#sayre-white family
lulublack90 · 29 days
Prompt 28 - Library
@jegulus-microfic August 28, Word count 681
Previous part First Wolfstar part
The Potter family library was an absolute mess by the time they were done with it. The five of them had dragged book after book off the shelves searching for any mention of the Gaunts. Remus found that they’d once owned Salazar’s Locket, but it had been sold by Merope in London. 
“Probably to Borgin and Burkes,” Regulus mused aloud. They’d have paid a good price for it. 
“Then there was Slytherin’s actual wand,” Marcus said in awe, reading from one of the wand maker’s books for some reason. “It says here that Gormlaith Gaunt had it but his niece Isolt Sayre stole it and, wow, she and her husband founded Ilvermorny! It says she was buried with the wand and a snakewood tree grew over her grave and apparently the leaves have magical properties. Well, that’s the wand gone as well then,” Marcus shrugged and shut the book. 
“They also had a ring,” James added, reading from the thin book in his hand. “It is said to be a gold ring with a black stone inset and rumoured to carry the Peverell coat of arms. Pretty sure I’m related to the Peverell’s as well, you know,” James frowned. “As far as anyone knows, it never left the family, so Morfin might still have it,” Sirius shook his head. 
“They wouldn’t have let him keep anything like that in Azkaban. More likely it was given to his next of kin, if he even still had it by then.”
“His next of kin being Tom Riddle,” Regulus said after Sirius had finished talking. 
“Have we found where the residence is yet?” Remus asked. “It would probably be a good starting place.” 
“Erm, hang on, I swear I saw something earlier,” Sirius said, throwing scrolls over his shoulder and tossing books onto other tables. “Ah-ha, here it is. It’s just outside somewhere called Little Hangleton.”
“Then that’s where we’re going next,” Regulus declared, gathering all the different texts together and putting them in his pocket. 
“How are you doing that?” James asked, as Regulus stuffed a heavy tome into his pocket that shouldn't have been able to fit. 
“Undetectable expansion charm mixed with a weightlessness charm. I thought it might come in useful,” Regulus shrugged. 
“Brilliant,” James smiled at him warmly. Regulus felt a hot blush spread across his cheeks at the praise from his boyfriend. His ears began to burn at the thought of being James's boyfriend. 
“Master Regulus, will you's be wanting your bunny slippers for your trip?” Flitsy said from the doorway, holding up the squashy pink slippers. 
“Hey, I gave those to you James,” Remus grumbled as Regulus dashed forward to take them from the elf, glowering at her the entire time. His face bright red now, he put them in his pocket so she’d stop using them against him. 
“Ahahahahahaha,” Sirius barked out a laugh at the slippers. “Of all the things for you to wear,” He snorted at Regulus. 
“Master Sirius, will you's be wanting your lucky underwear?” Flitsy piped up again, holding up a pair of bright orange briefs with CC written on them in big white overlapping letters. 
“Hey!” Sirius squawked as he pelted across the library to snatch them from her hands. “Traitor,” He told the elf. 
“Nuisance,” Flitsy spat back, sticking her tongue out. 
“Love you,” Sirius grinned at her. 
“Love you's too, Master Sirius,” Flitsy rolled her eyes at him and stuck out her cheek for a kiss which Sirius more than happily gave her. “Master James, do you's know when you’s becoming back again?” She asked, arching a brow. 
“Definitely in six days, it’s the full moon. But I’m not sure if we’ll be back before then or not. Sorry Flitsy, I’ll try and send word if we’re coming,” He tried to placate the elf. 
“See that you's do's, Master James,” And she slammed the door on them. This time Regulus definitely heard her cackle. 
“Shall we go find this Gaunt place then?” Sirius asked the group. Remus pulled out a map and found Little Hangleton, and they prepared to leave.
Next part
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fidelixcorde · 1 year
Taylor's (Main) Hogwarts Verse: Detailed
(Creative liberties, long post ahead)
Taylor is the third child and last born daughter of Catherine Khalil and Alessio Borelli; her elder fraternal twin sisters Heather and Ruth are a good six years older than her, and she's about five minutes older than her own fraternal twin, Tyler. All four of the children are direct descendants of Isolt Sayre, the founder of Ilvemorny, through one of her own twin daughters, on Alessio's side of the family, and Alessio died of dragon pox when Taylor and Tyler were only four years old.
Being born in America, the Borellis were content to stay, allowing Heather and Ruth to attend Ilvermorny all their school years and graduate. But after Taylor and Tyler completed their first year, Catherine was offered a job by the British Ministry of Magic and the pay was good, so she packed her kids all the way to the UK and had their papers transferred before second year; the twins were with the first years in their Sorting, with Taylor going to Slytherin and Tyler going to Hufflepuff.
Taylor has vague Seer abilities in which she had visions while she's dreaming, but often cannot recall explicit details in her dreams unless there's danger approaching. So she has nightmares about big yellow eyes after the Chamber of Secrets is opened, and she reveals she's a Parselmouth the same time Harry Potter does, resulting in the school regarding the two of them with heavy suspicion. It's also how she befriends the Golden Trio and becomes outcasted by many of her Housemates. Despite being a true Slytherin descendant, Taylor is not regarded very highly by many in her House, but she doesn't care. If anything, she often beats up people who try to be bigoted around her and she always gets away with it.
Tyler is one of the Petrified victims that year, and so Taylor travels with Ron and Harry -- and Lockhart, briefly -- into the Chamber of Secrets itself in order to help control the basilisk long enough to rescue Ginny Weasley. She helps to stab the Diary with the basilisk fang, and she earns friendships across the rest of the school for her efforts.
In third year, Taylor becomes fascinated with the concept of Animagi, and she works that entire year to become one herself. During her efforts, she helps Hermione in trying to help Hagrid save Buckbeak's life, as well as trying to keep Harry safe from Sirius Black, not realizing that he's an innocent man. She also figures out quickly that Remus Lupin is a werewolf, and keeps his secret, often leaving high quality chocolate outside of his office after full moons. Before the end of the year, she succeeds in becoming an Animagus; her form is a little black fox with white spots all over her back. She reveals this when she helps the Trio try to save Sirius from the dementors, and she chased after Peter Pettigrew when he turns into a rat to try and escape them, unable to catch him, but she does manage to cause some damage before the dementors cause her to faint. No one else knows that she's an Animagus, and she remains unregistered.
Fourth year, Taylor is one of Harry's supporters after he's named a Fourth Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, even making new buttons to counteract the Potter Stinks ones. She's even Harry's date to the Yule Ball, even if she was a last resort option for him. She helps Hermione capture Rita Skeeter in the woman's beetle Animagus form, and she even keeps the jar on her during the summer, only releasing her once she's sure Rita is too traumatized to retaliate.
Fifth year, Catherine, Heather and Ruth have officially joined the Order of the Phoenix, so the Taylor and Tyler are at Grimmauld Place when Harry's brought there. They become even closer to the Weasleys, and Taylor is named the girl prefect in Slytherin House, which annoys her since she has to work with Draco Malfoy. For every time Draco abuses their position to abuse others, she willingly docks points from Slytherin in retaliation, until he knocks it off. She gets on Umbridge's nerves so much that she earns a scar on the back of her hand through those "detentions" that says I Must Not Challenge Authority. She wears the scars like a badge of honor, even joining Dumbledore's Army; the Patronus she produces during these lessons is a thestral, one of the rarest forms a Patronus can take, while Tyler's takes the form of a sparrow. She has horrendous nightmares during the year, various visions coming through, and at least three days before Arthur Weasley is attacked by Nagini, Taylor begs Ron to write to his father and ask him to not "take unnecessary risks". Due to this warning, Arthur's injuries are less severe. At the end of the year, Taylor and Tyler join Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Luna to the Ministry of Magic to try and save Sirius Black, something Taylor succeeds in doing by pushing him out of the way of Bellatrix Lestrange's curse. She also chases after Harry when he chases Bellatrix and battles Tom Riddle one on one for a brief time before she's almost fatally injured and rushed to the Hospital Wing after the Battle concludes. Her feelings for Harry have started to turn romantic (she's in denial).
Sixth year, things are quieter, though Taylor's nightmares persist. Her Amortentia smells like Harry -- treacle tart, with the Quidditch pitch, fresh air, leather gloves and broom handle polish -- and she becomes quietly obsessed with wanting to know what Harry smelled, though she never asks. She also notices Draco becoming sicker over the year, and tries to corner him about what he's doing, but he always shakes her off. It's during this year that she either gets close enough to Harry that they start dating, or they become very close, but he tells her at the end of the year that he can't risk putting her in danger and doesn't want to start anything lest Riddle figure out that Harry has a more severe weakness, meaning his feelings for Taylor. When Dumbledore dies, Taylor's the only one who doesn't care because she hated the guy, and she only attends the funeral for Harry's sake. She also starts looking into Horcruxes on her own.
Seventh year, the Borellis are invited to Bill and Fleur's wedding. Taylor and Harry dance and share a kiss, before the Death Eaters attack and the guests either flee or fight back. Taylor and Tyler manage to flee before they're captured, and Catherine, Heather and Ruth are tortured for information on Harry's whereabouts. As a pureblooded family, they're not killed, especially since Catherine's from a powerful ancient family of her own back in Lebanon; it's during this year that Riddle finds out about his blood ties to the Borelli siblings, and he instructs his Death Eaters to not spill their blood, imagining that they can be brought around to "the right ideas beheld by their noble ancestor".
Tyler is the only one to return to Hogwarts for their seventh year, when attendance for all students becomes mandatory. Taylor instead flees, and she begins hunting Death Eaters on her own, wearing a cloak that covers all identifying features, and a mask covering her face. She monikers herself The Banshee, as she whistles before every attack on Death Eaters and Riddle supporters, leaving a bloodbath in her wake. She's slippery enough to not get caught, and she knows better than to contact anyone in the Order, but she reverently listens to her radio every night for Potterwatch, waiting for news on Harry and feeling relieved every time there isn't any. Heather and Ruth also flee by Christmas, as Catherine refuses to go into hiding unless she knows where Tyler is, and then the entire family goes underground. They all return for the Battle of Hogwarts, and Heather dies to protect her siblings during the fight. Thanks to Taylor killing as many enemies as possible, Riddle's forces have dwindled to less impressive numbers, and she cheats by giving as many allies as possible Felix Felicis right before the fight, so the Fallen Defenders are also dwindled; she's still devastated by Heather's death, even if they were never very close.
Taylor and Harry marry a few years after the wars' end, and they have several children. Harry becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, while Taylor and Hermione Granger band together to create a magical primary school called the Magical Academy; it's to give a learning space for all magical children, including Muggleborns and halfbloods who only live in the Muggle world, being taught alongside their magical world raised peers, in order to stop the bigotry that the pureblood ideology upheld.
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heleneplays · 5 years
MC / OC Energy and Alignment chart
Thanks for the tag @phyl-the-gryffinclaw !!! Sorry im late ówò
Rules: Fill your MC and anyone (MC's family,friends, other fandom oc's, etc.) in the charts. You choose either one or both. Have fun~❤️
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Placing the rest under the cut!
how i did the morality:
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Info on the characters you may not recognize
Other new characters:
Rionante Le Blanc
- Half-Brother to Maria Rebecca Sayre-White, who was given to the Cadet branch to be raised as is tradition for (pardon the word) bastard children
- so he's... Helene's Great Uncle (am I doing the geneaolgy right?) on her mother's side of the family
- Is a Dark wizard with hidden Agenda, rising high in the ranks of the Cadet branch, nd earning the favor of the head of said branch.
Elise Le Blanc
- Rionante's daughter aka Helene's cousin first removed
- Raised to be Dark, but ultimately chose the light
- Found she was to be a single mother, which solidified her decision to flee his household
- Except Rionante found out and he tracked her down... leading to a chase that lasted until her labor.
- ...and met a sad end hours after she gave birth.
Kaden Le Blanc
- Helene's second cousin, basically
- Raised by her no-nonsense grandfather, under rigorous training nearly as brutal to Helene's own
-Taken by the Cadet Branch Head as her subject, molded to be one of the sleeper spy replacements to those Maria had took from the Main branch.
-goes Hogwarts to replace the other graduating branch member sent to spy on the ladt Adler during her 5th year (Helene - 5th year, Kaden - 1st year)
if you're reading this, my huge thanks for reading til the end!
Not tagging anyone, but feel free to do this if you want to owo!!!
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Red of Overly Sarcastic Productions once said :"If you can imagine your Batman comforting a shared child, then congratulations, you're righting Batman. If not, you're just writing the Punisher in a funny hat". This got me wondering: could the Shadow comfort a scared child?
Could he? You forget who was there to lift young Bruce to his feet at his first brush with death (sadly far from his last).
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But it's an interesting question to pose still, because children were straight up not in the pulps, not in any I've read, and I can't recall any episodes of the radio show that feature them much (there's gotta be at least a few, because they had everything in that show). The most interaction I think The Shadow's ever had with children (from comics that I can discuss here, because Marshall Rogers' "Harold Goes to Washington" is way, way too much for me to go into right now, and the less I talk about some other DC comics, the better) is in the Street & Smith comics.
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There's Jerry from the Devil Kyoti arc, a kid who was traumatized by an encounter with the villain who Sayre's looking after and who ends up having some kind of hidden power that allows him to see The Shadow and defeat the villain. There was a blonde Jerry who showed up later in the Monstradamus arc, but he isn't a kid so much as he's diet Jimmy Olsen or a replacement for Harry, but he had weird eyesight-based powers and a familiarity with The Shadow, so I assume it's the same character.
There was also Donald Jordan - Shadow Jr, and okay, I may have to talk more about this weird little failed experiment some other time, but the basic gist of it is that The Shadow had a friend in Tibet named Harry Jordan (and someday I'm also gonna write about the weird prevalence and significance of the name "Harry" in The Shadow's mythos in and out of universe) who was murdered, leaving his son orphaned and with nowhere to go. And, I'll admit that I have a real weakness for The Shadow calling people "son", which he does a lot in this story.
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And as you can expect, it then turns out that the kid's also learned how to cloud minds and has basically the same powers The Shadow has in these comics, and they solve the mystery of his dad's murder together, and yeah, you can absolutely tell that they are setting up this kid to be The Shadow's Robin. Although, interestingly, they don't have The Shadow actually recruit the kid, instead it's Jordan who asks The Shadow if he can go with him and join his mission, and Cranston even states he's going to have to "earn" his way
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"Must I stay here, sir? It will always remind me of dad - I'd like to devote my life to your fight against evil and evil doers!
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Now, "Shadow Jr's" career was incredibly short-lived, it only lasted for about two other issues, and I have no idea what happened in his final appearence called "Snake Eyes" in Shadow Comics #77, I cannot find that issue anywhere and I really want to. But the one other solo story of his I've read was...well, I think it kinda illustrates why the idea of The Shadow having a Robin was doomed from the start.
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...Yeah. Even The Shadow at his most sanitized and family friendly is still The Shadow, and there's no room for children in his network, obviously he shouldn't and wouldn't have children be in those positions or make decisions expected from grown-ups who have already had encounters with death and danger, why would anyone do that-
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The only instance I can think of The Shadow interacting with a child in the pulps was during The Prince of Evil, when he has to rescue a young boy from Stark's thugs.
Cranston, dazed, tried to stagger to his feet. Before he could do so, the thug had picked up the limp figure of the boy and was darting out into the street. There was a scream of horror from pedestrians.
A heavy truck was racing at top speed along the avenue. Straight into the path of the truck, the thug threw the senseless boy!
The driver of the truck jammed on the brakes. But it was too late to halt the heavy vehicle. The broad-tired wheels rolled toward the limp head of the lad on the pavement.
An instant before it could crush out his life, Lamont Cranston dived headlong into the path of destruction. His shoulder struck the boy, rolling him toward the curb. A quick wriggle, and Cranston swerved aside from the grinding death that loomed over him.
He picked up the boy. One glance and he knew there was no time to lose. The attempted killer had leaped into a waiting sedan and had already made his escape.
The boy was all Cranston could see or think about. Brass knuckles had fractured his skull. He had suffered a concussion of the brain. A glance at his bluish lips and the fixed glaze of his staring eyes told Cranston that unless the boy was operated on immediately, he would die.
A leap, Cranston was in his car. He laid the boy gently on the seat beside him, then headed the car toward the nearest hospital. Traffic lights were ignored.
The boy was taken to an emergency operating room and a skilled surgeon went to work. When it was over, Cranston asked only one question: "Will the child live?"
"Hard to say. We'll do our best."
"Spare no expense. Put him in a private room. Engage day and night nurses."
Cranston's face was pale. He knew that he himself was indirectly responsible for the boy's attack. A supercriminal had made a prompt answer to Cranston's message over Jackson's telephone. That telephone must have been tapped. The attempt to kill the boy was a vicious warning for Lamont Cranston to mind his own business about the Harmon family. It was a follow-up of the attack on Jackson's dog.
Cranston felt a surge of hot anger. He kept it under control while he answered routine police questions. He told all he knew - which was nothing.
He had only one angry thought. He intended to drive straight to the office of David Chester. He'd get the truth out of the sleek Chester, if he had to batter him with vengeful fists!
Cranston was actually halfway to Chester's office before common sense returned to him. He realized he had lost his sense of balance. He was behaving exactly as the crooks wanted. He was playing their game, not his!
He parked, and the hot rage drained slowly from him. He stopped thinking about the limp figure of a young lad on a white operating table.
This is definitely because Tinsley writes the character differently than Gibson, but I actually cannot think of another occasion where we got to read about The Shadow actively wanting to hit someone with his fists. It's very, very rare to read about The Shadow actually getting mad in the first place in such an undignified way. And I think with this passage, you'll start to notice a pattern.
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The problem isn't that The Shadow cannot interact with kids or that he can't comfort them, he does it to his agents and adults he wants to help just fine, he knows how to address people in their language, or any language. The problem is, The Shadow is constantly surrounded by danger everywhere he goes, because he is The Shadow. He can be any number of things at any number of occasions, but usually, when The Shadow shows up, it's usually because people are going to die, and people are going to kill, and it's his job to address that and work the scales.
Children should not be anywhere near this, and if The Shadow's interacting with a child, it usually means that some grave danger or tragedy fell upon them, and he's here to either prevent greater tragedy or address the fall-out, and he'd be the first to agree that neither of these options should be happening at all. It doesn't mean he's not gonna do what's right and give life and limb to protect them, but, it shouldn't be up to the Boogeyman to look after them in the first place. Maybe it shouldn't be up to the Boogeyman to protect us.
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But then again, as I mentioned when I talked about my own reasons for liking The Shadow so much, there are many kids who would like nothing more than to have the Boogeyman by their side to protect them. There's comfort in knowing that the scariest man in the room is unconditionally there to protect you, and that is the comfort that The Shadow gives best. Not as Cranston, not under a friendly face, but as what he is.
Due to a lack of scenes from the pulps or satisfying scenes from elsewhere, I will instead be pulling one from a fan story written by Kimberly-Murphy Smith, editor and writer of The Hot Cornerm where The Shadow rescues a child who was kidnapped for blackmail. I couldn't care less that it's fanfic, and if you do, come back in 20 or so years after The Shadow's been made public domain and it's gonna be just as official as anything licensed (on my “to write about” list: how fickle the separation between “official” and “fanfic” is, and the many times it plainly didn’t exist). There’s aspects of her writing I don’t care for, but I really like this scene and I do think The Shadow’s more gentle interactions with people are necessary to getting the character.
She stopped crying for a minute. "Who's there?" she said, her voice choked.
A friend. Your mommy and daddy sent me to pick you up.
"Mommy? Mommy's here?"
Sh-h-h. Annabelle felt a gloved hand gently stroking her hair. She's waiting for you at home. So, we need to hurry up and leave.
"'kay." She looked around. "Where are you?"
It's kind of hard to see me. It's dark in here, plus you've been crying so much your eyes probably hurt.
Don't be afraid. I'm here to help.
The implicit trust of children was simply amazing at times. Adults trembled in fear of The Shadow's wrath, but children somehow seemed to understand that he was there to help them, even if they couldn't see him.
Sit up, Annabelle. I'm going to pick you up. Be very quiet.
One hand took each of her arms and guided them around a neck she could not see. "Why are you wearin' a blanket?" she asked as the fabric of his cloak brushed against her shoulders.
Sometimes I get cold at night.
"Even in the summer?"
Even in the summer. He gently stroked her cheek and wiped away her tears. Now, you need to be very quiet so those bad men in the next room don't hear us. I'll bet you're tired.
She nodded.
He rocked her on his arms, projecting a very gentle hypnotic relaxation into her with his powers as he did. You probably didn't get your nap, either. Poor thing. Lean on my shoulder and go to sleep. And when you wake up, you'll be back with Mommy and Daddy.
She yawned, then snuggled against his shoulder and went to sleep.
The Shadow sighed with relief. Now to get past the men out front. He gently pulled the pistol out of its holster under his left arm and slipped it into the belted waist of his overcoat within easy reach, then secured his grip on Annabelle and draped his cloak over her.
She clutched the edge of his cloak in her hand like a security blanket and snuggled against his shoulder again.
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(Art by Jill Thompson)
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ucflibrary · 4 years
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Each December, the UCF Libraries’ Featured Bookshelf celebrates the favorite books of employees of the UCF Libraries. And you know a major thing about librarians and library staff? They love talking about their favorite books. The books listed below are some of the favorite books we read in 2020.
Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for our favorite 2020 titles. These 20 books plus favorites from previous years are also on display in the 4th floor Reading Room of the John C. Hitt Library.
And if you find someone has checked the one you’re interested in out before you had a chance, did you know you can place an interlibrary loan and have another copy sent here for you? Click here for instructions on placing an interlibrary loan.
 A Furious Sky: the five-hundred-year history of America's hurricanes by Eric Jay Dolin From the moment European colonists laid violent claim to this land, hurricanes have had a profound and visceral impact on American history-yet, no one has attempted to write the definitive account of America's entanglement with these meteorological behemoths. Eric Jay Dolin presents the five-hundred-year story of American hurricanes, from the nameless storms that threatened Columbus' New World voyages, to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the escalation of hurricane season as a result of global warming. Populating his narrative with unlikely heroes such as Benito Vines, the nineteenth-century Jesuit priest whose revelatory methods for predicting hurricanes saved countless lives, and journalist Dan Rather, whose coverage of a 1961 hurricane would change broadcasting history, Dolin uncovers the often surprising ways we respond to natural crises. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo With beauty, grace, and honesty, Castillo recounts his and his family’s encounters with a system that treats them as criminals for seeking safe, ordinary lives. He writes of the Sunday afternoon when he opened the door to an ICE officer who had one hand on his holster, of the hours he spent making a fake social security card so that he could work to support his family, of his father’s deportation and the decade that he spent waiting to return to his wife and children only to be denied reentry Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Dark Matter: a novel by Blake Crouch A mind-bending, relentlessly paced science-fiction thriller, in which an ordinary man is kidnapped, knocked unconscious--and awakens in a world inexplicably different from the reality he thought he knew. "Are you happy with your life?" Those are the last words Jason Dessen hears before the masked abductor knocks him unconscious. He awakens to find himself strapped to a gurney, surrounded by strangers in hazmat suits. Before him, a man Jason's never met smiles down at him and says, "Welcome back, my friend." In this world he's woken up to, Jason's life is not the one he knows. His wife is not his wife. His son was never born. And Jason is not an ordinary college physics professor but a celebrated genius who has achieved something remarkable. Something impossible. Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Do Nothing: how to break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving by Celeste Headlee We work feverishly to make ourselves happy. So why are we so miserable? Despite our constant search for new ways to "hack" our bodies and minds for peak performance, human beings are working more instead of less, living harder not smarter, and becoming more lonely and anxious. This manifesto helps us break free of our unhealthy devotion to efficiency and shows us how to reclaim our time and humanity with a little more leisure Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Eleanor Roosevelt by Blanche Wiesen Cook A study of the complex and political figure of Eleanor Roosevelt begins with her harrowing childhood, describes the difficulties of her marriage, and explains how she persuaded Franklin to make the reforms that would make him famous. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 From Here to Eternity: traveling the world to find the good death by Caitlin Doughty Fascinated by our pervasive fear of dead bodies, mortician Caitlin Doughty set out to discover how other cultures care for the dead. In rural Indonesia, she watches a man clean and dress his grandfather's mummified body, which has resided in the family home for two years. In La Paz, she meets Bolivian natitas (cigarette-smoking, wish-granting human skulls), and in Tokyo she encounters the Japanese kotsuage ceremony, in which relatives use chopsticks to pluck their loved-ones' bones from cremation ashes. She introduces deathcare innovators researching body composting and green burial, and examines how varied traditions, from Mexico's Dias de los Muertos to Zoroastrian sky burial help us see our own death customs in a new light. She argues that our expensive, impersonal system fosters a corrosive fear of death that hinders our ability to cope and mourn. By comparing customs, she demonstrates that mourners everywhere respond best when they help care for the deceased and have space to participate in the process.  Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Indelicacy by Amina Cain A cleaning woman at a museum of art nurtures aspirations to do more than simply dust the paintings around her. She dreams of having the liberty to explore them in writing, and so must find a way to win herself the time and security to use her mind. She escapes her lot by marrying a rich man, but having gained a husband, a house, high society, and a maid, she finds that her new life of privilege is no less constrained. Not only has she taken up different forms of time-consuming labor - social and erotic - but she is now, however passively, forcing other women to clean up after her. Perhaps another and more drastic solution is necessary Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu Every day Willis Wu leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-- and he sees his life as a script. After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he has ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but the buried legacy of his own family, and what that means for him in today's America. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Scottish Highlands, 1945. Claire Randall, a former British combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding clans in the year of Our Lord . . . 1743. Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of a world that threatens her life, and may shatter her heart. Marooned amid danger, passion, and violence, Claire learns her only chance of safety lies in Jamie Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior. What begins in compulsion becomes urgent need, and Claire finds herself torn between two very different men, in two irreconcilable lives. Suggested by Katie Kirwan, Acquisitions & Collections
 Paradise Lost: a life of F. Scott Fitzgerald by David S. Brown In this comprehensive biography, Brown reexamines Fitzgerald’s childhood, first loves, and difficult marriage to Zelda Sayre. He looks at Fitzgerald’s friendship with Hemingway, the golden years that culminated with Gatsby, and his increasing alcohol abuse and declining fortunes which coincided with Zelda’s institutionalization and the nation’s economic collapse. Suggested by Andrew Hackler, Circulation
 Recursion by Blake Crouch Reality is broken. At first, it looks like a disease. An epidemic that spreads through no known means, driving its victims mad with memories of a life they never lived. But the force that’s sweeping the world is no pathogen. It’s just the first shock wave, unleashed by a stunning discovery—and what’s in jeopardy is not our minds but the very fabric of time itself. Suggested by Mary Rubin, Special Collections & University Archives
 Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh Brosh’s second book includes humorous stories from her childhood; the adventures of her very bad animals; merciless dissection of her own character flaws; incisive essays on grief, loneliness, and powerlessness; as well as reflections on the absurdity of modern life. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Spillover: animal infections and the next human pandemic by David Quammen This work examines the emergence and causes of new diseases all over the world, describing a process called "spillover" where illness originates in wild animals before being passed to humans and discusses the potential for the next huge pandemic. The emergence of strange new diseases is a frightening problem that seems to be getting worse. In this age of speedy travel, it threatens a worldwide pandemic. We hear news reports of Ebola, SARS, AIDS, and something called Hendra killing horses and people in Australia; but those reports miss the big truth that such phenomena are part of a single pattern. The bugs that transmit these diseases share one thing: they originate in wild animals and pass to humans by a process called spillover. As globalization spreads and as we destroy the ancient ecosystems, penetrating ever deeper into the furthest reaches of the planet, we encounter strange and dangerous infections that originate in animals but can be transmitted to humans. The author tracks this subject around the world. He recounts adventures in the field, netting bats in China, trapping monkeys in Bangladesh, stalking gorillas in the Congo, with the world's leading disease scientists. He takes the reader along on this quest to learn how, where from, and why these diseases emerge, and he asks the terrifying question: What might the next big one be? Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen It's the height of the Palm Beach charity ball season: for every disease or cause, there's a reason for the local luminaries to eat (minimally), drink (maximally), and be seen. But when a prominent high-society dowager suddenly vanishes during a swank gala, and is later found dead in a concrete grave, panic and chaos erupt. Kiki Pew was notable not just for her wealth and her jewels--she was an ardent fan of the Winter White House resident just down the road, and a founding member of the POTUSSIES, a group of women dedicated to supporting their President. Never one to miss an opportunity to play to his base, the President immediately declares that Kiki was the victim of rampaging immigrant hordes. This, it turns out, is far from the truth. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee A year after a whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind: avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. But the administrators see men as the sole guardians of science. When a doctor she idolizes marries a friend of hers in Germany, Felicity believes he could change her future. A mysterious young woman will pay Felicity's way, if Felicity will let her travel along-- as her maid. Soon they're on a perilous quest that leads them across the promenades of Zurich to secrets lurking beneath the Atlantic. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 The Power of Now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle Much more than simple principles and platitudes, this book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the discovery of truth and light. In the first chapter, Tolle introduces readers to enlightenment and its natural enemy, the mind. He awakens readers to their role as a creator of pain and shows them how to have a pain-free identity by living fully in the present. The journey is thrilling, and along the way, the author shows how to connect to the indestructible essence of our Being. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Scarlet Sisters: sex, suffrage, and scandal in the gilded age by Myra MacPherson A fresh look at the life and times of Victoria Woodhull and Tennie Claflin, two sisters whose radical views on sex, love, politics, and business threatened the white male power structure of the nineteenth century and shocked the world. Here award-winning author Myra MacPherson deconstructs and lays bare the manners and mores of Victorian America, remarkably illuminating the struggle for equality that women are still fighting today. Suggested by Dawn Tripp, Research & Information Services
 The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: selected literary and philosophical writings by Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick has established himself as a major figure in American literature. The landscape of his imagination features a wealth of concepts and fictional worlds: Nazi-rule in a postwar nightmare; androids and the unification of man and machine; and an existence that no longer follows the logic of reality. This first-time collection assembles his nonfiction writings essays, journals, speeches, and interviews. In these writings he explores issues ranging from the merging of physics and metaphysics to the potential influences of "virtual" reality and its consequences to a plot-scenario for a potential episode of "Mission: Impossible," to the challenge that fundamental "human" values face in the age of technology and spiritual decline.". Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Wild Heart of Florida: Florida writers on Florida's wildlands selected and edited by Jeff Ripple and Susan Cerulean Coming from a variety of backgrounds--fiction, journalism, poetry, and environmental writing--the writers turn their talent to one thing they have in common--a love for Florida’s natural beauty and a commitment to preserve it. Their essays--some old favorites, most appearing here for the first time--are both a celebration and a pointed reminder of what we stand to lose. Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
 There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool The Age of Darkness approaches. Who will stop it... or unleash it? For generations, the Seven Prophets guided humanity. Using their visions of the future, they ended wars and united nations-- until they disappeared a hundred years ago. All they left behind was one final prophecy, foretelling an Age of Darkness and the birth of a new Prophet who could be the world's salvation-- or the cause of its destruction. Will it be a prince exiled from his kingdom? A ruthless killer known as the Pale Hand? A once-faithful leader torn between his duty and his heart? A reckless gambler with the power to find anything or anyone? Or a dying girl on the verge of giving up? Suggested by Pam Jaggernauth, Curriculum Materials Center
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sleepingdragonhq · 4 years
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Hey everyone, under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. You can find the poll for the costume contest here. We have added a few more awards this year. As always you vote for the top five in each category, five points for first place, four points for second and so on. You should be voting for individuals in every category except the couples ones. Please vote before the 31st of October as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward. If we have missed any on any of the lists please let us know !!
Aaron Hale - Frankenstein
Adabella Skeeter - Sandy (Grease)
Adeline Mulciber - Beetlejuice 
Aiden Wolffe - Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Aisha Vane - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Alastair Watson - Iron Man (Marvel)
Albus Potter - Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
Alec Fray - Spiderman (Marvel)
Alexander Hawthorne - Ace Ventura (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) 
Alison Wood - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Alice Longbottom II - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Annika Parkinson - Wonder Woman (DC)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Pan (Disney)
Ariadne McLaggen - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Ariella Belefleur - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Aryana Robins - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Ash Highmore - Pot Head
Aurora Claremont - Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Axel Wolffe - Ghost
Benjamin Ollivander - Dr. Facilier (Disney)
Bentley Lockhart - Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
Brett Holland - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Brigid Callaghan - Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents)
Caleb Cresswell - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Camille McGonagall - Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Candice Cresswell - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Caspian Berrycloth - Zebra
Cassius Cresswell - Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Storm (X-Men/Marvel)
Charlotte Watson - Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chase Sayre - Simon Snow (Carry On Series)
Clara Arquette - Cinderella (Disney)
Colm McCarthy - Vampire
Cynthia Clearwater - Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tales)
Cyrus Clearwater - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Daniel McKinnon - Jason Dean (Heathers)
Darcy Mulciber - Medusa (Mythology)
Declan Rowland - Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
Diana Rosier - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Dominique Weasley - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Edith De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Lover Era)
Edward Lupin - Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Eleanor Pucey - Harley Quinn (DC)
Electra Carrow - Emily (Corpse Bride)
Elena Flores - Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Elide Weasley - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Elodie De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Reputation Era)
Erin McCormack - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Evan Parkinson - Captain America (Marvel)
Evangeline Pickering - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Evelyn Carrow - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Everett Pickering - Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Felix Hopkirk - Thor (Marvel)
Fletcher Duke - Flower Thrower (Banksy Art)
Frank Longbottom II - Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Fred Weasley - Superman (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Danny (Grease)
Gale MacDougal - Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Grace Turner - Wendy (Peter Pan)
Griffin Jones - Catwoman (DC)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Harper Lee Clark - Princess Anneliese (Princess and the Pauper)
Hazel MacDougal - Cher (Clueless)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Unicorn
Hunter Adams - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Jace Greengrass - t-shirt that says “costume”
James Ashcroft - Starlord (Guardians of the Galaxy)
James Potter - Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Jasper Locklear - Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Jaxon DuQuan - Skeleton
Jonah Finch - Joker (DC)
Josephine Flamel - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Joshua Selwyn - Spiderman (Marvel)
Juliet Highmore - Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Kristoff Flynn - Gomez Addams (The Addams Family)
Laurel Ollivander - Devil
Layla Rowle - Poison Ivy (DC)
Liam Alvarez - Miles Morales (Into the Spiderverse)
Lily Potter - Max (Stranger Things)
Levi Highmore - Ghost
Long Huojin - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
Lorcan Scamander - Spiderman (Marvel)
Louis Weasley - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Lucienne Wolffe - Scary Alice
Lucy Weasley - Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Lyra Malfoy - Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Lysander Scamander - 7 (7/11)
Mackenzie Potter - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros)
Madeline Brown - Rachel Green (Friends)
Malachai Arquette - Prince Charming (Disney)
Manon Flamel - Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Marcus Carson - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Mason Jones - Ghost
Matthew Asprey - Niffler
Matthias Vallois - Dimitri (Anastasia)
Meredith Wayfelle - Coraline (Coraline)
Molly Weasley II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Mortimer Claremont - White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Natalya Dolohova - Na’vi (Avatar)
Nate Wood - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Jurassic Park)
Nesta Greenwood - Fiona (Shrek)
Nova Slughorn - Devil
Octavia Coleman - Mummy
Odette Flume - Beret Girl (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Orlando Lockhart - Firefighter 
Peggy Carson - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Penelope Hawthorne - Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Pepper Rosewood - Pirate
Perseus Mulciber - Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones)
Pippa Rosewood - Pirate
Poppy Zabini - Eleven (7/11)
Rayna Sayre - Rebel Spy (Star Wars)
Reid Anderson - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Rory Goldstein - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Scorpius Malfoy - Bas Pitch (Carry On Series)
Sebastian Nott - Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Seraphina Macaulay - Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Seung Krum - Deadpool (Marvel)
Sofia Clarke - Wonder Woman (DC)
Tallulah Abbott - Clown 
Theodore Oliver - Hector Rivera (Coco)
Theseus McLaggen - Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Thomas Goyle - The Riddler (DC)
Tobias Atwell - Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel)
Toby Anderson - Westley (The Princess Bride)
Vera McKinnon - Heather Chandler (Heathers)
Verity Nott - Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Victoire Weasley - Jessica Rabbit (Roger Rabbit)
William Ashcroft - Clark Kent / Superman (DC)
Romantic Couples
Aiden & Evan - Bucky Barnes & Captain America
Alastair & Peggy - Tony Stark/Iron Man & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Albus & Electra - Victor & Emily (Corpse Bride)
Archer & Grace - Peter Pan & Wendy (Peter Pan)
Bentley & Everett - Dorothy & Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Chase & Scorpius - Simon & Baz (Carry On Series)
Declan & Brigid - Timmy & Trixie (Fairly Odd Parents)
Frank & Casey - Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Gabriel & Adabella - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
James & Mackenzie - Mario & Peach (Super Mario Bros)
James & Verity - Starlord & Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jasper & Lyra - Prince Phillip & Princess Aurora (Disney)
Joshua & Seung - Spiderman & Deadpool (Marvel)
Kristoff & Elena - Gomez & Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Lysander & Poppy - 7/11
Malachai & Clara - Prince Charming & Cinderella (Disney)
Matthias & Ariella - Dmitri & Anastasia (Anastasia)
Perseus & Penelope - Khal Drogo & Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Sebastian & Ariadne - Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Tobias & Celestina - Wolverine & Storm (Marvel/X-Men)
Toby & Charlie - Westley & Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Platonic Couples
Aurora & Seraphina - Daphne & Velma (Scooby Doo)
Axel, Levi & Mason - Ghosts
Alice & Lily - Eleven & Max (Stranger Things)
Eleanor, Griffin & Layla - Harley Quinn, Catwoman & Poison Ivy (DC)
Gale & Juliet - Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Harper & Lucy - Princess Anneliese & Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Nate & Alison - T-Rex & Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Pepper & Pippa - Pirates
Theseus & Camille - Adam & Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
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sayresellar-blog · 4 years
The ever so stylish Sayre Crest Coffee Tables are here to take your breath away. This versatile and modern piece of furniture features one large table accompanied by four smaller ones. When the smaller tables are not required, they can be neatly tucked under the bigger one. And since each table comes with a smooth and shiny outlook, they enhance the look of the space with class and vibrancy. Keep the dust and dirt away by wiping the tables with a soft piece of cloth. Features: Ultra Modern Design: Sayre Crest Coffee Table enhances the look of living space with its ultra-modern design. You will find the table perfect to complement your room's interior while ensuring it grabs everyone's attention. Five-in-One Table: This table is accompanied by four small tables that hide underneath the main one, when not in use. For larger spaces, consider keeping all five of them together. Or use the central one as a desk and the other four as seats, over a discussion or a board game with friends and family. Smooth Surface: The Crest Coffee Table comes in a beautiful white and beige color combination and has a smooth surface. It makes it easy to clean the table and keep it away from dust and dirt. Contoured Texture: The texture of this table is contoured and looks exceptionally stylish.
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
Journeys End in Lovers Meeting (Chapter 4)
Pairing: Professor Gwilym Lee x student reader
Summary: Reader is a new student at Harvard University and, on her first day, she does something she might regret. Or maybe not.
Warnings: none
Wc: 2035
A/N: sorry for being inactive, not posting anything. it's just that I'm so busy with uni and exams (reason why I won't be too active in the next month or so). anyway, here's the new chapter! hope you like it!! remember to reblog and leave your comments, so I know what you think!!!
Previous Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 5
Taglist: @tegan-eva @kerouacsroad
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“The play was really good, don’t you think?” Gwilym said with a smile, while walking out of the theatre, hands in the pockets of his jacket.
You finished closing your jacket while walking behind him, trying to protect yourself from the cold of your first American winter. “Yes, the actors were amazing, and I loved how they kept the original English rather than making it more modern.”
He was going to add something, but immediately noticed how much you were shivering because of the cold. “Do you want to grab something to eat? There was that diner you saw a few blocks back. You seemed to like it.” He smiled gently, taking a step closer to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, trying to warm you up a little.
And you actually did appreciate the warmth the man irradiated from his body, instantly getting closer to him, forgetting for even just a second the fact that you were supposed to be his student. In that moment, you were just friends, which, in a way, you really were. “Yes, please, let’s do it”. You were freezing, obviously you were. Geographically speaking, Cambridge, Massachusetts, was supposed to be somewhat warmer than good, old London’s freezing winter. At least that was what you thought since, by looking at a world map, you thought Massachusetts was a little more south than England. But, again, you knew next to nothing about anything regarding science.
You walked down the sidewalk together, actually appreciating the evening – yes, the cold too -, talking about the play and how you liked it, which was each other’s favourite scene, and all those things Shakespeare’s lovers discuss about. But, finally, a few minutes later, you got to the little diner. As soon as you walked in, your eyes started to move from side to side, admiring every single detail of that place, which looked as if it was from another era: it was just like those old movies you used to watch with your mother, like Grease or Back to the Future, with a black and white checked floor, with individual booths, leather-covered benches and stools, those big led signs, and, obviously, a jukebox. “This place is wonderful” You breathed, astonished by that place.
He just smiled, walking towards a booth and waiting for you to join him. “I thought you were more a 20s kind of girl – he grinned, looking at you – you know, dry cocktails, curtains blowing in the wind, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald.”
“Oh goof (sweetie), it was cat’s pyjamas (awesome, the best) back then, but you know, this place is swell (cool)” you giggled, while sitting in front of him, finally laying your eyes on him, an amused grin on Gwilym’s face.
“So, you know the 20s slang. I see” He tilted his head to side. “And tell me, doll, would you mind ordering something to chew (eat)?”
You laughed, definitely not expecting him to know 20s slang too. It was already crazy for one person of your age to use a slang that was used almost a century before, let alone two. “Absolutely”
“That was delicious” You marvelled, right before taking the last sip of your vanilla and mint milkshake. You were ecstatic, and Gwilym noticed it. He had never seen you this happy, and he had known you for four months at that point. Your smile was pure, with the angles of your mouth so far back and up that it almost took up most of your face. Your eyes shone so bright. And those dimples, which he had only recently noticed, those were so accentuated.
“Do you want to play a song?” He asked, giving you a coin and nodding towards the jukebox right behind your table. He didn’t need to ask you a second time, you had already taken that coin and got up, your eyes already scrolling through the long list of songs. He was looking at you, noticing how your eyes were unable to keep still, they were lively and quick, never fixed on one thing for too long, probably to keep up with your always working mind. And you were beautiful.
“Hope you know this song, because we’re dancing” You broke the silence, immediately running to him and grabbing his hand, trying to make him stand up.
“What? Wait, love, I don’t… I don’t dance” He shook his head, laughing, trying to sound as nice as possible.
At those words, you stopped, pouting. “Please, just one song” And looking at you like that made it even harder for him to say no a second time. “Pretty please! I love this song!”
He stayed in silence for a few second, before getting up, finally giving him. He couldn’t definitely dance, that’s for sure, but he just couldn’t stay there and not do anything, not when you were that happy just a few seconds before. “You will have to guide me through this because, honey, I’m not joking when I’m telling you that I cannot dance” He giggled, squeezing your hand a little bit before actually pulling you closer. At those words, your face immediately lit up.
In that moment, if someone saw the two of you like that, jumping around, Gwilym holding you close to him in that way, that someone would have probably thought that you were friends, or maybe something more, definitely not a student with her professor. And neither one of you felt that way. Everyone could read in Gwilym’s eyes how much he cared for you, but even how hard he was trying to not fall for you. Whereas you, you would never admit your feelings to anyone, but Rose already knew it. You definitely were head over heels for him, but at the same time you were too scared to admit to yourself that you actually had feelings for him. Every time Rose would ask you whether you liked Gwilym or not, you would immediately start nervously laughing, looking away, your cheeks would turn red and you would say things like “What? Him? But he’s my professor!” or “What are you saying? No!”, but your body was surely saying something totally different.
A few minutes later the song was over, and you were sitting again one in front of the other, trying to catch your breaths. “So, are you going back to your hometown for the winter break?” Gwilym asked, his back against the seatback.
In a matter of time, your smile faded away, which was quickly replace by a cold, distant expression. “No, I think I’m staying here” you mumbled, crossing your legs on the bench.
“I see… - he nodded, not getting why your mood changed so quickly after that question – are you celebrating Christmas with Rose then?”
“No, she’s going back to Illinois to her family. She asked me to go with her, but I didn’t feel like it. I will just stay home, watch some old Christmas movie, make cookies and hot chocolate. Maybe I’ll visit a couple of museums.” You explained, your eyes low on the empty glass that was once filled with delicious milkshake, absent-mindedly playing with the straw.
He hated seeing you like that. It wasn’t the first time he had seen you this sad, and it was probably for the same reason, which you never wanted to explain to him. You would always try and hide it behind a fake smile or simply a cup of tea. But that time, it was different. He had said something that made you feel that way, and he couldn’t stand it. “You can come over to my place for Christmas.” He said, trying to catch your attention, wanting to look you in the eyes. “My mom is going to be there and she’s definitely going to prepare too much food for just the two of us.” He laughed a little bit nervously, really hoping you would say yes. “Furthermore, I don’t want you to spend Christmas day alone. That would be really sad. Unless you’re old and grumpy and your name is Ebenezer Scrooge”
Finally, you cracked a smile. He knew it wasn’t a happy one, or at least not as happy as it would have been a few minutes before, but he made you smile, and that was already far more than enough. “I don’t know, Gwilym, I don’t want to-”
“Humbug!” He talked like an old man would, obviously trying to imitate the A Christmas Carol’s character. He new you loved that story, and he thought that it was definitely the right way to cheer you up. “Come on! I’ll come and pick you up, so you can help me set the table and then we’ll just wait for my mom to arrive while watching a movie.”
“Okay, but only if I can bring the dessert”
“You can do whatever you want, love” he smiled, happy to see you do the same.
The days went by quickly after that night, lessons finished, winter break started, Rose left and so did almost half of Cambridge’s population, because, apparently, most of the people living in that town were Harvard students. Walking downtown those days was both relaxing and melancholic, cafés were almost empty, shops played those old Christmas songs for the few people that came in to buy the last presents. It had even snowed for a couple of days, and now the streets and the sidewalks were covered in white, soft snow, which seemed to be asking to be picked up and thrown at people. But you had no one. Not that you minded being alone that much. you appreciated being able to walk alone, without worrying about what time you had to be back home for dinner, being able to walk out of the bathroom in your underwear after having taken the longest shower ever, without risking to find an unexpected guest. You had even found the time to get Gwilym a small present. It was nothing too special or expensive, just a little something to thank him for everything he had being doing for you since the first day. You were walking down a street, not really looking for something in particular, just enjoying your alone time, soft music coming out of each shop; then your attention got caught by an old bookshop just across the street. Curiosity drove you inside the store, where you immediately recognised the familiar smell of paperbacks, old newspapers, and you knew that was going to be your new favourite shop. You walked through the aisle, scrolling with your eyes through the titles, spending a little more time in the classics section. It didn’t take you long to sit yourself down on the ground, in the middle of the aisle, your back against the bookshelf, with books scattered all around you, trying to decide which one you should get yourself as Christmas present, not really thinking about anything else.
“Can I help you, dear?” A voice asked, which made you look up. In front of you there was a lady around her sixties, with grey hair neatly pulled up into a perfect bun, as if she was one of those ballerinas ready to go on stage for their performance.
“I was just looking for a book” You smiled back, getting up and noticing how small the woman actually was.
She turned around and reached for a book, handing it to the young lady in front of her, a gentle expression on her face. “Have you ever read this one?”
You took the book from the woman’s hands and read the title: The Call of the Wild by Jack London. “Yes, I know this book.” Of course you did, just as you knew it was one of Gwilym’s favourite books. You remembered how happy he got every time he told you about his mother reading him that book every night before going to sleep when he was 10. “I think this is the book I was looking for”
“Is it a present?”
“Yes” Your plan of getting a book for yourself just vanished from your mind, all you could think now was how Gwilym might react to you giving him that book.
“Someone special, darling?”
“I think so”
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ofsnckes · 6 years
「 @mendozarin liked for a starter. 」
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         between the long hours at st. mungos and the shifting family dynamics in the sayre household, esther was feeling stretched thin. perhaps that was what found her slipping on a pair of nude colored pumps, curling her hair with her wand as she applied lipstick with her free hand. she hadn’t been out in what felt like ages and knew that she needed the stress relief that came with dancing your problems away. between her younger brother desmond’s injuries, and her sister recently finding out about her husband’s extramarital affair and searching for sympathy in all the wrong places, the witch knew she needed a break.  the white pearl encrusted dress hugged her body in all the right places, though she couldn’t help but tug it down self consciously whenever she bent down. with a kiss blown at her mirror and the mirror throwing compliments at her retreating back, esther apparated away from her flat and into golden pine. 
     belladonna’s was bustling, the line trailing past the doors to get inside. having the sense to make a reservation days earlier, esther excused herself as she passed them by and snuck inside. she was led to her table where her company for the evening was already waiting. she kissed them on either cheek, rubbing with a frown when her lipstick lingered.  “ sorry. “  she apologized, her accent making it sound more like sarry.  “ forgot to apply the stain-free charms before i left me flat. “  with a flick of her wand, the issue was rectified.  the last thing she needed was to have the rim of her glass wearing the brilliant shade of ‘nightlock’ she’d applied to her lips.  “am i late ?  have we missed karaoke hour ?  there’s this witch that comes every time ... she’s brilliant !  she’d give celestina warbeck a run for her galleons. “
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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Part 1: Chapter 2: The Sorting Statues
As soon as Eric was off the train the crowd of students divided him and Percy from each other. Eric gripped his bag tighter as he was pushed and shoved through the train station. His arms were limp, and dead on either side of him. All and all it was an uncomfortable situation. As soon as the young wizard gained his composure he scanned the crowd for anyone he knew. Students walked passed at a brisk pace, everyone had somewhere to go, somewhere to be and Eric was just. Lost. His eyes finally settled on a girl with blue hair. She was conversing in a small group of third years, all of who were in Wampus.
“You dyed it?” One of them asked her.
“I thought you said you’d never dye your hair” Another chimed in.
“At least not in unnatural colors” A third added.
“I figured it was time for a change of pace” Mia answered confidently. Eric smirked. Turning her hair blue wasn’t something Mia did intentionally, it was because she was experimenting with her cauldron over summer break. Neither her nor their aunt could change it back. The effect was explosively hilarious. Eric shoved past the rest of the students before stopping and staring straight up at Mia.
“Hey sis”
“Hey Eric” She greeted back. The response had an air of boredom to it that Eric wasn’t used to at home. He figured it was because she wanted to appear ‘cool’ in front of her friends.
“Do you know where I’m supposed to be heading?”
“Oh! I know” One of girls cheered excitedly pushing Mia out of the way. She grabbed onto Eric’s shoulder causing him to stiffen. The girl pointed to a tall rugged man in a long flowing robe that extended past his ankles. He was holding a lantern that shined with green fire burning on the inside.
“You want to go over to Owen, he can seem a bit mean at first, but don’t feel bad, he gets better once you get to know him” Eric nodded.
“Thank you”
He ran off towards the man clutching his things as tightly as he could.
“What a cute kid” The third year noted just barely loud enough for Eric to hear it. He watched as the man raised the lantern in to the air.
“First years over here” The man’s voice was gruff and ridged like his appearance, “You don’t want to be late for the sorting now do you?” He had a permanent scowl etched on his face that made Eric wonder if the man had ever smiled before. A small group of first years were gathering around Owen’s feet.
Before Eric could push past the rest of the rabble he was bumped by a small girl that was carrying too many suitcases for her own good. She had auburn hair and mouse like features. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear then ran back towards the train.
“Sorry” The girl mouthed back to him, her meek voice lost amongst the bustling crowd. Eric wanted to respond, but before he got time to choose his words she was gone. Eventually, the brown haired boy made it to the group of first years who had crowded around the man with the lantern. Eric spotted Percy on the other side of the herd of sixth graders. He was waving his arms excitedly towards Eric. Eric smiled and rolled his eyes, amused. He flashed Percy with a thumbs up. This small gesture made Percy’s eyes brighten. Eric’s smile grew. The man cleared his throat.
“I am Owen, the grounds Keeper here at Ilvermorny, we’re going to wait for the other classes to clear out before we head up to the castle for sorting” One of the first years cheered. Owen’s brow furrowed into an even deeper scowl, which Eric couldn’t believe was possible.
“Like I was saying, you are all going to be sorted into different houses that represent a specific personal trait. The sorting is a vital tradition here at Ilvermorny. Do. Not. Disrupt. The. Ceremony. If you do the consequences will be immediate and harsh. Headmistress Mccoy will give a speech afterwards and then can you eat” Percy pulled out one of the chocolate frogs from his pocket and gave Eric a look that said, ‘that’s what he thinks’. Eric shook his head in amusement. Owen put his free hand on his side and leaned his lantern against his shoulder. He watched as the last of the stragglers trudged up the hill into the castle. Soon all the upperclassmen were out of site.
“We’re ready” He nodded to the mass of first years. The first year that cheered earlier looked like he was about to burst. Owen took the lead of the crowd and beckoned the new students to follow. The group marched up the hill to the castle. It’s imposing nature gave Eric chills down his spine. A couple of more excited sixth graders ran ahead of Owen before realizing they weren’t with the group, and turned back. Percy was one of them which made it harder for Eric to jog up to him.
“Hey” Eric smiled.
“Wassup” Percy greeted.
“Nothing... You nervous?”
“No. You?” Eric put his hands on his hip. He looked at Percy trying to put on an air of confidence.
“Nope” He bit his lower lip. Eventually, the group made it to the top of the hill. Owen stopped in front of a large iron gate the separated the first years from the school courtyard. Owen lead the group inside the iron cast door making a large creaking noise as it opened.. The enclosure was filled to the brim with statues of different witches and wizards. Some of them looked odd and misshapen while some looked pristine. In the center was a fountain with the figure of a woman standing tall and determined. She had a wand in her hand pointing to the sky and a book tucked underneath her shoulder. A plack with the name Isolt Sayre was visible just underneath her feat. Eric was mesmerized by the woman. She looked almost like a ghost guarding the castle. He was so fixated on the witch he almost didn’t notice the monsters moving amongst the statues. Hunched over wooden creatures littered the courtyard. Twigs and leaves stuck out from their backs and arms. Their faces were twisted into odd knots, and their teeth looked like someone had spread moss all over them. They were all glaring at the first years.
“Don’t worry about the Pukwudgies, they’re harmless” Owen instructed, then he stopped before adding, “Mostly”
“Harmless my ass” Eric muttered to himself. Luna hooted in agreement. As they entered the courtyard itself the first years were met by a man in jeans and a white T-shirt that seemed a size too big for him. He was taller than anyone Eric had ever met. He didn’t understand how this man didn’t hit his head on every doorway he passed through.
“‘Sup, I’m Will. I’ll be taking your bags, you don’t want them cluttering the Great hall during the sorting” He gave a cocky smile, “Just set them on the floor and let me work my magic” The students proceeded to drop their bags on the floor. Eric set down his suitcase and broom, but decided to keep Luna. He strengthened his grip on her cage. The man pulled a wand out of his back pocket and with a flick of his wrist Will the bags all floated into the air and disappeared with a flash of light and a small pop. Satisfied with his work, He tucked his wand back into his pocket.
“Now then, let’s get started, shall we?”
The inside of Ilvermorny was only partially what Eric had expected. While the stone corridors on either side of him was something that he was told about the magic gears were not. Far, far above his head the inside of a clock turned and toiled as it spun the hands of the clock tower, that Eric failed to notice outside. He was probably too worried about the Pukwudgies, or the woman. Walkways were magically attached to the gears indicating that the upper floors went up for a long while. Eric tilted head forwards along with the rest of the crowd. The Great Hall was directly in front of them. Giant tables ran vertically through the hall. Each table was lit up by a different colored lamp representing the four houses. Orange for Pukwudgie, green for Horned Serpent, gold for Wampus, and electric blue for Thunderbird. Behind the student seating was a round table where the teachers happily conversed amongst themselves. Eric noted that a goblin sat amongst their ranks cheerily sipping on a pint of beer far bigger than his head. Eric’s eyes moved to the back of the room. Four colossal statues that depicted each of the house’s animals stood resolute on their pedestals.
“Well, this is quite the light show” Luna hooted. Eric nodded in agreement. Once again, he looked over at Percy who was now nibbling on his chocolate frog. He scanned the Wampus table for Mia, who was staring at him in mild interest. Eric gave her a small wave. Mia raised an eyebrow. Well that wasn’t the response he was looking for. A professor cleared her throat breaking Eric’s concentration. He turned towards the teacher’s table to see a woman in a beige dress that extended just past her knees. She was short and stocky, but she had an air of authority to her. Her brown, faded hair was pulled back into a bun, and her high heels gave Eric the nervous feeling that he gets when he sees people standing at the edge of cliffs. She was the headmistress. Headmistress Meriam Mccoy.
“Welcome back to Ilvermorny” She greeted with a smile. The students hollered in excitement. The school year had finally started.
“I know you all had a wonderful summer break, as did I, but it’s time to get back to school, a place of friends, family, and of course, learning” The rest of the school hung off her every word. It felt unnatural.
“We are gathered here today, not only to start off the school year on the right foot, but to invite the first years into our wonderful academy. But of course they will need to go through a small initiation to see who’ll they’ll be spending the school year with” She chuckled, “It’s time for the sorting!” Eric could feel the excitement in the air. It buzzed all around him making him dizzy. Mccoy pulled a scroll out of her pocket. She opened it up to show the extensive list of sixth graders.
“You have all probably heard about the sorting here before so I won’t bore you with the details, however some insight is needed going forward. I will call each of you up in alphabetical order by last name, one or more of these statues will move sorting you into the houses here at Ilvermorny. Horned Serpent” The Horned Serpents cheered.
“Thunderbird” Another cheer from the Thunderbird house.
“Wampus” A roar from the Wampus’
“And Pukwudgie” Pukwudgie followed suit, “Are the four houses that you can be sorted into” She scanned over the crowd of students to see if they understood.
“Now,” Her eyes brightened, “Let’s begin” Eric glanced over at Percy who was still gnawing on his chocolate frog. They made eye contact with each other for a brief moment. Percy shot him a look that said ‘pay attention, this is important’. Eric rolled his eyes before turning forward again. He had heard all of this before, plus his last name was in the middle of the list. He wouldn’t be going for a while. Ms. Mccoy pulled a scroll out of her pocket and placed it in her right hand. She skimmed through its contents, before her eyes settled at the top.
“When I call your name stand on the platform in the center” She instructed pointing at a spot in the middle. Eric stood on the tips of his toes craning his neck over the shoulders of first years who were much taller than him. He hated being short. The boy caught a glimpse of a small tiled crest on the floor that he had missed when he first scanned the Great Hall. The pattern was shaped into the Ilvermorny shield, it’s four corners divided into each of the houses, and all tied together with a red ribbon. There was probably some kind of symbolism there, but Eric was always bad at identifying those sort of things. Not that he would admit that though.
“Abernathy, Jedidiah” She called. The school gazed upon the first year who stepped up to the front of the crowd. He positioned himself in the middle spinning his head around to look at the crowd. His eyes were wide, and his hands didn’t  want to leave the center of his chest. The crowd leaned forward in anticipation A small grinding sound came from one of the statues in the back of the room. Eric smirked knowingly. A deafening roar sounded from the maw of the Wampus statue. Some of the first years covered their ears to block out the noise, Eric included. And as if nothing had happened the statue returned to its spot against the wall. Eric breathed a sigh of relief. Only brief sigh though. The applause from the Wampus house was explosive.
“Fuck” Eric muttered under his breath.
“I hope they don’t act like animals when you get sorted” Luna hooted sarcastically.
For the next fifteen minutes the young wizards waited for their moment in the spotlight. Eric especially. He shifted in his spot the phrase ‘Please Wampus’ playing over and over in his head as if he expected sheer force of will to dictate which house he would get into. The other first years were called up one by one. Soon, covering his ears after someone got sorted was becoming a habit for Eric. He noted how each of the statues moved, Wampus roaring to the sky. Pukwudgie raising the arrow it had in its hand straight into the air. The horn on top of the Serpent glowing a sickly green. And Thunderbird’s immense wings thrashing against the wind. Eric could feel the floor vibrate whenever the Thunderbird moved as if was actually making thunder. Each of the statues were magnificent. He wanted to analyze each of them up close. He was so entranced by the statues that he almost missed his name being called.
“Makanhara, Eric” Mccoy called. Eric blinked his way to attention. He fumbled with Luna’s cage before carrying it with him. He set it down just outside the tile platform, his eyes nervously darting between the four statues. His breathing slowly became rapid, and his head started to throb. Tentatively, He stepped onto the tile positioning himself just over the Wampus on the crest. He took several deep breaths before staring resolutely at the Wampus statue. Nothing happened. That was fine, nothing happened at first for several of the students. He waited for about a minute, but still, Nothing. Another minute passed. Even Mccoy began to give sideways glances at the statues. Soon the whole school was at the edge of their seat in anticipation. What statue would give way? Would it Wampus like he wanted it to? Eric sat down his mind beginning to race. Soon thoughts of excitement about spending his year with his sister gave way to darker possibilities Eric hadn’t considered. What if he didn’t get sorted? What if he was stuck in the center waiting for the entire school year? Had he failed the initiation? Would he be sent home packing? All these questions made Eric absolutely enraged. His balled his fists until his knuckles turned white. He bit his upper lip. His eyebrows furrowed creating sharp creases against the center of his forehead. Another minute passed. Eric was now shaking. The students around him could now feel his anger. They stared at him in concern. Ms. Mccoy pulled up her sleeve revealing a watch. Eric was now well beyond infuriated.
“I think it’s time to-” Mccoy was interrupted by a sound that felt like it should have come from the depths of hell. Eric’s yell blasted everyone to attention. The sheer amount cuss words that flew from his mouth would have been astounding to a Louisianan truck driver. Eventually Eric ran out of breath, he rested his right hand on his knee, and held up a bird to the statues with the other. The bird wasn’t Luna. Percy gazed at Eric, dumbfounded along with the rest of the school. Mccoy looked just as baffled as everyone else. There was a grinding noise that came from one of the statues. The floor vibrated underneath Eric’s feet. The Thunderbird’s wings pounded against the air. Before Mccoy could say anything the explosion of noise from the Thunderbird house permeated the room. Eric stood there for a moment as it quickly dawned on him what he had just done. Quickly, he grabbed Luna and rushed towards the Thunderbird table, but not before softly apologizing to Mrs. Mccoy. Why did he do that? Eric mentally slapped himself. I’m going to be expelled. He thought. As he made it to the end of the table a hand clapped him on the back.
“Congratulations on becoming a Thunderbird!” The Thunderbird Prefect greeted, “Good show out there”
“There was nothing ‘good’ about it, I shouldn’t have been so stupid” Eric sighed. The Prefect cracked a smile.
“Come on you made history! You are now the only kid who has a voice loud enough to cuss a statue into doing what he wants” Eric’s face flushed.
“Please stop”
“You’re going to go far” He praised.
“I’m going to be expelled” Eric groaned. The Prefect rolled his eyes.
“You’ll be fine kid, by the way, my name’s Thomas, Head of the Prefects here at Thunderbird”
“Yeah I already assumed that” Thomas nodded. Eric looked over his shoulder at Percy. His chocolate frog was now gone, and he was staring at Eric with concern in his eyes.
“What was that about?” He mouthed silently across the room. Eric couldn’t read his lips.
“What!?” He mouthed back. Percy waved his hands in the ‘never mind’ gester. Eric spun back to the Thunderbird table. Nervously, he tapped his foot underneath the table his knee banging against the wooden frame every once once in awhile. He hadn’t managed to get Wampus, but he at least wanted to be with someone he knew. That is, if he wasn’t sent home packing the next day. A few more students were sorted and with one last sound of the Pukwudgie statue the second to last student, a girl named Brittany Whitaker, had been sorted. Now, The black haired first year was standing alone in the center of the entire school and he looked extremely uncomfortable.
“Zaayer, Percy” the headmistress called. Percy head spun forward. He held his hands above his heart as he stepped forward onto the centerpiece. The colors from the crest lit up the bottom of his feet in different luminescent hues. The statues stood still. A minute passed. Eric worried that Percy was going to go through the same ordeal he did. Don’t be an idiot. Eric thought. Percy would get sorted. He had confidence. But Eric still wasn’t sure. All the anxiety he was feeling dissipated when the sound of grinding statues rang throughout the hall. The school stared, mesmerized by the two sculptures. Pukwudgie and Thunderbird. Eric almost slapped himself. Percy’s eyes darted from the two figurines, to Mrs. Mccoy, to Eric, then finally they scanned over the witches and wizards that made up the school. One by one they started to chant.
“Choice, choice, choice” The chanting grew louder and louder as more of them joined in. Percy looked dazed and confused. He spun around in his spot as if someone had put an axis on his head.
“Choice, choice, choice!” Now some of the teachers were joining in, including the one who took their bags in the courtyard. Percy looked like he was about to drop. Seeing the look on his face, Ms. Mccoy put her hand up silencing. The school stared at Percy. There was a small pause of anticipation. The students leaned in, intent on hearing whatever Percy had to say.
“I-I’d like to go with the blue one” Percy muttered pointing the Thunderbird table with his thumb. His voice carried in the echo of the room bouncing off the walls and the ceiling. The whole school heard. A couple of snickers came from the crowd. Percy looked as if he was going to break down on the spot. Eric’s heart ached for his fellow classmate. But, Eric didn’t have to feel bad much long as the laughter was soon drowned out by the sheer amount of noise that came from the Thunderbirds. Percy shuffled his way to the table his head still hung low. He sat between Eric and Thomas at the end of the table. His face was flushed red from embarrassment. It seemed as if he wanted to make himself as small as possible. He opened his mouth to say something to Eric, but was quickly interrupted by the headmistress.
“Now that the sorting is over I have a few small rules I would like to go over,” Eric perked up upon hearing this, “First off is that the Lyaberg forest is off limits until the Hidebehind problem is dealt with” The school made their stance on the subject very clear. They all groaned in unison. Again Ms. Mccoy had to put her hand up to silence them. She paused for a moment making sure that the students were prepared to go to the next point on her list.
“Moving on. Students are not to walk the halls between the hours of six o’clock and nine. Anybody who does will be given detention” Nobody reacted, this must’ve been standard rule, “There is to be no magic in the halls, even for Prefects, and thanks to last year’s ‘issue’ the practice quods can only be accessed by staff” The crowd reacted in a way Eric didn’t expect. They grinned. Their smiles were sly and mischievous, as if they knew something that Mccoy didn’t.
“The finale thing to note is that the Divination tower is still under construction and therefore off limits to everyone, thank you for listening in, Quodpot tryouts will start September twelfth, and I hope you all have a nice meal” She smiled graciously before turning her back to the crowd and sitting back down at the teachers table. Percy blinked in confusion. He turned towards Thomas.
“What’s Quodpot?” Thomas nearly choked.
“You’ve never heard of Quodpot?!” Eric rolled his eyes.
“It’ll be better for him. Quodpot sucks”
“Um… no it certainly doesn’t, it is in fact the best thing to ever exist. Period.” Thomas posed in an overly exaggerated offended stance that would have put Luna’s attitude to shame.
“There are way too many injuries for it to even be considered humane, and what does the winning team get in the end? A cheap plastic trophy, that’s what”
“It’s not about the trophy”
“Then what’s it about? Is it the about the broken bones, or is it the third degree burns?” Eric sneered.
“You don’t get it”
“Then enlighten me” Percy looked back and forth between the them as they had their bout. Soon the boys were throwing out articles they’ve read in The Wizarding Voice to prove their points. Eventually, the two Thunderbirds exhausted themselves of their conversation. They slumped back into their chairs, Thomas’s arm dangling over the backrest.
“I still have questions” Percy informed. Eric glanced up at Percy.
“What’s a Hidebehind” The black haired boy asked.
“A vicious creature you don’t want to meet in a dark alleyway, they can hide behind most anything, hence the name, you wouldn’t know if one is by you until you are already caught” Eric answered.
“So there could be a Hidebehind in here, right now” Percy looked frightened.
“Nah, they only hunt single targets” Thomas answered. Percy still didn’t look convinced, but instead of pursuing the topic further Percy decided to quickly move on.
“Do you know when the food’s supposed to get here?” As if answering his question, plates of food faded into existence on the table. Decodent smoked sausages wrapped around a decorated ham filled the center of the table. They smelled like they were fresh off the barbeque and slathered with A1 sauce. Baskets filled to the brim with different assortments of fruits, some of which Eric hadn’t seen before, landed straight in front of Thomas. And sloppily stacked hamburgers filled to the brim with different toppings appeared under Percy’s nose sporting different drinks ranging from pumpkin juice to-
“Ha ha!” Percy shouted snatching up a red can, “Dr. Pepper!” He was so obnoxiously happy that Eric couldn’t help cracking a small smile. He turned to the food, his mouth starting to water. Tiny wisps of steam rose from the meal. Eric cut off a piece of sausage from it’s link and placed it on the plate in front of him. Thomas simply plucked a pineapple from one of the fruit basket and placed it on the corner of the table next to him. Eric raised his eyebrow.
“What?” Thomas inquired.
“Nothing” He paused for a few moments considering his food. Something felt off, but he couldn’t tell what. Finally after racking his brain for the better part of a minute he found his problem.
“How is this here?”
“What do you mean?” Thomas asked.
“I mean summoning food is against Gamp’s laws of Transfiguration, it can’t just appear here”
“You really know your Transfiguration, that’s good, Mrs. Lyre tends to be hard on middle schoolers. But to answer your question its transported from another location, the kitchen”
“And where’s that?”
“Nobody knows, except Mia and her crew”
“My sister!” Eric gasped.
“Mia’s your sister!” Thomas looked just as shocked, “I mean I should have guessed, with the whole yelling at the statue thing” Eric wanted to protest, but now the Prefect was on a roll with his train of thought.
“Anyways, Mia and her entourage of Wampus third year girls have been messing with this school since they got here, there’s a reason only prefects can access the practice Quods now”
“What did she do?” Eric was now at the edge of his seat, leaning closer to hear every small detail, he knew that Mia was a bit of a prankster at home but he didn’t know that her habit had followed her to Ilvermorny.
“She set it to explode underneath Professor Haven’s desk” Thomas pointed to a man in a white beard at the teachers table. He was stabbing dejectedly at a salad.
“He’s the Potions teacher”
“That’s horrible!” Percy exclaimed. Eric leaned back in his chair. Mia hadn’t told him any of this.
“She’s been lying to me for two years now” Eric sighed. As frustrating as it was, he had known for a while that Mia was hiding something. He could tell. She bit her lower lip everytime she lied.
“Don’t feel bad about it, I can see why, imagine what would happen if your parents found out” Thomas pointed out.
“They wouldn’t” Eric replied rubbing his face. Mia. An exploding Quod. He would have to confront her about that later. He focused on his plate full of sausage links. They looked good. Sighing one last time Eric began to eat. Luna hooted softly beside him. Eric rolled his eyes once more and fed her one of the links through the bars in her cage. Soon everyone was chowing down. Percy, in particular, ate like a pig. He scarfed down a chunk of the steamed ham before filling his plate with the mash potatoes that were just out of Eric’s reach.
“You wanna slow down there kid?” Thomas asked. Percy shook his head from side to side.
“Hamh Hoofd” A sentence Eric roughly translated into ‘I’m good’. Now it was Eric’s turn to shake his head.
After awhile, students started to get up. At first one by one, then in herds. Percy slouched in his chair as Eric tapped Thomas on the shoulder breaking him from his cheeseburger filled concentration.
“Where are we supposed to go?” Eric asked.
“I’ll be taking the Thunderbird first years up to the common room, so just hold tight for a second” Thomas answered. The Prefect pondered something for a moment then turned until his shoulders were squared with Eric.
“So why’d you bring the owl with you?”
“Oh! Luna? She hasn’t left my side since I was six, I don’t trust anyone with her”
“I’m not your property” Luna hissed. Eric ignored her.
“I guess you have a pretty tight relationship” Thomas said stuffing the last piece of a hamburger in his mouth.
“Yeah” Eric stared at the upperclassmen who were now leaving. They seemed so big compared to him. He counted each of them as they walked through the doorway. Soon the first years were the only one left. The Thunderbird house had four new students. Percy, Eric, the girl who bumped into Eric at the train station, and a blonde haired boy that looked like he would pick fights with just about anyone. They all stared at each other sizing one another up. Eric shoved his last piece of bratwurst into his mouth. Thomas stood up taking his pineapple as he did so. He counted each of the students.
“Definitely smaller than the rest of the houses, but it seems like one house gets the short end of the stick every year. It’s what happens when you sort by personal traits.” He shrugged. He scanned the rest of the houses first years and gave thumbs up to the Wampus Prefect, who nodded back signalling the start of their climb to the common rooms.
“Yup, I guess we should head up” Thomas suggested. Percy scanned over the group. He made sure that everyone was prepared before departing.
“Alright, let’s go then”
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madgeniusme · 4 years
'TIL WE SEE THE SKY from eightfold on Vimeo.
Website: tilweseethesky.com/
The history of Detroit has changed vastly over the past century. It has faced countless moments of hardships and injustice, economic and political ups and downs, but a sense of optimism and pride for the city remains in the hearts of many of those who live here. Our goal with this film was to create a conversation around the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on Detroit and African Americans, and the spirit that held on, even as the worst pandemic in modern history ravaged it's neighborhoods. The production for this film began during the height of quarantine at the beginning of May, but during our editing process of this film, George Floyd was killed by police. Sparked by the unjust brutality that Mr. Floyd faced, and fueled by the on-going systemic racism & police murders of Black people in this country, the Black Live Matter Movement swept across the globe. As storytellers we decided to pivot our film and broaden the message beyond the pandemic and speak to all the injustices African Americans face as whole, and how the city of Detroit embraced the movement and demanded change and justice. This piece and message wouldn’t have been possible without the meaningful leadership and support from Detroit Producer Bre’ann White, and Writer Mic Phelps. Thank you for guiding us in documenting this story. On the website you can find resources and support for those affected by COVID-19, as well as organizations and resources related to learning about and supporting the Black Lives Matter Movement. Our film was intended to both document the lived experiences of real people in our neighborhoods, as well as provide a glimmer of hope when it felt like it was needed most. To inspire a sense of togetherness and faith that we could come out on the other side of this pandemic moving towards a world that is better and more equal than the one we left behind. We wanted this film to create positive and productive conversations around the protests that are happening across the world, and to help uplift a movement that will make a permanent change, must, make a change - because Black Lives Matter.
Production Company: The Eightfold Collective Producer: Bre’ann White Director: Nick Stachurski Writer: Mic Phelps & Brooke Weatherford DP: Jesse Barron 1st AC: Josh Nelson Gaffer: Blake Brown Art Director: Zach Hagy Movi Op: David Ketelhut DIT: Addison brown Still Photo Development: Express Photo News Footage Researcher: Aly Weatherford Still photos by: Bre’ann White & Zach Hagy Post House: Hiatus Post Editor: Josh Beebe Colorist: Sofie Borup Color Producer: Alexandra Lubrano Color House: Company 3 VFX: Esteban Melean Music Composer: David Chapdelaine Sound Design and Mix: Gabe Sayre Vocals: Aaron Jones & Kaylan Waterman Music Sync: Assemble Sound Special Thanks to Stratton Camera, Advanced Multimedia, Dave Saint George, Express Photo
Voice Over By: Mic Phelps, Monalyse, Chase Walker, Kaylan Waterman
Featuring: Leslie Morgan Marwan Faulkner Doc Roxy Kiza Michael Reyes Muhammad Edna White Yolanda Haynes Gary Harvey Anthony Bost Eric Murray Junior Dedriauna Walker Dre Omi Dre Dad Malcom Burke Whitney Harmen Rhonda Slauter Verna Slauter Slauter Family Jaibe Bates Jyra Lisa Bates Dorian Bates Jaesha Bates Dillan Bates Taiyon Bates Tia Bates Jayare Bates Matthew Parry Lela Terrell-Peoples Tray Little Mr. Green Bre’ann White
0 notes
heleneplays · 5 years
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Seething shadows breathing lies,
You can fool any friend who ever knew you"
Preview of Helene and El's immediate family, inspired by one of the best songs that describes the Adler and Sayre-White contingent (x)
The Parents: Cyrus Alfonsè Adler & Erika Adler nee Sayre-White
Their (Parents) Twins: Marie Adrìenne Adler & Isaac Sayre-White
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scyre · 7 years
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         mathilda sayre was known for a lot of things. she was known for being an incredible hostess, flitting through her guests with ease as she made casual conversation, a smile never leaving her face - as if it were painted on. she was a loving wife and a supportive mother, always standing tall beside her husband at ministry functions with their daughters on either side. her son was a handful, she always joked, as her fingers tugged a little sharper at the lapels of his shirt, but he was simply working up to his true potential. ‘it’s a phase’ she’d say with a tight smile, ever the picture of perfection. mathilda sayre was also known for being a gossip, always hungry for information, so it wasn’t surprising that when the letter containing her youngest child and only son’s n.e.w.t. results arrived in the post she opened it upon view. 
   when monty arrived home a few hours after the offending letter had arrived at the stately manor home, his entire family was waiting for him. his sisters were sitting side by side on the couch, one livid while the other looked frustrated, with their husbands standing behind them with hands on their shoulders. it was a consoling stance, one that left monty more than a little bewildered. had someone died? he padded further into the living room and froze when he saw a letter clenched in his father’s fists, his name printed in large, bold, script at the top. for a moment, the world seemed to stop ... and then it exploded.  he’d expected to be yelled at, to be informed once again that he wasn’t living up to his potential, but none of that came. instead it was in a cool voice, her lips pressed so tight that they’d nearly gone white, that his mother used as she rose to address him. 
          “ ... you’ve always been a disappointment, but this is a new low even for you.”                                                         “ ... we’ve done nothing but support you, push you to be better.”             ...“you’ve made us look like FOOLS. embarrassed the entire family.”                                                           “look at your sisters! why couldn’t you be more like them?”            “... wanted a son to carry on the family name, create a legacy, but you’re hardly the one to do it...”                                                                   “... not worthy to be a sayre”                  “... it’s best you left. for everyone’s sake.”
   savannah was silent throughout the entire exchange as his mother laid into and berated him, his visage never shaking though his hands were doing enough damage for all of them. he’d shoved them in his jumper to hide them away, sure that would be used against him too. his father did nothing until the very end, crumpling up the results from his n.e.w.t.s and lighting the scraps of parchment on fire. as the remains fluttered down to the ground, monty felt the room shift and it was if ice water had been plunged into his veins, his eyes stinging uncomfortably as he swallowed hard past what felt like a bullfrog caught in his throat. esther moved to reach for him and their mother stepped in between them, her gaze as sharp as daggers as she turned to him again. 
                                                 “ENOUGH, girls. it’s time you went home.                                -- desmond, you have twenty minutes to gather your things ..    we want you out of this house. tonight.” her back was ramrod straight, his father’s hands resting on her shoulders moments later as her words sent shivers down his spine. “... and don’t come back. you’re not welcome here anymore.” 
       looking back on things later he’d wish he had said something; maybe yelled at them, implied that they were overreacting, that this wasn’t a big deal, or maybe even beg for forgiveness .. but that cold steely look in his mother’s eyes left him unable to breathe let alone speak and instead he turned and fled for the stairs. his belongings were thrown haphazardly into his trunk and within minutes he was levitating it down the stairs. his sisters and their husbands were gone, his parents absent from the living room .. there was no one there to watch as he let himself out the front door and heard it slam and lock shut behind him.  it was only when he was beyond the protective wards around their home and a fair distance away with his wand in hand that he let himself crumble, sitting on top of his trunk as his head fell into his hands. this had gone much worse than expected and he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. it wasn’t as if he’d had time to come up with any sort of plan. no one ever plans on getting kicked out of their house, now do they? once he’d gathered his composure and wiped his face with his sleeves, he rose to his feet and apparated away. he appeared just outside of the theodisis house, the one place he knew he could go without having to worry about ridicule, judgement, or rejection. they were practically family, after all... maybe the only family he had left after the disastrous events that evening. levitating his trunk behind him he approached the front door, hands shoved into his pockets yet again once he’d rung the doorbell and waited for it to swing open. he didn’t quite know what he was going to say to lezekiel when he came face to face with him, but he hoped he’d manage to find the words that had been eluding him all night. 
    “long time no see.” he murmured when the door did swing open, hoping the grimace on his face didn’t look quite as forced as he knew it to be. “... say, you wouldn’t mind having company for a couple days, would you? it would appear that i’m, uh, between flats at the moment.”  his lower lip quivered and he broke off as he pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head as he laughed darkly. “or rather, i’m without a flat. yeah, that’s it.”         
{ @lezekiiel }
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hyaenagallery · 5 years
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The Luby's shooting, also known as the Luby's massacre, was a mass shooting that took place on October 16, 1991, at a Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen, Texas. The perpetrator, George Hennard, drove his Ford Ranger pickup truck through the front window of the restaurant. Hennard yelled, "All women of Killeen and Belton are vipers! This is what you've done to me and my family! This is what Bell County did to me... this is payback day!" He then opened fire on the patrons and staff with both a 9mm Glock 17 pistol and a 9mm Ruger P89 pistol. Hennard stalked, shot, and killed 23 people, ten of them with single shots to the head, and wounded another 27. October 16 was National Boss's Day, and the cafeteria was unusually crowded with around 150 people. At first, bystanders thought the crash was an accident, but Hennard started shooting patrons almost immediately. The first victim was veterinarian Michael Griffith. Another customer, Tommy Vaughn, threw himself through a rear window, sustaining injuries, but he created an escape route for himself and others. Hennard reloaded at least three times before police arrived and he engaged in a brief shootout with them. Wounded, he retreated to an area between the two bathrooms (people were hiding in these bathrooms and had blocked their doors). The police repeatedly told Hennard to surrender, but he refused, saying he was going to kill more people. Hennard was shot a further two times by police, in the abdomen. Having no more bullets for the one gun he now held and with worsening injuries, minutes later, Hennard committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. George Hennard was born on October 15, 1956 in Sayre, Pennsylvania, the son of a Swiss-born surgeon and a homemaker. He had two younger siblings, brother Alan and sister Desiree. Hennard's family later moved to New Mexico, where his father worked at the White Sands Missile Range near Las Cruces. After graduating from Mayfield High School in 1974, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served for three years, until he was honorably discharged. Hennard later worked as a merchant mariner. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/By0NSTShh-T/?igshid=j80p0gi1lu0o
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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Letters to Chris. April 23rd. Day 15.
Hey Buddy,
I’m actually feeling as close to “content” as I possibly can right now. I’m wearing your Army PT shirt, your Breckenridge sweatshirt and your plaid pajama pants. Covered with your firefighter blanket. I’m actually pretty hot but I refuse to shed any layers. This hot laptop doesn’t help. I just went through all of my old Facebook photos and tagged you, Mom, Dad and Nikea in all of them. Pictures of you dressed up for Prom, for Winter Sports, pics of us at McDonalds for Austen’s birthday, wresting at the Rocheport Winery, feeding fish at Tan Tar A…And I didn’t cry. That’s progress. I think it’s still hard to reconcile the boy with the long hair and goofy grin as being gone. When I look at your photos, it doesn’t seem real. That young boy I knew would never do something to hurt himself. 
Denial phase again?
Yesterday was a super long day. Dad and I drove to Sedalia to drop off meds for Grandpa and see the family. Sue, Hannah, Holten, Sayre, Connor, David and Stacy were all there. I couldn’t be there during Christmas (rescheduled due to an ice storm so Sedalia Christmas happened after I returned to Colorado), so it was wonderful to see everyone. Connor is adorable. He’s so tiny! I always forget how little they are when they are brand new. New mama Sayre is beautiful and exhausted. Sue is in grandma Heaven. Holten is getting so big! Hannah is doing well and decided she can’t stand her dog (we all got a big laugh out of this). David and Stacy just got back from visiting Derek, and are planning another trip out soon. Of course Grandma and Grandpa are doing well. Poor Grandma was fussing because I couldn’t eat anything since I’m allergic to gluten. That’s right, Chris. There was hole-in-the-bread and freaking Mississippi mud and it took every fiber of my being not to face plant in both. Everyone misses you. Hannah started to cry, saying she had no idea how sad you were. I assured her that it wasn’t just her-none of us did. 
Then Dad and I picked up Mom and headed to Mexico to see Bethany. She still didn’t know. So Mom brought plastic Easter eggs to fill with candy and I brought pics I took of Connor to help distract her after we told her. Even though Bethany is mentally handicapped, she knows what death is. The second Mom signed “CJ died” she began to wail. It was awful. We just held her as her heart broke. Then she asked if you died from a gunshot to the head. We just looked at each other. How did she know? But we said, “No, CJ had cancer.” She’d ask again a little later, and we would just repeat the answer we gave her before. Then she left it. Thank goodness. They watch a lot of TV there, so we believe she has seen things like that on shows. Who knows. We took her out to Taco Bell for dinner, and she did okay for a while after. We filled eggs with candy, and then in the middle of handing them out to her roommates, she began to wail again. She kept signing “my brother died.” I was so angry with you. I knew you would never want to hurt any of us, especially Bethany. But here she was, sobbing for her big brother. And we couldn’t take away her pain. You know Bethany is the sweetest, most loving little person. It makes my heart ache just thinking about it. I didn’t want to leave her. I don’t see her nearly enough. I’ve decided to be better about Face Timing her and sending her cards and little gifts. You’ve taught me to not take her for granted.
This evening, I went through all of your things. This was my Goliath. I didn't know if I’d be able to handle it. Every time I’d go downstairs I’d have to stop at all your boxes and bury my face in your clothes and break down. Yet I knew it would be too much for Mom right now, and I needed to touch all of your things. I only cried like four times. That's good, I guess. I started with all your clothes, folding and separating. Any I found that smelled like you I set aside. I’ve been reduced to a person who seeks out her brother’s sweaty shirts. Maybe that’s gross. I’m sure you’d make fun of me. But that sweat is from a body that I washed and diapered, wrestled, hugged, probably pushed in anger a time or two when we were little. A body that no longer exists. So any time I’d find one that smelled of you, I’d stop and bury my nose in it. I separated your clothes into several containers: one for shirts, one for pants and shorts, and one for all military and firefighting clothing. You had some dirty laundry as well, mostly just underwear, socks and towels. I pointed those out to Mom when she came down to check on me, and she started crying. It’s so hard for her to be around your things right now. But she doesn’t want to part with any. She warned me tonight that she doesn’t want me to take back many things to Colorado. Not yet. I can have them, but she needs time before she can let them go. That was hard to hear. I’m going back to an apartment that holds no memories with you, whereas you’re everywhere here. And all of your belongings are downstairs. But I know she has the right to grieve over her son in the way she needs to, and if that means holding onto your things for a while, I have to respect that. 
I also went through all your books, and set aside the ones that looked like they had sentimental value. A couple firefighting books (one of which had your Citizen of the Month certificate from middle school in it. I was at that ceremony…so crazy. It seems like yesterday). Your books from AIT. Yearbooks. I had to laugh at one yearbook-I’m guessing you had an arch nemesis because you had crossed out one girl's name and wrote “ugly” in its place. I’ve decided middle schoolers are odd little people. On the inside cover, where your friends signed their names, one girl wrote how she wanted to be friends all year but didn’t think you did but oh wow you actually did want to be friends. Dad and I got big kick out of that. I also found your Harry Potter books. I am going to take those if Mom will let me. I have my own set but I’ll just replace it with yours, which obviously has way more sentimental value. These are the actual books Dad read to you. And then I found your old Legends of Sleepy Hollow I remember reading right here on this couch. 
I looked through your cards you kept. I found a couple I had sent you…one for graduation, one for your 11th birthday. I called you “buddy” in both. I’m trying to remember when I started calling you that…I have no idea. I’m honestly amazed I got you cards…I’m the world’s worst card-giver. I keep every card given to me ever, but I absolutely SUCK at getting them for others. Hypocrite? Maybe. But I was excited to see you’d kept those, along with a couple drawings I did for you of Garfield the cat sleeping (no idea why I drew this??) and a dog. You had kept a ton of cards from our real mom, so I set those aside for her. I figure she’ll want them. You also had a ton of thank you notes from your old teacher, Mrs. Dahms. I believe she was second grade. Nikea had her as a teacher as well, and apparently she’s awesome because who keeps notes from their second grade teacher?
Then I went through your knickknacks, mostly your real dad’s things. Military medals, the old black and white pics from Korea I mentioned before. And then rocks. Rocks. Rocks and more rocks. Beautiful rocks, though. Ones even I can appreciate. Geods and minerals I’m sure Dad gave you. Fossils. This cool quartz ball thing. I imagined them all displayed on your bookshelf among with your dozens of books. It reminded me of when you were little, and you would collect all these things in your pockets Mom would have to pull out before she washed your clothes. Rocks, sticks…I’ll have to ask Mom what else she’d discover. But she always found that so funny. She’d put them in a baggy and mail them to Mom Heidi. 
Then your jackets. My word, you had so many jackets. I have decided you were a collector of all things camo (shirts, sheets, pants, jackets), rocks and jackets. Oh and cowboy boots. You had three pairs. That’s a lot of cowboy boots! 
All your military and firefighting stuff was the hardest to go through. I know how much you loved both. Ever since you were little, it was your dream to be a firefighter and soldier like your real dad. I’m so grateful you got to experience both. How many people can say they accomplished dreams they had as a child? I believe it’s really rare, Chris. We are so proud of you.
By the way, I talked to my boss and am officially back to work next Monday. They’ve been unbelievably patient. The last six months have literally been the worst of my life, what with trying to find job, living in a basement, my health issues, Clay’s torn meniscus and surgery…and now this. I feel so discouraged. I’m definitely hoping life doesn’t keep throwing curve balls, because I’m exhausted. I had really thought things were getting better. We found jobs. I found a doctor I really like that seems to have answers. We moved out of the basement to a cute apartment. Then that phone call from Mom. I’m so tired, Chris. I feel like I’ve been fighting nonstop, and I’m ready for a break. I guess another way to look at it is I can overcome anything. Nothing will come close to this. This is the worst thing that could happen. My worst fear realized..losing a loved one. A sibling. Life has to be uphill from here, right? Unless someone else I love dies. I'm so terrified that will happen now. But I know you’ll give me strength. You’re giving all of us strength. Thank you. Because I feel so weak right now. 
I’ve been thinking of the things I’ve learned the past two weeks. Grief really makes you hyper aware of your life and the people in it. For one,  we have so many incredible people in our family. I’ve always loved and appreciated them, but now I have absolutely no idea how I could ever get on without them. They have been so wonderfully supportive. Which brings me to my second realization: some people you fully expect to be there for you refuse to alter their lives to accommodate you while you’re grieving. Sometimes you want to spend time with someone who just has too busy of a schedule for you. This was a hard one to realize. On a more positive note is my third realization: we are so much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. Humans are incredibly resilient, even those of us who fold to depression. Like I’ve told you, you were one of the strongest people I knew. You lived so long with your heartache, longer than I could have. It’s a broken world, and sometimes we have to live through our nightmares. But if we keep fighting, we can come out the other side. That’s realization 4: we have to go through the emotions. One of my first thoughts when Mom called me was, “I don’t want to go through this. I don’t want to feel what I’m feeling.” Because grief is awful. Loss is the worst possible thing we can go through. But we have to go through it. We have to cry, to mourn. We have to feel anger, despair, depression, fear, doubt, loneliness, hopelessness, before we can heal. I will always carry this scar. A huge part of me died with you. I’ll never be the same. None of us will. But by allowing ourselves to grieve and feel all the awful emotions that come with it, we will come out the other side. I feel like I’m in this awful dark tunnel with no light anywhere right now. I know that’s how you felt, as well. But, realization number 5 is that we have no idea how many people care for us. I guarantee you didn’t. Our deaths affect far more people than we expect. I’m sure you didn’t know how may people would be missing you, sobbing for your broken heart, posting on your Facebook wall, sending cards (we’ve received dozens). When we go through all the crap that life hurls at us, we need to lean on those who love us. They are what get us through. Six: grief does weird things to your body. I’m so tired 90 percent of the time, I’m breaking out like a teenager, my skin is rough and dry, I’ve lost eyelashes (probably from crying). I want to eat all the sugar (amazingly I’ve only caved once, and that was for my favorite candies, Percy Pigs, that Courtney had left over from our London trip a year ago). It’s a bit funny. It’s like your body is saying, “Hey, you’re devastated. Have some pimples!”
F*ck you, cortisol.
Realization number 6: take depression seriously. It’s a dangerous illness that can overtake anyone. We knew you struggled and we tried to help you in every way we could, but ultimately we couldn’t save you. I knew better than anyone what you were going through, but I didn’t know you had suicidal thoughts. Like I’ve said before, maybe I should have. No…I should have. You were my brother. I knew you your entire life. I should have acknowledged the possibility. I know guilt is normal in this situation, and everyone who goes through our situation struggles with it. But lesson learned. 
F*ck you, depression.
Next, do not take people for granted. Just don’t. We get so caught up in our own lives that we forget to take a few precious moments out of our day to make a call, or even send a text, to say “I love you.” It just doesn’t take any time. We get comfortable and forget that life’s a bitch, and people die when we least expect them to. I was thinking about the last time I heard your voice today. Oddly, it was when I was cutting fat off a pork shoulder. My mind never stops. But it was Christmas. You called us, and Mom put you on speaker. I was so disappointed you couldn’t come home. We chatted for at least 20 minutes. That was the last time we talked. I still can’t believe I let that long go by since we chatted…that was when life started to get super tough for us (we had recently moved into our friend’s basement), and I became somewhat of a recluse. But that’s no excuse. I should have called you. Now I’ve been telling everyone I love them. But I should have told you every day.
My biggest realization? That you still feel close. Sometimes so close I feel I can reach out and touch you. I know you’re here. I have no doubt. Earlier this evening, I laid my head on your dress uniform that you wore to my wedding (I even flung one of the arms around me like you were hugging me. Another thing about grief-it makes you do weird things like smell your brother’s BO on his tshirts and make his uniforms hug you), and your presence was so strong. Knowing you’re still here with us is so comforting. Thank you, Chris. Keep it up, because the next couple years are going to be tough. I know one day it won’t hurt to breathe, but that day is a long way down the road. So stay close, Buddy.
Well it’s 3 am so I’m going to try to get some sleep. I love you, Buddy.
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