#children allergies
My daughter's book is now available on Amazon ❤️💜... The purpose of raising awareness to allergies in children. Feel free to purchase 💖
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critterbitter · 9 months
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Sharing food’s a language of love, I think.
(A Reprise to the twins gifting earmuffs to Elesa)
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For more submas shenanigans, come look here at the masterpost!
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
A drug can make life safer for children with food allergies by preventing dangerous allergic responses to small quantities of allergy-triggering foods, according to a new study led by scientists at the Stanford School of Medicine. The research was published Feb. 25 in the New England Journal of Medicine. The findings suggest that regular use of the drug, omalizumab, could protect people from severe allergic responses, such as difficulty breathing, if they accidentally eat a small amount of a food they are allergic to.
Continue Reading.
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shahabooks · 2 months
Jacq Has Celiac
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Jacq Has Celiac is a children's story about a young girl who has celiac disease and feels excluded in the school lunch setting. She cannot eat the same as her friends and feels alone, especially while socializing during lunchtime with her friends. With her parents' support, Jacq comes up with a solution to help all her friends, including those on other restrictive food diets, feel connected while having lunch together at school.
It is a sweet story about empowerment, unity, and friendship. The illustrations are captivating in creativity, vibrant colors, and relatability. They will put a smile on your face as you feel drawn to follow Jacq along her gluten-free journey at school.
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shahabshamshirsaz · 4 months
New Books
Exciting news! My two new books on celiac disease are finally available! I'm especially proud of these books because they are not only engaging and enjoyable to read, but they also provide a wealth of valuable information about celiac disease. You can order them now on Amazon.
Jacq Has Celiac
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The Magical Cookie
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gay-baby-brig · 9 months
Still inordinatly salty about that time I said I was so proud of Izzy’s character development and a thousand people jumped on to say "uuuuh cute that you just now noticed how funny and kind he is but there was no character development, he was always like that. Real Izzy fans know."
Sweetheart, babydoll, cute pie, sunchild, I am BEGGING you to understand that character development does not just mean a character who hated pudding in season one changed their mind and learned to love pudding in season two.
Character development also means a character loved pudding in season one and wasn't brave or comfortable enough to show how much they loved it until season two. That is the development of the character.
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pushing500 · 7 months
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Everyone say happy birthday to Pro! She's growing up so fast <3 <3
I look forward to seeing where she goes in life. I love her so much. For the T'au Va!
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Our exploding dinosaur is allergic to the ocular forest, I think.
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Noooooo my babies have the flu!!
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Okay, I don't know how many people are in the crossover between the RimWorld Alpha Biomes mod and online worldbuilding projects, but does anybody else get "Mystery Flesh Pit National Park" vibes from the ocular forest?
Anyway, the randomly generated name for our new home is Monster's Basin, which I think is very fitting!
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And finally, Duchess and Blackdragon have brought a little brightness to the dreary red mist of the ocular forest by announcing that lil' Dire Wolf is going to be a big sister soon!! Congratulations to the Babalbil-Mossler family!! <3 <3 <3
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aro529 · 1 year
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From another post…
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cherryflavoredbutch · 27 days
anyone wanna fall in love and be foster parents together before I have to do it on my own
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aller-geez · 6 months
Getting to know: Zeroh Osiris
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199 // he/him // pansexual // Undead (Reaper)
Full name: Zeroh Osiris
Nickname: 0, Oh
Date Of Birth:
Big Three: Scorpio 🌞, Scorpio 🌙, Cancer ↗️
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Physical Appearance —
Age: 199 years old (died at 27 years old)
Eye Color: White/Pale blue w/ grey rings
Hair Color: Black & White
Weight: 157 lbs
Height: 6’7
Race: Undead, Reborn as a Reaper
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: A black “mask” type tattoo around his eyes, three straight lines between his bottom lip and chin, both eyes have a vertical line from his hairline to his eyelids, both hands are pitch black (blighted) and dark bruise-like marks fade up to his shoulders. Usually wears leather gloves to cover his hands. His throat, shoulders and the joints in his arms and legs all have dark scars (think where jointed dolls have their joints), three ring clacker in his septum, plus various other facial piercings
Personality —
Greatest Strength: His empathy. He loves animals and goes out of his way to make others feel accepted.
Greatest Weakness: His empathy. Often times he absorbs too much of everyone else’s moods and energy and will fall into a depression.
Soft Spot: Onyx
Mannerisms: horrible about making ill-timed, corny jokes whenever there’s tension around. One of those people who greatly overshares and trauma dumps without realizing. Because he’s a reaper and sees death constantly, he’s completely desensitized towards it, often resulting in comments/work stories that make others uncomfortable.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Always has what appears to be the spirit of a Raven that flies around him or sits on his head/shoulder. She can dematerialize to be invisible, although she can be heard through the veil. actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
He died at the age of 27 by drowning, and even as an immortal he still tends to get anxiety around bodies of water.
Because it’s crafted by shadoweavers*, his scythe can be transferred through the veil whenever it’s not in use, making it disappear, and can be retrieved again from anywhere whenever it’s needed.
* Kriia’s clan crafted his scythe, where he met and became close friends with her, Blythe and Freya.
Sneeze Content —
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Almost anything small and fuzzy like Rabbits, Mice, Ferrets, etc.
Photic (traveling thru the veil as means of transportation/teleportation triggers a few photic sneezes as he rematerializes from the light it generates)
How severe are they?
Extreme. Even though he’s allergic, whenever called to a soul in need of escort and it happens to be an animal he’s allergic to, he still will treat it as he does the rest, often times holding the animal to his chest as he walks to their destination.
Do they get sick often?
Doesn’t typically get sick because of his lack of a beating heart, therefore a nonexistent immune system, although it’s not impossible.
How bad is it usually?
Although it only ever lasts a day at most, it’s almost always severe, and when it’s at its worst, his skin can leak black ooze, and passing through the veil isn’t possible until his health is restored.
Do they stifle?
Sometimes, but it isn’t a regular occurrence.
How loud are their sneezes?
Usually they’re more harsh sounding than loud sneezes if they’re from his allergies, but sneezes from an illness can become extremely loud, often causing Amara to hide in the veil to protect herself.
What do they sneeze into?
Often his hands. If he’s wearing his cloak, he sometimes uses fabric of the sleeves and/or collar.
How often do they sneeze?
Often. With the number of reapers dwindling and Alistar’s laziness quickly increasing, his case load is extremely full. There’s only 3 reapers in a 100 mile radius, meaning he often came in contact with animals he’s allergic to, as well as teleporting home which also causes him to sneeze.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
2-3 in a fit is pretty typical, although sometimes he’ll get stuck in a drawn out fit of 6-10 over a 10 minute span.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Drawn out fits can have build ups, otherwise they’re pretty sudden.
Do they sneeze in public?
He doesn’t like a ton of attention, but he’s very unskilled at holding back so he just accepts it. Gotta do what’cha gotta do, right?
Often he’s even sneezing every few sentences throughout the entire walk to heaven with animals that trigger his allergies.
Some examples of their sneezes?
hh— huh’AHTSSCHHh’iew!
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Backstory —
‪In life, he was a seasoned thief/con artist that scammed and cheated his way through life, selfishly screwing over anyone he could for a quick buck. After a few years, he’d ruined more lives than he could keep track of, although he didn’t care to. After a freak accident that prematurely ended his life, his soul was condemned to the underworld for his actions on earth. There, he begged Lucifer for his forgiveness and to be spared from eternal torture, to which the devil had two conditions: 1. His hands were blighted, and anyone to touch his bare hands would die instantly, and 2., Because of the Anti-Christ’s laziness, more Reapers were needed to be sent out to retrieve souls for him. Zeroh agreed, and he became a reaper, an entity that is permitted between all three realms, in charge of collecting the souls of any living creature on earth and escorting them to their designated afterlife. He wears leather gloves to avoid touching anyone accidentally After his rebirth as a Reaper, Zeroh fell in love with a human man and was in a 15 year relationship with him. One night, he fell asleep without his gloves, and when he rolled over to spoon with him in his sleep, his blighted hands touched his skin and he was killed instantly. It greatly effects him still, making it second nature to keep other people at an arms length, especially romantically. His lover’s soul was stranded for a few hours until he finally woke up, and when Zeroh discovered what had happened, he sobbed for a few minutes before having to walk hand in hand for the very last time with his boyfriend up to heaven, somewhere Zeroh would probably never get to go. It made him swear off relationships as to avoid prematurely ending a life, and saving himself the heartbreak of losing another person. He used to be someone selfish and apathetic towards the world around him but becoming a reaper and being the last conversation many souls ever had was sobering and reformed him. ‬
He is always accompanied by a raven spirit that he dubbed Amara, meaning “Blessed without end or demise.” While they appear as a crow, they are actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
Reference Sheet —
(Coming soon~)
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sea-owl · 1 year
In isekai portia au, she accidentally saves Eund by saying something to Violet maybe without knowing then she does the whole running off. Leading into yandere Violet and Edmund who decide Lord featherington is not worthy of her so he needs to go and soon
How I imagine this would go that Portia would be in one of her half awake stages where the past lives memories are mixing with current life and she mumbles to Violet about how dirty bee's stingers are and how if they're not taken out quickly they could release more venom after the initial sting. How after each sting your reaction could get worse.
Violet takes that information and tells Edmund. It makes them both wary of bees after that. It saved both them and their children from quite a few bee stings. This also either saves Edmund from the bee sting that should have taken his life or if he still got stung then it was a mild reaction because he had less stings in the past. Edmund and Violet do take notice that the swelling of this sting was worse than the ones he had in the past.
Then Portia runs off after Felicity's birth, her memories returning from her previous life. The Bridgertons return to London to find her and her daughters gone. Edmund and Violet start taking a closer look at Lord Featherington and oh no he has to go. Portia and her daughters deserve a better head of family. Someone, or someones, who would actually protect them.
A part of me will always believe Violet is the one who will deal the killing blow. I mean who would look at this gently bred lady, who had just given birth, a difficult birth at that, to her eighth child and think she would kill a man? No, no, no. The lord had debts, it had to be someone he owed money to.
Meanwhile Edmund knows the truth. All he had to do was set up a meeting time with Lord Featherington and then let his wife loose. The staff never saw them. He could claim he was running late and then pretend he found the body.
Portia still hides away in the country, the Viscount and Viscountess aren't sure where. They didn't even know the Featheringtons had a country estate. But they are working on bringing her and her family back.
When Portia does come back they were not expecting the hoard of children she brought with her. She left with four, came back with ten and a new friend, somehow acquired two more in her first year in London, and the Bridgerton's own hoard of eight children started to fall in love with them. Edmund and Violet looked at one another, they could make this work.
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peachcitt · 8 months
someone should invent a sleep that is will wake me up
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piplupod · 1 month
got to interact with puppies for the first time in my life.... my flannel has holes torn in it bc they played tug-of-war with it and my shirt and pants are mud-stained but i am possibly the happiest I've ever been :]
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shahabooks · 2 months
The Magical Cookie
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The Magical Cookie is a children's story about a young girl who has celiac disease and feels excluded at school birthday celebrations. She cannot eat the same treats as her friends and feels left out of the celebration. With her father's support, Claire finds inner strength, empowerment, and a solution to when her friends are having birthday celebrations, or other celebrations that are not gluten-free.
It is a sweet story about inner strength, empowerment, and a parent's love. The illustrations are expressive, colorful, and exemplify the storyline. You feel supportive of Claire beside her on her gluten-free journey with birthday celebrations.
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theiravshade · 2 years
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ballsballsbowls · 1 year
Cannot believe that I got a five-day weekend and I spent the entire time exhausted and miserable and accomplished only like 3 of the things I set out to do.
Now I’m back to work and NONE of that shit is getting done, obviously. 
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