#cherik brainrot
sugakoni · 2 years
memories - cherik (1)
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synopsis: the want to not be lonely consumed the two of them; especially after their recently finalized divorce. charles and erik do not know why they still were drawn to each other. casual exes-to-lovers au, with walking charles. post-xmfc and pre-dofp, without the... fact erik killed jfk.
warnings: swearing, yelling, just a lot of angst and stuff in this first chapter.
word count: 5903
(note: this first chapter kinda... sucks a bit imo, but it will be better after i see if anyone likes it. i kinda just wanted to get it out before i exploded from no one seeing it oof. also, after i get the first few chapters done, i will be posting it on ao3... this may or may not be my first cherik fic.)
The house was cold, yet inviting. After a long day of work, the man sat in his living room, a glass of scotch in his hand. Rain poured outside, hitting the roof above him, and the window that he continued to look out of. 
The thought of his past lover didn’t sting like it used to, but it caused an ache of want at points. His eyebrows furrowed, his lips pressed against the cool glass in his hand, and the pain lingered. 
The telepath never wanted to invade the other's headspace, allowing him his own state of mind and healing after the incidents that had occurred. A shaky breath left his mouth before a knock at his front door caught him off guard.
Usually, visitors never come this late, especially to the school. At least, not unannounced beforehand. Charles stood up from his seat, placing his glass on the coffee table before hastily moving to open the door. He didn’t want the poor soul to get drenched, especially out in the pouring rain-
“I apologize for the small wait, usually visitors don’t show up this-” Charles looked up and met the person’s eyes, “-late…”
His tone of voice lowered, and there stood in front of him was Erik Lehnsherr, soaked completely to the bone. Erik let out a shaky breath, pushing the other aside gently before stumbling his way into the mansion.
Charles felt confusion course through him, closing the door after a moment. He stood there, hand on the knob and looking forward. He breathed out, before turning to face the obviously drunk man behind him.
“Erik, why are you here?” He asked, annoyance in his tone. After months of torment, heartache, drunkenness, and sorrow, the other decided to show up on one random night. Drunk himself, nonetheless. 
“I… Charl… Charles…” Erik slurred, moving to walk towards Charles’s office.
Charles's eyebrows furrowed again, and he followed the other. He stood in the doorway with his arms crossed, watching as the other sat on the floor in front of his desk and pulled his knees into his chest.
“I can’t… I can’t do this without you..”
“Do what without me?” Charles asked, confusion lacing his voice.
Charles scoffed, shaking his head. He leaned against the doorway, feeling slight pity for the man in front of him. Erik sobbed out, putting his head in between his legs and letting himself feel his own pain. The other could feel his eyes start to water at the sight, glancing away and gulping the giant lump in his throat. 
He wanted to be angry, he wanted to be mad at him. His clothes were still hanging in their once shared closet, his things still on shelves in their room. His nightstand was not to be touched, and the fact that Charles even though he was remotely over the other was insane. 
“You left, Erik. You left on your own, you decided that this wasn’t sufficient enough for you. That I  wasn’t enough for you. I don’t understand-” Charles breathed in heavily for a moment, trying not to let his own tears fall, “-I don’t understand what you want me to say here.”
The room fell silent, other than the occasional sniffle and sob that left Erik. Charles bit at the inside of his cheek, tapping his foot on the ground. 
“I want you to say… you want me. You want me even when.. I leave and.. say things I don't mean.. Charles,” Erik groaned, embarrassed at himself. “I love you.”
Charles gnawed at his lip at the response, his body shaking with newfound anger. He knew that he could control his emotions, he knew he could tell if Erik was lying. But he made a promise, and that is what was killing him at this moment.
“Do you expect me to just fall to my knees exactly like you, and take you back after the torment that you put me through? The heartbreak you put me through? Erik, do you understand how difficult it was for me? What do you take me for…” Charles’s own tears were falling, staining his cheeks. He tried to keep his composure.
“I was in love with you, Erik.”
Charles fell silent.
The telepath shook his head as he felt every single emotion course through his veins. He felt anger, but he felt sympathy. He felt love and he also felt hurt. Charles moved to walk away from his office, but the croak from Erik caused him to turn around.
“Don't leave.”
“I’m going to go get you some water-”
“Don't. Leave.”
Charles sighed, shaking his head and not giving in. He continued his trek towards the kitchen, grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with tap water. He continued to walk back towards the office, glancing in and seeing that Erik was nowhere to be found.
“Damnit,” Charles muttered to himself. Now his drunk ex-husband was roaming around the mansion. 
He went to look for him, assuming he hadn't gone far. A rustle upstairs took him by surprise, as he moved to go towards the location of the sound. Charles’s bedroom door was open, and he glanced in. 
“Erik,” Charles called out. He took another step and was greeted by Erik sitting on the edge of their once shared bed, a jacket of his own in the other’s lap. Charles frowned.
He moved to stand in front of Erik, the glass of water in front of him. Erik hesitantly moved to grab the glass, the cool water contrasting with the heat of his hand. His fingers graced against Charles’s for a moment, and it caused his heart to break.
Charles’s heart was racing a bit, out of just fear of the unknown. He pointed towards the open spot beside Erik.
“May I?”
Erik gave a nod.
Charles sat down beside him, looking forward. He didn't know what to say or do. But he had to admit that being beside Erik felt familiar, and inviting to him.
“I never wanted to hurt you, Charles. That was… never my intention…” Erik mumbled, taking a sip of the water. Charles gave a nod.
“Erik, we can talk about this when you're sober-”
“No,” Erik responded harshly, taking Charles back.
“We need to talk about this now…” he added.
Charles shook his head in defeat, biting at his bottom lip. He gestured for Erik to keep talking, and the other took a deep breath before speaking once more.
“I didn't want… to be a burden on you, on this,” he gestured to the room, meaning the school. “I didn't want to hinder you from your dreams… your goals… I felt like all I was doing was holding you back, so I decided to take myself out of the picture.”
Charles didn't catch himself, but he was laughing. He was laughing out of shock, anger, sadness. His laughter filled the room, and Erik felt anger pang him a bit. 
“Would you stop laughing?!”
“Sorry… sorry… I just think it's quite ridiculous that instead of communicating this with me, you decided one night to leave and never come back,” Charles shook his head. “It's unbelievable, Erik. We took a vow. And you broke that vow.”
“Not on paper.”
“It doesn't matter! You broke that vow the moment you left this place, that moment that you broke my heart, and told me that you didn't know if this is what you wanted.”
Erik huffed, moving to place his glass on the dresser in front of them. He sat himself back down, and Charles couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked away from the other.
“Look at me.”
“Charles, look at me.”
He looked back at the other, and before he knew it, Erik’s lips were on his own. Charles let out a breath of air out of shock, before letting himself kiss the other man back. The sparks that were always there showed back up between them.
Charles’s hand went to caress Erik’s neck, while Erik’s hand nestled itself into Charles’s hair. The kiss was heated, and their need and love for each other were prominent as it deepened.
The familiarity of Erik’s lips welcomed Charles in with open arms. He let out a soft grunt at the feeling, knowing that the kiss was intimate. However, the feeling of anger took away from the intimacy. A feeling of hurt. 
Erik pulled back a little, placing his forehead against the other’s. They were both breathing heavily. Charles’s lips were tinted red, his cheeks pink to match as they just sat there. 
“Please. Please let me redeem myself, Charles,” Erik begged. Charles bit at his lip. He pulled himself away completely, not knowing what he wanted. Confusion was coursing through him again, as well as a sense of overwhelming love for the other. 
The idea of letting Erik back into his life seemed to be plausible, but the pain and torment that the other had caused him made Charles hesitate in his answer. Erik’s hands still gripped at Charles’s white button-up, but Charles’s hands were to himself. A lump crept up his throat again, and tears welled in his eyes once more.
“I can’t, Erik… not right now…” He whispered, adverting his gaze from the other. 
Erik shot up, keeping his lips pressed together in a thin line. The emotion coursing through the other started to shake the metal around the two, but Charles never moved from his spot. He looked up at the other from his spot.
“You’re confusing for a telepath, Charles,” Erik muttered, clenching his fists. Charles knew that the vibration of the metal would be bound to wake up the students in the house. But, Charles didn’t have it in him to stop Erik. He was drained, tired of all of the thoughts rushing through his head that made him feel as if he was incapable of saying no to the man that stood there.
��Respond to me!” Erik groaned out. Charles flinched at the sudden change in tone. He stayed silent, not wanting his own powers to go awol with his own emotions as well.
Erik continued to stand, looking down at Charles, his chest rising and falling with every harsh breath that entered his lungs. The metal surrounding them was now up in the air, and as soon as Charles noticed what was happening, he stood up.
“Stop, Erik,” Charles spoke out worryingly, and Erik stared at him. The metal was pointed directly towards him, and Charles felt uneasy.
“Erik. Stop.” Charles demanded again, “I don't want to have to do this.”
“Do it, Charles. Read my mind. Feel my pain.”
Before Erik could move the metal even an inch closer towards the telepath, Charles moved two of his fingers to lay against his own temple. Erik froze, the metal crashed to the ground around them, but didn't take Charles out of his state.
As he looked through Erik’s mind, he could feel every bit of hurt that coursed through him. Charles stood there, letting Erik go but still infiltrated his mind. He took away the mind block he had for the other, realizing that Erik wanted him to see what he had gone through. The torment. The heartbreak.
But all that came out of Charles’s mouth was a small huff, his fingers leaving his temple and he turned away.
“Leave, Erik.”
“I said leave!” Charles yelled at the other telepathically, his eyes averted their gaze from the other again. Erik flinched at the sudden pang in his head, and without hesitation, left his room, slamming the door shut behind him with his powers.
Charles ran a hand through his hair, finally letting himself cry. His body shook with every sob, sitting down on the edge of his bed and looking down at the floor beneath him. He didn't care if he was being loud, he didn't care if his own thoughts and emotions carried into every single person in the mansion. He just wanted to hurt, he wanted to let himself hurt.
That night, for the umpteenth time, Charles allowed himself to cry himself to sleep. He curled up underneath the once-shared comforter, holding Erik’s old pillow close to him, as sobs filled the silence in his room. Loneliness consumed him, but it invited him in like an old friend every time.
An abundance of harsh knocks awoke Charles from his sad slumber, a groan leaving his lips as he sat up in his bed, unwillingly. He stood up, walked to his bedroom door, and opened it, being greeted by his sister. 
“You look awful,” Raven exclaimed, and Charles rolled his eyes. He didn't know how he looked, nor did he care, but he didn't have time for Raven’s remarks this morning. Or the want to deal with them.
“What do you want?” He snapped slightly, which took Raven back. 
“Uh. One, rude, and two, I was just coming to see what happened last night. The whole house was woken up by noises, but you were nowhere to be found.”
Charles rubbed at his forehead, he half hoped that last night was a dream. His eyebrows furrowed. “Erik stopped by.”
Raven frowned, moving to lean against the doorframe. “How did that go?”
He let out a sad chuckle, looking away from Raven for a moment. Charles recalled the events from the previous night, his emotions feeling numb for a moment as he stood there. His heart swelled in pain momentarily, and he felt the familiar lump in his throat.
“Horribly,  actually,” he murmured. Charles didn't want to speak about it more than he had to, and Raven sensed that. She moved to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly before moving her hand away.
“It will get better, I promise,” she whispered. Charles gave a curt nod, before telling her he would meet her downstairs for breakfast. She replied with an ‘alright’, letting him shut the door so that he could get ready for the day.
He stood in his bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth as he looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were puffy from the crying, as well as red, and his nose was still stuffed. His hair was a mess, sticking out every which way. Charles, indeed, looked like a mess. But he just didn't care. He spat out the toothpaste in his mouth, moving to use his mouthwash before going to change into his clothes for the day and fixing his hair.
Soon enough, Charles was out of his bedroom, rushing to eat breakfast before making his way to his classroom to teach his students. He still had a job to do, after all, and if he let his personal issues get in the way of that, he would be hindering his students' abilities to learn. And Charles would never let that happen, not again.
The day seemed to drag, but finally, Charles was in his upstairs office, grading students’ papers, and reading their essays. His eyes were feeling a bit droopy, the office only illuminated by the dim light of the lamp on his desk. He mumbled some of the words he read to himself, putting the papers down and rubbing his eyes with his palms.
Exhaustion hit him like a brick, and his feelings again drained. Charles had worked so hard to pick himself back up again after the break-up, and it felt like every single bit of work he put into himself crumbled the moment Erik showed up on his doorstep, drenched, drunk, and crying. The remembrance of the sight caused Charles’s eyes to sting, his bottom lip quivering.
He snapped out of his own wallowing self-pity when his door was knocked on. Charles could tell who was on the other side, replying with a ‘come in’. Hank slowly shuffled into his office, closing the door behind him gently as he looked at his best friend.
Charles looked up at him, a soft, hurt smile on his face. “What brings you here?” Charles asked calmly, putting up an all too familiar facade.
Hank frowned, knowing that his friend was hurting. He shifted his weight onto one foot, playing with the arms of his jacket. “I came to see how you were doing. I never had the chance to ask today; it's been extremely busy. But-”
“Yes. I am afraid I already know what you are going to ask,” Charles interrupted with a chuckle. Hank gave a small shrug, a smile on his face.
“I'm assuming Erik was here.”
“Yes, indeed he was,” Charles murmured, looking down at his desk for a moment. Hank let out a sigh, moving to sit in a chair in front of his desk. Charles didn't move his eyes, focusing them on the wood of his desk as they began to sting again.
“Healing isn't always linear, Charles… but, it pains me, Raven, hell, all of us, to see you back at square one again. You were making amazing progress.”
Charles bit at his lip, not expecting those words to leave Hank. He glanced up again, feeling his own facade begin to crack little by little. Hank frowned once more, eyebrows furrowed as he continued to watch his best friend. Charles didn't need his powers to know how worried everyone was, but he didn't want to worry them even more by breaking down at a random moment. He moved to place a hand on his forehead, an elbow rested on his desk as he squeezed his eyes shut.
“It’s just difficult… seeing him again, getting into that mind again… it hurt, worse than I thought it would,” Charles replied, his voice breaking. 
Hank bit at the inside of his cheek, not knowing how to respond to the statement. Charles held back the want to just sob out, his hand now in his hair and grasping. Hank’s own heart broke for the other, hating to see him like this again. 
“Charles. You know I am always here for you, but I am going to give you your space,” Hank stood up, “you shouldn't hold back these emotions. It’s good for… uhm… recovery.”
Hank’s words trailed off. Charles remembered when he was in a similar situation; with Raven. His sister had broken Hank’s heart one too many times, but they still remained friends for Charles’s sake. He knew that what Hank was saying was from personal experience. 
“Thank you, Hank.” 
Hank gave a small nod, turning to leave his office. Once the door shut, Charles let out a sob. He moved to rest his head on his desk, letting himself feel every emotion that he had held in for the day. His tears rolled down onto his hands, ultimately staining the wood below them, a shaky breath left him before he continued to cry.
“Stupid… Stupid!” Charles chanted in his own head, sitting up and slamming his hand on his desk as he leaned back in his chair. He sniffled, wiping his tears away. He let out a small hiccup, a groan leaving his lips as he got up and started to make his way to his room. People speaking downstairs caught his attention, and he stood at the edge, listening to the conversation downstairs.
“Where is he?” The familiar vibrato of Erik’s voice rang in his ears. Charles gulped.
“Erik, you're not welcome here, at least not at this time,” Hank responded. Charles could feel Erik rolling his eyes at the scientist's response, hearing the all too familiar footsteps make their way towards the stairwell. Charles’s eyes widened, moving to walk to his room. But, he didn't move fast enough.
“Damnit,” Charles whispered to himself. He turned around on his heels, looking at the man who stood at the top of the stairs. 
Erik started to make his way toward him, and Charles didn't move a muscle. His hands were at his side, the pad of his right index finger toyed with his slacks. Soon enough, Erik was standing in front of the telepath, looking down at him.
“You said we could talk about this when I’m sober, so here I am,” Erik gestured. Charles rolled his eyes.
“I think that Hank told you you're not allowed on the premises at this moment,” Charles responded. Erik clicked his tongue, a small laugh leaving him. 
“I know you too well, Charles. You want me here,” Erik whispered the last part, poking his finger into the other’s chest. A small bit of anger coursed through Charles. He grasped Erik’s wrist, throwing his hand down.
“Do not touch me.”
Erik glared at the other. Charles glared right back at him, not letting Erik get into his own head. They stood in silence for a moment, the anger surrounding the both of them prominent. He let out a huff. 
“Hank told you to leave,” he murmured, “so I suggest you do so.”
Charles turned around, walking towards his bedroom. All of a sudden his wrist was being tugged back, not by Erik’s own hand, but by his powers. The watch he had on was hindering him from moving, and Charles let out a grunt.
“Please, Erik, leave me alone,” Charles begged. Erik stayed quiet, moving towards the other. He let go of the watch on his wrist, grasping it with his own hand now and dragging him into the bedroom they once shared. He slammed the door shut, not getting a reaction out of Charles. 
The two of them stood there looking at each other again, Charles shaking a bit with anger and confusion. He didn't know why he desperately wanted to just slam Erik into the wall, and kiss him senseless. Make him feel what he felt for months while doing so. Make Erik realize that even though Charles so desperately wanted to hate him for still being in love with him, that he still wanted him all this time.
“As I said last night,” Erik started, “I want to be able to redeem myself.” He slightly seethed the last part, not enjoying how he was now taking his own facade away little by little. Charles stayed silent, his eyes flickering from the furrow of Erik’s eyebrows to his nose, down to his lips as he spoke and back up again. 
What is wrong with me, Charles thought. He let out a shaky breath.
“No matter how many times I let you redeem yourself; the ending always stays the same. You leave me,” Charles responded, his tone harsh. Erik shook his head.
“I won't leave, not this time,” Erik tried to reassure him, but Charles didn't believe him. He shook his head, his eyes now watering again.
“No matter how much I want to believe that is true, you haven't proven it to me,” Charles whispered. Erik's own heart broke at the tone of the other’s voice, knowing that he had hurt him to the point of no return. Erik gulped, his own eyes now watering as he looked away.
The room grew silent again, the only sounds coming from each breath that they took. Charles stood there, playing with the hem of his shirt. Anxiety rose in him, but he didn't want Erik to push his boundaries like he used to. Charles felt the overwhelming urge to stand up for himself, for his mental health, for once.
Erik kept glancing over at the other, seeing that Charles was still looking down. He hesitated for a moment, wanting to tilt the other’s chin up and just press a kiss to his lips. He wanted to calm the other, his heart breaking at the sight. He was the one who did this to Charles, and he couldn't even fix it.
“Please… one more chance is all I ask for-”
Charles looked up at him again. He then moved towards the closet, grabbed a suitcase, and started to stuff all of Erik’s belongings inside. Erik stood there in disbelief, watching as he continued to silently, and very angrily, make sure nothing of Erik’s was missed. 
“No, Erik. I cannot give you one more chance! Not right now, at least,” he finally broke the silence.
Erik gulped. His own heart continued to break. Charles didn't care anymore. He wanted to be alone, he deserved to have his time to think, but he still desperately wanted to just give in to everything Erik had to offer. He still wanted to give him just one more chance.
When Charles finally got a glimpse of Erik, he saw the tears that ran down his cheeks. He looked down at the suitcase, starting to zip it up as his own tears slipped from his eyes. Charles held back a sob, his hands stopping halfway around the suitcase before he just let himself cry.
He felt the concern of the other, feeling Erik’s hand now on his back. He sank into the touch, still looking down. It hurt him. He wanted to give in, but Charles knew deep in his heart that it was not the right time for them to rekindle that flame that the two of them had for each other. He glanced up at Erik, whose cheeks were still stained with tears, but it didn't look like any more would fall.
“I just need time, Erik… I cannot make a rash decision… please, please just let me be,” Charles was now begging for the other to listen, to understand why he needed time. Erik let out a defeated sigh, standing up slowly. Charles finished zipping up the suitcase, standing up, and handing Erik the handle to it.
“Are you saying that this won't happen again?” Erik asked. Charles’s eyebrows furrowed.
“That isn't what I am saying at all. I just need space… time. You hurt me, more than you ever had, and I still need some more time to process this,” Charles rambled. He wiped his eyes, motioning towards the door and Erik gave a nod in defeat again. He wasn't used to not getting what he wanted, and Charles knew that, but he wouldn't give in. Not this time.
When Erik left, Charles still felt uneasy. He crossed his arms, standing in the same spot for a few minutes as his eyes darted around the floor. He was consumed with different feelings. Feelings of confusion and hurt; but also love and want. Charles let himself glance around the room, seeing how everything was now in disarray after he shoved everything of Erik’s into that one stupid suitcase. He went to move, but before he could, Raven barged into his room unannounced.
“C’mon. We are going to get you out of this slump, out of this place for a bit so you don't have to think about it,” Raven commanded, grabbing his arm, and dragging him. Her strength was uncanny, especially with how small she was, but she had always been stronger than Charles. He choked a bit on his own spit.
“Raven, I-”
“We are going to a bar. You are gonna do your charismatic flirting shit or whatever you do, you're gonna be yourself again, because this. Is. Maddening,” She ranted. Charles rolled his eyes.
“You’re maddening,” Charles retorted, moving to run a hand through his hair. “Were you listening in to our conversation?” Raven glanced back at the other as she opened the car door for him, practically shoving him into the passenger side. She didn’t answer his question; just promptly shut the door and got into the driver’s side.
“You project a lot when you are mad; I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole house knew what was going on,” Raven stated. Charles rolled his eyes again. She started to drive off of the Westchester property, making her way toward the city. It had been a long time since Charles had been out of the mansion, especially after his divorce. He didn’t know what the night would hold for him, and it made him a bit anxious.
Charles had been a player before his marriage, yes, but not the type that would sleep around with anyone. He did his fair share of flirting, talking to primary women of course, because they seemed the most vulnerable to his charismatic antics. But, thinking about doing that again, with Erik’s words from the last few days lingering in his mind, put a sour taste in his mouth. 
His thoughts slowly started to project, just so Raven could understand how much he didn’t want someone to just use to get rid of these feelings of confusion. Raven pulled the car over, abruptly stopping it, almost sending Charles flying a bit in his seat.
“You’re doing it again,” Raven seethed. She parked the car and looked over at Charles. “Erik is not worth all of this confusion, trust me, Charles, I would know.”
Charles’s lips pressed into a thin line, looking at her with a tinge of jealousy. Raven shook her head, running a hand through her blonde hair. He was trying not to feel upset, but what she had said almost sent him over the edge. He took his seatbelt off, opened the door and slammed it shut. 
“Charles,” she rolled the window down, “get back in. I’m sorry,” she added. Charles shook his head, beginning to walk away from the car on the way back toward the mansion. Raven groaned, putting the car in reverse and following him.
“Raven, seriously, if you want me to get better, you too need to leave me alone,” Charles replied, eerily calm for his demeanor. Raven winced a bit at the statement. 
“I’m sorry, I know that he and I’s past is a touchy subject-”
“Then why would you say anything? Huh?” Charles looked at her like she was stupid. Raven’s face contorted into disgust before she just scoffed and put the car in drive; speeding off. She would have her own fun, with or without Charles. 
Charles rolled his eyes to himself as he heard the screeching of the tires behind him, and began his long trek back to the mansion. The cooler air of early autumn nipped at his face, causing him to shiver as he wrapped his arms around himself. It could really only be a 15-minute walk from where he left Raven, but it felt like it would be forever with how cold it was. 
After he did his exactly 15-minute walk back to the mansion, he opened the door and was met by the warmth of it. Charles made his way to his room, deciding to shower to warm himself up a bit more. He sat underneath the warm running water coming from the shower head, letting it engulf him as more thoughts from the last two days, and the day that Erik had left him kept running through his head. 
“Damnit,” he whispered quietly to himself. Charles held back the sob that threatened to leave him, knowing that he shouldn’t cry anymore about the situation, but the feelings hurt. And he hated them.
His shower lasted a long while until the water ran cold. Charles put on some comfortable clothes, lay in bed, and hoped to fall asleep soon enough. He looked up at the ceiling, sniffling for a moment. Erik ran through his mind, which hurt him even more as he lay lonely in bed. Usually, when he began to feel like this, he would be able to turn over and be greeted by the man who would be awake, reading some oddball book he picked up at the library when he was in the city. Charles sighed, getting out of bed and making his way toward his office. 
He slumped into his desk chair, moving to grab his journal. Charles began to write, just about his feelings. About Erik, and how bad he wanted to be with him again, but he knew that he needed time. He let out a soft sigh, continuing to write to his heart's content. Trying to just let all of his feelings flow, so that he could stop being nagged by them when he desperately just wanted to sleep. 
Charles’s need for sleep soon caught up to him. One moment, he closed his eyes, and the next, the sun was shining brightly in his face. He was leaning back in his chair, a small amount of drool coming from his mouth and last night's tears dried up on his cheeks. He looked around the room for a moment, remembering that it was the weekend, and let himself fall back to sleep in the chair. That was until a harsh knock was laid against his door, causing him to jump a bit. 
“What is it?” He groggily asked out, watching as Moira stepped into his office. Charles blinked.
“You’re here to reprimand me too?”
“They’re worried, Charles. And you aren’t listening. It’s not like this just happened from Erik showing up a few nights ago… you have been like this for months,” Moira replied. She moved toward his desk, placing her hands on the edge and slightly bent over. Charles had to admit, that he didn’t like it when Moira was emotional. He couldn’t tell by her face if she was pissed or upset, and he didn’t like going through her mind. Charles let out a sigh.
He stayed quiet while Moira glared down at him, feeling a bit uneasy in her stare. Charles tugged a bit at his shirt anxiously, biting at his lip. “I just don’t know what to do, Moira.”
“You obviously want to be with him again. And you keep stopping yourself; why won’t you let yourself try again?” She asked with sincerity. Charles shook his head.
“It isn’t that simple… I have tried, again and again, and I know we are both on different terms,” Charles mumbled. Moira groaned in annoyance, moving her hand over and thumping his forehead. He was taken aback, letting out a short ‘ow’ and going to rub the spot she thumped.
“You two are in love with each other, for Christ’s sake!” Moira yelled at him. Charles scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. He shook his head, standing up. They both stared at each other across his desk. A small huff left the woman’s mouth.
“He is in love with himself. That is why he wanted to be alone in the first place-”
“Now Charles we both know that’s not true,” Moira interrupted. Charles put a finger up to shush her, shaking his head. He didn’t want to hear it, from anyone else. He didn’t understand why now, all of a sudden, everyone was worried about him and his love life. Was it that obvious that Charles wanted it to happen again, more than ever? He didn’t know.
“Contact him.”
“Call him. Tell him you want to go out to talk. Coffee, brunch, somewhere that isn’t here. Too many memories,” Moira rambled. Charles stood there, appalled.
“Fine! Fine…” Charles grumbled to himself, reaching for the phone on his desk and dialing Erik’s number. He knew it still, mostly because of how often he tapped into the other’s mind in Cerebro. He bit at his lip, and the phone rang…
And rang…
And rang…
“Hello, Erik? It-It’s Charles… I was wondering if you would like to go out for brunch with me sometime in the next week, to actually… talk about everything…”
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murderedbyhomework · 4 months
Born from a conversation with a discord friend but, feihua x cherik from xmen. Like the similarities are crazy.
Di Feisheng as Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto. Their past is surprisingly similar, with Erik in the camps and training aka torture at the hands of Sebastian Shaw, and Di Manor and Di Feisheng learning how to fight. That aside they're both gay fashion icons, very blunt and goal oriented.
Li Lianhua/Li Xiangyi would absolutely be Charles Xavier. Both of them kind and compassionate, with a surprisingly cunning/sly fox side. Li Xiangyi and Shan Gudao as street kids sneaking into people's homes with lxy as a radar for how bad the consequences would be if they get caught, and they end up getting adopted by scientist couple Qi Mushan and Qin Po, who are their canon loving but dysfunctional selves. Li Xiangyi who starts to wonder if there's people out there like him and his shixiong, and going out to recruit Sigu Sect (Xmen???? Literally) and meeting Di Feisheng trying to kill the Di Manor master.
Other things feihua and cherik have in common:
Beach/sea adjacent divorce with a side of betrayal (mistaken in feihua's case but still)
Idealogical clashes (lxy/dfs mostly) but respecting each other
If your thing lasts longer than 10 years you're gay
Cuban Beach divorce is the cherik equivalent of the Donghai Battle, dfs gets his wish and kills the Di Manor master and also sgd who lxy doesn't know has contacted to government and is working with it (this is the only reason they'd have the fight lxy doesn't have the same objection against murder as Charles), Li Xiangyi who holds the Di Manor Master is place for dfs to kill like Charles held Shaw for Erik, lxy feeling his death and suffering severe damage for it. Lxy who tries his best to ignore the damage but the Sigu Sect members end up being killed one way or another and he doesn't see the point in continuing especially with his powers hurting him and draining his life whenever he uses them. Three years after the fight lxy fakes his death, starts living out his last years as Li Lianhua, and invents Bicha (aka the serum Charles was using) based on ideas he's heard dfs' allies talk about. Bicha is also slowly killing lxy, but it inhibits his powers from activating passively, and any active usage of his powers needs to be intentional and takes a lot out of his life force, so he decides it's better than his powers paining him every moment (powers that don't need effort to be used passively because Charles' telepathy is always activated).
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mossaffiliate · 10 months
Somebody help me, I am actually losing my mind over here. Are you really gonna tell me that there's not a single fic out there where Charles gets to Erik before Apocalypse does? Not a single one? The angst, the fraught reunion. Please tell me it's just my inability to scroll ao3 ;---;
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more-profound-bond · 1 year
Charles: Welcome, fellow idiots
Erik: Hello, Charles
Charles: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Erik: You underestimate me
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ganonfiles · 6 months
i'm alive, everyone
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And i'm writing an AU where Erik is a lone poet who recites his words to the sea after his wife's death. Well.. he's all alone until Charles, a siren hears his weeping while he reads his own poems just for the water to echo it back to him in waves.
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That is honestly all, good night hehe. (may or may not be inspired by this video i took by the bay a few months back)
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hozukitofu · 2 years
Enemies to lovers had not quite been able to make its intended meaning. What we have is at best haters/rivals to lovers (they are on the same side they just hate how the other is carrying on) so they bicker, with love. We mistake rivals for enemies, understandably bc rivalry is more palatable and arguably less problematic. The dynamic of 'they don't actually hate each other' gives me a high like no other. But enemies, people on OPPOSITE sides committing CRIMES against each other in an obsessive ritual, too dependent on their morals to ever consider another path, making their marks on each other in mutual destruction wounds then get struck with an epiphany mid-fight mid-stab face to face that this person is their worse half, their despicable unseen part, the pathway direct express to hell, but LIBERATION the likes which no other could ever enlighten them to, someone so fucked up but so fundamentally ALIKE, unhinged kindred spirits with the same coins same morals different sides ...
I FUCK with that
The suspense of not knowing whether feelings are reciprocated bc the stakes are LIFE ENDING and everything must fall to support this love make me FERAL over enemies-lovers. Rivalry has stakes too but it's more getting over initial distaste of someone who you've viewed as your competition aka forfeiting your pride; enemies make you reroute your entire life compass to be with the one you love bc that changes EVERYTHING yes crimes were committed and confessions were traded on deathbeds there are no villains or heroes in this story. Rivals make couples strive to be better by the other and for themselves, enemies make each other WORSE and I'm here for it
Who are enemies to lovers: eve/villainelle (MI6 agent hunting down an international killer); laurent/damen (two heirs of warring kingdoms); vegas/pete (two sides of a warring family in a torture chamber)
What ISN'T enemies to lovers: sereshaw/hangster (classic men on men rivalry they're just extra toxic); cherik (same mutant side they've been trying to divorce for so long that its everyone's problem now but the enemies are humans)
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lenichque · 2 months
gonna reblog some 2013 posts real quick bear with me 😎👍
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chucklesandrick · 2 years
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I am experiencing serious cherik brainrot
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karmaphone · 6 months
Erik is big into body hair while Charles prefers to be and have partners that are completely smooth. send post
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wizardofgoodfortune · 8 months
i am so sorry for all the cherik posts on your dash EHDHWHEHK it was 2 am and i queued them like a madman
girl im im tears. i did not expect all this pain 😭 is it time for a rewatch...
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clockwork-stars · 4 months
"Which level of insanity have you reached ?"
I just opened Canva and made a divorce certificate for Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr...
I believe that @fancychaostraveller cherik propaganda is working a little too well. I am now stuck in a brainrot.
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Look at that thing, it's magnificent. Also yeah, Erik signed nothing, @fancychaostraveller said it better than me :
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Cherik | Renegade
A Cherik edit? In 2024? No you’re not dreaming I’m just brainrotting.
Rising from the dead to post this edit bc tiktok isn’t working and I’m so proud of it.
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thealogie · 5 months
just found out sir ian mckellen and michael sheen are sitting together on graham norton soon. as a cherik and azcrow enjoyer who knows of both their contributions and dedication to old men yaoi and followed them both to watch their theater roles from it i feel like that episode is going to be a big plane that will body the towers of my brainrot. oh god
BREAKING NEWS. I know we expect too much of celebrities but I’m gonna go on the record and say that if Michael Sheen doesn’t flirt with Ian McKellen he’s dead to me
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