#charlie asks
lennysfridge · 5 months
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crumboat · 3 months
fun fact: men have sperm cramps every month
yeah i know... jack manifold was telling me about them...... luckily i dont get peinis cramps.... ;3
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geralts-yenn · 5 months
HTB!!! 😍😍😍
Yeah 😍😁
It's been time. This WIP was in my folder for way too long.
Now the boys and Nina are finally talking to me again. (Well, the real Nina never stops asking about them anyway 😂)
I need another 2k words, I guess, then I can finally post something again 🥺
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turboweenie · 8 months
4, 27, 28, and 29 for the ask meme pls 👀
What’s a word that makes you feral? 
If we’re talking about “words that I behave like an impulsive, uncontrollable animal about and literally could not stop using if the threat of death loomed forth above my neck”, I like words to indicate exactness (“precisely” “meticulously” “distinctly”)... If we’re talking about a word that I will stop to turn over in my mouth when I see it used, and contemplate how no other word could have fit in the place of the one chosen, and consider that one single word has encapsulated an entire concept or atmosphere that would have otherwise taken an entire paragraph to describe… I will have to get back to you. I only know them when I see them.
Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? 
Stressful for me? Or stressful for those around them? ... I had a lad named Ewan (I’ve mentioned him) whom I loved dearly, but he ended up causing me a really profound amount of distress, because his story ended up being a tragedy. I’ve never like, bawled into a friend’s arms over an original character like that, before or since. Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Okay, uh, for whatever reason, the first character that came to mind was Dorian. Writing from his perspective felt like slipping into a really comfortable skin and it allowed me to meet a lot of really sweet, fun, and talented people. He has just the right amount of snarky zing for me to get a good joke in but also a level of gravitas and intelligence that prevents him from becoming solely comedic relief. I hope I managed to do him justice while I was writing for him!
Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
A lot of the time I struggle because I can’t quite get into a character’s head, or I feel like the combinations of words that I’m using are becoming stale. The best thing for me to do in those cases is sit and binge read novels: it reminds me to use words I’ve fallen out of practice using, it gives me a series of fresh patterns and rhythms to try out with sentence structure when I see them utilized effectively, and getting into someone else’s head for a bit means when I come back to whatever hurtle that I was stuck on I’m equipped to take a different angle of approach on it. Watching movies helps too, for the same reason, or listening to music, anything that provides concepts and beats that you don’t feel like you have to pull out of your own ass, or can remind you of the beats you started with that maybe got lost or put on the wayside.
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annabtg · 1 year
How did you first get into the marauders fandom?
I expect we're talking about back in 2005, right? ;D
Well, the first HP fic I ever read was Albus Dumbledore's Inbox by Indigo Ziona. I loved it so much I went searching her profile for more good stuff, which is where I found Coffee Ice Cream, my first ever Jily fanfic and still a favourite. From then, I went on to read more stuff on FF.net - not just Marauders stuff, at the time - navigating mostly through favourites. The next person I remember reading obsessively was Procrastinator-starting2moro - I don't remember how I stumbled across her, but I distinctly remember ringing in 2006 by reading her 144k words multichapter! Then sometime later I made a Livejournal, I found her and her gang of Marauders/Jily friends there, and the rest is history!
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
(😘 for good measure)
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Right now? Honestly?... White blossoms. I really like that fic, I've worked hard on it... I know it's not a common character and everything (And I am - as always - super grateful for your comments, so thank you so so much for reading it) but I still just really like the story xD
🦋what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
Honestly? That you or @geralts-yenn don't like it 😂😂
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Okay, maybe not about the writing itself, but I'm really proud of myself for 2 things:
When I find a typo in something that I posted, I don't freak out, it doesn't make me uncomfortable and I don't have to rush to correct it. Most of the time, I don't even correct it at all. It's become an exercise in being okay with imperfections, and it's been going surprisingly well!
I stopped thinking my English wasn't good enough, and I stopped apologizing in advance for mistakes I didn't even make. English is not my native language, and if I make the occasional mistake, so be it. (And if anyone ever wants to come for me... My English is probably better than their Dutch.)
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elsa-fogen · 2 months
Chaotic good Alastor?
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this is just a joke
OOC Alastor (probably?)
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joeyclaire · 2 years
i thought you were a lesbian??
charlie day is the one exception
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sharkcutlery · 7 months
Alastor situation: vandalizing Lucifer's rubberduckies (tortured barbie dolls vibes)
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north-noire · 8 months
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perhaps catching up a bit wouldn't hurt?
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I’m really curious how you would draw the Five Missing Children.
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Technically I’ve drawn them! Only the movie versions though, sometime I’ll do the game ones too!
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crumboat · 2 months
anyway you'll probably get two today (it's 3:30 am)
iruka umino
from naruto. idk I just kinda fell in love with him
Is a n explanation even needed
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alloplush · 4 months
How would Charlie Morningstar react to Lucifer Morningstar with Alastor???
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this is so dumb JNASJDN
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corantus · 1 year
Is Snoopy a trans guy or a trans girl in your teen!Peanuts (Teenuts..?) AU?
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this is how it happened. hes gay also
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annabtg · 1 year
What is the thing you've written (fandom content or otherwise) that is the closest to your heart?
Hey there, Charlie! ❤️
I would say that's My Best Friend's Girl. It's a story that flowed out of me like a river, like - at the moment I got the first few paragraphs in my head I couldn't rest until it was all out on the page. I was literally driving to work when it came to me and when I got there I just ignored everything else and started writing. XD I know that maybe if I hadn't been so consumed by it I might have expanded more on it, explored everyone's feelings and relationships better, but even if it's not my best story it's the one dearest to my heart. I love my writing in it, the story it tells, all the love between everyone that finally finds its way, and even the fact that people read it and liked it when I thought no one would!
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk about it. ☺️
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alienlover23 · 5 months
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smiling chics the sequel
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