#charming family fic
triglycercule · 20 days
nightmare viewing the murder time three as little toys but more in like a little spoiled kid kinda way. because it would be funny and if you take into the account that he was like 6 before getting corrupted and do some mental loopholes it would be even funnier. like these are his dolls (killer dust and horror) and this is their barbie dreamhouse (his castle). they all have to stay in one room because nightmare needs to keep his toys in a toy box. the toys only ever come out when he wants to play but oh damn it they keep on breaking out!! silly toys,,, and then he locks them into the room again.
nightmare serves them food with plastic tea cups and plastic plates and there is no food. there is no tea. they have to imagine the food because dolls can't literally eat. there are food containers and stuff in the house but its all just a bunch of empty boxes. horror starts tweaking out after he scavenges the kitchen and finds a cereal box and milk carton that have NOTHING in it (why keep empty boxes?????)
they have to go where he wants them to go. nightmare gets to dress them up in whatever he wants because theyre his dolls they can wear anything he wants. it gets incredibly embarrassing when the trio is forced to wear pink pretty dresses and fight like that. or they have to go around the castle doing stupid fucking roleplays and it gets weird because theyre being forced to reenact a bullying scene and nightmare's giving them the death stare if they don't get it right (is this projection. this must be some form of coping mechanism dust theorizes)
and then you know nightmare's not exactly the best toy owner so he loses a few of his dolls here and there. maybe they get destroyed when he was playing a bit too rough with them! (killer dies in battle for like the 29th time) but its okay because he can just go back on down to the store (something new) and buy. wait no. steal another doll and then put it back in his dreamhouse and BOOM he has a full set again!! so sweet so cute. his dolls don't have consciousness what are you talking about theyre begging to be let go?? that's all just your imagination. what do you mean you're asking about the several slowly dying bodies with removed arms or legs in his dungeon. oh that's just where the broken but not yet destroyed toys go dw theyre fine its humane
#toy story but evil#imagine nightmare dresses the trio up in dreamtale esque clothes and then forces them to pretend to be his parents#because the stupid shit grew up parentless and now that he has dolls he can just roleplay that now#or he could just make the trio roleplay as a family. one parent two children. huh i wonder where i've heard this before#he's still like totally smart with all the multiversal plans and conquering and manipulation and all that#just that he's still got a bit of childish charm in him yk.🥺🥺🥺 he's sweet and cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺#killer says as he tries not to go insane from being stuck in a room with dust amd horror for weeks on end#nightmare has no sense of boundary for the trio because theyre just little toys for him#if he wants them to change clothes he strips them because dolls cant change by themselves#if he wants them to move a specific way he maneuvers them because dolls cant movs on their own#nightmare's messing around and has all his dolls in the splits because who hasnt done that#dust and horror are in so much pain. killer just feels humiliated#these are GROWN MEN you are objectifying here nightmare. LITERALLY objectifying. but irs okay its funny#dadmare but instead of nightmare being the dad he's the kid. while also simultaneously having all the power#this would go for a sick ass plotline if someone made a fic for it#it aint gonna be me 🤣🤣 but like.... trio has to convince nightmare to stop treating them like goddamn dolls#and nightmare has to change his stupid little kiddy mentality while also they all have to just get on better terms in general#so stupidn so dumb. would the mtt hate eachother during all this. quite possibly#three crazy freaks trapped in one room for unknown amounts of time. homoerotic arguments must have occured#they must know stuff about eachother that they don't wanna know. they all know what they look like naked#nightmare is the leading cause of mtt deaths because he just doesn't know how to properly handle his toys#oops he says as he accidentally breaks horror's neck and dust and killer watch on. guess its time to get a new one!#and he gleefully skips off to horrortale while dust and killer are left with the dusting beheaded body. what a fun time#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#nightmare sans#murder time trio#bad sanses#tricule rant
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goldenappledelicious · 7 months
Really interested in the Charming parents relationship with their kids in terms of Apple and Darling relationship. Because the thing is, while I’ve seen a lot of takes where the Charming parents react negatively or still hold up Daring as the golden child, I’m personally of the opinion that they are far more destiny oriented. If Destiny says Darling is Apple’s prince, then they’ll accept it, even if they’re a bit confused.
The thing is, at least from how I interpreted Darlings book, she never read as the unfavorite the way Dexter did, though I know some people interpret them as treated similarly. She kept all her knightly interests pretty tight lipped and generally acted like they thought she should. Not the Golden Child or the Scapegoat, just a generally positive middle ground.
I also think the kiss reveal really hurts Daring place as the Golden Child of the trio. I think King & Queen Charming would definitely view it as a failure on Daring’s part. That he must have done something wrong or something must be wrong with him to cause him to fail at what should’ve been his destiny. Their favoritism is distinctly based on Daring being the perfect Prince Charming and if he can’t even do the one thing they think he was meant to do, then clearly he isn’t actually that perfect.
And while I don’t think Darling would just become the new Golden Child, I do think they focus most of their attention solely on her now. She’s the one with the ultimate Charming Destiny after all while Daring failed his and Dexter’s is still unknown. Clearly that must mean she’s the best of the kids. How the Beast reveal would go, I’m still debating. On one hand, Daring is still the true love of an important Princess, but the beast very much Does Not fit the values of a Prince Charming.
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thebluestbluewords · 2 months
Family Day (Charming Family Edition)
There’s a headache building in Mal’s skull that feels like staring her mother in the eyes. She’s going to scream if she has to speak politely with one more adult who wants her dead, and while she knows, academically, that Evie’s still around the dessert table somewhere, she doesn’t have the capacity to totter up the hill in her heels and find her to beg for a purse aspirin.  “Horrible, actually. Audrey’s grandma has a stick up her ass, I can’t find Evie anywhere, and I think I’m getting used to being in the sun.”
“Sounds awful,” Jay drawls, voice warm and teasing. “I hit Chad in the shins with a croquet mallet.” 
Right. She’d seen that. Chad’s squawk was one of the best things she’s heard all day. “Great. So now his parents can be pissed at us too.”
Jay jabs his elbow into her ribs. “Hey, you said best behavior! I went for the shins, not the head.” 
“He’s still royalty, and hitting him with any kind of mallet is still legally classified as assault with a potentially deadly weapon, dumbass.” Mal reminds him. She’s being a beacon of patience and rationality today, her little moment with Audrey’s grandmother notwithstanding. “We’re gonna get Fairy Godmother ripping us a new one when she finds out you assaulted royalty.” 
They’re going to get Fairy Godmother criticizing the hell out of them no matter what they do today, but if they’re lucky, it won’t matter. Once they get a lead on where the wand is being stored pre-ceremony, they’ve got the thrall potion ready to go, and a resentful little fairy child all lined up to carry out their wicked designs. Fairy Godmother, Audaron….none of it will matter once they’re the ones with the wand. 
Mal’s got a plan. She’s not abandoning it for a few second thoughts. Or one-point-five thoughts. They’re not even strong enough to be second thoughts. She’s still on her original wicked thoughts, she’s just evolving. Growing them stronger and more wicked than ever. 
She’s not changing the plan just because a couple of Auradon kids have been a little less than horrible to them. They’ve got a goal in mind, and they’re wicked, and evil, and they don’t care who they hurt to get there. They can’t care. Mal’s tried caring before and all that’s ever gotten her is– 
(blood pooling on the floor, bones visible through shredded skin, marks so deep the barrier can’t erase them completely)
All caring gets you is more disappointment when the things you care about break anyway. 
(get it out get it out get it out) 
She can’t afford to care about any Auradon kids, no matter how nice they are. 
How kind. 
How good. 
Jay tips his head back against the rough stone of the wall they’re both leaning against.  “Whatever. He’s fine.” 
Mal snorts. She’s pretty fucking sure that Chad is fine, but the woman making a beeline towards them with a familiar blond head on her heels is a sure sign that Chad himself feels otherwise.  “Yeah? Tell that to his mom.” 
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seleneprince · 2 months
Yo, a neris fanfic achieved the impossible
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They're making me love Beron..💀
Link to the fanfic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43462323/chapters/136034812#workskin (it happens in chapter 20, so if you want to understand what's going on, start from the beginning)
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
6 - Directions of Truth
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Princess Red Thief
Part 7
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Leaning against the bench outside the bus stop that picks up and drops the kids off from the school I patiently waited for Henry. I wore the red cloak this morning, feeling somewhat safe wearing it. The bus pulled up and a few kids got off before I saw the young boy who smiled coming over to me. "Hey Eve, are you walking me home?"
"Oh no. Emma still is. I just need to talk with you." I shrugged my shoulders with him sitting his backpack on the bench.
Henry looked up at me. "Talk about what?"
"You're storybook....I heard something between Mr. Gold and the mayor that didn't add up. I am hoping that you could clear something up for me." I explained to the ten year old boy.
He sat down on the bench and I sat beside him. "What did you hear?"
"Mr. Gold said his name was...Rumplestilskin. And he called the mayor, her majesty. Those names and titles can only be mentioned in your book and not in this world." Running my fingers through my hair I unclipped the red cloak laying it in my lap.
He reached inside his bag taking the book out. "Well if he's calling her that means he's awake and remembers everything."
"And if he wakes up does that look good or bad in favor of this supposed curse being broken?" I asked the kid.
He answered my question. "Yeah the more people that wake up. The better chance my birth mom will be able to break the curse. Are you starting to believe since you're asking me?"
"I don't know exactly. I just feel that something is changing in this town." My phone vibrates in my pocket reading a text from Ashley to meet her at the hospital for some reason. "Uh kid I gotta go. I'll find you to finish this conversation."
Henry called my name, making me halt in my tracks. "Eve hang on! Don't forget this." He held up the red cloak that I had dropped on the bench not thinking about it.
"Thanks, kid." I take it from his hand making my walk in the direction of the hospital. The atomic doors slid open and I saw Ashley holding her baby girl at the front desk waiting on me. "Why did you want to talk with me?"
She bounced the baby. "Shawn is at work and I don't want to go to my appointment alone."
"I understand." Nodding my head in agreement.
A nurse came around the corner waving us back to the room. "Ashley, we're ready." We walked down a hall and were left alone to talk for a little while. She sat down holding her daughter in her lap smiling at me.
"Can I ask you something, Ashley. Do you believe in fairytales?" I asked her, thinking back to my conversation with Henry.
She smiled down at her young baby. "Before I got back together with Shawn I'd say no. But thanks to Emma we can be together."
"What would you say if I told you that we might be from another land. That we might be more in this town than we think. Especially considering none of us can remember our lives before we came here."
Ashley raised a brow. "What do you mean, Eve?"
"I'm trying to say that I - that we might be fairytale characters."
The blonde still gave me a confused look before the doctor came in the room eyeing me more than my friend who was here for her checkup. "Ms. Royal, you have some visitors outside that want to see you immediately." The doctor responded where I slowly rose to my feet leaving my friend in the room.
Going back into the lobby I halted in my tracks seeing Regina standing there with some nurses that were from the Psych department downstairs in the hospital. "Ms. Royal, I was hoping to find you here."
"What is going on, Madem Mayor?" I questioned feeling uneasy where I reached for the clasp keeping the cloak on around my neck.
She clasped her hands in front of her. "I've seen you talking with my son and I think you're the one filling his head with this idea that fairy tales are real. So I think it's safer for everyone if you are mentally evaluated."
"I'm not going insane. He's ten. He should be able to believe that fairy tales can happen. We were all kids once in our lives." I snapped at the woman in front of me.
Regina sent me a glare. "It's better that he grows up like the rest of us. Now you can either go willingly or put up a fight. It's your choice."
"I choose....fight." I growled under my breath spinning on my feet bolting into a run away from the other nurses and the woman herself.
"Get her signed in downstairs." She instructed one of the nurses having them come running at me.
Running through the hospital hallways I drew out my phone typing a quick message to Gold asking for help not knowing anyone else I'd call. "Gold, I need your help. Regina is putting me in the Pysch ward for no good reason. Please help me." I hung up the phone when one of the guy nurses cornered me.
"It's best to not fight us." The guy said to me,
I attempted to get out of his grasp by baring my teeth at him. "You can't do this to me - Incendia!"
"You see my point. Now she's speaking a foreign language. I'll be back later to make sure she's settled." Regina put a hand on her hip nodding to the two men holding me before they led me away from her.
Charming and I had been riding on horseback for a few days now in search of any information on where his beloved Snow White had run off to after she told him that she didn't love him.  Dismounting my horse I stretched my legs needing to rest with him grumbling under his breath. "How does no one in this place know where she is?"
"Because she didn't get close to anyone. She thought being on her own was the best option." I responded to him.
Charming ran a hand through his hair. "Do you have anyone who could help us, Red Thief?"
"Everly." I corrected him with a half smile.
Charming apologized. "Sorry. I'm not used to knowing the woman I was arranged to marry already had a daughter."
"Maybe one day it won't be a big deal." Tucking some hair behind my ear I lowered the hood down from my head. "There's this man I have been seeing who has been giving me lessons."
The prince tilted his head. "Lessons in what exactly?"
"Would you freak out if I said magic?"
He blinked his eyes a couple of times. "Depends on what you use it for. Good or evil?"
"Let me try something. Inveniet hostium et tenebrae." I backed away from the prince, closing my eyes, picturing his castle in my mind. Waving my hand a cloud of red smoke swirled around the two of us. Once it disappeared and we looked around seeing his large castle in front of us. I nearly jumped up into the air so excited. "Hell yes. It worked!"
"That's impressive, Everly." Charming complimented before storming up to the main doors bursting his way through them. "Rumpelstiltskin! Show yourself."
Rumpelstiltskin appears behind us. "Still dressing like a prince, I see. Even though you ran away from the life I gave you. How's that for gratitude?"
"You gave me a prison sentence." He responded.
Rumpelstiltskin warned him. "Yeah, one that you've now skirted. Careful, dearie – King George is a vengeful man."
"I'm here about Snow. Rumour has it, she's after the Queen and she came to you for help." The prince drew his sword to my teacher when he smiled. "What did you do to her?"
Rumpelstiltskin laughed. "What did I do to her? You mean, what did you do to her. You caused her pain. Without that pain, she would never have drank my potion to forget about you. That's what changed her."
"Undo the potion. All magic can be broken." Charming spoke up.
Rumpelstiltskin teased him. "Oh, yes. With twoo wuv."
"So, that's it then? True love's kiss will awaken her?" Charming asked, looking towards me.
"He's told me it's the most powerful thing ever." I answered him.
"But, it's going to be hard to kiss her when you don't know where she is." Rumpelstiltskin swats Prince Charming's sword.
Charming put his sword away in his sword belt. "Name your price."
Rumple gave him a head nod to the cloak he wore and so Prince Charming takes off his cloak and places it on the table. "Where is she?"
"On her way to the Queen's Highway." He created a map sending the prince off focusing his attention to me once he had left us alone. "I saw what you did out there, Red Thief."
Whipping my head around I gave him a confused expression. "Saw what?"
"You're learning your powers quite well." Rumplestilskin responded with a smirk on his face.
I was taken back by his words. "Wow. I never thought you'd say that."
"Don't get cocky, dearie. Just know that I am beginning to think that you might be almost as powerful as me one day." My teacher declared turning on his heels leaving me stunned by what he just said to me. I wouldn't know that he was right until years later.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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waitineedaname · 9 months
To Greed's surprise, Mei became more than comfortable with him – she actually started seeking him out. Not just when he happened to be the one piloting Ling’s body, but actively asking for him. She’d call him over to show off a new alkahestry technique she’d learned, knowing he’d gleefully cheer her on, or she’d tug on his sleeve to whisper a joke that matched his sense of humor more than Ling’s during formal meetings, or on the rare occasions when she’d bring them gifts from home, she’d make sure to bring two – one for Ling, and one for him. Despite all that, he was still surprised when she first referred to him as her brother.
I am pushing my "Greed is Mei's favorite brother" agenda, please enjoy
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wisteriahyacinth · 3 months
Another post about these guys cuz why not.
I NEED Daring Charming angst stat. Like. I need it to be like Leo Valdez angst where it's all just internal because he feels like nobody will like him after he admits to feeling insecure about no longer knowing his destiny. Like... I NEED it.
I like hurting myself. It's spicy. It's got a bit of kick to it.
I would write a fic, but like... idk how to write. I may do it one day. But if I do, it will be wattpad style writing, and i don't want that, bro.
Also, referencing my last post, if somebody does write this plz add a sprinkle imposter syndrome <3
Future me, remember this!!
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janitorjuliann · 11 months
one thing about rottmnt fandom is that they will manufacture parental relationships for the turtles with characters who dont really give a shit if they live or die, but will ignore baron draxum entirely.... even though he also has this antagonistic relationship with the turtles WHILE canonically accepting them as his sons. and he's even gay for splinter. literally what else do you WANT.
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erumai-maadu · 2 years
you know, i think tenten will also give them good luck charms for protection like how she gave her tsunade-sama one in sd.
she totally would, with her penchant for fortune telling, she’d handcraft three good luck/protection charms and give them to each of them.
I like to think she gives them to each of her team at different times.
Lee gets his first, after Tenten overhears him telling Gai-sensei about how he has almost lost hope in his dream to beat Neji.
“Perhaps just hard work isn’t enough,” he sobs to Gai-sensei as Tenten walks away, her heart heavy. She hands him a little good-luck charm at training the next day, a carved dragon, quietly telling him that he should never lose hope.
Neji may be a genius, but Lee is a genius of hard work, and she will protect his boundless hope until he achieves his dream. Perhaps it comes from a place of selfishness. After all, Tenten is no genius herself, and Lee’s hope is her hope too.
Or maybe it’s not selfishness, but relatability.
Whatever it is, Lee thanks her with a huge hug and many, many tears. Tenten protests loudly, but deep down, her heart swells.
He always keeps it in the hidden pocket of his jumpsuit, and never forgets to take the charm out before washing it. He shows it off with pride to everyone, much to Tenten's chagrin.
Gai-sensei receives his next, after both Tenten and Lee end up in the hospital after the Chunin Exams.
After Tenten is healed, she finds her sensei standing over a sleeping Lee, tears rolling down his face. He immediately puts on an act when Tenten walks in, but she knows what she saw, and it weighs on her.
The next day, when Gai-sensei pops into her physical therapy to check on her and offer some good old Gai-sensei encouragement (motivational shouting), Tenten pulls him aside. She hands him a small charm she’d made the previous night, a little wood turtle carved with the symbol for luck.
“Don’t worry sensei, the people you care about will always be okay!” She smiles brightly at him as she sets the charm in his hand. “It’s for protection—”
Gai-sensei’s thanks is also in the form of many, many tears and shouted declarations of his sweet lotus flower’s kindness and compassion. Tenten’s response, as usual, is loud and embarrassed protests, and a secret smile muffled in Gai-sensei’s broad shoulder as he hugs her tightly.
Gai keeps his charm in the safest pocket of his jounin vest, going as far as to ask Genma to give him a seal to make sure it never breaks or gets damaged. After all, his lotus gave it to him so he could protect her and her teammates, and he would rather die than let her down.
Neji is the last to receive his charm, after his fight with Naruto in the final round of the Chunin Exams. He sits in the hospital room and tells her about everything, his clan, his uncle apologizing to him, his restored faith in the future.
"I will change my clan," he insists to her. "I will better it, for all of the Hyuuga."
The next morning, through the rubble of a torn-apart and betrayed village, in the wake of the Sandaime Hokage's death, Tenten walks to the Hyuuga compound dressed in her mourning clothes and deposits a small carved phoenix charm in his hand.
"What's this for?" he asks, turning the charm over in his hand and studying it.
"Good fortune, protection." Unlike the rest of Team Gai, Tenten always keeps her stories to herself. For some reason, she finds the words tumbling out of her. "My mother used to make them for me. They were for protection and good luck."
Neji nods. He runs a thumb over the carved bird's wing. "Protecting what?"
"My hopes, my well-being, whatever it was she thought needed to be protected."
Neji finally looks up at her, understanding filtering through his gaze. Tenten turns around, ears burning. "Come on, let's go. They'll kill us if we're late to the funeral."
Neji stows his charm in the pockets of his clothes and jogs after her.
Several years later, when Lee surpasses everyone around him, his taijutsu a shining beacon of his hard work and dedication, he is ever aware of the wooden dragon in his pocket, the way his hope is a reflection of Tenten's. He vows to work harder, to prove to her that she can do it just like him.
He will protect her hope too.
On the battlefield facing down Madara Uchiha, Gai quickly moves the little turtle charm to the pocket over his heart. To protect the village, to protect his precious students, he can do anything.
"Eighth Gate of Death, release!"
As medics work to stabilize Neji in the emergency tents, they find a blood-soaked phoenix charm clutched in his hand.
His full recovery is nothing short of a miracle.
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biennatodd · 2 years
I think it would be fun if JFM got YZY pregnant when WWX & JC were like.. 12.
Old enough to be absolutely dumbfounded by the idea of an infant being around. Old enough to realize that this means JFM and YZY been KISSING.. (gross!!!) They would be so awed by pregnant YZY though— finding it both gross and kind of awesome (shes so STRONG!! carrying around a whole baby in her belly.. which is now the size of a MELON... and thats supposed to COME OUT OF HER?!)
JC is very excited to be gege for once! (WWX takes the initiative to teach him everything he needs to know about being a big brother. just follow his lead a-cheng!)
YZY of course is reveling in it. Maybe this will help put to rest some of the rumors about WWX’s parentage, and also it feels nice to feel wanted (of course JFM is more doting now that she’s carrying his child again 🙄💕)
JYL very indulgently putting up with WWX and JC’s 50000 questions on how to take care of babies where do they come from what are they like!! Can babies eat lotus seeds?? How long do we have to wait before we can teach it to swim???  This also gives her a better chance to understand what marriage/pregnancy will be like.. and makes her a little nervous sure, but she’s excited to be one of her momma’s midwives tbh--
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ouatsqincorrect · 1 year
Do you write fanfiction? If yes could you please share an link? Because I really love all your headcanons. They are so realistic and lovley and I would love to read them in fanfics!
I used to! it’s kind of complicated though lol. my old stuff is all on notreallysure108mif but thanks to me forgetting my password, I’m now at rachelgreens. I’ve been thinking lately of getting back into it, and rachelgreens will be where I post
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
Hi moya I love your rewrite and I'm obsessed with your videos, I really liked how you redesigned Stella, I wanted to ask if in your Au you gave him brothers or sisters (even stepsisters or stepbrothers)
Hi! Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad the videos have a good reception :D
Stella has not blood siblings, since Radius and Luna only had her. After their divorce, Luna/Giulia (as per maiden name) does find a long term partner called Lucunius who has a tween son, Pieto, from a previous relationship. Luna introduces them to each other during the S5 timeline, and while Stella is a bit cold towards them, both bc of the massive stress she is under, but also because of her negative experiences with Cassandra, she does warm up to them and treats Pieto like a brother as they grow older.
Pieto will remain her only step or half-sibling, because Radius is not ready to start a family with someone else for a myriad of reasons, like not wanting to challenge Stella's claim to the throne, being scarred from his too fast too soon marriage, being double scarred from the ensuing rebound to Cassandra. And he just doesn't want to expose any other baby to the stressors his failing relationships appear to generate. (He may get into a relationship with someone who can BTOC aka Bring Their Own Child)
Radius did take over formal custody for Chimera tho! After it became clear that she actually never dealt with Valtor herself, just accepted whatever her mother told and gave her and generally had plausible deniability about everything her mother and him did to Solaria, she was found innocent. Cassandra was however sentenced to jail and thus Chimera was meant to be sent back to her father, which she rather violently protested, suddenly panic-stricken. Radius saw the signs of a terrible household and showing forgiveness and empathy (for the public, but also bc that is what he himself needed in that moment), became her legal guardian until she turned 18.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
4 - Must Be Fought For
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Princess Red Thief
Part 5
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
It was a cloudy morning in this town when I made my trip out to what Henry called his castle that was actually just an old wooden playground castle. Carrying a backpack over my shoulder striding over to the ten year old boy sitting down on the steps. "Would you care to explain why I needed to bring a very special object? And how did you know that it was even in the pawnshop?"
"Because it belongs to you. Along with the red cloak you carry around sometimes." Henry waved me over pulling out his book from his bag. "Come here I'll show you."
Walking up to him I climbed up and sat down beside him sitting my bag behind the two of us. "What is it you want to show me so badly in that book?"
"These pages and pictures can you look at them and tell me what you see familiar." He pushed the book into my lap. I gently touched the pages gazing down on a picture of a woman that resembles me standing in the forest with a scaly looking man standing close face to face with her.
Flipping to the next page I came across an image of the same pair but one was trapped inside a cage with burning torches around them. "They had blonde hair like me and wore a similar red cloak. But that is all I see." Turning over a third page I saw the same girl but she now held a sword in her hands and was standing next to a guy that looked to be David Nolan that had been woken up from the hospital by Mary Margaret.
"Take out what I asked you to bring." Henry instructed me to take the book into his own lap.
Doing as I was told I dragged my backpack to my lap. Rummaging around I drew out a sword case that I had managed to make fit inside there. Opening the case we both saw a medium sized sword laying inside. "Henry, I am unfortunately not a mind reader here. Can you explain how you knew I'd know what to look for in Gold's shop?"
"Because it belongs to you. You owned it in the Enchanted Forest. Along with two other objects which are your cloak and a piece of jewelry." The child saw the confusion on my face so he instructed me to use the sword. "If you don't believe me, pick up the sword and swing it around a bit. You'll see I'm not crazy."
Shifting my body towards him I shut the lid of the sword case. "Henry, is this what you talk about with Emma?"
"Yes and she's starting to believe. If I can get you on my side then maybe it will push her to be a true believer." He nodded quickly in agreement.
Slumping my shoulders I jumped off the wooden platform and onto the ground with the sword case under my arm. Opening it back up I wrapped both my hands around the handle drawing it from the box. "Henry, I don't mean to call you crazy. But it's a sword, nothing special about it -" I shut my eyes gripping onto the blade when something strange flashes through my mind.
"I have to go help my mother. She may have found a way to bring my father back." I declare to Rumplestilskin throwing on my red cloak that I had removed while we had been practicing magic all morning.
Rumple sat down in his chair at the end of the long table. "Then should go find her."
"You'll let me leave our lessons early, why?" Whipping my head around I didn't know what to make of his words. He never cared to learn much of my life when we were practicing magic.
He leaned back in his chair putting his fingers together before he answered my question. "We made an agreement that you would help me with my deals and such so long as I taught you how to control your powers. I will let you leave our lessons early if you make it where Prince Charming comes to me for help."
"Why don't you just find him with your magic. Surely you can do that." I tilted my head confused.
He pointed his finger in the air. "Yes I can. But there is something I can't bottle without something from him. So your task is to get him here."
"What if I chose to just live out with my family?" I challenged him. "No! That's my grandmother's ring, my mother said she would give it to me the day of my wedding."
Rumple raised his hand using his magic to create a ring in his palm showing it to me. "If you want this back you will do what I ask, Dearie." He made it disappear into thin air where I huffed stomping past him and finding my horse to find my mother. This took about a two day ride and I found her by my father's side.
Standing in the woods with my father's golden statue between us, my mother and I impatiently waited for Charming to hopefully return with the water to save his life. "Where have you been going recently if you don't mind me asking. I need to distract myself." My mother Abigail asked nervously fiddling with the fabric of her gown.
"I am not sure where to start, mom." I rubbed the back of my neck.
She tilted her head. "Is it about a boy? Don't worry your father won't go kill him unless James returns with the water."
"It's much more than just that. But yes, part of it does have to do with a man."
"Tell me more, Eve." She pressed onward.
Running my fingers through my hair I opened my palm, taking in a breath and creating a tire fireball in my hand before her eyes. "I have magic, mom. I have no idea how but it's the truth. The man I have been spending my time with has been helping me learn to control it."
"And what is this man's name?" She asked me.
"His name is Runple-"
We heard a horse riding up where I didn't answer her seeing James hand her the water proudly. Touching my father's golden arm my mother rushed over pouring the water over his body. Slowly before our eyes his armor moved and he collapsed onto the ground between us. My mother yanked his helmet off his head where he began looking around dazed. "Abigail, what happened to me?"
"Dad!" I didn't waste another second throwing my arms around my father where we almost fell backwards onto the ground.
Frederick, my father froze for a moment realizing that it was me. "Eve...Everly. He breathed out wrapping his arms around me tightly and burying his face into my hair just holding me briefly before looking at my mother.
"You were trapped, but now you're free." She held his face in her hands kissing him rather long where I looked away along with the prince watching the family reunion before him.
"This is James. He's the one who freed you." My mother Abigail helped him to stand with us eyeing her former betrothed.
My father extended his hand. "I am forever indebted to you."
"Well, pay me back by walking down the aisle with someone you truly belong with. And, perhaps, giving me a horse and supplies for a journey as well?" Charming declared, shaking his hand.
Frederick nodded. "Done."
"Thank you. So much. Where will you go?" My mother holds his hand asking the prince.
Charming answers her with a smile on his face. "To find Snow White."
"You are going after her." She grins back at him.
Charming sighed knowing he wanted the same feeling he now saw that my mother had with my father. "True love isn't easy, but it must be fought for. Because once you find it, it can never be replaced."
He turned in the direction of his horse to leave until I ran towards him. The sword attached to my hip swayed with my movement until I stopped before him. "James, wait! I'll help you find her."
"How can you do that, Everly?" He asked resting a hand on his sword handle attached to his hip.
Clasping my hands together in front of me I answered him. "I know a man with great magical abilities. If anyone can find her. It's him and him alone. His name is Rumplestilskin."
"Uh Henry. I...I have to go. I have something going on tonight." Shaking my head I quickly put the sword back inside the case. Henry gave me an odd look like he was happy and worried at the same time.
Gold and I had agreed to meet back at Granny's that evening for what you could call a date. Ruby came over to me while I was sitting at the island waiting for him to meet me here. "I haven't ever felt this nervous in my whole life, Ruby. I mean what if the date goes wrong?"
"I doubt any date can go wrong for you. I mean I like spending time with you." She leaned on the countertop.
Putting my face in my hands I throw my head back up still so nervous even though I had spent my life with him for as long as I could remember in this town. "Did I forget to mention that he is also my boss? Meaning if this goes he could fire me and I'll be out of a job."
"Eve, calm down. Look if he fires you then I'm sure Granny would give you some work here. But I don't think that will happen cause he's here now." Ruby calmed me down, nudging her head towards the doorway as the bell rang.
Turning around on my seat I smiled seeing him standing there in a black suit and red tie waiting for me. I met up with him placing my hand in his waiting one being led outside for a nightly stroll. I had chosen to wear a black dress that had orange flowers across it that fell to my knees with some short boot shoes. "We can go to Granny's to eat a little later. I just thought I should show you something I found pretty beautiful the other night."
"Where are we going then?" I asked him when he led me towards the direction of the entrance to the woods and away from the edge of town. That way we could almost barely see any of the town lights from here.
Gold paused in his steps coming around and standing behind me tilting my chin up to the sky. "I wanted to show you the second most beautiful thing about this small town of ours." I gaped seeing almost a thousand stars dancing across the sky so big and bright above our heads.
"And what is the first since you said those are your second favorite thing?" I lowered my head down after staring at the stars for a good while, our bodies were pressed up against each other.
Gold rounds me so we are facing one another and he lifted his hands to the side of my face. "The first beautiful thing in this place has to be you, Eve Royal."
"It doesn't make sense to me. Everyone in this town is afraid of you, even more than the mayor." I clicked my tounge in thought, running my fingers up until my hands were resting on his shoulders.
His brown eyes scanned over my features and my heart skipped a beat as we just stayed like this for a few minutes. I had never felt this feeling before and I guess most people would say that means it is love. But that is a little far fetched considering we hadn't even kissed. "Your opinion is the only one I care about. So how do you feel about me?"
"You don't scare me, Gold." I mumbled up to his brown eyes, closing the gap between us and pressing my lips up onto his. He cradles my face closer into his deepening the kiss.
Unknown to either of them at that moment Regina was watching them through binoculars in her car. She lowered them by dialing a number on her phone. "Hey Jim, it's the mayor. How would you like to not have to leave town by robbing from Mr. Gold?"
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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prankprincess123 · 6 days
You know you're really scraping the barrel for fics when you've not only gone back and deleted all your filters on Ao3, but you've migrated back to FFN and turned off the few filters that exist for you to turn off on there.
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vanquishedmelon · 2 months
accidentally wrote two charmed fics in less than a week. didn't make any fancy visuals to go along with them so imma dump the links here:
An encounter with a sleep-deprived Piper leads to some very unwanted revelations.
"Mommy, tell me about Aunt Prue." ~ Prue's honorary birthday dinner and the Sabbat of Samhain come together when Wyatt starts asking questions about his late Aunt.
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a-very-fond-farewell · 7 months
it’s time for (*checks notes*) THE SADS 👯😥👀😔💅🏻
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