#charmed season 1 gif
charmed-1998 · 4 months
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☾harmed  ✓ 1x10 “Wicca Envy”
- Somebody is obviously trying to set me up, and they're using magic to do it. - But who? And how? - Pick a warlock. Any warlock.
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futilefangirl · 10 months
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We're The Charmed Ones, Prue, not The Doomed Ones.
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occupationdinosaur · 2 months
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🡒 🎥 CHARMED  • Opening Credits, 1998.
You shut your mouth How can you say I go about things the wrong way? I am human and I need to be loved Just like everybody else does There's a club if you'd like to go You could meet someone who really loves you So you go and you stand on your own And you leave on your own and you go home And you cry and you want to die
⎯ How soon is now...? • Love Spit Love
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neptunechromo · 27 days
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everythingcharmed · 13 days
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1x13 | 05x02
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mikimeiko · 4 months
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Doctor Who | 1x03. Boom
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cathloves · 1 year
Things I've noticed while rewatching 'Once Upon A Time':
In episode 1x10 '7:15 am' snow white is about to erase her memories of charming but he sends her a letter declaring his love and uses the line 'not a day goes by that I have not thought of you'.
In episode 3x11 'Going Home' Emma has to erase her memories to escape the curse and Hook uses the same line charming did on snow 'Theres not a day that will go by that I won't think of you.'
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Aka true loves
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ask-missparker · 7 months
You walked in and my heart went boom! / AU series
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Pairing: Charming!Nikolai x Snow!Amelia
Summary: The looks turned into letters from one another became secret meetings away from the walls of the hills. Until one night, they were crumbled among them.
Note: They go by Nicholas & Amara sometimes
Setting: Enchanted Forest
Extra characters/mentioned: Captain Hook!Jeremy, Mr. Smee, King Midas, Princess Jemma and etc.
‘I have never been one to try and grab the spotlight, but all of it happened on a hot night. Tried to focus on the mission to steal the jewelry and I stumbled into you. Your eyes dazzled as you were captured by the loom and my heart secretly went boom. Tryin' to catch our eyes at the sight outside of the ballroom, despite the band top volumes. Sometimes I wonder how many nights I can spend without seeing you, but when I remind myself, even without you I am not doomed.’ - Love, Nicholas M.
Amara Snow—Amelia, would smile to herself at rereading the letters he sent her and the ones she return by morning light. Her heart belonged not to her fiancé, but yet another. The Dark Prince’s charming and awfully wildly dashing hearted brother. He was a little insane and jumped first into danger based on her letters and stories she’d hear from him in the late hours of the night and yet, that was comforting to her.
Tons of letters stacked and or hidden pieces in the desk of her vanity. She’s write in her letters back, ‘Helpless! Look into your eyes (Oh, look at those eyes). And the sky's the limit. Down for the count, and we’re drownin' in 'em. You can sometimes see past the falsely shows and sneak your way into the halls, even if your mind wondering how I’m even it. Every week gets better with every note that you write me, rushing into my room and my heart will go boom. Sometimes my mind will just rewind and remember those nights for the rest my days, hoping to see you again like it’s a play.’
Charming Nicholas—Nikolai smile opening up the letters as short much they seem, he knew she meant every word. His life was never easy and cheerful, always trying to find a sense of peace and belonging. He found it in the woodsy hills of the kingdom, living in caves and then old vacant homes for a reasonable price of shelter. Yes, his brother wanted him gone out of pure jealousy and villainous pride, having posters to reward whoever could find him firsthand. He never thought he would find some company nor comfort out here until he stumbled into her by accident, the same princess he stole from, making him believe there was still good in the world.
Resulted in him slowly but surely start to open his heart and small home to others he seemed, such as Cinderella one night and The Huntress who speared his life. Helping out people in need like he used to before running away from the castle and trying to be of service. Yes, it seemed like it was a small gesture to many but yet it spoke to who understood what he meant.
He stood on the ground near the old house he called home, reading one of his love’s letters. He chuckled and snorted as thoughts filled his head, when suddenly an impulse decision came to mind. To see her again. It’s felt like a lot to do, bring flowers, sneak into the castle walls of King Midas, and arrange an agreeable plan to have them escape into the night together. He just needed to see her again, tell her a few short words in person.
And he smirked knowing exactly who to call.
He was a young man based on honor and loyalty but couldn’t resist a good challenge, no matter how small.
As well as the thought of golden treasure hidden behind locked doors in the castle of Midas.
With that he found his one handed friend leaning against a barrel of beer at the marketplace. He seemed like he just finished buying some fruit and ready to head back to his ship.
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Jeremy, also known as Hook, turned around to sound of the accent being the one to belong to his friend. He raised a eyebrow smiling softly, “Yes, Nicholas? What is it that you want?”
“Why do you assume I want something?” Nikolai reply with a matching smile.
“The way your captain’s hat is tiled and your suit is fitted for a dueling requirement for today. You know I’m open to hearing what it is.”
“That’s why your my friend. I want to do something tonight but I need your help.”
“I’m listening.”
“I need safe passage on your ship to do so.”
He snorted, “Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas! Why it is that we need my ship for this and not steal a carriage?”
“We need to go to the half side of the forest near the bay of the Kingdom.” He added half smirking.
“And what for? Don’t tell me it’s for another girl now?”
Nikolai was silent and smirked sheepishly with a wink. Jeremy snorted loudly and nodded, “Of course it is. What’s this lovely lady have to offer?”
He explained glancing around as he did, “She doesn’t know I’ll be coming. And we not being to any home but Midas’s castle.”
That seemed to catch Jeremy’s attention as the brightest grin filled his face. He always wanted to sneak into Midas’s castle to steal from treasure from the bottom of the home and never found a reasonable time to do so, until now. The blonde nodded leading him onto his ship as they chatted, deciding where they would get in and then get out.
Better yet, getting some drinks and food once the trip was over. In Nikolai’s eyes, his friend wasn’t just a pirate but a knight with a heart of gold.
At the castle, Amelia was wondering around in her brown dress as her fingers played with a tiara talking with Jemma who talked about her latest story riding the horses in the stables and going on a picnic with her love afterwards.
Jemma asked, “How was the last time for you with Fitz? He seemed stuffy..he told me that at the party he was more focused on bringing in new guests than dancing.”
“Ah yes. He was mainly having a headache wanting to head home instead as I tried to help him nurse the pain. I talked with other royals as he went to use the restroom.” She explained, “But he seemed more like he wanted to dance with you.”
“We did dance that night but his father hasn’t noticed anything yet.”
“I hope he does…”
“How about you? You seem to glow lately, what it is that is making you a bit lighter?”
“Let’s just say I met someone who makes me smile. I hope you meet him one day.”
Jemma grinned, “Ohh how darling! Is he a knight? A prince? A baker?”
The girl blushed in return, “No, yes, and no..he is a artist that’s much I will tell you.”
Both ladies giggled, walking past their chambers into the maid grounds to visit the staff of the castle and get something to eat. What they didn’t know is that King Shaw’s guardsmen were listening in on them every now and then to report back to their royal office, as one of them casually walked in on one of princess’s rooms to accidentally glance at a letter that seemed to be semi-finished…
A couple of hours past, Jeremy and Nikolai were on the ship having a round of views as they sailed the seas. Hook’s crew were friendly to the ex-prince turned bandit, ordering him rum and all types of snacks they brought of board, as their captain discussed his plans to enter the vault of riches underneath the castle without being seen or shot at, needing half of his crew to distract the guards meanwhile the other follow them to collect the treasure of diamonds and gold. Having at least two of his crewmen follow Nikolai up the stairs and across the front tower head for he can see his lovely lady and possibly get any insight needed on the royals.
Hook’s crew followed suit with the plan, some knowing that their captain tend to have a mind of his own possibly stealing more than jewelry on the way out of the home. Once they arrived at the castle, Jeremy step foot inside with his crews behind him knocking out any guardsmen around, he had to use his swords to wack a few leaving a scar on a face or two. He shrugged.
Running down the halls and across the stairwell to the bottom of the castle, Hook and his men sensed it far and well, a room filled with riches of many. It was locked but Jeremy used his sword to slice the first handle and cracking open the combination to the second look with his hook, swinging some guards on his way in.
As he stepped into the room, he placed his sword back in the handle glancing over a fallen knight and rolled his eyes. He scoffed, “If you were my men, I would’ve never made you down so easily. But I would say, your men did put up an impressive swing, for royals..I guess.”
Mr. Smee, his former right hand, called him off as one of crewmen, LightFoot, found the set of riches they were looking for. To say Jeremy’s jaw dropped was an understatement.
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He had seen plenty of times riches, potions, jewels and items of many. But the moment he kneeled down to run his fingers across it, he knew this was all very breathtaking. King Midas was known in tales for turning anything and everything into golden suns, stealing and sometimes sharing his own foundation with others as rare as it may seem, he did.
“My gods…” He muttered, never wanting to leave the place in order to bring it all home but he knew he had to be fair. He can’t take it all in one sitting and thinking possibly striking a little deal with the king sooner or later, but not tonight.
Jeremy stood up opening his sack as he piled in as much as he can could, ordering his men to do the same. As Hook was scanning the room, even finding a sword on the wall to take, he noticed a small pile of golden coins and yellow diamonds likes the ones he past earlier on his way in. However rounding the inner layers of diamonds stood a oceanic blue one, more than one, that called his name. Picking it up, Jeremy noticed two out of six large diamonds were engraved in rings.
He smirked, “He will love this..”
The ring was grand yet elegant and perfectly fine for a gift, a promise ring one might say. Mr. Smee noticed his Captain face and nodded liking the thought of him being pleased with himself especially after finding a satisfying reward such as a ring.
To say Nikolai was grateful for his company tonight to the castle was unbelievable thing but he was. He was lucky enough to be accompanied by theses men in moments like this. As he made his way through the whole deeply him halls, he swung his sword in his hand and use his shadows to guide him through the staircase. He had thwe two men walk his six from the narrow ends.
In his pocket, he held a small handful of daisies as he made his own way between the columns in the deep deadly silence. He bit the bottom of his lip, entering the tower head of the castle ready to make a left turn to find his lady when two knight stopped them, he was able to take them down as a 3rd ordered him to follow him to a decorative room filled with trinkets, tables, a warm fire and the king.
He expected for it to be Midas but it was Shaw. He was confused asking where was Midas’s chambers as Shaw said he was out on leave for the next couple of nights with his son and will return in the morning, he was requested to watch over the castle while he was gone. Nikolai asked what exactly he wanted with him, lying about just here to see a friend.
“Enough. I know everything.” King Shaw said holding up a letter in his handwriting with a small doodle in the corner, “You’re clever to not use your own name, I had to do some digging to find a match. You poisoned her heart and now her marriage, because your pathetic behavior towards one another. I’ll have you know love is disease and like all diseases, it can be released from the body in one of two ways.”
Nikolai was silent wanting to hold his tongue but spoke up, “Sir. Love is not a disease or any kind, people don’t want to accept that it’s—”
“Foolish boy, it is. Only two ways to stop it, a cure or death. Do you know where your beloved is right now? She is right now that hall wishfully unpacking away her things for official stay, for a new life with her husband.”
“She will never know I’m here…”
“Oh yes she will because you’re gonna walk down that hall and crush her stupid little heart.”
“You hate your daughter that much?”
“She’s not my daughter. Never was, if she were, she’ll know when to listen and stay shut!”
“You’re gonna sneak in and tell her that you received her letters. Tell her why your here. Because you don’t love her, never did. Never will.”
“…it was break her heart in two…what if I don’t? You’ll kill me?”
“Oh no. Then I’ll turn you over to your brother for that precious reward for your capture. It’s will save both of you the trouble, if you just tell her the truth. It will cure all of this.”
“And if you kill me?…that will only make her love me more and run away from her wedding day, leaving you with no choice but to go after her head as she tries to bring me back to life..but if you have her killed by accident, Midas would break your deal for those riches..”
“Ah, you are smart. No wonder you are so badly wanted for your crimes against the prince. Now go.”
The room was pretty quiet. Dark, as the only shining down was the ones coming from the moon and light setting stars stirring in the night. The Princess Snow was holding up her favorite brown skirt from her bags smiling to herself. She looked over her shoulder hearing the door crack open, expecting it to be one of knights or Jemma coming to feed her mind with her latest book of discoveries. But to her surprise, it was Nicholas—Nikolai who stepped in shutting the door behind him with a soft smile on his face walking over to her.
She blinked in disbelief letting out a breathless sigh, “Nicholas…”
“Amara..” He replies with a nod still smiling softly, “.. I uh, I got your letters and I came to see you. Surprise.”
“It is a surprise. H-how did you get in?”
“I have my tricks.”
She walked over pulling herself closer, gently placing a hand on his cheek as he placed both hands on her hips in a almost tight manner not wanting to let go soon but he must.
“You came! Y-you came to see me.” She said about to lean in to press a kiss to his cheek but he stopped her.
“Wait, Snow.” He said as one hand slipped to hold her wrist, “Us. It can’t happen. I can’t be with you.”
“W-what? No..it can happen. All our talks and sneaking off to see one another shows that we can work..I know it will be tough and might cost—”
“I won’t be the one to cost you, your happiness. I am a prince and your just some farm girl, it can never work out.”
“Yes it can. You came all this way to see me, it was for a reason..I love you and now that I know you love me to—”
His face fell to a neutral yet serious face, no emotion written as he cut her off again with no smile, “I don’t.”
“Wha..” She replies with tears pooling a small shower within her eyes.
“I don’t love you. I come from a family of lies, I was only playing cards here. I will never be in your heart , Amelia, that’s too cruel of fate.”
“B-but..no. Nikolai please..”
“Go live your life. With me, because I’m not in it.”
“Y-yes yo-you are…we were gonna..we were gonna..”
“Gonna what? Live happily ever after like in the fantasy your heart made up? I’m sorry, love. It won’t be true. Fill your heart with love for someone else, someone who can love you the way I never have…and never will.”
Before she can say anything else to his face, he removed her hand from his cheek and the other from her waist walking out of the room stone cold. She was left there holding herself whimpering as light sobs came into the air of the room, sitting down on her bed unable to breathe nor believe what she heard. As Nikolai walked out shutting the door behind him, he can hear the crying noise along with her voice as he fought his body to rush in and comfort her, and just gave a nod to King Shaw…
He kept his face netural on, gripping his sword tightly as his eyes water and a sense of anger filled his shoulders wanting to release it somehow. He wasn’t one to feel this way unless it was personal and this, it felt personal.
He walked out of the castle walls, allowing the tears to finally fall as he took one last glance at the castle, tower head where he left a crying Amelia. He wanted his numb himself of this pain and needed to do it quick.
The crewmen follows him out and onto the harbor where Captain Hook stood there grinning at the jewelry in hand about to ask how did it go with his lady but paused seeing the booking look of regret and pain on his face.
He knew that look all too well himself as he placed hand on his shoulder and said, “My friend, it will be alright. You need a drink.”
“No, i don’t need a drink. I need food, and a lot of it..and a tree to stab with my sword..” Nicholas replied with a light glare looking down at his grip.
“We can go down swinging later, drinks and food now. You need it, we all do.”
“Okay..yeah, I..I do think I need to take a breather for a moment.”
Jeremy smiled hearing that, clasped his shoulder letting his friend rest his head there knowing the pain of heartbreak himself. I wished he got an answer to what might’ve led him to feel this way too but knowing his past and the crossroads that they both faced, he can already pictured he was forced into a room of decision making. He knew that drinks and food of any kind would satisfy their stomachs tonight, later they can duel it out in the woods to release whatever bowling emotions within.
Nikolai followed him, entering the town’s deep well kept bar passing the men and women inside to themselves a booth, a couple of Hook’s crew members stepped in to have a round themselves. That night beers, chicken legs and singing was done in that bar at full volume. It numbed the rubbing sadness against his chest, he lied to her face saying that he didn’t love her, but the truth is…
…he did. He doesn’t know when or how but he will find a way to get her back, even if he has to wait for it. But for now, he sat and drank his feelings away like the honorary pirate that he is. Jeremy brought the first couple of rounds talking about his nicely designed ring he took from that treasure room he will give to Cole when the timing is right as Nikolai chuckled softly. He knew what they were doing.
Meanwhile Amara Snow—Amelia stood in front of her full body mirror whipping away tears that kept coming. She wanted to stop the thoughts that came across her mind but the words were so recent in his mind like cutting a freshly squeezed orange. She sipping the glass of water in her nightstand as it felt like a small headache was coming on. Yes the words were said but there was an uncertainty laced over his body language even though his face coney something completely different.
There was this bit in the bottom of her stomach, a swirling dizziness and foggy touch to it all just didn’t even bother to get her a warning. It hurts, the harshest of his tongue and the face he gave her was serious, numbness filled with a slight hint of glassy eyes, as if he wanted to tell her something else to this speech. She thought it was his brother then she into the hallways to find Shaw speaking softly with his guards, she sighed as it clicked. He said something that changed his mind..
And she basically seemed like she lost him. But a strong part of her wants to rush out and find him, reason with the man she claimed to love. But she had a wedding to attend. Her own little wedding with no say to even what type of dress she could wear, but she doesn’t know if she sneak off into the woods or worse, find a way to suck it up and go ahead with the plan.
Either way, she will probably enter up sniffling a tear.
So here it is! I had this conversation in my head for a while and had to make the fic sooner or later. What do you guys think?
Yes, in my head Jeremy & Nikolai have a small bromance and it’s called ‘CaptainCharming’!
Remember to like, share and comment with your thoughts
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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Harry the Little Flirt
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teddy-and-dolores · 2 years
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Ed Harris babying James Marsden at the Westworld panel at the 2017 SDCC.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Tig's Daughter Master List
This series is complete! ✔️
Alexandra Traeger was a normal fresh-faced eighteen-year-old. You know, if being normal is your mom riding biker dick and following it up to Northern Cali after leaving your dad when you were seven years old. But now that she's no longer receiving child support, she's ready to kick Alex to the curb. And you know, they always say there's no better time than the present.
Tig misses his youngest daughter, the one that was named after him, and he wants to make up for the time that he missed...but he never knew what it was going to take stepping back into his daughter's life.
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There will be no warnings before each chapter. This will take place in the vein of SOA before Half-sack's death (obviously), but OC isn't really aware of the club's shit. Will include mentions of sex, angst, tense relationship, gun violence, knife violence, and death. If you've seen SOA you know.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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charmed-1998 · 1 year
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☾harmed  ✓ 1x09 “ The Witch Is Back”
Outside of time, outside of gain, know only sorrow, know only pain.
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time Season 1 thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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Background: I first watched the show in middle school and I have only rewatched season 5b (for the Greg Germann content). I LOVE OUAT. It was my favourite show for a long time, I had merch and everything. It will always have a special place in my heart. Anyways, here are my thoughts;
- I like Snow but I can’t stand Mary Margret
- She is so annoying
- Regina has the best quips
- Again, I like Charming but David is annoying
- I forgot about the ENTIRE murder plot in season 1
- Literally WTF was that
- No wonder the show is tagged ‘soap opera/melodrama’ on Disney+
- Katherine deserved better
- Rip Graham, I could care less about you
- I kinda love August ngl
- Jefferson: kinda annoying, kinda slay
- I forgot how bad the cgi is at times
- Wonderland looked HORRIBLE
- So gummy and bad, like the cgi budget was 10 cents
- Regina walking in episode 1 lol
- Love Rumple, he is one of my all time faves
- He is literally so iconic and funny both as Rumplestiltskin and Mr Gold
- Same with Belle
- Rumbelle kinda has Chuck/Blair vibes imo
- Their backstory ep was my favourite ep this season
- Blue is so shady like hmm…
- Most iconic lines: “THE CURSE ITS HERE!” “I will always find you” “give them their best chance”
- Rip Daniel
- Cora made an okay first impression but she is a lot more interesting later
- Idk why but I hate “Dreamy” I don’t like nova/astrid AT ALL
- Red’s backstory ep was a blast from the past, I read Red’s Untold Tale when I was like 11
- Rumple calling his son ‘bae’ was very funny to me in 2016
- THERE IS A TOWN IN MAINE (me skipping the recaps)
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Rumple, Belle
Like: Emma, Snow, Ruby, Archie, August, Charming, Henry sr, Grumpy, Ashley
Neutral: Regina, Henry, Katherine, Granny, the other dwarves, Jefferson
Dislike: Mary Margret, David, Cora, Dr Whale, Blue, Sidney, Graham
Hate: King George
Season rating: 8/10
It’s iconic because it’s the first one, the Storybrooke plot line was okay, the flashbacks were good, the finale was great. Needed more Rumbelle though.
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marsmall0ws · 11 months
(Mod Blue, zetto-protection-squad) Glad you enjoy my Macaque post! I feel its obvious that we at ZPS adore Zetto to bits, and I myself am quite fond of Vegeta-esque characters! I wanted to extend my appreciation to a fellow Macaque enjoyer as well; it was honestly Billy Kametz's stellar performance as him that got me into LMK in the first place, bless his soul :< 💕 Macaque is absolutely one of my favorites in the series, LMK is a breath of fresh air in my cartoon-enjoying life and I'm glad it has a character as fantastic as Macaque ^-^ Have a lovely night/day, and enjoy your moon-monkey!
Semi-long post whoops
For REAL man, Macaque was one of my main draws to the show as well, though mainly the incredible animation I saw short snippets of before finally sitting down and watching.
I agree it's a huge breath of fresh air, it's hard to explain all of it but the animation, characters, story combined feel different and just so good to watch.
While when I was younger I did rag on Zetto a bit, but as time's passed I very much appreciate his character and sacrifices more than in the past. He's a very complex character and I'm glad we got to see his growth.
Makes me even more glad to see Macaque's growth, who might just be my favorite fictional character of all time, if not just due to him and the series he's from being one of my main hyperfixations and the fact I just adore him to bits.
I'd have never put the two together if not for the post and while I joke it is very interesting food for thought how similar and different they are from each other.
Thank you for responding and also hope you have a lovely night/day!
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
The earlier seasons of OUAT are still my favorite 😍 ❤️
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everythingcharmed · 2 years
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