#chat: amelia
grayson-smith · 2 months
LOCATION: The Golden Spoon WHO: @fadedstarsfms
Not many people could penetrate the wolf’s defenses since he came back from the war.  Grayson’s wife tried for a couple of years, but the man would not give in when it came to his PTSD and the loss of his right leg.  Yet, during his divorce a dark time in his life a friendship began to blossom and now each month, Amelia and him meet up for lunch to catch up on each other’s lives and remain in touch.
“One of these days, we must venture outside of Raven’s Peak.”  Grayson commented as he stared down at the same menu that has been there for ages.  It was a friendly place, something the man appreciated.  But it would be nice to just get out of dodge for a few hours where not everyone in town knew your every move.
“I should order the salad, but my heart says burger and fries.  What are you getting?”  At least then, if she ordered something deemed unhealthy he could follow suit.
“Anyway, how have you been?  How is James?  He keep growing, it always amazes me how children just shoot up out of nowhere like a bean sprout.”
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indyflanery · 2 years
@imxthexhandler continued from here
Amelia simply raised one eyebrow at his defensive comment about not getting jealous. Clearly, even though he insisted otherwise, this struck a nerve with him, which was something that both surprised and honestly amused her a little. Especially given the nature of their relationship, she just honestly hadn’t expected a reaction from him. Although she did not know the identity of the sender yet, she felt confident it was from one of her friends from the office more than any secret admirer, and she debated on telling him that in order to let him relax before her eyes lit up at the file he dropped on her desk.
Immediately, she reached for it, murmuring a ‘thank you’ before she pulling it back closer to her, leafing through some of his research when he remarked about checking in, and she looked up, surprised- pleasantly so. A faint, warm smile graced her lips. “I’m alright,” she told him. It’d been a couple of months since they were on assignment and things got a touch hairy, leaving her injured and a little shaken, but overall, Amelia thought she took it in stride and…not to mention, she had been very touched by Indy’s tenderness that night…
“You okay?” she asked, clearly not still teasing about his reaction to her mysterious gift of flowers or her being a hopeless romantic at heart. Rather, Amelia was trying to still ascertain if this was purely a work call or possibly also a social call and how he was doing overall.
Yeah, it was a knee jerk reaction and he couldn’t take it back before he said it, but Indy was also prone to being very protective of himself when it involved caring for others. Especially those he was so close to, and in more than one way. Like Amelia. He just personally wasn’t much of a romantic.
“Yeah, perfectly fine,” he replied casually. Nothing was really bothering him at the moment. Sure, Amelia’s injury from protecting him still weighed on his mind when he wasn’t distracting himself, but Indy liked to tell himself that his friend had recovered, was healing, and was just fine. 
He was good at denial.
“I’m allowed to check in on you, right? Even if I’m bringing work along with me.”
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ibdah · 5 days
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thank you Ame 💛🫶
I remembered when she first debuted ☹️
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knight-gwaine · 11 months
Okay, it’s been too long so I have no clue who my followers or mutual are anymore.
SO, lil ice breaker for whoever sees this. Ima list all the podcasts I love and have listened to/am listening to and if you’re into any of ‘em, tell me about your favorite character and why you love them in the replies or recommend other podcasts based off my list!
Welcome to Night Vale (the gateway drug)
Alice Isn’t Dead
Within the Wires
The Bright Sessions (a FAVE. WHERE IS THE FANDOM)
King Falls AM (bring them back please)
Midnight Burger (also hello where is the fandom. Doctor Who fans will love)
The Amelia Project (do yourself a favor and start listening if you haven’t)
Desert Skies
The Left Right Game
Leaving Corvat
The Orbiting Human Circus
Hello from the Magic Tavern (genuinely surprised by the lack of presence on Tumblr)
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koifsssh · 1 year
Hello! I’m the anon that talked about songs that fit Rainy, if you remember! And guess what…I’ve got another one! I just found it yesterday and I’m already obsessed…..off topic!
The song is called From The Start by Laufey! And of course the link for whoever else wants to listen!
💕Have a great day!💕
welcome back, music anon! ohhh another hit, i'd say!
when i think about it, i think it fits actor rainy the most! he is sort of a tease in a sense, i think he would joke like that in a sort of way!
ohhh listening to the song gave me so so many actor thoughts... i really should do more with the au... so i will give you my ramblings! been a while since i've done so!
first things first! Rainy's desk! lobby? area??? the place where he and his guests sit!
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(thats a real view by the way! because i think it should be!)
i think that Rainy's origins before he was able to claim his show was a rocky one, after all even before him there was Miss Piggy's, but she already had a successful career! Rainy didn't have such a thing!
he was just a guy.... just a dude, if you will...
so you could say he built himself from the ground up! and he certainly did! (oh... im so proud of him!)
he has guests on all the time, but he doesn't run on them if that makes sense? he can keep an audience entertained by himself!
i'd like to think rainy is sort of "the unprofessional professional", he's very genuine on the show, and he acts the same even off the live, i'd like to think that kind of charisma is what got him popular in the first place.
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he is actually very busy, he works all the time! the show is his career after all! He does love his job, and he does have a lot of fun, but he does take it seriously! after all he's the only other puppet with a talk show... it's a lot to manage!
but anyways, his makes friends with all his guests! besides, banter is much more fun that way!
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he likes to address the audience/camera quite a bit... it's his favorite bit! there's quite a bit of bits on the show... but talking about an actor like they're not there is one of his favorites to do!
Even though Rainy is puppet orientated, and focused on puppet actors and creators, he doesn't discriminate, what kind of host would he be if he did? He personally doesn't have anything against humans, as long as they are respectful!
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oh... he's so silly... he's very interactive with his audience! he wouldn't be here without them after all!
i'd like to think when he reaches a certain point in his career he would voice act and such, i think he'd be pretty good at it! along with acting as well! i wonder what he'd call his viewers... dreamers, perhaps?
[ amelia belongs to @cupophrogs & maverick belongs to @thatthirstyweirdo ! ]
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saltylightsoul · 3 months
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callsign-daydream · 5 months
Heyllo 🤗
I've read your Birdfam headcanons post a minute ago, and I love everything you hdced about them!!!! <3
What's your thoughts on Bradley taking Amelia to Prom? (Sth happened and Amelia has no one to go with or sth like that)
I LOVE this concept so much!
I'm thinking Amelia decided to go with a group of friends rather than a date, but then one friend gets a date, then another...
And on prom night, her last friend standing gets a stomach bug and can't go, leaving Amelia on her own. Frustrated, she flops onto the couch next to Bradley, fully dressed up, and steals his chips.
"I thought you were going to prom?" "Not alone, I'm not."
There is no way Bradley's non-biological sister isn't getting her prom night!
He immediately races home, and twenty minutes later, is ringing the doorbell incessantly.
"You have a key, Roo!" "Just open the door!" And there's Bradley Bradshaw, in his dress whites, with a corsage and a cheesy grin. And though Amelia rolls her eyes and calls him a dork, she's also smiling and letting him put on her corsage while taking her out to the Bronco.
"Your carriage, milady" "Shut up"
Everyone's eyes are on the cute aviator in his dress whites and his sick dance moves
He even slow dances with her and Amelia just grins and thanks him for saving her evening
"Anytime, Finch" "Can we get McDonald's after this?" "Duh"
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tattoo today :-)
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perfectlysunny02 · 1 year
“We need twin time!” no we don’t. fuck off.
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What my OCs would present if they had a powerpoint night together
Brook: Why I should be your honorary big sister
Finley: Why fictional men are the only men I'm interested in
Anastasia: Fail proof ways to rob a bank (The entire slide show is just 'don't' in different languages)
Cooper: 10 reasons why not seeing the sun isn't a bad thing
Amelia: Cool art I found on pinterest
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willkimurashat · 1 year
I cannot stress enough how much I do NOT want an Ex In the Villa 2.0. I just really really REALLY do not want it again
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baylardian-1 · 2 years
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“We do not stand alone. We are in the arms of family... We gather this day to extol the warmth and joy of those unshakable bonds. Without them we could not call ourselves complete. On this day we are thankful to be together. We do not stand alone."
(For Day 9 of the @25daysofvoyager​ holiday thingy, I ended up settling on adapting the episode Mortal Coil’s Prixin celebration!) 
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indyflanery · 2 years
@imxthexhandler continued from here 
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“Yes, that is what I want!” Amelia snapped loudly.
She stopped and sighed heavily, shutting her eyes as she held her head in her hands, focusing on nothing but breathing, trying to calm down as quickly as she could. Finally, Amelia opened her eyes, looking to Indiana seriously, the underlining fear still clear though.
“Look, I can appreciate what you were trying to do, I can. Obviously, I’m not wishing to be dead, but damnit, Indiana...” Her voice trailed off as she frowned.
I’m scared.
You scared me. I thought you might...
I can’t lose you, too.
But too many people were around to say that. Too many people, too many eyes, too many ears, and that made her hold her tongue, force back the tears that wished to well up in her eyes.
She leaned in closer, her jaw clenched as she pointed at him. “Don’t ever do it again,” she hissed before turning to leave, wishing to make her exit prior to her emotions completely taking over.
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Indy glared at her from where he was getting tended to, not appreciating bein yelled at when he’d only been trying to help. And it wasn’t like this was the first time he’d been in harm’s way or had gotten himself hurt...doing pretty much anything. Until he properly looked at the agent and his expression softened some. She didn’t entirely look happy with him but she did look more upset/nervous than she previously had.
Blinking at the aborted statement that held a tiny bit of emotion, he found himself reflexively leaning back as Amelia moved into his personal space and pointed a threatening finger at him, with an actual warning...Only to walk out of the room.
Apparently, he was going to have some apologizing to do once he was patched up.
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legendofthe3divas · 11 months
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Jade: (reading a tweet) Little Mix was my sexual awakening and I am so grateful for it. Leigh: (Looking rather confused) Pez: Wow. Jade: Same. Honestly. Leigh: Oh my gosh Pez: (Points at Jade and laughs) 'Sameee' Jade: Wow I really grew into a woman in this group. Do you know what I mean? Leigh: Yea true. Pez: We all have. It's wild. Jade: But umm I'm glad that happened for you Pez: That's lovely Jade: And all I can say is You're welcome Pez: What can I say expect... Pez & Jade: You're welcomeee 🎶 Jade: I like being the idea of someone's sexual awakening. Why not? Pez: Oh I love it Leigh: What is a sexual awakening like as in? Jade: I guess the moment when they felt that, you know, sensation. Looking at us. Leigh: Wow Jade: Like ooo yea that's that feeling Leigh: That is pretty epic.
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soultiies · 10 days
loosely based off plastic palm trees by tate mcrae — @fxcdboys
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it shouldn't have been shocking to amelia that of all the places for her ex to be he was at the same bar that her and her friends were at. it was a small town so it's not like the chances were slim. she could have chosen to ignore this and just gone about her night but instead even with all her friends rolling their eyes at her, amelia walked up to her ex. "so are you going to let me buy you a drink?"
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okay it is time to go to Taylor Swift and my crazy weekend! I will be back on sunday where I will aim to get more replies done!
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