#childe: you're good at math? well how about we add you and me to a bed and minus the clothes haha
teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
I love the diversity in the harbingers. There's the chivalric type (Il Capitano), the mad doctor (Il Dottore), the banker man (Pantalone), the scary short girl (Columbina) and the weird skrunkly normal guy who's actually very traumatised (Childe)
The best part is their manner of speech. Childe is the type to say oddly casual stuff, even dropping as low as to get dirty while flirting. Meanwhile others like Pantalone and Capitano are the more poetic type (in my opinion at least) and would use well thought out compliments
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halfagone · 1 year
Hi Halfa! What's 3 DC fics you'd think would be interesting to include DP characters/tropes into?
And what's 3 DP fics do you think'd be interesting to include DC characters/tropes into?
(This isn't a ploy to fish fic recs, psshhhhhhh, noooooooooo)
Hello Anon! :D Don't take this the wrong way but I am giddy with excitement right now because I've been talking about this with friends and I am just squealing now that I get to ramble about it.
Now just to clarify, I'll probably use tropes more so than specific fics, because for one, I don't want to step on any author's toes. And two, I like those fics as they are and do not want to dirty them with my grubby hands. However! I can still give fic recs so you can get an idea of the kind of AU I'm talking about here. lol Not that you're fishing for them ofc, no not at all
(Added a Read More because apparently I have a lot of fic recs. :D Total: 17 (if I mathed right, that is))
DC Fics, Now With a Splash of ectoplasm DP
Stray Tim AU
He's technically also known as Catlad, but like- I prefer Stray (as if that isn't obvious by my Stray!Danny AU XD), but that's neither here nor there. In this AU, if the name didn't explain enough, he apprentices underneath Selina as her apprentice. Depending on the author's choice, it's either as a young child or after he leaves the Batfamily for one reason or another.
An example of this AU: timcat by drakefeathers. This fic actually got recommended to me earlier today (you know who you are) and it is so cute. He is so baby and I love him.
2. Reverse Robins AU
Now this is an AU I've talked about frequently, but for good reason. There are so many ways you can write this idea- Hell, can you imagine a Demon Twins AU with Reverse Robins- Hold on a sec, let me add a WIP to my spreadsheet...
Okay, back. Anyways, where was I? Oh right, REVERSE ROBINS! In this AU, Damian is actually the oldest Batkid, and Dick is the youngest. Depending on the AU, Dick can even be an ex-Talon, so just keep that in mind~ Almost unanimously, Tim is the Batkid that died instead of Jason, and becomes the Red Hood (sometimes he was Joker Junior in this AU as well which is... uh. If you look into those fics, make sure you read the tags religiously.)
An example for this AU: and oh, my heart (how can i face you now?) by weareallstardustfallen. And this fic is *chef's kiss* It's in Damian's POV, it's a gloriously long one-shot. I cannot recommend this enough.
3. Jason Todd Goes Home
There are multiple interpretations you can do with this AU. Sometimes he doesn't become Red Hood, sometimes he doesn't get dipped in the Lazarus Pit, it all really depends on what you want to do with it. I've technically written a fic with this idea, where Danny actually finds Jason and helps him claw out of his grave, subsequently returning him home. That fic is what was lost, found again. Five chapters, completed.
There are fics where Tim actually finds Jason first! Here's one called best laid plans by Valkirin. Highly recommend. Tim finds Jason first but then the League of Assassins find them too. >:3
On a different, yet similar note, we have a fic where Talia is actually a decent person and brings Jason back??? After dunking him in a Pit??? You love to see it. This one is Verdant by Cerusee.
DP Fics Now With DC Packing
Field Trip to the Ghost Zone
There are a decent number of these fics out there if you know where to find them. I feel like this one is self-explanatory, but basically- Danny's class takes either a planned or impromptu trip to the Ghost Zone. Very rarely does his secret identity survive the fallout. Now imagine if we put Damian's class on the school bus.
Some Gothamite kid, probably: "I don't remember The Magic School Bus going like this."
Marsalias' (in)famous Mortified is definitely one of them up there. They actually wrote a second field trip fic not long after completing Mortified, which is called School Bus in the Ghost Zone. So if you're in the process of reading Mortified, or maybe you can't commit to a long-form fic right now, this one might be for you.
Deathcomes4u also has two field trip fics you can read. One of them was for this year's Phic Phight called The Gloves Are Off. He-larious fic, cannot get enough of it. Also includes some very fun DP headcanons! The second is called The Trip. You're gonna want to read the tags before you explore this one, but what's up so far a very thrilling read.
There is also Stranded With My Class, but this one is on FF.net so you might want to turn on ALL your adblockers before you venture into that site.
2. Death Day :3
I've written a chapter about this in lex luthor's ascent but it's part of a larger plot so I hope no one feels pressured to read it. But in general this fic idea can be very heavy, BE CAREFUL if you explore it. You can have DC characters react to Danny's death day, you can give Jason or Damian or Cass- or pretty much any resurrected DC character you like- a death day. Spread the whump and angst, that's how we show our love.
Here is an example, also from Deathcomes4u: Anniversary. I really enjoy how this author writes the background characters as well. It's got a splash of humor and the Everlasting Trio makes me all soft. :')
Death Day Evolution by gamma_radio has some great worldbuilding and lore added to the concept. I love how they tied Danny gets new powers in this fic, and you gotta love the Cryptid Danny Fenton energy. XD
3. Partial Identity Reveals
Now this one is more self-indulgent for me, but I'm allowed to do that. XD I would've put simply Cryptid Danny, but it encompasses a little more than that in most cases, which is why I kept this title for it instead.
These are fics where Danny is revealed or shown to be Off™ somewhat, but in most cases they don't know the full extent of his secret identity. Most of the time it's just his powers or that he's not fully human, what have you. I love a good bombastic identity reveal, you know, but something about the subtler ones are more inspirational, if you will. lol
I think this is the type of AU that would suit a Batman detective story much more, and allows the DC characters more time and interaction into this new world- if you will- rather than throwing them straight in it. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense.
Shots Fired by RedGhost1010 is an exceptional fic (I believe this author is also the person who writes Stranded with My Class, mentioned earlier, just uses a different pen name on Ao3). However, please read the tags for it before you do. This fic can be triggering for some people. They also write what is probably my favorite Bad Parent Jack and Maddie fic, which is called Humans and Ghosts. Another one you probably should read the tags for. But please check out their other fics; I enjoy so many of them, but unfortunately not all of them fit this fic rec description. :\
Finally we have It's Like Time Stops by anthrop. I cannot tell you how many times I reread this fic way back when. It's a very tasty Outsider POV fic that gives a view into how things changed after the Accident, and it's a good study into how his classmates would have perceived it.
Whooo... that's a lot of fic recs. I hope you got some new things to read out of it at least! Have some fun, but make sure to take care of yourself and avoid the fics that just aren't for you. No one will blame you for it. <3
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justajsworkshop · 1 month
Hi. I'm the 🍥 anon and I'm back. It's been nice and light 3 days and I feel much better than before. So thanks a lot for ur advice rlly.
I tried to follow whatever you said for the most part, but couldn't exactly do it all. I'm actually preparing for one of the toughest exams of my nation and I study almost 12-13 hours a day, so I'm barely free. I don't rlly like studying and plus there's a ton of other more shitty circumstances, (I just wouldn't wanna trauma dump here) so thats why I kind of was very much obsessed with the void. (changing ur whole life in an instant seems like a big win lol and also too good to be true, hence the doubts.)
But istg, in almost 8 whole months, this was the first time I was EVER away from Tumblr. Otherwise I'd be here everyday, anytime i would be free, obsessively scrolling. Time away rlly felt nice and I've decided to minimize my usage of Tumblr as much as possible. I still love Tumblr, but I feel like some things over here rlly trigger my doubts and fear.
I tried to take out time for myself tho, I listened to music, watched a movie, and tried to find the fun in life. It felt nice. I also affirmed 'I am' whenever I could. I feel like I still didn't affirm as much as I should have. I would affirm in my mind every time I meditated since thats when I feel the most at peace. But I'm still going to continue affirming 'I am'.
About the intention part, I wrote that I'm excellent at math and surprisingly, one of the math chapters that everybody finds difficult seemed like a child's play to me.
I also feel like I can have whatever I want to now, and maybe just not yet, but very soon. I also feel like this is meant for me. So thankyou so much for that as well.
Now I actually want to start learning and applying the law since I never paid much attention to it due to my void obsession. Even though I still want to tap into the void and manifest my dream life as soon as possible, I just feel like I could try applying the law as well.
So overall, thankyou so much. Really I'm very grateful and I will await your response.
Tumblr media
hello again, and welcome back! this is a great update. i love to hear it. you 100% created that shift with your math studies, no doubt. that's amazing! def give yourself lots of credit for making that happen for yourself because YOU are source. you really did execute the law perfectly in that regard.
i'll also add that the law is working all the time. there's no on or off switch to manifesting/shifting. it's just a matter of us choosing to consciously wield what we do naturally. we're accepting that we are the awareness that has the freewill to choose what we want to experience in physical reality. and i think it's worth mentioning that the law above all laws is the law of being, not even just the law of assumption.
this is why i recommend to everyone to focus less on how much you're affirming, what you're affirming, what your desires are, when it's all going to happen, if it's possible, etc. the only question that matters (and has any power, tbh) is who: who and what are you conscious of being? the limited self? the self who's victimized by circumstances? the self who has no control or power or neeeeeeeeds to tap into the void (something you perceive as separate and more powerful than you, along with difficult to attain) to get what you want because you don't think you're powerful enough as a creator to have the life you desire right here and now?
i understand the void obsession. like, i really, really do. boy, have i been there. but i think it's also worth getting curious about why it's something you obsess over or feel like you need. what story are you telling about yourself through this obsession with the void? anything you want to manifest through the void can be manifested without because you're the operant/omnipotent power of your experience.
i understand the desire for instant radical change, but saying to yourself that you can only accomplish that via the void state simultaneously claims you are not capable of instant radical change by yourself. do you see how these statements are one in the same? as a result, you get stuck in a constant feedback loop of nonfulfillment and feeling like nothing is changing because your beingness is convicted of the truth that you cannot change/you cannot create change. you need this thing you perceive to be outside/greater/more powerful than you to be capable of having what you want.
not to mention, the void state is just... you. there's no separation. it's not some dark entity outside of you that you have to placate and satisfy to win over its good graces. but if you secretly believe that, you'll create the lived experience of it.
i really recommend taking time to just enjoy imagining yourself living your dream life—without placing any unhelpful judgments on that imaginal experience such as it's '"just" in imagination, when will it get here, how is that even possible, blah blah blah. just imagine yourself as you desire to be and just BE that version of self, even for a few moments a day or right before bed/as you're falling asleep. and imagination doesn't just mean visualizing; you can affirm, too, although anytime you "remember" something, it's equally as powerful as imagining. so just play scenes in your head like they're memories because, honestly, they are. all imagining is remembering, and all remembering is imagining. remember yourself as you would like to be. it's not about the level of detail or specificity; it's just about if you're allowing yourself to BE that person.
so, give yourself permission to just be the you you desire to be here and now, and let life give you that version of experiencing reality. you don't have to brute force anything. you don't have to affirm 16 hours straight. you don't have to DO anything at all. this is and has always been a story about beingness. be the you that makes you feel happy and fulfilled within. it's your birthright and who you truly are, after all, so why would you want to keep masquerading as anyone else? including a version of self who is miserable and unfulfilled?
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tubborucho · 2 years
The Quotebook
I already posted half of those quotes once, but there’s more now AND I learned how to do read more.
Most of the quotes are from different mcyt, but there’s also a couple of other people like CallMeKevin, Steven Suptic, Insym, Jacksepticeye, Gabby, etc.
Current quotes count: 431
Some of the quotes may be a bit different from the original, but it’s hard to type them out while it’s a livestream
1. “Oh it looks different in the darkness! Like a glow stick!” Ranboo
2. “Just killed a woman, feeling good” Tommy
3. “I am not mad, I am just disappointed in everything you are” Tommy
4. “Even if i started as a gaslighter, I ended as a girlboss, and that is what matter” Tommy
5. “No one except me put my life in danger, but yet i still do” Tommy
6. “I lost, but to be fair, i also cheated” Tommy
7. “I am my own girlfriend” Tommy
8. “I have a gun and no will to live. Let’s see what will happen” Tommy, playing minecraft
9. “Scott doesn’t like my russian dancing???” Tubbo
10. “I think I am fine just russian dancing, baby!” Tubbo
11. “I haven’t got a time to lose” Tommy
12. “If you don’t like the rules, you shouldn’t be in Wyoming” Tommy
13. “I think psychological war is a key to all relationships” Tommy
14. “Sorry, you couldn’t talk to me, I was too busy being alpha” Wilbur
15. “She drops her wings like guillotine” Wilbur
16. “Tubbo maybe love America. But I only love things that are real. Like Jesus” Wilbur
17. “I will give you advice. No matter how you look, no matter who or where you are. QUIT YOUR JOB! And then start a company! And quit it too! There’s not enough quitters in the world” Tommy
19. “If we all build a bomb and then combine it, we can finally get rid of America!” Tommy
20. “Will, I am dipped again” Tommy
21. “We need mud more than ever” Tommy
22. “We’re dumpenning the glam” Tommy
23. “I’m the only cock round here” Tommy
24. “Get birthed, bitch. Enjoy pregnancy, you fuck” Tommy
25. “Thing about friends is that they all gonna leave you. So you should leave them first” Tommy
26. “If Georgenotfound was a mouse, Schlatt would be a rat” Tommy
27. “‘I can't block clutch that’ is what I said when my marriage was failing” Tommy
28. “Who these axolotl fucks and why are they getting more attention than me?” Tommy
29. “Oh, this zombie found a food. But I am a food” Tommy
30. “Let me find my own battles” Tommy
31. “I got this boat still, I am optimising on it” Tommy
32. “The wind is truly cooking up on my sail” Tommy
33. “There’s a thing, Phil. I overcame death” Tommy
34. “Everyone dies in their own unique and wonderful way” Tommy
35. “Tubbo is such an only child” Tommy
36. “I crave manipulation” Tommy
37. “I’m gatekeeping right now pretty hard, ngl” Sneeg
38. “Would’ve start serious dming Tubbo” Tommy
39. “I lost my phone, I think I dropped it in the shower and never picked it up” Tubbo
40. Tommy: You didn’t explain me the game!
Tubbo: Well, explaining only works when you listen
Tommy: Mememem look at me, I am Tubbo, I am smart
41. “C’mon, king, take Pakistan, you deserve this” Tubbo
42. Tubbo: I think it’s everyone’s game except for Tommy.
Tommy, chuckling: Thanks, man. Iran will remember that.
43. “You lecturning me” Tommy, to the Villager
44. "It's not about the people you mend along the way, it's about- it's about you know, the fact that when- 'cause you're gonna die, the fact that when you die, you're not- you're not alone" - TommyInnit, 2022.
45. “I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. I am wearing a Tubbo hoodie. Tubbo moment, Tubbo moment” Tommy
46. “Guys, I am currently your uncomfortable streamer, because I am completely discomforted” Tommy
47. “‘Streamer has morals’? Just know I can turn them off. I can and I will” Tubbo
48. “As a civilization, would we benefit from Tommyinnit not being able to swim?” Wilbur
49. “I will not add something like that to my kingdom. Too much math. And I am gay, I can’t do maths” Scott S Smajor
50. “I don't know how you expect us to live laugh love in these conditions” Scott S Smajor
51. “Only Tubbo would go ‘I’ve been craving ability of changing probability recently’” Tommy
52. “But only if it’s cute. If it’s not… I’d rather live dangerously” Scott S Smajor
53. "Gatekeep, Gaslight, and Girlboss, Cleo. That's the 3 Gs of this series. You want to gatekeep the resources, you want to gaslight the other players, and you want to girlboss by winning" Scott S Smajor
54. “I am gatekeeping gates now! No one gets in!” Scott S Smajor
55. "I already came out, it was a few years ago Pearl. It was a hard time” Scott S Smajor
56. “I encourage milfs and dilfs to watch my streams” Tommy
57. “My job in this group is to make it extremely gay” Scott
58. “Who cares. I care” Tubbo
59. “You know, sometimes I really don’t know how I got this far in life” Jimmy
60. “Please don't put a bomb in it if you ever give me a gift either, i don't like bombs” Tommy
61. “If your brother calls you an idiot, you should say ‘Shut up bitch’” Foolish
62. “The thing is: my game is never over, it’s only started” Tommy
63. “You used to be about water courses and Georgenotfound” Wilbur
64. “It’s not about the noise, it’s about the journey” Tommy
65. “We sacrificed two more people to the hardcore world” Joel Smallishbeans
66. “Big spiky hips. That’s what I look for in a woman” Wilbur
67. “Never put your fucking jizz and cum in the corner bitch” Jack Manifold
68. “I can feel myself melting down. I’m like a Chernobyl now” Tubbo
69. “What people did? Invented anime and war. Let’s eat people” Tommy
70. “Beckyamon, I take back all my thoughts about you I didn’t say outloud” Tommy
71. “You know? I all for equality, but I draw a line on eating people” Tubbo
72. “I remember losing my kidney virginity” Tommy
73. “Minding my business, I had a hay in my mouth. What can I say? I am a man of culture. So…” Tubbo
74. “I don’t think you should take eyeballs from strangers” GeminiTay
75. “Me too, king. I’m glad we can hang out like the old and gays… WAIT, I didn’t mean to say old and gays, it just kinda came out! Sorry… Well, they came out too.” Jack Manifold
76. “Philza Minecraft don’t do mercy. He also doesn’t do Geneva Convention” Tubbo
77. “An Irishmen never trust anyone who can make tea in the dark” Jacksepticeye
78. "I sucked Fundy... I'm sure he'll appreciate that” 5up
79. "A bunch of f*cking idiots... and then 5up" Sleepy
80. “Sometimes i get in the shower with socks on to prove a point” Tubbo
81. “I like it when girl uses my own voice” Tommy
82. “You know I was pretending that I am bad at the game. But now when we are at 3 game, I can go all on” Connor
83. “I’m not the bigger person.. and I will never be the bigger person. but my god, will I be the louder person” Tubbo
84. “Guys, I guess my demons are coming out, Ive been threatening to fight a viewer for the past 5 minutes” Connor
85. “I can find something to complain about, give me 45 seconds” Connor
86. “Why would they make a game on any mechanic after 1.8” Connor
87. "I'm just a realist. It's not mean, some people would call it being real" DK
88. Tina: Apollo, why did you run away from this?
DumbDog: Cause I’m a bad bitch
89. “Tomatoes are strange creatures. I don’t trust them. I trust tomatoes about as far as I can throw them, which I suppose is a lot. Maybe that was a bad analogy” Foolish
90. “Am i a fruit? Am i a carb? No, I’m definitely a protein!” Foolish
91. “I’d be the guy in the apocalypse whose always chewing gum” Foolish
92. “See most people have boring merch, like shirts and hoodies. I’m gonna sell you guys dictionaries” Foolish
93. “I was stacking sand like an animal!” Foolish
94. “If anything, I underthink” Foolish
95. “I’m like a dolphin, or a shark... whatever drinks water” Foolish
96. “It’s good to have some muffins before kicking ass” Foolish
97. “If I was born in 98' what actually am I? Am I a gemini... or a millenial?..” Foolish
98. “Charity is never easy” Smallishbeans
99. “Why must I be in pain for simply just exiting” Tina
100. “Raft is like a game of chess. Sophisticated, yet modest” Tommy
101. “Patience is a virtue of a man” Tommy
102. “Plastic comes in so many shapes and sizes. It never fails to amaze me” Tommy
103. “I am just taking a moment to take it all in” Tommy
104. “I don’t need a sail when I have optimism” Tommy
105. “I hope I didn’t fail 5up here. I know how much he likes playing video games” Steven Suptic
106. “It’s like those american schools you have, with guns!” Tubbo
107. “You’re trying to tell me that Skeppy exists, and I don’t believe it” Tubbo
108. “People are dying over there, and I am looking at my storage” Tommy
109. Tommy: Sex kills!
Tubbo: And my god, it is morally wrong
110. “I got so much blood coming from my ears because of you” Tubbo
111. Tommy: Guys, I think I am happiest I’ve ever been right now.
Tubbo: I am so sorry, get well soon.
112. “We need to be well-rounded individuals, if we gonna shoot people and feel good about that” Tommy
113. “I don’t speak bicycle” JSchlatt
114. “You have to trust me, it’s you” DK
115. "I haven't seen 5up all round, maybe he's the killer" Koji says, when 5up was already dead the round before
116. “How do you defeat something which you cannot kill? How, how do you defeat something that cannot die? It’s simple...You take away things that it cherishes, one by one, until it wishes that it was dead. 
That’s how you kill an unkillable god: 
By making it want to die.” BadBoyHalo, on having his house moved to Ohio
117. “I think eyes are overrated” Eret
118. “Man I speak horse! [NEIGH] Learned that from a horse girl back in high school” BoomerNA
119. “Well, I take no responsibility for that. Unless you are happy with outcome. Then I take all responsibility for that” Scott
120. “I am a constant risk to my own safety” Tubbo
121. “WHAT?! I didn't- I don't- this was never-. IM NOT INTO YOU TUBBO. I'm not. Not in "that way". Sorry if that makes things Cringe but no where was that implied. Sure, you're Fresh as Fuck but not in a way that I just think you've read into this too much” Tommy, because Tubbo said that he doesn’t want to sleep with him
122. “We need to start spreading hate” Tommy
123. “Thats it, im spreading hate” Tommy
124. “That’s a beginners talk, and for that you will receive a penalty” Steve
125. Koji: Hey, Dumbdog, any congratulations for me?
Dumbdog: Absolutely not...
126. “Eat a giant pile of shut the fuck up” Bob
127. "When I look at your eyes... They're both.... Eyes" Wade
128. “‘What is money if not an obstacle’. And that’s a Steve quote for my life, I will take it to the grave” Steve
129. “You think it’s gonna get me, Koji? I am impenetrable. Koji, I can’t penetrate-slash-never’ve been penetrated” Steve
130. “It looks like a ca-HAT-strophe” Steve
131. “I am glad we came to a decider that it isn’t gonna be me” Ellum
132. “He has such a low impact that everyone is just disregarding him” Steve
133. “Feel free to respect me” Tommy
134. “Chat, I think this whole thing has got very out of hand. All I want to do is sit and eat polaroid photos” Tommy
135. “I’m gonna go vegan in rage” Tommy
136. “I am perfect. I am absolutely perfect” George
137. “I want more of me and less of anyone else” Tommy
138. “The master of Among Us, dude?? You not even a peasant of Among Us!” Steve
139. “Sorry, didn’t know you are out to silence my free will” Tommy
140. “I can simply porn act and pretend there’s a bomb on me” 5up
141. “I would fuck a tory, but I wouldn’t get fucked by a tory” Wilbur
142. “He says big words to basically say nothing. And I know that, because I am good at that” 5up
143. “hello streamer, did you know that if you use a bucket of water and place it just before you land you can negotiate fall damage” the Jims (5up’s chat)
144. “It’s like Jesus. My favourite Disney princess” Scott
145. “I’ve never felt more like an animal in my life” 5up
146. “I like red little birds. They fill me with happiness and joy” Tubbo
147. “Every second Grian is only getting closer” Phil
148. “So I decided to block out the sun!“ Oli
149. “Oh no, my one weakness… being weak!” Lizzie
150. “Me and Ranboo were roleplaying that I was gifting him a rat” Wilbur
151. “I’ll have to horoscope all over the place” Wilbur
152. “No one’s as alive as me” Tubbo
153. “A minecraft bird cant fly with two left wings” Wilbur
154. “She’s a FREAK, but a fun freak in that” Tommy
155. “There was still like milk to milk from a minion cash cow” Seamus
156. "You never realise how long a minute is until you spend it waiting to die" Kevin
157. "How do we know this isn't an act of god?" Tommy
158. "He plays Minecraft and I play psychological thriller" Iskall
159. “Dream is a modern day Hannah Montana” Illumina
160. “Maximus Bucharest is not just a fashion house. He is a fashion bungalow” Max Fosh
161. “You pulled him out of a catalog. But because you pulled him out of a catalog his personality is paper-thin” Dylan
162. "Do you want her to marry a freaking tree? 'Cause I'm available” Dylan
163. “Oh no, my cod, it’s drowning!” Joel
164. “You give a man fishing rode and he is fed forever. You give him 8 buckets of salmon and he is scared and confused” Wilbur
165. “Trees help you breathe, and we all need to breathe to play Minecraft” Joel
166. “The beach people worship Totoro” Lizzie
167. “It feels like Scott did a weird random wheel generator, balanced it out and that’s the teams!” Antfrost
168. “It’s not Lime Llamas, it’s Lime Liars, and it’s me, Dream, Fruit and Your mom” Zeuz
169. “I am not gonna wrote Aqua Axolotls cause I can’t be bothered” Zeuz
170. “Church? It’s a Saturday. Church doesn’t exist” Wilbur
171. “What’s a Wisconsin?” ZombieCleo
172. “I don’t think I’ve appreciated before how weird ghasts are looking. I kind of just… accepted them in my life” Grian
173. “I’m gonna skip so much time, we’re gonna kill God himself” Jacksepticeye
174. “If they will just add more Sands of Time… The MCC just will get better and better” HBomb
175. “Through our discussion we had established that we will win. Great news” Oli
176. "You're a highly unusual individual and I can't let my audience be around you" Techno
177. “This is a sin! Let me get God on you” Tommy
178. “How do you predict? It’s all copium and bias. I don’t know how to not be biased, i am an egoistical optimistic person. So how do I do it?” Purpled
180. “If only Jesus knew about this… oh I forgot, I AM Jesus” Tommy
181. “Sniff, I mean this in a nice way, but knowing memes does not make up for a personality” Tubbo
182. “I hate british people. British people should stop being british” Purpled
183. "I've won over 6,000 games of solo bedwars, fun is a distant memory" Purpboy, the kid that grew up with older brothers
184. “Don’t you know you are playing against Purpled Bedwars? I invented Bedwars” Purpled
185. "Put my tea in the microwave" Grian
186. "If first you don't succeed, keep annoying your friends until they listen" Grian
187. "We must not dwell on the fact we have no friends" Grian
188. “Not everything I do has to start a war. Sometimes I just want to create a society of sewer-related mole people” Grian
189. “You’d make a great politician, Lannan, because that was all bullshit” Jacksepticeye
190. Seapeekay: One thing I’ve learnt from this is that you miss all of the shots you dont take
Jacksepticeye: Oh, I just miss all of the shots regardless; I like to be consistent
191. "I haven't seen the moon in 3 years because I'm on the same server as Bdubs” Mumbo
192. “I’m about to hit spit spakle the fuck outta someone” Tubbo
193. “I will never be selected naturally. I will choose when it’s my time to die” Tubbo
194. “I am such a good discomfort streamer. I got so good at that lately” Tubbo
195. “I already did that, I am a rebel. I am rebellious. I am in my rebellious phase. Yeah, I tried alcohol. What can I say, I am rebellious” Tubbo
196. "Thats right. I'm breaking into your house. I'm gonna steal your man" Life advice with Grian
197. “You buy the whole seat to this musical, but you only need the edge of it” YoBGS
198. “It’s okay, I have my cat ears and my skirt, I am still doing well!” Baablu
199. “Confidently said it with confidence” SMii7Y
200. “I’m a feeble boy, there’s only so much meat I can handle” Jack Manifold
201. “Trust me, dude. I want to find the suck. I just… I can’t” Ohmwreker
202. “It’s hard being a diplomat like that, people don’t really think it is but it did but it do you know” Smii7y
203. “I am being gaslit, and theres no girlbossing going on, lemme tell you that much” Jack
204. "I've seen all the bugs. I actually make the bugs” CJ
205. “Ghosts have urinated on the table” George
206. “I am going to play only copirated music this stream, because what if I will get DMCAed on Twitch during Twitchcon, that would be funny” Tommy
207. “I am gonna say it now, I am not at all sexually involved with this race” Wilbur
208. “Wilbur, say it with me: I love anal!” Tommy
209. “You are not cringe, you are an inconvenience” Tubbo
210. “You are just words, but you are wonderful words” Wilbur
211. “Phil, when I look at you, I think of you as a bit of a bottom guy” Wilbur
212. “Even in death I’m mega handsome” Grian
213. “I believed in the heart of the cards and the heart of cards KILLED ME” Grian
214. “The only rating system that matters is what tier you are in Scott Smajor’s head” Seapeekay
215. “Americans all they do is see a crime, think it’s probably a lag and walk away” Tommy
216. “No memes, just suffering” CJ
217. “I have a disclaimer, it fixes everything” Antfrost
218. “Superheroes don’t die in earthquakes” Sophie
219. “Phil, you pin me as a kind of person to own a Ferrari” Tubbo
220. “As long as we have the same fashion sense, it equals skills” Tubbo
221. “To be fair, I am all for some good bullying, if we are getting this kind of results” Tubbo
222. “In my mind I just think: ‘Man, I hope this organic. Only sinners eat not organic carrots’” Tubbo
223. “I am like a fish out of water, but the water is a Dodgeball arena” Wilbur
224. “Philza Minecraft! God, you look not a day over ninety” Tubbo
225. “I am going to get addicted to this game and I am not happy about it. But that is life” Tubbo
226. “I am a ball lover. I really am” Tubbo
227. “Ball is life, Tubbo” Wilbur
228. “I mean I’m already a criminal I may as well keep going” Shubble
229. Jack: There’s a lot of dsmp music, now that I think about it. Half of us made a song.
Eryn: Not me. I am too based.
230. “Everyone thinks I am a babysitter, but I am really just an alcoholic aunt” HBomb
231. “How much are you getting for babysitting today? Hopefully One Coin” HBomb
232. “Is this Skeppy? I think I just came” Tommy
233. “It’s me. Tombee Innit. The uncle of the great wedding we call life” Tommy
234. “Am I allowed to judge people's penises?” HBomb
235. “‘You hate me?'. No, I don’t hate you, I hate everybody” PeteZahHutt
236. “Jack’s literally wearing a Garfield outfit... I think he might be my soulmate” Martyn
237. “Who’s corpsing it?” Jack Manifold
238. “Is that my inner Trump?” Tommy
239. “I’ve been dunkin, pops” Tommy
240. “CJ is the one we need to be scared of, not the ghost” Insym
241. “Stop spending time with women and start spending time time-traveling” Tommy
242. “My new husband arrives today” Wilbur
243. “If you look through any of my fan’s twitters you’ll realize that these dudes aren’t okay. I should be sponsored by Better Help to be honest” Purpled
244. “Phil, remember when we smoked weed and fucked bitches?” Tommy
245. “I love doing nothing, it makes my life so much easier” HBomb
246. “Oh my god, I hate humans. All humans should die. Robots are better” HBomb
247. “I am a god with the dexterity of a mouse" Tommy
248. “Liberal. what is a liberal? It’s planting seeds in a garden you don’t get to see. If I throw away my balls— what is a liberal? That’s it, you’ve completely enraged me” Tommy
249. “‘Say a curse word’? Don’t tell me what to do you ✨fucking bastard✨” Tommy
250. “Among us would never kill me, Among us knows better. We are brothers in Christ, the Christ being, of course, Tubbo. Jesus Christ Tubbo” Tommy
251. “It’s like I am in Walmart! It’s my greatest nightmare!” Insym
252. “Don’t mean to flex, but I murdered two people, no big deal” HBomb
253. “And we need some smart people dust too” Geminitay, breaking redstone
254. “I feel like life is just better when people aren't wearing pants” HBomb
255. “It’s fine, I am a scum” Sneeg
256. “You know what, Sneeg, when I grow up I want to be just like you and do all the drugs that you’ve done” Tubbo
257. “I’ve never seen you so passionate about headwear” Tubbo
258. “Admittedly, I am a verified colonizer” Tubbo
259. “You’ve taken upon yourself to steal from the great city of France!” Tommy
260. “If you live in Wyoming, you have to be a cannibal” Tommy
261. “We have Salvador Dali for a villain” Sophie
262. “We're more stuck than your average stepsister” Insym
263. “I could’ve figure this out if I used my brain, but sometimes I just don’t use my brain” Insym
264. “This is my villain origin story. I am going to complete a villain arc right now” Insym
265. “I am actually potentially going to die here” Insym
266. “I am a stereotype :D” Kristin
267. “This city has more infrastructure than the entirety of America” Tubbo
268. “He is a dark whorse of this lobby, that’s for sure” Steve
269. “Every boy has a resting rock” Tommy
270. “I don’t know how to play Dungeon & Dinosaurs” Tubbo
271. “An old friend of mine, we call him Mr. Keys. Mrs. Keys for short” Tommy
272. “It’s fine, fella, you are with God now” Tubbo
273. “It’s like a beautiful rain of generational gaps” Wilbur
274. “Boomers destroyed themselves and zoomers just fucked around and failed” Wilbur
275. “And up to this point, Wilbur, I thought climate change was completely made up by Dream” Tommy
276. “I can get soggy for Schlatt” Tommy
277. “You’re a sucker and I am a fucker” Charlie
278. “Phil, Amazon forest is nice only until Tubbo will go and burn it down with his mid-eastern war force” Eryn
279. “No bears being pocked here” Beky
280. “I am quite content not having balls” Tubbo
281. “Punishment for trying” Phil
282. “We moved through catacombs from Tasmania to Spain” Eryn
283. “Do Spiderman’s friend shoot spiderwebs? They don’t shoot spiderwebs, so they are not cool” Eryn
284. “It was lunch. Well, technically breakfast” Tubbo
285. “I don’t want to live on an edge of uncertainty anymore” Insym
286. “They call me a doorbreaker. It’s actually my middle name in college” Insym
287. “‘How to survive school?’ That depends if you are in America or not. I assume it’s pretty easy everywhere other than in America” Tubbo
288. “You should be thankful. I was gonna kill you and I stopped myself” CJ
289. “Cause you died, dude. Get rekt” CJ
290. “I have an addiction at the moment, so I am a bit cold turkey” CJ
291. “I have my wits about me” Tubbo
292. “The shadows are shadowing, they are shadowing too much!” Vixella
293. “American people don’t quite understand, how do I say it lightly, anything” Tommy
294. “People often ask me: ‘Tom, what it’s like to be an internet superstar?’. And I answer them: ‘I don’t know, I have dementia’” Tommy
295. “You guys should turn your country off and on” Insym
296. “I am going to dress as a slutty cheese for Halloween” Kevin
297. “Never change yourself for a dude… it could give you ✨aCnE✨” Gabby
298. “Are you weeping?! But you're a baddie?!” Gabby
299. “Boys are not worth the stress acne, that is why I’m glowing” Gabby
300. “We could just burst down the door and battle to overthrow Ren. But that’s lame. You know what’s better? Psychological Warfare” Impulse
301. “When God said ‘let there be light’, AND THERE WAS I” Gabby
302. “If you have a power to shapeshift into anything and at any point in your life you choose to turn into insect, you should have your powers remove” Dylan
303. “Underestimating your enemies is as dangerous as underestimating your taxes” Kevin
304. “I can’t use a computer? Oh my god, I am a boomer” Kevin
305. "I'm a defender of the stupid. I gotta protect my own kind” Kevin
306. “Being insane isn’t that bad. I still win, that’s nice” Kevin
307. "Decision has been made. And the decisicion was wrong” Kevin
308. “Doesn’t seem like a good idea, but I kind of made of bad ideas” Insym
309. “Wait, I am not looking at the ceiling, what happened to me” Wilbur
310. “Imagine the entire house was a bathtub, that would be just unsanitary” Wilbur
311. “We’re all on the same team here, Scar. Except for Pearl. And everyone not on our team” Joe Hills
313. “I am convinced that’s what dying is like” Tubbo
314. “I am not pregnant, it wouldn’t work for me” Tubbo
315. “Tips with me: just don’t die” Tubbo
316. “I want to have strong words with Fate” Tubbo
317. “Don’t leave me, Phil, I am parasocial!!!!” Tubbo
318. “I knew something was up when CPK died first” Sapnap
319. “I am hopping around and look at the sparkles and think: ‘Damn, they are sparkling’” Tubbo
321. “People don’t like committing crimes when there’s a camera” George
322. “Oh my god, I am all over the place. I am everywhere and also nowhere at once” Vixella
323. “Tubbo is a biter, I guarantee” Martyn InTheLittleWood
324. “I am late, but I am the Moment” Gabby
325. “The secret is to just not use your brain” Krtzy
326. “I am not evil, I’m just twisted” Tubbo
327. “How’s my sanity looking, because I am loosing my fucking mind” Kiwo
328. “I am actually attracted to mundanity. It’s my biggest turn on” Tommy
329. “I sprinkle my clout into the sea to attract fish” Tommy
330. “Okay, chat, lay a thousands eggs then” Charlie Slimecicle
331. “No longer I am a flesh streamer. I am now a png tuber” Tubbo
332. “My cock is throbbing and I am full of frog” Tommy
333. “Tubbo, you can’t go around killing Gods” Tommy
334. “Kids, I know you always play those video games, but you know who is always among us and never sus? Jesus” Alex Meyers
335. “I am quitting youtube and becoming a psychology major to understand what’s going on in your fucking brain!” Dev
336. “Let’s give a head to Sniff” Apo
337. "Listen here you little shits (Laughs), I know what I'm doing... I created this game" Phil
338. "It turns out people give you free things, if you horrify them enough" Lizzie
339. “Oh no! It’s The Milf!” Sophie
340. “Don’t think I have enough in me to feel anything after… anything” Steve
341. “Yes, I can leak stuff too. Some might say it’s a speciality of mine” Tubbo
342. “Oh, 400k qrtw. I must be based today or ruining my career” Tubbo
343. “One day, Sneeg, I will know how to fry the air and we will be the same” Tubbo
344. “It turns on. I just have issues with it, spiritually” Tubbo
345. “It’s funnier if it’s american, because nobody will take it seriously” Tubbo
346. “It’s not very pumpkin spice latte of you” Tubbo
347. “I am being /srs /Garfield” Tubbo
348. “I was getting worried I started act a bit like an Emu” Tubbo
349. “We all emu deep in this Australia of the world” Tubbo
350. “New year, no gay” Tommy
351. “We can tell you are 4ft tall with the amount you are reaching” Tubbo
352. “Omg, Shubble, you have so much stuff that I could have instead” Tubbo
353. “My arrows did nothing to him! He is so scottish!” Tubbo
354. “Yeah, gaslight, girlboss, tiktok slay, cataways, all of those trendy words” Tubbo
355. “I’ve restarted this server day 1 style like 17 times now. At least half of them because of Tubbo, because he has no filter” Scott
356. “Sometimes I just don’t have the words. They all sound the same: awesome, awful, avocado. I can’t do it” Tubbo
357z “You have a powerful tongue” Tubbo
358. “I came back as a saturated streamer” Tubbo
359. “Sometimes it’s not about slaying the dragon, but making the dragon slay” Gunnar Deatherage
360. “How do I write ‘bank’ in stairs?” Tubbo
361. “The problem with Marvel is that it’s like you are watching a Mr.Beast video of cinema” Tubbo
362. “‘I hate planes’? Sorry, chatters, I just need to permanently ban someone” Tubbo
363. “‘Feeling bad for a criminal right now’? A little bit of a fraud never hurt anyone. You happened to have a photo of my ID you use it” Tubbo
364. “Criminals have anxiety too, never forget that” Tommy
365. “I am a gay lawyer second, and gay exterior design first” Scott
366. “Excellent stream, we’ve got a lot of done, we fucked around, we tolerated Tom for 20 minutes” Phil
367. “Cannibalism is wrong. Boom! I am based. You don’t need to tell me to be based, I am doing it by accident” Tubbo
368. “Thank you, chatters. You make me see clearly. When you say ‘Tubbo likes egg’ I go ‘yeah, I do like egg. It just makes so much sense” Tubbo
369. “Excellent! You guys are really good at this whole lying thing” Tubbo
370. “Bekyamon didn’t answer me. Jack Manifold would’ve answered me immediately” Tubbo
371. “Phil is not home! He will be gone for 10 days! You are stuck with me, second-choice-Toby!” Tubbo
372. “I am kind of second-choice-Toby, we would all rather watch Phil, including me” Tubbo
373. “I’ve learned how to spell ‘kitchen’ recently, and I am so pleased about it” Tubbo
374. “Some people were saying that there are different languages out there, but for me it sounds like a silly excuse to leave me out of the conversation” Oats Jenkins
375. “I am overall dissatisfied with you” Tubbo
376. “Sharing doesn’t come to me naturally” Tubbo
377. “I am not even bilingual, I barely speak english! I am not even monolingual!” Tubbo
378. “I am just trying to prevent me being stupid and it’s a full-time job” Kevin
379. “I am going for a negative IQ this game” Sykkuno
380. “Guys! I am unsupervised!” Tubbo, getting lost
381. “So you mix the yolk with your flour… and that’s how far I got into my tiktoks” Kristin
382. “I didn’t know streamers actually had talent” Tubbo
383. Bill: I'm breaking boundaries, I'm going further than what's expected of me-
Jack: The only thing you're breaking is Bad, Jessie Pinkman, now shut the fuck up
384. “Phil, do you reckon when you have kids in real life you call one Golden Baby Zombie?” Tubbo
385. “I am going to pee with my bladder” Tubbo
386. Velvet: Gay people are real.
Tubbo: Are they?
Antfrost: So unfortunate.
387. “I am not sweat, guys, I am not sweat, you are slandering me” Tubbo
388. “I don’t think you’ve ever approved anything I encouraged” Tubbo
389. “It’s got a little bit of blood in it, I like it” Tubbo
390. “I’ll scam everybody out of all their balls” Scar
391. "The Onceler's an idea, he can't be killed! He's beyond your understanding!" Awesamdude
392. “Me and Oneceler had something special in Columbia!” Awesamdude
393. “Guys if I ever get picked up by the police for something I didn’t do I might just hard flirt with the police officer and see what happens” Sneeg
394. “Who is Los? And who is Angeles?” Tubbo
395. “It’s overbelievablywhelming” Tubbo
396. “All of this review is going to be in bold and italics, so maybe you can interpret it as sarcastic” Tommy
397. “I think I might have to go and get a lobotomy” Tubbo
398. “I am so dehydrated from all the drama” Grian
399. “Sorry, I blew instead of suck, wrong one” Tubbo
400. “I just like having friends” MaxGGs
401. Tubbo: Bekyamon was lost to ethereal void
Niki: Good for them
402. “I killed my depression” Tubbo
403. “I’m too afraid to throw them out and I’m too stupid to know how to deal with them” Mike Trapp
404. “I am more of 8th impression kind of person” Tubbo
405. “That’s just my native secondhand embarrassment” Tubbo
406. “Secrets are made for sharing” Tubbo
407. “I don’t think he [Eminem] figured out blinking properly” Tubbo
408. “Is it possible to get bored while you sleep? Because I actually got bored” Tubbo
409. “Scott, I want your gay opinion on something” Tubbo
410. “That’s a very iconic photo! When everything was fun and I wasn’t depressed!… I am not actually depressed. I keep fighting this battle alone where I joke that I want to die and everyone believe me” Tubbo
411. “And if I can’t run away from my problems, then what’s the point?” Scott
412. “I am just that good of the sister. I dropped everything to be my brother” Lani
413. “If you can’t make friends in a normal way, make friends in a way that suits you” Scott Smajor, talking about summoning the undead
414. “Dude, I can’t wait to be exposed to be an awful person” Tubbo
415. Someone: Can we go mining? I don’t want to go there and die alone.
Tubbo: Oh, it’s fine, everyone dies alone :D
416. “What if I don’t want money? What if I just want my goldfish to be okay?” Tubbo
417. "I hate the IRS. I have to pay my taxes before april 15th otherwise the government is going to be upsetti spaghetti about it" Purpled
418. Scott: Told them they are playing chokers while we are playing chess.
Martyn: The thing is, I am playing Mahjong and I have no clue what I’m doing.
419. “If you are going to be an absent father, can you at least be absent?” Cleo
420. “How did half of your personality became gay sex, I just don’t understand” Tubbo
421. “We are going to make HOT. LOVE. because we hate them” Charlie Slimecicle
422. “I am impossible to make look bad in an account of looking so damn good” Jack Manifold
423. “Don’t hate the player, hate player’s political beliefs” Apokuna
424. “Martyn really thought I would fall into a trap? No no no, I did something even more stupid” Jimmy
425. “Are you telling me, that Philza Minecraft, the man, who streams 60 hours a minute, can’t take care of Tallulah?” Wilbur
426. "Quackity threw himself off the wall as an act of grief or whatever. So dramatic” FitMC
427. “People are just dying. To balls?” Phil
428. “Oh wow, past Toby was suicidal! :D” Tubbo
429. “‘We are all related’? Chat, are you like, my cousins?” Tubbo
430. “Just let me gaslight!” Tubbo
431. “Yeah, I have original thoughts, I can be smart sometimes” Foolish
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1d1195 · 6 months
you're SO REAL for calling those children feral bahah Im not sure if you ever answered this but what's your ideal age range to teach?
THOSE DO COUNT BESTIE!!! I am a HUGE supporter for funding the arts especially in public schools! but NOT THE VOICES?! but lowkey me too lol But i bet your voice isn't as bad as you may think!! Also you having a Harry air freshener is very much on brand for you in the best way possible! what's the scent bestie? do you lean more towards sweet scents or floral?
Omg Harry would not want me in a band like that Im not cool enough hahah so i played the tuba... wild bc I started when I was like 7 and it was such an odd instrument for a young child BUT my first music teacher saw like "potential" in me or whatever and honestly i was wanting to play something shiny lol and all my education was done through school and luckily they were all preforming art schools! and like my connection to music is more complex than that but yeah lol which is also why i am a big supporter for anything creative in general!
ALSO THE PHYSICS EXTRA WAS SOOO GOOD!!!! They are just so cute! I do love some angst once in a while and once again I am living through them lol Makes so much sense that they would have this "misunderstanding" of them being official or not. Especially if they never stated it and knowing how the MC does have her insecurities surrounding the girls Harry use to surround herself with, I don't blame her for answering like that! Oh and it was so cute how we got to see them both slightly freak out about one another lol
AND THEY SAID THEY LOVE EACH OTHER😭 AND HARRY ASKING HER TO BE IS GF?! SO CUTE! all of it was so cute! You did so great bestie! Hope you're okay, love you!-💜
It's my own fault tbh. I teach at the high school level. Mainly 14/15 year old hooligans but I have a group of 17/18 year olds that are a delight to teach despite the fact they probs hate me lol. Add in teaching math they get tired of me pretty quick (it was pi day yesterday! 🎉) though I can't imagine why! 😂
I am in no way tooting my own horn but I am a good singer (you would hope, I sang for a really long time. I would think one of my teachers would have told me) I just am too shy to sing in front of people lol
Ma'am the Harry air freshners I have are HORRIBLE scent-wise HAHAHAHAHA but the scent goes away quick and honestly I just keep them to look at Harry while driving. The current one i have is him dressed as Dorothy from Harryween but I think it's time to swap him out for another one. I got them off Etsy! They're really cute even if they smell bad. I don't know how to say this but I don't know what scents I like? I like the idea of florals but it's gotta be subtle. I love the smell of cotton/clean linen type scents (anything that smells fresh) and I also LOVE Christmas candles. If it smells like pine, or balsam, or sandalwood count me in. I want it to smell like a campfire without the campfire if that makes sense.
Harry would appreciate the musicality in you for sure! I bet we could pop some tuba into one of the songs! Music for a Sushi Restaurant already has a lot going on, why not add the tuba as well? It's so special music is something you are so passionate about and I think it's really cool you're into the technical side of things of music as well. I never took music theory (but I hear there is some math involved so I wish I did!) but nonetheless, I love STEM stuff but you can't have one without the other. I think I would die without music.
SO glad you liked Physics! I know you saw I really wasn't sure what to do with it so I'm glad it worked out well! It's really nice I have you to analyze my own writing because sometimes I miss the stuff you point out (like the part regarding how she doesn't know it's official/how he was around other girls) LOL Usually I just write stuff until I see fit and post it without thinking much of it outside of grammar, spellcheck, and making sure it flows okay hehehehe I appreciate you so much! 💕 I think they'll both be much happier being official now too 🤭
hope you have a lovely weekend!
0 notes
navyanairr · 2 years
Script Assignment 
"Are you dumb? Do you really not know how to make pasta?"
"Bro since I'm an only child my parents never really taught me to cook or made dinners like that."
"What do you mean?"
"Like they were always working and since it was just the three of us we would either go out to eat or they would bring something home for me."
"Yeah but this is common sense..."
"You put the pasta noodles in the pot with the boiling water. You're supposed to wait for the water to boil first then add the noodles."
"Are you serious? So I've been doing it wrong all these years? No wonder my pasta never tasted good."
"I can't believe we're having this conversation right now Gen."
"Just had to take the midterm for this stupid class."
"Journalism yes!"
"How do you think you did?"
"Honestly I have no idea. I wanna say good but with my luck, who knows."
"I think you did good. You always say you love writing anyways."
"We don't even do any writing it's literally just memorizing the book."
"Yeah I would have definitely failed that. My reading comprehension is terrible."
"I know you belong in the math department."
"Yeah I don't like words it's too much to understand."
"I have such a good idea!"
"Why don't we go to the Eastern State Pennitentary?"
"What is that?"
"It's this supposedly haunted jail that is abandoned in the middle of Philly and everyone goes during Halloween."
"Ohhh. About that..."
"Never-mind then."
"You always do that. I'll go stop being dramatic."
"No it's fine it probably would not happen anyways."
"Okay bro. You rather fight than have me saying yes to your plans. It is so annoying honestly.
"No, I just did not want to force you to do something you have no interest in doing."
"When did I say I had no interest?"
"Just assuming by your tone."
"Well stop assuming."
"Unadded me on snap?"
"Because I wanted to."
0 notes
thefirstknife · 2 years
Ah, Mara. I only started playing relatively recently, so I don’t know the stuff from older content quite as well, but I have a massive soft spot for her because as an autistic person that grew up hardcore masking she gives me big Same Hat vibes. I don’t think she was actually meant to be read that way, but she seems like ‘very good at people in theory, kind of terrible in practice’, which is, shall we say, familiar to me.
When I was younger, I learnt how to read people pretty well, and subsequently how to act to get certain responses. But people don’t run on perfect ‘if a then b’ logic, and it took a while for me to understand that, and even longer to appreciate it. So, she sometimes feels like a (space fantasy immortal alien queen) version of my younger self - I hope someday she learns to enjoy people, rather than just working with / around them. Also, the whole thing with the Parasite exotic weapon was very funny.
Oh my god, I love this reading of her. That actually fits so well.
No clue if they intended these things, but yeah, masking is basically Mara's entire personality. She is always masking and putting up different personas for different people. You can only really see the real her in a few lore tabs where she reveals to be very anxious and fairly insecure.
She was like that as a human as well: she felt detached from the rest of the people and wrapped up in her own world. She also basically copied everything Alice Li was doing because she idolised her. Mara struggled with connecting to other people and understanding how to properly engage with them. It started from a young age when she asked her own mother to not be a mother to her (and Osana obliged instead of helping her child).
Even with people closest to her, she starts off with masking. The best example I can think of is when she goes to Sjur to tell her the truth about how she created the Awoken. And she starts off very formally, while Sjur is being really casual.
Last of all Mara went to Sjur Eido. Sjur was making a list of incredibly stupid and fatal tasks to post on a Guardian bounty board. "I want to tell you the truth," Mara said. "Ask me a question."
"If you take any positive integer and halve it if it's even, but triple it and add one if it's odd, and you repeat this process forever, will you always, eventually, reach one?" Sjur Eido demanded.
"Sjur, my faithful Wrath," Mara said, "please take my openness seriously. Though I'm sure Illyn could answer your math problem."
"Okay." Sjur looked at her curiously. "Then here's my question. What's gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?"
"Can we walk?" Mara asked her.
Note how Sjur is relaxed and teasing, while Mara is talking like she's addressing an official at the court. She is stressed and insecure and trying to appear as the regular Queen Mara to protect herself.
But Sjur knows her. And Sjur sees through the mask. The lore tab after this one is fully just about the two of them talking. Mara confesses the truth. Sjur tells her almost word for word what Alis Li told her ("You are the devil."). And then Sjur just kinda says "Okay. Anyway. What's up really?"
Mara is also struggling with actually telling Sjur which Sjur recognises and uses the "officials at the court" language and phrasing to get it out of Mara:
"Do you want to tell me?"
"No," Mara says. "But I think I have to."
"Okay. Your Majesty, what did you do that made Alis Li throw blackberry tea in your face?"
That's when Mara says it. And she's utterly afraid of Sjur's reaction, except Sjur doesn't hate her for it and Mara is then struggling to figure out how is that possible.
"You're the devil," Sjur says. "You're the lone power who made death. You allowed the possibility of evil. You might be responsible for more preventable suffering than anything that has ever existed."
Mara cannot shake her head or even nod.
"Well," Sjur says, "if you hadn't, none of us would be here. I guess I don't see what else you could've done, if you cared about those we left behind. If you wanted us to be able to go back and help in the fight." She leans forward and very gently kisses the inside of her helmet, where it meets Mara's: in her mind, in that place that is bound to all other Awoken, Mara feels the touch of gentle lips.
Mara is stunned with fear when she hears Sjur's first set of statements, but then Sjur continues and doesn't really care that much about it and then the helmet kiss happens which is honestly one of the most events in entire lore.
She definitely made changes recently, especially while working with the Guardian. I think we made her more relaxed. The Parasite quest was SO good for this. Her confusion during Dawning when we give her cookies also makes more sense through this lense. Her mask almost slips, but also she can't control how much it means to her that we would do something like this for her (firmly cradling the cookies).
Oh I'm gonna be thinking about this interpretation of Mara for the rest of my life.
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
chemistry test | t.h.
tom holland x actress!reader
warnings: fluff and acting..?
summary: you're auditioning for the role of silk in the new marvel film. they've already chosen their spider-man and now it's time to see how much chemistry you two have.
wc: 1.9k
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"Hi! I'm here for the Marvel auditions?" you greeted the lady who sat at the front desk.
"Hello! What's your name?"
"Y/N Y/L/N."
Nerves were running through your veins at lightning speed. The lady gave you a kind smile and told you to head to room three hundred and sixteen. You returned the smile before heading to the elevators.
Upon entering, you were faced with at least fifteen other women who were also auditioning. All with black locks and brown eyes. You'd be lying if you said you weren't slightly intimidated. Sure, you had done some small films here and there, but looking at the competition now was frightening. A lady came and handed all of you a small script. At least it was a distraction. You spent the entire time reading your lines and trying your hardest to memorize them.
You sat in the waiting room for at least fourty-five minutes before your name was finally called and you were escorted into another space. Once you entered, your eyes were immediately drawn to the long table where the producers, casting crew and directors - who you've met hundreds of times in your previous auditions - were sat. You shook hands and gave greetings, the usual.
"Y/N, meet our new Spider-Man." Kevin gestured to the brunette boy at the front of the room.
He was cute. Dangerously cute. His small curls that laid messily only seemed to add to his appeal.
You smiled and walked over to him, "Hi. I'm Y/N Y/L/N. It's great to meet you." you offered your hand.
He returned the grin before shaking your hand, "Tom Holland. It's a pleasure." you noticed his British accent and couldn't stop yourself from the confused expression that took over your features.
"You're British?"
He nodded with a smile, "That I am, but," he switched to an American accent, "I can turn it off, too."
Your smile grew, impressed by his ability, "That's so cool. I would try a British accent, but I feel like I might offend you."
He laughed with you for a bit, his hand still holding yours. You both noticed the predicament and quickly withdrew your hands. Sheepish grins showed on both your lips.
Joe Russo cleared his throat, "A little background information in case you're not familiar with Cindy Moon's story."
You silently thanked him for this since you were not at all familiar with whatever the character entailed. Only getting small glimpses of her personality and behaviour before you got thrown into the mix of auditions.
"Cindy and Peter went to the same school and got bitten by the same radioactive spider. A man took Cindy and trained her, but also hid her in a bunker when her powers became too much for her to control. Her Silk Sense – which is her version of a Spider Sense – is incredibly powerful. Stronger than Peter's. In this scene, Peter is saving her from the bunker. Understood?" he spoke so quickly that you nearly didn't catch it all, but nevertheless, you nodded your head.
"Got it." you put the script to the side and took off your jacket.
"Now," Kevin spoke, "Remember, this is a chemistry test. So we want to see – not just how compatible your characters are – but you guys, as well."
Your palms began to sweat. You already knew that they were looking for chemistry, but being put on the spot made your anxiety sky rocket. You nodded again in understanding.
"Sounds good." Tom went to the other side of the room, "Good luck." he sent you another frustratingly attractive smile.
You nodded with your own grin, "Thanks, Spidey."
You spotted a small cot beside you and made your way over, laying with your back to Tom. Ready to start the scene.
Before any lines were given, you lifted your head, but kept it facing the wall. As if you were listening for something, waiting for something.
"Spider- Boy? Guy? Spider-something." you spoke to the wall and a second later, Tom's footsteps were heard behind you.
"I prefer Spider-Man." Tom's voice filled your ears as he leaned against the wall. "Nice to meet you, Cindy Moon."
You held a hand to your head, as if a painful migraine had just arrived. "Your presence is causing me pain. Who-" you looked up at the man, recognition dawning on your features, "Peter."
"W-what? N-n-no, no, no. Who's Peter? I'm Spider-Man." he insisted rather poorly. Deepening his voice.
You turned your body around, hanging your legs off of the cot, "I-I feel it. I remember you. Parker from my science class. Left row, three seats behind me. And my math and history. Front row in history. Middle in math. You always had a new backpack every week."
"Eidetic memory." he mumbled under his breath.
"Hm?" you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Nothing. Never mind. We can discuss this later. You need to get out of here. And I have come to save you from whatever this place is." he eyed the space with disgust.
You eyed him suspiciously, "Is this some Disney movie? Is there a magical horse drawn carriage waiting outside?"
He showed a boyish grin, "I guess you can call me your knight in red and blue spandex."
You scoffed and stood up, "Okay, Parker. How'd you know I was here?"
"Oh! This awesome dude, Tony Stark, he knows, like, everything! A-and he told me that you were here and sent me on a mission– Which is so cool! But yeah, he told me to come and save you. And that is what I am doing." he jumped up and down like an excited child.
You eyed the space around you, "Wait. M-my powers. I can't control them. I-I mean, I'm trying, b-but it's still—"
"—We can focus on that later! Right now, the richest and sickest guy on the planet is requesting you. C'mon." he grabbed your hand and, as scripted, you both locked eyes immediately.
You tried your best to look like you were falling in love. And as you stared into his deep brown eyes, you found that it wasn't that difficult. He stared back into yours. His hand still wrapped around your fingers. Your free hand travelled to his face, as if you were about to pull his mask up. Resting your palm on his jawline. His other hand that wasn't grasping yours, rested on your hip. A light pressure that nearly sent you into a haze. You both began to lean in and it no longer felt like acting until you squeezed your eyes shut, shook your head and pushed him away rather aggressively.
You put a hand on the wall, drawing heavy breaths in and out, "W-what are you doing to me?" you looked at him through heavy eyelids.
Tom was in a similar position, back against the wall, hand over his chest, "Mister Stark said that m-might h-happen." his head was thrown back against the wall, showing off the expanse of his neck as he swallowed. "Something- Something about our senses causes a strong- How do I say this? I-Intimate attraction between us."
Your eyebrows furrowed, eyes narrowing, "A-an attraction? An intimate attraction? To you? Ew."
He pushed himself off the wall, "Glad to see you haven't changed one bit, Moon." he walked away from you, "We really need to get going. You- Oh! I've been wondering this: Where's your webbing?" he looked around as if he was searching for it.
You stuck your hand out and pretended to shoot a string of silk out of your finger and onto the wall. Tom followed your movements with a starstruck expression.
"That's sick! I have to make mine." he frowned, "We got bit by the same fricking spider and yours is in your hands? Let me see!" he came closer and attempted to grab your hand again before you quickly put it behind your back.
"Don't touch me." you spoke slowly, "I-if this attraction is caused by physical touch. Please, do not touch me."
He plastered on a playful smirk, "Oh, it's more than physical, Moon."
You rolled your eyes and stepped away from the wall, "Dream on, Parker. Are we going to this Mister Stank or whatever?" you waved your hand with a limp wrist.
Tom gasped, "He's Iron Man! It's Mister Stark! Stark! Not stank! And you need a suit. Mister Stark has one ready for you at the compound, but you need something to wear on the way there." he looked around for one.
As if it had just dawned on your character that you were finally leaving the bunker, your attitude changed. A smile gracing your lips.
"I think I can do a little something."
You gestured your hands around yourself, pretending to create a suit from your silk. Tom watched with amazement, "Hey, how are you doing that?" he bent down and examined your body from head to toe.
"I had a lot of free time on my hands. Costume on-the-go. You like?" you smirked as you continued your movements.
Tom nodded his head as he came back up to stand beside you, "I could've saved so much time and money by doing that."
You finally completed your gesturing with a grin, "Ta-da! A bit sticky, but I think it'll do." you pretended to stretch around in the costume.
"Okay, let's go, Moon—"
"—Nope. Nuh-uh. When I'm webbed up like this, call me Silk." you smiled triumphantly.
And with that, the scene came to an end. The producers and casting directors all stood and clapped for you and Tom. You smiled widely at how successful it had gone. Before you could even react, Tom pulled you into a hug. Arms wrapped around your waist. Without a second thought, you wrapped yours around his neck with a laugh.
"You were amazing!" Tom praised you with a wide grin.
You couldn't help but to smile, "Thank you! It helps when you have an awesome scene partner."
His cheeks turned a shade of scarlet at your compliment before Anthony Russo spoke, "That was amazing! Thank you, Y/N."
You shook your head, "Thank you for having me."
Joe came and shook your hand, "Expect a call on Monday. Keep your ringer on." he smiled.
"And that wraps up the chemistry tests! Great job, everyone!" Anthony announced as you handed the script back to them and threw your jacket on.
You swung your bag over your shoulder and made your way to the door.
"Wait!" Tom called from behind you.
You stopped in your steps and turned around with a kind smile.
He held out his phone, "Since we're going to be working together, might as well get to know one another." he had a timid grin.
"Don't jinx it, Holland." you let a light chuckle fall from your lips.
He shook his head, "It's not jinxing, it's manifesting and you were by far the best Cindy Moon. You've already got the part." he insisted making you shake your head.
"We'll see about that." you punched in your number and before you could add your name, Tom took his phone back.
"Wait." he quickly typed away.
You smiled at the contact name before offering your phone. He typed in his number and took it upon himself to put the name.
"I'll see you around, Y/L/N." he gave you a little salute making you laugh.
You nodded, "Definitely, Holland." you turned around and walked out of the door.
Both of you were so engrossed in your interaction that you didn't notice the producers and casting directors watching from afar. Proud smiles dawning their lips.
They found their Cindy Moon.
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
I don't know if you've already done this. I could find anything for this soooo...
Au where blind channel is in detention together
Soooo...kinda like The Breakfast Club? :D Except that I'm itching to combine this with the boarding school AU that's been rotting my brain for about a month now, I hope that's alright! 😁
Not knowing what else to do with their "problem child", Joel's parents send him to this uptight boarding school 🙄
Literally on the first day he gets himself in trouble by insulting the teacher's pet (Aleksi), who was more amused than offended about the whole thing to be honest
Meanwhile Joonas, Niko and Olli look at each other like 😏😏😏because boyyyyy does this newbie have a lot to learn!
What follows is a series of the most ridiculous fouls to get them in the same detention with Joel so that they can teach him how things are done around here: Niko is given a note because he kept interrupting the teacher's poetry analysis by constantly disagreeing (the teacher's ego didn't take it well), Olli fell asleep in the middle of his geography lecture (quite by accident though but it did the trick) and Joonas had failed to follow the dresscode by leaving his dress shirt mostly unbottened (another mishap really; Joonas and Niko had been interrupted mid-action in the men's room and Joonas didn't have the time to properly dress himself before the next lecture)
Tommi is not actually given detention (because he's a good boy!!), but he's Olli's math tutor and they had scheduled a tutoring session after the classes that day, so Tommi attends as well because he's a busy man and if Olli wants his tutoring (which he does, because he's secretly crushing on his nerdy tutor), he can solve math problems while cleaning the sports equipment storage (=the assignment they're given for the detention)
But why is the teacher's pet there as well? Why, he skipped class because he was helping out his friend Robin, the headmaster's son, with his French exam revision and they lost the track of time. Those French syllables can be extremely tricky for the tongue indeed.. 😇
"The first thing you need to know, my friend," Niko tells Joel, "is that the headmaster is corrupt as fuck. Stay in his good books, and you'll be good."
"If you think I'm here to please anyone, least of all that old fart-"
"Of course not, buddy," Joonas smiles. "You're a little rebel, and that's real cute alright, but there are a lot worse places mommy and daddy could have sent you to, so you better start making the best out of your time here. For example, I keep the headmaster stacked with Cuban cigars." 👌
"And you know why that preppy boy is here for skipping class but not the headmaster's son? It's because he's the headmaster's son," Niko adds.
"Actually," Aleksi corrects him, "Robin had a free period."
"Irrelevant," Niko shrugs. "The point is, if you know which strings to pull, you're gonna be fine."
"What about you?" Joel eyes Olli sceptically. His long black coat surely was against all the dress codes. "What do you do to deserve special dispensation?"
"The headmaster's wife likes me," Olli winks 😌
"And just for the record," Tommi clears his throat, "I'm only here because that dummy can't pass his math test." He points at Olli who attempts to hide his reddening cheeks behind the collar of his coat
"We know that, and we love you," Joonas reassures him
Nevertheless, they have to finish their task of tidying up the ball storage room, which soon turns into a game of basketball
...Which later turns into a wrestling match on the gymnastic mattresses 😳
And that's when the PE teacher walks in and gives them another detention for the next day for, umm, inappropriate behaviour, and because the sports equipment storage is even messier than it was before 😂
Joel is almost looking forward to it, because as it turns out, Aleksi might be the best wrestler out of them all.. 😏
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 17
Request: Yes or No
For anyone curious and if I did my math correctly y/ns dad had him when he was 35. This one feels short and I hate ittt but I tried making it feel longer. The chunks are just thicc
"So, why are we going to Belgium?" Natasha asked, setting the course. You looked at her, taking a seat beside her.
"Cause.. I have family there.. She might be family, I don't now." You answered, feeling the jet move forward before it took off into the sky.
"Family? Like, blood related? Who?" Natasha asked, glancing at you. You licked your lips, staring forward.
"My aunt." Natasha's brows raised, looking over at you. You sighed, nodding.
"What if she turns me away?" You asked softly.
"Well.. You're probably her only remaining family. I wouldn't want to turn away a family member." Natasha licked her lips, looking forward at the passing clouds.
"What do I even say? Hey, I'm (Y/N) and I have superpowers?"
"Well, you can introduce yourself and ask about her brother." Natasha gave a small smile. You nodded.
"How's Clint?" Natasha asked, rested her head on her fist. Her hair was long and her natural red locks were returning. It made her hair look a little weird but she was going through a lot of things.
"Who fucking knows." You frowned, arms crossing. Clint had fucked off to god knows where, leaving you to deal with your grief alone. Natashas' brows furrowed.
"Clint has decided not to return home in what feels like weeks. Maybe even months, I haven't been paying attention." You shrugged lightly. Natasha frowned, leaning back in the seat. Definitely didn't sound like Clint but grief could make people do crazy things.
"I've been trying to keep up with the house but I'm just one guy handling everything Clint decided to build and add on." You licked your lips, shaking your head and letting out a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry." Natasha said softly, giving your arm a squeeze. "I'll talk to him if you want."
"Let him do whatever the hell he wants to do. He's a grown man." You replied, feeling bitter and resentful. Natasha silently nodded. The rest of the ride was silent until the jet reached Belgium.
"We're here." You stepped out of the jet, feeling a small breeze go by. You felt your stomach doing flips, heartbeat quickening. You took in a deep breath, glancing at Natasha. She placed a gentle hand on your back, offering a small smile.
"Are you sure you don't want me to get in touch with Clint?" She asked, head tilting. You shook your head.
"It could make things more complicated." You said, looking around. The house across the street matched with the address Tony had given you. It was more on the outskirts of town, surrounded by trees. You could hear some horses behind the house. You took in a deep breath, trying to ease your nerves as you walked towards the house, crossing the road. Natasha followed, studying the area.
"Seems like gardening might run in the family." Natasha said, motioning to the flower garden.
"Yeah.." You chuckled softly. You stepped onto the porch, noticing some plotted flowers on the windowsill. You raised your hand, pressing the doorbell. You waited a few minutes about to press it again before the door opened. A scowl appeared on Florines' face. She was shorter than you had imagined. Her hair was a bit messy and tied back into a low ponytail.
"Wat wil je?" She asked, gaze flickering over to Natasha. You swallowed, fiddling with your fingers.
"Are you Florine De Meyers?" You asked, watching her narrow her eyes.
"Who's asking?"
"(Y/N).. I think I might be the son of your brother." You said quietly. Florine stared at you, lips parting. Her features softened for a second before the frown returned. She opened the door wider, letting you and Natasha inside. The inside of the house smelled like black tea, earthy and floral. It felt straight out of a country movie.
"I've got some tea and speculoos." Florine called as she entered the kitchen. You looked at the pictures she had up. Most were pictures of horses or her at events with friends. You didn't see any pictures that seemed family related. You took a seat on the floral patterned couch, gazing dropping onto the unbothered elderly sheepdog. It made no attempt to move and simply rolled onto its side to face away from you.
"That's Gerdie. Old girl used to be a good guard dog but now she's more of a house cat." Florine said, sitting down and placing a tray on the coffee table. Natasha reached forward, taking one of the biscuits. Florine reached under the table, looking through the books she had before pulling out what looked like a photo book.
"The reason I didn't slam the door in your face is because Michael had told me he was gonna have a kid named (Y/N)." Florine said, hand wiping away the dust in the book. She scooted forward, placing the book on the table.
"Michael?" You repeated, looking at her. She nodded, opening the book. She flipped to the second page, pointing to a picture of a young boy by a fireplace opening presents.
"Michael, my half brother and your father." Your brows raised, leaning in to take a better look. The photo was old but you could see his face clearly. Natasha leaned in as well, smiling gently.
"You have his smile." She pointed out.
"Michael and his father moved here from America when he was about five. He met my mother and they got married. They had me when Michael was nine. He was a good brother. He held no resentment towards me or my mom. Michael was as stubborn as a mule and he could never keep his mouth shut. He'd let you know if he didn't agree with you." Florine chuckled, shaking her head. You watched the nostalgic look pass over her eyes.
"What happened to him?" You asked softly. Florine let out a heavy sigh, leaning back in her chair. She reached down, giving Gerdie some pats on the head.
"He disappeared for some time." She answered, gaze becoming distant.
"He wrote letters occasionally. Said he was working for a government in another country.. He might've been some sort of spy, my memory's a little fuzzy on the subject. He spent a long time working but.. He came back eventually. He never talked about it but he was good ole Michael." Florine leaned forward again, flipping to another page of a more grown up Michael. You did notice some similar features between him and you.
"By then, our father had passed from cancer and my mother needed all the help she could get. Michael built this house with some friends of his and gave it to my mother. Oh, my mother was so happy. She got the farm she had always wanted and got to garden whenever she could." Florine pointed to a a couple in the photobook.
"This is your grandmother, Sylvie. You would've loved her. She made the best cakes in town. This is your grandfather, Jonathan. He was always up to no good. He loved pulled helping the kids in town with pranks." Florine spoke of them fondly. Her childhood seemed to have been good with Jonathon and Sylvie.
"You have powers, right?" Florine asked, looking at you. You nodded, reaching out to the plant on the coffee table and watching it grow taller.
"She passed on her powers to you." Florine leaned back, clearing her throat. You glanced at Natasha, noticing her eating another biscuit.
"She? Who's she?" You asked, looking back at Florine.
"Your witch of a mother." She answered bitterly. You raised your brows at the hate and disgust in her tone.
"I shouldn't speak ill of her. Even if she deserves it." Florine muttered, standing up with a heavy sigh.
"C'mon." She motioned for you to follow. You turned towards Natasha. Natasha picked up another biscuit, making eye contact with you. You raised your brows.
"What? These are delicious!" Natasha huffed. You chuckled, standing up and following her out the backdoor. You noticed the stables with the horses walking around their fenced area. Florine had a vegetable garden and a greenhouse out back as well.
"Those pretty babies are Ernie, Kuma, and Goldie." Florine said, motioning to the horses. They approached the fence when she walked over to them. You smiled softly as she petted them, cooing in Dutch.
"They won't bite. Well, Ernie might but he's just a playful old man." Florine chuckled, turning back in the original direction. You followed her down a dirt path and into a wooded area. You blinked, seeing what looked like a moss covered statue of a woman. Her eyes were closed though her head was pointed downwards, looking at anyone who walked down the path.
"She was a charming little witch, I'll give her that." Florine crossed her arms, staring up at the statue. You tilted your head, licking your lips.
"Did he make this for her?" You asked, turning to look at her. Florine shook her head, looking down at the ground.
"Gaia, or better known as Mother Nature, is your mother. She took a human form in an attempt to convince humans to cherish what she had given them. When that proved useless, she spread plagues as punishment. What Gaia truly wanted.. Was a child. Animals, humans, and all those things were creations.. Projects she could ignore if she got bored. She met your father and he fell for her." Florine told you, another breeze blowing by. You reached your hand forward, gently touching a flower that rested by the statue. It felt full of life.
"Your mother fell pregnant with you and Michael was thrilled. Gaia had started realizing that human life wasn't for her. She was slowly becoming human herself. She disappeared with Michael and returned without him or you. She explained she couldn't stay and left her human body here."
"She abandonded me for no reason?" You stared up at the statue, features hardening.
"In some sense, she didn't. She's all around us so.. Your mother never truly left you." Florine said, turning to look at you. You scoffed.
"I have a mother. Her name is Laura Barton and she's not here anymore because of Thanos." You looked at Florine, blinking away tears.
"I don't blame you for being angry. I never found out where she took you or if you were even alive. If you want to keep in touch, I don't mind. Lord knows I could use the company." Florine looked forward again. You let out a soft sigh, shoulders slumping.
"And.. And dad? What happened to him?" You asked hesitantly, almost afraid of finding out he had done the same as Gaia. Florine stayed silent for a moment.
"He.. They never told me how it happened but.. He was murdered." Florine revealed, staring at the ground with a small frown. You stared at him, brows furrowing.
"What? By- By who?"
"You might've heard of him. People around town were talking about him a two or three years back. The infamous Winter Soldier."
Tags: @geek-and-proud @wolfelocksley @babyvisionisamenace
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rico-the-nicoo · 2 years
in reference to my last post :)
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so if you read my last post and somehow went "fanta i think you're overreacting." lemme show you just how bad it is.
let's start off with math- well statistics specifically.
in the mcl cinematic universe alone there are about 101 characters ( including events characters, but excluding animals ). and of those 101 characters, there are only 9 black characters ( not including candy if you decide to make her black ). that means only 8% of the mcl cast is black... although that is a problem in of itself, that's not what we're really here for.
so after i typed all those numbers into my handy dandy calculator, i decided to section each of those 9 characters and made a handy dandy chart for my visual learners out there ( shoutouts to y'all ❤️☺️ ).
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i broke them off into the three basic categories; highkey bitch, stepping stool, and unimportant side character, then added another category; athletic cuz im black, because i felt it was also important to add. ( renata and yeleen both have '?' by their names because their spots are debatable. )
first thing i noticed? most of the people in the highkey bitch category are black women. which perpetuates the stereotype that black women are loud, angry and wrong. that our anger is never justified because we're wrong. or we're just angry in general. and, of course, that's not true, but let's keep going.
second thing i noticed is that dajan and kim's personality is basically black people in sports. like if kim didn't play a part in nathaniel's arc in ul ( the reason why she's in stepping stool in the first place ), all she would really have is that she owns a gym and that she was training for a marathon in ul. and you literally met dajan in basketball club, get one illustration with him that not meaningful to the plot whatsoever and never see him again until orienteering race, to which he disappears never to be seen again.
but what pisses me off the most is miss paltry. at first miss paltry was a nice black lady teacher. and although that meant she was just a unimportant side character, at least she wasn't a bitch. but beemoov was like 'well someone had to pressure that bitch marina into accusing rayan of sexual misconduct instead of having her doing it of her own accord because we just can't do that'. and who they choose? the nice black lady that was a good friend of rayan.
and if we're getting into everybody else; yeleen is a straight up bitch to you and everybody else that doesn't seem worthy enough to be in her presence, sibylle is a bad mother that doesn't understand that just because she birthed her child, doesn't mean her child is her, renata is a questionable mentor that's too power hungry to admit when she's wrong, steve is a mindless teenager that really doesn't give a fuck about nothing but what's trendy, patrick was only there to give your candy a career path, and nobody knows who the fuck denis is.
though i can't speak for eldarya or any other beemoov games because i don't play them, i can definitely say beemoov treatment of black characters is fucking shitty. the fact that i can categorize all 9 of them into four basic categories and have no outliners is really fucking atrocious.
( side note all of them seem to be in on color range. although im not mad that they're all dark skin because we do need more dark skin representation in media, why are all these negative connotations on your darker skinned characters? not only that black people come in all shades. don't claim diversity when you only show one color. )
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auroras-blend · 3 years
Road Trip
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Bonus Chapter from Leo's POV where he takes Vittoria on a 10-hour car ride to Rome for a vacation. Basically, he's stuck in a car with an eight-year-old for 10+ hours.
Leonardo Borghese was a patient man and prided himself on his ability to stay calm in tense situations. He wore a mask that most artists could only dream of modeling, but his facade was quickly crumbling in the second hour of the ten-hour car ride. “Are we there yet?” asked Vittoria for the sixth time in the last hour.
“No, not yet principessa. Not for a while,” he groaned, looking at the car’s clock, “Eight more hours.”
He had promised to take her to Rome, his birthplace, months ago and now he, unfortunately, had to make good on that promise. Vittoria had seemed tired when she entered the car at four in the morning (she hadn't even had a panic attack), which is why he had forgone giving her Nyquil, but apparently, she had a burst of energy ten minutes into their ride. Apparently, the panic attack had been delayed and she spent the first hour crying and praying, before finally settling down into a conversation. Every single car ride. Whoever killed Giuseppe and traumatized his daughter would pay dearly, especially considering getting her to church was always a two-hour-long affair if he added in the time for trying to get her into the car.
The past two hours had been hell for him and he had eight more to go. Eight was optimistic given his daughter’s small bladder.
Leonardo Borghese didn’t like being in a small shared space with a prattling person. His cellmate hadn’t been as aggravating as Franco, and dear God he’d say it, Franco wasn't as aggravating as Vittoria was right now. “Why don’t you try and go to sleep?”
“I’m not tired!” she said brightly, before rapidly firing a line of questions at him, “How far is Rome? Do we still get to see gladiators fight? What about the lions? Will they have lions?”
“Far enough,” he breathed, “No, we won’t see gladiators fight and there are no lions.”
“They should have lions,” she quipped, “Did you know they had women, gladiators? I don’t think I’d like to be a gladiator, because I don’t like blood. Minerva was a war goddess and she was smart. I read about her in my book, but she’s not my favorite. Do you know who my favorite is Papa?”
Oh, God. “Who is it Vittoria?” he asked, trying to keep a smile in his voice.
“Venus and Diana. I like Venus cause she's the goddess of love and beauty. I play Venus a lot because I’m pretty. Did you know the planet’s named after her?” she asked, not giving him a chance to reply, “And then there’s Diana because she’s the goddess of the moon. She doesn’t date icky boys and turns them into deers! I’d like to do that!”
How am I going to do this for another nine hours? “Who’s your favorite Roman god, Papa? I bet I can guess! Is it Jupiter? Because he’s the king! Did you know a planet is named after him too? It's the biggest one! You're really big, Papa! Did you know I know all the names of the planets now because I remember the Roman gods and goddesses? Sg.na Sagesse taught me a song. I’ll show you!”
This is hell. Vittoria began singing along to the tune, Michael Finnegan: “There are nine planets around the sun, let me name them one by one…”
Can I mute her? “There’s Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, they have super pretty stars!”
Leonardo was gritting his teeth and focusing on the road. She’ll fall asleep eventually. “Then there’s Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune but wait one moment we’re not done with this tune!”
Why can’t we be done? “Stop right there, please don’t go, make some room for Pluto! There are nine planets around the sun, now you can name them one by one!”
Leonardo gave a fake gasp. “That’s incredible principessa! You’re such a smart girl,” he praised as he watched a proud blush rise to her cheeks.
“Of course! I could never memorize that song like you can,” he said, unknowingly damning himself.
Vittoria gasped. “Oh Papa, don’t say that! You can! I can teach you!”
Shit. “Oh, it’s okay principessa,” he tried to quickly say before she began singing the song again.
He considered himself a saint for not snapping at her. Vittoria had sung the planet song close to thirty times before he finally got the hang of it, or at least until she passed out. He knew the song now. There are nine planets around the sun, let me name them one by one… Those damn lyrics were stuck in his head and he couldn't even drown it out with the radio unless he wanted to risk waking Vittoria. Leonardo looked at the clock...seven hours to go...make some room for Pluto...Leonardo sighed at the long road ahead.
They had made six pit stops in the last two hours because Vittoria had the smallest bladder. At the sixth stop, they decided to get lunch where he ordered a light meal but allowed her to order a pizza with a glass of milk, even though she begged for a soda. There was no way he’d make that mistake. Vittoria was incredibly chatty with the waitresses, telling them that they were going to Rome and everything they’d see. She could give Franco a run for his money.
“But all the Roman gods are there! Did you know that, Papa? I want to go to the Pantseon first. That’s my very favorite place!” she squealed.
As exhausted and annoyed as he was, he did smile at her excitement. He had been worried that his eight-year-old would be bored out of her mind and would throw an embarrassing tantrum at the museum, but she wasn’t. She’s an academic, just like her father. “Pantheon,” he corrected.
“Oh right! Anyway…” she continued.
Leonardo let himself enjoy the moment and memories he was making with his daughter. He knew she probably didn’t get to go on any road trips when she lived with her mother, and seeing her excited about her first-ever vacation was endearing. Especially when he was the one giving her her first-ever vacation because he had missed so many firsts. She stole those precious moments from me, he thought hatefully. But he had the rest of their lives to be the only one who gave her those special memories.
He had wanted this, a perfect daughter to spoil and who would worship the ground he walked on, but when he had wished for it he hadn’t imagined that he’d be raising her alone. A proper family vacation would have been with a wife and a car full of children, though now that he was in a car with just one child for the past several hours, he was content to keep the number down for the time being. It was a lot of work just caring for her by himself, not that he was incapable, mind you, but he took great joy in being called a “selfless single father” by those around him. Leonardo knew full well that if he were a woman, the words used to describe him would be derogatory.
He could tell the stigma that Vittoria carried around with her when she was raised in the States haunted her. The names she had been called, people refusing to play with her...he truly was, in his mind, the best thing to ever happen to her. He told himself he was acting in her best interest when he took her to Italy to live with him, after all, it's my right, and that he gave her everything she ever wanted and needed. She seemed far better off now than she did then, well with a sprinkle of a few traumatic events, but details, details.
“Are you happy, then?” he asked.
She nodded as her cheeks puffed out with a large bite of pizza. “Slow down,” he said when he saw her trying to swallow quickly so she could speak again.
He didn’t want her to choke. “But then we have to go to our garden and art museum!”
Vittoria was convinced that Villa Borghese and the Borghese Gallery and Museum were their family’s museum and that it only made sense because they were both artists. He let her entertain that notion. Leonardo, contrary to his nature, let his daughter lead the conversation, mainly because he didn't have the energy to contribute. Another three to four hours seemed impossible, but there was still enough daylight for them to use, and they had to check-in at five o’clock. “I can’t wait to be in Rome! We have to take super lots of pictures!” she grinned.
“We’ll take plenty of pictures,” he smiled back.
“You were born there, right Papa?”
“Yes, I was born in Rome,” he smiled.
“I wish I was born in Rome. I was born in stupid Idaho,” she frowned, “That’s a state.”
Idaho, in his opinion, was an ordinary state with unremarkable people. Not fit for Vittoria. When he had visited Rome a while ago, he had changed her birthplace to Rome to better suit her. She wasn’t an ordinary child. “Did you not like Idaho?” he asked, already knowing her answer.
“No. It was boring and the people were mean. I had to do a report on it and people like us because we grow potatoes, but that’s it,” her frown was set for a moment before she broke out into a smile, “My report was the bestest! I always make my first letters capitals and add periods. I’m the only second-grader who remembers!”
“Of course you are. I bet you were the best writer in your class,” he praised.
He had seen her writing samples, and even when she wrote an argumentative piece about throwing Charles to the tigers, her work was still fairly impressive. Writing seemed to be one of her strengths, which was reassuring given that math and reading were not. “I was! I always got gold stars! Mr. Morgan never gave them to Rodney, because he’s a bad writer!” she said the last part with a smug look on her face that she inherited from her father.
Leonardo had begun to notice the striking similarities they shared in their mannerisms and expressions. The way she slipped on her “happy mask” as she called it and the way she forced her eyes to soften when she wanted sympathy over a pointless tantrum. Vittoria was learning to play the game he had set, practiced, and perfected. She’ll never win, but it’s sweet to see her try.
He indulged her with ice cream before they headed back out into the car and onto the road for another few hours of hell. And it was hell. He had created a car ride bag for her, which he praised himself for making, that he had filled with crayons, paper, coloring books, storybooks, a blanket, and snacks that wouldn’t leave crumbs. He swore by it, finding solutions for the “I’m hungry” and “I’m bored” complaints that he insisted other parents adopt as if they hadn’t already thought of that before, because even though he called it a “car ride bag”, it was most certainly a “dad bag” that was a staple of fatherhood.
Leonardo thought it was one of the greatest things he had ever thought of, but he quickly regretted it when Vittoria pulled something out that he hadn’t even known she’d snuck in. She always claimed it helped her calm down. His shoulders tensed when he heard the tune of the London Bridge begin to play. “Is that your music box?” he asked, not bothering to turn around.
“Mm-hm,” she hummed before she began to sing quietly under her breath.
I’m going to kill Signora Bianchi. He looked at her through the rear-view mirror and saw her begin to color in her coloring book of a Greek garden, a pleasant smile on her face as she whispered the lyrics. It was only a few ear grating moments before the tune ended and even fewer moments in between her cranking it up again. Why am I being punished? “Principessa, I’m going to turn on the radio,” he said, reaching for the knob.
“You can’t!”
“Why not?” he sighed with irritation.
“This is my artist music!”
Of course, it is, he thought dryly. “Vittoria-,”
“I promise only for this page!” she swore, “Cross my heart!”
It was his fault. He refused to admit it, but it was his fault for believing her words and letting her play the song. Vittoria was a child who took her sweet old time with her art, so it was hours (twenty minutes) until she was finished with her masterpiece. “And done!”
“Thank Christ,” he muttered under his breath, “I’m turning on the radio now, okay?”
Anything to drown out that godforsaken tune in my head. And for a while, he was blessed with just the music as Vittoria fell into a post-lunch nap. Thank you, God. It seemed the Lord was shining on him because they were less than five minutes out without any problems. We’ll make it there and- “Papa, I feel sick,” Vittoria croaked.
No. His eyes met the small figure behind the rear-view mirror. She was hunched over, clutching her belly, and her face had gone ashy. He had to stop himself from insensitively saying, don’t throw up in the car! The hotel was right in front of them, all we have to do is make it. “Just hold on, a few moments and-,” as he made a sharp turn into the parking lot, the jolt caused her to unleash whatever was in her stomach.
The sound of her hurling was as sickening as the smell of pizza, milk, and ice cream that had been poorly dissolved by her stomach acid which also made an appearance. The sight of it nearly made him throw up, but he was better than that. He had finished parking by the time she had finished expelling her lunch from her stomach. Leonardo gave a shaky sigh as he heard Vittoria start to cry, apologizing furiously. He got out of the car and stretched his legs outside as he hurried over to her door, not taking a moment to breathe in the fresh air. “I’m-I’m sorry, Papa!”
He quickly unbuckled her from her seat belt and pulled her out of the car and settled her on his hip. He wasn’t his father, he wasn’t cruel enough to think that she could’ve controlled it, and he certainly wouldn’t punish her by making her eat it. His chest tightened just a fraction of a second remembering what he was put through, before focusing on the moment he was in. She’s just my fragile little girl. She can't help it. He knew that now, of all times, was an important reminder for her to know that he was the better parent. The one who is her favorite and who loves her most. “I know, I know you didn’t mean it,” he whispered as he felt her head.
A little warm, but she probably just got car sick. He forced his eyes to assess the damage, which was very little considering she aimed incredibly well into the bag. “Oh thank God,” he sighed before frowning.
Of course, that music box is left untouched. Of course, it is! With the exception of a few specks on the leather that could easily be wiped off and the smell that could easily be remedied by airing the car out, there was no damage whatsoever. He had been terrified that she had thrown up on the carpet that he just had cleaned. The mess was quickly taken care of and the bag was thrown out because they could just buy newer and better items later. The check-in process was swift and he wasted no time getting her into the hotel room and washing her off before putting her back in bed. Vittoria was moaning and groaning against the pillows as if she were a Victorian woman on her deathbed. He didn't know whether to roll his eyes or smile. She’s incredibly dramatic. “Thank you,” she said softly, her eyes vulnerable and wide, “For taking care of me.”
“It’s what fathers do,” he said, having her sip a cool glass of water to soothe her burning throat.
“I had fun,” she smiled.
He climbed into the bed next to her and let her lean against him, “You did?”
He had received absolutely no enjoyment in that car ride whatsoever and thought for all intents and purposes that it was a failure. “Uh-huh, except throwing up. I didn't like that,” she gave a weak laugh, “But I had fun with you.”
It occurred to him that he hadn’t snapped at her when he was annoyed, let her talk about things she was interested in, and do things that she enjoyed. Her mother was an irritable and unstable woman who probably would have already yelled at her ten minutes (he was being gracious with that number) into the drive, before breaking down herself. Who would’ve been furious at Vittoria for throwing up in the car and who would cause her to break down into uncontrollable sobs. Leonardo felt overwhelmingly smug that she had a great time with him and that he was the one who made her smile. “I had fun with you too,” he grinned.
Vittoria snuggled against him before falling fast asleep. She’s such a good sleeper. Vittoria’s breathing became soft and suddenly his breaths started to match hers, as his exhaustion caught up to him and lured him into a deep slumber. He had suffered, but she had smiled. And he had made her smile, and in his mind, that was all that mattered.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
La fin
Inspired by this ask.
Present day Duff and Vivian reflect on their romantic relationship
I sat down with my best friend to discuss our affair for the first time in 26 years…and gain a final piece of closure the two of us have yet to attain from one another. 
"This is gonna be interesting because both of our spouses are here." I say as I sit down, at my kitchen bar and Duff takes a sip of his water before joining me.
"Nah, Su's as cool as a cucumber. We got this." He replies. "...I don't know about Sixx but me, you and Su can handle it." He teases. 
"If you get war flashbacks, baby, just remember you're sober." I tell Nikki and he chuckles. 
"I'll just go to the bathroom and sing 'Kumbaya'." Nikki adds and Susan laughs. 
"It won't be that bad." She assures him. "I got my waterproof mascara on. I'm ready." 
"I'm getting through this without crying." I state.
"You cry over google commercials, Viv." Duff informs me.
"Because they know how to market. This happened…" I have to do the math. "...thirty-two and a half years ago. I won't cry." 
"Okay, well, just in case, I came prepared." Susan tosses me a pack of Kleenex. 
"Thank you." I say to her, doubting I'll need it.
"I'm about to start the camera." Nikki tells us, going to press start on the camera he's got set up to film this. "Oh, it's already started." He states. 
"It's okay, people won't care." I shrug, taking a sip of my Pepsi. "Okay, Hey, Guys." I say to the camera. "This is a very special occasion because I'm here with my best friend, and the father of my first child, Michael Andrew McKagan a.k.a Duff McKagan a.k.a Daddy McKagan according to some of you nasty, freaky, bastards." I pipe and Duff rubs his face. 
"Oh my God." He chuckles. 
"Do you read your instagram comments?" I remind him and he nods. 
"It's just so weird to hear it in real time." He explains. "I think that's one of the most odd things you can call a sexual partner. Like…'daddy'..."
We just stare at each other for a moment and I look at the camera. 
"He just single handedly dragged me in the nicest way possible." I say to him as Nikki and Susan try not to laugh. 
"No, I jus--well, you can say whatever the hell you wanna say and call him whatever you wanna call him because you've earned it with the shit you've been through, but it's just odd for me to go online and there's, like, girls 30 years younger than me calling me 'daddy.' Like, I'm not sure if you realize this, sweetie, but I have daughters your age." He points out and I start laughing. "I-I could actually be your dad. Careful now." 
"I think Vince has a higher chance of being these horny girls' father." I state. 
"I know, but it's just food for thought, you know?" He shrugs. 
"I don't even know how to transition from that to the topic--which is a serious topic, but this is just...oh my gosh." I giggle out, not able to stop. 
"Speaking of 'food for thought'," He creates a transition for us to go into what we're talking about and I take the opportunity. 
"Yes, we will be discussing our weird relationship-but-not-really-because-I-was-married-and-confused situationship in honor of my book coming out 'Verbatim: The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing Left Unsaid', which tells everything that happened from 1981, to early 2000s, that people have already read about in everybody else's books." I explain. "I've had this, 'it isn't anybody's business' mindset and now, I feel like I'm in a place where I can tell what happened, including our thing--which is something, believe it or not, we have not talked about as much as people think we have." 
"No, we haven't." 
"I don't know exactly why we haven't spoken about it much, like it happened, it obviously happened because we got a son out of it...we just haven't acknowledged it happened, really. Which is why we're gonna ask the tough questions and hopefully get through some stuff."
"Which is nice because I honestly think the last time we even alluded to it was 1994, right after I got sober, and was advised to resolve things in my friendships, and even then we didn't get everything out there." He replies. "At least I didn't, and I feel like a lot of people have something to say about it, and we spent so many years letting other people define what that time was to us--which it was such a private and personal thing between the two of us that other people's two cent shouldn't have had the impact on us that it did--but we let it get to that point where we lost sight of what it meant to us and let it be defined however the fuck people wanted to call it. And that wasn't good for either of us, and I think that's one of the things that's kept me from bringing it up again. Especially now that, ya know, I'm married, have two grown daughters with Susan, you have Nikki and your children, and I've always thought there's no point in bringing something up that happened--like you said--thirty-two, almost thirty-three--years ago.
"Because you don't want to hear the b.s."
"Because I don't want to hear the b.s." He agrees. "But the more I've thought about it, there are parts of me that feels like I didn't get to say what I wanted to say when we decided to go separate ways, and that just gets fucking heavier and heavier with each year, and I'm sure you might, too." 
"Oh, definitely." I agree completely, able to relate to it. "I feel like one of the main reasons for me, why I haven't tried to talk to you about it is because, like you said, people will automatically start something out of absolutely nothing, but also because I felt like I never had the right to." I state and he furrows his brows a little. "Why did you wait so long to tell me how you really felt about me?
He lets out a breath before thinking a moment. 
"I refused to hinder what little happiness you had left in your relationship with Nikki. I knew you guys were struggling, I knew you were fighting like hell to get your relationship back on track, and I didn't want you to have any more confusion going on than what was already being put on you and if I would have told you how I felt, that would've done that. And then I was with Mandy for a while and that kinda helped me feel like I was over those feelings, but I realized I wasn't when she and I broke up."
"Did anybody else know about how you felt or..?"
"Well, I--yeah, Stevie thought it was just a little, like, I had a crush on you, but Izzy knew I loved you...which is why he wasn't shocked when they found out about us." He says. "...Of course he wasn't surprised because all the Nikki/Vanity stuff happened, so he was kinda expecting you to do something, which--okay, I don't know how to ask this." He admits, thinking of how to word it, glancing at Nikki. 
"What?" I ask him. 
"I just don't want to come across as an asshole for asking this because I'm assuming it's a lot deeper than just...okay, whatever, I'm asking it." He decides. 
"Okay." I prepare for it and he sighs. 
"Why did it take that level of public humiliation for you to realize you weren't in a good marriage?" He asks and it nearly makes the breath leave my body, Nikki and I looking at each other. 
"Because it was public." I confess. "Everything else that had been done, had been done in private. There was no public input on it, there was nobody watching the situation unfold under a microscope, everything that happened up to that point was private. So, he could trip during a crack binge and shoot me and I could stay with him because I didn't have the public watching me, giving their opinions. But when his mistress announces it on TV, I can't just gloss over that because now everybody knows and has an inkling that 'uh oh, they're not this perfect relationship they've made people believe they are' and yes we came out and said it was a lie and tried to undo that damage that Denise caused, so physically I was still in the marriage, mentally I was drawing up divorce papers. And I'm not completely sure it was just the very public aspect of it, I think it was the fact it was her. And I realized, 'I can't compete with a woman who has absolutely everything about her that Nikki is addicted to: she knows how to have a good time, she's equally as wild as him, she's got the sex appeal, she's got all the drugs, she's on the same level as him in terms of entertainment industry' just everything that I wasn't...she was. And I was too exhausted at the point to try to compete with her so I gave up when that came out."
"I remember Izzy ranting, 'she's fucking comparing herself to Vanity and there's no reason to'." He impersonates Izzy and I chuckle. 
"He drilled into my head for years to follow that I was fine the way I was, I didn't need to change anything about my looks, my personality, my hobbies, my sobriety, like it was like 'The Help' when she's constantly reassuring the little girl 'you is smart, you is kind, you is important'." I quote. "Anytime Izzy could see me struggling with myself or not feeling my best he'd be like 'seventeen outta ten, Viv. Seventeen.'" 
Duff looks enlightened, and points to the space behind my right ear. 
"That's why've got '17' right there." He realizes and I nod. "In his writing." He adds. 
"In his writing." I confirm. 
"That's--wow. I didn't know you struggled with that for so long because there was no competition." He assures me.
"Well, I already had shitty self-esteem and then that made it worse, and then even when you and I were together I still had this fear a little bit that you were only with me to help yourself get over Mandy." 
"Abso-fucking-lutely not." He doesn't even think before saying and I feel myself tear up a little. "No way. No freaking way. I loved you, Viv, I really, really did. When you told me that you were filing as soon as the tour was over I started planning out our lives together, as crazy or cheesy that makes me seem, like, I was really going for it." He tells me.
"Duff." I feel guilty, my heart aching a little. 
"I remembered, 'okay, she wants this many kids, she says she likes dogs but really wants a cat, too, she doesn't want to live in the middle of the city, she doesn't want an over-the-top house, she wants to go back to school at some point so I'll put away some savings for that', like, I was planning out everything and fitting Guns N' Roses in wherever there was time in that whole plan. I was ready to be with you and start a life with you. I really, really was." He adds and I see Susan's sympathy for him, only adding to my guilt. 
"Well, just rip my heart out, why don't you?" I ask him to add some relief and Susan giggles, her bright smile coming back to her lips. 
"Right?" She asks. "Geez, babe." 
"I'm just saying." Duff tells us. 
"Nikki didn't even plan his days out when he woke up back then, and then you were there with a calculator adding up how much money you probably needed to put away for my schooling." 
"We wouldn't have had any money to go to school, anyway, Viv, 'cause it was all going to taxes and heroin." Nikki points out and I think for a moment. 
"And house payments." 
"And house payments." He agrees as I look back to Duff, who looks like he's thinking about something. 
"Okay, sorry if this is a weird question, but what did you mean you felt like you had 'no right' to talk about our relationship?" 
"Okay, well, we broke up, I was working on things with Nikki, you married Mandy four months after we broke up...I felt like 'okay, you've already gotten your husband back, he's gotten Mandy back, they're married, who the--' pardon my french ''--fuck are you to bring up your relationship and how it affected your friendship when you're both married to other people and doing your own things? Who are you to be worried with your time with him when you're with Nikki and he's got a wife, now?'." 
"Ohh, yeah. Yeah." He knows what I'm talking about, nodding. "So, you kinda felt like it was disrespectful to dwell on it too long." He adds. 
"Exactly. And I didn't want to disrespect Nikki, or Mandy, or Linda, and now Susan, by trying to work on us again, as friends, because we are exes, whether we want to admit it, we are. We dated. And I feel like it's easy to forget that sometimes because it was so long ago and that freaking sucks because I don't want…" My voice cracks and he looks at me pointedly as tears come to my eyes and I take a deep breath. "...I don't want to forget that time. And I'm not trying to be rude to my marriage or yours or make it seem like I still have those feelings for you, because I don't, but I don't want to forget there was a time in that hellacious cycle my life was in at that moment, that for a few months, I was genuinely happy in the midst of my life falling apart." I explain, sniffling. "And that wouldn't have been the case, if not for you. And I don't want to forget that." 
"Vivian." He says as I grab at a tissue and I see Susan knuckle a tear in her tear duct. 
"I don't know, it just felt like there was never a right time to address what happened fully because everything was happening so fast in our personal lives, for you and Guns, for Nikki and the band, I started having kids, and you got married a second time and your drinking was worse and worse, so it just never happened." 
"Can I ask you something else?" He says and I nod. "When do you think we should have said, 'look, we were together, it happened, and it's okay'. Because we avoided it like the plague for years and still do at times, and that's practically due to--like I said earlier--listening to how people defined it. Like you were called a 'whore' and a 'slut' and just awful shit in public and in papers and tabloids for years after it happened and I feel like because of that, there was that element of 'we should be ashamed of ourselves and just pretend it never fucking happened' surrounding it, even though we had Monroe who's breathing proof of what happened at some point, but we just treated it as if we adopted him together as friends or something like--" I laugh, wiping a tear, and he laughs with me for a few seconds. "--it's the truth, though, we never talked about our relationship. We went on Howard Stern in '88 right after Monroe was born, and he grilled us about it, but we just shut the fuck down after that and didn't speak of anything again for a couple years until we got in that fight over you limiting my time with Monroe, and then again in '94, and that was it--and none of those times really accomplished anything. At all." 
"We should have had that conversation before you got married to Mandy that May." I point out.
"That was so, so soon." He smiles nervously. "That was too soon, way too soon, to get married."
"You proposed to her the day after we broke up." I recall and he nods. 
"I sure did. I sure as hell did. So stupid." He states. "I learned not to make important decisions when I'm in pain. 'Cause I married two different women when I was going through some painful stuff and only made it worse." He explains. 
"And see that's the thing because you had me completely convinced you wanted Mandy. Like I felt so much better when we broke up, knowing you were with who you really wanted to be with, and I was with who I wanted to be with, and then I found out in an argument with you that you were miserable and married Mandy to try to make yourself excited about being back together with her." 
"And that's exactly why I told you that because I needed you to be happy and if I would have told you how I really felt about you, you wouldn't have been happy because you would've felt guilty for staying with Nikki and fixing things with him. And I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I would have put you through that so I married Mandy so fast because I was hurt, and I thought I loved her as much as I loved you, and I held on to that and ran with it." He tells me. "Why wasn't I good enough for you to stay?" 
I go to answer, before the weight of what he's asking really hits me, and several tears topple down my cheeks before I'm wiping them away. 
"I can't begin to put into words how highly you surpassed 'good enough'." I inform him when I finally speak. "Um, my decision to stay with Nikki had absolutely nothing to do with you. That was all me, and issues I thought were resolved within myself that weren't resolved at all, I was just ignoring them." I say. "And something in me was telling me not to stay with you...and I fully believe that was God telling me to back the hell off because he had a plan for you and I had no business accompanying you in that plan as your significant other." I explain. "And I hate to say this, but I really feel like we would have gotten divorced." 
His eyes widen and his brows raise, a knowing smile on his lips as his nods his head. 
"And I hate to think that but we would have made it, maybe, up until '92 because I wasn't even your wife or your girlfriend but just being around you made me so miserable." I admit. "I-It was like--you would get up and start drinking until you passed out that night. I was watching the person who had his shit together the most in my life, fall apart, and that was scary for me because we had a son who was witnessing his dad spiral." 
"Yeah." He rubs his lips together. 
"And getting you to take accountability for what you were doing was like trying to bathe a cat." I add.
"And it took me months after getting sober to evaluate what went wrong in my life with the band, what went wrong in my relationships, what went wrong in my parenting with Monroe, what went wrong in my friendship/co-parentship with you, and own up to what I played a part in because none of it imploded on it's own, or just because of other people, like I played a part in all of it, too, and admitting that took a lot of time to swallow my pride and just accept that I became the very thing I got pissed at Nikki for being, years prior to that, and saying, 'okay, I made all those mistakes, I fucked up, how can I do better and learn from it to better myself, to better my friendships, to better my relationship with my son, and just do what I'm supposed to do?' And I even ended up going to Nikki, and apologizing for what happened between us," he motions between me and him, "because even before you and him were separated over the Vanity thing, knowing you went to me for shit, over him, made him feel less than, made him feel like he wasn't a good enough husband and I kinda felt the same way when he stepped up for Monroe when I was going through my drinking, and it made me feel like I wasn't adequate enough as a father because Monroe was leaning a bit more on him than he was on me, and for the shit I was going through in my life with my alcoholism and drugs, I was doing the best I could do as a dad. And it made me realize that Nikki was doing the best he could do as a husband back when he was in the thick of his heroin addiction, because he was sick and couldn't fucking help himself, just like I was sick and couldn't help myself, and neither of us wanted to hear we had a problem, neither of us wanted help. And I know people are gonna, 'well, Nikki cheated and was mean to her and this and that', I know what you looked like when Nikki was hurting you. I know the look you would get on your face...I know that I hurt you as much as Nikki did through my drinking because you would look at me the way you would look at him when you weren't recognizing the person in front of you due to how royally they had fucked themselves up." 
"Yes." I nod, not even arguing. 
"And that fucking hurt to realize that I was hurting you as bad as he had, and I remembered getting so pissed at him for doing that back in '86/'87 as he got worse, but then I did it, too, and that experience really opened my eyes when I got sober because I wouldn't have been humbled in that way had I not had a drinking addiction and reached that low, and I do think that's one of the reasons that was allowed to happen to me." He finishes and I take a deep breath before asking:
"If Monroe wouldn't have been conceived, if we wouldn't have had a child to come out of our relationship, knowing what we know now, how we ended up not staying together, the public slander and stuff we had to go through...would you still have had a relationship with me, if you could go back and change it?" 
"Without a doubt, yes." He says, matter-of-fact. "It would have been a waste of a blessing to not have taken the opportunity to love someone as recklessly--maybe even stupidly, at times--unconditionally, with the magnitude I loved you with, at such a young age. Like, usually you can expect to find something like what we had when people get a little older, and get through all their bullshit relationships before finding the person that loves them for them fully, but I had the chance of experiencing that when I was, like, in my early twenties...and I didn't experience that again, and so much more, until I met Susan." He says and I nod. "And I don't want you to think that because we haven't spoken about it, maybe as much as we should have, that I'm ashamed of you or us or embarrassed, because I'm not proud that we did what we did in that timing--because it was really shitty timing and we both can agree on that, I think," he raises his brows and I agree, "but I will never be ashamed, or apologetic,  or embarrassed that I ever had that with you. I felt like one of the most fortunate people to even know you, and then to have that relationship we had--even for the few months it lasted--was just...it was such a short time compared to how long you've been with Nikki and how long I've been with Su, but we spent it loving each other the best that we could. And we really did love each other, and we do still love each other--even if it's not in that same way, the spirit of it, I guess, is still there. There's still that 23 year old kid in me that'll kick somebody's ass over you, and wants to see you happy, and is in absolute love with you. And don't get me wrong, there's a 56 year old me that wants to see you happy and that'll still kick somebody's ass over you." He clarifies, making me laugh. "I'm just pointing out that even when those feelings went away, I don't think that bond ever did." 
"Yeah." I nod, sniffling as I press a tissue to under my eye to catch more tears. "Do you, um...do you remember our break up?" 
He exhales and gives me a little smile, nodding, before tears come to his eyes.
"I--yeah, I...I remember it…" He informs me. 
"We had just gotten done messing around, and if we did anything before we went to bed we would just stay in bed and go to sleep, but if we did anything in the afternoon or whatever we'd get up shortly after and clean up and go about the day. And we got done, it was, like, 2:00pm, and it was this odd feeling in the midst of it that 'this is gonna be the last time we ever do this with one another', and neither of us said a word, we just laid there with each other for four hours when we were done, taking in every second that we could. Well I finally got up to go back home and check on Nikki because he had OD'd the night before." I explain. 
"And you went to the door to leave and I stopped you, and was like, 'I know you're going to make things right with Nikki, and I'm going to fix things with Mandy, and I want you to know that I love you, and I'm proud of you, and I always will and always will be'. Of course you can understand me a little better now because I was crying when I choked those out, but, um," he laughs and I smile back more tears. "And you said, 'thank you, I love you, Duff' and gave me a kiss and a hug and then you were gone." 
"And we rarely spoke about it, again."
"And we rarely spoke about it, again." He confirms and I let out a breath, feeling more tears swell in my eyes. "What a fucking way to end a relationship." He adds. 
"This is where I'm really gonna start crying, um…" I start, chuckling nervously. "...I wasn't thanking you for being understanding, I was thanking you for everything that you'd done for me, and it took me a while to understand that that was one of the things I felt like was unresolved because that 'thank you' had a lot of weight behind it." I tell him. 
"Okay." He tells me, listening intently. 
"This is so freaking stupid and unhealthy but I wrote suicide notes for when Nikki finally OD'd and died, because I knew if he were to go, I'd have to go with him, I couldn't live without him." I tell him and he looks a shocked. "You taught me that I could live without him when I didn't think that I could, and you brought me so much peace and rest in a time when I couldn't remember the last time I was at peace, and I sure as hell couldn't get any rest. And I felt, and still feel, so indebted to you for those months that you spent trying your hardest to fix what you didn't break--you risked your career over me, you protected me, you defended me, you supported me, you loved me--and that's what I was thanking you for that day, and I feel like I've got a weight off my shoulders now because I have never told you that and I've always wanted to but didn't think it was a good time." 
"Holy shit, Viv." He wipes a stray tear, and I see Susan doing the same, Nikki just smiling at me like he's glad I've gotten that weight off of me, because he knows I've been wanting to say it for years.
"And I'm sorry it was such a shitty breakup that kind of came out of nowhere." 
"The way you were screaming and crying and begging God whenever we were trying to get Nikki to wake up, I knew if he lived you were gonna fix things. I was prepared for it, I promise." He assures me. "And I'm really glad we got to do this and get this out there with each other and I really hope you were able to get some closure with this, because I really did." 
"I did, too." I nod, wiping more tears. 
"I love you." He tells me as we get out of our chairs, giving me a quick, innocent, peck on the lips, before hugging me tightly.  
"I love you, too." 
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7men · 5 years
Hi! If you're still doing the send an au and get headcannons and you accept anons, how about a little kid Ezra au with the rest of the 7 being adults? lol And if you're aren't still accepting these/anons then please ignore this and sorry! Either way hope you have a great day!
(totally check out little britches stories if you haven’t already, there is a Wide World out there for you my friend. They’re usually Vin and JD being kids, but often Ezra too. Also i am SOOOO sorry for taking approximately forever to get to this i am a terrible mod)
A lot depends on what Ezra’s like, assuming he meets them in the Pilot and they don’t just.. stumble upon him elsewhere, which would probably change things.
1 He is literally just a short(er) version of his adult self. The boys are both concerned and confused by his… well, his existence, frankly, who let an eight year old in the Saloon, much less thought it was a good idea to play poker with him?? (idiots, apparently.) Chris does Not invite him to ride with them, he is a Literal Infant, and they also assume his parent(s) are… around? Somewhere?? When they find that he is functionally parent-less they’re all conflicted. Chris doesn’t want to bring him to a ‘decent chance of death’ outing but at the same time, Four Corners isn’t exactly much better at this point. There is a very good chance that if they leave and come back for him after the job is done he will have either buggered off and they’ll never find him or he’ll be dead. So Chris… doesn’t really have a choice. They basically kidnap him. There is no pretext about paying him because he is three feet tall and an infant. Everyone attempts to be A Parent to wee!Ezra at some point, which he does not appreciate. Chris and Buck are the most in his face about it, which is Not On. Josiah doesn’t talk down to him, which is nice. Vin does it in the vague ‘hey maybe don’t play with the dynamite’ way, which Ezra finds the most acceptable. Nathan makes the obvious mistake of assuming this child is, well, a child. He doesn’t do that again. JD’s just offended that they brought a baby before they allowed him to come along. Buck pointing out that they didn’t exactly give Ezra any choice in whether he was coming doesn’t help as much as he thinks it will. But it does give JD some excellent ammunition – 'you brought a kid into this and I am more than twice as old as he is, you can’t make me leave!’
2 He is actually a pretty normal kid? I mean, way too smart and observant, but a pretty normal kid, all things considered. The same dilemma happens. 'We can’t take him/we can’t leave him/well what do we do with him?’ (they take him.) He is deeply distressed when Josiah and Buck are hurt, and makes an excellent nurse. Because when any of the boys start doing something they’re not supposed to he gives them the Eyes Of Doom. And if you’re determined to keep doing the thing you better be able to talk your way around Ezra. Which is marginally easier than talking Adult!Ezra around, but he is ruthlessly logical and straightforward which makes things difficult.
(Problem is, any scenario with wee!Ezra at the Seminole village changes the way the battle with Anderson goes, because if it wasn’t Ezra’s idea to have the dummies on ropes for them to fire at it was at least him getting them made and organized. So the odds of casualties are higher, beyond the obvious 'one less person with a gun’ math. But that’s probably a problem for another post.)
3 A Literal Potato Baby, helpless and only possibly on solids, does Not get taken to the village. He gets pawned off on someone local if a parent can’t be found (which, I mean I have a low opinion of Maude but she would not abandon her newborn.) and probably doesn’t factor into things that much.
4 After the Pilot, there is no way they’re letting a kid wander off to do his own thing. No. Way. So Ezra just gained five weird uncles/aspirational fathers and JD, who is at best a very awkward big brother. So either he scampers in the night if he’s really committed to getting away from this whole Family thing (he’s not really. And anyway, Vin’ll catch him in a few hours, tops.) or he submits to the mortifying ordeal of being smothered in love and attention. Which is.. a Lot.
5 Ezra’s the first to notice that Vin can’t read. Little kids are more observant than people give them credit for, and they don’t take anything for granted. Wee!Ezra takes it upon himself to teach Vin. Somehow it’s not as hard to admit that he never learned to Ezra, who understands because there’s a wide wide world out there and he is very aware that there’s still a lot he doesn’t know, though he is doing his best to remedy that situation. Ezra probably swaps reading lessons for hunting lessons or something. He knows it’s hard to ask for help, and it being a trade makes it easier.
6 Chris (and Josiah when he comes back from seeing Hannah) try his best to curb his drinking. Setting a Bad Example for the kid, after all. Even if the kid can beat him in poker despite barely being able to see over the damn table. And Ezra does Not accept Go Fish as a substitute, Good Lord. Josiah also tries to give him an education, with help from Chris. This goes badly. Mostly because Ezra is already shockingly well-read and Josiah’s idea of an education probably wouldn’t be recognizable as such to any schoolteacher. They end up debating more often than Josiah teaching and Ezra listening. Chris likes watching them argue. And adds to what Ezra already knows about horses. Ezra’s actually surprisingly responsive to Chris’s style of teaching, which is quiet and demonstrative and 'here, now you try’.
7 Ezra is an excellent helper for Nathan, who… isn’t quite sure what to do with him at first, frankly. He’s so small but also so serious and mature. It reminds him of his childhood in not-nice ways. But Ezra asks intelligent questions about herbs and has good eyes for spotting things when he knows what they look like, so he goes along with on stock up expeditions.
8 JD basically goes 'well I guess I have a kid brother now’ and stumbles through this as he learns how to talk to a kid who is also really smart. It’s hilarious to watch. Buck is more 'hey let’s go fishing!’ which is not Ezra’s style at all. When Buck figures that out things are OK, and after serious consideration Ezra decides he will accept rides on Buck’s shoulders, on occasion.
9 (He thinks wistfully and somewhat enviously, years later, that that is technically the tallest he has ever been. Wouldn’t trade this life for the world, though.)
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the13colonies · 4 years
question; ok, you seem like you are very very smart so i'm asking for advice. i'm a smart child, i like to think (124 iq??), but i procrastinate a lot and have no motivation for anything. so, how do you do your studies and how did you figure out what you wanted to study and also::: how do i stop being so antisocial??? idk you're my favorite tumblr so i thought i'd ask, sorry. <333
First step: dont apologize!
This is an interaction blog. I love talking and answering questions, so don't hesitate to send them! I'm glad you were brave enough to send this ♡. I'm continuing this ask under the cut line:
I'm a pretty interesting case. I'm both extroverted and introverted. I like going out, im able to make conversation easily, and make friends, but I also prefer to be alone most of the time.
First step to being antisocial: know it's gonna be hard
Small talk? Everyone hates it and most people like to talk about themselves. Get them talking about things they really like! And add your own opinions as well, encouraging them. For me, I surround myself with people who are just as nerdy as me, and I can talk to people about history all day
As for procrastination, I'm literally on tumblr rather than doing my Seminole history work, so I'm not really one to talk, but for me what helps is the promise of a reward. Ex: if I read 10 pages and watch a lecture for my Seminole class, then I can have 5 minutes of scrolling through tumblr/tiktok/Instagram, or read ___ amount of fanfic before I return to work
I also get into the zone for long study sessions. I usually put on a really good song, dance to it in the mirror, then I silence my phone and work for an hour before taking a break. Do something you REALLY enjoy before studying for long periods of time; it will get the dread out of the way faster
I figured out what i wanted to study in college. Now, I've always loved history. I watched the historical school house videos on loop when I was a child, and my favorite topic was always history
Before college, I wanted to be a journalist or a photographer. I loved writing and taking pictures. But then, I got into community college in my senior year of high school, and everything changed
I took AMH2010 my first semester, which was American history to 1877. This included native American history, discovery, colonialism, the founding, all the way through the Civil war and reconstruction. My teacher was very introverted, he was always anxious about public speaking, so he had us do our readings before coming to class and then letting the students lead discussions. As I became more comfortable with speaking and discussing the material with my classmates, I knew this was what I wanted to do
So I sat down with the prof and had a very long conversation on being a history professor in college and how I can achieve those goals. I knew I was hooked, and I owe my entire passion to that professor. We still talk about history to this day
It really depends on what you want to do. Not everyone has that moment I did, and I'm very thankful that I got the opportunity to know what I wanted to do before applying to university and have a pretty solid plan
My point is, make connections with your teachers, theyre there for a reason. And try to base it on your interests: you like math? Study math!
Also apply your skills. You like to read and write? You're good at problem solving? You're creative and innovative? There's majors out there where these skills are essential to the study and job field.
Thank you for me being your favorite blog ♡ but honey there's better out there than a college girl getting haunted by jeffersons ghost
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aquarianlights · 7 years
Congrats on your school bby👏🏼👏🏼❤️ I wish I was good at school but I just can't concentrate or like even get myself to study. I know you're dealing with a lot outside of that,so how do you do it like how do you get yourself to study and actually concentrate and do so well??
Actually, tbh, I’ve never studied even once in my entire life. Because. . .well. . .I don’t know how to study. No one has ever taught me how to study. So I’m at a loss on studying. So I just don’t do it. Plus, all the stuff I’ve taken classes on so far is literally nothing more than common sense. High school was all common sense, all the courses for my AA degree have been common sense. So, albeit Idk HOW to study, I really don’t need to. Coz it’s all in my brain already. The only subject I’m bad at is math. And that’s because I have dyscalculia, meaning I have a learning disorder in math. But even that I don’t study for. I just sort of wing it on the tests and pass with a C or B, which is awfully low for me. I’m accustomed to getting A’s in all my classes and on all my assignments without any effort applied, so. . .it’s kinda startling when I get a C or a B. ._.
Anyways. . .how do I focus? Well. . .let’s just describe this situation as I have the complete opposite of ADHD/ADD. I have this crazy ability to hyper-focus on anything I choose. Doesn’t matter what it is. I can focus on things sooooooo easily. It’s like I’m unable to NOT focus. My focus is so heightened and concentrated that it doesn’t matter what the subject is. . .I can focus on it with great ease. I’m lucky in that way.
So, really, all I have to do is pay attention in class (or, in my most recent classes that have all been online, just read and watch everything required) and then I can literally do any assignment they ask me to immediately after paying attention. I was in the IB program in high school so I kind of HAD to have that kind of focusing ability.
All that. . .and I have always been really good at school. Lack of motivation is the only thing that stands in my way sometimes. So. . .honestly, I either get an A on the assignment, or I get a 0 for not turning it in. There really isn’t an inbetween for me. I tested into the IB program during high school. And the classes that weren’t offered at the IB level. . .I was forced to take AP classes instead. Coz the IB system was new then and our school was one of the first to test out the IB system. So I took IB and AP everything.
Plus, I LOVEEEEEE to learn. I mean, learning is one thing that excites me. So school is for me. I’ve always been really good at school because it’s all common sense. But. . .when I get into my core veterinary medicine classes, I’m probably going to be absolutely lost because none of that is common sense and I will actually have to LEARN something new which. . .I’ve never done before up to this point. So I’m SOMEHOW going to have to learn how to study. . .Idk how I’m gonna get through it without knowing how to study. ._. I’m definitely going to try, though. Maybe I won’t need to study if I just really pay attention in class and get some hands on practice. Rrrrgh.
Albeit I’m really good at school and am very book smart, I have NO common sense and I can’t do anything domestic. I literally almost burned my apartment in Jax down because I put something in the toaster oven that wasn’t supposed to be in there (apparently) and like. . .it caught on fire and I was calling my roommates and they were all high and didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about so I just fucking sprayed it with water and that just made everything WORSE. I was panicking like crazy so I googled how to take care of it and luckily, after taking a quick scan of the pages, I figured out I had to smother it. I mean. . .ugh. I’ve also put a packet of unopened fudge in brownies because it never said to open the packet. Haha. I’m common sense stupid. Like really. I may have a very high IQ, but I’m very literally retarded (I don’t use that word lightly) when it comes to common sense.
So I mean. . .there’s always a trade off. I bet you have wonderful common sense. c: And I bet you know how to make a bed. I’m 25 and I still can’t make a bed on my own. So uh. . .be grateful for things like that. Coz my only strength in life is my book smarts. x.x I don’t have any other useful traits. Lol. You probably have a LOT more useful traits than I do. Lmao. So, really, be thankful for the things you have. You may not be great at school, but I bet you’re really smart in other areas of life. c:
Also, that paper I got a 100 on? I’m a writer. Writing is what I do. I’ve never gotten anything less than a 100 on a paper. In high school, I got awards for my writing and I almost got a book published in 5th grade. . .but I never finished it. I never finish anything. :/ I have a hard time sticking to things because literally everything grabs my attention and then next thing I know, I’m like 15 pages deep into reading about black holes. Lmao. I got a perfect score on my state essay test and my high school teacher still uses my essays as examples for the class coz I was the best writer she’s ever had. I’m very proud of that.
I also got an opportunity in my first year of high school to go overseas and study because I had such good grades and was so smart. I never got to go because we didn’t have enough money to send me. So I missed out on that. And this isn’t really relevant but I’ve been a first chair clarinetist my whole life. Even my first year of college, I won 1st chair with my audition. I also have tons of awards for music and I have music scholarships. I was also in all-state band in my senior year of high school. I got to play with the best of the best in the state. It was AMAZING. But my school had to take us out of it early because there was a blizzard coming. It really sucked that we had to leave. I was having the time of my fucking life. . .playing with people who were actually serious about music and were really good at their instruments. As opposed to playing with a high school band made up of people who didn’t really care. I’ve played in all sorts of bands. Symphonic, Concert, Jazz, Marching, etc. I also did a lot of extra curriculars. I took tap dancing, Irish step dancing, ballet, horseback riding, piano lessons, clarinet lessons. . .just so many things. I barely had any free time as a child. 
I was also in a private catholic school from pre-k to 8th grade and it was a very difficult school to get into but I tested in. And the classes were extremely advanced. We were studying high school and college level material in middle school. So. . .I think that may have given me a jump start on being good at school. And our band was state-renowned so we got to play at Disney one time. . .and they shut down the whole park after that so that it was literally just us in the band in the park and we got to do anything we wanted. There were no lines anywhere. . .we just got free roam of the park and got to go on any ride we wanted. It was fucking amazing. The highlight of my musical career was in my first semester in college. We got to play the whole score to Star Trek: Into Darkness. And I was first chair so I got all the solos. It was absolutely amazing. Being a trekky like I am, that became the highlight of my career as a musician because I had never had so much fun playing a piece in my entire life. And I was section captain in Marching Band.
I also did a lot of other things in high school. I was secretary of the Art Club, Vice President of Foreign Language club, secretary of our music club, I was an editor and columnist for the school newspaper, envirothon, I was on the debate team for a while, and I ran track for a year. I also started my own environmental club that I was Captain of. We went out and cleaned up the roads and I gave speeches at rally’s about recycling and green options.
Needless to say, I was in the town newspaper a lot for my accomplishments. Lol. I was very involved in high school. . .and now I’ve had a solid 4.0 for the past few semesters and my GPA has never dropped below a 3.5 in my entire college career. So. . .there’s that, too.
Ahhh, I’m just really proud of my accomplishments. Haha. I did so much in high school in order to get into a good college and I’ve spent my college years trying harder to get into a good university. Idk where I’m going to start my bachelors program, though. I’m not stopping in school until I get a Ph.D. That’s been my dream since I was very little was to get a Ph.D. I’m never giving up on it.
I hope that explains at least a little to help with your question. ;A; Sorry I go off topic a lot. Lol.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE CONGRATS! n_n That made me smile. :3
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