#chatgpt 4.0
odinsblog · 4 months
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“Last September, I received an offer from Sam Altman, who wanted to hire me to voice the current ChatGPT 4.0 system. He told me that he felt that by my voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and Al. He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people.
After much consideration and for personal reasons, I declined the offer. Nine months later, my friends, family and the general public all noted how much the newest system named “Sky” sounded like me.
When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. Mr. Altman even insinuated that the similarity was intentional, tweeting a single word “her” - a reference to the film in which I voiced a chat system, Samantha, who forms an intimate relationship with a human.
Two days before the ChatGPT 4.0 demo was released, Mr. Altman contacted my agent, asking me to reconsider. Before we could connect, the system was out there.
As a result of their actions, I was forced to hire legal counsel, who wrote two letters to Mr. Altman and OpenAl, setting out what they had done and asking them to detail the exact process by which they created the “Sky” voice. Consequently, OpenAl reluctantly agreed to take down the “Sky” voice.
In a time when we are all grappling with deepfakes and the protection of our own likeness, our own work, our own identities, I believe these are questions that deserve absolute clarity. I look forward to resolution in the form of transparency and the passage of appropriate legislation to help ensure that individual rights are protected.”
—Scarlett Johansson
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bytepowder · 4 months
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The ChatGPT 4.0 promise is a comprehensive audio user interface. See you on 25th century!
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yeasminifra · 6 months
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watsupusa24 · 4 months
Unleash the power of Chat GPT 4.0, the next-gen AI chatbot! This innovative model handles text, voice, and images, transforming communication for businesses, education, and everyday life. Discover faster interactions, multilingual support, and cost-effective solutions.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
What are your thoughts on recent AI models such as *unnamed*, a 'service' that is basically ChatGPT 4.0 and is hurling up 90k novels complete with plot twists and a 10% detectability rate that have been trained off of every book every existed through website crawling that can't discern if material is copyrighted? If this AI becomes able to detect the new or can gauge upcoming zeitgeists or cultural moments and adapt its zombified frankenbooks rather than boilerplating, what happens to artists?
We retire to the South Downs and take up beekeeping.
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yuseirra · 1 month
ONK CH 158 review and Character Analysis: the parallels of the protagonists with their parents + more
Starting off! I think this development might actually be okay, depending on what happens later.
It’s too early to judge whether the development is good or bad! I was really surprised... but after dissecting it, it's not as bad as I initially thought. I actually think it works and I like things about it. I've been analyzing very thoroughly lately, and I think it might be fine to wait out a bit more and see how things go.
This manga is excellent at character creation and relationship building, and this seems like a good time to explore the parallels they have with one another because it is THIS chapter that shows it very well. I thought I’d summarize my thoughts on that.
This analysis is probably the longest I've ever written, I had a lot of fun writing it too~
This was originally written in another language and I couldn't dare to rewrite the whole thing so I used my trusted partner, chatgpt 4.0.. If there's something off, it's probably that it didn't get the context. I'm going to skim over this, but writing a disclaimer just in case!
I feel like the character portrayal and relationship building in this manga are really well done, so I’ll try to summarize my thoughts on that.
(Unrelated, but "Don't"(from P3R) is really good; give it a listen!)
The lyrics of this song subtly resemble "Fatal" in tone. I've been listening to the instrumentals for it as I've been typing this out.
After reading Chapter 158, what surprised me is that despite the rushed and somewhat sparse development, I have a positive reaction to it. It’s not bad, and I’m being serious.
Though this is supposed to be the final arc, rather than tying up loose ends, each chapter still throws something new at us, and nothing has been resolved yet. Ruby tries to say something, but it immediately cuts away, and then Nino suddenly appears...
The real question is how they’re going to wrap this all up, and we can’t judge it just yet.
I didn’t predict the exact timing of the characters’ actions, but when I thought it over calmly, I realized I was pretty accurate in sense in guessing what the characters would do.
I predicted that Kamiki would turn himself in (lol), that Nino would attack Ruby, that Kamiki would see the video Ai left and change his mind at the last minute, leading to Nino’s confusion, and that Ryosuke and Nino would have some sort of relationship (it really seems like Ryosuke was acting under Nino’s orders). I really got all of that right!!
I also predicted that Ruby would surpass Ai. (There was foreshadowing, and unlike Ai, who started as an idol as a means to give love rather than as her life’s purpose, Ruby’s goal is to become an outstanding idol. Since Ruby is also Amaterasu, one of the most powerful deities in Japanese mythology, it makes sense that Ruby would surpass Ai. Ai might be related to Ame-no-Uzume or Benzaiten—Benzaiten is a goddess of the arts but also has a connection to love. These goddesses are of a lower rank compared to Amaterasu. Ame-no-Uzume’s role of bringing out a shining deity from a cave parallels Ai and Ruby’s relationship. Ruby wanted to become an idol after seeing Ai, who in this manga is concluded to be akin to a god (star).)
I’m bringing up part of my previous analysis of Ai: Ai’s efforts were partly for herself, but she also worked hard because she’s rather down-to-earth, and her motivation seemed to be making those around her happy. For instance, her reaction towards about having the dome concert was, “Is the dome that great? If it's everyone's dream, I guess it’s good,” and she tried to smile along. What’s important to this character is satisfying her curiosity about her inner void, while her achievements as an idol seemed secondary. That’s why the line about wanting to raise her children with Kamiki really hit me, because Ai’s idol work seemed to function more as a means rather than an end goal like it is for Ruby. But that doesn’t mean Ai didn’t work hard; she had a strong sense of responsibility and tried her best in everything she was given.
And seeing the mention of stars from Ruby... Yes! Stars are really important in this story, aren’t they? I've been stressing about it a whole lot lately, and I believe this is the right time to address that.
Upon close examination, the characters’ actions in this development largely align with their personalities and established traits. The confusing part is that so much hasn’t been revealed yet. What are the other characters doing? What exactly happened between these events?
It’s hard to grasp the characters' intentions because the story is progressing with so many things left hidden, creating confusion. But I think they’ll unravel these things later, so it might be best to wait.
I can’t imagine Aqua and Ruby didn’t prepare for this situation at all; if it turns out that they were caught off guard, it would be a really stupid development. However, doesn’t the last page seem oddly blurry? Why is the saturation so low on just that page? It might not be something that actually happened, just a “what if” scenario.
And even if Ruby being stabbed and in a life-threatening situation is real, there are still some possibilities for how the story could unfold (I wrote about this in this post), I don't think the chances of it happening are so high, though (but god..I want Kamiki to do something for once)
LOL, this author has a knack for condensing developments and aligning them with previous content in a way that seems chaotic to the reader... but there’s a bigger picture here. This manga is something you need to binge-read as a whole.
Looking at it from the perspective of character traits and what these characters would do, the consistency has been solid throughout. The characters’ actions make sense. If there’s something odd in this development, it’s the omitted characters. What did Aqua and Akane do? But since they haven’t appeared, there’s no way to judge.
As for Kamiki... I’ve been analyzing this character a lot lately. There isn’t much to piece together with Nino, so I had to predict with minimal information (and the actions she took were within that scope), but Kamiki... there hasn’t been much shown about what he’s been up to either (though I have a hunch... I think his songs indirectly reveal what he’s been doing all this time. So I dove in when I finally started to get it).
There’s consistency in how this character interacts with others and the actions he takes. He has a weak heart. And that perfectly aligns with why Ai was so worried and cared so much about him. It all fits. I was so anxious while analyzing him,...I can't stand the idea that Ai would see this guy, who sent another man to attack his ex-girlfriend who was raising his kids just because he was sad, in a sympathetic light. I felt that wouldn't be it from the way he spoke about her and that's why I could be very passionate about the ship (And is would that really a good story if it is?? That Ai genuinely loved such a man?;; Itd mean she chose the wrong person to love.) So, I was worried while analyzing, but no. This character is not that kind of person, and I’m about 90% sure of that after this chapter’s development. He’s just someone with terrible luck. He’s been cursed or something. This is the third time something like this has happened, for crying out loud!! I bet he was heartbroken and couldn’t attend the dome concert himself, so, he probably trusted Ryosuke who was said to be aquainted with Nino(since Ai seemed to want to be friends with Nino again, Kamiki probably knew this and trusted Nino, and him who she knows) to send a bouquet, and then disaster struck, and he fell into despair.
Now, I’ll start talking about the character design because the character portrayal in this manga is just amazing.
Kamiki... in terms of his motives for his actions, he’s a lot like Aqua. (They look similar, too, but the more I think about it, I feel like Kamiki’s natural personality and appearance are more like Ruby’s, the other twin. Their facial expressions and impressions are similar... Ruby may look just like Ai, but her physique, is similar to her father’s. She’s taller and has a broader figure than her mother. You could say the son takes after the father, and the daughter takes after the mother at first glance, but the more I see, the more it feels like Aqua takes after his mother and Ruby takes after her father.)
The twins really seem like they inherited traits from both parents. The more I see, the more fascinating it becomes... It’s like, if you were to create children for your characters, this is exactly how it should be done. They’ve done a great job designing them, and since I want to create my own story, if there’s anything I want to learn from this manga, it’s definitely this. It’s really impressive in that regard.
Back to motivation:
Kamiki (as I currently speculate) ended up taking extreme and desperate actions completely contrary to his nature after losing the person he loved (Ai) due to something he didn’t intend or wasn’t significantly responsible for (I really believe this character just tried to send flowers and it all went wrong, I'm convinced after reading Chapter 158;;).
This perfectly overlaps with Aqua’s motivation and the way he operates in the story. After losing Ai before his eyes, Aqua’s personality darkened, and he began doing things he wouldn’t normally do (using others, becoming colder, and having a twisted personality) to pursue “revenge for Ai.”
Their emotions are also similar. Aqua is severely self-critical, very depressed, and after losing Ai, he even considered just ending his life. But then he found a reason to live (revenge) and clung to it, thinking, “I can’t die yet.”
Aqua doesn’t self-deprecate in every line, but Kamiki does it once or twice every time he appears. I think his mental state is even worse than Aqua’s, and that’s because Ai was the only person in the world he could love... I’ve analyzed this before, right? For Kamiki, Ai was a combination of the positive influences that Akane and Kana had on Aqua, and moreover, Ai was his lover and the mother of his children, making her an extraordinarily special person to him. If he lost her in such a meaningless way (he probably didn’t expect Ai to die at all), given his inherently delicate nature and overwhelming guilt, he would be mentally shattered. For this reason, if this character acted after Ai’s death, it is highly likely that he would have acted even more extremely than Aqua.
The problem is, this character’s fundamental nature is much softer compared to Aqua and Ai. Aqua, despite suffering greatly while pursuing a revenge that didn’t align with his nature, was at least driven by a sense of duty and resolve. Kamiki’s situation is an escalation of this intensity, yet he cannot stop. There is no one currently to worry about him (like Akane did) or to bring him back to his original self (like Kana would). Such a person is dead and he wanted to see them again! He thinks it’s his fault they died!
Even though Aqua blames himself for it, Assuming Ai died because of Aqua is absurd; Aqua is in no way responsible for Ai’s death. However, it must be true that Kamiki provided the address (although, based on my reading up to Chapter 158, I’m convinced he only intended to send flowers). Therefore, Kamiki believes Ai died because of him. The level of guilt is different. He must have thought that something must be done to reverse this situation. He really wouldn't mind throwing himself away for his purpose.
Kamiki’s guilt is more profound, he was deeply influenced by Ai in his life, and his nature is inherently gentle and timid. And he's probably gone through actions that were twisted even more severely than Aqua’s. He's a genius actor. He acts well, but he's endured immense suffering. If you look closely at his smiling face, it’s almost as if his soul is dying. He smiles, but it’s similar to how Aqua might laugh maniacally after having decided to use Kana. Kamiki’s basic nature is softer, so instead of laughing maniacally, his smile is more subdued. It seems that he did contribute to the death of Yura. In the latest episode, there’s talk of being able to take a life for love. To revive Ai, there might be a cost to pay. Songs suggest that something like this might be the case. He might need to gather light and, feeling self-reproach, says in Mephisto’s final lyrics to his children, “Come and kill me.”
Observing Kamiki’s reactions and actions, he shows no particular signs of aggression in normal situations. If a person with this kind of nature had been involved in killing others or committing severe twisted acts, it would be actions completely against their inherent character. It would be extremely painful and unbearable. I’ve analyzed Aqua’s personality before: here's what I wrote there: noting that someone who inherently dislikes revenge and has a decent core personality would struggle with revenge (this connects to Aqua’s inherent tendency to help others, as he believes that fulfilling revenge for Ai is the same as doing something for Ai). This is why Aqua is constantly conflicted and, despite appearing rational, is hesitant and twisted. This also results in causing pain to those around him, leading to self-reproach and self-loathing, and he feels he shouldn’t be happy. Kamiki is likely experiencing this same feelings right now.
And it was Ai who brought about change in Kamiki’s heart. The only person capable of having such an impact on him was Ai, and she managed to achieve it even after death..
I have analyzed the relationship between Aqua and Kana and Akane, and compared it to the mutual relationship Kamiki had with Ai.
It's the same post I linked above, but let me do it again:
Here's how I analyzed there:
If Akane was the supportive one, then Kana was more about pulling Aqua towards her side. Drawing him towards the light, I think this aligns with Kana’s role in the story. When Aqua meets Kana, he gets revitalized (just this alone makes me think that Aqua must be truly happy with Kana).
I believe that what Ai wanted to give Hikaru ultimately was this: to support him, to share the burden with him, and then to live the future together. She wanted to share her future with him.
Both Aqua and Kana/Ai-Kamiki clearly had a similar heart- fluttering type of love for each other.
And the emotional thread between Aqua and Kana is definitely moving in a brighter direction together.
Ai wanted to give Hikaru that: to lead him from the dark place he was wandering in to the brighter side she was in.
Ai truly accomplished this. Even though she died a long time ago, she could achieve this with just a few words when it's came to him...
Kamiki probably intended to continue his path to find a way to either revive Ai or meet her in some way, and then he planned to die. Just like Aqua sometimes ominously says he has given up on becoming happy and that Ruby should be able to live even without him, it’s likely that if he continued on the path of the Black Star, he would've died.
Kana, who saw through Aqua’s feelings and told him not to even think about dying, was the one who prevented Aqua from choosing death. (Chapter 146). Kana, unknowingly, keeps pulling Aqua out of the darkness. It seems she really saved Aqua at that time. Along with Ruby’s forgiveness, Kana’s words might have been the catalyst for Aqua to correct his path of revenge, and hearing those words revitalized him.
I also think that at the very last moment, Ai managed to prevent the person she loved from dying because of her. It’s quite remarkable. Kana and Ai each turned Aqua and Kamiki away from their extreme paths to more moderate ones.
This episode revealed that a bit.
If Kamiki just turns himself in and does nothing more, I’d find it unsatisfactory, but, this parallel is what I found really clever.
Kana’s power over Aqua is surprisingly significant. Even small actions from her greatly affect Aqua. This aspect is very similar to the influence Ai had over Kamiki.
In every narrative aspect, Kamiki is a character who amplifies the emotions and motivations Aqua has. And Kamiki probably has a more delicate personality but has committed even more extreme actions. Kamiki represents the first "stage"(remember how Mephisto talks about "stages"? I think their stories could be a part of a big story, a "stage".), and Aqua represents the second stage. The second stage should use the first stage as a lesson to achieve better results.
Ruby and Ai are also the first and second stages. After reading Chapter 158, I felt it… Ah, it’s the reincarnation of Ai’s nightmare.
But is Ruby really going to be stabbed and die? Absolutely not. In fact, the way this situation suddenly emerged actually shows that such an outcome is definitely not going to happen.
Ruby will rise to a higher place than Ai. Ruby has set the goal of becoming a more brilliant idol than Ai, whereas Ai became an idol because she wanted to give love… In reality, Ai could have achieved that through her work with the children or Kamiki, and it was possible without necessarily being an idol, but Ruby’s story focuses on her career as an idol. The character’s motivation places a larger emphasis on the identity of being an "idol." Although Ai’s image as the "invincible idol" makes it hard to believe that Ruby can surpass her, (it would have been much more convincing if there had been more episodes showing Ruby’s growth in relation to this), there were indeed some foreshadowing and hints. Through the movie, Ruby came to understand Ai and thought, "I won’t end up like Mom," and that will really be the case. She won’t end up with the same fate as her mother.
Nino came dressed very similarly to Ryosuke and acted in a similar way, which means that the feelings these two characters have towards Ai are quite similar. When Nino appeared in the middle, her actions felt so, so it wasn’t surprising, and I had anticipated that this character would attack Ruby. For Nino, approaching an attacking Ruby when she's alone is more realistic and has a higher chance of success than disrupting a performance, so the occurrence of such an event with Nino appearing at this point seems to make sense. It was bound to happen at once point.
The problem with her attack actually succeeding would be that it'd make Kamiki and Aqua’s both appear extremely unaware and naïve (if Aqua can’t prevent this, it’s too sloppy considering he should have already identified Nino’s suspicious behavior, and well, Kamiki seems to be too innocent. I actually don't think it'd be out of character for HIM to be this way lol. This character truly… truly seems incapable of doubting others. He doesn’t understand human malice!!! He probably didn’t suspect Nino, Ryosuke at all. and there was no way he could know Uehara would go berserk, either. This became so apparent while reading this chapter that I couldn’t help but laugh. He’s over thirty. If Ruby is actually stabbed, Kamiki would freak out. How has he been living in the world until now with this, pure mindset? He seems so unchanged from how he was when he was young?). The page itself looks oddly blurred, making it seem like it might not actually have happened. The scene where "Nino tries to stab Ruby" is plausible. Anyhow, Given the direction in which this character has been shown, it’s a scene that could reasonably occur. The important thing is how it'd be handled and resolved later, but I believe the writers have a plan, they just drew things like this for shock value and to parallel what's happened in the earlier chapters.
And Kamiki has had at least three instances where things went bizarrely wrong, leading to people being on the verge of death or actually dying. Including Yura, that makes four times. What is this character? At this point in the story where nothing has been revealed, the characters who seem to hold the most surreal powers seem to be this character and Ruby, who seemed to be "receiving divine help" and thriving at one point. But since Kamiki’s situation appears to be completely uncontrollable, it seems like the god of absurdity and irrationality mentioned in Chapter 144 is targeting and tormenting him. It seems as though this entity is deliberately trying to drive him to despair and corruption. It’s unlikely that Kamiki himself is this god… the aftermath of these events has caused him so much suffering. At this point, he seems like a victim of a divine curse.
Examining the name of this character, it seems like his true identity might be Sarutahiko Okami, the god of light and the husband of the goddess Ame-no-Uzume. They are often depicted as a couple in subcultures, and in the Shin Megami Tensei series, they appear as summonable deities with a description of them being married. I drew a comic about this idea previously, you know? It's this comic right here:
Worried about his wife/lover hopping over to the human world, wanting to be human because she loved humans, Kamiki must have followed her, and they both lost their memories and are now wandering. Kamiki, when falling into a bad situation (which is why he had often been raising the black star since middle school), was brought happiness by Ai, who spent enjoyable times with him and led him to a better state. When he was just about to become truly happy, Ai made the decision to part ways for his sake, and Kamiki fell back into despair. It's truly unfair and absurd how his life keeps getting falling into this tormented state. I say this a lot, but he has a MISERABLE life, and I don't think that's just from pure luck. Something is cursing him from getting happy. Every time it seemed like he might finally be happy, something would erupt and prevent it from happening. I looked up at Sarutahiko, and he's a major deity and also a guardian of the land. He's related to purification rites, called "Misogi".
There was a description of the Sarutahiko Shrine, I found from a travel guide, it says, "Sarutahiko Okami is known to have appeared at the very beginning of all things to guide everything in the most benevolent direction." Kamiki has a hard time blaming others and is inherently kind. He still addresses the person who continuously tormented him, Airi, with honorifics, and even refers to Ryosuke as "Ryosuke-kun." He’s totally a pushover!!! People exploit him, and he thinks it’s all good as long as they are happy.. This psychology is quite plausible, and I pity him because of it, but It doesn’t seem to have changed much until now. His way of speaking and demeanor are still very gentle… When he appears in front of his children, his tone is very soft. By nature, he is extremely kind.
Is there a deity trying to corrupt him to increase their influence over the land?
However, it seems that Ai was able to protect him from crossing the final line.
I’ve written several things related to this, I'll just bring one example of what I've written once:
What kind of deity is the god of entertainment? If it’s the god of entertainment, it must be Ame-no-Uzume, right? It seems that the wishes made at the shrine have been fulfilled, albeit in some strange directions. Could this be Ai? Because in "Fatal", there's a lyric that goes: "selfish giant star ruined lives"… it seems to be connected with Ai, who is the incarnation of the brightest star. Her husband is a god of light, and the name connection with Hikaru is significant.
It also seems like Ai has become a guiding star, watching over everyone. In Chapter 118, the god girl spoke just as she described. That character was simply stating the truth.
Yeah. Something's been trying to corrupt Kamiki for so long now. I feel that is so... but he hasn't.. gone all the way after everything he's been through huh? In that case, maybe he also is strong in his own way.
At the end of this episode, when they talked about stars shining at night, I had this thought. Could it be that Ai, who has now become a star, is protecting her husband and children?
In the added scene from episode 1 of the anime, there’s a moment where Ai is shown smiling while pointing at the stars with her babies (during a flashback she has after having being stabbed).
Tsukuyomi’s statements are all pretty important. This character talks about "love" this time, right? If Ai is indeed a deity associated with love, it makes sense that there should be foreshadowing related to this.
Tsukuyomi, who is a friend of the other gods, might be pondering Ai’s experiences and those who loved Ai. It seems like Tsukuyomi is trying to understand what Ai’s concept of love is (Tsukuyomi was the one explaining Ai’s current state of having returned to the stars and the sea as well- how could she be so sure of it? Well she does deals with souls but I think Tsukuyomi is an acquaintance of Ai). It’s like a divine curiosity—wondering why Ai went through so much suffering by coming down to the human world.
Regarding the emotions listed alongside the characters, let’s talk about Kamiki’s feelings: I mentioned this in another post but I just really like it.
Desire, disappointment, and despair.
I think there are two major emotions related to each aspect:
The desire to be with Ai / The desire to revive Ai.
Disappointment from parting with Ai (it’s disappointment, not resentment. His heart was shattered, but this didn’t lead to aggression) / Disappointment from not being able to meet Ai no matter what.
Despair from Ai’s unexpected death / Despair from the inability to revive Ai.
These seem to align perfectly with the psychology of this character as I see it.
Kamiki has been in constant despair. His black eyes are a characteristic that appears when he is in despair. This changes twice in the story—once when Ruby shows the possibility of surpassing Ai (and he genuinely seemed pleased, as if he was proud of his daughter, right?) and again when he was shocked by what Ai said in the video. After that, his eyes are not shown, so I think he might have regained his composure. He probably returned as a white star.
This post got long and I'm worn out from writing everything here in one go: but I'd like to bring up that the main characters seem to inherit traits from their parents in a balanced way. Ruby also has aspects similar to Kamiki, and Aqua, in terms of motives and behavior, is a complete reflection of Kamiki, but his personality resembles Ai’s a lot. I also think Aqua’s eyes are similar to Ai’s, not Kamiki’s. If you look closely, Kamiki’s face is more slim, so Ruby looks more like him. The comment about Kaburagi finding Aqua’s face beautiful because it resembles Ai’s is accurate. Aqua resembles his mother more than expected. The face shows a blend of features, not just one side. It’s fascinating, and I think the character design is well done.
I’d also like to analyze how splitting Ai’s traits into two could lead to Kana and Akane.
So!! The relationship between Kamiki and Ai and the relationship between Aqua, Akane, and Kana are interlinked. Since I’m too tired to write it all out in one go, and I’ve written something similar before, I’ll skip that part.
The work is incredibly well-constructed. I think this work has a thoughtful design.
The protagonists experience situations very similar to those their parents went through, but they might achieve better outcomes. For instance, the B-Komachi group is much healthier than it was in Ai’s time, right? Things are already better than they were in the past,
Kamiki-Ai ended in tragedy (I hope they will still be happy though)
but Aqua won't end up like his dad.
Ruby won't end up like her mother either.
They're cleverly constructed to parallel each other, but are different, just as what Ruby claims. I actually have high hopes that this series would get a good closure after having seen how they are designed!
So yes, thanks for reading if you did!!/// It's going to be okay! If there's one thing I really admire about this manga, it's the way these characters are coined together and their psychology and relationships. That's the author's strength.. so no matter how this manga ends, I feel like it wouldn't stray too off from what the characters are essentially!
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389 · 9 months
(Generated with ChatGPT 4.0)
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marmorada · 4 months
"Last September, I received an offer from Sam Altman, who wanted to hire me to voice the current ChatGPT 4.0 system. He told me that he felt that by my voicing the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and Al. He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people. After much consideration and for personal reasons, I declined the offer. Nine months later, my friends, family and the general public all noted how much the newest system named "Sky" sounded like me. When I heard the released demo, I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that Mr. Altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. Mr. Altman even insinuated that the similarity was intentional, tweeting a single word "her" - a reference to the film in which I voiced a chat system, Samantha, who forms an intimate relationship with a human. Two days before the ChatGPT 4.0 demo was released, Mr. Altman contacted my agent, asking me to reconsider. Before we could connect, the system was out there. As a result of their actions, I was forced to hire legal counsel, who wrote two letters to Mr. Altman and OpenAl, setting out what they had done and asking them to detail the exact process by which they created the "Sky" voice. Consequently, OpenAl reluctantly agreed to take down the "Sky" voice. In a time when we are all grappling with deepfakes and the protection of our own likeness, our own work, our own identities, I believe these are questions that deserve absolute clarity. I look forward to resolution in the form of transparency and the passage of appropriate legislation to help ensure that individual rights are protected."
KILL HIM!!!!!!!!! RIP HIS DICK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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redanger · 2 months
gönderilerimi ChatGPT 4.0 ile atıyorum beni dava edecekseniz boşuna etmeyin komik duruma düşersiniz. Yapay zeka dünyayı ele geçirecek
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pebblysand · 3 months
hi! i loved the new chapter but i am so curious about the chatgpt version lol 👀
thank you! hahah i had a hunch someone would ask.
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so basically, out of all of these, chapter 22 4.0 is the one where i actually finished the chapter, hitting circ. 34,200 words. subsequent versions were me editing and trying to cut down words because the length really was my primary concern for this chapter.
now, for context, as i've said before, i'm not one of those people who are viscerally opposed to chatgpt. i work in tech, i think AI is a tool that has its strengths and weaknesses, and i do not feel threatened by it. i don't think chatgpt will be able to write something like castles any time soon and if it ever does, then it means it has developed quasi consciousness, and as such i won't feel threatened by it more than i feel threatened by any other writer. i don't have a strong desire to rehash that debate, if anyone who reads this wants to come scream at me in my inbox then fine, this is not a hill i will die on.
so, having said that, in this chapter, i mostly used chatgpt to reduce my wordcount. i ran most of my first draft through it and asked it to reduce the wordcount. to be full transparent, this led to ... mixed results:
i first found out that chatgpt actually cannot count words lmao. the wordcounts it gave me for snippets and the ones i would get on google docs were wildly different. i mean by, like, hundreds of words.
secondly, did it help? i guess yes ... ish? it honestly probably only helped me take out maybe 500 words out of the 2,000 i ended up taking out. mostly by shortening sentences and highlighting unnecessary details.
to give an example, this is the original version of a paragraph i ran through chatgpt (178 words):
The weeks - passed. Once Ginny’s people got involved, Harry realised he wasn’t needed much anymore. She would spend her days on long calls with her editor every day, talking about moving [x] scene from one chapter to the next, discussing word choices and the narrative value of certain moments. Ginny never closed the door on him, but it became obvious this was a part he couldn’t help with. The days got warmer, the sun brighter. He took Lily out of the house a lot. Brought her to Quidditch practice with Hawk and the team; her presence softened Ron’s frustration with him. They went to the park almost every day; he got her one of those Muggle scooters and she zoomed up and down the paths in Hampstead Heath, scaring off the pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about him. ‘You alright?’ she would ask, tagging along with him and Lily sometimes. He would shrug. ‘You know you’re going to have to keep your head down, right? You won’t be able to defend her from everything.’
Chatgpt's version (134 words):
Weeks passed. Once Ginny’s team took over, Harry realized he wasn’t needed much anymore. She spent her days on calls with her editor, discussing scene placements, word choices, and narrative nuances. While Ginny never shut him out completely, it became clear this was an aspect he couldn’t contribute to. As the days warmed and the sun brightened, he often took Lily out. They attended Quidditch practices with Hawk and the team; Lily’s presence eased Ron’s lingering tension. They visited the park nearly every day; Harry got her a Muggle scooter, and she zoomed around Hampstead Heath, startling pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about Harry. ‘Are you alright?’ she’d ask, joining them occasionally. He’d shrug. ‘You know you have to keep a low profile, right? You can’t protect her from everything.’
Final version (140 words):
The weeks passed. After Ginny’s people took over, Harry realised he wasn’t needed much anymore. She’d spend her days on calls with her editor, discussing scene placements, word choices, and narrative nuances he knew nothing about. While she never shut him out, it became clear this was an aspect he couldn’t contribute to. The days warmed and the sun brightened, he took Lily out often. They went to Quidditch practice with Hawk and the team; her presence eased the lingering tension with Ron. They visited the park nearly every day; Harry got her a Muggle scooter and she zoomed around Hampstead Heath, startling pigeons and grumbling elderly ladies. Samira started to worry about Harry. ‘Are you alright?’ she’d ask, joining them occasionally. He’d shrug. ‘You know you have to keep a low profile, right? You can’t protect her from everything.’
i think overall, this was probably one of the rare ones where i accepted most of its modifications. i would say that most of the time, i accepted a sentence here and there. as you can see, the problem with it is that it dries up the prose. it gets rid of filler words and condenses information, which isn't super castles-y. it's fine to accept when it's a paragraph that doesn't matter much (like this one) but it feels awkward on more important stuff. i think overall, i still prefer the first version, but i was okay with the final version because i desperately needed to cut down the wordcount, and whilst it wasn't great, it was fine.
so, as i said, i probably deleted, like, 300-500 words with it, and the rest just deleting stuff myself. it didn't massively change anything.
hope this helps :)
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odinsblog · 4 months
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[re: this post]
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machinesarepower · 4 months
I see a lot of people who I would otherwise like or support in some capacity embrace Ai, and I always have one problem: figuring out why.
I mean, it's not about AI in industry. Actual industrial applications in fields like medicine are a great thing and real scientists are working on them day and night. No, I mean more individual solutions.
Text generation? We're on ChatGPT-4.0 and it's still a shitty version of Google that parses openly available data and gives you a generalized version of it. Usually really sanitized, too. Since it's just a definition machine, it can't do synthesis research.
Image generation? I don't even get the concept here. The only thing you could use it for is to create an ocean of slop in a corporate environment... which is what it's being used for. Otherwise, it's mostly just deepfakes and images used for phishing. The "art" scene is dead and nobody even pretends otherwise anymore.
Music generation? I guess if you want an endless stream of progressive house and dub techno that sounds like shit because the AI doesn't understand concepts like progression or melody, okay. Same goes for ambient noise. Just listen to a real album?
Video generation? I challenge you to name a theoretical application where this would be useful. I'd ask for a practical example but all it's used for is fraud, deepfakes, or if you're a corporation and don't want to pay for things.
Audio generation? Prepare for an eternity of semi-convincing robocalls and phishing attempts. Otherwise, enjoy the deluge of unfunny memes where celebrities and cartoon characters read off the same joke for an eternity.
I'm sure there are more individual use cases, but all of them feel equally inane and designed for abuse. People get hyped over the idea of an AI that can create convincing videos, but you can hear a pin drop when you ask them what application they expect from it.
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kennak · 28 days
ここでチャット gpt 4.0 についてのランダムな話を放り込んでみます。私はこの記事に直接コメントしているわけではなく、少し関連した逸話をしただけです。私は Android opengl レンダリング コードを作成するために chatgpt を使用していました。 OpenGL は非常に難解な場合があり、私は少なくとも 10 年間は触れていません。 すべてが順調に進んでおり、実際に動作するサンプルもあったので、オンラインでサンプル コードを探して、作業が正しく行われており、明らかな間違いがないことを確認することにしました。そのとき、chat gpt が提供してくれた内容の 1 行ずつの正確なコピーを見つけました。これは Google で検索できるようになる前のことであり、コードは openAI よりも前のものでした。変数のスペルミスも発生しましたが、唯一変わったのは、コメントがスペイン語から英語に翻訳されたことだけでした。 私は常に、chat gpt はソースから学習し、そのソースに基づいて新しい結果を提供するだけだと思っていました。ここでの混乱を招く変数には、1. これは非常に特殊な使用例であり、多くの例が存在しないこと、2. すべての opengl コードがある程度似ていること、が挙げられると思います。 最悪の点は、コードやリポジトリにはライセンスが提供されていなかったため、そのようにコードを大規模に使用することは合法ではなかったことです。私は今、chat gpt にコードを尋ねることにかなり慎重になっています。今では、チャット gpt に指示を与えるだけで、チャット gpt が生成する「サンプル コード」は使用しません。
裁判官、GitHub Copilot の著作権主張の大部分を棄却 |ハッカーニュース
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blurredlineswr122 · 4 months
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✩Scarlett Johanson and Open AI ✩
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A recent piece of AI news can be seen in Scarlett Johanson’s accusations against Open AI. She claims that Open AI had requested to use her voice for the AI program, specifically the voice for Sky in the launch of Chat GBT 4. She, in the movie Her, had voiced an AI character, seemingly the inspiration for this chanced role. She is said to have denied the request, and when asked to reconsider she never got the chance before ChaptGPT 4.0 dropped, and the voice, in her words, “...is so eerily similar to hers that her closest friends could not tell the difference.” (Guynn). 
The response, was of course, that the voice was not meant to replicate hers. They claim that the voice actor was decided before they even reached out to the actress. However, Mr. Altman, the man who had reached out to Johannson and the owner of ChatGPT, had already tweeted out ‘Her,’ in reference to the AI voice and Johanson’s role. 
After receiving letters and being asked to detail how the voice was made, the voice, ‘Sky,’ has been removed. SAG-AFTRA, an important part of the entertainment industry's protection against AI, has gotten involved, siding staunchly with Johanson and expressing concern about the blurred lines and the rights that she has to her voice.
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Works Cited
Guynn, Jessica, and Bailey Schulz. “Scarlett Johansson Says OpenAI
Copied Her Voice for ChatGPT’s Sky. Sam Altman Denies It.” MSN, 21 May 2024, www.msn.com/en- us/news/technology/scarlett-johansson-says-openai-stole-her- voice-chatgpts-sky-voice-is-eerily-similar/ar-BB1mKmzC? ocid=BingNewsSerp. 
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bread-knife · 1 year
i just remembered. childe story quest. he does his magical girl transformation in an INSANELY short time. which means that he DID NOT have to pull that dramatic shit in the middle of the courtroom. definitely leaning towards the theory that childe getting arrested was a performance of some kind (a theme often expressed throughout fontaine's storyline so far). the EVEN FUNNIER idea other than "i NEED to flaunt my fruity ass in the courtroom & then go to jail" is that he knew neuvilette would 1shot him but was like "that sounds HOT im IN" or something like that
+ the "so this is how justice is done in fontaine" line is so real. do you think they have AI & shit like the oratrice in snezhnaya that just spits out bullshit sometimes. chulde pulling up to fontaine and seeing that they use chatgpt as a judge like "goddammit not again". playing thru 4.0 i kept going "this does NOT seem like proper courtroom procedure" but then again i'm not a professional /lh
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cathytressa · 3 months
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