#charvaughn writes
nejiraez · 4 years
Omg girl your character development is astounding, I remember you used to be like “no nsfw submissions im no good at it!” now look at you, feeding us smutty fics weekly and encouraging smutty asks. We love to see it!!
it took me a FAT while but we are finally out here writing about dicks... and that’s what you call growth
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Hey! It feels kinda weird asking this lol but do you have any thoughts/tips/advice for what to post as a writeblr? I'm kinda in a stump rn and don't know what to post to remain an active blog so I'm mainly running on queue rn but i want to put out original content but don't really have an idea of what to put out...? It's kinda a lot, sorry!
ahhh don't worry about it!! though, i may be he wrong person to ask because i don't post much original content... sksjdjfjsjs oops-
but here are a few things i thought of!
what could your blog be comprised of? and other tips
excerpts from your WIPs, of course! they're usually extra effective with an aesthetic or moodboard, and i like to keep them under 500 words for ease of reading. any longer and it can be pretty difficult for people to read. using the under the cut setting is important too!
i said this in the previous point but aesthetics! moodboards, art if you do that, etc.
worldbuilding facts, maybe a map or a bio of an area!
character bios, but i'm sure you've already done that
quizzes, picrews, and bingos because those are all the rage right now
something i like doing is just,,, an informal text post with a little update on your wip. like an idea you randomly had (ex: I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE TO ADD ____ AND HERE IT IS). they're pretty fun and can also spark conversation
if you're on the first draft for writing anything you could do a 'WIP Progress' type deal like i did, counting the word count, number of hours, and favourite line for that day!
when you do put things on queue i think it's important to have them post often, but not to often! i stick to five posts a day in queue but that's just me.
reblogging other people's stuff is important tooo!! tbh reblogs are 95% of my blog lmao. and i don't usually leave much of a comment on other people's works (IM SORRY IM JUST A LITTLE BOY WITH LITTLE ENERGY) but i reblog anyway!
anyway i hope this helps~
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velvetinewitch · 4 years
A random character-related element of my WIP that i lowkey just realized yesterday hast do with two of my MCs, Bez and Snowella! They both have magic-related secrets that they haven't revealed to each other yet but because of these secrets there's also two *other* people spying on them i.e. someone is keeping an eye on Bez and someone else is keeping an eye on Snow,,, it's kinda a mess without actual context but anyways I love them lmao
that’s awesome! i love when you’re writing or plotting or just... living, and suddenly make a connection between characters that you didn’t realize before? it’s always so cool to notice those little shared stories and it’s even more fun to say “wow. yes. i planned that all along.” and pat yourself on the back i do that way too much
i’m super interested to see more of those little parallels and stuff, especially with more context- it’s so fun as a reader, too, to notice them
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quilloftheclouds · 4 years
Hey Quill! How/what do you use to make those WIP-specific line break markers for your WIPs? For ex, for your new WIP Circuit, you had special blue circuit lines that divided the segments of your post, and for One Siren's Soul, you had a seashell type line breaker. I wanted to make one for my WIP and was wondering how you made yours? Thanks!
Oh oh!! I love them so much, I’m so pleased with how they came out, I’m glad you like them, too!
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I actually used this tutorial by @cogesque to make them! The main difference was that I drew the vectors myself for the seashell and shark tooth, and the overlays were heavily edited! But if you head over to that link, you should be able to make your own just fine~
Be sure to tag me when you post them up, I’d love to see what you come up with!
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aureliobooks · 4 years
Hi!! I’m so excited for Seventh Siege and Sevensworn!! I love Aevar lmao. I also have two questions: 1) what inspired your url name? and 2) what made you decide to release 7s on wattpad only?
hello!!! i’m glad you love aevar, he was definitely one of those characters that i was indifferent about until i looked at him one day and realized how much i cared about his arc, and i’m VERY excited at the prospect of exploring it further in seventh siege :’)
but as for your first question, i wish i could say it was inspired by my pen name, ej aurelio, but my pen name was actually a product of the url! when i first made my blog two years back i was pretty unsure of how to do things, but i caught the usual naming conventions with writeblr urls: writes/books/stories/etc is typically added after a name or pen name, but as i’ve been trying to settle on a name for the past five/six years, i didn’t want to choose a name that i would change in a month. to save myself from having to change my url in the future i went with aurelio, meaning “golden”, because i liked the sound of it. i’ve definitely considered changing my url to the name of one of my projects or characters, but i’ve honestly gotten pretty attached to this one :’) 
in terms of 7s and wattpad, that decision came about initially because i preferred the formatting of wattpad to other platforms, but it was seriously solidified due to wattpad’s increased traffic for original fiction and its tagging system, which i felt would be helpful when getting 7s out to new readers. i considered trying to traditionally publish, but i didn’t know how well a 150k queer high fantasy novel would do on the market, and honestly wasn’t super keen on finding out—the same goes for self publishing. i plan on trying to traditionally publish/self publish in the future, but i decided that since 7s is my first original novel and something that many people on here have expressed excitement for, i would post it online for free!
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! What has been the hardest thing to write in your WIP, plot-wise?
Plot :P More seriously though, I think nailing down the exact wording and mechanics of the wager has been the hardest. Everything comes down to specific words choices, because faeries, and that changes motivations and means, and honestly i’ve just been writing around it XD
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tsainami · 5 years
For the writeblr positivity thing, 🍇! Specifically, I'd love to learn more about Bazaar of Magic :D
heyyy omg I’m happy to hear it. and you will! preparing a new post about it. 💫
🍇 - Though I don’t follow your work yet, I’m intrigued by what I’ve seen others reblog from you on my dash. [BONUS: Specify which of their works you’d like to learn more about?]
send me a fruit to say what you think of me.
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gotowhatsanapocalae · 4 years
charvaughn-writes mentioned you in a post: “The fact that tumblr FORCED ME to use this beta version and it’s way...”:
@gotowhatsanapocalae even on Mac/PC? bc i think I saw a post a few days ago where someone tried and it doesnt work
I have only been able to do it on PC. I don’t know about Mac
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arynneva · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! Which of your WIPs are you most connected to, and why?
Oh boy that’s hard to answer. There are a lot of unfinished ones that hold a special place in my heart simply because they were a stepping stone to where I am now. I’ve spent a lot of time on them, and though they’ll never see the light of day, they are still important to me.
As far as actual WIP, “Sidequest” is one that I still hold dear and have for years. I’ve made very little progress on it, as it’s not my usual medium, but I still hope to get it out there one day. Currently, it’s about ten pages of a webcomic (not published anywhere). Once I get a drawing program up and running again, I may keep with that and actually share it. I started working on it like six years ago. It’s light-hearted and character-driven. It’s about a bunch of teenagers in a virtual reality game, but they’re not stuck there or anything. They just play it online together. It’s more the setting for character arcs about being yourself and the real you. I hope to get somewhere with it one day, but it doesn’t work for me in writing so I’ll need to develop skills in comics or animation to be happy with it.
Thanks for the question!
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momjeanss-archives · 5 years
Welcome to writeblr! Fellow black queens RISE!!
thanks queen!!!!
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givethispromptatry · 6 years
Your prompts are god tier and fill me with the greatest source of inspiration omg ❤️❤️
Oh my gosh, thank you! I’m so happy that you like them!
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nejiraez · 5 years
im convinced Bones gave up animating Bakugou right bc they be havin my mans lookin ATROCIOUS
me at bones studio to ask why they fucked bakugou up for the first few eps
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they had us in the first half ngl chief, but they’ve been doing him a lot better now & giving him the detail and percision he deserves!!!
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The Eternity's Magic is so amazing!!
CHARRRRRRRR hhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you🥺🥺 i!!! am!!! going!! to!! die right here and now because wow you are so kind
sorry for incoherent rambling i'm just not very awake right now but aaaaaaaaa
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velvetinewitch · 5 years
Happy Storyteller Saturday! Are any of your WIPs inspired by anime/TV/video games? If not, what's something that has inspired a WIP?
happy sts Char! thank you for the ask!! here are some quickfire inspirations for FaF, most of which are taken straight from childhood favs:
-Harry Potter: (the obligatory mention). the magic schools. the idea of aging with the characters and watching their progression. a secret society of magic users with their own systems. the worldbuilding that just absorbed multiple generations. 
-Percy Jackson: amazing incorporation of real issues alongside fantasy issues. great diversity. progression of Percabeth was well done. when Nico came out, i cried (i was 8???). magic that varied with the person! started out innocent, killed Zoe and Bianca in book 3 and said “these are children in a war because of adults” while still being funny and easy to read for younger kids. sarcastic narrator. side characters with fun characterization. meddlesome gods. prophecies and destinies that annoy characters.
-She-Ra Reboot: time resets were already majorly important to the plot of FaF, but the episodes with time resetting were so good it inspired me to keep writing FaF! also the relationship between Catra and Adora is... similar to a major relationship in FaF (i like finding parallels and crying)
-ATLA and LOK: avatar was such a huge source of inspiration for me! redemption arcs. Korra’s story in season 4, her suffering from PTSD and facing a villain who is similar to her. Azula’s arc. large amount of lore! a character with powers passed down from past lives. characters were all very well-written. 
-Merlin: Morgana’s arc inspired a main character! also, a main character who feels the need to shoulder everything on their backs.
-Oneshot videogame: it’s not majorly known but it has this energy to it that really sunk into FaF. maybe it’s the mc’s need to save the world, but the conflicting choices between dong that or having their own happy ending. it’s also... so pretty... it makes me want to write every time i see anything from it. just, journeying through the world with it’s fate in your hands, growing to love it and the people in it, and then having to make the final decision... wow.
-Oxenfree videogame: the time loop in Oxenfree!! it’s such a fun game- my girlf and i played through it twice to get the closest thing to the good ending you can, and it's super fun to see how one little choice can offset everything, until you have to go back to the beginning, and try again. it’s very trippy at some points, and it also has so many small details to notice.
-Girls Made of Snow and Glass, A Thousand Nights, Graceling Realm, Eragon, Gods and Warriors: the writing, the plots, the characters, the diversity, the worldbuilding, all of it. these are books and series that are must reads, seriously. especially the Graceling Realm books, they are just gorgeous
-The Unwanteds: a book series about magic based on the arts? huge inspo for FaF, just vastly different worlds and plots! it’s a good series, one i loved when i was younger
it’s not a super impressive list, but it was fun to try and think of some major inspirations of FaF! thanks again for the lovely ask!
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asgardodinsons · 6 years
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aureliobooks · 6 years
Just checked out all the updated links you made to your page! Super cool! And for some reason idk why, it was relieving to find out we’re the same age because I somehow got the idea that you were in your 20s lol. And we’re in the same time zone! Do you live in Cali, by any chance? (Don’t worry, I don’t plan on stalking you lmao, it’s just hard to find close or somewhat close writeblrs, especially when you’re my age and write in a genre I love.)
I’m in Cali right now visiting my sister, funnily enough! I was born here, but I live in Oregon. And I know what you mean!! I share a ton of interests with people on here, but I only know roughly one other person my age :’))
Lmk if you want to chat!! I’m on discord n everything if you ever want to yell about writing or anything else!
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