, to cup your jaw and caress you like you were the most gentle creature in the world, scared that he’d break you, scared that he’d like you even more and more till it ate him alive. And every inch of you pleaded longingly in silence, ‘kiss me,’ as if you could hear his thoughts, as if you could feel the fear in his heart and the aching of his bones.
But Peter didn’t lean in. He just couldn’t. Instead, his hand trailed down the side of your face, tucking a loop of hair behind your ear. You closed your eyes at the sensation of his warm fingertips, afraid to look at him as you helplessly leaned into his touch.
Is this what neighbors do?
“Shut up and go to sleep, Y/N.”
You could hear the smile in his words, but there was a hopeless yearning in his heart that bothered him. You slowly opened your eyes and touched the skin in which his fingers had ghosted over. And for some reason, you felt a little disappointed. Moving to lay on your back again, you simply looked up at the ceiling, afraid that your face would give away a different story.
“Why do you always do that?”
His pulse was racing. “Do what?”
You frowned. “Touch me like you — you care.”
Peter was so quiet, and had you not completely been focused on the timbre of his voice, you would’ve missed it.
“Because I do care.” He paused, inhaling shakily. “I care about you.”
He was lying. He did more than just care about you. It was such a small word for the great things he felt.
“As friends?
Fuck. The bile in his throat had nearly choked him, and you bit your lip as his body shifted under the sheets.
“Yeah.” You hummed at that. “Do you… do you like it?”
You rolled onto your side, facing him. He was watching you carefully. “The friend part or the touching?”
Touching you. He laughed meekly. “Mm, the friend part.”
“I like being your friend.”
“I do, too.”
Is this what friends do?
The two of you studied each other’s faces, desire sinking in your pupils as you admired his features in the dark. But what Peter least expected was you reaching out to touch him, coursing a careful hand through his hair. You tugged lightly, undoing the knotted tangles in his curls like he had precisely done to you. An unspoken message was exchanged as you smiled kindly at each other.
For once, he slept peacefully that night.
Maybe Peter had no reason to be a coward after all, but a fool — oh, becoming a hopeless, falling fool for you was inevitable.
The following evening felt like a regular day between you and Peter. Neither of you had brought up the events of last night; not even when Peter woke up with your leg pressed against his, or when you caught Peter taking up your side of the bed with his long limbs in the morning. It was as if nothing happened, yet everything did at the same time.
But it was the day of Jessica’s wedding, and Peter had to play the part as your boyfriend. It wasn’t so difficult as he watched you apply lipstick in the bathroom, unable to stop staring at your reflection in the mirror.
And again, it wasn’t so difficult when you stepped out in a long backless gown, leaving him at a loss for words. “Do I look good?” You ran your hands along your hips, smoothing down the silky material.
You laughed shyly, pressing your hand to the warmth of your cheek. “Do you need help with that, Peter?”
You gestured to his messy necktie, and his eyes widened as he began to stutter. “Oh, I… I think I’ll figure it — well, actually yeah. I do.” He sighed with a sheepish smile, rubbing his neck as you approached to help him. His eyes flickered down to you, keeping a level head while you adjusted his collar and hummed a soft tune under your breath.
His skin looked soft in the glow of the afternoon hour and it took every ounce of your self-control to not reach for him.
“There.” You smiled, patting the lapels of his blazer as you took a small step backwards. “You clean up nicely, by the way.”
His whole face tinged with bashfulness. “You too.”
The reception was undeniably beautiful — exaggerated, and a bit rich for your taste but nevertheless beautiful. Everything was made of dark wood, from the giant beams and gazebo-like overhang as the ceiling, to the drink bar, to the floorboards. It was rustic in a cozy sense with clumps of leafy foliage and orange string lights dangling from above, accenting the white tables and chairs. Though it was outdoor, and the middle of winter in Jersey was practically freezing, you believed the backyard venue was as perfect as it could be.
Yet, your attention remained on Peter, who had been looking at you for the entirety of the earlier wedding ceremony. He had spared a few quick gazes at you in hopes of being subtle, yet, Peter hadn’t realized that he was the only thing occupying your mind, and the weight of his stare made your face hot. Moreso, the way his eyes would shift to your hands in your lap, as if he wanted to hold them. And even when Jessica and Issac were exchanging their vows, Peter just couldn’t stop stealing a glance at you. You ruled out the possibility that it was your imagination playing tricks, because even when you had your arm interlocked around Peter’s as you walked around the venue, he still couldn’t stop looking. Part of you knew he was just trying to sell the vision as your ‘boyfriend,’ but he was doing it too well — even when people weren’t looking at you or engaging with you both, he still had his arm out to guide you and his eyes trained on you as if there was no other person in the room but you.
But although the fluttering excitement from Peter’s touches and his glances were coursing adrenaline through your body, you couldn’t help but feel a bit saddened.
It reminded you of Sam and what could’ve been. It reminded you of the engagement band that was tucked away in your nightstand back home, collecting dust like it had collected countless memories. It reminded you of what it felt like to be loved, and your flaws, and the way Sam had been too good to be true.
Peter squeezed your hand softly, noticing the glaze over your eyes before you blinked back any form of emotion. You smiled weakly, and he frowned because he knew then what was wrong. “Oh, Y/N. I’m — I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s nothing to worry about. I just feel… dunno, it makes me feel a bit sad.” The two of you moved to lean on either side of a wooden beam, crossing your arms over your chests.
“Yeah. I can’t imagine how hard this might be.” He paused, biting the nail of his thumb. “Did you have it planned out?” You hummed to acknowledge his question. “The wedding with Sam and all?”
Your laugh was wistful. “No, not at all. We wanted to wing it, see what kind of chaos we could pull off.” Peter allowed the silence to take over, the conversation ending as a soft piano played in the background and the chatter of people began to grow. “Do you want something to drink?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up. Peter winced, shooting you a close-lipped smile and a shake of his head. “I’m good. You go get wasted, I’ll be the sober boyfriend.” You sent him a funny glare over your shoulder before you approached the bar, tapping your nails against the countertop while you sent a few glances his way. Once you were out of earshot, Peter had let out a tired sigh and a string of pointless mumbling. “Yeah, fake boyfriend. Jeez.”
Peter decided on leaving you alone to give you some space. He knew what you were feeling to a point. The constant reminders of loss and pain were something he also dealt with because of Gwen’s death. A few years ago, all it would take was for Peter to see a bouquet of flowers before he’d be crying into the sleeve of his jacket, or he’d pass by the Brooklyn Bridge and be in tears by the time he got home. Peter became accustomed to it though, but grief was different for everyone — the least he could do is comfort you and give you room to breathe.
He had been so occupied thinking about you, he hadn’t even noticed the tingling of his heightened senses; that never happened before, and it worried him.
He quickly scanned the gazebo before his eyes met Fisk’s, who had already been staring at him from one of the tables. The boy nodded his head politely, feigning a smile before Fisk excused himself and made his way over to him.
“Ah, Peter.” The bald man grinned toothily. The sound of his cane tapping against the floorboards was loud in Peter’s ears, drowning out the noise of laughter from the other guests. “Beautiful venue, isn’t it?”
“It’s great.”
“I take it you and Y/N have discussed…?”
Peter froze up, feeling his jaw grow tight. “No.” He laughed wryly, shaking his head as he tucked his fists into the pockets of his dress pants. “Not at all.”
“It would be a shame,” Fisk took a drink from the glass in his hand, raising it to a few groups of people who passed by. He let out a loud breath of satisfaction. “If you lost someone as determined, beautiful and,” He chuckled. “…wealthy as she is. Well, I mean, her family. It’s a sad story, what happened with her—.”
“Yeah, her parents,” Peter turned to glower at him. A scowl made its way onto his face, deepening the wrinkles of his forehead. “I know what happened.”
Was he gloating? Peter didn’t like where this conversation was headed, especially when Fisk was making the topic about you. At this point, Peter would have rathered Fisk to know of his identity as Spider-Man, than your actual one.
Fisk gave him a subtle once-over. “You’re from New York as well?” Peter nodded, checking over his shoulder to look at you. You were speaking with the bartender, unaware of the current interaction. “Familiar with Spider-Man, then?”
“Not really a fan.” Peter raised his eyebrows, speaking with venom directed towards the criminal. “Personally, I think he’s a bit of a dick. And the whole spandex thing he got going on? Awful.”
Fisk laughed heartily and downed the last drops of his drink. “Mhm, I see you’ll fit right in with this family.” Peter held back a scoff. “Perhaps you should pay me a visit when you’re back in the city. You and Y/N, I’d love to give you a tour of the new tower. Just renovated it, it’s quite beautiful.”
“Appreciate it.”
“Hey!” Peter turned towards the familiar voice to see you walking over. He noticed the small quirk of your eyebrow, almost as if you were asking him what was happening. He shifted uncomfortably, hoping you’d also take note of the message. “Wilson. Good to see you in something other than a white tux.” You were a bit tipsy, and for once Peter was thankful that you were talkative. You pressed yourself into his side, snuggling up to his arm before you looked into his worried eyes. “We’re gonna go dance now, yeah?”
“Yeah,” He met Fisk’s glare. “Excuse us.”
Peter softened at the way you tugged him towards the dance floor, wondering if you had any clue at what had just happened. An upbeat 80s’ song had been playing over the speakers; the bass drummed through your bodies as you swayed to the music. Peter allowed himself to smile, even though he was deeply disturbed from the earlier conversation between him and Fisk.
He did his best to keep up with the beat, feeling awkward with his long limbs and tall frame.
“What’d he say?” You neared Peter, leaning towards his ear so that he could hear you better (not that he needed to, because frankly, he could hear everything).
“Offered a visit to the tower.” Your face scrunched up. “Hey, you’re not going.”
“I know you want to find out what happened with your parents, but…”
You interrupted him, slightly raising your voice in frustration. “If I could get info, it would be there.”
“But you’re not going unless I am.” He reached for your arm. “Look, I know how important this is to you. And I know I can’t… I can’t really stop you because you’re stubborn, and you’re you, which means you’re not gonna follow anything I say.” He laughed, knowing that he’d regret doing this once the moment came. “Who am I to stop you anyways?”
A smile broke out onto your face, and you nodded in agreement to his deal. “Thank you, Pete.”
His gaze lingered for longer than it should have. “Anytime, Y/N.”
The music faded into a gentle, romantic melody of guitar strings and drums. People began to leave the floor while a few couples flooded in, leaving you and Peter standing in the middle with uncertainty of what to do with yourselves. He fiddled with his tie, and you cleared your throat as you looked at the ground. The blood rushed to your cheeks as soon as you realized it was a slow dance, and Peter cursed to himself for thinking about how beautiful you looked when you were shy.
With shallow breaths, Peter outstretched his hand. You looked at it, then him, searching his eyes as if you were looking for something. If Peter couldn’t admit his feelings, then maybe, at least, he could give you a dance.
“May I?” He whispered softly. You nodded, and you rested your palms on Peter’s shoulders without a second thought, letting him take the lead as he guided you by the waist.
“Didn’t think you were the dancing type.”
His eyelashes fluttered, avoiding the butterflies in his stomach as you gazed up at him. “I’m not.”
Your lips twitched. “Neither am I.”
“Well, you haven’t stepped on my toes yet so…” He twirled you around slowly. It made you blush, leaving the apples of your cheeks incredibly hot. “I suppose you’re off to a great start.”
Suddenly feeling self-conscious, you turned your face away from him, unable to take the intimacy of the moment. You rested your head against his blazer, staining it with makeup. You trained your gaze on the snowflakes from outside the gazebo, watching as it built patterns of snow among the grass. You made Peter nervous, like he was a boy in highschool taking a girl to prom. But it felt nice, as if it was meant to be. As if this feeling was always supposed to be familiar to him. He liked the image of your arms slung around the back of his neck.
“Peter, everyone’s looking at us.”
He glanced around, biting his lip. “Are they?”
A sweet chuckle left his throat.
“Y/N, I think they’re looking at you.” Your lips parted, but Peter went on to speak before you could continue. “I bet they’re wondering, what is this beautiful girl doing dancing with a complete idiot like that guy?”
The words found solace in the depths of your heart.
Maybe it was liquid courage, but your mouth worked faster than your brain.
“Why didn’t you kiss me last night?”
Peter almost fell to his knees. Your head lifted off of his shoulder. His eyes met yours, and he could see then, that you were being genuine. He gulped, and your arms tightened around him anxiously.
“I wanted to.”
Your hand travelled along his neck, up his cheek and to his temple before you played with his hair yet again like you had done hours before.
“What’s stopping you from kissing me now?”
“Everything.” He breathed out in a desperate tone, voice faltering as his grip tightened on you. “You’re drunk, Y/N.”
You scoffed, continuing to follow his steps. “Barely.”
“Would you say this stuff if you were sober?”
“I am sober.”
You didn’t break eye contact once.
Peter’s fingers tucked themselves beneath your chin, slightly tilting your jaw upwards. He hesitated as his eyes flickered to your lips, and you leaned forward. He pulled back a little to let his breath ghost against your face, before his other hand rested upon the exposed skin of your back. His nose bumped against yours, and you shakily exhaled. Your eyes were telling him an entire story, as if you’d been waiting for this moment. They told him you were fearful, you were excited, you were nervous, and that you wanted this as much as he did. He savored the feeling of your skin, the peak of his nose squishing against your cheek as if touching you was enough.
You could stop him right now, and he’d still be just as happy.
“Y/N, this isn’t neighborly at all.” He whispered, licking his lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. He could feel your chest against his, hearing your heart pound drastically.
You smiled, and Peter’s top lip barely brushed over yours. “And what do you know about that?”
“I know lots of things.”
“Like this.” His lips parted as his head tilted to meet you. His soft mouth connected to yours in a slow, drawn-out kiss. You tugged at Peter’s bottom lip with your teeth, eyelids opening slightly to survey his expression. He liked it, judging by the way he stepped closer towards you and his hands completely enveloped the frame of your face. You brushed his hair back, sighing against his swollen lips as you pulled away for relief. “And this.” You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth, hoping he hadn’t heard it before he was softly peppering your skin with kisses.
“Peter…” You rubbed his jawline. His hand moved to the back of your neck to hold you. “Pete.”
He swiftly pulled back from your tone of voice, immediately searching your eyes. “Is — is this too much?”
Your nose pressed against his as you blinked up at him through your lashes. “You should’ve kissed me last night.”
He melted.
“I wish I did.” His hand found yours, and he squeezed tightly knowing that he was safe with you. “I wanna… I wanna tell you a lot of things.” You nodded at him. “I’m just… I’m not ready.”
“S’okay.” You smiled with understanding, shaking your head. “Nothing needs to change.”
You rested your forehead against his, blissfully shutting your eyes as the song began to dwindle to an end. You could still feel Peter’s lips on yours, how gentle he was. His curls tickled against your skin, causing a soft, natural giggle to leave you. Peter basked in the sound.
All of his senses, they were full of you. And as he watched you smile and laugh for the remainder of the night, he found himself falling even deeper than before.
TAGLIST: (open!) - some blogs are unable to be tagged
@silverwindptv @kdatthecastle @pufflepride @whatevergea @xthecyber @fandomscombine @carryon-doctor-lock @family-buisnes @hanniebee33 @renaroo123 @andeys-obsessions @ouralcohol @abibliophobiaa @spidergraph @milfodyssey @parkerssss @draw-back-your-bow
344 notes · View notes
winchest09 · 4 years
Our Virtual Lockdown - Lowdown
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Hey everyone!
Our lockdown livestream was once again one fulled of fun, laughter, fic recs, games and...one unplanned round of charades! Ahaha!
6 hours we were talking...SIX and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! We had 18 in our party at one point! I just hope that all of you had a blast and enjoyed yourselves.
Me and @katehuntington​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in this month (May).
This is the lowdown for the third lockdown party!
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Fic Recs
Supernatural DnD
Q + A’s with the writers.
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined...
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me, All I Want and a two part commission. We will see this on her blog soon!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on Call of the Ocean, A revoluntionary war fiction, an ABO Greek Goddess fic AND an untitled angst filled fic including Dean, a girlfriend and secrets! She is also rewriting Underworld and Legend of Van Helsing.
She’s one busy gal and we LOVE IT. <3
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the ending to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera and she already has a sequel in mind! At the moment she’s trying to decide her next move...Firefighter Dean OR Secret Service Dean? Head over there and let her know!
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@talesmaniac89​​​:  This beaut also has a lot that she’s working on at the moment. The next instalments of The Man in Apartment 43. The next chapters of Lost (which is a little darker), a fluffy Dean oneshot and a Castiel comfort fic.
Behind the scenes, she’s also working on a Heist AU, Another ‘Choose your own adventure’ fic and a Ghost Writer AU.
Check her out guys, her masterlist is HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! He’s posted a few oneshots in the past two weeks and is writing Male!Reader fics!
Behind the scenes he’s currently working on an RPF called Matchmaker, A reader knight of hell/demon dean fic which is a love hate relationship as WELL as a Marvel SPN crossover. OOFFT.
A new writer that is nailing it! Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut is currently working on a series which is based off of an album called ‘Losing Sleep’ Each song will be a chapter and we’ve already been treated to some of her plans! She also has some other goodies on her masterlist.
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@anathewierdo​​​: Is yet to create a masterlist but she is currently working on Call of the Ocean with Flamencodiva. Not only that, she’s also working on a Princess Diaries AU, a Serial Killer AU and after the livestream...a gunshow fic!
By gunshow we do mean The Winchester’s muscles.
@girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​​: This wonderful lady joined us briefly on the live stream and although she left before we could find out what she has coming up!
Check our her masterlist HERE:
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…watch this space!
To the new writers...
These guys were all new to the live stream this week and were welcomed with open, loving, spn fam arms! After speaking to these babes, we know that they are fairly new to writing to the supernatural fandom. They all have AMAZING idea’s when we played our prompt game and hopefully all of them will bite that bullet and post their ideas soon.
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
Go and follow and give them some love!
@janicho88​​ @queenbeesback​​ @imjustadrummer​​ @malfoysqueen14​​
and to the readers that joined…
@leissa1287​​​ @waywardbeanie​​​ @dawnie1988​​
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
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Ohhhh yes! One of our amazing writers, the darling @flamencodiva​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Congrats babe!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with a fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help writing those all important fight scenes?
Give our babe @imjustadrummer​​ a message! They are filled with knowledge and even give us a demonstration on how to punch correctly on the livestream! Definitely one to have on your contacts list! <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
@deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​​: We were told of this lovely little gold mine by Alex and we just have to include it on here! This writer has so many fics on her masterlist...you’re gonna be there for a while!
Check them all out HERE
When You Least Expect It by @coffee-obsessed-writer​​
Summary: After a hard breakup, Jensen decides to throw himself into organizing a Music Festival in Austin that is meant to raise money for a few of his most cherished charities and organizations. As he throws himself into planning it, he stumbles upon a spirited, undiscovered performer, who he convinces to come aboard to help plan and coordinate the event with him.
What transpires after that takes both Jensen and his new friend, by surprise. But when their respective pasts come back just before the event kicks off in Austin, they will both have to decide if the unexpected feelings are worth perusing, or if they should just walk away and go on with their lives.
Dear Dean by @smol-and-grumpy​​
Summary: After taking Saint Lo, by sheer dumb luck, Lieutenant Dean Winchester from the 29th Infantry Division, Baker Company, received a truckload of replacements for his platoon that was falling apart. Little did he know, that one recruit would change his life forever.
Almost Paradise by @amanda-teaches​​
Summary: Dean finds himself looking at pictures of old loves. Will he ever be able to find that paradise again?
Turned Sideways by @crashdevlin​​​
Summary: (Rockstar AU)  When Y/n gets an opportunity to meet her favorite band backstage at their concert, she assumes they won’t even ask her name. But when she impresses the front man, Dean, with her voice and knowledge of their entire catalog of songs, it launches a chain of events that is sure to change her entire life.
Crash Into Me by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Dean meets and befriends a witch in NW Florida. This is their interactions over the course of season 8 through season 14.
Midwife Crisis by @ellewritesfix05​​
Summary: (Elle hasn’t written one it appears but in my words) - You were heavily pregnant with Dean’s child, hormones raging and Dean was receiving the brutal end of it. Needing a break, he fakes a case to get away. When your good friend Gabriel hears of this...he decides he needs to teach Dean a lesson with a little help from is prankster ways...
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
Interested in roleplaying & DnD?
@imjustadrummer​​ is setting up a Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the Supernatural (main) universe!
If you’re into role playing, fancy bringing one of your OFC’s to life or just wanna be badass yourself...why not consider joining?!
All the information you need on this is HERE
Make some new friends, live out your dreams of being a hunter, angel or demon and HAVE FUN!
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We have three wonderful announcements to make this time! We have THREE blogs celebrating followers!
A massive congratulations to:
@flamencodiva​​: This beautiful mama has reached 1700!
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​: This absolute babe has reached 1000!
@superfanficnatural​​: This beaut has reached 200!
*pops the party poppers*
Q & A With The Writers!
During this live stream, we asked everyone to join in and ask questions to the writers you want to know more about...the write up is below :)
- If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? Alex ( @whatareyousearchingfordean​​) : @superfanficnatural​  because of the male reader aspect/sides of things! 
Emory (@emoryhemsworth​) : I’d like to collab with @winchest09​ (Tabby)
- Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
@talesmaniac89​ : This did happen once and what was once a fluffy ending got turned into a bad ending because it was guessed. It happened once that they managed to get it so i changed it. 
- What was the last line you wrote?
@katehuntington​ :  “The cowgirl smirks and gently pushes him into the tack box in order for them both to be out of sight. Once they are safe from Bobby’s eyes, she kisses him, short and sweetly, but it’s enough to make Dean’s head spin”
- Have you ever cried whilst writing a fic?
@superfanficnatural​ : I cried to one last time, the angsty fic i wrote. I  was trying to get into the mood, i was mad, so went fuck it i’m gonna break peoples hearts. And then i cried haha.
- Can you tell us what writers you really admire?
@emoryhemsworth​ :   All of you are included in this live stream, that’s a given but I am going to talk about people who aren’t in here.  @impala-dreamer​, @kittenofdoomage​, @supernatural-jackles​, @ravengirl94​ are just a few. In regards to Rhi (Kittenofdoomage), everything she writes is just gold. She’s not written anything that’s bad! For Beka (impala dreamer) I just love her as a person. Oh and @bringmesomepie56​, her fics are just amazing.  
- Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
@flamencodiva​ : No, not really. My stories tend to evolve in the writing process. Underworld princess and Call of the Ocean were meant to be super different than what they are now. We realised we had changed certain plot points as we were writing but that was before we started to post it. 
- Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
@winchest09​ :  Yes and no. I’ve had stories which were originally meant to end a certain way and they changed over time. Sometimes I do wonder what the reactions would have been like if i had gone with the original ending for Shatter Me and if hadn’t have gone down the angsty road for Yesterday but then I think fics choose their own path as you write them. It felt right at the time. 
- What is your favourite genre to write for?
@malfoysqueen14​ :  Angst. Never mind the fluff, the smut, the crack, it’s all about the angst. The angst is my ultimate goal. 
- Where do you get your inspiration from?
@imjustadrummer​ : A daily situation, or films. If the kids I worked with have said something weird i’d be like…”oh yeah, hey that can be a fic!”  A lot of different places really!
- Funniest story you’ve written?
@queenbeesback​ : It was an online thing, where they met online and it took a while for them to meet up. That was quite light hearted. 
- What is everyone's favourite ships?
Everyone: Dean and Donna. Benny and Dean. Sam and Eileen. Dean and Jo. Charlie and Alex. Sam and Gabriel
- What’s your favourite trope to write?
@anathewierdo​ : Friends to lovers and enemies to lovers
- Which part of your upcoming fic was the hardest to write?
@imjustadrummer​ : Trying to work out all the clues and cleverness to it. Like codes and things, working out how to put in all the easter eggs in my upcoming fic. It’s like a treasure hunt so I need to ensure there is cleverness in there.
- If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
@superfanficnatural​ : Oh that’s...ok...most definitely...Smuuuuttttt (pretty much how he announced it)
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
@deanwanddamons​ - tagging you babe as you asked so you can catch up on what we talked about <3 
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Heist (Loki x Reader) Pt. I
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If I can’t be any more obvious than I am now, THE PLOT OF ENDGAME IS FEATURED IN THIS.  If you haven’t seen it for some reason, well, where have you been?  It’s been out for months, come on, we gotta beat Avatar!  If you have seen it, you can read this, and go see it next weekend for additional content and so we can beat Avatar!
This is a two-part series I am writing.  You guys are my test audience.  I’m considering making it a complete book on Wattpad to elaborate and really get the feels in.  Let me know what you think.  Enjoy!
Ready for more?  Read part two here! 
Being a part of the Avengers is not the most exciting activity that everyone believes it to be. Sure, it's great to know several gods, a super-soldier, a billionaire, an assassin, and more amazing people personally, but it's quite boring when no one is trying to take over the planet. Of course, you never expected to fall in love with the god who tried to take it over in 2012.
We should probably start with the very beginning.  After all, everyone has a reason why they're an Avenger.  
There was no big depressing storyline for you.  No, you were just born as a normal human being.  You had a loving family, and you worked for an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D as one of their top scientists.  Quoting Director Fury himself, "You would impress Howard Stark if he could see your work."  Obviously, he blew up your ego for the rest of the week with that one.  It wasn't the boosted ego that caused the accident, though.  
Fury assigned you and Doctor Erik Selvig the job of working with the Tesseract, a box that seemed to hold much more energy than anything else.  It interested you more than anything else, and Dr. Selvig clearly expressed the same interest.  The two of you worked closely with it for a long time.  That is until you tried to open the box to release the energy into a larger environment.  
"Y/N, what do you suppose would happen if we tried to break open the cube?"  Erik asked you as he walked up to the Tesseract.  Several guards surrounded it, making sure that no one tries to take it while you work on it.
"I could only imagine that the energy inside would release and cause an energy burst that would blow us all up to pieces."  
"What's the point in having this though if we don't know how to use it to power weaponry for S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"The point of it is to keep it away from people who want to use it for weaponry," You rolled your eyes at the older man.  
"Either way, we should see what happens.  Perhaps there's a bigger purpose to this that we don't know of yet."  
"Then only one of us should be in the room during it.  The other can watch from the cameras and write down a report of everything that happens.  We don't want the guards to have to tell Director Fury that both scientists working on the Tesseract died and no one even has video of it."  
"Who should it be then?"
"You've always been better at the reports, Erik.  Let me break it open.  Get the guards out of here.  If the energy waves are too strong, they'll break through that glass like it's not even there."  You told him.  
After that, you have no memory of what truly happened.  You only know what you've been told.  Erik told you that when the cube was open, it unleashed a massive energy wave just like you said.  Except, it all went directly to the only person that could absorb it at the time.  You.  
The energy that came off of it was so powerful that it knocked you out instantly.  You shouldn't have even been alive by the end of it, but the Tesseract used the remaining energy to seal itself back up as if it had a mind of its own.  It was like it chose you to possess some of its power.  Instead of not using the power to weaponize something like you said, it created a weapon out of you.  One you were almost grateful for.  
You gained the powers of the Space stone, but you were unaware of it for months.  That is until you nearly dropped a chunk of titanium and you found it floating an inch off the ground.  Finding all of the other powers you had that came from the stone proved to be a bit troublesome.  Learning how to use portals, create explosions, and repairing things using the energy from the stone.  It took a long time, but Director Fury noticed how well you were able to control it with time.  
Thus, when the attack on New York occurred, you were immediately called to help fight.  Luckily, you were already in the area.  Germany, that is.  Dressing up in your skin-tight suit and going to a gala in Stuttgart was the strangest order you had ever been given.  With a description given by Fury, being, "Loki is a tall, white man with long-ass black hair and probably a large scepter," you knew exactly what to look out for.  At least, in the charity gala you were currently at, you doubted you'd find anyone else looking like that.  
You quickly spotted him after he had killed a man in the front room of the building.  After telling Nat exactly where you found him, he turned and stared at you.  That was quite a start to a relationship that would last through the ages.  
"Romanoff, he's right by the gala.  Evacuate everyone from the area."  You quickly told her.  After hearing confirmation from her, you were about to leave through a side door.  Instead, you were greeted by Loki himself, in his Asgardian armor, glaring down at you.
"And who do you think you are?"
"I think I'm a part of a team that's going to take you down before you kill anyone else."
"You have quite an exquisite way of presenting yourself at a gala, don't you think?"  He asked, looking down at the outfit you were in.  
"Well, as a Norse God we can't really expect you to keep up with the latest fashion trends here on Earth," You sassed him.  Clearly, you weren't impressed by the god.  Unfortunately for you, this only furthered his interest in you.
"I like you."
"And I don't like you.  Feeling's aren't mutual, sorry."
"Oh, don't worry about that at all.  I'll be seeing more of you later."
As he promised, that wouldn't be the last you'd see of him.  When he was locked up in a cell on the ship, you had to watch him for a while.  Even though you were still a well-known scientist around the place, they wanted you to make sure that Loki didn't escape.  
"Have you come to find out my secret plan?  Or have you come just because you want to get to know me better?"  He grinned.  You walked up to the door of the cell as he mirrored your actions.  You had to look up at him, but he didn't intimidate you one bit.  
"Actually, I'm just bored.  You're the God of Mischief, right?  Can't you do anything to be entertaining?"  
The cocky glint in his eyes turned into a glare, as his smirk quickly dissolved and became a snarl.  "I am not a mere joker to be entertaining to mortals who are beneath me."
"Which one of us is in the cage right now?"
"Either way, I will not be doing anything for a mewling quim like you," He glared at you.
"Mewling...quim?  I don't think I've ever heard that one before.  Does it mean something really bad?"   You asked excitedly.
"Why would you want to be called something horrible?"  He asked, intrigued by you.
"I've heard many insults thrown at me before, and I like to see if anyone can come up with anything new."  
The fighting and insults didn't last for long.  No, it's not because the two of you warmed up to each other.  It's because he escaped and started tearing apart all of New York City.  You had noticed in the short time while talking to him in the cell that there was something odd with him though.  His eyes.  They were blue when he held the scepter, but they started to faintly fade into green when he didn't have it.  It was like the scepter influenced him.
To see if your theory was correct, you dropped in for a visit during the battle when no one was looking.  While they were fighting Chitauri left and right, you had shut off your communications for a moment as you made a portal to the top of Stark Tower.   There, you saw Loki standing on the balcony, in awe of his destruction.  You would've been afraid of him at the time if you weren't so determined to find out the truth.
You walked slowly up to Loki, fearful of what he'd do with the scepter to you if you ran up to him.  "You don't have to be so afraid.  I won't bite."  He slowly turned around to face you.  The first thing you noticed was his eyes.  A bright blue hue.  
"This isn't entirely you, Loki.  Is it?"  You asked him.
"What do you mean?  Of course, it is.  This is everything I could have ever asked for, and more."
"No, it's not.  You lived in your brother's shadow, that much is obvious," You noticed the grimace when you mentioned Thor, "But you don't truly want to be a king."
"Of course I do!"  He snapped at you.  "It's what I've wanted for years!  To be higher up than Thor, and to have a world to rule all on my own.  That is until I can find a queen,"  A mischievous glint in his eyes as he said the last part.
"There it is."
"The scepter is influencing you.  It's using your weaknesses against you."
"You've clearly gone mad, you quim."
"Then tell me I'm wrong.  Tell me that if you didn't have that scepter that you'd still want to be better than Thor, that you'd want to rule over Earth.  If you really do want that, you'll put that scepter down right now and say it."  
He hesitated at first.  He was having an internal battle with what he wanted to do.  He so badly wanted to prove you wrong, but he knew deep inside that you were right.  Right as he was about to place it down on the ground and repeat everything you just said, you heard a roar.  
Your eyes widened and you quickly ran out of the way.  A large, green man suddenly pushed Loki across the room, making him crash into the wall.   You flinch as you see him quickly stand up.  
"ENOUGH!"  He yells.  "You are," He glances at you and then back at the Hulk, "all of you, beneath me.  I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by-"
Before he could say anymore, Hulk grabbed him by the ankle and started smashing him to the ground over and over.  You covered your mouth, unable to look away from the scene before you.  It was shortly over, but he clearly did plenty of damage to Loki.  
Hulk walked away, muttering to himself, "Puny god."  He looked at you and nodded his head, before jumping off the balcony once more.
You nearly jumped out to go fight the army again too, but then you heard his whimpers.  You couldn't help it.  It was like some instinct kicked in.  He was in pain, and all you wanted to do was help him.  It was just in your nature.  
You ran over to him and quickly leaned over to inspect his wounds.  There were several cuts going across his face and probably dozens more that you didn't spot yet.  This was going to take time, but you didn't care.  
Loki was trying to slowly get up, but you pushed him down.  "Don't.  You'll do more harm than good if you sit up too quickly."  
"Why are you helping me?"  He grunted as he laid his head back down on the broken cement from the floor.  He was confused, but he wasn't sure if it was just from the several head injuries he just received.  
"Because you clearly need it.  Hulk smashing you on the ground like a rag doll can hurt.  Even if you are a god," You rolled your eyes.  As you were tending to some of his worst wounds, he seemed calm.  
It was a peaceful time for both of you despite the attack going on outside.  You weren't sure why you helped him even now, but it started a friendship.  A friendship no one was expecting.  The rest of the Avengers weren't happy to hear about this new found friendship.  Then again, why should they?  This is the same man who tried to rule the world and destroyed most of the city.  
Thor, however, found it interesting and remarkable.  No one had been able to push Loki to a limit in which he'd stay calm around them with the exception of Frigga.  He'd usually yell at someone, or start mocking others after a few moments of conversation.  Instead, he'd calmly respond to you as you tried to fix him up.  The Avengers weren't the happiest bunch to see that when they came up to the tower when it was all over, but Thor seemed excited.
"Hey Spacegirl," Tony gave you that nickname in reference to your powers long ago, "What are you doing?"  Tony asked as he saw you watching Loki slowly crawl onto the stairs to rest.  
"Watching him to make sure he doesn't go anywhere."  
"How long have you been doing this for?"
"About 20 minutes now."
"Because he was hurt, and I wanted to make sure he didn't die," Anyone could've seen through that lie if they knew you, "And you didn't want him making up another plan to conquer the city, did you?"
Thor may have been an oaf, but he could see that you were still somewhat worried for his brother.  It was like another power for the god of thunder.  "Well, if it's all the same to you," Loki started, "I'll have that drink now."
Clint raised his bow and had an arrow ready to shoot at Loki in case he moved.  "Alright, we'll pose up a storm later, let's go,"  Tony said and people rushed into the floor.  
Nat grabbed the scepter and started walking towards the men who were there to bring in everything for S.H.I.E.L.D.  "We'll take that off your hands for you," The one man walked up.  
"Be my guest," She said and gave him the scepter.  
As Cap walked past you, Thor, and Loki as you were putting handcuffs on him, Loki cast an illusion and mimicked what Steve said.  After returning to what he actually looks like he said, "I mean really, how can you-"
"Enough,"  Thor said as he placed a muzzle on the mischievous god.  You laughed as Loki glared at you.  
You all walked into the elevator as Tony sat down on the case that held the Tesseract.  Hulk started walking towards it and your eyes widened.  "No, no, maximum capacity, big guy!"  Tony yelled as Loki waved goodbye while the doors shut.  
Right before the elevator started moving you saw a dent in the doors.  "Well, he's not happy," You said while Loki looked at you with an amused glint.
The story didn't end there, obviously.  With Loki and Thor back in Asgard, it started to get boring around the headquarters.  Tony Stark offered you a job shortly after, and you worked with Pepper Potts and him to design the Avengers tower.  You designed the labs and figured out a chemical compound to keep the tower running on power for decades.  It was a breakthrough, but Tony would never admit to that if he didn't make it himself.
There were times when Thor came to visit the Avengers.  He'd talk and catch up with everyone.  One day you asked him if you could visit Asgard.  For some reason, you felt drawn to the place and wanted to see Loki.  
That day you saw the man himself without the scepter.  His eyes were green, and no longer the bright blue they were with the scepter in his hands.  You were happy.  You were able to get him into conversations and talk about the recent events from where he called, "Midgard."  
You two slowly became friends, and Thor saw that quickly.  That's a big reason why he allowed you to keep coming.  You showed the better side of Loki, and he was proud to get to see that.  It was like he was seeing his brother before his father went into Odinsleep again.  Frigga would watch as well, excited by the love that was slowly starting to form.  
"I know you'll be happy to hear this," You started the conversation one day, "Tony just beat Bruce up with his new nanotech accidentally."
"Are you sure it was accidentally?  I really wish the man of iron would simply destroy that creature," Loki grinned.
"Yes, I'm sure, and be careful with your words there.  They're my friends whether you like it or not.  I'll stop my visits if you're going to talk trash about them," You playfully warned with only a touch of seriousness in your voice.  To be fair, it was hysterical in person.
"As if I like your visits that much, Lady Y/N."
You sat there shocked for a second.  You were taken aback by what he said.  "Did you just call me by my name?"
"I believe I did, Lady Y/N.  I know you well enough to know that you aren't just some mewling quim," Loki replied.  He shrugged it off like it was no big deal.
"Well, first off, stop saying Lady in front of it, you're making me feel old."
"Why would you feel old?  Which one of us is quite a few centuries older here?"  He asked with an amused look.
"Secondly," You pretended to ignore his statement, "I finally looked up what mewling quim means on the Internet.  You, sir, have a bad mouth.  Captain America would not be happy with you."
"Well, first off," He mimicked your words, "I don't care what he thinks of me."
"Yeah, that was obvious," You rolled your eyes and smiled.
"Secondly, what's an Internet?"  
A couple of months later the two of you finally admitted your love for one another.  It may have seemed fast, but it wasn't really.  The days you spent with him merely felt like hours on Asgard.  Frigga and Thor were just coming back when the two of you confessed.  They hid behind the gate, waiting for the right moment to come in.  
When they did, Frigga gave her signature warm smile and congratulated you both.  Thor, on the other hand, loudly congratulated you both.  
"Thor, please don't be so loud about it!"  You tried to shush the cheering god.
"Yes, you big oaf, we don't need the whole kingdom to hear about it."  Loki agreed as he wrapped an arm around your waist.  It was like an instinct to lean your head slightly on his shoulder.
"The rest of the Avengers must know about this joyous event!" Thor smiled.  He really did mean well, but maybe it wasn't the best idea.
"Thor," You started, "I don't want them knowing yet.  I'll tell them when I'm ready, alright?"  
"Are you sure, Lady Y/N?"
"Yes, I'm sure.  I should be the one to tell them.  I will let them know as soon as I think I'm ready.  Promise me you won't tell them as soon as we get back."
"You have my word, Lady Y/N."  
"Thank you," You smiled.  He wasn't wrong though, it truly was a joyous event.  You just didn't know what would come in the next few years.
About a year after you had started dating Loki, you heard from Thor about his death.  It hit you like a tsunami.  The idea of him being dead seemed unreal in your eyes.  You couldn't imagine the scene of him dying in Thor's arms, no matter how descriptive Thor was about it all.  
It was like you lost a family member, and in a way, it kind of was.  Thor took off for good shortly after.  His visits became fewer and fewer, and after the Ultron incident, he was gone for good.  
You decided to be on Cap's side when the Civil War happened at the airport.  You felt horrible having to toss around a 15-year old kid through several portals, but it was what you had to do.  Even Bucky showed a few signs of regret when it came to fighting him.  Peter didn't belong in that fight, and Tony should never have taken him along.
Staying low because you broke several federal laws wasn't a fun thing.  You had to dye your hair to (Another natural color), get an entirely new wardrobe, and change your name.  Getting used to a fake name was hard.
All of this led up to where we are now.  But this wasn't something you could predict.  This would be the beginning of a war.  Even this isn't where we are in the present.  You're still only learning how we get to the beginning of the end.
"Y/N, I need you to meet me at the train station," Steve called you on your phone.  You were confused about why he was calling so late at night.
"What?  Why?  What's going on, Steve?"
"We found Wanda and Vision's location.  They're in trouble."
"I'm on my way."
You quickly got changed into dark clothes and combat boots.  It's better to look suspicious than stand out to whatever danger Vis and Wanda are in at the moment.  
Rushing out the door with a gun (just in case), you made it to the train tracks.  On the one side, you saw Wanda fighting a very tall alien, who seemed like a woman.  She was staring down at Wanda while Vision laid on the ground, hurt.  Two other aliens were watching from afar.  
On the other side of the tracks, you saw Steve who was waiting to give the command.  He spotted you and used hand-signals to let you know what to do.  He pointed to the alien woman and nodded towards you.  You moved in position and waited as a train flew through the tracks.  Wanda and Vision both turned and looked to see a silhouette through the trains.  
When the train passed, Steve stepped out and you went in for the first blow.  You used a portal to get behind the alien quickly and kicked her in the back of the knees quickly.  Out of your peripheral vision, you saw Falcon kick the other alien in the head and Nat starting with the other one.  Steve helped you out and pulled the weapon out of the alien's hands.  
She quickly got back up and used all of her force to bring you down.  You grunted but swiped at her ankles to bring her down.  Falcon swooped in and used explosives on her to stun her for a moment.  Steve and Nat used her weapon against her, waiting for the perfect moment to knock her out.  Before they could do so, the alien-woman ran towards one of her men.  "Get up," She commanded.
"I can't," He groaned.
You walked up to Steve, Nat, and Sam.  "We don't want to kill you, but we will," Nat calmly stated.
"You'll never get the chance again," The alien said before a ship in the sky quickly brought the two of them up.  As the four of you watched, the weapon in Steve's hand flew up along with them.  
"Who are they?" You asked Cap.
"That's what we have to find out."
After learning about Thanos and his plan to get all six infinity stones, you all ran for Wakanda.  If anyone knew a way to get the mind stone out of Vision safely so Wanda could destroy it, it'd be Shuri.  Along the way, you were able to pick up Bruce and Rhodey.  The two were glad to see you all this time has passed, and you were glad to see them too.  
That is until Bruce told you about Ragnarok.
"What?!"  You were shocked by what Bruce had told you.
"Loki was alive.  He was there and on Sakaar.  I don't know why or how, but he was there."
You couldn't tell if you were pissed, sad, or shocked by the revelation.  You supposed it could be all three at the time, but it was mainly shock in the end.  Your love was somehow still alive, even though Thor convinced you he was dead.  How was that possible?  Thor wouldn't lie about something like that.
"What happened afterward?"
"Well, it's a long story.  In short, Thor's older sister, the goddess of death, Hela came in and tried to take over Asgard.  We blew up the planet with her on it and Thor lost an eye in the end.  We were able to get the Asgardians on one big ship and took them out of there.  That's when it got really bad."  
"Bad?  How?  Did Loki take the space stone again or something?"  You joked lightly.  The atmosphere around the entire place had been too dark for your taste.
"Sort of.  This big guy named Thanos came in and killed half of the Asgardians.  He's going after all of the infinity stones so he can take out half of the universe."
"Why?  What's the point of that?"
"He has some sick belief that it'll make things better if half of all populations ceased to exist.  He took down the Hulk like he was nothing, Y/N.  The Hulk didn't stand a chance."
You were silent for a while, before asking, "Does he have any of the infinity stones yet?"
"One that I know of.  The purple one."
"The power stone."
"How'd you know which one it was?"
"Loki told me before he faked his death and decided to never tell me."
Arriving in Wakanda was incredible.  The entire kingdom is so gorgeous, and the barrier around it still amazed you.  Considering that's all technology impressed you beyond whatever Tony Stark has made.  
Meeting up with Bucky and T'Challa was a dream come true.  It had been forever since you've seen them, and it was nice to see them without having to fight other Avengers.  You know, act like they were normal friends with normal lives who don't have a metal arm or a vibranium suit.
When you met Princess Shuri, she was able to figure out how to get the stone out of Vision without harming him.  The problem was the giant spaceship that landed right outside the shield protecting the kingdom.  Wanda had to stay up here to destroy the stone and defend Shuri for the time being.
The fight seemed to go on forever against the Chitauri.  You must've slaughtered hundreds of them when Thor, a raccoon, and a tree arrived.  "Well, well, well, if it isn't the god himself," You stated as you used a Chitauri's weapon against itself, "Who are your friends?"
"I am Groot," the tree stated.  
"I'm (Y/N).  Nice to meet you," You grinned at Groot.  He smiled slightly before running to take care of a bunch of aliens that were surrounding M'Baku.  
"I see you copied my beard," Thor turned to see Steve.  Steve paid him no attention as he focused on finding Vision.  
You found your way into a battle against several of the "alien-dogs", as you liked to call them, with Thor.  "So, you mind telling me why you never told me that Loki is alive?"  You demanded to know as you slice another's head off.  
"I didn't know for the longest time.  I had to confirm my suspicions first.  Before I could have a chance to rest, I had to kill my sister and evacuate the Asgardians from the ship before Thanos could kill them all," He answered.  
"What happened to him?  Why isn't he with you and Groot and the raccoon?"  
"Thanos killed him right in front of me.  There was nothing I could do."
"You really believe that one?  This wouldn't be the first time, clearly."
"I know he died this time.  There was no way he could fake it, Lady (Y/N).  Wait," Thor stopped suddenly, "He's here."
"Yes.  I must go."  
"Thor, wait!"  You yelled as he suddenly ran towards the woods, leaving you by yourself.  You groaned, turning towards the rest of the Chitauri that was left.
You watched in complete shock as Sam disappeared right before your eyes.  "Sam!  No!" You yelled.  You held out your hand to him, and he tried to grab it, but he turned to dust and ashes before he could do so.  You were frozen in place, unable to respond to Rhodey when he asked where Sam was.  
You ran into the woods where everyone else was, and you didn't find many of them left.  "Oh, God," Steve said as he collapsed onto his knees.  You and Nat walked over to him cautiously, trying to offer him comfort.  However, what more could you do at this point?  
The next day, you rushed to a TV as soon as possible in the Avengers headquarters.  Many networks were down, but there were a few broadcasting the destruction that was being caused as people disappeared.  Some people caught it on tape.  They watched as children were confused while trying to grab their father's hand, or watching a woman slowly realize her boyfriend is no longer following her.  Others ran in fear as helicopters crashed into the sides of buildings in New York City.
"What are we gonna do?"  You asked out loud to no one in particular.  
Nat walked into the room with a device in her hands.  It was flashing blue and red, with a star in the center.  "What's that?" You asked her.  
"No idea.  Witnesses said they saw Fury using it right before he vanished too.  Whatever it is, he must've wanted someone to know about it."  
"It looks like a messenger of some sort.  But who could be so powerful that he'd want them here?" You asked.
Just as Nat turned around to leave the room, a woman seemed to appear out of nowhere, her eyes showing worry and fear.  "Where's Fury?"
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isisparker · 5 years
Masterlist of [No Good Nick] Cons
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No Good Nick - Netflix - When a young girl arrives at the Thompsons’s home, saying that she is an orphaned relative of theirs that has come to live with them, she ends up changing the Thompsons’s lives completely... much like how they had changed hers not too long ago.
One of the interesting aspects of this series, to me, is that each episode is named after a particular con. The theme/spirit of said con always manages to weave itself into the episodic storyline. I started doing write-ups as a way for not just myself, but in hopes of being able to appreciate what the writers and creators had crafted because of this particular attention to detail. I tried to not speak of spoilers too much in each post, but in order to explain how a certain heist or con related to the plot, obviously I had to go into detail. Each post comes with at least some sort of spoilery warning. 
This masterlist is a work in progress as I will be adding to it along the way.
Part One
Episode 01 - The Catfish
Episode 02 - The Pig in the Poke
Episode 03 - The Money-Box Scheme
Episode 04 - The Badger Game
Episode 05 - The Pigeon Drop
Episode 06 - The Glim-Dropper
Episode 07 - The Charity Mugger
Episode 08 - The Block Out
Episode 09 - The Man in the Middle Attack
Episode 10 - The Jam Auction
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Markiplier Characters: The Ultimate Video Masterlist (UPDATED REGULARLY)
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So, yeah, this is a list of all the videos I could find featuring the listed characters of @markiplier.
In the case of Darkiplier, when it comes to pre-Date w/ Markiplier videos, I only listed the videos that Mark has pretty much confirmed Darkiplier is featured in. Yes, there are plenty of videos of Mark being creepy, but unless Mark says otherwise, that does not necessarily make it a Darkiplier video. But in general, the videos on this list have to fall under the following criteria:
The character featured has to be made by Mark (as in the case of Wilford Warfstache or Jim)
If the character is not made by Mark, Mark needs to have featured the character at least once in his own skits (as in the case of Ed Edgar or the Host, both of whom were created by Cyndago)
If you're still wondering why certain videos or characters aren't featured on this list, check out my other list, which has videos and characters that don't quite fit this criteria.
Also, you can find my Jacksepticeye master list here ^-^
@fandomfangirlworld, @wortblume, and @fountain-of-muse for reminding me of certain videos
@just-chugging-along and their Comprehensive Alter Ego Library
Cooperation Is Key and their playlist Markiplier Egos: Santaplier
So, without further ado...
Origins of Wilford Warfstache and Darkiplier
Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter 1 (Oct 10, 2017)
Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter 2 (Oct 11, 2017)
Who Killed Markiplier? - Chapter 3 (Oct 12, 2017)
Who Killed Markiplier? - The Final Chapter (Oct 13, 2017)
Wilford ‘MOTHERLOVING’ Warfstache (Aug 5, 2018)
DAMIEN (May 12, 2019)
A Heist With Markiplier
Illinois - GUNS BLAZING > CAR > TRY TO FIX > ECT. You may try not to fall in love, but the Adventurer couldn’t really blame you if you failed (Oct 30, 2019)
Yancy - GUNS BLAZING > HELICOPTER > RALLY THE PRISONERS > ECT. Don’t let his rap sheet and dancing skillz intimidate ya, the Prisoner may just think youse’s all right (Oct 30, 2019)
Captain Magnum - ALL SNEAKY LIKE > LIGHT TUNNEL > WAIT FOR RESCUE > ECT. Hoist the mainsail and prepare for adventure with the Pirate! (Oct 30, 2019)
Trailers (TBA)
Don't blink - dont turn around (Jun 19, 2012)
Don't move - not a muscle (Jul 4, 2012)
relax - Mark just wants to chill for his 14 million sub celebration, but someone has other ideas (Aug 13, 2016)
A Date With Markiplier - PAY > HORROR > ECT. Darkiplier makes his official debut, and he's missed you very much (Feb 14, 2017)
Don't Play This Game - Watch as Mark submits to the madness of a nonsensical 'game' (Apr 16, 2017)
Markiplier TV - Darkiplier gives his thoughts on Wilford Warfstache's revolutionary idea (May 5, 2017)
DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE - Who will win the ultimate evil YouTuber showdown? (Jul 28, 2017)
Don't remember - theres nothing out there (Nov 18, 2017)
go back to sleep… - l i s t e n (Aug 20, 2018)
DAMIEN - Following the events of Who Killed Markiplier, Damien begins to realize that he is more lost than he thinks (May 12, 2019)
The Voice of Darkiplier | Markiplier ReMIX - Listen to Darkiplier's dulcet voice in this Markiplier Recognized(TM) remix by DayByDave (Jun 29, 2017)
World’s First Pop-Up Haunted House - 0:26 The Barrel television set starts to give off Darkiplier vibes for a few seconds when Mark leaves us alone (Oct 27, 2017)
big MOOD? - 9:10 While Mark displays what he thinks a big mood is, “you have to wake up” flashes across the screen in a very Darkiplier fashion (Nov 20, 2017)
Wilford Warfstache
The Fall of Slenderman - In his debut, Wilford Warfstache interviews the once feared Slenderman (Nov 9, 2012)
The Warfstache Affair - Caught in an affair with another man's wife, Warfstache responds to the problem the only way he knows how (Jun 12, 2013)
Warfstache Plays: Slender - Warfstache encounters the Slenderman once again, this time in Slendy’s own territory (Oct 16, 2013)
The Ned Affair [feat. MARKIPLIER] - In this sequel to the Warfstache Affair, Wilford Warfstache must face justice for what he's done (Aug 26, 2014)
Five Nights at Freddy's: The Interview - Wilford Warfstache interviews everyone's favourite disembodied voice, Phone Guy (Mar 7, 2015)
Warfstache Interviews Markiplier - In a move that is in no way meant to boost ratings, Markiplier is invited to guest star on Warfstache Tonight! (Sep 13, 2015)
A Date With Markiplier - DON’T PAY > DON’T ATTACK > PICK LOCK > STAY TOGETHER > MORE? Wilford Warfstache gets you to ask the real question (Feb 14, 2017)
Markiplier TV - Warfstache acts as a gameshow host and poses a revolutionary idea to his colleagues (May 5, 2017)
Wilford ‘MOTHERLOVING’ Warfstache - Following the events of Who Killed Markiplier, Detective Abe finally manages to track down the murderous and elusive Colonel William, now know by his latest persona: Wilford ‘Motherloving’ Warfstache (Aug 5, 2018)
Amnesia: Rain | Part 6 (Final) | ENDGAME - Mark wears a pink mustache and plays around with his Warfstache voice (Apr 3, 2013)
Markiplier Animated | WARFSTACHE - An animation of the above video (Dec 3, 2014)
WARFSTACHE RIDES AGAIN | Critical Annihilation - Mark plays with a Wilford Warfstache avatar and talks a bit about the character (Feb 26, 2016)
Santa’s Rampage - [clever video summary TBA] (Dec 15, 2013)
Very Organized Santa - [clever video summary TBA] (Dec 18, 2013)
Santa Does Omegle - [clever video summary TBA] (Dec 25, 2013)
Markiplier’s Debut Christmas Album - [clever video summary TBA] (Apr 1, 2014)
Christmas Can’t Wait - [clever video summary TBA] (Nov 24, 2016)
SANTA SPILLS THE TEA - 0:00 Here to tell you who’s naughty and nice, here to tell you to buy merch for charity, here to tell you who the true original ego is, it’s Definitely Not Santa! (Dec 10, 2018)
Happy Wheels Highlights - The series from which Santaplier was born, it’s a playlist of Happy Wheels, where you’re bound to catch our beloved drunken Santa appearing at least once in every video, sans the first one
Markiplier Animated | 1 Million Subscriber Special - Santaplier makes a brief appearance in this special animation featuring some of Mark’s best gaming moments up to this point (Nov 6, 2013)
Santiplier: The Game - Mark plays a Santaplier fangame, complete with epic sax music, rage, and moans of eviceral pleasure (Jun 18, 2014)
King of the Squirrels
King of the Squirrels - In his debut, the King smears peanut butter on his face in celebration of 80,000 subs (Jan 23, 2013)
King of the Squirrels Returns - The King is sick, but he is still the King! (Mar 26, 2015)
Markiplier TV - The King crashes the conference while Wilford Warfstache is receiving feedback on his revolutionary idea (May 5, 2017)
Dr. Iplier
Worst News Doctor - In his official debut, Dr. Iplier delivers a LOT of bad news to a young patient (Oct 27, 2013)
Markiplier TV - Dr. Iplier continues to deliver bad news and gives his thoughts on Wilford Warfstache's revolutionary idea (May 5, 2017)
SANTA SPILLS THE TEA - 8:20 Dr. Iplier may have to pay alimony, but YOU can still buy merch, all proceeds of which go to charity 15:44 A newborn child may not be able to buy merch, but YOU can, remembering all proceeds go to charity 27:26 Doctors need good hygiene, and that’s why Dr. Iplier buys merch, safe in the knowledge that all proceeds go to charity (Dec 10, 2018)
Surgeon Simulator 2013 - A playlist of Mark's Surgeon Simulator playthroughs, from which come a lot of Dr. Iplier's catch phrases
Markiplier Animated | Surgeon Simulator - Dr. Iplier is NOT a fraud, and he’s gonna prove it in this animation of one of the above playthroughs! (Jun 13, 2013)
Markiplier Animated | SHUT UP NURSE!! - It’s just so hard for Dr. Iplier to get good help around here, as shown in this sequel to the above animation (Jun 27, 2013)
Markiplier Animated | MEET THE MEDIPLIER - When animated TF2 style, Dr. Iplier might just give the Medic a run for his money (Apr 19, 2014)
Markiplier Animated | GET THE SPOON - Doctors Mark and Wade try to utilize one of the most important tools in medical practice (Mar 26, 2016)
Surgeon Simulator IN REAL LIFE - Mark applies Surgeon Simulator in the real world (May 10, 2016)
A Gentlemen's Dispute feat. CaptainSparklez - Dapperplier and Jordapper look to settle their differences in the most civilized way possible (Jul 21, 2014)
GENTLEMEN'S DISPUTE w/ Markiplier - See Jordapper's version of the above video (Jul 21, 2014)
REMATCH OF THE CENTURY | Max Gentlemen w/ Captain Sparklez - Dapperplier and Jordapper have fallen low and look to regain their honor in the most civilized way possible (Feb 10, 2015)
MAXIMUM GENTLEMEN'S DISPUTE w/ Markiplier - See how Jordapper remembers the above events (Feb 10, 2015)
Google IN REAL LIFE | ft. Markiplier - Google is thwarted in this Mathias edition of Googleplier's debut (Oct 31, 2014)
Google IRL - Google is defeated in this Markiplier edition of Googleplier's debut (Oct 31, 2014)
360 VIDEO | Let's Play Minecraft | Part 1 - Google restates his primary objective (Apr 1, 2017)
Markiplier TV - Google gives his thoughts on Wilford Warfstache's revolutionary idea (May 5, 2017)
Google Gets An Upgrade - Google receives a visit from Bing while in the middle of an upgrade (May 20, 2017)
GOOGIPLIER RETURNS - Mathias plays a short fan-game in which Google IRL returns to show how useful he can be (Sep 11, 2015)
MAKING LOVE FOR SENPAI | Yandere Simulator #14 - Yandereplier-chan shows her true colours in this kawaii intro! (Nov 13, 2016)
Yandere Simulator - A playlist of Mark’s Yandere Simulator playthroughs, chock full of Mark being a giggly, yandere freak
Markiplier Animated - YANDERE SIMULATOR - Committing murder, becoming a fugitive, mopping up blood, kidnapping Boobs McKenzie: all in a day’s work for Yandereplier-chan in this animation of one of the above playthroughs! (Aug 21, 2015)
Yandere Simulator ANIMATED: The Squeakquel - Yandereplier-chan returns in this sequel to the above animation, and she’s gonna show everyone what for for not accepting her spicy sausage! (Aug 5, 2016)
Jim News
Markiplier TV - In their debut, Jim and Jim cover various disaster reports and weather reports (May 5, 2017)
CORPSE ABDUCTION? - In the midst of the Who Killed Markiplier mystery, Jim and Jim enter the scene of the crime to get the main scoop (Oct 10 or Oct 14, 2017)
SUSPECT WITH A SHOOTY?! - Continuing their investigation, Jim and Jim tail the possible murderer (Oct 11 or 14, 2017)
DEMONS JIM, DEMONS!! - Continuing their investigation, Jim and Jim attempt to contact the demons contained within the murder house (Oct 12 or 14, 2017)
DUMMY JIM REENACTS GRISLY SCENE! - Jim and Jim conclude their investigation with the help of Dummy Jim (Oct 13 or 14, 2017)
Breaking News
Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizzeria Simulator - Part 5 - 5:25 Jim News interrupts this playthrough to bring you breaking news: Markiplier is set to invade Europe! (Dec 6, 2017)
I KICKED ETHAN IN THE FACE - 1:53 Jim News interrupts these clips from Markiplier's last tour to bring you breaking news: Markiplier is going on tour again! (Dec 9, 2017)
Google Gets An Upgrade - With a 'saaaahhh!' and a visit to Googleplier's, Bingiplier makes his obnoxious debut (May 20, 2017)
Eric Derekson
SANTA SPILLS THE TEA - Debut of Eric Derekson of Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse, where everything is super cool and fun and warm and there’s no anxiety or death or anything... Right, Dad? (Dec 10, 2018)
4:15 - We make no money at Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse because all proceeds go to charity but that’s good, right?
5:57 - Want a dog leash?
7:21 - All proceeds go to charity and... Can we do that take again…?
8:54 - Our sweaters are warm and comfortable and you can wear them, please buy them…!
11:41 - This is fine, you still got me, Dad… Right?
14:09 - Get our deals cause they’re great and all proceeds go to charity and how are we still in business–
16:42 - Pull yourself together, Eric!
19:00 - I don’t have feet… Please buy these socks, all proceeds go to charity
20:57 - Please don’t lose your dog, please buy a dog leash, all proceeds go to charity
22:40 - *gross sobbing*
24:30 - I just wanted a farm…
26:23 - My brother Sterrick had no hands… Buy our merch, all proceeds go to charity
28:03 - I once had a termite farm...
29:42 - I had a dog once…
31:26 - My brother Gerrick liked to play with fire– I once had someone special– I wanted to have kids...
Randal Vorhees
SANTA SPILLS THE TEA - Move aside people, for the debut of everyone’s favourite New Yorker, Randal Vorhees! (Dec 10, 2018)
5:09 - You ain’t gonna be not fashionable when you buy merch for charity!
6:49 - New York traffic is hell but that don’t stop you from buying merch for charity!
10:46 - Come to New York, see the Empire State Building, go to the park, and buy merch for charity!
14:50 - New York has the best pizza in the world and the best merch to buy for charity!
18:10 - Gotta hate when you can’t get a taxi, but at least you can always buy merch for charity!
21:54 - We just got a load’a merchandise! All proceeds go to charity!
25:26 - Heyyy there, pretty person, you look like you would like to buy merch for charity!
28:56 - Eyyy, sexy person! Why not buy some merch for charity?
30:21 - What’s more central than Central Park? This merch with all proceeds going to charity!
Derek Derekson
SANTA SPILLS THE TEA - Here debuts Derek Derekson, all-American representative of Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse, home of the best charity deals this side of the Mississippi (Dec 10, 2018)
12:30 - Welcome to Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse, where you can’t get good help, but you CAN buy merch for charity
20:05 - Mosey on down to Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse for great quality merch that you can buy for charity
23:40 - [Derek Derekson’s Charity Warehouse is experiencing familial difficulties]
This list was getting a tad congested with the release of A Heist With Markiplier, so just click here for the Cyndago characters
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teacuphuman09 · 7 years
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Happy Inceptiversary, everyone!
We made it to 7 years and we’re still going strong! Everyone stop and give yourselves a pat on the back and a round of applause because this fandom continues to produce top notch fanworks and remains one of the most supportive and welcoming fandoms, and we should all be very proud of that.
Now, onto Inceptiversary! This is my first year organizing, so bear with me, darlings. There is so, so much planned for July, it’s really incredible. Get ready to bask in the best that this fandom has to offer!
Details under the cut!
First, the FAQs.
1. What is Inceptiversary?
Inceptiversary is a fandom celebration in honour of the release of Christopher Nolan’s Inception. The release date was July 16th, 2010, so this is our 7th Anniversary!
 ALL SHIPS ARE WELCOME! There is space for everyone in Inceptiversary so get ready to get your ship on!
There will be five themes this year, one for each week in July.
July 1-7 Meet Cute: First meetings, coffeeshop AU’s, all those fics that make you squirm with excitement because you know how good it’s going to be for your ship!
July 8-14 Adventure: Canon compliant, heist fics, any fic where the characters are dream criminals.
July 15-21 Hurt AND/OR Comfort: All the pain, all the solace, or a little of both!
July 22-28 Crossovers: Your favourite fics that incorporate our heroes into other story lines, or bring other universes into Inception.
July 29-August 4 Mystical Realism: Bring us your weird, your slimy, your shameful! Anything goes, as long as it has elements of the unusual!
Fans are encouraged to post and reblog all manner of content related to the weekly theme, so dig out all those fanvids, gifsets, memes, headcannons, art, and fic recs you have hiding on your hard drives! Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a kink you never knew you had!
2. What blogs should I follow?
Start with @inceptiversary and @inceptiversarysocial. If you have a cat, may I suggest @inceptionkitties? Then take a look AT THE INCEPTION BLOGS MASTERLIST and see what else you like!
As for tumblr tags (tumblr.com/tagged/[search term]) you should track #inceptiversary and #inception and your ship’s tag. if you’re participating in a particular activity, it may have its own tag too. check the designated blog or post for that activity.
 Also recommended:
#christopher nolan
#emma thomas
#wally pfister
#hans zimmer
#tom hardy
#ken watanabe
#marion cotillard
#leonardo dicaprio
#dileep rao
#ellen page
#joseph gordon-levitt
#cillian murphy
#michael caine
#lukas haas
#tom berenger
#pete postlethwaite (RIP)
3. Who/What/Where/When?
Take a look at the full calendar of events, organized by me, @teacuphuman09 (more info will be added in the next few weeks)
The main resource hub, the inceptiversary blog, run by @heathledger, @flosculations, and @jambees221b
Watch parties will be held all month long, hosted by @inceptiversarysocial  and organized by @guiltypuknowme. Watch parties all month long! Special viewings of Inception, the Dark Knight Rises, as well as plenty of other films featuring our favorite castmembers!
Watch party bingo at the Inception showings are organized by @thingsbeginningwitha. We'll be hosting multiple viewings of Inception and playing bingo as we go, with prizes TBA. Bingo cards are randomly generated with key moments from the film, including the brief appearance of Yusuf's cat, Saito buying the airline, and snow angel!Eames' heroic skiing!
the inception 30 day challenge, organized by @flosculatory. A chance to create any kind of post you want (art, text, music, photosets, passionate rambling, etc.) based on daily Inception-related prompts.
@inceptionkitties are running four events this year, including one for inceptiondoggies! Organized by @a-forger-and-a-point-man and @amarulasmile 
fanworks roundups, organized by @tamat9 and @grizzly-bear-bane​ STARTS JULY 1
inception reversebang, hosted by @i-reversebang and organized by @sibilantly​ SIGN UPS open in July
inception kink/trope bingo, hosted by @inceptionbingo and organized by @sibilantly
arthur x eames last drabble writer standing (aeldws), hosted by @aelastwriter and organized by @sibilantly​
fanfic group discussions, hosted by @dreamin-reader and organized by @brookebond
the friending meme, organized by  @flosculatory. A great way to meet new people in the Inception fandom or to learn new things about fandom friends (ex. who owns the strangest pets).
inception quiz, organized by @betterpausenow, @thingsbeginningwitha.  A chance to demonstrate your point man skills and prove yourself as the wisest, most detail-oriented member of the fandom with a brand new Inceptiversary Quiz! There'll be questions about the film, the production and the cast and crew, but revision is not required (unless you're very competitive).
Rare Pairs Appreciation, organized by @katiewont. Showing love to all the little ships in our world.
inceptiversary/007fest crossover event: round-robin tournament - team inception vs team 007, hosted by @a-forger-and-a-point-man and @castillon02. We won this last year so it’s our title to defend!
Comment Contest hosted by @teacuphuman09. Every comment on fic or artwork posted on AO3 in July will be entered into a draw to win a prize (fic, art, etc.) from that account! A great way to promote comments and praise for our hardworking creators! Authors and artists who wish to participate can email me at [email protected], or message me on here. Please be aware that you will be responsible for drawing your own winners out of your comments.
Dunkirk Viewing and Chat -Needs a Host! A chat about Chris Nolan’s new film after opening weekend.
Fandom Auction for AA hosted by @corinnetags. In honor of ArtificialAspidistra, who was a beloved member of our fandom that we lost this winter, we are holding a fandom auction to raise money for charities she designated in her name. You will be able to bid on awesome stuff such as art, fic, beta services, and fandom crafts! If you would like to contribute an item for auction, please contact Corinne at [email protected]
And finally there will be prizes and giveaways galore throughout the month from the following amazing people:
Writers: @kedgeree11, @teacuphuman09, @renn, @thegertie, @amarulasmile, @brookebond, @chelseamouse, @guiltypuknowme, @dasyatidae, @kate2kat, @jambees221b, @earlgreytea68, @dandalf-the-disco
Artists: @amysnotdeadyet, @somedrunkpirate, @amarulasmile, @youcantsaymylastname, @dasyatidae, @harlanhardway, @kedgeree11
Crafters: @pinkys-creature-feature
5. Who is accepting prompts for Inceptiversary? 
We are still looking for volunteers to contribute, so please let me know if you are interested!
6. Where do I find the infamous Inception button?
Why, right HERE, of course!
I think that about covers it. It’s going to be busy, but fun, and I hope you all enjoy the events we have planned! If I’ve missed anything, or if you’d like to add an event, please let me know asap! Enjoy Inceptiversary 2017!
193 notes · View notes
talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 12 - aka. All Chained Up With Nowhere to Go
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name | Y/E/C = Your Eye Colour
Start Here - Last - Next (Coming soon)
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Making your way to the back of the night club, you looked at your watch and held your breath for a second as you listened out for trouble. Sam would have made it to the guards stationed out front by now, but you didn’t hear any signs of fighting. Which should mean you were good to go. 
So, with one last glance towards Dean, who was setting up close enough to react if you called for help through the comms, but not close enough to be spotted, you slipped around the corner and rolled your shoulders as you faced the wall. 
Surveying your surroundings you smirked at how goddamn easy they’d made it for you. The building was from the 1950s or 60s, by your estimation. God how you loved architects from the ‘golden era’. 
Their hard-on for the Brutalist style of architecture meant you were left with plenty of sharp angles and ledges to use when scaling the wall. And this building was no different. All blocky and filled with unnecessary little ledges and windows that were nearly too close to each other, all the way up. Like your own little stairway to heaven. 
If heaven was the roof of an abandoned nightclub that was… 
Shouldering your bag of tools, you slipped on your gloves instead. Choosing to free solo the climb. Sure, you did have climbing gear in the bag for scaling walls. But using any of them on that wall would be an affront to Charlie’s genius. 
So, instead you easily scaled the simple structure in a few short minutes without getting any tools out of your Mary Poppins bag of thievery. Not even slightly winded from the easy climb as you hoisted yourself up on the ledge and looked down over it with a smirk. 
Suck it Catwoman. 
With no time to waste you quickly, and quietly, made your way across the roof, looking for the skylight featured in Charlie’s blueprints. Keeping low so as to not be seen by anyone passing by, as the completely flat roof left little in the form of blind spots if someone were to look up at the wrong moment from across the street.
Luckily, the skylight itself was easy enough to spot. Even though it was covered in a grimy layer of dust and dirt from years of being left unattended, some parts of it still caught the bright sunlight and reflected it back at you. And, like the sneaky little thief you were, you could spot anything even remotely shiny from miles away. 
Skylights, apparently, included. 
Slowing your pace, you dropped down along the edge of the glass and squinted through the layer of dirt, looking for… Well, more dirt. Just this time in the shape of the mobster who was stupid enough to get himself caught. Your earlier high from scaling the building faded at the thought of having to rescue the master of sass himself as you frowned at the dirty glass, looking for a spot that was clean enough to look through. 
Once you finally found a dime sized spot, however, your smile returned. Twisting into a smirk as you looked down at Crowley in the middle of the room. It warmed your little thieving heart to see the smug bastard chained to a chair with, from what you could tell, some kind of cloth shoved into his mouth to gag him. 
Apparently you weren’t the only one who didn’t appreciate the mobster’s style of ‘communication’.  
Better yet, they clearly didn’t see Crowley as the big bad he made himself out to be. Either that or Sam was really wowing the crowds out in the front of the nightclub… Since the room was free of guards. Leaving your little damsel all on his lonesome.
Which made your job a hell of a lot easier. Since it meant you wouldn’t have to silently knock them out one by one before rescuing the chained up princess. 
Sitting down cross-legged on the roof next to what looked like one of the easiest glass panels to remove, you pulled your bag of tricks off your back. 
Though you didn’t mind just watching Crowley’s misery through the dirty skylight, time was of the essence. If not for the mobster, then for your friends on the ground. Which meant you needed to work fast, instead of making Crowley suffer some more. Which would have been fun. Especially since you’d have front row seats to the show. But alas, duty called, and you’d long since lost ghosting privileges against that cruel bitch, so you had to answer.
With one last smirk down at the chained up mobster, you quickly pulled out your pre-calculated lengths of rope and additional harness hooks. Expertly putting on your full rappelling gear and triple checking your knots as you mentally did the math, trying to calculate how high up you were. 
Charlie’s blueprints had included an approximation of the height from the ceiling to floor, so you should have just enough rope to make a safe and soft landing. But sometimes those blueprints were rounded down. Which could leave you a few inches short. So you still eyed the floor warily, before deciding that… Fuck it, it was a close enough match to your pre-determined rope length. Letting you shave a few minutes off of your prep. 
Pulling on your harnesses, you triple checked that everything was in working order with a few sharp tugs. Allowing yourself a pleased hum when everything stayed unmoving and taut under your expertly trained fingers. 
Fuck 50 shades… Christian Grey had nothing on your rope work. 
Next up in your backpack of wonders, you pulled out the throwing knives Charlie had designed for you. Using one to loosen the panels you’d be rappelling down through before tucking the other blades away safely inside your sleeve. Just in case you had to face off with a goon while rescuing the damned Scotsman. 
The silicone holding everything in place was old. And so, you could luckily make quick work of it the old school way, without involving other gadgets to soften the bindings or cut through the glass. Soon enough you held the first glass panel gently between two gloved hands. Grinning victoriously at the pane before just as gently placing it on the roof beside you and working on the next one.
The last thing you needed was glass dropping down onto the concrete floor below and alerting the guards. Even if it would have been funny to see Crowley’s reaction. Or even better yet, having the panel knock the mobster out completely. At least then you wouldn’t have to actually listen to him as you saved his ass. 
Luckily they were big enough, so after removing just four of the sturdy glass panels, you had just enough space to safely let yourself rappel down through the skylight. 
“All set, got eyes on our damsel. I’m moving in now,” You whispered out into the empty space around you. Knowing your earpiece would catch your words and transfer them right into the ears of both Sam and Dean. 
Giving it a beat, you waited for Dean’s confirmation and held your breath hoping you wouldn’t hear from Sam. Afterall, the youngest Winchester had his piece muted unless necessary so that his own grifting wouldn’t interfere with your infiltration as he talked circles around the guards out front. If he answered you, it would mean quietly and carefully was out the window and Dean would have to go in guns blazing. 
“Coast is still clear, Sam’s keeping them busy…” Dean’s voice ended on a hesitant note that had your body tense as you waited, holding your breath in case your hitter had been spotted talking to himself by an eagle-eyed guard. Yet, as he continued speaking, you let your body relax with a soft smile. 
“Stay safe (Y/N)...” 
“Always Dean, you know me. Risk-averse as fuck,” You shot back with a small grin, knowing your words would have the mercenary rolling his eyes and Sam doing his utmost to not do the same. After all, considering part of your job description was rappelling down buildings, crawling through claustrophobic ventilation systems and dodging lasers, you were the furthest thing from ‘risk-averse’. 
Crouching by the side of the now open section of the sky light, you took a breath to steady yourself without waiting for any response from either of your ground based backup. Knowing neither would want to reward your absolute comedic genius with an answer anyway. 
Instead, you refocused on your task at hand; hooking your harness lines up to the sturdiest pipes and concrete outcroppings you could see. 
This was it. The best part of the job. 
Looking down at the ground three full floors below from the theater styled open concept of the nightclub, you smirked at Crowley’s bound form. Still completely unaware that you were about to drop down and rescue his ass. Luckily the skylight was focused directly on the middle of the dance floor. Saving you time as you wouldn’t have to slow your descent to deal with the two levels of balconies and seating areas surrounding the dancefloor where Crowley was chained to his chair. 
A straight forward leap of faith would do just fine. 
And they were just so much more fun than stupid slow and steady descents. 
The seconds before a jump always made you feel like you were in one of those action movies Dean loved making you watch in your downtime. Even though he spent every second criticizing every single action hero for their shoddy gun work. Not that you were any better. Any break-in scene was always heavily peppered with your own expert opinions. 
Taking one last breath you stood up and rolled your shoulders before turning until your back was facing the open section of the skylight. And, with no hesitation, you stepped back. Letting yourself freefall down into the building. 
You were Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Just hotter, not out of your mind, and with actual skills. You were James Fucking Bond, and for once not a damn Bond girl. You were grace personified. You were… 
The harness snapped taught just a few inches off the floor, cutting off your internal monologue as effectively as it cut off your oxygen.
You were winded. 
Luckily, the slightly botched landing was done behind Crowley. And even when winded, you were a professional, which meant he wouldn’t even know you were there until you wanted him to know. So the Scotsman didn’t get to gloat at your less than graceful entrance.
Unhooking your tether, since you knew you couldn’t carry the fully grown man back up, you took a second to poke gently at your slightly sore torso with a grimace before you cleared your throat to alert Crowley to your presence. Taking a bit of pleasure in seeing the big bad tense up in fear until you strolled nonchalantly up from behind him, coming into view from behind his chair. 
Yet, as soon as he saw it was you, and not the people who had given him all that fancy new silver jewelry that locked him to the chair, the mobster visibly relaxed in his seat. Leaning back with what you thought was a smirk through the oily cloth the bad guys had used to gag him as you scowled at the infuriating Scotsman. 
Nodding his head, Crowley asked you, non-verbally, to remove the gag in his mouth as you just smirked down at him. For a second, you considered just leaving it there. But you knew it would only buy you a minute, at most, until you picked the locks on the cuffs and chains locking him to the chair anyway. And that minute of him staying gagged would probably just lead to more sass once he could remove the gag himself. 
It just wasn’t worth it. 
Sighing in defeat, you grimaced as you pinched the outside of the cloth with two gloved fingers. Not wanting to be anywhere near the mobster’s mouth as you gingerly removed the oily cloth that had clearly just been grabbed off of some of the debris lying around in a desperate attempt to shut the talkative Scotsman up. 
As soon as the gag was out, however, you really wished you’d left it in. Or one better; decided to just knock the damn irritating man out so you could rescue him in peace. 
“Here to help me darling?” Crowley sounded relaxed and confident as he spoke up without even as much as a thank you. Throwing you that trademark smirk as the chains clanked with a small wave of his fingers in your direction. Huffing you dropped to your knees and shrugged off your backpack again with a roll of your eyes. You wanted to be out of there fast. If nothing else, just to not have to be around the self-proclaimed king of the underground. 
“Oh… Honey. You need a lot of help. But I can’t help you. Once we get out of here, go make a therapist rich somewhere. Preferably far away from me,” You snapped back as you pulled out your lock picking set. Sneering up at Crowley as he chuckled dryly at your comeback. 
“Concerned for my well being are you? That’s sweet (Y/N). Once this job is done you should come work for me. Keep an eye on me from up close and… Personal,” Crowley’s words were peppered with enough innuendo to make you gag on it as you shuddered visibly at the idea of being anywhere near the mobster for an extended period of time. 
Sure, you knew it was all just… Harmless, with Crowley. He wasn’t interested in you. He was only interested in your reactions. Because though you could put up a good front when you needed to, you could never hide your disgust whenever the mobster flirted with you. 
Throwing him another sneer, you placed the extra picks between your teeth to keep from cursing the man out. As you glanced up at him before refocusing on the locks that needed picking, your features twisted into a small smirk as you noticed the bruises forming under his eyes for the first time. 
At least they beat him. 
Getting to work, you made easy work of the first chain shackling his feet to the ground. Not wanting his hands loose whilst you worked. Luckily the bad guys had made use of standard industrial padlocks to lock the chains around his feet. Even if they’d gone a little overboard by having four separate locks on the damned things. 
Not that it mattered, you could have opened the laughably simple locks with nearly anything. While blind folded. Though, you didn’t let that on, as you pretended to focus on the locks. In some vain hope that the man in his damned tailored suit would shut up and let you work. 
Though, you should have known better. 
It was Crowley. If he stopped talking, it probably meant he was dead. Or worse… Scheming something. 
“Don’t you feel sorry for me?” The mobster prodded, clearly having noticed your little pleased smirk at seeing him bruised and beaten. Which… Hell. Why would he even ask? Your smirk should have been answer enough. If Sam hadn’t profusely forbidden it, you would have already socked him one yourself, for putting your whole operation in jeopardy.
“I have no sympathy for criminals,” You spat back between clenched teeth to keep the spare lockpicks in place as you got to work on the next padlock, having already made short work of two of the four chaining his legs to the chair. 
“You know, (Y/N), you’re technically a…” Crowley just drawled back, throwing the defense you’d offered up to Dean only hours earlier right back in your own dumb face, though he had no way of knowing. And, unfortunately, also bringing back memories of the explosive results to follow in the closed and private gun range. Which left you with little mental capacity to think of a good comeback as your fingers trembled around the lock picks before cutting off Crowley’s words with a growl. 
“Shut. Up,” Spoken through gritted teeth, your words came out with a little less sass and a whole lot more anger, which thankfully, for once seemed to temporarily shut the mobster up. Even if it was because he was busy musing over what had made you so angry just so he could use it as ammunition against you in the future. 
Taking a deep breath through your nose, you absentmindedly sucked on the two lockpicks you’d placed in your mouth. As if the taste of steel and the fresh dose of oxygen could push away any thoughts of Dean’s lips… Or his arms, or body or… Damn it. Even through the taste of steel on your tongue you could still taste that hint of spiced peppermint. 
Forcing yourself to focus, you removed the two picks you’d been biting on from between your teeth and instead bit the inside of your cheek as you made quick work of lock number three and four, leaving Crowley’s feet free. Though his hands were still both handcuffed to the chair. 
You were a goddamn professional. 
You’d done well so far at keeping the memories of the gun range or closet from interfering with the job. Sure, things had been awkward in the truck, but you’d still done what High School Musical taught you and kept your goddamn head in the game. 
There was no way in hell you’d let Crowley destroy your flow this close to the finish line.
“Take your time darling, I’ve got all the time in the world,” Crowley drawled. As if you weren’t already picking the locks in fucking record time. Though, for once, you were nearly grateful for his damned sass. Since it forced your thoughts back into the not-exactly-safety of the abandoned nightclub instead of the much more dangerous territory that was the bunker’s gun range. 
“Do you enjoy it?” You just mused back as you moved up to the first pair of handcuffs chaining his left hand to the arm of the chair. Taking your damn time with positioning the lock so you could see the keyhole, just to piss the mobster off a little bit more. 
You took your victories where you could find them, and Crowley had just served this one up on a silver platter. Though he put up a good front, you hadn’t missed the slight urgency to his lazy drawl. Nor the little nervous glance of his dark eyes towards what you guessed was the door behind you; keeping an eye out for any uninvited guests crashing the party. 
Which, in fairness, you would have been too. If you didn’t trust Sam to have your back. Or at least warn you if he couldn’t stop the mobsters outside from coming to check on their hostage situation. 
“Enjoy what pet?” Crowley seemed slightly amused as his eyes watched you expertly place your picks in the small lock on the side of his shiny new silver bracelet before rising to meet yours with that same cocky smirk back in place. 
“Being an insufferable ass,” You snapped back just as the handcuff on his left wrist clicked open. 
“Of course… Why do you think I do it all the time?” Crowley chuckled, following his words up with yet another example of his trademark insufferableness, as he got in your way by pulling his now free hand across his body to use his still tied up right hand to rub away the irritation left by the cuffs. Stopping you from continuing your lock picking as you rolled your eyes at the big baby.
“A hard childhood? Past trauma? Some Freudian level shit with your parents? Actually... I’ve met your mother. That does explain some shit. But still… Shush, I don’t want to know. Take it up with the therapist I told you to hire,” You shot back as you pushed his free left hand away to give you access to the last lock keeping him chained to the chair. Keeping up your rant until you heard the satisfying sound of the final lock clicking open to stop Crowley from shooting in with even more sass and delaying your work.
“Or you could come work…” Crowley started again as he gently massaged his now free right wrist, but before he could even get the words out, you held up a hand. Both in refusal, and because the voice you’d hoped you wouldn’t hear until you were safely out of range of the nightclub was coming through loud and clear in your ear; Sam.
“(Y/N), two of them are coming your way. Couldn’t stop ‘em. Dean…” 
Zoning out whatever orders Sam had for your hitter, you quickly turned on your heel to face the door Crowley had been eyeing warily just moments earlier. If you’d been alone, you’d be able to evade them easily. But you weren’t, and you doubted Crowley could just poof out of the room while you ran for cover. No matter how much he dressed like a budget cruise ship magician.
Your only choice was the rear entrance. 
Which was probably also the entrance Dean would be rushing in through to provide you backup based on the few words you caught between Sam and him. With any luck, you’d reach the door before the mobsters came to check up on Crowley. Or at the very least, you’d have Dean providing some cover fire for you while you got the hell out of dodge.
“Get moving Crowley, we’ll have company any minute now,” You hissed towards the mobster who quickly got to his feet and looked to you for direction. Looking wide eyed and lost as he stood frozen in place, eyes focused on the main door. Which had you once more rolling your eyes at the clueless Scotsman.
“The back door! What are you waiting for? A fucking invitation?” You stage whispered as you nodded towards the door at the other end of the dance floor behind Crowley’s chair. 
Pushing him forward, you followed closely behind him across the open, empty concept of the former nightclub’s main floor. Fuck, you hoped the goons coming to check weren’t carrying guns. There was barely any cover to hide behind at all. Though, if it came down to it, you’d totally use Crowley as a meat shield. Because fuck that.
You weren’t getting shot just because that fucking idiot wanted to play Cinderella at the ball with a shiny new suit in the middle of a damn con.
“Where’s your backup?” Crowley’s question was staggered and broken between heavy breaths as he hurried towards the back entrance, at much too slow a speed for your liking. 
“I’m not really the… Fighting type,“ He clarified when you chose to keep running instead of answering him. Urging him forward with a not so gentle push, you kept your ears peeled for the sound of the door behind you opening, or the booted stomps of some cartoonishly large goons chasing after you. 
You just knew they’d be cartoonishly large. It was part of the damn ‘goon’ job description. You were nearly 99% sure the big bads of the world came together once a year to have goon casting calls. To find the biggest and baddest next generation of villainous himbos to do their bidding through some criminal parody of the X-Factor.
“Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. You just keep running,” You huffed back as you eyed the rear entrance. You were nearly home free. Yet, just as soon as the thought struck you, you heard the unmistakable click of a door opening somewhere behind you. Followed closely by the surprised shout leaving the angry mobster as he spotted you across the dance floor.
“I think you mean cards,” Crowley shot back with just a hint of that same snark. Before the sight of the goons charging towards him, and by extension you, finally lit a fire under him making the mobster speed up. Sprinting towards the door at a speed that could have gotten you the hell out of dodge before the damned goons showed up. But of course he waited to become fucking Flash Gordon until the threat of more oily cloths being stuffed down his gullet became very real. 
Fucking typical. 
“Nope… I mean knives,” You spat between sharp breaths as you dug out one of the throwing knives you’d stashed in your sleeves while still up on the roof, spinning on your heel to get the biggest, baddest and maddest goon into view before throwing the small, lethally sharp knife at one of your two pursuers. 
He was, of course, just as cartoonishly large as you’d suspected him to be. Which made him an easy target for your pretty much perfected marksmanship. Hitting him in the upper thigh, you grinned as the big guy stumbled over his own feet in shock. Clutching at his injury, he growled at you once, before his legs failed him and he crumbled to the floor with a muted scream.
With any luck, on his side, the deep cut to his femoral artery wouldn’t kill him. But he definitely wouldn’t be able to walk for the next few weeks.
Biting back the need to shout timber as the big lug fell, you dug out another knife and threw it at goon number two as you kept running backwards towards the door. Not taking as much time to line up your shot, since the second giant was quickly gaining on you. Your knife flew towards his knee, but after seeing his colleague crumble, the big guy was on the lookout for more of your little stabby projectiles, and just barely dodged it as he kept rushing towards you. 
Just as you were about to take out another of your precious knives to waste on the damned slippery bastard rushing you, the room, and goon, in front of you was suddenly bathed in light. The sharp light blinded the goon for just long enough that you could turn to face the source of it. Sighing in relief you squinted towards the sudden brightness spilling into the slightly dim nightclub from the rear entrance. 
The cavalry was here. 
Leaving your knife in your sleeve, you shot Dean a grateful grin. Even though you couldn’t fully see him, just the outline of him; all bowlegs and muscle. In front of you, however, Crowley nearly came to a full stop as you crashed into him. 
Seemingly not realizing that the only creature on God’s green earth with such a damned near perfect silhouette was Dean Winchester. But… Then again, Crowley was probably not constantly daydreaming about the Greek God of a mercenary like you were. Though you wouldn’t put it past him. You had seen him attempting to flirt his way into getting Dean to join his crew more than once.
“Idiot! That’s our backup!” You hissed at the mobster, pulling him forward by the arm. Before just as quickly forcing his head down with a rough hand as you watched Dean line up his shot from in front of you as the goon behind you started charging forward again. The gleam of the silencer nearly blinded you fully as you crouched low and kept running for safety. Reaching Dean just as the slight whistle of the silencer signaled that the bullet had left the barrel and buried itself in the shoulder of the mobster that was still standing. 
Looking up at Dean from where you were crouched next to him, you raised an eyebrow. Dean was an excellent shot. But that one didn’t match his style. A shot to the shoulder wouldn’t take that giant of a man down fast enough for you to get away. Yet, before you could question your sharpshooter, you watched as the second goon came to a full stop. His feet unsteady under him as a hand went up to his shoulder; a look of anger, tainted by complete confusion on his big dumb face. Before he promptly, and not-so-gracefully, fell flat on that very same face. 
“Tranquilizer pellets, Charlie and I’s latest invention. Forget knocking out an elephant, one of these bad boys pack enough punch to knock out the whole damn zoo,” Dean grinned in answer to your unspoken question. The smile made the seasoned mercenary look much younger, as green eyes shone with the joy of getting to play with one of his toys. 
Though he might be a trained mercenary and one of the most dangerous men on the planet, at his core, he was still just a big kid. And the bigger the gun, the happier Dean Winchester was. 
“Please don’t tell me Charlie thought those up to knock me out the next time I decide to just say fuck it and have 6 espresso shots in one coffee again?” You asked, ignoring Crowley’s protest as you nearly shouldered him out the door. Too focused on Dean’s carefree smile to even bother looking over at the damsel you’d just saved. 
“Can’t tell you sweetheart. I’ve been sworn to secrecy,” Dean shot back with a laugh as he shut the rear entrance behind you and placed a warm hand at the small of your back, leading you forward as you tugged Crowley along by one of his stupid tailored suit sleeves. 
“I knew it,” You huffed jokingly before letting your smile drop as you looked back towards the still thankfully shut rear entrance. 
Time to get the hell out of dodge.
“Sam, the job’s done. Mind calling us an uber?” You called out into the headset, knowing the younger Winchester would have been listening in and was probably already on his way from your earlier comments to Dean. 
“Already on my way, get back down the road, half a block away. I just saw the rest of them run into the nightclub, so hurry. They’ll start swarming soon,” 
The sound of Sam’s truck door slamming shut acted as the full stop to his sentence as you started speeding up. As soon as Sam’s words reached you, Dean’s hand applied some pressure to the small of your back, rushing you forward as you both decided to ignore your much slower third wheel while hurrying away from the not-so-abandoned nightclub. 
Crowley, however, seemed to have gotten the message as he quickly tried to fall back into step with you. Ignoring the hard look Dean sent him as he instead grinned at you between huffs of air. 
“Going back to what I was saying before we were so… Rudely interrupted,” He said between breaths as he struggled to keep up with Dean’s much speedier steps where the hitter was nearly pushing you down the road. God, even when running he had to take the time to be obnoxious. Instead of saving his breath for, well, breathing. Which the normally desk bound mobster seemed to sorely need to focus on. 
“No,” Your tone was flat and clipped as you cut him off again. Not wanting to hear more of his bullshit as you longed for the relative safety of Sam’s truck, and the far off future where you no longer had to listen to the king of sass. 
“I’m just saying darling… You seemed so worried for my safety in there. Things like that… Move a man,” He continued, despite your quite clear rejection. Completely ignoring the burning looks Dean was sending him, though it was much harder for you to ignore, as Dean’s hand that had previously rested softly on your lower back snaked around your waist to pull you closer to his side and away from Crowley. Making it much harder for you to sprint forward and away from danger.
“You can take that job offer and shove it…” Before you could finish spelling out your creative new filing system idea to Crowley, you were interrupted by the squeal of tires as Sam’s big truck pulled up next to you.
“Get inside, now,” 
The urgency in Sam’s tone was doubly underlined by the shouts coming from back at the nightclub, where the rest of the mobsters had seemingly found their knocked out buddies and were busy flooding out of the back entrance of the building. 
Swallowing your words, you instead let your irritation fuel you as you wrenched open the door before, unceremoniously, shoving Crowley inside the backseat. Frowning as you realized you would have to sit next to him, you still slid out of Dean’s hold on you and into the backseat of the truck after the mobster. 
However, as you reached for the door to wrench it back shut, Dean stopped you with a big hand holding the door open. His green eyes were still burning a hole in Crowley, who barely even seemed to notice him as he was busy trying to remember how to breathe. Before sending you a weary eyed look after shooting a final round of daggers at Crowley as he shut the car door and ran around to the passenger side. 
As soon as Dean slid into his seat, Sam gunned it down the road. Not caring if the loud roar of the car engine caught the attention of the mobsters that had now flooded into the street half a block back. 
You were home free. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned back in your seat, closing your eyes to take stock of your losses. You’d managed to grab your backpack. But the new ropes for your shiny new harness were lost. As were two of your favorite knives. Bastards. Maybe you could take it out of Crowley’s paycheck? It was his fault after all. 
As you opened your eyes to suggest that the costs of the rescue mission would come out of Crowley’s commission, you were instead left tongue tied. As Dean’s brilliant green eyes cut off your words where he’d twisted in his seat to throw you one of those unfair boyish grins that always knocked the breath out of you. 
Damn him and his… Everything. 
“Nice work (Y/N),” He grinned. Still completely ignoring Crowley next to you, as his whole body radiated with the adrenaline of getting away more or less unscathed. By the time the two guys that had clocked you had time to share your descriptions with the rest of Evil Inc. they’d all be behind bars anyway. 
“Of course! Did you ever doubt me?” You shot back, mirroring his adrenaline fuelled smile with one of your own. Now that you’d made it safely out of there, you were practically bouncing in your seat from the straight shot of energy to your veins that a good getaway always gave you. 
“Yes… Yes we did. Several times… Actually, we doubt you most of the time,” Sam shot back as he focused on the road. Only looking away to send you that tried and tested shiteating grin that only little brothers had perfected through the rear-view mirror.
Yet, before you could throw some insults back his way, the proverbial elephant in the room decided he had to be the center of attention. Which honestly was nothing new. Sometimes you swore Crowley was a figment of your collective imaginations, and if he didn’t make you pay attention to him, he’d just fade from existence. 
Though you knew that was all just wishful thinking on your end. 
“She was… A vision. I offered her a job you know? With certain benefits,” Crowley shot in, sending you a sleazy wink. 
It was his turn to ignore Dean. Pretending he didn’t see the daggers the trained mercenary was sending his way. The mobster was clearly playing with fire. If the look Dean was sending him was anything to go by, your hitter was only seconds away from ripping his spine out through his throat. And that was a very real threat when coming from the Dean Winchester.
Though, even with his death imminent so soon after you saved him, you didn’t like Crowley enough to warn him. As you instead resorted to just audibly gagging at his words in lieu of another no. Since the word didn’t seem to exist in his dictionary anyway. A visible shudder running through you at the thought of working for the mobster. You’d already been someone’s thieving little lap dog and you were done with that life thank-you-very-much. 
“Ok, so the benefits can be negotiated. If nothing else, having someone who can remove a pair of handcuffs in just a few seconds could be very useful…” And though it seemed like he meant it like an actual offer, you weren’t an idiot. It didn’t really take a genius to hear the clear sexual innuendo in his words. The insufferable bastard just wouldn’t stop. 
“She’s busy,” Dean shot back instead of you. As if he thought you were incapable of turning down what was clearly a bad job yourself. Hell, you’d rather work as a damn unpaid intern than get paid stacks of money to work for Crowley. 
Which, actually… 
Technically your current gig was unpaid. Some jobs just also happened to line your pockets when you were getting money back from the bad guys. They were bonuses, really, not a steady paycheck. So you really would rather work pro bono than for the figurative devil next to you. 
“Not. Interested. I work for the good guys now, not scum,” You spat back, sending Dean a little smug smirk as if you showed him by shutting Crowley down. Which was the weirdest thing to be smug about, but hell… You’d had someone speaking for you every day of your life until you were 15, and you weren’t on the look out for a new puppet master. Not now, not ever. 
“But bad is good! I don’t know why you reacted so harshly in there. You should embrace your bad side; the world loves a bad girl… I know I for one do,” Crowley hummed as you cringed internally. Damn it, you’d known he would try to use your earlier outburst of anger against you. But it still took everything you had to not let the panic show on your features as you instead rolled your eyes at him. 
Ignoring Crowley’s endless ranting about how bad girls were the best thing since sliced bread, you instead turned to face Dean. Not wanting Crowley to repeat the words he’d said earlier, in case they would make Dean remember the gun range like you had, you kept your expression neutral as you spoke up over the damn mobster where he seemed moments away from composing an ode to wicked little women. 
You wouldn’t let Crowley mess up any more of your day. Not just when everything seemed fine between you and Dean… Or even better than fine! They seemed back to normal. 
“Dean… Can I borrow your gun?” Raising your volume to be heard over both the roar of the engine and the incessant chattering of your rescued damsel, you held your hand out and batted (Y/E/C) eyes at your hitter in mock innocence. 
“Sure sweetheart,” Dean said without missing a beat, reaching across his body to unholster one of his many firearms, before stopping his hand midair right as he was about to hand you the loaded weapon. A raised eyebrow and soft smirk telling you he knew the answer to his question before he’d even asked it. 
“... Why?” 
“Let me shoot him,” You growled back, sending a head nod in Crowley’s direction as you tried to reach for the gun that Dean was keeping just out of your reach. The threat of violence finally shutting Crowley up as Dean shook his head with a chuckle. 
“Not until after we finish this job (Y/N), and not in my car,” Sam shot in, not wanting to risk his older brother agreeing with you that violence was, as always, the answer when dealing with Crowley’s kind. 
“Damn it… You’re no fun,” Pouting you crossed your arms and sank back into your seat like a petulant child. It was gonna be a long ride. And, considering you’d have to interrogate the Scotsman to find out how the hell he managed to get himself caught, it was shaping up to be an awful day. 
So much for Charlie’s magical Princess Leia buns. The fates, and that sadistic bitch, mother nature, had once more decided tormenting you was their ultimate favorite pastime. 
Oh joy…
Start Here - Last - Next (Coming soon)
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Charity Heist: @foxyjwls007 @seppys-return-to-madness @stoneyggirl2 @ladysparkles78 @twinkleinadiamondsky @tmb510 @mimaria420
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @deans-spinster-witch @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70 @djs8891 @pink-sparkly-witch
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 7 - aka. The Scaredy Cat Stratagem
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name
Start Here - Last - Next
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Where were you? Who were you? What the fuck were you?
Your brain was still so far in the fog it was a miracle that you managed to make it downstairs without a damn lighthouse leading the way. Though somehow Sam’s voice in your ear, relaying orders for your every step on the way, kept you focused. While Dean’s eyes burning into your back had spurred you forwards as your fight or flight instinct kicked in. Getting you down the stairs quickly, yet safely. As if you were fleeing from the dangerously attractive weapon’s specialist who was just two steps behind you the whole way down.
Wait… Scratch that ‘as if’. You were totally fleeing. And you were woman enough to admit it.
One second, you’d been opening the door in the office which housed the closet-that-shall-not-be named. If closets that weren’t IKEA made even had names. And the next you’d been downstairs, rubbing elbows with the rich and the wicked. Wanting to bathe in sanitizer to get the stench of their particular brand of evil off of you. 
Successfully running away from your problems once more. Though you had no memory of your latest escape.
Luckily your training had been literally beaten into you since childhood. The joys of going with the mafia as your not-exactly-chosen educational institution instead of, y’know, school. But, it had come in handy for once. As Alicia, was still the star of your one-man show, at least externally. If not, your whole cover would’ve been blown. Just like your damned mind had been.
Why the fuck had you done that? 
At some point, somewhere between the seam in the wall where the safe was and the flimsy safety of the closet, you’d lost your mind. First half of it – and then the other half had set out on a fucking movie trilogy journey to find the first. 
Probably one involving a ring, some tiny hobbits and a wise old wizard. The big, cinematic ending seeing your sense of danger and survival instinct getting thrown into the fucking magma instead of the fucking ring. 
Reckless. Brainless. Stupid…
As Bobby would say; you were an idjit.
Making your way across the crowded floor, you bit the inside of your cheek to not flinch as Dean’s warm palm once more found your bare back. The trained mercenary falling right back into his role just as quickly as you did. Slowly escorting you across the floor, as if you were leaving the party elegantly. Instead of fleeing it like the bat out of hell you were. You were, after all, professionals. Even if you didn’t exactly feel like one. 
That had been dangerous. 
Not to mention the fact that the mafia had been right on the other side of the damn closet door. 
Ok, so maybe your priorities were slightly skewed. You were pretty sure that the amount of firearms the mobsters were carrying would’ve killed you faster than Dean’s lips on yours. But, hell, the biggest danger in your mind still seemed to be your lethally sexy cover date for the evening. Not the big honcho mobster, nor his questionable design choices and gunpowder style of accessories. 
Taking a shaky breath, you let the cool evening air shock you back into reality as soon as you made your way safely out of the den of thieves masquerading as a charity event. Allowing the fresh air, free of perfume, cigarette smoke and alcohol fumes, to sharpen your mind. 
Letting some of ‘Alicia’ fall to the wayside along with your plastered on plastic smile, you still had to keep your cover intact for a few more minutes. But, luckily, a little pout fit the arm candy character just as well when leaving a party. Alicia was, after all, a party girl hanging off of the arm of a man that daddy dearest totally wouldn’t approve of.
Shaking away the panic and reflection on the kiss that almost was. You instead refocused on the conversations that were actively playing out in your ear as you let Dean lead you out into the large driveway, over towards the waiting valet. Hell, you even managed to throw him a small, genuine smile as he shrugged off his suit jacket and placed it gently onto your shivering shoulders. Not one of Alicia’s smiles that had made your jaw ache and your cheeks hurt the whole evening.
“...That was way too close Sam! Who’s Bobby’s inside man? I’ll… I’ll ruin his damn credit score,” 
Charlie’s panicked voice and not-so-scary threats were enough to fully ground you and turn your small half smile into a full blown one as you relaxed the shoulders you hadn’t realized you’d been tensing. Next to you, the small chuckle disguised as a cough leaving Dean showed that your hacker’s frantic threat had removed some of the tension from his too. The flat palm against your bare back becoming softer, with calloused fingertips playing against your skin, as he led you the rest of the way over to the valet who already had your car at the ready. 
She was a sight for sore eyes. Though you did miss your bike, or even Dean’s Impala, it was always best to use less personal props for your heists. And hell, as you stepped towards the gleaming black Lexus waiting for you, you had to appreciate that she was a beaut. One already warmed up for your getaway, which made her even more beautiful in your eyes. 
Stepping towards the passenger side of the two seater, you allowed Alicia to slip back in place to throw the valet a small, flirty smile. Biting your lip to keep from laughing as the flustered kid rushed to open your door for you and let you sink into the luxurious seats of the car you’d borrowed for the heist.
Well… Permanently borrowed, would most likely be more correct. But hey, at least the former owner was a crook. So you wouldn’t be losing any sleep over it.
“Considering he’s an insider in one of the biggest, baddest mafia groups around, I don’t think he worries about his credit score Char,” You quipped back a few seconds too late. Jumping back into the conversation again for the first time since you left the boss’ office as soon as you slid into the shotgun seat of the luxury car. Watching out of the corner of your eye as Dean slid into the driver seat.
Keeping your eyes focused forward, you listened to the back and forth of the rest of your team to avoid the gaze Dean threw your way. The tension from earlier had returned with a vengeance now that it was just the two of you in the car. 
The older Winchester kept his eyes on you for a second, before just as quickly throwing the car into drive and getting you the hell out of dodge. Hot on the heels of the rest of your Scooby Gang who had made sure to trickle out shortly before you. With Charlie’s panic, and Sam’s calm matter-of-factness in your ear, you could almost forget you were alone with Dean in the car. 
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you asked. Crowley decided to speak up to further ruin your mood and tear at your frazzled nerves. The cocky voice of your temporary team mate grinding on your already frayed sanity as he decided to take the downtime afforded by the getaway to further annoy you. As was, apparently, his true calling in life. 
“You’re lucky you had me there darling. If I hadn’t managed to get the boss back down to talk to Castiel, you might have lost that pretty little head of yours,” He drawled across the earpiece. Sounding like he expected some sort of participation medal for being able to rub elbows with the worst people you had the displeasure of ever meeting.
“First of all Crowley, don’t talk to me. Someone might think I actually tolerate you,” You gritted out. The last thing you needed, with your mind still halfway in the fog and your whole body on edge with nerves and adrenaline, was Crowley’s special brand of sass. His voice was 50% more grating than usual to your strained mind.
For a second you considered tearing out the earpiece and chucking it out the window of the speeding Lexus. Though the thought of Charlie’s heartbreak at losing one of her little toys stopped you from following through with the idea. Instead you settled on continuing your little attack on the devil you’d been forced to work with. To at least to get rid of some of the built up frustration from the close call and the closed closet. 
“Second of all, I know you might look down on me since I don’t have a doctorate in tea and crumpets from Hogwarts like you fucking do. But if I was taught one thing it was to think before I act. So if I break your nose as soon as I see you… Know that I have thought things through, thoroughly, and am more than confident in my decision,”
“Ouch, that hurts pet. You wound me,” The infuriating Scotsman chuckled. Sounding anything but hurt as you rolled your eyes at the window in lieu of the mobster himself. 
“Like you even have a heart to wound,” You spat back, just as Dean finally spoke up for the first time since his muttered curse at Sam back in the office.
“Shut up Crowley,” Dean’s voice was still rough and slightly breathless, but the hidden ‘or else’ behind the words, still managed to shut the big bad up for a little while. Which was honestly an impressive feat. Since Crowley never stopped talking. 
“What’s your ETA Dean?” Sam shot in, in a weak attempt at stopping Dean from promising actual bodily harm on someone who was technically on the payroll. At least until the heist was completed. Since you needed a guarantee he’d keep his mouth shut instead of turning turncoat the moment you paid up. 
“We’re one minute out. Do you think anyone noticed anything was off?” Dean’s voice was much more controlled when he answered his brother. Smoothly navigating the fast moving luxury car through the busy streets as he let his business-first mask fall fully back into place. Significantly decreasing the wordless pressure that had been resting like a heavy fucking blanket over the both of you since… Upstairs. 
“No, as Crowley said. We drew their attention. And no one noticed you coming back down. Cameras were doctored. So we should be in the clear,” Sam said, sounding confident in his cleanup job. Which meant you were just as, if not more, confident in your clean escape. 
The kid was a genius.
Didn’t mean you’d forgotten him calling you a kid though. You still predicted sippy cups and bibs in his near future. 
“Did you find the safe (Y/N)?” Sam continued. Dragging you back out of the early planning stage of how you were going to procure enough sippy cups without him noticing. 
“We’re good to go. Will brief you… Later,” You shot back. Hesitant to share anything that could be considered details when you had a possible enemy on the line with you. You trusted Crowley less than you trusted Chocolate Chip cookies to not be raisins in disguise. And you had no trust in those crumbly little bastards.
“So… Where to next?” Crowley shot back in when the line went silent as the rest caught on to the big mobster shaped elephant in the room. Choosing instead to watch as your car drove up to the designated meeting spot just as the big bad finished his question. Sounding like a clingy prom date that wanted to join an after party he clearly wasn’t invited to. 
“Us? Back to the bunker. You? I honestly couldn’t care less… Hopefully hell,” You grumbled as the car came to a stop and you reached for the door handle with one hand. Your other hand going up to turn off the earpiece to not deal with the annoying echo of hearing everything twice now that you were all face to face. However, before you could reach for either one, Crowley spoke up again. His cocky grin clearly visible through the car’s window. 
“Though I’ve heard it’s lovely this time of year, I think you still need me love,” Though you cut off your earpiece halfway through his sentence, you were still forced to hear every infuriating word as you slid out of the car and shot the man a glare when he let his eyes travel the length of your bare legs. 
“Only thing I need is for you to stop breathing…” You huffed as you tugged on the hem of your knee-length dress that still seemed too short around the constant Union Jack Flirt. Before taking two steps forward to stop Dean’s quick move around the car towards Crowley and you. The last thing you needed on a night as fucked up as this one, was for Dean’s ‘protect the family’ instinct to rear its ugly head again when you were still reeling from the almost kiss. 
Forget destroying you; it would pulverize you. 
“Like, right the fuck, now,” You added, for good measure, when the mobster only seemed amused by your annoyed words. His smile not falling even as you feinted a reach down for one of the throwing knives strapped to your thigh. 
Bobby would be furious if you killed a useful tool, which was what Crowley was; a tool. But… Maybe if you just wounded him? Just a little?
“Whoa, whoa… Remember. I’m one of the good guys tonight,” The villain cosplaying as a superhero in front of you said. His hands up in a gesture of mock surrender as he took a step back. Though you were 99% sure it was from whatever look Dean was giving him next to you, rather than your empty threat of making haggis shish kebab out of him.
“And when midnight comes around you’ll lose that glass slipper you call a heart and go right back to being bad again,” Dean jumped in, sounding more exasperated than angry as he reached for your hand and gently pulled it away from where you were seriously considering taking out one of your knives.
Just one little knife wouldn’t hurt Crowley all that much… No, that was a lie. You were an excellent marksman when it came to your throwing knives. It would hurt him, a lot, if you wanted it to. And you really, really did.
“Crowley… We’ll call you. The rest of you. Get the cars into the garage around the corner, we’ll drive back together in the van and get ready to debrief with Bobby,” Sam sighed, taking charge of the chaotic conversation like he always did. Which was probably why he was the one to be the lead on the field. The man not only had a stupid amount of law degrees, but he was also an expert at herding cats. At least when your rag tag group were the misbehaving felines he had to wrangle.
Giving the big guy an overexaggerated pout you dropped the handle of the throwing knife you’d been holding onto. And, at the same time, not-so-subtly, moved your hand away from Dean’s where it was searing hot against your skin. Keeping your eyes on Sam, you missed Dean’s hurt look, though you still felt his gaze on you. But you couldn’t risk looking into those forest green labyrinths that could easily make any girl get lost in them. You needed your mind to be clear. 
Bobby was a man who demanded details, and you couldn’t risk a certain Mr. Winchester short circuiting your brain before you’d shared everything you’d learned during your time in Mobster Land™ - The unhappiest place on earth. 
As with any father figure, Bobby’s disappointment was the scariest thing you knew. And you’d once hid out in an abandoned, supposedly haunted, amusement park for three full weeks with assassins hot on your heels.
“Yes sir, Mr. Boss Man, sir,” You groaned as you shuffled towards the van, or as close to a shuffle as you could get in six inch heels, and right into Charlie’s waiting arms. Stopping to let the redhead fuzz over every part of you and act like a worried soccer mom checking for scraped knees and bruises whilst talking a mile a minute. Leaving Dean, and the forest fire burning in his eyes behind as you wrapped yourself in your best friend’s frantic worry and focused on calming her fears.
Was it cowardly to use your best friend as a shield to hide from your crush? Hell yes. Did you care? Oh, hell no. You’d do it again in a heartbeat. 
The drive back to the cold war bunker you called your home and headquarters was luckily not as awkward as you’d feared. 
Mainly because Dean always demanded to drive when all of you were in the car. And Sam had an iron hold on the shotgun seat. Which meant Char, Cas and you were all piled into the back. Lounging in the miniature version of Charlie and Sam’s office that the back of the van had been remodeled into shortly after you… Procured it on another job. 
The military grade surveilance van was your home away from home. One you had affectionately nicknamed The Mystery Machine. Though it was a little less 1960's era hippie, and a lot more sleek, black and un-noticeable than its namesake. A kitted-out, mobile HQ on wheels. For easy, on-the-go security breaches and data gathering. 
Need a new identity? We deliver! Fresh and untraceable to your door in 30 minutes, or it’s FREE! Well… Not really. Iron-clad identities were expensive.
And though you preferred your Kawasaki Ninja whenever you got to use her, bikes really did make for faster getaways after all, you didn’t mind the Scooby van. At least it was big enough to house your full little family. So it was infinitely better than the two seater Lexus, where it had only been Dean and you. 
After all, it was thanks to the van that you somehow made it back to your impenetrable batcave safely; without another burning look from Dean. And, as soon as the car came to a full stop in the underground garage, you nearly fell out of the van doors in a mad attempt to keep that streak going. With a poorly thought out plan to run away from one of the best trackers and killers the world knew - in six inch heels. 
Still, your experience of running in heels had been put to good use, for the most part. You’d left the rest of your team standing; confused in the dust of your cowardice and shredded pride. But Dean had of course hurried after you. Probably wanting to throw out some weak excuse about adrenaline to not ruin the team’s chemistry. And you really didn’t want to hear it. 
He’d nearly caught up to you just as you reached your room in the bunker. Leaving you just enough time to make a mumbled excuse about changing out of your undercover gear and into something less… ‘Torture but make it fashion’-esque. Before awkwardly shutting the door in Dean’s face just as he parted those full lips that you’d been so damned close to kissing. 
You knew you couldn’t read too much into the adrenaline fuelled moment you’d shared in the closet. Fear did strange things to those of you who lived on the edge of the law. It was like a drug. One you both craved and needed to avoid. 
So, you’d done the big girl thing; you’d put your whole damn weight on the door like Dean was suddenly a B-grade horror movie villain ready to burst into your room any second. But, instead of demanding to continue the conversation, Dean had just stood quietly outside your door for a few minutes. Before you heard the unmistakable sound of his Oxfords walking down the hallway, back to his own room.
And, like the totally rational adult you were… You’d been left unsure if you were happy he’d given up, or heartbroken that he hadn’t tried harder.
Though you wanted to let cooler heads prevail and hide out in your bedroom, like the goddamn coward you were, you couldn’t. You still hadn’t clocked out for the night and Bobby would have your head if you didn’t show up to the debriefing. So, you quickly found yourself back around the table with the rest of your ragtag Robin Hood crew. Sulking into a beer bottle you couldn’t even make yourself touch. 
Past tearing the label into shreds that was...
Dressed in your favorite t-shirt and lounge shorts combo you did feel a little more at ease, but you could still feel Dean’s eyes on you. Which made you shift uncomfortably in your seat as your eyes focused on literally anything but the criminally hot weapon’s specialist.
He’d changed too. The suit was replaced with a pair of gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips and another one of his unlimited supply of slightly fitted band t-shirts that was riding up just enough to show a flash of his toned stomach every time he reached for his beer.
Which made it doubly hard to focus on the party debrief going on around the table as the group filled Bobby in over the speaker. First, because of the burning look that silently demanded for you to actually speak to him. And second, because gray sweatpants should be fucking outlawed. Because damn it. 
It was a goddamn Catch 22. 
You couldn’t look up without meeting those burning green eyes, and you couldn’t look down without being caught in a ‘my eyes are up here ma’am’-situation. And after feeling Dean’s obvious arousal as you rolled your hips against him in the closet, you knew the man would make those sweatpants work for him. The feeling of him against you had been… Mouthwatering, for the lack of a better word.
Aaaaand, there you went again. Back into the fucking closet. Damn it.
Keeping your eyes squarely on the speaker playing the part of Bobby, you tried to follow along as Cas shared the juicy pieces of information he’d managed to fool one of the higher ups in the whole charity scam to share with him. As always, Castiel had created miracles with that silver tongue of his. Easily cracking even the hardest nut. 
“So he basically told you everything huh? Including the whole account scam? How did you even manage to do that?” Charlie seemed starstruck as she looked at the grifter wide-eyed. Listening, enraptured, as the usually quiet, stoic man basically gave you everything you needed to move on with your plans, except for the account numbers. That was Charlie and Sam’s job.
“It’s easy,” Castiel shrugged. Though, of course it was, for the still quite mysterious man, who could get anyone to confess to sins as easily as you could scale a wall. Which was also damned easy. For you. So you couldn’t help but lift a doubting eyebrow as you waited for Castiel’s explanation of how easy it really was.
“Just a sympathetic nod in the right places, words that hint to me knowing more than I should… And of course reading the signs. He had a slight scruff and the designer suit he wore was a little crumpled. Clearly he’d been working double time. And, by the way his eyes followed the main boss around the room, he seemed displeased that he wasn’t receiving the praise he should be getting,” Castiel added when his initial statement was only met with raised eyebrows and wry chuckles from the rest of your group of master con-men.
“Yeah… Easy, right,” Charlie nodded. Her voice had a slightly higher pitch as she returned her attention to the papers in front of her. Suddenly seeming very interested in the blueprints as she mumbled something inaudible under her breath. Though it didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what she was grumbling about; considering her own problems with the art of small talk.
“Next, you said we have the safe location locked down (Y/N)?” The smile on your lips quickly fell away as Sam turned to you. Kicking off your breakdown of your role in the job with the top item on your list, and the most important task you’d had during the party. The safe. 
That fucking safe was the reason for all your problems.
“Yes, it’s where I thought it would be. The back wall of the big boss’ upstairs office. Easy to miss too, a seam at the bottom of the wall is the only indication it’s even there,” The professional thief in you easily took over as you jumped into an in-depth explanation of the office’s layout. Since you had missed your chance to put up any hidden cameras once Sam warned you about the mobsters moving up the stairs.
“But… Unfortunately, since we had to make a quick escape, I couldn’t get actual eyes on make and model,” You sighed, feeling like a failure after Castiel had gone above and beyond. Technically, you’d completed your job for the night, but you still felt like you’d worked on a group project with the smartest kids in class and the only thing you had to show for it was a shitty cover page - drawn in crayon and totally coloured outside the lines.
“Not your fault kid, it’s all on me. Our insider’s on his way to a shiny new prison cell as we speak. You don’t backstab me or my family…” Bobby’s slightly rough around the edges form of comfort still made you feel a little less shitty on the gap in your own information. Even if it didn’t make up for the fact that you should at least have gotten actual eyes on the safe.
“Will not knowing the make and model be a problem for you on go-day?” He continued as you smiled at the speaker, knowing full well the big boss couldn’t see you… Probably.
“No way. I’ve yet to meet a safe I can’t crack. Just means my time estimate for the actual job will be wider. Could be a minute, could be thirty,” You said with a small shrug. And it was true. You’d gotten into harder places than a mobster boss’ safe. 
Plus, considering his decor choices, you were sure his safe would be childsplay. His prohibition era design decisions meant that there was at least a little bit less of a chance that it was a bio-locked safe. Though you’d prepare for the worst either way. Just because he decorated like a stereotypical goon didn’t mean he wouldn’t have the smarts to protect his assets. After all, he was at the top of a very large organization. Which wasn’t something you got with just beauty, and no brains. 
“That’s our girl,” Bobby shot back, making your sunken shoulders straighten a little again as you grinned shyly at the speaker. Praise from Bobby was hard to come by, so it only took a few words from the big guy to make you feel on top of the world again. 
Reinvigorated, you pulled the tablet on the table to you and continued your debriefing as you marked the escape and entrance routes you’d found in the house on the digital map shared with Bobby in whatever strange location he was holed up in. While the others filled in any additional details for you to add onto the map.
Your plan was coming together. 
You knew their weaknesses. You had their identities and information. And you knew, with 100% certainty, that you would be able to break into that damned safe. Now you only needed Sam and Charlie, your super hacking team, to get those account codes, build the plan and layout and find the backdoors into their servers. 
And, as Bobby jumped in with the info he had gathered for the turnabout angle on his own little solo mission, you knew you’d be ready to take them on from both sides at one time. 
These bastards were going down. But first…
Dean’s eyes were once more laser focused on you, now that the next steps were nailed down. You could nearly feel the shift as the mercenary was once more replaced with the man who still seemed hell bent on breaking your fragile little thieving heart with a conversation you really didn’t want to have. So, first you needed to do what you did best...
You needed to run the fuck away. And hide in your room like the coward you were. 
Start Here - Last - Next
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Charity Heist: @foxyjwls007 @seppys-return-to-madness @stoneyggirl2 @ladysparkles78 @twinkleinadiamondsky @tmb510 @mimaria420
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70 @djs8891 @pink-sparkly-witch @deans-spinster-witch
Forever Tags will be added as a reblog
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talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 2 - aka. The Bad Guns
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name
Start Here - Next
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“Do we really need Crowley for this Bobby?” Dean grumbled, leaning back in his chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. Green eyes locked on the speaker in a small pleading attempt to make the big boss change his mind. 
And his eyes weren’t the only pair to look pleadingly at the small inanimate speaker version of Bobby in the middle of the table, even if the big guy couldn’t see them. There wasn’t a single pleased expression around the table at the thought of him joining the operation, though Dean looked the most put off by the thought of bringing in the middle man, by far. 
Which was understandable. 
The last time you’d had to team up with Crowley, Dean had to go undercover, pretending to be one of Crowley’s goons. And the career criminal had taken full advantage of that fact. Strutting around acting like the two of them were the bestest of buds. Apparently dragging your hitter along for cocktails and karaoke in the middle of the damn job. 
Dean had, understandably, hated every second of it. And you had too. If only because, with him going undercover, it meant that he wasn’t around for you to secretly oogle during the day. 
Yeah… You were a lost cause when it came to Dean. You’d long since learned to deal with it.
“Unfortunately we do need ‘im. To get the files, we need to locate the safe. My man on the inside already told me where to find it, but we still need to get eyes on it. And luckily, there’s another Charity Fundraiser happening in two nights' time,” Bobby said, repeating words you’d already skimmed through in the case brief.
“Trouble is, this party’s clearly just a cover. Apparently, from what I’ve heard, the guest list is any FBI or CIA agent’s wet dream. Only the scum of the earth is invited. So, we need Crowley to get us in through the door,”
Ah, that sounded right up Crowley’s alley. He considered himself the king of the underworld after all. If anyone could get their grabby paws on an extra invite or two, it’d be him. 
Crowley... You didn’t know the guy’s last name. Actually you were pretty sure he didn’t have one. Like Madonna, or Beyonce… Or, hell, Castiel. Either way, he was your big bad, with a self-proclaimed bleeding heart. 
Though personally you liked to think he meant the british bleedin’ and not the idiom for being an actual caring human being. ‘Cause you doubted that was true, the caring part, as well as the human part. Actually, you doubted the whole “heart” part altogether. The bastard was a snake in a tailored suit. The type that’d sell his soul for some spare change, or most likely con someone else into selling theirs in his stead. Since you doubted he even had one to sell.
Still, he was useful. 
Especially in cases that had to do with the mob. Since he kind of was the mob, or at least some sort of side branch of it. Did mobs have side branches? Like banks? Eh, you never cared enough to ask.
The sharply dressed and infuriatingly sassy man could get you anything with a snap of his fingers. Any information or easy access to an underground party would just seemingly materialize like magic when you involved him. 
He called it acquisition. Most of the time you called it blackmail. 
Didn’t mean you wanted to work with him though. So you’d rather try to find any other way than bringing him in. Hell, you’d rather involve his scam artist of a mother than him. Rowena had done a hell of a good job pretending to be a witch back in the Las Vegas con after all. Even if she had tried to steal the personnel files you were after for herself and had nearly escalated the heist into a damned riot.
“How about we play this like Dallas?” You shot out, leafing through the pages of the manila folder looking for the magical solution to your Crowley-shaped problem. Sam’s folders always magically had all the answers, but unfortunately there was no highlighted section about your little “Crowley problem”, which left only one possible solution… Dallas. 
The Dallas case had let you bypass bringing in a middle man. Instead Dean had been able to pose as one. Through a carefully crafted identity featuring a ranch owner turned drug lord whose name, and only name, was already known in all the wrong circles. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but you could probably make it work for this case too, with the right faceless identity. Even if it wouldn’t involve Dean dressed like a cowboy again. 
Damn it, you really missed the Dallas case.
“Don’t we have any identities that can work for us?” You added when Dean straightened in his seat next to you, looking absolutely giddy at the thought of not having to team up with Crowley again. Forest eyes shining brightly as he threw you a boyish grin for the quick thinking. Though the same smile easily fell when Bobby spoke up over the phone.
“No can do (Y/N). In Dallas we had an easy in, as far as fake identities go. These guys don’t trust easily. We need a face, not just a name,” 
You could almost hear how much the big boss hated turning down a plan that didn’t involve a middle man. Bobby didn’t like Crowley any more than you did, and the more people were involved in a heist, the easier it was for something to go wrong. But you clearly needed an extra pair of hands for this once. 
Fuck. Screw that and the horse it rode in on. 
You really didn’t want to work with Crowley. That man always meant trouble. And you knew he’d stab you in the back the first chance he got. Still, it seemed there was no way around it. You needed him for Bobby’s plan to work. Sure, you could infiltrate Mafia Central with the right tools and blueprints. But without eyes on the safe to confirm where it was, it was risky. 
Especially since you needed to get the money, the drive and know which personnel to send the cops after at the same time. So, an early look at the safe, and some easy pickpocketing of some credit- and ID cards at the party, was your best bet for laying the groundwork. That way you could come back on any other day and crack the safe while Charlie handled the accounts and Bobby leaked their names and whereabouts.
So, though none of you actually wanted to work with him you had to. Damn it. 
You really missed Dallas. 
After just a tiny bit more grumbling, Dean had given Crowley a quick call. Since the devil of a man seemed inexplicably drawn to him. Probably because Dean’s mercenary background made him a perfect pawn for Crowley’s constant attempts at subduing the underworld. 
Taking care not to clue him in on anything big, he’d been promised a nice finder’s fee for helping out. Before Dean had hung up as quickly as humanly possible. 
Yet another reason you hated working with the Scottish born mobster. It always meant there’d be less money for the rest of you, the charities and any victims. Since Crowley did nothing for free. Everything was a deal when it involved him. One littered with infuriating riddles; offering little up front unless you paid him well enough. 
Sure, you were paid a pretty penny from the heists as well, even if you did some heists fully pro-bono. But he tended to take things to another level. If it had been physically possible, he would’ve probably asked you for your soul as payment. Though you doubted yours was even worth a Happy Meal after all your illegal dealings throughout the years.
You’d shuddered as you heard him across the speaker phone, grimacing at the phone like the totally grown up adult you were. But, with the right number of zeroes offered, he had easily agreed, even though you hadn’t given him much to go on. Past telling him you needed entry into a little shindig. He’d get the rest of the info face to face, where you could spot any tell that would let you know if he was scheming something. 
Who were you kidding? Crowley was always scheming something. Damn him and his damned schemes, deals and perfect suits. And his sass. He was snarkier than you, and you didn’t like it when you weren’t the snarkiest person in the room.
In short… You really didn’t like him. 
Which was why you were busy trying convincing Dean to help you rig a bomb to Crowley’s chair while you waited for him to arrive. After all, he was a bad guy, and you dealt with bad guys. Just, not usually in the ‘transactional’ sense. Which in this case, was exactly what was about to happen. 
“Just one little bomb?” Leaning against the war room table, you threw the gorgeous man a small conspiratory smile as you nodded towards the chair. Eyes bright as you sipped on your second cup of coffee that morning, since you needed more caffeine if you had to deal with that level of sass before noon. 
“Pretty please?” 
Batting your lashes at him didn’t seem to be working however. As the charming bastard only laughed at your suggestion, which, as always, did dirty things to your mind and body. The butterflies in your stomach doing somersaults as you were rewarded with a bright smile that made his forest green eyes crinkle. 
“I don’t think Bobby would take too kindly to you blowing up our base of operation just to teach Crowley a lesson (Y/N),” He chuckled, his deep voice traveling the length of your spine and nearly turning you into a puddle. All deep, spicy and smooth like whiskey. 
“I said one little bomb. Like a firecracker on speed. It’d sting like a son of a bitch, but it probably wouldn’t kill him,” You pouted, which only teased another loud laugh out of Dean as he leaned against the table next to you giving your shoulder a friendly nudge before he refocused on the case. His small smile was still in place as he opened Sam’s folder to read through the information once more.
Leaving you scowling into your cup of coffee and wishing you could replace it with something stronger, as your group of vigilante con artists were forced to make a deal with the devil.
With the right finder fee, big bad tended to move fast when summoned. 
So, there Crowley was, just a few hours later. A cup of coffee in his hand and lounging in a bomb-free chair like it was a throne. Like he owned your bunker. 
Ok, so maybe it wasn’t exactly your bunker, but it was the closest thing you’d ever had to a home. And you definitely had more claim to it than the ‘Snarky Scotsman™’ lounging infuriatingly across from you. 
You didn’t know how someone could lounge “infuriatingly”, but Crowley somehow managed to pull it off. Or maybe it was the lack of fireworks when he sat down, paired with his cocky smirk, that infuriated you. Either way, you were thoroughly vexed, and it hadn’t even been an hour.
You’d already caught him up on the details he needed to know for his role in the plan. And only what he needed to know. All in bullet pointed format with just the bare necessities of information. 
He didn’t even get a folder. Which had to mean Sammy really didn’t like him, even though you had to work the case together. 
“I might need some extra… Incentive, if you want me to help with this case,” Crowley drawled, one eyebrow lifted and his index and thumb rubbing together in the international gesture for ‘pay up or shut up’.
“These boys don’t play around after all,”
“So they’re bad guys, big deal… We handle bad guys all the time,” You whined, stretching your legs to allow yourself some movement and stop from going stir crazy in your chair. Your conversation with Crowley had already lasted long enough, and you just wanted the heist to get started. 
The bastards were bad, you stopped bad guys. When guys like Crowley got in the way it tended to make you a tiny bit antsy. 
“Bad? These guys are beyond bad pet…” He chuckled, a lazy smile thrown your way. You hated it when he used pet names for you instead of your actual name. That one wasn’t actually due to disliking the Scotsman; you just straight up hated nicknames and pet names. Always had, since your days acting like the organization’s thieving puppy… 
Your handler had been big on pet names. So they disgusted you. Unless of course they came from Dean. If they came from him they just made you all tingly like a teenager on a hormone high. 
“They’re ice cold, practically soulless… Demons,” Crowley added when you didn’t respond straight away. His voice dropped an octave as he winked at you from where he was lounging. Smirking as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, not even trying to hide how he was eyeing you up from across the table.
“If they’re demons you must be the devil,” You muttered, knowing your comeback was already late. 
You just couldn’t deal with Crowley. He enjoyed messing with you, and as much as you grumbled and groaned whenever you were forced to work with him, it wasn’t like you could actually act on it and knock him out. Bobby would not like you knocking out his contacts. And truth be told, a life in the shadows meant your comeback skills could use some work when dealing with flirtatious men like him.
You’d had to flirt on cases before, and even had a few boyfriends from time to time. But that was all work. The boyfriends were covers, and the flirting was a scam. When someone actually tried to hit on you, then you had no clue what to do.
The fact that you never knew how to bite back to Crowley’s slight flirtation probably made you an easy target too. Though you tried to stay in constant motion not to get hit. You’d never been good at dealing with his type, or flirty comments. You attributed it to being too kind to outright reject people, though somehow not too kind to punch ‘em in the face if they deserved it. 
Kindness wasn’t really a great trait for a world renowned thief of all things shiny and expensive. If there was such a thing as a thief job interview, you’d definitely put that on top of your “greatest weaknesses” list. Was there such a thing as thief job interviews? You hadn’t really looked at craigslist for work since… Ever. 
Damn it, your hyperactive brain just wanted to be anywhere else other than near the damned crime lord. Running off into imagined rambles as you rolled your eyes, in part at his flirting and in part at your own shitty comeback.
“Harsh love,” Crowley grinned back over his coffee cup. 
Next to you, Dean’s body was tense, green eyes dark and unwavering where they focused on Crowley, though under the table, his hand was brushing against yours as he clenched it into a white knuckled fist. Barely managing to keep his other palm still and flat on the table with nothing but a slight tremble betraying how he seemed ready to reach for one of his many weapons at a moment’s notice. 
He never liked dealing with Crowley, and he liked it even less when the man focused his attention on anyone in your little high tech scooby team. 
After all, Dean saw you all as family. And you personally thought you did a very good job at pretending that being treated like a sister by your crush didn’t sting like a son of a bitch. A fucking Oscar worthy performance if there ever was one.
“I’d say I’m more the devil’s right hand man if anything,” Crowley drawled on, ignoring Dean’s angry look as he kept his eyes on you. Somehow keeping his back straight even when faced with the angry eyes and clenched jaw of a man who could kill him in more ways than you could even dream to count.
“So, are you going to help us or waste our time?” Dean shot back. His voice low and deep like thunder as his lips curled around the words. Swallowing down more angry words, he reached for the gun in his shoulder holster instead. Your hitter always had a weapon, or three, on him. And hell, even if he didn’t, he was basically a walking, talking weapon with a black belt in… Pretty much everything, as far as you knew. 
Damn it, Dean was dangerous, sure. But those slightly narrowed dark eyes, that clenched jaw with a dusting of stubble and the way his muscles tensed and relaxed like flowing water under his tight black t-shirt was absolutely lethal. Your poor heart could barely keep up. The man was really a weapon..
In more ways than one.
“Ok, sure… You need an in to their next Charity fundraiser hoax to catch these guys right?” Crowley asked, clearly sensing that he’d pushed the joke too far. Yet, he still kept lounging in the chair, shooting you a small smirk, as if you were in on some joke together. 
After all… He knew you needed him to pull off the heist; which meant he was a little too relaxed in the knowledge that Dean couldn’t kill him. Or even punch his lights out. At least not until after the party.
“I can get you in and provide you with a cover as my guests, but max four of you. One of you will have to stay behind,”
“I’ll handle things from the outside, keep everything running smoothly,” Sam agreed before anyone else could offer. Which of course made Charlie turn a shade paler, if possible. She really was a cute little scaredy cat when it came to the field work portion of the job description.
“But, as I said… There’s the small issue of my fee,” 
Once more Crowley seemed intent on playing the Prince John to your Robin of Locksley. Sometimes you wished the damned guy was an actual demon instead of just a greedy person. 
Dean would’ve probably let you blow up a demon. 
“You’ll get your money. Just get us in and point us in the direction of the Al Capone rip-offs, we’ll do the rest,” Dean said as his green eyes left Crowley. Shifting his focus to the blueprints of the party venue that Charlie had gotten you earlier while you waited for big bad to show. Tapping a calloused finger against them as he wet his lips.
“Get the big honcho to agree to meet us and there might even be a bonus in it for ya,” He continued. Speaking more to the plans in front of him than to the crime boss across the table from you. Though, if Crowley found the lack of eye contact offensive, he didn’t let it show as he smiled one of those trademark cocky smiles of his.
“Ladies, Gentlemen… You have yourself a deal,” 
Leaning back in his chair, Crowley shot you another smirk as his hand slipped into the pocket of his expensive tailored suit with a touch of unnecessary flair. Before quickly reappearing with an invite to the event. 
Damn it, the man really did always know what you needed. 
“And of course… Better yet, a date with yours truly,” He added, unnecessarily in your mind, with a small wink in your direction that escaped Dean’s notice from where he was pouring over the blueprints.
So, your heist was finally going somewhere… 
Next point on the agenda; prepping for the Charity party. 
You needed to pick a dress that was easy enough to move in and possibly cut through laser systems in, without setting them off. Memorize your cover, just in case someone deemed you worthy of small talk. And calm down Charlie enough to help her get ready to infiltrate a den full of bloodsucking politicians and mobsters. 
Which meant you had your work cut out for you. 
Start Here - Next
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Charity Heist: @foxyjwls007 @seppys-return-to-madness @stoneyggirl2 @ladysparkles78 @twinkleinadiamondsky @tmb510 
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love @woodworthti666 @defenderrosetyler  @akshi8278 @justanotherwinchester @lyarr24 @torn-and-frayed @all-will-be-well-love @wearesuchstuff1 @thefridgeismybestie @adoptdontshoppets @starsandmidnightblue @screechingartisancashbailiff @septixtrash @punof-agun  @deandreamernp @justagirlinafandomworld @sexyvixen7 @justrealizedimmascifygurl @globetrotter28 @siospins2 @iprobablyshipit91 @mrsjenniferwinchester @leigh70
Forever tags will be added as reblogs
72 notes · View notes
talesmaniac89 · 2 years
Charity Heist 11 - aka. The Reluctant Rescue Team
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A Supernatural Heist AU - Masterlist
Pairing: Hitter!Dean x Thief!Reader
Summary: The Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency is the best group of con artists in the world. But even though Y/N can crack safes, scale buildings and infiltrate even the most secure locations, she still can't find a way to deal with her all consuming feelings for the group's greek god of a hitter; Dean Winchester. How will she handle their next big heist, when she's forced to get up close and personal with the man of her dreams?
Warnings: Idiots in love, smutty thoughts, a lot of swearing and a ton of bad jokes.
Watch the trailer here
A/N: This story is 50% jokes and 50% dirty thoughts. No deep angst, just fun and action! Inspired by the series Leverage.
Y/N = Your Name
Start Here - Last - Next
A/N: Sorry for the delay here! Had a bit of a weekend 🤣
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For a few seconds, the room was completely quiet except the soft sound of traffic coming through the speaker in the middle of the table showing that Bobby was out and about. None of you dared speak as you took in the news. 
Crowley, the damned idiot, got caught because he had to visit his fucking tailor? He couldn’t even go one job without ordering another stupid black suit? 
Fucking perfect. 
Yet, just as soon as the silence had settled over the War Table, all hell broke loose, with every member of your rag tag group of master criminals speaking over each other. Sounding less than the well-oiled con machine you were and more like a room full of school children. 
“He’s an idiot, that’s why I always say we shouldn’t work with him…” Dean growled from next to you, just as Charlie made some very apt comparisons between the mobster and a chimpanzee. Though you barely even caught either’s words over your own tired groan. 
“Holy… God, how the hell did he get caught?” You shot towards Sam, though you knew the youngest Winchester wouldn’t have held back on the details if he knew anything else. 
“You know Crowley. If nothing else, the man believes he’s untouchable. The king of the underground. So of course he had none of his own men with him,” Sam just sighed with a tired shrug of his shoulders. Leaning forward, your intelligence guy seemed just as lost as you as his big hands splayed against the wood of the table to steady himself as all his perfectly laid plans were shaken off kilter by Crowley’s antics.
“So… What now?” Castiel spoke up, keeping much more calm than the rest of your group. As always, your grifter was the most composed one among you as he leaned back in his seat. The last remnants of his latest role still shining through in the cocky hold of his shoulders and the slightly bored look in his eyes. Damn it, you hated it when he stayed in character. But the job was still on, and nothing could shake him from his role. 
“Now… We have to change our plans,” Sam gritted the words out through clenched teeth. If there was one thing your intelligence guy hated, it was anyone messing with his carefully laid plans. After all, he didn’t have a folder for ‘what to do if your idiot collaborator decided he feels like being kidnapped’. 
“We have to save him… Don’t we?” Charlie said with a sigh as she let her head drop to the desk with a dull thud. 
Pouting at your best friend you let out another annoyed groan. 
You knew she was right. But that didn’t mean you had to like it. After all, the problem with being an actual super thief with a heart of gold was that you actually had a heart. So you felt bad when you did bad, even if it was still kind of part of the job description. Maybe less so now than before, but you were still technically breaking the law. The devil and angel on your respective shoulders were mortal enemies, yet somehow also friends with benefits. Which wasn’t really great for your moral compass. As Charlie had said earlier that day; your rag tag group all had questionable morals. 
And though Crowley was an absolute ass, you knew you’d feel bad if he ended up with a brand new shiny pair of cement shoes at the bottom of a bay somewhere just because he was helping you out with a job. Even if he’d made sure to squeeze as much money as he possibly could out of you. You all would, unfortunately. 
“Do we have to?” Dean’s groaned, tired voice echoed your thoughts perfectly as he finally spoke up again. Though you knew your hitter wouldn’t leave anyone he was working with hanging out to dry. Even if the person in question kind of deserved it. 
“I guess we have to…?” You sighed, the statement coming out more like a question as you looked up at Sam. After all, him and Bobby made all your plans. At the end of the day, it was all up to them. You wouldn’t move without his green light. Even if you would drag your feet moving when he finally gave the signal. 
“Yeah, we need a revised plan, one including getting Crowley out of his own mess,” Sam confirmed, though he didn’t look all that happy with his own words either, sinking back into his seat from where he’d stood up to deliver the bad news.
“He annoys me though…” Charlie shot in as you all went silent, looking at the speaker as you waited for Bobby to talk some sense into you. 
“He annoys all of us kid, but we have to save him. If nothing else because he’s a liability,” Bobby’s voice finally spoke up through the speaker with a humorless laugh. 
“Ok. So what’s the new plan then?” You shot in, before another chorus of groans could shave even more time off of your planning. Hell, even though you were annoyed, maybe this was for the best? You had energy to burn through, and as the team’s retrieval expert, it would most likely be up to you to… Retrieve, the mobster. 
Plus, a job would mean you wouldn’t have time to think about the gun range. Or Dean. Or what the hell all of that was. Which the little escape artist you called a heart really appreciated.
“We need to hit them from multiple angles,” Bobby said through the speaker after taking a beat to think things through. Your mastermind was coming through for you once more. You could almost hear the gears grinding as he threw together a new rescue plan on the spot. Or, hell… That was probably still just background traffic, or Bobby changing the gears of his beat up truck, but it sure as hell sounded like gears grinding. 
“Crowley might be a bastard, but he’ll be true to his word. At least as long as the bad guys don’t offer him more money than we already have. Which, knowing their type, I doubt they will. They’re a miserly bunch of bastards,” Bobby continued as you all just nodded at the speaker. Still acting like the little piece of plastic and wiring could see you. 
“But, we can’t let them catch us. And we can’t let rescuing our damsel interfere with our plans,” He mused, as he worked out the kinks in his new plan out loud. Leaving you all to hold your breath, muscles tense as you waited for him to pull the trigger; firing you all into action. 
“Castiel, you need to hit them on their home turf. I want you to use your new persona to pay them a little visit at their white washed headquarters. Keep the bigger guys busy while we save our man,” Bobby finally said, earning a little nod from Castiel, who was quickly falling fully back into character. 
“They won’t be expecting me though… Might pose a problem,” Castiel’s voice was flat and void of emotion as he drawled the words. Making you shiver as you realized it wasn’t Cas speaking anymore. He was once more fully in character. 
“True.. Charlie, you go with him. Sneak into the IT department and set up some meetings in their calendars with Castiel’s cover. While you’re there, take this opportunity to plant some surprises in their system. A nice little bonus for messin’ with our plans,” Bobby easily corrected his own plans without breaking a sweat as you all sat waiting for your own orders. 
Watching your red headed hacker across the table, you cocked an eyebrow as Charlie’s cheshire cat grin replaced her former annoyance. Your best friend was nearly bouncing in her seat as Bobby gave her her role in the new plan. A wicked look in her eyes that… Honestly? Kind of scared you. She clearly had something up her sleeve, since she was normally not that happy to do field work. 
“Finally! I made this little virus a looong time ago. I can hide it in their servers and set it off with a click of a button whenever we want. It’ll cripple them, send their client’s data to a competitor of our choice and wipe their whole server clean. Their expensive computers and servers will just be overpriced paperweights when I’m through with them,” The red head was close to laughing maniacally as she let you all in on whatever it was she found so funny. 
“Good, sounds like just the thing we need kid,” Bobby didn’t even try to hide the pride in his voice as he responded to Charlie’s delight. A small chuckle escaping your normally tough-as-nails boss, before he cleared throat and fell silent, trying to formulate the actual rescue mission. 
“Alright… So while Cas and Charlie keep the higher-ups busy, we’ll need to get Crowley out as soon as possible. Dean, (Y/N) and Sam, I want the three of you to hit the spot where they’re keeping ‘im,” He finally continued after a brief pause, where you swore you could actually see him entering his own little mind palace through the small speaker. 
“Sammy… They might have some mid-level guys there. Crowley’s a pretty big mark for them after all. So they might have brought in someone a bit higher up than just your common muscle to keep an eye on him. Though if we’re lucky they haven’t gotten there yet. I want you to play the role of mid-level boss yourself or distract them if the bosses are already there. I trust you to figure out how,” 
“Quietly?” Sam shot in as he rolled his shoulders, his jaw set and clearly ready for a fight. Nothing pissed off the younger Winchester more than having someone mess up your jobs. Though you didn’t miss the way his hazel eyes softened from the trust his adoptive father placed in him. 
“Quietly, if possible. But feel free to get rough if the situation calls for it,” Bobby said after only a moment of deliberation. You weren’t worried that your mastermind was sending the youngest Winchester after the area bosses, hell, you’d seen Sam fight. And though Dean normally took on the role as the loud and violent distraction in any of your jobs, you knew his younger brother could more than hold his own in a fight. 
“So you want me to go get our damsel?” Dean sounded nearly nauseous as he asked the question. Seeming no more willing to go save the Scotsman than you were. 
“No. Your job’s a lot more important than that Dean,” Bobby shot back, causing Dean to frown as he leaned closer towards the speaker, waiting for his orders. 
“You need to keep our retrieval expert safe. (Y/N) will be the one infiltrating. If everything goes as planned, she should get in and out quietly with Crowley in tow while Sam poses as one of the bosses, or at least a mouthpiece for one to draw their attention. And you stand at the ready to help our girl out if something goes wrong,” Bobby shot back, leaving no room for arguing in his words. Though you could see Dean’s jaw tick in annoyance at the thought of you going in alone to save the greased up mobster. 
“Alright, I’ll go play knight in shiny harnesses and save our damsel. Dean will have my back, outside. Right?” You shot in, wanting to cut Dean off before he still tried to argue with your mastermind’s orders. Which, by the look of his eyes burning into the speaker, he was moments away from doing. 
Moving those same burning green orbs off of the speaker, Dean’s eyes settled on you as he tried to make you back down. But there was no way you would. You were the retrieval expert. Bobby’s plan made sense, even if Dean for some reason refused to see it. 
This was a job. Whatever had happened in the gun range took the backseat when there was a job to do. So even though your body was still heated from the feel of your hitter devouring you only 30 minutes earlier, you were not backing down. You were a big girl, and retrieval was your thing. 
“Right,” After a beat or two of silence, Dean sighed in defeat as he spat out the single word between gritted teeth. His eyes resting on you for just a second more before quickly standing up to get ready. 
It was time to go save yourself a damsel.
The ride to the job in Sam’s beat up truck was awkward, for the lack of a better word.  
Not only had Dean not-so-subtly been sending you burning looks through the rear-view mirror that made it very hard for you to focus on your rescue mission. But Sam and Dean kept arguing the finer details of the case. Mainly surrounding you and your role. 
And by that you meant Dean kept arguing the details.
Your hitter kept suggesting changes to the plan, which coincidentally all involved him going in first to clear a path for you, which you swiftly ignored. You didn’t need a damn babysitter. Dean had seen you in action before. Hell, you’d nearly knocked him out the first time he came to recruit you. But, you had no choice but to keep your mouth shut, or risk getting dragged into a shouting match with the two most stubborn men you knew. After all, no matter what Dean said, Bobby had made your roles crystal clear. 
You were the retrieval expert. You would be going in to save the idiotic Scotman with a suit fetish and a hard-on for his personal tailor. No matter how much your green eyed hitter batted his long lashes at you or pouted like a giant man baby in the shotgun seat. 
“I wish we could just turn this damn car around and leave the bastard to rot,” Dean groaned from the front seat after another round of arguing about who should do what during the job.
“Well, we’re basically here, so a bit too late for that Dean,” Sam sighed, sounding like he wished for nothing more than to turn the beat up truck he refused to part with around too. 
“We’re here? Good, let me go do my thing,” Cutting off the new round of arguing over the plan that you knew Dean was gearing up for, you spoke up for the first time since the car ride started. Both to at least get one shot in against Dean, but also because you were beyond ready to get your thieving on. Finally perking up at the idea of being out of the tense atmosphere in the car and away from Dean’s burning eyes, you nearly bounced in your seat from the thought of some much needed action to burn off all the dirty energy in your body. 
“You seem weirdly eager to rescue Crowley (Y/N),” Sam said as he pulled up and parked just half a block from where the mobsters had locked up your ‘damsel’. The hazel eyes meeting yours in the rear-view mirror looked at you in concern, as if you were possessed or losing your mind just because you were happy to work. 
Though, hell, if you had been possessed you would have ‘jesus take the wheel’-ed the shit out of that. With the way your life was going, you were just about ready to issue an open invitation to any demon who wanted to come take control of your life. Whichever demon was brave enough to come sort out your mess would have earned their permanent residence in the husk you called your body. You could be roomies. 
Maybe Netflix would give you a movie deal; a whimsical sitcom about you and your demon roommate. You’d name it ‘Doom Mates’ and Charlie would hate it.  
But, unfortunately, there was no demon willing to possess you and sort out your messy relationships. So, you were forced to do it yourself (or at least avoid the hell out of it) as you once more ignored Dean’s eyes in the rear-view mirror and wrenched open the truck door to jump out as soon as Sam had brought the car to a full stop. 
“I’m not thrilled about the… Subject of the retrieval. But it’s been a minute and a half since I last got to stretch my infiltration muscles. Plus, Charlie made me a new harness, and I need to play with it,” You shot back at Sam as he followed you out of the truck. Swallowing the many other reasons as to why you nearly needed the gig. Like the forest fire burning in Dean’s eyes, or how you could still taste the ghost of spiced peppermint on the tip of your tongue. 
Taking a shaky breath, you plastered your best imitation of a smile on your face and turned to squint down the street as Sam pointed out the building where Crowley was kept to the rest of you. The sight of the unlit neon sign outside of the business in question had your smile fall as you grimaced at the damned cliché. 
They had Crowley locked up in an empty, closed down nightclub. 
Because of course they did. 
Would it kill the bad guys to be fucking original for once? Why was it always warehouses, empty buildings or abandoned lots? Why couldn’t you go save someone from a fun place for once in your life? Like DisneyLand, or an active water park… Or at least somewhere with an open bar. Because, fuck, you could use a drink. 
Frowning at the building from half a block away, you busied yourself checking your equipment as the Winchester brothers continued their circular argument about the plan. Meanwhile, you were busy making plans of your own. From what you could see, the baddies had all congregated around the front of the building based on the few cars you could just about glimpse peeking out around the corner. Clearly not seeing Crowley as a big a threat as he thought he was. Which didn’t really damage your infiltration options much, as you’d usually never choose the front of the building as an entrance point anyway. 
Hell, from your vantage point, you could clearly see multiple ways into the nightclub. Including an unguarded rear entrance just begging you to walk in and sneak Crowley out from right under their noses. Still, as Sam had pointed out more than one time in his argument with Dean on the car ride over, you should be prepared for the worst. 
The unguarded rear entrance could be a trap. You had no way of knowing. So an infiltration plan was still needed. 
“Do you think you can get in from the roof (Y/N)? Charlie got us the blueprints, and there seems to be a skylight up there. Might mean you’ll get eyes on Crowley as well before you make your way inside,” Sam seemed to finally get sick of shooting down all of Dean’s ideas as he directed his next question at you instead.
After all, Bobby wanted this to be done quietly. And Dean going in first to loudly, and most likely violently, clear a path for you wasn’t exactly quiet. 
“You want me to throw myself in through a skylight and rappel into mobster territory? That’s a crazy idea… Insane!  I mean, there’s a perfectly good door right there,” You stage whispered, acting it up for the non-existent cameras as you pointed towards the unguarded rear entrance to the abandoned club. 
Ok… So maybe you were playing it up just that little bit extra to annoy your hitter. Who suddenly seemed to think you were incapable of performing even a simple retrieval mission. As if you’d lost all your hard earned skills after one makeout session. 
Who the hell did he think he was? Some sort of fucking dementor? Sucking out your ability to scale a wall with just one kiss?
The man was a damned good kisser, sure, but just because you could be someone’s good girl and be willingly shaped up against their body one second that did not diminish your skills as the fucking awesome super thief you were. You were fully capable of being a goddamn professional, and drown in peppermint spiced kisses thank-you-very-much. 
“So… You’ll do it?” Sam asked, the small tight smile of his lips tinged with mirth as he rolled his eyes at your drama queen act and the subsequent low growl that left his older brother in response. Though you knew he was just asking for the sake of a verbal confirmation, as you could see him gearing up to go distract the guys out front and buy you some time. 
“Of course I fucking will. This is gonna be awesome,” You grinned as you dipped back into the back of Sam’s truck to stuff a few additional toys and gadgets, courtesy of your awesome best friend, into your backpack. Including the new harness you had to take for a test spin.
“(Y/N)...” Dean tried, though you could tell the fight had gone out of him as his tense shoulders fell and his hands busied themself with double checking his own little arsenal. Still, for a second you froze. Taking a few deep breaths before stepping out of where you’d been halfway inside Sam’s car to fully see the Winchester brothers again.
Saying nothing, you simply raised an eyebrow at your hitter as you hoisted your go-bag up on your shoulder. Lips drawn in a thin line as you waited for whatever argument he had planned to stop you from doing your favorite thing in the whole damn world; throwing yourself off of a roof and into a building, however absolutely batshit insane that sounded. 
“You got this, just stay safe,” He finally sighed in defeat, giving you a soft smile which you returned with an enthusiastic grin. 
“You know I will,” You shot back, throwing a quick wink at both boys before quickly and quietly making your way towards the back of the building. Only throwing a glance back to see Sam get back in the car, ready to drive up front, and Dean setting out after you, just slightly to the left. Moving towards the building from another angle to set up camp near the rear entrance. 
It was go time.
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talesmaniac89 · 3 years
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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Dean Drabble Masterlist | Back to the full Supernatural Masterlist Oneshots and Drabbles under the Read More
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💖 - Fluff | 💔 - Angst | ✅ - Done | ▶ - Ongoing | ❌ - Cancelled | 🔞 - Smut | 💬 - Social Media
Charity Heist Masterlist 💖▶ The reader works as a retrieval expert (aka. thief) for Singer & Winchester Retrieval Agency, the best group of con artists in the world. But even though she's the best in the biz, she's no better than a bumbling fool when dealing with her all-consuming feelings for the group’s hitter; Dean Winchester.
Chick Flicks - Part 2 💖▶ (ON HIATUS) Gabriel decides to play wingman the way only he can as the reader and Dean go on a different kind of movie date.
Choices - A CYOA Fic 💔✅Choices is an interactive Supernatural choose your own adventure story where your choices determine the outcome and whether it’s a Dean x Reader or Sam x Reader.
Come Home - Part 2 - Part 3 💔✅ The reader struggles through heartbreak, unaware of Dean doing the same.
Dream on - Part 2 💔✅ The reader gets cursed by a witch and can’t fall asleep. She tries to hide it from the Winchesters, but they find out.
Hunter/Hunted - Masterlist - A Flash Fiction Series 🔞 ✅ Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.
Itsy Bitsy Spider - Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Epilogue ✅ The reader helps the Winchesters in a case involving a particularly nasty arachnoid. Not really angst or fluff, more like a "case"
Limelight - Masterlist 💖 💬 The workaholic and media shy CEO of Winchester Inc, Dean Winchester, is forced to try online dating by his friends. What will happen when he swipes right on (Y/N), who is working on a series on online dating for her magazine?
Logged in - Masterlist 💖✅ Sam tells Dean and the reader about a new online community for hunters and they both scoff at him, but secretly use it and end up drawn to each other.
Lost - Masterlist 💔✅You ran away from a silent unrequited love and got captured. But Dean thinks you left by your own choice. Will he ever realise that you’re in danger?
Missing in Action - Masterlist 💔 ✅ Dean is hit by a spell cast by an apparently lovesick witch. And though your little group tries to keep him from her, he breaks free. Breaking your heart along the way.
My Funny Valentine - Part 2💖✅Dean takes the reader out on a “friend date” after her latest boyfriend blows her off for Valentine. Not knowing that the reader sees him as so much more than a friend.
Night at the museum - Part 2 💖✅ A greek god of alcohol messes with the readers judgement during a hunt, causing both Dean and her to act like drunken fools.
Reverence - Masterlist 💔❌ The reader comes into Dean’s life, and flips it up-side down.
Sleeping Awake - Masterlist 💔✅The Winchesters and the reader is hunting a creature that’s been killing women in their sleep when it comes to them instead.
The Man in Apartment 43 - Masterlist 💔✅ Neighbours AU - Dean and the reader live next door to each other and can’t stand each other. Will things change once circumstances bring this bartender and business man duo closer together?
The Mirror People - Part 2 - Part 3 ✅ The reader and the Winchesters investigate a strange case in a small town in Arizona. Not really angst or fluff, more like a "case"
Well, Hello There Stranger - Part 2 💔💖✅ Sam informs you that Dean’s suffering from temporary memory loss and has forgotten you. Yet, when you meet your boyfriend, it isn’t the cold eyes of a stranger that meets yours.
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A Day Off Your stubborn boyfriend never takes a day off, even when he’s feeling under the weather. Luckily Dean Winchester has you around to make sure he takes care of himself.
Building a nest The reader worries as Dean starts acting a little out of character after you find the Men of Letters bunker.
Date Night - Dean Dean & the reader decides to confuse a bunch of strangers as they test out some bad pickup lines at a fancy jazz bar.
Friendzoned The reader has to go undercover with Dean, but pretending to be the girlfriend of the man she secretly loves is a lot harder than she thought it would be.
Flexibility Dean walks in on the reader doing yoga and challenges her when she is steadfast in it helping her be a better hunter.
Flushed Cheeks The reader plays a poker game with rising stakes against Dean.
His Rock Dean finds comfort in the reader’s arms after a hard day. COMFORT FIC
Meet the Family Dean is nervous about meeting the reader’s family, but everything is going great, until a simple misunderstanding makes all hell break lose.
Morning Person The reader tries their hardest to get the sleepy hunter out of bed at a reasonable time as he tries just as hard to keep them there, snuggled up to him.
Pickup Lines Dean tries to stump the reader who is the self-proclaimed champion of anti-pickup lines with the cheesiest, cringeworthy lines he can think of.
Secret Love The reader is secretly dating a tattooed Dean behind Sam’s back since Dean doesn’t want anyone to know he can be soft hearted.
Seduction The reader shows Dean that she knows the art of seduction when he doubts her skills.
Stupid Choices The reader is angry and worried after Dean gets arrested during a hunt and she has to bail him out.
Stupid Cupid Dean tries to keep the reader from joining them in an interrogation of a Cupid.
Tag, You’re It The reader challenges Dean to a round of laser tag, to see who’s really the best shot.
The Costume Party Dean and the reader go on a hunt at a costume party, where Dean has to deal with his jealousy as the guys can’t seem to keep their eyes off the reader.
The Raid Dean and the reader goes on a Halloween candy raid to stock up their sugar arsenal.
The Shower The reader decides to pamper herself when the boys are away, not expecting Dean to return so soon.
This is Halloween The reader and the Winchesters have to go undercover at a Halloween party to catch the demon they’re hunting.
Try Not To… Dean challenges the reader to a try not to laugh challenge using pickup lines, but for her the challenge turns into a bit more of a try not to fall deeper in love with the lovable dork.
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A Second too Late Dean realises he loves you, but he’s too late as you already love someone else.
Bloodlust Dean helps the reader fight against her demon blood addiction.
Changed Traditions Dean deals with the first Halloween alone, taking care of your daughter.
Complications Dean stays by your bedside after a hunt leaves you in a medically induced coma.
Creep Dean learns about the reader’s self hatred and tries to help her through it.
Hiraeth – Home is where the heart is Dean’s looking back on the summer he spent with you in his arms. A year has passed, summer is here again. But it’s a summer without you and, even in the sweltering heat of the bunker, he’s freezing to the bone.
I Just Called to Say I Love You As Dean realises he’s only got minutes left to live and no way to get help, he calls you; so he can hear your voice and have one last normal, happy moment.
Meet Me Back Here in a Year Dean and the reader take a break for a year to sort out their heads and hearts.
Mementos Dean looks back on all the treasured memories he’s shared through a life lived by your side; lived loving you.
Nicotine Dean has his vices, but they all pale in comparison to how he craves you. Yet he pushed you away, leaving him gasping for air.
Phone Call The reader calls Dean from a solo hunt (angst).
Side by Side You go looking for Dean on the eve of another hunter’s death anniversary. Knowing he’s lost, and needing to comfort him.
Soldiers The reader and Dean find themselves surrounded by demons, knowing they’ll have to go out there again, to be soldiers, even if it could mean the end of everything.
Sunshine Dean thinks back on all the great times he’s shared with the reader and how much he loves them. With You - The reader realises she has died and has become a ghost as she tries in vain to comfort her boyfriend Dean.
The Classifieds What lengths will Dean Winchester go to when he runs out of options to save the people he cares about? Is he willing to let go of a part of himself to save his family?
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After Hours Dean Smith asks the reader to work overtime to clean up a mess she made, and things get heated after hours when Dean catches her in his office, indulging in something other than paperwork.
Homeless Hearts Dean and the reader seek shelter in each others skin a year after she left the bunker to save herself from heartbreak.
Eavesdropping The reader hears Dean through the motel room wall and decides to have a little fun herself.
Playing dress up The reader has to go undercover with Dean to find a cursed object. But as they have to hide from a guard things start heating up.
Tension/Passion The reader and Dean fight after a hunt, before making up in the best way possible.
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A Measure of Worth Dean cannot stop the protective rage building in his after a hunt that nearly went wrong. But when she questions her self worth, Dean is left questioning everything'
Bad Dreams The reader wakes up after a pre-hunt nightmare and takes a late night stroll through the bunker to make sure Dean is ok.
Daddy’s Little Girl Adoptive father Bobby tells the reader that Dean and Sam are coming to visit. The reader is happy, as she secretly loves Dean.
Halloween Surprise You’re out trick or treating with your son when you run into someone from your past. Someone with the same green eyes as your son.
Home Dean has tried and failed to make a home for himself and his brother. Until she walked into his life.
In the neighbourhood Dean shows up out of nowhere after being gone for 8 years, the day before the reader’s son’s birthday. A son who also happens to be Dean’s.
It was always you After hunting alone for three years the reader meets Dean again and realises they have always loved him.
The way he kisses The reader avoids Dean after drunkenly making out with him the night before.
To be her hero Dean can’t fight the demons in his girlfriend’s mind. But he can still be there for her, comforting her.
Trick or Treat It’s Halloween, and the reader wants a different kind of treat. Luckily, she knows exactly where to find it.
Unexpected The reader finds out she’s pregnant and goes to break the news to her boyfriend, Dean.
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