#cheapest fish seller
shyamdasgupta · 2 years
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boyhood · 1 year
how did you get into working with animal materials? I’ve been wanting to work with a pelt for a while but have no idea where to start
Both my parents are artists and my dad worked with bones in his studio practice pretty heavily. My mom used to collect roadkill and then my dad would boil the flesh off in a big pot in our backyard. The first bones I worked with were ones I pulled out of a big fruit bowl on my mom's dining room table. After that, I started using furs and horns and eventually antique taxidermy once I had a budget that allowed for it.
If you live in America or Canada, I have a lot of good resources for you if you want to get into working with animal materials! You kinda just have to jump in, although I would do some cursory research about animal laws in your region- For example, I live in California which has extremely restrictive laws about what kind of animal products can be bought or sold, but when I lived in Kentucky, there were virtually no restrictions. America in general is pretty restrictive, but there are loopholes depending on the age/origin of the animal material. Europe and the UK are a lot more loosey goosey.
If you're looking for good sites to buy stuff, my usual recommendations are Moscow Hide and Fur, a company out of Idaho who I really like and have worked with a lot, and Skullstore.CA who are based in Toronto, although they sell a lot more than just animal products. I like that they have an "available worldwide" section on their website.
If you're just starting out, I would try to search for "craft grade" pelts- I.E. slightly damaged products that aren't being sold for professional use- on Etsy and Ebay, although I much prefer etsy for buying animal products. Rabbit, raccoon, and deer are gonna be the cheapest and probably most cost effective.
If you want to buy bird pelts, the best place to look is on fly fishing websites, because you can buy whole pheasants and starlings (usually without the heads or feet) for like $10, but they're sometimes in kind of a funky position and sometimes are a little stinky because they're just gonna be used to make ties so they're not tanned very carefully.
In general, I would look out for animals native to your country/region to avoid any mess ups (although reputable sellers won't sell you anything they can't ship), and look initially for craft or B grade products until you can figure out what exactly it is you want to use.
I also would suggest Matuska Taxidermy as my favorite company that sells supplies for working with animal materials- they're really nice and very helpful and pretty reasonably priced.
I'm also happy to answer any other questions you have- it's a weird world to penetrate initially.
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katinkulta · 1 year
Puuta Heinää - Käärijä | English translation
Aah, everything is great
My finances are alright
I've got a new car, I've got a new watch
Everything is completely fine, or is it? Hahaha
I’m pissed off about those guys tooting their own horns*
Dude, don't come picking a fight
Don't come picking a fight
Dude, don't come picking a fight
You don't have any money on you, yet you're here drinking**
Dude, let me see you dunk
Let me see you dunk
Dude, let me see you dunk
This song is a forced rep
The Käärijä-EP is a must buy
A big boy came bragging and I flared up ***
My sleeves burnt up, now my shirt is ruined you punk (Yuck)
It's pointless to come boasting
The money is spent on stock exchanges ****
I don't have to be fit because I'm so fucking lit
Hey boy skip the Kismet^
It's a miracle if you see me spinning^^
I'm gaining weight slacking on a pleather sofa
I don't have the patience to ride an exercise bike
Because I don't want to pedal like a fool
I have enough money if you need a loan^^^
I can assure you my fishing permit is in order
It'll take less than an hour, even less than a minute
Before I'm sleeping on the tiled floor of the changing room yeah
I’m pissed off about those guys tooting their own horns
Dude, don't come picking a fight
Don't come picking a fight
Dude, don't come picking a fight
You don't have any money on you, yet you're here drinking
Dude, let me see you dunk
Let me see you dunk
Dude, let me see you dunk
The old men are babbling made up rubbish
Blablablah, blablablah, blablablah nonsense
The old men are babbling made up rubbish
Blablablah, blablablah, blablablah nonsense
Blablablah nonsense, you can babble like a phone subscription seller
There is a gang gang gang to fawn on^^^^
No need to munch on the cheapest convenience food (OK)
Thanks to your connections, someone else pays for your drinks yippee (Yippee)
How much are you ready to tip
To flex your loan (Loan)
You needn’t throw a fit
I don’t feel like fighting so come another time (See ya)
Oh, you’re not going to make way? (What)
Well, let’s go with that, let’s roll up our sleeves
At dusk you were already bragging at the door, dude
Then you entered the bar by skipping the line
At the end of the evening, I can't keep a poker face
By the taxi stand I observe you heading East by bus, damn~
I’m pissed off about those guys tooting their own horns
Dude, don't come picking a fight
Don't come picking a fight
Dude, don't come picking a fight
You don't have any money on you, yet you're here drinking
Dude, let me see you dunk
Let me see you dunk
Dude, let me see you dunk
The old men are babbling made up rubbish
Blablablah, blablablah, blablablah nonsense
The old men are babbling made up rubbish
Blablablah, blablablah, blablablah nonsense
I’m pissed off about those guys tooting their own horns
Dude, don't come picking a fight
Don't come picking a fight
Dude, don't come picking a fight
You don't have any money on you, yet you're here drinking
Dude, let me see you dunk
Dude, let me see you dunk
Dude, let me see you dunk
* I.e., praising themselves
** Boolata is referring to drinking alcohol
*** Literal translation: my sleeves burnt up
**** Kilot is slang for a thousand euros but is also the plural nominative of “kilo” (meaning kilogram)
^ the name of a chocolate bar in Finland
^^ As in indoor cycling
^^^ Literal translation of “jos tarvitset siimaa”: if you need some fishing line
^^^^ as in seek favour by flattery
~ Itään is referring to the Eastern part of town (presumably Helsinki). Translation of itään: to the East
Translator’s note
Käärijä’s song lyrics are written in spoken Finnish, therefore the words aren’t written “properly”. If there’s someone out there who wants the lyrics “transcribed” to written Finnish, please tell me!
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05aaphrodite · 2 years
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ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: childe x reader, ayato x reader
𝕋𝕚𝕥𝕝𝕖: anything for mora (Part I)
𝕋𝕎𝕤/ℂ𝕨𝕤: obsession,overpossessive,physical abuse,guilt tripping & gaslightning,kidnapping
𝘓𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘢.
Part II
Living in a penurious household held my childhood dreams back to be the eminent adventurer of liyue, I wanted to be like those adventuresome kids at my age where they would go to the outskirts of liyue for fun then collect artifact things. Unfortunately dad forced me to work as a fish seller so our family is able to afford a better home or food, I would sit on the stall for 2-7 hours a day but the results are nothing new, just an empty jar.
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As I grew older, I worked as a food vendor, while it atleast earned around 50 mora compared to being a fish seller, my siblings are obnoxious, everytime I earn 500 mora which leads to them robbing my wallet in the middle of the night to buy on this local toy shop run by some old lady. I barely eat nowadays and didn't notice I was fatigued until one busy day.
"Have a nice day.." I hand the mora meat to the customer when all of a sudden I felt the weight of the food before it slid out of my hand making a mess on the stall.
"Woah- ma'am are you okay?"
The stranger caught me in his arms preventing me to touch the ground, I muttered an apology "I'm sorry for dropping your food sir, you may take the mora back."
"No, I can make it at home so no worries, let me get Dr Baizhu." I release myself from his arms as I maintain my position "It's okay, I'm fine, just a little tired." I took the mora meat off the ground before throwing it to the trash. Great I got embarassed by my siblings yesterday because I refused to fall for their petty pranks and now I made a mess infront of a stranger.
"You don't look too well miss, have you eaten?" the ginger asked in a worry tone, I shook my head as I clean the remaining mess, as the result of my money getting stolen by my family for their own needs, I was eventually thrown out and made me the mora machine of the family "Here, let me treat you somewhere." he gently smiled as he reach his hand for me to grab, I fidgeted my hands reluctantly to accept his request. To my family, mora matters the most, and I mean the pinnacle of l/n, if I go with a rich man who would spoil me everything, they'd consider me a traitor and disown me. They put the burden on me since I'm the oldest of my siblings, every move they expect me to be hardworking to the point I'm only fed apples "I'm sorry, I'm not sure if my family would like it.."
"Why not? You need to eat something at least just one meal." I pressed my lips firmly then gaze around to see one of my siblings eating with their friends, envy struck my heart as I lowly sigh "You okay? You should rest in my home for a while."
I gaze at his eyes to accept, eventually giving in to the hunger "I'm hungry, take me somewhere."
The stranger then took me to a well known restaurant that sells seafoods, Xinyue Kiosk. Ever since I was a child, I longed to eat the mouth watering scrumptious seafoods they serve, seeing the sight of the restaurant again puts my mind and stomach at ease.
I clasp my lap to ease the awkward tension on the air, never have I experienced being taken out, let alone someone affluent.
"The seafood here is one of the finest liyue cuisines I have eaten, I would put in a good word for golden crab."
I skimmed through the menu with little hesitance, it's like how my mom told me not to get picky over a sunsettia. "What's the cheapest here?" I flip the menu book while biting my lower lip "Just order anything you desire, there's no need to have second thoughts about the bill." He reassured "I can even pay the whole menu for you." The ginger chuckled humorously. Somehow his words did reassured the anxiety inside me, the sight of the mouth-watering golden shrimp balls piqued my interest "How does golden shrimp balls sound for you?"
"Golden shrimp balls is a perfect meal to fill your empty stomach during busy hours, its aroma gets you trapped in an endless taste of sweet potatoes." He rests his chin on his palm with charming eyes, for some reason being with him eases my worries and doubts about trying something new unlike my unsupportive parents who dissaproved my adventuring hobbies saying 'it's a waste of time and that I would gain nothing from it but junk'. Atleast I'm not deceiving people around for mora...
After our time with each other, we gradually got accustomed with each other's company. He's such a fun guy to hang out with, not to mention a bit flirty "I know a place in snezhnaya, you would enjoy the niveous and fleecy scenery of it." He winked, a giggle escaped mine as I tuck a hair behind my ear "You truly are a winsome fellow."
The sky eyed then halted in the middle of the bridge before he turn to look at me "My apologies, it seems like I forgot to ask your name earlier." Oh right, all this time we haven't introduced ourselves properly "It's alright, my name is Y/n." I touch my chest "Ajax, just call me Childe."
And that's where everything started, how I saw our love through rose coloured glasses.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
I went home panting in exhaustion while carrying a bag of artifacts, good thing I was rescued from a hilichurl attack on my way home, I didn't even realize the sun was setting on the horizon and I almost missed my 7:30 curfew.
"Where the hell were you?" A threatening voice appeared from the arch hallway. Frightened, I composed my posture as I eat humble pie, I couldn't tell him about how a yaksha adeptus saved me from the hilichurls, he would bent out of shape if I did.
"You sure you weren't with some atrocious bloke?" Childe's eyes narrowed, my eyes widened for split second before shaking my head, I was anticipating on what would my fate be next if he caught me lying. He forcefully grab my wrist then throw me to our shared bedroom, next thing I know he cuffed me to the headboard "You were 5 minutes late from your curfew, pull the same mistake again and I'll make sure you'll never see the light of a day ever again." Childe said followed by a loud slam of the door before hearing a lock, I sighed in defeat as I rest my head on the walls. I don't know what went through him and how it made him like this. It all started when my perspective of him changed when he confessed that he's a fatui harbinger, I've always heard from others on how the fatui are bad people who do nefarious things, the traveler and paimon just brushed it off when I told them that the 11th harbinger and I are in a relationship until they took note of the possesive traits he has that led me to being isolated for a while when I inquired Zhongli for the history of an artifact I picked up from my adventures. It was not only them who noticed Childe's uncomfortable demeanor, in fact my inazuman fugitive friend would always check on me every time we meet, he knew me being with men would outrage the harbinger even for a split second so we just usually hang at Beidou's ship.
Suddenly everyone's opinions about our relationship made me doubt my feelings, if I never got with him I would still be walking outside with my own free rules at this hour, but he gave me a good life and I became financially stable because of his money, I was able to support my family even though they were wary of him, my thoughts then led me to this conclusion. I got with him because of mora, I never genuinely loved him, I was just enamored on how he'll do anything for me and how he treats me. Now my answer that day really changed how I live right now.
If I told him that I'm breaking up with him, he would freak out and do the worst things possible to me, he's a dangerous war machine so instead, I'll relocate somewhere.
The sound of silence faded when the door opened, he closed it behind before slowly walking to me then sat on the edge, he showed signs of remorse before sighing.
"Look, I'm sorry that I got aggressive earlier, I just wanted what's the best for you." The harbinger gazed down, to my surprise he's actually apologizing about his wrong doings "I didn't mean to get mad at you, I was just worried that's all, I'm scared to lose you and you're the only one who could truly understand me and my nature." He hold my thigh as he rubbed it gently "You're so important to me Y/n, I love you a lot and I'll kill for you." The ginger leaned close until our foreheads touch. I somehow felt pity for him, after hearing about his past, I continued to be there for him and support him in every way even when he mistreated me a lot. I cupped his cheeks as a response "I understand, just don't scare me again."
After 3 days of isolation, I set foot into qingce village to accept commissions from elderly people, I tried to avoid their questions regarding my sudden dissapearance, Childe promised me 1k mora if I kept my mouth shut about that one night incident.
The sound of the flowing waterfall as the refreshing nostalgic wind soothes my senses as I sat down on a nearby bench to take a quick break, my legs feels cramp from all of the wood carrying, I chug from my water bottle before releasing a satisfied sigh, I took a moment to enjoy the pleasing scenery of the old village.
"How's your well being now?" A familiar voice turned my head, I continue to look at the aesthetic scenery "I see, he threatened you again." My expression dropped as I gaze on the ground, Kazuha sat next to me with his reasurring presence "Do you have the courage and confidence to do it?" I twiddled my necklace as soon he asked that, Mondstadt would be the closest and easiest nation to move in, but my motive is to move somewhere far away from him.
"Where should I go? I'm fine with any places, as long I'm 100% far from him." Kazuha discerned my desparation as he paused for a moment.
"Inazuma's beautiful sceneries are for you if rosy pink cherry blossoms are your cup of tea, you can also get a decent job there and a perfect structured home, the wind tells me it's one of the nations that would be sheltered and safe enough for you to reside in." Inazuma, the last time I heard about the electro nation was when the vision hunt decree was ongoing while it went to a lockdown, thankfully the borders have been lifted up because of traveler "Thanks for the wonderful suggestion, I'll move there as soon as possible." Congenial smiled plastered on my face, the samurai returned the smile.
"Here, he must've starved you during those 3 days." The white haired then hand me grilled tiger fish, I offer my thanks before munching the fish down. Him starving me was basically his way of showing how 'I can't live without him since he has all the privilege and mora'.
"I'll get ready by tomorrow morning, I've gathered enough mora throughout my adventures and commissions."
"No need, Beidou and I will give you a free ride." I looked at him wide shock before involving him to a genuine tight hug "Thank you... Thank you very much!" The hug I gave felt more genuine and sincere than the forced hugs I give to Childe.
As I walk my way home, I encountered traveler and Paimon then we decided to hang at wanmin restaurant, as usual I avoided their questions regarding my dissapearance "Paimon and Aether kept looking for you everywhere!! Even Childe was worried!" I dropped my gaze upon hearing the last sentence, traveler immediately took the hint then gave Paimon a look, the both of them expressed concerns as I reassured them "Don't worry, I'll be leaving liyue soon."
"Whatt!!?? You're leaving liyue!?!???" We both shut Paimon up which resulted to her apologizing "I'll be going to inazuma with the help of the crux tomorrow morning." I counted the mora on my hands "Traveler, will you accompany me to my travel?"
"Of course Y/n! Anything for you!!" Paimon gleefully accepted as Aether nodded, I express my gratitude to the two travelers before leaving soon since it's almost my curfew. The moment I saw Childe standing in front of the door froze my ability to walk.
"Why were you with the traveler earlier?" As expected, he looked pissed again "Because they're.. my friends?" I hold my breath while gripping the strap, the ginger looked unconvinced "They're also your friends right? Don't you trust them to be around me?" A sigh escaped me. At the moment, he grabbed my wrist then pull me inside, next thing I know a painful slap landed on my face "You fucking whore, I thought you already learned your lesson 2 days ago."
I clasp the red cheek before I finally had enough of it.
"So I'm not allowed to interact with humans anymore? Why is it that you get to interact with your female co workers but you can't even let me be friendly with a stranger!"
Childe was taken aback at my sudden retortion as he grip his fists "At least I don't go around being flirty with random women."
"What's wrong with you? So basic kindness is being flirty to you now?-" The sound of his hydro powers blasted against me that I was slammed on the wall before dropping to the ground. I groaned in pain as I clasp my chest and stomach for comfort "I'm sorry, you made me do it."
This moment sparked my determination to move to inazuma, I glared at my now ex boyfriend before storming into the bedroom. I sealed a lock on the door before packing my habiliments and things, a tear rushed down as I grip my own hair out of frustration "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, you shouldn't have yelled at me back." At the moment, Tartaglia was banging on the door as I cower in the corner, each daunting bang on the wooden door gets defeaning, his hydro powers then blasted the door open which turned my whole body into cryo state. My safe place once now biggest nightmare gingerly walked across me with dark aura glint in his eyes, staring into his dull eyes felt like eternity as he crouch down on my form, I tear my gaze away still shivering “You don't have to do this, I have my own life, just let me go.” I impulsively bit my nails as to ease the terrifying tension between us, the ginger haired just stared at me with no emotion and not even signs of remorse on my frightened state, his gloved hands brushed a tear that escaped mine before caressing my skin gently “Never.” Childe said as he stood up then left me alone. My body petrified while my mind kept replaying past events that occurred just earlier, watching all of these unfold made me firm about my decision, I'm definitely leaving this hellhole.
Sleeping felt fast, maybe I'm too determined to leave, it's a good thing that I'm hearing the birds chirp in the morning, I can't finally wait for the day I live with my free will. The harbinger gave me a kiss and hug before heading off to his fatui duties as expected, I readied my belongings as I grab my bag and my map, I wore a hoodie incase the fatui tries to track me down before finally exiting our home.
I clutch the map near my chest like a lost bird as I reach guyun stone forest, I held my breath in staying vigilant while scanning for beidou’s ship, I hope I'm not too late..
A hand then tapped my shoulder which led the whole me into a paralyzed shock “Follow me.” My body loosened up upon hearing my friend’s name, I followed Kazuha until we reached the alcor. Along with Beidou, I saw traveler and Paimon as they beckon me to come, I take a glance behind before shooting them a smile.
As we boarded in the ship, Beidou ordered to sail the ship to inazuma, feeling a relief on my chest while gazing at liyue harbor far away “Don't worry, he can't hurt you here now.” Kazuha rubbed my back with his usual reassuring smile that calmed my senses no matter what, I sent him my gratitude before enveloping him to a warm embrace “We finally got you out of that maniac’s control! Me and Aether will promise to protect you from him no matter what!” Paimon’s jolly cheer made my heart smile as I giggled “I don't deserve any of you.. After all everything you guys did for me..” I watched the ripples course alongside the ship, the comfort of it brings me to a comforting fact that I'm away from my abuser, for the second time I felt so free the last time being a slave to the l/n household, I've finally get to make decisions on my own and talk to anyone to my desire.
It felt like days since the travel, to my surprise it only felt like 2 days, we were able to overcome the lightning strikes that surrounded the area, far away from the ship I caught the foggy view of Ritou that led to a secure smile on my face “We're almost there.” Paimon stated, I grabbed my belongings as I wear my hoodie just in case of any fatui sightings “You should create an alias so in case that harbinger knows your whereabouts, it'll make the searching hard for him.” The white haired samurai suggested, I nodded to keep in my mind.
At long last, we arrived in Ritou safe and sound before Traveler and Paimon accompanied me for a tour around inazuma. The sakura trees flow freely as the gentle breeze greets me with enthusiasm, never in my life have I felt so relieved and stress free, now that I have a bag of mora on me there's no need to worry about being drowned in debt.
After traveler and Paimon toured me around the city, I sent them my gratitude before bidding farewell, now all I need is a good night rest then I can apply for a job tomorrow.
Normally I would wake up to my hands chained on the headboard as it starts with Childe’s tedious morning kisses and hugs along with a controlling lecture, now I hear freedom birds chirping as the sun filtered through the windows as if it's greeting me for a new day, I start my breakfast with black back perch stew. When I have the time, I can learn how to make inazuman cuisines.
After eating, I decided to apply as a maid for the yashiro commission, it's one of the least I can do for the time being before I work a job I'm capable of. As I'm accepted on the job, I met a guy named Thoma, he toured me around the Kamisato estate while he teachs me the basics of housekeeping, I did learn quite a few things about cooking and cleaning during the time I was held captive at the harbinger’s house, I was also forced to do most of the household chores when I was still living with my execrable family “I assume you have knowledge about most of the housekeeping stuff?” Thoma inquired, I nodded “Yes, I am an expert at gardening stuff and cooking, though I'm yet to learn inazuma’s local cuisines.”
“Good, that saves me from explaining then, I'll teach you our local inazuman cuisines that Lady Ayaka and Lord Ayato loves.”
I shot him a curious smile as I follow him to the kitchen. On our way to the cookery, we pass by the head of the Kamisato clan before bowing our heads, I can't help but feel trapped under his gaze, the way he maintained a prolonged eye contact to me is enough to make my heart beat in a speed of light, he looked quite charming and refresh as he leave the room. Still captivated by his eyes, Thoma brought me back to reality by leading me the kitchen room.
The sun was setting down by the time I learned about inazuman cuisines, I find myself fond of their grilled unagi fillet, it's scrumptious flavor satisfies my stomach and brings new to my taste buds, I'll definitely hunt for more unagi meat “You should take some quality rest right now, we'll do more work tomorrow.” I nodded before thanking the fixer, I definitely learned a lot from him today.
As I was about to leave the estate, I suddenly hear my name being called by Lord Kamisato, I went to his office as expected “May I request a cup of herbal tea?” The head said as he jot down on his paper work like a workaholic he is “As you wish, my lord.” I bowed before taking a quick glance on his enticing face, I can't help but feel mesmerized on him as whole, his presence sends butterflies to my stomach, it's like I'm trapped under a spell.
I delivered the tea to him as he sent his gratitude, I watched him took a sip of the cup before continuing on his work, all off a sudden my body feels weak and my mind at haze.
“Do you need something?” Lord Ayato’s voice then snapped me out leading a pink faced me “N-nothing…” I can't be embarrassing myself right now… not in front of the head.. “Anything else, my Lord?”
“Ah yes, I'd like you to distribute these paper works of mine, put this one into the right folder and this one to the left folder.” He pointed on the pile of paperworks beside “Understood my Lord.” I swallowed my saliva before picking the papers up, why do I feel weak whenever I'm alone with him? I never felt this way with Childe when we first met, could it be inferiority since he's a noble?
The air in the room seems different, it's like a mix of comfy and mousy temperature, it's a good thing he hasn't picked up the sound of my beating heart while I was distributing papers, he let out a quiet sigh as he leaned on his chair for a moment, I kept distributing papers while taking sneaky looks on his face.
“Dear Y/n, if its okay with you, can you massage my back as I do my work?”
I choked for a split second before composing myself “Y-yes! Sure!” I sheepishly smiled then went to him “Pardon for my uhm.. foolish actions earlier, it was just unexpected I didn't knew how to-”
“It's alright, just do what you do.” The blue haired continued writing, I hummed then took a deep breath, I start kneading his shoulders and back before trailing down then pressed his back a little harder “Ah.. That's the spot..” he let out a sigh of relief leading to flustered me pressing my lips, I began to rub circles on his back neck “Keep going, you're doing great.” I blushed at his statement as I continued massaging, never knew I had this opportunity to please the Lord like that..
The next day I found myself dusting the windows of the estate, last night kept repeating on my mind like a catchy scene you watch on theatres, I can still smell the sweet scented perfume he has that passed on my palm, he truly is a wonderful charmer as locals say.
“Miss Y/n, the Lord would like to have a morning tea with you.” one of the maids approached me, pink faced me made a return again “G-got it..” I put the brush down as I made my way to the outdoor tea table area. And here the Lord sipped tea by himself, I can't help but notice the way he looks elegant while just sipping tea, looks like I got myself being infatuated with someone again am I?
I bowed before sitting on the cushion, I took a sip of lemon tea as I try to maintain my posture, I'm one of the luckiest people to have a morning tea with the one and only Lord Kamisato Ayato.
But now I'm starting to wonder, why me of all people? I never really stood out from people, even if I got myself a lunatic ex “You're probably wondering why I'm asking you to be around me lately.” he puts his cup on the saucer then stared into my eyes, the long eye contact made me avert his gaze due to diffidence, looking into his sky blue eyes makes me feel small everytime, is this his goal?
“Lord Kamisato, it's fine with me if you want me to be around you longer, I don't mind.” I sheepishly smiled while pretending to admire the scenic sakura trees that perfectly compliments the charming atmosphere “I see..”
The head took another sip again, finishing all the contents before putting it back down to the saucer, I twiddle my hands under the table “Actually, I asked you for a morning tea with me because you piqued my interest since you became my maid.”
I coughed into my hands while looking at him wide eyed, interesting? I don't get it, I'm just like the other maids here, working for mora.. unless their goal was to seduce Lord Kamisato which is highly possible considering the amount of love letters he has in his office “May I ask why my Lord? What's so interesting about me?”
“I'm glad you asked.” he smirked as he puts his hands together, suddenly the tension in the air feels different “I couldn't care less when someone from a different nation works for me, but when it came to you, it felt different.” I listened intently as he continued to gaze into my eyes “You may not be aware but before you arrived here, people have been talking about your heroic deeds when you saved a group of people during an earthquake in the chasm, my retainer was one of those people you put your life to.”
I can't remember when did that happened, I only recall a few things that happened during my journeys, like discovering 4 ruin guards in the guyun stone forest “My retainer remembered being shoved to a nearby land by you, they said you couldn't almost make it because the ground under you collapsed also, thankfully a certain someone managed to save you.” and that's where everything clicked in.
ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀꜱᴍ⋆·˚ ༘ *
“It can't be, it must've been a wrong direction..” alas, I've been fooled again, looks like I never learn during my penniless days..
I crumple the treasure map before throwing it to the ground. Suddenly, I overheard a group of people discussing about a particular topic, more like an argument?
“No way, there's no way a treasure isn't here, I even checked twice for the location!”
“You do know that we’ve been tricked into this right?”
“But still, the treasure should be underground!”
The chatter continued as I eavesdrop, so I wasn't the only victim here? They seemed determined that one of them was willing to explore the dangerous underground mines, I slowly sighed to myself, if only I have that much determination…
The ground below me started shaking like crazy, I could sense hydro energy radiating on the surface. Panic entered people as they try to maintain their balance albeit the ground below them is starting to split in half. Using my remaining energy and stamina, I ran to them then shove them to a safe ground, thankfully it was the only 3 of them and I managed to save them in time, however I tripped on something which resulted to scraping my knee “Let's help the young lady!!” One of them reaches out to grab my hand but before I could grab their hand, the surface below me successfully split in half, separating me from the adventurers “Help!! Somebody-” my body lose grip before falling.
And when I thought it's my demise, someone then carried me to safety, placing me with the rest of adventurers “Oh thank rex lapis she's saved..” I panted heavily, that near death experience really made me froze and rethink my life decisions. I look at my savior and it was none other the yaksha adeptus Xiao, but how? I never called his name out “Just be careful next time, Y/n.” With that, the adeptus teleported and dissapeared.
“I called his name out, it's a relief he appeared quickly.” One of the adventurers stated, they all sent their thanks to me after saving their life then gave me mora in return. Relieved that everyone is saved, my mind still fishes answers about past events, who caused this earthquake?
✧˚ · .
The hydro energy, Childe…
No, it can't be, he was watching me the whole time? All the steps and journey I had far from home, he was silently watching me like a bird from distance.
A shiver suddenly ran down to my spine, don't tell me he's also watching me and Ayato having tea time, right?..
“Miss Y/n, is everything okay?” The head shot me a worry look “Y-yes! Just spaced out for a bit.” I chugged all of the remaining liquid from the tea.
“You sure? I swore that I saw your expression dropped for a minute.”
“No, I'm just.. a little surprised that my heroic deeds would reach here.” I chuckled wryly as the air between us suddenly got awkward “Oh, I see..” He let out a quiet chuckled, I now realized that the longer I'm with him, the more I fall.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Childe wasn't very happy when he found out, the moment he saw her drawers empty and clothes gone, only leaving her scent on the bed they shared, the world felt unreal for the harbinger as he desperately try to find traces of her sudden departure, something then clicked on his mind. Kazuha
“I'm not going to be mad, do you have any knowledge about Y/n’s whereabouts?” He ‘genuinely’ smiled as he crossed his arms, the menancing demeanor he releases makes the ronin pout in annoyance “And why do you ask?” the samurai’s response annoyed Tartaglia to the extend, how does one dare to question love?
“Because I'm her boyfriend, can't a man be concerned about their lover’s sudden dissapearance?”
“Boyfriend? Doesn't seem like a relationship thing where your significant other is afraid of your mere presence.”
Childe gritted his teeth as he balled his fists “You dare to talk to a fatui harbinger like that?” the tension was heavy between them, the wind told Kazuha that a duel will spark between both sides “Well, I couldn't care less about Y/n’s whereabouts.” he slid his gleaming blade with his fingers, the isshin blade that holds a important history from the past, compared to the breezing wind earlier, it became ominous “And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you, not even a small single hint.”
The bloodthirsty being drew his hydro sword out in response, oh he has been waiting for this perfect opportunity to duel the wandering samurai of inazuma, Kaedahara Kazuha.
“Seems like I have no choice, sorry man, you seemed nice, I only wanted to ask a simple 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯.” He raise his sword up, the two men waiting for the other to make a move, as long it's for Y/n his dear friend, Kazuha will draw his blade in a heartbeat.
ꜰʟᴀꜱʜʙᴀᴄᴋꜱ ⋆·˚ ༘ *
I watch her peaceful sleeping figure from afar after our heated argument, guilt washed over me as I admire how the moonlight painted her face so well, a figure so loveable yet hard to keep..
I recount the times I held back on challenging the yaksha adeptus for particular reasons, without him maybe my precious Y/n could've perished.. but I prefer it that way, but that means I won't have her sleeping by my side this moment. I brushed a lock behind her ears, each tranquil seconds that brings comfort to my heart, alone with her is what I would wish to the 7 archons
“You're not going to leave… are you?”
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Hera helps get this together. And she says it's one of the quieter campers and he says what do you mean besides heinous stuff and she says when you're in it you don't hear much outside with the window closed cuz you don't want to and it's true it has some nice insulation it's for cold weather or hot weather one reason why people like it it's a real camper for camping and it's very sturdy and it's not very big and has a full bath and it has a kitchenette that you can't see cuz they don't show you which is really cheesy they should show you it's behind the bench below the tv a lot of people don't bother with the TV it's not true everybody does and because you go nuts if you don't and the storage below I need a refrigerator and a stove with a four burners believe it or not and it has a separate doorway to the bathroom and our son and daughter are smiling and saying that it's the way it should be although you should put a canopy in so you can go there in the morning but really it stinks so bad no matter what you do it is a wonderful camper because of that it's wonderful the toilet will stink no matter what kind of toilet it is it has a trap and everything and it just still stinks that that chemical and you put the wall in and you don't smell it all night and all day it's wonderful The Price is Right it's the cheapest camper on the market it's cheaper than what our son stayed in out there in California and they were tortured him out there too and she's pricks the trumpsters and they're going to lose but a bunch of ugly hose bags and they screwed around with James corporation and they're paying for it and all of them will eventually pay and they don't get it but that's what they're doing it's a great camper it is number one on earth in moments people will take this thing everywhere camping fishing hiking exploring on missions it just has everything you need in one place and you don't have to fart around and try and figure out how to do things and you put the generator on the back and there's a storage area and as you can tell it it's 1900 lb and our son's Kia Sportage could tow it and that's like a midsize SUV it's smaller than a Ford explorer as larger than the smallest SUV but it's still an SUV the bigger ones are not called that anymore and you pretty much need that one the other ones you can use a pop-up and those are about 1400 lb that's what you want to get tons of people will get this it is a huge seller it's massively famous already and Hera did help design it and she didn't listen to her husband and said no matter what you do that toilet is going to stink and she can't stand it and has plans for him and to be there and he says how's that going to work and she says we're going to be camping together he wants to be and then she says maybe a different place at the same time so he has to chase her and he says and yeah that's great but he says he probably get one of these and you tell it was a truck or a regular SUV and she says not the explorer and that's what he said and so they're having an argument. But really it's going to be nice a lot of people can afford this and you can buy it on payments with their payment plan and you don't have to leave a bank account you can get it by mail and you can also pay credit card or other really the payments without like $120 a month and it's only for I think 2 years or something no it's more than that but still 4 years something like that but it's not a bad idea and these things are being popped out like crazy and the tires are such that can go off for a little bit
Thor Freya
It's a huge seller and Trump is a big dick and he's a loser and this is going to be really bad it's getting much worse and sitting here on his money and he doesn't care for it and who would they're selling a ton of these to our people they were leaving and we are leaving and we are going to probably just leave him here so much for addictions. It's going to be a hell of a day there's a ton of people who want to buy campers right now he said there's no law against opening early and some shops and stores open at 7:00 and I'm pretty sure that you can so probably open it up from now on at 7:00 a.m. and I mean thousands I got to sell these I'm going to dammit
We went down there and the lot is full of people tons of people are buying these at his place trucks are coming in with them and some mad house and we have to buy some we get along with him a little but we don't get along with Trump at all and no one does now. Yeah okay so we're working on these things we can hear this a****** next door conspiring against our friend and saying dumb things all the time and we need him out of there. It was going to try to get them out but for real this is a great camper and a friend here likes this kind of thing cuz he doesn't like to have these huge thing that's all around you can put this in a friend's yard or a relative's yard it's unobtrusive he can kind of hide it it's just not really big and you can fit it into a campgrounds you can fit smaller ones but you can't fit bigger ones if they have a lot that's small even a tent lot you can put this on it and they did quite a lot with this kind of camper that you waited on a tent and you can hook up they have hook up some tent sites it's really handy. We have to move and if you need to find a place and don't have one this is the way to do it
A lot of us don't have a place we have to get there and yeah this trumpster wants my job and so inhabit the body and they're doing it to me to blame me I've had enough of this s*** so damn dumb
Does that mean you have to get three campers
Zues Hera
Becka probably have to buy them though they said I said yeah this is a great and I really SUV to pull it a regular size one and there's tons of them and people are going to buy these like madness
Olympus we're going to print it's valuable and important
Right now Hera
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icherishyou · 9 months
wed, 3 jan 2024
after 3 days transferring and backing up my 2023 photos, I finally made it. I separate them all based on month, and every month is divided between Xiaomi, iCloud, and WhatsApp pictures. what a work. because of that, I'm a bit late to write about my 2023 recap, to upload my 2023 recap video on TikTok, and haven't written anything to review my latest book I read. but that's fine, let's catch up now by starting writing my 2023 recap.
I will never feel tired saying my 2023 was full of blessings. every month I had at least one reason to be grateful for, a story to remember, and a lesson to learn.
january I remember my hand was full of dreams that day. I wanted to start writing again, productive again, online-selling again, looking for a full-time job again, and working on my thesis again. even on that first day of 2023 I spent many hours writing my first review about the book I currently read that month. I also had a long list of interviews ahead as well as started to create a catalog for my shop which was still clueless about the branding.
february one of my friends told me about a program from a local company which helps us to improve our hard skills. and for the first time I finally figured out what I want to be as my career: SEO writer. so I took that certification class (but also ambitious enough to dream about the final round even though I didn't make it). this month I was also too busy fitting outfits for my brother's wedding.
march this month was my brother's wedding but all of the needs had been completed last month, so no worries. I just felt this month so hectic because a lot of activity related to my thesis (a lot of revision) and maniac shopping for make ups and skin cares during surabayaXbeauty event (which was my first time, and I met local beauty influencer). I also found out that the product I tried to sell wasn't a big enough hit, so I decided to sell preloved books which were working! I did understand how hard it is to be a seller because I had to find the cheapest supplier to sell the product at a normal price but still with good profit. the SEO class I took was already on the edge and they gave us an examination AND I PASSED IT AT THE FIRST TRY! Alhamdulillah hehehe...
april I lost my grandma this month, right at ied day. I was totally fine about it since I saw my grandma had lost interest in living because his dear son had passed before her. and I totally get it. we had multiple trips (in-state destination only) for the rest of the month since there was a lot of holiday. and I stopped selling preloved books because I need to focus on my thesis.
may there wasn't a lot happening during this month, but I finally tried to lash-lift my eyelash which was so cool! and the end of this month, my supervisor told me to go for my first seminar which was the best feeling I was waiting for all this time!
june I DID MY FIRST SEMINAR and felt half of my burden had gone! I was so near the finish line! for self-rewarding, I went to the fish market and timezone with my brother.
july can you believe I did my second and third seminar this month back to back? everything felt so hard and fast and tired but Alhamdulillah all of my weight had been lifted. I unofficially finished my master degree. this month was also supposed to be a war for the Taylor Swift Eras concert in Singapore, but I didn't survive the great war. sad but never mind, at least I finished my degree hehehehe....
august I had my fourth seminar this month, a really international seminar with a lot of international students. because of this seminar, I almost left my pre-graduation activity because the schedule wasn't aligned. but I'm glad I made it both. AND THIS IS THE BEST PART! I think from that seminar, I finally had a crush, and he (with another boy) reached out to me right after the seminar! OMG it has been a long time since I have felt butterflies.
september one of my online friends came to Surabaya to visit me right before my graduation (YES MY GRADUATION IS THIS MONTH ALHAMDULILLAH!). I took her around Surabaya, and she kept complaining about how hot the weather of Surabaya is. I couldn't blame her. I also got my first nail art this month hehehe...
october I got a visitation from my international friend whom I met last august. so after I hung out with kak tika, I visited her in her hotel. I spent a lot of my social energy! last month, right after graduation I got an interview invitation for volunteering in a Coldplay Jakarta concert, and I just got accepted Alhamdulillah! I also got a wedding invitation from one of my friend I met during international seminar last august, and guess what, IT WAS MY OPPORTUNITY TO MEET MY CRUSH BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE SAME CITY AND HE GOT INVITED OMG CAN'T WAIT TO SPEND FEW DAYS WITH HIM AAAA!!!!! I went to Bandung at the end of this month for my friend's graduation. actually my other international friend was visiting Bandung as well and we planned to meet, but I didn't make it since her schedule was different from my friend's graduation schedule.
november I went to Malang for my brother's graduation, and I just got sick, physically and mentally exhausted. I felt so tired and was thinking of canceling Coldplay Jakarta volunteering. BUT RIGHT AFTER I CANCEL EVERYTHING (train back and forth & room), another volunteer just told me we would get free entry and I had to rebook everything with doubled price SAD! this month was also my birthday, where I got a Taylor Swift Eras Tour movie ticket and a big cake as a gift from my brother. I'M BEYOND HAPPY AND GRATEFUL! I flew to Malay for the trip I had planned before. I met 2 guys from an international seminar last august. the first guy I met, he really knew how to treat girls like me. after 2 days in this 1st guy town, I flew to the second guy town which is my crush OMG OMG OMG!!!
december MY CRUSH HAS A GIRLFRIEND WTH WHY HE TOLD ME SHE IS HIS FRIEND AND I KNEW IT FROM OTHER PERSON! OMG MY FIRST HEARTBREAK THIS YEAR. this feels like Elle Woods' disappointment right after she figured out Warner had engaged while she was in Law School just for him. like, he was my crush yesterday but it faded now in a blink of an eye. but his gf is just so pretty, older than me, and just incomparable. OMG I WAS FEELING SO BLUE! but I still have a lot of things to be grateful for, I got accepted as a lecturer after a long process of recruitment for example. also, we had family trip for new year in another state hehehe... Alhamdulillah because Allah had given me a chance to be happy among the blues. 
see... there were a lot of things that happened during my 2023. and I have some list of people I'm grateful for during my 2023 because they have contributed themselves to my life.
-Casp, for telling me about Loklok -Darm, for telling me about Undercover game -Radh, for telling me to keep writing and journaling -Kak Tik for telling me about the job I am gaining now -Kak Ro for bringing me manicure pedicure for the first time -Kak Tiq who makes me realize beauty is to fight for -Akil & Kak Thir for telling me to see good side of everything -Akil (again) for making me feel so loved -Mand & Silv for giving me first nail art
I see a lot of chances I can do and gain for my 2024. I hope 2024 will be brighter and better. May Allah ease everything we have planned. Ameen... 
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white-persian-cat · 1 year
Best Cheapest Pet Market in Mumbai for Persian cat 2023: Cat Price in India Under 2000
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Cheapest Pet Market in Mumbai for Persian cat 2023: Cat Price in India Under 2000
25 September 2023 by whitepersiancat.com
Are you Looking for the best cheapest pet market in Mumbai? than Look no further than Crawford Market! With a wide variety of pets to choose from at competitive prices, you’re sure to find the perfect furry friend for your family.
Now Look At The Cheapest Pet Market In Mumbai, India
Do you know Crawford Market is the cheapest pet market in Mumbai. It is located in the Fort area of the mumbai city, and it is very easily accessible by public transportation. Crawford Market is a large wholesale market that sells a variety of goods, including pets and pet supplies. it is special for persian cat.
Persian Cat Price in Mumbai Crawford Market 2023
History of Crawford Market as a Cheapest pet market in Mumbai City of India
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Crawford Market was established in 1869, and it has been a Very popular destination for pet and Persian cat buyers and sellers for many years. This market is home to a variety of pet vendors, including breeders, importers, and wholesalers and more.
Look: Types of pets available at Crawford Market
You can find a wide variety of pets and White Persian Cat at Crawford Market, including dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, and even exotic pets such as snakes and lizards. The prices for this types of pets in Crawford Market are generally lower than compaire at other pet stores in Mumbai, India.
Prices Of Pets At Crawford Market
The price for pets at Crawford Market vary depending on the type of pet, the breed, and the age of the pet. For example, a Labrador Retriever puppy can cost anywhere from Rs. 12,000 to Rs. 80,000, while a Persian cat kitten can cost anywhere from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000.
Challenges and opportunities of running a pet business at Crawford Market
Do yo know: Running a pet business at Crawford Market can be Very challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. The market is very tuff competitive, and it is important to offer high-quality pets at competitive at low prices. However, there is a large demand for pets and Cat in Mumbai, and there is a good opportunity to make a profit.
Interviews with pet vendors at Crawford Market
I have interviewed some pet vendors in Crawford Market to learn more about their experiences. One vendor, who has been selling pets at the market for over 20 years, He told me that the biggest challenge is dealing with the heat and humidity. He loves being able to help every people to find their perfect pet and Cat, and he enjoys other vendors at the market.
Another vendor, who sells exotic pets. He told me that the biggest challenge is finding a reliable source of animals and Pet aswell. He also said that it is very important to knowing customers about the care and feeding of exotic pets. However, he is passionate about his work, and he loves being able to share his knowledge of exotic animals with others.
Photos and videos of Crawford Market
I taken some photos and videos of Crawford Market. and i show the hustle and bustle of the market. The Crawford market is a very busy place, with people constantly coming and going. There is a wide variety of pets on display, and there is something for everyone.
Crawford Market is a unique and fascinating place. It is a place where people from all walks of life come together to buy and sell pets. The market is a vital part of the Mumbai community, and it plays an important role in the lives of the people and pets who visit it.
Also Read: White Persian Cat Price In India
A Guide To Buying A Pet From The Cheapest Pet Market In Mumbai
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How to choose a Best pet (Persian cat) from Crawford Market?
When you choosing a pet from Crawford Market, it is very important to consider the following factors in your mind:
• The type of pet you want: What kind of pet are you looking for? A dog, a cat, a rabbit, a bird, a fish, or an exotic pet?
• The breed of pet you want: If you are looking for a White Persian cat, what breed of cat do you want? white Persian cat ,Siamese Persian cat, back Persian cat, grey eyes Persian cat? and you want to choose the Persian cat price in India under 2000.
• The age of pet you want: Do you want a puppy or a kitten? An adult dog or cat?
• Your lifestyle: Consider your lifestyle when choosing a pet. If you are active, you will need a pet that is also active. If you are home all day, you can choose a pet that is more low-key.
Generally What questions to ask the vendor through Buyer.
Once you have chosen a pet, it is important to ask the vendor the following questions:
• What is the health history of the Cat?
• Is the pet vaccinated or not?
• What kind of food the pet eat?
• What kind of exercise does the pet need in day?
• What kind of training does the pet required?
Also Read: Persian Cat in India: Ultimate Guide with Pictures and Videos for 2023
How To Ensure The Well-Being Of Your Pet From Cheapest Pet Market In Mumbai
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Bringing a new pet into your home is an exciting venture, but it comes with great responsibility. In Mumbai, where options abound, Crawford Market stands out as one of the most affordable places to find your furry friend. However, ensuring your pet’s health and happiness should be your top priority. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of choosing a healthy pet from the market, negotiating prices effectively, and understanding the stories of both the pets and the people of Crawford Market.
1. Prioritize Your Pet’s Health
Before bringing a pet home from Crawford Market, it is imperative to ascertain its health and well-being. Follow these steps to ensure your new companion is in top condition:
1.1 Visit a Veterinarian
Take your prospective pet to a trusted veterinarian for a thorough checkup. A vet can identify any underlying health issues and provide valuable guidance on proper pet care.
1.2 Ask Questions
Engage with the vendor about the pet’s history and health. Inquire about vaccinations, medical records, and previous care routines. A responsible vendor will readily provide this information.
2. Negotiating Prices with Vendors
Getting the best deal at Crawford Market requires finesse and research. Here’s how to negotiate effectively:
2.1 Be Willing to Walk Away
If the initial price doesn’t align with your budget, be prepared to walk away. Demonstrating your seriousness can prompt the vendor to reconsider.
2.2 Do Your Homework
Research the fair market value of the pet you intend to buy. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll have a solid starting point for negotiations.
2.3 Maintain Respect
Even during tough negotiations, maintain a polite and respectful demeanor. Building rapport with the vendor can improve your chances of striking a favorable deal.
3. The Stories of the Pets and People at Crawford Market
3.1 The Pets at Crawford Market
The pets at Crawford Market come from diverse backgrounds. Some are from breeders, while others are rescues or strays taken in by compassionate vendors. Their stories showcase the market’s heartwarming side:
3.1.1 Rescued Dog’s Tale
One vendor shared the story of a malnourished and mangy dog he rescued from the streets. After receiving proper care, the dog now thrives and lives contentedly with the vendor.
3.1.2 Abandoned Cat’s Transformation
Another vendor recounted finding a scared and shy cat abandoned in a box. With tender care, the cat’s confidence has blossomed, and she now enjoys playful interactions with other market cats.
3.2 The People at Crawford Market
The market attracts people from all walks of life, each with their unique connection to pets:
3.2.1 A Mother’s Search
I spoke with a mother searching for a cat for her son. She found Crawford Market’s prices remarkably affordable compared to other pet stores in Mumbai. The quality of pets also left a positive impression on her.
3.2.2 The Exotic Pet Expert
A seasoned vendor with over two decades of experience shared his knowledge about exotic pets. He passionately educates customers about the care and feeding of these unique animals, enriching their pet-owning experience.
4. Crawford Market’s Role in the Community (Cheapest Pet Market in Mumbai)
Crawford Market is not just a marketplace; it’s a vital part of the Mumbai community. It serves as a hub where people from all walks of life converge to buy and sell pets and share their passion for animals. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for education:
4.1 Affordable Pet Adoption
Crawford Market enables individuals to find loving pets at budget-friendly prices, making pet ownership accessible to a wider audience.
4.2 Pet Education Hub
The market serves as an educational platform, helping people learn about various pet types and how to care for them, ultimately fostering responsible pet ownership.
Additional Considerations Crawford Market in Mumbai
While Crawford Market offers great pet deals, it’s essential to stay vigilant:
Health Risks: Some vendors may sell sick or unhealthy animals, so do thorough research.
Pet Verification: Always have your pet checked by a veterinarian before taking it home to ensure its well-being.
In conclusion, Crawford Market is indeed the go-to place for those seeking affordable pets in Mumbai. However, responsible pet ownership involves diligence and care. By following these guidelines and being a well-informed pet parent, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your new companion.
White Persian Cat Price in Jammu And Kashmir, 2023
Is Crawford Market a reliable place to buy pets?
Crawford Market can be a reliable place to buy pets if you do your research, choose a reputable vendor, and have the pet checked by a veterinarian before bringing it home.
How can I negotiate prices effectively at Crawford Market?
To negotiate prices effectively, be willing to walk away if the price is too high, do your research on fair market values, and maintain a polite and respectful attitude when bargaining.
Are the pets at Crawford Market well-cared for?
Pets at Crawford Market come from various backgrounds, but responsible vendors generally prioritize their well-being. Ensure you inquire about the pet’s history and health before making a purchase.
Can I find exotic pets at Crawford Market?
Yes, Crawford Market offers a variety of pets, including exotic ones. There are experienced vendors who can provide guidance on the care and feeding of exotic animals.
What should I do if I suspect a pet from Crawford Market is unhealthy?
If you suspect a pet from Crawford Market is unhealthy, consult a veterinarian immediately for a thorough checkup.
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shyamdasgupta · 2 years
Kolkatar big fish market
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Galiff Street Cheapest Aquarium Fish Market Kolkata | Recent Week Aquarium Fish Price | 19 Feb 2023, Watch more
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houseseekers · 4 years
Important Points One Should not be Neglected While Owning A Property
Some People Look For A Beautiful Place....Others Make A Place Beautiful ! In today's fast pacing world for searching your dream place like Home is not difficult for house seekers as true real Estate or property consultant put their efforts in finding your dream home by all the means & available resources.Although there are several laws,rules & regulations in place which protect a purchaser of property, self-help with proper guidance is the best help and one must do due diligence before buying and owning a property. Therefore, below mentioned list of precautions to be taken and some of the important aspects one must look at before finalizing or buying a home. 1) Clear Title Property & Zero Risk ::- Clear title with zero risk property is one of the most important factor to be considered before purchase. There are various points which required to investigate the title of the property such as:: (A) by studying the documents of title to ensure that the owner or builder has proper ownership of the property. The documents of title should be studied very carefully as any shortfall may lead to a defective title or dispute may occur later (B) To inspect the original title deeds. (C) To search the records of the society where the property is located currently. 2) Inspect sanctioned plans & Permissions ::- Required necessary sanctioned plans with due permissions and commencement certificate by the respective authority should be inspected, especially if work of the buildings under construction. If the building is not built in accordance with sanctioned plans, the completion certificate will not be granted. For buildings that are complete, occupation certificate/completion certificate should be verified and checked. 3) Legality Check of Property ::- Ensure the property is legally authorized to be constructed on the plot it stands on. The developer should have approvals and NOCs from Area development authorities, water supply and sewage boards, electricity boards and Municipal Corporation. However if you are taking a home loan, the concerned bank will validate your property documents before loan sanction. 4) Land Tenure ::- This is very important & essential aspect should have to come in your thought list and also be considered if property is under freehold or leasehold. For example, Leasehold refers to a property tenure, where one party buys the right to occupy the property for a given length of time (30 to 99 years). In a leasehold land, the authority (usually, a government agency) remains the owner of the land and gives the land to builders, to develop apartment projects on a leasehold basis. Anyone who buys a residential flat, will own it only for the leasehold period. 5) Permitted user and Restrictions ::- This aspect should be verified as well. For example, one should see whether the property is residential or commercial as per the Development Control Regulations. Other factors such as heritage rules, set-back for road widening or any future development may apply to certain buildings, which should also be considered. 6) Documentation ::- Proper documentation should be put in place for purchase of the property. The sale document should be properly stamped and registered with duly signed and the original title deeds should be taken by the purchaser from the seller. 7) Ready reckoner rates ::- The burden on the buyer is set to increase with the recent hike in the Ready Reckoner (RR) rates. The Maharashtra government is on its way to increase the ready reckoner rates for properties between 5% and 30%, depending on the size and location in Mumbai and the rest of Maharashtra.The Ready Reckoner is used to calculate the market value of flats for stamp duty and registration charges, which are major sources of revenue for the government after sales tax and value-added tax. 8) Estimate the total cost of ownership ::- This Including parking charges, stamp duty, registration charges, maintenance, amenities, new furniture / furnishings that a customer may have to purchase. All this could contribute to almost 5-20 percent of the bare cost of the apartment.It is important to understand about the final usable area of the apartment, especially in case of apartments under construction. Most of the times, the sale would be on super-built up area. Consumers need to be comfortable with the liveable area they will finally get to use as issued and published by RERA ( Real Estate Regulatory Authority ) 9) Property Budget: The first step in selecting a house or a flat is to fix a budget. It makes it easier to shortlist a house if you know how much you are willing to spend while buying or owning your home. Compare the price of the property in question with the same surrounding it from various builders to get an idea if the builder has offered you a genuine quotation. There are many ways where you can get a comparative of properties in the area you are looking for or near by. Website Portal listings, brokers of the area or newspaper listings, hoardings are such sources which help house seekers journey comfortable. 10) Flat’s Carpet Area ::- Usually, a property’s area or the super built-up area that is listed is the entire area including shafts, elevator space, stairs, thickness of walls and others. However, carpet area or actual usable area is the main area within the walls of the flat. This are can be 30 per cent lesser than the built-up area or the area used to calculate the price of the property. 11) Apartment Possession ::- It has become a trend of delayed possessions of flats owing to delay in commercial and residential plans. As a buyer, you should have a clear estimate of the timeline for possession. Usually, a developer ask for a six-month grace period, however there should be a valid explanation for the same. 12) Financial Schemes & Financing Banks ::- You should be prepare with OCR ( Own Contribution ) and certain subvention schemes offered from builders or finacial institutions and also aware of the banks that are willing or not willing to finance certain builders. Owing to a bad reputation, some banks do not offer loans to some builders. So, it is very important that you should check with the banks that are filling to fund the project you are planning to invest on or not. 13) Builder-Buyer Agreement ::- When you select a flat or house of your choice, you can book the same by giving a token amount, in return of which you get an allotment letter. Then, a tripartite agreement is entered upon between the buyer, the bank and the builder for the rest of the amount. This agreement should be read and understood in detail before signing on it. All the clauses must be clearly understood and if any doubts, should be raised at this point itself to avaoid futher delay or any diputes. 14) Location of the Flat or Project ::- Not to forget, it is important to look around the area where you are going to be eventually residing in. The amenities, physical infrastructure and reach to all the basic places are important to be analysed. These factors will help you have a peaceful living in the house. The flat should be in a safe and secure place, offering some security to families living in the flat. 15) Estimate total cost of running the home ::- This will include maintenance charges, property tax, increased commuting charges as compared to your present place. Please ensure that this fits in your daily monthly budget. 16) Home Funding ::- Last but one of the vital point that Find out whether the home loan you are thinking about is the cheapest & affordable loan? Find out best rate of interest for woman co-ownership or senior citizen, if applicable. Many developers also provide spot transactions or CLP ( Construction Link Plan ) with the help of many financial institutions with best rate of interest possible on availing loan. Therefor it's your skills to fish for the best rate and grab the opportunity.Discuss with the seller upfront on cash component, if any. These things spring up at the last moment, and most of us do not have access to large amounts of cash. If you are buying the apartment as an investment, please ensure that it fits into your overall asset allocation and that you have a balanced mix between equities, debt instruments and real estate. Buying a residence or house for your loved one or family is possibly the biggest decision you would take, ranking or prioritize after your marriage and having a child. You have a responsibility towards yourself and towards your family and doing all the above before buying your own apartment, will ensure that “This is not just a home. This is your dream come true”.
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letsgetsalty · 5 years
Salty, do you have a specific website you prefer to buy your fish equipment from?
Tbh nearly everything I have is hand-me-downs or from conventions, I prefer to see a product in person before I buy it, but I did recently make some online orders.
Within the last few months I’ve ordered from Bulk Reef Supply, saltwateraquarium.com, and MarineDepot. All of them were great!! They’re all pretty similar, but prices and how many products they have varies. If I had to rank them, I’d say Bulk Reef Supply comes out on top. Really great service, fast shipping, plus they have an amazing YouTube channel with instructional videos/reviews of most of the stuff they carry.
Second would be saltwateraquarium.com, still great but they don’t seem to have as much information/descriptions of their products, and maybe not as much variety.
I don’t know much about MarineDepot, I ordered my B-Ionic from them, cheapest of any online seller, can’t complain.
Amazon has a lot of stuff too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lethesomething · 5 years
Campaign resources: Torotuga, the pirate den
After three days of sailing, land finally came into view. A large island, with a small fortified city on one end, cut off from the rest of the island by steep mountains and dense jungles.  To my dismay, however, the captain curved away from that crest of civilization, turning the ship in a large arc towards the back of the island, where nothing but dense forests and swamp greeted us.
“Hoist the flag” the captain shouted, and one of the crew came out with a piece of black cloth, which he unfurled to show a white painted, rather crude depiction of a turtle. With that, a hush fell over the deck and the ship veered into a large mangrove forest, a maze of brakkish water, low fog and bleached trees. I swear I saw movement in those trees. Little flickers of light, be they lanterns or will o’ wisps, and the occasional glint of steel. It was clear to everyone traveling with me, that we were being watched. (from ‘The Sea-Faring Adventures of Milton Hornswaddle’)
Torotuga is your prototypical Pirate’s Den. It lies on the swampy half of Rhea Island, in the middle of a heavily contested region in the ocean. The island itself ‘belongs’ to the sea-faring and conquering nation of Pardoba, and it holds an outpost in the form of the military fort town of Santa Gasso. However, most of it is densely forested and if not unexplored, then at the least uncontrollable, blocked off as it is from the fort by a sheer mountain range and dense jungles. It is here, deep in a mangrove maze called the Forest of Skeleton Fingers, that you can find the bustling city of Torotuga.
The ship continued on through these treacherous waters, narrowly avoiding collisions with trees and rocks, until we finally reached what I had feared all along, a dead end. It was then that the captain came out and marched up to the bow. “Oy! Open the facking gate, ya crusty cumstain!” To my wonderment, I heard a voice coming from the nearby trees. “State your name and business,  cuntwaddle” “Marston ya old pissdog, you know damn well who I am.” There was a moment of silence, and I held my breath at such signs of incivility, praying for the gods to save me from the arrows that were sure to befall us, when the ship’s captain sighed. “I am Captain Orsric Graverobber Bones, of the Drunken Elephant. Me and my crew kindly request entry,” he said, in a tone that suggested ennui to a point i would not be able to muster. “Good enough for ya, ya vomit covered sea slug?” And with a creaking sound, a wall that had appeared to only be dead trees blocking our path, was lifted, revealing a hitherto unseen waterway further into the forest. (from ‘The Sea-Faring Adventures of Milton Hornswaddle’)
A Safe Harbor
The town of Torotuga holds about 500 semi-permanent residents, a number that can be boosted up to 2.000 by visitors.
The populace holds a few notorious criminals that have settled down far away from the law, as well as travelers and actual colonists that have stuck around. About a third of the permanent residency, however, consists of escaped slaves, either native  to neighboring islands or brought here from far-off places to work on the plantations and farms of Pardoba and a few other nations.
It is clear almost immediately to any somewhat intelligent adventurer, that the economy of Torotuga is mostly illicid, and largely circular. This is a trade hub and stock-up place for privateers and pirates, though adventuring parties, specialized traders and even certain military groups (of the underground variety) also frequent the place.
The largest trade here is ‘entertainment’. The economy of Torotuga consists for about 60 percent out of brothels and bars. Coming off a boat in the bustling harbor part of the town means  weaving your way through runners and trade deals, to be met by a veritable row of… very friendly people. Men and women beckon you, wearing bright clothes, some quite revealing, and made up with red lips and dark eyes.
Another large trade here are pawn shops or, if they try to be fancy, ‘antiques stores’. On the outskirts of the town you’ll find fishermen and a few farming communities, eking out a living on the edges of the jungle.
Architecture and craft
Torotuga gets most of its supplies from passing ships, and it shows. Most of its buildings are made out of scavenged wood and smelted or otherwise repurposed parts. Newer buildings use a mixture of ancient techniques, such as woven vines, and parts made out of metal or imported bricks.
Everything about this town has a distinct improvisational feel. The furniture and decorations are either made out of barrels, stolen off of ships or built new, with themes that remind you of the cultures native to the islands here. The whole town is a mishmash of styles, techniques and bits and bobs. True master craftsmen, however, are few in number.
There are a few carpenters, mostly specialized in boats. Apart from that you can find some relatively skilled weavers, leather workers and woodworkers, as well as smiths. Any mastercraft weaponry or armor found here is probably found or plundered, though.
It is, however, important to know that you can find Anything here, if you search hard enough. The people of Torotuga are good at finding ways, certainly if there’s coin in it. If you let them know you need a seamstress, for instance, they will absolutely find someone, even if it is the cook’s old nan, to do your thing for a pretty price.
Torotuga runs on ‘pirate’s honor’, which is to say, controlled anarchy. The place does not have a single point of authority, but instead had several factions who look out for their own. Some of the most feared of these are the Whores Patrol, a group of vigilantes that see to it that the prostitutes of the island can do their jobs safely. The artisans also have a neighbourhood watch of sorts, which is Extremely Protective of its members and most shops and bars will employ a very ostentatious group of guards.
Since there is no justice system, those caught committing a crime against someone in Torotuga will need to appeal to one of the factions or lose their hand and/or life.
Torotuga has a mixture of different cuisines from the islands, mixed with the kind of stuff the pirates would know from home, in so far as this can be found. The different inns and bars serve mostly beer, but will whip you up some soup or bread and cheese, or grilled meat, when asked. Notable delicacies can be found in The Temple Bar, which serves a special stew, made of rice, wheat, sharp spices and seafood. There’s a bunch of not particularly identifiable stuff in there, but it’s very tasty. From food stalls, you can buy a simple type of taco, made of flatbread folded around a mixture of meat or poulty, mixed with random vegetables and spices. Most of the best and cheapest food can be procured from the smaller sellers, such as The Baked Potato and Kulita’s.
Notable shops
The largest pawn shop in town is The Hoard, run by a steel dragonborn, Dimitri Helfdal and his mate, a sapphire dragonborn named Irin. This shop stands in the very center of town and has carved stone walls, seemingly built out of the ruins of some ancient structure that stood here before. It is a fairly large building, with a stone and wood front and a large shop sign bearing a carved wooden dragon head, apparently an old masthead. Inside is a quite literal hoard. Dimitri and Irin tend to get the pick of any treasure troves that come to Torotuga, so you can find the best and most expensive stuff here.
Sulejman Sirk runs the apothecary, the Glass Shoal. It’s meticulously clean and organized, seemingly made out of the hull of a downed ship that was outfitted with a brick and windowed front and plated with iron shales. The centerpiece in this store is a large chandelier, a mobile of glasswork fish surrounding a steel brazier that lights up the place. He has your basic health potions and a Very Expensive set of water breathing things (like, super overpriced, guys). Also stocks an impressive amount of poisons.
Davy Jones Locker is a thrift shop of sorts. The proprietor, Antanen ‘David’ Jonesin, is a halfling that collects the mundane and the useful. The interior of this classic brickwork building is made with a number of treasure chests that have been stacked and arranged along the floor and on tables and sideboards. These things are not what typical pirates care for, but he does good business because they do tend to be things sailors Need. His store has stuff like barrels of rope, caltrops, a few smoke bombs found on drowned assassins. He has oil skin bags to keep books and letters safe from the water, sealing wax, forgery and climbing kits, a few block and tackles, fire stones, that sort of thing. Nothing magical, nothing glamorous, but exactly the kind of thing you need to survive.
The Silt Reader is a very small book shop that specializes in literature and poetry. Mostly second hand, a lot of them waterlogged. This store is owned by a half-elven woman, Runa Pavalur,   who keeps it very organized, with tomes neatly stacked on shelves and arranged by category. Each book has been outfitted with a bookmark made of thin rope, with a little card attached to it that gives a short summary of what the book is about. Most of the books in The Silt Reader are travel diaries and novels, a fair amount of those of a ‘popular’ variety. This is why, apart from categories like Studies, Travel, Political etc, the shop has shelves named things like the Rose section (hetero romance), the Heather section (mlm romance), the Calla section (wlw romance) and the Orchid section (straight up porn).
For maps, it is best to go is the Crow’s Nest Cartographer. This is a very small house that has one entire wall made up of shelves holding a large amount of rolled maps. It is owned by two gnomish brothers: Illilniss and Omulnis. They will also pay for coordinates of places that have been discovered, or were hitherto unknown.
Lavar’s Smelter: Lavar is a fire genasi, who isn’t too crafty, but is very good at, well, smelting. He’s the one that melts down all the anchors and random steel and iron that is hauled here, something that should not be possible with a smithy as small as his. Is smithy doubles as a blacksmith for basic tools. When asked, he can shoe a horse and provide stables overnight.
Shell and Shield: The only somewhat skilled smith in town. The Shell and Shield is owned by a tortle named Perrahar, whose main trade is tools. She sells non-magic weapons and some simple armor as well but mostly she’s very interested in learning new things. Bring her some new metal that she’s never seen before and she’ll happily craft new things out of it.
Other establishments
There is a church, The Temple Bar, dedicated to Dionysus, the god of wine. It’s not clear if this is a sanctioned church or not. Mostly it appears to be one of the largest bars in Torotuga. Its purveyor is a dwarf and beer connoisseur named Mazzoum Hornmail. The interior is decorated with fake grape vines and filled with assorted furniture. This one is fairly fancy, with a little orchestra playing, and a dance floor. The rooms upstairs can be rented by the hour. The bigger ones are outfitted as meeting rooms, serving the purpose of neutral ground for pirates to strike deals or talk strategy. The smaller ones tend to just have a bed and a washing tub.
Despite the name, The Baked Potato does not sell potatoes. It does sell yams and sweet potatoes, stuffed with a variety of fillings and baked in an oven.
Kulita’s sells a lot of fried things, including fried fish and fried chicken, combined with dumplings, corn bread and pickled vegetables or stewed beans
The local bath house is called the White Whale. It rents out large, round tubs in private rooms to interested parties. These are pretty nice and use, important, ground water, so any visitor can finally get all that salt out. Rooms are outfitted with scented oils and soaps and come with one complimentary towel. The rooms are priced fairly reasonably, but the rate goes up quite a bit if you opt for one of the companions or masseuses that are offered.
The Sickly Shrew: A Very Seedy bar and one of the cheaper establishments to acquire a room for the night. Also a great place to find, like, a specialist to kill someone for you.
The Foghorn Inn: The most boring and basic of inns that Torotuga has to offer, if you’re into that kinda thing.
Assorted locations
Thaba’s Hut
Take the road out of town, past the farm fields that have been planted here, and into the swamp. Follow the set of foot bridges and walkways, till you reach an island, a clearing in the dense foliage. Standing here is an ancient looking hut, built on stilts. It has a thatched roof and a porch, with stairs leading up. The railing of the porch and the stairs looks solid from afar, but upon closer inspection, they are laden with offerings of a sort. Little dolls hang from string tied to the wood, shells, glass vials, trinkets and shiny objects, all tied to the outside of this house. In front of the hut, a small crackling fire burns in a fire pit, tended to by a tall, broad-shouldered man. This is Thaba’s hut, and if you are in need of special magical services, this is where you go.
You pay Thaba for entry, and for the privilege to see the wisewoman inside. Should you enter, you’ll find that the entire place is overstuffed with jars and more dolls and trinkets. A bunch of objects, too, are suspended from the ceiling, much like they were wrapped around the railings. Some tools hanging from twine off a crossbeam, glass and brass pitchers, something that you very much hope is a wig. There’s dried herbs, ham, but also bones, something that looks like a dead snake. There’s… a lot. The hut is where Iyabo, sitting in the middle of the floor in a magic circle, performs magical services. Most likely this will be along the lines of identifying items, removing or placing curses etc. Nahin’s fighting pit
Walking around town, you may hear a number of shouts and just general noise, originating to a dirt square just on the outskirts. Here, you’ll find a small mound of dirt that serves as a brawling ring. Two figures are squaring off here. One is an apparent halfling in monk clothes, fairly lean build, the other, on this day, is a goliath, a large, looming tank of a man, in somewhat soiled sailor’s clothing. They’ve drawn quite the crowd. On one end you see what seems to be the rest of the goliath’s crew, a number of sailors jeering and egging him on. On the side of the smaller figure are also supporters of a kind, albeit a bit more demure. You see a number of humanoids, all in fairly ratty clothing, most of them dark skinned and weathered looking. They’ll occasionally clap but they’re mostly looking. Bets are being made by the crowd, with bookies walking around trying to get any visitors to have a little go. But as soon as the fight starts, a heavy groan goes through the crowd and it becomes apparent just how skewed this match-up is. Within the first second, the goliath has already been kicked in the face. The smaller figure jumps up onto his chest, kicks him in the chin and backflips off, down to the ground. The goliath swings and the smaller figure leans back easily to avoid it, jumping up over a second swing, before turning in mid air and swiping at the shoulder, following that up with two swift kicks. This goes on for a little while, before the goliath says ‘You  little shit’, and he pulls out a crossbow. The crowd starts booing. You hear the people behind the smaller figure yell ‘unarmed only!’ but the fighter themselves holds up their hand. “Learn’, they say, and sinks into a defensive stance. The goliath shoots once, twice, point blank, and you watch as the smaller fighter plucks both out of the air before they reach. As the goliath starts reloading, angry now, the other fighter moves. They jump up onto the crossbow and run up their opponent’s arm, before leaning down and kicking the goliath in the sternum. The giant goes rigid, for a moment, their eyes at this point confused and fearful, as the other fighter jumps down, dashes around and swipes at a spot right behind the knee. The goliath. Topples. The crowd erupts in shouts and you can see a well dressed man, apparently the goliath’s captain, walk up to the smaller figure and hand them a pouch. “Sorry about that,” he says. “Temper, that one. But you won fair and square.” The smaller figure bows and returns to their friends, as the crew, with some trouble, pull up the goliath and the crowd slowly disperses.
Kobinahin, or Nahin for short, is a higher level monk that fights for coin and has a little outdoor dojo going. Nahin is always itching to learn new tricks and will gladly match or teach adventurers.
Merchants and assorted service people
Thaba: A tall, broad-shouldered dark-skinned man, clean shaven and wearing modest but well-kept clothes. He has milky white eyes and a deep voice. He serves as a guardian or manager of sorts to Iyabo. He can usually be found sitting in front of the fire pit by his house.
Iyabo: This wise woman is a multiclass druid – bard with some wizard thrown in there. She is a tiny woman, potentially gnomish in nature, but it’s hard to tell. Her hair is quite a bit longer than her body, a mass of tiny braids, embellished with rope, ribbons, glass beads and brass rings that obscures her shape almost completely. From what you can tell, the hair may have been dark in color once, but it’s been painted with clay. Individual strands are red, ochre, green or a chalky white, the whole thing giving the impression of a gloomy, if colorful, bead curtain.  The hair makes it almost impossible to see her face, but when her arms emerge from the curtain, her skin appears to be greyish blue, mostly because that, too, is rubbed with some kind of dust. Her hands are studded with different rings, her wrists covered in bracers and rows of bangles. Iyabo jingles when she walks, and you can discern the rustle of fabric, as well as the sound of many, many necklaces or chains clinking together. She doesn’t so much talk as whisper harshly , also with vague southern accent.
Dimitri Helfdal: A man of smallish stature, stocky and broad, with medium gray skin. Mid forties and fairly jovial, incredibly curious about new treasures and things. He wears a monocle and light linen, embroidered pants, with a sleeveless shirt. Dark grey scales line his shoulders, hands and head, glinting with a brushed steel look that makes him seem , in a weird way, armored. He does not have a tail.
Irin: A dragonborn woman of dark olive skin, fairly tall and with a long tail that whips back and forth between the folds of her long skirt. She wears a beautiful silk tunic, with cropped pants lines in copper thread and a long skirt consisting of four almost see-through loose panels. On her head, and down her back and tail are long crystalline dark blue spikes and the scales that adorn her skin are strangely see through, giving the impression of dark blue gems. It also seems like she has filed some of them to resemble jewelry, the ones around her throat and down her chest looking like a very elaborate necklace.
Sulejman Sirk: A black man in his late thirties, with corn rows tied into his hair, and a cropped full beard. He tends to smile widely and has a prominent gold tooth. He has several gold earrings in one ear and wears a dark grey v-neck kaftan of sorts, with embroidery on the shoulders.
Runa Pavalur: A red haired half-elven woman, fairly young looking, very pale with freckles. Basic hippie attitude, she wears what appear to be several crocheted tablecloths stitched together, and her hair falls down her back in two long braids. Speaks in a gentle, slow  tone and has very obviously read every single book in the store.
Illilniss and Omulnis: Gnome brothers, both with heavy mustaches, kindof tanned skin and an almost inky blue hair. They finish each others sentences and then get grumpy about it.
Antanen ‘David’ Jonesin: An elderly halfling with salt-and-peper hair that poofs up around his head like a cotton ball. Wears tiny round glasses and looks rather clerical, but very businessy attitude. His voice is clear and fast, like an american radio dj.
Mazzoum Hornmail: A very serious dwarven man who looks jovial and fat and jolly. He gets quite stern when people don’t treat him with the right amount of respect. It is said Mazzoum has spent years sailing the oceans, and kinda just settled down here because he got tired of the floor moving.
Kobinahin: A dark skinned halfling monk of indeterminate gender. Dark, golden ochre skin, long black hair usually tied in a ponytail. Fairly elegant features. They wear a dark grey jumpsuit with cropped pants and sleeves tied with cloth strips. It is cinched in at the waist with a large strip of cloth. Kobinahin fights for coin and essentially teaches the prostitutes and the escaped slaves self-defense. It’s not clear why they left home to travel the world and fight. (the reason is this DM needed to introduce the Monk class). Speaks in serious, shortish sentences. Very no-nonsense.
Lavar: A fire genasi with tanned skin and flame red hair who serves as a smith. A practical sort who, despite his fiery nature, doesn’t really get upset easily. Always looking for find new ways to make coin.
Perrahar: A seemingly young tortle, though her shield is quite damaged with little black spots. Very curious in nature but extremely chill in attitude. Speaks Very Slowly and pretty damn deadpan. Very little gets to her.
Back-up NPC’s
Loughlin Nic Cadhla: An older woman, lots of scars, with frizzy brown curls in almost an afro, and pale freckles skin. Hard of hearing, from standing next to cannons most of her life. Retired pirate.
Tran Phu Nguyen: A forty-something man who is immaculately dressed and must have been utterly gorgeous when younger, still quite handsome.  Ex-prostitute.
Hamisi: A slender, dark skinned man, bald with a short beard. He’s missing an eye and has some horrific scarring, mostly on his wrists that you can see. Missing two fingers on his left hand. Wearing a loose shirt and simple cropped pants, no shoes.
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algerruskds-blog · 6 years
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After you total each level you will be rewarded with several gold but on the particular other side, you may likewise need the gold in order to educate the troops in order that you can win the game. By checking out the great demand, the companies are also increasing the value regarding the gold and therefore they will are becoming harder to be able to obtain.
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shyamdasgupta · 2 years
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Kolkata Galiff Street Fish | কলকাতা গ্যালিফ স্ট্রিট ফিশ মার্কেট | कोलकाता गैलिफ स्ट्रीट फिश मार्केट Moe read
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bestkoifish · 3 years
A Guide to Buying Koi Fish and Aquatic Plants
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When buying koi fish, there are many factors that you should take into consideration. These factors can be broken down into three categories. First, you will need to consider the koi's physical and mental condition. The conditions of a koi can change from time to time and a koi owner needs to know these conditions. Koi can be sickly, or unhealthy, and there can be many reasons behind this such as poor water quality or overfeeding by the breeder.
When buying koi fish, you should consider taking care of them properly. While these factors may be important, it should be noted that there are also other equally important considerations you need to pay close attention to when buying koi fish for sale. For instance, most koi breeders give far more attention to the color patterns of the fish than their personality. For many koi enthusiasts, the color pattern is the most important thing when taking care of their fish, so it is important to ask questions about breeding options, compatibility with your environment, what sort of food to give your pet and whether or not they are comfortable in the environment you plan to buy them in.
Butterfly koi can be found in all kinds of colors, shapes, and patterns. Some are rare, as the blue mountain koi. The black-colored variety is known as the imperial or muro, and is one of the rarest types of koi. A lot of koi breeders breed silver-colored varieties like the Kane and hirage, which are commonly known as "flying fish". These are usually bred in captivity because they are extremely hardy and don't require a lot of special care. The common flying fish is the white flying fish, which is bred mostly in kaeruiwakas in Japan.
The koi pond fish cost is dependent on factors such as the size, number of offspring, and how old they are. Typically, the bigger the number of offspring, the higher the koi fish cost. The older the koi, the more expensive it will be. You could get away with buying a cheaper one and just breeding it more often, but the quality and healthiness of the fish are much more dependent on proper care, so be prepared to spend a little extra money for a koi that will give you years of enjoyment.
Another thing you need to know about buying koi is their compatibility with other fish and plants in the pond. Koi fish tend to eat different things, depending on what they're fed. So you'll want to find out the diet requirements of the fish you're planning to buy before you commit to buying them. Many koi pond sellers provide detailed information on the fish they offer. They will be able to tell you which fish are good feeders and which aren't, making it easier to choose the best possible fish for your fish pond.
Finally, when shopping at your local koi market or online store, do your research. Do some price comparisons of different fish and aquatic plants to make sure that you're getting a good deal on the fish or plants you want to purchase. Don't just settle for the cheapest item you see; always check to see if the seller has a return policy and how long it will take before you receive the merchandise. You don't want to purchase something and later find out it's not right for your pond. Check out for more info on this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koi#Varieties.
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houseseekers · 4 years
Important point to consider while owning A property
Important point to consider while owning A property
Some People Look For A Beautiful Place....Others Make A Place Beautiful !
In today's fast pacing world for searching your dream place like Home is not difficult for house seekers as true real estate or property consultant put their efforts in finding your dream home by all the means & available resources. Although there are several laws,rules & regulations in place which protect a purchaser of property, self-help with proper guidance is the best help and one must do due diligence before buying and owning a property. Therefore, below mentioned list of precautions to be taken and some of the important aspects one must look at before finalizing or buying a home.
1) Clear Title Property & Zero Risk ::- Clear title with zero risk property is one of the most important factor to be considered before purchase. There are various points which required to investigate the title of the property such as:: (A) by studying the documents of title to ensure that the owner or builder has proper ownership of the property.    The documents of title should be studied very carefully as any shortfall may lead to a defective title or dispute may occur later (B) To inspect the original title deeds. (C) To search the records of the society where the property is located currently.
2) Inspect sanctioned plans & Permissions ::- Required necessary sanctioned plans with due permissions and commencement certificate by the respective authority should be inspected, especially if work of the buildings under construction. If the building is not built in accordance with sanctioned plans, the completion certificate will not be granted. For buildings that are complete, occupation certificate/completion certificate should be verified and checked.
3) Legality Check of Property ::- Ensure the property is legally authorized to be constructed on the plot it stands on. The developer should have approvals and NOCs from Area development authorities, water supply and sewage boards, electricity boards and Municipal Corporation. However if you are taking a home loan, the concerned bank will validate your property documents before loan sanction.
4) Land Tenure ::- This is very important & essential aspect should have to come in your thought list and also be considered if property is under freehold or leasehold. For example, Leasehold refers to a property tenure, where one party buys the right to occupy the property for a given length of time (30 to 99 years). In a leasehold land, the authority (usually, a government agency) remains the owner of the land and gives the land to builders, to develop apartment projects on a leasehold basis. Anyone who buys a residential flat, will own it only for the leasehold period.
6) Permitted user and Restrictions ::- This aspect should be verified as well. For example, one should see whether the property is residential or commercial as per the Development Control Regulations. Other factors such as heritage rules, set-back for road widening or any future development may apply to certain buildings, which should also be considered.
7) Documentation ::- Proper documentation should be put in place for purchase of the property. The sale document should be properly stamped and registered with duly signed and the original title deeds should be taken by the purchaser from the seller.
8) Ready reckoner rates ::- The burden on the buyer is set to increase with the recent hike in the Ready Reckoner (RR) rates. The Maharashtra government is on its way to increase the ready reckoner rates for properties between 5% and 30%, depending on the size and location in Mumbai and the rest of Maharashtra.The Ready Reckoner is used to calculate the market value of flats for stamp duty and registration charges, which are major sources of revenue for the government after sales tax and value-added tax.
9) Estimate the total cost of ownership ::- This Including parking charges, stamp duty, registration charges, maintenance, amenities, new furniture / furnishings that a customer may have to purchase. All this could contribute to almost 5-20 percent of the bare cost of the apartment.It is important to understand about the final usable area of the apartment, especially in case of apartments under construction. Most of the times, the sale would be on super-built up area. Consumers need to be comfortable with the livable area they will finally get to use as issued and published by RERA ( Real Estate Regulatory Authority )
10) Property Budget: The first step in selecting a house or a flat is to fix a budget. It makes it easier to shortlist a house if you know how much you are willing to spend while buying or owning your home. Compare the price of the property in question with the same surrounding it from various builders to get an idea if the builder has offered you a genuine quotation. There are many ways where you can get a comparative of properties in the area you are looking for or near by. Website Portal listings, brokers of the area or newspaper listings, hoardings are such sources which help house seekers journey comfortable.
11) Flat’s Carpet Area: Usually, a property’s area or the super built-up area that is listed is the entire area including shafts, elevator space, stairs, thickness of walls and others. However, carpet area or actual usable area is the main area within the walls of the flat. This are can be 30 per cent lesser than the built-up area or the area used to calculate the price of the property.
12) Apartment Possession ::- It has become a trend of delayed possessions of flats owing to delay in commercial and residential plans. As a buyer, you should have a clear estimate of the timeline for possession. Usually, a developer ask for a six-month grace period, however there should be a valid explanation for the same.
13) Financial Schemes & Financing Banks ::- You should be prepare with OCR ( Own Contribution ) and certain subvention schemes offered from builders or finacial institutions and also aware of the banks that are willing or not willing to finance certain builders. Owing to a bad reputation, some banks do not offer loans to some builders. So, it is very important that you should check with the banks that are filling to fund the project you are planning to invest on or not.
14) Builder-Buyer Agreement ::- When you select a flat or house of your choice, you can book the same by giving a token amount, in return of which you get an allotment letter. Then, a tripartite agreement is entered upon between the buyer, the bank and the builder for the rest of the amount. This agreement should be read and understood in detail before signing on it. All the clauses must be clearly understood and if any doubts, should be raised at this point itself to avoid further delay or any disputes.
15) Location of the Flat or Project ::- Not to forget, it is important to look around the area where you are going to be eventually residing in. The amenities, physical infrastructure and reach to all the basic places are important to be analysed. These factors will help you have a peaceful living in the house. The flat should be in a safe and secure place, offering some security to families living in the flat.
16) Estimate total cost of running the home ::- This will include maintenance charges, property tax, increased commuting charges as compared to your present place. Please ensure that this fits in your daily monthly budget.
17) Home Funding ::- Find out whether the home loan you are thinking about is the cheapest & affordable loan? Find out best rate of interest for woman co-ownership or senior citizen, if applicable. Many developers also provide spot transactions or CLP ( Construction Link Plan ) with the help of many financial institutions with best rate of interest possible on availing loan. Therefor it's your skills to fish for the best rate and grab the opportunity.Discuss with the seller upfront on cash component, if any. These things spring up at the last moment, and most of us do not have access to large amounts of cash.
If you are buying the apartment as an investment, please ensure that it fits into your overall asset allocation and that you have a balanced mix between equities, debt instruments and real estate. To sum it up, buying a residence or house for your loved one or family is possibly the biggest decision you would take, ranking or prioritize after your marriage and having a child. You have a responsibility towards yourself and towards your family and doing all the above before buying your own apartment, will ensure that “This is not just a home. This is your dream come true”.
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