#charlie finally marrying his trophy wife
waugh-bao · 2 years
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Ronnie and Charlie celebrating their (nearly) shared birthday with Keith’s help (1990)
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blues-valentine · 2 years
Now that Peaky Blinders is over I can finally say that Tommy and Lizzie were better than Tommy and Grace. I never understood the attachment to Grace and the uncalled hate towards Lizzie, to me it was strange and unreasonable. Most hated Lizzie for having emotions, being in love with Tommy and being "petty" sometimes as if half the characters weren’t already like that. Lizzie had the best developed and was a way more compelling character, her dynamic with Tommy was complex, interesting and tragic.
I hardly could understand Grace as a character. We didn’t really got to know the real her when she wasn’t undercover and with some ulterior motive to her actions. It was really difficult to buy her love for Tommy and vice-verse, then when she died it was really hard to mourn with him because their whole relationship was too fast and unconvincing. It feels like Tommy idolized her, almost as if she represented a life he wanted to have but couldn’t get. Tommy felt in love with the Grace he made up in his mind – the rich girl that ran away from home and wanted to make a better life for herself, that’s the version he felt for in a moment he needed to scape reality. S1 Grace was a fake persona she created for her "spy" duties so S2-S3 Grace is exactly what she is as a person, an upper class spoiled trophy wife and Tommy was desperate for her approval. The whole propose for her to come back was to add to Tommy's torture and plot. Grace and Charlie represented the fairytale he didn’t get to have. That’s why I probably never became attached to her as her own because her character wasn’t very pleasant and not meant to stand on her own but to be a projection for Tommy. I never got the feeling that Grace understood his life or cared about his family. She never made actual efforts to integrate herself with the family. We never see her interacting with any Shelby except Tommy. She was brought up in a different environment than he did. She wasn’t with him or viewed him for what he truly was. It was a fantasy for her too. I think she thought she could change him, this idea of the high class girl that could make the mad boss become honorable and I wonder if she had truly stayed by him when things got harder, once the honeymoon period washes off would she have been able to handle a S4 or S5 Tommy?
(I also think it was a disservice to Tommy's intelligence that he didn’t actually catch up with her being an spy on S1. Like, you want to tell me he was one step ahead of everyone else but couldn’t catch the most obvious spy).
Lizzie, aside from Polly, was the only woman that truly got to understand Tommy – good and bad, and that despite everything stayed with him longer than anyone. She could read him like anyone else. She was raised on a similar background as the Shelby's. She was someone that grounded him, one of the few people that were holding him together and he knew he could genuinely trust her. She was one of Tommy's longer companions. She learned how to built her way up into the Shelby family and earned their trust and respect. The Shelley people loved her and protected her. Lizzie and Tommy could’ve been a power couple and I dislike how the show kind of tried to portray Grace as his ultimate soulmate and never got Tommy to do right by Lizzie. I know he cared for her and trusted her. I know he loved her but wouldn’t admit his feelings until it was too late for him to act on them. I know that in a more *normal* environment they would’ve been happy. There’s moments when you could feel the intimacy and care built on years of knowing each other. Grace might have been Tommy's first wife but ultimately I think Lizzie is what he needed in his life and it has always felt that way to me. Another aspect of them was Cilian and Natasha. She was one of the few actors that really was on part with him during scenes specially this last season. It was fascinating.
They could’ve truly built Lizzie and Tommy as a powerful married couple but didn’t. All the suffering Lizzie went through alone could’ve been easily avoided, all she wanted was her husband, his comfort and to lay some of his burden. Instated, they had Tommy chasing shadows and neglecting his family. I understand S5/S6 Tommy was in a vulnerable state of mind. He was paranoid, on drugs and he thought he was going to die. He knew he didn’t deserved Lizzie's love that she doesn’t belong in his world. After Ruby's death and the premise of what could be his own, I think he felt like throwing it all away. He started acting out to avoid them, Lizzie and Charlie, any more pain but it was so difficult to watch Lizzie get hurt again and again, watch Tommy not giving her the answers to anything. It was painful to see Lizzie grieving their daughter alone. It was hard to watch Charlie recognize that he doesn’t see Tommy as a father because he never provided him with warmth. I love Tommy. He is complex and wasn’t supposed to be entirely right, but it was a shame to see him mess it up with Lizzie and his family this much, because I know he truly cares for his family and I wanted him to fix it. I wanted him to confide in Lizzie and lay some of that burden. I wanted him to try open up and give her the love she deserves and I know he was capable of giving it to her.
Lizzie should’ve left Tommy a long time ago. I understand why she didn’t earlier and I'm glad she eventually did to find peace elsewhere with Charlie, someone she raised as if it was her own child, but the writers truly did wrong by Lizzie and Tommy and all the inflicted suffering/neglect was poorly executed and cruel.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Dance With Me
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Requested by : Anon
Summary: 3. Tommy and the reader marry as a contract, after Grace's death, and after a year of their marraige he finally takes her to an event with him. She's beautiful so men eye her, tommy is jealous, so when they come home he makes the sweetest love to her, different from their usual hurried sessions and confesses his jealousy and values her after this.
Warnings: light smut, non descriptive sex
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"You look beautiful, love. Tommy's going to have a hard time keeping his cock in check."
"Pol, please," You didn't realise when you were blushing a scarlet red as you grabbed your purse, your other hand flying down to hold the skirt of your red dress as you lifted it up slightly and started walking down with her. Your husband was already at the fundraiser, you and Polly were to join him later.
"Just trust me love, Tommy's going to make love to you all fucking night, you look like a fallen angel, my nephew's weakness," Polly's words were cut off by the sound of the match lighting and her face glowing a bright yellow as she lit her cigarette.
You and Polly were standing arm in arm, staring at the mahogany door, behind which the fundraiser was on at full swing. Jazz music filled your ears, and a loud chatter rang through the air. Wrapping your shawl tighter over your bare shoulders, you took a drag from Polly's cigarette before the two of you made your way inside.
You bit your lip, more in annoyance than in excitement. Your heart internally screamed at Polly's words. You wanted to correct her, tell her the truth, that your marriage to Tommy Shelby was a sham. It wasn't even a marriage, it was a contract. While to the world, you and Tommy were an idyllic couple, no one would suspect the reality; how you were merely been married to for the sake of his son, so he has a companion at home, someone to take care of his child and his house. Wasn't it true but you were just a kind of a maid, that was Tommy's wife in the eyes of others.
Not that you complained.
You had lost your own husband and your own son in an accident; and life had been unbearable since then. The prospect of being there for Charlie only ignited your will to do it.
"Mrs. Shelby, you look beautiful tonight, might I compliment you on your dress." A woman you remembered meeting at one of the events at Grace Shelby Institute stood in front of you, her hair pulled up into a bun, a look that had gone out of fashion years back.
"Thank you," Socializing was something you thought you weren't good at, but you had to do it, for you for Thomas Shelby's trophy wife. You gave her a weak smile, almost looking for a way to excuse yourself from this mindless upper class chatter when someone caught your eye in the opposite end of the room.
You could see your husband standing by the other side, his fingers curled around a glass of whiskey, his eyes fixed on his partner, who was eyeing you incessantly, being shameless enough to do it in front of your husband. You could see Tommy glare occasionally from him to you, noting how the man next to him was looking at you.
This happened two more times after that. You found this man, who you knew by the name, Oswald Mosley, practically ogle you in front of your husband's eyes. You even noticed him turn to Tommy and lean close to him, whispering something in his ears and that's when Tommy turned to look at you; his steely blue eyes fixing on yours. His expression was unreadable and cold and you couldn't understand.
However, after what seemed like an endless charade of staring at you, and after Tommy had replied him back, and probably said something to him, Oswald Mosley gave him a glare, and slowly left, to mingle with someone else. But Thomas Shelby OBE was still looking at you, his blue eyes fixed on your movement, the way you spoke to the guests and mingled, the way a loose strand of your hair fell into your eye repeatedly and you tried to pry it away but it fell back again. He was taking a sip of his whiskey, watching you speak to his aunt and finally, when he saw Polly move away with Ada, and you stand there, alone, in a corner, looking around, he finally started walking towards you.
You were staring blankly at the couples dancing in front of you, underneath the massive crystal chandelier that reflected light all over the hall, your own drink in your hand. From the corner of your eye, you saw a faint movement and when you looked again, your forehead adorned a newly formed frown.
"Enjoying the event, Mrs. Shelby?" Tommy had fixed himself next to you and was now looking at the couples dancing, his drink swirling in his hand. You couldn't deny, he really did look handsome; the short side shaven hair and the black tuxedo really did him justice.
You nodded politely, bringing up your drink to your lips and taking a sip, "I am, Mr. Shelby, after all, I'm the hostess, am I not?"
A faint snicker crossed his lips but he didn't smile, instead he pursed his lips in an attempt to mask that he wanted to and brought his glass up to his lips, downing the entire contents of it and then placed the empty glass in one of the servant's tray as he passed by.
"I thought I should let you know."
You raised an eyebrow, turning faintly so you could eye him better.
"You look beautiful tonight."
It was rare, infact, it was the first time you had heard him say this to you, and this was something remotely close to affection, that Thomas Shelby was capable of doing. You wanted to tease him, but you knew if you did, he will shut himself off again, so you bit your lip, letting the warm blush take over your cheeks and looked down at your feet.
"So do you, like always," your voice was a whisper, so soft, but yet, Tommy had heard it. And this time, he was giving you a tight lipped smile.
The two of you stood in a quiet for about a minute or so, before you heard him speak again, but this time, his hand was stretched towards you, "Would you like to dance with me?"
There was something electrifying about this all. You had lived under the same room with this man for months now and hadn't felt a thing and now, by just one gesture of a compliment, and a potential dance, you were feeling swept away by his manly charm. Unknowingly, you placed your palm in his warm one, and his fingers wrapped around yours, giving you a nice, giddy feeling as he walked you to the dance floor.
You finally turned to face him, his eyes trained to yours. It looked like a normal stare, but in truth, he was staring at you, gazing at your soft features, the colour of your cheeks, the way your lips moved in a slight hum along the tune; he was watching it all, admiring you, wondering how and why he hadn't looked at you this way before. You were the most beautiful woman in the room tonight, and you were his. In his arms. He revelled in this feeling, smirking inwardly, thinking of how Mosley had been eyeing you all night, but when he had told him who you were, and how he didn't like his eyes on you, he had left.
You closed your eyes, albeit faintly, when Thomas's palm found the small of your back and his delicate fingers held you securely close, your other hand clasped between his fingers. The lights twinkled as he made you spin around in delicate circles, your red dress flowing around like a leaf, twirling. It was a beautiful feeling, and you felt like a sixteen year old again, harbouring an innocent childlike crush in your heart, for your own husband.
As the two of you danced for a few more minutes, you kept wondering if Tommy could hear how fast your heartbeat was. It was only when Thomas leaned forward, tipping his head slightly, so his lips were in line with your ears and he whispered, "Would you breathe now, love? I don't want you you fainting on me, when the night's just begun", did you realise you had been holding in your breath.
You tensed immediately, your eyes widening, more in embarassment. His fingers, however, delicately stroke over your small back, and you found yourself relaxing again, under his embrace. You finally closed your eyes, tipping your head forward, resting it against Tommy's warm forehead, but not before glancing up at him and whispering, "hope you don't mind?"
He just gave you a smile, a smile that wasn't like the Thomas Shelby you knew.
"Would you like me to take you home?" His question came out of nowhere, almost startling you, but you nodded anyway; because you wanted to be away from prying eyes, and be with him, and just him.
Those little touches; you couldn't seem to get them out of your mind as you heard the shower in the bathroom go off. You could feel Tommy's fingers brushing over your thigh, like they had been, a few minutes ago, as he drove you back home. You had gone to Charlie's room, to make sure he was properly tucked in, once you both had reached back home, and he had vanished into the shower.
Finally, after what felt like ages, the bathroom door groaned as Tommy pulled it open and he stepped out, water droplets dripping off his body, a white towel covering his modesty. You parted your lips, slowly moistening your dry lower lip, gazing at him. He looked beautiful, he was beautiful, chiseled and carved out with utmost patience, and dedication.
You could only watch as he closed the distance between you, and his hand latched to the back of your head, his fingers burying into your matted hair and pulling you into him, so he could get access to your lips. The kiss was slow at first, needy even, but soon, the pace built up and it became more passionate, both of you struggling to slide your tongue into each other's mouths. Your tongue danced with his tongue, while he started grinding into you in a teasing way, pressing your back to the wall.
"So beautiful," he whispered, locking your hands over your head while his lips trailed downwards, peppering you with kisses all over your body.
Your wedding to Thomas had been a contract, and a moment like this was something you had never expected to happen. But now, it was happening, and it was real because Thomas Shelby was carrying you bridal style and laying you on your bed. It was real because you could feel him now, inside you, a sudden ecstatic feeling building inside you as he was making love to you. It was real because he was kissing your lips with an emotion. It was all real.
You found yourself curled in bed, naked, only a white silk sheet covering the two of you as you two lay in bed together. Your leg was entangled with his and your head rested on his shoulder, while his arm was draped around you. You were drawing the outlines of his tattoo with your index finger, smiling contentedly.
"Tommy, what's different now?" You asked him, your voice soft, a sweet drabble.
You felt his chest rise and fall as he exhaled, and turned slightly to his side so he can look at you better. He lifted his index finger, placing it on your face, slowly trailing it downwards until it rested on your chin.
"I didn't like it today, the way men looked at you, like you are a mare on display."
"What a comparison, Shelby," you rolled your eyes and sat up in bed, reaching for his box of cigarettes, and pulling out a stick, the white sheet wrapped around your frame as you leaned against the headboard.
"What I'm saying is, love, I didn't like it. You're mine to look at, only I can look at you, touch you and," he stopped talking and you looked down at him. He was now on his front, looking up at you, his chin resting on his arm, that was folded underneath him.
"And?" You whispered, reluctantly reaching out and placing your hand on his shoulders at first, and then moving your fingers into his hair.
Love you.
It sounded so weird in the back of his mind. He couldn't bring himself to admit it, to say it.
"I won't let anyone do that. I want to let you know, you're not just a person that lives under the same roof, you're my wife, my woman now aye."
You blinked, letting your tears roll down your cheeks. You were lucky the room was engulfed in darkness, so he really couldn't see.
You could see he was trying.
Thomas Shelby wasn't a man of words, he wasn't a romantic, or someone that would make you promises. Thomas Shelby was a realist, an idealist. Actions for him meant much more than words. And right now, his actions were the ones that were making your heart feel warm.
You were his wife, you were his woman.
Although he didn't say those words out loud to you, but maybe soon, he would. And you decided to cling to that minute hope in your heart that one day Thomas Shelby will look into your eyes and he would tell you he loves you and that you are his world, today and forever.
(I am really sorry if this disappointed you all! I am personally not very happy with how this turned out.)
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justimagineitblog · 4 years
“You Used To Love Me” Michael Gray Fan Fiction - Chapter 8
INTRODUCING: Charlie Hunnam - he fit the idea for this character perfectly so I decided to use his face and name for this new character x
Also lotsss of jealous Michael !!!!!!!!! I loved writing this chapter, it was so entertaining to bring in a new character and throw a spanner in the works. I hope you enjoy it xxx
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“We’re going to a benefit event this weekend, for networking. They haven’t seen us show our faces for a long time, and I think it’s about time we do”
That’s what Tommy had announced yesterday at the meeting. Gina had clapped excitedly, exclaiming to Michael how she’d never been to an English ball before.
I, however, could not have been less enthusiastic. Up until now I have not had to deal much with Gina and Michael as a pair. Michael alone is already way to much for me to handle emotionally. Moments I’m around him are spent with a racing mind and heart as I try and figure out what he is thinking. And even in moments where we’re not around each other, my every thought is consumed by him. It has been two days since Michael and I shared that moment in the office, and I’m still recovering. I can still physically feel the pit in my stomach, and the way my stomach dropped when I saw the tears on Michael’s face. I replay it on a continuous loop. And the last thing he said to me has had me completely torn up in an internal battle. He had said he wanted this. And I can’t stop obsessing over whether the use of past tense means that this is not what Michael wants anymore. That he wanted Gina. He wanted to marry her. He wanted me to keep away from him. But maybe he isn’t so sure anymore?
But hey, it’s not like I’m ever going to ask him what the hell he is thinking. What he is doing. What happened. Does he regret it? I could never ask him. Because maybe Michael will never wake up to himself. And there is no way in hell I’m letting my heart get broken twice.  As for Michael, he has barely even looked at me since. Talk about whose avoiding who now. Michael is pretty much doing my job for me. Dipping out of every room quickly when I walk in. Looking at the floor or practically anywhere but at me when we have to be around each other.
Right now I’m stood here trying on 6 different dresses to wear to the races today, growing even more frustrated at how none of them are just right.
I haven’t dressed up in a long time. I was even slightly excited at the idea. But now I just feel defeated. I used to love putting on my best dress and watching Michael melt. The look on his face when he would see me. The way he would whisper to me, letting me know I wouldn’t have the dress on for much longer once we got home.
But no one is looking now.
Sighing, I settle on a floor length, yellow gown. I haven’t worn it yet. I slip into it, feeling out of place and worthless. Funny how everything looked better when it was under Michael’s gaze.
Now I’m just a girl in a yellow dress.
I rush through the rest of my makeup and hair, hurrying out of my apartment just in time for the car that the Shelby’s organised for me. The whole car ride I clutch my purse nervously. I can only imagine Gina will look stunning. And I will have to watch Michael look at her the way he used to look at me. As I see the event grow closer in the horizon, I want to hijack the vehicle and go home. Desperately. But at least Polly, Tommy and Arthur will be there. I can’t let them down. This is important for my job. I need to make moves and network with people.
That’s all I have to do. Just keep my head down and do my job.
I feel completely out of my body as I slide out of the car, expecting my legs to give way underneath me. I head up the steps to the entrance where they will ask for my name and who I’m with. Normally I would show up with Michael and no questions would be asked. We would get a respectful nod from the doorman and be let in without questions asked. I almost wish that I might just fall down the steps and straight into a black hole where I don’t have to go ahead with this. But now it’s too late. I’m greeted at the door by tall men who could do a lot of damage and a woman with a clipboard.
“Isabelle. I’m on the Shelby Limited table” I say abruptly, completely ignoring her warm welcome. I don’t mean to, but my mind is completely in a foggy haze. As she runs her finger down the paper to check I’m on list, I search the room full of people behind the security guards. No signs of Michael or Gina. Yet.
“Not a problem, go ahead ma’am” she nods as the security guards separate for me to walk through. I stare at the busy room ahead like a deer in headlights, composing myself before I set foot inside. Wearing my best fake smile I begin weaving my way through the crowd. I search desperately for the Shelby’s in every face I see with no luck. Knowing my fortune, I’ll probably run straight into Michael and Gina.
But maybe tonight the lucky stars are on my side. As I reach the top of the stair well that will lead into the heart of the party, I scan the room once more. This time, my eyes land on Tommy, Polly and Arthur. With a sigh of relief, I practically fly down the stairs. Not even caring if I trip and fall. I just need to get to my people. Where I feel safe. Tommy spots me, and soon after Polly and Arthur do too.
As I finally reach them I pull her into my arms for a much needed hug. I’m already on edge and I’ve only just arrived. Tonight is going to be fun… When we let go, she holds me out in front of her, looking me up and down.
“Good god girl” she exclaims, shaking her head.
“Do I look okay?”
“Are you fucking joking, you look stunning”
Her compliment steady’s my nerves a little, and before I know it Tommy is reaching out to me. I take his hand and he pulls me in, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek.
“You look beautiful Izzy” he coos, his eyes are warm and genuine “And don’t forget to breathe, eh” He chuckles as he notices my energy. I’m nervous wreck and just about anyone could tell. Right now I feel like a slight breeze could knock me off my feet.
I exhale slowly, nodding at him. No one calms me like Tommy can. He is always so strong. Calm. Steady. Sure of himself. And that rubs of on me every time.
He gives me a quick reassuring wink like he always does, as Arthur butts into the conversation.
“Fucking hell eh,” his rough voice booms as pulls me in for a hug like Arthur always does “Wait till Michael gets a load of this-“
Polly swats at him immediately, hitting his arm with her hang bag.
“Well we won’t have to wait long for that now will we-“ Tommy retorts in a hushed voice as his eyes lock on someone in the distance.
Simultaneously, we all look over our shoulders to see Michael and Gina headed our way. A giant pit begins to hollow out in my stomach immediately at the sight of them. They haven’t noticed us yet as they walk with their arms linked, laughing and talking with each other.
Almost as if it was perfect timing, a waiter greets us, offering glasses of wine. Without thinking I reaching for one, throwing it back faster than I probably should. I can feel Polly’s look of concern as she watches me skull the drink.
“Hello everyone” I hear Gina’s obnoxious accent greet us as her and Michael finally meet up with us.
Mustering up whatever small amount of liquid courage the wine gave me, I place my empty glass down on the table and turn to face them with tight lipped smile.
The second Gina’s eyes fall over me, she transforms from a smiling trophy wife to a stone cold statue. They lock onto me like lasers before raking up and down my body, the same way they did on the first day we met. When her eyes finally meet mine again, she looks absolutely livid. Fuming. I’ve seen that same look on her before.
Possessively, she tightens her grip on Michael’s arm. Michael. I hadn’t even dared to look at him yet. But just like always it doesn’t take long for our darting eyes to meet. When they do, I find that he looks speechless. Frozen. His lips are parted in what I can only assume is shock. As he stares at me, at my body, he looks… breathless. Which is probably exactly how I look right now. I feel wildly uncomfortable, my heart rate picking up it’s pace as he gazes at me without blinking.
Tommy, Arthur and Polly quickly begin talking to ease the tension. They begin complimenting Gina on how lovely she looks. She’s dressed in a tight, silver gown, with her signature fur shawl drapes over her shoulders.
“It’s vintage” Gina smiles proudly, before turning her attention back to Michael. But the smile from her ego being stroked is quickly slapped of her face when she she’s how Michael is staring at me. Her head snaps towards him, looking completely offended that he’s even looking at me. She stares at her husband in bewilderment, but then her head rotates towards me. She clears her throat, which startles Michael. His eyes quickly dart away from my body, his neck growing red under his collar.
“Yellow…” Gina begins raising her eyebrows at me “How sweet, you look… bright”
She knows exactly what she’s doing. Her voice is so condescending its basically dripping with it. And her sweet smile is anything but sweet. It’s vicious. Forced. Tight lipped.
I want to bite back. I want to tell her how much that fur shawl she thinks makes her look expensive actually just looks like something she killed and skinned herself.
But I don’t. This woman has taken everything from me. I won’t let her take my pride. My dignity.
I take slow, calming deep breath before responding to her attempt at offending me with a cool smile. Underneath my skin she might have me boiling with rage. But I would never show her that.
“You look stunning Gina”
Her brows furrow ever so slightly as she fights to control the shock on her face. I caught her off guard. She expected me to strike back. To make a fool of myself. But I won’t let her have that satisfaction.
Then without quite knowing why, I turn to Michael, who looks like he’s about to have a heart attack when I lock my eyes onto his. I can see his stomach doing back flips as he waits in anticipation for what I’m about to say.
“And you have a beautiful wife, you must be so lucky”
And with one last smile, I excuse myself from the group and walk away. I try to walk with a strong stride, as if I’m sure of where I’m going. But I’m not. I’m just walking in any direction that will take me away from them, weaving through strangers as the adrenaline leaves my body. I’m not trying to leave, but I need to catch my breath for a second.
I need fresh air… and another drink.
Somehow, I manage to find my way to a back court yard, full off people smoking to relieve their stress. I’m not a smoker, but it’s still fresh air. And hell, at least I’m not the only one trying to escape the party. I don’t know why they bother coming out here, people are lighting up cigarettes inside anyway.
I find an empty chair to sit in, and I’m relieved to be able to stop for a second and gather myself. I can’t believe Gina. That woman is vile. Vicious. Poisonous. A snake dressed up in vintage dresses. Michael staring at me like he’s just seen a ghost.
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a mans voice, asking if he can take a seat. I look up in the direction of the voice and find myself stunned. He is tall, much taller than me even though I’m sitting I can still see that he towers over me. He greets my shock with a warm smile. He seem’s nice enough.
“Uh, yes, of course” I quickly reply, realising I’m just staring like a someone who doesn’t know how to act in social situations.
“Sorry, for frightening you” he smiles sheepishly as he takes a seat. God, am I that easy to read.
“No, it’s fine, honestly, I was just thinking” I shake my head
“Thinking is good” he smirks, then extends a slender hand towards me “I’m Charlie”
“Isabelle” I introduce myself, feeling oddly comfortable around this man. I take his hand in mine and shake it gently.
“I’ll let you continue thinking?” He asks, suddenly looking guilty for interrupting my solitude.
“No please,” I shake my head, urging him to continue talking “That’s the last thing I want to be doing”
“Noted” he grins back “What brings you here, Isabelle”
“To this court yard or to this ball?” I tease, surprised at my own playfulness.
“Let’s start with the ball first then”
“To the ball… Work”
“And to this luxurious court yard?” He jokes, gesturing to our slightly run down surroundings.
I pause for a moment. What do I say? That I just ran away from my ex partner and his new wife? That I’m hiding from them to avoid the suffocating tension between us? Because I think he still loves me but he won’t just admit it?
“The fresh air” I retort sarcastically.
He watches me closely, the glint of a smile in his eyes as the corners of his mouth curl up. He nods, accepting that he’s not going to get anymore out of me than that. But I feel bad. Normally I’m an open book. I love people. But my situation with Michael is far to complex even me to understand, let alone explain to a stranger. Feeling guilty for not giving him much of a decent conversation, I turn to face him directly.
“What about you, Charlie?”
He hums, looking up as he thinks “To the court yard or the ball?”
I can’t help but grin at his quick wit, as he gives me a dose of my own medicine. But clearly only jokingly teasing me, he continues to answer my question.
“Here to support my brother, he runs one of the charities being honoured tonight”
I smile. This man. Charlie. He is sweet.
“To the court yard, however, I have also come to get fresh air. These kinds of events aren’t really my thing”
“You and me both” I nod “Not that we’re getting much fresh air anyway”
He laughs softly, nodding along with me in agreement.
“Do you drink, Isabelle?” He questions
“Only on days that end with Y” I smirk, answering his question.
He beams back at me, seeming almost like he’s not used to this.
“You know I’m thinking a drink at the bar might do us better than this lovely fresh air”
I cock my head to the side, watching him closely. I don’t know this man. Not well, anyway. This isn’t the type of networking I was planning on doing. But when was the last time I did something for me? Michael does. Michael puts his needs first every day. And the longer I look at this man, the longer I realise how absolutely stunning he is. And yeah, maybe I want to have a goddamn drink with him. I stand up from my chair and he quickly follows my lead with a grin. Without a word, he extends his arm to me and I take it, defying every part of me that feels weird hiding any mans arm that isn’t Michael’s. I’m doing this for me.
What ensues is a half hour of drinking at the bar, where we learn more about each other. Every time he opens his mouth I’m taken aback by how funny, intelligent and sweet this man is. He meets every joke of mine with an even better one. His quick wit keeping up with mine like it’s nothing. He says the right thing. The nice thing. The funny thing. His laugh is divine, and I begin to notice his deeply set smile lines and subtle dimples. Everything about Charlie is new. Exciting. I’ve been so fixated, so used to Michael for so long that I find myself in awe of the man in front of me.
I almost forget we are even at an event until a voice booms into the air over a loud and screeching microphone. The voice asks us all to returns to our seats for dinner, before the event properly begins.
“What table are you at?”
“I’m not sure, actually” I reply as I quickly realise I’m not sure where the Shelby’s are seated. Suddenly I see Polly’s face appear in the crowd. She hasn’t spotted me yet, but I can tell she is looking for me. Shit. Panic sets in. I know Polly wouldn’t be mad at me for having drinks with another man. In fact I’m sure she’d encourage it. But I’m not ready. I’m not ready to have her see me with another man. Very quickly, I begin to feel horrible about this. Maybe I shouldn’t be getting drinks with another man. God what am I doing?
“You alright?” I hear Charlie ask and I look back at him nervously.
“Uh, yeah I, I just think I need to-“ my sentence is interrupted by panic as Polly is getting closer and closer.
“It’s alright, you should get back” He reassures me. I look up at him with furrowed brows and nods in understanding, but his smile looks sad. God I feel terrible. But I can’t stay.
“I’m sorry” I apologise in a rush as I hurry away from him, desperate to get back to the table without being seen by Polly.
To my relief, I manage to stalk my way around the crowd and avoid Polly. But once I feel like I breathe a sigh of relief, I’m smacked in the face with another wave of panic. Now I have to sit with Gina and Michael at dinner. I hurry up to our table once I spot it, and slide into my seat so quickly only Tommy notices me sit down. Noticing I’m out of breath he furrows his brows at me.
“Did you run here or something?” he laughs nudging me playfully with his shoulder. I scoff. I practically did, yeah.
“Oh, there you are!” Polly’s voice exclaims suddenly, drawing attention to me. Gina and Michael’s heads both shoot over my way, and it doesn’t take long to get served a disgusted look from Gina. But right now Gina and her bitch face is on the bottom of my worry list. I’m just relieved that I made it back to the table without Polly seeing me with Charlie. Oh god. I cringe remembering how I left him in the lurch at the bar. I all but ran away from the guy while he was half way through a sentence.
Suddenly waiters start appearing from the kitchen doors, serving the dinner to all the guests. Desperate to have something to distract me, I busy myself with the food and try to centre myself again. I let the chatter of the party fall into the background as I zone out, my mind travelling back to Charlie. I made a complete fool of myself. He was perfectly nice. More than nice. He was completely charming. Why did I just run away from him like that. At one point, I happen to catch eyes with Michael, who seems to already be looking at me. His eyes dart away from me quickly trying to pretend like I didn’t catch him looking. But I don’t even bother entertaining him for that right now. This awkward staring game he is playing is getting very old, very fast.
Does he expect me to read his goddamn mind?
Before I know it, dinner is over, and the afternoons festivities begin. The host drones on for many long, painful minutes, most of the time bragging about their generosity towards the charities here tonight. I try not to laugh. Doesn’t the boasting kind of defeat the purpose of the philanthropy? As he finally wraps up his self centred speech I assumed that might all just go back to mingling and forcing small talk with all these strangers, but no. As the band begins to play music once more, the host announces that the ball room floor has opened.
Gina exclaims excitedly at Michael as couples all over the room begin to stand and make their way to the dance floor in the middle of the room.
You’ve got to be kidding me. I look up at the ceiling and to the heavens above. Someone up there really has it out for me.
I watch as Michael forces a smile at Gina as she tugs on his coat, begging him to dance.
“Dance with me baby?” She pouts, sounding like a whining child. I bite the inside of my lip, trying not to scoff out loud. Michael hates being called baby. When we were together, he used to love the way I called him ‘my love’. He had insisted that he could never imagine being called by any other name. Joking that he would change his name legally so I couldn’t call him anything but ‘my love’.
Reluctantly, he places his napkin on the table and helps Gina up out of her chair.
“Excuse us, I have to dance with my husband” she says to the table as she hangs of Michael’s arm, but I know she’s directing that comment directly at me. Everyone nods, excusing them from the table. I try to wipe the look of hurt, jealousy and anger of my face as I watch them join the rest of the dancing couples.
“Thought you might need this” Arthur’s voice says in my ear as he sits down next to me, sliding a glass of wine in my direction.
“What would make you think that?” I reply sarcastically, but give him a grateful smile. For the next few songs I watch them pensively over the top of the rim of my glass. Gina is beaming up at Michael. Clutching onto him possessively every time another woman gets to close. Michael doesn’t look totally miserable either. He even looks like he’s enjoying himself for a few fleeting moments. Of course he is. He’s married. His wife is beautiful. She adores him. What more could he want, right?
After the 3rd song finishes they leave the dance floor and begin to return to the table. I force my eyes down to the ground, to make out like I haven’t just been staring at them for the past 15 minutes.
They only just reach the table, taking their seats, when a males voice says my name from beside us.
In shock at hearing my name, I look up in its direction. My eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue eyes and a gentle smile.
“Would you like to dance with me?” He proposes, extending his arm to me. When he see’s my hesitance he gives me a deep, knowing look. Like he’s been watching this all unfold and he has come to whisk me away. To save me. I should feel embarrassed. Awkward. Another man offering to dance with me when Michael is right there should feel weird. But instead I just feel… butterflies. The good kind. I want to let myself do this. Why not. I don’t have anyone to be loyal to. I have been loyal to Michael since day one. He hasn’t returned that. I don’t owe him a goddamn thing.
Without a word I take his hand, rising from my seat. His face lights up, and he gives me a smile that looks… proud. He squeezes my hand once, before linking my arm with his.
“Thank you” he nods at the Shelby’s respectfully with a small bow “I’ll have her back soon”
I glance over at all their faces as we walk away. Tommy and Arthur watch on like protective brothers, and Polly has a proud smile on her face. She loves her son, but I know she’s thinking how much he deserves to have this rubbed in his face. Speaking of Michael, the look on his face is priceless. He looks hot and angry, his face distorted and twisted half between fury and… hurt.
But I don’t have much time to look at Michael, not while Charlie is leading me through the dance floor until we find a clear spot to stand. He smirks as we face each other. He places one large, slender hand on my waist while the other interlocks with mine. I take a deep breath to steady myself. Another mans touch is so unfamiliar to me. He watches me carefully, reading me like a book. Sensing my nerves, he very slowly and gently pulls me closer to him. Not to fast. But not to slow. How the hell does he know how to do the right thing every time?
Feeling how calm and steady he is has the same effect on me, and I feel my rushing mind and racing heart begin to slow.
“Hi again” he coos softly, smiling down at me.
“Hi” I reply, unable to help the grin that is growing wider and wider on my own face. I follow his lead as we begin to sway along to the slow jazz music that is playing in the background. I frown slightly, still feeling guilty about leaving him.
“I’m so sorry about before” I apologise looking up at him sheepishly.
“Don’t be” He shakes his head, dismissing my concern “Just don’t run off from me while we’re in the middle of the dance floor yea, might not recover from that one” he teases. We both chuckle.
“I’m not going anywhere” I assure him
“That’s fine by me” he bites his lip as we find ourselves getting even closer to one another until we’re pressed right up against one another. As we share a moment just gazing at one another, I can’t help but wonder he came just at the right time. Who the hell sent this man?
Suddenly turns us around in a circle, holding me tight as we spin. Catching me off guard, he lowers me down into a dip. His strong hand supports my back, and my head falls back as I laugh gleefully. When he brings me back up, our faces are so close that our noses are touching. I half expect him to kiss me, to take advantage of this moment. But he doesn’t. He remains a perfect gentleman. I’m completely caught up in him, caught up in our own little bubble when it is burst by the sight of Michael over Charlie’s shoulder.
He is standing with the Shelby’s and Gina, as they’re mingling and chatting with another family. But he’s not paying attention to them. He is glaring at Charlie and I over the top of his drink. He throws it back angrily, before all but slamming it down on the table. I can see his chest rising and falling heavily from here. Michael isn’t even trying to hide his jealously. I can’t believe the audacity of Michael. It’s almost laughable.
“You good?” Charlie asks with concern, noticing that I’m distracted. He also notices Michael as he looks between us. I think for a moment, and funnily enough, I am good. I’m good. Right now, with Charlie, I feel untouchable.
“I’m wonderful” I nod and he smiles with relief.
“Yeah,” he breathes “You are”
As the next song picks up in pace, he dances me around the floor. He spins me, twirling me around, but catches me again every time. We laugh with each other, enjoying getting completely wrapped up in the moment. I completely forget about Michael. In fact, I completely forget anyone else is even in the room until the final song comes to an end.
We linger for a moment, still enamoured with each other while most people begin to leave the dance floor. I feel almost high of the chemistry between us. The host announces that the final song also marks the ending of the evening. He is the first to break our bubble as he begins to let go of me slowly, his hand lingering on my waist before he finally lets go.
“Alright, I think I’ve stolen you for long enough” he chuckles, breaking the tension between us “You can run now if you like”
“I might be to out of breath for that” I retort with a laugh “Where did you learn to dance like that?”
“I was just saving my best moves for you”
“Thank you, for…” I begin, but I can’t finish my sentence. Thank you for the dance, yes. But how do I thank him for saving my from a night of torture at the table with Michael and Gina.
“Trust me, the pleasure has been all mine”
“I haven’t had that much fun in a long time”
“Well that makes two of us”
Theres a long, long moment between us. I may not have done this in a while but I still know what happens next. That’s when my nerves begin to return slowly but surely. Can I do this? He is wonderful. Everything about him is wonderful. And the chemistry is palpable. But am I ready for this?
Sensing that I’m uncomfortable, he bows slightly. “I’ll let you get back. It’s been lovely meeting you, Isabelle” he smiles down at me.
I watch as he turns, almost about to walk away when something comes over me. I quickly reach for his coat pulling him back to me.
“Wait,” I say desperately as he steps closer to me “Come home with me”
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, March 15
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Britney Spears' revenge
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Melissa and Joe Gorga during a beach day in Miami
Page 2: Contents
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Page 3: Contents
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Page 4: Tiger Woods on the mend -- Tiger is counting his blessings as he recovers from a terrifying car crash
Page 6: Queen Elizabeth announced in a statement that her grandson Prince Harry and his pregnant wife Meghan Markle wouldn't be returning as working royals, noting that it was no longer possible for them to continue with the responsibilities and duties that come with a life of public service, and almost immediately, Harry and Meghan shot back with a seemingly rude reply, saying we can all live a life of service and service is universal -- no one was more disappointed in Harry's response than his brother Prince William and William finds this behavior both baffling and sickening and he can't get his head around it and William feels the family has been understanding and fair while Harry and Meghan continue to sit on their high horse flinging insults and from William's perspective there is simply no excuse for snide and ego-driven swipes made towards the queen -- especially right now, since three days prior to Her Majesty's statement, Prince Philip was rushed to a London hospital and the queen's been worried sick about her husband and should not be dealing with this added stress -- the whole situation has left William feeling hopeless and he fears Harry is too wrapped up in his own self-importance to see the hurt he's caused and that is unforgivable in William's eyes
Page 7: As Soleil Moon Frye's messy divorce drags on, a loyal pal from the past is providing a shoulder to cry on in Brian Austin Green who she reconnected with while shooting her upcoming documentary Kid 90 -- Brian can feel her pain because he's still hashing out his split from Megan Fox so he knows exactly what Soleil is going through -- they've been friends for more than 30 years and they're going to see each other through this tough time
* Tom Cruise got all pumped up for Mission: Impossible 7, but now that filming has wrapped, he's desperate to stay in fighting shape for the next installment -- Tom was thrown for a loop when the studio postponed filming M:I 8 instead of shooting the movies back-to-back so now he's putting himself through the wringer doing crunches, pullups, squats and weights but Tom's brutal, military-style workouts have friends and loved ones, including his rumored new girlfriend, M:I7 costar Hayley Atwell, worried that he could be pushing himself to the breaking point and everyone wants him to take it down a notch, but he won't listen -- physically, Tom still thinks he's invincible, but the fact is he'll be turning 60 in less than two years and if he keeps going at this pace, there's a big change he's going to do some serious damage
* Life has been twice as nice for Christine Quinn since she found out she was expecting -- the Selling Sunset star, who's pregnant with her and businessman husband Christian Richard's first child, isn't holding back when it comes to treating herself -- the famously free-spending realtor has been splurging on designer maternity clothes and lingerie to lounge around in at her L.A. mansion and she has flowers delivered daily for every room in the house
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars rock statement-making halter dresses -- Lili Reinhart, Camila Morrone, Brie Larson
Page 11: Chrishell Stause, Naomi Campbell, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Uzo Aduba vs. Drew Barrymore, Charlize Theron vs. Kaia Gerber, Bella Hadid vs. Naomi Scott
Page 14: News in Photos -- Steve Martin did what he does best while filming scenes of his upcoming mystery-comedy series Only Murders in the Building in NYC
Page 16: Nicole Scherzinger stepped out for lunch with beau Thom Evans in West Hollywood, a casually dressed Reese Witherspoon matched her shirt to her Draper James canvas tote while boarding a private plane in L.A., Paris Hilton and Carter Reum
Page 17: Rebel Wilson stopped by the gas station to fill up her car in L.A., Mariska Hargitay took a selfie while shooting Law & Order: Organized Crime in NYC
Page 18: Sarah Jessica Parker assisted customers at her eponymous shoe line's store in NYC, Chrissy Teigen at lunch at Wolfgang Puck in L.A., Naomi Osaka with her trophy for winning the Australian Open in Melbourne
Page 20: The Masked Singer panelist Jenny McCarthy in a golden tiara and caped dress before taping a new episode, for a recent date night Outer Banks stars Chase Stokes and Madelyn Cline whipped up a cozy plant-based dinner in L.A., Jason Sudeikis filled up on a sandwich on the set of Ted Lasso
Page 22: Bella Hadid strutting around Manhattan, Helena Christensen and her dog Kuma in NYC
Page 23: In partnership with Ziploc Janel Parrish created the Hot Mess Makeup Line in Vancouver, Cara Delevingne in Puma's new eco-friendly line
Page 24: Usher stopped by the dry cleaners West Hollywood, Padma Lakshmi and her pooch braved the cold weather in stylish jackets in NYC
Page 25: Tia Mowry for Late July Tortilla chips, four days before filing for divorce from her husband Kanye West of nearly seven years Kim Kardashian looked somber while out and about in L.A., during a stroll Busy Philipps stopped to check out something on her phone in NYC
Page 26: Scott Disick matched his 'do to his drink at the Sugar Factory in Miami, Justin Long stocked up on groceries in L.A., new couple Mod Sun and Avril Lavigne were inseparable after a date night in L.A.
Page 28: Inside My Home -- Claire Holt's airy abode
Page 30: Zooey Deschanel and Jonathan Scott have taken the next step in their almost two-year relationship: they've secretly tied the knot -- they've been talking about getting married for about a year and just decided to go for it and the intimate ceremony took place in front of a few family members at Jonathan's Las Vegas home on Valentine's Day and it was spur of the moment, but that's how Zooey likes to do things and now Jonathan too and they put it together in a matter of days and everyone got a verbal invite to come -- Zooey wore a Bohemian-inspired gown and flowers in her hair while Jonathan wore an all-white suit and Zooey serenaded Jonathan with a love song she had written -- guests including Jonathan's twin brother Drew Scott and sister-in-law Linda Phan were treated to a gourmet buffet and video and arcade games -- now the couple's eager to grow their family and Jonathan will be a great stepdad to Zooey's children Elsie and Charlie but he's been saying for months that he can't wait to have kids of his own and they've already started trying
Page 31: Blake Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds are one of the most charitable couples in Hollywood and now the big-hearted duo are ready to take the next step by adopting a baby in need -- Blake and Ryan who share daughters James, Inez and Betty have donated millions of dollars to organizations working to protect the rights of immigrant children separated from their families and awaiting deportation -- day by day they've been warming up to the idea of providing an orphan with a forever home -- Ryan jokes that Blake is a baby machine who would have no trouble getting pregnant again, but their hearts really go out to these kids
* Ever since Bridgerton became a monster hit, the sizzling chemistry between Rege-Jean Page and costar Phoebe Dynevor has fans convinced that they're an offscreen item as well, but Rege-Jean's girlfriend Emily Brown is fed up with keeping their real-life romance under wraps and she's starting to feel like Rege's dirty little secret -- Emily has been dating Rege for two years and shares a home with him in East London -- the show's producers have been happy to let the rumors about Rege and Phoebe fly because it made their steamy sex scenes that much more believable -- Emily, a part-time soccer player and copywriter from Manchester, loves to go to pubs and party, which she and Rege used to do before the show came out -- Rege insists that keeping their relationship on the down-low is no big deal, but Emily wants everyone to know that the hunky Duke of Hastings is spoken for
* Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have got the parenting thing down pat, and they're ready to share their know-how by penning a how-to manual -- their friends have been begging them for advice for years and Mila and Ashton make having kids look like a fun adventure and for them, it really is -- now that Ashton has wrapped up shooting his new thriller Vengeance, he and Mila finally have a little downtime and the handbook will include the duo's dos and don'ts for raising their children Wyatt and Dimitri like they never argue in front of the kids and make sure to treat them equally -- Mila's the stricter one and Ashton's the softie, but it's a team effort and it works and they admit it can get a bit chaotic, but they don't sweat the small stuff
Page 32: New parents Kit Harington and Rose Leslie may be in baby heaven, but they're dealing with the home renovation from hell -- the Game of Thrones alums, who recently welcomed their first child, have been up to their ears fixing up their 15th-century country manor, which is turning out to be a huge money pit -- Kit and Rose bought the $2.4 million spread shortly before tying the knot in 2018 and had no idea what they were getting into and the couple got hit by sticker shock when they finally got their plans approved to put in a new kitchen, master bath, pipes and flooring and it's going to cost them an extra half a million at least -- they still think it's the perfect place to raise a family, but overseeing an army of builders and designers with a newborn at home is leading to some serious sleep deprivation
* As Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' romance heats up, the couple is planning a heart-to-heart with her ex-fiance Jason Sudeikis -- after filming wrapped on their movie Don't Worry (for the love of all that's holy, please put in a comma) Darling, the lovebirds flew to London to meet with Jason, who's been on the set of Ted Lasso in England because Olivia, who shares two kids with Jason, wants to clear the air and have a calm conversation about how everyone moves forward from here, and she wants Jason to realize that Harry is here to stay and Olivia needs Jason to understand this is a serious relationship, whether he likes it or not
* Baby Boom -- these celebs recently welcomed little ones -- Wilmer Valderrama and fiancee Amanda Pacheco welcomed a baby girl, Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahones and fiancee Brittany Matthews welcomed a daughter named Sterling Skye, Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith welcomed a son named August Harrison
Page 34: Cover Story -- Britney Spears fights back -- she is ready to reclaim her life and she's looking to take down anyone who stands in her way, starting with her father, Jamie Spears
Page 36: In the wake of the #FreeBritney movement, Justin Timberlake who dated Britney Spears from 1999-2002, and publicly insinuated her cheating ruined their relationship, took to Instagram to offer a mea culpa, saying he wanted to apologize to Britney who he cares for and respects and he knows he failed -- he also contacted Britney directly to express his regrets over how he handled their breakup because he wanted to do the right thing and Britney accepted his apology and she was touched by the gesture and thought it was absolutely sincere and they had a nice little chat and it made Justin feel better knowing that Britney didn't hold any grudges
Page 38: They're So Grown Up -- the kids of some of Hollywood's biggest celebs are striking out on their own -- Ava Sambora is the daughter of Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora, Maya Hawke is the daughter of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, Damian Hurley is the son of Elizabeth Hurley and Steve Bing
Page 39: Lily Sheen is the daughter of Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen, Jack Depp is the son of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, Lola Consuelos is the daughter of Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos
Page 40: Interview -- Dwayne Johnson -- with a new TV sitcom based on his early years, The Rock reveals all about his rollicking adventures growing up
Page 42: Slim Down for Spring -- how these stars got their best bodies ever just in time for the warmer weather
Page 46: Style Week -- Sara Sampaio is fronting Michael Kors' new campaign for its latest perfume, Gorgeous
Page 48: What's Hot Right Now -- break a sweat stylishly in LoveShackFancy X Beach Riot's limited-edition collection -- Nina Agdal
Page 49: Preppy Tennis Fashion -- Lele Sadoughi turns to '70s and '80s country club looks for its spring/summer 21 accessories
Page 50: Gift Guide -- self-care session -- pampering gifts that benefit body and mind because, hey, there's never been a better time to treat yourself -- Miranda Kerr
Page 52: Chrissy Teigen is a fan of affordable de-puffing and brightening holographic foil eye masks
Page 58: Buzz -- costars reunited -- Christopher Meloni and Mariska Hargitay for Law & Order: Organized Crime, 13 Going on 30's Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner reconnected on the set of their upcoming movie The Adam Project
Page 59: Rachel Bilson shared a snap of herself with O.C. costar Melinda Clarke, Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel who played a beloved couple on Boy Meets World starred in Panera Bread's new commercial for Valentine's Day, Rebel Wilson and Adam Devine of Pitch Perfect met up during Super Bowl LV game in early February
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jennifer Love Hewitt on her night out with Betty White, Henry Golding on expecting his first child, Drew Barrymore on never going under the knife, Salma Hayek discussing billionaire husband Francois-Henri Pinault
Page 61: Tiffany Haddish on taking a chill day, Colin Jost on letting Scarlett Johansson plan their wedding, Cameron Diaz on whether she plans to return to Hollywood, Kehlani on feeling sexier as a mom
Page 62: Horoscope -- Pisces Connie Britton turned 54 on March 6
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Ana de Armas
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pandemonshq · 4 years
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Welcome, Kate, please grab your stake on your way to your tumblr to play Ginny Potter here at Pandemons. There’s always a great spunk in Ginny Potter (Weasley) and we found that here in your app. With all your great ideas on plot and potential reaction we just know you’ll have a lot to bite into here.
Your request for Jessica Chastain // Luca Hollestelle (past) FCs have been accepted.
Out of Character Information
NAME — Kate PRONOUNS — she/her AGE — 26 TIMEZONE — EST ACTIVITY — currently I’m not working, just playing the part of stay at home trophy wife (lol, jk), so I’m able to be on most days. I’d say I tend to do replies every 1-2 days. Weekends I spend more time with my husband so I’m a little less around, but I pop onto discord fairly often.
In Character Information
Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Potter (nee Weasley) — the youngest Weasley and the girl that her mother had dreamed of for so long, Ginny was named for two strong women — her grandmother Ginevra and her mother Molly. In her name, she carried a heritage of Prewett and Weasley. Making the decision to give up her maiden name (especially after she was already a successful and well-known Quidditch player) wasn’t as difficult as Ginny had always imagined it would be — Harry deserved to have someone he loved who was alive share his last name.
pureblood — blood status has never been something that Ginny cared or noticed about her own life; she was proud to be considered a blood traitor. There was definitely a certain privilege that Ginny had and continues to have in her blood status that she can tend to be blind to.
11 august 1981 — a happy day for the Weasley family; finally a baby girl to fulfill all of her mother’s dreams of pink and frills, though it became quite clear by the time she was a toddler that Ginny was more like her brothers than the stereotypical girl Molly had dreamed of. Still, a daughter was a gift, and Molly didn’t mind that Ginny cared more for playing in the mud than playing house.
cis-female (she/her), pansexual — gender has never been something that Ginny really pays that much attention to. To her, it’s all about personality and heart. She falls in love with people – the fact that all of her serious relationships are with men is purely coincidental.
Gryffindor — there was never another option for a Weasley, nor for one with the firecracker and stubborn personality that Ginny had. She was proud to join the rest of her siblings in Gryffindor house, and it was clear from the start that she belonged there.
No, at least to start out. I’m completely open to see what develops and whether that might include Ginny becoming infected.
Jessica Chastain (present); Luca Hollestelle (past)
During her time at Hogwarts, Ginny didn’t think very much about life after school. Sure, she had dreams and passions, but her family was pulled into a war when she was fourteen, and from then on, her main focus (outside of typical teenage woes and worries) was preparing for the fight. But when the war was over and Ginny returned to Hogwarts for her final year and wore the badge of Gryffindor Captain, she was free to dream, and all of her dreams included Quidditch. Upon leaving Hogwarts, she was recruited to the Holyhead Harpies and played for them for many years, even through her three pregnancies, eventually even making team Captain. Upon nearing her 35th birthday, a terrible injury to her rotator cuff pulled her out of the action, but her love for Quidditch was too strong for her to walk away from the sport, so she took on a position as coach, which she still holds to this day.
Married to Harry James Potter. I definitely super ship hinny. I think they’re perfect for each other — Ginny is warmth and love that Harry grew up longing for; Harry is steady and rational where Ginny is fiery and headstrong; Ginny is laughter and light where Harry has known so much darkness and terror. Harry is home for Ginny who has always known what home felt like and Ginny is home for Harry in a way he’s never experienced. In all, Ginny is made of the sort of strong stuff you need to be married to the Chosen One.
But also, chemistry is fine too LOL.
Ginny was born the youngest of the Weasley family, and the only girl. As much as her parents delighted in her birth and her family was tight-knit and warm, Ginny’s childhood wasn’t perfect. Their poverty made all of their children uncomfortably aware of a kind of stress that those with wealth never encounter, and it manifested in each of them in different ways. Ginny wasn’t ashamed of her second-hand possessions, and she never went hungry, but she knew what it was like to hide her desire for something because she didn’t want to upset her parents who could never afford it. A watchful child, Ginny saw early on what this poverty did to her brothers – Charlie and Bill were always so much older and already off at Hogwarts that it didn’t seem to affect them that much, but Ginny saw the greed and shame in Percy, Fred, George, and Ron’s eyes, a fact that only grew as time went on.
It was also hard to be the only girl and the youngest child – Ginny sometimes felt that she was always running behind her brothers, unable to keep up with their antics, unable to convince them to slow down so that she could be a part of the fun too. They saw her as the pesky, annoying sister, which meant that a good portion of her childhood was spent alone. But instead of making Ginny into a shy soul, these periods of isolation made her strong. She had a thirst to prove herself and a nerve that meant she always succeeded, whether it was climbing to the highest part of the tree to beat Ron or breaking into the broom shed to steal Fred’s broom when he wasn’t looking. She devoured books and longed for adventure, and got herself into many scrapes with her parents with her tendency to wander off and explore the world of Ottery St. Catchpole outside of the Burrow.
Charlie and Bill were the brothers she looked up to the most, Fred and George were her favorites, and Percy had a way of tenderness about him that was reserved just for her, but Ron was her closest companion. They bickered and fought, played pranks on one another and got into trouble when they took turns tattling to their parents, but Ron was always there, and close enough in age that he couldn’t force her away from his plans like the rest of them did. Ginny knew his heart better than anyone, saw his desire to be different, unique, special, and tried to prove to him that he was enough for her. Her parents were happily married and in love with each other and each of their children, and though Molly had a fiery temper (that Ginny inherited) and Aruthur a few odd quirks, Ginny couldn’t have wished for better parents. Though they were poor in resources, they were rich in love, and Ginny learned the lessons that her brothers failed to see — money doesn’t bring happiness, people do.
Going off to Hogwarts was a dream come true for Ginny. Every couple of years, she saw another brother (or two) sent off to Hogwarts without her, until finally it was just her alone at home. She loved her parents, but the Burrow was always eerily quiet without her brothers stomping down the stairs or bickering with one another. The year between when Ron left and it was Ginny’s turn was the loneliest year of her life, and she reread all of her brothers’ letters home until the pages were soft and worn, longing for the day when it would be her turn.
When it finally was Ginny’s turn to go to Hogwarts, she was ecstatic. Proud in a different way than her brothers, Ginny didn’t care that her belongings were all second-hand, and the way she carried herself dared anyone to mock her for her family’s poverty. Ginny had such a vivacious and open personality that it should have been the best year of her life, but a last minute switch on the part of Lucius Malfoy turned Ginny’s dream into a nightmare. The year passed faster than any other ever had, with large chunks of it missing, and Ginny turned in on herself, becoming pale and quiet. Her brothers should have noticed that more was going on, but they were all too wrapped up in their own pursuits to see that their sister had disappeared, to be replaced with someone who was meek and fearful. Instead of making a close group of friends around her, Ginny isolated more and more, until that fateful night when Tom Riddle made her lock herself in the Chamber of Secrets.
When Harry destroyed the diary, Ginny was free, and that summer, she began to regain more and more of her typical personality (though for a couple more years, she reverted back to shy and quaking in the presence of Harry). The next few years were the dream that Ginny had always imagined Hogwarts to be — she excelled in her classes, made an excellent group of friends, found that she was quite popular with the boys, and even made the Quidditch squad, proving to all of her brothers that she was made of more mettle than they gave her credit for. She took the brewing war and darkness seriously, but it didn’t make her turn overly serious, and she faced the future with a grim knowledge that she would fight until they won or she died. Once she had that knowledge, she didn’t obsess over it, accepting it with her matter-of-fact personality.
What Ginny didn’t plan on was falling in love with Harry, this time for real. The few weeks that they spent together were the happiest of her life — it finally felt that someone knew all of her and understood her in a way that went deeper than anything verbal. When he broke things off with her after Dumbledore’s death, she faced it with the same determination she faced everything else in life — she would always love Harry, but they each had their role to play in the war, and some things were just bigger than love.
Ginny fought every way she could in the year that followed — joining Neville and Luna in sowing dissension to Snape and the Carrows’ reign, protecting more vulnerable students when she could, rebelling against the darkness other classmates seemed to thrive in. When the battle was finally upon them, Ginny followed the rest of her family to Hogwarts, unable to stay behind and wait while they all flung themselves into danger. Ginny’s quick thinking and bold fearlessness kept her safe throughout the battle, but the horrors she saw that night changed her for good. After losing Fred, there was a seriousness about Ginny that she had lacked before, one that only comes from knowing deep sorrow. In the months that followed, Ginny did everything she could to hold her family together in the midst of their grief. She returned to Hogwarts because she knew she owed it to her parents to finish her education, and she enjoyed her last year of school, but not with the same carelessness that she had once known.
DISCLAIMER — I’m keeping some things a little vague because I don’t know where the harry player stands; I’ll definitely flush it more out later at least for myself
It was a relief for Ginny to leave Hogwarts, to be able to be with her family again and learn what it meant to live in a world with no Dark Lord. Light entered back into her world, but it wasn’t the same untainted light that she had once known, and Ginny knew that she would always carry with her the horrors of that battle. Even if she could choose to wipe them from  her memory, she wouldn’t — it would be a dishonor to Fred’s memory.
Still, Ginny experienced much light and joy in these next years of her life. She was recruited to play for her favorite team, she grew ever closer to her family, her world began to fill with nieces and nephews, and she fell back in love (as if she had ever fallen out of it) with the man she wanted to walk beside forever. Eventually, she and Harry were married and started a family of their own. While Ginny kept doing the job that she loved, she found a part of herself that she didn’t know existed in becoming a mother. Her fiery temper and reckless streak didn’t disappear, but were partnered with a tenderness and sense of fear that became constant companions. She discovered that dueling Bellatrix Lestrange wasn’t half so frightening as having your heart walk outside of your body, which was what motherhood felt like for her.
The Potter family settled into a happy little life, finally free from darkness and fear, full of light and life and love. Little did they know what was coming to threaten all of that.
Ginny was like any child raised in the wizarding world — excitedly fascinated with the idea of vampires, but not really that fearful. They were so rare that they were almost like a fairytale. She never imagined that they would be something that would haunt her adult life, or that her idyllic life would once again be disrupted by darkness, this time a much more unknown and therefore terrifying one.
Ginny is fiercely protective of those she loves and desperate to keep darkness from spreading back into their world — she still feels so keenly what darkness cost her family once before, and she’s determined that there will be no more casualties or suffering among the Potter/Weasley clan. She knows and understands very little about the pandemic that is striking her world, but she desperate to keep it from spilling over, and ready to fight if that’s what it takes to protect the ones who are dear to her.
— MORE THAN JUST A SCARY STORY — It’s really exciting to explore what Ginny’s feelings are on vampires. There’s so little that’s known or understood about them and I can tell that the plot is very mysterious on purpose, and I’m just really PUMPED to see how Ginny reacts to the darkness converging on the world once more. Obviously she’s going to go into mama bear mode and want to do everything she can to eradicate the darkness, but what does it look like to go up against a threat you don’t understand? This kind of conflict makes blood purity look completely black and white, and how will Ginny fare in a darkness that’s more shades of grey?
— CASUALTIES OF WAR — I would LOVE to explore what would happen in Ginny’s heart and world if one of her family members was infected (which, considering how many of them there are, seems likely). Ginny long ago took it upon herself to be the glue that held her family together, especially after Fred’s death, and she loves her family with a fierce determination not to lose anyone else. What will happen when another Weasley/Potter family member becomes a casualty of a darkness that is somehow more terrifying than the one Ginny has known before?
— SOFTENING THE HEART — I’d also love to see how Ginny’s view on the threat of vampires would change if she came to know one who was good. This is not the same as Death Eaters vs Order members, and not everyone who’s infected has a choice in the matter. Are vampires really that much of a threat, or is the world just afraid of that which it doesn’t understand? What might change in Ginny’s heart with a little understanding?
— THE INFECTION SPREADS — OMG not entirely sure whether this is a set plot I want someday, but what would happen if Ginny is infected in some way? Ginny has definitely got some serious issues when it comes to control — she’s the one who wants to be in control of her life and she thrives in that ability; what angst would it be for her to lose some of that control from an infection she didn’t ask for? Or what if something changes Ginny’s mind and she does seek it out? What would have to happen for that to be the case?
— THE SAME SIDE — I’d love to explore what it might look like if fighting against this darkness puts Ginny on the same side as someone she used to consider an enemy. Will she join Draco in becoming a vampire hunter in an attempt to protect the people she loves? What would it look like for her to put old grudges aside and learn to forgive for the sake of fighting against the darkness? Ginny has some real self-righteousness when it comes to those who fought on the side of the dark — what will her response be to them fighting for the “light”?
— FAMILY DYNAMICS — this is a more lighthearted one, but I’m excited to explore the weasley/potter dynamics at this point in these characters’ lives. Certainly the last 20+ years haven’t been all sunshine and daisies, there had to be a fair bit of suffering and conflict because that’s life, especially in a big family. Which relationships have healed over and which are threatening to break apart? What does Ginny’s marriage with Harry look like, especially now that darkness is threatening their world once more?
Random little headcanons I have for Ginny
✨Ginny has a notorious sweet tooth; she needs to eat something sweet at least once a day ✨ Harry does most of the cooking, but Ginny has mastered the art of baking bread, and the smell lingers around their house because of how often she has to stick a new loaf in the oven after her family devours the latest one ✨ If Ginny had her way, she would go barefoot all the time, but since she can’t, she wears sandals whenever she gets the chance ✨ Ginny prefers muggle jeans to wizarding robes, and now that she doesn’t have to basically live in her quidditch robes, she’s most often found in jeans, a sweater, and her birkenstocks – with or without socks (she’s very hip in muggle fashion) ✨ Ginny is not a morning person. Harry has to lure her out of bed with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. When she has to be out of the house really early for morning practices, Harry wakes up to brew her coffee and then goes back to bed once she’s up ✨ Ginny doesn’t really drink. When she was pregnant with Albus, she realized that she actually preferred butterbeer anyway, so she sticks to that. ✨ Ginny has one on one tea with her mum every week, and always stops by her father’s work shed on the way out to see his latest project. ✨ Ginny convinced Harry to let them get a cat, and she promptly named it Minnie (after Minerva McGonagall, of course. Minnie’s become another member of the family. ✨ Ginny loves the ocean, and spent as much time as she could at shell cottage when the kids were all young. Now she makes the family go on vacation to the coast every summer. ✨ Ginny found that after Albus was born, she wanted a daughter just as much as her own mother had wanted her. When Lily was young, Ginny would dress them up in matching outfits and stick her tongue out at Harry whenever he made fun of her for it.
here’s a pinterest board here’s a mock blog here’s her mtbi type here’s her enneagram
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waiting4inspiration · 5 years
2k Writing Challenge Masterlist
A collection of the works written by the people participating in my 2k Followers Writing challenge
Find the Challenge HERE and feel free to join in on the fun
Morningstar by @oathofmaestro
Summary: A dark!thor fic with the prompt “I need you”    tw: noncon/dubcon
Keep Your Eyes On Me II Part 2 II Part 3 II Part 4 II Part 5 II Part 6 II Part 7 II Part 8 II Part 9 by @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy 
Summary- You are tasked with righting one of history’s wrongs and changing a man’s fate from dying on this battlefield so he can find his true path in life and follow it to create a better future. One problem. You have to get him to trust you, by lying to him and making him believe you’re a Valkyrie, instead of what you really are, a time traveling, shape-shifting, super soldier from three thousand years in the future. Easy…right? ( Vikings!Charlie Hunnam)
My Wet Dream by @lettersofwrittencollective
Summary: Dean calls you to help with a case involving a Succubus. Only, the case also involves an Incubus which leads to you and Dean admitting your feelings for each other. (Prompt: “Do you wish things were different?”)
The Dating Game II Part 2 by @collecting-stories
Summary: The reader concocts a plan to help Jonathan attract Nancy’s attention but things don’t go the way she expected when Steve enters the mix. 
Walk Me Home by @whistlingwillows
Summary: Being the lovechild of Tony Stark and May Parker has its perks. For one, you have Spider-Man as your favorite little cousin who you’re chaperoning for on his field trip. For another, you have Tony Stark as a dad. Or… had. You’re losing a lot of things in the wake of the battle, and with Quentin Beck back in your life, you’re facing a lot of shit, too.
Todoroki shouto x assassin! reader au by @bnhaandotherstuff
Summary:  You were an assassin,the best one of the organization you were working for. You’re tasked to assassinate an important man; only, the entire mission is a lie
Fun and Games by @geekandbooknerd
Summary: When Finan comes back home and you’re both needy, he decided to play a game with you when you both have to keep quiet. Warnings: SMUT
Baby Ivar by @inforapound
Summary: Your relationship with Ivar is anything but traditional. Yet you both are determined to make it work. Even in the bedroom. Warnings: SMUT
Reckless by @geekandbooknerd
Summary: After being injured on the battlefield, you and Ivar finally admit your feeling to each other when he scolds you for the possibility of being killed. 
The Spectacle by @tephi101
Summary: Reaping Day has arrived and you didn’t expect to have your name drawn. The male from your district wants nothing to do with you so you form an alliance with someone from another district. A man by the name of Jon Snow
Sparring With Our Tounges by @ejectur
Summary: Sparring with the God of Mischief takes an interesting turn
Bucky’s Reason by @snowyseba
Summary: Life is catching up with Bucky. He’s been different since Thanos’s snap was reversed. You can tell that he’s tired, and not just physically. He needs a break, but he refuses to step back. The news you have for him just might be enough to change his mind.
Alcohol You Later by @xbuchananbarnes
Summary: An account of all the times you were drunk and around Bucky, trying to admit how you feel about him.
Delayed Explanations by @kneel-begyourpardon
Summary: It was time to get the explanation of why your ex broke up with you.
It can wait until tomorrow by @p8tn0lish
Summary: You, Ubbe, and Hvitserk have some fun together until you have to go back home - which you dread doing.
Seven Feet by @mynameisfrankie
Summary: This is a Romeo and Juliet esque story involving my original character and Billy Hargrove. I have kinda used the story line of the series but some of the events may be changed. Also this is for @waiting4inspiration ’s 2K challenge
Monster (Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU) by @waiting4inspiration (AKA me)
Summary: You’re captured by a coven of hunters who don’t know that your head has already been claimed by a more powerful hunter. But he has different intentions on keeping you alive.
Today is where your book begins and the rest is unwritten by @writing-mermaid
Summary : Y/N is about to marry her fiancé Brock Rumlow. Tired of being a trophy wife, and just before saying “I do”, she runs away, helped by her best friends. She finds herself in Australia, where she will finally starts to be herself again.
Shower Talk * by @simam12
Summary: After a vamp hunt, you and Dean share a little moment in the shower. 
Do you think you could stab someone? by @kattlupin 
Summary: Starwolf imagine with the prompt: “I don’t think I could ever stab some. I mean, let’s be honest, I can barely stab a Capri Sun.”
To Fight Gravity by @medievalfangirl
Summary:  The dust has settled after Sokovia, leaving Steve and Nat to train the new Avengers. Their most recent recruit may be able to manipulate gravity, but falling for Pietro Maximoff was entirely out of her control.
Do you have any kinks? by @remus-john-lupin
Summary:  Imagine with the prompt “Do you have any kink?”
To Find the Light Again by @mrsalwayswrite
Summary: ABO fic with Bucky Barnes
My last eight letters by @bettercaptain
- Summary: Eight letters which you wrote to Bucky after his death.
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marveliciousfanfics · 6 years
Walk With Me Part 1
This is my entry for @dinnafashsoldat POC Writing Challenge.
Prompts: “You’re not taking me to bed. Ever.” “Who said it had to be the bed?” and “I wasn’t lying when I said I loved you.” Mexican!OC
A/N: I am a Mexican girl so when I saw this writing challenge I had to get on board. It is going to be about a 5-6 mini series. I love Thor. He’s my favorite! Even over Bucky and Steve because he’s just so...perfect and needs to be protected.
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How does one ask a God to pretend to be your boyfriend? I asked myself as I nearly stared down Thor from across the room. He was reading a book dressed in Midgard clothing. His feet were on the coffee table, the book in one hand and the other spread across the head of the couch. I sat on the island counter in the kitchen with a cup of coffee pretending to read the news on my tablet.
My brother’s engagement party was in two days and I may have led my family to believe that I was dating the God of Thunder. Obviously, no one believed me, but I may have been secretly sending pictures of Thor doing normal things pretending we were doing it together. I had taken a picture of him in the kitchen making himself something and saying he was making me something. Then I took a picture of him at the gym saying we were training together. My cousins got a kick out of those ones male and female. Pathetic? Maybe. Desperate? Oh hell yes.
When my mother demanded I bring Thor to my brother’s engagement I knew I was in deep shit. But I didn’t want to admit I was single. Otherwise my parents were going to throw someone at me. Probably the son of the family’s friend. I didn’t want any of that. I also didn’t want them to know I was a big liar.
So for the past week I had been trying to work up the courage to ask him. Thor and I are friendly to each other. He was single, but I knew his focus wasn’t on getting into another relationship especially with another Midgardian.
I looked down to the news and went over the speech in my head. I moved my finger up and down the screen not really reading the news. Then there was a shadow over me. I turned around and all I saw was a chest covered in a white cotton shirt. My eyes drifted upwards and was met with one of his goofy smiles.
“You’ve been stalking me for a week now,” his smile hardly faltered. “What do you want to ask me?”
All courage left me so I laughed nervously and turned back around. “I-I do-don’t know what you’re talking about.” He moved to my right and leaned on the island counter with his right arm.
He raised an eyebrow clearly not believing me. But I honestly couldn’t ask him this. It wasn’t his problem and he had a lot of problems already. I didn’t need to add anymore.
“She wants to ask you to go with her to a family party,” Wanda’s voice came from the fridge. I whirled my head at her with wide eyes.
“The fuck, Wanda?” I growled.
She shrugged. “You would have never asked.” She got a bottle of water and walked away.
“Is she right?,” he asked his eyes had never left me.
“I mean…I guess. I may have led my family to believe we were dating so they could get off my back about being single for nearly six years,” I shrugged a shoulder still avoiding his gaze.
“Dulce,” he said my name and it made me turned to him and meet his eyes.
“It’s not like we would have to kiss or…do stuff, just hold hands and hug each other,” I turned my body towards him. “And it’s just for two days. I haven’t seen my family in a long time and basically everyone thinks we’re a thing.”
“I’ll do it,” he smiled.
“Oh…okay…just like that?” I questioned.
“I have never seen you so flustered. It’s cute,” he winked and I was sure my face was priceless. Did the God of Thunder just say I was cute? I told myself not to read too much into it.
“Okay, what would you like in return?” I offered. I didn’t want him to think that I was being selfish.
“Let’s just say you owe me,” he stood up straight. “When do we leave?”
“Friday,” it was Wednesday so I knew this was going to spread around like wild fire at the compound. Tony was probably going to mock me. “Our plane leaves at eleven in the morning.”
Thor’s eyes twinkled. “Did you assume I would agree?”
“I hoped,” I smiled at him. “Thank you, Thor. My family is very…” how could I word it without freaking him out, “close and we basically tell each other everything—for the most part.”
“Well, you have two days to catch me up. How long have we been together? And how did we get together?” he walked over to the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water. He placed one right in front of me. “Drink. All you’ve had is coffee.”
I chuckled. I always did forget to drink water and somehow he was always around to remind me. So I opened the bottle. My head felt lighter now that the hard part was over. Well, the hard part was going to see how my dad was going to take to me bringing Thor home. I knew he had hoped I would get with the son of his best friend. So did everyone in my family. They all thought Bruno and I were supposed to get together and have the perfect family.
“Okay, so we’ve been dating nine months and we got closer during training at the gym, doing missions and me teaching you about my culture—which I have to do in two days,” I slapped my forehead.
“Ah, yes,” he took the seat next to me and since he was so damn big his knees touched mine. There was hardly any space between us. “Your parents are from Me-he-co,” he grinned widely proud of his pronunciation.
I had corrected Tony once during a mission and I guess it stuck with Thor.
“Yes, they immigrated when they were young. But they had all their children here so my siblings and I are first generation,” I said proudly. “A lot of my parents’ family is in California, which is where we are going. Southern California to be exact. I have a bunch of uncles, aunts and cousins—oh! I have an album in my room. I’ll go get it so I can go through it.”
I twirled in the stool until it let me out of Thor’s knees and I jumped off. I jogged to my room and went to my closet and pulled out the big photo album my mom made me bring with me. I went back to the kitchen and he was exactly where I left him. I got back to my spot, but faced the counter so I could place the album between us.
I opened it and the first thing was a photo of my parents’ wedding. My mom had those puffy shoulders and lots of ruffles dress and my father had his ‘mariachi’ suit on since that’s how they met. My mom had been a waitress at a Mexican restaurant where my father played with the mariachi band. He had been the singer. I told Thor and he said it was adorable. Then the next page were the pictures of the oldest sibling—my brother who was getting married.
“His name is Alfredo Junior—named after our dad, so we just call him Junior,” I explained to Thor who was looking at the pictures with great concentration. I moved on to the next one. “This is my sister Camila—she’s a wife and has two kids, a boy and a girl named Charles and Elizabeth—my sister is a big Jane Austen fan. My parents hated the names at first, but they’ve learned to live with it. Charlie is eight and Eliza is five.”
He nodded his head. I went on to the next page.
“This is Beatriz—or Betty and she’s getting her Master’s in teaching. She’s the smart one in the family. Now, what I’m about to show you doesn’t leave this…kitchen,” I laughed and he did too. I turned the page and revealed my baby pictures.
“Oh, my! Look at little Dulce!” he all but yelled.
“SHHHH!” I looked around to make sure no one was around. 
“You were such a cute child. Look! you dressed up as a witch!”
“I was very into witchy stuff when I was younger,” and then attempted to turn the page, but he grabbed my hand to stop me. He either released some electricity with his hands or I felt a connection. I pulled my hand away, but he didn’t seem to notice or feel it because he went on to stare at my pictures.
I held my hands and tried to shake off from that and since it had been clearly one sided I had to pretend nothing happened. He finally let me go on. I had a lot of family so it took about two hours to go through the album. There were some photos I removed because they were too painful to look at. At the end Thor asked if he could keep it so he could study it. For some reason I agreed to let it happen. Maybe this was going to be a huge mistake.
The next day I was woken up by the sound of my cellphone going off. I reached for it at the night stand and saw that it was my sister Camila. I groaned. I answered because we couldn’t ignore a family call—not ever again.
“Yes?” I answered with a dry throat.
“You’re really going to bring Thor to the party?” her tone told me she still didn’t believe me and if I was her, I wouldn’t believe me either.
“Uh, duh. I told you so,” I scoffed but felt bad for lying to my whole family. But for so long they were pushing and pushing me to get with Bruno, but I knew what he wanted. He wanted a trophy wife and after New York I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. So I decided to join SHIELD—which had fallen, but then I was recruited by Tony to work for the Avengers so I took the offer even though I was going to have to live across the country from my family.
Not a lot of my family moved out of states. Sure we had family in Mexico, but the ones we did have stayed close, except me.
“How did you snatch a snack like that?”
“Because I’m an incredible catch, you bitch,” I sat up on my bed and across my room was my dresser where I could see my disheveled hair. I was not a fucking catch at all. “There were sparks and voila, he asked me out. I said yes.”
There was a giggle in the background and I knew it was Beatriz.
“Does he have a big dick?” Betty couldn’t contain her laugh.
I couldn’t hide mine either. “The biggest I’ve ever had.” I leaned back on my headboard. “And does he use his fingers so well.”
“Goddamn stop it!” Junior yelled.
“Am I on speaker?!” I growled.
“Relax it’s just us,” Betty continued to laugh. “Ma went to set up the backyard and Pa went to get his mariachi suit from the cleaners.”
“Is he putting his band back together?” I rubbed my face in frustration.
“Better warn the God of Thunder that Pa is going to grill him for dating his ‘innocente princesa’,” Camila mocked calling me an innocent princess.
“Have you warned Bruno?” the concern in Betty’s voice told me she still had a huge crush on him. I didn’t know why dad didn’t push them together since Betty really liked him.
“Should I?” I didn’t really think about that.
“Hello, you are literally bringing a God.”
“Bruno is good looking too!” Betty defended.
“Yes, we get it. You have the hots for him, Betty, but he only has eyes for Dulce.”
“It has been years. I’m sure he’s moved on. He’s had girlfriends so…he’s moved on,” I wasn’t so sure of that because those relationships didn’t last that long.
“Suuuuure,” Junior and Camila said at the same time.
“Okay, bye, putas, I gotta go shower and teach Thor how to dance la becadrita.”
“Is he bringing the Stormbrea—“
I ended the call before Junior finished. I groaned at how I was ever going to teach Thor to dance. I didn’t know how they danced at Asgard. Did he have to left feet? Would he be okay just learning the basics? Just so when we danced we didn’t look like complete idiots.
A/N: to me this is how I picture Dulce. She’s a Mexican actress and her name is actually ‘Dulce Maria’. Rebelde was a mexican soap opera that happened to be my guilty pleasure.
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fandompitfalls · 3 years
Ew, Het!
Originally posted: 6/18/2021
Today we’re going to discuss a hidden secret in the fandom community; queerphobia.
Now you might be thinking, Fandom Pitfalls, you’re absolutely wrong on this one, the fandom community is utterly inclusive! And you’d be partly correct.  Fandom is inclusive, so long as you fit specific rules.  One of those rules is: “all characters are gay” (or at least, the important ones).
If there are two hot guys*, it stands to reason that they will get shipped. (*the nature of the two hot guys have been mention in other posts). And that is valid.  Shipping is personal. You ship who you love, ship what you like, and all ships are valid. Fandom is inherently queer, it had been for centuries, as long as there have been stories, there have been people secretly (or not so secretly) rearraigning characters to fit their personal head canons.  As far back as Conan Doyle, Wilde, Shelley, Stoker, the Bible, readers have taken characters and fit them in their own image. If that image was two men living together in secret domestic bliss in a set of rooms in London or a vampire having a lascivious affair with both the woman of his dreams and her fiancée, fandom has always prospered.
And until recently, everyone has stayed in their corners and lived and let live.  The invention of the internet and the ease and availability in which people from all over the world can share now share their own thoughts and theories had brought rise to not only the positive aspects of fandom, but the negative as well.  And one of those negatives is queerphobia.
Let’s just put this out there. Characters that identify as opposite sex can have a relationship and it not be a heterosexual relationship.  Let me repeat that.  Not all opposite sex relationships are heterosexual relationships.
This new knee jerk response of “Ew het!” invalidates queer and gender fluid relationships, making it sound as if the only valid relationships are gay relationships.  (When I say gay, I mean the aforementioned two hot men as wlw relationships, unless specified in the canon series, are usually ignored.)
This time around I’m going to be daring and use examples. The most godforsaken, dumpster fire triumvirate of fandom shows ever; SuperWhoLock.
The first in this fandom dumpster fire is Supernatural. On the air for fifteen seasons, there have been many minor queer characters on the show.  Some were the victim of the week, some were there to show that some couples can get out of the hunting business intact. Some, like Charlie, were major minor characters. The popular ship of Destiel ships an angel in a male body with one of the main male characters.  There is also gatekeeping in the fandom regarding a romantic relationship between Castiel and any character identifying as female.  This is one of the fandoms where “Ew het” is automatically thrown around.  Many of the women that are shipped with Castiel in fandom are immortal beings that are genderless and are merely taking on a female form.  Meg, a demon and part of another of the well-known ships in the fandom, is a demon and therefore has no form.  They have taken the form of a female host over the years, but at one time possessed the body of another of the male lead characters. Hannah, an angel that has also been shipped with Castiel, is also genderless and while they have taken the body of a female host, they have also inhabited a male host, that was received positively by Castiel in both forms. While Jimmy Novak, the body that Castiel originally inhabited and then just took the form of in later seasons, was heterosexual, it’s been noted that the angel Castiel, having no preference to gender, could be seen as pansexual or omnisexual.
The actual characters that are gay or lesbian in the shows are often forgotten or pushed aside in favor of a fan favorite ship.  All ships are valid, but automatically insisting that a male/female presenting relationship is automatically heterosexual, especially in this scope of the fandom, is erasing genderfluid queer relationships, making it inherently queerphobic. Seeing Dean Winchester as bisexual but invalidating his romantic relationships with the women in his life is biphobic. Bisexual people have relationships with people of the opposite sex.  It doesn’t make them less bisexual and it is gatekeeping at its worse to insist that only the same sex relationships count.
Continuing with the gender fluidity is Doctor Who. The last two years have brought this fandom its first female Doctor. A year or two before, Moffat paved the way by not only showing that Time Lords can willing change genders in their regenerations in the 50th anniversary episode, but also introducing Missy, the Master’s latest regeneration. The Thirteenth Doctor canonically makes the Doctor gender fluid thereby making any relationship they’ve had a queer relationship.  Their canon second wife, River Song has been acknowledged to be bisexual, making their marriage a queer relationship, despite seeing River only with the male versions of the Doctor so far.
Even other previous relationships with the Doctor, for example, the fan favorite of Ten/Rose, would be in actuality a queer relationship because Time Lords are canonically gender fluid. Even before Ten, Nine actively kissed Captain Jack Harkness, a canonical omnisexual man. The new incarnation of the show has never shied from the Doctor kissing anyone which is refreshing.
The final example in the disaster shows is Sherlock. As mentioned earlier, Conan Doyle’s beloved characters have been the subject of study since the late Nineteenth Century. Now, with the incarnations of BBC’s Sherlock, Robert Downey Jr.’s Sherlock Holmes and even Netflix’s The Irregulars, the subject of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson’s sexuality is a hot button topic for many.
At least 95% of the fandom, the Sherlock fandom, not the literary fandom, would agree that Sherlock Holmes is not 100% heterosexual.  But neither is he 100% homosexual. Most of the consensus will agree that the great detective is queer, whether it be bisexual, demisexual, ace, grey. His relationship with Irene Adler, a dominatrix who said she was gay but also was attracted to men, making her (allegedly) a bi/pan lesbian, as well as his relationship with Jim Moriarty, canonically gay, showed that Sherlock could be attracted to people, perhaps not for the attractiveness but because who they are (as also shown in the relationship between he and Molly Hooper, another gatekept ship). The popular ship, Johnlock, has Sherlock in a relationship with his roommate/friend John Watson. Watson, who was married and has a child, would at most be bisexual. Erasing the canonical women John Watson dated, slept with, and married is again bi erasure at best.
Gay, as defined in the Oxford Dictionary, is: “a homosexual person (typically referring to a man)” (Oxford.com). By this definition, women and nonbinary people cannot be gay as they are not men.  Using it as a “catch-all” in fandom is not only incorrect but queerphobic to the rest of the LGBTQ fans who also identify with these characters.
Shipping is fun. Fandom is supposed to be fun. All ships are valid, and one person’s ship does not invalidate another person’s ship. Even canonical ships don’t have to ruin other people’s ships.  But to use “canon” as a trophy, a sort of “we won, you can’t ever ship your ship anymore because it’s not canon” is horrible gatekeeping.  To insist that a person who ships a m/f relationship is “gross” or “promoting heterosexuality” or “heteronormativity” is also gatekeeping.  Not all m/f ships are heterosexual. Jumping immediately to that conclusion about both the ship and the person shipping it is not only the worst type of gatekeeping, but it is also extremely queerphobic.  Don't turn into the people other's hate, this universe is large enough for all of us.
0 notes
thebachrehash · 6 years
I don’t mind being assertive, I’m a Wilhelmina model
Ladies and gents, it’s time for the prerequisite “Shout the Bach’s name from the balcony” intro.  “Becaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!”
We immediately jump in with the always charming Chris Harrison handing out the first group date card reading, “Ready for my big day.”
Clay, Nick, Chris, David, Jean Blanc, Jordan, Connor, and Lincoln cheese grin their way to meet Becca at a mansion with her in a (gorg) white dress.  She let’s them know that she wants to pamper the men like she was on her first date with Arie... because that went well.  The men drop trou and Becca is officially ready to get back in the game.  She calls Lincoln a block of muscle.  Jordan, while doing the “pensive”, let’s her know that he is a male model, and that the largest tip he could give her any day is to put the confidence on in the morning before her panty hose.  Not sure who’s wearing panty hose these days (besides my mom - hi, Kath!), but now we know.
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The men roll out in their tuxes, to the poor man’s version of a Survivor obstacle course and are greeted by the poor man’s version of Ashton and Mila - Rachel and “not-Peter”, Bryan.  They’re there to help host “Groomsday”, and they warn they will have to get dirtay.
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In order to see if the men have what it takes to be marriage material, they will go through a strange obstacle course complete with standing in a cold tub of water and eating cake without their hands.  Rachel (dirty, dirty girl) shouts it’s important to see, “what that mouth do.”  Connor gets the largest kick out of it, as he sends it to Barstool.
Lincoln is in it to win it to reach his “beautiful princess” Becca.  He is cheating.  He is cheating blatantly.  But, there are no rule keepers, this is the f’ing Bach.  Well, there are no rule keepers except for tattle tale Chris who knows that he got in the bucket after him and left before him.
In a really messy battle for the finishline, Lincoln beats out Chicken David.  He gets to plant a kiss on Becca and they take their wedding day picture.  Seems innocent enough.  If only it was.
Chris Harrison let’s them all know that EVERYONE will be able to attend the rest of the group date.  Ya hear that Krystal.
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So the men all convene at a round couch, and Lincoln steals his “wife” immediately as they “just got married”.  He says something like, “she would only get the best from him when she gives her best and that makes them the best and he wants nothing more for her than the best.”  Becca goes, “Hmmm, well that’s nice, I have something for you.”  Thinking it’s the rose, Lincoln sits up all ready for Santa to come down the chimney.  Instead, Becca brings a photo from their wedding day.  It’s cute and Lincoln is very excited.
Lincoln returns to the men a smitten kitten and shares something about unicorns and Pegasus and a pot of gold, and prominently displays his prized possession, his photo of the two of them.
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Connor is NOT having this.  He thinks it’s a slap in the face that he would put this picture out.  Bro, needs to chill a bit, but Lincoln is weird and being extra,
Meanwhile, Becca is bonding with the men.  
Chris woos her in telling her that he wants to treat her the way he treats his mom and sister.  David wants to be pushed intellectually and she couldn’t agree more.  Clay is here for her and he wants her to get to know the real him.  
Back at the couch, Lincoln is now kissing the picture of him and Becca.  Connor throws it.  Lincoln picks it up.  Connor finally opens the door and frisbees it into the pool.
Lincoln, just a little dramatically, proclaims that his heart is broken.  He starts to tear up, he was looking forward to sharing this with his mom.  Picturegate has begun.
Back in the private lounge our Jean Blanc must be spraying some special, soothing scents onto Miss Becca.  He lets her know that she is the missing part of his life and that she makes him feel so special.  He takes all the courage from his ck one spritz, and tells her the only thing more beautiful than her smile is her lips.  They smooch.  
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Before Becca can make it back to the other men, she is stopped by Lincoln.  He lets her know that, not only did he lose his beloved picture, but he feels threatened physically.  what.is.going.on
Becca pulls Connor aside on what has become a date in a pre-school.  She is over it.  She wonders if Connor is a roid-rager slash if this is his regular reaction.  He agrees that it was way over the top.  She said she’ll take some time to think about it, but it’s probably not the best time to get to know one another.
Becca gathers them all together and says it had definitely been an interesting and revealing night.  Jean Blanc gets the group date rose.  He tells her to pin it on the leather, “he don’t even care.”  He’s so excited, it’s v. cute.
It’s time for Blake’s one on one date.
He’s pumped that he gets to roll out in a limo instead of on an ox.  Small pleasures.
Becca fills him in that she has no idea what they’ll be doing as Chris Harrison planned this one.  They get to the area that is a “little run down” and see Chris with a sledgehammer waiting for them.  They’re asked to put on little work jumpers (Becca’s complete with a belt from Charming Charlie), helmets and Tims.  Then, they’re both given their own sledgehammers.
They go inside and “TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?!” 
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This is where everything from Arie’s season went to die.  Chris and, um what?!? Lil Jon let them know that they’re gonna get to destroy everything in the room.  Immediately Becca climbs that racecar and smashes in the windows.  This is FABULOUS.  
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Carrie Underwood would be proud.
I have zero idea why Lil Jon is there, but am so VERY happy that Blake is a “huge fan of his”.  Sure you are Blakey boy.
The two of them proceed to make the whitest rap video ever, and Blake is so happy to see Becca so happy. I am cheese grinning my way through watching it.
Post wrecking crew, they sit down to dinner.  They’re ridiculously comfortable with each other for just the first date.  Blake shares his heartbreak over his most recent relationship where he thought he was with the one.  In positive news, he said it was worth it, because now he knows what he wants, and knows that he is capable of loving like that.  Becca empathizes. I am having a hard and fast therapy session with both of them.  Through the pain, they have found so much strength that they never knew was in there.  I’m not crying, you’re crying.
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Blake clearly gets the rose, and states to the camera: “I have no idea how Arie let her go.”  I love him.
It’s time for the second group date of the week... “Love comes at you hard and fast.”  
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Well it comes hard and fast, except for poor Jason and Mike who are the only dateless men of the week.
The men for Group date #2 (Alex, Christon, Colton, Garrett, John, Leo, Rickey, Ryan, Trent, and Wills), board a school bus and head to a gym where they are greeted with some fabulous, tyrannical child actors.
Becca, in her 24387948th metallic outfit of the season, informs that the men that they are going to be playing some good old-fashioned dodgeball.  But first, these children will warm them up a la suicides (can we call them that anymore?!?) and pelting them with 70 mph dodgeballs; all while calling them TRASHHHHHH and somehow still making fun of Arie.  These kids are amaze.
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They get set for the game, and the team with Becca all make the wise choice to hide behind her.  However, Christon don’t give a F and proceeds to belt Becca a number of times.  Spoiler alert: this doesn’t work out well for him in the end.
The men and Becca then move on to skyzone, where they’re to play a large game of trampoline dodgeball in front of a v. confused crowd, Chris Harrison, and Fred Willard.  Why tho?
Poor, pretty haired Leo is flying through the air and is in all his stuntman glory.  However, the rest of his team, complete with a former pro football player, suck to high heavens.  He is continually the only man left standing.  After three rounds, the green team wins and gets a trophy.
In probably his only soundbite of the season, Alex snarkly asks if it’s cool to display the trophy to the pink team.  Somewhere back at the ranch, Lincoln is crying again.
Becca gets her alone time with the men.  Garrett and her dork out together, Leo gets a little romantical, and she compliments Wills style while he almost tears up talking about his parents’ 50th anniversary coming up.  They share a kiss, and I think he kind’ve gave her his varsity jacket.
But, it wouldn’t be a group date without a bombshell.  
Pretty boy Colton fesses up that he had a former relationship with Weiner, Arkansas Tia.  Becca is visibly shook and doesn’t really know what to think.  Did he come on the Bach hoping it would actually be Tia?  Is he a fame whore?  Is he a whore?
So many questions.
In the end, she gives the group date Rose to Wills and his uneven scruff.  He’s happy, and Colton is nervous he’s gonna get the boot.
It’s time for the cocktail hour, and Becca is trying to not question what the f is wrong with all of these dudes.  She said she’s a lot more emotional than she thought she would be.
Clay pulls her outside to show her how he would celebrate scoring a touchdown.  Somehow he makes this boring, but he does score a kiss.  Me, and all of America, can name at least 10 other tight ends we would rather see on this show right now.  I’m looking at you, Gronk.
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Venmo John pulls her aside and they make out.  Connor puts his tail between his legs and gives her a picture of him.  It breaks the ice and i think they’re cool now.
Chicken David is having what seems like a decently lovely conversation when Jordan decides it’s time to parade around in his undies and a pink furry blankie.  Jordan interrupts and Becca is questioning Jordan.  Is this a joke?  
Post convo, Chicken David confronts Jordan and stutters when telling him he was being disingenuous.  Jordan chooses this time to not only correct him, but to inform David that he’s the one being in-genuine-titty.
For the record, Jordan would also like everyone to know that he doesn’t want to be misrepresented as 007 all the time.  He likes to live life on the edge, but while doing so he likes to have well kept hair.  He’s multi-dimensional.  He doesn’t mind being assertive, he is in FACT a Wilhelmina model.  And he’d like to think he’d score a little higher than a typical male model on “that” test.  
So, he wouldn’t light the cig at the gas station while sipping on his orange mocha frappuccino?  You be the judge.
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Before handing out the roses, Becca lets Colton know that she needs more clarity before getting to know him further.  She has to think a bit.  Colton is scared he’s going home.  Obvs, he would NEVER, well not until we can get Tia to come on a date and make this some good tv.
At the rose ceremony we say good-bye to Alex (and that SUPER sad tearful good-bye), Christon (that’s what you get for pelting her with a dodgeball), Rickey and Trent.
Power Rankings
1 - Blake (+2) - Solid connection, I heart him
2 - Wills (+2) - There’s something there... he’s chill, and a fab dresser
3 - Garrett (-2) - Dropping for air time and his scandalous likes on the gram
4 - Jean Blanc (+9) - Coming in hot and smelling good too
5 - Chris (+10) - Coming back hot from being the tattle tale in Episode 1
6 - Leo (+6) - Thiiiiis close to getting the group date rose this week
7 - Colton (-5) - Bringing the drama with the Tia card, and yet still having a v-card?  There’s no way he’s going anywhere soon.
8 - Jason (+1) - No date, but played it calm and cool
9 - Lincoln (-3) - I mean, they got married, but I want him to go
10 - Jordan (+1) - Literally, NOTHING in common, but I’ll keep him for his confidence and commentary
11 - Clay (-4) - Yawning
12 - John (-2) - Cashed in on a make-out... I’m impressed
13 - David (-5) - He’s geeky, but trying
14 - Mike (+5) - Tim Riggins is due for some time next week
15 - Connor (+1) - picturegate is over?!?!
16 - Nick (+5) - Hanging in the background
17 - Ryan (-) - Get your banjo out and play it man!
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iv-kplpt · 7 years
lacanverse part I - objet petit a
this one is complicated, long story short: a pinnguin au, partially based on lacanian terminology. inspired by @teawitchjoan​ and @hollyknight​.
summary: oswald’s one and only goal was getting bruce wayne out of his position as ceo - and he achieved it. and it feels like nothing. his life feels like nothing. and then... she comes along. (the old town’s changed so much, he doesn’t feel like he belongs.) ~6,7k words so far rated m because i said so and because there most likely will be some sex in part II or III.
He got what he wanted - and it felt like nothing, like sulfur, like ash. It felt bitter. It felt empty. He felt empty.
Oswald got his revenge - got back what rightfully belonged to him. He got Bruce Wayne out of his CEO position at Wayne Enterprises; he got money. His family’s land. A luxurious penthouse, overlooking the city.
And yet… He felt so perfectly, absolutely empty. His life in Essex was far from perfect; but at least it was honest. It was filled with bruises and spilled blood and jealousy and anger - but in Gotham he was living a lie.
(His whole résumé was a lie - but it worked.)
He missed his old life, actually - he missed the bruises. The feeling of a fist, crashing against his jaw. He still had sleepless nights, at least.
(With great money came a lot of possibilities for self destruction.)
Oswald was… Not doing great as CEO. At first, everyone was charmed - he was intelligent and eloquent and seemed scrupulous and honest, hell, he almost tricked himself; but something was missing.
He got what he wanted; and yet - despite having nearly everything - he still felt like he had nothing to his name.
He practically became the new face of Gotham - and it felt like nothing.
(He missed getting punch drunk and just drunk and he missed the fleeting thrill of fucking with exasperated cops.)
Oswald Cobblepot had everything; and it turned out, crying in a Ferrari still feels like crap.
He felt something when he tricked Bruce Wayne into punching him, right in front of Regina; it was a weirdly pleasant feeling, getting a black eye from his childhood friend whose family stole everything from him. And then… Nothing - nothing for three months, spent mostly alone.
(He didn’t make any friends. Lots of people tried to get into his life; but he wasn’t letting anyone in. He knew what are they after; and he didn’t feel like playing that game.)
He was in a bar. Salvatore Maroni recently bought it from Carmine Falcone, and was rebranding it - the place was no longer a mafia den, turning into just another expensive, exclusive bar Gotham was filled with. He liked that place, plain and simple; and last time he was there - back when it still belonged to now disgraced Falcone - he met someone; she had red hair, playful smile and Oswald couldn’t get her out of his head.
So, he was in Peperoncino, watching Jacques - the young bartender - work his miracles. Jacques had a beautiful, almost angelic face and Oswald sometimes considered trying to get closer to him; but the man was in a relationship, and Oz wasn’t too fond of getting tangled up as the third one. It was never worth it.
“So, what is it gonna be tonight, mister Cobblepot?” Jacques asked and Oswald winced slightly.
“I told you to just call me Oswald.” he said, tapping his fingers at a wooden surface of the bar, glancing at the tv flatscreen behind Jacques. “And whiskey.”
“On the rocks?” Jacques asked; his copper hair looked beautiful in the dim light and Oswald sighed, almost feeling jealous for Jacques’s partner.
(It’s been a while since he last spent the night with anyone.)
“Yeah.” he said, again glancing at the screen. “Hey. Turn up the volume.”
He recognized the face on the screen - he’d recognize it anywhere. It was the girl he met at Peperoncino - Charlie.
“This is yesterday’s news.” Jacques said, after looking up. “Want a shortened version?”
“Alright.” Oswald sighed, as Jacques set his glass down in front of him. “Do tell.”
“She’s a daughter of billionaires from NYC.” Jacques said, picking up the shaker. “She married a con artist, he ran away with the money. Her parents… Didn’t take it well.”
“They committed suicide, you mean.” Oswald corrected him calmly, despite not feeling calm at all. “Go on.”
“She disappeared for two years. And now… She’s back. And her husband is dead. She refuses to give out any details.”
“Huh.” Oswald said; a picture of Charlie was still on screen behind Jacques. It was a good picture, giving justice to her eyes and lips and the way her hair curled and fell on her cheekbones. “Ugly story.”
“But not the ugliest I’ve heard.” Jacques said nonchalantly and Oswald smiled slightly, knowing damn well the bartender is referring to the tragedy that befell the Cobblepot family. “Why are you so interested?”
“Because i know that girl.”
“Oh? A friend of yours?”
“You could say that, yes.” Oswald said, thinking back to the night they spent together in Maroni’s apartment, her fingernails on his back, his teeth on her neck. “I’m glad she found what she was looking for.”
“I can imagine.” Jacques nodded, sliding a strawberry daiquiri to a woman sitting nearby. “Why do you come here so often?”
“Let’s trade. You’ll give me an ashtray, and I’ll give you an answer.”
“Deal.” Jacques said with a faint smile, setting an astray down in front of him. “So?”
“Because this is the only bloody bar in Gotham where no one tries to pick me up.” Oswald muttered, lighting up a cigarette. “I’m a dream trophy husband, apparently… And a lot of ladies suddenly want to be my trophy wife.”
“Young, rich, tragic, handsome.” Jacques said knowingly and Oswald snickered. “Mmm. Yes. I almost see the appeal.”
“You might joke, but it’s true. Lots of people want me… And I don’t want any of them.”
He wasn’t lying; he wasn’t interested in people who were interested in him. Or - “interested”, as he was sure none of this is genuine, that none of those people would even look in his general direction if he wasn’t rich.
(He missed people he left behind in Essex.)
“An ice prince in his ivory tower.” Jacques chuckled and Oswald smiled. “That’s so pretentious, mister Cobblepot.”
“Life’s a bitch, so am I.” he said without thinking and the bartender groaned.
*** He spent many evenings like that - it was either this or loneliness; he very quickly grew bored of fancy, high society parties he was frequently invited to. Making polite, passive-aggressive remarks towards Bruce was fun for a while; and so was the attention he was getting. Quickly he started to feel like an exotic curiosity; and he knew no one would like him if he became himself - truly himself - for one more moment.
He didn’t make any friends. He felt lonely, and spending money wasn’t helping; it was still just him and his thoughts.
He sometimes wonder what would his parents think of him. He did get back what was stolen from them; would they be proud? He hoped so.
(He always loved the way his mother called him her pride, and he always loved the way his father introduced him to his friends and business partners.)
He spent about six months like that, and during those six months he genuinely felt something only once, when he saw her photo behind Jacques. What was it? He wasn’t sure - pride? Sympathy?
At least it wasn’t boredom. At least it was something.
He spent nearly six months drinking excessively and chatting up Jacques and Esme - Maroni’s secretary. He knew her polite attention is safe - Esme was a married lesbian; married lesbians don’t steal heart-shaped wallets, at least not from men.
Drugs were an option too - and he was heavily considering this option when everything changed. Drugs and recklessness; he missed the thrill of fighting, fight-or-flight instincts kicking in, the adrenaline rush, blood on his knuckles.
That evening, he was at a party - a charity fundraiser, hosted by the Kane family. He decided some fresh air might be good for him and his lungs; and he was politely trying to blow another gold digger off - knowing damn well members of the board, of his board are watching from a safe distance - when his phone buzzed,
Not many people had his private number; less than ten, actually. He valued his privacy; and he didn’t trust many people anyway.
(Trust is overrated. Trust drove his father to suicide. Trust got his mother committed to Arkham.)
“Uh-uh.” he muttered, glancing at it; it was a text from Jacques.
...Santa? Oswald typed back, not paying any attention to the person standing right in front of him.
Your friend! She seems nice. She ordered a martini.
Oswald’s heart skipped a beat, when he realized who is Jacques talking about. He wasn’t sure why - he barely knew Charlie, they had sex once and that was it. And yet… The memory stuck with him. It was less about the fact they had sex, and more about the way her skin felt under his fingers, the way her breath felt on his skin, the way her hair fell on her face and the way her laughter sounded in his ears. Maybe it was all simply because she snuck out in the morning, leaving him asleep and alone.
(She left him a note, signed with an imprint of her lips. He wanted to dispose of it - he really did; but he never got rid of that card and he was sure it’s still somewhere among his things, along with the lipstick-stained shirt he wore that night.)
I’m on my way. Thanks, Cupid.
I used to practice archery, actually. :P
“I have to go.” he said suddenly, interrupting the nameless woman mid-sentence. “I’d say it was nice meeting you, but frankly, I don’t feel like lying tonight.”
(It was the most asshole thing he said in a long time; it felt good. Like a breath of fresh air.)
He left without another word and arrived at Peperoncino soon after.
“Mister Cobblepot!” Jacques called out to him. “Impeccable timing.”
“Where is she?” Oswald asked, trying to be calm, even though he didn’t remember last time he felt so excited. Jacques giggled.
“In the bathroom.” he said finally and Oswald sighed with relief. “She’s having a girls’ night out with-”
“With me.” Oswald heard a familiar voice, coming from behind him; and when he turned around - there she was, Misty Haze, in all her crossed-armed, plump glory, staring him down with disapproval. “Mister Cobblepot.”
“Miss Haze.” he said nonchalantly and she scoffed; she wasn’t too fond of him. He refused to give her an interview abouts seven times; and then went and gave one to her rival from the same newspaper, Vicki Vale.
(He owed Vicki Vale a lot; her investigative skills brought a lot of things to light.)
“What do you want from her, mister Cobblepot?” Misty asked sharply.
That was an excellent question, and one he didn’t quite have answer for; luckily, he never had to search for one, because in that moment Charlie returned from the bathroom, thus again entering his life.
“What’s going on?” she asked, tucking her hair behind her ear, same way she did all those months ago, when they first met.
(She looked beautiful. She looked happy.)
And then she noticed Oswald.
“Oh my god!” she said joyfully, her face lighting up. “Oswald? Oswald Cobblepot?”
“I’m surprised you remember me.” he said softly; way softer than he intended.
“I assume… Congratulations are in order!” she said cheerfully, seemingly unaware of anything. “That’s quite a step-up from who you were when we first met.”
“Nobody.” he replied calmly and her smiled paled. “I was nobody. Is that what you’re trying to say?”
(What was he doing? He had no idea. He had a feeling he’s not going to like the response he probably just provoked; he almost regretted saying anything.)
“Was that insensitive?” she asked hesitantly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“No, it’s okay.” he interrupted her hastily; his phone was buzzing quietly in his pocket. “I suppose I’m just… Touchy.”
“Uh-uh.” she nodded, looking at him weirdly. “But anyway… It’s good to see you again.”
She smiled nervously, her eyes fixated on his face, on the scar running across the bridge of his nose, the one she once gently brushed with her fingertips before he leaned in and stole a kiss from her.
“It’s good to see you as well.” he said softly and Misty rolled her eyes. “I… Have to get going. Have a good night.”
He turned around and left before any of them answered; outside he fished out his phone, to see a string of messages from Jacques who was quietly listening to everything.
Wow, smooth. the last message read and Oswald sighed.
Shut up.
Do you want me to let you know if she drops by in the future? No additional charges, just order a drink next time. :P
He sighed, putting his phone back in his pocket and lighting up a cigarette; he felt surprisingly anxious.
Some ash had fallen onto his polished, expensive shoe; but he didn’t care. He just stared at it tiredly. He could always buy another pair.
*** He haven’t heard from her for a week; why would he? He turned around and left as soon as it was possible; plus they were just one step above being strangers.
(She looked so concerned when she thought she offended him. She looked sorry. She looked soft and beautiful.)
He met her at another fundraiser; she was Maroni’s plus one. He knew and kind of liked Salvatore - he was a weird, old man, but he did take him under his wings when Oswald first showed up in Gotham for the first time in twenty years.
They bumped into each other next to the fountain, or rather: he bumped into her. He noticed her some time earlier, and had been absentmindedly following her with his eyes for quite some time now; he picked a moment when she was alone and walked up to her, pretending he doesn’t see her.
She almost dropped her wine glass, but smiled as soon as she looked up and saw his best, apologetic smile.
“I’m terribly, terribly sorry!” he said. “I didn’t see you.”
“Well, you see me now.” she said with a playful smile. “Enjoying yourself?”
“I am now.” he said instantly and she laughed, shaking her head slightly; she was wearing the same exact shade of red lipstick she did when they first met. “And you?”
“Oh, not really.” she said with a sigh. “I don’t know anyone, I’m… Still new to town. And my partner disappeared somewhere.”
“He’s like that.” Oswald said with a knowing nod. “I bet he just wanted to show you off.”
“Well gee, I hope he’s coming back, he’s my ride home.” she said jokingly. “You look good, Oswald. This life must agree with you.”
(Did he really? He was drinking too much and didn’t remember last time he slept well.)
“And you look as beautiful as you did first time we met, Charlie.” he said with a wink and she giggled, covering her mouth. “We have some catching up to do, you know.”
(His most vivid memory of her was the face she made when he made her say please; he remembered her skin and her breath and her moans. Making a polite conversation felt weird.)
“Well, there’s no rush.” she said finally. “Because I’m considering a longer stay. A permanent one.”
“Oh, Gotham is good at second chances, if that’s what you’re after.” he said nonchalantly and quickly regretted it as she winced and turned her eyes away. “Shit. Sorry.”
(He just said that to a woman who most likely killed her own husband for driving her parents to suicide.)
“It’s alright.” she muttered. “So you know?”
“It was… On the news.”
“Hah. Of course it was.” she said with a sigh, closing her eyes for a moment. “But yeah. This is what I’m after. A second chance, another shot…”
She opened her eyes and looked at him, tilting her head slightly.
“You might be onto something.” she said finally. “It looks like your second chance worked out pretty well. Wonder what’s in store for me.”
Absentmindedly she reached out towards his face - and he let her; but she stopped her hand just before her fingers touched his cheek.
“We do have to catch up.” she said, brushing his - silk, yellow, expensive - tie instead. “Can I get your business card, mister Cobblepot?” she asked with a giggle and he smiled.
“Only if you have a pen. You get my private number.” he said and she gasped theatrically, handing him a fountain pen.
“Does it make me the luckiest girl in Gotham?” she asked, as he wrote his number down on the back of the card; he handed it to her and she hid it inside her purse, smiling lightly.
“Oh! There he is.” she said suddenly, spotting someone - most likely Salvatore - over his shoulder. “I have to go. I… I guess I’ll call you!”
She walked past him, took a few more steps, stopped, turned around, came back and planted a light kiss on his cheek, before leaving for good.
(Her kiss burned and he felt so alive.)
*** She never called. Or texted.
It felt almost like… A rejection - a very subtle, and a shockingly painful one. He checked his phone often; but there was nothing.
And it felt… It felt. That was a relatively new thing - he was feeling something. Something he couldn’t describe, until one morning he woke up with a realization - it was longing; something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
(He longed for revenge and fortune, and he got just that; he achieved his goal and the longing stopped, the feeling had stopped.)
He resumed his life - his lonely, empty life - until one morning Regina Zellerbach walked into his office and slammed a newspaper onto his desk, shooting him an accusatory look.
“Good morning to you as well, Regina.” he said calmly, wondering if she’s angry about the meeting he skipped or maybe about the other meeting he skipped or maybe about that one he didn’t skip, but he might have as well done that, because he spent the entire time playing a very absorbing game on his phone. “What’s up?”
(He recently switched back to his most insufferable accent; he knew it’s making all those prim and proper elite pricks uncomfortable.)
“What were you thinking?” Regina said, rapidly tapping a picture with her index finger. “You represent this corporation, and-”
“Well, for starters, I have no idea what are you talking about.” he interrupted her, picking the paper up. “So maybe give me a moment. The defense calls for a break.”
He quickly glanced at the front page, furrowing his brows and sighing when he realized what is he looking at. Someone managed to take a - slightly blurry - photo of him and Charlie, in that exact moment when her fingers were nearly touching his face.
“And what exactly seems to be the problem?” he asked finally, still staring at her fuzzy profile. “What, is it illegal for me to talk to people now?”
“She’s a murderer!” Regina said sharply and Oswald winced, calmly putting the paper down.
“Nobody’s perfect.” he said nonchalantly. “At least she’s not involved in corporate espionage.”
“...what?” Regina asked, taken aback. “What are you talking about?”
“I asked our brightest IT guy to run some comprehensive checks on some of the people who had been chatting me up… And we found out some very interesting things. Like paychecks. Or blood connections.” he said calmly. “Come on, Regina. Cut me some slack, I’ve been a target of corporate spies for months now.”
“You still shouldn’t affiliate yourself with her.” she said stubbornly, crossing her arms and sighing. “Bruce Wayne-”
“Ah, but I’m not Bruce.” he interrupted her with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “That’s my whole thing, innit? I’m not Bruce Wayne. I’m a martyr.”
“She could be dangerous.” Regina said, sounding almost defeated. “She has a remarkably shady past. For all we know, she might be involved in corporate espionage.”
“Yes, and Bruce Wayne might be Batman.” he said sarcastically and she scoffed. “Fine! I’ll be a good boy from now on. Does that satisfy you?” he asked coldly and she sighed, shaking her head.
(Regina Zellerbach was never his ally; she did condemn Bruce Wayne for punching him, but he was well aware she’d take his old friend over him any day. The feeling was mutual - he’d take literally anyone over her as the chairwoman any day.)
Jacques texted him the same day;
She’s here the text said.
I don’t care. he replied, glancing at his own reflection in the mirror; he was lying on his bed in his littered bedroom, absentmindedly browsing the internet on his phone. His flat was a mess - he never invited anyone over, so there was no point in cleaning anything up.
Yes. Really.
You’re very moody, mister Cobblepot. Good quality for a CEO, I suppose.
When in Rome…
The longing had returned; the longing for the unobtainable.
He went for a walk that night; it’s been a while since he walked those streets. He ended up in the Cobblepot Park; the last thing his family built before everything went to shit.
He sunk a lot of money into rebuilding the place. He had the money and he had an opportunity, so he decided fuck it - and renovated the place, much to the board’s displeasure. He paid for fixing the spray-painted walls and planting new plants and clearing his father’s bust; the place was a shining diamond it used to be when he was a kid.
And yet - walking those alleys made him feel nothing.
(He remembered the last time he was there, when he was a kid, crying, with disoriented Bruce doing his best to comfort him.)
He stopped in front of his father’s bust, looking into the lifeless features, picture perfect rendition of Theodore’s serious face. Many people said his father looked intimidating - but they didn’t know him. They didn’t hear his warm laughter and the way he looked at his coy wife and the way he used to make Oswald feel like the world is a safe place.
(He always feel the safest when his father would pick him up. He felt like king of the world, sitting on his father’s arms. He felt untouchable. Indestructible.)
He looked around, to make sure he’s alone; he had a reputation to maintain. He didn’t need anyone to eavesdrop on him talking to a piece of stone.
“Hey, dad.” he finally said quietly, anxiously. “Like my suit? I picked it myself, because there was no one to help me with it.”
He paused for a moment, remembering all those times he played here with Bruce.
“I think I’m lost.” he said finally. “I achieved what I wanted, but… I’m definitely not happy. I feel… Disappointed. Bored. Would you hate me if I said fuck this and went back to England? I kinda liked it there. It was mostly shit, but at least it was mine.”
The statue didn’t answer and he brushed it with his fingertips. He never visited their graves; he didn’t have the strength. For now, speaking to the statue had to do.
“This is bullshit.” he said eventually. “I’m not happy. It’s almost as if… It was all meaningless. As if the chase was the fun part. I put so much time and effort into this - and I can’t even talk to people, because no one in Gotham cares about me as a person. Funny, right?”
He lit up a cigarette and put his hands back in his pockets.
“There’s a lot I want to tell you.” he muttered finally. “And I could use some advice. But, thanks to uncle Thomas… I’m alone in that crap.”
When he turned around, ready to leave - he saw Bruce Wayne, standing in the distance, awkwardly looking away.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Oswald muttered under his breath, fixing the collar of his coat. “What are you doing here?”
“Taking a walk.” Bruce replied carefully, not moving. “It’s… A public place. And I have a lot of free time on my hands.”
“Mm.” Oswald muttered, glancing at him from across the small square. “And how does that feel?”
He tried to see his childhood friend in Bruce, his partner in crime, his old confidant - but to no avail. No matter how hard he tried - children they used to be were long gone; and he wasn’t ready to trust again yet.
Trust is overrated. Trust can get you killed.
Bruce Wayne looked at him with sad anticipation; Oswald wondered if he’s going to punch him again.
(He’d like him to. Then he’d be able to punch him back.)
“How are you doing?” Bruce asked finally, instead of answering his question, and Oswald scoffed. “How’s… Work?”
“Guess.” Oswald replied dryly. “You know it firsthand.”
He turned around and left, walking past - still perfectly still - Bruce.
It was starting to rain and he snickered, thinking maybe he really became the new king of Gotham, if the weather outside mirrored what was happening inside him.
His tears got lost in rain.
The next day he woke up with a cold, and a ringing sound in his ears - and it took him a long while to figure out the sound is coming from the door, meaning: someone probably wanted something from him.
He groaned and checked his phone - it was late afternoon and he had a lot of missed calls. He probably missed a lot of stuff; but he didn’t care.
“Yeah, yeah!” he called out, wrapping himself in a blanket and shuffling towards the door. “Why didn’t security call me first?” he asked grumpily and raspily, unlocking the door. “They’re not supposed to let random strangers into the building.”
“I charmed my way past them.” he heard in response and he blinked a few time, looking at Charlie, who had an oddly determined look on her face.
“Hello, Oswald.” she said, looking at him with concern. “Are you… Alright?”
“Did we have a date?” he muttered, despite knowing damn well they did not have a date. “And yes. I’m feeling peachy.”
“I’d believe you if you said you feel like a very old, moldy peach.” she said and he scoffed and coughed. “What happened to you?”
“I caught a cold. No big deal.” he muttered and she scoffed and shuffled past him.
(He didn’t try to stop her.)
“And what happened to this place?!” he heard her ask as he was locking the door. “Hurricane Oswald?”
“Charlie, what do you want?” he asked finally, entering his very messy living room.
“Talk?” she replied hesitantly, looking at him. “We have some… Catching up to do.”
“No, I mean what do you really want.” he said and she tilted her head and raised her eyebrows; he had to sit down. He wasn’t feeling well. “I’m not going to give you company secrets.”
(He didn’t even know any secrets.)
“I really just wanted to talk.” she said quietly, tensely crossing her arms on her chest and looking away and he almost felt like a paranoid asshole.
“Then why didn’t you call? Or text?” he blurted out. “I’ve been waiting, Charlie.”
“Because I lost your number!” she said angrily. “I accidentally spilled some water on the card! And I tried calling your office, but… It didn’t work. Do you really think I’m a spy?” she asked. “I’m not.”
“Which is exactly what a spy or a gold digger would say.” he muttered and she scoffed. “Shit. Sorry. I’m… Not myself.”
“No, you are yourself. People are only truly themself when they’re sick or drunk.” she said sadly.
He felt… He felt something. Something like shame. Something like remorse. But why now? Why around her, of all people? He barely felt anything around Bruce and he didn’t feel anything as he was treating other people like crap and he didn’t feel anything as he was blowing various gold diggers off. Why did he feel something around someone he barely knew?
“I guess I simply have to earn your trust.” she said eventually and he blinked. “Right?”
“Don’t say that.” he said faintly. “I guess… I’m just not in a good place right now. This is stress talking. Oswald Cobblepot will be with you soon.”
“In this mess? I doubt it.” she said, looking around. “Need a hand?”
“No, I’ll… I’ll manage.” he muttered, getting up and heading to the kitchen. “I’ll fix myself up, tomorrow I’ll be a new man.”
He found a last packet of cloves in one of the cabinets, and opened a bottle of vodka with his teeth. Charlie raised her eyebrows.
“Getting drunk for breakfast?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” he muttered absentmindedly. “But no, I’m not trying to get drunk, I’m trying to-”
He paused and sneezed.
“I’m trying to survive.” he said finally.
She made him promise he’ll clean his home up as soon as he gets better, and stayed with him until he fell back asleep. They didn’t talk much; but he didn’t mind her presence. Her hand was pleasantly cool on his hot forehead.
She left him a note with her phone number, and she left it on a table, away from any wayward liquids. She signed it with an imprint of her lips and he smiled lightly, wondering if what happened between them the first time they met is going to happen ever again.
He wondered.
*** From what he had seen, Charlie was doing great in Gotham - she was easily making friends and she was the star of every party she attended and she was dazzling and brilliant; and she was getting a lot of his attention, far more than other members of Gotham social elite.
He promised Regina Zellerbach he’ll stay away from her; but it was a lie, not the first one he ever told and not the last one. His entire life in Gotham was one big lie; he was sure nobody would mind one more.
He felt like Bruce Wayne is directing his attention towards her. He didn’t like the possibility; he was never a jealous type - especially considering there was not even an actual relationship to speak of - but it felt… Wrong. He was the first person she met in Gotham. He knew her body.
Bruce Wayne had no right to her.
(Those possessive, territorial thoughts weren’t anything new to him; he was always like that. You become like that once you lose everything, even in regards to things you don’t even have. Even in regards to people.)
When he looked at her, he felt longing. He had everything - almost everything. He had money and influence and power; it was all his, all his.
(He wanted to make her his, one way or another. He wanted her to want him.)
But - he kept his cool during their encounters. He was perfectly polite in public - way more polite than he ever was to anyone at Wayne Enterprises.
(He sometimes couldn’t take his eyes off her. He still felt the warmth of her blood on his lips and the smoothness of her skin under his fingers.)
In fact - he was so perfectly polite it got her some unwanted attention.
“My god.” she sighed jokingly, sitting on his couch as he was waiting for the water to start boiling. “It looks like I’m going to have to choose at some point.”
“Choose what?”
“Between you and Bruce Wayne.” she said softly, looking up at him. “Before I’m caught in the crossfire.”
“You’re your own person. I’m not going to judge you if you decide to be friends with him. Friends or… Something else.”
“Mmm, it looks like it’s a preferred result for Gotham’s general population.” she said, glancing at her phone. “People don’t take too kindly to you chatting me up.”
“Because I have a reputation of a loner. And I told a lot of people to fuck off.”
“Oh yeah, I know. That bartender… What’s his name?”
“Yes, that one! Anyway. He told me.” she said and he sighed; of course Jacques couldn’t be trusted. That gossipy prick. “You’ve been spending a lot of time at that bar.”
“Yeah, well, I like that place.” he said, opening his tea cabinet. “They import good whiskey.”
“And you’ve been drinking a lot of it… Or so I heard.” she added quickly. “You know, I’m here if you want to talk.”
“I don’t have a drinking problem!” he said, way more aggressive than he intended. “Can’t a man have any privacy in this city?!”
“You were right. You really are touchy.” she said, seemingly completely unbothered. “But fine. Have it your way. I’m not going to press.”
“And I appreciate it.” he said calmly, picking their teacups up and carrying them. “Really.”
Having tea with her felt… Weird. But also right; just her presence in his home felt right, like this was the way things were supposed to be; and he was almost sad when she had to go.
“I can… Give you a lift.” he offered. “You’re still staying at the Peak, right?”
“Mmmm-hm.” she nodded, putting her coat on and fixing its collar, looking at her reflection in the mirror; he looked away, not wanting her to notice he’s been tracking her every movement. “Well, I… Would really prefer you over some random cab driver.”
“Sure.” he said, getting up and running his fingers through his hair.
“You know, Salvatore invited me over for dinner the other day.” she said as they were in the brightly lit, spacious elevator. “Can you guess where am I going?”
“...oh my god.”
“Mmmm-hmmm.” she nodded. “It was… Awkward. He doesn’t know, right?”
“Well, that was the one thing I promised him to never do.” he sighed, glancing at her. “And I did clean up our mess.”
(When they first met, they had sex in Maroni’s home. He was homeless and crashing in his guest bedroom back then, and she was staying at one of Gotham’s cheap motels; old times. Simpler times.)
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for quite some time now.” she said, as they were walking through the garage. “Do you think it’s going to happen again?”
“What do you mean?” he muttered, fishing for his keys in his pocket; she scoffed.
“It’s an elephant in the room, Oswald. A massive fucking elephant - with emphasis on the word fucking.” she said, sliding into a backseat, as he held the door open for her.
He took the driver’s seat, adjusted the rear mirror slightly and looked at her reflection; she was smiling playfully and this smile made his heart ache and he felt longing, longing, longing.
“Depends.” he said finally; and in his mind, last pieces of this peculiar puzzle fell into place; he wanted her. He wanted something again. He had his damn bunny to catch again.
(All the fun was in the chase.)
“Depends on what?”
“On you, mostly.” he said calmly, as they were driving. “Do you want it to happen again?”
“Oh, are we going to be playing cat and mouse?” she asked playfully, and giggled. “Alright, I’m game. Meow!”
He laughed in response, his mind drifting back to Selina Kyle, a thief he hired to get him material proof of what happened to his family; and she delivered, and they parted ways. For a brief time - while she was still there - Oswald considered having a fling; miss Kyle was as beautiful as her name, melodious and soft like velvet. Or silk. He could never tell the difference between those two.
“Well, we’re here.” he said, after parking in front of Peak’s front, brightly lit entrance.
“Be a gentleman.” she whispered as he was helping her get out of the car, her hand in his, the storm of her red hair passing few inches from his face, smelling of petrichor and bubblegum. “Walk me to my apartment.”
“As you wish.”
She kissed him in the elevator; one moment they were standing next to each other, his hands in his pockets, and the next moment she was pulling him in, tightly grasping the fabric of his (custom made, hand-fitted) jacket, her lips on his.
She pulled away as soon as he put a hand on her back.
“You look good in a suit.” she said, her cheeks flushed and he felt alive, like he was living a cliche, but a very pleasant one. “Almost as good as you do in that god awful coat.”
“I still have it.” he said; the elevator dinged and the door opened and they entered the empty corridor.
(Suddenly he had a deja vu, despite never before setting a foot in that hotel.)
“And do you also have that mask?” she asked lightly and he tensed up immediately.
Right. The mask. The memento of who he used to be; a piece of equipment, carrying the memories of box matches and arms dealing and spilled blood. Memories of his old life - his old life nobody knew about.
(Memories of truth.)
“Don’t worry, I never told anyone.” she said quietly, seeing his reaction. “Your secrets are safe with me… Oz.”
She called him that almost hesitantly and for a moment he didn’t know where and when and who he is; it’s been months since anyone called him that.
(She called him that when she wanted him to shut up and kiss her.)
So he did just that - he leaned in and kissed her and initially she gave in and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his hair, her back against the door to her apartment, his hands on her back.
She pushed him away, eventually.
“No.” she said, breathing heavily. “Not tonight.”
“Why not?” he asked huskily, his lips burning from her, his heart focused on a new goal, on a new chase.
“Because I changed my mind.” she said, as he let her go and stepped back, fixing his tie. “Go home tonight, Oswald. We have plenty of time.”
He went home - and left after few minutes, after changing out of his expensive, custom-made clothes into the cheap rags he used to wear back when he was still just a broke, vengeful nobody.
(He still had that shirt she stained with her lipstick. He never got it out; a small stain, right next to the neckline.)
He ended up in the seedy part of town, where one wrong look could cost him his life. He provoked. He taunted.
And he got what he wanted, what he craved so badly; the adrenaline kick, bloodied knuckles, bruises.
(She pushed him away suddenly and he thought back to that time he saw her giggling with Bruce Wayne and their smiles paled as they noticed him; Bruce Wayne had no right to her, but neither did he.)
As his fist clashed against drunk man’s jaw, Oswald gritted his teeth and closed his eyes for a moment, knowing that - despite the waves of familiar feelings washing over him - there will be no consequences. The thrill was only temporary; this was nothing, compared to his old life.
All was his, all was his - almost.
(And yet he felt as if he still has nothing to his name, nothing but old shame.)
He saw her face as he pummeled the unfortunate, nameless man into the ground, he saw her face and her neck and her hair; and her fingers, pulling someone else’s hair.
He went back home, where his punching bag was and he stayed up all night, angry, confused, lost; his emotions were mixing, overflowing, as if something broke inside of him, a dam of sorts. He felt same way he did when he first started planning his revenge, all those months ago. He felt a lot of things - some of them good.
New chase was beginning. New goal was forming. New unachievable was dawning on the horizon.
He drank himself to sleep the next morning, not bothering to let anyone know he won’t make it to the office that day. It didn’t matter anymore; he didn’t care.
In his dreams, there was no void in his life. In his dreams, he filled the emptiness.
In his dreams he got what he wanted.
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Feb. 27, 2019: Obituaries
Charles Ratliff
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       Rev. Charles Albert Ratliff, age 67 of North Wilkesboro, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at his
       Funeral services were February 26,   at Bethel Baptist Church with Rev. Donnie Shumate and Rev. Rodney Blake officiating. Burial was in Yellow Hill Baptist
Church Cemetery.  
       Rev. Ratliff was born on January 18, 1952 in Wilkes County to Howard Thurmond and Nora Ruth Anderson Ratliff. He had retired as pastor of Yellow Hill Baptist Church after 32 years of service.
       He was preceded in death by his parents, and two brothers, Howard Ratliff and David Ratliff.
He is survived by his wife, Brenda Sue Harrold Ratliff, of the home; one daughter, Alisa Diane Ratliff Church and husband, Jody; and one son, Jason Scott Ratliff and wife, Angela; five
grandchildren, Christina Nicole Church, Joshua Ryan Church, Hunter Isaac Ratliff, Garrett Scott
Ratliff, and Carson Phillip Ratliff; and one sister, JoAnn Ratliff Reavis and husband, Larry, of Hays.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Yellow Hill Baptist Church, 5160 Summit Road, Purlear NC 28665, or to Mountain Valley Hospice Care, 401 Technology Lane, Suite  200, MountAiry NC 27030.
 Elizabeth  Weatherman,  63
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Mrs. Elizabeth Stacy Brewer Weatherman, age 63 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at her home.
       Private family services will be held at a later time.
       Mrs. Weatherman was born June 27, 1955 in Wilkes County to Stacy and Ola Whitley Brewer. She was a Homemaker.
       She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother; Mickey Shawn Brewer.
       Mrs. Weatherman is survived by her husband; Randall Gray Weatherman of the home, a son; Alexander Brewer Weatherman and wife Jessica Leigh of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Jasmine Leighann Weatherman and Chase Alexander Weatherman, two sisters; Fonda Pendry and husband Danny Joe of Hays and Shellia Simmons and husband Gary of Westfield NC.
Charlie McGrady,  84
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TSgt (Ret) Charlie Clay McGrady, age 84 of Hendersonville, TN passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 in Hendersonville, TN.
       Funeral services were held  February 26,   at Old Roaring River Baptist Church with Reverend James Pardue and Mr. Walter Hutchinson officiating. Burial with full military honors by Pope Air Force Base Honor Guard was in the church cemetery.  
       Charlie was born August 28, 1934 in Wilkes County to John S. and Mary Frances Hutchinson McGrady. He was one of nine children, sharing a small log cabin with his parents and paternal grandparents in the foothills of Western North Carolina. Charlie recalled many great memories growing up working with his brothers and sisters on his parents farm and he continued his love of gardening throughout his life.
       Charlie graduated from Traphill High school in 1952, when he met his sweetheart Doris.  He enlisted in the Air Force in 1952 and was stationed in France for three years. After he returned home from France, Charlie married Doris on March 2, 1956.
       Assignment highlights took Charlie to South Korea in 1961 on a "hardship tour"  where he was chosen as administration aid to the Commander of The Air Force, receiving a Commendation letter from the Commander for his "outstanding performance of duty", which included his off duty time where he formed a country music/bluegrass band playing for thousands of troops across South Korea.
       During his reassignment to Charleston Air Force Base in 1961, Charlie with his guitar and two other friends with their banjos entered the military's World Wide Talent Contest, naming themselves "The Lazy Mountain Boys" eventually winning their way to the finals at Edwards Air Force Base in California. The Lazy Mountain Boys performed "The Ballad of Jed Clampett", dressed in overalls, jug and all, winning the runner-up trophy and getting a kiss on the cheek by actress Connie Stevens.
       In 1964, Charlie was honored to be nominated and selected for reassignment to a prestigious administrative position at the Pentagon in Washington, DC where he became a member of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, having one of highest security clearances at that time.  
       Charlie retired from The Air Force in 1972 and spent the next 20 years in the manufactured home business in Bristol, Tn later moving his family back to North  Carolina and the mountains where he said his heart always remained.
       Charlie loved the Lord, his church and listening to his favorite preacher Dr. R.C. Sproul on the radio every night.  Charlie and Doris became members of Old Roaring River Baptist Church in 1956 where they were baptized in the river together after they were married. Charlie's love for music remained throughout his life, as he continued singing and song writing, while later singing in his church choir.  
       Charlie spoke of Doris being his "everlasting love". During the final 15 years of their marriage, Charlie selflessly dedicated all of his time taking wonderful care of Doris who was diagnosed with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disorder (COPD). Charlie and Doris moved to Indian Land, SC in 2013 to be close to their daughter Melissa and son-in-law Chad and grandchildren Drew and Delaney, where Charlie recently moved with them to Hendersonville, Tn.
       Mr. McGrady is preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Bessie Doris Gambill McGrady; one daughter, Michelle Doris McGrady; two sisters, Dawn Osborne and Pearl Brown; and three brothers, Vaughn McGrady, Glenn McGrady and Clyde McGrady.
       He is survived by his daughter, Melissa Emerine and husband, Chad, of Weddington; his son, Charles Anthony McGrady of Hays; his six grandchildren, Shannon Slone and husband, Jason, of Hampstead, Matthew McGrady of Hampstead, Mitchell McGrady and wife, Caitlyn, of Columbia, MD, Brandon McGrady and fiancé`, Lucinda Bennett, of Elkin, Drew Emerine and Delaney Emerine of Weddington; six great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mary Esther Burnette and husband Bill, of Columbia SC  and Ella Mae Vires of Bristol,TN  and one brother, Carl McGrady and wife Revely, of Bristol, TN.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Old Roaring River Baptist Church Cemetery, 11156 Longbottom Road, Traphill NC 28685.
Helen  Marsh,  86
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Helen Marie Marsh, age 86, of Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, February 22, 2019 at Curis of Wilkesboro. She was born November 8, 1932 in Caldwell County to Dixon and Mary Ayers Taylor. Mrs. Marsh was a member of Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Newel Herman Marsh; a daughter, Lila Jean Phillips; and a brother, Delton Ayers.
       Surviving are her children, Morris Marsh and wife Beverly of Blowing Rock, Doris Wingler and husband Paul of Millers Creek, Joyce Wheeling and husband Clyde of Ferguson, Mitzi Caudill and husband Gary of Lenoir, Shelly Wood of Athens, Alabama; sisters, Hazel Setzer of Lenoir, Edith Watson of Hudson; twelve grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; and one great great grandchild.
       Funeral service was February 25,   at Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church with Rev. Allen Marsh and Pastor David Blythe officiating. Burial  followed in the church cemetery.   The family has requested no food. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Beaver Creek Advent Christian Church, 11665 West NC Highway 268, Ferguson, NC 28624. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Frances Grant,  97
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Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Clark Grant, age 97, of North Wilkesboro, widow of PGA golf pro, Robert Ross Grant, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Villages of Wilkes.
       There are no services planned at this time.
       Mrs. Grant was born June 9, 1921 in Audrain County, Missouri to Junius Edward and Jane Victoria Roberts Clark.  In her early life while living in Jefferson City, MO, Mrs. Grant was a member of Central Church and active in the Girl Scouts, the Rainbow Girls and was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.  Later in life she was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Boca Raton, FL for forty years. She worked in the church office and was also a choir member. Mrs. Grant retired from NCNB Bank. She was presently a member of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church.  
       She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, and one brother, Cecil Clark.
       She is survived by her daughter, Janey Jones and husband, Thomas, of North Wilkesboro; her grandson, Aaron Ross Jones and wife, Amanda Tomlinson Jones, of Wake Forest; her sister-in-law, Dorothy Clark of Jefferson City, MO; and several nieces and nephews.
       In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Wilkesboro United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 197, Wilkesboro NC 28697.
Shirrell  Holbrook,   72
Mr. Shirrell Dean Holbrook, age 72 of North Wilkesboro, husband of Vicki Waddell Holbrook, died Friday, February 22, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Medical Center.
       Memorial services will be held 2:00 p.m. Thursday, February 28, 2019 at Oak Grove Baptist Church (Hwy. 268) with Pastor Joel Blevins officiating. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 1:45 PM at the church before the service.  
       Mr. Holbrook was born November 5, 1946 in Wilkes County to Everette Carson and Wilma Irene Blackburn Holbrook.  He was a member and deacon at Oak Grove Baptist Church. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and retired owner of Holbrook Security Systems. He loved visiting with friends and fishing with his grandchildren.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.  
       He is survived by his wife, Vicki Waddell Holbrook, of the home; two sons, Andy Holbrook and wife, Stephanie, of Roaring River, and Jason Holbook and wife, Kara, of Maiden; four grandchildren, Morgan Andrew Holbrook, Marlie Grace Holbrook, Sawyer Nathaniel Holbrook, and Katie Sage Holbrook; and one sister, Carole Barlow of North Wilkesboro.
       In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the donor's choice.
  Howard  Ward,  91
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Mr. Howard Lee Ward, age 91 of Ferguson, husband of Louise Triplett Ward, died Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem.
       Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at Elk Baptist Church.  
       Burial with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 will be in the church cemetery.  The family will receive friends from 1:00 until 2:00 PM at the church before the service.
       Mr. Ward was born November 2, 1927 in Guilford County to George Vernon and Mary Nicholson Ward.  He had retired from Lowe's Companies as a crew chief on the inventory crew. He served in the United States Army.
       He was preceded in death by his parents.
       He is survived by his wife, Louise Triplett Ward, of the home; one daughter, Martha Ann Pierce and husband,
 Lewis, of Ferguson; four grandchildren, Dakota Ward, Kenneth Pierce, Hunter Pierce, and Cheyenne Pierce; and one sister, Mae Hancock of Highpoint.  
 Ray  Whitley,   82
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Mr. Ray McCoy Whitley, age 82 of North Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
       Graveside services with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1142 Honor Guard were held   February 24,  at Maple  Grove Baptist Church Cemetery with Pastor Jesse Whitley and Mr. Ronnie Cleary officiating.  
       Mr. Whitley was born March 2, 1936 in Wilkes County to Dewey and Lula Yale Whitley. He was retired from Asplundh Tree Service as a Foreman. Mr. Whitley was a veteran of The United States Army having served in the Korean War. Ray was an avid outdoorsman, loved nature, fishing, birds, loved spending time with his family, meeting people and talking, loved to make canes. His world was his granddaughter, Jordan.
       In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Wanda Sue Cleary Whitley, a son; Timothy Scot Whitley, two sisters; Virginia Holbrook and Ruth Wiles and three brothers; AC Whitley, Raymond Whitley and Buel Whitley.
       He is survived by a son, Michael Ray Whitley and wife Chrissie of North Wilkesboro; a granddaughter, Jordan Rae Whitley; a grandson, Justin Miller (Kristina) of Hays; two great grandsons, Greylin and Carter; a sister, Dallie Vinson of Welcome NC; and two brothers, Johnny Whitley and wife Shirley of North Wilkesboro and Jesse Whitley of Hays.
       Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association 4600 Park Road Suite 250 Charlotte, NC 28209.
Kenneth  Pilkenton, Jr.,  49
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Kenneth Darrell Pilkenton, Jr., age 49, of Tennessee, formerly of Wilkes County, passed away Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at Bristol Regional Medical Center in Tennessee. He was born July 4, 1969 in Wilkes County to Kenneth Pilkenton Sr. and Jeanetta Greene Pilkenton. Mr. Pilkenton was a member of White Oak Baptist Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88
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Mrs. Betty Isabelle Brown Cockeran, age 88 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 1:30 PM, Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church with Rev. James Ferguson and Dr. Harold Hudson officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:15 prior to the service at the church.
Mrs. Cockeran was born January 15, 1931 in Wilkes County to James Hubert Brown and Ruby Smith Brown. She was a Registered Nurse and a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Sylvester McKinley Cockeran, a grandchild; Sonya Jamette Cockerham and a sister; Beulah Marlette Hatcher.
She is survived by a son; James (Buster) Cockerham and wife Catherine of North Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Brandon James Cockerham and fiancé Amber Rhodes of North Wilkesboro and Gregory Michael Cockerham and two sisters; Billie Sue Hudson and husband Dr. Harold Hudson of Columbus, OH and Bobbie Jean Hunt of Roaring River.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86
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Dorothy Mary Grasmehr, age 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, February 18, 2019 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born January 29, 1933 in Wilkes County to Grover Estel and Maude Byers Chatham. Mrs. Grasmehr was a member of Center Baptist Church and a US Air Force Veteran. Dorothy enjoyed quilting and was a member of Silver Strides walking group at Wilkes Senior Center. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joseph Fritz Grasmehr; son, Wayne Grasmehr; and brother, Colbert Chatham,
Surviving are her daughter, Donna Shew and husband Johnny of North Wilkesboro; brothers, Wade Chatham and wife Margaret of Hays, Fred Chatham and wife Callie of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Johnathan Shew, Laura Shew and Michelle Shew; great grandchildren, BreAnna Dancy, Dezirae Dyson, Isaiah Dancy, Lillian Shew, Sophia Martinez.
Graveside service with military honors by Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Guard Post 1142 will be held 1:00 p.m. Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. David Key officiating. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wilkes Senior Center, 228 Fairplains School Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 or to Center Baptist Church, 205 Center Baptist Church Road, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements. Online condolences may be made to www.millerfuneralservice.com
  Mrs. Mary Hayes Call
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Mrs. Mary Hayes Call, age 59 of Wilkesboro passed away Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson.
Graveside services will be held 3:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Cemetery with Rev. Brian Poindexter officiating.  The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mrs. Call was born July 27, 1959 in Wilkes County to Bertha Bell Hayes.  She previously worked for Tyson Foods.
She was preceded in death by her mother and brother Clyde "Timmy" Hayes.
She is survived by a daughter; Keisha Jones and husband Joseph of Wilkesboro and granddaughter; Madison Bell Jones and fiance`; Clarence Allen Phillips of Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40
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Mr. Cardinal Jerome (CJ) Alexander, age 40 of Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, February 16, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Pastor George Barber III, Rev. Casey Walker and Rev. Richard Watts officiating.  Burial will be in Scenic Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 12:30 until 2:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Alexander was born June 28, 1978 in Wilkes County to William Jerome "Billy" and Carol Lee Harris Alexander.  He worked for Lowe's Companies.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a sister; Vestula (Tula) White and husband Rex and nephew; Lathan Cannaday all of Statesville and his fur babies; Dolly and Sassie.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Rickard's Chapel AMZ Zion Church, PO Box 1689, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.  
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
  Mr. Harmon Green Pike
Mr. Harmon Green Pike, age 73 passed away Thursday at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehab.
Funeral services will be held 1:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2019 at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Wiley Boggs officiating.  Burial will be in the Union Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 12:00 until 1:00 PM prior to the service at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
Mr. Pike was born September 16, 1945 in Wilkes County to John Henry and Laura Victoria Wagoner Pike. He was a member of Union Chapel Baptist Church.
He was preceded in death by his parents.
He is survived by a daughter; Wanda Ann Pike, two half-sisters; Gracie Davis and husband Bartley of Moravian Falls, and Mary Taylor of North Wilkesboro and one half-brother; Alfred Pike and wife Ruby of North Wilkesboro.
Flowers will be accepted.
Online condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com
Church and loved music. He was preceded in death by his mother.
       Surviving are his father, Kenneth Pilkenton, Sr. of Millers Creek; sister, Evelyn LeFever and husband Randy of Wilkesboro; nephew, Justin Cahill and wife Kara of North Wilkesboro; niece, Taylor Barnes and husband Daniel of Purlear; two great nieces and five great nephews.
Memorial service will be held at a later date. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
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Royal wedding falls on the same day as FA Cup Final - Daily Mail
New Post has been published on https://harryandmeghan.xyz/royal-wedding-falls-on-the-same-day-as-fa-cup-final-daily-mail/
Royal wedding falls on the same day as FA Cup Final - Daily Mail
Prince William is facing a right royal wedding dilemma.
The Duke of Cambridge is the President of the Football Association and would be expected to present the trophy to the winners of the FA Cup Final on May 18.
But I can reveal that this year’s royal wedding is to be held on the same day.
Lady Gabriella Windsor, whose father Prince Michael of Kent is a beloved first cousin of the Queen, has chosen May 18 as the day she will marry businessman Thomas Kingston at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. 
Lady Gabriella Windsor has chosen May 18 as the day she will marry businessman Thomas Kingston at St George’s Chapel, Windsor
The Queen is among those expected to attend the wedding.
‘Poor William, it will give him another headache,’ a courtier tells me. Ella Windsor attended William’s wedding in 2011 and he would want to return the compliment.
Wills faced the same dilemma last year when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose Cup Final day for their wedding.
Keen football fan Wills had to skip the match between Chelsea and Manchester United, leaving Jackie, the widow of England star Ray Wilkins, to present the trophy.
Harry’s polo event hits the skids as Audi deal stalls 
When Meghan Markle was pictured kissing Prince Harry before she presented him with the winners’ trophy at the Audi Polo Challenge, it confirmed the event’s central place in the royal social and sporting calendar.
However, I can disclose that this year’s charity tournament is not expected to go ahead amid claims that Audi was asked to increase massively its donation to good causes supported by the Prince.
Last year, both Harry and Prince William played in the competition, held at Coworth Park in Ascot, where spectators included Oscar-winner Eddie Redmayne and Wimbledon champion Serena Williams.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were pictured kissing before she presented him with the winners’ trophy at the Audi Polo Challenge
‘There has been real shock, because Audi has provided 16 years of loyal service holding the event with the Royal Family,’ an insider tells me.
‘The sum it was expected to stump up was a huge increase on its previous donation.’
Kensington Palace is keen to deny suggestions that Audi was asked to donate £1 million — and that Meghan inspired the increase. 
‘The Princes decide which charities their matches support,’ the spokesman insists.
Last year, Harry helped raise £1 million for his African charity, Sentebale, when he played in the Sentebale Polo Cup, which he hosts annually.
‘This is the sort of money they want to be making through polo from now on,’ said Malcolm Borwick, polo ambassador of Royal Salute, which sponsored the cup in 2017. 
‘We want to help Prince Harry raise £1 million per event in the future.’
Borwick added: ‘They have a limited number of days to play polo, so they really want to make it count.’
The Audi event’s cancellation would, at least, reassure Meghan that her husband won’t be tempted by any alluring fellow actresses.
In 2015, Harry was pictured with his hand on the knee of Victoria star Jenna Coleman as they chatted intimately in the sponsor’s marquee.
The event’s future appears to be a very hot potato, with Audi referring all inquiries to Kensington Palace, where Harry, Meghan, William and Kate are based. A palace spokesman will say only: ‘Polo matches will be announced in the usual way.’
The smart set’s talking about…Ella Balinska
Ella Balinska (left and right with mother Lorraine Pascale)  is making her mark on the big screen
Her mother, Lorraine Pascale, was the first black woman to star on the cover of American Elle magazine before going on to become a television chef. But Ella Balinska is making her mark on the big screen.
The 22-year-old, whose father is Pascale’s aristo ex-husband, the Polish musician Count Kaz Balinski-Jundzill, has been cast as one of Charlie’s Angels in the new instalment of the film series alongside Twilight star Kristen Stewart.
‘I’ve always wanted to do [an] action [movie], but I thought that at 5ft 11in, I was too tall,’ says Ella, who was educated at the £18,000-a-year James Allen’s Girls’ School in Dulwich, South London.
‘I’m qualified in 12 types of stage combat, so it’s safe to say the brief for my character was very familiar.’
Ella, who describes Vogue editor Edward Enninful as a ‘godfather’ figure and supermodel Naomi Campbell as a family friend, could have become a sportswoman, having thrown the javelin for Team London.
Shaken and stirred-Jodie’s link to 007
Bond girl: Jodie Kidd with her godfather George Lazenby, the star of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Jodie Kidd, who would make a great Bond girl, has revealed that her godfather is George Lazenby — the kilt-wearing 007 in the 1969 film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.
The 40-year-old model turned pub landlady made the disclosure at the Leica store launch party in Mayfair this week, which she attended with Lazenby, 79. 
With secrecy that would make James Bond proud, she declined to go into details about why the Australian actor was chosen for the role, but her family is full of fascinating connections.
Her father, who was also at the party, is Johnny Kidd, grandson of Lord Beaverbrook and a former champion show-jumper.
Pictured: The kilt-wearing 007 George Lazenby in the 1969 film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
Heather finds elixir of youth
As the owner of an anti-ageing clinic, Heather Bird encourages the well-heeled women of Knightsbridge to spend a small fortune on treatments to hold back the years.
For her own part, she has found a cheaper cure — a toyboy.
The estranged wife of property tycoon Robert Tchenguiz is courting Spandau Ballet’s new lead singer, Ross William Wild, 20
The estranged wife of property tycoon Robert Tchenguiz is courting Spandau Ballet’s new lead singer, Ross William Wild, 20 years her junior.
‘We met at a party at The Savoy,’ Heather, 49, tells me at the Nina Naustdal catwalk show at Bagatelle London. ‘It was his idea to date, not mine.’
She adds: ‘I never would have thought about having a toyboy, but I know a lot of women who are doing that nowadays.’
 I’m ready for another love match, says broody Boris
The former model Lilly Kerssenberg, ex-Wimbledon champion Boris Becker is nevertheless considering expanding his family
Still enmeshed in a rancorous divorce from his second wife, the former model Lilly Kerssenberg, ex-Wimbledon champion Boris Becker is nevertheless considering expanding his family.
‘If my [next] partner desperately wants to have a child, I would be open to it after years of togetherness,’ admits the 51-year-old, who has four children by three women, one of whom was conceived with a Russian waitress on the stairs of a Mayfair restaurant.
‘I have a lot of experience in how to deal with children, and I am still of viable age.’
Form an orderly queue, ladies…
Will Philip join Land Rovers at Balmoral
Prince Philip doesn’t appear to have lost his love for Land Rovers after the road accident in which his Freelander flipped over in January.
For Balmoral is staging a Land Rover ‘self-drive and trek’ later this year, in which car owners are invited to motor through the 50,000 acres at the Queen’s private estate in Scotland in guided convoys, at a cost of £135 per vehicle.
‘I do not doubt it will be very popular,’ a spokesman tells me.
Presumably, the Duke of Edinburgh will not be taking part, as the terms include: ‘Drivers must hold a full driving licence for the UK.’
The Duke recently confirmed he had given his up.
Born in New York, artist Alexander Newley moved to this country four years ago and has now painted a ‘love letter to London’ in the form of works devoted to the capital.
The son of Dame Joan Collins and late actor and singer Anthony Newley has called the exhibition London: Sacred City, and it will be on display at Home House in Marylebone until August. 
‘I wanted to do some cityscapes,’ Newley tells me. ‘I agree with William Blake that London is a holy city, like Jerusalem. I want to convey my love and celebrate its complexity, mystery and depth as the capital of the human spirit.’
His ten works include portraits of actors David Suchet and Sir Derek Jacobi, but none of his radiant girlfriend, Sheela Raman, a U.S.-born jazz singer.
 It’s just water for slimline Stanley
Boris Johnson’s confession that he stopped drinking ‘bathfuls’ of booze in an effort to shed the pounds seems to have inspired his father, Stanley. 
‘I lost a tremendous amount of weight on I’m A Celebrity — and what’s even better is I’ve kept it off!’ the 78-year-old boasts at a book launch in Marylebone. ‘I went from 91kg to 82kg [a loss of almost 1½ stone in old money].
‘I don’t diet, but I think drinking less alcohol must have something to do with it. I’m going out for dinner after this party, which is why I’m only drinking water.’
 (Very) modern manners
Baroness Mone of Mayfair used to enjoy boasting about her extravagant lifestyle, sharing selfies online of herself reclining in private jets or with her ‘billionaire’ fiance Doug Barrowman.
So imagine the surprise when the underwear tycoon — nicknamed Baroness Bra — was spotted lugging her Louis Vuitton luggage aboard a grimy carriage on a standard-class train from Gatwick airport to London Victoria last Saturday.
‘If I was about to marry a billionaire, I would ask to be picked up at the airport, at the very least,’ remarked one of Michelle’s fellow passengers.
Such snobbery. Elevated to the peerage by David Cameron, Lady Mone should, surely, be commended for ‘keeping it real’.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6762665/Royal-wedding-falls-day-FA-Cup-Final.html
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janiklandre-blog · 8 years
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
 Ash Wednesday -   10:35 cloudy, warm, just took long walk and saw that Neptune is no more, another Pilish restaurant closed, on first avenue and 11th street - I loved their garden, their generous servings - no more - a pastry place open since I was born, closed, Lanza closed - I don't think I ever went there - the ethnic places - they are going. Big renovations on PS 122 - an art center - to be made fancy and exxpensive - then passing the theater of the New City I saw an offer for free meditation at St.Mark's church on Thursdays at 8 a.m. - I might check that out - I'm not the only whom Catholic Masses have stopped interesting - one priest talking endlessless about the virginity of Mary and how wonderful it is for women to be vergins - I am against promiscuity, I too am against abortion, a good essay on the op-ed page, saying women deserve better than getting abortions.
Education, education. I just wrote to a wonderful friend about the fight a number of us have been fighting against the pharma industry that would like every last person declared mentally ill - there is no one as far as they are concerned who wouldn't do much better in life with medications - and many of us, myself included, have suffered and do suffer from the ignorance of all the lay shrinks thast abound and ready to diagnose every one as mentally ill and then stop speaking to people - to me! - because I don't have the decency to call myself mentally ill and refuse the wonderful meds that would make me a so much nicer person.
Anger, anger - yes, my anger is directed against the pharma industry - and I should learn to channel my anger directly against them - I try to by writing - and not against all thoser whom the millions they make are "educating" how wonderful and necessary their products are - and how they deserve every because after all they are doing wonderful research and if one pill costs $1000 or more - do find ways to raise the money, that pill will save you. Even Trump in his speech last night that I did end up listening to said something about the overpricing that must stop.
Yes that speech - in German we would say "sich die Haende wund klatschen" - to applaud hard until your hands are sore - I've necver seen so much applause and so many standing ovations - by uneducated people. Yes, they may have Harvard degrees - I myself sadly learned how little I learned getting my Mount Holyoke B.A. in 20 months, my UCLA M.A. straight A's in little over 7 months - finally got halted at Columbia by the fascist Bauke - putting my phd exams off, the failing me, finally passing me and then I got a letter: you did not take middle high German one - of course I had in California - and middle high German two at Columbia where I met Ari Salant - long story - and Gothic - for that course I bought my first bible because those Goth had translated the bible into their language - and all you had to do is get a bible to translate Gothic into Englissh.
Yes, I wasted my young years on obscure German lit, on obscure languages - I wish when I arrived in 1951 I had had the guts to stay with my sweet boyfriend Arno, who truly loved me and I was 19 then and he 22 - no longer a virgin! as required by this priest, Charlie - and just beginning to explore our bodies - in what is now the East Village and then was the lower East Side we could have shared with artists an apartment for 20 dollars a month - Brooklyn College where he was studying - statistics as suggested by his father and he later did use that in his job at the census bureau where he created a division Poverty Statistics, destroyed by Reagan, he got pancreatic cancer and died. His love was sociology and he did get at the New School later close to a Ph.D. - the New School notorious for keeping students forever - his later wife threatened to leave him if he didn't get a job - the census bureau was a summer job, they loved him, offered him full time work - all the perks of a govt job - she suggested he take it - he called me often at government expense and  I remember his mantra: No one to taslk to. He got very involved in the civil rights fight, later in sort of universal church - they had three children - his daughter went to the u of Chicago and married a Boston Irish, I was invited to the wedding, felt odd about going. His middle son, a philosophy student and musician committed suicide after he had died and his older son never married and now lives I velieve in Cambodia. I have remained in touch with his wife who always geneerously hosted me and friends when we came for demos to Washington - didn't want to join his church while he was alive, Unitarian, now the name comes to me - after he died became the pillar of the church - not far from the house that they had bought - in a neighborhood that has become gentrified.
His father - a survivor, his mothere was torn away from him at Auswitz, he was the only child, he was 15, she perished. My mother met his father at was was a "requisitioned hotel" - this was 1947 we lived in Munich - Jews were offered free stays in these hotels in the Alps - he shared a table with my mother - my father had refused to go there - I was extremely lonely then and so was his son - his father came to our house to check me out, approved, said he had a bottle of cooking oil I could pick up at his house - and that is where I met Arno. Both my mother and his father firmly believed young women should remain virgins - believed this should be platonic and my mother called me a whore when I kissed him a year after we had met. I told him I would "go all the way" after I had graduated high school in 1950 - three years after we had met. By then we both were plotting how to get to America - he left in early 1951, I followed him in the fall. I had scored the fancy scholarship - totally unthinkeable to give it up to stay in New York - where he had wonderful and intgeresting friends that I met when I spent vacations with him - firmly convinced that I was the only woman at Mount Holyoke College sleeping with her boyfriend - and in those days virtuous young women did what was called then: everything but. When I met my later husband and was willing "to go all the way" - I shocked him deeply and his mother had given him dire warnings of "lose women" who were out to snatch her trophy by getting pregnant - after the first time he told me he was too tired - and because I had a Mount Holyoke B.A. and he was about to enter his thrird and final year at Harvard law school we were convinced we knew EVERTHING - and we were as dumb as all those people clapping their hands sore last night - all those people who admire the speech Trump gave last night - and putting all of us into terrible danger. More military spending - that will save us. The military believes it.
Oh well. It took me alas many years to begin to understand - Arno's father had bought him a Leica (Arno's father knew how to make money) - perhaps some of the photographs are still in the basement of his house - I've been waiting for somebody to take me - so far no one has - and his widow is also growing old. Arno had gotten a driver's licence before he left Germany. His father would have given us money and we could have set out on a trip across America as the Swiss photographer Frank did who put together a book by the titlle something "of Men" - he had photographed America with the eyes of a European - he did have training in photography - but Arno happily would have taken courses - I began writing voluminously in 1946, I was 13 and we had to leave Prague where I had met in the fall of 1945 Dana, a beautiful Czech women - and as girls that age do, we loved each other - I had told I was Dutch and leaving for Holland - in the park we had played being Partisans and killing Germans - then I wrote to her from Germany that alas I was a German (still stateless until West Germany came into being and passports were issued and I got German passport number 456 - it burned in 2000)  and we began a lively correspondence - one day in 1987 I was in Prague (after 1957 I travelled a lot to Prague, the city I love most) - she reached up and gave me bundled my letters in Czech to her. Much burned in the 2000 fire - all my photographs, as my letters, much of my writing.
Writing was my early passion - alas - only one teacher realized it, Frau Eckstein - her husband had become involved with the art teacher, Frau Eckstein had stomach problems and died on the operating table. She was the only who saw a writer in me. And only in 1958 in Geneva I sat down to write my first two novels - in English - one about my year in Paris, the other about my years with Arno, from 1947 until 1953 - when our so different lives, he in Brooklyn with the poor, I in Massacusetts with the rich - no longer able to find places where we could sleep together - alas my physical interest in him had waned - none of all that did we understand - and while I've read thousands of pages of obscure German literature - never did I learn anything about my body.
Almost all the displaced persons on the boat taking me to America ended up working in factories, many never learning English. Spending life at unviversities and in libraries has been a privilege - I am happy for it - even though it hasn't taken me to this day where I wanted to be - a recognized writer. The clock is ticking - in June I'll be 85.
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