#klein’s sona
mcx7demonbros · 7 months
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Say hello to my sona - (same old) Klein the Evil Overlord (but unrelated to any fandom)
Credit to my friend @tokiyumejo for the wonderful cute chibi :3
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rodyaaquata · 3 months
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Did you know that Sasha (and i think some others characters from pn) much higher than damn animatronics....
And idk i remember that Tumblr not only for psynauts stuff to upload ^_^
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sirhysteir · 7 months
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KLEINE || I want a silk press. That’s all.
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ambyandony · 9 months
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One time I had this dream that I coughed up a tiny metal object that had been stuck in my throat and then somehow inhaled it back in pretty much as soon as it was out
and I concluded that Risotto Nero found a way to Get me despite my lack of a pulse, which had been the thing I was assuming would keep me safe from Metallica
so I naturally drew the scenario with your favourite enthused cryptotaxonomist Bambi who is starting to rethink his plans
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 2 months
Some stuff for now since I have no idea how this website works..
Hi and welcome to my page, I’m Ryomaandgundhamkin. You can call me that or Ryo, Kin, Katie, whatever.
(SECOND BLOG: @cannibaleclipseau )
I’m probably gonna somewhat be online here. Or maybe a lot.
Also I’m not gonna be doing comms for a while, sorry.
You can ask me about stuff if you want. Either my OCS or me-
Gonna make a post about them soon if I don’t forget, here’s the list so far for OCS:
Please help my mental state because I have no idea about role playing or anything.
Probably gonna post things on there that’ll be on my DA (Ryomaandgundhamkin)
You can also find me on Roblox (Katieemmav)!!
SONA (as of September 2 2024) under the cut
Lil fun facts:
I’m left handed, I have a dog, I’m -11037 years old, I have DS manga I never read, my handwritings kinda good, I’m a pretty organized person, I sound like Bryce Papenbrook sometimes (Nagito ahh sounding-), I like plants, kinda minimalist, I live off grape candy and grape ramune and I know Pig Latin.
Quincunx is a new OC of mines with a ton of lore. Uh, probably not gonna post all of it anywhere. Still working on it kind of?
But if you ask me anything, or my OCs, I’ll try and draw a photo of em to go along with the message ^^ I might do it digitally or traditionally.
Oh cool fun colors nice. Anyways I’ll try and respond to any questions to the best of my ability!
Iyay ewgray oredbay osay ouyay ancay anslatetray ifyay ouyay antway. Ifyay ouyay askyay ayay estionquay inyay Igpay Atinlay Iyay illway espondray inyay Igpay Atinlay ;)
V Link : https://www.tumblr.com/ryomaandgundhamkin/760562156232196096/i-finished-it-yay-im-not-gonna-pin-this-but
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kulupumun · 2 months
"die neue nacht" (von den riesen/astronauten?)
tepi' mute mute la, vor sehr langer zeit
jan pali mute pi sewi pimeja li lon. gab es die arbeiter:innen des schwarzen himmels.
ona ni pi noka suli en luka suli diese großfüßigen und großhändigen [=riesenhaften]
li kama [tan] sewi pi walo ala. kamen aus dem glanzlosen himmel
pali pini la, ona li tawa ante tawa tenpo pimeja kin. und gingen nach dem werk zurück in die neue nacht.
ona pi [=li jo e] luka kon ala. sie hatten keine flügel
taso ona li tawa kon sama waso. und flogen doch wie vögel.
kin la, jan ala li jo e sona pi toki ona. auch hatte niemand wissen von ihrer sprache.
tepi' la, ona li pali e lupa lili lon sewi sike suli. sie machten kleine löcher in den großen runden himmel,
tawa ni: telo li ken anpa. damit regen fallen kann.
kin la, ona li mama e meli mun auch schufen sie die mondin
e mije lili mute pi meli mun. und ihre kleinen männer.
jan ala li sona e seme: niemand weiß,
tepi' la, ona li kama tan seme. woher sie gekommen sind
teka' la, ona li kama ala kama ante. oder ob sie wiederkommen.
la ni li toki majuna a. so ist die alte rede.
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sergeantjessi · 1 year
Jetzt hast du MICH neugierig gemacht :D akvsdjdh was ist dein Liebling-Zelda-Volk? Bzw. Welchem Volk würdest du angehören wollen / welchem würdest du wahrscheinlich angehören :D?
Es ist ein schönes sich gegenseitig neugierig machen <3
Also zu meinen Fave Völkern zählen auch die Orni und Minish. Deshalb auch same hat :DD Das Schattenvolk hat auch einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen, weil TP einfach das perfekte Spiel für mein jüngeres ich war (ich war edgy und habe Wölfe geliebt, was gibt es da besseres???). Aber ich glaube ich würde dennoch nicht gerne bei ihnen leben, ich glaube das würde mich einfach nur traurig machen KEKW
Hylianer wäre irgendwie basic, auf der anderen Seite hat mein Sona spitze Ohren, weil das von Hylianern inspiriert ist :'D
Minish wäre cool, immerhin können die mit Tieren reden und haben allgemein ein top tier design [eyes emoji] Aaaaber ich weiß nicht, ob ich so ganz für das Minish Leben gemacht bin. Wobei ich klein sein gewöhnt bin [finger guns] :DD
Ich mag die BOTW/TOTK Orni mehr als die WW Orni, but man, ich glaube in so kalten Bergen wohnen wäre nicht so meins... xD Wobei mich ja niemand zwingt, dort zu wohnen... HMMMMM.... vielleicht wird das doch meine Wahl, yes yes
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the-acid-pear-ocs · 1 year
Main Ocs: Luluco | Bloody | Shira | Sheina | Takochu | Juan | Raul | Lola | John | Gehenna
Secondary Ocs: Ace | Cash | Elizabeth | Max | Tracy | Nomi | Dasha | Shalier | Sonae | Shenlly | Rob | Penumbra | Rhys | Thomas
Random Ocs: Lil Luly | Can | X | Bo | Dikx | Personbug
Cowboy Ocs: Cupid Amore | Donovan Valdis | Maud Regoris
Frog Ocs: Pi Graves | Lucan Froghees | Piers Bleu | Rocco Blanc | Rosemary Graves | Rowan Klein | Libi Corsen | C. "Nikki" Madden | Nemfrog
Furry Ocs: Cowly
Stardew Valley Ocs: Mila | Mora | Leon | Genesis | Damon
Homestuck Ocs: Chloe | Nina | Quinn | Skye | Rin | Gina | Iris | Emerald | Robin | Dakota | Onyx | Samantha
Among Us Ocs: Usculbaba | TransRight | Smoochfrog
Bugsnax Ocs: Nembone Crookedcheese | Keabin Buffletrunk | Peepers Reddnut | Joletta Scramblenight
Minecraft Ocs: C. | Val
Lisa RPG Ocs: Jack Phoenix | Jacob Adams
Mii Ocs: -
Monsters: Lucis Mori
AI Dungeon Ocs: Koshka | Copper | Samuel
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businessinfinity · 2 years
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 3 years
➳ juno klein profile!
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art above done by @LolLeia_!
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Juno Klein—
Juno Klein is a sentient painting at Night Raven College. They spend most of their time within their canvas, conversing with students, staff, and paintings alike. Their pointed comments and extravagant tastes gives them both an elegant but also standoffish air. 
“I did not like the nothing, and it is thus that I met the empty, the deep empty, the depth of the blue.”
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Japanese: ジューノー・クライン
Romaji: Juno Kurain
Gender: N/A
Age: 18 (allegedly), ~70
Birthday: 06/18
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 154 cm (~5’1”)
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Affiliation: Night Raven College
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Cheesy pasta
Least favorite food: Celery
Dislikes: Unruliness
Hobby: Art gazing
Talent: Transformation magic
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Juno has short, shoulder length black hair, curling slightly at the ends. They have black eyes.
Typically portrayed from the bust-up, they wear an off-the-shoulder translucent blue garment with white accents. When out of the canvas, the garment goes down as a knee-length dress, complete with black stockings and azure heels.
Despite their way of dress and mannerisms, they insist that they are genderless.
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Vain and slightly hedonistic, Juno comes off as arrogant and even fickle at times. They love teasing and admonishing the students that pass by for always being too rough with the different sentient paintings around them, but underneath that elitism lies a genuine curiosity for the world.
Deep down, Juno desires to be human—or at least, be able to maintain a physical form for a long period of time—and has great expectations that the skilled students that attend Night Raven College may be able to help them with that task. Their dream is to view all sorts of magnificent art around the world.
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A mysterious sentient painting acquired by Crowley. Juno holds little recollection of their time before Night Raven College.
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Unique Magic—
Juno’s unique magic is called “True Blue”. It grants Juno the ability to manifest a physical form from the hours of 10 PM to midnight. If any bodily harm is inflicted upon them or they stay outside of their canvas beyond midnight, Juno will turn into a puddle of blue paint and promptly manifest within the canvas once more.
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Juno is twisted from the bluebird of happiness from the Belgian fairy tale and play “The Blue Bird”.
Juno was supposedly the name given to the original portrait by the artist. Juno took the artist’s last name “Klein” as their own.
Juno enjoys challenging different students to guess their true age, despite not being sure themself.
They are fairly well-acquainted with the different paintings and spirits of the school, and they sometimes tease the immobile paintings whenever they’re using their unique magic to wander out and about.
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Sims List & Households:
Households in World:
Sobecks: Aloy, Beta, Elisabet
Love interests: Talanah, Regalla, Petra, Varga, Ikrie
HFW Base Crew: Varl, Zo, Kotallo, Alva, Erend, Sylens, Gaia, Tilda
HFW & Love Interests Fam: Sona, Vala, Rost, Burgrend, Ersa
Old Ones: Travis Tate, Charles Ronson, Samina Ebadji, Patrick Brochard-Klein, Margo Shĕn
Banuk - Aratak's Werak: Aratak, Ourea, Cyan, Sekuli, Naltuk
Banuk: Tulemak, Tatai, Urkai, Inatut, Laulai, Aluki, Enjuk
Carja: Avad, Fashav, Marad, Vanasha, Uthid, Nil
Nora: Teersa, Lansra, Jezza, Grata, Nakoa, Yan, Bast, Teb
Oseram: Delah, Boomer, Beladga, Jorgriz, Stemmur, Morlund, Abadund
Quen: Bohai, Harriem, Kristia
Tenakth - Leadership: Hekerro, Atekka, Dekka, Yarra, Jetakka, Drakka, Tekotteh, Gerrah
Tenakth: Ivvira, Sokorra, Penttoh, Jekkah, Wekatta, Rokko
Utaru: Fane, Milu, Yef, Jaxx, Korreh
The Bad Guys: Ted Faro, Helis, Dervahl, Ceo, Gerard Bieri, Erik Visser, Nemisis
The Sorta Bad Guys: Hades, Hephaestus, Resh, Ulvund
Households in My Households: (May add later to world)
Carja - Extras: Janeva, Queen Nasadi, Itamen, Three-Toe Huadiv, Amadis, Namman
Nora - Extras: Karst, Solai
Oseram - Extras: Olin, Enasha, Olin's Son, Milduf, Gildun
To Murder (or not?): Miriam, Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father, Kadaman
Relationships: Planned (to play out ingame)
Aloy × Talanah (Planned)
Beta x Regalla (Planned)
Elisabet x Petra (Planned)
Varga x Ikrie (Planned)
Morlund x Abadund (Planned)
Penttoh x Rokko (Planned)
Relationships: Undecided
Avad x Ersa or Avad x Amadis (Maybe)
Cyan x Gaia or Cyan x Ourea (Maybe)
Relationships: Set Up (In CAS)
Varl x Zo (Engaged)
Vanasha x Uthid (Engaged)
Beladga x Jorgriz (Engaged)
Queen Nasadi x Jiran (Married)
Olin x Enasha (Married)
Total Sims: 110 (Added Kadaman)
Time: 51 Hours
Households: 20
Households: I was gonna mod the game so I could have more then 8 sims in a household till I realized that required me remembering to not go into CAS so I had to reorganize because I cannot be trusted. The house holds are a bit lop sided because I wanted their to be a theme to their togetherness.
Charcaters Selected: I bascially choose charcaters I liked, were iconic, or I thought would be interesting to interact. I started with a list of 133 then slimmed it down to like 80... then slowly increased to 109. To be fair the 7 were very easy to do cause I could do what I want (AI’s, Parents, etc.). The outfits were the hardest part and after like sim 60ish I gave up doing unqiue outfits for all events so I focused on their main outfit and pruning the random clothing the game gave them. I wanted to fill a world with Horizon sims so that's why I went Ham.
Family Connection: Every family connection is correct except Rost and Aloy but I might use MCCC to correct that. Thats’ why I had to make Jiran, Fashav's Mother, Nakoa's Father because you can’t just make cousins/aunts/etc. in CAS. I made Miriam because I planned to murder her along with others to make a more interesting family tree instead of the blank image till I felt bad. I also made Stemmur Morlund’s dad..... cause I could (I recogize its not canon but he seems like a adopted dad kinda thing).
Relationships: I like rare ships and Beta x Regalla has been on my mind since I saw a post hinting at that. The planned stuff is also not fully set in stone though because I do love almost every ship, just some are more my favs (The gay ships mostly).
Future: I gonna start posting all the Sims and the CC I used in a few days along with the houses I have been making (so far I have made 10 out of 16 houses over 98ish hours).
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kimsonae · 4 years
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. @calvinklein 🌹💐💙 . . #CalvinKlein #calvinkleinjeans Klein #kimsonae #sonae #YouTuber #YouTube #korean #korea #tokyo #model #koreanmodel #selca #selfie #김소내 #소내 #셀스타그램 #얼스타그램 #셀카 #한국인 #모델 #한국모델 #한국 #유튜브 (Calvin Klein Jeans) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ3ehD0BOtJ/?igshid=fadgzglwa6ii
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amtrax · 6 years
@pmseymourva started the challenge, and so I must answer the call: This is a vocal introduction to my Spider-Sona, Spider-Ant (AKA Matthew Klein).
And now I challenge you to do the same! Keep it goin”!
Music -
Lemon Tea by GYVUS Wonderland Round 3 by Griffin McElory
(also: The Goblin Shark character I name is kind of a cross between Green Goblin and the Ultimate Universe version of Tiger Shark. I don’t have anything fleshed out, I just wanted to name a character after the weirdest shark I could think of)
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 12 days
before I sleep-
you can still ask me stuff rn. YOU CAN LITERALLY AS KLEIN (my oc) something- YES IDC I HAVENT INTRODUCED THEM IM BUSY
anyways!! you can just ask me stuff there too ^^
but like please don’t let me wake up to 10000 spam asks 😓-
(usually I’ll try and draw my oc/sona w the message IF I CAN/))
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kulupumun · 2 years
lupa pona pi anpa ala mute pi lupa ni li lili ni li lon mute ala sina lukin la sina sona
gute bodenlose löcher ihre zahl ist klein es gibt nicht viele siehst du wenn du guckst
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plcyersandpieces · 6 years
RWBY Character Image Song List 2019
Heyo folks!  It’s the hiatus, so you know what that means--MUSIC TIME!
After a volume ends, I try go through an extensive list of characters in RWBY and pick out various musical themes from my collection for each character as a sort of “image song.”  These are primarily instrumental pieces, and my collection consists of largely anime and videogame soundtracks that I’ve picked up over the years.  The characters are those who were named and appeared in the show, with a couple of unnamed exceptions like Pilot Boi and the Shopkeep, or had a recurrent role in the overarching story like Summer.
Of course, these choices are subjective.  Some may not agree with my choices for certain characters.  However, my selections were based on what’s presented in canon, not any kind of headcanon.  I take into account the character’s history and personality, as well as their personal growth.  If they only appear in one episode, I try to take into account the context of their appearance as well as the small amount of personality presented.
So, without further ado--here’s the list!  Characters are ordered in the volume in which they were introduced.  Links to the songs are provided, and checked to be up-to-date.  They are primarily YouTube links with the occasional Soundcloud or KHInsider link where I was unable to find anything on YouTube or the song wasn’t complete.
Volume 1
Ruby Rose: Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World/Last Goodbye - Undertale
Weiss Schnee: Primavera - Ludovico Einaudi
Blake Belladonna: The Wandering Isle - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Yang Xiao Long: To the End of the Wilderness ver. Detonator - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best: Rocking Heart
Jaune Arc: Revived Power ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Nora Valkyrie: Another Winter - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Pyrrha Nikos: Aloy’s Theme - Horizon Zero Dawn
Lie Ren: Yasuo, the Unforgiven - League of Legends
Cardin Winchester: Those Without the Will to Live - Chrono Trigger
Russel Thrush: Village of the Barbarois - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Dove Bronzewing: Neko-ou - Neko no Ongaeshi
Sky Lark: Under Her Control - Final Fantasy VIII
Beacon Staff
Professor Ozpin: Treize Khushrenada: The Person who Makes History - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Glynda Goodwitch: The Silent Light - Chrono Trigger, arr. Rebecca E. Tripp
Professor Peter Port: Flying Boatmen/Serbia March - Porco Rosso
Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck: The Hunt: Going Green - Twister
Friends & Family
Summer Rose: Undertale - Undertale
Penny Polendina: Osanpo Desu - Azumanga Daioh
Sun Wukong: Zidane’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Adam Taurus: Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Wild ARMs 3
Hei “Junior” Xiong: DJ Sona - Kinetic - League of Legends
Melanie and Miltiades “Miltia” Malachite: Winter Fashion - Richard Neale
Roman Torchwick: Inkwell Isle Three - Cuphead
Cinder Fall: Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace - League of Legends
Shopkeep-chan: Sore wa Himitsu Desu - Slayers Next Sound Bible II
Cyril Ian: Live Report - Undertale
Lisa Lavender: Death Report - Undertale
Volume 2
Coco Adel: Chambermaid Swing - Parov Stelar
Fox Alistair: Silence ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Velvet Scarlatina: There’s Only One Family Named Schrodinger - Wild ARMs 3
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Demon Lord Ninetails - Okami
Atlas Staff
General James Ironwood: Demacia Rising - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Neptune Vasilias: Super Galaxy Rumble - League of Legends
Zwei: Dogsong - Undertale
Emerald Sustrai: Medicine Eater - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Mercury Black: Violator - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Neopolitan: Lutece - Bioshock Infinite
Raven Branwen: Wars of the Last Wolves - Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen
The White Fang
Tukson: Galka - Final Fantasy XI
The Lieutenant: Materia - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Perry: Battle and Pleasure - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Deery: Wingly Forest - Legend of Dragoon
Grimm Eclipse (post-V2)
Dr. Merlot: Mad Poet - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Volume 3
Arslan Altan: Path of the Huojin - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Bolin Hori: Northern Country Kamui - Okami
Reese Chloris: Skate or Live - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nadir Shiko: Johnny of the Robo Gang - Chrono Trigger, arr. hashel05
Brawnz Ni: Under the Progress - Parasite Eve
Roy Stallion: Maki Ya - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nolan Porfirio: Boss Battle 2 - Legend of Dragoon
May Zedong: Pretty Pounding - Michael Clark
Scarlet David: Pride of the Seas - World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Sage Ayana: Tides of War - World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Nebula Violette: Look to the Skies - Angela Little and Lee Groves
Dew Gayl: Oklahoma - Downdraft - Twister
Gwen Darcy: The Cello Song (Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1: Prelude) - J.S. Bach, arr. Steven Sharp Nelson
Octavia Ember: Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - League of Legends
Atlas Contestents
Ciel Soliel: Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X (HD Remaster)
Flynt Coal: Tank! - Cowboy Bebop
Neon Katt: Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Qrow Branwen: Curse of the Worgen - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Winter Schnee: Freya’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Taiyang Xiao Long: Totems of the Grizzlemaw - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Amber: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Techno - Vanessa Mae
Salem: Ley Lines - World of Warcraft: Legion
Volume 4
Oscar Pine: Farm Boy - Final Fantasy VII (HD Remaster)
Li Ren: Eight Dog Warriors’ Theme - Okami
An Ren: Prologue - Okami
Jacques Schnee: Shinra, Inc. - Final Fantasy VII
Whitley Schnee: Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
Klein Seben: A Mole Man - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Henry Marigold: The Grand Duchy of Jeuno - Final Fantasy XI
Pilot Boi: Sky Dance - Pyre
Ghira Belladonna: Valley of the Four Winds - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Kali Belladonna: Queen Fury - Legend of Dragoon
Corsac and Fennec Albain: Shadow of Doubt - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Ilia Amitola: Neeko, the Curious Chameleon - League of Legends
Arthur Watts: Karazhan Opera House - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Tyrian Callows: Darkmoon Faire Carousel - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Hazel Rainart: Spirit Guard Udyr - League of Legends
Volume 5
Friends & Family
Mata: Stone Hill - Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Saber Rodentia: Night Howlers - Pyre
The White Fang
Sienna Khan: The Proving - Horizon Zero Dawn
Yuma: Revival of Alseides - Tenkuu no Escaflowne: The Movie
Trifa: Elise, the Spider Queen - League of Legends
The Branwen Tribe: Talon Sheath - Pyre
Vernal: Drawn to Strife - Horizon Zero Dawn
Professor Leonardo Lionheart: Sadness-colored Sandglass - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Volume 6
The Legends Lost to Time
God of Light: Okami White Light - Okami
God of Darkness: Emperor of Eternal Darkness - Okami
Jinn: Meridian, Shining - Horizon Zero Dawn
Ozma: Stormwind - World of Warcraft
Young Salem: Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite
Friends & Family
Maria Calavera: Vamo’alla Flamenco - Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Adlehyde Castle Town - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Terra Cotta-Arc: Totally Busy - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best - Feeling Wind
Adrian Cotta-Arc: Minako’s Ambition - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Sailor Stars
Red-headed Woman: Canticle of Sacrifice - World of Warcraft: Legion
Dee & Dudley: Shingakki 3 - Azumanga Daioh
Lil’ Miss Malachite: Tarren Mill - World of Warcraft: Taverns of Azeroth
Tock: Thrash Pack - Pyre
Caroline Cordovin: Ancient Civilization Exhibition - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
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