#chibi klein
justkleuart · 4 months
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Some new sketches ❤️✨
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z-1-wolfe · 1 year
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happy birthday cringe fail white girl
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ladygacha · 4 months
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more licht merch!!! 🐺🩵
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shinnyshining · 2 months
Mobius Chibi 🐍🖤💚
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shirouusagii · 1 year
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microwaves-mmmmm · 4 months
Some Chibi-robo fanart I made using those shitty restaurant pencils.
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“I give myself sound advice, and I do my best to follow it...”
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“But my employer knows how to break me....”
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minsharkie · 8 months
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Welcome to my blog!
I make tiny papercrafts! I draw them in my free time so I may be a bit slow with them, but sooner or later I hope to make the entire IkePri cast! After that I am unsure of what my goal is, but we will see! Anyhow, bellow here is a masterlist of the chibi papercrafts currently available!
If you want to be notified of when I reappear from the void with a new chibi feel free to ask to be added to the taglist under my posts, in reblogs or dms!
Rhodolite Princes
Jin Grandet
Chevalier Michel
Clavis Lelouch
Leon Dompteur
Yves Kloss
Licht Klein
Nokto Klein
Luke Randolph
Familiar Faces
Rio Ortiz
Sariel Noir
Foreign Princes
Silvio Ricci
Keith Howell
Gilbert von Obsidian
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ilovetomatoesbro · 1 month
What if a pixel Joost Klein existed:
(I plan to do a whole story about chibi Joost’s adventures tomorrow)
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justkleuart · 3 months
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Aroxart DTIYS ❤️🤗
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nightghoul381 · 4 months
Ikemen Prince Art Masterlist
Leon Dompteur:
Flowershop AU (line art) Flowershop AU (color) Pizza Leon (Doodle) ’23 Birthday '23 Birthday Pt 2 Pizza Leon's Surprise (Doodle)
Silvio Ricci:
’23 Birthday 100 Follower Art Raffle Michelle's Birthday Gift
Clavis Lelouch:
Sneaky Clavis
Gilbert Von Obsidian:
Pizzabert (Doodle) Santabert (Chibi) '23 Birthday
Yves Kloss
'23 Birthday
Nokto Klein:
'23 Birthday
Licht Klein:
'23 Birthday (awful)
Chevalier Michel:
'23 Birthday Aqua's Birthday Gift
Jin Grandet:
L's Birthday Gift '24 Birthday
Sariel Noir:
'24 Birthday
Keith Howell:
'24 Birthday Mayara's B-Day Gift
Rio Ortiz
'24 Birthday
Luke Randolph
'24 Birthday
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
On RWBY's Klein Sieben, and system jokes...
When looking for more information about Klein's DID, I found this post which bothered me for several reasons. The post was about RWBY's depiction of mental health overall, and it made a lot of good points on other disorders, and a lot of bad points.
But I only care about the part on Klein.
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First, I think that it's silly to expect mental disorders to be called by name in a fantasy setting. In contemporary settings, you should absolutely confirm disorders the characters have by name. But hearing someone talk about DID, PTSD, Autism or Schizophrenia is going to immediately take you out of a fantasy story.
It's the same reason Shallan in The Stormlight Archive is only technically confirmed to have DID outside of the story.
But my bigger problem comes down to the argument revolving around using the disability as a joke. The reason is that these are the same types of jokes systems make all the time.
I've been in the plural community for a couple years, and jokes about not being able to decide on little things with the rest of the system, or sharing personal experiences where one headmate will order something at a restaurant only to switch out and leave the next headmate with a plate of something they don't actually like, are super common.
Plenty of system jokes and memes utilize this same premise.
In a comedy show like (the non-canon) RWBY Chibi, it makes sense for similar jokes to be made using a similar premise as well.
So what is the issue then? If systems make these same jokes about themselves, is it WHO is making the jokes? Are system jokes only acceptable when they come from verified systems?
Pluralphobia And The Danger of Gatekeeping Who Can Make Plural Jokes in Media
I can understand that some people are burned and are wary of how singlets will handle plurality in media.
I think that there's an idea with some that if you're not a system, then you can't write jokes about systems or plurality in media. And I think this thought process is extremely dangerous to the plural community.
It places actual plural writers into a position where the only way they're allowed to write about plurality is by publicly disclosing their own to the world.
This is dangerous with any sort of plurality. Whether DID, tulpas, spiritual, etc. Publicly revealing that information can endanger your relationships with friends and family. It can make you a target of harassment. (Look at what happened to Aimkid.) It even can endanger job prospects.
In the case of disclosing DID, this would be disclosing that you likely had severe trauma as a child, which could lead to public denial from family members who didn't know, or were themselves responsible.
An environment where plurals have to be out of the closet to make plural content is a dangerous one for everybody.
The Solution: Combating Singlet Normativity
Here's my solution: Criticize every work of media that features plurality with the understanding that someone in the writer's room could be plural.
Currently, we live in a singletnormative world where everyone is assumed to be a singlet unless otherwise specified. We need to break this perception. We need to do this by normalizing systemhood.
And statistically, it's not like it's that improbable. Some high estimates of DID show it appear in as much as 3% of the population. There are several writers involved in RWBY. And plurals tend to be drawn to writing plural characters, making it statistically more likely at least one of the people who created Klein could have DID or OSDD themselves.
Maybe one or more of the writers have DID. Maybe they don't. But if you treat every writer as if they're a singlet when you don't know if they're plural or not, because you see singlet as the default, you create an environment where closeted plurals can't write about their own experiences in fiction.
The Importance of Klein
In the RTX video that confirmed Klein had DID, the person asking the question had DID themselves and talked about how happy it made them to see someone like them. To get a character they could relate to, one that's not portrayed as a villain as so many other DID characters tend to be in media.
Maybe Klein isn't perfect representation, and I'm sure some people will take issue with some aspects of his portrayal, but no representation is ever going to be perfect.
What matters is that Klein presented a character that some DID systems out there could relate to and see themselves in, in a way that doesn't stigmatize or demonize the disorder. And on top of that, he's a beloved character by most of the fandom which can hopefully build acceptance of real life plurality. And that's something that should be celebrated.
This Plural Acceptance Week, I would love to help create a positive environment in the plural community that encourages systems to write their own Kleins. To make the next character that systems can connect with like this person connected with Klein. Whether DID systems, endogenic systems, tulpas, daemonists, etc. We should strive to support positive plural characters in media where we see them.
More Klein from RWBY Chibi
Since I showed the episode with him ordering noodles, which was his second appearance in RWBY Chibi, I thought it would also be fun to share his introduction to the Chibi series too!
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mcx7demonbros · 7 months
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Say hello to my sona - (same old) Klein the Evil Overlord (but unrelated to any fandom)
Credit to my friend @tokiyumejo for the wonderful cute chibi :3
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shinnyshining · 2 months
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🖤💚Mobius and klein chibi wip 🚧 💚🩶
I’ll make elysia and griseo as well
Maybe pardo too ( and a friend of mine requested sirin)
Im trying to make some hi3 keychains and stickers
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onlyacrazy-cat · 9 months
Obey me Master post
here i will try to put the most important things i had done for obey me fandom!
Fictional man (link to youtube)
Fictional man (link to Tumblr post)
Salomon and asmo making fun od Klein (oc)
Asmo shopping day
Diavolo´s birthday drawing.
Chibi Mammon
Demon Mammon
Chibi Beel
MC demon desing
Female and male MC
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What about Mobius x Klein (the og one not the chibi robot one) ?
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mobiklein's very cute!
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