elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 148-Greenleaf
Another moon, another success.  Songkit (2) and Creekkit (2) are still undiscovered.  There was a close call where Conegoat (31) walked in on Creekkit splashing in a puddle. . .and controlling the water in it, but she already knew so it’s alright.  Songkit has taken to spending time in the healer's den with his dad.  He picked some flowers and brought them to Gladepatch (24).  So sweet. Cressfreckle (64) loves having grandkits (even though he feels too young to be a grandpaw).  He’s always checking in on them and Songkit especially appreciates it. Sleepypaw (14) is tired of being the only apprentice in the Clan.  Her sister is a warrior and she really just wants to be a full Healer.  Steppemimic (31) hasn’t been doing much training with her because she’s been so distracted lately, both with the new kits and with her various crushes.  Today, it’s Frostheart (51), who keeps casually finding excuses to hang out in the healer's den and brush up against Steppemimic.  Steppemimic has also been hanging out with the new kits.  She makes sure to give Songkit his favorite prey.  Chasingskip (60) has grown quite fond of Rabbitkit (4) and hopes that she gets to train the young cat.  It’s been a while since she had an apprentice, and she misses it.  Pigeonspot (17) and new deputy Wildcave (31) get into a disagreement.  Wildcave wants her to go herb gathering, but she doesn’t want to.  Just because she’s earth-blessed doesn’t mean she should be relegated to Healer duties.  She’s a warrior and wants to be treated like it!   The Clan really needs to learn it’s lesson about getting too close to twolegs.  While on a patrol with Chasingskip, Moorleg (60) gets too close and is captured.  Maybe she’ll be able to find Mothecho and bring her back?
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 146-Newleaf
Cressfreckle (62) has been upping his investigation of Yuccastar (125).  He’s been eavesdropping on her (which is a lot harder for a powerless cat than one with wind powers) and been seeing if any other cats in the Clan share his dislike of their leader.  He knows that Gladepatch (22) does, but highly doubts that Peakspots (115) and Chervilcry (125) do.  Mothecho probably would have, if she hadn’t been taken by twolegs.  Maybe his former apprentice Cypressbadger (12)?  Moorleg (58), despite being kind of annoying with her crush on him, may also end up on his side.  Maybe Pigeonspot (15) too.  Moorleg has noticed that Cressfreckle likes spending time with the kits, and so she has taken to doing so as well.  She has a great time getting into a mock battle with Rabbitkit (2).  Chasingskip (58) is looking out for her surviving kits and asks Sleepypaw (12) if there are any herbs she should look out for while on patrol later.    Steppemimic (29) has been stressed with training an apprentice and needs some more downtime.  Wildcave (29) offers to take Sleepypaw out for a patrol, which his sister appreciates.  And that gives Steppemimic a chance to hang out with Pigeonspot.  She’s the only cat that can make her laugh and its fascinating to see what an earth-blessed warrior gets up to.  Meanwhile in the elder’s den, Strawberrytrail (134) doesn’t want to take her herbs and gets in a fight with Sleepypaw.  After the fight, she ignores the Healer apprentice. Sleepypaw is also feeling ignored by her mentor and feels like Steppemimic has been shoving her off onto other cats. In the nursery, Wormkit (2) absolutely adores his sisters and hopes that Featherkit (2) will be his friend forever.  And it looks like they’ll be getting some new companions. While on a patrol, Conegoat (29) and Gladepatch find a pair of kittens next to their dead parent.  While investigating them, Gladepatch notices that one is clearly emanating. . .darkness.  And the plants around her are dead.  A dark-cursed cat!  And the other. . .well, the signs around him are fainter, but they’re there.  Two dark-cursed kittens.  Gladepatch remembers what happened to his brother and father because of their magic, and begs Conegoat to keep it a secret. He tells her that Yuccastar actually killed his brother because of his magic.  Conegoat is shocked, but agrees to keep the secret.  They take the two kittens back to camp.  The girl is named Creekkit (0) and the boy is named Songkit (0), after Yellowcreek and Graysong.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 145-Newleaf
Burrowpaw (11) was excited to get back to training.  Her joint had healed and she was starting to feel better.  But then her yellowcough took a turn for the worse and she passed away.  When Chasingskip (57) hears the news of Burrowpaw’s death, she collapses and wails as though her own life were ending.  How did her mother survive the loss of Chasingskip’s two siblings?  Chasingskip can’t handle the vigil’s entirety, despite her best efforts.  Burrowpaw’s death has drained her.  She settles into her nest in a tight ball, hoping Burrowpaw might visit in a dream.  In a bittersweet ceremony, Cypresspaw (11) is made a warrior, given the name of Cypressbadger in honor of her adaptability.  She’s just glad the ceremony is over and that she won’t have to have any more.  She wishes her sister was there beside her.  Rustpaw (14) has also (finally) been made a warrior with the name of Rustsong in honor of her generosity.  Even after being tired from her vigil, she makes sure to offer a helping paw.  Being powerless means that she always has to be proving herself to her clanmates.  Speaking of cats who like to help out, Peakspots (114) is very proud of Mothecho (24).  His former apprentice has grown into a helpful young cat.  She’s been assisting with the newleaf task of burning the pineneedles that accumulated last leaf-fall.  It’s nice to have extra fire-powered cats to help with the tasks.  But his pride is tempered when she gets captured by twolegs.  He’ll miss her and hopes that she’ll find her way back to the Clan.  Both being the newer cats in the healer's den, Gladepatch (21) and Sleepypaw (11) enjoy spending time together.  They joke around about how bad the other Clans smell.  The three new kits are settling in well.  Featherkit (1) has proven to have a very strong wind-blessing and has already shown that she can throw her siblings (and Amethystdapple-72) into the air.  Cressfreckle has taken to spending time with the kits, which Rabbitkit (1) finds annoying.  She thinks she can do just fine on her own, thank you very much.  Wormkit (1), the only tom in the litter, enjoys spending time with Moorleg (57).  He finds her ferocity impressive. 
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 143-Leaf-bare
Burrowpaw (9) is having a rough leaf-bare.  First she got cracked pads, then she slipped on some icy rocks and dislocated her leg, and now she’s caught yellowcough.  At this rate, her sisters will both have their full names before she does-and Sleepypaw’s (9) going to become a Healer!  She’s frustrated with how much cats have been babying her and insists that she doesn’t need anyone.  She’s just fine!  As some observers had guessed, Amethystdapple (70) and Fry (50) have become mates.  Even almost two years since the death of his kit, Cressfreckle (59) is still determined to bring Yuccastar (122) down.  He doesn’t feel like they even do anything useful.  Meanwhile, Moorleg (55) has been spending more time with Chiku (77).  The two of them were treed by a dog and, after spending a lot of time with together, realized how much they have in common.  In the medicine den, Steppemimic (26) has made up with Gladepatch (19).  She realized that she was too harsh in her judgment of him and that he really is a good Healer.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 140-Leaf-fall
Chasingskip (52) and Caterpillarmallow’s (90) kits have been made apprentices!  When it’s time for her ceremony, Burrowkit (6) runs up to the front of the crowd in excitement, eager to get her name.  She’s apprenticed to Amethystdapple (67), as it’s long past time for the senior warrior to get her first apprentice.  Cypresspaw (6), despite having a medium powerful wind blessing, has been apprenticed to the powerless Cressfreckle (56).  She’s not sure how she feels about that.  Does he even know how to train her to use her powers to fight?  Cressfreckle assures her that he does.  He has experience working with wind-blessed cats.  Sleepypaw (6) is given to Steppemimic (23) as an apprentice and is excited to learn how to be a Healer and fill out ElementClan’s complement of them.  Caterpillarmallow is a little nervous about having one of her kits in the healer's den with her, and she confesses as much to her sister-in-law, Frostheart (43).  The other she-cat reassures her that she’ll do great.  Moorleg (52) is a little frustrated to be stuck in camp again after getting injured.  She’s been telling jokes about Burrowpaw and wonders how easy it would be to attack Yuccastar from where she’s laying. . .not that she would ever do that.  Strawberrytrail (128) notices that Gladepatch (16) has been a little distracted lately and convinces him to play a game.  Cressfreckle watches and thinks about how Yellowcreek used to love hanging out with the elders.  There’s so much of the father in the son.  It helps ease the ever present ache in Cressfreckle’s heart.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 138-Leaf-fall
After moons and moons of slow burn romance, rejection, and uncertainty, Peakspots (107) gets up the courage to confess his love to Yuccastar (117).  He’s shocked when they reciprocate and the two become mates.  Moorleg (50) watches this romantic exchange and wonders if her love story can also get a happy ending.  She confesses to Cressfreckle (54) and. . .gets rejected.  He’s barely recovered from the loss of his mates and is not looking for any other romance.  He’s polite about it, but it’s still a rejection.  Also, Cressfreckle has more on his mind than potential mates.  His son has been made a full Healer!  During his ceremony, Gladepaw (14) is visited by his dead mentor, Needlepelt, along with his parents: Airclaw, Graysong, and Yellowcreek.  They assure him that he’ll be alright without them, and that he’s ready for his full name.  Resting her muzzle on Gladepaw’s head, Needlepelt names him Gladepatch, in honor of his resilience.  Cressfreckle could not be prouder of him.  He’s been through so much in his short life, but he’s such a kind and lively young cat.  He’ll do well in the healer's den.  Cressfreckle is also, as always, looking out for the young members of the Clan.  He notices how helpful Pigeonpaw (7) is being around the camp, such as by encouraging the thorns in the barrier to grow.  She’s making the best use of her weak earth-blessing.  Frostheart (41) has been quite invested in the healer's den lately, as her only remaining family resides there. And they’re actually able to communicate with her dead relatives. She annoys Caterpillarmallow (88) by constantly asking the Healers if they’ve heard from StarClan.  She hasn't. Steppemimic (21) has been hearing StarClan voices lately though. . .While on a patrol, Mothecho (17) and Fry (45) come across an injured kittypet named Minha (24).  Her back is broken, and Mothecho can’t help but think about Lilyshade.  Her sister couldn’t survive it, but maybe this cat can.  They bring her back to camp and the Healers get to work.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 136-Greenleaf
Lilyshade (15) is still hanging on.  She’s trying to use her star-blessed powers to heal her back, but it’s delicate work.  And the Healers don’t have much experience with an injury of this magnitude.  She hopes she’ll make it through leaf-bare, but she’s just not sure if she will.   She has been bonding with  Moorleg (48) over their injuries.  Lilyshade can always make Moorleg laugh with her bad jokes.  Gladepaw (12) is impatient to become a full Healer, like his father, and thinks that Caterpillarmallow (86) is babying him a bit.  She’s so annoying!  Despite being a warrior apprentice at first, Steppemimic (19) has grown to love being a Healer, and she’s quite good at it too.  She’s been working on some healing/PT with Lilyshade.  Moorleg has been a little rough during training lately.  She draws blood while helping  Conegoat (19) brush up on some battle moves and says it was an accident.  Conegoat doesn’t believe her. Chervilcry (115) is spending some time with her grandkits and enjoys chatting with Burrowkit (2). Yuccastar (115) wanted a break from being seen by the Clan, so Peakspots (105) covered for them and let her take a nap in the middle of the day.  
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 135-Greenleaf
Lilypaw (14) has finally been made a warrior!  She is given the name of Lilyshade, in honor of her pragmatism.  She has grown quite close with Yuccastar (114), and wonders if, one day, Yuccastar will make her deputy.  Peakspots (104) is getting old after all-and he’s been deputy since, like, forever.  Moorleg (47) is still struggling to adjust to having a weaker leg.  She’s been arguing with Caterpillarmallow (85) and ignoring cats who she promised to spend time with, like Peakspots.  Additionally, Caterpillarmallow feels like Wildcave (18) is hiding something.  But what?  She’ll have to keep an eye on him.  He comes around to visit his siblings in the Healer's den often enough.  Chasingskip (47) honestly never thought she’d have a chance with Cressfreckle (51).  But now that his mates are gone, well. . .his eyes are really pretty.  She’s also been enjoying spending time with Rustkit (4) and Pigeonkit (4).  The older kits have been very sweet to her kits and are surprisingly well adjusted for having no parent in the nursery with them.  They’re much more relaxed than most of her kits. But she also thinks that Cypresskit (1) is surprisingly kind.  She’s always looking out for her mother.  Despite being excited for her first patrol, Lilyshade proves to be a little too eager and gets hit by a monster and breaks her back.  She’s still alive.  For now.
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elementclangen · 5 months
Chasingskip's Kits' Sprites
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Burrowkit; Wind-blessed she-kit with a power level of 4 (very low); Sweet
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Cypresskit; Wind-blessed she-kit with a power level of 58 (medium); Anxious
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Sleepykit; Earth-blessed she-kit with a power level of 78 (medium high); polite
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elementclangen · 5 months
Moon 134-Newleaf
Chasingskip (46) has had her kits!  Interestingly, afterwards, Chasingskip encourages Caterpillarmallow (84) to come meet them.  Hmmm. . .she must be their other mom.  The kits are sweet little Burrowkit (0), who has a very weak wind blessing; the anxious Cypresskit (0), who’s wind-blessing is already making twigs fly around the nursery; and the ever polite Sleepykit (0), who has been growing leaves on those twigs using her strong earth-blessing.  Chasingskip is feeling a little overwhelmed by having kits and just wants to spend time alone.  Chervilcry (113), on the other paw, is happy to have grandkids.   In the romance department, after moons of unrequited love, Yuccastar (113) is starting to reciprocate Peakspots’ (103) crush on them.  Chervilcry, trying to reform a bond with her sibling, gives them advice and assures them that she will be there for her no matter what happens with Peakspots.  Moorleg (46) was recently injured and is trying to adjust to having a weakened leg.  She’s frustrated that Gladepaw (10) gets to go on more patrols than she does.  Gladepaw doesn’t realize this and just appreciates how helpful Moorleg has been in the healer's den lately.  Pigeonkit (3) is excited to be an apprentice and just wants to spend time with Lilypaw (13) to hear all about her amazing training sessions.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 127-Leaf-fall
Despite the disaster, the Clan must go on. With a somber mood still hanging over the camp, Yuccastar (106) makes Luckstripes kits apprentices. Mothpaw (6) is apprenticed to Fry (34), as they are both fire-blessed.  The powerful Flightpaw (6) is apprenticed to Moorleg (39).  And Yuccastar takes on Lilypaw (6) as their own apprentice. Maybe if she trains a star-blessed cat, they’ll be able to create an ally in her.  Peakspots (96) is enjoying having more fire-blessed cats in the Clan again, especially during a war.  It takes some of  the pressure off of him.  Cressfreckle (43) is trying to adjust to life as a single father, after expecting to have the help of three other cats raising his kit.  He absolutely adores Gladekit (3) and is so proud of how thoughtful he is becoming.  He’ll make a great Healer. Just like his dad.  Cressfreckle wants to do something about Yuccastar, but he’s not sure what. He and his mates’ plan was to get Luckstripe on their side to protect his kits, but he’s gone now.  Fry doesn’t seem to be a huge Yuccastar fan.  Maybe he could get him on his side.  Fry’s kits are trying to recover from the loss of their sister, and Steppepaw (10) is really taking to her role as a Healer apprentice.  She enjoys thinking about how to keep the Clan healthy and taking care of others.  Sadly, while out on her first patrol, a ChaffinchClan patrol shoves a boulder onto Flightpaw and kills her.  The Clan mourns the loss of an apprentice, and Mothpaw and Lilypaw mourn their sister less than a moon after the loss of their father. 
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 112-Greenleaf
Flintpaw (13)  has finally been made a warrior!  She has been named Flinttooth, honoring her hard work.  And she has worked hard.  It felt like she was under a lot more pressure to perform well than Frostheart (15), who was made a warrior earlier, just because she was powerless.  It’s not fair.  And it means that she can’t afford to spend time with Yellowcreek (39), unlike the other cats her age. She even turns up her nose at a gift he gives her.  It’s bad for her reputation to be seen with a dark-cursed cat.  Now that they’re both in the elders’ den, Bushmask (122) and Brightfalcon (155) are enjoying spending more time together.  They even went on a nice moonlit stroll.  Their daughter, Antlersky (70), has been a little concerned lately about Moorleg’s (24) violent tendencies, especially how hard she’s been on her apprentice, Midgepaw (9).  She talks to her about it, and they gain a better understanding of each other.  Moorleg really just wants to protect the Clan and enable Midgepaw to do so as well.  Or so she tells Antlersky. . .Midgepaw himself feels like he’s been struggling lately.  His power level is just so low that he can’t do most of the exercises Moorleg gives him.  And she’s an intimidating mentor to work under. Meanwhile, Antlersky's mate is enjoying spending time with Antlersky’s family.  Caterpillarmallow (62) loves getting to know her nieces and nephews, even ones that she doesn’t work with, like Flurrypelt (25) and Frostheart. While on a patrol, Peakspots (81) finds a kittypet.  Who appears to be. . .glowing.  A star-blessed cat!  He brings the kittypet, who takes the name of Faiththrift (33), back to camp and presents her to Yuccastar (91) with excitement.  Yuccastar is. . .less than thrilled.  She just got rid of one star-blessed cat.  And now here’s another one!  At least she’s weaker than Yuccastar.  Although that look in her eyes says that she may be trouble. . .
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 109-Newleaf
The Clan is shocked by Judaschaser’s death.  She was so powerful.  Who could have killed her?  Only two cats know, and neither of them are saying anything.  Yuccastar (88) doesn’t understand why her Clanmates miss Judaschaser so much.  Couldn’t they see that she was horrible? Oh well, at least nobody seems to have realized it was her that killed Judaschaser. Little does she know that Yellowcreek (36) has now seen her commit two murders.  But no one trusts him.  He’s even heard rumors around camp that he was the one who killed Judaschaser.  He wants to scream at them that he didn’t do it!  But he knows it wouldn’t do any good.  The Clan hates him for something he can’t control, and they will never see past that.  A stream of dark smoke comes out of his nose in frustration. Despite feeling like no one in the Clan likes him, a lot of the younger cats actually really look up to Yellowcreek.  They find him more down to earth than the other powerful cats in the Clan and think he’s easy to talk to.  Needlepaw (12) even tells him to count on her if he needs someone. The Clan has some distractions of the death of their clanmate.  Frostpaw (12) has been given the warrior name of Frostheart, honoring her tranquility.  Gentle’s (96) kits have also been made apprentices.  Midgepaw (6) has been given to Moorleg (21), as the young warrior is ready for her first apprentice.  Timberpaw (6) has been given to Chasingskip (21), as their personalities are similar so she should be able to understand him.  And Pythonpaw (6) has been apprenticed to Peakspots (78), as the deputy has had very few apprentices due to the lack of other fire-blessed cats in the Clan.  He is enjoying having an apprentice and is discussing training methods with Chasingskip.  
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 104-Leaf-fall
After almost six moons, Yellowcreek (31) is out of the healer's den!  His broken leg healed up well, and he’s excited to leave camp again.  He thinks his leg took so long to heal because he didn’t use his powers on it, due to the whole ‘dark-cursed cats shouldn’t heal’ thing.  He just wants to be accepted by the Clan, but is starting to feel like he never will be.  He’s lonely.  Despite her hesitations about Yellowcreek, Yuccastar can’t help but admire his bravery.  She can appreciate a dark-cursed cat-Shadestar was her leader, after all. Now other Star-blessed cats on the other paw. . .Chervilcry (83) has noticed that the tension between Yuccastar (83) and Judaschaser (125) has been high lately, and asks Brightfalcon (147) for advice.  She was around when Shadestar and Nightingaletree hated each other.  How did she deal with two high-powered cats fighting?  Brightfalcon says that she just stayed out of it.  Her powers are weak enough that she couldn’t have made a difference.  Chervilcry sighs.  She doesn’t think there’s any cat powerful enough to get between them if they start fighting.    Rosemaryquake (62) feels uneasy around Moorleg (16).  She just gets this cold feeling whenever the young cat is around.  Is Moorleg up to something?  In the healer's den, Graysong (17)  is trying to bond with his little sister, Needlepaw (7).  He tells a secret about Flurrypelt (17) to her, and she tells him that Brightfalocn likes her better than him.  Whelp.  That bonding session didn’t go as planned.
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elementclangen · 7 months
Moon 102-Leaf-fall
Moorpaw (14) has finally received her warrior name, Moorleg, in honor of her cunning.  Yuccastar (81)  is a little hesitant about making the bloodthirsty cat a warrior, but. . .she can’t stay in the apprentice’s den forever.  At least she only has a moderately strong wind-blessing.  If she were dark-cursed. . .Yuccastar shudders to think about it.  Even so, if she becomes a threat, Yuccastar knows she can take care of it. Meanwhile, Graypaw (15) is still stuck as a Healer apprentice while his littermate and friends are made warriors.  He doesn’t seem to mind, though.  He enjoys his work, and being the most powerful earth-blessed cat in the Clan. He also enjoys annoying his older sister.  He took Rosemaryquake’s (60)  favorite nesting materials and she was so mad.  It was great! While Chervilcry continues to annoy Chasingskip (14), Stonefreckle (85) actually has a good rapport with her and has been spending more time with her. They can tease each other and not take offense.  They get each other. They can toss each other up in the air with their wind-blessings.  And they both grew up more alone than they should have.  Stonefreckle sometimes wonders if he has bio siblings somewhere, but if he does, he's never met or heard of them. Chasingskip’s siblings are dead.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 106-Leaf-bare
The Clan is still getting to know the newcomers.   Midgekit (3) always seems to be staring off into space with the slightest of breezes ruffling his fur.  Timberkit (3)  likes to spend time on his own, watching the clouds blow by.  And Pythonkit (3), the magicless one, has already made a name for himself in causing trouble.  Antlersky (64) is having a bit of trouble adjusting to the loss of her sister and mated life.  She’s not sure she wants kits, but Caterpillarmallow (56) does.  She also thinks that some of her younger half-siblings are annoying and just wishes that Rosemaryquake were still there.  One of said half-siblings, Needlepaw (9), seems to be making a habit of spreading rumors, this time telling Airclaw (48) that Stonefreckle (74) doesn’t like her much.  Moorleg (18) and Cressfreckle (22) got in a fight.  Cressfreckle was tired of the younger cat always following him around, and Moorleg blew him over with a gust of wind.  Yellowcreek (33) wanted to defend his friend, but worried that doing so would make the Clan even more suspicious of him.  Instead, he had to watch as the powerless cat was bullied and no one stopped it.
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