#children Oc
spacealligator · 2 months
I always love whenever people give Kakashi a son in fanfics and name him Sakumo as a way to pay homage, it makes my heart warm and i love it
consider Kakashi with a daughter. I don’t know if I read too many otome isekais but I love father and daughter relationships being explored
what kind of dad would Kakashi be? would he raise her to be a daddy's girl or a tomboy?
like "no one touches my baby girl I'd do anything for, don't even lift a finger my sweet princess"
or "yoooo, daughter check out this dog I found on the street let’s bathe him in our bathroom and call him cookie"?
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ask-missparker · 5 months
Welcome children to the world of enchantment ✨ / OUAT AU
Season two of the mini series ig, inspired by the episode ‘Broken’
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Pairings: Nikolai x Mia, Ethan x Liane, Jeremy x Cole
Established Platonic Partners: Joshua & Belladonna
Extra characters mentioned: Alexander, Dr. Hooper, Leroy, Finlay, Rose and etc.
The curse broke as the mist rushed through the town then began to disappear like it was nothing. As if the blue smoke was never there to begin with. As Amelia opened her eyes, she realized she was still holding her son in her arms despite him being taller than his own mother as her husband curled both of them into his chest for protection against whatever the hell that was.
Joshua looked around staring at the sky before his gaze fell to the woman holding him, his mother, who seemed just as shocked and confused as he was. Last they heard were whispers in the wind as the clamped of footsteps surrounded them. Nikolai was resting his head against his wife’s very own, catching the ball rolling over to them.
“What the hell just happened?” He asked softly getting a weird feeling in his fingertips, as if he lost a little magic touch that soon will return.
“No idea..” Amelia added then looked at her son, “..hi. Y-you found us..”
Joshua nodded with a half smile, the feeling hasn’t hit him yet that he was in his parents arms. Yes, he was glad they were awake and remembered who they were, reconnecting with him. But it still feels foreign to him, he lost almost 18 years with him. His throughts were cut up by Leroy and his pals showing up, talking with one another then speaking to his mother. Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs. His father was grinning and talking about something else he didn’t catch on to.
“Wait hold-pause! If the curse is broken, why haven’t you guys gone back yet?” Joshua asked holding up his hands with a stern expression.
“He really is Charming’s kid.” Leroy muttered pointing with his thumb which earned a glare from Nikolai, “..sorry. He is just asking the real questions.”
Nikolai hummed, “He’s right. And seeing what happened, we need to get everybody involved and safe somewhere. My brother must’ve ran over to his place by now..”
Just then, Dr. Hopper rushed in telling them that people are rushing to kill Alexander at his home. Leroy muttered, “Good. Let’s watch.”
Which earned a glare from his friends that time as the man shrugged proud of his response. Nikolai was ready to defend his brother but a huge part of him wanted to rail him against the road for pain he caused the people of the town as his wife stayed quiet, realizing they had to go. Joshua reminded them that he was still family and heroes don’t just sit there waiting for a murder, as he rushed off to stop the charge. Nikolai led the others to his brother’s house, with a piercing hand ready to take him down and keep his family safe.
Once the group arrived there were half of the town surrounding the house, as nurse Rose and a doctor Finlay were sharping up to murder the man in charge. Liane’s eyes glowed a firey punch as her hands began shaking a purple light grabbed Alex by the collar and Ethan carrying a dagger. Nikolai pushed The Ace of Heart off him and Amelia held back Liane. Belladonna noticed Joshua pushing back the crowd as she yelled into his ear over the loudness of the yard about the situation as he simply nodded.
“You good?” She asked, which only earned around nod from the tall boy, “Why are you not killing him?”
“Because I am not a member of the public here!” He yelled over the crowd of noise at her.
But Belladonna could tell something was up, however she kept quiet.
“Mia! Snow let go of me! The son of a bitch has my wings somewhere!” Yelled Liane trying to releasing herself from the short brunette’s grasp, “Since when did you get stronger?!”
“Since I am just as pissed as you!” She yelled back, an angry look in her eyes that almost seemed to calm the blonde down.
“Let me kill him! He deserves to die for his crimes against humanity…”
“He doesn’t have to die, he didn’t kill you or anyone of us.”
Meanwhile Nik almost punch Ethan with their fuel strength coming back as he shouted, “Let him go! We’re victims but not murders, killing him will turn us, as dark as he is! Is that what you want?!”
Ethan’s glares soften, as his gaze fell onto his beloveds girls then stepped back, “We have a lot to figure out then. He needs to be locked up for all of our safety..and his, or else I will murder him.”
Joshua and Belladonna watched as their parents took charge of the situation. Alexander stood up from the ground as he curled his hand into fist realizing not all of his power has returned yet, only a mere bit was felt in him, but then his gaze fell onto the children.
Both equally difficult yet different expressions washed over their faces, causing Alexander’s smirk to lessen just slightly. Joshua’s eyes locked onto him for a moment, the same way they did when they were alone a couple of days ago, he looked away and faced his brother wondering what he might do next.
The cell door was slammed into his face as he smirked. Nikolai told him to knock it off as Ethan walked over to Alexander ready to question his actions. Amelia sat down on the edge of the table facing the cell with a glare, keeping her hand on Liane’s shoulder to keep the blonde calm. Joshua was leaning against a wall quietly as Bella kept looking at Snow and her mother, then faced her friend again. Amelia noticed their faces and decided to let both Charmings chat with the king as she led the other out of the Sheriff Station, telling both men to leave once they’re done and met them at Bruce’s Diner to talk.
As both mother walked with their children, a single death of silence ran down their bodies. It felt creepy. Joshua sighs with his hands in his pockets watching them, feeling odd until his mother broke the silence before he did. Bella felt just as uncomfortable as him.
“Hey. Can we all just talk?” Amelia said with a small smile.
Liane furrow her brows, “Not the best time Snow..I just woke up from the nightmare of a nap..”
“Try being in a coma for 16 years Mal..it’s hard, I know. But look at where we are. My son and niece are here in front of me. Your nephew, none of us got a chance to even talk yet..”
“Snow, honey, it’s a lot I know. I just got my man back and wings are here..I think?”
Bella half smiled and nods, “Hi aunt Amelia..or do I call you Snow?”
“Whichever one you want, Bella. I’m your aunt. ” She said with a small smile before looking at her son, “And you’re my kid. I have not gotten a proper chance with you guys yet. You have gotten weeks for your fathers, I only got two days with you..so can we all just talk?”
Joshua took his hands out of his pockets and sighed, “…I am uh, happy we are all here and the curse is broken, but I only wish it went differently..my whole life I was alone.”
Liane spoke up, “But if we haven’t sent you away, you would’ve been cursed or worse, Josh. I would’ve done the same with Bella..”
“I know that. I do…um, theses last couple of weeks were pretty weird and terrifying to me..and now it just got weirder.”
Bella placed a hand on his back and back her friend up by explaining, “What Joshua meant to say..you guys remember who you are. It’s cool, it’s what we all wanted but now things have changed, we don’t know how you guys will interact now in the real world with your kids..and you all have memory with each other, we don’t..”
That seemed to silence both mothers, looking at one another and then their children. They hate to admit it but Josh and Bella were right.
Things just got weirder.
It’s a lot of things to figure out soon, but they had to try.
Liane offered to go to The Library or her house for shelter as the others agreed. Liane and Joshua let the path, as Bella and Mia followed behind. As they entered the Library, Liane could see the parallels between children as Bella acted in a way like Mia by using her surroundings, to create a area to pick up books and finding an space to collect their thoughts.
Meanwhile Josh’s curiosity but stand-off way of showcasing himself was similar to her, and she gets it. She wasn’t smart enough to stay focus for too long and wanted to use her energy to make a point that she belongs somewhere, to fight. She was someone who made plenty of mistakes and felt vastly alone for so long before finding Ethan and her friends to support her.
Liane remembers being excited to meet her nephew, buying everything for him and vowing to show him her land of opportunity. She pictured his little cheeks, how he would giggle and if his eyes would signify something like sunflowers. And here he was, as she saw herself in him. But she sees a mix of Mia and Nikolai as well.
It was weird but nice nonetheless the parallel between them.
She was taken out of her thoughts as soon as the doors of the library opened to showcase Cole smirking, “Ah if it isn’t the mothers and the children. I know you’re worried about Alex and the land, but fear not cause we will have a better place soon.”
“The hell did you do?” Mia asked looking up from the book.
Bella eyed her uncle, “Your the wizard of our world, you have something up your sleeve. What it is? A dragon? A killer beast?”
“You two are similar, I see.” Cole says almost immediately with a dry tone but his smirk stayed, “Alexander is being taken care of now. With magic back in town, I sent an invitation his way.”
“What kind of invitation?” Liane asked now intrigued, “To kill him?”
“In a way, yes, it would be a piercing death sentence. But the price is highly unlikely to payoff. With him dead, someone will have to rule. I assume the heroes will.”
Joshua looked out the window of the library watching the smoke clear up but the clouds remained grey as dark skies rose over the area of the town. Whatever Cole brought to murder Alexander was not pretty…
“Enough with the noise, Cole, but what is it exactly?” Joshua asked this time, still looking out the windows, reaching over to grab something to defend himself with.
“Oh, just a little friend from the other side, from the enchanted forest.” Cole said holding up a hand to stop him from asking anything else and continued, “Yes, our land is basically empty and now dead weight, a wasteland, but death knows all. So I brought a dead body Alexander’s way…”
“What the f-!”
“Who in heavens are you?!” Alexander yelled, he had cuffs on his wrist to prevent him from using any magic as he tried to break free from the cell.
The ghost of knight’s slipped in between the bars of the cell and started to float. A black cloud covered its legs, as its body became like smoke. Its face was covered in scars, pale grey and his eyes were filled with anger. A shining light flashed from its eyes almost a piercing red-yellow color. He had a deep blade that basically made to stab and consume the life of others at his will.
It roared and shakes the air surrounding them, as the room temperature dropped below freezing and rumbling under Alexander’s feet.
Eariler Cole came in and threatened the man, as he ripped Alexander’s wrist and used a dagger to cut his hand. A black symbol appeared on his hand afterward in the shape of a coin with double swords in the center of it all.
For the first time in forever, Alexander was powerless against the beast in front of him. He tried shaking the cell block and jingling the lock but nothing happened. The knight sword started to move around and course the king’s life into the blade as Alexander screamed in pain. He suffered in silence and tears almost immediately appeared, shouting in the middle of the cell for help.
Nikolai and Ethan were gone at The Diner, probably even at the bar to drink their troubles away together.
Alexander has never felt pain like this before and it made him weaken over time, coughing and reaching for the walls to keep him from falling asleep on the ground floor. He wondered if this is how his behavior in the past, finally came to affect him in the future. A lifetime seeking pain for the suffering he caused to others.
He didn’t even know what to think.
All he knows was that he was screaming in agony for help.
The lights flickered in the station and in the view was his brother, who was growling at the man. Nikolai seemed to enjoy his presence as he suffered, Ethan and the others were behind him. He glanced over to Liane whose eyes flickered purple but fearful of the beast in front of him. Ethan rushed opening the cell and zapped the ghostly creature into stumbling back. Nikolai and Liane nodded blasting the figure as it roared fiercely at them then slipped away to the cracks of the window and out of the room.
Alexander sighed in relief coughing and grunting at the thought of his pain still lingering over him.
Liane’s eyes returned back to normal, “What was that thing?”
“I wish I knew..” Both brother muttered at the same time.
“I do.” Ethan admitted as the others nodded waiting for him to answer, “..in the same way death and life appear to be good or bad, so do those ghosts. In Wonderland, we called them Balance Knights, I don’t know what they are called in The Enchanted Realm. It can bring others, if not care to harm everyone…they can either bring life good luck or bad fortune..for Alexander it was death. And the pain he caused to others..”
“Okay so, how do we kill it?” Alexander spat out, breathing heavily.
“You kill no one.” Nikolai responded with a glare, “You can’t kill a ghost without fire and a way to sent it home to its body.”
“I want it dead. How do we sent it back?”
Liane was about to say something but a voice beat her to it. Mia entered the room and was followed behind the teens who held up books, broomsticks, along with a top hat. Jeremy walked in after a few moments with a smirk on his face holding dark dust.
Nikolai muttered something about how he requested them to stay outside and then his wife refused to listen to him. Mia threw him a look holding the book in her hands. Ethan and Liane notice Josh was holding the set of broomsticks and Bella was carrying the top hat. One of The Mad Hatter’s famous hat.
Jeremy explains how he used to study plenty of books back in the day. One of them held information on Cole’s little creature, crediting the teens for the idea, and how to send the knight back.
With that, they got to work.
In the middle of town hall, everyone stood up carrying weapons to protect themselves and fight the enemy at hand. Alexander was used as bait, as Joshua cut a similar mark on the man’s hand to lure the ghost in. With blood on his hand and Alexander standing in the front, the creature appeared once again to take him.
Joshua held up a broomstick with fire almost immediately like it was a sword to lure it closer, Nikolai, Ethan and Liane used their blast the creature. The ghost screamed and shouted roaring, flipping his sword around to fight the trio. The trio used their magic to keep the knight steady as they fought. Mia and Bella made their appearance together, with pages of the spell book open and the hat in hand.
Bella chanted the words of the spell to convince the knight to pause and take leave, as it hissed trying to attack, meanwhile Mia spin the Hatter’s top hat hoping to enchant magic to open a portal. Jeremy poured the dark dust surrounding the hat and the area where it stand, pushing them backward for safety reasons.
The portal only opened slightly and slowly approached into a small circle of blackened clouds. But it wasn’t clear enough for the ghost to fit. The trio was too busy fighting meanwhile Jeremy and Mia were using the broomstick covered with flames and salt to keep the knight from escaping the attack they made.
Bella kept chanted and looking for pages to widen a portal, inching forward to the hat as she nodded at Joshua to follow along. Joshua had a determined look on his space spinning the hat and spreading the dark dust over the top hat. Bella’s eyes narrowed down picking up some more dust from the ground, gripped onto her friends forearm as they both chanted the words.
Like well…magic, it worked as the portal open sucking in the knight into its grand hole back to where it came.
The adults were so preoccupied with the damage and rushing the knight towards the end of the hat, they didn’t notice the aftermath of the chaos. The portal didn’t close on time, sucking Bella and Joshua in, Jeremy was trying to destroy the entire portal but got caught inside as well.
“Not my kids!” Liane exclaimed jumping over and into the portal.
Nikolai growled, “I’m losing more family again!”
Their spouses yelled at them, trying desperately to make a jump for it and exchanged insults later.
Ethan and Mia planned to jumpstart the portal to appear a little long to appear across but it was too late.. Nikolai jumped across the fence and into the portal as it closed right before their eyes.
The only thing left was the hat slowly turning around and stopped on the ground, as Alexander hissing on the floor…
Ahhh 😌 I blame @missstrawbs2001 loving return to OUAT for the inspiration, I love this show very much. Ngl I wanna skip to season 3 or something soon hahaha
What do you guys think?
Oh here are the tags: @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel  @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea and etc
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selfshippingwhore · 11 months
Firiel’s and Astarion’s children-
First Born:
Eleanor || Drow Elf / Dhampir || Druid ||
Snowy white hair, pale skin and pink eyes. Eleanor looks very much like her father right down to Astarion’s smile.
While she may look like her father, Eleanor very much takes after her mother. She is very kind, loves animals and does her best to go out of her way to help people.
Is very much a daddy’s girl, she’s very close to her father.
Is very much an animal lover, Scratch and her mothers Owl Bear Nip’s were her best friends.
Became a Druid, like her mother used to be, trained under Halsin.
Second Born
Fenris || Drow Elf / Dhampir || Rouge/ Magic user
Always tending to have a rather devious smile on his face, Fenris is much taller than his sister. While young, Fenris had white hair though as he grew the hue took on a ashen color. He very much resembles his mother and at first glance he is often mistaken for a Drow elf.
His molten golden eyes and devious smirk is often what draws people in.
The complete opposite of his sister, Fenris is outgoing and mischievous and Ashe grows older he becomes more cunning. He tends to act a lot like his father but deep down he is a mama’s boy and would do anything for her and his sister.
He and his father often butt heads due to their similar personality’s.
Enjoy’s drinking blood, unlike his sister.
Is also an animal lover, prefers animal’s over people.
Trained under Gale and his mother.
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crow-caller · 1 month
as a child there's nothing cooler than a kid who gets subjected to evil experiments and gains special abilities. it's even cooler if these abilities also cause unfathomable suffering to use/against others. children love stories like this.
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civetcider · 11 months
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i wanna be fishing right now part 3
Oakley the black bear and Traver the kit fox, she/her for both!
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ideavian · 1 month
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Rain world ocs but sky cotl
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kokosovc · 1 month
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reporting a very minor injury
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insomgl · 3 months
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Controlled Birthday Party
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vanessagillings · 3 months
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A silly warm-up painting of my characters on a real world AU beach day. Happy Friday, friends -- I don't know about you, but I sure could use one 🫠
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ijustwannahavefunn · 3 months
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And here's another headshot, but it's my Sky character. I don't actually have the hat outfit—I used magic to get the hat just so I could impersonate the character for our group project 😂. We had to take pictures to answer the Q&A questions on our Odyssey Express account somehow 🙈
Anyway, I still have about 8 more drawings to go. It's actually kind of fun to fully finish drawings that I usually leave as doodles or sketches. I'm trying to think of it as a fun activity rather than focusing on the number of drawings I still need to complete 🙈
Alright! See y'all tomorrow 😤🔥
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xeikthyrkinnie · 4 months
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Sometimes i wish the sanctuary manta cape was bigger
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thetobiasfinchgallery · 3 months
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🍎-ˏˋ⋆ vacation in cloudsville! ⋆ˊˎ-🍒
✎ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ little summer piece of chimm-chimm, little comet, and little orchard! ⋆ˊˎ-
🍈 . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ links/comms info in pinned! ⋆ˊˎ-
| my work is not to be reposted without permission, reblogs are always encouraged! |
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muppet-facts · 3 months
Muppet Fact #1120
Glo Worm, Slimey's girlfriend, is a volunteer firefighter.
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Sesame Street. Episode 3882. February 14, 2000.
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serene-sky-kid · 5 months
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Too weak to reach, too silent to be heard, butterflies do not help those who cannot sing
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But you all exist to help others so it was only a matter of time before you were found
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I wonder what he saw in you at that time...
Moth Serene and her adoptive father/veteran I wanted to get this idea out of my head, I'm not really that good at making scenery, I just painted over screenshots to make my job of creating an environment easier.
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spiritonadventure · 5 months
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