#charro! (1969)
earthbaby-angelboy · 1 year
Walter Hale, Jess Wade, Steve Grayson and Dr. John Carpenter (ECU) as caregivers
Walter Hale (The Trouble With Girls, 1969):
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Walter definitely strikes me as the type to adapt to whatever you need. If you need someone gentle, he's there to coddle you. If you need someone stricter, he's there with rules. Whatever you need, he's got. I get the feeling he'd be good with a kiddo who is real small (0-2), but I think if push came to shove he'd also be able to take care of someone older. It all depends on the chemistry.
If he knows you're stressed or teetering over the edge of a breakdown, he has no problem 'forcing' you to regress. He's very naturally manipulative, so it works like a charm. If you're ranting and raving about something, he'll literally come up to you and just pop your pacifier in your mouth with a knowing "better?" He loves when you sit on his lap while he's in meetings, and he has no qualms about walking around the Chautauqua with you on his hip. If anyone has anything to say about your regression, they answer to him. He's the one that you go to when you need to regress, but just...can't.
He absolutely loves buying you pretty little outfits so he can show you off to all his friends, but god-forbid they cast one lustful look in your direction and they're dead before daylight. He doesn't let you get your hands dirty. He loves spoiling you, and delights in your happiness.
He loves when you call him "daddy", and when he's stressed due to work or whatever else, he'll ask you to cuddle with him. It's beneficial to the both of you; he gets to relax, and you get to spend time with him. It's a win-win!
Jess Wade (Charro!, 1969):
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He is naturally very stoic, and has a resting bitch face, so he would not be great with a regressor who is incredibly sensitive. He likes taking care of older kiddos (5-9), but doesn't mind taking care of the real little ones too.
He definitely would be the type to tell you to stop crying, then go all wide-eyed and gentle when you just cry harder. He's very straightforward, and expects you to communicate when you are upset and not make him do mental gymnastics to figure out what's bothering you. If you're having a meltdown, he'll usually just leave you to cry it out unless you explicitly state that you want him there.
He doesn't really have rules, but if you are acting particularly rude or just downright mean, he does serve punishments. They are more traditional, like writing lines, cleaning one spot over and over, or standing in a corner. Always tells you afterwords how proud he is of you for handling your punishment well.
This man has absolutely NO paternal instinct, so he learns along the way. If you're having a particularly rough day, big or little, he takes you out on his horse. Sometimes, he'll grab one of his cowboy hats and play peek-a-boo with you. Your laugh is the only thing that can bring a light smile to his face. He will never ask it of you, but his heart would melt into a puddle of goo if you called him "papa."
He likes nonchalant and domestic forms of intimacy, like cleaning up around the house for you and bringing you a flower bouquet he picked himself. His favorite activity, though, is doing shared activities together in silence, eg. reading separate books, but sitting close together.
Steve Grayson (Speedway, 1968):
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Steve would not consider himself to be a caregiver whatsoever, but rather just an older brother! He himself is a regressor, but stays in an old enough headspace that he's able to keep a close eye on you. He loves to sit on the floor with you and get lost in a silly game. He adores taking naps with you, but will still knock out for a few (hours) even if you don't.
He himself is very hyperactive, so he would be good with a little that has a vibrant personality and a whole lotta energy! The two of you spend hours running around at a playground, just laughing and having fun because damn it, you both deserve to be happy. He loves booping your nose and squishing your cheeks.
He takes you on fancy ice cream parlour dates once a week! You little meances order 4 scoops of ice cream with all the toppings you can pile on! (...It has enough sugar to put an old woman in a coma.) He doesn't really care about how much sugar you have, as long as you don't get a tummy ache.
He doesn't like titles, but he doesn't mind nicknames! His favorites are "Vee" and "Stevie!"
Although he is an older brother figure, he has some small rules in place for your safety. He asks that you hold his hand when crossing the street, ask him if there's something on a shelf you can't reach, etc. Just little things he can do to keep you safe and make you more comfortable!
Dr. John Carpenter (Change Of Habit, 1969):
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He would make an incredible caregiver for anyone struggling with a mental illness or trauma disorder. He understands how delicate someone can be when regressed, so he is very conscious of the things he says and does around you. He understands your brain better than you do, and can tell when you're going to regress beforehand.
He is very helpful when it comes to working through sensory overloads, meltdowns and outbursts. He is so calm and patient, always looking at you with kind eyes. He never punishes you for expressing how you are feeling, but does encourage you to discuss with him the emotions and thought process' behind your words and actions.
Touch is something incredibly special to him, so he's very careful about it. He loves cradling you close to him, especially when you're upset.
He doesn't give you rules, and he lets you "take the lead", so to speak. You go to bed when you can't keep your eyes open, he lets you eat all the sweets you want until you're satisfied, and he doesn't ever force you to regress. But, he does establish somewhat of a routine to make sure you're taking good care of yourself. Something that remains consistent in your routine is that when he notices you're getting super tired, he gives you tummy rubs. He likes playing dolls with you, mainly because he pays attention to the stories you create. Sort of like play therapy!
He would be good with any little (and is good with people in general), but I get the feeling he would be really awesome taking care of a little who has a newborn or baby headspace.
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 days
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deke-rivers-1957 · 2 months
Charro! Review
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Before Elvis could start filming, numerous changes were made to the script. Everyone who has heard of this movie knows about a cut opening scene featuring female nudity as well as the director having other violent scenes cut. Elvis himself was disappointed that the script he accepted ended up changing by the time he got on set.
Fans however were disappointed for other reasons. They supposedly didn't like that Charro! only had one song. A soundtrack album couldn't even be made due to only 2 songs being recorded with one of them not even being used in the movie. Critics were also unhappy as they considered it to be a cheap attempt at a western and panned Elvis for his dull acting. But were those the real reasons why this movie is considered to be his least viewed? Did this movie genuinely fail to live up to the standards Western moves established before them, or was it judged too harshly for not living up to expectations of both Western fans and Elvis fans? Let's find out.
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"Charro" is a quintessential Western intro song. The score as a whole is a hit and it wasn't a surprise at all to see Hugo Montenegro was the composer. He is after all famous for his "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" theme cover that reached the #2 spot in US charts June of 1968. I personally don't even mind that this is the only song in the movie that plays as Elvis rides a horse into town. It would've made the movie too hokey if it was stylized as a typical Elvis vehicle.
I love the town's aesthetic. The scenery throughout the whole movie is amazing and I'm so glad they filmed on location throughout Arizona and not simply use rear screen projection. Jess speaking in Spanish so the other patrons don't get hurt is a nice touch. Even though the situation was obvious, it was great to see a character moment where he didn't want to assume anything.
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Billy Roy getting slapped adds a level of corny that's sprinkled throughout what's an otherwise serious film. It's very odd to have his line delivery sound the way it does then not even a minute later, Jess is being held at gunpoint to mount his horse. While it's true that even serious movies can have some comedic moments, the nature of this comedy here only feels out of place.
Jess' relationship with Vince is very odd. Vince claims that he's upset that Jess left because of Tracy but I personally don't think that's the only reason. Jess claims that he left because he felt that there was no future with Vince. I don't believe that either. There's a certain amount of complexity would give us a greater insight to their character motivations.
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Vince reveals that he stole Emperor Maximilian's cannon. Now his reasoning for getting Jess Wade involved makes absolutely no sense. Vince says that one of their buddies got shot in the neck. So Jess would be framed, they put out his name and branded him so he'd have the matching scar. There are a lot of factors that would have to work in Vince's favor for this plan to work. You are more likely to die from a gunshot wound to the neck given the amount of blood vessels in that area and the lack of fat covering the area. To avoid death by blood loss, let alone infection since this is the late 1800s, you would need an act of God to help you.
Vince's plan only works because the writers says it does which leads to a lot of problems down the line. The biggest issue being that he expects everyone who sees the poster to immediately associate Jess' new scar with a gunshot wound. I know the scar is makeup and might not fully reflect the injury Jess is supposed to have, but if we're assuming what we see is what the characters see, I don't think they would see a branding scar and realistically think it's a gunshot wound. Again based on the setting, people should know what a gunshot wound would look like and how it would damage the surrounding skin. Even if they're not a doctor, they at least would have functional enough eyes to know the difference.
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I love the scene of Jess taming the horse but man is it obvious at times that Elvis isn't actually riding it. However, him getting water from a muddy river is the scariest thing I've ever seen. Knowing that in real life, water like that would cause so many problems like cholera or dysentery, Jess probably is God for somehow not coming down with either of those illnesses. It's even worse when you notice that he wiped that same water on his wound. Granted a burn wound from a branding iron isn't exactly an open wound, but it still doesn't mean there's no chance of an infection. Unless the writers specifically wanted Jess to use dirty water to wipe his wounds, I would've changed how it was shot so the water didn't look obviously undrinkable.
Now what is absolutely amazing was the weather effects. Seeing Jess having to ride his horse while a dust storm is forming is incredible. I have no idea if they purposely created a dust storm or if the camera crew manage to capture the perfect moment. Either way it's nice to see that this was the real life middle of the desert as opposed to using a soundstage. Having that atmosphere really draws you into the movie. I almost wish it was filmed in that classic black in white film to really capture that old, gritty Western aesthetic.
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I love Jess' relationship with Sheriff Ramsey. Even though we don't know the full details, you can tell there's some type of mentorship role involved. It's especially clear that the sheriff is meant to be a grounding figure in Jess' life given how they emphasize the numerous lectures he had to listen to. Even when the sheriff chews out Jess for getting involved with Vince again, he at least believes him when Jess said it wasn't his choice.
Now Jess' relationship with Tracy really falls flat for me. I don't even care that her nude scene is cut, they just have no chemistry. Tracy in general not trusting Jess despite kissing him makes no sense. Especially when she's going on about how Jess is worse than Vince when she doesn't even give him a chance to tell his side of things. It only makes her look flakey to have her chew Jess out and not trust him, only to give him a gun as a means of helping him. I know she's conflicted on what to believe, but it would be best to frame it as a conflict and not something she's so adamant about.
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Billy Roy shows up at the saloon and I have no idea what to make of it. He acts all sinister with Marcie yet also acts like a complete ham with Jess. Everyone knows he's part of Vince's gang yet none of the men do anything about it. Tracy is the only one who outright confronts him about his presence being unwanted and Jess only gets involved when he's called out.
Sheriff Ramsey getting shot should've never happened. You mean to tell me there wasn't a single person in that saloon with a gun that could've done something? No one knows about Vince having the cannon so they should have no reason to be afraid. This is an example of an idiot plot where the plot only works because the writers purposely make everyone dumb or inactive. The men dragging Billy Roy to the jail shows just how easy it should be to deal with one person.
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I have no idea why we're supposed to think Sheriff Ramsey's wounds are considered fatal. Perhaps it's because the visuals don't fully reflect the extent of his injuries since it's only makeup, but I don't think it was that bad. The "bullet wounds" to me doesn't indicate that he'll die from blood loss. If anything, he's more likely to die from the infections brought on by Opie trying to dig the bullets out.
Sheriff Ramsey swears Jess in as his deputy. The fact that there's multiple witnesses shows that this is official. Since Jess is now in charge what does he do? Actively passes out rifles to the business owners so they can protect their property. And to think most of the town doesn't trust him because he was part of Vince's gang. I can understand being wary of Jess, but once he's actively taking the time to ensure the town's safety, tensions should've gone down. Especially since literally anyone could verify with Sheriff Ramsey that he sworn Jess in himself.
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It's now daybreak and we get an idea of how small Vince's gang really is. Unless there's a whole bunch of people offscreen, I can only count a total of less than 10 men including Vince and Billy Roy. Vince freaking out about his brother being gone and one of his guys saying "I didn't wanna wake youuuuu" is one of the funniest line deliveries in this movie. I can't take anything he does seriously because there's just a lot of mood whiplash between him slapping someone then immediately apologizing like nothing happened. Then again it's possible that Vince was purposely supposed to be this way as a way to showcase how scary he really is. That unlike Billy Roy, Vince is capable of having normal human emotions so showing that he's still willing to commit a significant amount of atrocities for money makes him even more dangerous.
Tracy sees Jess at the barber's shop and immediately scolds him for leaving Billy Roy unguarded and not having armed men on the roofs. I have no idea why Tracy genuinely thinks Jess is that stupid to leave Billy Roy alone and leave the rest of the town unarmed. I actually chuckled when she realized that she was wrong because it's hilarious how for someone who's supposed to love Jess, she has absolutely no faith in him.
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Because this issue happens throughout the movie, I'm only going to mention it here to avoid repetition. Vince being allowed to ride freely in town is the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen. The townsfolk know that he's dangerous. There's a bunch of them and only one of him. Jess gave them guns for a reason so why aren't they using them? Unless Jess specifically gave them orders to not shoot unless fired at first, there shouldn't be anything stopping them.
The fact that he's even allowed to be in the jail shows just how unclear his status is in this town. His plan to turn that cannon onto the town if Billy Roy isn't set free only showcases that he shouldn't just be allowed to roam freely. So Jess makes the active decision to do absolutely nothing. Even if we're supposed to infer that he needs Vince alive, why couldn't he use his power as Deputy Sheriff to arrest him? He literally admitted in plain English that he's going to commit an act of terrorism against the town. I would think that is a big enough of a crime to put him in jail so he can't carry out that plan.
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The Mexican Army arrives and Vince threatens to rat Jess out. Jess meanwhile, continues to do nothing but threaten him back into convincing them to leave. So Vince decides to lead the Mexican Army away from Jess by leading them right to a pass that results in them all getting blasted by a cannon fire. What's lost on me is that this whole scene was kept in despite being the most violent scene in the movie. I know that we needed to know why the Mexican Army just disappears but how can you claim to want a film that isn't very violent yet keep a scene that features a mass murder?
Meanwhile, absolutely nothing is being done to prepare for an evacuation. Sheriff Ramsey's the only one with sense by telling Jess to not be a coward and give into Vince's demands. It's funny how immediately after his wife is like "don't let my husband convince you to let him die because he can't be moved. Set Billy Roy free" as if that would solve everything. Vince turning the cannon onto the town already proved that he's someone who can't be reasoned with. There's absolutely no proof that simply letting his brother go would make him not attack the town. Evacuating the town is the easiest solution to have Jess not give in and let a potential terrorist get what he wants.
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It's honestly incredible how Jess is the one who's blamed when Sheriff Ramsey is killed by falling debris, when Vince is right there in front of them. Vince is the one who can tell his men to not fire. Vince is the one who gave them the ultimatum to let Billy Roy go when his actions got the sheriff injured in the first place. But no it's all Jess' fault. If you're going to blame Jess for anything, blame him for not doing anything to stop Vince when he was well within his power as the Deputy Sheriff to do something.
Mrs. Ramsey bringing out the posters as if he's a liar the whole time is pointless. No one in the town except Sheriff Ramsey ever fully trusted him, so bringing out the poster doesn't change anything. If anything it should show how irrational she is from grief because she actually believes it to be true without questioning anything. Tracy even buys into this idea despite supposedly loving him that it makes me not care that she apologized. I feel nothing for their relationship because even though she kisses him, at the end of the day, she didn't have his back when he needed it.
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Despite Jess being gone, Mrs. Ramsey still thinks he's a rat when the cannon still fires on the town. What makes it even worse is that, she herself says that Billy Roy being let go might result in the cannon fire ending. Meaning despite being so adamant that Jess should rot for not letting him go, even she isn't sure about it ending. And yet after all this cannon fire, no one leaves town. The amount inaction when there doesn't need to be is so baffling. Unless Vince somehow has invisible guards keeping everyone but Jess and Billy Roy in the town, there's no reason for them to still be there.
It's now night time and Jess has Billy Roy handcuffed around some tree branches. I love the amount of tension in this showdown. The look in Jess' eyes when he sees the cannon rolling down into Billy Roy is amazing acting. Even though the whole series of events that resulted in Billy Roy's death could've been executed better, it doesn't take away from the genuine look of helplessness on Jess' face. As soon as he took in what was happening, he knew there was nothing he can do to stop it. And he felt absolutely guilty about. It once again shows that just because Jess is this stoic character, he's not a man who is completely unable of expressing emotion.
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As much as I understand people thinking it's weak for Vince to still be alive at the end of the movie, this was the best way to go. When you look at his relationship with his brother, you know that the worst thing you can do to him is to let him live. Forcing Vince to live with the guilt that his actions caused Billy Roy to die, would be an even better comeuppance than simply killing him. Plus Jess realistically still needs Vince alive so he can have his name cleared of all charges. Killing him wouldn't have helped him accomplish that. On the opposite side, I love how Vince curses out Jess Wade but when he sees the man right in front of him, he does nothing. It shows that Vince is so broken by this death, that killing Jess wouldn't have changed anything. It wouldn't have brought his brother back. So he gives up knowing he has nothing left to live for.
I don't like how the townsfolk all apologize because it feels forced. Mrs. Ramsey especially going as far as to kiss Jess leaves a bad taste in my mouth since she was the reason why everyone ganged up on Jess in the first place. Even Tracy's part feels forced because of how she didn't show a level of loyalty that would make a happy ending feel earned. At least Jess got to ride off into the proverbial sunset knowing his name will be cleared.
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The sad thing about this movie is that it had a lot of chances to be good. The concept of a man having to clear his name over a crime he didn't commit is a classic story for a reason. The problem is that the path the writers chose to get there had more holes than the town Vince attacked. It's incredible how one little detail can result in so much chaos. I'm well aware that a novelization exists, but since it was released separately from the movie, I'm not including that in my opinion. To me, a novelization of a movie shouldn't have to make up for details that weren't included in the movie.
Despite all of my criticisms, I still give this movie an 8/10. Even though some of the acting is corny, Elvis' portrayal of Jess Wade is amazing. I know it's a common criticism that Elvis' acting was flat. That. Was. The. Point. Jess is meant to contrast the chaotic nature that is Vince and Billy Roy because he's a man that has done wrong in the past but now wants to better himself. So why do I think this movie failed compared to Elvis' more musical ones? It's because it's a victim of circumstances. Westerns have been done to death and Clint Eastwood was the biggest contemporary name in that genre since John Wayne. Even though Elvis did a great job, he just didn't stand a chance because the heart of what makes a good Western story was lost.
An: Thank you @xanatenshi for requesting this. I understand why he has a following since Elvis did a great job portraying him. If I didn't tag you and you left a note on my previous reviews, please let me know and I'll be sure to tag you for Jess Wade's rank and my next review announcement.
Tagging: @whositmcwhatsit, @hooked-on-elvis, @smokeymountainboy, @atleastpleasetelephone, @stitchlover0112,
@tupelomiss, @vintagepresley, @eapep, @almightybigbrain, @coltswael,
@cieloestrelladoluna, @huhhhhsthings, @arrolyn1114, @peaceloveelvis, @peskybedtime,
@mercsandmonsters, @tacozebra051, @valloos, @ilovequeen978, @elvisvideos,
@presleyhearted, @depressedfairie, @kawaiiwitchy, @swingdownsweetchariot, @ruggednessworld,
@southcarolinawoman, @atrophyingaphrodite, @jrbrandi13, @summer56, @elvismylove04,
@eptodaytommorowforever, @lookingforrainbows, @araiarts, @fharysa, @lett-them-eatt-cake,
@fryb0rg, @wanderlustingtomboy, @slayingjd, @wildhorseinkansas, @somethingaboutelvis,
@jhoneybees, @elvisbooty76, @iloveelvisss, @presleyheart, @anakinsvault,
@illtakeyouhomeagain, @callieselvisobsessed, @50sexyshadesfashionista, @memphisflash, @arianatheangel-girl,
@madslovesmaws, @lucy114505, @presleygarden, @earthbaby-angelboy and @nicferg068.
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madslovesmaws · 3 months
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He's so girly in this gif I love it with every fiber of my being
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bunnydexterloveselvis · 7 months
My ECU husband list because I'm bored (this is partially a joke) (please don't send hate I'm beggin) (might update if this gets a bunch of notes)
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Dr. John Carpenter (Change of Habit, 1969) <3
Husband qualities:
-good with kids
-doctor (he can heal you)
-not perfect but he tries his best
-sings very well plays the guitar!! (good for bedroom time ;) )
-clean, he keeps his hair combed, face shaved, and skin and nails washed. i bet he smells nice. if he don't use cologne then you would smell hand soap probably. idk i feel like he's a compulsive hand washer (ocd??????? idfk)
-cozy and nice fashion sense
-genuinely wants to help people in need
-did i mention hot (look at the way he's staring you down in the above pic. lawdy!!)
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Jess Wade (Charro!, 1969) (current brainrot as of writing this) <3
Husband qualities:
-pretty smart
-hot as hell!!!!!!!!!!
-cowboy (save a horse ride a cowboy)
-beard (sorry this gets a category on its own)
-can be mean when needed to and can protect himself
-good lord he has a veryyy high pain tolerance (good for bedroom time ;) )
-scars (some people like that right?? i do. someone please hear me out)
-i feel like he has a high body temperature so if you ever get cold he is there to warm you
-also fashion sense (he's a cowboy)
-is a sheriff so he can protect you (can protect you in general honestly)
-good lord he is hot!!!!!!!!!! sorry
-daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy-
-rough and would probably slap you if you wanted him to (also good for bedroom time ;) )
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Ross Carpenter (GIrls! Girls! Girls!, 1962) <3
Husband qualities:
-h h h hh hot
-fisherman, he can bring food to the table
-he can cook full-blown meals!!! like dinner and breakfast and stuff!!! just imagine him cooking dinner for you.. i wouldn't know what to do! now who's gonna write the fic?? /hj
-young (ehh i mean whatever i love dilfs but ross is hot af)
-knows how to operate a boat
-can fight and protect
-sings!! very well actually!!! he can sing upbeat and happy, to slow and sultry, to, well, anything really!!
-knows how to treat a woman right
-can dance, normal upbeat dancing, or tango-like slow dancing
-btw did you see that "walls have ears" scene?? look down. good lord it isn't big it's huge (good for bedroom time ;) )
-pretty good with kids. he can tolerate them at least. if they listen well
-a bit protective actually
-love love love the shirts and pants he wears. and that hat. oh god i love him so much
-pretty smart
-hot n sexy af!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good lord!!!!!!
-have jobs
-great fashion sense
-pretty good with kids
-outstanding in the bedroom
-can sing and/or play guitar
-unique in their own way
-all have their own imperfections but still try their best (lookin at you jess /lh)
-overall pretty loveable and husband material
-blue eyes and long eyelashes (yes this gets its own point. i like eyes. esp blue or brown eyes. and they twinkle at the right spot, oh yes im on my knees. love your eyes sm honey)
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mad-over-elvis · 2 years
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Elvis Presley as a poor lil meow meow in Charro! (1969)
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affiches-cinema · 2 months
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Charro!, 1969.
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memphis-menace · 2 years
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You'll run a race with life and death... But will you live to see tomorrow?
Yeah we all saw this coming.
Jess Wade is my favorite character in the Elvis Cinematic Universe. A scruffy, rugged disaster cowboy? Sign me the fuck up, signing the marriage papers already.
So naturally, I had to draw him.
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dopescissorscashwagon · 10 months
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Elvis Presley in Charro, 1969
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elvispresley1956 · 2 months
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(Charro 1969) 😍😍
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earthbaby-angelboy · 11 months
hello all you beautiful people!
a little unknown fact about me: i love reading! i mainly read reference material and nonfiction, but i don't mind the occasional fiction! i have plenty of friends on here who like reading (after all, you're on my page!) and who love elvis, so i figured i'd make a compendium of books that were adapted into elvis' movies.
it will be organized by the movie / the year it came out, and the story / its author. i'll also include a little description of each.
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-love me tender (1956) & the story of the reno gang: this movie was not based on a story, but actual historical events! the reno gang were a group of brothers who went around the midwest robbing trains. clinton reno was a real person, the youngest of the five brothers (his nickname was "honest", as he never got involved with any criminal activity pertaining to his brothers.)
-loving you (1957) & a call from mitch miller by mary agnes thompson: the movie was based on a short story by mary agnes thompson that was featured in the june 1956 edition of good housekeeping.
-king creole (1958) & a stone for danny fisher by harold robbins: king creole was the first of el's movies to be based on an entire book! the role was originally meant for james dean, and was set in the backstreets of new york city.
-flaming star (1960) & flaming lance by clair huffaker: this was one of two movies where the original author was involved in creating the screenplay.
-wild in the country (1961) & the lost country by j.r. salamanca: although some creative liberties were taken (el's character went from an artist to a writer and hope lange's character became a psychiatrist rather than a teacher), it still followed the same plot as the original novel. it was also the first to feature elvis on a published paperback.
-follow that dream (1962) & pioneer, go home! by richard p. powell: the novel is based on a family from new jersey (WOOT WOOT), and although technically based on the book, the movie takes many creative liberties to the point of it being almost completely opposite the original source material.
-stay away, joe (1968) & stay away, joe by dan cushman: this is what el considered his first "serious" role. although involving some incredibly racist stereotypes, it is rooted in some truth about elvis' lineage: his great-great-great grandmother was a cherokee woman named morning white dove, and some attribute his high cheekbones and striking features to his distant native ancestry.
-live a little, love a little (1968) & kiss my firm but pliant lips by dan greenburg: the movie, like follow that dream, was so loosely based on the book that it was almost completely opposite the original source material.
-charro! (1969) & charro! by harry whittington: this is the only "officially endorsed" book based on an elvis movie.
-the trouble with girls (1969) & chautauqua by day keene: this is my absolute favorite movie of all time, and ironically, there is no information about the book's plot. based on what i've gathered from other sources, it follows an almost identical plot to the movie. unfortunately, the author died 9 months prior to the movie's release.
-change of habit (1969) & title-not-available by richard morris and john joseph: according to wikipedia, change of habit was based on a story written by richard morris and john joseph. i've scoured the internet under both of those names, and found nothing! oh well.
i hope you all had as much fun reading this as i did writing this, and be sure to shoot me a message if you read any of these!
(...or if you find a reasonably priced copy of chautauqua.)
-all my love, calla xx @kiankiwi @arianatheangel-girl @mooodyblue
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hooked-on-elvis · 9 days
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whositmcwhatsit · 1 year
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Charro (1969)
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madslovesmaws · 2 months
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Exrtremley Rare B/W Cinema Movie Theatre's Promo Lobby Card Promo Photo That Was Given To People And Elvis Presley Fans Who Were The Lucky One's Who Were The First To See At The Time Elvis Presley's First And Only Rugged And Gritty Spaghetti New Western Elvis Presley As Jess Wade In Charro! In 1969 Nationwide And Worldwide.
True Fact; Did You Know Charro! Was Originally Was Going To Be Called The Proud Cowboy And Come Hell Or Come Sundown Till Elvis Presley Himself Came Up With Charro! Movie Title Himself As Mexican Or Spanish Meaning Is Charro! The Proud Cowboy But Elvis Presley Just Chose Charro! As Composers Billy Strange/ Mac Davis Wrote The Title Song For The Movie Charro! And It Really Worked Well.
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mad-over-elvis · 2 years
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Elvis angrily eating beans
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