#cherrys rockin cookie
liillee · 5 years
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lil devil wings!
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murfasaur · 5 years
Update on my heavy metal campsite: Now with a touch of Halloween vibes 🎸🏕 🎃
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I could watch them jam forever tbh 🥰
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campbuggy · 5 years
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bastard-flavored · 5 years
okay i Know being impulsive is bad but like im not regretting anything im doing to is it really bad
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narniadreams · 3 years
very many tags that i’m sure nobody cares about (with songs and a quiz and facts about me if ur curious) 
tagged by the ever so lovely @trumpkinhotboy​
drop three completely different bands/artists u listen to
Super Junior (kpop)
Regina Spektor (anti-folk)
Flairck (dutch acoustic)
Stumbled upon this and decided to make it a tag game ! (this is so very accurate like how do quizzes know this !?) The socially awkward brains of the team // Socialization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you. But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend. You don't get crushes easily, but when you do you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax enjoy the feeling once in a while, chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else seen in you as well
list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing.
i haven’t been in love since the last 10 years and sometimes i am afraid that i will never fall in love with anyone ever again.
there was a period in my life where i really hated reading books. before, i loved reading, but when i was around 8 i started to dislike it, and i only ever read comic books or magazines or very short/easy books. when i got into my last two years of highschool (15/16 age-wise) we had to read 5 books each year, so i was forced to read. i kind of started to love it again and i read a lot of books easily. since then, i never hated reading books again hahaha.
i’m going to study in south-korea next month, so i won’t be able to go to my violin classes. it’s the first break i have ever taken since i started playing violin in 2007. 
when i really love a piece of media, i often remember quotes from it, and in a period of obsession, i will keep saying that quote over and over again for no reason. a while back i replayed heavy rain and i kept walking around saying: ‘’oh shit jack, ain’t nothing to it, just a little bit of self defense. page one of the police manual, kill or be killed.’’ at random moments. 
that being said, i love video games !! i’ve sometimes got surprised responses to that because people say i ‘don’t look like a gamer-girl’ whatever that’s supposed to mean????? just two days ago i started playing days gone and it’s been very stressful so far hahaha.
I saw one on the mcr side of my dash where you put a song title for every little of your url and I thought it would be fun
N - nella fantasia - il divo
A - angels - owl city
R - rockin’ the suburbs - ben folds
N - no other - super junior
I - idea - akmu
A - a case of you - joni mitchell
D - dream girl - shinee
R - resta qui - andrea bocelli
E - einstein’s idea - johnny flynn
A - après moi - regina spektor
M - mayday - victon
S - she - jannabi
RULES: post your top five favourite comfort characters
Samual Drake (Uncharted)
Edmund Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Nagisa Hazuki (Free! Iwatobi Swimclub)
Hideyoshi Nagachika (Tokyo Ghoul)
Warren Graham (Life Is Strange)
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earphones or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moon light // sci-fi or horror // pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // wind chimes or dreamcatchers // chocolate or sour candy // deodrant or perfume // drive-in movie theatre or the cinema // pastel colours or neutral/earth tones // butterflies or honeybees // lemonade or iced tea // past or future // constellations or aurora borealis
cloud watching or stargazing // cherries or strawberries // messy room or tidy room // cooking or baking // blue pen or black pen // poetry or prose // loose clothes or fitted clothes // bookmark or dog-ear // orange or yellow // chocolate or red velvet // rings or necklaces // netflix or cinema // monsoon or autumn // late nights or early mornings // road trips or train/flight // candles or fairy lights // music streaming or record player // blinds or curtains // picnic date or carnival date // piano or violin // ice cream or frozen yogurt // museums or libraries // pancakes or waffles // cookies or brownies // moon or stars
there are more tags that i still have to do but this is it for now lol !! i tag anyone who reads this, no taking back >:)
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hattywatch · 5 years
K. Hayes -  All My Own in a Big Red Bow
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A/N: This is for @hockeyandtaylorswift​, for Christmas. She requested it and I love her and she deserves the world. Also I posted this on my phone so I could get it out asap. Sorry if the formatting suffered.
23. “Chocolate chip is the only cookie that matters.”
24. “Is this the part where we kiss?”
"Kris, are you sure? I don't want to make it awkward. I'll be the only one from your side there." Your sister scoffs into the phone. 
"Babe, it's fine. You know how they Hayeses are. The more the merrier." You do know this. Your sister's in-laws are incredibly warm. They invited you to a pool party this past summer and  text you for your birthday.
You're right. I'm still just a little annoyed that Mom and Dad felt the need to have their midlife-crisis now and jet off to a tropical island for Christmas. They couldn't wait a week?" You hear Kris hum and there's a cry in the background. 
"I'll let you get back to it. Keep my nephew happy. I'll see you tomorrow." Kristen reminds you of the time and tells you to bring pajamas and an overnight bag so you don't have to go home and when you hear the door to the nursery and the baby's cries get louder you assure her that you've got it and hurry her off the phone. 
It could be worse; you'll be with your sister for Christmas at least. You can't really blame your parents. When they made the plans months ago you were still with your ex and planning to travel out of state to see his family, but that was months ago and you'd really rather not be alone on Christmas. The flip side is you'll spend it with your sister's perfect little family, which you're happy about, but obviously a little envious you haven't been able to find your own prince charming yet. They don't make them like Jimmy anymore, obviously. 
When you get to Kris and Jimmy's house the next day you immediately relieve her of the baby, delighted to bounce him around the house on your hip and make silly noises at him. 
Glad you came to see me. I feel really special," Kris yells across the kitchen to you as she mixes up a batch of cookies for later. 
"Don't make me choose, you won't like the outcome. You know where my love lies," you hold your nephew up high over your head and blow a raspberry with your lips, aiming for an engine noise but really just spitting all over yourself. The baby doesn't seem to care much and he giggles and coos before he's plucked from your hands. 
"How's my favorite little man? Huh? You excited for Santa tonight?" Kevin lights up as he talks to his nephew and you're not really sure if you want any kids of your own, but boy does a man who's good with kids punch you right in the ovary. 
"Hey! Give him back, we were playing airplane," you whine at Kevin, all the while smiling at his stupid ugly sweater. He plops a kiss down on the baby's fuzzy head and hands him back over to you. 
"Okay, but I'm next in line. Hand him right to me or I'll never get him. My mom's vicious." Nodding, you wink and promise Kevin exactly that. 
He pats you on your back and bends down to drop a kiss on your cheek, "Sorry, hi. Where's Dennis?" 
"Merry Christmas. I don't know. Hell?" 
Kristen snorts, obviously overhearing you. "Touchy subject, Kev." You roll your eyes. 
"It's not touchy, I'm just being grinchy. We broke up, that's all." Kevin lifts his eyebrows and nods. 
"I'd say sorry to hear it, but Jim said he's a douche." He sits down on the chair across the table from you. 
"Your brother is perceptive and wise beyond his years." Kris drops a bowl of dough on the table in between you and Kevin. 
"If you're in the kitchen, you're helping. Make these into balls and put them on this cookie sheet, please? I want to check on dinner." She walks away with the grace she's always had that you've never been able to emulate, floating on air.
Kevin washes his hands and stands over the table, balling up cookie dough and putting them far too close together on the cookie sheet. When you look over you notice something's missing. 
"Kris? Where are the chocolate chips?"
"They're sugar cookies. I ran out of chips," she calls from where she's bent down checking the roast in the oven. 
"Oh no. I'm running out then. Everyone knows chocolate chip is the only cookie that matters." She nods, placating you like only a big sister can.
"Be my guest. But give me the baby, I want to feed him so he'll take a nap before dinner." She scoops him up and his little face lights up at seeing his mother and your heart breaks with love. 
"Kev, you wanna come?" Glancing at him as you shrug on your coat, he's leaning over the sink washing his hands again, but looks up when you call his name. 
"For sure." He looks at you, brows drawn and mouth in a straight line, serious. "I hate sugar cookies." He gives you a big dopey grin and you are eternally happy your sister married into this family. 
"Not sure how I ended up driving," Kevin backs out of the driveway, turning and looking behind him with his big hand on the back of your headrest. 
Making your eyes big and innocent you smile up at him, "Because you blocked me in and your truck is nicer than my car." You adjust the climate control on your side of the car and he lowers the radio from the buttons on the steering wheel.
"You wanna talk about Dennis?" He glances over at you at a red light and you want to sink into your seat. 
"There's not much to tell. He started seeing someone at work and hit me with it back in September. I just moved out and that was that." It's the truth. It was a pretty clean break, your name wasn't on the lease, you didn't have a pet or child together; it was as easy as packing up your clothes, a lamp and a coffee table and it's like you were never there. 
"You find a new place yet?" You didn't expect Kevin to be so interested in your break-up, but you do get along best with him out of all of your sister's in-laws. You're close in age, goofy, and all too happy to play the part of doting aunt and uncle. 
"Why, you looking for a roommate?" Kevin sighs like you just told a bad dad-joke, but you can see he's sincere so you back off. "Nah, I didn't, though. I'm just back with my parents for now until I can find something. The commute is killing me."
You unbuckle your seatbelt as he pulls into a space at the supermarket, he walks around the car to fall into stride next to you. "I have a place in Boston I never use if you want to use it. Just a one bedroom, but I could give you the key and you can pop in whenever you need it."
That's not what you were expecting, and you're stunned, but you say thank you and promise to let him know if you want to take him up on his offer. You only see Kevin a few times a year, but every time you leave, you wish he lived a little closer because you could see the two of you being good friends. 
He picks up a shopping basket and walks over to the refrigerated section. "You can't get a log of cookie dough, Kevin. That's cheating." 
He throws two in the basket. "I don't know how to make them from scratch. What do I look like, Emril?" You dig your hands into the basket and pull the logs of dough back out to put on the shelf. 
"I'll teach you. They're better from scratch." He concedes and follows you through the store as you call Kris and take inventory on what she has and what you need. Apparently she hasn't been shopping in forever because you need everything except flour.
It feels nice to do such a domestic chore with someone so silly. He tries to sneak sour patch kids into the basket while you're in the aisle looking for chocolate chips. "Are you kidding me?" He looks around like he has no idea who could have put the yellow bag of candy in your basket. 
"You're literally a professional athlete. How can you eat like this."  He cracks open the bag of sour patch kids and pops a cherry one into his mouth. His lips pucker a little at the tart flavor, but it fades quickly and he chews happily.
"Just lucky, I guess. Still have this rockin' bod." He flexes a bicep, but it's useless under his fluffy sweater. 
"You're an idiot," it is hilarious though, so you laugh and steal a sour patch from the open bag. "Let's go checkout, they're going to kick us out since you can't be trusted around a bag of candy."
You use self checkout and Kevin bags. He taps his Apple pay to the terminal before you can even get your credit card out of your wallet. 
"I got it." He shakes his head at you, "You're gunna teach me, so I'll provide the materials," he takes the bag and you walk to the car side by side. 
By the time you get back to your sister's house, you and Kevin are chatting happily about New Year's Eve plans after he mentions he'll be back in Boston for it. Maybe you want to see him again soon, so you don't hesitate to extend an invitation to the house party you're throwing while your parents are still sunning themselves on some exotic island. 
"I mean, it's just a small group of friends. I think Kris and your brother are going to stop by for a little," you think maybe you're not playing this cool enough so you back off a little. "You could bring a plus one, obviously. The more the merrier."
You walk into the house behind Kevin, who is still holding all of the bags, and he is pushed back into you abruptly, pinning you against the front door with his strong frame. 
"Uncle Kevin!" More Hayeses have arrived since you two left, apparently. He shifts the bags to his other hand and steps away from you, lifting up his niece and placing her on his hip."Hey pretty girl," he places a kiss on her fat little cheek and she giggles. 
"Can I ask you a secret?" She says it solemnly and he nods and turns his head so she can whisper into his ear. In true childhood fashion, she cannot whisper for shit. "Is that your girlfriend?" 
You laugh and steal the bags from Kevin's hands and head towards the rest of his family to kiss them hello. Jimmy chooses to answer her first, "That's Aunt Kris' sister." The little girl nods in appreciation at the new information. 
"She's pretty like Aunt Kris. Uncle Kevin, she can be your new girlfriend." He pulls one of her pigtails and lets her down to the floor, "I'll be sure to ask, thanks for the good advice." She seems happy with his response and resumes whatever game she was playing with her grandpa before Kevin interrupted; it looks like guess who. 
"Okay I'm going to make cookies, whoever would like to join is more than welcome." You finally make it to the kitchen and drop the bags on the island. Kevin is behind you a moment later. 
"Sorry, she really liked Brooke. It's kinda hard to explain to a kid," he's mumbling through a totally unnecessary apology so you just cut it short for him. 
"So you're not my new boyfriend? Is that what you're telling me? Because I don't appreciate you doing this on Christmas, Kevin. And in front of your family? Cheap shot." 
Placing your hand on your hip you cock it out and he laughs, "Okay, okay, we can stay together until Valentine's day but then we're through." 
"That's fair," you hold out your hand and shake his, biting back a laugh. 
A half hour later finds you and Kevin rolling up your dough into balls and dropping it onto a baking sheet.
"These are way too close together. You know they expand when you bake them, right?" You go back over all the ones he did spreading them out.
"I don't know shit, look at me," looking up you see him holding out his hands gesturing to his sweater, which is covered in flour, white dusted all over navy blue. 
You're staring at him and laughing when he reaches his hands behind his head and pulls the sweater over the back of his head and off and you maybe forget that it's rude to stare. He's wearing an undershirt, stark white against his skin, but it creeps up a bit as he's shucking clothes and you catch a peek of toned abs and have to avert your gaze before you make this sufficiently awkward. 
By the time he's gotten his big, fat head out of his sweater you've gone back to spacing out the dough and doing your best to be cool. Like, you've obviously seen some abs before, they just haven't been attached to someone you actually enjoy and are maybe a little… attracted to?
This is a bad time for this revelation. 
It continues to be a bad time for this revelation when his niece wanders into the room all changed into Christmas PJs. "Uncle Kevin," she tugs on his t-shirt, "I want to make cookies for Santa too." 
He scoops her up and sits her on the counter next to the bowl. "Okay, watch how (Y/n) does it. She's a pro, taught me everything I know." He winks over at you and you grab a fresh baking sheet as he helps her wash her hands over the sink. 
"Okay, first we take a little bit of dough like this," you grab a piece for you and a piece for her, but then Kevin holds out his hand too, so you grab another piece and place it in his outstretched hand. "Then we roll it up like this," you roll the dough in between flat palms and make it into a little ball. 
"Wow," you see her doughy little hands making a wobbly shaped sphere and look at her amazed, "are you sure you haven't done this before? You're a natural!" She grins at you before turning to Kevin, who wears a matching mask of amazement. 
"I never did this before, Uncle Kevin. Look I'm doing good!" He's got so much love in his eyes for his family that you can barely look at the two of them without your eyes watering.
After you pop the tray in the oven you all sit down for dinner, which is just everyone shouting over each other trying to be heard while passing the mashed potatoes around the table. 
Kevin sits next to you on one side and his mom is on your other. She keeps glancing over as you chat with her son and you're feeling as self conscious as ever as she smiles at you when you start helping Kris clear the table for dessert. 
She's whispering conspiratorially to Kevin over your empty chair as you place the mountain of chocolate chip cookies in front of him. He looks miserable. 
Eventually the crowd thins out. Most of Jimmy's family lives close by in the suburbs and they'll be back early tomorrow. Apparently it's just you can Kevin spending the night, since he didn't want to drive back into the city. 
When it's just you, Kris, Jimmy, and Kevin left, the baby long since put the bed, you all leave the dining room in favor of the cushy couches in the living room. You pick up the remote and scroll through the channels before putting on A Charlie Brown Christmas. 
"Classic," Kevin turns his head towards you from where he's reclined on the couch to your right. 
About halfway through, Kris yawns. She exhausted and you understand, but you never could fall asleep on Christmas Eve. "Go to bed, Krissy. We can take care of ourselves. You out-hosted yourself today, you earned it." 
Jimmy stands and pulls her up off of the couch, "Let's go momma Hayes." She complies to him with no hesitation. Before she's halfway out of the room she's turns around and grabs a fleece blanket off of the decorative ladder against the wall and walks back to throw it over you. 
"Kevin called the guest room. You get the couch," she leans down and kisses you on the cheek. "Love you," she hugs you before scampering off to get waiting husband. 
You pause Charlie Brown. "You called the guest room, you absolute child??"
"We can share." He says it low, sleepy and raspy and from the back of his throat. 
Choosing to ignore the warmth it sends through you, you pull the blankets up to your chin, "Bully."
Charlie Brown ends and Kevin pulls the the remote from your hand. "Let's make hot chocolate."
You follow behind him on stocking feet, quiet not to wake the baby or your sister. But then Kevin gets out a pot and pulls cocoa from a pantry and this is no Swiss Miss situation. So, you push yourself up onto the counter next to the stove and watch him move quietly about the kitchen. 
"But you didn't know how to make cookies," you accuse. 
"This is a secret family recipe." He adds all of the ingredients into the pot before opening the cabinet and hiding whatever he reached for in his big hand; he covers your eyes with the other and you can hear something get added to the pot before a cabinet door closes and you see Kevin stirring with a wooden spoon, looking at you. 
"Secret ingredient. You can't know it." You bite the inside of your cheek and push your hair back off of your face. 
"Is it Vanilla extract?" The smug look flattens out in his face and he squints his eyes at you. 
"You're the devil." You laugh, leaning back on the counter before hopping down and over to the fridge. 
"Do you think they have whipped cream" you're hopeful your sister would keep it on hand. 
"Bottom shelf on the door," he's right and you spot it straight away. 
He keeps stirring the cocoa and you pop back onto the counter and uncap the whipped cream before squeezing some out on the back of your hand. You slurp it off and point the can at Kevin when he looks over at you, still licking the back of your hand. 
He tips his head back and opens his mouth, "No, gross you're not putting your mouth all over the nozzle." You slap at his shoulder. 
"I have to stir the cocoa, (y/n)." 
It sounds like a line and you're just about delirious enough to accept it, so you squeeze out a dollop onto the back of your other hand and put it in front of his face. 
He tips his head down and sucks it up, and it's a lot less sexy than you imagined this whole exchange would be, but his eyes do catch yours and they're warm in a way that has nothing to do with the flame on the range. 
The pot on the stove starts to boil and he turns off the heat and starts looking for mugs, while you try to figure out what the fuck you're doing hitting on your sister's brother-in-law. 
He hands you a mug and starts to pour into it when you look up and see his stubble is coated in whipped cream. 
"Uh, Kev," he put the pot gently back on the stove, "you've got a little," you gesture to above your lip, "here." He must be purposely obtuse when he attempts to get it off, missing entirely despite the size of his hand. 
"No, here," you gesture again and this time he tries with his tongue, still missing the sugary cream by a mile. 
"Help a guy out," is what comes out of his mouth. Not one to miss a golden opportunity, you lean over and run your thumb along his upper lip, corralling it. He tips his head up before you can pull your hand away and kisses it softly. 
You tilt your head sideways, trying to figure out your next step, but all you can come up with is to outright ask, “Is this the part where we kiss?"
He nods soberly and steps in-between your knees where you sit on the counter, hot chocolate forgotten on the island behind him, and presses his lips to yours. 
His lips taste like Christmas, sugary sweet and decadent like the cocoa on the stove. You wind your hands up into his hair, thankful that you're propped up on the counter since he's so much taller than you, you're not sure if you'd reach otherwise. 
When his hands slide down from your waist to your hips you bite into his bottom lip and hear two things. 
The first is a little moan, which you're sure came from Kevin, since you could feel it against your own mouth. 
The second sounds distinctly like the clearing of a throat and came from somewhere to the left near the fridge. You gently back away from Kevin, head against the cabinet behind you and spot Jimmy, wide-eyed, but smirking, and holding a water bottle. 
"Just wanted a drink," he holds the bottle up. "You guys can, uh- share the guest room… Just keep it down, it shares a wall with the baby's room." He practically swaggers away and you drop your head to Kevin's chest. 
The next sound you hear is your sister screeching your name from her bedroom, closely followed by the resulting cry of a woken baby, and lastly Kevin laughing, clear and bubbling up through his chest where you're leaning. 
"Yikes, tomorrow is going to be fun." He kisses the top of your head and helps you down from the counter. Fun indeed. 
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doubutsu-no-mori · 5 years
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Cherry’s Rockin’ Cookie comes out today maybe but I’m not a big fan besides the wings
here’s a video of it
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“Cherry’s Rockin’ Cookie isn’t really my style, but those devil wings are pretty sweet. Although the odds of me getting them without spending any leaf tickets are slim to no-
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winecatsandpizza · 6 years
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Title: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Paring: Destiel
Rating: PG
Tags: Fluff, Snow, Winter, Christmas, All The Feels, Sweet Castiel, Christmas Decorations, Kissing, Surprise Ending <3
Beta: @jessyackles
Song: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Fic Aesthetic: Me
Written For: @julesthequirky 's #Quirky'sWinterHolChallenge
Word Count: 1,518
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Castiel was determined to make this Christmas be Dean’s best one yet.  Over the years, Dean had opened up to him about the lackluster holiday seasons he experienced growing up on the road.  John was rarely there and Dean tried to make Christmas nice for Sam; however, Dean never had a true Christmas.
This was their first Christmas together as official boyfriends.  Cas couldn’t hide the goofy smile that would immediately get plastered on his face each time he thought about it.  Dean Winchester was his boyfriend.  The man that he went to Hell and raised from perdition was officially his.  For now and always.
Cas made up an excuse about needing to research a lead so that he could be by himself while he got everything ready.  He found a quaint cabin in the woods for their magical day.  He spent months researching decorations and recipes and by the time everything was said and done, he could have given Martha Stewart and Home and Garden Magazine a run for their money.
On Christmas Eve, Cas went back to the bunker to grab his boyfriend and take him to the cabin.  Sam knew about the plan and encouraged the two to go off and enjoy themselves.  Dean was in the dark.  He thought that Cas was taking him to interview some leads on a case.  
The drive to the cabin was long and filled with comfortable silence.  Dean fell asleep holding Cas’ hand as he watched the snow fall slowly, but steadily.  He was still fast asleep when they pulled up to the cabin.  Cas teleported them into the bedroom where he softly stripped off his clothes and tucked him into bed before cuddling up next to him.
The next morning, Dean woke up to the smell of food.  After rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he threw on some clothes and look around.  “Cas? Where are we?”  he asked confused.
“Come out the door, take a right and then come down there stairs,” Cas yelled, excitedly.
Dean did as he was told and meandered through the unknown cabin.  As soon as he got to the stairs, he stopped dead in his tracks and tried to understand what he was seeing.
Beautiful gold and red decorations filled the cabin.  There was garland wrapping down the banister and the tree, oh the tree.  He had only seen trees this perfectly decorated in movies and magazines.  Making his way down the stairs, he followed the scent of food when the music hit his ears.
Cas was in the kitchen cooking and dancing around with a permanent smile on his face.
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas Party Hop.
Mistletoe hung where you can see,
Every couple tries to stop.
Cas shook his butt at the music after the first verse causing Dean to let out a soft, happy laugh that went unnoticed.  Cas was too into the music as he pulled the ham out of the oven and began to carve and plate it.
Rockin’ around the Christmas tree,
Let the Christmas spirit ring.
Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie,
And we’ll do some caroling.
“Oh! The pumpkin pie!” Cas exclaimed at the reminder from the song.   Opening the oven, he pulled out the pie and set it on the counter.  He jumped as familiar, rough fingers grabbed his hips and soft, warm lips placed chaste kisses to his neck.
Dean twirled Cas around the kitchen and danced with him as he sung out loud to the music.
You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear:
Voices singing let’s be jolly
And deck the halls with boughs of holly.
“Mmm, good morning, Dean, and Merry Christmas,” Cas hummed as he leaned back Dean’s warm embrace.
“I’d say,” he chuckled.  “Where exactly are we, darlin’?” he asked as he nibbled his angel’s ear.
Cas smiled as he swatted one of Dean’s strong arms, shooing him away as he answered, “We’re in a cabin in the woods.  I rented it just for us. Sam knows all about this and gave us his blessing. Now, Mr. Winchester, march your cute butt into the dining room and let me finish the food.”
“Baby, you know I love it when you’re dominant,” Dean chided as he wiggled his eyebrows.
With a sarcastic eye roll, Cas turned away and finished up the last of the meal preparations.  “If you keep that up, I’m going to have to eat these pies all by myself.”
“Wait, pies? With an ‘s’ on the end? Like, plural?”
Castiel loved how excited Dean became over the small pleasures in life.  “Yes, babe. As in more than one pie.  Lunch is almost ready, baby.  Just a few more minutes,” Cas announced from the kitchen.
Dean raised an eyebrow at the words of his boyfriend and decided to take a look around the cabin.  Every square inch of the place was decorated, but it didn’t look tacky.  If anything, he could see how much work Cas put into this.   Everything was precisely chosen and placed perfectly in its place.
He stood by the window and watched as the snow continued to fall.  Everything was covered in a blanket the fluffy white stuff.  The smell of more food and footsteps brought him out of his trance.  As he turned around, his boyfriend was placing the ham in the center of the table.
“Lunch is ready, Dean,” Cas announced with a soft smile.  
Dean walked towards the table in awe.  “Cas, I can’t believe you did all of this.  Everything looks amazing, babe.”  Dean placed a quick kiss to the top of Cas’ forehead as he sat down.
“Dean, you know I would do anything for you.  I would give up anything and everything to be with you,” Cas confessed as his cheeks began to show a hint of pink.  He picked up the carving knife and held it up to Dean, “Would you like to do the honors?”
Food was eaten, beer was drunk, and time seemed to stand still for Dean.  This was by far the best Christmas he had ever had.  He was still amazed that he was able to share it with his boyfriend.  After years of yearning and secret desire, they were finally together.
Castiel finally cut Dean off after his fifth piece of pie and one of each cookie he baked.  Cas knew he probably shouldn’t have made peach, apple, cherry, pumpkin, and pecan pie; however, he loved the goofy smile that Dean got when pies were involved.
They were sitting on the couch by the fire. Cas was cuddled up into Dean’s side as they sipped their hot apple cider and watched the flicker of the flames dance in front of them.  The festive music was low as they melted into each other.
“Hey, Dean?” Cas whispered after a while.
“Yeah, babe?”
“There’s something that I want to show you.”  
Cas was standing up and dragging Dean by the hand to the Christmas village he had set up.  Dean didn’t know how he had missed it before, but he was in awe.  The little houses were decorated and the streets lined with fake snow.  A train whistle caught his attention and he watched it chug along the tracks throughout the little city until his eyes landed on two figurines in the center of the display.
There was a tall, bow-legged man in flannel and jeans next to another figure in a trench coat and piercing blue eyes.  He knew this was supposed to be him and Cas.  He looked closer and the miniature Cas was on one knee in front of a miniature Dean.
“Dean?” Cas asked behind him.
He slowly turned around to see his boyfriend on one knee.  He drew in a sharp breath at the realization of what was happening.
“Dean, I have loved you from the moment my father put you on this Earth. I have literally gone to hell and back for you.  I grabbed you tight and raised you from perdition.  I’ve turned my back God and Heaven.  I’ve killed for you.  I loved you from the moment I saw you in that barn,” Cas explained as tears started to well up in Dean’s green eyes.
“I’ve waited millions of eons to finally meet my soulmate.  The day you agreed to be my boyfriend was the happiest day of my life, but now, I’d like the day that you agree to be my husband the happiest.  Dean Winchester, will you make me the happiest man in all of existence and marry me?”
“Of course!” Dean exclaimed as he helped Cas up off the floor, kissing him as he went.  Cas opened the ring box and slid the ring on his finger.
“I made this,” Cas stated.
“Of course you did,” Dean joked with a loving eye-roll.
“I made it from part of my angel blade.  My angel blade was always the thing that I cared about most until I met you.  I want you to have part of me with you - always.”
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you, too, Dean.”
Feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.  If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me an ask.
If you’d like to read some of my other works, my masterlist is here.
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
cards i still need fullbodys of
these are under a readmore! listed by character and card name as stated on the aikatsu wikia’s cardlists! (yes some cards have an * in the title due to the words technicly being slurs, i didn’t name the cards)
sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers peach brilliant gothic appeal of a frill dress heart catch little white bird by the waters pisces of mermaid the bear swimming ring ribbon ribbon summer the witch & the magic mirror if its a dress then definitely new swallowtail the witch with a red ribbon speaking of alphine medows waku waku koh-haku white cosmos east and west pink sugary pink fancy gift radiance of the blossom special sweet memories are in the future playful kunai throwing
prism star sweet chocolate kimono of the spring flowers blue light of the sun blue intellectual gothic heading for the party have some black tea exact timer magic of the beautiful snow shutter chance i am that girls number one fan welcome to the house of sweets the rainbow that stiches across the sky cool chemsitry messenger from the future even the warpping needs to be brillant blue santa present of the holy night east and west blue radiance of the comet star of tears futuristic siegfried three twinkle graceful lady looking up at the stars cosmo night
night of ageha blue rose under the moonlight rock style kimono of the spring flowers purple secret message light of the sun purple glossy gothic purple ageha enjoy summer festival romantic elegant its because we are rivals austere as usual math teacher of exact accuracy unforgettable memories purple santa heart of japan purple radiance of the iris five twinkle beautiful figure noble amaranth healing cushion jewlery night leo's shooting stars leo's shooting stars +
rainbow alice orange of happiness sweet chocolate pinky fruits feelings above the clouds fluffy chic together with the dolphins potepo-tan at the summer festival new stylish theif forgetful santa-san happy tree shiny santa snowman heart of japan - pop east and west pop radiance of the canary yellow popping star mascot character pajama tinder night fluffy seal
elegant smile resident of the bird cage tone of black & red kimono of the spring flowers dark blue elegant noble pure white queen colorful cake surprise present gothic santa mint noel heart of japan - dark east and west dark retro gothic suggested gothic two twinkle the lad's dream and mind's darkness charming star
guide of fairytales girl of the spring garden sweet chocolate lime candy polka dot puririn heart of japan - sakura east and west sakura as fate unfolds gorgeous daughter of flowers pillow for cupping the ogiri's master of ceremony the one in bloom is the smiling flower
pop magic magical ribbon charm of the monotone to the colorful pop addicitive cake relaxation delivered cookie stars heart of japan - yamabuki east and west yamabuki my heart is for you surprise chocolate glowing star of the night circus usher enjoy movie midnight tv
la la la porter chance catch union rock ball of memories brave charmont happy top spinning rockish sword dance
colorful title milk clown magical style marching style sweet temptation happy wrapping yummy yummy yu-mmy ghosts are surprising magical present cr-cr-cracker
stone charm bohemian who weaves the wind bohemian earth matte mint green navy indian glittering bijoux
maiden of ribbons airy painter the alps flower flower country the beach & shells flora snow fluttering alice paris daisy
dreaming alice heading towards the future dreams ufo skirt blue candy stripe puririn dignified umbrella spinning leave the program to me
secret queen adult like tulie casual elegant her walking poise is that of a lily the off time spent with everyone heart of japan moon moonlit nights marine blue sparkling glossy bouquet of my blessing six twinkle amethyst goddess sparkling moon printing moon my new goal
happy greet surf girl devil paint honey valentine let's go to the beach sweet scent of the beach coconut scented night in search of wreath materials fluffy penguin poppin penguin
white angely
lively coord
purple elegant shining swallowtail
lets sing a show sweet chocolate five court musicians crimson heart of thrill princess peach heading towards the sky dream skip scarecrows dream pink pop girl sky dress akari sunshine + obento-san of my dreams natural reindeer dreaming red radiance of the cherry four twinkle my favorite plush toy lets make a snowman
blue noblesse sumire colored tale sweet chocolate five court musicians blue mysterious magic user mischievous witch magical painter bell that glows in the night sky quiet sound of the ocean morning glory that blooms in the night dress that delivered the wish purple cat sith sumire gelato+ both scholar & warrior violet santa navy noel the glistening flute radiance of the aquar little devil punkish gothic prince tiny bit of happiness suport for me rockin' gothic special tea
sweet chocolate merry of the three court ladies three court ladies yellow princess yellow king of hearts king of pop negative check pop craftsman precious contents new discovery...? im feeling fantasy devil tulie hinaki twister ai-katsu yo-ru-shi-ku orange santa white fairy surprise is on the bonus add-on lively drum roll warm coord vivid march pretzels of love poppin green seven colored vivid special flavor found only in the night
five court musicians peach ski ski sweet skip lovely magician lovely dress a preemption spring color coord princess cute pastel lion's feelings angely pink girl in my dreams fluffy rabbit with my favorite mug sweet night daylight pastel innocently sweet
dignified of the three court ladies three court ladies blue gentle mad hatter the mad hatter who likes to dance just like the lightning blik's wish blue star dancing on stage special move rice pepper punch princess's bodygaurd stars that spread across the sky my bursting BPM cool jade steam doll
passion of the three court ladies three court ladies scarlet passionate century positive check cant wait for summer the girl of the sun modern monotone goodnight to flamenco jurius caesar salad jurius caesar salad+ hot blooded teacher's yell passion red a passionate winter eight twinkle i love you juri passion rose key to skincare delicioso night passionate idol activities wandering bodygaurd modernly dressed up straight rose
little devil tune of the five court musicians flute five court musicians wisteria playful little devil sexy devil the memories from the potatoes radiance of the raspberry chasing the admiration glamor of the lame ribbon admired stage milky devil
tune of the five court musicians kotsuzumi five court musicians plum little devil naughty little devil cutie devil dont miss out on the potatoes
caramelize a hundred mark smile i love sweets the worlds center winters cheerful dress exciting dolphin clover i finally found retro modern girl first shrine visit here japanese retro flower
freely strechable stylish monster honey honey bee candy girl will give you
nadeshiko mode miya-beam winters glossy dress shining snowy fields
supporting you decided high touch original little devil rockin pumpkin deilviery from the bottom of my heart cutie little devil holy love lives on sleepless nights new year sunrise rockingly vivid
pink step my crowning tv show two bonds marchen santa present thats a cake active girl so many delicious foods
ROLA (laura for those who dont spell her name as rola)
blue step the thing like usual reason for passing lets go shopping confident bat girl the north and southern cross blue roses of courage ice punkish
melon step yellow santa ring throwing that i won't let go of
lavender step china heroine memories of our playtime lets it it! onee-chan winter visits orchid of elegance glossy jasmine g*psy dancer
japan heroine star appears romance christmas feminine style even in winter
checkered activities in the morning
canary santa aiming at
tip toeing a little bit refreshing ori*ntal healing wink ethic ballarina beautiful roth flowers
my suggested tv show chances to shine girly christmas while waiting for santa cosmetic dress fairy awaiting spring
input of knowledge turning point
sweet pirate kiraran sparkling fairy
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peachnymphuniverse · 7 years
little things i love/love to do -smell my fingers after peeling an orange -sit on my roof late at night  -playing uke under the porch while it rains  -opening my windows when it’s chilly and bundle up  -slide around in fuzzy socks while my dog chases me -paint my nails and take it off around ten minutes later  -when my ukulele strings leave dents in my newly painted nails  -listen to my broken record player so that the song registers in my head as a little off key  -journal about people’s smiles  -in airports i walk around and smile at everyone and get sad if they don’t smile in response (sometimes i double back and repeat the process until they do) -talk to people i’ve just met in the way i wish i did to the people i’ve known  -make cookies and dance in the kitchen  -close my eyes and guess what flavor jelly bean i get -buy razzles and read in the merc  -new sheets  -freshly cleaned hair  -playing with short (relatively guy) hair  -making tea after a rough day  -nailing a song first try  -sweaters from thrift stores  -the feeling when a stranger is nice to me  -cheeks hurting from laughing so hard  -sporadic adrenaline and finally doing the thing -almond milk over ice -this one gray and pink plate my mom got  -mismatching soft patterns on my bed  -cuddles with pets (or humans on a good day) -the warmth that occurs when someone calls me beautiful  -shiny hair  -writing a good song that makes you feel something  -piling blankets and pillows in a corner and reading  -my mom asking me if i’m happy everyday (and legitimately caring about the answer)  -any type of garnier hair product (smells hella good) -the use of the word heck in any context  -flowers and flower tattoos  -when my sister compliments me (its like the highest form of praise in my life) -the temperature tea is at when it’s hot enough to warm your whole body but not too hot that it burns  -tea that has too much honey  -hummingbirds in general  -my dads laugh  -seeing people kiss (not in a creepy way i just really enjoy love) -guys in sweaters and pastel colors  -incense from rockin rudy’s  -new pj’s -my cat  -the sting of hot showers  -speaking native languages  -people who take random pictures of me  -kale salad -dresses that make me look coot -the smell of burning paper -hugs  -soup -people who give me their hoodies  -making jokes during movies  -folded chips -the farmers market when it rains  -people with warm hands  -people with cold hands  -people (ik i say otherwise but people are actually v wonderful sometimes)  -cinnamon on hot cocoa  -finding a song that relates to your life  -stars  -blue eyes  -baths with music and tea  -wearing my stepdads sweaters  -making a really nice house in sims  -nice teachers @franzen @elder  -people with nice eyebrows #envy -buying people coffee  -going downtown alone for a few hours and not talking while reading or drinking tea  -airports  -beaches (the smell mostly)  -vanilla perfume  -waking up when the blankets are still perfectly in place  -when i’m wearing shorts and my warm kitty curls up on my bare legs  -layers (button down, sweater, jean jacket) -pretzels with peanut butter  -yellow  -new socks  -citrus smelling stuff  -dark chocolate  -old cameras  -rose and mint flavored lip balm -tiger lilies and sunflowers  -when my hair is damp and my head gets it warm -rupi kaur -new watercolors  -thrift store vinyls  -mike and eleven  -knee high socks -overalls  -big flannels + jean jackets -popcorn with chulula  -drive around in my moms convertible  -japanese cherry blossoms  -going to the library with @anna everyday -finding a new song and listening to it till you know each word -rain (the smell) -crunching leaves  -the stars at 2am -using my kitty as a pillow when she’s curled up  -playing the piano (badly) -white curtains -photo booths  -nice handwriting  -earrings  -being under a bunch of blankets  -pretty journal pages  -hugs when it’s cold out  -ink drawings  -making my bed -the fact that my favorite band has a song called hannah -genuine laughs and smiles  -warm soup on cold days  -new jackets  -thick socks  -when it’s cold outside but you have a v good coat and ur all toasty and happy  -soft blankets  -finishing homework early  -fetal position+big sweaters+floor=happy hannah -making up chords on the uke and giving them names like bartholomew and furghi -remembering inside jokes from forever ago and laughing  -laughing so hard you’re incapable of breathing  -belting theatre music when home alone  -suppa warm bagels  -chess w/ tea and mi madre  -making spotify playlists for every mood  -pretty journals  -yellow -knowing little quirks about my friends -asking little questions back and forth with someone i care about  -freckles  -boys eyelashes  -hiking alone  -my soft doggy  -post-it note quotes  -edamame beans with a lil salt at 3 am  -my new mattress (praise the lawd) -getting stuff in the mail  -the people who actually read all of these lmao -long hair (rly missing mine rn)  -big shirts w no pants  -people who have specific smells ex. cotton, lemons, lavender, cinnamon -hugging tall people  -watching the previews before the movie  -messy scribbly handwriting (i think really good handwriting is lacking in character)  -this one picture of my dad from the eighties  -sweet potatoes  -people who use the word beautiful instead of hot  -spoken poetry  -asking boys what their favorite flower is (odds are they actually have one)  -waking up on sundays and making myself breakfast  -being hydrated: drink water kids  -almond milk w a bit of nutmeg + cinnamon  -mixing different teas (i’ve concluded that mandarin orange + ginger is v good) -knowing you somehow made someone’s day better -people who play with my hair -picture books with good plots  -sparkling apple cider  -asmr (lol don’t judge me) -realizing the other day that i am pretty, and if you don’t think so, that’s ok.  -popping popcorn perfectly (ur welcome for the alliteration) -waking up ten minutes before your alarm  -elevators arriving right as you push the button  -warm winter days, today was v nice  -powder blue shirts  -hearing a song from ages ago and realizing that you know every word -plugging your phone in at 1% -the amount of hugs i get every day  -cuddles  -painting myself or people -when a boring class is over @science  -watching a movie after thinking about it for a while  -packing for a plane ride  -new ringtones  -going to the merc and getting the last muffin there  -holding hands with people in a platonic way  -hugs from behind  -comfort food (ex. brown rice and tofu w spinach)  -crème brulèe -driving at night or in the rain  -the way it feels when this certain person says my name -soft hands + long fingers  -mild weather -putting my hand out of the car when it’s chilly  -nail-polish that peels off in one piece  -messy/curly hair  -new pj’s  -hugs that last a while  -giving birthday presents  -calling my cat bean  -“hannah bee” (nickname from my mam)  -cinnamon gum  -noice cancelling headphones  -calling people by their full names  -stiles stilinski falling  -new soap  -brown eyes  -long eyelashes  -soft breathing  -bronze  -swearing but not actually swearing (heck, darn) -fetal position anywhere  -being hydrated  -nose highlight -small stuffed animals  -chocolate milk w straws  -my sister  -having paint left on my hands  -light gray shirts on people  -pillow forts -highways at night  -bumper stickers  -drinking sparkling apple cider out of wine glasses  -when my room is hot + i put my hand on a cold wall -hearing my cat purr  -catching people looking at me and just smiling at them  -hugs that nearly make me fall over  -or that squeeze so tight you have to readjust your footing -new pads of paper -dropping a toxic person/thing and feeling weightless -my new room -shopping w my sister  -eating hot dogs in target w my sister  -friends who ask if you’re ok randomly  -when lil asks how my day went  -singing fallout boy/ed sheeran/bad rap w reya -chocolate cake  -washi tape + journals  -kicking a ball really hard to relive stress  -p4 spanish  -hearing nice things people say abt me -having a messily clean room (w a few things scattered around)  -walking around downtown w tea and friends  -hot pockets (new discovery for me circa monday)  -cracking my neck, knuckles, back -having a heater in my room and always being warm -taking my hair down when it’s still a lil damp and being able to smell shampoo  -a teal 1987 ford bronco in my neighborhood -slow orchestra music  -piano solos  -watching mystery movies and figuring it out before the people do  -subtitles  -protective friends  -today being the first day i haven’t felt spaced out in years  -old book smell  -rain-soaked hair -resting my head on someone’s warm chest or arms  -the acoustic versions of songs i like  -the three people who i’m ok w calling me banana  -how i don’t swear unintentionally anymore  -21 questions  -sleeping at school  -cutting pancakes into triangles  -jim and pam  -jelly beans  -perfect pancakes -tucking my cat into the crook of my stomach  -the office  -empty movie theaters  -coke zero w a straw -the smol boy me and kenzie became friends with  -my package came today -the way my mom sings to her houseplants  -being tickled  -sofffftttt kitty pawssss -sleeping in really late cause i normally wake up early  -golden milk -lullabies  -granola w yogurt + maple syrup + cinnamon -sleeping on the ground in my moms office -big sweaters tucked into jeans  -mad-libs  -collaging -thin sweatshirts  -drinking soup out of mugs  -small straws  -target hot dogs
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murfasaur · 5 years
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campbuggy · 5 years
my too-broke-to-buy-leaf-tickets-ever self, the exact moment the spring break free cookie login event started:
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years
#Giveaway + Excerpt ~ Her #Christmas Pregnancy Surprise by Jennifer Faye... #books #FriendsToLovers#BakeryRomance #RescueDog #NewRelease #readers #bookbloggers
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Note from the Author
Thanks so much for joining me for the launch of my holiday bakery romance with the sweetest rescue puppy in HER CHRISTMAS SURPRISE PREGNANCY.
Sometimes a coffee is just a hot drink. And sometimes a cherry turnover is just a pastry. But once in a lifetime, when they are shared with a special someone, they can lead to so much more. And so a chance meeting between Simon and Pepper leads to an unlikely friendship…and that’s just the beginning.
Curl up with a warm drink as these two face the challenges and victories of Christmas Past, Present and Future. New York’s Most-Eligible-Bachelor, Simon Ross, is a self-made man whose whole life revolves around his toy store chain. But this Christmas, he’s expanding into the pet market. However, he thinks it’s all business as he’s not a pet lover…until a little beagle, named Daisy, crosses his path.
The Polka Dotted Baker, Pepper M. Kane, loves Christmas. But this year nothing goes as planned. And when things go awry, she thinks her life can’t get any worse. However, it isn’t until she loses everything that she learns what is most important in life.
I hope you’ll join Pepper, Simon and Daisy this Christmas as they make peace with the past, embrace the miracles of the present and are filled with hope for the future.
Happy reading,
— Jennifer
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Go to Jennifer's Contact Page HERE and order your bookmark(s)!
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Her Christmas Pregnancy Surprise
By Jennifer Faye
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 256 Pages
November 1st 2019 by Harlequin Romance A festive reunion… …with an unexpected gift! When Pepper Kane’s home and bakery are burned down in the weeks before Christmas, billionaire CEO Simon Ross—the man she spent one unforgettable night with—comes to the rescue! Pepper knows this playboy doesn’t do relationships, but staying with him in his penthouse and caring for an abandoned puppy, their spark is rekindled… And then comes a festive surprise that shocks them both: she’s carrying his baby!
(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Kindle | Nook | Harlequin | Apple | Kobo | Book Depository
EXCERPT: It was a wintery scene, with a white tree with gingerbread ornaments trimmed with white frosting suspended from it. And beneath the tree was a gingerbread house. Not just four walls and a roof of gumdrops. Someone had gone all out, detailing not a one, not a two, not even a three, but a four-story house decorated with white and pale pink frosting. Simon didn’t have to guess. He knew it was Pepper’s work. She was quite talented, making the window shutters out of white frosting, and there was even a chimney. He drew in a deep breath, straightened his shoulders and opened the glass door of the bakery. When he stepped inside, he found it empty. Not one single customer. Sure, it was a little past three in the afternoon, but from what Pepper had told him, there were usually customers streaming in and out of the bakery all day long. He stepped further into the shop to find the display cases completely full, as though none of the goods had sold that day. How could this be? Pepper, by far, had the best pastries in the city. “I’ll be right with you.” Her voice was light and friendly, just the way he remembered it before things had spun out of control. He turned to her, bracing for Pepper’s onslaught of angry words. She knelt down, placing something in the glass display case. When she straightened—when she saw that it was him and when she heard what he’d come here to tell her—he was certain her tone would change drastically. And then she straightened with a smile on her face. Her beautiful long auburn hair was pulled back in a twist, pinned to the back of her head. When the lights hit her hair, the deep red highlights shone. Her bangs fell to the side of her face and a few wispy curls fell around the nape of her neck. Was this the real reason he’d come here? To have one more look at her—to drink in her beauty? As recognition flashed in her eyes, her friendly demeanor vanished in a heartbeat, replaced with a distinct frown. “You.” Her green eyes widened with surprise. “What are you doing here?” Then she held up a hand as though stopping him from speaking. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. Just leave before someone sees you here.” “Pepper, we need to talk.”
Tour Schedule
November 4th:
For Him and My Family
Thoughts of a Blonde
Locks, Hooks and Books
November 5th:
underneath the covers
Becky on Books
Jorie Loves A Story
November 6th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
Liberty's Literary Loves
The Life of a Modern Day Hobbit
Andi's Book Reviews
Baroness' Book Trove
November 7th:
Melissa McClone
Peaceful Pastime
Harlie's Books
November 8th:
Wishful Endings
Splashes of Joy
Hallie Reads
November 9th:
Grand Finale
About the Author
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Award-winning author, Jennifer Faye pens fun, heartwarming contemporary romances with rugged cowboys, sexy billionaires and enchanting royalty. Internationally published with books translated into nine languages. She is a two-time winner of the RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Award, the CataRomance Reviewers' Choice Award, named a TOP PICK author, and been nominated for numerous other awards.
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Tour Giveaway
One winner will receive (US only):
The Pioneer Woman – Utensil Crock and spoon holder
$25 Amazon Gift Card
Wilton cookie cutters & more…
Ends November 13, 2019
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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campbuggy · 5 years
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my best bro @feigndeath got the cherry shirt and looked sick af so I dressed up to match (and then after dressing noticed the halo/devil horn complimentaryism which was completely unintentional but I love it)
I hope we both get the shirt and wings before this cookie is gone omfg
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campbuggy · 5 years
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