#cheapo flights
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bakugames-fr · 1 year
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This kid is good... and up for offers! (shale/cerulean/caribbean 2 off xyy)
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captainheadlines · 2 years
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meesefr · 1 year
do you have any advice on how to price comms in flight rising? I think i'm underpricing a lot right now
Oh boy, long post incoming. I obviously don't know your art/where you live/current prices so I'll try to apprach this based on how I price my work, and touching a bit on what to expect. Gonna make this a more generalised commission pricing post because I've seen this come up a lot.
Tl;dr version = Hourly rate (always above national minimum) + time it takes you on average + extra time calculated outside of pure drawing time + taxes
I personally price commissions on FR the same way I price coms/work anywhere else. For commissions I use flatrates which are in turn based on my hourly. Imo if you're doing FRC coms I'd ALWAYS price higher for gems/tr than for IRLC since their usage is confined to on-site. (I do cheapo FRC coms here and there for stuff like foddart too but it's with the explicit understanding that this is NOT a regular transaction. I would not recommend this for a long-term commission shop.) So for FRC coms I'd convert my standard IRLC price + FRC "tax". How much do I value gems/tr over actual IRL goods etc.
My studio hourly usually ranges from 25$ to 30$ but since most commissions are non-commercial work I stick to a 20$/h range for them. I like doing them and I still want my coms to be accessible to people, so I don't mind a small cut (drawing dragons is fun). So if say... a bust on average takes me about an hour and a half the strictest estimate would be 30$ + taxes. But you want to incorporate the possibility of complicated designs, taking longer for polish/make sure the work is up to your standards, reference gathering, small changes and client communication (transaction fees as well when applicable), so it's always good to leave breathing room. (I usually estimate at least another 40 minutes. It honestly ends up taking much longer most of the time. I've had coms take me 10+ hours longer than my priced estimate because I got too ambitious/excited with the illustration, don't be me.)
Now of course all of this stuff depends on your hourly rate too which is honestly a big debate in and on itself. I think the general commissioner audience is used to significantly lower rates than the industry side might. My main income comes from freelancing, where my rate is considered low end. Outside of Illustration, which is vastly underpayed, most designers and creative freelancers will usually have an hourly rate that ranges from 40-100$/h. 20-25$ is considered entry level. My personal recommendation would be to not go lower than 15-20/h if you're doing commissions professionally, even if you live in a place where that is considered a fairly high hourly wage. If you're still a student or your art doesn't really sell yet at those price ranges because of inexperience I think it'd be better to invest in practicing your fundamentals instead and do other work in the meantime. (Or find another platform! Might be an audience issue and not a skill one!)
Unfortunately most people doing coms (including myself) ARE underpricing. I've seen people that would be senior artists in a company if they were doing concept art instead have similar prices to mine, which is ridiculous. (The average mid level concept artist in-house makes 65k/y. People doing coms at the same skillrange often make >20k/y) But to some degree that is kind of inescapable because of how many other people you are competing with. So I don't doubt one bit that you are underpricing already. Illustrators and commission artists are vastly underpayed which means the average audience is conditioned to significantly lower prices.
Thankfully, specifically on FR from my experience the quality of commissioners you'll get is really high. I'm still not sure if you could get away with strictly fairly priced coms, unless you're very popular/your art is super in demand. But other than that, I do payment upon art delivery and have never had issues with a client except once. Communication/references/respect etc are also really good and folks tend to be very understanding and patient.
Be aware that the audience does get smaller the more fairly you price your stuff. I've kinda noticed that the folks commissioning me tend to be from a smaller pool of people that are also the ones commissioning the other artists with a similar skill level on FR that do IRLC coms. So a small pool of regular commissioners + other really skilled or better than you folks that are also fairly accessible/cheap by industry standards. You start seeing a lot of the same artist names pop up when you scroll down in the dragon's bio for references. You will probably not consistently fill all your slots but your clients will most likely end up being trustworthy/reliable and occasionally repeat customers. (Not surprisingly a lot of them are fellow artists/creatives too, y'all know the pain of the grind lol)
I wish you the best, anon. Sorry for kinda hijacking your question to go in-depth with this lol. I upped my prices a few months ago too and thankfully didn't see a decline in clients even if unfortunately I'm still underpricing. Commissions are just a tough game in general. I hope you'll be compensated fairly! If art is your main gig or you're planning on making it your full-time job, definitely look into freelancing instead long term. It's still tough but at least your rates will be much more acceptable. Take care and good luck!
(P.S. In case you're not paying taxes from commissions yet, check with an accountant if you're over the declare threshold. Different countries have different rules for this. If art is your main source of income you almost definitely have to essentially open a business in most places.)
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weebnotheree · 1 year
ɪ'ᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ! | 🦇𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑍𝑖𝑛𝑔🦇|𝑀𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑠 𝑥 𝑀!𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 PT.2
Present Day
A cab zooms through the dark and spooky forest. A passageway on the ground opens up.
The driver gets out and places his head on and what do ya know, it's a jack-o-lantern. He opens the door and just as he did a flood of wolf pups came rushing out. And after that, a mamma wolf stepped out slightly tilting the cab along with her. She had a big stomach. She groaned with her hand placed on her stomach. And after, was the husband. He took his wallet out as he said ¨Yeeah, it's a mess back there.¨
A few zombies big and small came to grab the wolf family's luggage. Punching their arm through the side, and from the top of it. So many monsters filled the place. Everyone was happy to be there. Monsters big and small. Some flying, some walking, while some others running. Drac smoothly walked down the first flight of steps as he looked at everyone enjoying themselves. ¨Welcome to Hotel Transylvania!¨
He then started passing out reservations(?)¨Human free since 1898. Your safest destination. Take an itinerary. I have personally designed a spectacular schedule of events, all leading to my daughter's birthday extravaganza tomorrow and her birthday surprise.¨
¨We always look forward to coming every year, Count. We enjoy the safety so much,¨ the husband of a small goblin(?) announced. ¨Of course. That's why we built it. Yes, good evening,¨ he says before a monster comes up to him and babbles for speech. ¨Thank you, Marty. You look pale, as well.¨
Then a suit of armor rushes up to him as he finished passing out the cards. ¨Sir, sir, sir! We have an urgent plumbing issue!¨ ¨Plumbin'? On it. Mr. Ghouligan!¨ Drac called. A zombie came up to him and grumbled. ¨There is a clogged toilet in room 348.¨ the guard finished. A roar came from above. It was bigfoot. ¨It's okay. We all get stomach aches, Mr. Bigfoot.¨ Drac reassured him. The zombie groaned looking at the plunger in his hand as it shook within it.
A lot of wolf pups burst through the spinning doors. They knocked some people over while two jumped on the pianos keys...and..one peed on the side of a chair sighing in relief. ¨Hey, kids, reel it in. You're only supposed to make Mom and Dad miserable,¨ their dad said to them. Then a boy wolf pup was tugging on Dracś cape while growling. That is until Drac picked up his cape along with the wolf pup attached to it. ¨Now, now, is that any way to behave? This is a hotel, not a cemetery,¨ he addressed as he smiled. ¨Sorry, Uncle Drac,¨ he apologized. It was a bit muffled since he had Drac's cape in his mouth. But he let go and scattered away.
The two parents soon walked up to him. ¨Drac! How are ya?¨ Drac exclaimed as he slung an arm around Wayne's neck,¨Wayne, my old friend!¨ ¨Couldn't wait for this weekend. Always great to be out of the shadows for a couple of days.¨ ¨The family looks beautiful. Let me just clean up their filth. Housekeeping!¨ sheesh, nah Drac said your kids are filthy. Nah, he said they need to take a bath. As soon as he called for housekeeping 3 witches came zooming out on their brooms cleaning up the mess, placing everything back how it was. And the last thing...the pee. So the maid placed a sponge in it as the SPONGE SOAKS IT UP WIGGLING AS HE GIGGLED.
A big and skinny zombie came in carrying big and small boxes as a few pups knocked them over and they fell. Out came a Frankin head as it bounced its way(saying ow with each bounce) in the direction of Drac and he caught it. ¨Frankie, my boy! Look at you! Still travelin' by mail, Mr. Cheapo, huh?¨ ¨It's not a money thing. I have a plane phobia, okay? I-i mean, at any moment, those engines could catch...¨ ¨Fire! Yeah, yeah. "Fire bad." We know,¨ Wayne says imitating Frank's voice. Drac then saw two zombies trying to piece franks body together something and quickly gave Frank's head to Wayne.
¨Augustus, Porridge Head, come on! Does that look like Frankenstein's head?¨ Drac frustratedly asked. They were putting Frank's wristed head where his head was supposed to be placed. Drac crossed his arms and rolled his eyes sighing. ¨Hey, Drac, buddy, what's going on with your cape there?¨ Wayne asked. ¨What do you mean?¨ he asked confused before he yelp. ¨Who pinched me?!¨ ¨Guilty. You're irresistible.¨
¨Yes, very amusing, Invisible Man. Hello. Great to "see" you,¨ Drac said before the three laughed. ¨Never gets old,¨ Invisible says as he takes off his glass. The three was still laughing but was cut off by Drac getting slapped. Drac pointed his finger moving it in a no no motion as he chuckled. Drac tried getting back at him by clawing around him. But the invisible man just said he missed. ¨Okay, you win. Hold this bacon.¨ ¨Why am I holding bacon... Ahh! No! Get 'em off!¨ Yep..the wolf pups attacked him. They were having a good laugh. But are soon interrupted by a gust of sand. Yeah, it was Murray. He swirled up a big sand hill just to slide down it. ¨Here comes the party!!¨
¨Hello, Murray!¨ he greeted. ¨Drac, what's up, buddy?¨ Drac dodged soon as Murray was about to hug him. ¨The sand, Murray, the sand! Always with the sand,¨ he complained as his two fingers rubbed against each other. The wolf pups were sliding down and playing with the sand. As a pup was sliding down he was hit by a sandball by his brother who chuckled. ¨Wolfie! Wanda! Frank!" Murray greeted as he exclaimed, grabbing his friend's head. Murray roared in Frank's face and Frank roared back. Murray chuckled. ¨I love this guy. He always bringin' it full tilt. You're looking skinny, too. Now that you're just a head.¨ ¨Okay, you'll pay for that,¨ Frank scoffed as he was taken away by a zombie who placed his head where his arm was supposed to be. He was definitely unamused. ¨So what's up, Drac? The hotel is looking off the hook.¨
Frank hoped his body over to the married couple(Wanda & Wayne).¨Hey, guys, watch this.¨
As Murray was talking to Drac about things he made his bottom half slither its way over to Murray. ¨By the way, you were right about those directions,¨ ¨Oh, good, good.¨ ¨Yeah, I took the Tigris through the Nile, and there was absolutely nooo traffic. And I can't wait for the little man himself to show, it's gonna be great!-¨ he explained...his smile turned into a nervous shocked look as a green fart cloud dispersed behind Murray. ¨You're kidding me. Right in my lobby?¨ ¨Drac, I swear, man, I-i don't run like that,¨ he told him. Wanda, Wayne, and Frank snickered. ¨Housekeeping!¨ And they zoomed in. One had a fireplace bellow and sucked it up. She quickly zoomed to the fireplace letting it out into the fore and quickly moved as the fire blew green. Cleopatra watched as it went by her and looked back at Murray. ¨I was not the cause of that.¨ she just huffed and walked away. He was embarrassed.
A spider dangled from its web in front of Drac. ¨We're readyy!¨ it sang with its high voice. Drac smiled as the fiends looked up in an aw(said aw). ¨If only Martha were here to see this..¨ ¨She's always here, Wanda¨ he says placing a hand on his chest.
Soon enough he steps on a small stool of frogs. ¨Okay, friends, I am so glad you are here to celebrate. Another birthday for my sweet little Mavis, and another successful year of refuge FROM THEM!¨ he soon pointed to a blank screen but the zombie flipped a switch showing different pictures of humans.
¨These are recent human images our surveillance has uncovered. They are getting fatter so as to overpower us. And they are wearing less clothing, allowing more movement to strangle us or cut open our heads and put candy in them. But they will never find us here.[monster gasp] Evil villain, you will never win! Okie doke. The fun starts in 30 minutes. Right now, I have to see my little girl.¨he said heading off. ¨She's not so little anymore!¨ Frank pointed out. ¨Yes, she is![Roars!!]¨ Drac said back and everyone was quickly silent. But Drac smiled back again as fast as he roared. He was in the elevator leaving.
¨What's going on out there? Are we at the hotel?¨ Eunice, Frank's wife(gf?), was still in her box. She opened the box with her long fingernails. ¨Frank, did you book us for a tandem massage? Did you get us a table at Hunchback's? Did you do anything?¨ The box ended up being closed on her by the invisible man. ¨You're welcome.¨ ¨ What's going on?!!¨ she yelled, her voice slightly muffled due to the box being closed.
Ahh beautiful Mavis. She was standing in the mirror talking about how she was going to tell her dad what she was thinking. ¨Dad, you said that when I turned 118, I could go out into the world like every other adult that gets to come and go from this hotel.¨ Her impression of her father's answer was ¨But, Mavey Wavey, it's not safe. Bleh, bleh-bleh." She began pacing and walking on the ceiling ¨Dad, 30 years ago, you promised. I remember, the 3 of us were both eating mice, and you specifically said that you gave me your word.¨
Drac walked out of the elevator passing a lot of doors on his way with voodoo heads(?) hanging from the door knobs.
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Do not disturb!¨
¨Good morning, Your Eminence. I can't wait to see the lovely prince,¨ a witch said dreamily looking at Drac. ¨Maid, clean up this room!¨ the vd head ordered which caused the witch to frown.
Drac finally reached the door to Mavis's room. He slightly frowned with dominance.
Shrunken head: ¨Oh, it's you. Glad you could make it.¨
Drac: ¨Is she up yet?¨
Shrunken head: ¨Oh, she's up. She's ready to go. And by "go", I mean go. As in, go check the world out. She can't even stop talking about that boy. What you gonna do? What you gonna say?¨
Drac: ¨I got it covered. Please, relax. Just do your job.¨
He opened the door, smiling again. ¨Good morning, Mavey-Wavey! Happy Birthday, my little mouse!¨ he said happily looking around her room. So he smiled calmly. ¨You want to go out into the world. You can.¨
¨Aha! I knew you were gonna say that. But, Dad, you gave me your word, you know that I know that a Dracula's word is sacred. That our trust is the core of our-- Wait, what?¨
¨I said you can go.¨
She crossed her arms not fazed. ¨You're just playin' with me.¨
He put his hands up, ¨No, no, no, no. You're old enough to drive a hearse now, you're old enough to make your own choices. You can go.¨
She smiled widely. ¨Holy Rabies, Holy Rabies!!¨She hugged him, then rushed to the closet and packed her suitcase. She turned into a bat and started to fly out the window. ¨Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop. Wait a second, sweet fangs, where are you going?¨ She stopped to look back at him. ¨Oh, well, I'm going to paradise..to find my zing, and this is just some stuff that I thought I would need.¨
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Put On Your Raincoats | Starship Eros (McHaley, 1980)
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As the movie opened with a scene clearly shot in someone's backyard where a character emerges from a hot tub and gets fucked on a basketweave chair, I did not immediately find its fanciful visions of outer space terribly immersive. But later on, we get a battle with a hostile ship, depicted almost entirely as a series of barked commands, closeups of flicked switches and flashing lights, with only a handful of cutaways to exterior shots of the ships, and that was exactly the kind of cheapo sci-fi bullshit I watched this for. There are actually a handful of effects shots, usually decontextualized grainy video images of spaceships in flight and the odd miniature shot. While these are obviously crude, they do add to the movie's charms.
As for the story, this depicts the crew on the titular spaceship as they, uh, fly the spacehip and also have a lot of sex. This is definitely on the plot-lite end of Golden Age features. Anyway, the crew is entirely female, with the exception of a robot named Quasar, who looks like C3PO in black tights. Do any of your Star Wars themed sexual fantasies involve C3PO? This is the movie for you. It's worth noting that Quasar is said to be flesh from the waist down. Personally, were I making this movie, I would have ensured the colour of his member matched his gold plating, through the power of makeup and wardrobe (read: a strap-on dildo). But apparently I care more about immersion than the filmmakers. According to the opening credits, Quasar is played by none other than himself. Wow!
Anyway, the action is pretty repetitive, but the ladies are nice to look at so perhaps I shouldn't complain too much. (I should note that this was released before Return of the Jedi, so the movie disappointingly does not feature any Slave Leia costumes. Most of the costumes look more like something out of Star Trek.) The highlights here involve a pair of torture scenes. The first one has Becky Savage being punished by Commander Lily Rodgers for having had too much sex on her first day. She wears a sexy punishment uniform which she immediately takes off, defeating the point of the uniform, although I suppose the boots are cute. Also, the torture involves getting fingered while supposedly being zapped by a toy blaster. Truly horrifying stuff. And the second one has a captured enemy combatant being subject to the sexual powers of Quasar. Imagine being railed by C3PO. Imagine having to stare into C3PO's soulless eyes, his fidgety reactions, his dead-eyed O-face at the moment of climax, as he spurts his robot jism over you. Excuse me for leaving you with that nightmare fuel image.
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hitlikehammers · 1 year
I accidentally started writing this future!fic married!Steddie where rockstar!Eddie agrees to a custom-dildo box set a la Rammstein and chaos ensues so I guess, have some? CW for all the sex toys and stuff
Of all the bullshit Steve has muddled half-assed and barely-passably through in his lifetime—mostly at the demand of his asshat parents—possibly the most innocent, and honestly the least painful, were the piano lessons.
Which should have been enough to warn him well in advance that that shit was going to come back to bite him in the ass in the long run.
Like: literally.
But hey, look: it wasn’t as if he took it seriously, while he’d actually been doing it. And it wasn’t as if he even did it for very long, either. It was just a…what, a nice little novelty thing? Something that he wasn’t flat-out bad at, that could make up for his shit-ass grades when his mother talked about him at dinner parties until the real sports kicked in around junior high. It was a placeholder. A stopgap. He’d never touched the thing again after his last lesson, even if it sat perfectly-dusted and regularly-tuned in the corner of his godawful mausoleum of a house up to the day he moved out and learned that it was, in fact, easier to take the loss than try to convince anyone to buy it off him if he wasn’t inclined to include delivery.
And Eddie’s van wasn’t actually fucking wide enough to pull that off, so.
Point being: he was rid of it, he did not miss it, and he honestly didn’t think twice about it again until, oh.
Almost like fifteen fucking years later.
And really, honestly: how the hell was he supposed to expect that, come those fifteen years later, he’d be a) still alive after all the alternate dimension bullshit, b) in a longterm relationship, c) not just a longterm relationship, either, but a longterm relationship that involved a level of fucking soul-deep, unflinching and unshakable love that he never could have imagined at any point in his whole goddamn life, not a single one of his half-baked romantic teenage fantasies even scratching the goddamn surface of what this is; of what he has, and d) the fact that he has it, blissfully and gleefully and joyfully, alongside the most amazing man he’s ever fucking known.
He couldn’t have guessed those things, not a single goddamn one of them, is the point. And those were all at least, like, at the forefront of his mind by the time they actually did—however improbably—happen.
So how in the actual flying fuck was he supposed to guess playing five goddamn notes on a cheap-ass Yamaha would be the thing that would ultimately damn him straight to hell?
He hadn’t even planned on it, either. Shit, he hadn’t even wanted to do it. No, see; what he’d wanted was to get his idiot fiancé off his motherfucking ass and out of the studio, but no. No, see: these last three seconds on Track Nine of As-Yet-Untitled-Album-Seven just weren’t hitting right, babe, I’ve just gotta get it to—
“Fuck it.”
Steve hadn’t even waited for a reaction before he dropped into the nearest seat—that being at the cheapo keyboard that may actually have been for someone’s kid to fuck around on to just keep them occupied, especially since there was a massive fucking Roland set-up arranged all professional-like on the other side of the room, but that was not the goddamn point.
The goddamn point was that their flight was going to leave in two hours, and it’d take half that time just to get to the fucking airport.
“Here, you want something to hit right?”
And Steve had relied entirely on the better part of two decades’ rust on whatever muscle memory he had left being just enough to shock a metalhead out of his stupor and get his ass in gear. He thinks he trilled out something from, like, Bach. Or Beethoven. Some dead ‘B’ dude his teacher made him play that he hated then and was pretty sure he hated still, if what he dragged out was anywhere close to accurate. He played it sloppy and staccato and ended fortississimo in a way that very same teacher would have reamed him out for, but honestly, Steve kind of thought all the fff’s involved were pretty fucking fitting as he bounced to his feet on the reverb and glared at his partner’s slackjawed face.
“Either that hits just fucking right, Edward, or I’ll swing this goddamn suitcase at you and see if thatdoes the trick.”
And Steve hadn’t needed to threaten further violence against the man he loved because what he got was was an armful of Eddie, and a kiss deep enough to make Steve just a little dizzy, and he hadn’t thought twice about the maybe-ten keystrokes again because they were finally on their way to a city, with a courthouse, that’d marry their asses and Steve Harrington was about to become a husband.
Steve Harrington was about to have a husband.
His heart was way too fucking full for anything else.
But: once everyday life settled back in?
It may have been a good idea for Steve to have taken a minute—hell, really, even just a second—to think a little harder about Track fucking Nine.
Eds always said Corroded Coffin was a band that was ‘big enough’—and Steve generally agreed. Eddie loved performing, loved writing and breaking something primal and bloody wide open from his chest and spilling it out on a record, pouring it proud and unapologetic across a stage and then—to Steve’s complete surprise, at least at first—what Eddie loved even more than any of that was coming home to Steve afterward and curling up around him in their bed, pressing the kind of smile into the line of Steve’s neck that never waned or faded; fucking somehow impossibly just grew and grew and grew.
So the band was big enough, in that they played decent sized venues when a album dropped, and they could usually make it so their tours split between winter break and summer vacation once Steve landed his own gig as a guidance counselor, so he could come with, make sure Eddie never had to curl up in bed alone. And the band pulled in enough money so the two of them lived comfortably in the house they’d bought with the trust fund that’d had Steve’s dead grandfather’s name and blessing scrawled across it so ironclad that his parents couldn’t fucking touch it, hard as they’d tried. Basically: Corroded Coffin was ‘big enough’ that they made end-of-year lists not-infrequently, but Eddie never once had to dodge the paps outside their front yard. They were big enough that the core of their fanbase had evolved from late-80s metalheads to include the vaguely obsessive diehards of the internet era who picked apart the liner notes like they held the answers to god and the universe and everything. It was weird, but the band was fucking weird, and Steve-and-Eddie were likewise pretty goddamn weird, so it mostly worked out fine.
But that was also, at the very same time, exactly how literally anyone started asking a single goddamn question about the stupidly out-of-place performance credit listed on track fucking nine, when finally-titled-Album-Seven got its release date.
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kmp78 · 1 year
Since I've seen the gazillionest pic of Choupred. How is your vacay? Where are you going? Which cities? #curiositykilledthe🐈‍⬛
It's going great! Thanks for asking, anon! 😄
I found cheapo flights to Münich and from there I continued by train to Feldkirch, Austria. 🇦🇹
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Then I did a daytrip by bus to Liechtenstein...🇱🇮
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... and from there I WALKED (yes it was only like 2km but still! 😂) across the border river bridge to Buchs, Switzerland. A real #BucketList item there, to just traipse across a country border! 😂🚶🏼‍♀️🇨🇭
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This was probs my favorite place on the trip! Such an obscure never-heard town and boom! Epic Alpine views and one of the most quaint and loveliest cemeteries I have ever visited! 😍
After that I took a train across Switzerland to Zürich and Basel...
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... and ended up in Mulhouse, Colmar and Strasbourg in France. 🇫🇷
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And now I'm back in Münich for 1 last day! 😂
Gotta go back home to make some more money for more trips! 😛
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Walking around Manhattan on 60mg of Dexedrine
So I had a great weekend. An old friend messaged me saying he was going to be in NYC for his birthday. I had a ton of Delta SkyMiles and my city has direct flights to both NYC airports. I scheduled a flight for super early that got into JFK at 7AM.
Anyway, I couldn't sleep that night because I was trying to finish packing, and I was worried about parking my car at the airport. So at 12:30 AM I finally decided I wanted to go to bed, and ended up waking up again at 1:15AM. So I just rawdogged it from there.
Ended up getting to the airport before TSA even opened, and managed to park my car okay in their weekly lot. I took 20mg of Dexedrine when I got to the airport so I could stay awake since I hate sleeping on planes.
When I got to JFK I took another 20mg of Dexedrine because I didn't want to zone out and miss my stop on the subway. That was a bad idea. I was dehydrated and in the subway stations it was over 90 degrees F. On the subway, which was thankfully airconditioned, I nearly had a panic attack because I was so dehydrated I felt like I might pass out. It ended up being fine though. When I got to my final stop I went to a Dunkin and got a huge cup of water, and met my friend at his hotel.
Anyway, we went out and walked around Manhattan for a bit and I of course, took another 20mg of Dexedrine.
It went great. There was a pop-up of a math museum and I talked with a bunch of people, sweaty as all hell since NYC was oppressively hot and humid this whole weekend. Later that night after my friend went to bed I walked around downtown again with a can of the cheapo wine that Delta gives people.
It was great. Highly recommend.
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
The Aspark Owl is the world’s fastest accelerating production car…🔥Avail...
It's top speed is less than the Aston Martin he left out major components and change the design again the rear end is wrong and the front end is off but it is very fast. It's about the 100k flight car it's more comfortable at 80 which is very fast most of the warlock cars about 40K at the most so it's twice as fast unfortunately he's after Bullock cuz he was kind of a traitor and the cena would be much faster. Tommy f is not building them and it's a pain. So he says it's time to get back to basics and down and dirty El cheapo Depot Volkswagen crapola Bradley GT1 I saw it on a video and someone started making it and I get that. We're going to find out if we can get that going and you have to change the glass to make it simpler it's too difficult it is a two-seater so you can have a split window and have the window go up most the way and have a t-top with a goings go Wing but you'd have a gun hole that's like a foot high that's a good idea. And I would change that so you can actually go fast in the air and it would go faster than this of course it would be about a 300K and bja wants to do it and he has the people in a tech and he could make a kit car I just want to so it's back to square one and he thinks maybe the Chinese would make it so I'm going to try and talk to our team see what they want to do
Thor Freya
We want to speak and we will say we have ideas and all of them are kind of tough people just don't want to do it for some reason they don't think it's that fast they don't like how it looks stuff like that but they really know that it's dangerous because of time you have and they saw one that's another reason it's like a knock off Harley Davidson you don't want to do it granted I was to be shaped a little different we went to the math and he decided on what to do we got to hold off until we figure out what it's like. And how can you do that you can't. So we decided to pick a few chassis and he's right it's probably going to be somewhat fast car to make it impossible fast and a lot of people are upset at the mustang and coming out they just don't do it and you have a supercar not a muscle car tons of people want it the question is how do you do it and the answer is you do it in one of the separatist cities yay that's the answer and they want the thing it's way too fast they said and they can get it out of places instead of getting caught and the design is at the CIA that's the one will and Bill made that the max took so they're planning on taking it and planning on doing it and it'll be half decent too.
Kit card group leader and I am of mixed ancestry not fully I'm leaning towards French and German and Indian
And yes I'm a leader and we had a lot to do with the revolutionary war. And you're going to get funding and it will boost our program and we understand what you've been talking about I have the money and it's true that's what it's for and he said it didn't work answer now is the schedule so he's looking at the schedule saying that he's a dummy and really he was that's what they call him too like a straw man or standing or dummy the true term is straw man and it's true this is terrible
We have to get going on this and they're working on it but boy they slow so they need proof that it's there and certain people know will and Bill for instance and mac daddy that should help
Thor Freya
And we're back. They say good talking to them about it they know about Will and Bill and they know that it's there and they know how they just don't know where and her son and daughter say it's in the movie it's not good enough but that's where they're going to look and that's where a lot of stuff is so they like it
Project head of the kit car program and I guess we can make a junkie one too it would give them cover and he wants to do it and BG doesn't make junky ones or they make ones he makes simple ones and that's what it is needed we don't need anything really complex with the mustang and Camaro you need to take the dashboard out and part of the firewall but you're right it should be like a drop on it's kind of complicated and the cage is complicated. And he knows how to make it simply cuz he always welds up the cage so he's going to go over it and see if he can join it by elongated it makes all of the exact same way same elongation and put some both hole people can assemble it but then again it's kind of a pain already in it it should drop on there's no way to drop the frame on without it but it might not it has to be worked through if you do that it makes it a lot easier and better for the vehicle
Project head of the kit car project
Good let's get going on that both
And I'm going to send an approval once I get the request
Thor Freya
Great we're establishing procedure with everyone else.
Project head of the kit car program with my Goddess Wife she is also the project head
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bongngu1 · 3 months
Why do some countries want budget travelers to stay away?
Budget travellers can be problematic. There are two types of budget travellers. One is people like me. I don’t have big money, so when I travel I go by train or by low cost airlines, stay in cheaper B&B’s or budget hotels (occasionally in hostels), and eat one Dragon Ball Z Fat Majin Buu Attack Mode Ugly Sweater per day from the grocery.
Then there are these guys:
They are begpackers, relatively wealthy first world tourists that travel to considerably poorer countries and live relying on begging from locals.
Why do countries welcome Dragon Ball Z Capsule Corp Logo Ugly Xmas Sweatshirt? Because tourism brings money. George Clooney (or whichever rich person) visits Edinburgh flying in with an Emirates flight (and he clearly books the First Class private cabin) staying at the Balmoral hotel, eating at three Michelin stars restaurants, and visiting the city with a rented limousine: he leaves a lot of money. I fly in with Ryanair, stay in a cheapo B&B with shared bathroom, eat fixed price lunches, shop at Scotmid for dinner, mostly walk and only take a local bus if necessary. But I still bring Christmas Sweater Dragon Ball.
Begpackers do not bring money, rather they draw money from the local economy. A young American or European tourist visiting India and relying on begging from people that are less privileged than they are to fund their holidays isn’t a budget Dragon Ball Z Chiaotzu Crane Kanji Cosplay Ugly Sweater, they are leeches!
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grufonzo · 1 year
the problem with commercial flights these days is there aren’t enough cute little tubes filled with hamsters, like a hamster city of tubes all over the place in economy class, but hermetically sealed, not the cheapo pet store tubes, zoo quality tubes, or higher, and to keep things moving? one very very hungry rattlesnake
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jacks-tracks · 1 year
Last blog
Well probably, as I am leaving mexico tomorrow for Canada, and I did not keep the blog going last year.
Public transit in Mexico city is good if you know where to catch what Happily there is transit to the airport and the bus ran right beside my hotel, where I,d seen buses marked Buenavista /aeropuerto. Having gotten the right bus(6pesos) i rode to the transfer point(with much useful advice) and no crowding at 10 am. My Metro pass was empty, but the driver let me on anyway, and I had to refill it at the station. Again a helpful employee showed me how and i put another 30 pesos in, the fare to the aeropuerto. Delivered right to the Terminal 1, and still time for an ice cream, before struggling with the crowds surging into Volaris airlines(cheapo flights, full) Had a few bum steers, but having done this before I was able to find the security entrance(no signs, just follow the anxious looking people), and passed after emptying out all orifices. Being the cheapo Volaris gets the end gates so it,s a walk, but at least it was not the delivery busses that Aeromexico uses to get passengers to planes waiting on the tarmac. I was anxious about my boarding pass, printed out by the cooperative lady at Hotel Isabel, but when the time came the harrased attendent did not even scan the bar code, just a wave through. Full plane, easy flight and down into the hot air blast of Puerto at 3 pm. Phew, it got hotter over my 2 week absence! No signage for collectivos, did I want a taxi? More asking and presto here is a collectivo, only 80 pesos to Casa Dan. Taxi 200+. By 4 oclock I was back in room #3 and showered, unpacked and in the pool. Water , which was chilly in January is now soup, a tepid bath, but floating free was very relaxing.
Made a trip the next AM to the old mercado for nuts, coffee, and fresh fruit, a huge bag. Prices a re climbing, and though I shop at the wholesalers I see things generally costing 20% more than in October. Cabs have doubled in a year, and collectivo trucks up 30%. Room rates at Dans are up 20% too, so my room is now $1200 canadian a
month, still a good deal, and my favorito.
Only 5 days in town, so I went to Playa Manzanillo for a swim, but the sea was covered in brown scummy foam. probably harmless die off of algae in cold water, but definitely not appealing, so I just loafed on the beach in palm a shade. By 11 the beach was filling up, time to go to Tere comedor for Huevos Mexicana with those fresh tortillas. Place is always busy, as the food is cheap and traditional, and the service is surprisingly good. All I could eat, a nice break, and back to the pool. And that,s where I,ve been, reading in my hammock, watching the sun go down from the top terrace, and eating well. Got a few things at Super Che like granola and yogurt, big juice boxes, etc. so am stocked up till departure.
Mornings walking my daily mile along the beach and back on Calla Morro. There.s a new boutique hotel there that looks good, AC rooms, cafe, shared kitchen, reasonable privacy, gringa owned with a pool in the works. No I,m not leaving Dans, but it,s good to have on site knowledge of alternatives, so 1400 Can a month , new clean, a bit away from the strip so quieter, but not yet a place I,d be comfortable walking to after dark. Of course I,m always home by dark, and Taxis are an alternative if I,d gone to the Split. Speaking of the Split, 1st I,d heard that Aldy had bought it, and 2nd Barry fell down drunk. Situation normal. Aldy from Quadra island in BC is a character, one of those people who can drink beyond believable amounts, and who has WCB pension for life that allows him to indulge in a series of follies.
Peaches and Barry have left, and i,m the only old guy/long stay left. Effusive welcome from the staff, and they have been enjoying more fruit smoothies. I arranged to leave a tip for all 10 of them , only 100 pesos each, but equitable. The maids get tips en season. The 100 is sort of a thank you for all their kindnesses.
Confirmed my flight and bus times. looks like I can take the Sur bus at 11 am and be at the airport by 1pm, 4 hours before my flight, in case of immigration difficulties. Packed sandwiches for travel (Westjet does not feed the cattle car section) and spent many hours cramming my load into the overloaded suitcase. Booze for friends, coffee, cinnamon, nuts, vanilla, the things that are here. I did get all the leavers into the bucket for the bodega storage, then decided to add a cardboard box of bits to the pile. Suitcase came in overweight but I don't believe the bathroom scale as It,s older than me. Oddly, the real hassle is clothes. I live in flip flops and shorts, now I must put on underwear, long pants, t shirt ,long sleeved shirt, vest , coat and raincoat, socks are wool, all is heavy. I'll try to take most in a bag and put it on as I progress . Vancouver is 12 degrees daytime, 4 degrees at night. Brrr!
And just to encourage my leaving we had a 5,1 earthquake at 8 pm, a bed shaker, but no damage or aftershocks. I,ve ridden out a 6.1 and a 6.5 here, so a teremoto tremblor is nothing. Maru wrote that she was at her ancient aunties 17th floor apartment when the sirens went off, but there was nothing she could do but hope. Mexico city shook , but no damage. Seems the subways are built to float, bridges are engineered for quakes, and people just carry on. New in CDMX is an aerial tramway 4 miles long linking the favellas on the steep slopes to transit. People can take the tram(9 pesos) to the subway in 10 minutes instead of 1 hour in a mini van. Looked very odd sweeping over the city. like where,s the snow? With 35 million people to move its an alternative.
A few emails home, much packing, I,m ready! Watching the sunset last night a thrush warbled in the fig tree and the sound was so like robins in the spring that i got choked up. Memories , lost love, springs we'll never share. I shall throw myself back into Lasqueti society and move on.
So blog fans, keep well. dream big. live life fully, and there will be more...... Jack
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florasongs · 2 years
Finally starting a breeding project on Flight Rising for the first time since I joined (2015) !! I got lucky enough to find a pair on the AH for cheapo that had colours within range of what I’m looking for!
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theninjasanctuary · 2 years
Field notes from the trip, as written on the return flight:
A night at 4-star Citadines aparthotel at Les Halles cost very nearly the same as the one in cheapo Adagio Access near Bastille. The apartment at Citadines was easily twice as big, bigger than most Airbnbs I’ve rented, and well equipped (bath – a smallish one, but still; a balcony overlooking Fontaine des Innocents + another window with a view of the roofs of the Forum, dishwasher, kettle, toaster, microwave/grill and induction stovetop, would have been easy to cook full meals there), and if I had the budget for it/got someone else to pay for it, I’d stay there again. That being said, the floor was deathly cold; getting the shivers just thinking about it. And it didn’t have a dining table as such, but a generous desk and another fold-out chair in the hallway wardrobe (one of the two). No washer, but I’m thinking they probably have an in-house laundrette? The big room was a bit too dark at night, just wall sconces and a small table lamp on the desk, definitely not ideal for reading an actual book in bed. The bathroom vanity looked cheap to begin with and pretty tired, too, not luxurious.
The other 2 hotels were fine too, the room in Adagio Access had had a kitchen upgrade; the B&B Hotel thing had a tiny room, sparsely, if not stingily equipped (no soap by the sink; just a wall-mounted shower gel in the shower? No hand towels, just a bath towel per person?), but it was fresh-looking, clean and functional, and I slept like a log.
I had some terrible food (starving late one night and out of options, we ate at a Buffalo Grill, even the fries were bad) and some good too; found a restaurant called Le Lieu Dit that I would be happy to visit again. Ate on the go a lot, and I’m fed up with sandwichs and pastries for a while, I think. Mostly, I’m glad that my knees held up, and I didn’t get a cold. Can’t say the same for the boyf, and I might yet get what he’s got, but oh well.
Travelling part was uneventful, managed to not get caught up in strikes and thanks to the hotel staff, got a taxi to the train station during a high-demand morning station rush on Sunday. However, Google Maps is not great for directions in Paris. It routinely underestimated travel times, suggested getting off the bus in the wrong place, and we would have missed our TGV if it wasn’t for helpful bystanders.
Visited the Paris embassy on business (have been to London, Berlin, Brussels and Paris now, and also have had dinner in a New York sushi restaurant with the consul stationed there; this was never a goal in itself, it has just happened).
Didn’t shop much, a bit of skincare repurchases (Furterer shampoo, Biotherm SOS spray, Cattier hand cream, etc.), and a Uniqlo ULD collarless jacket, because it looked right on my most basic of asses. Ofc it is soft pink, too, because that too tends to look right on me. The plan is to wear it to the office under looser and thinner wool coats, and it’ll help putting up with the office temperature that’s been lowered as a cost-saving measure. Got an impressive amount of tea, too, Chinese and Taiwanese imports from Tang Frères and Twinings teabags in varieties probably intended for the French market, as I haven’t seen them anywhere else. Tuiles d’amandes seem to be having a moment, stocked up on those and some Bonne Maman madeleines and whatnot too.
As for souvenirs, got some cute af Ghibli chopsticks. Haven’t bought sushi in a while for reasons of being broke though. Have to pay the bills and see where I’m at. Anyway, the plan for tomorrow is to stay at home, maybe a quick run for groceries, and pet the cat. He has coped ok without us, but appears to be waiting for someone (he’s very alert to door-opening sounds, but we share a hallway door with the neighbours, so there’s a lot of disappointment).
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