#check out. the fire nation— I mean fire planet — connects to the force through the fire erupting in their planet’s molten core etc etc etc
loveoaths · 2 years
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I know this is a highly loaded emotional scene, etc etc etc, but all I am thinking about is that in the High Republic Era, A:TLA level Force shenanigans were possible.
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sumu-samu · 4 years
Chapter 1
next masterlist
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x OC
Genre: Fluff, angst, and everything in between
Warnings: curse words, death, blood, killing, gore, and some good old chaos
Summary: Xephyr Kane, Marcus’ adopted daughter, grew up on the Ark, but begged the council to lock her up in solitary after a traumatic experience involving her birth parents. Now, she’s being sent to the ground, on her own terms unlike the other 99 kids, in hopes to start new. But what happens when she gets down there, and nothing goes as planned? Throw in a hot headed “leader” that wasn’t supposed to be there and thing get... difficult.
A/N: Here’s the first chapter.... I hope it's okay. This thing has been sitting in my Google Drive for months, almost a year, now and it’s causing serious glitches so I need to get rid of it, but I don’t want to delete it. So, here you go. Also, if anything gets really confusing, just let me know and I’ll go through and revise it
It’s been 97 years since the nuclear apocalypse killed everyone on earth, leaving the planet covered in radiation. Now, I say everyone, but I don’t actually mean everyone, there were a few people who were able to survive. 12 nations had operational space stations that came together to form one, the Ark. It’s been estimated that Earth needs another hundred years before life is sustainable. But, the Ark just couldn’t wait that long.
“We’re sending them down to the earth,” Kane spoke to me. I sighed knowing that no matter how many people they sent down I couldn’t help. Kane would update me on status of the Ark, mainly because he knew I couldn’t tell anyone anything anyways, and because he was my mother’s best friend, he was the closest to a family I had
“How many?” I asked. I needed to go down, I may have chosen to be put in here but I can’t just sit by and do nothing. 
“99, but there’s room for another-”
“I’ll go!” I cut him off. 
“Xeph, you don’t have to.” He looked at me with worried eyes.
“ I can’t, I go down, and I live and do as much as I can to get the rest of you down, and not end up like Him or… I go down… and I die-”
“And don’t end up like him” this time Kane cut me off. “Okay, but you do know that this will only give us a month, engineering needs 6. And you refuse to be let out.” 
“Well, you won’t float me.” 
“You’re not even 18 yet, besides there’s no stopping it. It’s either earth or a mass culling”  
“Don’t think like that, you know how it makes me feel” I gave him a disgusted look, “When do we go down?” 
“Tomorrow.” He gave me another look. “You look so much like your mother.” 
“Well, we all know that’s not how I’m turning out,” I said with all the sarcasm I could muster.  
*next day*
Kane walked into the cell holding a silver wristband. “It’ll read your vitals, tell us whether or not the earth is livable.” He put it on my arm and it stung but I held it in. “Be careful, you’re not like them, they could hurt you.” 
“I’m not worried about that.” Two guards led me out of the cell, a bunch of kids thrashed around trying to get out of the guards hold, I walked peacefully. 
They lined us up and put us on the ship one by one. Lots of people were worried, some were excited, I didn’t know what I was feeling. I mean I wasn’t really feeling anything. I couldn’t feel anything.
They got us all settled in and then It was time to launch. “Welcome back.” I heard a familiar voice say from in front of me.
“Wells what the hell are you doing here?” I heard another familiar voice, but this one more feminine.
“When I found out they were sending prisoners down to the ground I got myself arrested I came for you guys.” Wells said.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” I said bitterly before we heard a loud crash and some people screamed.
“What was that?” Clarke asked. 
“That was the atmosphere.” Wells said unamused. We all heard a high pitched screech and then static.
“Prisoners of the ark hear me now,” Jaha’s voice rang out. “You’ve been given a second chance. As your chancellor I hope you see this as not only a chance for you but a chance for all of us.” I rolled my eyes
“Indeed for mankind itself, We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others. Frankly we’re sending you because your crimes have made you expendable.”
“Your dad's dick Wells!” A boy yelled out.
“Those crimes will be forgiven, your record wiped clean.” Jaha continued. I just stood there emotionless. I didn’t care, hell I wanted to die, but Kane wouldn’t let me without a real reason. 4 years ago when my mother was killed and father floated I put up steel walls that no one had broken down. If anyone does, it ends badly. Love is weakness, love is feelings, feelings are  weakness. That’s what I’ve been told, what I’ve been telling myself for these past years, and what I will continue telling myself until I die.
“Your drop site has been chosen carefully. Before the last war, Mt Weather was a military base built inside a mountain. It was to be stocked with enough nonperishables to sustain-”
“Check it out!” People started cutting Jaha off. “Go, Finn!” “Spacewalk bandit strikes again.” 
“Check it out your dad did float me after all” “Finn,” said to Wells
“You should strap in before the parachutes deploy,” I warned him.
“Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live!” Clarke said to two other boys who started to cut their seatbelts.
“Mount Weather is life.” Jaha continued. “You must locate those supplies immediately”
“You’re the traitor who's been in solitary for a year.” Finn said to Clarke.
“You’re the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk.” She said coldly back.
“But it was fun,” Finn commented. “I’m Finn.” Just then the parachutes deployed sending the two boys and Finn tumbling around the ship.
“Finn are you okay?” I called out.
“The retrorockets should have fired by now!” I yelled out in panic.
“Everything on this ship is 100 years old, right? Just give it a second”
“Clarke there’s something I have to tell you!” Wells turned to her. “I’m sorry I got your father arrested.”
“Don’t you talk about my Father!” She cut him off.
“Please I can’t die knowing that you hate me!” 
“They didn’t arrest my father Wells, They executed him! I do hate you!” As she said that the rockets fired, better late than never right? Ish… There was a crash and then the rocket's machine humm died.
“Listen… no machine hum.” A black-haired boy said from the other side of the ship.
“That’s a first.” The boy next to him said. All of our belts clocked and everyone unstrapped themselves.
“The doors are on the lower level.” One of the kids said. 
“No, we can’t just open those doors!” Clarke said. I climbed down after some of the kids with Clarke following me. 
“Hey, just back it up, guys.” A tall, dark-haired boy, with freckles,  in a guard uniform said.
“Stop!” Clarke called out to him before he hit the button to open the door. “The air could be toxic.” we both made our way to the front.
“Clarke, if the air’s toxic we’re all dead anyway.” I said coldly.
“Bellamy?” A girl called from behind us. He turned around with something in his eyes I couldn’t quite explain. He started to smile as the girl made her way to the front. 
“My God, look how big you are.” He smiled and she gave him a hug.
“What the hell are you wearing? A guards uniform?” She asked him.
“I borrowed it. To get on the dropship. Some one’s gotta keep an eye on you.”
“Where's your wristband?” Clarke asked. 
“”Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in over a year.” The girl said. Then it hit me, he didn’t have a wrist band because he wasn't a delinquent. This was Bellamy Blake, and his sister Octavia. His sister was locked up for literally being born, his mother was floated for having a second child and he went the rest of the year with no one.
“That’s Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden under the floor.” Octavia lunged at the crowd but Bellamy held her back.
“Octavia, Octavia, no. Let’s give them something else to remember you by.”
“Yeah like what?”
“Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years.” Bellamy opened the door. Wind pushed my hair back, sunlight shined on my face. We were really here. Octavia cautiously stepped out, then she jumped on to the ground. There was a pause then she screamed “We’re back bitches!” Everyone ran out of the dropship.
We were all excited but there was no military base anywhere to be found. There was no way we were on Mt. Weather. I went back into the dropship to see just how much damage to the ship was done. 
“Shit.” I sighed. 
“What?” Wells questioned picking up one of the boys who had died when the parachutes activated.
“Comms, it’s dead. We have to communicate with the Ark.” I rubbed my head.
“Hey, I’m sure you can get it back up, you’re great at these things.” He put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off with a little more force than I meant to.
“I can try but it all looks really beat up to me.” I sat down and started looking at everything.
“Nothing a star engineer can’t do. Now, I’m going to go and bury the dead.” he said somberly.
A minute later I heard a deep voice from behind me. “What are you doing?” It asked. 
“Comms is dead, I’m trying to see if anything is salvageable.” I sighed.
“And?” The boy pushed. 
“Fried, completely dead. No way in hell I can get it back up. There's a few wires that survived but everything essential… is ruined… meaning-”
“No contact with the Ark?” He asked. I finally turned around to see none other than Bellamy Blake. 
“None, but not like you mind.” I said.
“What? What are you talking about?” He gave me a stern look.
“1, not scared of you, don't test me. And 2, I know everyone's story here, everyone but yours. Meaning you did something just to get onto the dropship. I was also told only 100 kids were sent down, counting you there is 101, meaning there's a stowaway, the ark wouldn’t have sent a guard let alone one so young, so.... Connecting the dots I assume you came down just to get off the Ark?” 
“I came down for my sister.” He said bitterly as we walked away. 
I gave up on the wires and decided to get outside. When I went out I saw Clarke with a map. “we‘ve got a problem. The communication system is dead, There's a dozen panels missing, wires are fried. I can’t fix it.” I shook my head.
“Well all that matters right now is getting to mount weather.See? Look.This is us.” She pointed to a circle on the map, “This is where we need to get to if we want to survive.” She drew a line across it to where Mount Weather was marked.
“Where’d you learn to do that?” Wells came up behind us. She gave me a saddened look, I gave one back to her. “You’re father.” He nodded sadly.
“Ah cool a map.” A scrawny kid with goggles came up behind us. I recognized him from Farm station but I couldn’t remember who he was. I kinda wanted to forget everything about Farm Station. “They got a bar in this town? I’ll buy you a beer.” Wells pushed him away.
“You mind?” He said in a threatening tone. 
“Hey,hey,hey! Hands off him, he's with us.” I turned my head to see the one person I really wish I hadn’t. John Murphy, the asshole of the century. The ex who decided he wanted nothing to do with me after what had happened with my parents. Recon he didn’t know what exactly happened just that they are now dead. The idiot who decided to set part of the Ark ablaze for the thrill. Can I get a break please! I gave him a look of pure hatred, and he gave me one back. He hated that Marcus had taken me in, that I could look at the guy who got his father floated as a father. Well I really couldn’t, I was pretty pissed at him, we don’t have the best father daughter relationship.
“Relax.” Wells put his hands up in surrender. “We’re just trying to figure out where we are.”
“We’re on the ground. That not good enough for you?” Bellamy sassed.
“We need to find Mount Weather.” Wells started to walk towards him, “You heard my fathers message, that needs to be our first priority.” 
“Screw your father.” Octavia cut him off. “What, you think you're in charge here? You and your little princesses?” 
“Don’t call me that.” I lunged for her and Bellamy almost came after me if Clarke hadn’t held me back.
“Do you think we care who’s in charge? We need to get to Mount weather, not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we’ll get and the harder this will be.” She said to all of the kids around her.
“How long do you think we’ll last without those supplies?” I asked. “The human body can go one month with out food as long as you’re properly hydrated, and only 2 weeks without water before we start dying of dehydration and starvation, and in between that you start to feel as if you wish you were dead because the starvation is too much.” I explained.
“We’re looking at a 20 mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now.”
“I got a better idea,” Bellamy said to her, “you three go, find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change.” If Clarke wasn’t still holding me back I would have ripped his face off. 
Damn it! Stop! Don’t think like that! You think like that you become him, you can’t you can’t you can't. 
I tried to calm myself down, the more violent I become the worse I get. 
“You’re not listening!” Wells shouted. “We all need to go.”  Murphy came up and shoved him.
“Look at this everybody, the Chancellor of earth.” Everyone laughed.
“Murphey!” I yelled. He ignored me.
“You think that’s funny?” Wells asked. And then in one movement murphey swept Wells off his feet sending him to the ground with a crunch. 
“Murphey!” I screamed louder, he still ignored me.
“No but that was.” Murphy stated. “Alright.” They both stood in a defensive position ready to fight. The other kids started to shout fight, I was yelling at them to stop. No one was listening, but no punches were thrown as finn came and stood in front of Wells blocking him from Murphy.
 “Kid’s got one leg, how about you wait till it's a fair fight.” He told Murphy. And with that John backed down. 
“Hey spacewalker!” Octavia walked towards him, “Rescue me next.”
Clarke and I walked away trying to figure out how to get to Mount Weather, while helping Wells with his leg.
“So Mount Weather, when do we leave?” Finn asked.
“Right now.” Clarke said. “We’ll be back tomorrow with food.” She said to Wells
“How are the three of you going to be able to carry enough for 100?” He asked, Finn turned around and grabbed the two closest people he could. 
“five of us, can we go now?” Clarke nodded her head.
“Sounds like a party, make it six.” Octavia walked up to us. It was kinda obvious she was only coming along for Finn but hey, we need as many people as we can get.
“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” Bellamy walked up to her.
“Going on a walk.” she shrugged him off her.
“Hey,” I noticed a crack in Finn's bracelet. “Were you trying to take this off?” 
“Yeah so?” He shrugged.
“So this wristband transmits your vital signs to the ark, take it off and they’ll think you're dead.”
“Should i care?” Finn rolled his eyes.
“Well I don’t know, do you want the people you love to think you’re dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months cause they won't if they think we’re dying.”
We walked off into the woods, “So, what happened with you? Why’d you get sent down here Council Girl?” Finn asked. I gave him a cold stare for multiple reasons. 1 being that name he gave me, 2 being that he referenced the fact that Kane is my technically adopted father, and 3 because it was none of his business. I just ignored him and walked faster. 
“Hey, guys would you try to keep up?” I called back, Clarke was the only one who was keeping up with me.
“Come on girls, how can you block all this out?” Finn smiled
“Well its simple, I wonder why haven't we seen any animals? Maybe it’s because there are none, maybe we’ve already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty though, come on.”  Clarke continued forward
“Guys wait up!” one of the two boys called out 
Who are you two?” I asked. 
“Oh… I-I’m Jasper this is-”
“Wait… Jordan? Jasper… Jordan?”
“Uhhh… yeah…?” He was confused as to how I knew him.
“M-Monty?” I faced the other boy who too became confused. It took him a minute but then his face lit up with realization.
“Xephyr?” Monty smiled at me.
“Xephyr!” Jasper shouted and ran to me and gave me a hug. “You left the farm station so long ago… where… where did you go?” 
“Let’s just say i’m not Xephyr Cole any more-”
“Yeah, now it’s Xephyr Kane isn’t it?” Finn said. 
“Shut up you ass.” I rolled my eyes.
“Clarke motioned for us to come over to her quietly and then pointed at some animal, it was a deer. It was amazing… until it turned towards us. The thing had one and a half heads. Freaked out we kept walking. 
“So, bellamy?” Finn asked me with a smirk.
“Oh, like you didn’t see the way he was looking at you.” He chuckled. 
“He’s… there’s something bad about him, he's a pain in the ass and I can already tell.”
“And how do you know what someone is like just by one conversation?” He asked me.
I stopped dead in my tracks, “Cause I dated John Murphy.” I continued walking, eventually taking the lead. 
“You know what I’d like to know,” Finn started. It seemed very obvious out of the six of us he was the most vocal. “Why send us down today? After 97 years? What changed?”
“Who cares, I’m just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell and now… i'm spinning in a forest.” Octavia said.
“Maybe they found something on a satellite.” Monty suggested. “You know, like an old weather satellite.”
“It wasn’t a satellite. The Ark is dying.” When Clarke said that everyone paused “With the current population level there's 3 months left of life support, maybe 4 now that we’re gone.”
“So that was the big secret they kept you locked up to keep? Locked you up in solitary, floated your old man?” Finn asked her
“Her father was the engineer who discovered the flaw. He thought people had a right to know.” I said
“Council disagreed, my mother disagreed, they were afraid that it would cause panic. We were gonna go public when wells-”
“What? Turned in your dad?” Finn jumped in when she went silent for a while.
“Anyway, the guard showed up before we could. That’s why today. That’s why it was worth the risk, even if we all die, at least they bought themselves more time.”
“But it’s still not enough. Engineering needs six months and they now have only four. The council pushed it off forever and then people started getting symptoms.” I said.
“They’re gonna kill more people aren’t they?” Monty asked. No one responded.
“Good after what they did to me I say, float them all.” Octavia walked in front of all of us. She started taking her clothes off.
“Oh damn, I love earth.” Jasper chuckled.  She walked to the edge.
“Octavia what the hell are you doing?” Clarke yelled. She just looked back with a smile then jumped. We all ran to the edge to see a river.
“Octavia, we can’t swim.” Monty called out.
“No but we can stand.” She stood up.
“There's not supposed to be a river here.” Clarke said with confusion.
“Well there is.” I laughed and followed Octavia. Everyone else started taking their clothes off.
“Octavia, Xephyr, get out of the water.” Jasper warned us. We looked behind us to see something moving. It grabbed Octavia, she screamed as she went under the water. The tail end had hit me right in the abdomen knocking me down underwater, my head had hit a rock, I tried to stand back up but for some reason I couldn't. I could feel my leg split open on a rock. After what felt like forever I felt someone pull me out. 
“Xephyr!” Clarke called out. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?” I opened my eyes and groaned.
“Octavia?” I looked over to see Jasper holding her, the only other one who was wet was Finn, meaning he was probably the one who pulled me out. 
“Xephyr. She’s fine can you hear me alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Night had fallen not too long after. I stayed awake as long as I could but I eventually gave in.
I stood there, over her dead body, my best friend, Clarke dead, gutted, and I was covered. Covered in blood, her blood, a knife in my hands. I couldn't feel anything. I didn’t care. But for a moment there I felt a small amount of joy. 
I woke up in a sweat and screaming. Everyone was looking at me. “Xephyr? Was it?” Clarke asked. I just nodded.
“What was it?” Finn asked. 
“No, nothing lets just, lets go” We went back to the river where finn found some vine we could use to swing ourselves over.
“You wanted to go first now stop stalling.” I rolled my eyes.
Fin  was just about to go when Jasper stopped him and said he wanted to go. He waited a while before he went, as he tumbled to the ground we held our breath. 
“We are appogee!” We all started cheering. “Come on clarke you’ve got this!” He shouted. Then he held up a sign that said Mount Weather. 
“We did it! Mount Weather!” I screamed. We all cheered again… until… a spear was launched into Jaspers chest “J-J-Jasper! Jasper!” I screamed.”Jasper! NO!” Octavia pulled me down. “We’re not alone.” I said with fear.
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everydisneymovie · 5 years
Post #2
Let’s get this out of the way: Every theatrically released Disney movie. A [X] near a movie means I have already seen it, but I will still be re-watching it for this project.
A [(number)] near a movie means it has been watched and reviewed so far.
Some movies were added to fit the rules, such as the High school musical movies and the March of the Penguins Movie.
Let’s do this:
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons [11] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [30]
Pinocchio [21] Fantasia [25] The Reluctant Dragon [16] Dumbo [27] Bambi [32] Saludos Amigos [19] Victory Through Air Power [20] The Three Caballeros [17] Make Mine Music [17] Song of the South [12] Fun and Fancy Free [14] Melody Time [14] So Dear to My Heart [21] The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad [22]
Cinderella [16] Treasure Island Alice in Wonderland [X] The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men Peter Pan [X] The Sword and the Rose The Living Desert Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue The Vanishing Prairie 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier Lady and the Tramp [X] The African Lion The Littlest Outlaw The Great Locomotive Chase Davy Crockett and the River Pirates Secrets of Life Westward Ho the Wagons! Johnny Tremain Perri Old Yeller [X] The Light in the Forest White Wilderness Tonka Sleeping Beauty [X] The Shaggy Dog  Darby O'Gill and the Little People Zorro the Avenger Third Man on the Mountain
Toby Tyler [X] Kidnapped Pollyanna [X] The Sign of Zorro Jungle Cat Ten Who Dared Swiss Family Robinson [X] One Hundred and One Dalmatians [X] The Absent-Minded Professor The Parent Trap [X] Nikki, Wild Dog of the North Greyfriars Bobby Babes in Toyland Moon Pilot Bon Voyage! Big Red [X] Almost Angels The Legend of Lobo In Search of the Castaways Son of Flubber Miracle of the White Stallions Savage Sam Summer Magic The Incredible Journey The Sword in the Stone [X] A Tiger Walks The Misadventures of Merlin Jones The Three Lives of Thomasina The Moon-Spinners Mary Poppins Emil and the Detectives Those Calloways The Monkey's Uncle That Darn Cat! The Ugly Dachshund Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. The Fighting Prince of Donegal Follow Me, Boys! Monkeys, Go Home! The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin The Gnome-Mobile The Jungle Book [X] Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar The Happiest Millionaire Blackbeard's Ghost The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band Never a Dull Moment The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit The Love Bug Smith! Rascal The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes
King of the Grizzlies The Boatniks The Wild Country The Aristocats [X] The Barefoot Executive Scandalous John The Million Dollar Duck Bedknobs and Broomsticks The Biscuit Eater Now You See Him, Now You Don't Napoleon and Samantha Run, Cougar, Run Snowball Express The World's Greatest Athlete Charley and the Angel One Little Indian Robin Hood [X] Superdad Herbie Rides Again The Bears and I The Castaway Cowboy The Island at the Top of the World The Strongest Man in the World Escape to Witch Mountain The Apple Dumpling Gang One of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures Ride a Wild Pony No Deposit, No Return Treasure of Matecumbe Gus The Shaggy D.A. Freaky Friday The Littlest Horse Thieves The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh A Tale of Two Critters The Rescuers [X] Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo Pete's Dragon Candleshoe Return from Witch Mountain The Cat from Outer Space Hot Lead and Cold Feet The North Avenue Irregulars The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again Unidentified Flying Oddball The Black Hole The London Connection
Midnight Madness The Watcher in the Woods Herbie Goes Bananas The Last Flight of Noah's Ark Popeye The Devil and Max Devlin Amy Dragonslayer The Fox and the Hound Condorman Night Crossing Tron Tex Trenchcoat Something Wicked This Way Comes Never Cry Wolf Return to Oz The Black Cauldron [X] The Journey of Natty Gann One Magic Christmas The Great Mouse Detective [X] Flight of the Navigator Benji the Hunted Return to Snowy River Oliver & Company [X] Honey, I Shrunk the Kids [X] Cheetah The Little Mermaid [X]
DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp The Rescuers Down Under White Fang Shipwrecked Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken The Rocketeer [X] Beauty and the Beast [X] Newsies [X] Honey, I Blew Up the Kid The Mighty Ducks Aladdin [X] The Muppet Christmas Carol [X] Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey A Far Off Place The Adventures of Huck Finn Hocus Pocus Cool Runnings [X] The Three Musketeers Iron Will Blank Check [X] D2: The Mighty Ducks White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf The Lion King [X] Angels in the Outfield Squanto: A Warrior's Tale The Santa Clause [X] The Jungle Book Heavyweights [X] Man of the House Tall Tale A Goofy Movie Pocahontas Operation Dumbo Drop A Kid in King Arthur's Court The Big Green Frank and Ollie Toy Story [X] Tom and Huck Muppet Treasure Island [X] Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco James and the Giant Peach [X] The Hunchback of Notre Dame [X] First Kid D3: The Mighty Ducks 101 Dalmatians [X] That Darn Cat Jungle 2 Jungle Hercules [X] George of the Jungle [X] Air Bud [X] RocketMan Flubber [X] Mr. Magoo Meet the Deedles Mulan [X] The Parent Trap [X] Air Bud: Golden Receiver I'll Be Home for Christmas A Bug's Life [X] Mighty Joe Young My Favorite Martian Doug's 1st Movie [X] Endurance  Tarzan [X] Inspector Gadget [X] The Straight Story Toy Story 2 [X]
Fantasia 2000 The Tigger Movie [X] Dinosaur [X] Disney's The Kid Remember the Titans 102 Dalmatians The Emperor's New Groove [X] Recess: School's Out [X] Atlantis: The Lost Empire [X] The Princess Diaries Max Keeble's Big Move Monsters, Inc. [X] Snow Dogs Return to Never Land The Rookie Lilo & Stitch [X] The Country Bears Tuck Everlasting The Santa Clause 2 [X] Treasure Planet [X] The Jungle Book 2  Piglet's Big Movie [X] Ghosts of the Abyss Holes [X] The Lizzie McGuire Movie Finding Nemo [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl [X] Freaky Friday [X] Brother Bear The Haunted Mansion [X] The Young Black Stallion Teacher's Pet [X] Miracle Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Home on the Range [X] Sacred Planet Around the World in 80 Days America's Heart and Soul The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Incredibles [X] National Treasure [X] Aliens of the Deep Pooh's Heffalump Movie [X] The Pacifier [X] Ice Princess Herbie: Fully Loaded [X] Sky High [X] Valiant [X] The Greatest Game Ever Played Chicken Little The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [X] Glory Road Roving Mars Eight Below [X] The Shaggy Dog The Wild [X] Cars [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest [X] Invincible The Nightmare Before Christmas 3D [X] The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause [X] Bridge to Terabithia Meet the Robinsons  [X] Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End [X] Ratatouille [X] Underdog [X] The Pixar Story The Game Plan Le Premier Cri Enchanted [X] National Treasure: Book of Secrets [X] Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert College Road Trip The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Dasavathaaram WALL-E [X] Beverly Hills Chihuahua Morning Light (High School Musical) [X] (High School Musical 2) [X] High School Musical 3: Senior Year Bolt [X] Bedtime Stories [X] Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience Race to Witch Mountain Hannah Montana: The Movie Earth Trail of the Panda Up [X] Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book G-Force [X] Walt & El Grupo The Book of Masters Disney's A Christmas Carol Old Dogs The Princess and the Frog [X]
Alice in Wonderland [X] Waking Sleeping Beauty Oceans Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Toy Story 3 [X] The Sorcerer's Apprentice The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos Secretariat Do Dooni Chaar Tangled [X] The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story Tron: Legacy Anaganaga O Dheerudu Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan Mars Needs Moms Zokkomon African Cats Prom Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides [X] Cars 2 Winnie the Pooh The Muppets [X] John Carter Chimpanzee Arjun: The Warrior Prince Brave [X] The Odd Life of Timothy Green Frankenweenie Wreck-It Ralph [X] Oz the Great and Powerful Wings of Life Monsters University [X] The Lone Ranger [X] Planes Frozen [X] Saving Mr. Banks [X] Muppets Most Wanted [X] Bears Million Dollar Arm Maleficent Planes: Fire & Rescue Khoobsurat Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day Big Hero 6 [X] Into the Woods [X] McFarland, USA Cinderella Monkey Kingdom Tomorrowland Inside Out [X] (ABCD) ABCD 2 The Good Dinosaur The Finest Hours Zootopia [X] The Jungle Book Tini: The Movie Alice Through the Looking Glass Finding Dory The BFG Pete's Dragon Queen of Katwe Moana [X] Growing Up Wild Dangal (March of the Penguins?) [X] L'Empereur - March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step Beauty and the Beast [X] Born in China Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Cars 3 Ghost of the Mountains Jagga Jasoos Coco [X] Expedition China A Wrinkle in Time Incredibles 2 [X] Christopher Robin The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Ralph Breaks the Internet Mary Poppins Returns Dumbo Penguins Aladdin Toy Story 4 [X] The Lion King Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Lady and the Tramp Noelle Frozen II One Day at Disney Togo
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made
There are about 431 movies on this list and I have seen about 124 of them, for a total of 28.7% of all Disney movies.
This should be a nightmare.
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 01
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Disk 1: Pattern Recognition - a summary / partial translation
The Death Note audio drama is a German audiobook production that is officially licensed, but has been written and produced without any further involvement from the Japanese copyright holders. A Japanese release is, as such, not planned. An English release was announced in 2017 and has since never received any more news nor a release date announcement.
The audio drama starts of pretty benign as a retelling of the manga with some changed facts and dialogues.... and eventually full-on diverges from the plot and leads to a completely alternative ending. It’s pretty wild for officially licensed media. Wild enough to absolutely warrant being shared with the English-speaking fandom at large.
Since the whole drama is 12 hours in total in 12 disks (covering roughly one manga volume each), I won’t be able to provide a full translation and instead will summarize the less juicy bits while doing a full translation of anything funny or interesting. 
All future episodes will be found in this tag on my blog.
Without further ado, let’s begin.
We open to the sound of someone typing.
LIGHT: Something is rotten. Post-modern. Post-truth. Post-Justice. Day in day out, the same lies in endless repetition. Killers get away with murder. Drug dealers sell poison to children. The world is drowning in its own filth. The world is infected with corruption. I am the cure. I am the--
A knocking sound.
SACHIKO (muffled): Dinner is ready, dear!
LIGHT (groans, but then goes on): I am the surgeon who cuts out the cancer, I am the--
More knocking.
SACHIKO: It’s your favourite dish!
LIGHT: One second, mom! 
SACHIKO: Are you talking to your friends online again?
LIGHT: It’s fine, mom, I’m coming!
SACHIKO: Hurry up, it’s getting cold.
We cut to a scene of the task force entering the school in which Kuroh Otoharada has taken children hostage. The scene is fairly simple. Someone (I think Matsuda?) is pretty violently insistent on shooting Otoharada if necessary. They find Otoharada dead in the bathroom. 
Ryuk, who has a voice like a friendly fat little man narrating fairytales, tells us the rules of the Death Note. We cut to Light coming home and giving Sachiko his test results. They cut out the whole ‘number one in the nation’ and simply changed it to top grades in a nation-wide test exam. Probably because Germany doesn’t have ranking lists like that at all.
A TV report about Otoharada is playing. A lady named Noriko Takai is trying to interview Matsuda about the incident. Matsuda refers her to the upcoming pref-conference, but admits that Otoharada died of a heart attack.
Typing noises again.
LIGHT: To all those who are interested... If you are reading this text, something went wrong. If you are reading this, I might even be dead. In that case, dear me, dear Light Yagami. This is your younger self. In case you’ve forgotten everything, this story may be hard to believe, yet every word is true. Yeah... You found a notebook on the school grounds. Yeah... It claimed to have the power of bringing death to anyone you name in it. And yeah... you laughed about it. You were thinking of a prank. However... you couldn’t resist, am I right? You wrote the name of this guy from the school hostage taking and he died. But it could have been a coincidence. So you tried again. And what you saw, scared you. But in the same moment, you understood the power you had. So you ran home into your room and the confirmation was already waiting for you. With his claws, and glowing devil’s eyes.
Ryuk is indeed in Light’s bedroom. The meeting dialogue is largely very similar to the manga. However, this snippet happens....
LIGHT: I didn’t expect something so---
RYUK: Something so demonic? I’m hurt. I’m quite the catch for a denizen of the netherworld. I could be a sex god, if I wasn’t so good with death.
Ryuk elaborates that the notebook now belongs to Light, that nobody can see him, that he wasn’t chosen, that the shinigami world is boring... yadda yadda, we know this from the anime already. Light says his famous “if someone dies, does that make me a murderer?” line and Ryuk just says “of course it does.” Another funny Ryuk line: “You killed someone else too? Awww, you’re my man.”
In a flashback Light walks Shinjuku. Takuo Shibuimaru shows up and Light kills him, hurray. 
Back in the present:
RYUK: Fantastic. You killed this guy for flirting with a woman?
LIGHT: She wanted to be left alone.
RYUK: Alllright, social justice warrior. But isn’t that a little... strict?
Light launches into a speech about his ambitions. Ryuk keeps pointing out that he is afraid. Light gets annoyed at being condescended, since Ryuk is the one who gave him the weapon in the first place. However, he also admits to being scared. But still, someone needs to do it. But who else could do it, if not him? Etc, etc, etc. HE WILL MAKE A BETTER WORLD.
A TV segment about the early Kira deaths. The chief prosecutor is under fire for treating prisoners badly, since people assume the prisoners died of bad food in prison. Other people deny that this is how it is, because they assume that bad food would have more than 3 victims. Someone else assumes it is the will of God. Some other guy is praising whoever does the killing in a flippant and humorous tone. The interviewer criticizes him for these views.
L: Come in, Watari, come in. 
WATARI: I thought you might already be in bed, Mr. L. It’s fairly late.
L: No sleep, no, not sleeping. Can’t sleep. 
WATARI: How much coffee did you...
L: There’s a killer on the loose, Watari!
WATARI: That is always the case, Mr. L.
L: No, this time it’s different. Different, you understand? I looked at the data, check it out. Heart attacks going through the roof.
WATARI: The deaths among criminals? Wasn’t that about the food?
L: No, it can’t be the food, when it’s taking place so hand-picked and world-wide. These people can’t all have been poisoned by the same dose. What do the deaths have in common...? The only connection really appears to be that all of them are criminals...
WATARI: You are a master in pattern recognition, L. You’re famous for it. 
L (laughs): Famous, yeah. We have to contact interpol. I looked at the data. Someone is killing criminals by the dozens. We need to talk to interpol.
WATARI: They had a conference announced for later today anyway. Well... tomorrow. In their time.
L: Time? Time zones, of course! 
WATARI: Mr. L...? 
L: Let’s look back at the data for a moment. 
Ryuk is impressed by how many people Light killed. Light admits to getting nightmares due to it, but he also is determined about his mission. He explains his idea of heart attacks leading to recognition of the pattern. Ryuk is pretty flippant about Light’s plan, saying he is the only danger to mankind.
Nature noises.
WATARI: Are we working in the park now, Mr. L?
L: I need to stay on the move. Change wifi hotspots.
WATARI: Isn’t that a little... paranoid?
L: In the face of a killer who can kill from a distance? No, it’s only appropriate. Completely appropriate. Watari... You need to create a filter. Something to distort my voice over the phone. 
WATARI: That’ll be done in no time, Mr. L.
L now explains his initial idea of how to catch the killer. He asks WHEN someone would use their power to kill and concludes that they’d do it after work before bed, in free time timeframes. L assumes someone would likely kill between 4pm and 2am, but which timezone? 78% of people die in that timeframe, in GMT-10. Thus L narrows it down to countries in that timezone for a start. And he also wants to factor in weekends, holidays, other free time events... for all those countries, to narrow it down with reference to the 32% of killings done at other times. 
The interpol meeting is in session. The French representative argues that if the assumption is that this is black magic or something, then it isn’t under their jurisdiction. After all there are no laws about magic or cursing people. The US representative and meeting leader explains that there weren’t any laws about cyber crimes (or even a concept of cyber crimes) either before there were computers. Thus she argues in favor of investigating. 
RYUK: I mean, I love it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a god of death and you are basically my dedicated intern.
LIGHT: Can’t you just---
RYUK: I will just do what I feel like. You can’t write my name into my own book. I am practically the only living being on this planet that is pretty much safe from you. And that’s exactly why I’m asking: when is it over? I look at you, putting on airs full of significance, how you’re killing the killers, the rapists, the serial killers.... You declared yourself the highest arbiter. 
LIGHT: Someone has to do it. Someone has to tidy up!
RYUK: And what happens when you’re done with murderers? Tax evaders? Jaywalkers? Two hairdressers having a brawl at a bar? Where do you draw the line after which the world is cleansed? Let me tell you something. This world has always been a cesspit. 
LIGHT: I’ll know it when it happens.
RYUK: Or when someone stops you.
LIGHT: Oh come on, who’s supposed to find me?
Back at Interpol, they’re debating the need for an international task force. Soichiro suggests bringing in L. French representative is just like “oooh, you’re calling a mystery to solve a mystery?”. Who L is gets explained.
Watari comes in and explains that L is already on the case. L’s message is played. He wants cooperation from the police.
A TV report about further killings. A different channel, a religious speaker claims the final days have come. A different channel again, a stand-up comedian talks about the Kira case and jokes that if all killers gets killed nobody would be left to run the government. Says he’d love to do it, but he smoked weed as a college student, so he’s probably on the list too....
Yet another channel recalls that the most popular theory about the killing has religious qualities and that people online are talking of “Kira, the saviour”. 
Light turns off the audio on the TV and Ryuk complains.
RYUK: They assume Kira is male... How sexist.
Light is currently busy googling ‘Kira’. Light complains that people don’t manage to spell ‘Killer’ correctly, if that is what they mean to say. Ryuk is the one who brings up how ‘you Japanese’ swap L and R and thus explains the name.
Then the Lind L. Tailor broadcast happens and Ryuk tells Light to put the audio back on.  
The Task Force is discussing the broadcast. Matsuda thought L would be more self-assured and less... reading his text off flash cards. He then realizes the name sounds familiar to him and looks it up. 
Light talks to Ryuk about writing Tailor’s name and does so. He dies.
LIGHT: Oopsiedaisy, heart attack.
L’s voice picks right back up. Light is confused and angry. L explains the scheme. The taunt proceeds as in the manga.
Matsuda is just like ‘I tried to tell you, boss. Tailor was on death row’.
There is actually noises of Light breaking things in his room as he gets mad about this. Ryuk tells him to calm down. L disconnects on TV.
RYUK: Mic drop. Rock ‘n’ Roll.
LIGHT: Shut up.
Matsuda and Soichiro have their conversation about L’s stunt and also Kira lowering crime rate while Soichiro is rushing to catch the train home.
SAYU: Oh no, not curry again....
SACHIKO: Sayu, you love curry, you---
SAYU: That was when I was 6, mom! It makes you fat.
SACHIKO: Don’t be silly, dearie.
LIGHT: Everything makes you fat, if you eat too much of it.
SACHIKO: Thanks, Light. At least one person in this family uses his brain. You get that from your dad.
As if on cue, Soichiro comes home. He is delighted about the curry. Talks about the Kira case. He also brings up the idea of Kira being a teenager. Light chokes on his curry quite lengthily at that. 
Ryuk expresses his surprise at Soichiro leading the investigation. Light comes up with his plan to change the time of death.
L calls Soichiro and Soichiro gives him the news that Kira now kills hourly. L declares people connected to the investigators to be suspects.
The US Interpol representative and Watari are meeting for coffee, though Watari does not get coffee because it messes with his heart-rate. Watari requests the FBI to supervise in Japan. Specifically the FBI because the CIA might include a mole. The FBI meanwhile is meant for inland and thus not yet related to the case and can function as external. The representative is pretty shocked and initially refuses, based on the rules for the FBI. 
Three detectives leave the case because they don’t want to risk their lives by fighting Kira. 
Watari informs L that the FBI has agreed to investigate. L has already looked into the suspect pool via social media. Related to investigators, 16-24, only in the Kanto region.... 
Ryuk informs Light of someone tailing him. It’s a lengthy dialogue but very canon-close and not super interesting.
LIGHT: If this is the police....
RYUK: You’ll put up your hands and surrender?
LIGHT: I’m going to have to kill them. All of them.
RYUK: Yeah, that’s what I thought.
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ucflibrary · 4 years
Be Inspired by Great Nature Writers
Nature writing can transport us to new place, inform us of the world around us and open our eyes to the magic and beauty right in front of us.  Here are some ebooks currently available through the UCF Libraries to get you started.
The Essential Naturalist edited by Michael H. Graham, Joan Parker and Paul K. Dayton.
“The Essential Naturalist offers … a wide-ranging, eclectic collection of writings from more than eight centuries of observations of the natural world, from Leeuwenhoek to E. O. Wilson, from von Humboldt to Rachel Carson. Featuring commentaries by practicing scientists that offer personal accounts of the importance of the long tradition of natural history writing to their current research, the volume serves simultaneously as an overview of the field’s long history and as an inspirational starting point for new explorations, for trained scientists and amateur enthusiasts alike.”
Readings in Wood by John Leland
“Award-winning nature writer John Leland offers a collection of twenty-seven short, poetic essays that marry science and the humanities as the author seeks meaning in trees. Readings in Wood is an investigation of trees and forests and also of wood as a material that people have found essential in the creation of society and culture. Leland views with wit and erudition the natural world and the curious place of human beings as saviors and destroyers of this world.
Readings in Wood is a hybrid testament of science, faith, superstition, and disbelief learned from sitting on tree trunks and peering at leaves and fungi. Leland hopes others will join him in nature’s classroom.”
Where’s the Moon?: A Memoir of the Space Coast and the Florida Dream by Ann McCutchan
“In this coming-of-age memoir, McCutchan, a writer and musician, returns to Florida to reconcile with the life she had there [growing up]. Reconnecting with old friends and long-forgotten places, she confronts the transformation of wetland real estate she knew as a child into south Florida suburbs and the booming Space Coast… She … comes to a deeper understanding of the meaning of the cultural shifts she experienced in the sixties, and achieves a new appreciation of the history and aspirations of the two people who meant the most to her.”
The Great Clod: Notes and Memoirs on Nature and History in East Asia by Gary Snyder
“Over the course of his singular career, the Pulitzer Prize–winning poet, essayist, environmental activist, and Beat icon Gary Snyder has derived wisdom and inspiration from his study of Eastern philosophies, cultures, and art. Now, with this collection of eight essays, Snyder offers “a deceptively small book enfolding a lifetime’s worth of study” (Kirkus Reviews). The Great Clod is the culmination of a project that Snyder began in 1969 with the essay ‘Summer in Hokkaido,’first published in Coevolution Quarterly. In it and the subsequent entries… Snyder weaves together elements of travel memoir and poetic insight with scholarly meditations on civilization’s relationship to the environment.”
At Home in Nature: A Life of Unknown Mountains and Deep Wilderness by Rob Wood
“The compelling story of one family’s life among the rugged landscapes of British Columbia’s Coast Mountains, converting youthful ideals, raw land and a passion for the outdoors into a practical off-grid homestead.
Settling on Maurelle Island, he and his wife built an off-the-grid homestead and focused on alternative communities and developing a small house-design practice specializing in organic and wholesome building techniques. At Home in Nature is a gentle and philosophical memoir that focuses on living a life deeply rooted in the natural world, where citizens are connected to the planet and individuals work together to help, enhance and make the world a better …place.”
Want to explore more?  Check out the titles related to nature available from Ebsco Ebooks
Learn New Outdoor Skills
Expanding your skills is a sure-fire way to appreciate nature more deeply.  Want to know why the mocking bird in your neighborhood sings so many different tunes..including imitating your car alarm?  How about knowing what to look for to find water out in nature?  Want to be able to identify the plants and animals you encounter? There are a wealth of authoritative educational opportunities available online that you can use to build skills.  Here are some of our favorites:
Cornell Ornithology Lab Open Lectures
Here you will find free lectures given by world renowned experts in the field of ornithology.  This site also links to free learning games and instructional videos as well as the Lab’s online course offerings (for a fee).
Great Courses through Kanopy
Fundamentals of Sustainable Living “Become a more thoughtful consumer, save money, and reduce your ecological footprint with this course that teaches you how integrate sustainable practices into your everyday life. By learning specific knowledge and techniques on how to work more efficiently with the energy, water, and food you consume, you can live a more balanced and sustainable lifestyle that also positively impacts the world around you.”
The Science of Gardening “When scientists examine home gardens and landscapes, one fact stands out: The leading cause of landscape failure is not disease and it’s not pests – it’s our own gardening practices. Create a beautiful and sustainable home garden guided by the newest information from applied plant physiology, biology, soils science, climatology, hydrology, chemistry, and ecology.”
Plant Science: An Introduction to Botany“If you look around right now, chances are you’ll see a plant. It could be a succulent in a pot on your desk, grasses or shrubs just outside your door, or trees in a park across the way. Proximity to plants tends to make us happy, even if we don’t notice, offering unique pleasures and satisfactions. Open your eyes to the phenomenal and exciting world of botany!”
Our Night Sky “For thousands of years, the star-filled sky has been a source of wonder, discovery, and entertainment. All you need to feel at home in its limitless expanse is Our Night Sky, a richly illustrated 12-episode course that gives you an unrivaled tour around the sky–all while teaching you about the science, technology, and pure pleasure of stargazing.”
Add to the Scientific Study of Nature
Want to conduct some research?  Right now?  Even in your own backyard?  Join a citizen science initiative!  There are hundreds of projects actively seeking data from interested observers just like you.  Check out the projects listed on these resources and find one that’s right for you!
National Geographic Citizen Science Projects
Don’t worry if you don’t have a background in science, there are projects available at all skill levels!
Virtually Explore Our World
Want to walk the Kalahari? Climb to the top of a mountain? How about swim at the bottom of the sea?  UCF Libraries has hours of streaming video to inspire your love of nature!
BBC Landmark Collection
Check out some of the best nature documentaries of the last decade with this collection from Alexander Street Press.  Titles include Planet Earth I & II, Spy in the Wild, Big Cats and so much more.
The Swamp
Explore the history of the Everglades and the unintended consequences of man’s quest to control it.
Forces of Nature
This four-part series from PBS delves into the powers and motivators which influence our natural world.  Find out answers to such questions as “Why is water blue? How can a shape defy gravity? Why do bees make hexagonal honeycombs? And how do these things affect our own lives?”
Commit to One New Sustainable Practice
It can feel overwhelming trying to figure out the best way you can limit your negative impact on our planet, but don’t worry, it is not an all or nothing proposition.  Even small changes in your actions can have lasting impact.  I challenge each of us to commit to making one change in honor of the 50th Anniversary this Earth Day. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Choose one item you use regularly that comes in single use plastic and switch to more sustainable option.  Bonus: choose a zero-waste option.
Reduce energy consumption by raising the temperature on your thermostat. You can start small with one degree and transition over time.
Commit to only drinking from reusable bottles or cups for one week.
Eat plant-based meals one day a week, or three meals throughout the week.
Switch one cleaning product you use to an environmentally friendly option.
Want more information?  Check out our Naturally UCF Guide and our Anthropocene Reading List
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argyle-s · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Read at Ao3
Start at the Beginning
Kara turns herself in to the National City Police Department. Maggie does her job. Leslie makes a statement. Miranda Crane is herself. Cat writes an article.
Thanks to @ifourmindbeso for her great work as a beta. Any remaining mistakes are entirely my own.
Chapter 34 -  The Illusion of Truth
National City News Special Report Trevor Paxton Reporting Live From National City Police Headquarters
“For those of you just joining us, I’m standing outside National City Police headquarters where, if rumors are to be believed, National City’s resident superhero Supergirl is being held in connection to a brutal Thanksgiving day attack on former CatCo radio personality Leslie Willis.”
“Motivation for the attack appears to be comments Willis made on air Monday during her show. The comments prompted a tense on-air confrontation when Supergirl showed up at CatCo headquarters in response to the broadcast. During the confrontation, Supergirl accidently outed herself as a lesbian. The incident prompted CatCo to fire Willis, many believe in an attempt to appease the so-called Girl of Steel, but it would appear that Willis losing her job wasn’t enough to satisfy Supergirl, who allegedly broke into Willis’ home around noon yesterday, and beat her so severely she required emergency surgery. Supergirl then turned up at the hospital and kidnapped Willis out of the intensive care unit and disappeared.”
“The real twist here is Supergirl apparently turned herself into authorities at around four o’clock local time this morning, arriving at Police Headquarters in what witnesses describe as a flash of light, along with a woman who matches Leslie Willis’ description.”
“Those close to Supergirl, including CatCo CEO Cat Grant and Daily Planet reporter Lois Lane have maintained that Supergirl did not attack Willis and took Willis from the hospital in order to provide her with lifesaving medical care possible only with the technology Supergirl brought with her from her homeworld. Wayne Enterprises CEO Bruce Wayne and Themiscyra Enterprises CEO Diana Prince, who recently announced a partnership with Supergirl to introduce a cancer vaccine derived from Kryptonian medicine, both issued statements earlier today in support of Supergirl.”
“Maxwell Lord issued a statement saying that this incident proves that Supergirl and Superman represent a danger to all the people of Earth. Lord, as you may recall, is currently under indictment on charges stemming from a bombing attempt that resulted in an explosive going off while Supergirl tried to carry it away from the intended target.”
“At this point, the only people who know the full story are inside Police Headquarters, and all of National City waits with bated breath to find out of Supergirl is a hero, or a villain.”
“Reporting live from National City Police Headquarters, this is Trevor Paxton for National City News.”
Kara let out a sigh as she drummed her fingers on the table. It was getting close to seven o’clock, and she was starting to worry. Maggie hadn’t arrested her when she’d arrived at Police Headquarters. She’s simply lead her to an interview room and asked her to wait while they questioned Leslie. That had been three and a half hours ago. She didn’t understand what was taking so long, unless Leslie had decided that destroying her and Cat was more important than getting back at the man who attacked her.
Even leaving aside the time crunch she was under, Kara was starting to worry about how much damage the delay was doing. She wanted to take out her phone and check the social media feeds, but the interview room was shielded. Her phone would go right through the shielding, but she didn’t want the cops to know that, so she’d ordered Konex to go radio silent unless there was an emergency. That meant she couldn’t talk to the public before she was released, but if something didn’t happen soon, the damage might not be reversible. If public opinion turned against her, the Alien Amnesty Act would be dead in the water, which meant the pardons for Astra and the Fort Rozz prisoners would vanish and J’onn would lose control of the DEO.
“Be ready to move,” Alex said, her voice coming through Kara’s earbud. Before Kara had time to react, the door opened to reveal Maggie and Leslie.
“Come on,” Maggie said.
Kara didn’t argue. She recognized the tone in Maggie’s voice. She’d heard it too many times during the war and it always meant shit was well and truly about to hit the fan. Kara was on her feet and at the door in an instant. Maggie nodded and started leading them through the station.
“Whatever happens, keep going,” Maggie whispered, her words so soft that Kara never would have heard without her super hearing. “When we get outside, there will be a group of reporters waiting. Head straight for them, but don’t say anything, and be ready to protect Leslie.”
They almost made it to the front of the station before anything happened, but not quite.
“Sawyer,” a man yelled. “What the hell are you doing?”
“My job,” Maggie answered, never breaking stride.
“The Captain said to wait,” the man yelled.
“I know,” Maggie said as she pushed the front door open. Kara and Leslie followed her through, and sure enough, there was a veritable mob of reporters waiting for them. Maggie didn’t slow down, even as several cops followed them outside, and Kara never let herself get more than a pace behind, until Maggie stopped, two steps above the nearest reporter.
“Good morning,” she said. “I’m Detective Maggie Sawyer of the National City Police Department Science Division. As you can see, I have Supergirl and Miss Leslie Willis here with me, and I’m pleased to say, the rumors regarding yesterday’s events are all completely unfounded. As you all know, Miss Willis was attacked yesterday in her home. Evidence at the scene led us to believe the attacker might have been Kryptonian, and given Monday’s events, we were forced to consider Supergirl a person of interest in our investigation.”
“Last night, following several hours of surgery, doctors informed Cat Grant, who was acting in her capacity as Miss Willis’ medical proxy, that Miss Willis would very likely not live through the night. Miss Grant was able to get in touch with Supergirl and asked if she could help Miss Willis. Supergirl arrived at the hospital, and Miss Willis was transferred into Supergirl’s care with full permission from Miss Willis’ legally designated medical proxy.”
“Supergirl took Miss Willis to her home where she has access to Kryptonian medical equipment capable of treating Miss Willis’ wounds. Once Miss Willis was awake and well enough to travel, Supergirl brought her here and Miss Willis was able to provide us with enough information that we could positively identify her assailant.”
“At the direct request of the Federal Agency currently involved in the investigation, we are not releasing the suspect’s name at this time. What I can tell you is that the suspect is a known anti-alien extremist responsible for the deaths of at least ten Federal Agents, a civilian contractor, and at least eighty-five aliens. Federal authorities believe, and the National City Police Department concurs, that the attack on Miss Willis was a carefully planned action designed to discredit Supergirl and undermine support for the Alien Amnesty Act.”
“Finally, in order to dispel any allegations that Miss Willis statement was given under duress, or as some have claimed, is the result of mind control, the Federal Agency involved has eye witness testimony and video footage which confirm that Supergirl was attending a holiday dinner ten miles away from Miss Willis apartment at the time of the attack. The names of the witnesses, as well as the video footage, will not be released to the public due to concerns that those witnesses might be targeted by the same person responsible for the attack on Miss Willis.”
“I am not taking any questions at this time, but Miss Willis has asked for the chance to make a public statement.” Maggie stepped back, and almost as if they had rehearsed it, Leslie stepped forward.
“I gotta say, I’m absolutely freaking insulted that you people honestly thought Little Miss Sunshine here took me down. Seriously people, what the hell? I mean, I still think the adorkable thing is a load of crap, and don’t get me started on the fashion disaster that is her suit. Hell, I can’t stand her, but even I know she’d never do something this colossally stupid. Much as it pains me to admit it, Blondie saved my life. So, this is me, saying thank you to her. And to the son of a bitch who tried to kill me yesterday, let me just say, choke on it, asshole.”
The reporters started shouting questions at Leslie and Maggie both, but Maggie just reached up, taking Leslie by the arm and steering her towards a black Suburban that was parked at the end of the line of news vans. Kara started to follow, but Alex’s voice coming through her ear bud changed her plans.
“Get out of there, Supergirl,” Alex said.
Kara didn’t question it. She just kicked off lightly, drifting up into the air, then shot up, breaking the cloud layer.
“What the hell’s going on?” she asked.
“Not now,” Alex said. “I’ll fill you in as soon as possible.”
“Okay,” Kara said.
“Supergirl, this is President Marsdin. Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” Kara said, wondering why the hell Marsdin was on the DEO channel.
“Do you have a plan for dealing with the situation at CatCo?” Marsdin asked.
“I think so,” Kara said. “Unless something has changed in the last few hours.”
“A lot has changed in the last few hours,” Marsdin said. “Agent Danvers will brief you as soon as possible, but right now, I need you focused on making sure Cat keeps her job. Pull out all the stops.”
Kara frowned as she dropped back down through the cloud layer and landed on the roof of the CatCo building. She really wanted to know what the hell was going on, but everyone was avoiding giving her details. They were probably worried about security, which made sense, but she didn’t like it at all.
“I’m at CatCo now,” Kara said. “I have a nuclear option, if necessary, but there’s a lot of potential for blowback.”
“What kind of blowback?” Marsdin asked.
“The kind that involves a lot of people asking how Cat Grant’s assistant has enough money to buy a Media Conglomerate with a Market Cap of eighty billion dollars.”
There was silence on the line for a few seconds, before Marsdin responded. “Do I want to know where you got that much money?”
“I may have given a tier three artificial intelligence my E-Trade password over a decade ago,” Kara said.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Marsdin said. “Is that even legal?”
“Well, it’s not *illegal*,” Kara said. “Technically, it counts as an Automated Trading System. It’s just a really advanced one.”
“How much money do you have?” Marsdin asked. “No, wait. If I don’t know, I won’t have to lie to congress about it. Go nuclear. We’ll worry about any blowback later.”
“Understood,” Kara said. “Supergirl out.”
Kara checked to make sure the blinds in her office were closed, then stepped inside and used super-speed to change into her work clothes and switch her hair back to auburn. Once she was changed, she sat down at her desk, fired up her computer then sat her phone on the desk bringing up the holographic interface. Once the computer was up and running, she slaved it to the phone and connected to Konex.
“Konex, you there?” she asked.
“Yes, Lady Kara,” Konex answered.
“I need a status on acquisition plan zero,” Kara said.
“We currently hold fifty-seven percent of CatCo shares, spread across three hundred and twenty-one different holding companies.”
“Perfect,” Kara said. “How long to consolidate stock holdings?”
“Thirty minutes,” Konex said.
“Begin,” Kara said. “Estimated money necessary for Tender Offer?”
“At current market value plus ten percent, thirty-eight billion dollars.”
Kara looked at the current net worth of the accounts that had been built up for her over the last seventeen years, checking the numbers in her head before she finally gave the order. “Initiate the Tender Offer and execute the Blindside protocol,” Kara said.
“Yes, Lady Kara,’ Konex replied.
Kara sat back and took a deep breath. She’d planned for this moment for a long time. She just expected it to be after the Earthquake, during Dirk Armstrong’s takeover attempt. Doing it now was a problem. It meant she wasn’t going to hear about Adam from Cat, so explaining how she knew about him was going to be tough. Of course, if Cat ever found out about the binder in her desk drawer, that wouldn’t matter, because she’d be too busy filing a restraining order to care.
What Kara didn’t understand was what was happening. The board’s attempt to oust Cat didn’t surprise her. It had Armstrong’s fingerprints all over it. But Marsdin’s insistence on making sure Cat stayed in place was strange. She knew that Cat and CatCo had both been huge supporters of Marsdin during her first campaign, and that Marsdin had built her case for the Alien Amnesty act on the back of CatCo Magazine’s Supergirl issue. That meant Cat getting booted from CatCo might hit Olivia’s re-election campaign hard, but this seemed more immediate.
Kara ran a quick search including Cat and Olivia’s names. The first article to pop up hit Kara like Darkseid’s Omega Beams.
The Metropolis Star Online Friday November 27th, 2015 President Marsdin is responsible for the attack on Leslie Willis. By Guest Contributor Miranda Crane.
When I was a little girl, the idea that aliens might visit Earth was the thing of science fiction. No one knew for sure if aliens existed. Little did we realize that even then, there were aliens hiding among us, studying us. Aliens that run the gamut from hideous monsters, to creatures who can invade our very minds. Some of these aliens are so powerful that people might look at them and consider them gods.
It was one such alien who made their presence among us known. A little over fourteen years ago, Superman caught a plane falling out of the skies over Metropolis. At the time, it seemed like a miracle. Then, just three days later, he told Lois Lane that he was from another planet. That humans weren’t alone in the universe. Many hailed this as another miracle, unable to understand the cost that would be extracted over the next decade and a half.
In the time Superman has been flying through the skies of Metropolis, that city has seen an unending stream of monsters and aliens rain down death and destruction. And this is not limited to Metropolis. Look at the damage to Coast City, Baltimore, Detroit, Portland and Los Angeles when aliens go up against the Green Lanterns who operate out of those cities. Other cities have been plagued as well. Dakota City, Seattle, New York, Atlanta, Gotham, Gateway City, Hub City. The list goes on and on.
Nowhere is safe from this rain of monsters, falling from the stars. Monsters who arrive unwanted and uninvited, who cling to the dark edges of society, and bring crime, death and destruction everywhere they go. We have more than a decade of experience that where aliens go, they carry trouble with them, yet some claim that these invaders are nothing more than refugees. Poor souls washed up on our shores, wanting only a safe place to live.
President Olivia Marsdin has long been a vocal peddler of this lie. She ignores the fights which leave cities devastated and our brothers and sisters dead in the streets. Instead she talks of amnesty for aliens. She talks of forgiving them for invading, of offering them citizenship, and allowing them free and unfettered access to our cities, our places of work, or schools.
And then, just a few weeks ago, like history repeating itself, a plane fell out of the sky, and an alien caught it. This time, instead of looking like a young man, this alien looked like a young woman, but she wore that same symbol on her chest. The one they both claim is a symbol of home and unity, but has come to represent death and destruction.
Cat Grant, often referred to as the Queen of All Media, chose to throw away reason to embrace this alien. She named her, called her “Supergirl”, and peddled a sob story about a child, cast into space to protect her infant cousin, only to get lost along the way. Cat Grant held up “Supergirl” as someone who only wanted to help, and to pay back the supposed sacrifices of others.
Cat Grant sold that story so well that President Marsdin was drawn in. Not that it would have been a hard sell, given Grant and Marsdin were roommates in college, and given Marsdin’s known love of “Supergirl’s” cousin. So taken in was Marsdin that she twisted arms and burned political capital she could ill afford to force through her Alien Amnesty act in order to grant pardons to people who were known criminals on “Supergirl’s” own planet. Many of them not just criminals but known terrorists.
And when one soul had the courage to call “Supergirl” out, to name her for the fake she is, what happened? Cat Grant fired Leslie Willis to appease “Supergirl”, but that wasn’t enough. Oh, no. “Supergirl” attacked Willis in her own home, and when it turned out Willis survived the attack, “Supergirl” walked into the very hospital when Willis was receiving treatment, and kidnapped the woman, carrying her off to who knows what fate.
Some might lay the blame for this horrible act on “Supergirl”, and indeed, she does bear the lion’s share of the blame. But I say the blame doesn’t end there. If Marsdin weren’t welcoming these monsters with open arms, this might not have happened. If Marsdin had locked “Supergirl” away as the criminal invader that she is, Leslie Willis might never have been attacked.
And what if Willis is alive? What then? It’s possible she will turn up alive and well and pointing the finger squarely in some direction other than “Supergirl”. But if that does happen, can we ever trust her word? “Supergirl”, by her own admission has access to technology that can load information directly into someone’s mind. How can we ever be sure that any story Willis tells, if she is even alive, will be the truth, and not what “Supergirl” twisted her mind into believing?
Enough is enough. President Marsdin is a traitor who colludes with invaders and Cat Grant is her willing accomplice. We may see some small measure of justice this morning. The CatCo board of directors is holding an emergency meeting, and word is, they are going to remove Cat Grant, that they are going to silence the voice of one of these traitors. It’s a good start, but not enough. I say it’s time and past time to impeach Marsdin, to strip her of the office she has desecrated and try her for her treasonous actions.
Kara sat there for a moment, feeling herself shaking with anger. The time stamp on the article meant it had been published just a few minutes after she and Leslie had arrived at NCPD headquarters. It may have had Miranda Crane’s name on it, but it positively reeked of Lilian Luthor, and the most infuriating thing was the way it cast doubt on Leslie’s statement. There would never be a way for her to completely refute the idea that she’d tampered with Leslie’s mind. People would always wonder.
She glanced at the clock. Two hours and fifteen minutes. She sat an alarm to give her time to get to the board room.
“Konex,” she said.
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
“Do we have sufficient funds to execute Acquisition plans one through five?” Kara asked.
“Affirmative,” Konex said. “However, if executed, we will not have sufficient capital for acquisition plans six, seven and nine for at least eighteen months. Also be advised, under current anti-trust regulations, plan five and plan eight are mutually exclusive options and odds of FTC approval for plan ten without extra-legal incentive is below two percent if plans one through three have already been carried out.”
“Understood. Execute one through five. Prioritize progress on seven and nine. Liquidate all stocks associated with eight and ten in a manner which maximize return, then reinvest profits to accelerate progress on six, seven and nine.”
“Yes, Lady Kara.”
Kara picked up her phone and dialed Lucy’s number.
“Hey, Kara,” Lucy said when she picked up.
“Hey, Lucy,” Kara said. “You busy at the moment?”
“Very,” she said. “Why?”
“I need some legal paperwork done about an hour from now, and as I recall, you are licensed to practice in California.”
“I am,” Lucy said, “but right now, I’m knee-deep in writing provisional pardons for the President to sign. I have to have them done, and an executive order drafted in less than four hours.”
“Damn,” Kara muttered. “Okay. Good luck. I have to go.”
“Good luck yourself, Kara. See you soon.”
Kara ended the call and sent Kaldur’ahm a text message.
Kara: Are you still with Cat?
Kaldur’ahm: Yes. We’re in a secure location.
Kara: I need Cat here, now.
Kaldur’ahm: We’re at least forty minutes away.
Kara: Your phone has a transmat beacon. Tell Konex to send you to my office.
Kaldur’ahm: One moment.
It took about two minutes before the room lit up with the flash of a transmat, but once the flash died away, Cat and Kaldur’ahm stood in front of her desk. Kara stood up and walked around the desk, slipping her arms around Cat and hugging her as tightly as she dared. She was a little surprised when Cat hugged her back.
“Thank you,” Cat said.
“You’re welcome,” Kara said. She let go and stepped back. "Jackson, can you do a coffee run?”
“Of course,” he said. “Breakfast as well?”
“Please,” Kara said. She waited as he left, then turned back to Cat. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but are we going to go back to pretending today?”
“No,” Cat said firmly. “I don’t think I could if I wanted to.”
“You could,” Kara said, “but I’m really glad you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry,” Cat said.
“For what?” Kara asked.
“For not being able to protect you,” Cat said. “I tried, but the board smells blood, and they will burn everything you’ve built to the ground to get rid of me. Doesn’t matter how much it will hurt them in the long run.”
“Cat,” Kara said, “I’ve known this fight was coming since the day I started here. I’m prepared for it. The same way I prepared for the Tribune layoffs. The question is, do you trust me?”
“Yes,” Cat answered, without a moment’s hesitation.
“Do you have a lawyer you can trust? One who’s good with corporate law, but doesn’t work for CatCo?”
Cat nodded. “Of course.”
“Good. Call them, tell them to get here as fast as possible. Then, I need your help with something.”
“With what?” Cat asked.
“Miranda Crane,” Kara said, and watched as Cat’s eyes lit up.
“Oh, that I can do,” Cat said, voice dripping with malicious glee.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Saw the article. This is about the “Kissing a Martian” thing, isn’t it?
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl It’s about you attacking an innocent woman in her home. You’re a vicious animal, and you don’t belong here.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane I didn’t attack anyone, unless you count a chocolate pecan pie. #thepiehaditcoming
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl Tell that to Leslie Willis.
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Yo, she-bitch. Turn on the news once in a while. Krypton Barbie saved my life.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@livewire Awww… That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. See @CatGrant , I told you people can change.
Cat Grant @CatGrant 27 Nov 2015
@livewire @SupergirlZorEl yes, I can see the difference.
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
How can we believe anything @livewire says? We don’t know what @SupergirlZorEl did to her.
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane I stopped a hemorrhage in a blood vessel deep inside @livewire ‘s brain. (I’d make a joke about kissing her booboo better, but people would write fanfic)
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl You know you want some of this. @CatGrant she was totally hitting on me. #calledit
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@CatGrant I’m starting to think @MirandaCrane has a point. I may have left @livewire ‘s brain in the oven too long.
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl quit trying to turn this into a joke. You and your kind are a violent, perverted infestation on our world.
Cat Grant @CatGrant 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane Yes, because giving away the cure to cancer was such a violent thing to do
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@CatGrant well, I did murder a few pharmaceutical companies’ bottom lines with that #askmeificare
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl Do you think people won’t realize you’ve messed with Leslie Willis’ mind? Assuming that really is Leslie Willis, and not some alien taking her place.
Krypton Barbie @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@MirandaCrane What makes you think I’ve messed with @livewire’s mind?
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl @MirandaCrane Yeah, She-bitch, I wanna hear this too
Miranda Crane @MirandaCrane 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl On Monday, she called you a fake in front of the entire world, and today, she’s acting like your friend.
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl @MirandaCrane Oh, hell no. Sunshine is still way too perky for me. But if clearing her name pisses off the motherfucker who attacked me, I’m good with that.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
Why do I feel like my twitter feed jumps to an R rating every time @livewire shows up?
Leslie Willis @livewire 27 Nov 2015
@SupergirlZorEl because I swear more in one day than you have in your entire life.
Supergirl @SupergirlZorEl 27 Nov 2015
@livewire You only think that because you don’t speak Kryptonian. #ourcursesarebetter
From Facebook Supergirl Zor-El Friday, November 27th, 2015
This has been an odd week for me. In the last five days, I accidently outed myself to the world, I’ve been accused of orchestrating a conspiracy against Maxwell Lord, I’ve been accused of violating Leslie Willis’ right to freedom of speech, then I saved her life, only to be accused of attempting to murder her, kidnapping her and then brainwashing her. And that’s just the stuff I can talk about in public.
I admit, I prefer the weeks where I get to rescue puppies, go to parties, and dance with pretty girls. Sometimes, doing the right thing is hard, and thankless. Sometimes, when you do the right thing, you make enemies of small, selfish people. Sometimes, you don’t even have to be doing the right thing. Sometimes, existing is enough.
Don’t misunderstand. I love being Supergirl. I love this city. I look out at it sometimes and am overwhelmed with wonder. Every light that shines through every window tells a story. A family playing board games. Two girlfriends having a candle lit dinner. A girl doing her homework. A boy drawing in his sketchbook. A mother nursing her newborn. A father reading a bedtime story. And every time I help one of you, a bit of your light becomes a part of me, and it helps fill that hole that Krypton left inside.
I love it, but on days like today, the weight of it sits heavy on my shoulders.
Growing up, I always knew, even before Kal-El was born, that as a daughter of the cadet branch of the House of El, I would not inherit the responsibility to lead it. I had simple dreams. I dreamed of family, of a life in the Science Guild, learning the wonders of the universe. My Aunt’s stories of her life in the military were exciting, but I never wanted to be a soldier or a warrior. I wanted to live, to hold my children in my arms, and perhaps, if I were lucky, to help discover some new truth about the universe.
The day Krypton died, I became the Head of the House of El. I was of age, and my cousin wasn’t. I felt the weight of ten thousand years of tradition, and an unimaginable burden of responsibility settle on my shoulders. The greatest, and most immediate of those responsibilities, I failed to meet when my ship was knocked off course causing me to arrive here twenty-four years late. I woke from my journey only to find that Kal-El was grown. But the discharge of that duty changed little. It is still my duty to make this world a better place. It is still my duty to protect my House and my Family. It is still my duty to protect the memory and heritage of Krypton.
I do not carry those responsibilities grudgingly, but proudly. I have worked hard, even before my public appearance a few weeks ago, to achieve those ends. They give me a purpose and a goal. They give me hope that Rao had a reason for including me among those who were spared when my world ended.
But there are those who hate me, for no other crime than existing. Those who fear me, fear my family, fear my fellow refugees, for no other reason than we are different. It is bigotry, and it is exhausting. It comes closer to draining me of hope than any task laid in front of me.
When Leslie spoke on Monday, when I heard her hurtful words, I reacted in anger. Not because I had any particular care for her opinion of me, but her words turned me into a weapon for bigots to use to beat down those like me. Having lost so much to hate and bigotry in my life, I could not let anyone do that.
And now, someone else is trying it.
I know who attacked Leslie Willis. I cannot give his name, because I have been asked by law enforcement not to, but I can tell you I have met him before, and he has taken from me before. The first time was ten years ago. He came for me, but someone else sacrificed themselves and went in my place. He’s a vile man, full of hate and bigotry, disgusted by anything different. He is small, weak, and full of fear. He is a coward and a murderer, and even ten years ago, he was a pathetic excuse for a man.
Even more pathetic is his motive for attacking Leslie Willis.
In the weeks since I caught that plane falling out of the sky, I have traded on my new-found fame and on the reflected glory of my cousin to work towards helping people like me. Refugees, washed ashore on this world. People who live among you but are held apart and treated as less. I have played to the press, sold my memories, used my private moments to buy sympathy and compassion for my fellow aliens. I have offered cures for disease in exchange for tolerance, and other technology in a bid to secure our rights and freedom.
Some would call this cynical and manipulative and they might be right, but what choice do I have? What choice did you give me? I arrived here, and I had to be hidden away behind forged documents and a false identity. When I was discovered, the only thing that kept me from a dissection table was a good man trading his life for mine. Another good man, an alien like myself, has spent a decade risking his life every day to make sure the protection that was bought at so dear a cost held until I could defend myself.
When I could no longer hide, no longer work from the shadows, I chose to stand so tall, to speak so loudly, that everyone would have to listen and take note.
But the man who attacked Leslie Willis is a coward. He was a coward ten years ago when he tried to drag a scared, frightened little girl from the home she’d only just found. Because he is still a coward, he chose to attack me with fear, lies and deception. He tried to kill Leslie Willis and lay the blame on me, in an attempt to poison everything I have worked for.
He is a coward, and he is being cheered on by other cowards. Cowards like Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord. Cowards who would throw thousands of innocent lives on the fire for no other crime save an accident of birth.
I hope and I believe they are the minority. A small number, whose voices are made loud by the strength of their fear, hate and greed, and by the depths of their pockets. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are better than that. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are filled with the love and compassion I have been shown so many times since I arrived here. I chose to believe that the people of Earth are worth all the help I have offered and hope to offer them in the future.
Now, it’s time for you to decide.
Do you believe I attacked Leslie Willis? If I attacked her, what sense would it make for me to save her life? If I attacked her, why has she identified someone else to the police as her attacker?
Which is more likely? The scenario that Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord, both known for their public hatred of aliens, have spun in the media? Or that the attack on Leslie Willis was an attempt to discredit me and turn public opinion against me and my fellow aliens?
I have faith that all of you will find that you already know the truth.
CatCo.com Friday November 27th, 2015 The Mistakes I’ve Made By Cat Grant
What you are about to read may be the last thing I ever write for the company which bears my name. If that sounds like a dramatic way to start an article, well, I’ve never claimed modesty to be among my virtues, but it is no less than the truth. In less than two hours from the time I begin this article, I will walk into the boardroom, and I may very well be removed as CEO. I can’t say the decision would be entirely unjustified.
Given that, I want to take this chance to do something I rarely do. I would like to apologize, publicly, and without reservation, for a chain of mistakes I’ve made that lead up to this point.
The story begins with a plane falling out of the sky on a dark, stormy night. Unlike other such disasters, this one did not end in tragedy. Instead, a figure rose up out of the darkness and caught the plane, carrying it to safety. That night was fourteen years ago, and that figure would come to be known as Superman.
That same night, fourteen years ago, a reporter was grabbed off the streets and stabbed in the stomach by a police officer. She survived and walked fourteen city blocks through one of the worst storms in National City’s history, to collapse in the Emergency Room of National City Memorial. After thirteen hours in surgery, and four weeks in intensive care fighting off sepsis, that reporter would write an exposé that would bring down a congressman, a Deputy Mayor, and hundreds of policemen and mobsters across four cities. It would also fuel the growth of her small media company into the powerhouse that CatCo Worldwide Media would become.
I was that reporter, and that was one of the worst years of my life. I saw a story that had nearly killed me passed over for Lois Lane’s puff piece on the public arrival of Superman. I found my husband cheating on me when I went home early to give him the news that I was pregnant. And one of my best friends was killed covering the war in Afghanistan. I was hurt, bitter and disillusioned. All of my dreams of turning CatCo into a household name were coming true, and they tasted like ash in my mouth.
That’s when I met Leslie Willis. I bought out a small radio station in Nevada. I had never listened to it and didn’t care to. I only wanted a broadcast license for the CatCo radio network that included Las Vegas. The only reason I bothered to meet with Leslie at all is because the station manager begged me to give her a chance instead of firing all the local talent outright. So, I sat down and listened to tapes of her show, and despite myself, I was impressed. Then I met her face to face, and I realized how much talent and untapped potential there was. I saw a younger version of myself, just starting out, with the world in front of her.
That’s when I made my first mistake with Leslie. I saw so much potential there, and the small part of me that still believed in making the world a better place wanted to nurture it, to be her mentor. She’d have done better if I hadn’t. Leslie needed a mentor, someone to put her on the path to greatness, but I was the wrong choice. I was too wrapped up in myself and my own pain to do what was right for her. I taught her all the wrong things, and as long as she brought in the ratings, I rewarded her and protected her from the consequences of her own actions.
Somewhere along the line, I realized I’d made a mistake. I realized I’d nurtured all the wrong things in Leslie. I’d let her become mean and cruel, and all the things I hated when I looked in the mirror and saw them in myself. I saw it, but I had no idea how to fix it, and I made my second mistake. I ignored it, and I ignored her, because she reminded me of my failure.
Then, history decided to repeat itself. One dark night, a plane fell out of the sky, and a lone figure rose up to catch it, and in the aftermath, I found a brilliant young girl, full of promise, standing before me. But this girl was different. This girl wanted my help, but she demanded better. She demanded I live up to my potential. She held me to a higher standard. One I should have held myself to.
And I failed her. I failed her because I let my mistakes with Leslie splash onto her. I let my mistakes put everything she is working to accomplish at risk.
This is an apology to them both. I am apologizing to Leslie for all the times I failed to help her become the amazing person she should have been, and I am apologizing to Supergirl because my mistakes gave her enemies a chance to drag her name through the dirt.
But I want to set the record straight. Contrary to what Miranda Crane and Maxwell Lord have claimed, Supergirl did not attack Leslie Willis. She only found out about Leslie’s injuries when I called her, and she only took Leslie from the hospital on my request as Leslie’s medical proxy. Supergirl has done nothing but help, and Crane and Lord’s attempts to use this vicious attack to try to destroy her says far more about their character than hers.
Maxwell Lord’s reasons for attacking Supergirl are obvious. Aside from being scared of aliens, Supergirl’s actions brought to light Lord’s long history of criminal behavior. His attempts to discredit Supergirl are the actions of a desperate man trying to save himself from a life sentence he richly deserves. Both the National City Tribune and the Daily Planet have posted numerous articles this past week detailing Lord’s corruption and disregard for human life.
As for Miranda Crane, her motivations are every bit as self-serving. Her anti-alien stance is well known, and dripping with the rhetoric of bigotry and fear. But that’s just the surface. Crane has long been an opponent of President Marsdin, and sought to undermine her at every step, and it’s commonly believed Crane is intending to run for President next year. If that’s the case though, there is one dirty little skeleton in her closet that destroying Supergirl’s reputation would help deal with nicely. Her long association with Lex Luthor which included gifts and contributions to both her campaign, and a super pac which supported her. Senator Crane has similar relationships with both Maxwell Lord and Simon Tycho, which could prove every bit as embarrassing if the current allegations against them result in convictions. Allegations supported by mountains of evidence, which could very well be thrown out if Supergirl’s reputation was destroyed.
As this article clearly illustrates, I am not above making mistakes, but my faith in Supergirl isn’t one of them. I look at her, and the words she’s chosen to love by, “Hope, help and compassion for all,” and I want to believe she means them, and so far, Supergirl has given me no reason to doubt means those words. Then I look at the words Miranda Crane uses. She says she believes Supergirl, a woman who has done nothing but help, is a “vicious animal” and a “violent, perverted monster,” and so far, Senator Crane has given me no reason to doubt that she believes those words.
Supergirl has shown time and again how far she will go to help make the world a better place. She exposed herself, shared her past, her pain, her grief, her culture and technology, and all she has asked in return is for her and those like her to have the right to exist.
Ask yourself how far Miranda Crane is willing to go in support of what she believes, and then decide which of them is telling the truth.
“Cat, are you sure you want to publish this?” Kara asked.
“Is there something wrong with it?” Cat asked, her usual bravado in place, though Kara could tell it was paper thin, just by the slight quiver in her voice that anyone without super-hearing would never have noticed.
“No. It’s wonderful. It’s just… It’s very personal, and I know how private you are.”
“And what you wrote wasn’t personal?” Cat asked. “I know you blame yourself for what happened, but if anyone here is to blame, it’s me. I made Leslie what she was. I created the conflict in the first place. And if you are going to lay yourself bare to fix it, how can I do any less?”
Kara stared at Cat, completely floored. She’d known how much potential for goodness there was from experience. She had loved Cat, almost from the moment they met, but so much of that were the tiny peeks of goodness and compassion she’d seen lurking under the prickly exterior. She’d worked so hard the first time around to bring that out of Cat, but this time around, it was almost effortless, and she wasn’t sure what the difference was. But the woman across from her was *her* Cat. The one she’d been friends with, right up until the end.
“Okay,” Kara said. “Okay. Post it, and let’s go save your company.”
Cat smiled at her and reached for the mouse.
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holstdiaz0-blog · 6 years
Entering into The Shoes Of Millennial Male COMPONENT 4.
Just before next week, finish the individual study for Full week 2 in your Empire Male workbook. Inning accordance with the Planet Wellness Institution, the estimated lot of people worldwide along with asthma, which is actually connected to allergy symptoms, is around 235 million. Many males have to deal with low self-esteem just because of a lack of things to carry out. On lifestyleblog-hu.com/ , those with peace of mind usually utilize their time with activities and various other types of enjoyable activities. These volunteers will certainly additionally go into information on any health issue they encounter, off a sniffle to a broken hip. Our company had listened to the stats (1 out of 10 homes in Swaziland are actually led through youngsters under the grow older of 11) now we had the odds to see that for real. It had you years to get to this aspect however you can come back while driving to health in a matter from weeks. These are actually views that may set you back tens from 1000s and occasionally thousands of thousands of dollars. A research of the world's fantastic guys makes that crystal clear that they, one and also all, offered readily and also nicely from their best, not for private increase, but for the popular good. However recently the scenery has been world class concerns on the order of economic meltdowns, tsunamis, atomic radioactive particles, and also blood-spattered reformations. Your overall health will improve greatly, and nitric oxide degrees will enhance in the process. Male menopause involves a drop in testosterone development in males that are actually age FIFTY or even more mature. This indicates that numerous men are actually regularly taking drugs or using various other therapy choices to soothe the indicators of BPH. While some girls possess a very easy menopause with handful of side effects, others possess harder indicators. As well as volunteers could end up finding options to their own illness en route. Once again, you must focus on men's emollients that contain hyaluronic acid as well as vitamin A, which help improve skin layer health. I have actually checked out the remarks listed below along with enthusiasm as well as they all make good points (really good factors) however I assume I obtained from your short article maybe just what was aimed at our team guys. Coming from just what I am obtaining from your writing, you describe a calorie control that is actually not necessarily healthy or even optimal for the human body. Clinique for Males Fluid Skin Laundry - There are actually 2 choices right here, Routine Durability as well as Addition Toughness. The Jungle fever Range is actually a recipient of gives from the Bill & Melinda Gates Base, which also funds HuffPost's Task No series. On FOX, the significant updates is actually that the FBI is actually not only investigating the Weiner laptop pc e-mails, but separately the FBI possesses a major inspection concerning the Clinton Base. To put it short, I have completely transformed my life around in 2 years or two, as well as all of it started from a basic question, complied with through a choice, program, and a lot of ACTIVITY. Inning accordance with PHYSICIAN Godec, a healthy way of living is actually the best underwriter that your testosterone will certainly remain at a well-balanced amount as you age." See to it to exercise, consume a well-balanced diet regimen, and preserve a healthy weight. Look into The Ultimate Anti-Aging Resource for Males" for even more men's anti getting older recommendations. I experience 2 ins high and also am actually thus lonesome that I have actually pondered suicide but give thanks to Yoda that my kids maintain me in the video game. Judging from her functionality on the initiative trail, she is managing her health and wellness properly to get the task carried out. Although the precise reason is actually not known, adjustments in male sex hormones as you age might be actually a factor. Two guys take transforms amputating the foreskin with knives that they've suffused with enchanting premiums. In step one of this hypothetical future, the government of the United States gets every insurer in the nation at determined existing market values. In the seventies, our team believed the planet will lose oil but as an alternative the United States is heading towards electricity self-reliance thanks to new modern technology. Yet I could picture a handful of hundred smaller countries liking to spend insurance coverage for armed forces and also adept security. She performs accept that this could be hard, she hardly ever comes to spend much more than 2 full weeks at a time at home in Dallas. In passing away on the cross Jesus took away the sin of the planet; in climbing once again Jesus cracked the energy from fatality. The United States from Insurance coverage would certainly make it possible for that type of earnings measurement and motivation. Kraemer W, Loebel C, Volek J, et cetera. The impact of massive resistance workout on the body clock from salivary testosterone level in men. A traditional coming-of-age account concerning two kids, prepared around the amount of time of the Second World War. This's additionally vital to find mental health services to cope and manage along with such a massive change to your life. Concerning his classic take on contemporary manner as well as everyday life, discovered this by means of LookBook. Belts as well as sandals is actually a necessary coupling for aged German males on vacation as well as nobody else. To put that candidly, choline triggers the fire that assists you maintain a healthy erection. If you wish to engage in more dialogues satisfy pertain to what I perform state, not to straw guys you established. It all boils down to adjusting your caloric consumption, setting up macronutrient goals that finest satisfy your circumstance, and after that opting for the best pro-testosterone food stuffs over the kind that can show to be unsafe for endrocrine system health. Most people are actually in between the ages from TWENTY and also 40 when their medical professional identifies all of them along with MS. Women establish MS 2 to 3 opportunities more frequently than males, a distinction that has actually expanded continuously for 5 years. Nowadays, weaving for men is making a comeback; this is actually each practical and relaxing.
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voodoochili · 4 years
My Favorite Songs of 2020
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With nowhere to go and nothing to do in 2020, I had plenty of time to listen to as much music as I could stand. Luckily for me and for everyone else, 2020 supplied an embarrassment of musical riches; the endless creativity of our artists providing necessary emotional support during the Worst Year Ever™.
I’ve compiled my favorite 100 songs of 2020. Again, I limited my selections to only one song per artist, but as you’ll see, I couldn’t quite stick to it this year. Narrowing the list down to 100 was a painful process, with many excellent songs left on the cutting room floor. 
Check below for Spotify playlists
Top 100 Songs of 2020: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ySKk19paBFgO698vw7HTs?si=-al-SyEsTqWzqKfmEraNFw Best Songs of 2020 (Refined):  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ET0aA5TPj5JDsUtosaCVv?si=MyDxjcXKQpy3SNs7dV0wIQ Best Songs of 2020 (Catch-All):  https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0XxtEo0PrNSyZDWBCjJtuR?si=pBZWRoNGSGWBCaqxJrHoyw
Without further ado, my favorite songs of 2020.:
25. Yg Teck - “What You Know”: Yg Teck has one of the more prominent Baltimore accents in rap music, elongating “ooh” sounds and shortening “er” sounds with reckless abandon. “What You Know” is buried towards the end of his excellent mixtape Eyes Won’t Close 2, but it stands out as one of Teck’s strongest songs. The buoyant piano-led beat offers Teck an opportunity to reflect on his struggle with heart-breaking directness: “So what if they hate me, sometimes I hate myself.”
24. Brian Brown - “Runnin” ft. Reaux Marquez:  Filtering the conventions of southern rap through his easy-going drawl and omnivorous musical appetite, Brian Brown is the brightest light in Nashville’s burgeoning hip-hop scene. Built around producer Black Metaphor’s circuitous jazz piano, “Runnin” is a soulful and poetic meditation on breaking out of the staid existence that can creep up on you if you stay still for long enough. Brown serves up the song’s irresistible hook and provides a grounding presence on his second verse, evoking the styles of two Tennessee rap titans: Chattanooga’s Isaiah Rashad and Cashville’s own Starlito.
23. 42 Dugg - “One Of One” ft. Babyface Ray: Detroit producer Helluva’s beats provide the tissue that connects the Motor City with the West Coast, creating anthems that mix D-Town propulsion with soundscapes perfect for a top-down drive down PCH. The Helluva-produced “One Of One” is an electric duet between two of the D’s most distinct voices: low-talking, whistle-happy guest verse god 42 Dugg and nonchalantly fly Babyface Ray. They trade bars throughout the track, weaving between squelches of bass to talk about the ways women have done them wrong.
22. PG Ra & jetsonmade - “Keeping Time”: The phrase “young OG” was invented for guys like PG Ra, who is somehow only 20-years-old. On “Keeping Time,” the South Carolina rapper spits sage-like wisdom about street life over Jetsonmade’s signature trampoline 808s, decrying nihilism and emphasizing the importance of holding strong convictions in a deliberate, raspy drawl: “Oh, you don't give a fuck 'bout nothing, then you damn wrong/Cause every soldier stand for something if he stand strong.”
21. Empty Country - “Marian”: After spending a decade as the main songwriter for Cymbals Eat Guitars, Joseph D'Agostino is an expert at crafting widescreen indie anthems. CEG is no more, but D’Agostino is still doing his thing, opening the self-titled album of his new entity Empty Country with “Marian,” a chiming and heartfelt power ballad with sunny vocal harmonies and a fist-pumping riff. It’s hard to make out the lyrics on the first few spins, but a closer listen reveals some striking imagery (“In a sea of Virginia pines/A burnt bus”), as the narrator imagines the life that lies ahead for his newborn daughter.
20. Raveena - “Headaches”: Raveena’s music is a soothing balm, capable of transforming any negative emotion into peaceful reverie. “Headaches” starts as a sensual, woozy, reverbed-out slow jam–typical Raveena territory, perfect for emphasizing the enlightened sensuality that she exudes in her vocals. The song mutates in its second half into an invigorating bit of dream pop, picking up a ringing guitar riff and a prominent backbeat as Raveena struggles to stay close to the one she loves (“There's no sunset, without you”).
19. Los & Nutty - “I’m Jus Fuckin Around” ft. WB Cash: In which three Detroit emcees receive an instrumental funky enough for ‘90s DJ Quik and proceed to not only not ride the beat but to fight so hard against it you’d think they’re training to get in the ring with Mayweather. I love Michigan rap.
18. Sufjan Stevens - “My Rajneesh”: I’ve never seen Wild Wild Country, or read about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his cult, so I don’t know too much about the subject matter of “My Rajneesh.” I do know, however, that it’s a story that involves crises of faith and the state of Oregon, which means it fits perfectly into Sufjan’s milieu. “My Rajneesh” does an excellent job of relaying the ecstasy of a devout believer, layering celebratory chants, South Asian traditional percussion, and glitchy electronics into a 10-minute epic. As the song progresses, the sonic tapestry grows distorted, mimicking the emptiness that lies beneath Rajneesh’s surface and the darkness and confusion faced by his followers when the illusion fades.
17. Koffee - “Lockdown”: Leave it to rising dancehall superstar Koffee to find ebullient joy in a situation as bleak as quarantine. Weaving around piercing guitar licks and euphoric vocal samples, Koffee schemes to turn her lockdown romance (”quarantine ting”) into a long-term deal, fantasizing about travel with her love even as she’s content to just spend time in her apartment. Everything is dandy as long as they're in the same room.
16. Rio Da Yung OG & Louie Ray - “Movie”: Flint’s answer to Detroit’s “Bloxk Party,” one of the best rap songs of the past decade. Rio and Louie trade verses throughout the song, competing with one another to see who can be the most disrespectful.
Rio’s best line: “Ma don't drink that pop in there, I got purple in it/I know it look like Alka-Seltzer, it's a perky in it”
Louie’s best line: “Let me cut my arms off before I ball, make it fair”
15. Ratboys - “My Hands Grow”: “My Hands Grow” shines like an early-morning sunbeam, hitting that circa-2001 Saddle Creek* sweet spot with aplomb. But “My Hands Grow” is more than just a throwback–it’s an oasis, populated by sweeping acoustic guitars, electric leads with just the right amount of distortion, and especially Julia Steiner’s affectionate vocal, which blooms into gorgeous self-harmonies during the bridge.
*Obligated to add that this song came out before Azure Ray signed to Saddle Creek, but the point stands.
14. J Hus - “Triumph”: J Hus and Jae5 have the kind of telepathic artistic connection and song-elevating chemistry only present in the best rapper-producer pairs. A great example of how their alchemy blurs the lines between genres, “Triumph” is the J Hus/Jae5 version of a boom-bap rap track. Hus rides Jae5’s woodblock-and-horn-accented beat with unassailable confidence, gradually elevating his intensity level as he sprays his unflappable threats. Like most of Hus’s best songs, “Triumph” is home to an irresistible hook, which I can’t help but recite whenever I hear the words “violence,” “silence,” or “alliance” (more often than you think!).
13. Sada Baby - “Aktivated”: Every post-disco classic from the early ‘80s could use a little bit of Sada Baby’s wild-eyed intensity and dextrous flow. On “Aktivated,” Sada runs roughshod atop Kool & The Gang’s ‘81 classic “Get Down On It,” turning it into an irresistible and danceable anthem about going dumb off a Percocet. Sada is a master of controlled chaos, modulating his voice from a simmer to a full-throated yell within the space of a single bar. It really makes lines like “Coochie made me cry like Herb in the turtleneck” pop.
12. Yves Tumor - “Kerosene!”: Prince is one of the most-imitated artists on the planet, but while most artists can only grasp at his heels, Yves Tumor’s “Kerosene!” reaches a level of burning passion and sexual literacy that would make The Purple One proud. A duet with Diana Gordon, “Kerosene!” is a desperate plea for connection, each duet partner thinking that a passionate dalliance might cure the emptiness inside. The song vamps for five minutes, filled with guitar pyrotechnics and moaning vocals, its extended runtime and gradual comedown consigning the partners to a futile search for a self-sustaining love that won’t burn itself out when the passion fades.
11. Special Interest - “Street Pulse Beat”: “Street Pulse Beat” sounds like “Seven Nation Army,” as performed by post-punk legends Killing Joke. It’s a strutting, wild, propulsive anthem–part come-on, part self-actualization, all-powerful. Dominated by an insistent industrial beat and the fiery vocals of frontperson Alli Logout, whose performance more than lives up to the song’s grandiose lyrics (““I go by many names such as Mistress, Goddess, Allah, Jah, and Jesus Christ”), “Street Pulse Beat” was the song released this year that made me miss live music the most. 
10. Megan Thee Stallion - “Savage” (Remix) ft. Beyonce: The first-ever collaboration between these two H-Town royals was the most quotable song of the year, firing off hot lines and memorable moments with an effortless majesty. Megan does her thing, bringing classy, bougie, and ratchet punchlines about the men who grovel at her feet, but it’s who Beyoncé elevates the track to transcendence. She prances around the outskirts of Megan’s verses, applying the full force of her lower register to her ad-libs (“THEM JEANS”), and during her verses, the Queen proves once again that you can count the number of rappers better than her on your fingers.
9. DJ Tunez - “Cool Me Down” ft. Wizkid: WizKid is almost alarmingly prolific, releasing enough amazing songs per year that he would be a worthy subject of his own “best-of” list. My favorite WizKid song of 2020 didn’t come from his excellent album Made In Lagos–instead it was this team-up with Brooklyn-based DJ Tunez. A favored collaborator of WizKid (Tunez is partially responsible for career highlights like 2019’s “Cover Me” and 2020’s “PAMI”), Tunez’s organic and textured approach to Afrobeats is an excellent fit for his voice, mixing swelling organs, 808 blocks, and the occasional stab of saxophone into a percolating concoction. The “Starboy” rises to the occasion, hypnotically repeating phrases in English and Yoruba, making octave-sized leaps in his vocal register, and stretching syllables like taffy as he sings the praises of his lady love.
8. Sorry - “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star”: Part swaggering indie anthem and part skronking no wave, “Rock ‘n’ Roll Star” struts with the woozy confidence of someone who’s had just the right amount to drink. It’s the ideal throwback to late L.E.S. (or Shoreditch) nights, sung with irresistible gang vocals on the chorus and a detached sneer on the verse that jibes with the sinister undertones of the deliberately off-key backing track.
7. Destroyer - “Cue Synthesizer”: As Dan Bejar ages, he becomes less like a singer and more like a shaman, his incantatory near-spoken word verses grounding his band’s instrumental heroics. On “Cue Synthesizer,” Bejar plays the role of conjurer, summoning synthesizers and electric guitars in celebration of music’s ability to breathe life into modern mundanity.
6. Chloe x Halle - “Do It”: Pillow-soft R&B that walks the fine line between retro and futuristic, powered by the Bailey Sisters’ playfully twisty melodies and sumptuous production from a somewhat unexpected source. That’s right, piano man Scott Storch took a break from smoking blunts with Berner to deliver his smoothest beat since he teamed with Chloe x Halle mentor Beyoncé for “Me Myself & I” in 2003.
5. Fireboy DML - “ELI”: Nigeria singer Fireboy DML is an unabashed fan of ‘90s adult contemporary, worshipping idols (‘90s Elton John, Celine Dion) that even some devout poptimists wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. A modern-day retelling of the Biblical fable of Samson and Delilah, “ELI” seems to take inspiration from Ace of Base’s “All That She Wants,” its rocksteady beat, wobbling bassline, snake-charming flute, and “lonely girl, lonely world” lyrics recalling the 1994 Swedish pop smash. It’s a testament to Fireboy’s charisma and melodic mastery that “ELI” is as invigorating as “All That She Wants” is annoying. He switches from playful flirtation on the verse, to hopeless devotion on the chorus, to lascivious swagger on the bridge, gently ratcheting up the intensity in his vocals until the song’s climactic guitar solo* grants glorious release. *The build-up on “ELI” is so great that it makes it easy to ignore that the guitar solo itself is a mess. It sounds like the producers couldn’t get Carlos Santana, so they settled for Andre 3000 instead. 
4. The Beths - “Dying To Believe”: If you’ve ever audibly cringed while thinking about something you’ve said or done in the past, The Beths have the song for you. Carried by its driving backbeat, “Dying To Believe” chronicles singer Liz Stokes’s rumination on a crumbling friendship, her fear of confrontation preventing her from removing her toxic friend from her life. Though the lyric is pained and uncertain, there’s no such lack of confidence in the music. An adrenaline rush of muscular, sugary power pop, “Dying To Believe” is an immaculate construction, each fuzzy guitar riff arriving with mathematical precision and each “whoa-oh” chorus hitting like a ton of bricks. Jump Rope Gazers might not have been as consistent as the Auckland, NZ band’s self-titled debut, but “Dying To Believe” is as good as anything on that album and helps solidify The Beths’ deserved reputation as some of the best songwriters and tightest performers on either side of the International Date Line. 
3. The 1975 - “What Should I Say”/“If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)”: I know, I know. I was supposed to only pick one song per artist, but sue me, this is my list and I just could not decide between these two. The 1975 have always balanced their affinity for ‘80s-style pop anthems with an interest in experimental electronic music. In 2020, they released the two very best songs of their career, each seemingly fitting into one of those two boxes. On its face, “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” is the band’s transparent attempt at recording their own “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”–it’s in D Major, it has a chugging backbeat, an echoing two-chord riff in the verse, and an ascending E Minor progression in the pre-chorus. Where the Tears For Fears classic takes a birds-eye look at the yuppie generation, Matty Healy uses his song’s swelling bombast and gleefully cheesy sax solo to explore the awkward intimacy of cyber sex. The burbling Eno-style synth that opens up “If You’re Too Shy” evokes a dial-up connection, simulating the thrill of discovery felt by those whose only connection to the outside world comes through their screens.
“What Should I Say,” meanwhile, combines Boards Of Canada-esque bloops with bassline that strongly resembles Mr. Fingers’ oft-sampled “Mystery Of Love”, over which Healy sings in a heavily-manipulated voice that sounds like the lovechild of Travis Scott and Sam Smith. Fittingly for a song about loss for words, the best moments of  “What Should I Say” spring from vocal manipulations, imparting more emotional resonance than mere words could ever hope to provide. The final minute of “What Should I Say” is almost tear-jerkingly beautiful, as a single computerized voice cuts through cacophony, determined to let the world know how it feels, language be damned.
2. King Von - “Took Her To The O”: His career was far too short, but King Von had plenty of chances to demonstrate his god-given storytelling ability before he passed away in November. Accompanied by regular collaborator Chopsquad DJ’s chaotic, circular pianos, Von recounts an eventful night in his home neighborhood of O’Block. Von’s gripping narrative is packed with writerly detail (“Nine missed calls, three of them from ‘Mom,’ other six say ‘Duck’”), peeking into his justifiably paranoid state-of-mind (“My Glock on my lap, I'm just thinkin' smart”) and ending with a smirk on a bit of gallows humor that recalls prime Ghostface. Long Live Von.
1.  Bob Dylan - “I’ve Made Up My Mind To Give Myself to You”: It’s impossible to escape that 2020 was a year of mass devastation, on a scale not seen in American life since the second World War. In the midst of the cascading chaos of this year, I married my best friend. So it’s fitting that the song that resonated most with me this year was “Throat Baby (Go Baby)” by BRS Kash.
*Ahem* Excuse me. It was a love song, and not just any love song: the finest love song of Bob Dylan’s six-decade, Nobel Prize-winning career. 
Bob Dylan spent much of the 2010s trying his hand at the Great American Songbook, applying his craggy croon to standards made famous by Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. It felt like a weird turn for such an iconoclastic figure, one known for his massive (and valuable) library of originals. “I’ve Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You” proves that Bob’s covers and Christmas albums weren’t larks or cash grabs, but an old dog’s attempt to learn new tricks by digging into the past.
“IMUMMTGMTY” shares a lot of DNA with “The Way You Look Tonight” and “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” bringing florid metaphors and touching pledges of devotion, but it also inherently understands that love is a decision–a weighty decision that imparts great responsibility–as much as it’s a feeling. What really makes “IMUMM” sing is the tastefully folksy arrangement, which ties into the old weird America explored by Dylan’s compadres in The Band, filled with bright Telecaster leads and easily-hummed choruses. And the lyrics are excellent even by Bob’s elevated standards. It turns me into a puddle every time I listen. I’ll let Bob take it from here:
Well, my heart's like a river, a river that sings Just takes me a while to realize things I've seen the sunrise, I've seen the dawn I'll lay down beside you when everyone's gone
Here’s the rest of the list. Check back later this week for my albums list!
26. Katie Gately - “Waltz” 27. Bonny Light Horseman - “Bonny Light Horseman” 28. Bullion - “Hula” 29. Omah Lay - “Lo Lo” 30. Greg Dulli - “Sempre” 31. Fiona Apple - “Shameika” 32. Anjimilie - “Your Tree” 33. Key Glock - “Look At They Face” 34. Lido Pimienta - “Te Queria” 35. Morray - “Quicksand” 36. Obongjayar - “10K” 37. Xenia Rubinos - “Who Shot Ya?” 38. Kiana Lede - “Protection” 39. Flo Milli - “Weak” 40. G.T. - “What You Gon Do” 41. Chris Crack - “Hoes At Trader Joe’s” 42. Lil Baby - “The Bigger Picture” 43. The Orielles - “Memoirs of Miso” 44. Shoreline Mafia - “Change Ya Life” 45. Masego - “Mystery Lady” ft. Don Toliver 46. Junglepussy - “Out My Window” ft. Ian Isiah 47. Siete Gang Yabbie - “Gift Of Gab” 48. Rosalía - “Juro Que” 49. Black Noi$e - “Mutha Magick” ft. BbyMutha 50. BFB Da Packman - “Free Joe Exotic” ft. Sada Baby 51. Andras - “Poppy” 52. Lianne La Havas - “Weird Fishes” 53. Crack Cloud - “Tunnel Vision” 54. Lil Uzi Vert - “No Auto” ft. Lil Durk 55. Fred again… - “Kyle (I Found You)” 56. Burna Boy - “Wonderful” 57. Lonnie Holliday - “Crystal Doorknob” 58. Mozzy - “Bulletproofly” 59. Tiwa Savage - “Koroba” 60. Frances Quinlan - “Your Reply” 61. Ariana Grande - “my hair” 62. Bad Bunny - “Safaera” ft. Jowell & Randy & Ñengo Flow 63. Yhung T.O. & DaBoii - “Forever Ballin” 64. Katie Pruitt - “Out Of The Blue” 65. Sleepy Hallow - “Molly” ft. Sheff G 66. Niniola - “Addicted” 67. Prado - “STEPHEN” 68. Drakeo The Ruler - “GTA VI” 69. Boldy James - “Monte Cristo” 70. Caribou - “Like I Loved You” 71. Andy Shauf - “Living Room” 72. Hailu Mergia - “Yene Mircha” 73. Kabza de Small & DJ Maphorisa - “eMcimbini” ft Aymos, Samthing Soweto, Mas Musiq 74. Gunna - “Dollaz On My Head” ft. Young Thug 75. Roddy Ricch - “The Box” 76. The Lemon Twigs - “Hell On Wheels” 77. Sun-El Musician - “Emoyeni” ft. Simmy & Khuzani 78. Madeline Kenney - “Sucker” 79. Natanael Cano - “Que Benedicion” 80. ShooterGang Kony - “Jungle” 81. Don Toliver - “After Party” 82. Chicano Batman - “Color my life” 83. Pa Salieu - “Betty” 84. Chubby & The Gang - “Trouble (You Were Always On My Mind)” 85. Dua Lipa - “Love Again” 86. Rucci - “Understand” ft. Blxst 87. Skilla Baby - “Carmelo Bryant” ft. Sada Baby 88. Bartees Strange - “Boomer” 89. Jessie Ware - “Read My Lips” 90. The Hernandez Bros. & LUSTBASS - “At The End Of Time” 91. Brokeasf - “How” ft. 42 Dugg 92. Mulatto - “No Hook” 93. Eddie Chacon - “Outside” 94. Veeze - “Law N Order” 95. Polo G - “33” 96. Bktherula - “Summer” 97. Jessy Lanza - “Anyone Around” 98. Perfume Genius - “On The Floor” 99. ComptonAssTg - “I’m Thuggin’” 100. Mario Judah - “Die Very Rough”
Honorable Mentions: Jamila Woods - “SULA (Paperback)” Demae - “Stuck In A Daze” ft. Ego Ella May Good Sad Happy Bad - “Bubble” Guerilla Toss - “Human Girl” Kaash Paige - “Grammy Week” ft. Don Toliver Kre8 & CJ Santana - “Slide!” Laura Veirs - “Another Space & Time” Angelica Garcia - “Jicama” Malome Vector - “Dumelang” ft. Blaq Diamond OMB Bloodbath - “Dropout” ft. Maxo Kream SahBabii - “Soulja Slim” Shabason, Krgovich & Harris - “Friday Afternoon” Skillibeng - “Mr. Universe” Waxahatchee - “Fire” Westerman - “Float Over”
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yaldev · 4 years
Pole to the Head
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The world spins, tilts, and hits the left side of my body. It hurts, but my other temple hurts more. The fireball floating in the middle of the room putters out to nothing, leaving the training chamber devoid of heat and light once again. All that’s left is smoke and the oppressive fear of his presence above.
“Up!” shouts the Sergeant.
You can tell a wound is bruising by the cool rush of icy blood under the skin.
I turn my face upward and scowl at him. Well, I more scowl at his weapon. Sergeant Wortes’s chosen instrument is a thin metal pipe, a spare part for the chamber itself, looted from the equipment room. Its hollow interior doesn’t make its strikes any softer, only louder.
“Yes sir!” I answer, forcing enthusiasm through clenched teeth. I lug myself back to my feet.
“Again! Knees bent more!”
“Yes sir!”
Apparently the idiot can’t figure out that you don’t help someone learn to focus by hitting them over the head. I bring my stance low to the ground, elbows against the sides, hands forward, palms up, fingers half-curled. Blood flows through the joints, carrying not the icy fear of pain, but the heat of a still-living heart.
The heat translates. I imagine the floating fire back into reality. Part of why you connect your spells to different movements is to create those kinds of mental habits. Sometimes you have to be told what to think. Whenever I do this, think of that. In the magical arts, what you think and how you think it counts for a lot. I expand the blazing ball until it’s a couple of feet across. Any other magic takes actual effort when I’m panicking, but my fire’s my specialty. It comes naturally.
Sergeant Wortes walks slowly around me, pipe still in hand, pried eyes looking for any weakness. He’ll find one.
“Pretend it’s urgent.” He suggests. “Pretend you’re needed.”
The sphere flares up for a moment as I weigh the arguments for and against setting him ablaze.
“Pretend it’s a cold night. Ambush. The enemies are creatures of the night. Ungodly things, powers from the dark and all that. The soldiers need to see, so you need to hold the sphere steady, no matter what they-!”
The inflection in his voice clues me to brace. Pipe to the back of the knee. A half-step forward to recover my balance, a flicker in the flame, but we both persist.
“Good!” He congratulates me condescendingly, reversing the direction of his pacing. “But they won’t just go for your knees, boy. Your whole body is a target. Face, shoulders, stomach-”
He strikes my kneecap.
“Rnnnnggg!” I groan in pain, falling to a kneel, covering the impact point with my hands. The fireball puffs out. Tears rise in the corners of my eyes.
“I know!”
“Then UP!-”
A thrusting strike to the back of the head sends my face hurtling toward the ground. Only breaking the fall with my forearms saves my nose.
The metal floor is cold against my palms. I can feel the dirt clinging to my skin. I protest.
“I can’t get up if you keep-”
“That doesn’t save a mission! UP!”
He’s not wrong, technically. With one leg shaking I climb back to my feet, unassailed this time.
The Sergeant orders: “Keep it steady now. You’re lighting fuel, they have nothing else that’ll do it.”
Stance low to the ground, elbows against the sides, hands forward, palms up, fingers half-curled. Thank Pelbee for that heat in the knuckles, that fire in the aching veins. When the rest of the brain is scrambled, that feeling is the anchor that holds down my magical focus by association. Sergeant doesn’t see what it actually takes. He can’t see the practiced intensity of thought and concentration, the tiniest rip in the Aether it creates, the invisible outpouring mana whose potential I narrow to only one purpose: keep the fire going. 
“Focus, kid.” He advises me, pressing the tip of the pipe against my nose. He pushes my face back. The fire weakens, but stays alight through the distraction. I hate him. I will not fall. Not again, and not because of him.
“In a fight,” he brings the pipe away and starts pacing around me again, “you can’t afford to lose focus. Even if they hit you. ‘specially if they hit you.”
He’s in front of me now.
“They won’t have guns, but they’re also not going to go easy on you like I am!” I shut my eyes just before it hits. 
A resounding blow to the forehead. My consciousness ripples. I clench my jaw so tightly it feels like I’m going to push my own teeth out.
But still, I keep balance. The fire continues, for the fire is everything. There’s nothing else to distract me, because that’s all there is.
The fire.
His compliments mean nothing.
“You’re shaking, you’re crying, but it’s still going. That’s good. You’re learning.”
My fingers curl fully into fists. Sergeant Wortes puts the pipe under my chin and tilts my face up. I still don’t open my eyes. The sight of him would make me angry. I just bring the fire closer. It’s easier to sustain when it’s closer.
“Maybe Bruzek’s right. Maybe there is something in you.” He pulls the metal pole away. My chin slumps down. “After a few more sessions of this you might actually be usable!” He starts walking around me again, swinging the pipe in small circles, ready to strike at any moment.
It’s a mistake to confuse hate for anger. Being angry at someone is just an emotion, a distraction for the mind.
“You can’t keep your eyes closed in battle.”
But to hate someone is just an opinion, and opinions can be rational.
“No matter how scared you are,” he steps behind me, “kid.”
Hate doesn’t have to replace thought. It can be the driver. My mind is still clear. The flame burns pure as ever.
“Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for-!”
I hear his sleeve move. Fear supplants all at once. My whole body tightens. The strike never comes. He chuckles.
There is no passion in what I do next. I’m overtaken by a surge of untainted reason. He is below me. His existence degrades mine. This is an error to mend. I must mend it.
The fire shapes into a giant gauntlet over my fist as I whirl around and punch him in the face with the explosive force of a still-beating heart!
The blast of flame sends him flying halfway across the chamber, his limp body rolling across the floor before settling face-down. Panic sets in. While I’m whimpering and patting out the fire on my uniform it doesn’t occur to me once that I could have just extinguished it magically. I breathe hard, cough twice from the smoke, and turn my attention to Sergeant Wortes. He’s not getting up. Shit, what do I do? What do I do?!
Oh, he’s on fire. Fixing that’s a good start. I run to his motionless body, hold out a hand, vividly picture a gust of wind running forth across my arm. The resulting jet of air puts out the last of the flames, leaving the training chamber devoid of heat and light once again. All that’s left is smoke, and the oppressive fear of his absence below me.
Yaldev is a fantasy/sci-fi worldbuilding project based on Beeple art. Through a combination of narratives, in-universe documents and stylized loredumps, it reveals the story of a planet in magical pandemonium, the nation which rose to conquer it, this empire’s inevitable collapse and the new world which emerged in its wake. The project has major themes about perspective, imperialism, nationalism, nature and the metaphysical battle of law against chaos. For all stories in chronological order, check out the pinned post on the subreddit at r/Yaldev, or this album on the Facebook page!
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sciencespies · 4 years
CNN's Bill Weir Offers Solutions for How to Talk Climate Change in a Contentious World
CNN's Bill Weir Offers Solutions for How to Talk Climate Change in a Contentious World
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Smithsonian Voices Conservation Commons
Bill Weir’s Road to Optimism
April 23rd, 2020, 10:04PM / BY
Cat Kutz
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Catch Bill’s 90-minute special on Saturday April 25, 2020 on CNN.
Bill Weir is a CNN anchor, Chief Climate Correspondent and was the host and executive producer of the acclaimed CNN Original Series “The Wonder List with Bill Weir.” He is a featured speaker and moderator for the Smithsonian’s Earth Optimism Summit, participating in discussions on solutions for coastal climate change and food waste. After the first day of the Summit, Earth Optimism communications lead Cat Kutz interviews Weir to learn more about what gives him hope in the face of climate change and what to expect from his upcoming CNN special.
We are so thankful to have you as a key part of the Earth Optimism Digital Summit. Can you tell us what Earth Optimism means to you?
Human beings are the most powerful force in the known universe because we are made of stories. We are the one creature that can imagine a different reality and work together to make it happen. While most of our big stories through time have involved “conquering nature” to fit our needs, we are just know understanding the true cost.
But the great thing about stories is that they are always under revision and the great thing about nature is that it can bounce back with incredible resilience if given a chance. I’m an Earth Optimist because I truly believe my children’s generation is going to write a better story for man’s place on this planet.
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(Courtesy CNN)
There are so many contentious conversations about current media and journalism. How do you stay optimistic while delivering critical, although often gloomy, information in this particular climate?
It’s really hard sometimes. I just had a new baby and as much as I want to protect him from fear, I’m obligated to think through the worst case scenarios in order to prepare him for an uncertain lifetime. For better or worse, life as we know it will change and we have to process through the five stages of grief in order to adapt and thrive. But the best therapy starts by talking about it! No matter where they live or how they vote, everyone has a favorite piece of the natural world; a fishing hole or ski run or garden. Even if someone has very different ideas about a climate in crisis, I try to find that connection and acknowledge that this will be the biggest problem we ever have to solve in order to save those places we hold dear and by extension, ourselves.
Can you describe a conservation or climate success story you’ve uncovered in your work?
Doug and Kris Tompkins made a fortune in the clothing industry (he was founder of Esprit and North Face) and amassed one of the most valuable art collections in the world. But they decided that a planet out of balance needs us to protect what’s left of unspoiled wilderness, so they sold it all to buy millions of acres of land in Patagonia. They bought volcanos, glaciers and fjords…and then then gave it all away, creating a National Park system unlike any other in the world. This couple had to overcame fierce resistance from suspicious locals and politicians, but they pulled it off. After Doug passed in tragic kayaking accident, Kris is keeping up the good fight and they remain one of my favorite love stories of all time.
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Bill Weir’s new special, The Road To Change: America’s Climate Crisis, premieres Saturday, April 25 at 10pmET on CNN. (Courtesy CNN)
Tell us about your upcoming show! Who is the perfect audience to watch?
“The Road to Change” was filmed over a year and a half as I covered natural disasters from Hurricane Maria to the devastating fires in Paradise, California. With science as my map, I set out from the Florida Keys to Alaskan glaciers, from a drowning Louisiana to the heartland to imagine how my nation would change in a warmer world but I learned the seismic changes are already well underway.
I met farmers, firefighters and fishermen, activists and climate change deniers, politicians, protesters and paleoclimatoligists and I came home both completely rattled and empowered with new understanding of what can be done to avoid worst-case pain.
At the risk of bragging, I’m proud that it is beautifully shot and thoughtfully written and like my show “The Wonder List,” I hope it’s the kind of family and classroom viewing you’ll want to watch and discuss more than once.
And check the Earth Optimism website soon for recordings of his live sessions from the Earth Optimism Digital Summit.
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hella-ubiquitous · 7 years
Clexa Fic Rec
(Because we don’t have enough of them already)
Okay clexakru, I know we already have a whole master list and everything but I decided to make one because I noticed that some other fic recs are full of ones that I’ve already read. There are A LOT of recommendations so be prepared. I’ve rated them from one * to five ***** and added the author’s summary below the title. The rating of the fic is in brackets, the status of the story is in parenthesis, and the amount of chapters is also in brackets. I’ve added trigger warnings if they are needed. Some are very recent and some are not, the word count is not always correct and neither is the status due to the fact that there are so many. You can check them out under the cut : )
The Taste of War and Heartache by thefooliam [Mature] (Ongoing- 36,723 Words) {4 Chapters} ****
After saving the world for the last time, Clarke Griffin finds herself bitter and angry and grieving for more than just the woman she lost.That’s until she finds a map that might possibly lead her to the answers she’s been looking for.It’s a suicide mission. A fool’s errand. She’s almost certainly going to lose her life in the process.Except Clarke has nothing left to lose and, even if she did, she doesn’t care anyway. (TW: Alcohol addiction) 
what the ground grows by coldmackeral [Mature] (Complete- 25,656 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
There is nothing a little bedrest and irony can’t cure. Lexa is sure the only thing that heals Clarke’s mind and keeps her heart thumping against her ribs is an ill-advised amount of the first and a frustrating amount of the second. But Clarke has never been anything less than ill-advised and frustrating. If anybody will survive a hole in their brain, Lexa is sure it will be Clarke. (At Heda’s expense, of course.)
Beneath the Betrayal by talentedgemx [Mature] (Ongoing- 212,332 Words) {20 Chapters} *****
Beneath the Betrayal is set right after the end of series two this explores the relationship between Clarke and Lexa and whether anything could possibly be salvaged in the aftermath of the mountain. Lots of angst, darkness and soul searching for both characters as well as the drama and danger that awaits them in leading their people against new threats. Budding romance & interactions with other characters. Very NSFW in later chapters. This doesn’t follow s3 at all guys except for how Polis looks and it has the Nightbloods, and Titus doesn’t exist. This is going to be long and I hope to deliver a story worthy of how Clexa should have been.
Before Words, Beyond Silence by natkate [Mature] (Complete- 173,287 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Before Words, Beyond Silence series] ****
Clarke Griffin is rudely taken from her cell in the middle of the night only to be forced into a room with the man she hates the most - the man who floated her father - Thelonius Jaha.He then informs her that she will be sent to Earth almost immediately to determine whether or not the ground is survivable again in the hopes of saving their people from certain doom. Alone.On top of it all, the fate of 98 other adolescent prisoners rests on her succeeding in this mission. In other words: she’s screwed. Before she knows it, she’s hurtling towards the planet at top speed with no control over the contraption that’s presumably carrying her to her death.After she somehow manages to survive the crash landing, she finds herself alone in unknown lands struggling to fight through the pain of her extensive injuries.Only, she’s not alone. Far from it, in fact.Who are these strange inhabitants whose language is so different from her own? Why does she get the feeling she’s just walked into a much bigger problem than the one she left behind on the Ark? More importantly: how is she going to survive? (TW: Torture) 
The Girl Who Kissed Saturn by Puntrest [Explicit] (Complete- 61,601 Words) {13/13 Chapters} ****
AU where a long lost space station originally located near the edge of the solar system floats back into Earth’s orbit after 97 years of total isolation. The Ark attempts to absorb this self-sustaining station, along with its invaluable resources and its strange people. The two societies quickly find themselves on the brink of war as both refuse to give up their political authority. On Clarke Griffin’s eighteenth birthday, she is released from juvenile lockup and is finally able to meet the descendants of the forgotten Trikru Research Outpost.
Knife Edge by crazywisdom [Mature] (Complete- 114,669 Words) {15/15 Chapters}****
Post 3x07. Lexa’s stuck between the world of the living and the world of the dead, where Anya wallows. As Clarke and Aden struggle to contain Arkadia’s internal battles and the external threat of Ontari’s Ice Nation, Lexa fights her past and the what-ifs to unravel the truth of the Flame and reclaim the Commander’s throne.
In the Shallows by blindwire [Teen] (Ongoing- 87,992 Words) {8 Chapters} ****
Raised for war and forged in fire, Clarke has vowed to be a leader for her people, to protect them and to make sacrifices so that they do not have to. This is what it means to be Commander and the spirit has chosen her for a reason.
(my) Destruction Within Your Mouth by KL_Morgan [Mature] (Ongoing- 114,162 Words) {18 Chapters} *****
Clarke loses: her head, her voice, her heart. (TW: Torture) 
this heart, fossilized and silent (once was tender and once was violent) by Chrmdpoet [Mature] (Complete- 171,154 Words) {35/35 Chapters} ******
Clarke is only three days into being a runaway when she realizes that she did not fully think this through. When she walked away from Camp Jaha, she took only herself, a handgun with limited ammunition, and the gnawing guilt inside her. Three days without food, water, fresh clothing, or bedding of any kind, however, and she is painfully aware of how foolish that decision had been. (One you really need to read if you haven’t) 
ark enemies, or something by BSnows [Teen] (Ongoing- 9,195 Words) {4 Chapters} **
“No,” Lexa calmly says, her eyes closed and her nostrils opening wide. She really doesn’t like to be disturbed when she’s meditating. “I’m totally not here, I’m walking around the Ark like the non-delinquent person I am. Please leave a message after the beep.” Lexa takes a deep breath and enjoys as she has a few seconds of peace.
“There wasn’t a beep,” Clarke says. Lexa breathes out.
or Your typical Clexa AU where they despise each other and have sex in the end. Plus they’re in the Ark and they’re cell neighbors.
The World Has No Right to My Heart by usuallyproperlyhydrated [Teen] (Complete- 43,885 Words) {15/15 Chapters} ****
"Be careful with that one, love–she will do what it takes to survive.”
(Quote and title from “Burn” from Hamilton)
Lexa has been watching Clarke since the fall of the mountain and does everything in her power to convince her to come to Polis.
Four Walls // Clexa AU by perpetual_gayness [Teen] (Ongoing- 24,398 Words) {10 Chapters} ***
There are very few things one can do within the confines of the same four walls… turns out falling in love is one of them.
Through the Looking Glass by RhinoMouse [Mature] (Ongoing- 114,303 Words) {19/22 Chapters} *****
Clarke was born the youngest of her class of night bloods. No one expected her to win her conclave. Lexa is a guard cadet and the daughter of Marcus and Abby Kane. After taking the fall for a crime she didn't commit she's sent to the ground as part of a group of a hundred prisoners. Or our version of the role reversal fic.
Waking in Winter by natkate [Unrated] (Ongoing- 20,757 Words) {3 Chapters} *****
In the wake of Clarke Griffin finally coming of age in Queen Nia's army, she is chosen to accompany the queen's caravan on an unprecedented visit to the capitol city of Polis - upon the whisper of rumor or yet another mind game, Clarke can't be sure.
Regardless, Clarke is met with a number of unexpected twists as the very city, itself, threatens to challenge everything she'd ever known about the world around her.
AU where Clarke is an Ice Nation warrior in Nia's army who stumbles into a pre-Coalition Polis and causes trouble, as usual. Oh, and Skaikru isn't a thing in this story.
Grounded by AndiLand (AndiMarquette) [Mature] (Complete- 511,076 Words) {75/75 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin has been on her own for three months after pulling the lever at Mt. Weather. Battling ghosts and the pain from Lexa's betrayal at the mountain, she nevertheless has to return to Arkadia to warn Sky Crew of a threat from Ice Nation and the power-hungry Nia, who maneuvers on several fronts to install herself as Commander and rule all Grounder clans. But a new danger presents itself--one that will force a reckoning with an old foe--and Clarke and Lexa will have to work together to forge a stronger alliance as the winds of war swirl from Polis to Arkadia. Both understand the growing dangers and the peril hidden in alliances, but neither counted on the depth of the connection between them.
when my heart is at war by mopeytropey (scriptmanip) [Mature] (Complete- 55,297 Words) {4/4 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing when my heart is at war series] ***
Lexa is primed for great leadership and will not be deviated from her agenda.
Clarke is driven by her insatiable curiosity and is not easily deterred.
There is plenty at work to drive them apart, but the strength of their combined determination will change the course of an entire civilization.
The Shadow by Clexa1205 [Mature] (Ongoing- 121,822 Words) {23 Chapters} **** [TW: Torture, Gore]
Clarke has been on her own for three weeks after Mount Weather when she is captured and brought to Queen Nia. She is forced to serve the Ice Queen and spends almost two years training to become one of the coalitions top assassins before she is brought to Polis, as a member of Azgeda, to take part in the annual Summit. Nia tries to use Clarke's skills as an assassin, and her relationship with Lexa to give herself the opportunity to take control of the coalition. Clarke tries to find a way to break free of Nia's control. She tries to navigate her relationships with everyone she cares about while trying to break free from Nia, but until then, she serves the Ice Queen and is as ruthless as she needs to be. Nia uses everything she's got to make Lexa suffer, and uses Clarke's status as Wanheda to her advantage over the other clans. Nia will do whatever it takes for power, and Clarke and her friends will do whatever it takes to stop her.
Ice’s Champion by dragonfruity [Teen] (Ongoing- 22,924 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
When the Dropship lands, it becomes painfully obvious that there has been a slight mishap.
Slight mishap (noun): a rather unfortunate scenario in which the corrupt idiots on the Ark send the Delinquents 50 miles north of their target, into the heart of cold, barren, miserable Azgeda territory, rather than the lush forest overflowing with unicorns and rainbows they were promised. Whoops.
General Clarke and the Delinquents - those remaining after five years of toil and hardship climbing Azgeda's ranks - are tasked with appeasing the Commander in Polis on the eve of what could very quickly dissolve into an inter-Coalition civil war between their two clans. As she struggles to navigate the murky waters between Azgeda and the Commander's fiery rage, Clarke must hide her true goal: Dethrone Nia and reclaim Azgeda. But now, the Commander is an unknown variable. Will she aid Clarke in her coup, or remain loyal to the Coalition... and Nia?
The badass version of Romeo and Juliet, minus the sad ending, plus a whole lot of gay.
Lightning Only Strikes Once by fiona_249 [Mature] (Complete- 307,941 Words) {134/134 Chapters} *****
Consumed by grief, Clarke climbs Lexa's tower, not really thinking through what she plans to do. But any plans get taken away when she's struck by lightning, mysteriously transporting her back to before any of it happens.
Back in her cell on the Ark, Clarke remembers exactly what went wrong - and mysteriously, so does Lexa among her people on the ground. Between the two of them, can they get back to each other? Can they find a way to save both of their people and themselves? Or is the hatred surrounding them too strong?
[Be sure to keep an eye out for the comic!]
Into the Storm by anddirtyrain and mmeister911 [Mature] (Ongoing- 63,856 Words) {9 Chapters}**
This is ‘Into The Storm’ with Lexa Forrest, welcome and hold on.
Lexa is a stormchaser (though she prefers the term ‘researcher’) and her Discovery Channel show just keeps getting bigger and bigger. She grew up dreaming about studying the sky, and at 28 she’s at the cusp of her career, reporting to her adoring fanbase all about the indomitable forces of nature. There’s no time for anything -or anyone- else.Clarke is a stormchaser (she has as much tattooed over her ribs) for the local Action News. Whip smart and committed to her research, she lives for the thrill every time the sky thunders. But breaking thru at 26 in the industry has her constantly trying to push the envelope, running straight into danger to get that perfect shot.Their field of work is small, and their clashing rivalry inevitable and fierce. But Clarke and Lexa are about to realize what they feel for each other can be just as strong and unpredictable as the storms they chase.
Earned It by assassinslover [Mature] (Ongoing- 21,177 Words) {12 Chapters} **
Lexa’s too enraptured by the paint splattered girl before her to care that said paint is also all over her favourite – formerly white – shirt. So enraptured, even, that it takes her way too long to notice the distraught look on the other girl’s face and the ruined canvas in her hands.Lexa, a dancer and a business major, offers to help Clarke re-do her ruined final project.
your hand in mine by geralehane [Mature] (Complete- 59,989 Words) {14/14 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing gdau series] *****
Clarke’s father is put on life support, and becoming Lexa Woods’s girlfriend is her last chance at paying his bills. It was supposed to be about money. Insensitive, immoral, impersonal. She was never supposed to fall in love with her.
Online Lifeline by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 96,149 Words) {26/26 Chapters} ****
For Clarke, the universe of Twitter is a home, a place where she can be herself without the expectations of her friends and parents, and she keeps it secret for that reason. However, she isn’t expecting to meet a couple of people whom she begins to become pretty good friends with, and she definitely doesn’t expect to meet Lexa. And Lexa, who is on Twitter really only because her best friend Raven demands it be so, isn’t even interested in online friendships at all. That is, until she starts talking to Raven’s new friend “C” on Twitter, and finds herself captivated.
A Series of Avoidable Events by toolateintheday [Mature] (Ongoing- 165,213  Words) {22 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin works for renowned advertising company, Trikru Incorporated. She’s coasting through life, unsure of what she truly wants to do and settling for mediocrity. Its not her dream job but it pays the bills. It’s comfortable, familiar and what she needs. All that changes when the company bring in Lexa Woods, a new visionary, with the aim to shake things up. Clarke finds her entire existence unsettled by the arrival of her new boss who is as intriguing as she is intimidating. Can they put aside their differences and work together?
Something’s Electric In Your Blood by orangeyouglad8 [Mature] (Ongoing- 40,923 Words) {21 Chapters} ***
“You know, if you keep shocking me I might regret running off the train and giving you back your scarf.” It’s teasingly light and Clarke wonders if this girl can see the humor in her eyes and the smirk on her lips.
“Who says you’re not the one shocking me?” The slightest tilt of pouty lips.Clarke’s heart skips a beat, her lips already moving to continue the game. The banter. “I guess we’ll never know.”
The 300 by Bucklethorpe [Mature] (Complete- 66,305 Words) {16/16 Chapters} *****
Clarke just managed to burn 300 of Lexa's finest spruces.
Head Over Boots by cornchipmeteor [Mature] (Complete- 143,569 Words) {11/11 Chapters} *****
Clarke knew she had a lot to learn when she agreed to work on Woods Ranch. What she didn’t know was that, in addition to horseback riding and cattle corralling, she’d be learning about love.Lexa had zero tolerance for her new, inexperienced ranch hand Clarke, but she soon discovered that maybe life should be about more than just running the ranch. There’s humor! There’s conflict! There’s cute, fluffy cows! There’s even a happy ending!! Dual POV, because I can never choose just one.
Bend For Me by heyjayyay [Mature] (Complete- 123,746 Words) {23/23 Chapters} *****
Sloppy, Fratboy!Clarke lives with Octavia, who drags her to her yoga class one day. Clarke is the shit. She knows it. She’s cocky and doesn’t take crap from anyone, doesn’t bend for anybody, and refuses to break. Until now. AKA the one where Clarke thinks she’s smooth, but Lexa is smoother. Yoga AU (TW: Non-consensual touching/kissing)  
Be the Lightning in Me by proudlyyours [Mature] (Ongoing- 121,904 Words) {11/14 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin was probably one of the most annoying people that Lexa had ever met. Something about her irritated Lexa as soon as she first laid eyes on her. Perhaps it was the fact that she’d only appeared at Arkadia University two months ago but she’d already made friends with more people than Lexa had spoken to in her entire school career. Maybe it was that she laughed a little too loudly while their professor was talking, drawing more eyes to her, Lexa’s included. Perhaps it was because that laugh was actually one of the prettiest things Lexa had ever heard.
When Clarke showed up for her first shift at the bar that Lexa had been enjoying working at since the beginning of the semester, Lexa wasn’t happy. She’d spent months being distracted by Clarke in their shared class but Clarke didn’t even recognise Lexa stood in the bar in front of her.
Of course she didn’t.
i built a home for you, for me (held on as tightly as you held onto me) by coat [Teen] (Complete- 37,627 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
As Lexa walks past, giving the dog a wide berth, she spots a figure beside it. A girl with braided blonde hair stretches out on the park bench, fingers tangled in the dog’s thick fur. She frowns softly. Usually the homeless people Lexa sees are older males with scruffy beards, tugging shopping carts filled with cans. But this girl on the bench, her golden hair streaming over her back, looks so out of place that Lexa almost stops. Most homeless tend to stay near the city, yet here she is, in the middle of the forest.
You See the Smile That’s On My Mouth (it’s hiding the words that don’t come out) by heartshapedcandy [Teen] (Complete- 48,677 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ****
It takes Clarke and Lexa about five seconds to fall in love, but it takes them way too long to realize it. This is that way-too-long.ora story in which Clarke and Lexa kiss too much and communicate too little. 
still home by solinasolina [Unrated] (Complete- 49,338 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ***
Abby placed the package on the ground and took a step forward. There was a strong sense of familiarity coming from the young woman in front of her, but she just couldn’t quite figure out where from. She raised an eyebrow, “Have we met before?”
Lexa nodded immediately. “I use to live next door.” She points to her childhood home, “My parents–”Abby goes wide-eyed as she realised who was standing in front of her, 
“Alexandria Woodson?!” she cut in.
“It’s just Lexa Woods now,” she smiled. “But yeah…”
You’re Fired (So Yeah You Win) by LaFlashdrive [Explicit] (Complete- 108,333 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
The one where Clarke draws Lexa’s name for the office Secret Santa, not knowing Lexa is the President of the company she works for. The gag gift she gets her is a bit… unconventional. A dildo. It’s a dildo.
Lover In Low Light by Chrmdpoet [Mature] (Complete- 85,157 Words) {? Chapters} *****
“You’re never going to love anyone the way you loved her. That kind of love, it only happens once in a lifetime, so if you’re waiting to feel that way again, I think you’re always going to be waiting.“or Five years after their relationship’s end, college sweethearts Lexa and Clarke find themselves in the same city again. Now, they are different people with different lovers and different lives, but neither ever fully let the other go. Will what they once had still be all they are looking for, or is it finally time to truly let go and move on? 
[DELETED: It was publicated] 
Southern Constellations by Themickeysays [Mature] (Complete- 55,549 Words) {12/12 Chapters} **
After they stop laughing Clarke blurts out, “It must be fate. It’s written in the stars somewhere for us to meet.”
Lexa just raises an eyebrow at her.
“What you don’t believe in fate? Or look to the stars?,” she asks in what’s supposed to be an ominous voice. 
OR Lexa needs a ride home and Clarke needs some company to put off going home. What happens when these two strangers decide to ride down to the south from NYU? Hint: Gay Things™ OR The clexa roadtrip au where they are so extra making a 13 hour trip last 10 days, and manage to change their lives forever.
something broke by lexasforehead [Mature] (Incomplete- 63,457 Words) {21/22 Chapters} ****
“Ready to lose butt chin?” taunted Lexa.
“I’m actually saving that spot for you, forehead.” Clarke retorted.
You’ve Got Mail (She Loves Me) by orangeyouglad8 [Teen] (Complete- 50,210 Words) {30/30 Chapters} ****
What happens when big, bad, Fox Books opens up around the corner from the small, hipster, Arkadia Books? A Clexa spin on the classic You’ve Got Mail. Business rivals turned…?
The Three Truths by transientpermanence [Teen] (Complete- 74,485 Words) {17/17 Chapters} *****
It was always easy, until it wasn’t. [DELETED, but was reposted somewhere else, and it was not posted by the author but credit was given.]
In Our Own World by bouj525 [Mature] (Complete- 124,555 Words) {13/13 Chapters} [TW: Mentions of self-harm and attempted suicide] **
Lexa missed Clarke like one missed their favorite song after becoming deaf. Clarke missed Lexa like one missed their favorite color after becoming blind. Or The travel-the-world, online meeting, somehow long distance relationship AU.
Pie In the Sky by Lingering Lilies [Mature] (Complete- 46,874 Words) {13/13 Chapters} [TW: Domestic abuse] **
Trapped in a small town, dead-end waitressing job, and a loveless marriage, Clarke Griffin finds herself faced with an unwanted pregnancy. She finds solace only in her gift for baking pies and the company of a young doctor named Lexa Woodward.
Turning Down and Turning On Clarke Griffin by proseoflife [Teen] (Complete- 18,628 Words) {13/13 Chapters} ***
Clarke gets set up on a blind date. What she didn’t expect was to fall in love that same night. How many times can Clarke Griffin get turned down, and turned on, before she says ‘fuck it’ and walks away?
Artists Love Better by cissarego [Explicit] (Complete- 58,894 Words) {17/17 Chapters} ***
Modern AU - Clarke is an artist and Lexa, a photographer. After a not so friendly first encounter, they find themselves intrigued with each other. A timid friendship starts to grow into something more. Are they ready for this? A bit of fluff, hints of angst and a lot of Clexa! :)
It’s For Your Own Good by trying [Mature] (Ongoing- 43,596 Words) {9 Chapters} [TW: Homophobia and abuse] ***
Clarke’s hands were trembling slightly and she wrung them anxiously in front of her as she entered the main room. Plastic chairs were set up in a loose semi-circle in the centre of the room, most of them already occupied by the other campers.
Gay campers. Some of them attractive gay girl campers.
Fuck. When Clarke gets sent to conversion therapy camp, she thought everything she knew was over. Turns out, life is just beginning.
Come With Me by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 89,319 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the complete With Me series] *****
Clarke Griffin spontaneously decides to go to London for a few days, with the hope that she can escape the problems happening in her life, and by chance meets a nice temporary companion, Lexa. A photographer on a commission that’ll take her across north and central Europe, Lexa is adventurous and stunning and fills Clarke with an adrenaline that she hasn’t felt in a long time.
And well… things happen.
blood rush in the hazy glow by firetestsgold [Mature] (Complete- 65,052 Words) {10/10 Chapters} ****
“The locals aren’t fans of college kids. This is their neighborhood bar. They can get…territorial.” Clarke studies the girl who stopped the fight before it began. Leaning back in her chair in the back of the bar, she’s all dark hair and dark eyeliner and dark alcohol. Clarke can see what he’s saying: the glare etched into her face is a clear warning for anyone who might step forward to her.But the vodka has thinned Clarke’s blood; she’s always been brazen and right now she can’t take that warning as anything less than a challenge.She grabs Octavia’s wrist and pulls her forward. “C’mon.”
Chemistry by class [Teen] (Ongoing one-shot collection- 17,227 Words) {7 Chapters} ****
"I’m going to set everything on fire."
A collection of Clexa one shots.
and we grow. by aos_skimmons [Teen] (Ongoing- 40,500 Words) {6/7 Chapters} ***
“I’m a mess,” Clarke says. You’re perfect, Lexa wants to say back. But instead, “No you’re not.” Clarke looks up then, giving Lexa a pointed look, as best as she can with already watery eyes.
“I’m pregnant, Lexa.”
This is the story of how two best friends raise a child together, and some how fall in love along the way.
Always You, Only You by zroe [Unrated] (Complete- 81,472 Words) {46/46 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Imperfect series] **
Clarke and Lexa have been the best of friends for years, perhaps the closest of all in their group of friends. The connection, chemistry and comfort that they share is unmatched by any of their other friends. Everyone knows that when they’re both single things tend to happen between them. It’s a comfort thing. A no strings attached thing. A thing that they both silently understand. But do they really? They’re best friends who have the power to lift each other up, but also the power to tear each other down. What could possibly go wrong? There is one thing that will always be true - The one that brings out the best in you, will always be the one that can bring out the worst in you.
Note: If you’re looking for a quick Clexa fix, this might not be the story for you. These two dummies, will probably make you crazy.
After You by Chrmdpoet [Unrated] (Ongoing- 27,301 Words) {5 Chapters} ****
They grew up together in pieces, scattered here and there, like an unfinished puzzle. In moments, sometimes tender and sometimes turbulent. In both careful and careless connection.
They collided as two roads converging, two paths always intended to meet. [TW: Child abuse]
Cheap Thrills by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Ongoing- 43,352 Words) {13 Chapters} ***
Clarke’s life is a mess: she hates her job, she’s always broke, she has a bad habit of having one night stands, and sometimes she drinks a little too much. Her best friends Octavia and Raven are getting all of their stuff together, and she’s being left behind. Somehow, she can’t manage to pull herself together, until she meets Raven’s new coworker Lexa, who happens to be everything she’s been missing.
a pleasant undoing by mopeytropey (scriptmanip) [Mature] (Complete- 104,225 Words) {12/12 Chapters} ****
Clarke is in denial. Octavia is grumpy. Lincoln is in love. Raven is awesome. Lexa is conflicted. 
And everyone is potentially too invested in good beer.
Conscious Lover by notreallystraight [Mature] (Complete- 40,797 Words) {11/11 Chapters} **
Clarke and Finn have been dating for eleven years now and she no longer knows the difference between loving and being in love.
Clarke meets Lexa and her world gets twist-turned upside-down.
she’s got a way with words by commanderofraccoons [Teen] (Incomplete- 20,021 Words) {5/10 Chapters} **
“Excuse me,” a frustrated voice sighed into Clarke’s ear, “I need to get back to my place.”
Clarke turned around suddenly, feeling her cheeks redden as she took in the girl in front of her. Her brown hair was lazily tossed up in a bun, though no hairs seemed to be trying to escape the black elastic band. She was wearing a dark green shirt with Polis Park printed across it, and her matching shorts were high up her legs. 
Christ, her thigh muscles. 
The “Clarke visits a nearby amusement park with her friends, and she ends up thirsting over the cute girl who works there” AU
A Flower’s Dare by Bee_Charmer [Mature] (Complete- 54,440 Words) {19/19 Chapters} ***
The day of her wedding, Clarke Griffin expected a great number of things. She expected to love her dress, to love being surrounded by those she cared about most. More than anything, Clarke expected her best friend so smile his brightest when he saw her coming down the aisle.
What she did not expect was to lock eyes with the beautiful florist who would completely change her life.
The (loosely based) Imagine Me & You AU I couldn’t get out of my head.
And the rest is just typewritten by GoG (tarsbrain) [Teen] (7,679 Words) {Oneshot} **
A small sign hangs from the folding table reading ‘Stoic Poetry’ and Clarke can’t help but smile at the stranger’s presence at the market.
Or the one where Clarke is an artist with a booth at the downtown market, and Lexa and her typewriter make people cry with words.
It Takes As Long As It Takes by OForion4 [Teen] (Incomplete- 94,964 Words) {25 Chapters} *****
“Can you please just tell her this for me then? This one thing, and I’ll leave you alone. Please, Anya. Tell her I’ll wait for her every Sunday at 10 AM where we first met. Rain or shine, I’ll be there. Until she comes. To forgive me, or to tell me to stop because she’s moved on and found someone else and I’ve lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Please tell her that for me. Please.”
Modern AU where Clarke messes up and breaks Lexa’s heart. Clarke patiently waits for her every Sunday at the place they met, for 2 years, hoping to see those green eyes again. Will she come?
Astuary Queen by morningsound15 [Mature] (Ongoing- 17,748 Words) {2 Chapters} ****
Clarke snorted. “We get new doctors like every other month, O. This guy’s not gonna be any different.”
Octavia glared. “First of all, internalized misogyny, the new attending is a woman, not a man. Women can be doctors too,Clarke.” Clarke rolled her eyes, but Octavia soldiered on. “And secondly, did I already mention that she’s smoking hot? Because she is smoking hot. I heard Murphy talking about her with—”
Clarke scoffed. “Murphy’s a pig. He thinks everyone is hot.”
“I mean…” Octavia trailed off. “Well… yeah, duh, but I Googled her this morning and—” Octavia whistled under her breath, her eyes gleaming with teasing mirth. “I cannot state this enough, Princess. Doctor Woods is a fucking fox.”
Lion’s Roar by smallburrito [Mature] (Ongoing- 9,744 Words) {6 Chapters} **
Confronted with shocking truths about her past, Clarke Griffin has no choice but to run away. It just so happens she chooses the one week the circus is in town - and the rest is up to fate.
you’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring (won’t you give yourself to me) by bearer_of_light [General Audiences] (Ongoing- 24,864 Words) {11 Chapters} ***
Clarke and Lexa are friends and have been friends for a very long time. What happens when one of them realizes they have feelings for the other?
Breathe For Me, Love by NightHeda [Mature] (Ongoing- 14,688 Words) {11 Chapters} *** [TW: Depression, Self-Harm, Mention of Self-Harm, Mention of Suicide Attempt, Mention of Suicide, Mental Health Issues]
Clarke is a patient in a psychiatric hospital and never in a million years would she have expected to meet the famous rockstar Lexa Woods there. And she isn't excited, either.
Or so she thought.
(Rated M, just in case.)
bang shui by AndiLand (AndiMarquette) [Unrated] (Complete- 215,743 Words) {30/30 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin is a med student at Polis University. She and Raven Reyes are roommates who just moved into an apartment closer to campus, but their neighbors have extremely loud marathon sexy times and Clarke is just not getting the rest she needs. She runs into one of the neighbors -- Lexa Woods, a grad/law student -- and tells her to please move her bed away from the wall. Which is embarrassing, yes, but anything could result from that type of conversation...
i’ll try my best (how much do i invest?) by babytobin_horse [Unrated] (Complete- 26,007 Words) {6/6 Chapters} ****
Lexa can never say no to Clarke, and that’s the problem. (or: fake dating au)
We Were Pretending, and Then We Weren’t by aos_skimmons (Complete- 20,451 Words) {2/2 Chapters} **
Who knew a one-night stand could lead to a free trip to Alaska and a girlfriend.
Our Hearts (Have Minds of Their Own) by EffortlesslyOpulent [Mature](Complete- 103,319 Words) {15/15 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Our Hearts series] *****
Clarke is NOT going back to another family reunion without a fake girlfriend to shut everyone up. Lexa, her neighbor and best friend, needs powerful clients like the Griffins for her up and coming business.How inconvenient that they accidentally fall head-over-heels for each other in the process. It’s a fake dating Rom-Com.
Cold Case by crazywisdom [Mature] (Complete- 38,409 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ***
Undercover cop AU: Once Wells Jaha is ratted out by a mole within the police force, DCI Anya decides it’s time to send two out in the field – Detectives Clarke Griffin and newcomer Detective Lexa Woods – to end this RED, Cage Wallace and Dr. Tsing business once and for all. Their covers? A loved-up lesbian couple.
the break upper by 100hearteyes [Mature] (Ongoing- 91,242 Words) {21/24 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin doesn’t have the most honourable job ever: she makes couples break up for a living. She unmasks the liars, the cheaters, and the deceivers. Marital justice, one might wishfully call it — and she gets paid for it. Clarke’s only rule: don’t fall in love with the target.alsoLexa Woods has the perfect life, with the perfect job, the perfect friends, and the perfect fiancé. Problem? Said fiancé is a man — and Lexa is kind of sort of totally a lesbian.
Bated Breath by thedeadflag [General Audiences] (Complete- 22,293 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
Clarke was counting down the hours until she’d achieved a hard-won month-long reprieve of driving Octavia to Lincoln’s, having been her best friend’s designated driver for months. But then she meets Lexa, manages to get them both into a mess, and ends up owing the woman a favor. Yet, Clarke still wouldn’t mind time slowing down a little bit for as long as Lexa’s with her A modern ‘Fake dating’ AU. 
Till Death Do Us Part by Stubborn_Teen [Mature] (Incomplete- 191,716 Words) {14 Chapters}  *****
“So you’re my bride to be? Not what I expected at all.” Clarke comments and Lexa didn’t know whether to be offended or flattered since Clarke was giving her a pretty curious look - nothing too sinister. 
“Alexandria was it? What kind of name is that?” Okay, Lexa was offended.
“You’re one to talk, Clarke.”
How To Lose Someone In 10 Days by Jaansche [Mature] (Complete- 103,268 Words) {16/16 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin is an artist and player who, to win against her best friend Raven, bets that she can make anyone fall in love with her in 10 days. Lexa Woods has been assigned to write an article on “How to Lose Someone in 10 days.”
My Heart For A Minute by MsDorisDaisy [Mature] (Complete- 166,909 Words) {22/22 Chapters} ****
Nine years after Jake’s tragic but heroic death, Clarke and Abby have finally gotten their lives back on track thanks to the unconditional love and support of family matriarch, Lillian Walters. As unfortunate as it seems for Clarke, she soon finds herself on the business end of her grandmother’s meddling when the aging woman adds a pre-death condition to her living will: Clarke will be gifted enough money to buy her own art gallery when she gets married to one Miss Alexandria Abigail Woods, the one girl in the world whom Clarke actually legitimately cannot stand.
a crown seldom enjoyed by onemilliongoldstars [Mature] (Ongoing- 29,373 Words) {5/25 Chapters} ***
To maintain the fragile peace between north and south, Clarke of House Tyrell is sent to live in Winterfell as an act of faith between the two kingdoms. There, she is put under the protection of the first queen in the north, Queen Lexa of House Stark, Daughter of Wolves. A woman draped in steel and silver, wolves at her heels and rumoured to be a manifestation of the fury of the old gods; Clarke refuses to be awed be her quiet violence and cold smile. Instead of fostering unity, the meeting of the wolf and the rose lights a spark that spreads through the rest of Westeros, threatening to burn it to the ground.
Catch Me, I’m Falling by effortlesslyoppulent and samkomtrashkru [Mature] (Complete- 288,841 Words) {24/24 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing catch me series] ******
Lexa Woods is Arkadia High’s brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is a model student who dreams of getting an art scholarship. With Lexa’s arrogance and Clarke’s stubborn tendencies, they never thought they’d be compatible, much less soul mates. But as fate would have it, Clarke becomes Aden’s tutor, and she and Lexa fall infuriatingly, helplessly in love with each passing day.
OR: The HSAU where Aden plays cupid with Clarke, Lexa, and all of their friends, and ends up watching practically all of them fall for each other. (Another one that if you haven’t read, seriously, just read it)
Dynamite With A Laser Beam by TDD [Teen] (Ongoing- 129,636 Words) {16 Chapters} ****
When Clarke’s high school, Arkadia High, merges with Polis Secondary School, Clarke and her friends are faced with old enemies and the opportunity of new friendships. Clarke needs to figure out how to fit in with the soccer team and its captain while trying to win over the most beautiful girl she’s ever seen. It’s not easy being Clarke Griffin, especially when she has a tendency to make life harder for herself. Despite all of that, there’s no stopping her as long as she has her friends by her side- who are just as reckless as she is.
All That You Got (Skin to Skin, Oh My God) by Dreamsaremywords [Mature] (Ongoing- 68,659 Words) {14/15 Chapters} ***
Anya burst into laughter. “Wait, wait, wait a minute. You and Clarke grew up together, Clarke is oblivious but you’re totally aware of your feelings- super GAY feelings-and your dad being a pastor complicates things, but you guys are like magnets and you can’t stay away from each other, even though you have no idea what the hell you’re doing, and then you don’t even talk about it. You spend way too much time thirsting and not enough actually being honest with each other and with yourselves. So, to get this straight- you’re not.”
Lexa deadpanned her. “Clearly.”
I Meant to Ask You by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Complete- 41,914 Words) {15/15 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin and Lexa Woods have been best friends since Clarke’s mom moved three doors down from Lexa and her father. They’ve also been in love with each other since before they knew what it meant.
Down Came the Rain by almostfantasia [Teen] (Complete- 30,958 Words) {3/3 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Down Came the Rain series] ****
Their paths have no reason to cross. That is, until a torrential downpour leaves them both caught at a bus stop with only one umbrella between them, forcing their lives together. Lexa, the private school student from a sheltered family. Clarke, the teenage runaway with no home to call her own. They make an unlikely pair. Friendship doesn’t come easily, but when it does, is that ever going to be enough for either of them?
The Days of Our Love [series] by MsDorisDaisy ****
Lift Me, Catch Me by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 104,598 Words) {20/20 Chapters} [Part of the completed Lift Me, Catch Me series] ****
Settling into a small town in Florida, and living with an uncle she barely knows, is hard enough for Clarke even when she’s dating who she believes to be one of the greatest guys at school. It gets immensely harder when a New Year’s Eve party reveals what kind of guy her now ex-boyfriend really is. Now almost entirely alone, Clarke falls into a new friend group, a group of girls who couldn’t care less about her past, her sexuality, anything. One of those girls in particular catches Clarke’s attention quite well, and as Clarke gets to know her, it’s like pieces of herself are being lifted and pieced back together into a version of herself stronger than the way she was even before her life got so messed up.
Something Tragic by heyjayyay [Mature] (Complete- 112,823 Words) {25/25 Chapters} ***
When they met, it was not of their own accord. In fact, they probably never would have crossed paths if it wasn’t for the project. They were juniors and Lexa was the quiet, new girl. Having to move in with her uncle, Gustus, after the fire was probably one of the most difficult things she had to ever endure. Tragic, really. Life always seemed to turn out that way for the brunette.
L’arirvée des papillons by TheWorldAndTheEmpress [Explicit] (Incomplete- 51,495 Words) {13/14 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin is on top of the world, admired by the entire school. Everyone, that is, except for outsider Lexa Woods. Lexa’s indifference to her is the one thing that Clarke cannot stand, and she makes it her life’s mission to torment the other girl. But when Clarke takes it one step too far, she’s forced to partner up with Lexa for a project. Soon, she’ll realize just how little she really knows about Lexa, and about herself, as it turns out all she really wants is for Lexa to notice her. or Clarke falls head over heels for the last person whe would expect.
Molihua by BrittzandTana (ToriWritesStories) [Mature] (Complete- 118,421 Words) {38/38 Chapters} ****
Clarke has been through a lot through the summer before her junior year, and when she comes back to school, she’s changed. As she begins to feel like a billion pieces falling apart, she finds a special person to hold her together and treat her like the beautiful flower of a girl that she is. (Jasmine Flower - Mo Li Hua).
Friend or Foe by icherishpotatoes [Explicit] (Ongoing- 20,472 Words) {9 Chapters} ** [TW: Violence, drug addiction, PTSD, mentions of rape]
Clarke Griffin gets kidnapped in one of her doctors without borders visits to South America. A ransom is demanded in return for her safety by a rebel army known as Azgeda. Lexa Woods is an undercover agent in the rebel army whose job just got a lot worse. Or Lexa spent a year infiltrating Azgeda and gaining their trust only for her mission status to change: Protect Senator Abigail Griffin’s daughter Clarke Griffin while maintaining your cover. Rescue mission pending upon failed negotiations.
Mrs. & Mrs. Woods by knich94 [Mature] (Complete- 95,958 Words) {39/39 Chapters} ****
After five (or six) years of happiness together, ordinary couple Clarke and Lexa Woods find themselves stuck in a rut. However, unknown to each other, they are both deadly, highly paid assassins working for rival companies. After a hit gone wrong, they discover that they are each other’s next target. Their secret lives (and they) collide explosively.
Or… The Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU featuring all your favorite characters, humor, fluff, angst, and references to canon and the crazy ideas this awesome fandom developed. Clexa centered and Clexa endgame! The first few chapters are a little slow but the action quickly picks up :D (TW: Violence and Torture)
Good Morning, Afghanistan by cornchipmeteor [Mature] (Complete- 113,461 Words) {18/18 Chapters} *****
Staff Sergeant Clarke Griffin, US Air Force. Sergeant Lexa Carey, US Marine Corps. Afghanistan is already dangerous enough without their feelings getting in the way. But let’s be real, these ladies are experts at falling in love in a war zone. (TW: Violence, PTSD)
The Long Walk by Diaph [Mature] (Ongoing- 57,578 Words) {22/25 Chapters} ***
Lt. Lexa Woods finally makes it home for Thanksgiving in far worse state than she left after doing the very thing she warns all her men never to do, be a hero. She finds herself in the hands of Dr. Clarke Griffin, the young and high-achieving Neurology specialist who is determined to get the soldier to walk and talk again with a new surgical procedure.
It’s during the mind-numbing nights spent in the hospital far away from home that the sarcastic soldier charms her way into more than just the doctor’s medical observations. (TW: PTSD) 
Prisoner 319 by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Ongoing- 141,468 Words) [Part of the Ongoing The Others series] {8/10 Chapters} *****
After being a prisoner in Azgeda Tower for over a year, Clarke Griffin is suddenly transferred to a new prison - Polis. Commanded by Lexa, the youngest and most ruthless Head of Polis Prison in decades, Clarke finds herself in a completely new environment - with no friend's or clue of what's going on Clarke must navigate her way through an unknown world. All the while holding her secrets close to her chest. It wouldn't help to have people know that she was a highly trained assassin who was supposed to be dead.
a prison au with a supernatural twist. raven is sarcastic, octavia is a human fireball, clarke is a deadly mess and lexa is, well, very gay
(TW: Violence, Torture) 
Lancelot by almostafantasia [Mature] (Ongoing- 11,399 Words) {3/14 Chapters}
Lexa Woods, an impeccably dressed British secret agent for the covert Kingsman organisation, whose latest mission sees her sneaking through the corridors of the White House in the middle of the night, finds herself having to seduce the daughter of the newly elected President of the United States in a bid to save the world. It’s a surprise to Lexa when she ends up falling for her target as fast as she does, meanwhile Clarke doesn’t expect her gorgeous date for an international political gala dinner to drag her into a world of thrill and danger where one wrong move could cause a global disaster.
The Queen Consort by MadeInSpace [Mature] (Ongoing- 13,391 Words) {3 Chapters} *** 
As the music swelled around them to announce the festivities ahead, Clarke only noticed how quickly the Queen dropped her hand.
What heart’s ease must queens neglect by thrace [Mature] (Complete- 83,285 Words) {8/8 Chapters} *****
Lexa is going to drag her country into the modern age kicking and screaming if she has to. Enter Clarke Griffin, United Nations election observer.
most ardently by onemillliongoldstars [Teen] (Ongoing- 32,074 Words) {5 Chapters} *****
Clarke Griffin has been forced to abandon her name and her family. She is desperately hiding in her new role as lady’s maid to Lady Lexa, fumbling through her duties and hoping to become invisible, when she realises that her heiress mistress is caught firmly under the thumb of her overbearing uncle. As Lexa suffocates under the expectations of her remaining family, she and Clarke slowly realise that they may be each other’s safe haven.
or: Clarke is hiding a secret while struggling to seem like an experienced lady’s maid for Lexa, who is painfully glad for a friend.
Suffragette by William89 [Mature] (Complete- 37,553 Words) {10/10 Chapters} **
Historical AU – London, 1913. After bombing the Prime Minister’s house, suffragette Lexa is being chased by the police. Lady Abby Griffin offers her a way out: she needs a maid to accompany her sick daughter Clarke to their estate in Lancashire, where she is supposed to live for a year. Even though she hates everything about the aristocratic life, Lexa has no choice but to pretend she’s Lady Clarke Griffin’s new maid, which proves to be a hard task when she finally meets the temperamental girl.
Suffrage by stringingwords [Mature] (Complete- 102,370 Words) {27/27 Chapters} ****
The 20th century has just begun. London is bustling with budding inventions, grand soirees, rumors of war, and inequality. Growing tired of being considered property, women are rallying across the country in favor of their right to vote.Clarke, Raven, and Octavia are scrappy suffragists determined to make the change happen. They find an unexpected ally in Lady Alexandra Woolcott, a noblewoman in the enemies’ camp.
Or the fic about Clexa taking down the patriarchy you may have known you needed.
Cigarettes In the Theatre by natshana [Mature] (Ongoing- 70,728 Words) {14 Chapters} *****
They close at eight but the small, pouty frown which adorns the girl’s lips and the gentle crease that forms between her brows makes the late hours seem all the more worth it. Of course that’s what she tells herself anyway, nevermind the dwindling night sky which casts the shop in a soft glow and makes the girl’s vibrant eyes dance like a forest under stars. 
or the 1983 movie store AU where Lexa is a small gay nerd who loves video games and Clarke is a smitten cashier for the awkward girl in wire frame glasses. (cause what’s better than 80’s wlw and video games)
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum by jaimeajamais [Mature] (Ongoing- 117,755 Words) {18 Chapters} *** [TW: violence, slavery]
Lexa is the Empress of Rome. Clarke is an Amazon, the new leader of a conquered people. When Clarke is captured and taken back to Rome as the Empress’s slave, she and Lexa form a complicated relationship. And as always, much more than the fate of their own hearts is at stake.
The Hunters Chosen by unicyclehippo [Unrated] (Complete- 192,881 Words) {12/12 Chapters} [part of the ongoing In The Hands Of Gods series] *****
tortall au: Lexa of Haryse only wants to be a knight and, though a handful of girls have followed Lady Knight Keladry of Mindelan's example in the last five years, many challenges remain for a girl page. Especially one who has the hand of a God upon her.
Individual Medley by nutalexfanfic [Mature] (Ongoing- 87,699 Words) {13 Chapters} ****
Clarke meets 3x Olympic gold medalist in swimming, Lexa Woods, at a celebration party for USA after the conclusion of the Games. It’s supposed to be just sex, but then they accidentally fall in love. (TW: PTSD)
Ain’t That A Kick In The Head by greyscalerainbows [Mature] (Incomplete- 90,210 Words) {20/21 Chapters} ***
On an abrupt, ill-advised vacation from Los Angeles, Clarke trips right into Lexa Woods, a local shop owner in faded red shorts. It starts with surfboards and a jellyfish sting.
Dance In the Lion’s Den by Tanagariel [Mature] (Complete- 132,301 Words) {20/20 Chapters} *****
Lexa Woods, young entrepreneur, has forged herself of steel. She sees life as something that has to be survived. Closing off her feelings she fights to be the best, even when she feels so alone. Moving through life without hope and a relationship that is not enough, Lexa will find herself attracted to a woman who will turn her world upside down. Clarke Griffin, a professional dancer, who has lost so much yet hopes that dance won’t ever leave her behind, keeps fighting to live her life to the fullest, even in her loneliness. She will find that sometimes looks deceive and that she shouldn’t be so quick to judge a book by its cover. Particularly when it’s someone as aloof and cold as Lexa.The businesswoman and the dancer will clash in a battle of wits and stubbornness, fighting the other until there is only one left. Except that on their dance journey, their feelings will begin to change and their life won’t ever be the same; now the only thing left is to see if they can dance in the lion’s den.
Finding Purpose by Derivative [Explicit] (Ongoing- 36,837 Words) {12 Chapters} **
Clarke has been dealing with a depression for quite some time, and Raven keeps suggesting she should join her to one of her kickbox classes. Clarke has refused on multiple occassions, but since several months of therapy, going out getting blatantly drunk and fucking random strangers hasn’t exactly helped, she reluctantly decides to give in.
Raven’s instructor is… intriguing.
Trigger warning: depression is a fucking dungeon, isn’t it? The story is going to take off lightly, but please mind the tags. It’s going to be a heady mix of humor, fluff(, smut) and pret-ty heavy shit. Consider yourselves warned, and please, take care of yourselves.
Touch or Carry by paint_the_brain [Mature] (Ongoing- 42,671 Words) {29 Chapters} ***
An Olympic Beach Volleyball AU
The shots we didn’t take by TheFrenchWriter [Mature] (Ongoing- 51,577 Words) {9/25 Chapters} ****
It’s been ten years since the Arkadia Strikers have hoisted the Jaha Cup. Clarke Griffin knew it when she was drafted, kept it in mind as she ascended to the starting goalie position and used it to fuel her will as a key player of the team, supporting her teammates until the second round of the playoffs last season, where they faced a grueling loss to the TonDC Shockwave after only five games. The team is now in desperate need of a player that will light a spark in the offensive line, a player that will restore the long-lost identity of the team and prove that it still deserves the famous nickname “power strikers”. Alexandria Woods, first line center and hockey extraordinaire, might be just the player. The twist: anyone who has seen her play knows that Lexa Woods has an ego bigger than her head and a superstar, cocky attitude that, although did well with her previous team, has brought her quite the reputation across the league.
holy ground. by lordvoldyfarts [Mature] (17,120 Words) {Oneshot} ***
Clarke comes back into the room, her face still red, but no longer looking angry. “One more time,” she says and Lexa doesn’t respond. She just gets into position. She stands in front of the mirror and Clarke comes up behind her. Her hands on her hips, similar to the way they had been that night, and Lexa feels the same rush of attraction flow through her that she did then. She tries to push it down, to pretend it’s not there, but Clarke’s grip is tight and impossible to ignore. She feels her muscles tense. “Relax,” Clarke whispers in her ear and there’s a chill that goes down her spine. She’s surprised when she feels her shoulders loosen. “Don’t think so much, Lexa,” Clarke continues and Lexa takes a deep breath.
or the one where lexa is a principal dancer with the boston ballet who lives life with her eyes closed and clarke, a new dancer from anaheim, opens them. dancer!au.
Pas de Deux by onemilliongoldstars [Explicit] (Ongoing- 51,540 Words) {9 Chapters} ***
Lexa, the country’s most sought after young dancer, keeps away from the cameras, focussing on her art form. She is single minded in her determination to be the best, until a clumsy, out of place girl wanders into her dance class and shatters her perfectly ordered life with snarky remarks and sloppy insteps. Unfortunately, Clarke is not all she seems and everything she knows could come crumbling down around her thanks to hot hands guiding positions and lies whispered between cotton sheets.orBallet dancer Lexa meets young journalist Clarke Griffin and everything starts spinning faster.
black ribbons by CareyElizabeth [Mature] (Ongoing- 65,940 Words) {11/12 Chapters} [Part 1 of the Ongoing Series two’s company] ***
‘You hit me in the face. So not only am I the best choreographer in the world, you owe me. And I need you to chill out.’ Anya came to crouch beside Lexa and squeezed her shoulder bracingly. ‘You’re the best. We all know it. And if you dance like you’re scared all the time, you’ll lose that. You have a gift. Don’t screw it up, not now, not like this.’
(Lexa is a ballerina back from injury. Clarke is a fashion designer commissioned to do the costumes. Anya is a choreographer who thrives on awkward interactions.)
dance like nobody’s watching by Homosexy [Mature] (Ongoing- 20,441 Words) {5/10 Chapters} ***
Lexa stuffed her phone, ID and some money into her pockets. Gave her hair a quick ruffle and took a deep breath.
Lexa is a gymnast who's starting to get successful at the international level. The problem? She's also very, very gay. One day, the night after Worlds, shortly after her eighteenth birthday, Lexa decides to take a chance at going out to a club. And it all starts there.
Like an Open Wound by Tanagariel [Mature] (Ongoing- 97,825 Words) {15/25 Chapters} ***
Famous musician Clarke Griffin, known in the industry as Wanheda, is in the process of relaunching her career with a new image, to leave behind the negativity and bad press surrounding her. She’s going on tour very soon, so her manager decided to hire a team, to Clarke’s dismay, with the sole intent to keep Clarke safe from her extremely ravenous fanbase.Enter Lexa Woods, who has been tasked to watch over the very wild rock star. Finding a stubborn woman who was free-spirited had been nothing but a challenge for the disciplined security expert. Suffice to say that they were going to clash.Clarke and Lexa will spend the whole tour together and in the process learning that they aren’t so different after all. That maybe, they can find a common ground between being in the spotlight and the shadows, leaving both their hearts exposed, like an open wound.
oh, dear, you look so lost by Jax (jacquienicole105) [Mature] (Ongoing- 44,649 Words) {8 Chapters} ****
Clarke is running home to Boston from an abusive marriage and an unhappy life. Lexa is the first female in the MLB, out to break barriers and prove the sports world wrong. Neither are looking for a relationship but could a chance encounter change that? (TW: Mentions of domestic abuse) 
You’re The Only Love I Found (and I’m Hoping That You’ll Stay) by awkwardrainbow [Mature] (Ongoing- 215,139 Words) {13/14 Chapters} ****
Clarke is the “straight” pretty girl that Lexa ends up working with on the set of their new television show. Their characters are meant to play a long slow burn romance and because Clarke Griffin is not only straight, but also has never played a roll like this before, she seeks guidance from Lexa whom is an open lesbian. The brunette willingly takes the girl under her wing and they begin a fast moving friendship. What Clarke doesn’t realize is how easy she is to fall in love with, or how easy it is to fall in love with Lexa.
Commander In Chief by steklir (SilentStars) [Teen] (Complete- 26,430 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
Christmas, 2020:
United States President Lexa Woods has recently been re-elected for her second term, has three Nobel Peace Prizes under her belt, and a 97% public approval rating. None of this, in any way, prepares her for the pretty girl her sister brings home to the White House for Christmas.
Quality Ingredients by HurricaneJane [Mature] (Ongoing- 199,180 Words) {26 Chapters} *****
Executive Chef Lexa “The Commander” Woods is working in her latest establishment in her home town of Portland, Maine. She is about to start conceptualizing her next restaurant and only has one rule for herself during the process: No more girls. When an accident at the restaurant lands her in Dr. Clarke Griffin’s ER, she second guesses why she ever had that rule in the first place. Lexa’s head bartender, Lincoln, is obsessed with a divey restaurant on the other side of town run by Octavia. It doesn’t take long for the small town to get even smaller when Lexa starts running into Clarke everywhere. Maybe rules were meant to be broken.
Clexa Goes to Hollywood by ivywoman63 [Mature] (Complete- 113,797 Words) {21/21 Chapters} ***
Modern AU Clexa. Clarke is an Emmy winning actress starring in a cable scifi series, who’s fictional character just lost her lesbian love interest to an untimely death. Lexa is a landscaper by day fan fic/scifi writer by night. Fun, funny, bantering, lighthearted, Rom Com
Love Letters and Coffee Grounds by JLaw1105 [Mature] (Complete- 67,674 Words) {8/8 Chapters} ****
Lexa wasn’t sure what it was that drew her into the little coffee shop on the corner. Maybe it was because it was less than a block away from the front door of her new building. Maybe it was because it wasn’t a Starbucks or some other large chain coffee front that cared more about profit than the flavor of their beans. Maybe it was the warm air filled with the soft scent of coffee, chocolate and cinnamon. But likely, definitely, it was the defiant little corner of the store that loudly rebelled against the norm.It was early November and everything around Lexa was filled with red and greens or whites and blues. It screamed of Christmas and Hanukkah. Of buying gifts and consumer driven profit. But the back corner of the coffee shop was filled with oranges and reds and browns with a rather large sign written in an angry scrawl that said
“It’s not even Thanksgiving yet, assholes!”
There was just something about it that, to Lexa, felt poetically beautiful.
Player Two Has Entered the Game by billet_doux [Mature] (Complete- 86,015 Words) {15/15 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Clexa YouTube AU series] ***
Alexandria Woods, an up and coming YouTube star, novelist, and public figure for LGBT+ rights, is watching her career skyrocket before her eyes. Clarke Griffin, a broke college student, is falling in love with the pretty girl behind the screen. OR; the one where Lexa is a dork who plays video games and vlogs for money, Clarke’s thirst has no chill, Bellamy is a protective brother bear, and Octavia Blake is the matchmaker sent from heaven for everyone but herself.
in love war and politics by centuriesofexistence [Mature] (Ongoing- 131,819 Words) {16 Chapters} ****
It’s the most watched Senate race around the country, and Clarke Griffin is running one hell of an underdog campaign against the favored Cage Wallace. But she has a secret weapon that might save the campaign–and a secret that might ruin it. And both are named Lexa Ward.
Floor It by smttnpegasus (butwhowouldbuythecupcakes) [Mature] (Complete- 53,261 Words) {20/20 Chapters} ***
 Lexa is a world class gymnast, or at least she used to be before she shockingly walked out before her floor performance at Worlds knocking Team USA completely out of medal contention. When she gets on the wrong side of the law she is forced back into a world she had run from for over a year.
The Blind Side of Love by lexawillrise [Mature] (Complete- 188,410 Words) {26/26 Chapters} *****
celeb/artist au aka Lexa is a famous actress who - using a fake name - emails Clarke after falling in love with one of her drawings, and accidentally befriends her. Only, Clarke has no idea who this ‘Alexandria Nicole’ really is. *This is a book-conversion originally written by Ingrid Díaz.*
easier to be by solinasolina [Unrated] (Complete- 149,220 Words) {24/24 Chapters} ***
Lexa Woods made history as the youngest secret service agent to be appointed to the president’s security detail. Alongside Special Agents Anya Carson, Lincoln Black and Gustus Hollows, their duty was to protect Madam President Abby Griffin on a day-to-day basis. Lexa was good at her job. She loved what she did – or at least she learned to. So when she’s reassigned to Clarke’s security detail you can understand her reservations. But she figures it’s just six weeks. Six weeks and things will go back to normal. or the president’s daughter au
Royal Viridian by ayokidd [Mature] (Ongoing- 87,824 Words) {8 Chapters} ***
Lexa is an Australian actress cast for her role of Alycia Taylor in the new LGTBQ series Royal Viridian.Clarke is the illustrator of the project and they’re in pre-production of the show. Indra, the art director of Heda Production Co. makes Clarke attend the preliminary read through, where she finds herself a little unprepared. Clarke is a confident woman who is sure of herself but that all falls to the wayside when Lexa causes her internal wiring to short circuit.
Exception to the Rule by CorvusCorvidae [Mature] (Ongoing- 23,622 Words) {5 Chapters} **
Lexa’s only been working at the White House a week, but already she’s found herself on Clarke Griffin’s radar; and now she’s on it, she’s not sure she wants off it.
Or, White House staffer meets President’s daughter
Imprint (I Was Made For Loving You) by Jude81 and Kendrene [Explicit] (Ongoing- 12,101 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
The one where after the betrayal at the Mountain Clarke has the mating bite removed and the link to Lexa severed. Things of course don’t go as planned.
Young Gods by N1ghtWr1ter [Explicit] (Complete- 233,284 Words) {33/33 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Badlands series] ****
They will go to war tomorrow with fresh mating bites on their necks; tonight they find solace in each other’s arms, and in the knowledge that the only thing that can part them now is death.Everyone knows that Commander Lexa betrayed Wanheda and the Skaikru at the Mountain. Only she and Clarke know that she also abandoned her mate. Following the events of the Mountain, Clarke has disappeared into the wilderness, seeking what peace she can find in solitude. But war is brewing, and soon she will have no choice but to face her mate, and the consequences of their decisions before and after.
Above and Below by DaniJayNel [Mature] (Complete- 100,065 Words) {43/43 Chapters} ****
Clarke Griffin is known as the Slayer. When the Organization discover that the werewolves have an Alpha, and that they have traveled to the front-lines of Mount Weather, they are quick to send Clarke with a squad to assassinate it. Clarke is eager to claim more werewolf blood. But things don’t go according to plan, and Clarke realizes too late that the werecreatures had set a trap. The Alpha has revealed themself but for one reason only: to capture the human’s most formidable weapon, Clarke.
Monsters That We Hide by KM47044 [Mature] (Ongoing- 53,240 Words) {15 Chapters} ***
“I have a solution to your mating issue.”
“So I’ve gathered, but at what price?”
Lexa leans onto the table with her elbows. It reminds Clarke of that moment in a movie where the super villain makes a diabolical offer and the superhero has no choice but to agree. “Mate me instead.” ----
Or Lexa offers Clarke a deal, but making a deal with the devil always comes back to bite those in the ass. Lexa is known for losing control; for going feral when in wolf form. Clarke knows from experience that is something not to take lightly. But looking at Lexa… she has to be lesser of the two evils.
Of Wolves and Men by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Ongoing- 149,603 Words) {6 Chapters} ****
All it can take is a single moment, a single second, and with it everything you've ever known can be destroyed. After being bitten three years ago, Clarke has had to adjust to a complete derailing of her life. Abandoning her dreams of becoming a doctor in fear of what she could do, she hides away in the small town of Polis with her best friend Raven. It's a humans only town. That is, until a girl is killed, and Clarke suddenly realises she's not the only werewolf that exists.
werewolf au where clarke has no idea the extent of what she is and lexa really shouldn't be falling for a mutt.
Don’t Walk on Ice (No Matter How Nice) by lecksa [Unrated] (Ongoing- 68,895 Words) {13 Chapters}** 
Clarke begins to question her decisions as she finds herself strolling across campus in the middle of the night. She just needed some space and time to clear her head. However, a brunette armed with an acoustic guitar and a contagious smile tops the list of things she never expected to find this evening. Now her mind is anything but clear.
She by the fooliam [Mature] (Complete- 65,983 Words) {8/8 Chapters} *****
Her roommate looks at her sometimes and Clarke is never sure if they’re going to kill or kiss each other.
When Clarke Griffin forgets to complete her sophomore year residency application, she returns to college to find that they’ve paired her with the last roommate she ever expected to get.
The Dewey Decimal System is Not That Hard by MusicLurv [Teen] (Ongoing- 226,258 Words) {57 Chapters} ***
Lexa was just doing her job, trying to write a book at the same time. Clarke was just trying to get through school and become a doctor. They had probably crossed paths hundreds of times. But two papers, a thesis proposal, and lab work brings them together.
Open Windows, Open Hearts by Sheisme [Mature] (Complete- 89,258 Words) {22/22 Chapters} [Part of the Open Windows series] ***
Clarke comes home after her sophomore year of college to find she has a new neighbor, Lexa. Her interest in Lexa begins to grow. What makes things worse is that Clarke realizes her bedroom window looks directly into Lexa’s bedroom window. Eventually Lexa realizes the same thing. After some initial embarrassment, they decide to have some fun with it. Maybe a little too much fun.
Where There Is A Flame by eternaleponine [Mature] (Complete- 429,777 Words)  {175/175 Chapters} [Part of the completed Where There Is A Flame series] *****
A modern/college AU for The 100, told in alternating chapters from Clarke and Lexa’s points of view.This is a slow build. VERY slow. But hey, at least they’ve finally met!n Updates on Sundays (Clarke) and Wednesdays (Lexa).Ratings, tags, and warnings subject to change as the story progresses. (TW: Non-consenual touching) 
Run On Gasoline by eskimpertush [Explicit] (Complete- 115,579 Words) {35/35 Chapters}  [Part of the Run On Gasoline series] *****
Clarke and Lexa did not meet under the best of circumstances. It also didn’t help that they’re both stubborn as hell and, given the chance, would never back down from a fight. But fate has a funny way of bringing people together. So they find themselves on the road, running away from their problems, hoping to get somewhere while heading nowhere in particular. Starts off as a sort of modern college AU but is really a road trip fic. Somewhat inspired by a novel called “Invisible Monsters” and a bunch of other random shit. This is a G!p Lexa fic because everybody is apparently doing one, and I happen to really like ‘em. (TW: Mentions of abuse) 
do you feel us falling? (cause i feel us falling) by babytobin_horse [Unrated] (Complete- 34,924 Words) {6/6 Chapters}  ****
Lexa looks down into her drink, attempting to hide a bashful smile. Her cheeks are slightly flushed and Clarke suddenly finds the whole sight helplessly endearing. How could this girl go from formal and proper and in control to shy and slightly reserved so quickly? Or: Clarke is pre-med and an artist while Lexa is somewhat of a college soccer superstar with a secret love for poetry (They’re both dumb and clueless, but they like each other anyway.)
Butterflies by Tabitha Craft [Mature] (Complete- 26,123 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
Clarke is constantly annoyed by Lexa Woods, the know-it-all who is always waving her hand in the air and correcting professors. Lexa is unimpressed with Clarke. They don’t like each other but somehow end up spending time together, and things change, progress, evolve. They’ll never be more than what they are because Lexa wants butterflies and Clarke doesn’t give her them. Clexa without instant attraction and unfathomable lust, with expectation versus reality. A different kind of love story.
Pristine by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 92,843 Words) {28/28 Chapters} [Part of the completed Ameliorate series) ****
Clarke’s twenty-one, about to get her associates degree in art, and she and her friends just pitched their cash together to pay for an old, nearly abandoned warehouse to be their ultimate hangout zone. She’s comfortable with herself, pretty sure she’s more than a little gay, though not entirely, and ready for this next stage of her life. Lexa, on the other hand, is seventeen, starting her last year of high school and feeling not so comfortable with herself. She’s not sure if she likes boys, she’s not sure who she wants to be… Sure, she’s smart and her future is pretty set, but where’s the fun in that? When Lexa nearly hooks up with an older guy during what everyone seems to be calling her “rebellious phase”, she finds herself swept up in the life she’d rather be living, with a girl she’d very much like to be with. (Don’t worry fam, Lexa is gay AF)
Wanna Bet? by 100hearteyes [Mature] (Complete- 129,680 Words) {20/20 Chapters} ****
Lexa and Clarke don’t really fancy each other much. One of them is cold and rude, the other is sarcastic and imposing.Throw in a group assignment, two very different reactions to break-ups and Raven and Octavia’s terrible advice, and you got yourself a recipe for disaster. Or maybe something else entirely?
break your plans by pizzaoctavia [Mature] (Incomplete- 92,587 Words) {14 Chapters}  **
Clexa college!AU: in which Clarke grows tired of hearing Octavia and Lincoln’s escapades in the next room, so Lincoln offers her his apartment for study. He fails to mention his heavily tattooed hockey player roommate in the process.
bathroom stalls and late night calls by unicyclehippo [Unrated] (Complete- 63,072 Words) {29/29 Chapters}  [Part of the incomplete clexa texting au series]  ****
Clexa Texting au on tumblr
the business of caring by coldmackerel [Mature] (Complete- 71,956 Words) {15/15 Chapters} *****
a public service announcement: the campus police would like to politely remind all students, well-wishers, and supporters of the university during this time of serial vandalism that painting on buildings without permission is still illegal. this has not changed no matter how ‘cool’ you think it is. vandalism has never been nor will it ever be ‘radical’, ‘sick’, or any version thereof.
-supervisor lexa woods
More Women Than Warriors by steklir (SilentStars) [Mature] (Complete-172,201 Words) {26/26 Chapters} ******
The first time Clarke sees the Head Girl she’s sitting on a throne, presiding over her dominion with a piercing stare and a crown of braids in her hair. Her warriors are spread at her feet, a multitude of them, all long-haired and wild and clad in identical brown regalia. There’s something of the sacred about her, like the crimson cloak draped across her shoulders and her divinity are one and the same. Or at least it feels that way. British girls’ boarding school AU. Obviously. (Another must read) 
don’t wanna be your girl by faithtastic [Explicit] (Ongoing- 90,619 Words) {10/11 Chapters} ****
Lexa’s interning on a skin flick. She meets Clarke on set. Or: The adult movie AU/college AU no one asked for.
A Practiced Craft by StormFelt [Explicit] (Complete- 20,305 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
Set in a modern day alternate universe at Arkadia University, Dr. Lexa Woods, accomplished practiced lawyer, young up and coming head of the political science department seems to have her life together…until the new young art professor Clarke Griffin flips her world upside down.
Ending the (Prank) War by M_E_Scribbles [Mature] (Complete- 187,555 Words) {58/58 Chapters} **
The centuries old feud between the University of Polis and nearby Arkadia College has gone on long enough. When Clarke’s friends take the prank war too far she takes it upon herself to end it. She seeks out the illusive Heda, the president of the student body at Polis.
Before she has a chance to fully explain her side of things and propose an end to the pranks another nearby university takes aim at Arkadia, hoping to bring the school into its fold.
pills n potions (we’re overdosin’) by indragram [General Audiences] (Complete- 33,884 Words) {14/14 Chapters} ***
Clarke hates a lot of things, but most of all, she hates how she just had to be paired with such a stupid Ravenclaw know-it-all for every damn piece of work in this godforsaken dungeon.
The Magician’s Assistant by rhinomouse [Teen] (Complete- 107,653 Words) {26/26 Chapters} [Part of the ongoing Muggle Magic Tricks series] *****
Clarke Griffin was not going to let the fight against pureblood prejudice her Father believed in die with him. No she was about to pull a true muggle magic trick that the wizarding world won’t soon forget and like the best muggle magic the most interesting part is beneath the surface. Now you see it now you don’t. (First one does not introduce Lexa, second one does: VERY SLOW BURN)
the sky itself will carry me (back to you) by alyciaclebnam [Teen] (Complete- 38,798 Words) {7/7 Chapters} *****
“By the way, how does that work? You coming here when I call. Do you just… pop in and out of existence, or something?”
“It’s like a magical tether,” Lexa explains, ostensibly hesitant. “When you say my name, I feel a pull - right here, in my chest,” she says, drawing a circle around the skin over her heart. “Which is strange in itself, seeing as I no longer possess a beating heart. I can’t explain it, but I feel compelled to be wherever you are.”
“So it’s not just me,” Clarke says slowly, a hopeful expression taking over her previous frown. “There’s something more to you and I, isn’t there?” (or: Clarke is a seventh year student. Lexa is one of the Hogwarts ghosts. There’s a connection between them that Clarke doesn’t understand, but she is determined to figure it out.)
Those Icy Fingers Up and Down My Spine (That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine) by DreamsAreMyWords [Mature] (Ongoing- 359,419 Words) {20/22 Chapters} *****
“Okay, well, the way I see it, you have two options. You can turn around and face the dragon again, or you can put on your big girl panties and go tell Blondie you’re in love with her. Your choice.” Lexa swallowed, wondering if the static crackling down her limbs and burning her fingertips was a lingering effect from riding the thestral or the feel of Clarke’s lips pressed to her own. She cleared her throat, staring back into Raven’s defiant gaze. “I think I will take the dragon,” she said firmly. Or: The Clexa Triwizard AU.
Spelling It Out by Geyranger [Mature] (Ongoing- 110,772 Words) {37/41 Chapters} ****
Clarke studied the twigs Lexa handed her for a second, holding them up to the light. Then she looked back up at Lexa. Earnest turned to mischief in her eyes.
“Thanks, Lexa. You’re a star.”
Then she disapparated with a loud bang, and Lexa was left staring into open air without a single twig. Or The HP AU where Clarke and Lexa are apprentices of competing wand makers, and are sent around the world to fetch materials for wand cores and somehow always manage to run into one another.
I wish I knew you before by toolateintheday [Mature] (Complete- 123,968 Words) {19/19 Chapters} *****
Clexa Hogwarts AU featuring all your favourite characters! Rated M for some language and possible sex in later chapters. Clarke is a Gryffindor and Lexa is a Slytherin, neither girl really likes the other but they are reluctantly thrown together in their fifth year at Hogwarts.
Forest green eyes pierced sky-blue ones and Clarke felt as though her stomach had dropped through the floor. If the braided hair and starch posture hadn’t given it away before now, those eyes were all the confirmation Clarke needed. Lexa Woods.
Princess of the Sky by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Ongoing- 67,731 Words) {17 Chapters}  ****
The Riders disappeared over a century ago, and with them, their dragons. But Clarke is thrust into the middle of a political war she didn’t know existed when she comes across a strange blue stone in the middle of the forest and bonds with the first dragon to hatch in a hundred years.
After tragedy strikes, she’s bent on revenge, but even with her mission, Clarke can’t get the mysterious, imprisoned Elf woman she sees in her dreams out of her mind. Clarke knows everything depends on rescuing her, she just doesn’t know why. (TW: Mention of torture) 
do the stars gaze back by cassiniregio [Teen] (Complete- 36,721 Words) {5/5 Chapters}  [Part of the just a handful of stardust series] ***
If Lexa is to win the heart of her true love, she must bring back a fallen star. But she’s wholly unprepared for the star to be a beautiful girl named Clarke, or for the host of dangerous people out for star blood. In less than a day Clarke falls from the sky, gets run over by a pretty girl, almost gets her heart cut out and maybe gets accidentally kidnapped by pirates, and that’s just the start of her problems.
The Last Lyrian by TrikruCommander [Mature] (Ongoing- 48,747 Words) {19 Chapters} **
Lexa is the Last Lyrian, after her planet is destroyed.Clarke is the Hyadean entrusted with keeping Lexa safe.The problem is Lexa doesn’t know she’s not human, and she doesn’t know Clarke even exists.Can Clarke keep the girl she loves safe?
the tonic of wildness by KL_Morgan [General Audiences] (Complete- 4,103 Words) {Oneshot}  [Part of the incomplete the tonic of wildness series] *****
“Oh, I thought – because of the antlers –”
“Anuael is female.” Lexa lifts her hand and her daemon fits her head beneath it, carefully. Her fingers brush up against the velvety softness at each branch’s root, the sensitive spot where the antlers curl out of Anuael’s skull up into a proud six points. “The Commander’s daemon is always a hart.”
Silly Blue Costume by orphan_account [Teen] (Complete- 21,114 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ***
Clarke moves to Polis to work at the Daily Planet, a huge step up from the Ark Gazette. What she doesn’t expect is to fall for her partner, famous Investigative Reporter Lexa Woods, and to get caught up in a conspiracy involving one of the wealthiest citizens of Polis: the elusive Cage Wallace.
Mystic Coffee by blindwire [Mature] (Complete- 46,243 Words) {6/6 Chapters} *****
Lexa is 95% certain that the girl that comes into her coffee shop each morning is a witch. Whether it’s the tattoos that she swears move when she sees them out of the corner of her eye or the way the girl’s hair changes color if she looks long enough (not that she’s staring), Lexa is positive something strange is going on.
Skylark by RunawayMarbles [Mature] (Complete- 115,948 Words) {28/28 Chapters} ***
“And they don’t have superpowers. They are semi-successful experiments. Your people will not take any action against Sky Crew without my order: their code names are bad enough. I will not have Polis turn into some Gotham-esque battleground. Dismissed.”
“Uh, actually, Metropolis had more superpowers—”
I Am Heda by Alexis_Payton [Mature] (Complete- 124,439 Words) {19/19 Chapters} *****
Clarke had expected to see many new and wonderful things on Earth. But nothing could’ve possibly prepared her for meeting the Heda of the Twelve Clans. A creature so powerful, so strange, so beautiful, that just the sight of her stole Clarke’s breath away.
My Soul Alight by AnonBeMe [Unrated] (Ongoing- 64,556 Words) {20 Chapters} **
“Am I in danger?” Clarke asks, feeling her heart in her throat.
“Not if you forget.” Lexa gives Clarke a greeting nod, a goodbye, before disappearing from the doorway.
The AU in which Clarke, a doctor, treats a strange patient one night, and soon finds herself caught in a web of unexplainable events. The word magic seems implausible, but Clarke doesn’t know what else to call it. All Clarke wants is answers, damn it, and to reverse whatever is happening to her, so she stubbornly seeks out the strange woman – a leader of a land beyond invisible borders – who insists that the less Clarke knows the better. Clarke, however, is relentless and it comes with a price…
You, the Ocean, and Me by billet_doux [Mature] (Ongoing- 32,931 Words) {4 Chapters} ***
Clarke Griffin is dealing with the repercussions of the accident that took her father’s life. Octavia Blake is trying to find where in the world she fits in. Raven Reyes is trying to win the heart of an older woman. Lexa Woods is trying to help her friends when a mysterious event changes their lives forever.
Three girls, all in the wrong (right) place at the wrong (right) time, are bound together with a shared secret. They can only rely on one girl, an aspiring scientist, to help them figure out what has happened to them–and possibly find a way to turn them back.
Cobweb Hearts by DreamsAreMyWords [Mature] (Complete- 23,330 Words) {7/7 Chapters} ***
Lexa is a grumpy vampire, and Clarke's a mischievous fairy who loves getting under her skin. They're forced to become roommates for a month and they expect it's only going to end in fucking each other, killing each other, or both. They certainly don't expect to fall in love.
Hold Me Till the Stars Dim by ur_the_puppy [Teen] (Complete- 86,420 Words) {4/4 Chapters} [part of the ongoing Fallen series] ***
After Costia's tragic death, Lexa Woods still hasn't recovered. It has been months now, and though her friend's have let Lexa do what she wants for most of that time, they can't let her ignore them any more. The answer? A camping trip. And though seemingly innocent, things go bad. Violently bad. Fast.
a slightly different take on grounder clarke
home is wherever i'm with you by merricats_sugarbowl [Teen] (Complete- 65,737 Words) {19/19 Chapters} ***
It’s one thing to know that humans are adaptable. It’s another to see it happen, or to have it happen to you.
The thing is, when the dead rise from their graves, you get pretty damn good at adapting.
It's been months since the dead rose from their graves and society went to hell, and it's finally starting to take its toll on Clarke. When a radio broadcast reveals that there's safety at Mount Weather, she and her group immediately fix on it as the next step in their plan for survival.
Meanwhile, Lexa's carved out a good life for herself and her group at Camp Polis, but their safety is threatened by a rival group that constantly steals their supplies. Bringing Nia and her people to justice is Lexa's number one priority; that, and the ever-growing number of missing people who've sought help at Mount Weather and failed to return.
When Clarke and Lexa meet by chance, everything changes.
Atlantis by coeurastronaute [Mature] (Ongoing- 10,832 Words) {3 Chapters} ***
Lexa is the heir to the throne of Atlantis, forced to live her life by her father's rules. All of that changes when she finally has contact with land.
frostbite (and heartsickness) by hedahawkeye [Mature] (Ongoing- 40,626 Words) {17 Chapters} ****
The first time Clarke sees Lexa after she surrenders to SHIELD, she realizes that she can't distinctly remember Lexa before the war. Lexa before HYDRA, Lexa before Tsing, Lexa before injections and torture and hurt. The girl she knew in Washington, with scraped knees and bird-like limbs, with a grin on her face and a kid sister on her hip, blends in with recollections tainted by blood and ashes, by a soldier falling to her death and a berserker throwing a fist at her head.
[Winter Soldier AU]
Legends by aos_skimmons [Teen] (Complete- 63,546 Words) {5/5 Chapters} ****
“Who’s that?” Clarke asked.Octavia glanced in Clarke’s line of sight. 
“That is Lexa Woods.”
“Is she a daughter of Aphrodite too?”Octavia barked out a laugh and shook her head. Clarke felt her cheeks flush. 
“No. She’s a daughter of Athena.”
“Oh.” Clarke said, still blushing furiously.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone about your crush on the devil.”A demi god au.
String Bracelets by rochke11 [Mature] (Complete- 36,013 Words) {13/13 Chapters}  ***
Growing up, Clarke, Lexa and Costia spent their summers as best friends at Camp Rothenberg, from when they were seven until they were fifteen. Now 19, Clarke and Lexa have returned to Camp Rothenberg as camp counselors, but it’s been three years since they last saw or spoke to each other. Both girls are haunted by the last summer they spent at camp together four years earlier and by the death of the girl who brought their trio together.Forced to spend the summer as counselors of rival cabins: The Grounders and Arkers, will Clarke and Lexa finally be able to reconcile, and will they finally forgive themselves and each other for what happened that summer four years earlier?
carousel of time. by vulpixgrrl [Unrated] (Complete- 21,745 Words) {4/4 Chapters} ***
they’ve hated each other every summer they can remember, rivals since first session. But they’re finally camp counselors and it’s a whole new battle field.
Cross-Rilvalry Romances - Summer Camp Style by ToriWritesStories [Mature] (Complete- 73,704 Words) {24/24 Chapters}  ***
Clarke Griffin, Octavia and Bellamy Blake, Raven Reyes, Lexa Woods and many others are all at Camp Unite - a supposedly better-than-average summer camp where kids from different extra curriculars and interests all come together and… do summer camp stuff? Nevertheless, they’re there. The twist? None of them know each other, and turns out, this camp that’s all about uniting and forming a better community is pretty divided. Pretty easy to get caught up in divisions that have been around for years - until a certain couple of people start forming crushes that cross the line of division. Mostly a Clexa fic, with some lovely little secondary character romances popping up as well.
Almost Three by fairytaleslayer [Teen] (Complete- 23,797 Words) {6/6 Chapters} ***
People age until they’re eighteen, and are then frozen in time until they meet their soul mate. After that, they grow old together. Plain and simple. That’s the deal. Only, in Clarke’s case, the universe doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. Or Waiting over a century for your soul mate really fucking sucks.
Pinch Me by LeNoLifeLoser [Unrated] (Ongoing- 59,552 Words) {19 Chapters} ***
Abby inspected the girl, but nothing was there. No irritation, no bumps or bruises, there was no reason for pain. “Does it feel like you got hit?” Clarke nodded, letting out a whimper. Abby sighed, but then Clarke let out another yelp, hands flying to her cheek as tears streamed down anew. Then Abby understood. “That’s your soulmate.” She cooed, pulling her daughter into a hug. “Soulmate?” Wells piped up from beside her. Abby nodded, setting down again and letting Clarke curl into her lap. Wells hopped up beside them and turned to her expectantly. “You see, every person has someone very special out there in the world. This person is the person you’re meant for. They can be your best friend or your spouse or anyone, really. But there’s a connection between you and your special person. Every ounce of pain you feel, your special person feels too, and vice versa. It seems Clarke’s soulmate is a little clumsy huh?” Abby tried to goad Clarke into laughing. But the little girl was focused very hard, eyebrows scrunched together and pouting adorably. She stared off into the distance, completely still, except for the occasional hiccup. “I wanna help them.” She whispered stubbornly.
Look. Don’t Touch (for this will destroy us) by Naojinxd [Mature] (Complete- 108,445 Words) {10/10 Chapters} **
Clarke Griffin has held a secret for her entire life: whenever she looks at her reflection she doesn’t see her blonde, wavy hair or her deep blue eyes. She stares at a woman with long chestnut hair and cold, piercing green eyes. She never knew what it meant when she saw this woman looking back at her, until one day the woman in the mirror steps into her life and everything changes.
Or in a world where your reflection does not show you but your soulmate.
Your Heart On My Sleeve by aredpen [General Audiences] (Ongoing- 34,756 Words) {9 Chapters} ***
Carefully, Clarke managed an only slightly shaky 'C’, seeing the color settle brightly against her pale skin, before the teacher was calling for the class to put away the coloring supplies and Clarke quickly hid her wrist and looked up guiltily. No one said anything, though, and Clarke shoved the markers in the bin before holding her wrist gently against her stomach.
She tried not to look at everyone else’s wrists for the rest of the day. Tried not to see that no one had any green there. Not even the next day, or two days later, until finally she forgot to keep her wrist out of the water when she was washing and it faded away, just like the idea that her soulmate could be here somewhere.
Soulmates are rare. Even more so now that ink is being rationed on the Ark and permanent identifying tattoos are no longer allowed. Distance has never been an obstacle before, though. Not even between the ground and the sky.
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writerspink · 6 years
K-12 Words
dry wet shoe ten long stay yellow watch inch cup time words same six bones black child ear most page work white five arms snow main nine water head eggs rain test seven root law fall cow red doctor baby feet room rule one blue dark legs wind skin ball green two ever car body box orange gave door four europe picture wish purple ready try neck brown through sky grass air sign whether dance pink eight drive too sat gray three hit man love hand the of and a to in is you that it he was for on are as with his they I at be this have from or had by but not what all were we when your can said there use an each which she do how their if will up other about out many then them these so some her would make like him into has look more write go see number no way could people my than first been called who oil sit now find down day did get come made may part
anything syllables past describe winter even also eleven moon fruit sand apple women nose solve Math problem plus minus equals stone pants shirt starry thousand divided just train shall held short lay dictionary twelve suddenly mind race clothes learn picked probably raised finished end plaid years bill place hundred different drop came river milk beautiful square lake hole fingers flat sea type over new sound take only little work know live me back give most very after things our name good sentence man think say great where help through much before line right too means old any same tell boy follow want show around form three small
interest job because such think thirteen subject answer letter meet north length need times divide (by) times table edge soft months present energy point sound log south wide members exercise flowers set found things heart cause site brother teacher live read billion another distance written kept direction developed wall east happy million world must house turn west change well twenty felt put end does large big even here why ask went men land different home us move try kind hand picture again off dress play spell air away animal page mother study still learn should America
paragraph weather window third believe discovered simple gone paint new store form cells matter follow perhaps cannot good means around line center kind reason move forest sentence return instruments beside represent wild study back farmers sum difference product quotient remainder mother animal land region record summer general caterpillar scratch modern adjust passenger promise equal creak almost croak book dainty song high every near add food between own below country plant last school father keep tree never start city earth eyes light thought head under story saw left don’t few while along might close something seem next hard open example begin life always those both paper together got group often run
misty poor caution pest phrase life startle squirm alone centaur rise mountain above illustrator footprint temperature decorate country sweat sometimes hair smiled everything began thick compass themselves enough took although splendid crowded second act attach sly talk wonder let’s whirl someone Africa borrow beat belong blink per fasten pain begin drenched bed shell free earth tiny slippery count factors important until children side feet car mile night walk white sea grow river four carry state once book hear stop without late miss idea eat face watch far Indian real almost let girl mountains cut young soon list song being leave family it’s
drowsy bashful hatch glad copy possible wicked grin sibling shovel run verb sail polish ride young steep case Indian laughed soil appear bolts costume melody narrow behave howl example flee together lot filthy alarm spiral selfish idea conductor fight rolled middle glacier tree dizzy gather sneaky already construct every miss lively metal couldn’t gold plant mask chat nation hear either bundle section near rescue face divide sob celebrate family loosen jealous crash chimney daily own cozy ripe cut son natural serious carry care paper broken cue within body music color stand questions fish area mark horse birds problem complete room knew since ever piece told usually didn’t friends easy heard order red door sure become top ship across today during short better best however low hours black products happened whole measure remember early waves reached
being instead ache exactly hard speed buy age late artistic close affordable fraction eyes appetite complain sleep seem eat below remove rusty grow glum stormy trust enormous scale open add grab upset weed denied expensive story terrified lead jumped died basket side bear bend list tomb while batch grateful father gleaming dress light sprinkle amount exclaim result yank leave cheat whimper angle outside remain heap champion surprise dodge moment fancy squeeze pretend village shriek city thunder rapid iron striped don’t attitude bell hat tug isn’t applause children honest cross spring freezing listen wind rock space covered fast several hold himself toward five step morning passed vowel true hundred against pattern numeral table north expert slowly money map farm pulled draw voice seen cold cried plan notice south sing war ground fall king town I’ll unit figure certain field travel wood fire upon
pattern cave hope mile group travel blush killed seed bottom hide important let ticket timid pounds restart silent cranky keep real bright quite curved repeat trip without dart consonant mountains quiet apologize roar grip groan bolt food injury century exhausted cabin atmosphere floor it’s scold transportation delighted giant hill something build fog method rough left everyone obey deserve speak therefore soon french switch until pushed state knob hobby between surround collect fire I’ll arrive road happened certain top order astronomy inches club catch farm nibble color yourself received connect told gaze check wear English half ten fly gave box finally wait correct oh quickly person became shown minutes strong verb stars front feel fact street decided contain course surface produce building ocean class note nothing rest carefully scientists inside wheels stay green known island week less machine base ago stood
round award crowd slowly yet products, goods, services vowel himself strange whose draw team hold feel flood sent save stood yard notice warn enemy deep please flap coast music wrote safe blast behind island lizard figure famous garden correct whisper listen joined clear share net thus calf maybe cried piece fold seen england decided bank fell pair control clean telescope trouble glass float morning horse produce course hunting rest step statement contain shouted filled zigzag accident cents instrument fly single express visit desert seeds chew dome experiment break gravity against branch size low plane system ran boat game force brought understand warm common bring explain dry though language shape thousands yes equation government heat full hot check object am rule among noun power cannot able six dark ball material special heavy fine circle include built
mark wealthy row feeling across attention ran map students inside design art mouth ring skill hot during shelter full till log (book) blossom discard bring quickly scientists party town covered wise early cram grain harm goal pause inform heal clue fame freeze badge pimple dim missionary diet dumb rod march agree stick government bulb mall ban greed skiing poison stove image grew fact material dangerous flow gap ago stack explain didn’t strong voice true drawing surface gift corner cloud since king dawn pulled dozen friends greedy burning upon knew insect decimal nervous pay foot weak smooth aware steady serve lost nonetheless beach front atlas questions less cost slight motor banner wire area carefully separate equation local minutes fast table plan fine waves fair sing dive suppose boat thousands shape among toward gas factory birds wait understand sure ship report captain human game history reflect special brave bounce though else can’t matter square syllables perhaps bill felt suddenly test direction center farmers ready anything divided general energy subject Europe moon region return believe dance members picked simple cells paint mind love cause rain exercise eggs train blue wish drop developed window difference distance heart site sum summer wall forest probably
include cage language base red brain building feast better built demolish excess leap tower ocean plains cold claw information scholar climbed woman worry strand heavy herd common ground damp pack choose president least increase half english invent class measure dash tremble object become doubt became bare wheels continued shiver engine core couple business stars week peak numeral brought nothing touch reached uncle symbols however rumor evening inasmuch (as) force curious heat career system valley dust flock spray robber practice lonely remember luxury warm heard calm rock frighten leader difficulty best gum cheer key support universe stream bit usually fish parade balance money note cliff stand proof you’re pale machine complete cool shown street today shy easy several search unit war power caught settle itself fuel mention fresh planet plane straight period person able direct space wood seal field circle lady board besides hours passed known whole similar underline main winter wide written length reason kept interest arms brother race present beautiful store job edge past sign record finished discovered wild happy beside gone sky grass million west lay weather root instruments meet third months paragraph raised represent soft whether clothes flowers shall teacher held describe drive appreciate structure visible artificial
afraid absorb british seat fear stretched furniture sight oxygen coward rope clever yellow albeit confess passage france fan cattle spot explore rather active death effect mine create wash printed process origin rose swift woe planets doze gasp chief perform triumph value substances tone score predict property movement harsh tube settled defend reverse ancient blood sharp border fierce plunge consider terms vision intend total schedule attract average intelligent corn dead southern glide supply convince send continent brief mural symbol crew chance suffix habit insects entered nursery especially spread drift major fig diagram guess wit sugar predator science necessary moisture park ordeal nectar fortunate flutter gun forward globe misery molecules arctic won’t actually addition washington cling rare lie steel pastime soldiers chill accordingly capital prevent solution greek sensitive electric agreed thin provide indicate northern volunteer sell tied triangle action opposite shoulder imitate steer wander except match cross speak solve appear metal son either ice sleep village factors result jumped snow ride care floor hill pushed baby buy century outside everything tall already instead phrase soil bed copy free hope spring case laughed nation quite type themselves temperature bright lead everyone method section lake iron within dictionary bargain loyal resource struggle vary capture exclaim gloomy insist restless shallow shatter talent atmosphere brilliant endure glance precious unite certain clasp depart journey observe superb treasure wisdom
prepared journey trade delicate arrived track cotton hoe furnish exciting view grasp level branches privilege limit wrong enable ability various moreover spoil starve dollars digest advice sense accuse pretty wasn’t industry adopt loyal suggested blow treasure cook adjective doesn’t wings tools crops loud smell frail wisdom fit expect ahead lifted deed device weight gradual respect interesting arrange particular compound examine cable climate division individual talent fatal entire advantage opponent wouldn’t elements column custom enjoy grace theory suitable wife shoes determine allow marsh workers difficult repeated thrill position born distant revive magnificent shop sir army struggled deal plural rich rhythm rely poem company string locate church mystify elegant led actual responsible japanese huge fun meat observe swim office chart avoid factories block called experience win crumple brilliant located pole bought conditions sister details primary survey truck recall disease radio rate scatter decay signal approach launch hair age amount scale pounds although per broken moment tiny possible gold milk quiet natural lot stone act build middle speed count consonant someone sail rolled bear wonder smiled angle fraction Africa killed melody bottom trip hole poor let’s fight surprise French died beat exactly remain fingers clever coast explore imitate pierce rare symbol triumph ancient cling disturb expose perform remote timid bashful brief compete consider delightful honor reflex remark brink chill conquer fortunate fury intend pattern vibrant wit
capture remark western outcome risk current bold compare resident ambition arrest furthermore desire confuse accurate disclose considerable contribute calculate baggage literacy noble era benefit orchard shabby content precious manufacture dusk afford assist demonstrate instant concentrate sturdy severe blend vacant weary carefree host limb pointless prepare inspire shallow chamber vast ease attentive source frantic lack recent distress basic permit threat analyze distract meadow mistrust jagged prefer sole envy hail reduce arena tour annual apparent recognize captivity burrow proceed develop humble resist peculiar response communicate circular variety frequent reveal essential disaster plead mature appropriate attractive request congratulate address destructive fragile modest attempt tradition ancestor focus flexible conclude venture impact generosity routine tragic crafty furious blossom concern ascend awkward master queasy release portion plentiful alert heroic extraordinary frontier descend invisible coax entrance capable peer terror mock outstanding valiant typical competition hardship entertain eager limp survive tidy antonym duplicate abolish approach approve glory magnificent meek prompt revive watchful wreckage audible consume glide origin prevent punctuate representative scorn stout woe arch authentic clarify declare grant grave opponent valid yearn admirable automatic devotion distant dreary exhaust kindle predict separation stunt
evade debate dedicate budge available miniature petrify pasture banquet pedestrian solitary decline reassure nonchalant exhibit realistic exert abuse dictate minor monarch concept character strategy soar beverage tropical withdraw challenge kin navigate purchase reliable mischief solo combine vivid aroma spurt illuminate narrator retain excavate avalanche preserve suspend accomplish exasperate obsolete occasion myth reign sparse gorge intense revert antagonist talon aggressive alternate retire cautiously blizzard require endanger luxurious senseless portable sever compensate companion visual immense slither guardian compassion escalate detect protagonist oasis altitude assume seldom courteous absurd edible identical pardon approximate taunt achievement homonym hearty convert wilderness industrious sluggish thrifty deprive independent bland confident anxious astound numerous resemble route access jubilation saunter hazy impressive document moral crave gigantic bungle prefix summit overthrow perish visible translate comply intercept feeble exult compose negative suffocate frigid synonym appeal dominate deplete abundant economy desperate diligent commend boycott jovial onset burden fixture objective siege barrier conceive formal inquire penalize picturesque predator privilege slumber advantage ambition defiant fearsome imply merit negotiate purify revoke wretched absorb amateur channel elegant grace inspect lame tiresome tranquil boast eloquent glisten ideal infectious invest locate ripple sufficient uproar
apprehensive dialogue prejudice marvel eligible accommodate arrogant distinct knack deposit liberate cumulative consequence strive salvage chronological unique vow concise influence lure poverty priority legislation significant conserve verdict leisure erupt beacon stationary generate provoke efficient campaign paraphrase swarm adhere eerie mere mimic deteriorate literal preliminary solar soothe expanse ignite verge recount apparel terrain ample quest composure majority collide prominent duration pursue innovation omniscient resolute unruly optimist restrain agony convenient constant prosper elaborate genre retrieve exploit continuous dissolve dwell persecute abandon meager elude rural retaliate primitive remote blunder propel vital designate cultivate loathe consent drastic fuse maximum negotiate barren transform conspicuous possess allegiance beneficial former factor deluge vibrant intimidate idiom dense awe rigorous manipulate transport discretion hostile clarity arid parody boisterous capacity massive prosecute declare stifle remorse refuge predicament treacherous inevitable ingenious plummet adapt monotonous accumulate reinforce extract reluctant vacate hazardous inept diminish domestic linger context excel cancel distribute document fragile myth reject scuffle solitary temporary veteran assault convert dispute impressive justify misleading numerous productive shrewd strategy villain bluff cautious consist despise haven miniature monarch obstacle postpone straggle vivid aggressive associate deceive emigrate flexible glamour hazy luxurious mishap overwhelm span blemish blunt capable conclude detect fatigue festive hospitality nomad supreme
exclude civic compact painstaking supplement habitat leeway minute hoax contaminate likeness migration commentary extinct tangible originate urban unanimous subordinate collaborate obstacle esteem encounter futile cordial trait improvises superior exaggerate anticipate cope evolve eclipse dissent anguish subsequent sanctuary formulates makeshift controversy diversity terminate precise equivalent pamper prior potential obnoxious radiant predatory presume permanent pending simultaneously tamper supervise perceived vicious patronize trickle stodgy rant oration preview species poised perturb vista wince yearn persist shirk status tragedy trivial snare vindictive wrath recede peevish rupture unscathed random toxic void orthodox subtle resume sequel upright wary overwhelm perjury uncertainty prowess utmost throb pluck pique vengeance pelt urgent substantial robust sullen retort ponder whim saga sham reprimand vocation assimilate dub defect accord embark desist dialect chastise banter inaugurate ovation barter muse blasé stamina atrocity deter principal liberal epoch preposterous advocate audacious dispatch incense deplore institute deceptive component subside spontaneous bonanza ultimate wrangle clarify hindrance irascible plausible profound infinite accomplish apparent capacity civilian conceal duplicate keen provoke spurt undoing vast withdraw barrier calculate compose considerable deputy industrious jolt loot rejoice reliable senseless shrivel alternate demolish energetic enforce feat hearty mature observant primary resign strive verdict brisk cherish considerate displace downfall estimate humiliate identical improper poll soothe vicinity abolish appeal brittle condemn descend dictator expand famine portable prey thrifty visual
stance vie instill exceptional avail strident formidable rebuke enhance benign perspective tedious aloof encroach memoir mien desolate inventive prodigy staple stint fallacy grope vilify recur assail tirade antics recourse clad jurisdiction caption pseudonym reception humane ornate sage ungainly overt sedative amiss convey connoisseur rational enigma fortify servile fastidious contagious elite disgruntled eccentric pioneer abet luminous era sleek serene proficient rue articulate awry pungent wage deploy anarchy culminate inventory commemorate muster adept durable foreboding lucrative modify authority transition confiscate pivotal analogy avid flair ferret decree voracious imperative grapple deface augment shackle legendary trepidation discern glut cache endeavor attribute phenomenon balmy bizarre gullible loll rankle decipher sublime rubble renounce porous turbulent heritage hover pithy allot minimize agile renown fend revenue versa gaunt haven dire doctrine intricate conservative exotic facilitate bountiful cite panorama swelter foster indifferent millennium gingerly conscientious intervene mercenary citadel obviously rely supportive sympathy weakling atmosphere decay gradual impact noticeable recede stability variation approximately astronomical calculation criterion diameter evaluate orbit sphere agricultural decline disorder identify probable thrive expected widespread bulletin contribution diversity enlist intercept operation recruit survival abruptly ally collide confident conflict protective taunt adaptation dormant forage frigid hibernate insulate export glisten influence landscape native plantation restore urge blare connection errand exchange
feasible teem pang vice tycoon succumb capacious onslaught excerpt eventful forfeit crusade tract haggard susceptible exemplify ardent crucial excruciating embargo disdain apprehend surpass sporadic flustered languish conventional disposition theme plunder ignore project complaint title dramatic delivery litter experimental clinic arrogance preparation remind atomic occasional conscious deny maturity closure stressed translator animate observation physical further gently registration suppress combination amazing constructive allied poetry passion ecstasy mystery cheerful contribution spirit failed gummy commerce prove disagreement raid consume embarrass preference migrant devour encouragement quote mythology destined destination illuminating struggle accent ungrateful giggle approval confidence expose scientist operation superstitious emergency manners absolutely swallow readily mutual bound crisp orient stress sort stare comfort verbal heel challenging advertisement envious sex scar astonish basis accuracy enviable alliance specific chef embarrassed counter tolerable sympathetic gradually vanish informative amaze royal furry insist jealousy simplify quiver collaborate dedicated flexible function mimic obstacle technique archaeologist fragment historian intact preserve reconstruct remnant commence deed exaggeration heroic impress pose saunter wring astound concealed inquisitive interpret perplexed precise reconsider suspicious anticipation defy entitled neutral outspoken reserved sought equal absorb affect circulate conserve cycle necessity seep barren expression meaningful plume focused genius perspective prospect stunned superb transition assume guarantee nominate
install reticent corroborate regretfully strength murder concise cunning intention holy satire query confused progression disillusion background mundane abrupt multiple enormously introduce emulate harmful pragmatic pity rebut liberate enthusiastic elucidate camaraderie disparage nature creep profitability impression racist sobriety occupy autonomy currently amiable reiterate reproduce cripple modest offer atom provincial augment ungratefully expansion yield rashly allude immigration silence epitome exacerbate somber avid dispute vindicate collaborate manufacturer embellish superficial propaganda incompetent objective diminish statistics endure ambivalent perpetuate illuminate phenomenon exasperate originality restrict anxiety anthropology circumstances aesthetic manufacturing conventional dubious vulnerable reality precedent entity success term critical repair underscore stepmother republican hesitantly classic wary contents prediction immediate invoke notorious implicit excluding input skeptical foster element punish frank humanity profound dessert orthodox substance disappear encourage neighborhood elder superfluous naive ascertain complacent resilient deafening military tend prudent glare acceptance skillfully induce monster beam gullible conciliate vessel petty cantankerous disclose archaeology anecdote disdain electronics substantiate subjective tourism advisable joyful incredible provocative psychological ruins discipline condone indifferent misfortune judgmental industrialize tasty assume astute mission mar protective definitely escape oppress shocked virtual zealous endorse qualification hostile eccentric abstract disparate geographical scrutinize generalization tolerate activity claim dogmatic influential obsolete extol implausible subsequent resource chronic benevolent improve confidential ambiguous seriously dearth perplex hatred throughout dine contemporary evoke essentially economic flagrant obscure alleviate eloquent dreaadful clumsy sympathy victim condemn vigor condescend spontaneous quell reprehensible substantially sleeve equivocal ironic decry errand articulate progressive eradicate refreshments elicit aspiration recently exemplary bribery theoretical disingenuous partisan revere particle nostalgia self-aggrandizement debunk tyranny rhetoric hierarchy warning whimsical venerate commend assert miserable awful vibe constrain undermine explicit differentiate compliment scrupulous contempt erroneous ideal refute imply cynical rash presume insight revival vary delay renounce indignant offensive temperate circumstantial export peep logo advertise suppress distort chunk convoluted denounce overwhelming fertility rigorous acquire arrogant university antagonize profitable indulgent strategic breathing idiosyncrasy profession frugal discern accommodation adversary incredulous disturbance digress social belie roam smug continual pertinent voluntarily elite subtle blame sincerity lick horror censure involvement candid infer futile impetuous exploit bewilder sustain diligent sincere protect sealed musical empathy callous parenthetical insure acorn sarcasm seize sacrificially allege emphatic irrelevant progress diplomatic stunned improvise deride reconcile meticulous deject scientifically incontrovertible pressure justify gloomy depict supplant endurance analogous diary bolster slip contemplate pesticide glow religious advocate negligent creator lament fundamental embrace throne inherent inferior valuable thrive trivial pretense reserved capricious refresh refusal flight boost explanation coherent prevalent tenacious official royalty assassin rub poach delete
warrant circumscribed somewhat explosive optimistic mandate previously detract opinion intuitive feasible intimate persistent humble simplicity tempt deliberate painful unethical fundamentals discrepancy remorse pessimistic possibility conclusion acknowledge impregnate soberly creation paralyze suitability oblige tranquil medal arbitrate pacify illusory susceptible vibrate vengeance infection democratic stressful grave speculative sample identification stifle obligation revenge organization namely mediocre practical scream weaken consensus affectionate deficient treacherous console isolation ingenious memory melodrama despair awestruck composition regret recommendation celebrity decision devoid opaque ornamentation longevity participate dread restore interrogate aid accordingly mislead embarrassment optimism domestic apt funds virtue geography fundamentally thoroughly press despite horrible chilling rental esteemed disappointment innovative contemplation assign popularize haunt deafen serene percent estrangement suffer extravagant throng estimate comment priesthood mass dreadfully promote periphery animated saying relate clarity triple derivative succeed distortion register suicide improvement discreet inquisition probable curative incident praise convenience baffle covet dreadful genuinely weary undisturbed disgruntled humility renown nonchalant monopoly comedy vague decisive inconsequential announcement fabricated nevertheless vigilant scarce neglectful hushed attainment tedious explode snatch pslm agency sentimental tension adhere meanwhile sacred avert conformity likewise challenger accessible responsibility peril contact event roast fallible catastrophic competitor violate resolute deceive exaggeration discredit intolerable approve paste dimly novelist demeanor norm politician satisfaction obvious vehicle reservation defer involve restoration crush audible assistant backpack attain inanimate commemorate confrontation emigration parasite disperse quantitative laughter policy vulgar occasionally repay effective eulogy starvation empty therapeutic overall immortal encompass inappropriate opportune engagement illustrate turmoil observatory classification expression reminiscence comedian invention depress remedy protagonist gesture texture diplomatic election prolong conducive emotional invigorate curiosity expressive %
K-12 Words was originally published on PinkWrite
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2700fstreet · 6 years
THEATER / 2018-2019
World premiere Kennedy Center co-commission Written by Christopher Myers Directed by Kaneza Schaal
Student Guide: Cartography
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Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers: Get the Conversation Going
Human migration is an ongoing theme in human history. Whether the people on the move have been refugees fleeing war or natural disaster, or migrants relocating somewhere they hope will offer greater opportunity, much of humanity’s story has been about people seeking a new home in a new land.
Today’s stories of refugees and migrants are no different. Cartography, written by Christopher Myers and directed by Kaneza Schaal, invites people to make the connection. “I really want young people to see themselves in that context, whether their stories are personal or farther back in their family’s history,” says Myers. (You can find an interview with Myers below.)
For this production, 2700 F St. invites teachers, parents, and caregivers to take a break from interpreting “the big picture” of today’s news coverage about refugees and migrants, coverage that often presents these people and their circumstances in simplistic ways. Instead, we can let the documentary voices of young people onstage speak directly to young people in the audience.
This adult guide is designed to facilitate the start of a conversation.
The Human Journey
The play Cartography is one in a series of programs in The Human Journey, a season-long artistic collaboration among The Kennedy Center, National Geographic Society, and National Gallery of Art. These identified performances and exhibits invite audiences to investigate human experience through the performing arts, science, and visual art.
Cartography features all of the main themes that form the framework for The Human Journey project—namely migration, exploration, identity, and resilience. These four themes are described here:
Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, whether by force or choice, in search of a better living situation. “This movement of people has historically brought together cultures from around the globe, shrinking our planet and bringing the cultural identities that define us into sharper focus,” said Tracy Wolstencroft, chairman and CEO of the National Geographic Society.
Exploration is the human endeavor to discover and better understand the world. The urge to discover can mean turning inward to reveal the mysteries of human biology and psychology, outward to explain secrets of our planet and universe, or toward each other to untangle the jumble of humanity and its relationships and social systems.
Identity relates to how we see ourselves and others, and how we form and apply ideas about who we are. In Cartography, this theme is central as the identities of these young refugees leave their familiar lives and cultures behind.
Resilience describes our ability to endure and function, especially under pressure and stress. Cartography dramatizes the various ways the characters stay strong and hopeful under life-churning circumstances.
With migration and refugees frequently in today’s news, the central ideas of The Human Journey programs are very relevant. Keeping them in mind can help us relate the stories in Cartography to our own lives.
Video: “What Does It Mean to Be a Refugee?” by Benedetta Berti and Evelien Borgman. June 16, 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25bwiSikRsI
A Different “Kind” of Theater
Cartography is a type of theater known as “devised documentary theater.” This style of stage performance is developed by a collective where performers collaborate and improvise on specific topics or themes—that’s the devised part. For example, the director may call out a word and have the performers act out their responses. As a group, they see and discover effective scenes and onstage moments and craft them into a script. New York’s Wooster Group and Elevator Repair Service are two well-known theater companies that specialize in devised theater.
“Documentary theater” draws on news stories and interviews with real people. The performance dramatizes a story by portraying events, sometimes using people’s actual words. Documentary theater includes “investigative theater” that is based on investigative/exploratory journalism. The Laramie Project (2000)—which recounts the murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard based on interviews with people in Laramie, Wyoming—is a frequently produced example. “Verbatim theater” is another form of documentary theater, performed using only the words of people interviewed. The works of Anna Deavere Smith are examples, including Fires in the Mirror and Notes from the Field.
Using Open-ended Questions
To set the tone for discussions with young people, consider sharing something from your personal experience that relates to the play and its themes. The intention is to start conversations and keep them going. However, avoid putting any students on the spot about their own identity or family history.
You can use open-ended questions to help students spot details they may have missed, to dive deeper into the play’s content and themes, and engage with potentially controversial content that may come up in discussions such as issues of religion, race, and poverty. When necessary, encourage students to back up their interpretations or views with supporting evidence from the play itself or a trustworthy third-party source.
Here are several open-ended points of discussion to consider:
Have students describe the set of Cartography and how it is used.
As a collaborative exercise, recount notable moments in the performance: What got your attention or surprised you?
How did you feel when the cast left the stage and interacted with audience members?
What new information or ideas came to mind by the end of the performance?
What are examples of major human migrations in history? What factors contributed to them?
Before the Show
Along with your young people, discuss and decide how they want to prepare for attending Cartography. First stop, review the Student Guide with them. Then ask: What do they already know about human migration? What more would they like to learn? Do they want to research their family’s own migration history? Are they interested in the asylum process? Do they want to learn more about documentary theater? Would they like to take an online tour of the Kennedy Center?
Consider following their lead on how they want to prepare, from theater etiquette and stagecraft to background research on human migration to themes in Cartography. Below are some ready resources to draw on.
After the Show
Collaborate with your students or young people to determine how they want to process the play afterward. Let them brainstorm ways to get the most out of the experience and make the subject relevant to them. Do they want to go deeper into the play’s themes? Talk about acting and stagecraft? Learn more about migration and refugees in their community or state?
The Student Guide
Revisit the two sections from the Student Guide: “Check This Out…” and “Think About This….” Use them to stir discussion about the production, scenes in the play, and its characters and themes.
Consider Activities on Three Main Themes in Cartography
Cartography zeroes in on three main themes, or big ideas: Migration, Home, and the Role of Storytelling. Review activities in the “Take Action” section of the Student Guide, such as creative writing, geography, and artistic projects that students can use to explore these ideas in relation to their own lives. These themes overlap with those of the Human Journey series: migration, exploration, identity, and resilience.
The activities in the Take Action section of the Student Guide are designed to be easily scalable for a diversity of learning styles and/or abilities. For example, the acrostic poem exercise can use shorter words and the identity collage activity can be presented with a limited scope, say five pictures and five favorite things.
A Classroom of Pen Pals
Refugees and detained asylum-seekers face a long and often lonely road as they seek to start a new life in a new land. Receiving a letter in the mail can be a highlight of their day, even from someone they may never meet. To find out how your young people can use their writing to connect with other young people who could use a friend, check out: https://www.care.org/get-involved/letters-hope.
Q & A with Christopher Myers
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Christopher Myers is an American author and illustrator of children’s books. His illustrations in Harlem won a Caldecott Honor in 1998, and Black Cat earned a Coretta Scott King Award in 2000. He has illustrated and/or written some 20 books and is also a visual artist who designs clothing. Cartography is his first play. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, but travels worldwide. You can visit his website at https://www.kalyban.com.
Kennedy Center: How did the idea for Cartography take shape?
Christopher Myers: In 2016, there was a massive influx of refugees into Europe from Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Eritrea, West Africa. I was spending time at the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany, and that area was receiving thousands of refugees every day. I had this thought, that while there was obviously a need for social services, there was also a need for storytellers, too. The act of migration is an act of storytelling, an imagination of a future, a rewriting of the past. Storytelling is central to the process of moving, and it is essential that alongside medical assistance and social assistance that we think about the stories that have drawn our borders and our needs to cross them.
The library provided space and support for myself and my collaborator Kaneza Schaal to talk with and work with these young refugees. They ranged from 11 to 17 years old and came from all across the world.
KC: What role did director Kaneza Schaal play in developing the play?
CM: Kaneza is an ideal collaborator. We were working with young people who spoke Arabic, Pashto, French, and other languages, and communication presented its own challenges. But Kaneza brought the language of theater and performance which is more than just words—it’s movement and action and sound and images. She created a framework to allow these young people from a mix of cultures to express whatever they wanted to say. It was her idea that we could build a community around the conversations we had seen the need for in Munich, take the work we were doing outside the walls of the library, and that her art form, theater, would be an ideal way to do that. Our process is very collaborative. I write scenes and texts and then bring them to her and she asks for more or less, hones the vision of the piece, brings the team of performers together, makes the piece truly breathe as theater, and not just as words on a page.
KC: The importance of stories is a recurring theme in the play. Why is storytelling important, especially for refugees?
CM: These young people urgently wanted to share the stories about their lives, and I think young people in general are desperate for stories—to tell as well as hear them. In a very real sense, they all are in the process of writing their own.
What I found is that, more than most people, these young people must contend with stories being told about them in newspapers and other news coverage. They, themselves, rarely have a chance to tell about their experiences. Journalism is important, but it can have a flattening effect on the human side of the experience of being a refugee or migrant. It has a way of erasing their individuality and humanity. That’s why I say it’s important to have storytellers on the front lines of any crisis, to shape both our human reaction to the crisis, and to shape our understanding of the people who are undergoing such radical change in their own lives.
In the end, we are the sum total of the stories that have come before us and the stories we tell about our futures. That’s true of anyone. We’re also hungry for stories to help us make sense of what’s happening to us and around us. For a young person, it’s about having the opportunity and ability to write the next chapter of their lives, and by developing this show we want to have a part in that. Storytelling is a source of empowerment. If you don’t write your own story, someone will come along and write it for you.
There was a young man from Syria. I asked him what he wanted me to bring back to the world from our time working together. He told me he didn’t want to be invisible anymore. He wanted us to make a place for people in crisis like himself to be seen.
KC: Often, we don’t think of the stories of refugees as having much humor in them, and yet there are laugh-out-loud moments in the show. Were you surprised at all by the jokes and humor shared by the young people you worked with?
CM: I think too often when we create art about people in crisis, we focus on the crisis and not the people. So many people who I’ve met, who are going through a crisis have had a way of finding the humor. Humor is a kind of a way out, an escape or safety valve. Humor is how we fully acknowledge the challenges we face but still give ourselves agency.
These young people we worked with used humor as a tool. They are not simply poster children with tears in their eyes. We want nothing more from this piece than to remind ourselves and our audience of the personalities behind the statistics.
KC: You have mainly written and illustrated children’s books in the past. Why create Cartography as a play?
CM: Theater has all kinds of unique storytelling devices. It combines light and sound, spoken words and action. It can communicate in ways that pictures and the written word can’t. These stories are better told on stage.
Every theater audience is an instant community. It gives us a chance to think about these and other issues as a community and not just as individuals, and that is super important to Kaneza and me.
KC: Stories of human migration run throughout human history. Why is this show particularly timely now?
CM: Everyone has a story of migration in their past. My grandfather came to the United States from Germany in the 1920s. Kaneza’s family fled strife and genocide in Rwanda. We are all on the continuum of migration; we are all part of this story.
Movement is part of what it means to be human. It helps us see our place in the grand scheme of things and in relation to each other. I really want young people to see themselves in that context, whether their stories are personal or farther back in their family’s history.
I was visiting an art museum in Germany with Makhtar, a boy from Mali [in West Africa]. And there was this painting from the 1700s of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus. I explained it was the story of their flight into Egypt. They were fleeing great violence. Makhtar looked at that painting, that story, and said, “They were refugees, too.”
This interview has been edited for clarity.
Data Bank
Here are a handful of graphs to help you and students examine the context and the bigger picture of migration patterns. They present some of the numbers behind the news coverage as well as the play.
A clear definition of what constitutes a refugee was adopted after World War II as part of the United Nations’s 1951 Refugee Convention. According to Article 1(A) of the convention, a refugee is a person:
who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.
Today, there are more than 63 million refugees in the world, according to the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees. That figure surpasses the estimated 60 million Europeans displaced during World War II (1939-1945).
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Online source: https://www.vox.com/world/2017/1/30/14432500/refugee-crisis-trump-muslim-ban-maps-charts
Refugees and people seeking asylum 2017, by country of origin
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Online source: https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/getfacts/statistics/intl/global-trends-2017/
Refugees and people seeking asylum 2017, by country of asylum
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Online source: https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/getfacts/statistics/intl/global-trends-2017/
Where Migrants and Refugees Are Coming from and Going, 2015
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Source: Human Rights Watch: https://www.hrw.org/report/2015/06/19/mediterranean-migration-crisis/why-people-flee-what-eu-should-do
Video: “UNHCR Global Trends 2017 Report.” UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency. Overview of the world’s refugee crisis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MGRB5ZmKpU&t=41s
Standards Connections:
English Language Arts - Reading: Literature (RL.7, RL.9)
Writer: Sean McCollum
Content Editor: Lisa Resnick
Logistics Coordination: Katherine Huseman
Producer and Program Manager: Tiffany A. Bryant
Cartography is part of the Kennedy Center's Human Journey www.kennedy-center.org/humanjourney
The Human Journey is a collaboration between The Kennedy Center, National Geographic Society, and the National Gallery of Art, which invites audiences to investigate the powerful experiences of migration, exploration, identity, and resilience through the lenses of the performing arts, science, and visual art.
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David M. Rubenstein Chairman
Deborah F. Rutter President
Mario R. Rossero Senior Vice President Education
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Bank of America is the Presenting Sponsor of Performances for Young Audiences.
Additional support for Cartography is provided by A. James & Alice B. Clark Foundation; the Kimsey Endowment; The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation; Paul M. Angell Family Foundation; and the U.S. Department of Education.
Funding for Access and Accommodation Programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by the U.S. Department of Education.
Major support for educational programs at the Kennedy Center is provided by David M. Rubenstein through the Rubenstein Arts Access Program.
Kennedy Center education and related artistic programming is made possible through the generosity of the National Committee for the Performing Arts.
© 2019 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
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lifeofasia94 · 6 years
Drones on changing the world 🌍
Drones have been in existence for as long as I’ve known through our media networks and have evolved in changing life as we know it for the better whether it be through visual appeal, protection, maintenance and furthering breakthrough research. Drones are an invention that I believe can change the world. https://dronelife.com/2018/05/02/the-unmanned-lifestyle-how-drones-may-change-the-world/
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We see through everyday social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Tumblr that drones are being used by influencers from all around the world to promote tourism as well as creating awareness to events that are not mentioned first hand in the news. Capturing iconic moments in time are what drones do best. One instance, Parker Gyokeres as a photographer in the Air Force, he once built a drone from scratch attached to a GoPro camera because he could not persuade anyone to take him up into a helicopter. Today, he owns a fleet of autonomous aircraft in New York that he uses to shoot projects such as BMW commercials, weddings, corporate events and so forth. The bottom line is that images and footage is coming out and appearing right now on television, Youtube, movie screens and Instagram feeds showcasing the world in real time. http://www.thedrive.com/aerial/12891/the-7-best-drone-instagram-accounts (Photo Source: Adilatay) 
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http://thomasvitali.com/professional-articles/professional-articles/drones-humanitarian-use/ A huge highlight concerning the use of drones is the humanitarian aid it provides for people that are not easily reached by the human hand. Around 1.3 billion to 2.1 billion people on our planet do not have access to essential medicines. According to the World Health Organization this often happens because these people live their lives in hard to reach places. To address and become aware to this fact California drone creator of “Zipline” signed a deal with the government of Rwanda last February to shuttle supplies to remote areas on demand. These “zip” drones cover a vast amount of ground over a 50-mile radius. The process starts when the health center sends a quick text to order blood for a patient with severe anemia and it instantly shows up via parachute in around 40 minutes. These are cases that you can picture if someone is traveling by a different form of transportation where it would never get to the patient in need on time which can and do cost lives for example helping to cure malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. 
https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/sci-tech/-dronefrontier_how-drones-are-transforming-humanitarian-aid/44141254 (Photo Source: Thomas Vitali)
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Michigan State Police 2015 received FAA approval to fly a Sky Ranger quadcopter made by Canada’s Aeryon Labs for public safety efforts with that being a success later on it was used to investigate suspicious fire in Jenison. According to Aeryon CEO David Kroetsch, the craft can also be used to conduct search-and-rescue operations, gather aerial intelligence for SWAT teams, and even map accident scenes. In a life and death situation drones provide aerial intelligence to the SWAT teams and even the car accident footage we see routinely every time we go to work and check the morning news on which roads to take furthermore live updates in a click of a finger on news apps! Usually gathering this type of footage includes a person physically heading to the accident site or risking their lives to gain the information first hand. These drones save the hassle and are a much more efficient alternative to what we would have to do to serve people the information needed to solve a problem or dilemma. https://www.policeone.com/swat/articles/7455866-Why-your-newest-SWAT-team-member-is-a-drone/ (Photo Source: FAA, Federal Aviation Admissions)
Now this ones a huge one! INTERNET ACCESS, what would we be doing without internet access today in the virtual age where every corner you turn, you have wifi passwords in every store and people asking for it. Over half of the planets population, around 4 billion people around the world DO NOT have internet access. A full 1.6 billion live in areas too remote for mobile broadband. Meaning no access to Facebook, Instagram and all of the other social outlets we today are so very used to. But do not worry, Google has come up with a plan to relay internet signals via drone alongside Facebook that is leaning in that direction to help. The big picture consists of lightweight drones with the wingspan of Boeing 737 that will cruise high above normal airspace delivering connectivity to people within a 60-mile radius which will be powered by battery and solar energy. They will remain around three months at a time. It is said that this project will take flight within the next 10 years with the first successful test flight already a huge success with more than 90 minutes over northern Arizona. An update is underway that Facebook has pulled out of helping with this miraculous feat but does support having more Facebook users become apart of the networking community! https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/27/technology/facebook-drone-internet.html 
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Another huge upbringing of drone work is its ability to forecast hurricane and tornado warnings. When a severe storm approaches for example in Florida as Hurricane Matthew was wreaking havoc a storm drone called “Coyotes” took flight developed by defense flight contractor Raytheon Missile Systems who could fly right up to the maelstrom to take measurements for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).    https://qz.com/1022076/storm-drones-could-revolutionize-weather-forecasting/ This drone was originally created for anti-submarine warfare, the small, fixed-wing crafts known as Coyotes launch from the bottom of hurricane hunter planes, which often fly in the upper reaches of a storm, occasionally more than 10,000 feet in the air. The Coyotes can, by contrast, maneuver around at 500 feet—right at the dangerous boundaries of the storm, where the most dramatic atmospheric changes occur. Instead of a person, the Coyotes fly right up and measure the temperature, humidity and air direction. What it detects is the damage that could happen and like you see on the news, how the storm will move. (Photo Source:  businesspress24.com) 
As an environmentalist myself it gives me pride in knowing that drones are also used to maintain wildlife conservation. Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts have used camouflaged drones to monitor the health of humpback whales off the coast of Cape Cod, even capturing from their blowholes breath samples flush with DNA that can be analyzed for wildlife studies. But recently, the tech’s most profound contribution to wildlife protection may be happening in Africa, where drones are policing vast tracts of land to catch poachers hunting rhinos and elephants. The horns and tusks of those animals can fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars from Asian crime syndicates. Instead of having park rangers go out after dark to try to catch the heavily armed bandits, drone pilots patrol the targeted areas with their aircraft, collecting data used to predict the poachers’ movements protecting many of our wildlife for further generations to come.
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Special delivery! You name it. The image right above shows drones by Priestmangoode called the “Dragonfly” which was featured in the Dezeen’s documentary. As it is described in the documentary working in conjunction with autonomous barges – that act as charging stations and distribution hubs – the drones deliver packages by docking on landing pads placed on the roofs or sides of buildings. (Photo Credit: Priestmangoode) Just as Amazon and other sites deliver purchased goods, charging stations as we know it could be seen in the near future as traveling to us with a click of a button keeping in mind online retail. https://www.dezeen.com/2018/03/22/priestmangoode-dragonfly-concept-drone-delivery-system/
As I was able to speak of, there are so many reasons why drones are in fact changing the world as we know it becoming more and more modern and efficient for humans to interact and be able to grasp its helpful features which are now being practiced to become involved with our everyday lives. In this post I had the privilege of going over a few of its highlights. As I read more about drones and the things they could do and what it would mean if other drones made like these are successful would be an amazing thing to witness. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-drones-will-change-the-world-in-the-next-5-years-2016-10
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placetobenation · 7 years
“The revolutionary force for over 50 years in sports entertainment” was a clever tag line used in the mid 90s before every WWF show. For most United States wrestling fans that are still alive, it is a way of life. Greater by the day is the lack of variance in the answer of what wrestling an individual grew up on. For better or worse, WWE has been the standard bearer. Throughout that rich history, performers ranging from Nature Boys to Undertakers have graced the squared circle. Foreign legends have had extended runs and some of the most iconic figures in pro wrestling history have been aces of the promotion reaching unequivocal mainstream pop culture heights in the world of wrestling.
With such a large history to play with, discovering the beauty of Bob Backlund’s charisma or the connection of Bruno Sammartino to the MSG crowd was a new development throughout this project similar to rewatching The Godfather and On the Waterfront to rediscover the genius of Marlon Brando. WWE may not have always been YOUR promotion but for the better part of 50 years, it was THE promotion in the United States and transformed the pro wrestling landscape. This project serves to praise the individuals that best helped shape the vision of Vince McMahon Sr. and Jr. Place to be Nation is proud to present to you a ranking of the Greatest WWE Wrestlers Ever.
– Chad Campbell
Note: Results of this list are based on 118 ballots received between May and December 2017. Voters were asked to submit their list of the 100 Greatest WWE Wrestlers of all time and consider only their WWWF/WWF/WWE career. Ties were broken based on 1) number of ballots a wrestler appeared on and 2) high vote. 
Every wrestler who received at least one vote will be recognized in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned to Place to Be Nation as we reveal all of the honorable mentions right through the cream of the crop. Read the other installments, both written and audio, of this project here.
249. Rick Steiner Total Points: 68 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 84 High Vote: 71 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Vince Male
Key Matches & Moments: Solid match with the Headshrinkers at WrestleMania IX; Won the WWF Tag Titles with Scott, ending the national nightmare that was Money, Inc.; Classic match with Brother Scott against Bret and Owen Hart that is worth every minute of your time to hunt down; His sister/old mother destroyed the business by calling him Rob live on PPV, good thing Vince had Joe Fowler to take out his rage on
Staff Thoughts: No one brutalized jobbers or ruined lives like the Steiner Brothers. They had no regard or respect for their opponents and the results were AMAZING. The Steiners were only in the company a year or so and they’re still one of the better teams they’ve ever had. Does he think he’s a dog?
From the Voters: “I’d argue that in their one year the Steiners were more entertaining than 90% of the tag teams in WWF/E history. Good matches with the Heavenly Bodies, Headshrinkers, Money Inc., and the Quebecers. And, of course, the classic against Bret and Owen. They’re in consideration for me, even with the N and P concerns.” – Greg Phillips, June 2, 2017
248. Spike Dudley Total Points: 71 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 65.5 High Vote: 57 Low Vote: 74 High Voter: El Groino
Key Matches & Moments: Helped his brothers Bubba and D-Von to, well not victory, in the TLC match at Wrestlemania X-7, before they turned on him due to his relationship with Molly Holly; Formed a short statured and short-lived team with Tazz capturing the Tag Team titles from his brothers; Held the Hardcore Championship eight times and also won the European Championship from William Regal before losing it back to him; Had a run with the Cruiserweight title as “The Boss” character receiving copious amounts of help from Bubba and D-Von
Staff Thoughts: Decent character work, particularly during his angle with Molly Holly. I also remember thinking his “Boss” character was something different for the Cruiserweight division. And his poor head after La Resistance got done trying to throw him through a table.
From the Voters: “The Legit Boss. Has a lot of fun to solid stuff. I might try to go out and watch more. But, he was that Raw Roulette TLC and one of the best entrance videos.” – Henry Rivers, October 7, 2017
247. Barry Horowitz Total Points: 77 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 88.2 High Vote: 78 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Pete Schirmacher
Key Matches & Moments: Beat Skip and ran around the ring like he won the World Title; Mr. Perfect called him “The Nerd”
Staff Thoughts: The Skip moment was legit huge after nearly a decade of jobbing… HUGE. His subsequent run was a lot of fun but in the end didn’t amount to a hill of beans. Sure, he’d say but this is OUR hill and these are OUR beans but that would be Barry Horowitz just patting himself on the back. For a time was the most famous Jewish athlete on the planet. Until that no good son of a bitch Bill Goldberg came along.  
From the Voters: “He can pat himself on the back right out of contention.” – Jason Sherman, May 28, 2017
“If this was just based on work, as in-ring talent, he would definitely be under consideration. But when you factor everything else into the equation, he just gets overtaken by too many other guys. Sorry, Barry.” – Adam Russell, July 20, 2017
(Ed. note: The Barry Horowitz discussion on the PTBN GWWE Facebook group is some of the best discussion through this entire project, with posts that were too long to summarize here. Well worth checking out.)
246. Lanny Poffo Total Points: 77 Total Ballots: 9 Average Rank: 92.4 High Vote: 83 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Lanny Poffo Vs. Bret Hart, Lanny Poffo Vs. Terry Funk, The Genius Vs. Hulk Hogan, Mr. Perfect & The Genius vs. Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan; Got massacred and busted open by Andre the Giant in the SNME battle Royale before WrestleMania III solidifying Andre as an absolute killer
Staff Thoughts:
Lanny leapt into our hearts to captivate us all, His opponents looked like champions, when Lanny took the fall.
One of the first I remember that could do a sault of moon, A dazzling aerial maneuver that would make the ladies swoon.
And when comparing records, it’s true that losses were the bulk, But the Main Event of Saturday Night saw victory o’er the Hulk.
His frisbee flippin’ poetry seldom could be beat, But perhaps his greatest talent was getting Perfect heat.
The Genius of Leapin’ Lanny made him beloved like no other, Except perhaps his somewhat more Macho and famous brother.
From the Voters: “I’m not a huge fan by any means, but as a kid his athleticism stood out. I loved The Genius character and thought it added a lot to Mr. Perfect. There is a novelty factor to him that makes him charming.” – Dylan Hales, June 29, 2017
“Had a shocking amount of good matches.” – Pete Schirmacher, June 1, 2017
245. Michelle McCool Total Points: 79 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 74.7 High Vote: 57 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Stacey O’Laughlin
Key Matches & Moments: A solid match versus Melina at Night of Champions 2009; A solid as hell Lumberjack match with Beth Phoenix on Smackdown in 2008; Was the first woman to win both the WWE Women’s and Divas titles; Fat shamed Mickie James for MONTHS with out a shred of backlash from the mainstream media
Staff Thoughts: Stacey O’Loughlin wrote at length about her love of Michelle McCool and her deserving to be on this list, while it is one of the most compelling cases of any wrestler involved in this project, she unfortunately only garnered three votes. Stacey’s article is a must-read, though – even outside of this project. Read Stacey’s article “Making the Case for Michelle McCool” here.
From the Voters: “Another one of the shining beacons of hope during the Diva dark ages, but several notches below the likes of Beth Phoenix. Got better over time as a worker, but never learned any promo style but being annoying.” – Ben Morse, June 1, 2017
“No shot. Is she the one married to Taker or is that the other one?” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, May 31, 2017
244. David Schultz Total Points: 79 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 74.7 High Vote: 56 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Jesse
Key Matches & Moments: “Dr. D” David Schultz was best known for assaulting 20/20 reporter John Stossel to defend the validity of wrestling; Faced Hulk Hogan in Minneapolis; Was a good talker, giving off the impression he was crazy, possibly because he was really crazy; Was part of a memorable skit on TNT where he gave us a glimpse of his home life
Staff Thoughts: The fact that he may have been a little off led to believable heel promos. The match against Hulk Hogan is well regarded, but his house show matches are not. He’ll forever be remembered for the assault on the 20/20 reporter, which led to his WWF stay being shortened.
From the Voters: “If only he didn’t slap Stossel.” – Will Gertler, May 29, 2017
“An amazing character but his run was short and his work was not very good. They could never have a character like this now days, but being such an outspoken racist made him so easy to hate. Doctor D seemed real and identifiable. They eventually would have had to soften the character or fire him anyway.” – Michael DeDamos, December 23, 2017
243. Peter Maivia Total Points: 80 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 81 High Vote: 30 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: Had title shots against both Billy Graham and Bob Backlund at MSG; Fathered Rocky Johnson who fathered the Rock
Staff Thoughts: Let’s be honest here, without that Kid Rock video no one under the age of 50 would be able to give you a physical description of the man.
From the Voters: “The little I have seen didn’t excite me. His grandson is in. His son in law is on the bubble. He is neither.” – Good Ol’ Will from Texas, June 1, 2017
“We need some links” – Lee Wes, October 7, 2017
242. Rhyno Total Points: 80 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 85 High Vote: 70 Low Vote: 93 High Voter: Ash
Key Matches & Moments: Fought Raven in an excellent hardcore match involving a shopping cart at Backlash 2001; Part of the Inaugural Brawl at the Invasion 2001 PPV; Participated in the first ECW One Night Stand losing to Sabu; Returned to the company in 2016 and formed a fun team with Heath Slater which got so over they were given the first Smackdown Tag Team Titles.
Staff Thoughts: Rhyno had a solid if not stellar career. If he built on the potential of his first year we’d be talking higher, unfortunately the company seemed to lose faith in him after he got hurt. His matches with Chris Jericho disappointed and his team with Chris Benoit was uninspired. He began the recession of the spear, which started STRONG with Goldberg, was fine with him, suffered under Edge and was finally rendered a useless husk with Christian.  
From the Voters: “I like Rhyno a fair bit. He was having a really killer 2001 until he got hurt. Had, and maintained, an air of legitimacy as a beast, despite the fact that he didn’t stand out as being that big in the land of the giants. Was never quite the same after coming back from injury. I’m happy he’s having this current run, and there have been fun moments, but it isn’t tipping the scale for him. A good career, but not a top 100 career.” – Adam Russell, July 15, 2017
241. Jim Brunzell Total Points: 83 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 73.3 High Vote: 60 Low Vote: 88 High Voter: Vince Male
Key Matches & Moments: Best known for being one half of the Killer Bees with B. Brian Blair and also for his top-notch dropkick; Fueded with the Hart Foundation and the Funks during the mid-to-late 1980s; Appeared at WrestleMania 2, III and IV and numerous Saturday Night’s Main Events; Continued to work as a singles performer for company until 1993.
Staff Thoughts: Damn that was a pretty dropkick. The Bees were a fine mid-level babyface team, residing on the lower end of the first “Golden Age” teams, but their matches were always enjoyable. Also gets bonus points for NOT drawing the old country wrath of the Iron Shiek.
From the Voters: “He bought me a bud light. I have to keep him under consideration.” – Steve Williams, May 30, 2017
“Anyone with the nickname ‘Jumpin’ should be considered for lists like these. He won’t make mine though.” – Greg Phillips, June 21, 2017
240. Ronnie Garvin Total Points: 83 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 84.4 High Vote: 75 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: Martin Boulevard
Key Matches & Moments: Feud with Greg Valentine highlighted with an excellent match at The 1990 Royal Rumble; Didn’t know whether he was COMING or GOING in his sole appearance as a ring announcer; Stomped the shit out of Frenchy Martin at WrestleMania V
Staff Thoughts: He had hands of stone, a square head and an orange tan… and yet he connected with a large portion of the audience. His feud with Greg Valentine was great, his outings with Dino Bravo, not so much. And for the love of GOD keep him away from the microphone; not only was he unfunny and horribly awkward but he was clearly stuffed into a tuxedo a size too small. Also originated the term “little Jimmy” in wrestling. Thanks for that Ron.
From the Voters: “Garvin Vs. Valentine is just a couple a Carolina Boys do Carolina Boy things in a ring in New York. That means hitting each other really fucking hard. Easy make for the this list. If you want variety, he also has a great match with Mr. Perfect in 1990.” – Martin Boulevard, November 19, 2017
239. Johnny Valentine Total Points: 85 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 58.5 High Vote: 17 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: TheBestThereNeverWillBe
Key Matches & Moments: Take us home Lee Wes! “Capitol Television champion, four-time US Tag Champ (w/ Buddy Rogers, Cowboy Bob Ellis, Dr. Jerry Graham & Antonio Pugliese). Two-Time World Champ in Pittsburgh. Valentine faced Bruno 13 times and tagged against him 9, teamed with him 19 times as a face.”
Staff Thoughts: Johnny Valentine was a throwback wrestler during a time when wrestling was already thrown back. Like his son after him, Valentine didn’t excel at being flashy, but rather exuded a certain toughness and mean-ness that was easy to respect and hard to root for. He teamed with Bruno Sammartino and turned on him, like all his partners, filling the role of a puncher that could really put Bruno on the ropes. A lot of his best and most notable stuff happened outside of Capitol/WWWF/WWF, but he still had a respectable career up North that would likely be bolstered if more footage existed.
From the Voters: “Who’s putting all these jobbers up?” – Aaron George, September 6, 2017
“Considering the rather small crew that WWWF ran for over decade when they first started, the hot angles really should get more attention” – Lee Wes, September 7, 2017
238. Tatanka Total Points: 86 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 83.8 High Vote: 62 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Trust Issues
Key Matches & Moments: Had a nearly two-year long undefeated streak to start his career; Defeated Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels twice in non-title matches; Respectable six man tag while partnered with the Smoking Gunns at SummerSlam 1993;  Said “You sold out, Lex” about 3,000 times in the summer of 1994
Staff Thoughts: Tatanka was a solid mid-card act without a great match to his name. Insanely memorable though for his energy and red streak of fucking courage in his hair. He has a fun return in the mid 2000s where his tag team work surely was the beginning of Matt Hardy’s descent into madness. Also: Buffalo.
From the Voters: “Was good when he came back as a grizzled old vet, and well established and pushed during the first run. Was insanely over with the kids I knew growing up. I wouldn’t vote for him, but he’s an interesting case of a guy who checks some boxes that seem to be getting other guys traction.” – Dylan Hales, August 18, 2017
“His squashes were very good. It’s a weird compliment to give a wrestler, but I’d put him in the same conversation as Midnight Express, LOD & maybe one or two others for greatest squash acts ever.” – James Proffitt, September 30, 2017
237. Tommaso Ciampa Total Points: 87 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 57.5 High Vote: 41 Low Vote: 74 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Had some of the best tag team matches in company history against the Revival with partner Johnny Gargano; His subsequent turn on Gargano was the best pure heel turn in years
Staff Thoughts: Injured at the worst possible time, as the hottest feud of his career was just getting started. Ciampa is a tremendous professional wrestler who, if given the chance, can have great matches with just about anyone. His portfolio just isn’t big enough yet to get his the votes to be higher.
From the Voters: “No one was quoted as making a case for Ciampa in the Facebook group, one could assume people would talk about amazing tag matches, but the lack of longevity.” – Andy LaBar, January 9, 2018
236. Sting Total Points: 87 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 83.6 High Vote: 53 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: Scott Shifflett
Key Matches & Moments: Interfered at the 2014 Survivor Series to help banish the Authority FOREVER; Pretended to be a statue to again scare the Authority when they returned three weeks later; Fought a Terminator at WrestleMania 31; Was one of the names added to the Seth Rollins injury world tour
Staff Thoughts: It was great to see Sting get his moment in the WWE, sadly it may have come a little too late in his career to be truly meaningful. That being said he was fortunate enough to lay down for Triple H in his big WrestleMania match; going as far as to shake the man’s hand after being hit in the head with a sledgehammer. Because you know… storytelling. Of all the music he’s ever had in his run the WWE decided to go with Caaaw!
From the Voters: “His way short cameo run was fun, I thought. Won’t make my list, but he’s still mother fucking Sting.” – Taylor Keahey, June 3, 2017
“No, but good on him getting two DVD releases and a bunch of $$$ out of the WWE (I also liked the Rollins match).” – Brad Warren, June 6, 2017
235. Miguel Perez, Sr. Total Points: 91 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 55.5 High Vote: 46 Low Vote: 65 High Voter: Robert Silva
Key Matches & Moments: We defer to Alexis Beaded: “He had a great three and half years (1957 to June 1960) in the main event as the tag partner of Antonino Rocca. They headlined 28 of 34 cards at Madison Square Garden in that time period. When he came back in late 61, he was more of an upper midcarder and had few shots against Buddy Rogers (never in MSG). Between 1965 and 1968, he fell into the middle of the card.”
Staff Thoughts: Great mustache, fantastic chest hair awesome wood panelling in his home. Miguel Perez, Sr. had it ALL.
From the Voters: “So one of the greatest draws in the history of MSG with little footage. What to do with that info?” – Steven Graham, June 5, 2017
234. Nikki Bella Total Points: 91 Total Ballots: 8 Average Rank: 89.6 High Vote: 79 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Scott Shifflett
Key Matches & Moments: Left the company in 2011; Came back… enhanced; Was spitefully given the longest Diva Championship run in company history; Guilted and nagged John Cena into marrying her; Became a solid in ring worker by the end
Staff Thoughts: Potentially the most annoying and obnoxious character to ever grace our television sets. In a world with four McMahons and the cast of Fuller House that is quite the accomplishment. As if being annoying in-ring wasn’t enough we get to see her machinations on no less than two reality shows! Her feud with her sister is an all time low and… you know what… Fuck it… she ruins everything she touches. Like some sort of reverse Midas monster with false bosoms and a baseball cap. It’s no wonder she disappeared as soon as the real women’s wrestlers got there. And all the while we were commending her for getting better in the ring, which she did do, she worked hard at it anyway. Sure she didn’t have some nonsensical thing called BRIE MODE but was she truly fearless? How can you walk around with that slogan on your chest when you are being portrayed to be terrified of dying alone???
From the Voters: “DAT ELBOW DOE~!” – Martin Boulevard, November 14, 2017
“Took too long to really make an effort to improve in the ring. Although I do find her to be great NOW, she sucked for like, 7 years.” – Jason Sherman, June 1, 2017
233. Baron Mikel Scicluna Total Points: 92 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 78 High Vote: 37 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Grady Blount
Key Matches & Moments: Had title matches against both Bruno Sammartino and Pedro Morales for the WWWF Championship; Defeated Waldo Von Erich in Madison Square Garden; made wearing bedsheets great again
Staff Thoughts: After he reached a certain age the Baron became a fun jobber for a plethora of guys in the late 70s and early 80s. Could wager that version being the Michael Scicluna that most people remember, hence his inability to crack the top 200. While that may sadden some, take solace in the fact that a good majority of the audience at the time only knew of the country of Malta because of him.
From the Voters: “I remember him as an early 80s jobber, which is when I first started watching wrestling. Those were the days when jobbers looked like your middle-aged, out of shape, drunk uncle. To me, Scicluna looked tougher than guys like Frank Williams or Steve King. Reminded me of a dock worker that could hold his own in a barroom brawl but would end up getting knocked out with one punch. Doesn’t make the 100, but it’s fun thinking about those old squash match days.” – Tim Tetreault, May 31, 2017
232. Bobby Roode Total Points: 94 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 69.7 High Vote: 34 Low Vote: 90 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: One of the greatest debut entrances in company history at NXT Takeover Brooklyn II; Defeated Shinsuke Nakamura for the NXT championship in a well lauded match at NXT Takeover San Antonio; Debuted on the main roster in the early summer of 2017 to much acclaim; Actually took a beating from Hideo Itami
Staff Thoughts: Personal feelings about Bobby Roode aside; has there ever been a guy who benefited more from his entrance music than the Glorious One? He has the match with Nakamura but in most other cases the in-ring portion of his work falls short of his intro. That being said there’s still lots of time and things will surely improve when he’s not feuding with an unmotivated Dolph Ziggler or a motivated Baron Corbin Scicluna.
From the Voters: “Huge fan of The Glorious One but sadly not enough mileage yet to make my list.” – Jay Hinchey, November 26, 2017
231. Mr. T Total Points: 94 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 77.5 High Vote: 45 Low Vote: 93 High Voter: Scott Butler
Key Matches & Moments: Helped make WrestleMania work by main-eventing the first outing, teaming with Hulk Hogan; Won a boxing match with Roddy Piper at WrestleMania 2 with a little person in his corner; Sustained more racial abuse while in the WWF than Muhammad Hassan
Staff Thoughts: Mr. T’s value to the company can’t be understated. He was a HUGE mainstream star that they leaned on to help build the WrestleMania brand. In-ring he was no Sami Zayn but he held his own all while looking positively awesome in those snug red tights. Without him, there’s no Saturday Night Live appearance for Hulk Hogan, less eyes on the product and perhaps 32 less WrestleManias. And boy does he love his mother!
From the Voters: “While his tenure was short, his legacy was cemented years later when his son Booker won the World Heavyweight Title” – Aaron George, January 9, 2018
230. Kerry Von Erich Total Points: 101 Total Ballots: 7 Average Rank: 86.6 High Vote: 72 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Lou Spadone
Key Matches & Moments: Won the Intercontinental Championship from Mr. Perfect at SummerSlam 1990; Part of the awesome ‘Warriors” team at Survivor Series 1990; Participated in the Ric Flair pummeling in January 1992
Staff Thoughts: When you try to think of his accomplishments in WWF,  it’s SHOCKING that he was in the company for almost two years. His PPV outings were fine for the most part and you’d never guess he was missing a foot. As a kid, we thought the Tornado Punch was just about the coolest thing ever. Now we realize how insensitive that maneuver is to the people of South Florida. #hurricaneandrew, #thoughtsandprayers, #youseethis? #thisisfromthepost, #whatamaneuver
From the Voters: “Poor Kerry. All-time great who sucked in WWF.” – Good Ol’ Will from Texas, May 30, 2017
“That man was recognized as a champion of at LEAST two continents, and he was the second of the weather events to invade the WWF.” – Steve Williams, May 30, 2017
229. Raven Total Points: 102 Total Ballots: 8 Average Rank: 88.3 High Vote: 72 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Andy Halleen
Key Matches & Moments: As Johnny Polo succeeded as a comedy wrestler with only a handful of matches to his name; As Raven he banked on his name and a Hardcore division that was failing to evolve, but had memorable matches with Rhyno at Backlash 2001 and a three-way with Big Show and Kane at WrestleMania X-7
Staff Thoughts: Johnny Polo was a character that had legs, but not nearly as much as his Raven character had in ECW and WCW. When Raven came back to WWF in 2000, it was almost too late for him as he had really began to lose steam in WCW. He revitalized the Hardcore division for a bit with his bins of weapons, but the “attitude” that made Raven so vital in the 90s was out of place in the 2000s and Raven was never able to recapture the stardom he had. Still – some fun segments and matches here and there.
From the Voters: “Good in ECW. Ok in WCW. Bad in WWF. I don’t even like Johnny Polo much. He had a handful of fun Hardcore Title matches in 2001. That’s not going to put him on my list.” – Devon Hales, June 2, 2017
228. Marc Mero Total Points: 106 Total Ballots: 9 Average Rank: 89.2 High Vote: 81 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Chris Jordan
Key Matches & Moments: Coming into the company in 1996 after a half-decade with WCW, “The Wildman” was thrust into the IC title scene, winning a tournament over Farooq for the vacant title, having memorable feuds with Goldust as a face (and later as a heel), having solid matches with Steve Austin during his as ascendance and an excellent feud with Hunter Hearst Helmsley; After a devastating knee injury, Marc returned as “Marvelous” – a shit-talking, boxer gimmick who treated his wife poorly and was able to garner real and true heat from fans
Staff Thoughts: Marc Mero was obviously overshadowed by his wife, Sable, who it could be argued was one of the most popular characters in the Attitude Era. Mero’s “true” heel persona as “Marvelous” came just a little too late, as it was a bit more traditional than people like Stone Cold, Goldust, the Nation of Domination and DX. Always a solid worker in the ring and usually an excellent promo, Mero is one of those “What if…?” type guys. Plus he was doing a tucked-Shooting Star Press that blew our minds.
From the Voters: “Come on, his Marvelous stuff all through 1998 was great character work…a true heel when heels were edging away from being heels.” – JT Rozzero, May 31, 2017
“It’s tough because his best matches were when he had no character (96-97) and his best character work was when his matches were weaker (97-98). He’s on the bubble, but I’m a big fan of his in-ring work and his Marvelous character.” – Greg Phillips, June 1, 2017
227. Chris Masters Total Points: 109 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 82.8 High Vote: 55 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Stacey O’Loughlin
Key Matches & Moments: The Masterpiece was known for his Masterlock Challenge giving people the chance to break his full-nelson; Very good match with Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven 2005; Teamed with Carlito and challenged for the tag team straps; Challenged for John Cena’s WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber of New Year’s Revolution; Became a “C show superstar” upon his return to the company in 2009, putting on very good matches in a lower profile position
Staff Thoughts: Chris Masters is a sad tale of being pushed too hard too fast when he was still green and relying too much on his bodybuilder physique. Once he got more seasoned and returned to the company he put on really good matches on the C-shows to a much smaller audience. His match with Shawn Michaels in 2005 is a bit of a hidden gem.
From the Voters: “The funny thing about The Masterpiece is that the better he got in the ring the worse push he received. He started out with a good push, the Masterlock Challenge and what not, but looked pretty green in the ring. By the time he left the company he was a great worker that I had forgot was still on the roster.” – Michael DeDamos, December 10, 2017
226. Pete Dunne Total Points: 109 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 82.8 High Vote: 52 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Though he didn’t win the 2017 WWE UK Championship Tournament, he was certainly the start; Had excellent matches with Mark Andrews, a bunch with Tyler Bate (including two of the best WWE-ish matches of 2017), has excelled in tag team work, worked with Johnny Gargano, and destroyed Enzo Amore; If Pete Dunne is on your WWE programming – you should be watching.
Staff Thoughts: To date, Dunne has worked 40 matches under the WWE umbrella, all in 2017. While longevity is obviously not on his side, it is hard to find another wrestler in the history of WWE who had a debut year as strong as his. Pete Dunne feels like a star in a company that continually struggles to make them. He jumps off the page – and he’s just getting started. Listen to Timothy argue for Pete Dunne HERE
From the Voters: “There is an argument for him even if very low, based on the average quality of his matches. I’d be willing to say he’s had more 4*+ matches in his short time in WWE than many past workers had over the course of 10+ year-long careers.” – Timothy Buechner, July 19, 2017
225. Savio Vega Total Points: 116 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 81.7 High Vote: 41 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Has a legit great strap match with Steve Austin at In Your House 8; Key member of the early Nation of Domination and later got his own stable spun out of it called Los Boricuas, which put more people of Latin descent on WWF television than almost any time in history; Reached the King of the Ring finals in 1995; Solid mid-card worker with lots of good matches, but few great
Staff Thoughts: Savio Vega was never bound to get over the hump into the world of being a true superstar, but was a solid stepping stone or ally for people who went on to become stars in the company of elsewhere (Razor Ramon, Goldust, Steve Austin); One of the more stiff workers of the New Generation, once Savio was able to shuck the Kwang gimmick, he was free to work with just about anyone in the ring; Revisiting Savio nowadays reveals someone who could have had a successful short IC title run
From the Voters: “I think it’s easy to forget how hugely over he was as a babyface in 95 and 96. Has some very fun performances under his belt. Kwang and Los Boricuas don’t really help his case, but he was capable of being a heel so there’s that.” – Dylan Hales, July 11, 2017
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In a research published Monday in the Diary of Vision, biologists from Queen Mary Educational institution of London made use of an eye-tracking unit to keep an eye on how much eye connect with men and women made use of when examining a star's face on a video-chat display.. Coming from certainly there, Locklear removaled over Hollywood, starring in the Cecil B. DeMille-produced The Great Sky Robbery. However, some primary aircraft makers as well as airline safety and security specialists have actually denied this, claiming that there is actually no best chair on an airplane. That enables you any kind of variety of other techniques to tailor your understanding expertise. http://legjobb-tippek.info/ is actually the most up to date poster youngster of the robotic world, and also embodies a new creation of bundled Artifical Intellect robotics that have the ability to profit from their settings. After expecting the proximity to render our team flew around the side from the aged chart (roughly 16 parts away from the center) and checked out where the edges from chart generated with the old protocol combined along with the brand new one. Air France, component of the Air France-KLM team, has actually happened under fire on social media for avoiding guests off boarding because of the brand-new regulations. Having said that, our experts should set the price of the tool right into context along with various other, comparable discovering methods for amateurs. They may remain with locals, hang out with citizens, attempt to learn the language, or simply ordinary move slowly good enough to truly be actually as well as live where they are. People may at that point unbox the items, and the newspaper airplane will certainly disappear after opportunity due to its mycelium structure, which is actually a pliable, cellulose-based component. Gdy http://legjobb-tippek.info/titan-gel-tenyleg-mukodik-valodi-vasarloi-tapasztalatok-javaslatok-hasznalata/ , uruchom Construct 2. Kliknij przycisk Documents (Plik) i wybierz New (Nowy). Google Information will usually cite smaller sized blog sites as well as sites, when the report there is actually specifically crusty. The compact size of the iPad Air suggests our team should not anticipate success coming from the audio speakers, but they are actually terrific for a tablet computer. The Mandarin star, who true name is Zhihao Chen, has actually raked in a spectacular $1.2 million in cash prize alone. Along with a totally involved globe you play any type of duty possible through materializing gameplay choices with every brand-new conflict and also pay the consequences as you go. Till recently, the response to that concern was a loud 'no' till AirBnB came. The unusual U-shaped secludeds, which can supposedly endure in any type of temperature, can be deployed to any kind of part of the planet and are actually self-supporting adequate to make it through alone - in the course of a deadly infection outbreak or even a radiation misfortune. Saat ini mereka sangat kekurangan air, dikarenakan buaya-buaya ini tidak bertempat tinggal di sungai atau rawa namun mereka sedang berada di bawah tanah dan saluran-saluran pipa sky. The almost 700 rooms held within home the mayor's offices, the city board workplaces, and also the whole civil courthouse (all for a city from 2.5 thousand). The apple ipad Air 2, then, still stands as the provider's mainstream full-sized tablet. The force (the blue arrow) can be defined in three techniques: the X and also Y elements, the viewpoint as well as toughness (size from the arrow), or even the durability as well as a setting somewhere the arrow is pointing to. All 3 point out the same force, yet each are convenient in different circumstances. The 13-inch MacBook Sky possesses a measly 1440 x 900 settlement door, which diminishes when you compare it to Retina display on the MacBook Pro along with 2650 x 1600 (13-inch) or 2880 x 1800 (15-inch) settlements. While this series is certainly not structured around an exam, finding out PowerShell is among one of the most significant points you may do as a system administrator, thus if there is one thing you want to learn to assist your IT job, this is it. And, it's a lot of fun. This application delivers some really standard suggestions, like paying attention to the rhythm, shifting your body weight properly, always keeping loose, when as well as why you ought to throw your submit the sky. Any person possessing concerns along with Google Play Establishment - this applies to both Air 3G along with the current 2.0.1 upgrade (are going to upload more info later on) and Air II - please administer this remedy. In order to accomplish this you'll need assistance off the monsters and also straying visitors throughout the globe. If you're brand-new to the globe of Minecraft, the initial thing you'll want to perform is find some method to protect yourself. So performed Hood By Sky earlier this month, where the label showcased males stomping confidently in open-toed, well-heeled shoes. Still, in the end, the 3 guy leads stumbled upon as meaning properly, producing Modern Gentlemen a very harmless half-hour from enjoyable, which parents can easily utilize to talk to teenagers about exactly what to expect when they begin courting. A United Boeing 757 taxis past a Delta Airlines Boeing 757 at Los Angeles International Flight terminal Might 29, 2015. At the end of each globe you will certainly face a Supervisor that will definitely strip your goofy skin layer off if you're certainly not cautious. The file located 63 percent from natural World Culture Sites throughout every continent, apart from Europe, saw an enhanced existence from mankind considering that the year 2000. You are going to drift to the top from the log cabin and swiftly locate your own self entraped if the airplane fills up along with water. Again and again, our company learn that when women typically aren't at the dining table or even in the room-- our experts shed. As a matter of fact, in order to do anything along with planet clocks on your Watch, you need to use your apple iphone's Time clock app. Ted Nelson coined the term hypertext" in 1963; our team now describe the document-to-document linkage he envisioned as simple web links" on the world wide web. The Nexus 9 also has a somewhat larger 1.6 MP front-facing electronic camera (FFC) than the ipad tablet Air 2's 1.2 MP for social networking sites selfies and video chatting, or even FaceTime, as they name their exclusive chatting. You might believe that prices would be actually economical if you acquired your tickets 6 months ahead of time, however that's however not just how this works. The action has you by means of different aspect of the dinosaur's globe off forests to woodlands.
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