#children of jango
ryder-s-block · 2 years
Jaig Eyes (Ch 86)
Jaig Eyes (86/?)
Kida, a former slave who now thrives as a bounty hunter, finds herself sucked into the war she advised Jango Fett against. Now that she’s involved, she has to finally mourn the loss of Jango, seeing his face in the clones that man the GAR. What happens when she allows herself to get attached to one, not for his resemblance to her former mentor, but for his heart?
Chapter Eighty-Six: Vod
When the elevator doors hissed closed behind the escaped inmates, I let out a long, hissing breath. I could swear my skin was steaming, I was so angry.
“What did he say?” Rex asked gently beside me. My private elevator from the back rooms was small, making more than three people pretty uncomfortable. And with a Trandoshan…I elected to send Bossk and Boba up ahead of us. Besides, I needed a moment to collect myself.
And we had a facade to keep up.
I turned and began leading Rex back down the hall toward the staff door. “He was speaking Huttese wasn’t he? I know Jango spoke it.”
“Yeah,” I replied gruffly. 
Rex stopped me before I went through the door, turning me to look at him. “Hey, are you okay? I’m not going to turn him in.” Admittedly, the concern had crossed my mind, but I had assured myself I’d convince him to keep quiet. I guess I didn’t have to, and I was actually surprised. He must have read it on my face, giving me a small smile. “I’m not thrilled, but I’m not about to turn in your only family.” He shrugged, his grin turning teasing in nature. “You’d never forgive me.”
“You’re right,” I teased back, relaxing in his hold. He felt it, his hands dropping to rest on my waist.
“Do you want me to leave? It’s okay if you want to be alone with him.”
I scoffed. “Alone with him and Bossk, you mean. No,” I leaned up, kissing him softly on the cheek. “I’d like for you to stay. If you’re willing to put up with Boba being a jagyc to you, that is.”
“He really doesn’t like clones, huh?” Rex asked with a quirked brow.
I pulled from his grasp, pushing open the door as I muttered, “Yeah, something like that.” He doesn’t like you, in particular. I wanted to tell him, but I was strangely embarrassed. Was it my brother’s behavior? It certainly wasn’t that I was with Rex.
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redbean-nom · 2 months
din djarin, age 10: clone wars refugee child
boba fett, age 11: in federal prison for destroying an entire venator while trying to kill mace windu
#star wars#din djarin#boba fett#redbean talks#meanwhile jango; age 14: the actual mand'alor#very funny to realize that din and boba are almost the same age#when you look at the difference in what they were doing for most of the clone wars#din at age ten was a small frightened child hiding from super battle droids behind a space dumpster(?)#boba at age ten was jangos copilot/getaway driver for jedi-hunting missions (and also an equally small child)#then three years later was a full blown crime boss and involved in human trafficking#i really want to see more of the mundane conversations about raising grogu#like among the mandos there's#din (children of the watch hardcore mando): i must teach my small son to shoot#boba (literally-lifelong bounty hunter raised in child soldier central): do you want recommendations for good starting blasters#bo katan: i asked the armorer to make a custom set of knives too btw#the armorer (already made armor for small son): dont you think he needs a flametrhower for his birthday#and then the Associates#they've got ig11 (trigger happy assassin droid); fennec (experienced bounty hunter who fought cad bane at age early-20s?)#krrsantan (crazy gladiator probably-madclaw); koska (tackled boba as an introduction); axe (stabbed paz over a game of chess)#and then. there is Luke.#imagine everyone pondering over how to modify a disruptor rifle to fit very small arms#(because boba's absolutely going to spoil his small green nephew)#and luke just in the background like 'maybe we should. not? give the preschooler a deadly weapon? this is not safe?'#din: eh he's smart he'll be fine#luke; fearing for his life: it's not him im worried about-
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As much as I would love to see Crosshair or Omega kill Hemlock, there is someone who is just as fitting as them to end Hemlock.
Emerie deserves to kill Hemlock. He forgot about her Jango genes and put her in charge of children. She’s gonna kill him and adopt a bunch of children. It’s her fate as a Jango clone.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
15yo Jango: Oh. Um. What does the force… taste like?
9yo Obi-Wan: *is the master of ‘from a certain point of view’* like sparkles and fizzy drinks!
Jango: …hmm… I guess I’ll just ask Buir when we get outta this cage.
Obi-Wan: Okay!
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wonderlandsakura · 2 years
So I just started watching Mando season 3 and I was reading up on Mando lore stuff in the break and now my brain is highlighting all that fun symbolism stuff, so I thought I would chat about it cause ranting to my friends was clearly not enough
(btw this is about the 3 factions of the Mando Civil War)
The fact that Din knows, and is sort of respected by, arguably, the last remaining members (and thus heads) of the clans that headed the 3 factions, the Vizslas (Paz), the Kryzes (Bo-Katan) and the Fetts of House Mereel (Boba), which were the leaders of the Death Watch, New Mandalorians and Haat Mandalorians respectively, is greatly amusing, especially since he's being set up to be the very unwilling and accidental Mand'alor, cause it means he's also technically gained the trust and respect of all 3 factions.
(AND technically also united them, since they've all protected Grogu, which doesn't have to count, but it would mean, symbolically, that he has already united Mandalore, from when the 3 factions were separated. Not that he couldn't actually get them all to work together, since he could totally call all these dudes (since he's had his dip) and they would very likely come help him, no questions asked)
And so, not only has our soft, silly little Mand'alor accidentally earned his title via conquest, he has also earned it by technically uniting the 3 factions, also accidentally, of course, so he's accidentally become even more qualified for his unwanted position. (+ a certain spoilery occurance, that honestly just makes him even more overqualified)
It's really the sword that chooses it's master isn't it.
Din definitely didn't choose the Mand'alor life, but boy, is it screaming crying throwing up choosing him.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
I like to think Alpha-17 has gained a sort of Boogeyman status among the CT cadets.
Think about it: He's an alpha class clone, known for his no-nonsense pragmatism and cantankerous disposition (even when talking to the Jedi!). He only trains very select elite types of clones such as commanders and ARCs, and some say he can even beat five Nulls in a fight all on his own (despite having been severely injured in the past!).
That has got to earn you both admiration from your smaller brothers, and also a little of bedtime terror fright. Because Alpha-17 would have no qualms taking any of them out early if they were a proven liability to the cause (he was willing to blow up the hatcheries if it meant the Seppies wouldn't get their hands on the Tubies and Jango's DNA, this man is not fucking around).
How many versions of "Don't go out after curfew or Big Bad Alpha-17 will get you" stories do you think there are? And do you think he'd be aware of his infamy among the cadets?
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thesexydancingcrepe · 2 years
In response to our last poll where Mimi and Jango tied for "best design"/"favorite kid"
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I would imagine that Mimi deserves the "Best Design" part of this poll, and Jango won out in the "Favorite kid" category
Mimi is pretty vain, but she's fine with tying with her younger brother since Jango, in particular, is such a good boy.
While Jango's just happy to be here 😊
Jango refers to Mimi as "dear sister" because she's hates being called "ELDEST" Sister
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hecckyeah · 1 year
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lead-acetate · 1 year
I wanted to do incorrect quotes with Jango's friends reacting to him starting a relationship with Obi-Wan. but then I realised Jango had no friends 😭
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outshinethestars · 9 months
Jango Fett is captured by Jedi Master Mace Windu.  He is extradited to Mandalore.
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
well time to be emotionally devastated for two years until season 3
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan 7yo, wakes up from naptime in the creche after a Very Important Vision
Immediately skips bail to go out into the temple proper, following whispers of the force (more like cackling lmao) till he gets to a training salle
Training salle is occupied by 15-18yo padawans in the middle of practice, one of which being Kelleran Beq, The Sabered Hand, who is a cheerful teen who wants to be a creche master after he’s knighted
Of course an unaccompanied initiate in the salles is always a cause for concern, so Kelleran comes over to coax the boy into telling him why he’s wandered off
Obi: I’m going with you next month when you go to the production studios for your first filming of the Jedi Temple Challenge
Is questioned on if his creche master just told him that??
Nah he saw it in a dream
Cool cool cool Kelleran LOVES the possessed ones, they’re so cute
Asks kiddo why he thinks he’s going with
Cause Obi-Wan needs an escort to audition for the next season of Sesame System, a show that teaches children and reduces the galaxy’s gap of learning between the poor and the rich, so he can teach the galaxy about what it’s like to be a Jedi!
Okay okay that’s chill lil buddy, Kelleran will be in the production studio anyways cause they’re in the same place
Turns out the REAL Jedi Temple Challenge was the 10 under 10s Kelleran got to help wrangle along the way
Not fully sure where this is going other than Jango Fett (only 3 years older here and not 6) ending up on the same season of Sesame System only for him and Jaster (who’s also got the exact same goals of endearing the public to Mandalorians and is using the show to help point out the Mandalorian kids shows the galaxy can show their kids too, while Obi is pointing at Jedi Temple Challenge) to immediately decide that’s a prime little buddy and now they wanna keep him
The temple settles on a middle ground of letting them babysit Obi sometimes by sticking him in Mando production studios
Kelleran is very worried about baby getting kidnapped by the prince of Mandalore but accepts that Obi also really likes the prince they’re vode now
I. Fucking. Love. Childrens early educational shows and stuff like that. And I want to write an entire series about the shows the Jedi and Mandos could put out to endear themselves to the galaxy and it’s basically propaganda but not bad because the Sith could never get a foothold because Jedi are just sweet little guys with god powers what’s not to love lol
And then the ideas combined in my head when this last Mando episode reminded me of Jedi Temple Challenge (I never actually watched it but I did overall hear about it when it aired) and I decided Kelleran needs to make my dumb ideas a reality.
Obi’s master is a Jedi who’s been doing acting their whole life too but it can’t be Mace because Mace is a theater kid and not a kids show kid he needs a less theatric and more educational master 😔
Ani ends up being on a couple seasons of Sesame System (I specifically chose this as a parody idea because I have BEYOND respect for Sesame Street and I truly believe in the power of kindness and friendship the show likes to give us) when Obi-Wan first finds him and Ani is really nervous at first but they let him rant about sand on the show so they’re chill now
Qui-Gon is not Obi’s master but he DID get wrangled into taking Kelleran and the kids to the studio (it’s in fairly neutral area on a station, but around a planet for outdoor scenes because it’s just easier for legal reasons) and that led to them missing the Telos mission and Xanatos got therapy instead and Qui-Gon isn’t an asshole cause he’s still got his kids
Shmi works on the production station
More kids shows in fantasy and sci-fi settings plz.
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blackat-t7t · 1 year
Tbh I understand that fandom mis-characterizing your fav is frustrating, but like
I 100% do not support the idea that people should be required to re-watch/re-read canon, or even keep to canon characterization in any way
If someone wants to take a cruel villain and re-write them as an uwu softboy who couldn't harm a fly, I want them to be able to do that
Fandom is what you make it. Characters are just dolls we all play with. I don't care if somone re-dresses the doll and cuts its hair but still calls it by the same name. Them enjoying it their way doesn't stop me from enjoying it mine.
And sometimes? The re-write is genuinely more enjoyable.
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cuminhoid · 2 months
how it started: jango getting railed where it ended up:
For the first few years, Kal hadn’t really gone out of his way to help Jango transition to life with the Haat’ade (a feeling Il’buir shared)...
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elanorar · 6 months
Those Jango Fett genes are too strong because Emerie took one look at Eva and the other children and instantly felt the overwhelming urge to ADOPT that every Fett clone has felt at least once in their lives
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furious-blueberry0 · 4 months
"Ahahah look, the clones adopted children because of Jango's Mando genes-"
NO! The clones do this because they decided to be good fucking people!
Kindness is not genetic and it sure is not hereditary, they decided to be good even if their whole life they were taught the opposite.
They decided that instead of using their hands for the violence they were created for:
They wanted to use them to wipe away the tears,
To keep others to safety,
To cup their cheeks and whisper words of comfort,
To hold them until the nightmares went away,
To be kind to others despite what their training told them.
And they learned all this on their own, while their "father" looked at them as nothing more than cannon fodder and didn't even blink twice at the idea of them dying in a worthless war.
In this essay I will-
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