#charlie's sad face in this scene makes me happy
a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
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coffeecatcraze · 7 months
I would just like to say how hard it hits me in the chest to see Charlie masking every time she's onscreen the day before the fight (including what we see on Vox's spy screens of course), except when no one is with her but Vaggie. Even during her emotional speech she tries so damn hard to keep that confidence up and smile on. But we do see her stop masking twice, when the only person watching her is Vaggie.
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No one's really paying attention to her, and she's not smiling; she's worried. When Vaggie approaches her, she doesn't put on a happy face. She talks about her mom with the same smile as in the first episode (during a very emotionally vulnerable moment with Vaggie, might I add). It's not happy or confident. It's nostalgic, wistful, and sad, because her mom's absence is something very personal and painful for her. When Vaggie asks if they're ready, Charlie doesn't instantly start to smile or answer with confidence even though she usually would (even within that short beat of time), because her mask is off. She's not confident or optimistic. She's scared. She's not ready.
Then Pentious comes out and she's all smiles again! The mask comes back on when someone other than Vaggie is there.
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Of course, one of our favorite scenes. Charlie's alone when she breaks down, but when Vaggie shows up, she keeps the mask off. She admits how scared she is. When she does smile, it's not the big smile she's been throwing on throughout the day, and it's not strained either. It's soft, gentle, and real. She's not masking. Vaggie is genuinely making her feel better when she's finally letting herself fall apart, just by being there and reminding her that no matter what happens, she's already accomplished so much, and she's so loved.
Charlie is under a lot of stress and pressure. She's scared. She's not as optimistic as she's making herself out to be. She's giving everything she's got out there being a strong, confident, inspirational leader and friend in front of everyone, and it's only with Vaggie that she lets it go. She doesn't have to try to be strong. She doesn't pretend. She lets down her guard, because for her, Vaggie is that one infinitely special person who gets to see every part of her; the one person she can always be her honest self with.
There were plenty of times in other episodes when Charlie didn't mask her negative emotions around people, but that was when she didn't have anyone looking to her as a leader. She's running on adrenaline and the weight of people's expectations as Extermination Day gets closer, and she can't let the mask she's put on slip in public. She has to seem like she's totally ready for what's coming. But Vaggie is different.
The amount of trust and love Charlie has for her is staggering. She's under an insane amount of stress and pressure, and having Vaggie by her side is probably the only thing keeping her from completely falling to pieces. Seeing a relationship so full of deep trust and love is absolutely beautiful. <3
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evilmenshoe80 · 2 months
The prince of heaven and the first man
hello! this is a little story that @mintartem and me wrote on twitter! inspired by the information mintartem shared about angel zophiel, appearently, archangel michael spy (can michael be more cool?!)
so yeah, this is an au where zophiel informs mike about the fight between adam and lucifer, and michael appears to save adam
WARNING: this is a guitarhero fic, with unrequited adamsapple (look I like adamsapple, but I like more adam being happy soooo yeah, sorry, adam got over lucifer a long time ago in this story)
Zophiel is in a dilemma. If he calls Michael, he might not make it in time. If he intervenes, his cover is blown. Maybe he could call Michael and try to prolong the fight…?
After a few minutes of zophiel looking nervously at the sky, watching adam literally fight for his afterlife, he took a choice. He made a quick call to Michael, with no further explanation that "ADAM IS IN DANGER, COME HERE QUICK" and as fast as his wings allowed him to he flied the closest he could towards the fight, sending a light beam towards lucifer to help Adam win some space from the devil.
It worked, lucifer stared at his direction trying to find who the fuck attacked him out of nowhere and WITH HEAVENLY POWER, only for him to be punched HARD and impact on the floor at high speed, Adam wasn't giving up yet Lucifer smirked at Adam's audacity and hit him back twice as hard, punching the air out of Adam's lungs and sending him to the floor
Lucifer followed him and got above the angel, punching his face frantically repeating in his mind that adam deserved to be treated like that Adam was an asshole, He hurted his daughter, destroyed her hotel, HE DESERVED HIS WRAT-just before his mind could finish that sentence a wave of golden fire impacted him sending him flying away from Adam
"no" he though "it can't be"
He looked at the sky confirming his fear, above adam's badly wounded body, standed the figure of a tall buff angel with long blond hair, six Golden wings and a stare that screamed "I WANT TO KILL YOU" to lucifer his brother, god's sword, st Michael the archangel.
After him, a lot of warrior looking angels with Golden armours started helping the remaining exorcists to stand up and fly towards heaven's portal, meanwhile, Michael and lucifer just stared at each other, the warrior angel looked like he wanted to tear his brother apart.
There was no trace of the once fond expression full of brotherly affection that Michael used to give to lucifer, there was only anger on Michael's glare.
"dad, who is him?"
He heard his daughter asking behind him, Michael stared at her for a second only to turn around and practically run towards Adam.
Both lucifer and Charlie approached the crater where Adam was laying very badly hurt, the king of hell got speechless with the scene in front of him, Michael, the most stoic and cold blooded angel he knew, giving ADAM a fond, worried, soft look.
He saw Adam trying to tell something to Michael only to be softly shushed by the angel and carried bridal style in a very delicate way, Adam let out a little sigh and cuddled the best he could on the blonde's strong chest before falling sleep from exhaustion.
Michael dedicated to the first man the most loving and sad smile he had seen on anyone before, the archangel glared at his brother again, with a killing intent, his golden wings made them both float out of the crater, making him being just in front of lucifer and Charlie.
Before the princess could say anything to try to break the tense and uncomfortable silence, the warrior angel practically hissed towards lucifer "YOU" pointing his cold electric blue gaze directly at him "ALL OF YOU, WILL REGRET THIS" and just like that, michael took fly towards heaven's portal.
Charlie stared confused at the portal in the sky and then at her father
"dad...is, everything ok?"
Lucifer stared at his daughter for a second before lying to her face
"yes honey, everything is ok"
Zophiel gave a sigh of relief. Michael made it in time. He watched from afar, fearing that someone might see him. Lucifer almost did. Once Zophiel saw Michael pick up Adam and flew towards the portal, he knew his job is done… for now.
He immediately teleported out of the battlefield and into his hideout. Back in Heaven, once Adam was being looked after by Raphael, Michael felt a heavy weight off his shoulders. Adam is alive and in Heaven where he belongs. He made it in time. Michael gave a relieved sigh.
It’s all thanks to Zophiel who gave such an important information. Speaking of Zophiel… that’s right. He should thank him. But he doesn’t want to leave Adam alone. He wants to be there when Adam wakes up.
Assurances from Raphael that Adam needs to rest and won’t wake up until tomorrow is what got Michael out of Adam’s room. With nothing else to do, Michael set out to thank Zophiel, report this to Sera, and check on Adam’s exorcists.
Zophiel was resting in his hideout, it had been a looooooong day, while his work as an independent paparazzi in hell wasn't that difficult and very convenient, it was still tiredsome to deal with the media assholes that though of everyone that wasn't royalty to be just trash under their expensive shoes sole.
But hey, no one suspects of a paparazzi in any important situation, anyone would just think of him as your wannabe greedy leech that wants the most fresh news about hell's royalty, so, after noticing all the commotion at the princess of hell hotel, it was pretty easy to sneak the closest he could just to see his bosse's boyfriend being threatened in a.....very interesting way by the king of hell.
(I'm going to fuck you scene lol)
Anyways, Adam was saved in time and that's all that mattered.
Pfft, He would gladly pay just to see Lucifer's expression after meeting with michael again, seeing that smug over-confident grin changing to a frown full of surprise and fear was, well...entertaining.
"Ring, ring"
He picked up his golden cellphone
"Good afternoon, boss. how's adam doing?" he asked while sitting on his office chair.
"Better" Michael answered "We arrived just in time, raphael already treated his wounds, though, he won't wake up until tomorrow"
"that's good to know, I hope I can visit heaven soon to see how he's doing and give a more proper report to you"
"You have done more than enough Zophiel, I wanted to thank you, without you....I don't even want to think about what would have happened if you didn't call me in time" confessed michael, his voice sounding dark, like he wanted to jump out of the phone just to search for lucifer and give him a little taste of what he did to adam.
"You don't have to thank me, your highness, I just did my job. I may be in this place and look like one of them, but my loyalty will always be with you and heaven" zophiel said in his solemn soldier voice "and speaking of heaven, If I may ask, did lady sera and the elders already decided what to do after this whole situation?"
"not yet, but I want to have a personal meeting with lucifer"
"Do you think he will accept that easily?" asked zophiel surprised
"I won't give him a say in the matter, he knows what i'm capable of, I'll search for him under every rock of that shithole he calls a home if I have to, after all" said god's sword in a low dangerous voice "I told him he would regret what he did to my dove, and I ALWAYS keep my promises"
(I gave zophiel the job of paparazzi cause 1(I know paparazzis may not be very needed with vox drones and technology but I can't help to see zophi as an old-fashioned angel that needs to move constantly to feel fulfilled and useful and 2(I think it's a good facade, he gets to collect information in a non-suspicious manner, and well, he's powerful, average demons can't do much against him, not even overlords, so yeah, I think the job suits him~)
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samglyph · 7 months
Good morning. Season 4 finale.
Holy smokes gang. What an episode. I absolutely loved it. I think it took a little bit for me to become really invested despite the in medias res thing we had going on, but once that action started I was in it. The visuals this episode were great, I especially liked the description of the mollusk mask on the viziers face. I also was quite pleased about the little reference to hastur being the peacock king that’s fun.
I know a lot of people are sad about the butcher. I am not because as soon as he showed up again I figured he would be one of the casualties of the episode, and narratively I like that it was Kayne who did it as opposed to Larson or an unnamed cultist or alien, especially considering I had a theory that Kayne was connected to the music in his head and the powers he had. I did love the twist of him being on our side though I actually audibly reacted to that. It surprised me but made sense in the perfect way. It also makes perfect sense to not include that scene, but I am excited to see some of the fan work that comes out of that missing piece. I’m AMAZED that Charlie managed to make it out alive, but then again he might be bleeding out on a street in Spain right now. Oh well. No body no death so I’m counting him as still kicking.
Speaking of Charlie, I loved the scene where John was forced to come clean. I liked how it twisted the previous scene of Arthur speaking for John and John finally being heard by someone else and feeling so so happy, to now be forced into a position where that newfound relationship is potentially going to be destroyed because he no longer has the option of privacy. Wild.
Of all the scenes with yellow, predictably Arthur’s confrontation and apology was my favorite. He’d already admitted fault in a previous episode but this I think is where it really hit home. And in other lines, while Yellow remained adamant that he didn’t care, you could tell that he genuinely did want to understand the connection between Arthur and John, and wanted to understand why he couldn’t experience the same thing. Most tragic fragment of a nightmare king. I hope you have fun flaying Larson alive for the next couple thousand years. Also why was Larson so flirty this episode dude he killed your son stop whispering in his ear like that.
And then of course, we get to Kayne. Kayne Kayne Kayne Kayne. Glad we got confirmation that Kayne isn’t/it doesn’t matter if he’s nyarlthotep because while have a fondness for the crawling chaos and Call of Cthulhu mythos, I actually like when things are separate from that. Plus I think it makes him scarier if he can’t quantify his existence. Holding out his bloody hand for Arthur to take and Arthur choosing to go with him willingly obviously paralleling his denial of Larson earlier in the episode. I also liked his takedown of Larson a lot. Fuck that guy.
Anyway @everyone who questioned why I draw Kayne covered in blood in every scene even when he’s not fresh off a carcosan murder spree how does it feel to be wrong.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 6 months
Ron needs better friends: Prefect badge scene
“No way,” said George in a hushed voice. “There’s been a mistake,” said Fred, snatching the letter out of Ron’s grasp and holding it up to the light as though checking for a watermark. “No one in their right mind would make Ron a prefect. . . .” The twins’ heads turned in unison and both of them stared at Harry.
Honestly, am I the only one who is sick and tired of these twins favouring Harry over their brother? Poor Ron. His first major accomplishment and everyone makes it about Harry. And Ron antis are mad over him being jealous. Smh.
“We thought you were a cert!” said Fred in a tone that suggested Harry had tricked them in some way. “We thought Dumbledore was bound to pick you!” said George indignantly.
So...Dumbledore was involved in picking Draco and Pansy as prefects... 😏😏
If Draco and Pansy were able to make prefect, then they did so fair and square. These two could never bribe Dumbledore. Or the Doylist idea: Draco and Pansy were the most developed Slytherin pair so JKR made them prefects.
He strode over to Harry and clapped him on the back while giving Ron a scathing look. “Prefect . . . ickle Ronnie the prefect . . .”
Part of me feels sorry for the twins. I know they are lashing out at Ron because they feel some kind of jealousy and insecurity for not making their parents proud like their brothers. But screw them anyway!
“I knew it!” she said excitedly, brandishing her letter. “Me too, Harry, me too!” “No,” said Harry quickly, pushing the badge back into Ron’s hand. “It’s Ron, not me.” “It — what?” “Ron’s prefect, not me,” Harry said. “Ron?” said Hermione, her jaw dropping. “But . . . are you sure? I mean —” She turned red as Ron looked around at her with a defiant expression on his face. “It’s my name on the letter,” he said. “I . . .” said Hermione, looking thoroughly bewildered. “I . . . well. . . wow! Well done, Ron! That’s really —”
Can you feel the love tonight ~~ Not! Romione sucks. Friendship and romance.
“Match his what?” said Mrs. Weasley absently, rolling up a pair of maroon socks and placing them on Ron’s pile. “His badge,” said Fred, with the air of getting the worst over quickly. “His lovely shiny new prefect’s badge.” Fred’s words took a moment to penetrate Mrs. Weasley’s preoccupation about pajamas. “His . . . but . . . Ron, you’re not. . . ?” Ron held up his badge. Mrs. Weasley let out a shriek just like Hermione’s. “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it! Oh, Ron, how wonderful! A prefect! That’s everyone in the family!”
Of course, Molly starts the scene by disregarding Ron's preferences with the maroon socks. But finally! Someone is happy for Ron! Neither Harry nor Hermione has yet to give Ron a heartfelt congratulations!!!!! What amazing friends!
Gosh, still feeling sad for the twins...
She let go of him and said breathlessly, “Well, what will it be? We gave Percy an owl, but you’ve already got one, of course.” “W-what do you mean?” said Ron, looking as though he did not dare believe his ears. “You’ve got to have a reward for this!” said Mrs. Weasley fondly. “How about a nice new set of dress robes?” “We’ve already bought him some,” said Fred sourly, who looked as though he sincerely regretted this generosity. “Or a new cauldron, Charlie’s old one’s rusting through, or a new rat, you always liked Scabbers —” “Mum,” said Ron hopefully, “can I have a new broom?” Mrs. Weasley’s face fell slightly; broomsticks were expensive. “Not a really good one!” Ron hastened to add. “Just — just a new one for a change . . .” Mrs. Weasley hesitated, then smiled. “Of course you can. . . . Well, I’d better get going if I’ve got a broom to buy too. I’ll see you all later. . . . Little Ronnie, a prefect! And don’t forget to pack your trunks. . . . A prefect . . . Oh, I’m all of a dither!”
This part made me feel so sad. I can almost feel my eyes getting wet. Ron is not used to getting new things or being asked what he wants. It's only when he does something special that he earns the privilege of his parents making the sacrifice. Even how he asks for a new broom - not a good one but just a new one for a change - is so heartwrenching. I know the feeling. I grew up relatively poor. I never got gifts often. And unlike Ron, when my parents promised to reward me for my high achievements, they rarely followed through. It hurt so much. Even now, I struggle to buy things for myself as a working woman. I feel sorry for the twins too. I'll be honest: seeing people who are financially struggling have large families somewhat disgusts me. Never going to be me. Two max. Having too many kids has to be a form of mild abuse!
“I don’t think they are,” said Ron doubtfully, also looking up at the ceiling. “They’ve always said only prats become prefects. . . . Still,” he added on a happier note, “they’ve never had new brooms! I wish I could go with Mum and choose. . . . She’ll never be able to afford a Nimbus, but there’s the new Cleansweep out, that’d be great. . . . Yeah, I think I’ll go and tell her I like the Cleansweep, just so she knows. . . .”
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Was he, Harry, Ron’s best friend in the world, going to sulk because he didn’t have a badge, laugh with the twins behind Ron’s back, ruin this for Ron when, for the first time, he had beaten Harry at something?
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You know, I wonder if people see the fake humility I am seeing? Harry is so full of himself. Give me a break! It's things like this that make me hate Harry's character.
“Cool,” Harry said, and he was relieved to hear that his voice had stopped sounding hearty. “Listen — Ron — well done, mate.” The smile faded off Ron’s face. “I never thought it would be me!” he said, shaking his head, “I thought it would be you!”
This reminds of me of a time in highschool where this girl beat me in a science test about the food chain. I was used to getting the highest grades and when I saw she beat me, I remember saying, "Congrats" with as much fake cheer I could. I remember how uncomfortable she looked. When I told my parents about it later, my dad said I should have made a joke so I did not sound so bitter.
So now here, Ron has to downplay himself to make his best friend feel better. The best friend who should be clapping his back and sharing his joy. Ugh.
Ron doing all the emotional labour in this friendship.
Bonus from book 6 to prove my point:
“Only failed Divination and History of Magic, and who cares about them?” he said happily to Harry. “Here — swap —” Harry glanced down Ron’s grades: There were no “Outstandings” there. . . . “Knew you’d be top at Defense Against the Dark Arts,” said Ron, punching Harry on the shoulder. “We’ve done all right, haven’t we?”
The first thing Harry does in his head is find a way in which he is better than Ron. But look how Ron is happy for Harry despite his own failures. Too bad Horrid Harry couldn't muster up the same for his achievements. It's amusing how Ron haters constantly bash him for being a bad friend when Hermione and Harry are arguably worse friends to him so often.
Golden trio is the greatest friendship ever my butt.
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queersouthasian · 7 months
Now that pit babe is over, going back to rewatch the show and seeing babe push Charlie around 'cause Way can't keep his fucking hands to himself and is continuously manipulating him (the hypnotism thing becomes too obvious with every rewatch ngl) , especially that scene where Babe comes home drunk and distressed, pushing Charlie away saying "you are only a sex partner", this with the scene of Way asking who Charlie was and him saying the same but with the "What a person like me can be?" breaks my heart to fragments. I have mentioned before how Babe is loud in pain and silent in love exactly how Charlie is the damn opposite. So, babe's pain is very prevalent but Charlie's is so subtle. Charlie saying that he can't tell who he and jeff are but they are definitely not fucking is like an open reminder that he desperately was trying to protect two people, his brother and his lover. He looked like a kicked puppy everytime Babe pushed him away, he looked so broken and then the next moment he is smiling. UGHHHH. I cry thinking about how Charlie believed for years he doesn't deserve love 'cause he is way too basic, he is replaceable and someone who can never be anyone's priority. On top of that he takes away people's powers, something not under his control, making him "threatening", thus unlovable. No wonder Charlie didn't expect Babe to mourn his death to the extent he did. Charlie knew Babe would be sad, but "sad" is an understatement to what babe went through during their seperation and how desperately babe denied the death. Charlie never once imagined this to be to that extent. So jeff confirming that Babe was "as sad as" Charlie was, was a direct punch to his face. He was not happy, he was devastated that he hurt babe. There are so many moments where we can see another side to Charlie. His insecurities. In ep 7 when Babe denies Charlie giving up his life and they hug, Charlie has such a gentle look on his face:
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He looks so relaxed, a "oh he loves me".
Seeing Charlie being so happy during the reunion made me so so glad they found each other 'cause Babe loves him beyond every boundary, every restriction loving Charlie has been posed. No one ever really loved and cared about Charlie so much. Charlie has to be someone so important to babe for him to enter his abuser's home, working with his assaulter to take down his abuser 'cause how dare he hurt Charlie, his beloved (such a wild sentence my god). No one ever has done 1% of what Babe did for Charlie. Not only this but all the times Babe pushing Charlie away from the face of danger 'cause Charlie's life matters, to him more than anyone.
What actually makes me so happy about CharlieBabe's ending is that, we came around a full circle. Charlie thought he is worthless and the only thing he can offer is care, affection, protection and most importantly love. But in our world, how many people actually care about that? How many will appreciate your love? People even in real life think, love is cringe or something that leads to nothing. Whereas Babe created his "Pit Babe" reputation 'cause that helped him gain attention and love, albeit false and mostly sugar coated but atleast he got cheers and he was so damn scared of those cheers dying down 'cause he was so so starved of affection that loosing his first place meant his life would come to an end. At the end, he ended up really not caring about either his powers or his first place. He only cared about one person, Charlie. Charlie who loved him and loved him like no other. Babe knows no one can love him like Charlie can, like Charlie does. His love is insane in all ways, extremely transparent and only for him to see through. Charlie's ability to love him to the extent he does, the way he does, always left him surprised. He didn't voice it out, but you could see how he always looked so amazed that someone like Charlie, someone so genuine and selfless can love him, that he ever really doubted him. All of which makes his grief and the "I am sorry I always talked bad to you" during ep 10 more painful. He didn't get the chance to let him know how much he meant to him, he thought he made Charlie think the love and protectiveness is one sided. So Babe saying "I love you like I have never loved before, Understood?" Is so damn beautiful, 'cause we finally see Babe telling Charlie, in bold fonts, that he has never experienced love like the love he has for Charlie. Romantic or Platonic, the love he has for his beloved is the most and Charlie is not just his no. 1 lover, he is his sole lover and no.1 in general. The entire journey of Charlie, going from " what a person like me can be?" TO Babe's only priority, his "phi babe" 's only lover and the audience's beloved Charlie is just way too much for my heart.
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 4)
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Charlie gets home and does *not* want to admit just how bad things went, but I think she actually was going to tell Vaggie before she got interrupted to see the new commercial.  But with Vaggie so happy and excited, she can’t just crush her enthusiasm like that, so she lets Vaggie drag her over to the couch.
(Are Angel’s feet *on Husk’s tail?*  Poor kitty.  No wonder he looks so pouty.)
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I kind of wish we had seen the finished commercial.  I feel like it was still destined to be a little bit of a mess, honestly.  Vaggie’s few words of delivery are cardboard flat, Alastor is glitching out in the corner, and no one could pull that bottle out of Husk’s claws. 
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Also, is the “Now Playing” a joke for us?  It should say something like “Now Open” or “Vacancies” (if any of these guys knew how to run a hotel.)
Niffty is so gleeful at Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel’s anger when it gets interrupted.  Husk is watching their reactions, and Alastor is, as you’d expect, as unconcerned as possible because he’s Alastor.  So much for the outcome of his limb-pulling.
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He seems almost as amused as Niffty, just more quietly.
If you’ve never taken the time to read the ticker tape on the 666 News, you should.  It’s one of the awesome things about Vivziepop shows – there are a million little hidden extras.  No lorum ipsum for them!
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“The extermination is happening in six months.  This is not a drill!  Confirmed!  Legit!  Fuck!  CFYCBHNJM we all dead soon!!  Why does this always happen to me?”
We watch the countdown go from 358 (365 minus the week it’s been, so that’s spot on) down to 176.  Six months is half a year, and half of a year is 182.5 but even if we take out the seven days half of 358 is 179 instead of 176, so my guess is that this six months takes place over a winter/spring and a short month like February accounts for the lost couple of days.
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I’m also guessing it’s 6:50 in the evening – the hands on the clock look the same length to me, but it does seem like a full day has passed rather than it being like 10:35 in the morning.  But since Adam offered Charlie lunch earlier in the episode, I think that means our poor sad girl was either stuck hearing Adam ramble about his hook-ups for literal hours (highly probable), listening to a lot longer rendition of “Hell is Forever” than the rest of us got, or wandered around in a lost daze after the meeting, not wanting to go home and face her failure.
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Someone make our poor sad girl a hot cup of tea and put a blanket around her.
This ending scene gets a little time-fucky because it seems like it would have to logically be a flashback.  Unless a body was just laying there for a week and the Exorcists didn’t notice one of their own missing for that long. 
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We have no idea if Exorcists give a flip about each other since we only really spend time with the two most extremes (Vaggie and Lute) but they do seem aware of each other if only because all of them are so pissed at Vaggie later. 
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(“Boo!”  “We hate her!”)
Someone didn’t notice that their roommate didn’t make it home?
Also, if it wasn’t a flashback then Adam moved up the Extermination before they found the body.  Which I guess they could have if as noted above they moved it up because someone reported an Exorcist missing after the Extermination.  Missing, presumed dead.  But then that also implies that Lucifer just lets them fly their little spy drones around all of the time. 
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Maybe he does, but you’d think someone would mention it.
(At what point did Velvette and the other Vees find the head?  Or did it just get popped off so good that it was no where near the rest of the body?)
I love the hypocrisy of the angels here.  “We can go down and murder loads of them just for funzies, but if one of us dies then it’s time to wipe Sinners off the face of Hell.”  Sounds about right. 
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So much for a nice holy “turn the other cheek.”  But this is really emphasizing that, to Adam and the Exorcists and very likely Sera, the Sinners have no rights *at all.*  Not even a right to exist, since fighting back against the wiping out of their own soul existence is unacceptable to them.
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Also, how do they not know that it was Carmilla that killed the angel?  The Exorcist wasn’t alone when it descended upon her daughters – they had five angels around them on Extermination Day, but there’s only one body, so presumably the other four got away (ran away after seeing Carmilla kill one of their own.)  Do the Exorcists practice “snitches get stitches” or something?
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Best Song of the Episode: Hell is Forever
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lustytears · 10 months
Ron Weasley Headcanons | Smut and Fluff
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ron weasley x f!reader
most is completely safe unless you scroll to the smut section, but i’d recommend not clicking on this if you’re below 16. you have been warned.
Fluff |
oh, this guy is crazy for you. i mean, like super crazy.
everything you do turns his knickers into a twist.
he just loves it when you play with his hair, especially when you sneak into his dormitory and into his bedroom, where you admire his ginger locks of hair. it makes him fall asleep instantly, his hand tucked between your waist, his other hand pulling you into his chest, where he buries his head into the crook of your neck. makes him happy.
for one thing, he enjoys being your study partner. personally, i’d imagine he gets off track. “hey,” you snapped your fingers in his lazed state. “wake up!” he jumped, a list of repeated apologies falling from his mouth. “you agreed to helping me with my transfiguration test!” you pleaded, exclaiming and complaining about how tired he looked. “i’m sorry, sweets… what were you talking about, hm?” he’d glance his eyes through the old, yellow-stained textbook. you’d smile, mumbling to yourself about how cute it was when his hair would flop over his face when he laid down on the desk.
if you think he isn’t gonna reward you, you’re wrong. you’ve seen the “5 galleons, 10 galleons” scene between him and his twin brothers. he’d probably try to beg to fred and george, asking them ways to make it up to his girlfriend if you were upset about something.
“come on! i’m your brother. the least you could do is help me out?” he explained. “help? you?” fred and george said in unison. “c’mere, lover boy,” the boys would tease ron, their knuckles shaking and messing up his hair, laughing and giggling would follow.
he was kind of nervous introducing you to his family, but when harry was considered apart of the family, he doubted his mother and father wouldn’t love you. his twin brothers loved you, percy sometimes questioned ron’s romantic appreciation (ron had a habit of finding his fingers near your hair every time you and him sat near eachother,) bill and charlie didn’t mind you, and ginny was completely in love with you. ginny went as far as asking ron if you were to be expected at every holiday and birthday they celebrated.
i think it’s already canon that ron HATES when people give him suits or something to wear (considering the yule ball,) but when you bought a suit from one of the nearby muggle towns, he kind of questioned it, but liked the idea of wearing a black tuxedo. “well,” he examined the outfit, his eyes swiftly moved up and down as he looked at any noticeable details of the suit. “it sure is quite nice.” you smiled, the remark staining a permanent reminder that he adored you.
trust me, you’ve been caught a variety of times trying to sneak into his room, and the same goes vice versa. harry used to be kind of upset at your snogging sessions, but he got used to them when he saw how affectionate the both of you were at dinner in the dining room.
speaking of food, he’d be the type to try and steal your food. you see how hermione smacks him with the nearest object at her hand when he eats too loudly, too fast, or eats a ton. “ron!” you smacked his hand lightly. sad, puppy eyes pleaded for a piece of your food. it made him frown. “fine, ron. you can take a piece.” you’d cross your arms, watching him form a cute grin that would brighten the rest of your day. he’d nibble on the food, a mumbled “thank you” would come from his mouth.
he loves kissing you in the hallways. you’d lean into the corner, allowing him to give faint kisses on your forehead before the both of you had no choice but to part to your own separate classes. “i promise, love. i’ll see you tonight, yeah?” you’d watch him walk away, a sad, yet proud grin would paint your face. you’d hear the distant call from a professor telling you, “get to class, miss l/n!” and you couldn’t help but giggle, your mind set on the memory of his lips as your shoes clacked in the hallways, jogging to your next class.
he’s been late a few times to class, mainly for you. self-explainable.
hugging you when you sleep, pampering kisses all over your neck is his favorite activity.
Smut |
oh, this man…
i’m not the type to specify dick sizes, but let’s just say he’s coming in at 6-7 inches erect, a good 5 when soft.
receiving blowjobs and public sex is his favorite combination. you wouldn’t believe the amount of times he’s snuck you into the bathrooms, locking the bathroom stall with a spell. you’d get down on your knees, swirling the tip of his cock around your tongue like it was a lollipop. his eyes roll back every time your fingers touch the veins on his shaft. he especially ascends to heaven and beyond when you allow him to use your hair to guide his cock down your throat.
just try and tell me this man doesn’t whimper like crazy in bed. he fucking loves releasing all of his audible pleasure into your ears. “o-oh… yeah, love… just like that,” he’d cry out, twisting and turning when his dick met the right spot inside of you.
basically, he’s such a huge switch.
for example, if it’s just casual sex, prepare for him to whimper and moan and squirm every time you touch him, but if he catches you winking at another guy or if another guy flirts with you, he’s gonna fuck you like his dick was made to be inside of your tight cunt only.
his favorite position is probably cowgirl. he loves pulling on your hair when you ride his cock, your hips swaying back and forth, teasing his cock as it twitches inside of you.
“hush it, darling,” he whispered. he’d put his hand over your mouth, violently snapping his hips into you. his fingernails carved crescent-shaped marks into your hips. he just fucking loves it when he gets to fuck you in an environment when you’re forced to both be quiet.
he’s an ass guy. he loves staring at your ass. when he’s done rambling to harry about his day at bed, he’ll make sure he’s asleep before pulling out his cock and imagining sticking it deep in your ass. makes him cum instantly. the surprise on harry’s scarred face when he realizes why ron is jerking around under the covers instantly makes him shut his eyes and turn back around.
he’s not too big on cumming inside of you, but your back, your stomach, your tits, your ass, your face… god, there’s just so many places. besides your ass, i’d say he loves cumming on your stomach and seeing it seep down off and onto the covers when you’re laying down.
he’s sweet when it comes to aftercare. “are you okay, love? want an extra pillow? here, take mine,” he’d lift your head up, placing an extra one beneath your head. he’d grab a warm rag, wiping you off and kissing your chest and stomach. he sometimes just wants to fuck you again after seeing you all cleaned up and asleep.
make him feel appreciated, and i promise, sex with him is amazing. he’s so scared to move too fast in worries of injuring you, but affirmation is important for him or else you’re probably not getting what you want.
might write a draco malfoy one next idk guys. happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it 🦃 🎉
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charmolyuphe · 6 months
What happened to Lilith? (Hazbin Hotel theory)
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As we all know, Vizziepop kept an aura of mystery around some characters and things in the show. I think that the character that got che fans more theories is actually Lilith. I’ve read and listened a lot of theories and opinions about her, and since some time I wanted to share mines.
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What do we know about her?
In the serie, exception made for other sources of informations (like instagram posts or lives) we can tell some things. We actually know that she was the first woman and Adam’s wife,even before Eve. In the first episode they said : “From the dust of Earth they created Adam and Lilith, equals as the first of mankind, but despite this Adam demanded control and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the garden. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her, and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love.” Then the two of them tempted Adam and Eve with the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. In the book that Charlie reads at the begin of first episode it’s said that ‘they wished to share the magic of free will with the humanity’, and that makes me think that this book was written with the perspective of Lucifer (we can see in the serie that he is deeply sad about the effects of free will on the humanity, he was sincere, but I think that he regrets doing it) so I think that we don’t actually know what Lilith’s purposes were, but for now we don’t have any clue that she had hidden intentions, or at leas not completely.
“But with this fruit EVIL found it’s way on Earth.” For this they were sent in Hell. But while Lucifer became more and more sad, Lilith thrived with her songs and her powers blossomed. So we actually know that she took advantage from the whole situation, and I think that she must have cared a lot about Hell’s situation because her powers depended by this. Well, she then married Lucifer and they had Charlie. But now, in the current timeline it’s said that they split up and she is now missing since seven years.
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The divorce and ‘More than anything’.
As we know, her and Lucifer split up. We don’t actually know why the two of them separated, but we surely know that at least for Lucifer has been much suffered separation (considering that he still wears his ring). It’s weird, because Vivienne said that they were a canonically very close and sugary copule, and looking at all the portraits in Lucifer’s room they seemed a very happy family. I know that this means nothing, but still they didn’t even give a hint about the reasons of their divorce. I can see the first cracks of the family in the flashback of ‘More than anything’, something about this whole scene feels a bit off. I’m not talking about the fact that we didn’t see Lilith’s face (because this can perfectly be a directorial choice for focus the song on the father-daughter relationship), but in the way that they made us see her (probably with Charlie’s perspective). I don’t know, something feels wrong about how she picks up Charlie and take her away. It’s not what I think the woman that we saw in the portraits would have done, or at least she wouldn’t have been presented with this obscure aura around her. It’s like she was trying to take away Charlie from her dad, even if Lucifer doesn’t seem worried or sad when Lilith picks her up. Was it probably at the beginning of the problems in their relationship? Charlie doesn’t seem completely sure in her mother’s harms.
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The differences with the portraits and…
the similarities with Eve?
I’m not saying a lot about this because a lot of creators already pointed it out, so if you want to see more differences go to check other video that compares them.
If you want to see more of it go to check other channels of blogs.
Taking up again the flashback of ‘More than anything’ I think that it’s uncanny the similarities between Lilith and Eve. I mean we don’t actually know Eve’s appearance, and why keep her hidden and mystify it? Yes, it’s probably because they wanted to make that book sound like a tale , but still… The hair, but especially their smiles are very similar. (I mean the similarities between how Eve is represented in the first episode and the woman who is ‘supposed’ to be Lilith in ‘More than anything’).That makes me think that Lilith and Eve are indeed similar, but at the same time different: like two identical twins with small differences in style (Lilith’s hair are in general slicked back, but in the flashback she has bangs) and facial features (many pointed out the nose). This make sense because in theory Eve was meant to be like a substitute for Lilith, and probably the paradise wanted another woman attractive as Lilith (or in general that Adam liked) but more submissive. I think that even the card of Lilith (in the merchandise) it’s weird. I mean, it’s not like we never saw Lilith’s canonical appearance… so it feels weird, because she resembles more Eve than Lilith. (If you want go to check the official card).
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The final scene and the final theory.
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So, in the final scene Lilith made her first appearance as a character. In this scene, Lute, probably not a lot after the final battle goest to her and says: “Adam is dead, your deal is done and I’m in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of heaven and if you want to stay here you are going down there and stopping that bitch you understand me, Lilith?”.
Well, let’s begin (I’m gonna make you wish that I stayed… wait no):
So, as we know Lilith has been missing from hell since seven years. Honestly, after analyzing their appearances, the differences and the similarities, I feel that the woman that we saw in ‘More than anything’ and we are seeing in this scene is not Lilith, but Eve.
We know that Eve, some time after her creation ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, all under Lucifer’s temptation (who temped her with Lilith’s help) proposed the same to Adam, and for this they lost their innocence and Evil made it’s way in the Earth. We know how ended up for Adam, but none mentioned Eve (beside Charlie in the first scene). What if for being the first one that bite the fruit of knowledge she was banished from Heaven (or Eden) even after death?
Let’s think about it, that someone made Eve give into temptation, and after her death they made a deal with her. Then Eve replaced Lilith, took away Charlie by Lucifer and split up with him (for destroy the most powerful family of hell). And under the name of Lilith she made a deal with Lucifer, Sera and Adam for start the extermination. Responding to the fears of Sera (or the paradise in general?) about the increasing power of the sinners, and gaining the grace again (remembering that in fact, Lilith never ate the fruit and remained immortal). She earned under the name of Lilith the right to stay in the Eden. I have a theory that Sera or in general all the thing was manipulated by Roo (the incarnation of Evil, but still I don’t have any clue). In fact, Eve did all this for gain again the lost status, and probably for revenge against Lilith and Lucifer.
Because in fact, beside all the affection and family thing, why Lilith would have decided to damage the sinners that made her powers blossom? That wouldn’t make sense!
(P.s. I think that the fact that Alastor went missing seven years it’s related to this, but I don’t think that he made a deal with ‘Lilith’, but with Zestial, at least considering the details of the ‘deal scene’ with Charlie. Still I don’t know how.)
This is what I think happened, but, unfortunately I don’t know where the real Lilith,Igor actually be.
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That’s all dears, thanks for reading!
What do you think about this theory?
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miss0atae · 8 months
It's Friday and of course it is Pit Babe the series random thoughts for ep 11!
▪️So we finally learnt what was the big plan of Charlie and how it happened. Basically Charlie thought he was Juliet (from Romeo and Juliet. Same plot, different ending) and pretended to be dead but also he had a shot of a drug that is supposed to temporarily remove or suppress his ability. He is staying with "Uncle Reval", a man, Jeff met when he escaped Tony's house for the first time. This guy is helping Jeff and Charlie and is also the one who got them the "potion". I didn't have to watch the next trailer to know it was Babe's dad because the story is really giving you a lot of hits. Of course, Charlie is really worried about Babe and how he deals with his supposed death but he still has to hide. No one will make me change my mind about the fact it's not a brilliant plan. I appreciate Charlie a lot but he is the worst at making any plans.
▪️Finally Alan and Jeff shippers can be happy because our two boys admitted their feelings, got together (even if Jeff was scared because of his powers) and even had a sexy time. We were very patient. I'm glad they are finally together and hope they won't face anymore problems. I wish them a blissful relationship full of love. I have been rooting for them since the beginning.
▪️Way is still drinking most of the time during the episode and he is really pitiful. However, it seems his redemption arc is coming. Let's see how they deal with that. I have to admit Nut is also a pretty crier, just like Pavel. They really choose the right actor for this role.
▪️It also seems like viewers were right when they say there was a tension between Kenta and Pete. Kenta had feelings for Pete. In some ways, Kenta is just like Way. They both think Tony is right and they both want to be recognized by the sole fatherly figure they have in their life. Unfortunately, Tony isn't a good father and his actions are terrible. To be loved and appreciated can be quite hard. If you've been deprived of it for a long time, you may be ready to do anything to get it. Way and Kenta are doing very questionable actions to just be loved. It is very sad. Kenta believes he has to follow Tony's orders and it drew Pete and him apart. I wanted Kim and Kenta to be together but now that I know Pete and Kenta's past, I feel sad they will never be able to be together as a romantic couple.
▪️We got a few scenes with Babe who is still trying to avenge Charlie's death. We will probably see him more in the next episode.
▪️North and Sonic still provided terrible advice to Alan when he was trying to win Jeff's heart but at least they are bubbly and cute while also providing some comedic relief.
▪️I saw Kim once! 🥹 It is not enough but a small win is still a win.
Let's see what will happen next Friday. Pit Babe is still being really fun to watch.
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twosides--samecoin · 2 days
Hi!! Happy weekend! I’d love to hear about some of your ocs headcanons 🍬🌻💩 :]
Here's Jack and Olivia, 2/3 of Long Time Running's main cast - with a bonus heacanon unique to my Dogmeat! You can read the fic -> here <-
Jack Ward is my canon M!SoSu. He was a professional boxer and retired when he was conscripted for the Anchorage campaign and sent to FoB Juneau.
When Med-Tek failed, Jack pushed RJ on a vertibird destined for Vault 150 - a remote Canadian Vault that tested Duncan's illness on its residents. Two weeks later, Olivia Dallaire, my OC F!SoSu, stepped out of a vertibird and onto the hill overlooking Sanctuary and Boston. She'd be an Olympic judoka if there was still Olympics.
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🍬On the topic of family: One of the themes in my fic is about the intersection and contrast between found family and adoption as well as miscommunication. Jack sees a younger version of himself in Olivia, but in a subversion of the failed-coach-training-his-actually-promising-protege trope, Jack had the title fight successes and Olivia really never will. All the same, he takes a shine to her. After meeting Father at the Institute, Jack let go of the idea of recovering his family. When he met Olivia, he felt like, "My god, this is the child Nora and I were supposed to have". Problem is, she's uh, a grown-ass 23 year-old woman. Who just immigrated to a different country and has her own trauma to unpack. And the sudden reemergence of his want to be a dad is moving faster than his ability to discuss being family with her. He faces serious role strain between his best friendship with RJ and the fatherhood he feels toward Olivia when he sees RJ differently as he begins to feel protective over her.
💩 Something ridiculous: My Dogmeat can break the fourth wall. The characters cannot hear him in the fic, but the reader can read his thoughts. One of my childhood fave movies is All Dogs Go To Heaven. The main dog is a German Shepherd, voiced by Burt Reynolds. This is how I hear him.
I was born in '94, so those 80's-90's "talking animal" genre movies were really formative for me. Anastasia, An American Tail - themes of lost family, adventure, immigration. Even RJ's story has strong Secrets of NIMH parallels. I'd reached a point where my fic felt self-serious, like it was so grounded in harsh reality and dumpster fire mental health that I forgot to have fun. Saluting Don Bluth by imagining Charlie B. Barkin and Anne-Marie the Orphan as Dogmeat and Olivia was me throwing my hands up and saying, "Fine! Fuck it! We can have fun!"
🌼 Happiness, how'd you get to be happiness: Lately, getting to know each other has been a source of happiness for both Jack and Olivia. Jack as the canon SoSu has all the problems we do when we play the game - wrangling several warring factions that all expect his presence; ignoring Father/the Institute; managing a small empire of settlements. Olivia as the SoSu of her own Vault is navigating immigration and being around people again. The heart-meltingest fluff I have published so far is father-daughter moments. Excerpt below the cut!
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Long Time Running Chapter 13: Sabré Olvidar:
Jack glanced at Olivia’s marigold cable-knit sweater and jeans, rolled up at the cuffs. He realized most of her clothing from home that wasn’t her Vault suit was oversized and patched several times over. 
A deep flush of sadness erupted within. He coughed and returned to the topic of conversation. “Well, um.. What.. What do you think of the animals you let go?” 
“I just thank them for giving me a pretty view. I mean, just look at them.” She let go of their hug and stepped back. “If you look at it like this, the window makes them look like a painting.” 
She beamed at the radstag pair - four heads and too many legs. 
Jack obliged the request and stepped back. The window framed the radstags, trees and tall grasses well, like a living photograph. He appreciated the scene with the same intensity as a painting in a museum.  
He broke his gaze away and looked around at the cabin. “Well.. What brings us down here today, anyway?” he asked.
“I was thinking,” she turned away from the radstags. “Um, there wasn’t anyone here last time I visited, and there’s no one here now, and.. Y’know, it’s pretty close to town.. Does anyone own this place?” 
“Truth be told, Miss Olivia,” he replied. “I don’t think anyone’s taken interest in this cabin since the bombs fell. Doesn’t seem to me like anyone owns it.” 
She wrung her hands and shifted her weight as she looked around. “Um.. can I..” 
Jack awaited the question with patience and a smile. “Yes?”
“Can I have it? Please?” she pleaded.
His heart melted anew. Oh, Jesus, not that face, not that face. He decided to mess with her and put on an apprehensive tone. “I dunno.. It’s a big responsibility, being a homeowner..”
She hung on his every word with wide-eyed worry. 
“The cost for materials, the labor.. In this economy, too.. Ouch.” He grimaced, both to ham up the theatrics and to force his mouth away from a smile.
“I-I’ll work, I’ll get a job, I promise-” 
He could no longer keep up the act. “Oh, fine, sure. It’s yours!” 
Olivia gasped and threw her arms around Jack’s torso. Coffee spilled out of her mug with a graceful dive and landed on the floor with an audible splash.
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you- Oh, I have so much work to do-” she let go of Jack and listed the repairs. “I need a door and I have to clean the fireplace and I need to find new windows and-” 
Jack beamed as she bounced around the room. Her braid whipped through the air as she tallied up her needs. Getting to know his little bundle of contradictions was fun. 
“-nails and lumber and.. And that spot on the porch that’s sagging.. I have a lot to do if I want this ready for winter.” 
“Alright, then, that settles it,” he said. “Let’s get a move on.” 
“Where to?” she asked.
“Well, like you said, winter’s on the way. Let’s get building.” 
She smiled, somehow wider than her smile already was. “Yeah! Let’s do it!”
She ran out the door and jumped off the stairs instead of walking down. “Where can we go shopping for supplies?” she asked, turning back to him.
Jack followed and took the steps as normal. “We’ll see what we have in Sanctuary before we look elsewhere. I’ll have to get you a workbench down here.” 
Olivia hopped and skipped ahead. “My own workbench, I-” 
She wasn’t watching her step and nearly tripped. 
«Tabarnak!» she swore. Olivia threw her hands up in mock-offense. “Who put this root here, eh?” 
She laughed off the transgression, tucked the stem of the hubflower behind her ear and turned her pirate smile toward Sanctuary.
Jack Ward, ol’ 111 himself, was thoroughly charmed. Miss Olivia Dallaire contained multitudes. 
Sweet, funny, capable, sensitive. A reader, a fighter, an animal-lover and an occasional jokester who stopped to smell the roses.  
He remembered the leadup to Arturo’s last title fight, when he lived at the house with Jack and Nora. 
One night in the later stages of her pregnancy, Nora laid on the couch as Arturo and Jack sat on the floor surrounded by the pieces of a yet-to-be constructed crib.
Arturo lectured their unborn child on the syntax, phonetics and style guide of French Canadian cursing.
«Esti de câlice de tabarnak!» Arturo exclaimed. "That is what we say when the baby crib is hard to build! You better like it!"
Jack wiped a tear from his cheek as he followed Olivia to Sanctuary.
Arturo would have been so proud to be your uncle. So proud.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
I'm so not ready for Pit Babe to be over. This is one thing I love about BL, it's never the shows I expect that grab such a hold of my heart.
Oh my heart.
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The way Babe's hands were shaking as he touched Charlie to make sure he was real...*sob*
Also, can we please stop giving this man head wounds?
Way to understate it Babe.
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"I'm not happy" = "I was utterly devastated and incapable of functioning without you"
There we go! Time for the Kenta flip.
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Being distracted from the plot by how good these two look together:
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Also, I just realized Way is in white for what I think is the first time? Look at our boy getting all lightened up by being with Pete.
There's something about ultimate sunshine boy North calling Tony a dickhead that I can't stop laughing about.
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Holy shit! I mean, I'm not surprised Tony killed kids, I had assumed the ones he deemed useless were sold off for their organs or something, but this is so blatant.
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On the other hand, knowing what we know about the ultra-wealthy...yeah, this tracks.
Although I have to laugh a bit that the first video people will see is Tony just shoving a kid, and then it moves right along to straight up murder. Bit of an escalation there.
Dude, this is on the internet. You are way past containment!
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Uh, yeah, great plan - kidnap another millionaire and a famous racing personality, I'm sure you'll have no problem staying under the radar.
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I am so not normal about how North always puts himself between Sonic and danger.
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Show, if you don't let these boys kiss... *growl*
Kim! My sexy baby! Coming in clutch!
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Lol, alright I give Winner a few points for audacity.
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Dammit, I knew Way was gonna get shot.
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Also, what is it with all of the villains lately who are pulling the "just do what I want, and you will get what you want" move? It didn't work for Jareth, it's not going to work for any of you!!
Omg, Kenta!!
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I have to give so much credit to Garfield, he has been acting his ass off these last few episodes.
Um, can we now stop focusing on sad faces and get Way some medical help?
Equally annoyed that they're doing the death via redemption, and distracted by how pretty Nut is during his dying scene.
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Oh shit, showing Alan like this is what got me.
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Well, this is just rude!
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Though the fact that the funeral setup is just like Charlie's makes it feel oddly like Way is now off faking his death somewhere.
Poor Pavel, the man must have been so dehydrated after filming all this.
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AlanJeff are such a balm for the soul.
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And that tattoo is so sexy.
Damn, the faces these two make. I am weak.
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Yay, our baby is fully where he belongs! Have fun Kim, surrounded by a big group of lovable idiots who will need your constant help.
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Ah yes, can't finish this show without one more locker room railing.
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Also, love that they keep getting more and more specific that Babe is, in fact, the one "taking it", for all those people who cannot see past stereotype.
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Noooo, don't end. I need more fluff.
Ok, we for sure need a special episode, people.
We need:
SonicNorth kisses
Pete & Kenta closure (can be romantic or platonic, either way)
Kim to get a boyfriend
A bunch more group cuteness and shenanigans with zero trauma
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Look My Way(Charlie’s Version)
Lyrics by me. Tagging @penguinmaster9999 @king--of--ducks @kaiwuzherenz. @the-moth-ex-angel .Sorry for the tag. Just thought I need to)
*Charlie was looking at the view from her balcony. She looks at heaven, before looking at her shaking hands and sighs.*
It is expected…when the happiness become the rain..and the tears keep dropping overnight..feed all the skills I own….I am a princess..the daughter of the king of hell..yet I find myself draw from that path..when the rainbow start crashing ddoowwwnn..
*Charlie summon the key to the hotel, before holding it close and walk back into her room*
Let me hold you..keep you close to me..I long to keep you saaaffeee
*Charlie looks at the picture of the crew which made her tears up*
But loved ones..I know better now..I need to make this choice..
*Charlie put the key down, before make a small light ball from her magic*
I could wash all your pain away..or do you want to keep the grief?….just look my way…just look my wayyyyy
*Charlie begins to make the light ball float into an empty room as she slowly reach out for it*
Is something more that I can do…or is it too late to bring back joy?…just say….please do…look my waaaayyy
*Charlie reach for the ball which vanish and it turns into chains wrap around Charlie’s hands which she froze and tears up*
This unspoken drama..the drama that keep breaking us…am I the one to blame?..am I the villain?…WHAT IS THIS ROOTING PAIN?!
*Charlie push the chains away, before the light turn into the hotel crew all laughing and smiling*
*Charlie rush to them, but the light move aside before showing them all sad and in pain*
It’s always turn into sadness and chaos..why can’t I make this right?!…WAIT PLEASE DON’T GGGOOOOOOO
*Charlie rush to the light, before it vanish again which she cover her mouth and fall to her knees*
Cause I’m terrified..as I cried..to make this pain go awaaayyy..what’s left for me and my broken soul..if I cannot keep you…safe?…..
*the scene goes black, before a red color Charlie appears in the dark red space*
Unless it’s me…and no matter what in this world I could give…it’s not enough..
*Charlie turns around to see a yellow color Lucifer..hiding his face inside an dark circle with spears aiming at him*
..to break through the walls..you forced yourself to live…is this what you feel?..
*Charlie went to the circle..gently putting her hand on it*
Push yourself away to only protect them….from the harm…
*Charlie tears up, before pulling her dad out of the circle and made herself be stuck in the circle*
So I’ll give you the mercy..this curse…that I’ve brought…will soon…
*Charlie close her eyes..ready for the spears to strike her..but she open her eyes to see the heaven gates and the stairs which she turn into her demon form and begin to run up the stairs*
*Charlie rush up to see Vaggie, T, Lucifer, and the rest walking towards heaven as she run faster with tears in her eyes*
*the stairs starting to shatter and collapse which Charlie begins to fall down as she reach her hand out to them as she falls*
*Charlie immediately crash into the dark and bloody ground as she tears up and heavily breathing*
If you go….then just please…
*Charlie close her eyes..before open her eyes again..only to be in her room..laying on the ground as she tears up and curled up*
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translatemunson · 2 years
track five — the ex tapes
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warnings: not proofread. female reader.
author's note: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE DURING THIS SERIES! (sorry i took too long to update). this is the last chapter, and the epilogue will be posted tomorrow! hope you like it!
series masterlist
It has been weeks. Eddie kept his part of the promise. No calls, no mentions of you — actually, he only talked about how amazing it was to work with Charlie Rogers and how he was happy to get someone that’s not usually from the rock scene to work on something so honest, but so powerful at the same time.
Having your name on the credits had turned out to be a thing for a successful song. You were working so much these days that you feel you’re reaching your limits. Of course, working with Corroded Coffin added a few more people interested to your list, and you were trying to fit everyone.
But you just couldn’t.
That’s why you decided to go on a break. It was a good time since Nancy and Robin were in town, so you would have some time to go out and help them find a place to move in. Driving around LA and having late nights with your friends was everything you needed to keep your mind off work.
And away from the new hit song from Corroded Coffin. 
Kinda impossible to forget when the song keeps playing non stop at every radio station. A few days ago, you got a special delivery from the band’s manager: a VIP ticket and an official invite to watch them at one of the sold out Los Angeles concerts, where they would play the song live for the first time. Little did he know you already had tickets for the most distant seat from the stage.
That’s where you’re watching the concert right now. You bought their CDs, listened to all their songs, learned how to sing them. And even if it hurted you to admit, you are really liking it. The energy, how they can control the crowd and engage effortlessly.
And Eddie. You can’t take your eyes off him.
The lights are lowered and the instruments stop. Eddie takes the center stage, a different guitar in his hands. It’s the same one he played when you recorded the song. He pulls his hair back and smiles.
“Having a good time?” The crowd screams. “Glad to hear that. I’m kinda nervous, y’know? I have this special song, like you all heard it already and something says it’s a fans’ favorite,” he smiles and you swear he found you in the middle of the crowd. No, it’s just something in your mind. “It’s also my favorite. This one is special because I wrote it with someone that’s really good with words, and I feel like this is more personal than anything that I wrote.”
His confession is followed by a small pause. He scans the faces around, looking at a specific place close to the stage. Maybe that’s where he was expecting to see you. As soon as reality hits — you’re not there, you didn’t accept his offer — he looks to the band and then smiles to the crowd, wearing the Eddie rockstar Munson mask over his sadness.
“I feel like since this is our second sold out show in LA, I might sing it live. What do you think?”
Everyone screams. People know the words to it, and as a songwriter you can’t lie, this is always fulfilling. However this one song hurts the most to hear. Eddie strums the first note and you feel like someone is taking your heart out.
You'll be the saddest part of me
A part of me that will never be mine
It's obvious
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
Everyone sings it together. You hold your body tightly, but you can’t avoid moving your head with the melody. 
There's a few lines that I have wrote
In case of death, that's what I want, that's what I want
So don't be sad when I'll be gone
There's just one thing I hope you know, I loved you so
It’s funny to hear it. You’re almost sure those lines were written by you, but when Eddie sings it, he makes it his.
'Cause I don't even care about the time I've got left here
The only thing I know now is that I wanna spend it
With you, with you nobody else here
Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
Eddie’s voice gets heavier and stronger on the chorus. He’s singing from his heart, it’s more transparent than when you recorded. It’s like he’s in pain, real pain. Heart being torn apart, every single emotion being pulled out of him.
I'm sorry but I gotta go
If you'll ever miss me give this song another go
And I just keep on thinking how you made me feel better
And all the crazy little things that we did together
In the end, in the end, it doesn't matter
If tonight is gonna be the loneliest
It hits you harder than you expect. You’re sobbing, tears rolling down your face. Because this song is so personal it is strange to hear it in the voice of thousands of people. You can’t remember anymore which part it’s yours, which is Eddie’s and which lines you wrote together, eyes connecting and words matching.
As the guitar solo starts, you decide you can’t take it anymore. You hold your bag closer to your chest and walk towards the exit. That’s the limit.
You leave the venue almost immediately. You’re running, the tears making your vision blurry, people asking you if you’re alright. No, you’re not, but you don’t wanna say it out loud. You find the first vacancy cab and give the address to the bar where you're meeting your friends.
It’s not impossible to find Steve waving his arms, complaining about never beating Robin in any game. Robin is laughing, holding their beers and begging Steve to let this go. Nancy sees you first and says “Steve, stop, she’s here.”
“Y/N?” he spots the signs that you’ve been crying. “Come here, you need a drink and a few hugs,” Steve opens his arms, but you can’t move.
“Hey, let’s get your face washed, ok?” Nancy steps in, holding your hand and taking you out of your mind. “We’ll be right back, guys.”
You follow Nancy to the back of the bar, not paying attention to anyone around you. You let her guide you to the sink, get some paper towels and remove the make up stains. You do your best to not start crying again. Nancy whispers that everything is gonna be alright while doing it.
“Do you want me to watch over your drinks tonight? I’m not opposed to the idea of you drinking to get these out, but maybe you should be careful,” she says as she throws away the paper towels. 
“No, it’s fine, I’m not drinking today. I promised Steve I would drive his car back, so no alcohol for me.” You check yourself in the mirror, glad that Nancy still does a pretty good job as one of your best friends. “You can drink your weight in alcohol, tho, I’ll let you crash in my bed for the night.”
“Yeah, really. The sofa is comfortable, so don’t worry.”
“Let’s go back, Steve ordered fries and mini burgers before you arrived,” and then Nancy is holding your hand and dragging you back to the table. 
Robin moves in the booth to give you space, and you sit across from Steve and Nancy. He looks for any signs that something is very wrong, and when there’s none — already used to your super emotional persona, and he doesn’t think it’s bad — he asks “Did he talk to you?”
“Steve!” Nancy slaps his arm.
“Ouch! No, but really, did he see you?”
“I’ve told you I was going on my own, staying far away from him. So, no, Steve, we didn’t talk,” you feel your lips getting bitter. Robin passes you the soda she got you. “Thanks, Robie.”
“And the song? Did he play it?”
“Yes, he did. And it was perfect,” you admit. “Can we just not talk about it? I'd rather die than think about Eddie Munson.”
“Wait, just one more question!” Robin has the devilish smile that sends a wave of fear through your bones. “Do you still love him?”
“Robin, not a good time,” Nancy rolls her eyes. 
“She clearly does, and I’m not letting her run away from this chance.”
“He promised me we would follow our separate paths, and I’m doing my part.” You still didn’t tell any of your friends that Eddie kissed you before you went back home that day. And you would die before sharing this detail.
“Such a talented songwriter, but so dumb. Y/N, really, that boy is in love with you. It’s been weeks since you wrote it, I can’t believe you’re not seeing each other,” Steve says.
“Well, we had a meeting to agree on my part of the deal, but that was it.” Yeah, you walked into the room with your manager, Eddie and his team, but it was a short meeting. He sat there and insisted that you would get the bigger cut of the revenue of the song — since they decided to release it as a special single —, and you just agreed. Papers were signed and that was it. He didn’t even talk directly to you.
“Stupid Y/N,” Robin sights.
“Can we just move on to something else? Please.”
“So, we finally decided on which apartment we’re renting,” Nancy says. 
“Please tell me it’s the one close to the beach, I would love to crash there after a long day,” you share your thoughts, even though everyone knows it already. Maybe you should break your lease and get this one. 
“Hm, no, actually we made an offer to rent the unit across yours!” Robin shares excitedly. “We should move in next month!”
“And since Johnathan only lives a few hours up north, we are finally gonna be back together!” Robin adds.
“No way!” Steve celebrates. “That’s amazing news! But how did you get it?”
“Oh, Nancy met the lady that owns the place a few days ago and used her persuasive skills to convince her to let us rent it,” Robin explains, dipping her fries in ketchup.
“That’s great! So happy to have you close again! We’re throwing a house welcome party! We can invite some of your LA friends so you could also meet them and create a circle for you as well,” you’re already making plans, finally getting a missing piece back to you.
“Yes! Dinners on me!“ Steve announces.
“I’ll bring the music! And some guys and ladies that might catch your attention,” you blink.
Steve waves to someone behind you, but you assume he’s just calling the waiter to get more beers. 
“It’s gonna be one hell of a party!” Robin cheers.
“Am I invited?” The voice you could recognize anywhere.
He steps closer to the table, wearing fresh clothes and his classic denim vest. Robin slips to the middle of the booth and you have no option but to make space for him.
“Eddie, you came!” Steve says and gives you a I’m sorry smile. “How was the concert?”
“It was great. Nancy! Robin! If I knew you were in town, I’d brought you all to the concert,” he takes the vacancy seat by your side and shots you a timid smile. “Did you get the VIP ticket I’ve sent you?”
“You had a VIP ticket and still went with the shitty tickets?” Robin is furious at you.
“So you were there?” Eddie smiles.
There are four pairs of eyes on you and none of it helps with your feelings. You face Eddie and push him out of the place he just took.
“Ouch! Is that a way to treat a rockstar?” He says, a lot of humor in his words.
“Shut up, Munson,” you stare at your friends, “don’t go anywhere without me, or I’m making your lives miserable.”
“Why should we leave?,” Steve makes himself more comfortable, and you know he can’t wait to watch you from the other side of the bar.
“Good luck finding another roommate, Steven.”
“I have two right here,” he points to Nancy and Robin.
You leave the table and Eddie follows you to the exterior area of the bar. He lights a cigarette and leans on the wall. 
“I was there,” you admit.
“I know, my manager saw you walk in,” Eddie spills like it’s no big deal. So he knew you were there even before your friends said it. “You should’ve accepted my gift, you know, it would’ve been a better experience.”
“I thought we were walking away from each other's lives.”
“Well, I guess I can’t do it. Because I wanted you there,” his eyes avoid yours like the plague. “But you still went there, on your own terms.”
“Guess I can’t do it as well,” you hug your body and walk until you are face to face with him, “and now we are here.”
“How do you wanna spend your time, darling? Answer truly.”
“You’re not using our song to start this conversation,” you laugh.
“Yes, I am. Because I know that I wanna spend my time with you.”
His words hit you right in the face, and you take a step back. You convinced yourself that the kiss didn’t mean anything to him, because he hadn’t tried to reach you. You were trying to keep your promise, but it was hard not to ignore it when the old flames reignited after the kiss.
“No, Y/N, no what ifs this time around. We are older, we have the means to make this work, we are not just two teenagers trying to hurt each other. I just need to know if you feel the same way.” He tosses the cigarette and takes one step closer.
“That’s unfair, Eddie.” The tears roll down your face and Eddie reaches to hold you closer. “The moment I walked into the studio I knew I never had gotten over you. Besides, it was never easy to understand you.” 
You expect him to say something. The game you’ve been playing for so long must end. And if it isn’t now, then it’s never. After all, maybe you don’t understand how he makes you feel this way. Faster heart, lighter thoughts, honesty all over your veins.
“You do understand me, darling. You made it very clear with your letters, your poems, your songs, your actions,” Eddie steps into your personal space, hands reaching for your face. “You were the only one that could do it.”
“Yet I still said those terrible things to you.”
“Who cares? I’ve said things I regret as well. But I don’t regret calling you, with my heart in my hands,” your foreheads touch and he lowers his voice. “I wasn't gonna let you slip through my fingers again.”
“That promise was stupid. Please.”
His eyes are dark and focused on you. You move your hands to his face, cupping his cheeks and finding out that all the things you love are still there. Eddie is here.
He closes his eyes and sighs, a breathy “I love you” escaping his lips.
“I love you, Eddie,” you confess. “And I will love you until my heart stops beating.”
“Hope this day never comes,” he opens his eyes. “Because I've been stupidly in love with you since the day we met.”
The confession is raw. You expect him to kiss you like that day in the studio, but when his lips press your cheeks, you get it. The whole world is watching the both of you: he’s on the stage, you’re in the studios. And he wants to take things slow. And you’re fine with that, as long as he never leaves you again.
“Let’s go back inside and annoy the shit out of those idiots,” you suggest, and he laughs.
“Just like old times?”
“Better than them.”
taglist: @lokiofasgard616 @munsonology @sidthedollface2
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emilygail · 1 year
Heartstopper Season 1, Episode 3
Welcome back to my Heartstopper Feelings Diary, the series where I list all the moments of this beautiful show that give me ✨ feelings. ✨ We’re up to S1E3, and it is a DOOZY. Let’s gooooo.
1. The entire opening sequence breaks my heart. Nick has realized he might have feelings for another boy, so he decides to do some research. He is googling signs he might be gay and ends up down a rabbit hole of really depressing stories: a gay bashing, why people are opposed to marriage equality, and conversion therapy. He finally ends up taking a quiz and cries when it’s 62% homosexual. Meanwhile the song is saying, “I don’t feel like i’m my own person. i just feel like some other version of me.” My poor baby is just so confused.
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2. Nick being so brave when he says, “That’s homophobic, Harry. And I really don’t like you. Happy birthday.”
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3. When Nick sees Tara and Darcy kissing, it makes him brave. And then he goes to find Charlie.
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4. Charlie tells Nick he ran into Ben but he handled it by shoving him into a wall. Nick, still feeling so brave, grabs Charlie’s hand. And the look on his face is just so proud and also heart eyes. I just love him.
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5. The whole first kiss scene was perfect. Nick started out so confident when he teases he might have a crush on a boy, but then he completely panics when Charlie starts asking questions. It’s Charlie’s turn to be brave now, and they have just the sweetest first kiss. Nick grabs Charlie’s hand and initiates kiss two. The fact that this is a perfect recreation of the comics is the cherry on top.
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6. But of course, things take a turn. Nick hears Harry down the hall and completely panics, running out of the room. Charlie thinks Nick regrets kissing him, and ends up crying on his dad’s shoulder. WHY DID YOU RUN, NICK?? I could not find this moment in the show, so pls enjoy this frame from the comic of the same moment. It will break your heart.
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7. Charlie wakes up so sad to have no messages from Nick. But then who is at his door, completely soaked? NICK. ❤️ What a cliffhanger ending, amirite?
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Up next: episode 4 where the boys finally talk. 🙊
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Top 10 Heartstopper Moments (including books, if you've read them)
Oh lorddddddd you’re really out here asking the hard questions huh. Ok. I’m gonna go from the show because while I have read the books it was only once last fall and at this point the show is ingrained in my brain so it’s easier to reference. Also these aren’t really in order of importance because I love all of them. A lot.
1. The first kiss scene!! Omg the tension, the stares, the pinky touches, the toe scooch, Charlie being SO BRAVE, jesus every single thing was so top tier and SO. WELL. ACTED. Insane. It’s insane!! I literally can’t sit still while watching it. Even the music placement was perfect. And the animations of course.
2. The kiss/convo/hug in Charlie’s bedroom This was one of the scenes that won Kit his Emmy I s2g. The actual kiss (hands!! tippytoes!!), the confusion after, Charlie’s reassuring look and comforting hug, all of it was, again, so well acted and emotional and uhhhhh I can’t with these two!!!
3. Nick’s speech to Charlie in the hallway Quite possibly the most perfect romantic declaration of feelings speech in any show or movie maybe ever??? And I love the parallel from earlier; instead of Nick making a move to stop the nervous stream of consciousness chatter from Charlie, it’s Charlie reassuring Nick and kissing him to stop Nick’s nervous babbling. Just shows how perfect these two are for each other 🥰
4. The photobooth scene They’re just soooo cuuutteeee and the pictures are ADORABLE; Charlie finally getting the date he’s always wanted is so important and honestly the whole beach day is precious.
5. Tara and Darcy’s kiss (and Nick’s reaction) This one hits me right in the feels. There’s so much joy and love and happiness in this, with the perfect beat drop and the rainbow animation. And Nick’s face!!! He wants what they have!! He knows he can get it with Charlie!! It’s a fantastic moment for Tara and Darcy and a wonderful motivator for Nick in terms of plot progression.
6. The bowling alley/arcade party This one might be cheating cause it has 4 of my fav moments but we’ll lump them all together anyway. First, the shot of Nick smiling at Charlie during bowling. Boy is literally the definition of heart eyes. Then, the hug. Charlie’s face goes from sad to happy so perfectly and the animations are lovely. Then there’s the gift giving and “that was just one of my favorite days ever” 😭😭 Finally there’s the kiss. So soft and sweet and fluffy. THEY MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS.
7. Charlie running after Nick/the kiss in the rain Charlie literally being like “hi, *cheesy line*, *kiss*, okay bye!!! 😄” and running off. I love him so much!! It’s a perfect capture of butterflies and being impulsively in love, and I have been OBSESSED with What’s It Gonna Be since I first watched it. Actually I’ve been obsessed with the whole soundtrack lbr haha.
8. Nick’s talk with Imogene in the park Another Emmy winning moment. Kit played it SO. WELL. It’s not really a coming out, per say, but to have him phrase how he’s been feeling in a way that Imogene can also identify with in terms of not really fitting in with their group of friends anymore is GENIUS. Alice you amazing writer you.
9. Nick’s coming out scene We knew this one was gonna be on here. God it makes me cry every time. IMPECCABLE acting from both Kit and Olivia and so so important to a lot of people out there, including my bisexual self.
10. The first hug The “you look so cuddly like that” and subsequent hug at Charlie’s house KILLLLL MEEEEEEE. I’m a sucker for hugs anyway so to have it be so soft and slightly awkward followed by Tori’s “I don’t think he’s straight” is PERFECTION. Sheer and utter perfection.
Bonus 11. Handholding/movie theater moments Yes Ep 7 was ROUGH but the “Char” moment, Nick’s face (again!) as he stares at Charlie with heart eyes, and all the pinky and hand holding during the movie was a nice bright spot. My husband Nick (yes Nick, I know lol) and I call each other dork all the time so Charlie leaning up and whispering “you’re a dork” with a giant grin on his face was extra special for me. Also the gay nerd and rugby lad teasing. They’re such good friends and that’s another reason I love them as a couple. They genuinely like each other and find comfort in each other’s company.
Oh jesus I didn’t mention the snow day, or the rugby training montage (Charlie’s little giggle and Nick’s flushed cheeks get me every time), Charlie’s little dance after getting asked on a date, the milkshake cafe, Nick and Tara’s friendship, Tori hugging Charlie, Tori just in general with her older sister magic and snarky comments, running up the stairs at the party, Nick punching Harry, Nick telling Charlie he told Tara and Darcy about them and Charlie’s utter joy at hearing that, the wanting to hold hands on the couch, Nick’s “what? what’s up?”, or about a bajillon other things that make this show my favorite of all time. Seriously how can I pick 10 (or 11 lol) moments??!!!! Everything about this show - writing, acting, music, cinematography, the animations, guh everything is just toooo perfect.
Ask me my Top 5/Top 10 of anything!!!
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