#chase sayre
randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector's Edition: The X-File That Started It All
In the wake of the 30th Anniversary, I combed through my fic pile and pulled up some fics dealing with the Pilot. (Don't worry about the AUs-- I'll stick them in another list later for the fun of it.)
Loose chronological order below~
Melymbrosia's Untold
""Double-blinds, triple-blinds, codes instead of names, codes instead of the details of procedures or drugs. Dr. Charne-Sayre has assured her bosses that the lab assistants will have no idea what projects and experiments produced the blood tests and organic compounds they're analyzing, and that this will not, in fact, even seem strange to them. The old men ask if it can't all be done by computer instead; they have what Bonita Charne-Sayre privately considers a charmingly naive faith in computer security, possibly because they think of it as half magic and half obfuscation. No, she says, and again no, and finally they give in. Medical research, it seems, requires a larger budget and a more select staff than mere conspiracy.""
The horrendous experiences of the Pilot abductees.
@discordantwords‘s (Ao3) Cataplexy
""It took him a moment to realize that he was awake, that he could move, and he did so in a rush, sitting up and shucking off of the blankets. His heart thudded in his chest. He lifted one hand and then the other, clenched his fist, looked at his fingers.
Across the room, in the second bed, his father mumbled something in his sleep, turned over, began to snore.""
Billy Miles's dad hopes his son will snap out of it, willingly covering up all evidence to protect his son.
zulu's First Sight
""She remembered that there was at least one agent who pursued unusual cases. She'd heard about him from...whom? Tom Colton, in their last year at the Academy. He'd told her about the agent who chased unexplained phenomena the way the rest of them tracked drug shipments and illegal weapons.
"He's a real ghostbuster, apparently," Tom had said, laughing. A group had gathered around him, ready to hear the sort of case study their instructors didn't see fit to assign to them officially. "They say he's rather--spooky. Spooky Mulder, chasing after aliens with a badge and a gun. You know you've gone bonkers when, you know what I mean?"
Dana smiled with the others, but the idea intrigued her. "And they let him?" she asked.
"The way I hear it, it's the only way they can keep him happy enough to do their V.C.U. profiling for them." Tom snorted. "They say his profile caught Monty Props almost single-handedly.""
Scully's boredom is eased with her thrilling new assignment to the notorious Fox Mulder. Although Melissa is her only familial support, she tries not to let it dampen her spirits-- as yet unaware that Mulder is on a campaign to figure out who she is and why they were partnered.
Maidenjedi’s Ab Initio
""Stuck. He was stuck in an elevator at the Hoover Building after 6pm on a Friday night....
On a Friday night.
Mulder sat down and started fishing in his pocket for sunflower seeds. Of course there weren't any, he never had them in his pants pockets. It was a crazy habit anyway.
Somewhere right now, guys his age were picking up chicks at bars. Or maybe they were married and having kids.
Mulder? He was chasing demons and ghosts from a basement. They called him Spooky for a reason.
The elevator starting moving an hour later and Mulder went home.
To nobody.""
Mulder is a lonely, paranoid man: friendly only to Reggie Perdue, and suspicious of anyone else at the FBI. TLG slip him information about Bellefleur; but he is a little more intrigued at his first glimpse of Dana Scully.
Surajtare’s Fragments in Time
Chapter 1
""Over the next few days, Mulder set his investigative skills to find out whatever he could about this Dana Scully. Her credentials made him uneasy: undergraduate degree in physics, M.D., "Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation."
In Mulder's head the people of the world were divided in two: word people and number people. Word people saw stories everywhere. Number people saw equations. Mulder was a word person through and through. He never trusted number people; they usually had an obsessive need to quantify everything. Scully was definitely that kind, a person who could never understand the X files. The mere thought of a partner like that was exasperating.
Then, on March, he got a call from Reggie, his former ASAC at Violent Crimes.""
Mulder finds out about his assigned partner through the grapevine, immediately assuming she's been hand-picked to be "his type." He's mildly surprised at Blevins's pick.
Chapter 2
""So, how do you like the X Files so far?" he asked her, a little teasingly.
"They're interesting. They are!" she added when he saw his skeptical look.
"Well, this is an interesting first case," Mulder said, sitting back in the chair and stretching his legs. He couldn't fight the smile anymore and she reciprocated, briefly.
"Do you really think aliens have something to do with all this?" she demanded, growing serious.
"I don't know," he admitted, "but I can't find any better explanation."
"We haven't found any explanation, so far," she said.
Mulder soothes Scully after her embarrassment over the mosquito bites, admitting he'd had first-case paranoia, too. Scully admits she's fascinated by the case overall; and their conversation slowly turns to why he's so devoted to the X-Files.
Lara Means’s (Ao3) The View From the Outer Office (Ao3)
""Today it's just one agent -- Agent Mulder. He doesn't come up here much, and his name doesn't come up very often in Mr. Skinner's day-to-day work -- mostly Section Chief Blevins supervises him. But today he's waiting for the Assistant Director. And he looks nervous.
His knee is bouncing pretty steadily, and he's chewing on a fingernail. He keeps glancing over at me like I'd disappear if he didn't. When he catches my eye he smiles a nervous little half-smile, which I return before I go back to my work.
He clears his throat and I look up. "Um... I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name."
You didn't forget it, Agent, you never asked. "Kimberly.""
Mulder tries to get information out of secretary Kim, too impatient to wait for A.D. Skinner any longer.
Athene's Dana Scully's Senior Thesis
""She was accepted at Johns Hopkins University College of Medicine up in Baltimore, and graduated with the President's Medal in 1988," Frohike continued. He stared at a photo in his hand, one Mulder couldn't quite see. There was a little smile on his face, and a hint of admiration in his voice as he continued. "After being recruited by the FBI under a grant-with-stipend issued by the Critical Position Acquisition program at Quantico, she did a two year residency in clinical pathology at Hopkins. When she finished-"
"Let me guess," Mulder interrupted, a sneer in his voice, "she was at the top of her class."
Byers took up the narrative, his voice calm, ignoring Mulder's interruption with the ease of long practice.""
Mulder, enraged about being partnered, gets TLG to dig up information on one Dana Scully (who he believes is a plant set up to get him into an HR harassment claim.) His thoughts turn soft when he sees her honest eyes.  
@spookytheory's Fire, But Better
""First ring of fire: cleared. Blevins seemed content. The strange man in the corner seemed non-plussed. Both fit her preconceived notions of what FBI higher-ups were like. Old, stand-offish, starchy, and, dare she say, predictable? Dana is used to bland men: soulless nurses and aides who seemed to give life and hope to patients from their own personal stores. Some salt-and-pepper doctors were exceptions. Her heart clenches as her mind whispers the name Daniel.
She shakes it off with a roll of her shoulders. I chose this.
She lets this assurance distill into confidence and begins walking down the hall, smiling and nodding at her new co-workers. They blatantly ignore her.""
Scully is trying to shake off her past-- and its mistakes-- by seeking a new change in this assignment. Still, it echoes her heel taps all the way down to the basement.
Madeline Partous's (Annex) Pilot, The 01
""His castle. His domain. He knew that many people saw his exile to the basement as a demotion, a source of shame, but he'd considered it a new lease on life, the compensation for the dues he'd paid.
He'd been the golden boy, and it had earned him a measure of freedom. Now he planned to exploit it for all it was worth, despite the fact that he knew it would condemn him to ridicule and obscurity in the end.""
Mulder covers his extreme surprise and intrigue with sarcasm, finding himself immediately drawn to Dana Scully: New Recruit.
@i-gaze-at-scully’s (Ao3) She's a medical doctor
His new partner literally took on Einstein. 
“A New Interpretation.” Polite way to say actually, you’re wrong. Here’s why.""
AUish-- Mulder is mad that he is forced to have a new partner; and decides that he hates doe-eyed, green Dana Scully.  
Beshter/Publius's Seasons: First
Chapter 3
""Dana Scully," she passed over her badge to the pleasant woman behind the ticket counter, stifling her own yawn, yearning for the coffee she could smell coming from some mysterious corner of the airport. Why 8 AM, she silently complained? She hadn't seen Fox Mulder. She half expected he would come last minute, tumbling to the gate, tie rumpled and dark hair scattered, as he'd grant her an unapologetic smile. She doubted he was really used to having to do anything on time for anyone, or at least not for a partner. From what she had gathered from his personnel file it had been a few years since he had one of those.
"Here you go, Ms. Scully, if you could sign here," the ticket agent pointed towards a line on the receipt she passed over, and slid Scully's open badge over the counter. Scully's own serious face stared up at her as she signed quickly.
"Who did you con to get that good of a picture, Scully?" Mulder's lazy, monotone drawl was somewhere just above Scully's ear, and she snapped her head up, nearly knocking the top of it into Fox Mulder's chin.""
Scully is floundering in the paranoid waters of Fox Mulder way too early in the morning, and without her coffee. She feels a little guilty that Mulder nails her on her eagerness to debunk his crazy theories.
astronaught's Equilibrium - Chapter 1
""He has had friends. He has had lovers. He has certainly been played with, though not in the fun way. Fox Mulder doesn’t have fun. Fox Mulder sits in his basement office for fourteen hours a day reading rotting casefiles from 1953. He enjoys the work, but his single-minded focus has nothing to do with enjoyment, and everything to do with a desperate and somewhat self-abnegative feeling of necessity. He has a sense of irony so well-cultivated that an outside observer might mistake it for a zest for life. In reality, it is the final recourse of the smart and painfully sincere. He thinks he jokes at the world because he’s given up on it joking back, but Fox Mulder is nothing if not a compulsive seeker of wonder, and deep down his ill-guarded, latchkey heart murmurs Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.""
Mulder's humor garnered him respect from Scully; and both mutually want to hope in each other.  
Table for Two - Chapter 1
""Mulder bounces his leg and taps his fingers on the sticky table, the pent-up energy from hours of sitting in a car being released from his body like pressurized steam. Through the stubborn pieces of hair that hang over his forehead, he observes the agent sitting across from him as she examines her nails and sighs tiredly.
He can sympathize with her on that front, at least. Though he’d strategically found the least uncomfortable way to fold his tall body into the plane, sleep had been far down on his mental to-do list. Instead, he’d let the case details swirl around the ether of his consciousness, looking for patterns and anachronisms that he may have missed, all the while stealing glances at Scully while she’d white-knuckled her way through turbulence and read over the case notes.""
Mulder observes Scully's post-plane meal.
@scapegrace74-blog​​‘s (Ao3) Fictober, Day 11. Theme: UFO
""They are two hours into their flight to the very plausible state of Oregon when he asks her to switch seats.   She’s momentarily confused.  With his coltish legs, there’s no way he should prefer the window, and she tells him as much.   Challenging Agent Mulder’s assertions is already beginning to feel less like a job description, and more like a secret vice.
“We’re almost over Utah.” As though that explains anything.
“What’s so special about Utah?   Is it a hotbed for UFO activity or something?”
He smiles and makes the obligatory harhar gesture, but his eyes shift to the hublot behind her, so she obliges by sliding out into the aisle.""
Mulder and Scully have a mini conversation about their respective faiths and beliefs before the Oregon plane experiences turbulence.
 ""An unmarked grave. No mortsafe protected this body. There was nobody left to care about what happened to it.
Just the three of you stand in the graveyard in the black of night. The coffin is brought up, the lid removed.""
Mulder is intrigued by the body, mulling this new development over while Scully instructs the cemetery men to take it to the morgue.
10.02 (Ao3)
""It suddenly dawns on you how fun having a partner again could be so fun. You missed it, you realise.
Standing in the rain, in a graveyard, next to two unusually empty graves, discussing how a coma patient is sneaking out and taking people to the forest, it should be as absurd as everyone says it is but it is, instead, a reality and the person who is supposed to argue is absurdity is standing in front of you, laughing, believing it all.""
AU-- Mulder realizes how alone he was while watching Scully laugh in the graveyard. He makes moves that are very not canonical.
@kateyes224‘s (Ao3) Unnamed
""She was nervous as she packed her bags for “Ore-gone”, as her spooky, shockingly attractive new partner called it.... Dana spent almost an hour dutifully stuffing clothes and toiletries into every nook and cranny of her rolling carry-on, fretting over how many layers to bring, erring on the side of caution and, she decided as she was barely able to zip it closed, definitely overpacking.
It wasn’t until she opened her bag in her motel room in Bellefleur that her stomach plummeted as she pawed frantically through her bag, realizing with no little amount of horror that she’d forgotten to pack her pajamas."" 
Scully forgot her jammies, and Mulder lends her his shirt. Both of them appreciate the high art of Steven Spielberg references.
@scullywolf's (Ao3)
Pilot - Chapter 1
""Sighing, she picked up the tape recorder and turned back to her computer, grabbing her glasses from the bed and sliding them on. With a click to restart the tape, she resumed her transcription.
“...four millimeters in diameter and twenty-seven millimeters in length. Object is cylindrical in design with small spheres on either end. No identifying marks, stamps or branding were found. The potential purpose of this implant is unknown.”
The recorder clicked as the tape came to its end. Scully read back over her notes with a small shake of her head, then saved her data and shut down the computer. She had started this case with such confidence, certain that with proper investigative work and attention to detail, they would be able to figure out what was happening to these kids. Now, though… now she was not so sure.""
Scully is intrigued by this strange, new case; and, while not quite sold on the ape theory, she isn't about to subscribe to the alien one.
Fictober Drabbles - Day 3: Basement
""Diana once remarked how appropriate it was that his office was in the basement. “The Fox’s den” she called it, and he blushed and thought her so clever. Infatuation will do that; if anyone else had said it, he’d have rolled his eyes.
She wasn’t wrong, though....""
Mulder's infatuation with Diana turns into desolation when she leaves. He didn't realize how much isolation had affected him until Scully knocks, helping him to stop clinging to loneliness.
Tammy D. Aiken-Phillips/ThamasD's Nine Minutes
""It took only a moment for It to look them over, catalog them, and then telepathically inform It's comrades of It's findings. And intentions.
*The Female - She will have what We need in approximately eighteen Earth months. The Male - His body will be able to provide Us with information in approximately eight Earth years. We will have them then.* *What shall we do with them for now?* A comrade questioned. *Wipe their memories of this visit and return them. Inform our connections on their planet of their importance and the timetable I have set. The arrangements will be made.* *Affirmative.*""
In the 9 minutes that Scully and Mulder are abducted, the aliens have assessed them and marked them for future abductions.
@frostbitepandaaaaa's (Ao3) Nine Minutes and Then Some
Chapter 1
""As much as she was dizzy with relief, she was now weak with abrupt, crushing mortification.
“I need to sit down,” she told him, herself, cinching up the belt of her robe tighter for good measure.
“Yeah, of course.” His voice wavered with a note of insecurity. His motions were suddenly hasty, rushing to put the barrier of the cheap, motel table between them. And just like that, they were drawn apart like hydrophobic molecules.""
Scully is shocked at how much Mulder truly understands and cares her embarrassment post mosquito bite scare.
Chapter 4 (Ao3)
""I believe that hypnotherapy can have… therapeutic uses,” Missy begins, slowly, still recovering from her shock, “though I am not so sure of the… veracity of the memories it is said to tap into.”
Dana smiles, that little half-smirk that her sister dons whenever she was amused against her better judgement.
“What?” Missy asks her.
Dana shakes her head, looks down at her plate. “Nothing… that just sounded like an answer I would give.”
Missy grins. “I’m not as hippy-dippy as you think I am, Dana.""
Melissa sides with Mulder, admonishing her scientific younger sister to keep an open mind.
@neednottoneed/neednot’s (Ao3) Unnamed
""Maybe, she thinks, she’ll lose another nine minutes if it means he’ll look at her like that again.""
Scully realizes she can only talk about and understand her experience with Mulder, the man who lights up like a boy at Christmas when it comes to these uncharted, paranormal waters.  
Erin M. Blair’s (Ao3) His New Partner
""He wasn't quite certain what to make of her. He read her personnel file, along with a photocopy of her thesis. Her intelligence in the scientific would help him brainstorm and come up with plausible theories, along with keeping him sane. He had a gnawing feeling that Scully would gradually change his life, forever.""
Mulder is struck with how quickly his bad luck with partners has so suddenly turned around.
Macspooky's New Partners
""Come on," he slipped an arm around her waist and led her in the direction of the ambulance. "I think I might have another patient for you ladies and gentlemen. Possible concussion."
"Mulder...it wasn't..." She wanted to say that it wasn't that bad, that she had only been dizzy for a moment.
"Go on...." he said. "That's an order. I'll meet you at the hospital. You should be checked out.""
Scully berates her behavior in the wake of the case, scoffing that she'd been swept off her feet and gotten a concussion for her troubles. Mulder kept her company and thought she'd "done good."
@allyinthekeyofx's (Ao3) Playing the Game
""By the time morning comes her pile of sunflower seeds far outstrips his and he knows he will have to stop on the way to the airport to buy more.
He also knows that Dana Scully is not to be underestimated.""
Scully and Mulder have to spend a night at their burnt down motel before flying out. He does them both a favor by buying them new clothes and passing the time with easy bonding games.
@cactustree's (Ao3) Babyface Blues
""The residual embarrassment from the mosquito bite incident has only just begun to wear off when a flight attendant leans down to place a paper cup of coffee on Agent Mulder’s tray table and then asks him softly, “And would your daughter like anything?”
Dana is leaning back against the headrest with her eyes closed, but she is not asleep. ....
The motel fire left her with nothing but what she’d had on her person when she and Mulder rushed out in response to the news of Peggy’s death, and so she is still dressed in the same oversized raincoat and jeans that were soaked through in the cemetery, face bare of makeup, hair loose about her shoulders. She is twenty-nine years old, a medical doctor and a federal agent, and she has just been mistaken for the daughter of her partner, who, as far as she is aware, is in his mid-thirties.
Mulder lets out a quiet chuckle. “No, thanks,” he says to the flight attendant. He does not correct her.""
Scully tries to correct her babyface with a new haircut.
@freckleslikestars/Living_Underground’s perfect lullaby (Ao3)
""They were over Idaho when he carefully removed her reading glasses and tucked them into his breast pocket for safe keeping, lest her head loll to the side and crush them.
The lights of Montana cities sparkled bellow as her soft, nasal snores competed with the whir of the air circulation in the cabin.
Around the time they flew across the Missouri River, her head dropped to his shoulder and she slouched into him."" 
Mulder is surprised that Scully can sleep through their return trip from Oregon. He ponders on his impressions years later; and is shocked when she admits it's "his presence."
David Hearne's Thoughts at 11:21 P.M.
""Then the woods came. They brought twisted black corpses, metal hidden inside flesh, marks branded onto skin, and the light. Your new partner picked a spot and declared it unnatural. He spoke of time being snatched like quarters from the pavement. He pointed the finger of blame at a comatose teenager. None of it was false. None of it was true. It was all merely unsubstantial. You might as well try to bottle the wind as prove what happened in those woods.
You became angry at the mystery. Then you became scared....""
Scully had noticed how defensively Mulder believed before they even left for their case; and is surprised that he calls after to keep her in the loop. She listens.
@invidiosa/Circe Invidiosa's (Gossamer, Alt., Live Journal, Website)
silent fury
""Scully hurled the report into the trash can and dropped down onto the chair in front of Mulder’s desk. “They ask me to debunk your work, and then when I can’t do that, they just redact everything? And you want me to just sit here in silent fury and just take it?""
Scully is furious over her redacted report; and channels her frustration into Mulder's next case, ready to get back out and expose more truths.
@the-spooky-alien's Day 2 of Fictober!
""Oh, c'mon Scully, don't play innocent,'' he snorted, stomach clenching as annoyance flared high in his mind. She couldn't seriously ignore what everyone was calling him behind his back. ''Never heard of Spooky Mulder?''
The look of warning she gave him was enough to dampen his irritation. He mouthed an inaudible 'sorry' at her, wincing when she crossed her arms.
''I have, yes,'' she said, coldly. ''But it can hardly be considered a warning. It's merely a stupid nickname because of what you do with the X-Files.''
Stupid. That was one word for it.""
Mulder is relieved that Scully didn't (doesn't) chase the rumor mills; and is touched that she considers him intelligent.
Diadem’s Scene 02 - Thank You
""At first I guess it was simply morbid curiosity - would I find the body of my sister? Anything was better than the "unsolved" stamp the police had given the case file detailing Samantha's abduction.
After a couple of years, though, I realised that finding her would not be so simple. She would not just be dropped in the middle of a field and left there to be found by some farm hand. I knew by then that everything was much more complicated.""
Mulder had lived a lonely, obsessive life since childhood; and is grateful to be saved and given dignity by Scully's presence.  
amalnahurriyeh/Amal Nahurriyeh's (DW) Triptych With Luggage
""We got you something," her father had said quietly, when they'd all been having lunch back at her apartment after the ceremony.
"You didn't have to," she'd said, and blushed. She still found it hard to talk about the FBI with him; she'd pretty much stuck to telling her mother about it on the phone since she left her internship, and conversations with her father had devolved into safe topics: football, politics, Billy's disciplinary record.
"Sure we did," he said, and swallowed. "Come on down, they're in the car." She'd gone out to the parking lot behind her building with him. "Your mother thought we should wrap them, but I figured that was just a waste of time." He unlocked the trunk of the car and lifted it. She paused for a second, confused. "It's a whole set of 'em," he said, gesturing to the suitcase sitting next to the windshield wiper fluid. "I figured, you'll probably have to do more traveling now. And you can't put your FBI suits in Billy's old duffel, huh?""
Scully pours her excitement for her first field agent case into packing her new, expensive suitcase (gifted by her father in his hesitant support.) It serves her well all of Season 1; and it becomes her conduit during the rough, grounded months in Season 2.
Foxhunt2blue's Pleasures of Simplicity
""It's always strange how children can't wait to grow to adulthood---constantly in a hurry to be something they believe will be so much better. When they finally get there they wish they were children again.
Somewhere along the way they lose what can only be called magic, but maybe it's something else.""
Scully reflects on the innocence that can only be lost in adulthood; and her ensuing transformations over the years in many hallways.  
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fidelixcorde · 1 year
Taylor's (Main) Hogwarts Verse: Detailed
(Creative liberties, long post ahead)
Taylor is the third child and last born daughter of Catherine Khalil and Alessio Borelli; her elder fraternal twin sisters Heather and Ruth are a good six years older than her, and she's about five minutes older than her own fraternal twin, Tyler. All four of the children are direct descendants of Isolt Sayre, the founder of Ilvemorny, through one of her own twin daughters, on Alessio's side of the family, and Alessio died of dragon pox when Taylor and Tyler were only four years old.
Being born in America, the Borellis were content to stay, allowing Heather and Ruth to attend Ilvermorny all their school years and graduate. But after Taylor and Tyler completed their first year, Catherine was offered a job by the British Ministry of Magic and the pay was good, so she packed her kids all the way to the UK and had their papers transferred before second year; the twins were with the first years in their Sorting, with Taylor going to Slytherin and Tyler going to Hufflepuff.
Taylor has vague Seer abilities in which she had visions while she's dreaming, but often cannot recall explicit details in her dreams unless there's danger approaching. So she has nightmares about big yellow eyes after the Chamber of Secrets is opened, and she reveals she's a Parselmouth the same time Harry Potter does, resulting in the school regarding the two of them with heavy suspicion. It's also how she befriends the Golden Trio and becomes outcasted by many of her Housemates. Despite being a true Slytherin descendant, Taylor is not regarded very highly by many in her House, but she doesn't care. If anything, she often beats up people who try to be bigoted around her and she always gets away with it.
Tyler is one of the Petrified victims that year, and so Taylor travels with Ron and Harry -- and Lockhart, briefly -- into the Chamber of Secrets itself in order to help control the basilisk long enough to rescue Ginny Weasley. She helps to stab the Diary with the basilisk fang, and she earns friendships across the rest of the school for her efforts.
In third year, Taylor becomes fascinated with the concept of Animagi, and she works that entire year to become one herself. During her efforts, she helps Hermione in trying to help Hagrid save Buckbeak's life, as well as trying to keep Harry safe from Sirius Black, not realizing that he's an innocent man. She also figures out quickly that Remus Lupin is a werewolf, and keeps his secret, often leaving high quality chocolate outside of his office after full moons. Before the end of the year, she succeeds in becoming an Animagus; her form is a little black fox with white spots all over her back. She reveals this when she helps the Trio try to save Sirius from the dementors, and she chased after Peter Pettigrew when he turns into a rat to try and escape them, unable to catch him, but she does manage to cause some damage before the dementors cause her to faint. No one else knows that she's an Animagus, and she remains unregistered.
Fourth year, Taylor is one of Harry's supporters after he's named a Fourth Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, even making new buttons to counteract the Potter Stinks ones. She's even Harry's date to the Yule Ball, even if she was a last resort option for him. She helps Hermione capture Rita Skeeter in the woman's beetle Animagus form, and she even keeps the jar on her during the summer, only releasing her once she's sure Rita is too traumatized to retaliate.
Fifth year, Catherine, Heather and Ruth have officially joined the Order of the Phoenix, so the Taylor and Tyler are at Grimmauld Place when Harry's brought there. They become even closer to the Weasleys, and Taylor is named the girl prefect in Slytherin House, which annoys her since she has to work with Draco Malfoy. For every time Draco abuses their position to abuse others, she willingly docks points from Slytherin in retaliation, until he knocks it off. She gets on Umbridge's nerves so much that she earns a scar on the back of her hand through those "detentions" that says I Must Not Challenge Authority. She wears the scars like a badge of honor, even joining Dumbledore's Army; the Patronus she produces during these lessons is a thestral, one of the rarest forms a Patronus can take, while Tyler's takes the form of a sparrow. She has horrendous nightmares during the year, various visions coming through, and at least three days before Arthur Weasley is attacked by Nagini, Taylor begs Ron to write to his father and ask him to not "take unnecessary risks". Due to this warning, Arthur's injuries are less severe. At the end of the year, Taylor and Tyler join Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna to the Ministry of Magic to try and save Sirius Black, something Taylor succeeds in doing by pushing him out of the way of Bellatrix Lestrange's curse. She also chases after Harry when he chases Bellatrix and battles Tom Riddle one on one for a brief time before she's almost fatally injured and rushed to the Hospital Wing after the Battle concludes. Her feelings for Harry have started to turn romantic (she's in denial).
Sixth year, things are quieter, though Taylor's nightmares persist. Her Amortentia smells like Harry -- treacle tart, with the Quidditch pitch, fresh air, leather gloves and broom handle polish -- and she becomes quietly obsessed with wanting to know what Harry smelled, though she never asks. She also notices Draco becoming sicker over the year, and tries to corner him about what he's doing, but he always shakes her off. It's during this year that she either gets close enough to Harry that they start dating, or they become very close, but he tells her at the end of the year that he can't risk putting her in danger and doesn't want to start anything lest Riddle figure out that Harry has a more severe weakness, meaning his feelings for Taylor. When Dumbledore dies, Taylor's the only one who doesn't care because she hated the guy, and she only attends the funeral for Harry's sake. She also starts looking into Horcruxes on her own.
Seventh year, the Borellis are invited to Bill and Fleur's wedding. Taylor and Harry dance and share a kiss, before the Death Eaters attack and the guests either flee or fight back. Taylor and Tyler manage to flee before they're captured, and Catherine, Heather and Ruth are tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. As a pureblooded family, they're not killed, especially since Catherine's from a powerful ancient family of her own back in Lebanon; it's during this year that Riddle finds out about his blood ties to the Borelli siblings, and he instructs his Death Eaters to not spill their blood, imagining that they can be brought around to "the right ideas beheld by their noble ancestor".
Tyler is the only one to return to Hogwarts for their seventh year, when attendance for all students becomes mandatory. Taylor instead flees, and she begins hunting Death Eaters on her own, wearing a cloak that covers all identifying features, and a mask covering her face. She monikers herself The Banshee, as she whistles before every attack on Death Eaters and Riddle supporters, leaving a bloodbath in her wake. She's slippery enough to not get caught, and she knows better than to contact anyone in the Order, but she reverently listens to her radio every night for Potterwatch, waiting for news on Harry and feeling relieved every time there isn't any. Heather and Ruth also flee by Christmas, as Catherine refuses to go into hiding unless she knows where Tyler is, and then the entire family goes underground. They all return for the Battle of Hogwarts, and Heather dies to protect her siblings during the fight. Thanks to Taylor killing as many enemies as possible, Riddle's forces have dwindled to less impressive numbers, and she cheats by giving as many allies as possible Felix Felicis right before the fight, so the Fallen Defenders are also dwindled; she's still devastated by Heather's death, even if they were never very close.
Taylor and Harry marry a few years after the wars' end, and they have several children. Harry becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, while Taylor and Hermione Granger band together to create a magical primary school called the Magical Academy; it's to give a learning space for all magical children, including Muggleborns and halfbloods who only live in the Muggle world, being taught alongside their magical world raised peers, in order to stop the bigotry that the pureblood ideology upheld.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Zodiac sign for those born on August 24
They are fair and free individuals, portrayed by their own remarkable poise. Ready for business, diligent, sure, bold and careless. They are continually making progress toward self-advancement, however where it counts they are honorable, energetic, and enduring. Glad, aggressive, enamored with power, endeavoring to get it throughout everyday life. They can handily manage over individuals, and when ethically created, they assume full command over themselves. Erotic, profound, prepared to genuinely give up to cherish. They like to chase. They are enamored with any applause and effectively fall affected by sweet talk, and in light of the fact that their aspirations are extraordinary they can become envious of the distinctions of others. They typically accomplish triumph over their foes. They are portrayed by areas of strength for an of equity. Character imperfections incorporate an inclination to overabundance, an excessively peevish demeanor, and an adoration for quality, extravagance, and terrific public appearances. They guard extravagance and joy: they seek after amusement. What would it be advisable for them to strive for? Foster senses of consideration and graciousness, which will stay away from extreme cruelty and oppression, for the people who show an inclination. They should likewise stay away from abundance concerning the two sentiments and feelings, as well as life. Their life is attached to the general public or the country, maybe the climate, where they live and work. Their hierarchical abilities by and large permit them to swim to the surface and accomplish acknowledgment. They will go through different and changing changes of life, however their name could stand out forever.
Zodiac sign for those born on August 24 
Zodiac sign for those brought into the world on July 24 In the event that your birthday is July 24, your zodiac sign is Leo July 24 - character and character character: reasonable, happy, profound, ascertaining, luxurious, conceited; calling: dramatist, legal advisor, artist; colors: orange, olive, beige; stone: ruby; creature: parrot; plant: African violet; fortunate numbers: 4,6,20,27,40,49 very fortunate number: 29 Occasions and Observances - July 24 Mormon Trailblazer Day in Salt Lake City (Utah) beginning around 1847. July 24 Superstar birthday celebrations. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, American author, spouse of essayist F. Scott Fitzgerald (d. 1948). 1904: Delmer Daves, American movie chief (d. 1977). 1904: Nikolai Kuznetsov, Soviet naval commander (d. 1974). 1907: Vitaliano Brancati, Italian author. 1912: Arturo Acebal-Idდ­goras, Basque painter, stone carver and ceramist of Argentine beginning (f. 1977). 1912: Alejandro "Patდ³n" Carrasquel, Venezuelan baseball player (d. 1969). 1920: Josდ© Noriega, Spanish vocalist. 1921: Giuseppe Di Stefano, Italian tenor (f. 2008). 1924: Antonio Ramallets, Spanish footballer. 1925: Ignacio Aldecoa, Spanish author. 1926: Hans Gდ¼nter Winkler, German rider. 1930: Eduardo Manchდ³n, Spanish soccer player (d. 2010). 1930: Jece Valadao, Brazilian entertainer. 1931: Aldo Braga, Argentine entertainer (d. 2005). 1931: Ermanno Olmi, Italian movie chief. 1932: Francisco Mata, Venezuelan vocalist and arranger (d. 2011). 1935: Manuel Hermoso Rojas, Spanish legislator. 1935: Luis Fernando Jaramillo, Colombian legislator and financial specialist (d. 2011). 1937: Carlos Scazziotta, Argentine entertainer and comic (d. 2001). 1937: Quinlan Terry, English planner. 1938: Eugene J. Martin, African-American painter (d. 2005). 1938: Josდ© Altafini, Italian-Brazilian footballer. 1939: Walt Bellamy, American b-ball player. 1942: Heinz, English vocalist and bassist of German beginning (d. 2000). 1942: Chris Sarandon, American entertainer. 1945: Cristina Almeida, Spanish attorney and legislator. 1945: Azim Premji, Indian extremely rich person. 1947: Peter Serkin, American piano player. 1949: Paco Minister, artist of the Recipe V gathering, arranger and Spanish film and TV entertainer. 1949: Yves Duteil, French vocalist. 1949: Michael Richards, American entertainer. 1949: Joan-Enric Vives, diocesan of Urgel and co-sovereign of Andorra 1951: Lynda Carter, American entertainer. 1952: Gus Van Sant, American movie producer. 1953: Santiago Idდ­goras, Spanish footballer. 1955: Philippe Hurel, French arranger. 1955: Patricia Palmer, Argentine entertainer. 1958: Mick Karn, Cypriot performer (d. 2011). 1959: Carlos Filizzola, Paraguayan legislator. 1963: Karl Malone, American b-ball player. 1964: Barry Bonds, American baseball player. 1964: Pedro Passos Coelho, Portuguese Head of the state. 1964: Banana Yoshimoto, Japanese writer. 1964: Argentine Vincentian, performer and arranger. 1965: Doug Liman, American movie producer and maker. 1965: Andrew Look, Australian b-ball player. 1965: Eugenio Lira Rugarcდ­a, Mexican diocesan. 1966: Ilarion Alfდ©yev, Russian Conventional scholar. 1966: Martin Keown, English footballer. 1967: Minor Arguedas, Costa Rican soccer player. 1969: Jennifer Lopez, entertainer and artist. 1969: Rick Fox, Bahamian ball player. 1971: Dino Baggio, Italian footballer. 1972: Kaio Hiroyuki, Japanese sumo grappler. 1973: Johan Micoud, French footballer. 1975: Torrie Wilson, American expert grappler. 1975: Eric Szmanda, American entertainer. 1975: Alberto Ongarato, Italian cyclist. 1976: Rafer Alston, American ball player. 1976: Tiago Monteiro, Portuguese Equation 1 driver. 1977: Mehdi Mahdavikia, Iranian footballer. 1977: Arnold Bruggink, Dutch footballer. 1977: Danny Dyer, English entertainer. 1977: Kendall Wilson Harris, Costa Rican soccer player. 1978: Andy Irons, American surfer (d. 2010). 1979: Rose Byrne, Australian entertainer. 1979: Detail Quo, American rapper. 1979: Ryan Humphrey, American ball player. 1979: Cristian Zurita, Argentine footballer. 1980: Check, American pornography entertainer. 1980: Wilfred Bungei, Kenyan competitor. 1980: Joel Stroetzel, American guitarist, of the band Killswitch Lock in. 1981: Summer Glau, American entertainer. 1982: Anna Paquin, New Zealand entertainer. 1983: Daniele De Rossi, Italian footballer. 1983: Asami Mizukawa, Japanese entertainer. 1984: John Dhani Lennevald, Swedish vocalist, of the band A-Teenagers. 1985: Teagan Presley, American pornography entertainer. 1986: Miguel Socolovich, Venezuelan baseball player. 1986: Fernando Tissone, Argentine footballer. 1987: Mara Wilson, American entertainer. 1990: Daveigh Pursue, American entertainer. 1994: Carlos Fierro, Mexican soccer player. 1997: Emre Mor, Turkish footballer.
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sdhqsecrets · 3 years
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happy birthday chase sayre !!
1st february
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
is that harris dickinson? no, that’s just chase sayre. he is a 21 year old pureblood and is training to be an auror. when he went to hogwarts, he was in gryffindor. rumor has it his magic is unpredictable. some say he is hard-working and adventurous but i’ve heard others say he can be impulsive and stubborn.
hey chase sayre! has anyone told you that you look exactly like harris dickinson, or is that just me? either way, it’s good to see you! you’ve got 24 hours to get to your dorm, or someone might take your spot! don’t forget to check out your welcome pack to help you get settled in!
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nerds-yearbook · 3 years
In Detective Comics 168#, cover date February, 1951, the first two people to use the Red Hood disguise (the Joker and state university gardner Earl Benson) were introduced. The disguise was created by Bill Finger, Lewis Sayre Schwartz, and Win Mortimer. In the issue, the first version of the Joker's origin was given. In this version, the Joker worked for a lab. He created the Red Hood disguise so he could rob $1,000,000. While most versions have the Joker falling into a vat at the Acme chemical company while being chased by Batman and Robin, this version had him diving into the chemical vat at the Ace Playing Card Company. The red hood helped him survive, but like most versions, the chemicals still bleached his skin and turned his hair green, etc. In this version, not only because he took on the appearance of a clown, but as a tribute to the playing card company, he took on the moniker of the Joker. ("The Man Behind the Red Hood" "The Electric Thinking Cap" "Robot Man: The Return of Iron Man" "Pow Wow Smith: Ten Little Indians", Detective Comics 168#, Comic, event)
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chasesayre · 3 years
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chase sayre + @scxrpiusxmalfcy & halloween ‘25
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Jack Holt.
- Salomy Jane (1914) como un vaquero que juega al solitario en el salón (sin acreditar)
- La llave maestra (1914, serial) como Donald Faversham
- La moneda rota (1915, serial) como Capitán Williams
- Joya (1915) como Nat Bonnell
- La tonta de Portici (1916) como Conde
- Corazones desnudos (1916) como Howard
- Liberty (1916, serial) como el capitán Bob Rutledge
- Salvando el apellido (1916) como Jansen Winthrop
- El cáliz del dolor (1916) (sin acreditar)
- La oveja negra de la familia (1916) como Kenneth Carmont
- Juana la mujer (1916) (sin acreditar)
Patria (1917, serial)
- El costo del odio (1917) como Huertez
- Sacrificio (1917) como Paul Ekald
- Dando una oportunidad a Becky (1917) como Tom Fielding
- El santuario interior (1917) como vizconde D'Arcourt
- El pequeño americano (1917) como Karl von Austreim
- La llamada del este (1917) como Alan Hepburn
- El juego secreto (1917) como Maj. John Northfield
- Las perlas ocultas (1918) como Robert Garvin
- La garra (1918) como Maurice Stair
- One More American (1918) como Sam Potts
- Rumbo al sur (1918)
- Ámame (1918) como Gordon Appleby
- El honor de su casa (1918) como Robert Farlow
- La ley del hombre blanco (1918) como Sir Harry Falkland
- La garra de hierro (1916, serial) como Maurice Stair
- Un cortejo del desierto (1918) como Barton Masters
- Ojos verdes (1918) como Pearson Hunter
- El anillo de matrimonio (1918) como Rodney Heathe
- El camino a través de la oscuridad (1918) como Duke Karl
- El hombre de Squaw (1918) como Cash Hawkins
- Tramposos tramposos (1919) como Tom Palmer
- Un romance de medianoche (1919) como Roger Sloan
- Para mejor, para peor (1919) como Crusader
- La mujer que me diste (1919) como Lord Raa
- Una oportunidad deportiva (1919) como Paul Sayre
- La mujer casada con Michael (1919) como Michael Ordsway
- The Life Line (1919) como Jack Hearne, el Romany Rye
- Kitty Kelly, MD (1919) como Bob Lang
- Victoria (1919) como Axel Heyst
- La mejor de las suertes (1920) como Kenneth, Lord Glenayr
- Crooked Streets (1920) como Rupert O'Dare
- En poder del enemigo (1920)como el Coronel Charles Prescott
- Los pecados de Rosanne (1920) como Sir Dennis Harlende
- Locura de verano (1920).
-All Soul's Eve (1921) como Roger Heath
- Patos y dracos (1921) como Rob Winslow
- El romance perdido (1921) como Mark Sheridan
- La máscara (1921) como Kenneth Traynor / Handsome Jack
- Después del espectáculo (1921) como Larry Taylor
- El comediante sombrío (1921) como Harvey Martin
- La llamada del norte (1921) como Ned Trent
- Comprado y pagado (1922) como Robert Stafford
- Al norte del Río Grande (1922) como Bob Haddington
- Mientras Satanás duerme (1922) como Phil
- El hombre invencible (1922) como Robert Kendall
- En alta mar (1922) como Jim Dorn
- Making a Man (1922) como Horace Winsby
- Nadie es dinero (1923) como John Webster
- La garra del tigre (1923) como Sam Sandell
- Un caballero del ocio (1923) como Robert Pitt
- Hollywood (1923) como él mismo
- El tramposo (1923) como Dudley Drake
- The Marriage Maker (1923) como Lord Stonbury
- No lo llames amor (1923) como Richard Parrish
- El lobo solitario (1924) como Michael Lanyard
- Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924) como Adam Larey
- Manos vacías (1924) como Grimshaw
- North of 36 (1924) como Don McMasters
- Eve's Secret (1925) como duque de Poltava
- La manada del trueno (1925) como Tom Doan
- La luz de las estrellas occidentales (1925) como Gene Stewart
- Mesa de caballo salvaje (1925) como Chane Weymer
- La carretera antigua (1925) como Cliff Brant
- La colina encantada (1926) como Lee Purdy
- Caballos de mar (1926) como George Glanville
- La diosa ciega (1926) como Hugh Dillon
- Nacido en el oeste (1926) como 'Colorado' Dare Rudd
- Río abandonado (1926) como Nevada
- El hombre del bosque (1926) como Milt Dale
- El jinete misterioso (1927) como Bent Wade
- La tigresa (1927) como Winston Graham, conde de Eddington
- La advertencia (1927) como Tom Fellows / Coronel Robert Wellsley
- The Smart Set (1928) como Nelson
- El pionero en fuga (1928) como Anthony Ballard / John Ballard
- Corte marcial (1928) como James Camden
- El pozo de agua (1928) como Philip Randolph
- Submarino (1928) como Jack Dorgan
- Avalancha (1928) como Jack Dunton
- Sunset Pass (1929) como Jack Rock
- El asunto Donovan (1929) como Insp. Killian
- Padre e hijo (1929) como Frank Fields
- Vuelo (1929).
-Venganza (1930) como John Meadham
- La Legión Fronteriza (1930) como Jack Kells
- La isla del infierno (1930) como Mac
- The Squealer (1930) como Charles Hart
- El último desfile (1931) como Cookie Leonard
- Dirigible (1931) como Jack Bradon
- Subway Express (1931) como Inspector Killian
- Hombros blancos (1931) como Gordon Kent
- Cincuenta brazas de profundidad (1931) como Tim Burke
- Un asunto peligroso (1931) como el teniente McHenry
- Maker of Men (1931) como entrenador Dudley
- Detrás de la máscara (1932) como Jack Hart, también conocido como Quinn
- Corresponsal de guerra (1932) como Jim Kenyon
- This Sporting Age (1932) como el capitán John Steele
- Hombre contra mujer (1932) como Johnny McCloud
- Hollywood Speaks (1932) como él mismo
- Cuando los extraños se casan (1933) como Steve Rand
- La mujer que robé (1933) como Jim Bradler
- El demoledor (1933) como Chuck Regan
- Maestro de hombres (1933) como Buck Garrett
- Whirlpool (1934) como Buck Rankin
- Luna negra (1934) como Stephen Lane
- La defensa descansa (1934) como Matthew Mitchell
- Lo arreglaré (1934) como Bill Grimes
- El mejor hombre gana (1935) como Nick Roberts
- Tormenta sobre los Andes (1935) como Bob Kent
- El extraño indeseable (1935) como Howard W. Chamberlain
- El despertar de Jim Burke (1935) como Jim Burke
- El rebelde más pequeño (1935) como el coronel Morrison
- Aguas peligrosas (1936) como Jim Marlowe
- San Francisco (1936) como Jack Burley
- Crash Donovan (1936) como 'Crash' Donovan
- Fin del camino (1936) como Dale Brittenham
- Al norte de Nome (1936) como John Raglan
- Problemas en Marruecos (1937) como Paul Cluett
- Madera rugiente (1937) como Jim Sherwood
- Forajidos de Oriente (1937) como Chet Eaton
- Atrapado por G-Men (1937) como G-Man Martin Galloway, haciéndose pasar por Bill Donovan
- Bajo sospecha (1937) como Robert Bailey
- En los titulares (1938) como el teniente de policía Lewis Nagel
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1938) como Jim Horne
- Reformatorio (1938) como Robert Dean
- El crimen toma vacaciones (1938) como Walter Forbes
- El extraño caso del Dr. Meade (1938) como Dr. Meade
- Enemigos susurrantes (1939) como Stephen Brewster.
-Atrapado en el cielo (1939) como Major
- Fugitivo en libertad (1939) como Tom Farrow / George Storm
- Poder oculto (1939) como Dr. Garfield
- Fuera del límite de las tres millas (1940) como Agente del Tesoro Conway
- Pasaporte a Alcatraz (1940) como George Hollister
- Fugitivo de un campo de prisioneros (1940) como Sheriff Lawson
- El gran robo del avión (1940) como Mike Henderson
- La gran estafa (1941) como Jack Regan
- Holt del servicio secreto (1941, serial) como Jack Holt / Nick Farrell
- Thunder Birds (1942) como el coronel MacDonald
- Northwest Rangers (1942) como Duncan Frazier
- Gente gato (1942) como El comodoro
- Eran prescindibles (1945) como el general Martin
- My Pal Trigger (1946) como Brett Scoville
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1946) como el agente del FBI Bob Donovan
- The Chase (1946) como Cmdr. Davidson
- Chica renegada (1946) como Maj.Barker
- La frontera salvaje (1947) como Charles 'Saddles' Barton
- El tesoro de la Sierra Madre (1948) como Flophouse Bum (sin acreditar)
- El guardabosques de Arizona (1948) como Rawhide Morgan
- The Gallant Legion (1948) como Capitán Banner
- La fresa ruana (1948) como Walt Bailey
- Pistolas cargadas (1948) como Dave Randall
- El último bandido (1949) como Mort Pemberton
- Brimstone (1949) como el mariscal Walter Greenslide
- Task Force (1949) como Capitán Reeves
- Desierto rojo (1949) como Deacon Smith
- Las mujeres de los Dalton (1950) como Clint Dalton - Mike Leonard
- El regreso del hombre de la frontera (1950) como Sheriff Sam Barrett
- Trail of Robin Hood (1950) como él mismo
- Rey del látigo (1950) como el banquero James Kerrigan
- Across the Wide Missouri (1951) como Bear Ghost (papel final de la película).
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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scxrpiusxmalfcy · 5 years
Scorpius dear, we think you’d be much more fun if you were more open with who you are and more important who you love, because we know it’s not your beloved betrothed… The deal is we keep your secret if you do as we say. All we want from you is a kiss. Not for us though, for someone else. A male, specifically Chase, just your type as the three of us know. Time to add a little more spice and drama to your history. Pull this off and we'll keep your secret. Lots of love, the Gossip Witches xoxo
Scorpius had heard of these notes, had seen people doing crazy and cruel things because of them. He always thought they were idiots for doing what these witches asked in return of keeping their secrets safe. But now, with a piece of parchment in his hand and the threat of being outed he now understood why people went through with these so called dares.
His heart was beating hard against his chest and there was a slight shake in his hands, white noise washed over him as a brief moment of panic made it’s way across his stoic face. He downed what was left in his glass, already making notes of getting another, there was no way he was going to be outed by them. He could handle one kiss, even if it did have to be Sayre, he’d handle the repercussions of the other complaining about him later. At least his secret would be safe.
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@sdhqsecrets // @chasesayre
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heleneplays · 5 years
MC / OC Energy and Alignment chart
Thanks for the tag @phyl-the-gryffinclaw !!! Sorry im late ówò
Rules: Fill your MC and anyone (MC's family,friends, other fandom oc's, etc.) in the charts. You choose either one or both. Have fun~❤️
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Placing the rest under the cut!
how i did the morality:
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Info on the characters you may not recognize
Other new characters:
Rionante Le Blanc
- Half-Brother to Maria Rebecca Sayre-White, who was given to the Cadet branch to be raised as is tradition for (pardon the word) bastard children
- so he's... Helene's Great Uncle (am I doing the geneaolgy right?) on her mother's side of the family
- Is a Dark wizard with hidden Agenda, rising high in the ranks of the Cadet branch, nd earning the favor of the head of said branch.
Elise Le Blanc
- Rionante's daughter aka Helene's cousin first removed
- Raised to be Dark, but ultimately chose the light
- Found she was to be a single mother, which solidified her decision to flee his household
- Except Rionante found out and he tracked her down... leading to a chase that lasted until her labor.
- ...and met a sad end hours after she gave birth.
Kaden Le Blanc
- Helene's second cousin, basically
- Raised by her no-nonsense grandfather, under rigorous training nearly as brutal to Helene's own
-Taken by the Cadet Branch Head as her subject, molded to be one of the sleeper spy replacements to those Maria had took from the Main branch.
-goes Hogwarts to replace the other graduating branch member sent to spy on the ladt Adler during her 5th year (Helene - 5th year, Kaden - 1st year)
if you're reading this, my huge thanks for reading til the end!
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to do this if you want to owo!!!
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shuvva · 2 years
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Substrate Shorts “Friday Night TV” (Part 1) October 2020
(Part 2) ->
Phil Roberts (A light green anthro kangaroo politician in a blue suit)
Rick Ponce (A black anthro Scottie dog politician in a black suit)
Tii Sayre (A brown coyote news announcer)
J.R. Olivier (A purple deer news announcer)
Page 1
(Roberts and Ponce stand at podiums that are set up in the middle of a wrestling ring in front of a huge audience. Tii and JR are sitting at the announcer’s table)
J.R.: Welcome back to Round 2 of tonight’s debate!
Page 2
(Roberts and Ponce wave to the audience. Disclaimers under each of the candidates read “Resemblance to any public figures living or dead is a coincidence” and “Apologies to anyone actually named Rick Ponce”)
J.R.: Tonight we have Democrat Phil Roberts vs. Republican Rick Ponce!
(Tii reads the question to the candidates)
Tii: Gentlemen, this round is on the subject of healthcare.
Tii: A bill put forth by Senator Randall Brooks would allow insurers to deny coverage for procedures that will produce less than a 100% return-on-investment in the next five years.
Tii: To what extent should our healthcare algorithms consider profit when deciding who lives and who dies?
J.R.: Mr. Ponce, we’ll start with you.
Ponce: Thank you, J.R.
Page 3
(Ponce addresses the camera against an American flag backdrop)
Ponce: Ladies and gentlemen and no one else. We live in the greatest country on Earth!
Ponce: In this country, we believe in FREEDOM!
Ponce: We believe in CHOICE!
Ponce: We believe in life, liberty, and the HIGH-OCTANE CAR CHASE OF HAPPINESS!
Ponce: (pointing at Roberts) It’s not up to the GOVERNMENT to choose who lives and who dies!
Ponce: That’s a matter of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!
Ponce: And the good, responsible taxpayers of this nation deserve better than spending their hard-earned money on OTHER PEOPLE!
Page 4
(Ponce finishes his speech)
Ponce: Whether I live or die, THAT’S MY CHOICE!
Ponce: Whether you live or die...
Page 5
(Roberts addresses the camera)
Tii: Mr. Roberts, your response?
Roberts: The proposal being put forth in this bill is outlandish. Unconscionable. Barbaric.
Roberts: Every day, people in this country go into debt to pay off medical bills.
(Camera pans to members of the audience. One women shouts “Answer the damn question!”)
Roberts: People’s health and well-being shouldn’t be determined by their luck in an economic lottery!
Page 6
(Roberts continues his speech)
Roberts: All people, regardless of color, faith, gender identity, or ability to contribute to society...
Roberts: Should be able to ask a well-regulated megacorporation to partially offset the cost of their medical bills
Roberts: If I am elected...
(Roberts undoes his shirt, revealing a blue-and-white-striped wrestling singlet underneath)
Roberts: I will fight...
(Roberts strikes a fighting pose)
Page 7
(Ponce enters the ring wearing red shorts and holding a steel chair)
Ponce: And I will fight...
Ponce: For your right...
Ponce: (hits Roberts with the steel chair) TO DIE!!!!!
Page 8
(Roberts is knocked back onto the ropes. He leaps forward and lifts one of the podiums above his head. Duci and Ruma are cheering him on from offscreen)
Duci: YEAH!
Ruma: GET HIM!
(Roberts smashes the podium over Ponce’s head. Zoom out to the wrestling match being watched on a TV)
Duci: BOOM!!!
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artdecoandmodernist · 7 years
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F. Scott Fitzgerald, Scotty Fitzgerald and Zelda Fitzgerald, 1925.
Around 1925, the American novelist Francis Scott Fitzgerald, his wife Zelda Sayre and their daughter Scotty posed on board a liner during one of their many cruises. 1925 was the year of his novel The Great Gatsby, an incandescent love story where the solitary and magnetic hero chases after a promise which will destroy him. 
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sdhqsecrets · 4 years
opinions on current aurors and aurors in training?
oh wow, you really know how to narrow it down, don’t you ??
Chase Sayre has mostly stayed under the radar so far but we can’t wait until you’re in the spotlight. Maybe we’ll have some fun with you next, what do you say ??
What a secret you kept from everyone, Miss Arquette, and from your own husband too. We’d happily have drinks with you deary, just as long as you’re not pregnant again !!
Teddy’s all mopey and angry now. We’re sorry about the news we had to break to you but Vic was never gonna tell. We just wish we could put a smile on that handsome face.
Carrow seems almost too focused on bringing her parents down. What are you gonna do when daddy-dearest is back in prison ??
I wish I could say more about Felix Hopkirk but he’s yet another to stay under the radar but, dear, we know something you don’t know !!
How is it that half of our aurors are either under the radar or mopey ?? We know you kept a secret Frankie but we thought you had more backbone than just letting your sister walk away.
I do love me some Fred Weasley especially when he spent half of NYE trying to start a party of his own. Can we get an invite next time ??
James is finally staying out of the center of the drama but we don’t know if we like that very much. You wanna throw yourself back in the ring, sweetheart ??
How could ever say no to a face like Manon Flamel’s ?? We do know that she likes to say no. Certainly never said ‘I do’ anyway and we do love a woman with a scandalous past.
How’s the wife Marcus ?? We’ve just been dying to meet her, is she ever gonna join you in the UK ?? That might make life more interesting ...
We do no your secret, Nicholas, but we’d love for you to be a bit more interesting without our help.
Our newest trainee, Scorpius Malfoy. I must say the badge suits you and you have had the most ... dramatic change in recent months and we do love drama.
Oh dear, dear Tobias. Or do you prefer Xavier now ?? You are a little mopey too but I guess you always have been. Have we jogged your memory at all yet ?? We only want to help.
One sibling a healer and the other an auror, you Notts are really trying to make up for some bad bad deeds, aren’t you Verity ?? We must say though, we do love a woman in uniform. We do hope you don’t have any problems working with your boyfriend in future. We’d hate for there to be drama.
The most interesting thing about William Ashcroft is that he came back from the dead. After that ?? Nothing. Will you get your butt in gear please ??
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sleepingdragonhq · 2 years
Under the cut is a list of where all those involved in Diagon Alley’s lockdown are located !!
Chase Sayre
Clara Arquette
Damien Launier
Edward Lupin
Frank Longbottom II
Fred Weasley II
James Ashcroft
Lysander Scamander
Mae Levesque
Manon Flamel
Marcus Carson
Nicholas Vexmoor
Scorpius Malfoy
Theodore Oliver
Tobias Atwell
Verity Nott
Jaiyash Dewan
Aryana Robins
Brodie Macgowen
Aysun Şahin
Casey Abrams
Charlotte Watson
Diana Rosier
Electra Carrow
Beatrice Woodhouse
Augusta Picquery
Aurora Claremont
Cedrella Weasley II
Penelope Hawthorne
Perseus Mulciber
Vera McKinnon
Josephine Flamel
Samantha O’Reilly
Ingrid Hagen
Jonah Finch
Nicholas Bennet
Benjamin Ollivander
Gwendolyn Hawkes
Peggy Carson
Cassius Cresswell
Natalya Dolohova
Hazel Macdougal
Madeline Brown
August Fawley
Clementine Delacour-Laurent
Jia Rookwood
Eloise Avery
Piper Wilkinson
Emelia Spinnet
Mason Jones
Albus Potter - Underground Poker Game
Alessandra Macnair - Outside/Streets
Camille McGonagall - Home
Eleanor Pucey - Home
Freya MacDougal - Outside/Streets
Gabriel Larkin - Home
Harper Lee Clark - Home
Theseus McLaggen - Home
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Item No. 3 - About the Author
The author of The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul Minnesota and died on December 21, 1940 in Hollywood, California (Mizener, 2021).  He was an American short-story writer and novelist. He was most famous for his book The Great Gatsby written in 1925. Fitzgerald wrote other novels such as the Tender is the Night in 1934, The Side of Paradise in 1920 and The Beautiful and Damned written in 1922. Fitzgerald was the only of his aristocratic father and energetic provincial mother (Mizener, 2021). Fitzgerald had a romantic and wild imagination about the “promises of life”. He attended St. Paul Academy and Newman School from 1908-1913. He was unpopular throughout these years. He attended Princeton University. He became the prominent figure in the literary life of the university and made lifelong friends with John Peale Bishop and Edmund Wilson. John Peale Bishop was an American Poet and had close associate with the American expatriate writers in Paris (Britannica, 2020). Edmund Wilson was an American Critic and was labelled as one of the leading literary journalists of his time (Britannica, 2020). Fitzgerald became a leading figure in the Triangle Club, a dramatic society that was elected as one of the leading clubs at Princeton. He ended up falling in love with Ginevra King and flunked out of Princeton. He returned the next fall but did not have all the positions he acquired in the previous years. In 1917, he left to join the army, He was stationed near Montgomery, Alabama where he met Zelda Sayre and fell in love. He was determined to achieve success in order to marry Zelda in New York. He found an advertising job at paid $90 a month. Zelda broke the engagement off due to financial reasons. Fitzgerald went to Minnesota to write his second novel he had begun at Princeton. In 1920, he married Zelda. He finished the second novel, “The Beautiful and the Damned”” in 1922. It describes a beautiful wife and handsome young man who gradually move to the shopworn middle age while they wait for the young man to inherit a large fortune. Fitzgerald and his wife had a daughter named Scottie Fitzgerald in 1921. They moved to France while Fitzgerald completed his brilliant novel “The Great Gatsby.” It follows the main character Jay Gatsby as he chases the “American Dream.” This novel is based on his life with Zelda. In the next decade, Fitzgerald became unhappy and disorderly while Zelda began ballet dancing day and night. In 1930, she has a mental breakdown and another in 1932, which she never recovered from. He finishes his next novel “Tender Is the Night” in 1934. The book follows the story of a psychiatrist who marries one of his patients, who slowly recovers. He explains the main character as “un homme épuisé”, meaning “a man used up.” This story explains his life with Zelda. The book does not become commercially successful leading him to become an incurable alcoholic. In 1937, he starts a job as a scriptwriter in Hollywood where he falls in love with Sheilah Graham and marries her. He becomes bitter and violent with his occasional drunken spells but lives quietly with Sheilah. He occasionally visited his daughter and Zelda. Fitzgerald’s final attempt to create his “American Dream” began with writing his book called The Last Tycoon. He only completed half of the book and died of heart attack (Mizener, 2021).
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chasesayre · 3 years
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chase sayre & nye ball ‘25
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