#chefs hate her
prideprejudce · 1 year
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POV you just turned down a possible meeting with the editor of new york magazine in what could have been a career changing night to race home to say birthday to your boyfriend just to see him sitting on the couch pouting like a four year old before not even saying two complete sentences to you and sulking off to bed
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Is such a complex and lovely character, I can't. The difference between her thought process and Lenores thought process is beautiful and interesting-
She's a woman who very early in her life understood that she was not in a position of power, just by being a woman. That her life is controlled by a system everybody abides by that will never favor her. That she has to follow the rules of said system or even her family will cast her out as a mad woman, evident by the way they treat her anxiety/panic attacks. Nobody is safe. Nobody can be trusted. To keep safe is to follow the rules-
And the only way to get on top of anything, to gain even a smidge of control is to use the rules to you're advantage.
But this in turn demands of her to turn off care and empathy for others (which she is capable of btw. Annabell Lee is not just some unfeeling monster) Because factoring in how it would affect the other person, caring about another person is a risk factor to herself. And anyway, its not like anybody truly cares about her, right? Its not like there are people out there who would be willing to have empathy for her. They pretend, just as she does because it is polite. Some may even mean it on some level, but not truly. Not wholeheartedly. That's how she sees it.
She's on her own. Her true self is utterly and fully on her own.
Cue Lenore. Lenore started out just the same as any other person Annabell Lee could take advantage of. However, with one additional perk. She was a break. Annabell Lee didn't have to watch herself as closely, not maintain a facade as tightly as usual. Because she is talking to a mad woman. A woman diagnosed with hysteria, a woman shut in in the basement. She has no social power over Annabell Lee. Any accusations or similar can be explained away with her mental illness. So, with time she gets comfortable. Relaxes just a tiny bit. Lenore is pleasant company, sensible and quite smart to talk to.
She, on some level, understands Annabell Lee. And then. Then she cares.
And that is such an unfamiliar feeling. Such a dangerous sentiment. And ridiculous too, for why? Annabell is just taking advantage. Perhaps that's why Lenore is mad, for not quite understanding that. The social games and ladders.
And then the house burns down. And she grieves for a brief friend she had to leave, the first person who really cared.
And then Leo shows up.
Actually taking advantage of the rules, but in such a mad way, it is utterly baffling for her. It is the ultimate proof of care. Lenore cares for Annabell so deeply, it seems, she's willing to give away her life.
And she cracks. Because she desperately craves that. True companionship. True care. True love. And Lenore, wonderful, selfless Lenore, is willing to give her that. Does it with a smile and sacrifice.
So. The only sensible thing to do now. Is to make sure she keeps it. So, she cares back. So fiercely, she's willing to kill for Lenore. So fiercely, that Lenore becomes the only other real person in her life. The only other real person in the whole world.
It feels special. They are the only ones worth fighting for. They are a team, a unit. Annabell Lee truly cares for Lenore because Lenore will always truly care back. And that is worth more to her than a million other lives, that have never known true care even if it stood before them, waving.
Now, imagine the heartbreak when she understands, that Lenore is willing to truly care for others too. She never truly got the fact that Lenore wasn't all alone like her. That Lenore had a brother who truly cared and that Lenore became a madwoman because of said brothers death. She doesn't get it, that real connections do not require sacrifice. It is scary for Annabell that Lenore is willing to give up a lot for people, she perceives will simply not do so back.
Fact is Lenore was Annabells first and only friend. But Annabell is not the first and only friend of Lenores.
Fact is that Annabell thinks the only way to be safe and get ahead is to play by the set up rules. But Lenore doesn't see the sense in doing that if it harms her friends. Lenore would rather rip the system and rules apart than play by them. And that's always been the case.
Even if to Annabell, previously, it didn't look it. Even if Annabell thought they were the same.
And the most heart wrenching thing? Annabell will continue to act like she always has, because she values their relationship too much, values Lenore too much. Because that's how she keeps the things important to her, her life, her love, safe. And it will continue to drive Lenore away, because it requires sacrifice of people Lenore is fond of.
They will only get somewhere healthy when Annabell gains another friend and starts understanding Lenores point of view.
But Annabell is scared of that. It feels unsafe. She might become a madwoman.
So. We are at a cross point. Either Annabell Lee gives in or Annabell Lee loses Lenore.
Which. Fun. Is she gonna give in? Not without a fight, I imagine. It goes against everything she ever build up, against every rule of being she ever set for herself.
It is going to be difficult.
And there will be loss.
I'm so very excited to see it.
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washiinmachiine · 3 months
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briar in a modern fit bc i love clothes. also some fan skins i made for fun for the same reason. cafe cuties one is kinda old but ill shove it here anyway..
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
I'm not sure how to get it into people's heads that Arya is a female character. She's not a boy, not nonbinary, trans, agender, or genderless. I don't intend this in a way to be negative or wanky, but her girlhood is imbedded within her character. The problem isn't that Arya stans are missing the point by overemphasizing her femininity and wanting her to be a barefoot tradwife baby making machine, but that we're stating it exists when the majority of fandom and the show itself have gone out of the way to minimize the relevancy of her gender. I'm fully convinced there are a lot of people who think Arya would be the exact same character had GRRM created her as a male character named Arry instead, perhaps they'd do a better job at acknowledging her importance.
What's most ironic to me is how these same fans will gush and coo over the sisters being more alike than we think, but only if it involves giving Arya's characteristics to Sansa. Well acktually, Sansa likes to ride horses just as much as Arya does! They're so alike uwu! But dare acknowledge that Arya has traits and aspects commonly associated to Sansa then not only does that get accusations of wanting Arya to become Sansa, but that it's solely about showing Sansa up and wanting her to grovel in Arya's shadow and superiority 🙄 Hypocrisy and projection showing itself.
Somewhat of an aside, but I recently saw a post on reddit complaining about the fact that all four of Daemon's children survived the Dance specifically focused on the fact that both Rhaena and Baela lived. According to the OP, one of them should've died and their post-war roles in the story should've been given to only one of them. Which at its core is really the main conflict between Sansa and Arya stans, no matter how much the Stansas want to cover their ears and play dumb. It's not about Arya stans projecting their sibling squabbles onto the two of them but simply the fact that it's not possible for two characters to fulfill the same role in the story, specifically when it involves two female characters. The existence of two Stark sisters is an inconvenience for the people who want the story to revolve around Sansa.
I have to believe there's some bubbles that they don't want to admit will burst if TWOW will ever be released and that's why they cling to the idea that Arya stans are the delusional ones. They have to believe that the parts of Sansa's seasons 5-8 storyline they like came from GRRM instead of D&D or else their Jonsa and QITN fantasies will fall apart. I have no idea how someone can watch the scene where Sansa tells Arya she couldn't survive what she had while Arya can only sputter out that she was training and believe 1) it makes sense for their book characters and 2) D&D didn't blatantly favor Sansa and Sophie over Arya and Maisie.
This ask came literally seconds after I drafted a post talking about this exact topic and it's so wild to me that we were both up thinking about Arya + her girlhood and wanting to discuss it 🥹
As for this ask, you really hit the nail on the head. Arya's gender is an essential aspect of her journey but fandom ignores that because they've decided that there's only one "right" way to exist as a female character. Arya's self-esteem issues stem from her being a non-conforming Lady in a misogynistic society, she has to disguise herself as a boy in part because of the threat of sexual violence, in Harrenhal she is assigned gender-specific tasks/labor, political matches are made without her knowledge/consent, she is threatened with sexual violence multiple times, and even her role within the FM is influenced by her gender. Her being non-conforming doesn't mean she's the complete antithesis of everything feminine. The obsession with propping up Sansa has ruined people's ability to perceive complex female characters, ironically including Sansa herself. They genuinely would've respected Arya more if she had died passively rather than fight for her life and you can't tell me that isn't misogyny.
That Reddit post is a great example of how people genuinely can't (or refuse to) comprehend the idea of two female characters occupying the same space. Cause you're right, that is the root of the issue. I think the only reason they bother with the fake "Stark sisters uwu" crap is because they've backed themselves into a faux-feminist corner and they don't want to look hypocritical for disliking Arya. So instead, they pretend to care all while rewriting her to serve as Sansa's prop. This is also why so many Queen!Sansa truthers are also anti-Dany + think that Sansa becoming Queen depends on Dany's downfall. They desperately cling to the show as canon, when D&D have openly admitted they changed the story because they favored Sansa/Sophie. They're fine with how show!Arya is written because to them, that's exactly how she should be; a subservient lapdog for Sansa. TWOW is definitely going to ruin that illusion, and one of the reasons I'm optimistic about it being released is getting to see fandom's reaction.
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sydcarmyfan · 9 months
I know he was sick to his stomach when he said this to Sydney
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totalswagisland · 5 months
chef hatchet and eva mentor & mentee relationship would be so fucking powerful
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harrowedsoup · 1 year
Modern AU where Gideon becomes a famous celebrity chef and Harrow is her anthropologist wife who gets tried out people asking if Gideon makes her fancy dinners all the time. Gideon does not because Harrow eats about ten things. Gideon takes her to visit a chef friend’s restaurant and Harrow orders chicken nuggets.
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
Alicent, exhausted, being forced to present her son to Viserys, panic in her eyes, hoping he is good enough for her husband:
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mot-hesbian · 4 months
The Mondrich storyline in season 3 is so unnecessary, personally I think they should have saved it for Benedict's season bc I find his relationship with them and his advice to be really interesting and would love for it to go both ways with him receiving advice regarding his relationship with Sophie.
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lewdityiota · 5 months
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I really liked the Whitney and Clem from here so I colored them and I’m posting on their own (Clem uses she/he)
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mayday-jd · 10 months
alr I lied I gotta talk about smth else quickly
• so remember when I mentioned branch's reaction to the country song when they entered lonesome flats??
yeah now let's talk about how poppy reacted
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poppy hears the song then concludes that the country trolls are miserable and don't know how to have fun
and what better way to make them have fun?? force them to listen to pop music.
cough cough barb parallels COUGH
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ofc that doesn't work the country trolls are appalled by their pop medley
all of them... except for hickory
I think poppy was drawn to hickory because he was the only one that seemed to along with what she had to say without any complaints basically he said what she wanted to hear so she trusted him wholeheartedly
now let's actually get into my favorite part of this movie
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I don't think you need a genius to figure out that these are black folks LIKE LOOK AT THEM AND LISTEN TO THE QUEEN ESSENCE
guys the vas of the royal funk family are all black. ik maybe doesn't mean anything BUT MAYBE IT DOES ALR
anyways no matter what race the funk trolls may be they still play such an important role in this movie and let me tell y'all why and how
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thru their encounter with the funk trolls, our pop trolls duo (yeah biggie left) learn three important things :
- differences do matter, they're a part of our identity and it would be wrong to ignore them
- even with those differences and origins, trolls still can be multiple/different things (ex.: cooper who says that he's pop AND funk, prince d who identifies as a hip pop troll which is not on poppy's outdated ass map)
- yeah that story poppy heard from the pop trolls' perspective?? yeah no that's not how it actually happened
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explained beautifully by anderson .paak's song, the pop trolls stole all the strings, used them to make their kind of music and cut out the other trolls from the music scene
in the words of prince d
"That's just the story cut out and glued by the winners"
different retellings, stories of what happened from another pov because guess which perspective you read from the history books?? the winners.
poppy hears all this and y'all idk if it's because poppy's voiced by anna kendrick but this is where all I could think about of was white saviour complex
because this girl is still all about uniting all trolls so they'll live in harmony and yes it comes from a good place but she's just not getting it and fucking hell 😭
she does get the message at the end of the movie after finally meeting barb and speaking of her....
• barb is awful and that's what makes her a great character
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as we all know barb's plan is so "unite" all troll nations under the rule of hard rock which is not uniting that's just assimilation
where poppy's desire for every troll to live together in harmony all united by music, barb's comes from a sense of superiority and maybe even pity
evident by every moment she steals a string, barb comments on the other trolls' music with insults which justifies why their music isn't real music while hers is
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what's funny is that barb and poppy are very similar
they both really want to prove themselves as good queens, they desire for all trolls to be united and, even if poppy won't admit it, they both see their music as superior tho that degree of superiority is very different
where the similarities end are that barb doesn't want everyone around her to say what she wants to hear, she wants ppl to be real to her, meanwhile poppy refuses to hear anyone else's voice because it's different from hers
which leads to another difference between the two, poppy learns to listen to others because
"A real queen listens." (both said by her and branch)
now let's talk about that finale shall we??
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romanticatheartt · 2 months
Liz Tomforde is one of those authors for me that I'll read anything she writes and be 90% sure that I'll end up loving it. I'm not even half way through "Play Along" but I can feel how it's going to be my favorite. Her Windy City series is the only contemporary romance books that I've actually enjoyed. The plot is there, the romance is there and most importantly (for me at least) The characters have depth.
I've read books where I love the couple but the characters as individual? No. She always makes me fall in love with both of her main leads and also make me fall in love with her couple. And that way I can enjoy the smut as well!!
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j-esbian · 16 days
god the Woke Content Game List is stupid for so many reasons, but it’s also just CLEARLY subjective lol
FNV lets you have gay sex with several characters but it’s only listed as yellow, even though that’s a dealbreaker for other games. original Baldur’s Gate (extended edition) is red but BG2 is yellow, because there’s gay romances in both but only the first one has a trans character. what the fuck is “pro-DEI messaging” because I legitimately don’t know and that’s listed in a lot of notes. are you really so upset about a single line in passing from a Skyrim NPC that you needed to include that. these games aren’t even listed in alphabetical order.
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buildarocketboys · 18 days
New based headcanon: Patrick Verona from 10 things I hate about you is actually an egg
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michyeosseo · 1 year
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At least one bite? You must be hungry. I know you hate me but–
Yoon Hae Young and Choi Myung Gil as JANG SE-MI & BAEK DO-YI LADY DURIAN (2023) 1.07
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amethyst-halo · 2 months
turned off my laptop and INSTANTLY wanna draw tangled au stuff oh my god
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