elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 162-Leaf-fall
Apparently spending so much time around the kits has grown on Featherspeck (18), because she has announced that she is expecting kits.  Huh.  Wonder who the other parent is.  Chervilcry (141) finds comfort in spending time with the kits.  They remind her of when she was in the nursery with Chasingskip, Sandypaw, and Newtkit.  How she misses them!  She play fights with Brightkit (4) and tries to boost Daisykit’s (3) confidence.  Frostheart (65) and Wormdart (18) continue to clash.  Wormdart scolds her for not using her powers to pin down a bird she missed the other day, and she snaps at him that not everyone is as powerful as he and his sisters.  Wildcave (45) has been feeling a little salty towards Gladepatch (38), since it is basically the Healer’s fault that Wildcave was demoted from deputy.  But after Gladepatch helps him heal, he realizes that he was too harsh in his judgment of him.  Creekstar (16) makes sure to spend a lot of time with Primkit (4).  She understands what it’s like to have such deadly power at her claws and wants to make sure that the young cat understands it but does not fear herself.  It’s not such a bad thing to be dark-cursed.  Rabbitfur (18) loves having a full nursery.  It means that she has a great audience to her preach about morals.  The kits are not as thrilled.  Rustsong (31) and Amethystdapple (89) love having her around-her lectures are a sure way to get the kits to fall asleep!  The Clan also welcomes several new cats: a powerless former kittypet with redcough named Toriel (99) and a powerless abandoned kit named Palekit (2).  Creekstar decides to keep both of them around.  She’s been judged for having powers, so she doesn’t want to judge others for their powers or lack of them.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 161-Greenleaf
Rumors reach the Clan that the exiled Yuccawillow (140) has died.  The Clan does not mourn her, and Creekstar (15) and Gladepatch (37) can’t help but feel a little relieved.  Gladepatch has also heard from StarClan that they were sent to the dark forest.  As she deserved.  The Clan will be telling tales of the corrupted star-blessed leader for generations.  Hopefully it will help with the prejudices against cats based on their powers.  The Clan is a bit more shaken when Chaskingskip (73) is killed in a landslide caused by early greenleaf rains.  Chervilcry (140) feels like the world has ended with the death of her last kit.  One day, the Clan will have kittens who never knew Chasingskip in life, but Chervilcry vows to ensure that Chasingskip’s memory will live on through her.  Sleepyfoot (27) and Cypressbadger  (27) comfort her, although they too are mourning the loss of their mother.  Sleepyfoot is hit especially hard, with her death coming so soon after Caterpillarmallow’s.  She sists vigil that night as grief fills her heart.  She keeps searching for tasks to do, cats to comfort, distractions against the hole in her heart, as she fights to keep the grief from consuming her.   Meanwhile, Frostheart (64) realizes that she is one of the most senior warriors in the Clan.  It feels weird, because she was always the youngest one of her siblings, who are now all gone.  She decides to spend some time with the youngest of the warriors.  She enjoys spending time with Rabbitfur (17), but Wormdart (17) has proven to be a little unreliable.  She asked him for help with a camp chore, and he abandoned her.  How rude!  Another senior warrior, Amethystdapple (88) is feeling a little cramped in a full nursery.  She loves her kits, but she watches Cypressbadger leave camp with longing.  How she wishes she could go out on patrol.  But she needs to stay in camp.  Her kits are all quite powerful and she doesn’t want to risk leaving and having them burn the camp down!  (or having Primkit-3- accidentally kill someone. . .)  Also in the nursery, Rustsong (30) is a little intimidated by raising kits that are more powerful than her.  Riftkit (2) especially is proving to be a handful.  Volcanoblossom (88) decides to take it upon herself to tell the other cat about how she cared for her own kits, but Rustsong is distracted.  No, Riftkit, don’t light your sister on fire!  Featherspeck (17) feels a little upset that she hasn’t been given more responsibility in the Clan yet.  She’s powerful. She should be doing more to help, but instead she’s stuck entertaining squirrely kits.  Joy.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 157-Newleaf
Things were going so well in the Clan.  Key word: were.  Amethystdapple (84) had moved into the nursery and Rustsong (26)  had announced that she was expecting kits.  But then Caterpillarmallow (106) was found murdered.  The culprit is unknown, but Featherspeck (13) picks up faint traces of ElementClan scent by the scene.  Peakspots (126) wasn’t a big fan of Caterpillarmallow, but she was his clanmate, first and foremost.  He bows his head at the vigil respectfully.  Cressfreckle (73), Conegoat (40), and Gladepatch (33) have a suspect though:  Yuccastar (136).  Their mate didn’t like Caterpillarmallow, so maybe they murdered her for him.  Their suspicions remain unproven, though.  Chasingskip (69), despite her somewhat rough relationship with the mother of her kits, is sad to see Caterpillarmallow go.  She was such a special cat.  Cypressbadger (23) and Sleepyfoot (23) are devastated by the loss of their mother.  Cypressbadger keeps close to her friends and clanmates, seeking out their comfort and company.  Sleepyfoot listens to memories shared of Caterpillarmallow.  Some of them make her laugh, others make her cry.  Most of them do both.  She misses her mom, but is glad that she is with Burrowpaw in StarClan now.  With feeling like he’s failed by not exposing Yuccastar sooner, Cressfreckle is testy.  He’s complaining that Featherspeck and Pigeonspot never do anything helpful (even though they do).  Conegoat notices this, deduces the real reason behind his mood, and reassures him that Caterpillarmallow’s death wasn’t his fault. Cressfreckle still decides to do some more investigating of Yuccastar (subtly, of course), and the three of them decide to tell Sleepyfoot and Cypressbadger their suspicions.  Sleepyfoot believes them and gives Yuccastar bitter herbs on purpose.  Cypressbadger is less sure.  Creekpaw (11) has also been told about her family’s suspicions.  As such, she’s reluctant to spar with Yuccastar today.  But she does anyways because she understands that it’s necessary that she doesn’t suspect anything.
Meta: In the game, it is still (up to where I've played as of queuing this post) unknown who Caterpillarmallow's killer was. I just recently checked the code (as in, a week before this post went public) and it turns out that Peakspots was actually the one who killed her! But I didn't know that when I was writing these moons and it would have changed a lot later on. So, in canon, Yuccastar killed her. It just makes sense.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 155-Leaf-bare
Creekpaw (9) has recovered from greencough!  She may have used her powers to help her heal a little. . .but just a little!  She also may have helped Chiku (89) heal from whitecough, but don’t tell anybody!  Cressfreckle (71) hears that Gladepatch (31) got to talk with Yellowcreek and is glad for his son, although he wishes he had been there.  He misses his mates.  Chervilcry (134) notices that he seems upset and bumps heads with him reassuringly.  Yuccastar  (134) notices that their current and former deputies are not getting along and has them eat a meal together and chat.  It helped, she thinks (it did not, actually).  The three wind-blessed siblings are helping each other out.  Rabbitpaw (11) is making sure that Featherpaw (11) still gets some training, even though she’s sick, and Wormpaw (11) helps Rabbitpaw pick burrs out of her fur after she accidentally launched herself into a bush with a gust of wind during training.  Yuccastar has been watching the three of them closely and thinks they’ll be ready to be warriors soon.  Chasingskip (67) is feeling out of place in the Clan.  She wants to show her affection for others, but doesn’t know how.  She feels bad about never being asked to share tongues.  Creekpaw is also feeling a little worn down and out of place.  She wishes she were back in the nursery with her brother, before everyone knew about her powers.  The Clan also takes in a kittypet whose twolegs abandoned her, named Brioche (69).  She’s very sick with redcough and Caterpillarmallow (105) doesn’t know if she’ll survive.  The four Healers will try their best, though.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 153-Leaf-bare
While several of her clanmates are grieving the loss of their kits, Caterpillarmallow (103) is kind of regretting having kits with Chasingskip (65). She feels like the other she-cat doesn’t really care about her and just used her because she wanted kits.  Chasingskip doesn’t even know Caterpillarmallow’s favorite prey!  Not that she regrets their kits.  Cypressbadger (19) and Sleepyfoot (19) have grown into great cats.  She adores working with Sleepyfoot, who’s so wise for her young age, and Cypressbadger is using a gentle, compassionate way of teaching Featherpaw (9) how to best utilize her powers.  Meanwhile, Cypressbadger has noticed that her moms don’t get along.  She wishes that they would and has taken to surprising Chasingskip with her favorite prey.  Chasingskip, meanwhile, is also proud of the work Cypressbadger has done with Featherpaw.  The powerful young cat is mastering her magic quite well.  She hasn’t blown down a tree in moons! That’s a relief to the whole Clan.  In a more personal bit of relief, Creekpaw (7) is glad that she gets to be her full self in the Clan now that she has proven herself with her dark-cursed powers.  She has noticed that some of her Clanmates are giving her weird looks now, though.  She used to get along well with the older apprentices, but now they’re excluding her.  She wishes Songkit were still by her side.  He understood what it was like, being dark-cursed.  Gladepatch (29) and Cressfreckle (69) try to help her, but they just can’t get it.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 148-Greenleaf
Another moon, another success.  Songkit (2) and Creekkit (2) are still undiscovered.  There was a close call where Conegoat (31) walked in on Creekkit splashing in a puddle. . .and controlling the water in it, but she already knew so it’s alright.  Songkit has taken to spending time in the healer's den with his dad.  He picked some flowers and brought them to Gladepatch (24).  So sweet. Cressfreckle (64) loves having grandkits (even though he feels too young to be a grandpaw).  He’s always checking in on them and Songkit especially appreciates it. Sleepypaw (14) is tired of being the only apprentice in the Clan.  Her sister is a warrior and she really just wants to be a full Healer.  Steppemimic (31) hasn’t been doing much training with her because she’s been so distracted lately, both with the new kits and with her various crushes.  Today, it’s Frostheart (51), who keeps casually finding excuses to hang out in the healer's den and brush up against Steppemimic.  Steppemimic has also been hanging out with the new kits.  She makes sure to give Songkit his favorite prey.  Chasingskip (60) has grown quite fond of Rabbitkit (4) and hopes that she gets to train the young cat.  It’s been a while since she had an apprentice, and she misses it.  Pigeonspot (17) and new deputy Wildcave (31) get into a disagreement.  Wildcave wants her to go herb gathering, but she doesn’t want to.  Just because she’s earth-blessed doesn’t mean she should be relegated to Healer duties.  She’s a warrior and wants to be treated like it!   The Clan really needs to learn it’s lesson about getting too close to twolegs.  While on a patrol with Chasingskip, Moorleg (60) gets too close and is captured.  Maybe she’ll be able to find Mothecho and bring her back?
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 147-Greenleaf
Creekkit (1) and Songkit (1) have remained undiscovered.  For now.�� It’s pretty easy to pass Songkit off as powerless, considering his low power-level.  Gladepatch (23) just has to keep reminding him not to drain the plants around him. And if he does, Gladepatch can help regrow them.  Creekkit is. . .a little bit harder to deal with.  Besides her naturally troublesome personality (putting thorns in Wildcave’s-30- bedding, seriously?), she is quite powerful.  Gladepatch has managed to convince the Clan that she’s fire-blessed, as that seems to be her favorite magic to use, but it’s hard for her to keep the others under wraps.  She doesn’t understand why she should have to hide.  Why can’t the Clan just accept her as she and her brother are?  To explain why he’s been spending so much time with the kits (and because he wants to) Gladepatch has decided to adopt the two of them.  Maybe he can keep them safe.  Chasingskip (59) has also been hanging out in the nursery quite a bit, as she misses being in the nursery and caring for kits, now that hers are grown up.  So, she surprises Creekkit with a nicely made mossball to play with. In other Clan news, Peakspots (116) has decided to retire from deputy.  He’s been feeling quite worn down lately.  The young Wildcave takes his place.  He has the drive and the power to do well in the position.   Conegoat (30) and Gladepatch are on much better terms after finding the kits together.  And Steppemimic (30) even seems to be getting along with Gladepatch pretty well.  It feels like he’s finally found his place in the healer's den.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 146-Newleaf
Cressfreckle (62) has been upping his investigation of Yuccastar (125).  He’s been eavesdropping on her (which is a lot harder for a powerless cat than one with wind powers) and been seeing if any other cats in the Clan share his dislike of their leader.  He knows that Gladepatch (22) does, but highly doubts that Peakspots (115) and Chervilcry (125) do.  Mothecho probably would have, if she hadn’t been taken by twolegs.  Maybe his former apprentice Cypressbadger (12)?  Moorleg (58), despite being kind of annoying with her crush on him, may also end up on his side.  Maybe Pigeonspot (15) too.  Moorleg has noticed that Cressfreckle likes spending time with the kits, and so she has taken to doing so as well.  She has a great time getting into a mock battle with Rabbitkit (2).  Chasingskip (58) is looking out for her surviving kits and asks Sleepypaw (12) if there are any herbs she should look out for while on patrol later.    Steppemimic (29) has been stressed with training an apprentice and needs some more downtime.  Wildcave (29) offers to take Sleepypaw out for a patrol, which his sister appreciates.  And that gives Steppemimic a chance to hang out with Pigeonspot.  She’s the only cat that can make her laugh and its fascinating to see what an earth-blessed warrior gets up to.  Meanwhile in the elder’s den, Strawberrytrail (134) doesn’t want to take her herbs and gets in a fight with Sleepypaw.  After the fight, she ignores the Healer apprentice. Sleepypaw is also feeling ignored by her mentor and feels like Steppemimic has been shoving her off onto other cats. In the nursery, Wormkit (2) absolutely adores his sisters and hopes that Featherkit (2) will be his friend forever.  And it looks like they’ll be getting some new companions. While on a patrol, Conegoat (29) and Gladepatch find a pair of kittens next to their dead parent.  While investigating them, Gladepatch notices that one is clearly emanating. . .darkness.  And the plants around her are dead.  A dark-cursed cat!  And the other. . .well, the signs around him are fainter, but they’re there.  Two dark-cursed kittens.  Gladepatch remembers what happened to his brother and father because of their magic, and begs Conegoat to keep it a secret. He tells her that Yuccastar actually killed his brother because of his magic.  Conegoat is shocked, but agrees to keep the secret.  They take the two kittens back to camp.  The girl is named Creekkit (0) and the boy is named Songkit (0), after Yellowcreek and Graysong.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 145-Newleaf
Burrowpaw (11) was excited to get back to training.  Her joint had healed and she was starting to feel better.  But then her yellowcough took a turn for the worse and she passed away.  When Chasingskip (57) hears the news of Burrowpaw’s death, she collapses and wails as though her own life were ending.  How did her mother survive the loss of Chasingskip’s two siblings?  Chasingskip can’t handle the vigil’s entirety, despite her best efforts.  Burrowpaw’s death has drained her.  She settles into her nest in a tight ball, hoping Burrowpaw might visit in a dream.  In a bittersweet ceremony, Cypresspaw (11) is made a warrior, given the name of Cypressbadger in honor of her adaptability.  She’s just glad the ceremony is over and that she won’t have to have any more.  She wishes her sister was there beside her.  Rustpaw (14) has also (finally) been made a warrior with the name of Rustsong in honor of her generosity.  Even after being tired from her vigil, she makes sure to offer a helping paw.  Being powerless means that she always has to be proving herself to her clanmates.  Speaking of cats who like to help out, Peakspots (114) is very proud of Mothecho (24).  His former apprentice has grown into a helpful young cat.  She’s been assisting with the newleaf task of burning the pineneedles that accumulated last leaf-fall.  It’s nice to have extra fire-powered cats to help with the tasks.  But his pride is tempered when she gets captured by twolegs.  He’ll miss her and hopes that she’ll find her way back to the Clan.  Both being the newer cats in the healer's den, Gladepatch (21) and Sleepypaw (11) enjoy spending time together.  They joke around about how bad the other Clans smell.  The three new kits are settling in well.  Featherkit (1) has proven to have a very strong wind-blessing and has already shown that she can throw her siblings (and Amethystdapple-72) into the air.  Cressfreckle has taken to spending time with the kits, which Rabbitkit (1) finds annoying.  She thinks she can do just fine on her own, thank you very much.  Wormkit (1), the only tom in the litter, enjoys spending time with Moorleg (57).  He finds her ferocity impressive. 
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 142-Leaf-bare
Yellowcough proved too much for Yuccastar (121) in her old age.  Thankfully, she was able to recover after losing only one life, but it was still a little scary.  She also spread the yellowcough to Chasingskip (54) and Pigeonpaw (11). Thankfully, it was after  Pigeonpaw had been given her warrior name of Pigeonspot,  honoring her valiance.  Caterpillarmallow (92) has been feeling stressed lately, with all the sick cats.  She ignores Gladepatch (18) and her voice has been extra shrill lately.  The sound of it makes Peakspots (111) shudder.  Caterpillarmallow does find the time to chat with Conegoat (25) while getting something to eat, though.   Gladepatch has been feeling a bit like the odd one out in the healer's den.  In addition to Caterpillarmallow being snippy, Steppemimic (25) was making mean comments about him.  He just wants to spend time alone.  Sleepypaw (8) is making some good progress, though.  She feels like she’s ready to take care of any patients. There is also a bit of romance going on in the Clan.  Amethystdapple (69) and Fry (49) were seen rolling around a little too playfully. . .maybe there’ll be new kits in the Clan come newleaf. 
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 141-Leaf-bare
With the onset of leaf-bare, Yuccastar (120) is certainly feeling her age.  She almost immediately comes down with a case of Yellowcough.  That makes for a rough start to the season.  Since they had their kits, Caterpillarmallow (91) has been feeling ignored by Chasingskip (53).  Antlersky never treated her this way!  Instead, Caterpillarmallow’s taken to prancing around Amethystdapple (68).  Maybe that will make Chasingskip pay attention to her!  Cressfreckle (57), through raising Gladepatch (17), has discovered that he has a love of caring for young cats.  When he sees that Rustpaw (10) is having a hard time being the only powerless apprentice and feeling out of place in the Clan, Cressfreckle makes sure to give her some cuddles and comfort her.  He knows what it’s like to feel like the Clan is against him.  He is also so excited to have gotten a powered apprentice.  Despite not liking Yuccastar  (at all) he’s thrilled that she trusts him enough to give him an apprentice.  He can’t wait to get to know Cypresspaw (7). Sleepypaw (7) worries that her sister won’t get the training she needs under Cressfreckle and gets in a fight with him over it. The older apprentices have also been looking out for the younger ones.  Rustpaw  comforts Cypresspaw after a tough day in training, and Pigeonpaw (10) spars with her to help hone her skills.   Mothecho (20) and Gladepatch have gotten closer.  They both feel alone sometimes, having lost much of their families, and they grew up together.  It’s nice to have someone who understands what life was like for them, growing up in a Clan plagued by constant loss.  
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 140-Leaf-fall
Chasingskip (52) and Caterpillarmallow’s (90) kits have been made apprentices!  When it’s time for her ceremony, Burrowkit (6) runs up to the front of the crowd in excitement, eager to get her name.  She’s apprenticed to Amethystdapple (67), as it’s long past time for the senior warrior to get her first apprentice.  Cypresspaw (6), despite having a medium powerful wind blessing, has been apprenticed to the powerless Cressfreckle (56).  She’s not sure how she feels about that.  Does he even know how to train her to use her powers to fight?  Cressfreckle assures her that he does.  He has experience working with wind-blessed cats.  Sleepypaw (6) is given to Steppemimic (23) as an apprentice and is excited to learn how to be a Healer and fill out ElementClan’s complement of them.  Caterpillarmallow is a little nervous about having one of her kits in the healer's den with her, and she confesses as much to her sister-in-law, Frostheart (43).  The other she-cat reassures her that she’ll do great.  Moorleg (52) is a little frustrated to be stuck in camp again after getting injured.  She’s been telling jokes about Burrowpaw and wonders how easy it would be to attack Yuccastar from where she’s laying. . .not that she would ever do that.  Strawberrytrail (128) notices that Gladepatch (16) has been a little distracted lately and convinces him to play a game.  Cressfreckle watches and thinks about how Yellowcreek used to love hanging out with the elders.  There’s so much of the father in the son.  It helps ease the ever present ache in Cressfreckle’s heart.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 139-Leaf-fall
Sadly, Minha (25) was unable to heal from her broken back and passed away.  Mothecho (18) thinks about her dead sisters and stares off into space.  She wishes she could have made this right.  But sometimes it feels like her fire powers are only capable of destruction.  She wishes she could heal or soothe, but instead she can burn.  It hurts, being the only one left in her family.  In lighter news, the older cats enjoy seeing the kits playing in the piles of leaves at the edge of camp.  Peakspots (108) remembers his time in the nursery with his moms and how he played.  It was a good time, before all the heartache.  He hopes that these kits will only know joy and love.  With her kits getting older, Chasingskip (51) is excited to be out of the nursery.  Sleepykit’s (5) quiet insistence and Burrowkit’s (5) constant playing are getting on her nerves.  Sleepykit is really excited for when she’ll get to be a Healer apprentice.  She’s taken to sitting in on Clan meetings, very quietly, even though she should still be in the nursery.  Chasingskip has also been coming to the healer's den more often, to ask Caterpillarmallow (89) for help with their kits.  Conegoat thinks she’s annoying.  She’s heard about how Chasingskip doesn’t want Caterpillarmallow too involved with the kits.  Now that they’re older she’s begging for help?!  Rude.  Gladepatch (15) is enjoying his role as a full Healer, but he can’t help but watch Peakspots closely.  He doesn’t feel like the deputy is being completely honest.  Gladepatch knows that Yuccastar killed his brother, along with some other cats.  Did they tell Peakspots?  Gladepatch is also wanting to get to know Graysong’s side of the family better, specifically his aunt Frostheart (42).
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 137-Greenleaf
The broken back proved too much for Lilyshade (16) to handle and she passed away.  Mothecho (16) is devastated.  After the vigil, she rubs her eyes wearily, gazing into the vast sky.  Perhaps Lilyshade has already found her way to StarClan, and she’ll spot a new star in Silverpelt tonight.  She can’t believe she’s the only surviving member of her family.  Her sisters were supposed to be the powerful ones, the magnificent star-blessed cats.  But now they’re both gone and it’s just her left.  In happier news, Pigeonpaw (6) and Rustpaw (6) are now apprentices.  Pigeonpaw has been apprenticed to Frostheart (40), to give the warrior her first apprentice, and Rustpaw has been apprenticed to Chiku (71).   Knowing what it feels like to grow up in the Clan with no parents, Mothecho has taken Rustpaw under her wing and is looking out for the new apprentice.  Speaking of parenting, Caterpillarmallow (87) feels like Chasingskip (49) is being too lax with their kits, but Chasingskip doesn’t feel that way.  She had a lot of freedom as a kit and turned out fine, why woundn’t her kits?  And Caterpillarmallow isn’t even her mate! Why should she get a big say in how Chasingskip parents? 
Meta: I made Pigeonpaw a warrior apprentice even though she's an Earth-blessed cat because the limit on Healers in the game rules was set at five cats. We currently have four Healers, but Sleepykit has a stronger Earth-blessing than Pigeonpaw. So it made more sense to me to have Sleepykit become a Healer and Pigeonpaw become a warrior instead of the other way around.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 135-Greenleaf
Lilypaw (14) has finally been made a warrior!  She is given the name of Lilyshade, in honor of her pragmatism.  She has grown quite close with Yuccastar (114), and wonders if, one day, Yuccastar will make her deputy.  Peakspots (104) is getting old after all-and he’s been deputy since, like, forever.  Moorleg (47) is still struggling to adjust to having a weaker leg.  She’s been arguing with Caterpillarmallow (85) and ignoring cats who she promised to spend time with, like Peakspots.  Additionally, Caterpillarmallow feels like Wildcave (18) is hiding something.  But what?  She’ll have to keep an eye on him.  He comes around to visit his siblings in the Healer's den often enough.  Chasingskip (47) honestly never thought she’d have a chance with Cressfreckle (51).  But now that his mates are gone, well. . .his eyes are really pretty.  She’s also been enjoying spending time with Rustkit (4) and Pigeonkit (4).  The older kits have been very sweet to her kits and are surprisingly well adjusted for having no parent in the nursery with them.  They’re much more relaxed than most of her kits. But she also thinks that Cypresskit (1) is surprisingly kind.  She’s always looking out for her mother.  Despite being excited for her first patrol, Lilyshade proves to be a little too eager and gets hit by a monster and breaks her back.  She’s still alive.  For now.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 134-Newleaf
Chasingskip (46) has had her kits!  Interestingly, afterwards, Chasingskip encourages Caterpillarmallow (84) to come meet them.  Hmmm. . .she must be their other mom.  The kits are sweet little Burrowkit (0), who has a very weak wind blessing; the anxious Cypresskit (0), who’s wind-blessing is already making twigs fly around the nursery; and the ever polite Sleepykit (0), who has been growing leaves on those twigs using her strong earth-blessing.  Chasingskip is feeling a little overwhelmed by having kits and just wants to spend time alone.  Chervilcry (113), on the other paw, is happy to have grandkids.   In the romance department, after moons of unrequited love, Yuccastar (113) is starting to reciprocate Peakspots’ (103) crush on them.  Chervilcry, trying to reform a bond with her sibling, gives them advice and assures them that she will be there for her no matter what happens with Peakspots.  Moorleg (46) was recently injured and is trying to adjust to having a weakened leg.  She’s frustrated that Gladepaw (10) gets to go on more patrols than she does.  Gladepaw doesn’t realize this and just appreciates how helpful Moorleg has been in the healer's den lately.  Pigeonkit (3) is excited to be an apprentice and just wants to spend time with Lilypaw (13) to hear all about her amazing training sessions.
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