#charles washington
nordleuchten · 2 years
24 Days of La Fayette: December 10th - George Augustine Washington
Todays Aide-de-camp is the nephew of George Washington – and one of his favourite nephews as well. George Augustine was born around 1759 to George Washington’s youngest brother Charles Washington and his wife Mildred Thornton Washington.
While not much about the early years of George Augustine is known, his service in the American War of Independence is very well documented.
He joined the army in 1777 and was initially offered a junior officer’s commission in William Grayson’s Additional Continental Regiment. George Augustine declined in favour of an equal position in the prestigious corps of light horse. In 1778 he was made a coronet in the partisan legion under the command of Major Henry Lee. During this period of his life, young Washington’s health began to seriously suffer for the first time – in the course of the coming years he sometimes enjoyed better, sometimes worse health, but he would never again fully recover, and he died at a young age. By the end of 1778 he was forced to resign his post due to this illness. In the summer of 1779, he was well enough to serve as a volunteer aide-de-camp to General George Washington. On February 16, 1780, he was on duty with the Commander-in-Chief’s Guard. By mid-1780, La Fayette had been given command of a light infantry division and George Augustine Washington joined the Marquis’ staff as an Aide-de-camp.
George Washington Augustine is only seldomly mentioned in La Fayette’s letters, but it can nevertheless be judged, that the two of them had a close relationship and that La Fayette trusted Washington with important tasks. It also appears that Washington got quite well along with the other officers in La Fayette’s staff and the other (foreign) officers.
La Fayette wrote to the Vicomte de Noailles on September 2, 1780:
MM. Washington and Gimat send you a thousand compliments, and I embrace you.
Vol. 3, 156-159
Although his illness, today believed to be tuberculosis, again flared up during this time, he was very active during the Siege and following Battle of Yorktown. Upon La Fayette’s second return to France in 1781, George Augustine returned to the staff of his uncle before resigning once and for all in the spring of 1782 due to his deteriorating health. George Augustine spend much of the following three years travelling to the southern parts of the United States as well as abroad to Bermuda and Barbados in search of a cure for his ailments. In May of 1785, he had returned to his native Virginia and promptly proposed to Frances “Fanny” Bassett. The pair was married on October 15, 1785 and initially moved in with George and Martha Washington. In 1786, George Augustine and Fanny were gifted more than 200 acres of land from George Washington to start their own family there.
Charles Washington, son of Augustine & Mary, married Mildred Thornton, daughter of Colonel Francis Thornton of Spotsylvania County, by whom he has four Children, George Augustine, Frances, Mildred & Samuel. George Augustine married Frances Basset, daughter of Colo. Burwell Basset of New Kent by whom he has had four Children, three of whom are living—viz.—Anna Maria, George Fayette, & Charles Augustine. Frances, married Colo. Burgess Ball by whom she has had several children. Mildred and Samuel are unmarried.
“Enclosure: Washington Genealogy, 2 May 1792,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 10, 1 March 1792 – 15 August 1792, ed. Robert F. Haggard and Mark A. Mastromarino. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2002, pp. 334–338.] (09/30/2022)
By autumn of 1785, George Augustine had begun managing his uncle’s estate Mount Vernon. He was taught the ropes by Washington himself and in later years, when Washington’s call to public service led to longer absences, undertook more and more responsibility. George Augustine was a military man, accustomed to duty and discipline – sentiments that leaked into his managing-style and were often remarked upon. Here is a sample of George Augustine's handwriting from his plantation records (work and weather report) from October 27, 1792:
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George Washington Papers, Series 4, General Correspondence: George Augustine Washington, Plantation Records: Work and Weather Report. 1792. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress. (10/19/2022)
George Augustine missed La Fayette’s return to the United States in 1784 and subsequent visit to Mount Vernon by a few days but wrote to his uncle on August 14, 1784:
(…) should my worthy friend the Marquis be with You I beg to be rememberd to him in the most friendly terms. I should have wrote Him but apprehending from a peeice of information I recieved from a person immediately from Philadelphia, that He had not accomplished His visit, He mentiond that accounts had been recieved of His having saild but from a desaster that befel the Vessel He was obliged to return (…)
“To George Washington from George Augustine Washington, 14 August 1784,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Confederation Series, vol. 2, 18 July 1784 – 18 May 1785, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992, pp. 39–41.] (09/30/2022)
His health had been long suffering. His bodily state became so worrisome, that George Washington felt prompted to write the following lines to Tobias Lear on September 21, 1792:
Poor George! He is, I believe not far from that place, from whence no traveller returns. He is but the shadow of what he was; he has not been out of his room & scarcely from his bed these six weeks. At times he has intervals of ease which flatter a little, but I have little hope of his surviving the Winter.
“From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 21 September 1792,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 11, 16 August 1792 – 15 January 1793, ed. Christine Sternberg Patrick. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2002, pp. 133–135.] (09/30/2022)
George Washington also wrote to the Marquis de La Fayette on June 10, 1792:
I am afraid my Nephew George, your old aid, will never have his health perfectly re-established, he has lately been attacked with the alarming symptom of spitting large quantities of blood, and the Physicians give no hopes of a restoration unless it can be effected by a change of air, and a total dereliction of business (to which he is too anxiously attentive he will, if he should be taken from his family & friends, leave three fine child:—viz.—two Sons & a daughter—the eldest of the boys he has given the name of Fayette to and a fine looking child he is).
“From George Washington to Lafayette, 10 June 1792,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 10, 1 March 1792 – 15 August 1792, ed. Robert F. Haggard and Mark A. Mastromarino. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2002, pp. 446–448.] (09/30/2022)
There have actually been two children named Fayette. Two boys were named George Fayette Washington, but the older son only lived for a few short weeks. The younger son, born on January 17, 1790, died on August 6, 1867.
George Augustine Washington himself died on February 3, 1783. His death hit George Washington hard. He wrote to David Humphreys on March 23, 1783:
(…) and the death of my Nephew, the poor Major, will, I apprehend, cause my private concerns to suffer very much. This melancholly event took place on the 5th of last month at Colo. Bassett’s, where he had gone hoping to benefit from a change of air & situation—Altho’ it had been long expected—and indeed, to me, of late, appeard inevitable; yet I have felt it very keenly.
“From George Washington to David Humphreys, 23 March 1793,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 12, 16 January 1793 – 31 May 1793, ed. Christine Sternberg Patrick and John C. Pinheiro. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005, pp. 362–364.] (09/30/2022)
On April 9, 1783, George Washington wrote to Bryan Fairfax about his nephew’s funeral service:
At One ’oclock afternoon on Thursday next, I mean to pay the last respect to my deceased Nephew—by having the funeral obsequies performed.
If you will do me the favor to officiate on the occasion, it will be grateful to myself, & pleasing to other friends of the deceased. No Sermon is intended, and but few friends will be present; for these dinner will be ready at half after two Oclk, at which I should be happy & shall expect to see you.
“From George Washington to Bryan Fairfax, 9 April 1793,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Presidential Series, vol. 12, 16 January 1793 – 31 May 1793, ed. Christine Sternberg Patrick and John C. Pinheiro. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005, p. 442.] (09/30/2022)
The service was performed on April 11, 1793.
La Fayette had been caught up in the French Revolution at the time of George Augustine’s death and only much later learned of the young man’s death. He wrote to George Washington after his release from prison on May 9, 1799:
George had on his return from America acquainted me with the melancholy news that my Dear aid de Camp, your worthy nephew was no more—I heartily feel the affectionate attention he had to call after me his eldest Boy—my tenderest wishes shall ever attend what remains of that excellent Man.
“To George Washington from Lafayette, 9 May 1799,” Founders Online, National Archives, [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Retirement Series, vol. 4, 20 April 1799 – 13 December 1799, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1999, pp. 54–59.] (09/30/2022)
George Augustine’s widow went on to marry Tobias Lear, George Washington’s private secretary, in 1795 before dying herself of tuberculosis in 1796.
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vivalechat · 9 months
It’s so embarrassing when your rival has another rival… like what do you mean I’m not even your worst enemy? You’re mine.
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pitchsidestories · 23 days
tied to you II Esme Morgan x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1015
a/n: just something short and sweet tonight, enjoy. 🤍
Forward knot, forward knot, then a backward knot. One colour after the other.
Esme sat alone at a table knotting strings into one of her iconic friendship bracelets. She had made a bracelet for each of her England team members so far except for one.
This one would be her last one. And it had to be the most perfect one so far.
She was fully focused on her task, trying to avoid mistakes at any cost. In fact, she was so focused that she jumped a little in her seat when Lauren Hemps voice suddenly asked: “Esme, what are you doing?“
Catching her breath from the scare, she turned around to her while simultaneously trying to hide the bracelet in her lap: “Hempo, keep building your stuff with LJ and Lucy. I need to focus here.“
She nodded into the direction of your other teammates that sat at the other end of the room, stacking bricks on bricks.
Lauren ignored her completely and reached for the bracelet: “Let me see.“
“No.“, Esme replied, not letting go of the strings to avoid tangling.
“I thought you were done with bracelets?“, Lauren asked curiously. She eyed it cautiously, taking in the different colours.
Esme smiled and pulled the bracelet out of Laurens hands: “I am. But this is the most special out of them all.“
She continued working on it while her teammate watched on, her head tilted.
“This?“ Confusion mixed with judgement.
“It’s for my girlfriend.“, Esme nodded.
“Why aren’t you making a pretty one then? The colours are so chaotic?“, the winger laughed.
“Because each colour represents a different memory…“, Esme explained softly.
Niamh Charles appeared next to them, sitting down on the table: “What does the blue stand for?“
“And the brown?“, Lauren added before Esme could answer.
“Or the dark green one?“ This question was Lucys.
Esme blushed as she found herself surrounded by her teammates: “Guys, stop for a minute. Let me breathe, okay? So the light blue one obviously represents our time at City together.“
Niamh nodded solemnly: “Okay, that makes sense.“
“But that doesn’t explain the brown and green one.“, Lauren reminded her.
“Not to forget the pink!“, Lucy agreed.
“So, I chose the brown because it looks exactly like her favourite coffee order.“, Esme started. The girls surrounding her stared down at the cappuccino-coloured strand.
“That’s cute.“, Lauren commented.
“And the rest?“, Niamh prompted Esme to go on but she quickly shook her head.
“Oh no, she’s coming. Help me to distract her girls. I’m not completely finished yet.“
She hid the bracelet behind her back while her teammates got up.
You just entered the entertainment room with two to-go cups in hand when Lauren Hemp walked briskly towards you: “Hey, y/n.“
“Hi, Hempo. What are you building at the moment?“, you asked politely.
“I uhm… uhhh.“, she replied, seemingly surprised by your question.
“We’re working on that flower bouquet.“, Lucy answered in her stead, pointing towards a collection of square brick flowers.
You smiled: “How pretty.“
"You want to help us?", Lauren asked with a friendly grin on her lips. "Sure, have you seen Esme though? I've her hot chocolate order right here?", you wanted to know, your hands wrapped around the hot drink.
"She's right..oh, I mean no.", the blonde stammered. "So Es is in the room?", you looked around curiously. "I'll bring it to her.", Niamh offered winking.
"Okay?", you had a feeling that something was off and they were trying to distract you, but you didn’t know from what. Like what was Esme doing or hiding?
"Esme is busy doing something for the lionesses’ social media.", the defender explained quickly. "Oh, I won't interrupt her then.", you declared. "Come on, let's build some flowers.", Lauren smiled warmly. How could you say no to that? Impossible, plus it was so much fun. Later in the evening Esme gave you a long hug when she entered the dimly lit hotel room you shared together.
"Hi love, thanks for the hot chocolate earlier.", the defender whispered gratefully. "You're welcome, Es.", you replied. "I've something for you.", Esme winked conspiratorially. "You do?", you raised an eyebrow at your girlfriend.
"Yes, something I promised you for a long time.", she nervously put a loose hair string back behind her ear. "Is it a bracelet?", you asked the new Washington Spirits signing audibly moved. The lionesses teammates knew you were sad about the fact that everyone received an armband by her except you. "It's.", Esme confirmed excitedly before helping you to put her handmade bracelet on.
"Thank you.", you beamed at her. "I hope you like it.", the defender responded. "It's perfect.", you assured your girlfriend who's lips formed into a beautiful smile. "You like it?" "No, I love it.", you emphasized your previous words. Your shoulders slumped while you remembered how far you'd be apart when the camp was over. "What's wrong?", Esme questioned concerned.
"Nothing, I'll just miss you.", you admitted with a heavy sigh.
"I know. I'll miss you too. But that's why I made that bracelet with these colours.", the defender confessed, pressing a soft kiss to your wrist which made your heart flutter.
Does each one has a special meaning?", you looked at her interested. She took her time to explain it to you. How the light blue string stood for your time together at City, the brown symbolizing your coffee order and many more.
"Maybe that can help for the first few weeks.", Esme ended hopefully. "And the next lionesses camp won't be too far off.", you remembered.
"Exactly and we can always call each other.", the blonde added optimistically. Her words were like balm to your worries.
"We can do this, right?" "Yes. We'll be fine. Finer than fine.", your girlfriend smirked pressing sweet little kisses on to your face making you giggle. Deep down you knew that Esme was right. Together you were capable to face everything even long distance over two continents, the love you had for each other was strong enough and the bracelet was your everyday reminder for it.
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pointandshooter · 6 months
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National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC
photo: David Castenson
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onelastride · 1 month
Your artstyle feels like a mix of stop motion artstyles (specifically laika and Wendell & Wild), a handful of western cartoons and illustrations from advertisements, along with various children’s book illustrations.
I really like your work, the abstract look is really unique and refreshing among most fandom art. I love Hamilton too but I’d love to see your take on other fandoms or whatever ideas you have in your head.
I might as well take this ask as an opportunity to request something, as you seem to be taking those at the moment. I think it’d be cool if you made a lineup of the Hamilton cast in your style.
Here’s a random example of what I mean that I got off of deviantart (by Cryej)
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Ok, first off, thank you SO MUCH for your compliment. It really means so much to me. :D
Secondly, of course I can make that for you! I doubt I can do every character but I did try my best
Some Hamilton lineups ^_^
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(theres too many outfits so i only drew each character once)
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thehistoriantype · 29 days
I genuinely hate when people draw everyone in Hamilton BUT James Madison. Like how are you gonna draw EACKER BUT NOT MADISON????
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dragoninahumancostume · 8 months
85 things I love in Hamilton:
When a line of a song repeats on another song but slightly different or the exact same in a slightly different context or the exact same with the same context ("Look around look around" by Eliza vs by Alex, "I'm helpless" in Helpless vs Non-stop vs Say no to this)
The way it sounds like Lin is spitting on the P's in "My time's uP, wise uP, eyes uP"
How everyone agrees that Lafayette let his hair loose after Yorktown and that if he put it on a ponytail again Hamilton would react the same way Doofenschmirtz does with Perry and his hat
Everyone seems to agree Laurens should go running to be with Angelica, Eliza and Maria when they sing "Me? I loved him"
Daveed Diggs
The historical inaccuracy making songs even better (example: "How the sausage gets made" sung in 1790's when sausages were brought in the 1800's. Philip dying before the election of 1800 and in July when he actually died in November of 1801. Burr being Charles' second.)
Being able to tell which song is which even when they start off the same (alexander hamilton, guns and ships and winter's ball) by slight differences
"Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?" *sends a letter wanting to duel* "All he had to do was die. We ought give it a try." *kills Alex*
"I was chosen for the constitutional convention! :D"
Aaron's voice and expressions
"Wheeeee!" -Charles Lee
Animatics vs The actual musical (example: the king dancing in the animatic, him standing with a death stare in the musical)
Hamilton being happy he finally has friends
The dance in My Shot
Lafayette and Hercules dancing
Hercules showing off his pants
Lafayette flexing his muscles
John Laurens screaming passionately in the "shout it from the rooftops" part
Angelica's voice and expressions
John looking like he's checking Ham out
The difference between the musical and the studio recording, specifically the pauses that for me sound like they're trying to regain some breath to continue singing
Hercules as the flower girl
The foreshadowing (?) ("I may not live to see our glory" *dies*/ *doesn't count to ten in French* *dies because his opponent didn't count to ten*)
Peggy getting distracted by John in Schuyler Sisters
"my dog speaks more eloquently than thee"
"You don't have the votes ha-ha-ha"
Ham stopping his dance and fixing his jacket when Philip enters in Helpless
King George literally spitting in You'll be back
*Philip dies, Ham is mourning* "Can we get back to politics 🙄. Who you gon' vote for?"
When they're waiting for their turn on the song (Ham behind the king before Right Hand Man. John and Laf on the stairs behind Washington in "Your excellency, sir")
Washington's voice
The backup dancers they're literally so good
Ham: making a plan. Hercules: BRAH
Ham pushing Laf away so he could talk with Angelica
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mantisnixon55 · 2 months
What is George squared (gwash and kg3) going to be like? Are they going to enemies and lovers or salty towards each other 🤯
the coworkers ever.. theyre eachothers worst nightmares basically
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Ft the aftermath with leebury (lee being nice whaat??)
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Also he still has the crown. Its just a shitty fake one that says “best vice principal ever” an art kid (coff coff, seabury) made him
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kyleetryme · 1 month
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hamilton ship chart! you can use w/ credit ofc!1
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slyvester101 · 3 months
Tucker: If I ever had a child, I imagine they would be a lot like you
Palomo: Aww, thanks—
Tucker: Which is probably why I’ve never reproduced
Wash: What about Junior?
Tucker: He’s an alien and better than any kid to ever live, it’s an insult to my kid to try and compare him to this fuck
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ourtalechara · 3 months
Washington: Alexander, I forbid you from doing anything drastically violent about the Charles Lee situation.
Hamilton: B-but, but he-
Washington: *glares*
Hamilton: ...okay...
Washington: Good. *Walks away*
Laurens: He didn't say I couldn't do anything about it.
Hamilton: He didn't say I couldn't support you.
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clove-pinks · 24 days
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Charles Edwin Bulkeley by photographer Augustus Washington, c. 1852. Connecticut Historical Society Museum, Hartford.
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petiteclover · 3 months
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the nine University of Washington students who took the rowing world and the nation by storm when they captured the gold medal at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. The Boys of ’36 will show how the team overcame psychological, physical, emotional and economic hardships to beat not only East Coast Ivy League teams but Adolf Hitler’s elite German rowers. Their surprise triumph gave hope to a nation struggling to recover from the Great Depression.
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pernillecfcw · 1 month
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Cats photo dump 💙📸
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Alden Mason House, Seattle, Washington, USA,
Originally crafted in 1958 for renowned Seattle artist Alden Mason by architect Charles A. Marsh Jr. and builder Tom Paulsen, the house embodies the essence of Northwest Mid-Century Modern design.
Renovation by Ueda Design Studio.
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Trinity this is not it at all…. Big ick
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