rpfisfine · 1 month
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reteila · 4 months
A quick analysis on why imo people tend to prefer the post Yurgir confession to the post Araj one
TLDR: It’s a mix of you being more invested in his story because of gameplay and storytelling elements.
EDIT: Thanks to @charmandabear for putting a name on this! It's called ludonarrative harmony.
Alright, I think a table will make things more palatable than a wall of text.
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nellyofthevalley · 9 months
WIP ask game
tagged by @treshmind
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
oh god i not only have too many wips, i also suck at naming things so theyre all very boring and generic.............
gonna just go over the ones that are totally unpublished:
a tenday
good behavior
in blood
i dont know if i can tag 7 people LMAO @sadakotetsuwan, @gingerbloof, @charmandabear, @rsxavior how about we make a deal where 3 people who read this that write pretend i tagged them 🥲🥲🥲 that'll teach me to have so many unfinished projects
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tinosawruswrites · 6 days
Drunken Confessions
Week 2: Drunken Confessions (One-shot)
BG3 Baddies/Lilith Hell Discord server Fanfic prompt
Word count: ~3100 words
Synopsis: After saving the world, the party holds a drunken celebration at the Elfsong. Goofy chaos ensues and Alina (Tav) in her heavily inebriated state confesses her feelings to Astarion.
Tags/Warnings: Named Fem! Tav (Alina), OC Tav with backstory and defined personality, rogue half-elf Tav, spawn Astarion, spoilers for act3, spoilers for the ending of the game, side character Gale, Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Minsc, Jaheira, Halsin and Minthara, reckless alcohol consumption, minor dubcon cause one of them is absolutely blasted, but it’s mostly innocent little kissies on the cheeks etc, attempts at comedy.
Extra special thanks to @charmandabear for helping me by proofreading, fixing grammar errors and giving me insight on how to better my writing!
The party arrived safely back to what remained of the Elfsong. The tavern had been spared from most of the chaos of battle, its structure intact, but a part of its roof collapsed and a couple of its walls with gaping holes in it – almost a fit metaphor for the state of the party.
Karlach and Wyll went off to Avernus and the Emperor disappeared. Astarion had to make a brief vanishing act to escape the sun, emerging back into the group only after Gale located the spellbook that allowed him to cast darkness.
Alina had started crying when Astarion made a run for it and Karlach almost burnt alive. She calmed briefly after each of their little problems was solved, but didn’t stop fully until after they had all settled in the Elfsong.
Lae’zel attempted to voice her plans to leave once they were done, but felt too bad to actually commit once Alina took both of her hands into her own, eyes leaking and lips trembling, shaking her head.
It postponed the githyanki’s departure, possibly indefinitely.
The rest of the party didn’t voice their need to leave, or at least hid any such plans as to not upset Alina even further. After all, they had just barely saved the world and they had a celebration to attend to.
Despite its worn down status, the Elfsong was a sight for sore eyes and the innkeeper was more than happy to return to his everyday job serving food and drinks, instead of fending off against mindflayers and their minions.
The group settled within the tavern’s torn down walls, chose a table and began their celebration with a round of drinks.
“To Karlach and Wyll!” hailed Gale to honor their friends.
“To Karlach and Wyll!” the group repeated and toasted their drinks together.
Alina downed her pint in one go like a thirsty sailor, slamming the empty vessel back against the table, much to everyone’s surprise. She wiped away the foam clinging under her nose and hiccuped loudly. The group broke into laughter and toasted again. Alina giggled, hiccuping again, her small frame already swaying.
All drinks were on the house and the merry making escalated rapidly as the day progressed into the afternoon. Alina managed to down another pint almost immediately after the first one, prompting Shadowheart to ban her from drinking anything else for a while.
“It’s for Karlach and… Wyll… They would have wanted for us to… to… be happy and not sad after winning.” Alina was already partially slurring some of her words, surprising even herself.
“And they would want us to also not die of alcohol poisoning while doing so, I’m sure,” Shadowheart reminded Alina, patting her in the back while holding her own freshly poured cup of wine in the other.
This seemed to work and kept Alina from drinking for a good while, coming down to a comfortable buzz after Gale convinced her to eat something to soak up the alcohol. 
She wasn’t much of a drinker in her free time and thus didn’t have much experience when it came to drinking. She did a lot of taste testing and sampled each concoction carefully before deciding if she liked it, only finishing those she did. She got her samples by stealing from the cups of her friends, mostly from Gale.
She distracted him by hugging him first, then poked him on the shoulder from behind, duping him into turning towards the non existent person trying to get his attention, allowing her to take a loud slurp from the goblet in his hands.
Gale chuckled at Alina’s antics but loudly reprimanded her with a couple choice words after falling for her cheap trick for the third time, forcing Shadowheart to come and help put a stop to the blatant drink thievery, only to end up as the next victim.
She forced a giggling Alina to sit down with her around a lone table, closely monitoring the rogue with both of her arms crossed, a full wine goblet in front of her. Alina had her own goblet full of water in front of her, but when Shadowheart’s attention inevitably faltered, the rogue used the moment to swap their drinks.
Shadowheart turned to watch Alina gleefully down her supposed goblet of water and smiled approvingly, taking a victorious sip of her own, quickly finding out the trickery.
What followed was a full on pursuit with Shadowheart and Gale chasing after Alina while she went on a wild alcohol motivated crime spree, stealing as many sips from as many of her friend’s drinks as she could. Laughter rumbled from all over the tavern that had slowly filled up with more patrons as the day progressed.
After getting apprehended by none other than Halsin and told to slow down, Alina calmed down like a tamed feral kitten, already feeling the booze take effect. Shadowheart and Gale sighed of relief, settling into their own merry-making, knowing for certain that Halsin’s gentle authority would keep Alina in line, and it did.
She slowed down remarkably, most definitely due to her absolutely hammered state.
She was mostly a giddy drunk, happily singing and dancing around the tavern with everyone who would engage with her. However, her joy would take a brief, yet intense nosedive whenever she remembered their missing companions, oftentimes triggering the moodswing herself by trying to find either Karlach or Wyll. She would sink to a low, depressive slouch, ugly crying until comforted and reminded that despite being forced to leave, they were both still alive and well.
But that was something nobody wanted to add.
After the fourth bout of crying, it was Jaheira’s turn to console Alina, - Gale, Shadowheart, and Halsin had each had their turns already. In a rare motherly fashion, the druid decided it was better for the rogue to take a break from drinking and sit down at the sidelines to separate her from all the wild partying of the others.She tutted at the young half-elf while guiding her under her arm away from the loud center of the tavern, soothing her with druidic words of wisdom about “rivers always finding the sea at the end” and “strong roots that joined trees that were distances apart.”
Alina sniffled and nodded at her, allowing herself to be seated in one of the quieter corners of the tavern, right next to Astarion. The vampire was lounging in one of the more comfortable seats the tavern had to offer, a leather armchair with a small foot rest.
He was swirling his wine in a goblet, one empty bottle next to him and another one halfway done on the table, terribly bored being his inability to get drunk in the traditional way.
He raised an eyebrow seeing Jaheira half carrying a clearly very drunk Alina to sit next to him.
“Keep an eye on her and don’t let her drink anymore.” Jaheira gestured towards Alina.
“...What? I’m not a-”
A loud crash sounded off from the other end of the tavern. Minsc had accidentally broken a table by drunkenly trying to demonstrate a handstand upon it, shattering a bunch of wine bottles, glasses and a couple pints on his way down towards the floor through it.
“Minsc is fine! No worries friends!” the ranger called from the floor while groaning, sounding remarkably sober but struggling to orient himself.
Boo squeaked something from the front counter, safely tucked inside a small, makeshift hanging swing with a biscuit in its paws.
“Ah, Boo! Your wisdom is truly boundless!” Minsc exclaimed, and supposedly tried to follow the hamster’s advice by rolling himself over, somehow failing.
Lae’zel, though nearby, was of no help, being absolutely smashed after winning a drinking contest against a couple dwarves that Shadowheart had goaded her into. The githyanki was muttering incomprehensible things in her native tongue, while clumsily offering the drunk ranger still struggling on the floor a chair to continue the handstand demonstration on, all the while barely staying on her own two feet.
A heavily wine-tipsy Shadowheart sat next to the two, too busy laughing at the fallen ranger and the fumbling githyanki to try to help. She laughed hard enough to double over and ended up falling on the floor herself.
Gale was unable to help as he had been passed out for more than an hour after enjoying one glass of wine too many. He laid on his front on the floor near the fireplace, half-naked, all limbs spread open like a starfish.
Halsin was nowhere to be seen at first glance, but one could spot a snoring bear surrounded by a pile of empty honey mead bottles under the table near the counter.
Minthara sat smirking at the chaos from the opposite end of the tavern. Legs crossed on top of a table, wine glass in hand, unwilling to meddle and ruin the wild entertainment her companions provided her, while Scratch laid sleeping under her chair.
Jaheira snapped her attention back towards Astarion and gestured towards the chaos that had unraveled before them, beckoning him to go sort out the mess in her stead. The vampire spawn wrinkled his nose at the wordless suggestion, leaned back on his chair, extended his arm towards Alina and gave her shoulder a couple small clumsy pats, content on his less burdensome task. Jaheira scoffed at him and went to sort out the drunken mess.
Astarion watched the druid leave and emptied his wine goblet before turning to look at Alina. She was slowly getting over her most recent crying fit while Jaheira began to put things and people in order in the background.
Astarion gave Alina the best smile he could muster, uncomfortable and unsure how to approach the situation. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
“Darling, you look awful.”
Alina just nodded at him.
“… I know,” she sniffled and rubbed her swollen eyes.
She raised her head to stare at nothing in particular and contemplated her words before speaking up again.
“Is just… I love them so much. Wyll and Karlach. The Emperor too… well. The Emperor… in a way, sort of. I think,” Alina babbled and blinked, her inebriated state giving her great difficulty in grasping her thoughts.“I miss them already.”
Astarion nodded and refilled his wine goblet.“Well, there’s nothing much we can do for any of them at the moment. What’s done is done. The Netherbrain is defeated and the tadpoles are gone. Hooray for victory,” he sighed bitterly while taking another useless gulp of wine.
Alina caught him off guard when she suddenly climbed into his lap, practically draping herself over him. He had to put down his goblet to use both of his arms to prevent her from falling off.
“...sorry,” Alina mumbled against his shoulder.
“Pardon?” Astarion asked blankly while securing her against himself.
“I’m sorry… you can’t walk under the sun… anymore, it must have been painful...” she lifted her face to speak clearer and hugged him tighter.
“Oh, darling, that…”
“I love you too, you know.”
Astarion froze and stopped breathing for a solid minute. He would have liked to see Alina’s face, but she had leaned it out of view over his shoulder. He turned his head slowly towards her, burying his nose into her brown locks. She smelled of fresh apples, vanilla, booze and saltwater. A strange combination that shouldn’t have smelled as nice as it did.
“It’s not fair… You deserve happiness, true happiness…after everything… you went through,” she continued, caressing his back up and down in comforting motions. “I’m sorry we didn’t find… a solution, and you got hurt.” Alina’s fingers dug into the back of his jacket, crumpling it in her sloppy grasp.
Astarion was speechless. He felt his head slump against Alina’s, his arms hesitantly holding her back. He nodded, barely moving his head as he swallowed dryly.
Jaheira, in the meantime, was almost done getting everyone back up, patiently reprimanding Minsc for causing destruction, helping Shadowheart up from the ground and commanding Lae’zel to sit on the chair she was still holding onto.
“Well darling, if it’s any consolation…”
Alina hiccuped loudly, interrupting him.
Astarion rubbed her back.
“...As I was saying, if it-”
Alina hiccuped loudly again.
She pulled her upper body away from Astarion and met his gaze, eyes wide.
Astarion sucked in his lips for a brief moment, trying to keep himself from laughing. Alina hiccuped again while waiting for him to finish.
“I’m going to hold my breath.” Alina stated, drunkenly confident.
“I don’t think it’s a…”
But Alina had already inhaled deeply and was puffing out her cheeks, trying to hold her breath. Astarion had trouble keeping his composure. Another hiccup made Alina jump in place and she frowned with annoyance before she stubbornly inhaled more air into her lungs. Astarion stopped breathing alongside her, like a strange show of camaraderie.
Her face began to turn red, but the hiccup didn’t let up.
“Unlike me, you will eventually suffocate if you do not breathe, sweetheart,” Astarion reminded helpfully.
Alina shook her head at him, eyes scrunched shut so tightly she could pass for a mummy.
She hiccuped again.
The fury in Alina’s eyes was comically over the top when she was forced to exhale and start breathing again, the hiccup undefeated.
Astarion burst into laughter.
The momentary disappointment in Alina’s face was taken over by confusion, then a curious humor.
“What? Is my -HIC- struggle -HIC- funny to -HIC- you?” Alina chuckled to herself, trying to feign anger at Astarion.
“Oh yes. Yes it is, my sweet.” Astarion grinned wide, all sharp fangs interrupting rows of perfect teeth.
Alina grinned with him, still hiccuping every now and then.
“I… love hearing you laugh,” Alina said, somehow managing to stifle the hiccup.
Astarion settled, searching through Alina’s joyful gaze with his own.
“And seeing you grin like that,” she paused, pressing a finger against Astarion’s upper lip, parting it slightly to show one of his fangs.
Her focus was intense enough to forget about the hiccups.
“I think... your fangs are cute. Makes me think of… kissing them. Sometimes.” Alina focused on his lips and went quiet.
Her hiccups stopped, but she didn’t notice.
Alina began forming useless shapes with her mouth, face reddening while clearly struggling to think. She blinked rapidly, as if it would somehow help her form more coherent thoughts. Her eyes began to flicker between Astarion’s eyes and mouth.
“I… think about... kissing you… a lot, actually.”
Alina’s gaze met Astarion’s again, this time maintaining eye contact. She licked her lips and giggled shyly. Astarion nodded silently and licked his own lips, eyes staring unblinkingly at Alina. He raised a hand to gently cup her cheek, brushing his thumb over her freckles.
“Then… why don’t you?”
Alina’s smile was gone in an instant. The rest of her face bloomed red, the blush creeping all the way down to her neck and up to the tips of her ears. She swallowed nervously and grew hesitant.
“W-would it… be alright…?” she asked as a strained whisper.
Astarion smirked and tilted his head, raising a curious brow at her. He watched as Alina breathed slowly in front of him, waiting for his answer. He could hear the way her heart hammered inside her chest, pumping heated, alcohol filled blood through her veins. Even wasted beyond reason, she was still adorably considerate.
“If you want to.”
“W-where… would it be… alright to?”
“Anywhere you want, sweet Alina…” he purred her name and drank in the way she practically melted on his lap.
Alina nodded, the unfocused look in her eyes telling him that his words barely registered. She gave him a shy smile, then turned serious before lifting a clumsy hand to map out his face.
Astarion watched as Alina trailed her fingers up along his cheek, over his temple and brushed through some of the unruly curls covering his pointy ears. Her eyes met his gaze again and she gave him another shy, earnest grin.
“…cute,” she said and leaned closer to his face.
Her expression turned thoughtful once again as her fingertips brushed along Astarion’s cool skin, feeling it over like delicate silk. She finally shut her eyes and pressed a soft kiss on the hollow of his cheek, just below his cheekbone.
She pulled away with her face lowered, giggling like crazy. Astarion couldn’t help but grin with her.
“Is that all?” he asked her.
Alina’s alcohol-hazed thoughts scattered even more upon his question. Her golden eyes gleamed with reserved interest and she bit on her lower lip, shaking her head slowly.
“Well, go ahead then, love.”
Some kind of suffocated sound escaped Alina’s lungs before she nodded and raised a shaky hand to cup his face again. She pressed a soft kiss on his other cheek this time, pulled back with an unsure look, then kissed his cheek slightly higher after he blinked in confirmation.
From there, she didn’t need more encouragement and showered Astarion with kisses all over his face, his temples, forehead, jawline and even the tip of his nose, tactfully avoiding the area near his lips.
Her breath smelled heavily of a variety of different kinds of booze and her lips left warm, slightly moist patches wherever she pressed them.
Alina pulled away and tried to blink away the delirium caused by the kissing, cheeks deliciously flushed, lips gleaming slightly. Astarion maintained a smile throughout the whole show of affection, finding himself humming when Alina kissed closer to his ears.
Alina brushed her thumb against his chin and pressed one final kiss inside the borders of his laugh lines.She pulled back heaving and grinned.
“I… I think I’m drunk.”
Astarion chuckled.
“You think so?”
Alina nodded, dead serious.
“What do you want to do now, miss drunk?”
“I want to…”
Alina squirmed on Astarion’s lap and nestled herself against his chest, head rested just under the side of his jaw, eyes gazing upwards at him adoringly.
“I want to stay here, if it’s… alright with you?”
“Hmm-mmh. Perfectly fine, sweetheart.”
Alina smiled and placed her open palm against his chest.
“I love you a lot, you know.”
“I… think I do, darling,” he smiled down at her, raised a hand, and hesitated briefly before brushing it through her hair.
“Hmmm,” Alina hummed and leaned into the touch.
For the rest of the evening, Alina sat comfortably in Astarion’s embrace, lounging with him on the leather armchair in their private little corner, slowly sobering up while trying to sneak sips from his wine goblet and being tricked into drinking water instead.
She would thank him later for it, suffering a milder hangover compared to everyone else who drank.
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aevallare · 6 months
tagged by @charmandabear for snippet Sunday!!! Thanks so much! 🥰🥰🥰 I'm on my way to bed but if anyone wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!
Have a little pour one out because gossamer wasn't cooperating today
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pursuitseternal · 13 days
𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓱𝓵𝓲𝓪 𝓝𝓢𝓕𝓦 𝓐𝓵𝓹𝓱𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓽🗡️🐦‍⬛
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🎨 by her co-parent @marimosalad
NSFW Alphabet
Thanks for the tags @bardic-inspo and @nyx-knox ❤️❤️
Tagging (I totally forgot to do earlier!): @astarionancuntnin @marlowethebard @bellasmumblingsandmusings @lets-just-daydream @charmandabear
@marimosalad and I both collaborated on our answers 🤭
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
They stay dirty for a while… lots of licking each other clean 😉😏
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Cordy— his eyes. AA—her hair… her tits… and her thighs that could crush his skull
C = Cum (where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum)
Inside. Always.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As Elves in the Yuirwood, once they started physical intimacy, they couldn’t stop. They were relentless in sneaking off to explore each other in the woods… or their homes, sneaking in and out at night. Secretly, the first oral sex Astarion received was in his parents’ receiving hall… in his father’s throne. 😏
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
As young elves, they were each other’s ’firsts:’ kiss, hand job, oral, penetration… Once Astarion left for his studies and ‘died,’ Cordehlia took no other lovers, turning her love/lust for her betrothed into just war forged bloodlust.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Anything face to face.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Intense, but that’s not to say humorless. They tease and call pet names and taunt to control orgasms… but they also have known each other for centuries. The smallest thing from their childhood memories might make them dissolve into giggles. (And Astarion’s laugh is definitely higher pitched!)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
As two High Elves, neither of them have body hair. Astarion cares way more about his head of hair than she does. Cordehlia would rather chop it off for battle… but Astarion loves it long, so she brushes it and braids it for him. The longer it is, the easier it is for him to yank when they get… playful.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
As Elves, they were intense… as Vampires they are feral. They love to feel each other’s sensations through their mind bond. Having been together for decades before, they know one another’s bodies by heart
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
So, in “Our Blood” canonically, Astarion jacks off to a poster of Cordehlia, not realizing it’s her due to his memory loss. For Cordehlia, it was all she had until the “Tiefling Party”
Astarion jacking off to Cordehlia bathing in the river is teeeeeechnically why they got engaged. Whether Astarion meant to get caught is a different question!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
They switch Dom/sub, especially in private. Outwardly, Cordehlia is fiercely loyal, protective, and mostly submissive. In private or in front of those that are closest to them, she calls him out on all his bullshit, taunts him, calls him names… and he likes it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere, any surface. But they feel the most fulfilled doing it in the forest under the stars. Like their first time.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
They each have “The Look” ™. That one that they flash to the other in public or private and it’s fucking within minutes.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pet play. They will wear a collar, but only for a while and only as a toy. They share power too equally and take turns being the dominant too much for actual pet play.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Yes. Anytime. All the time. Anywhere.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the mood or situation leading into the intimacy. Also on the amount of blood one or the other or both consumed.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
They love impulsive sex. Astarion is a little bit better about keeping things discreet. When she’s in a particular mood, she’ll make it no secret that she wants Astarion right there, right now
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Sometimes. Both of their past traumas haunt them from time to time (Astarion’s sexual trauma, and Cordy’s trauma of seeing Astarion with someone else) so they are still guarded in some ways; for now, they are mostly content with doing things they know they love.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
With their combined Vampiric strength, they can basically keep going forever until they get bored. Just two vampires doing vampire things.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Not really, their fangs and fingers and sexes are good almost all the time. They’ve been known to experiment a little with a well timed Mage Hand or an Enlarge spell.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Teasing has been their love language since they were kids. They are just really immature together and they bring that energy to bed
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
They can be really fucking loud together. Like a competition. She likes to make noises to spur him on. They are no longer two little elves sneaking in the forest get laid. As full vampires, during their more feral couplings, she grunts and growls until she gets her way.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Astarion loves being the one to take her out of her armor. He spoils her by buying new armor and weapons every chance he gets. He has them all engraved with ravens and feathers; little elvish phrases woven in the details. But when she’s back from fighting, he’s the one that removes her armor piece by piece and worships her for the fierce warrior queen she is.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Slender and elegant as a High Elf, but she got a rounded butt. Muscular and curvy, and big tits, but they’re usually wrapped really tight under her armor so you don’t see how curvy she actually is until she takes everything off.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Since reconnecting with Astarion – off the charts. Her lust and bloodlust are basically interchangeable.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She doesn’t. She’ll take a short break, then get up to go polish her blades in the middle of the night, or take a solitary bath to freshen up. Then she’ll go back into bed to cuddle for a bit, trance for 20 minutes, and be good to go for the next day
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bardic-inspo · 1 month
OC Patron Saint Game
Ty for the tags @astarionancuntnin, @locallegume, and @nyx-knox!! 💜
Take this uquiz as your OC(s) and see what they would be the patron saint of!
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patron saint of blood
patron saint of the life that flows through our bodies. patron saint of violence. patron saint of love. something that does not watch over but exists within: not for protection but for vitality. there is no passion without a beating heart at its core. when that heart breaks open, someone has to be responsible for what it bleeds.
Tagging in turn: @shinyredgloss, @blackjackkent, @charmandabear, @kirahlene, @mercymaker, @vspin, @zekeen, @coreene and whoever else would like to do this! No pressure if you'd rather not.
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inkymoonbunny · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @roguishcat, go check out her work for some delightful Astarion x Tav fics! 💕
Here's a little preview of the next chapter of Branded Blood. Tiefling Astarion is utterly smitten...
Flare’s heartbeat spiked as she watched him intently lick the honey from his hands, so Astarion had indulged in the vulgar display. He doubted any of the Infernal creatures she had been subjected to ever bothered to stir her interest beyond what her curse forced on her. When he had offered the kiss, her innocence in that regard had been apparent. No one had shown her tender affection before, and something terribly wicked reveled in him that he would be the first. Her first and only if he had his way. Astarion raised her palm to his lips, setting the kiss gently as a gift, and let her go.
When Flare told him it was the best kiss she ever had, Astarion wanted to give her a thousand more. He would kiss over each eyelid, across her cheeks and nose over her scattered freckles, devour her lips and drink in her sighs. He would make sure every touch was better than the last, each one a promise of the gentleness she was owed. His tail beat furiously against the ground in his excitement and he pulled away, grabbing his shirt and wiping his hands off on the dew-damp fabric. He offered her his shirt and snatched up the flower chain beside her.
Some other fantastic writers to check out (no pressure tags but I'd love to read what you're working on!): @ladyduellist @pinkberrytea @preciouslittlebhaalbae @xxnashiraxx @verbenaa @justabiteofspite @elinorbard @kalmiaphlox @khywren @pickel182 @charmandabear
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Post to recommend the Writers of the BG3 community
Hello, how are you? Here I'm going to leave several names of BG3 fic writers that I found in my feed.
As you know, I follow Astarion and Halsin's tags the most, so the number of fics from these two is huge. However, over time I will subscribe to other fics from other Tags.
I will always update this list. (Last update 11/29)
• akirda - A great oneshot.
• autistichalsin - He must be the greatest Halsin connoisseur I've ever met.
• Azukiel - Currently writing Dadstarion, he already has my respect for that, and she's a great writer.
• bacarasbabe - Lots of fics from different fandoms
• bg_brainrot - Writes a lot about Astarion
• Dynjas - Great fics from our Daddy Bear, success my friend
• girahimu_sama - Write about Durge too
• HardingHightown - Lots of BG3 and Dragon Age facs, for fans of both
• LadyRagnelle - I don't even know how to start talking about this writer, just a connoisseur of the incredible Astarion, my inspiration
• lumienyx - Writer with many fandoms and fics
• MysticalThoughts - There's a creative BG3 fic in modern times!
• o0_TheMilkyBarKid_0o - With Restricted fics
• oharahive - Interesting oneshots and a long series still going on
• Pikapeppa - Lots of fics from different fandoms!
• PursuitsEternal - Very NSFW interesting that I really liked
• rosodoro - I recently met, you have interesting work
• thesolarangel - An Astarion/Halsin oneshot
• vampirespawn - Raphael's fics! For those looking for something different. And one from Astarion
• astarions-fangs - Writer from right here on Tumblr
• vixstarria - Writes a lot of Oneshot fics with on AO3. On her Tumblr blog she posts several fics and makes fics on requests!
• Pickel182 - There is one fic for now, but it is constantly updated and currently has several chapters
• Vashnoi - Writes fics are several different characters
• SpaceBarbarianWeird - Also post several headcanons on your Tumblr
• charmandabear - There are only two fics so far
• loadofschist - Fics with Gale and Durge
• miraculan - There are a large number of fics from different fandoms, with two from BG3
• SadinaSaphrite - Very interesting fics with Astarion
• WitchAdjacent - There's a series with your OC, it's interesting to follow
• astarioffsimpmain - Post your own fics and reblog others' fics on your Astarion Tumblr, I separated a link that will take you to one of his directly.
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Fanfic Recommendation!
Recommended by - @freesidexjunkie Title: Office Hours Author: @charmandabear Rating: E Length: 56K Complete or WIP?: WIP Pairings: Astarion x f!tav university AU Warnings: smut things, manipulation, mentions of abuse/trauma, some assorted BSDM
"There’s something about him that rubs you the wrong way. It could be his arrogance, or the condescending way he peers over his glasses at you and your other colleagues. It might be the overpriced cashmere turtlenecks that hug his figure perfectly or the stupid silver earrings adorning his stupid elf ears. But every time he opens his pretty little mouth you feel a snarl growing deep in your throat."
Why you love it: 
this fic went from rivals to lovers to a budding complex exploration of a really cute relationship. It's adorable, hot, well written, and very fleshed out character and world building!! Honestly just a really well crafted fic all together.
Link to Fic:
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charmandabear · 5 months
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I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't just about approval, so if you want to test it out with me, come watch me stream tonight at 7:30 Central! Let's do an Astarion sex% speedrun with a gnome, baybeeeeee
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roguishcat · 3 months
OC Ask Game
Thank you for tagging me @fangbangerghoul! 💖
I am going to answer the questions as my Tav from my BG3 fic 'Conversations with a vampire'.
What is their prized possession?
The handkerchief that Astarion embroidered for her. Tav squirreled it away so it would not get accidentally taken by Mamzell Amira.
Are they allergic to anything?
No, but she pretended to be allergic to get out of a lesson. It only worked twice.
What is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them?
Because she is dressed like a noble, no one would think that she basically raised herself. Tav is a lonely little pup, which is why she is so insistent about annoying befriending Astarion.
Are they ticklish?
Yes, very!
No pressure tags: @ladyduellist, @bellasmumblingsandmusings, @preciouslittlebhaalbae, @nyx-knox, @charmandabear, @inkymoonbunny, @heylittleriotact, @kalmiaphlox, @littlelovelyra
My questions for your OCs:
Where is your OC from?
What is their most precious childhood memory?
What are they thinking of doing post-game?
What do they love most about their partner?
Are they a dog or a cat person? (or perhaps a tressym person?)
You don't have to anwer all the questions, pick the ones you like!
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hhh-hemogoblin · 2 months
9 people you want to know better tag
Tagged by: @seabirdsong 🥹🫶
Tagging: @sniickerdoodles @locallegume @bardic-inspo @marlowethebard @sanguinesexmachine @kittenintheden @brain-rot-central @charmandabear @pickel182
Three ships: More than one with Astarion (I just love him so much and different interactions allow him to develop other aspects of his personality; my fave are him and Gale or Wyll or Karlach) / Laszlo and Nadja from WWDITS - does this really need any explanation? / Remus Lupin and Sirius Black (an old ship of mine, never beating the Wolfstar allegations)
First ship: Hmm, thinking back, it’s probably Ron + Hermione from HP (what can I say……)
Last song: Tabula Rasa by Windwaker and Dig It by Bring Me The Horizon are on repeat
Last movie: Lisa Frankenstein (9/10, very cool and funny, a bit gore)
Currently reading: The Seventh Function of Language by Laurent Binet
Currently watching: Sex and the City, House of the Dragon S2
Currently eating: Does Earl Grey count?
Currently craving: Some greasy, cheesy, pasta dish
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whispering-depths · 6 months
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I was inspired to draw this scene of some ~under the desk shenanigans~ from chapter 2 of @charmandabear's AMAZING modern au professor Astarion x Tav fic, Office Hours! if you haven't read it yet, go check it out on tumblr or ao3, it's probably one of my favorite fics that I've ever read.
uncensored version of the first pic is under the cut 😏 I haven't made much nsfw art before so I hope you like it!~ might draw more if the mood strikes
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I love a flustered Astarion~
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velvetluna666 · 7 months
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Another nsfw piece featuring professor from @charmandabear's Offie Hours!
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pursuitseternal · 4 months
Picrew tag💞
Thanks for the tags @brabblesblog and @nyx-knox
So using this Picrew I made Cordehlia and Astarion from “Our Blood is Thicker:”
I did one for “Young Cordy and Young Lord Astarion” and one for them as total post game Menaces (affectionate)
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Bonus, I made one with my beloved Professor Astarion (iykyk)
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Tagging: @marimosalad @tavamarie @charmandabear @marlowethebard @wolfywolfy
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