carpisuns · 2 years
when people mention your previous url
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marimbles · 1 year
What are your favorite artworks you’ve ever created ? (Both on this account and in the days of old on carpisuns/chatnoirinette)
the days of old alsdjfasf i've had this blog for like a month but yeah. it does kind of feel like that lol
so far this is my favorite thing i've ever drawn! i was trying extra hard to make it feel magical and like "cinematic" haha. and my heart was just sooo full with the ending of the owl house and my fondness for huntlow so i think it will always be special to me<3 i put a lot of love into it! (x)
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another favorite is the illustrated comic thing i did for anna-scribbles's fic golden (like daylight). it's old enough now that it sort of makes me cringe haha but i am still fond of it. it took me months to finish and I really pushed myself and put a lot of thought into it because it was a gift for a dear friend, for one of the best fics i've ever read in my life! and it was an interesting challenge to try to portray visually how it felt to read that beautiful passage. also it's too long so i'll just put my favorite panel lol (full comic here)
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i don't have much on this blog but this was kind of my first big zelda piece (which i originally posted on carpisuns and then deleted it and moved it here which was probably dumb lol). i really tried to make it feel like magical and "cinematic" too, and i'm not sure how well i hit the mark, but i still like it and had fun making it! (x)
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also i keep forgetting i even did this haha but my huntlow animatic is one of my proudest achievements as an artist<3 it took me forever and was so much work but i learned a ton! i still enjoy watching it now and then
ok im a little embarrassed to be rambling abt my own stuff and life patting myself on the back alkdjsfa but this was a very sweet ask! thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me! :) i feel like im in sort of a creative low atm but i hope i can fill this blog up with fun things and expressions of all the stuff i love that hopefully u can enjoy too<3
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hamsternamedmarinette · 11 months
dhdjdkdk I AM the long tags mutual I’m guilty I know this. also chatnoirinette mention is making me go
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Anyway I came in here to tell u that ur the funny mutual. whenever I see ur username (which is also funny) I think hehehe there goes one of the funniest little guys on this website. and then you make funny posts and prove it
Lmaooo anybody having a Funny Mutual title in this fandom feels extremely redundant because everyone in this fandom is freaking hilarious, but I will gladly accept the title 🫡 by the way I still think your art is bouncy and peach flavored
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
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Here’s my entry for @chatnoirinette / @carpisuns’s DTIYS!!!!
(Ft. Chat Noir with his very own “Carpi-sun.”)
I had soooo so much fun drawing this!!! 😊
Original piece under the cut!!
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eona-art · 4 years
bro your marichat dump added 10 years to my life,,,,such a beautiful thing to see in my last few hours of this terrible year,,,,,I feel Blessed my 2021 will be filled with good vibes and marichat....thank u 💜✨ seriously theyre all so FREAKING CUTE I’m losing my mind!! Your drawing style is so precious and refreshing and GOOD aaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaa you’re so sweet! this made my night, thank you!!! I’m glad my Marichat doodles gave you the vibes you needed! Have a happy new year!!!!!
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vi-kingandlionheart · 4 years
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Marinette gently kissed Chat Noir’s cheek, blushing a little. It was Christmas eve and she was supposed to spend it with her family, but her feline friend had paid her a visit on her balcony. 
“In case you run into mistletoe on your way back”, she said, smiling fondly at him. He almost let go of the balcony railing.
“Thanks, princess” Chat Noir said with a goofy smile, “then I best get going. Merry Christmas, Marinette”
“Merry Christmas, Chat Noir,” she said, watching as he disappeared amont the city lights, a warm feeling in her chest, despite the cold around her. She sighed one last time before descending through the trap door and joining her family.
This is for @chatnoirinette . Surprise! I’m your secret santa! for the @mlsecretsanta exchange.
I worked really hard on this piece and I hope you like it, I also hope you have an amazing holiday season. Lots of hugs and love <3
(It was supposed to be snowing but I don’t know how snow works, it ended up looking blurry and bulky, so sorry)
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emsylcatac · 4 years
#7 ladynoir for alizeh’s prompts! If you want C:
Of course I want hehehe thanks!! 😊
I feel like I cheated a little with this one but I hope it’ll still work aha
7 · Person A being lovingly annoying so person B pays attention to them || Ladynoir
Twelve roses and three petals.
She had painted twelve roses and three petals. Was she pathetic? Desperate?
Ladybug carefully dipped her paintbrush into the red ink, and delicately applied the colour on the fourth yellow petal.
When she was done, she held the rose in front of her to admire her work. It was like watching herself stain her friendship with her partner with romance—which she was currently trying to do.
And which was probably a terrible, terrible idea.
Yet she didn’t really care, and she would still drop the rose in his hair, again. Like she had done for the last twelve roses.
To which he hadn’t really reacted—or not enough for her taste. Not as she wanted.
Not as she hoped.
So she kept on stubbornly painting each one of his roses, until he would come with a red rose instead for her. She was perfectly aware of how annoying she might be coming off...but she needed to know.
“What are you doing, my Lady?” his voice asked from behind her.
She shivered at its proximity, not having heard him before.
“Painting you a rose. Again.”
She had coloured half of it now, and studiously continued her work without looking away from it.
“Again?” he asked, and she could hear a nervous tremor in his voice.
“Again,” she repeated. “It’s the thirteenth now. I know it’s a lucky number for black cats but,” she turned to look into his eyes, “I wonder if it can also be a lucky one for ladybugs.”
His lips parted in a silent 'oh'.
She dipped her paintbrush once more in the scarlet ink.
“Is that…is that the rose I gave you, Ladybug?”
She blew on the newly painted petal to help it dry. “They were all roses you gave me.”
“Oh.” This time, it wasn’t silent.
“I thought you would have noticed by now,” she murmured. “Or I had hoped you had.”
“I mean,” he swallowed, “I wasn’t sure…”
She snorted. “I thought you knew the language of flowers now. Didn’t you find me a little annoying then?” Don’t you find me annoying?
He let out a breathy laugh. “I did find you a little insistent, not that I knew why you were exactly. But annoying? Never.”
She let herself smile as she inked in red the last petal. She then put the paintbrush back into the ink bottle, and blew one last time on the newly red rose.
She turned to Chat Noir. “Here. I finished the thirteenth rose.”
She gently put it into his hair, as she had planned.
He didn’t push her away and let her do.
“I see that now,” he whispered.
“Oh. You do, then?”
“Yeah,” he breathed, before they both pulled each other into a kiss.
* * * * *
Ask me a prompt and a lovesquare ship 😊
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mireculous · 4 years
An older Chat Noir shows up in the middle of a class field trip with a special mission for his younger self.
by: chatnoirinette
words: 8,975
rating: T
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thewritewolf · 4 years
8 & 30 for the writers’ ask :)
Hello friend!
8. Which character is your favorite to write?  Why?
If we are talking about ML, then my favorite will probably be either Alya or Marinette because their personalities and ways that they talk are so distinct that, for me at least, their dialogue and how they think come to me easily. Writing an Alya or Marinette section is almost guaranteed to be smooth sailing.
If we are talking OCs, then Mila would be my favorite, for pretty similar reasons as the above. Alric is a close second because no other character has made me diverge from my scripted outline than him - his personality is just so strong that he alters entire scenes!
30. What’s your favorite part about writing?
Hm... seeing the finished product, being able to look at the body of work I have written and just bask in it is always a joy.
But in a more concrete sense, I’ve always loved the worldbuilding first and foremost. Devising cultures, constructing nations, fleshing out gods, working out magic systems. It doesn’t even have to be my own! I love helping my friends out too whenever they need a hand with their original stuff, as I’m sure @noanieactuallydrawingalot and @ladyblargh can attest.
Thanks for the ask! :D
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carpisuns · 1 year
moving blogs
hey guys, i've been debating about this for a while, but I've decided to make a new main. From now on you can find me at @marimbles!
Maybe it's because I used to delete my tumblr account every few years haha but I've just really been craving a fresh start! To me and probably most people here, carpisuns will always be a miraculous blog, but i have become a lot more multifandom and I'd like to have a space that I feel better reflects me and my interests moving forward. I also feel like I might be a bit comfier with fewer followers in general(?) Idk, a blank slate just sounds nice!
I thought about deleting this blog, but I would hate to lose everything on it, so I'm going to keep it up. And maybe I will still occasionally pop in here, idk. But starting soon I will no longer be active on carpisuns.
Thank you for the years of support and community! I've made so many friends here and received so much encouragement, first as chatnoirinette (if you were there back then haha) and then as carpisuns. It means the world to me! The ML fandom was especially kind to me as a brand-new artist in 2019 and I can honestly say I wouldn't be the creator I am today without that community.
OK this sounds like a goodbye lol I will still be here! Just somewhere else. Obviously I'm on a crazy zelda kick right now that may last for anywhere between a month and a million years but I still love ML and TOH and will probably post art for them sometimes over on my new blog. but yeah just fair warning that it will be a lot of zelda lol
Thanks again! Mwah! <3
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ohsweetsweetie · 5 years
I just love you and your art you’re so cool!! Hope you know you’re appreciated 💜 also I was scrolling thru your art tag and saw some stuff about your OC Roland. Could you tell me a bit about them? Like what’s his story? What inspired him! I think he’s really cool!
Thank you! 💕
I made Roland a long time ago before Luka was even introduced. I bring that up only because I remember being annoyed by Luka for like 2 seconds before deciding that he and Roland should be best friends. 😂
Roland was actually going to be much older (like mid 20s) with long brown hair but I decided to make him younger, then decided on a different hair color, then hair style, and finally I came up with his final look for his face and body. It took a while before I decided on his main outfit though. I really should draw him more
The first thing people notice is that he is very tall.
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The second thing people notice is that he has one brain cell and Luka has to carry it for him.
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A little more about him under the cut
Roland grew up in Munich, Germany with his parents. His mother Caterina is a lawyer who is of Italian descent. His father Stefan is a pilot for commercial aircraft. He has a younger sister named Elise who hasn't quite grasped the French language yet. Roland himself is technically fluent in French, but frequently forgets words for things which leaves the impression that he's not very bright. And it's kinda true. He's not the most intelligent person (until the topic is music), but he is a very wise person and gives good advice when it comes to relationships and emotional problems. He's like a rock for people who need stability. Big himbo energy. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
He used to be in a band when he lived in Munich, but they broke up partially because his family was moving to Paris and partially because of a nasty fallout with their drummer Alexander. He's still friends with Mia (second guitarist) and Melanie (bassist) though. Roland was the lead singer and guitarist for his band.
His favorite guitar is Selene, a custom airbrushed left-handed Fender Stratocaster guitar that he paid for from saving up tips and allowances for months. He's the only one allowed to touch it. Luka got to breathe on it once.
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Heard it was @chatnoirinette 's birthday and decided to partake in her DTIYS!
You're welcome to disagree with me, but my personal headcanon is that Adrien #respectsthepouch, but Cat Noir. doesn't
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authenticcadence18 · 4 years
So @chatnoirinette wrote an utterly BEAUTIFUL English adaption of “The Walls Between Us”/“Ce mur qui nous sépare” (check it out here!), and I just HAD to cover it because it’s sO GOOD. Soooo this is my take on her version of the song! Thank you for giving us this, Maryssa!!!! I hope you enjoy😊
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own this song, I didn’t write the lyrics. All I did was play piano and sing, lol. 
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oh I forgot HERE that’s where I forgot!!!! Happy birthday 😌 and now I will send this same ask to your 19 other blogs (jk)
as;lkdjfslkdfjaskf spare yourself please xD ilu marssa (no Y because the Y belongs to me)
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mari-monsta · 5 years
give us one headcanon for each side of the square
Ladrien: they’re always sorta stressed/nervous around each other until one of them breaks the tension by doing something embarrassing and they have a good laugh about it.
Adrinette: They tend to just kinda gravitate into each other’s space without thinking about it. This happens in Marichat and Ladynoir too but it’s most noticeable in this one since they’re aways around friends and not in a place you’d sorta expect them to be close.
Marichat: they are most likely to spill random feelings or secrets together because they have the perfect balance of trust vs. stranger. It’s like how people on the internet always talk about their feelings because they don’t know people in real life. The two already know and trust one another but sharing the feeling or secret won’t affect the relationship they already have with their other self.
Ladynoir: They get to dancing on rooftops sometimes when the air is just right and the city is peaceful and the night is their own
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wildpokemon · 4 years
writer ask: 3, 15, 20 (sorry if any have been asked already!)
thanks maryssa!!
3. Do you prefer canonverse or AUs?
i tend to gravitate more toward canonverse for sure, and while i generally don’t seek out AUs i do still really enjoy them. i’m a bit pickier about them though, if the nature of the AU feels like it’ll interfere with characterization then i might not be as into it, if that makes sense loll
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
answered here!
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
umm YOU lmao, your lucky (we're in love in every way) and some truths are loyal (as the shadows we lead) are two of my all time faves! plus literally everything i’ve ever read by @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights and @botherkupo too! for hq!! i really like deanpendragon’s stuff too!
ask game!!
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