#chimera taehyung
blog-name-idk · 2 years
Mold a Pretty Lie | 03
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Pairing: professor!Jin x Fem undergrad!Reader
Genre: College!AU, Unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, virgin reader, eventual yandere, eventual smut
Summary: They say love is like a garden that requires regular care and attention. Kim Seokjin, your kind and handsome professor, is more than happy to cultivate the vines that bind his heart to yours.
Word Count: 5002
Rating: 18+
"Aaaaand done!" you announced as you finished the final edits on your PowerPoint. Jimin and Taehyung cheered and fell on you in a pile of hugs as you laughed and tried to swat them off. A few weeks had been enough to desensitize yourself to their very physical brand of affection, and you had realized that was just how they were.
"You're the best," Jimin giggled, dodging your hands and squishing his cheek against yours as he skimmed your work.
"I can't believe you redid all of Crystal's work," snorted Taehyung, his chin resting on your free shoulder as you showed the two of them your final presentation. You imagined that from far away, the three of you looked like some strange three-headed chimera.
"I wasn't going to turn in garbage," you replied as you rolled your eyes and scanned for typos. "The stuff she added to the final paper was so bad."
"Are you sure it's not because you don't want to disappoint Dr. Kim?" teased Jimin, his grin growing even wider at the way you spluttered and shoved him off of you. Was your crush really that obvious?
You had always thought he was gorgeous - you had eyes - but it had only gotten worse after that meeting with him, where he had looked at you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. You could still feel the ghost of his warmth around your hands, picture his gaze as he wiped the tears from your face. Every time you saw him, it was like something warm blossomed in your chest, attracting the butterflies that always seemed to flutter in your stomach when he smiled.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you said with as much dignity as you could muster, feeling your face heat up in the face of identical cheshire grins. "I just take pride in my work, that's all."
"Suuuure," replied Taehyung with an obnoxiously handsome waggle of his eyebrows. "Because he's not the most attractive person on campus - "
"Besides the three of us, of course," Jimin finished, making you sigh and rest your forehead on the table. These boys were too much sometimes.
"Are those girls still giving you trouble, by the way?"
You looked up in surprise to see Taehyung gazing at you with an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face.
"What are you talking about?" you asked, your poker face much more convincing than it had been with Dr. Kim.
"Like that blanket statement he made about bullying last lecture wasn't because of you," replied Jimin, crossing his arms and also looking at you in concern.
"Oh," you said lamely, slumping in your seat. "Um, no, they haven't exactly been nice but now they just ignore me, which is a huge improvement."
"Good, I'm glad it helped," said Taehyung with a nod, and the way he and Jimin made eye contact sent a spark of suspicion through your brain.
"Glad what helped?" you asked with narrowed eyes. Something told you they weren't referring to Dr. Kim's stern lecture on zero tolerance for bullies.
"Oh, we just told them we're gay and together," Taehyung said with a casual shrug, as if commenting on the weather. You felt your eyebrows shoot into the stratosphere.
"Er… are you?" you asked, realizing that… you actually could believe it. Suddenly you felt silly for even thinking they had been flirting with you at the beginning. Until Jimin gave you a sly grin.
"Not… completely."
"Oh, cool," you said as casually as you could, like if you understood exactly what he meant. You didn't. But whatever he meant, they had already proven more than once that they were good guys and better friends, and that was all that really mattered to you.
"Anyway, you know what our project being done means?" asked Taehyung, grinning at you and looking so pleased you immediately felt on your guard.
"What…" you began slowly, feeling like you were falling into some sort of trap.
"It means it's time to celebrate!" answered Jimin, putting a hand on the top of your laptop to close it. To his credit, he paused and looked at you for approval before snapping it shut, and the sound echoed throughout the library as you sighed.
"I don't know…" you said awkwardly, only to be met with Jimin's devastating pout. "It's not even the weekend."
You turned to the side, but instead of reprieve, all that greeted you were Taehyung's wide, beseeching puppy dog eyes. "Oh my god, fine."
The way they jumped up and cheered was almost cute enough to make up for the way the people around you glared at the noise. Luckily - or unluckily - they grabbed your bag and swept you out of the library excitedly, and you let yourself be carried by the unstoppable current of their enthusiasm.
The two boys frogmarched you to your dorm, depositing in front of your door with strict instructions to be ready by 9pm, then left you to the overly excited ministrations of your roommate.
"FINALLY!" she screeched, yanking you into the room. "What are you gonna wear?"
"Uh… isn't this fine?" you asked, looking down at your jeans and t-shirt. Sierra closed her eyes as if your words had caused her physical pain.
"Not if we're going out with them," she said with heavy emphasis. "Let's slut it up a bit."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but feel a spark of agreement at the thought of putting in a little more effort into your appearance than usual. It certainly couldn't hurt, right? Phoebe had always put a lot of effort into her appearance, and it definitely worked for her.
"I'm still wearing pants," you insisted, not really wanting to worry about flashing anyone if you were going to be drinking. Sierra shrugged in agreement.
"I can work with that," she said, with a glint in her eye that made you gulp. Exactly what had you gotten yourself into?
It turned out it was actually a question of what she could get you into.
"Yeah, no," you said flatly, holding up the top Sierra had thrown into your face. "Isn't this just a bra?"
"It's a bralette," she corrected with a condescending flip of her hair. "And it's practically a long line, so it's not like it's any different from a crop top."
Right. Because you wore those all the time.
Still, you supposed Sierra had a point… it wasn't like what you were holding was even close to some of the things you'd seen girls wear to go out. You were supposed to be exploring new things and reinventing yourself, not hiding and sticking to the safety of your books and your dorm room. Right, this was the start of new, sexy, confident [y/n]!
Your newfound confidence carried you through changing into your tightest jeans, wiggling into Sierra's top, and putting on your make-up. As soon as you heard a knock on the door, however, it vanished into some unknown corner of your psyche. But it was too late now, and before you could even protest, Sierra was swinging the door open.
"The party's here!" Jimin announced grandly as he and Taehyung barrelled inside, pulling a fifth of Green Apple Smirnoff out of his backpack. They, of course, looked incredible.
Jimin's soft, bouncy hair was styled out of his face, and your eyes were drawn to the way his black skinny jeans hugged his thighs and calves. He was wearing just a simple white tee, but it looked so good on him that he needed no further adornment.
Taehyung looked just as gorgeous, his fluffy hair falling in his eyes in a way that invited unwary observers to brush it off of his forehead. He was almost matching his friend, in a white-and-black short-sleeved button up tucked into distressed black jeans, the top few buttons open to expose smooth olive skin.
You wanted to sink into the ground, humiliated to be wearing such a try-hard outfit next to such effortless beauty.
To your surprise, they looked just as dumbstruck by you as you felt, then Jimin gave you a dazzling grin.
"You ladies look fabulous," he said cheerfully, and Taehyung made a noise of agreement, his own eyes fixed to your sheepish face. You felt your face heat up, and part of your brain wondered what Dr. Kim would think of what you were wearing before you realized you definitely didn't need him to know you were partying on a weeknight.
"You guys too," you mumbled quietly, grabbing some plastic cups from the top of Sierra's desk as she ushered the boys inside, giving you a smug look as if vindicated in the way she had dressed you. You allotted one to each person before settling on your bed, and Taehyung sat next to you while Jimin took the free spot on Sierra's.
"You look really pretty," Taehyung murmured in your ear, his thigh pressed against yours. Your stomach fluttered as you looked into his dark eyes, and you were grateful for the distraction when Jimin opened the bottle to fill your cups.
"So where are we headed tonight?" you asked, trying not to focus too hard on the way Taehyung settled his arm around your bare waist. He was being a little touchier than normal, and it was decidedly distracting.
"Sigma Chi's having a party," Sierra suggested, earning a pleased giggle from Jimin.
"Just don't take any drinks from anyone," warned Taehyung seriously, his thumb drawing ticklish circles on your skin. "I've heard people call them the 'roofie frat.'"
"Ew, really?" you asked in disgust, taking a tentative sip out of your own cup. The flavor itself wasn't as bad - sweet and fruity enough to be palatable - but it was still strong enough to burn your throat. Seeing your expression, Jimin smiled and pulled a bottle of Sprite from his backpack.
"Chaser?" he asked, holding it out to you. You gave him a grateful smile in return, accepting the bottle and taking a gulp that settled your stomach almost immediately.
"Thanks," you said in relief, already feeling the tiniest bit woozy. You really didn't drink often - the last time had been with Phoebe in the confines of her house - but you didn't want to be boring.
Taehyung took your cup and poured some soda into it, then handed it back to you. You took a sip and smiled in delight, missing the way his eyes lingered on your lips.
"That's really good," you said happily, earning a pleased grin in response.
"Glad to be of service," he replied, setting his arm back around you and tugging you a little closer into his body. You tried not to feel too giddy, fully aware that Taehyung was just a flirty guy, and let yourself relax against him. He smelled incredibly nice, and you found yourself playing with his fluffy hair idly as the four of you chatted and drank.
By the time Jimin and Sierra stood up and announced it was time to leave, you were feeling decidedly warm, wobbly, and excited for a night out with your friends. What had you been so nervous about, again?
"You guys are the best," you giggled, accepting Taehyung's hand as he helped you up. Somehow your left foot caught on your right and you tripped into him, and he chuckled, a warm arm encircling your waist as you flushed and tried to regain your balance.
"We did it guys," laughed Sierra, a little unsteady on her own feet and leaning on Jimin for support. "We got her drunk."
"Shut up," you pouted at your roommate, though you let Taehyung continue to support you. Just for balance, not because it felt good to be snuggled into his side or anything.
The night air was refreshing against your skin as the four of you left the dorm, and you let out a pleased sigh, closing your eyes and spreading your arms to feel the breeze better. When you opened them, Taehyung was grinning at you.
"What?" you asked self-consciously, wondering if you looked like an idiot.
"It's fun to see you like this," he replied, reaching to grab your hand and twine his fingers through yours. "You're cute."
He laughed at the way you spluttered at his words, and tugged you along after Sierra and Jimin, who were also giggling about something ahead of you.
Your mind flashed back to Dr. Kim's office, when he had squeezed your hands oh-so-gently in his own, cradling them as he gazed at you with dark, affectionate eyes. You tried to shake him out of your head - there was no way he would ever look at you with anything like attraction in his gaze. Even if he wasn't your professor, he was older and so far out of your league it was laughable that you even had a crush on him.
You forced yourself to focus on the warmth of Taehyung's skin against yours, and the giggles floating through the night air. It was silly of you to think of things you couldn't have when you could be having fun with your friends.
There was a line to get into the frat house, but before you could shuffle to the back Sierra was dragging you to the door, where a bored-looking pledge was holding court.
"Sierra, we have two guys with us, we can't just - " you protested as the boys trailed behind you. She rolled her eyes. "Just look at them, babe. You know that if they're there, more girls will come."
"... Good point."
The four of you got in with little effort, the pledge's eyes fixed to your chest as he motioned you inside, and you resisted the urge to cover yourself.
You quickly forgot the unwelcome ogling as heat and sound assaulted you. You tried not to stare at the raucous scene before you, loud music and voices and bodies crushed together in a slightly nauseating mass.
"Let's go dance!" announced Jimin, his face shining with sweet mischief. He grabbed everyone's hand - somehow, despite only having two of his own - and dragged the three of you further into flashing lights.
Despite your initial reserve, it was actually quite easy to relax and settle into the crowd as the thrum of the bass melted into the alcohol simmering in your veins. Sierra let out a "woo!" that was drowned out by the music, and you giggled at her enthusiasm as you swayed your own hips to the beat.
Jimin and Taehyung were unsurprisingly good dancers, and if you hadn't been drunk it would have made you self-conscious about your own movements. They didn't try to grind on you or Sierra or anything - thank god, because if they had you might have died on the spot.
Jimin had brought along the rest of the Smirnoff, and the more you drank, the giddier you felt. In fact, you were having so much fun that you wondered why the party you had gone to with Phoebe had been so fucking awful.
Sierra decided to twerk on you, making you spill some vodka on yourself as you cracked up at her antics, oblivious to the way the boys' eyes were drawn to the alcohol trickling down your chest.
"Ugh, you party animal," you scolded with a grin, handing the bottle to Jimin. "I'm gonna go find the bathroom." You wanted to clean up. And all the drinking was also making its effect known to your bladder.
"Want me to come?" asked Taehyung, moving in a little closer to sling his arm around your shoulder.
"No, you guys should stay here and have fun," you urged, wriggling out of his grip with a smile. You didn't want him to miss out on the party just to chaperone you around. He pouted but obeyed, and you left in your errant night's quest.
The frat house was packed, red solo cups abound, and if you had been totally sober you might have felt overwhelmed and out of place. As it was, you barely noticed when anyone jostled you, your drunken mind focused on your mission.
Somehow, along your merry way you ran across a kitchen with a keg, acquired a cup full of foamy, semi-warm beer that you watched being poured like a hawk before accepting, and gotten propositioned no less than three times. It was a strange sensation, and you assumed the people asking were so drunk that anyone who walked by would do.
A tiny part of you wondered - hoped, really - that it was because they did actually find you attractive. You didn't think you were a hag or anything - prior experience just made you a little cautious. Though the more you drank, the more that cautiousness receded to the back of your brain.
By the time you finally found the line for the bathroom and did your business while trying to ignore the questionable stains around the toilet, your head was spinning. When you stumbled back into the hallway, it was into a familiar smelling chest, and you looked up to see twinkling brown eyes.
"You were taking forever, so I came to find you," said Taehyung with his endearing wide grin as he slung his arm over your shoulder. You smiled back, woozily admiring his ruffled hair and the stars in his eyes.
"I got a little lost," you said with a giggle, leaning into him to help stabilize your unsteady legs. "I haven't been to a frat house before. It's a lot."
Taehyung nodded in commiseration as he pulled you a little closer, and his eyes softened.
"Are you having fun, though?" he asked, hot breath raising goosebumps on your skin. You smiled and nodded, snuggling impossibly closer. His eyes flickered to your lips and your breath hitched when you realized how close his face was to yours.
Then someone rushed past the two of you and slammed the bathroom door. The sound of retching followed, breaking whatever spell had possessed Taehyung to look at you like that. He made a face and pulled away, though he laced his fingers in yours.
"Where are Jimin and Sierra?" you asked curiously, trying not to look at Taehyung's plump lips. Had you been about to have your first kiss? Or was it just wishful thinking?
"Probably sucking face somewhere," he replied offhandedly, making you snort in surprise. He gave you a mischievous grin and produced the nearly empty fifth. "They left me with this though. Shall we?"
You eyed the clear, innocuous liquid with a woozy head and slightly unsettled stomach, but you figured it was residual butterflies from earlier. And there was no way you could deny Taehyung when he looked at you so hopefully.
You replied by plucking the bottle from his grip, and giving him a grin that was much more confident than you felt.
"Of course."
"[Y/n], a moment before your next class?"
Dr. Kim called your name while you scrambled to pack up your things, and you winced in trepidation. You had purposely sat further from the front than usual in the hopes that he wouldn't notice your bleary eyes or the way you had nodded off during the lecture, but apparently that had been a futile effort.
"Um, hi Professor, what's up?" you asked bashfully when you met him at the front of the hall, too embarrassed to look him in his beautiful eyes.
"You didn't seem yourself today," he observed, and you felt your insides curdle in shame at the concern in his voice. "Are you getting sick? I know you're a hard worker, but I hope you're eating properly and getting enough sleep."
His consideration made those butterflies flutter in your stomach, which was unfortunate because you were also still incredibly nauseous. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths to try to settle your stomach. Unfortunately your pained expression still tipped him off.
You felt a large hand on your lower back, which did nothing but amplify your inner turmoil, and you were gently steered into one of the seats. When you opened your eyes again, Dr. Kim was kneeling in front of you, worry emanating from his broad frame.
"Do you need to see a doctor?"
Shame washed over you as you met his earnest gaze. It was bad enough that you had gotten wasted enough to spend part of the night puking while Sierra held your hair for you, forcing everyone's night to end early. Now here was your amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, kind professor worrying that you were sick, when really you were just incredibly hungover from the first college party you had ever been to.
"I'm fine," you managed to stutter, feeling unbearably guilty that he was wasting his time. Something in his gaze compelled you to elaborate, because you couldn't bring yourself to lie to him even if you lost his respect. And you were so comfortable in his presence, you felt like you could tell him things you wouldn't dream of bringing up to another authority figure.
"It's just… um, this is really embarrassing," you mumbled, worrying at your lower lip with your teeth as you stared into Dr. Kim's hypnotic eyes. Being the center of his undivided attention for such a stupid reason made your chest ache.
"It's okay, you can talk to me," he told you with a soft smile, hand hovering forward as if to touch your arm before he pulled it back. You tried to ignore the disappointment that washed over you, remembering just how big and warm his hand had been when he guided you to your chair.
"Well, my group and I finished most of our project yesterday," you began, looking down at your lap where your fingers were playing with the hem of your sweater.
"Of course you did," Dr. Kim said with a chuckle. The approval in his tone made you flush harder, and you swallowed before continuing.
"And… I don't really go out but they convinced me to celebrate," you continued, biting your lip as you peeked up to gauge your professor's expression. His eyebrows had raised slightly, but he didn't look angry or upset.
"I don't have a lot of experience with drinking, so I went a little overboard," you finished in a rush, face positively burning at this point as you twisted and stretched the fabric of your sweater in indiscernible shapes. "That's why I'm not feeling well today."
"I see."
You couldn't decipher the tone of Dr. Kim's voice, and you were too embarrassed to look him in the eye anymore.
"I'm sorry for worrying you," you murmured softly, voice quivering a little as you realized heat was building behind your eyes. Seriously?? Your traitor body wanted to cry now of all times? Because apparently you hadn't embarrassed yourself enough?
Dr. Kim's gentle hands pried your own off of your mutilated sweater, setting them in your lap before he pulled away. His voice was so, so soft, and the unexpected touch made you look at him again.
"You're in college, things like this happen," he assured you soothingly, an understanding smile gracing his plump lips. "But I hope you were safe? You drank a lot of water, didn't accept any open drinks, that sort of thing?"
How was he so thoughtful? You showed up to his lecture hungover and barely able to function, fell asleep over your notes, worried him to the point he felt the need to check in on you, and still here he was trying to make sure you were safe.
"Y-yeah, Taehyung warned me about that," you stammered, too enamored by his concern to notice the way his jaw clenched.
"That's one of your group members, right?"
There was something a little too casual about his tone, but the relief that he wasn't angry or disappointed with you overshadowed any other feeling.
"Yeah, but him and Jimin were great at looking out for me. It was my fault for being irresponsible," you insisted, not wanting to give your professor a bad impression of them even if it made you look stupider. "They got me home and my roommate took care of me."
Despite your explanation, his face had tightened somewhat, and you fought the urge to twist your already stretched out sweater in your hands once again.
"I hope you'll be more careful in the future," he scolded softly, and you hung your head, feeling small and stupid and oh-so-immature. "Trusting your safety to two college boys you don't know very well… well, I'm glad the night ended alright, but it would break my heart if anything happened to you."
Your own heart stopped at those words, and you silently scolded yourself. He obviously didn't mean it like that. Especially since you had probably now ingrained yourself in his head as an irresponsible party kid.
"You're right," you agreed, and some of the tension left his face. "If I go out with them again I'll definitely be more conscious about how much I drink and what I'm doing."
Dr. Kim's jaw clenched once more when you said you might go out with the boys, but you assumed it was out of worry, and it warmed your heart. You glanced at the clock behind him, and your eyes widened in shock. Apparently over twenty minutes had passed while you lost yourself in the enthralling spell he had woven around you.
"Oh no, I need to get to my next class," you fretted, jumping to your feet, then swaying as the blood rushed away from your head and your nausea came crashing back. Gentle hands held your shoulders to steady you, and a woody, citrusy scent filled your nose. You instinctively leaned in for more, only coming to your senses when his touch vanished and he stepped away from you.
"Uh, s-sorry," you stuttered, feeling like a total moron as you scurried over to gather your backpack so you could avoid looking at your probably creeped out professor. God, this whole day was a disaster already.
"Get some Gatorade on your way," he called as you made your way to the exit, settling some of your nerves. You turned back to smile at him.
"I'm more of a Powerade kind of girl."
Seokjin stood rooted to the spot, staring at the door you had just left from and at a complete loss for what to do about the tempest swirling inside of him.
You had shown up to the lecture looking completely exhausted, and when you passed your usual row in the front to take a seat in the back with a pair of handsome boys, an ugly sensation twisted around his gut. It only grew thorns when the boys teased and poked you, earning an adorable pout that shouldn't have been bestowed on anyone else.
The way those boys had looked at you - they had to be Jimin and Taehyung, he realized - had sent something white hot through his veins. It wasn't hard to assume they might be the cause of your exhaustion, and imagining the reasons why had turned his normally cheerful demeanor stony. You had been too out of it to notice, and at one point he had even seen you nod off.
When he kept you after the lecture, it truly had been to make sure everything was okay. You were normally so active and energetic, and your uncharacteristic lethargy had made him wonder if you were getting sick. A silly part of his brain had already begun thinking of soup recipes, as if it wouldn't have been strange for him to care for you in such a manner.
It was a surprise to find that you had been hungover of all things, especially since you were typically such a responsible student. He hadn't been able to keep himself from tensing in irritation when you confessed that you had been with the two boys, though the vines constricting his chest eased when you confirmed you had ended up back in the dorms alone.
Then there was the way you had been so adorably abashed to admit your activities to him, eyes wide, anxious, and mesmerizing. You seemed so worried about his opinion, and every time you looked down he had to resist the urge to cup your chin to force you to meet his gaze.
You also had a habit of chewing your lip when you were worried or deep in thought, and it was growing increasingly difficult to ignore the way your teeth left the skin red and puffy. The way he was beginning to feel about you was incredibly inappropriate, and he had no idea how he was supposed to put a stop to it.
His actions were beginning to toe a dangerous line, but he couldn't help wanting to take care of you. The image of you, pretty and drunk and an easy target for two handsome boys made his hands tighten into fists. Anything could have happened, and there wouldn't have been anything he could do to protect his favorite student. And it could still happen, especially since you had essentially confirmed you would go out again.
He had no right to dictate what you did or who you hung out with - he was just your professor, and you were just a student he had grown a little too fond of. All he could do was feed you advice and hope it stuck even a fraction of the way your roots had sunk into his own thoughts.
The flush on your face at his gentle rebuke had sent a twinge of guilt through him - was he using your crush to influence you? - before he shook it away. Being alone and drunk with relative strangers was a dangerous situation for anyone, and if it kept you from getting too close to those boys, well, it was for your own safety.
You were a good girl. He knew you would take his words to heart.
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Tags: @moonleeai @random-and-out-of-context @amenjiminsan @innebulae @lonewolfsinclair @seoqity @lilacdreams-00 @chowb @shescharlie @mazmaz30 @definetlythinkimanalien @seokjins-luigi @lucci-girl @xicanacorpse @bighitbabie
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The Rise, The Fall
Chapter 4: To Twilight or Not To Twilight
Chapter Summary:
“Okay, Jeongguk. I won’t argue with you on this one. I still want to live to be a hundred years old, you know.”
“Only 3-4% of humans live up to that age. But I don’t want to argue about it either. You’re free to have your own goals, as unrealistic as they may be.”
He was such an airhead; it was ridiculous. He simply didn’t know when to understand satire and when to joke, or have the tact to protect someone’s feelings for that matter.
Haru sighed and smiled, “Yeah well, I’m the bigger person here. I was the one who said they don’t want to argue about it.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Jeongguk laughed, and Haru noticed his little dimples forming in.
~this is smut
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Hearing her say his name felt foreign, yet welcoming. It was like hearing his name in the dialect of a new language, like uttering a word repeatedly until it started to lose all meaning in your brain.
He’d have never thought that she’d be making herself comfortable in his mansion, let alone saying his name over and over whenever she’d wanted to ask him something.
It felt…different. If ‘different’ was the proper way to describe the warmth he felt in his abdomen when being in her presence – then it definitely felt different. There were always peculiar feelings involved with his human, the little enigma whose soul had no color.
When abruptly, half of the ‘name-taking’ attention was divided between him and Hyejin. Since she’d invited the girl to herself if she seemed to have any questions that needed quick, direct answers. Jeongguk and Taehyung seriously lacked the human tact and patience required to explain such complicated things to a human. Hyejin stepped up as a livesaver this time.
“It’s good to keep regular touch. We don’t know what will happen if your soul decides to dissipate again like that,” Hyejin said to Haru, “You can come visit us after your classes and make yourself comfortable in the study; if you just want to study or relax for a while.”
“That’d be great,” Haru said more to herself than Hyejin, what with the surreal way a demon was telling her, a human, to cozy up in their lair. They’d shown zero signs of hostility or slyness, reassuring her that they were mostly safe.
In a corner stood Jeongguk, a little annoyed at the fact that the girl had slowly began talking openly to Hyejin and Taehyung too. The latter had gone about his business and as per their agreement, and was going to show up after a week with an immediate plan of action.
Jeongguk slowly slid out the room without letting the women know and went into his room. He could use up this spare time to read up more about the girl’s ‘soul-no-soul’ situation.
“I’m sorry for talking like that about your feet,” Haru looked at the floor in guilt “But in my defense, I wasn’t even talking about you. I was talking about demons portrayed in the media I consume, just in general.”
“I got that after a while,” Hyejin replied, “after a few minutes of sobbing, that is,” smiling.
Haru seriously did not know if the woman in front of her was being satirical or that was just the way she talked. She stared at her for any hint of jest or spite, but couldn’t find either.
She didn’t know how to carry the conversation after that remark either.
“I’m a chimera,” Hyejin stated bluntly.
“What?” Haru asked, surprised, “like those hybrid people?”
“Yes. Except I was born out of a demon and beast mating. It’s an exceptionally rare occurrence.”
“Sounds so cool in theory,” Haru commented, “I thought only demons existed here from your realm but now you go talking about ‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’.”
Hyejin chuckled at that comment.
“Yes, well…that’s just the way it is. Us demons, beasts, and spirits have to follow the rules of the mortal realm to house-in safely. Otherwise, our council of elders can throw us back to actual hell. To Mr. Satan or Lucifer, that is. Any name you might acknowledge him with.”
Haru was so relieved at having a girl to talk to. She didn’t even need to ask questions, because her questions were being answered within the conversation itself. All thanks to Hyejin; because just an hour later Haru felt like she was about to cry from all the confusion.
“I can’t help but ask anyway, even though I know the answer.” Haru asked, her curiosity piquing more and more. Is Mr. Satan good-looking; like the way he is portrayed in most media series? And why are demons made to look like humans?”
“Umm, I think you already know this, but no, he’s not good-looking at all. In fact, he’s the worst-looking creature someone might ever see; you’re still a mortal who doesn't know any better. Our demon bodies have similar attributes as our previous human incarnations, reminding us of our humanity while we dwell in the current human society.”
“You know what? That makes lots of sense,” Haru spoke, “Do you all – demons, beasts, and spirits live together or do you have singular territories?”
“We live in different territories, but spirits can be found everywhere,” Haru answered, “My case is different though. I don’t belong in any of those categories.”
Hyejin looked at the floor and grimaced, having re-opened an unhealed wound all over again.
“Huh? What does that mean, Hyejin?”
“My feet, Haru. Look at them,” Hyejin’s voice was shaky as it went down an octave, “I have nobody. I’m neither a demon nor a beast.”
Hyejin looked like she was exhausted of having a conversation over and over that led to nowhere.
“Hey…Hyejin,” Haru stepped forward and slowly reached out her arms to the poor woman, and engulfed her into a warm embrace, “It’s okay. I don’t see you that way at all. You already have Jeongguk and that dude Taehyung with you. Don’t say you have nobody.”
“I know. It just…hurts when everyone decides to just bring it out around me time and time again. Besides, Jeongguk and his brotherhood are the only people that have accepted me for who I am. They don’t pay heed to those bullshit filthy remarks some other demons we clash with usually spew.”
Racism and untouchability was a recurring theme in the devil’s realm, especially in the middle world where it was difficult to properly divide their domains.
“Shhh, shh. It’s kay. I’m sure you have a good bunch of people at hand that will stick with you no matter what. Besides, now you have me too. I’d love it if we could be good friends,” Haru suggested, smiling.
“I’d love that, Haru,” Hyejin replied, wiping the lone tear from her right cheek, “I was going to say I’m used to all this and don’t really cry over it anymore. But having a human comfort me just makes me sadder.”
Hyejin was pretty sentimental for a demon, but having to fight for your existence your entire life would make anyone pass off racism with a scoff. Even so, having a human suddenly acknowledge the fact that she was bullied, made her feel pitiful.
It was as if she lost all power in front of someone who was theoretically weaker than her.
“Hey now, that hurt,” Haru, “I know I’m not one of you but you can still use my shoulder.”
“I know,” Hyejin gave a small smile, “I didn’t mean it like that. Besides, you don’t know the reputation humans have in our realm. Not every demon is like Jeongguk and me. You must be careful with who you decide to acknowledge.”
Haru nodded in understanding.
“So Jeongguk and his brothers are like Twilight then?” Haru asked, piquing Hyejin’s ‘humans are so weird’ senses.
“What’s a ‘Twilight’?”
“Are you serious? You don't know about Twilight? I have to let you in on so much, now that we’re friends,” Haru sighed.
Hyejin could only raise her brows in anticipation as Haru began to roll up her sleeves.
The rest of the evening was spent by Haru showing Hyejin the latest social media trends, memes, anime, and the most popular movies. She’d began learning words like ‘fandom’, ‘cult-classic’, ‘memes’, ‘Instagram’, and so much more.
“You know what? I’ll get you my Twilight Extended Edition DVD collection when I come back tomorrow,” Haru suggested, happy to have a new girl-friend.
“I’m pretty sure I can watch the series on one of those apps you recommended.”
“No no no, you have to watch the DVDs I give you. You’ll never find Haru’s secret Twilight Extended Edition anywhere else, that much I can promise.” Haru was practically jumping at wanting to show Hyejin her Twilight Extended Edition series.
Hyejin laughed at the way Haru was so excitable when it came sharing the things she liked. It made her feel fond of Haru.
Just then, Jeongguk walked in, making a clicking noise with his automatic car keys, simultaneous with his car making a beeping noise outside at the parking area.
“It’s 7:30. Let me drop you home before it gets too late,” Jeongguk gave a firm look to Haru.
“Yes Haru, you should be back before it gets dark. Let Jeongguk-ssi drop you off. I’ll be eagerly waiting for your Twilight Extended Edition movies.”
Haru chuckled again at the last part, not in jest but in fondness.
Jeongguk suddenly looked at the both of them, out-of-the-loop.
“What’s a ‘Twilight’?”
The girls immediately looked at each other and chuckled.
The car ride was mostly peaceful. Jeongguk’s black Mercedes barely made a sound on the road. Even the revving engine was silent.
Jeongguk took a few small glances at the girl as he drove. The girl had managed to break the ice with Hyejin, unsurprisingly. Jeongguk suddenly tensed up, being in a confined space with her all alone made him uncomfortable in many ways. Although ‘discomfort’ was not a way to describe it, somehow it was uncomfortable for him.
“Can I turn the heat on? I’m freezing,” Haru asked and reached out to press the button, her hand softly clashing with Jeongguk as he reached out at the same time, sending shivers up Haru’s spine.
“Your skin is so cold, Jeongguk,” Haru immediately covered for herself. The man beside her was excruciatingly beautiful, and having touched him suddenly made her nervous.
“Just like a Twilight,” Jeongguk clicked his tongue as he turned on the heat and put his hand back on the steering.
“They’re called vampires, Jeongguk,” Haru chuckled, easing off her previous tension, “Your signature look is pretty similar to some of them. All black and cold, sparkly white skin.”
“Sparkly white skin?” Jeongguk droned in wonder and looked at Haru.
Haru had slipped again. It was always difficult around men who were beautiful and didn’t know it. ‘Airheads’, she and Raemi called such men ‘airheads’.
“I said it in a good way,” Haru covered again, “it’s good skin. Many girls my age would kill to have skin like you, Jeongguk.”
Jeongguk looked at her in surprise.
“Ah yes, I get it. But what’s the point of all the maintenance when you live only a feeble few decades.”
Haru was seriously stunned at his choice of words, so bold and simple. How did you explain to a demon something so basic and customary without blowing up at some point?
“Just like a Twilight,” Haru muttered under her breath.
“What’s that?” Jeongguk leaned in closer to hear her better, his breath fanning over the both of them in the cold, since the heat was just turned on.
“Well, you could say we’re just trying to make the most of our ‘feeble few decades’, Jeongguk. A few decades are enough for us to find contentment and joy in the little things,” Haru explained without being too bitter about his choice of words.
Why was the air so thin suddenly? There was no reason for them to argue over who was better or show contempt to human nature.
“Are you angry?” Jeongguk asked, holding a solemn face.
This dude seriously did not know how to hold normal conversations. He just insulted her existence and was asking her if she was angry.
Definitely a Twilight, she thought. Unaware of their own space as well as others. An airheaded one at that.
“No.” It was no use explaining something so trivial and simple to a demon. She’d just have to be sated with her previous answer and not go off on tangents like ‘how could you even say something like that, you asshole!’
Jeongguk pursed his lips and tried to gauge her current emotion, going nowhere with it. He continued to drive silently.
“Who else do you have with you – in your brotherhood, I mean – how many people do you have?” Haru decided to ask the questions herself.
Jeongguks lips curved into an unnoticeable smile, happy to be able to answer her questions again.
“We’re 7 brothers, with Hyejin as my subordinate. She’s not part of the brotherhood but an equally important member.”
“Will I get to see them in person?” Haru asked, “I’m still very disgruntled about the whole situation and can’t believe it all.”
“No. I really don’t think so, Haru.”
That was the first time Jeongguk had taken her name in front of her. It was just like any other word he had spoken, but he liked uttering it nonetheless.
Haru’s eyes slightly widened when she heard her name, but then she frowned.
“Oh, why? Is there a problem?” Scared was an understatement.
“You’re in a pretty uncertain position here, Haru. Nobody except Taehyung and Hyejin know about you. If word gets out about you, we’ll be held accountable at the council. I can’t risk getting my brothers in on this. The more people who know, the riskier it will be.”
That was the first time Haru had heard him speak for so long, altogether. Hearing him explain things to her like she was a docile little being felt familiar, a trait all airheaded men shared. One of them being her own father.
“Okay, Jeongguk. I won’t argue with you on this one. I still want to live to be a hundred years old, you know.”
Jeongguk chuckled at the sudden declaration.
“Only 3-4% of humans live up to that age. But I don’t want to argue about it either. You’re free to have your own goals, as unrealistic as they may be.”
He was such an airhead; it was ridiculous. He simply didn’t know when to understand satire and when to joke, or have the tact to protect someone’s feelings for that matter.
Haru sighed and smiled, “Yeah well, I’m the bigger person here. I was the one who said they don’t want to argue about it.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Jeongguk laughed, and Haru noticed his little dimples forming in when he smiled wide enough.
She stared at him holding his expression for a bit longer, eyes traversing to the chisel of his jaw, his shapely nose, and beautiful, clear skin. She felt heat bubble up her cheeks as she tried to hold herself in her seat.
It’s a demon, she reminded herself. Not a beautiful man, but a demon.
Jeongguk parked the car in front of her house; her neighborhood had a quaint little parkway for him to position his car. A few kids were playing with a football around the block.
Haru got out of the car and hurried to the driver’s seat.
“Jeongguk, wait. I have to lend Hyejin my Twilight Extended Edition series!” she was panting as she ran inside her house, “I’ll be back in a minute, just wait for me!”
Jeongguk sighed and waited, but then decided to wait outside the car.
Abruptly, a football came hurtling his way. He swiftly kicked it into a distance before it could collide with his body.
A boy with transparent-framed glasses came running to him, annoyed.
“Hey, dewd. You just kicked our ball into Mrs. Cho’s backyard. How are we supposed to get it back? She’ll kill us if a single blade of grass is put off in her lawn.”
Jeongguk hated kids. No, he really despised them. They came after you with their slimy hands, snotty noses and looked at you as if you were responsible for everything around them.
“Yeah well, you shouldn’t have kicked your ball at me then. You can tell your Mrs. Cho to suck it.”
“Hey, that’s going over the line!” Another ball came crashing at Jeongguk which he kicked it into Mrs. Cho’s backyard, yet again…
“What the fuck, Dan-ah” Kid One spat at Kid Two, “You just saw him kick the ball at Mrs. Cho’s lawn and you threw it at him again?”
Kid Two laughed nervously, “I kinda, too, wanted to target practice at him. He really is wearing all-black. Wow. And he has a Mercedes.”
How far would Jeongguk have to punt the kids for them reach the Sun? It seemed easy enough. He could just whip his leg on one without a sound and no one would ever know Kid Two just went on a one-time trip to the Sun.
“What did you just say?” He picked both the kids by their collars and stared daggers at them.
Just then, Haru ran out the house and Jeongguk put the kids down.
“What’s going on here? Jeongguk, why were you holding my cousin hostage?” Haru asked.
“It was Sungho’s idea! He wanted to check if he could score a goal on this dude in all-black. Then this dude kicked both our balls in Mrs. Cho’s backyard,” Kid Two hurriedly said, and ran home.
“Sungho, what is this? Mom told you not to scare off visitors. You’re at it again?”
“I was just doing some target practice-”
“No excuses, Mom’s not going to listen to any of it. You better go and apologize to Mrs. Cho before she complains to mom.”
Sungho nodded while pouting his lower lip, then walked to Mrs. Cho’s house, looking back and poking his tongue out at Jeongguk while Haru wasn’t watching.
“I'm sorry about my cousin," Haru said, holding out a pair of DVDs, "Here’s Twilight, Extended Edition. Please give this to Hyejin.”
Jeongguk slowly held out his hands as Haru placed the DVDs in his hands. Their fingertips brushed at the exchange, shooting rays of warmth at Jeongguk’s chest.
It felt different. All over again.
Haru peered up through her lashes at him and smiled, yet again, giving Jeongguk that distinct and unfamiliar feeling in the pits of his chest.
Haru said her goodbyes and began walking inside when suddenly-
“Can I watch it too? The Twilight Extended Edition?” Jeongguk called from behind.
Haru’s eyes widened at first, surprised Jeongguk would even consider watching the series. Then, her lips slowly curved and a bright grin broke out from her lips, showing her pearl whites.
“You can borrow it from Hyejin after she’s watched it.”
All Jeongguk could make out from their evening together was – the different was a good kind of different. It wasn’t a problem talking to her; she wasn’t as much a nuisance that humans were reputed to be.
“Thanks, Haru,”Jeongguk took her name again to ensure he had said her name before.
“You’re welcome, Jeongguk,”Haru matched Jeongguk’s tone in emphasizing each others’ name during conversation.
It was…different.
<-Previous Chapter
Next Chapter->
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bultaonene · 10 months
tk ring fighting au
Jeongguk looks up at the top of the dome, the sound jarring. He can see the audience looking down at him – bored nobles that seek violence as enjoyment. They crawl over the dome like insects, roaring and hitting the metal cage with their canes.
It works like this, the Dome. The nobles, money overflowing from their pockets, pay to see a fight, to see blood. And the poor folk enters as contestants, risking their lives for a chance to win the prize and join the wealthy aristocrats. People say the prize is true, that a mountain of gold and a title awaits the winner, the one that will slay the Beast.
Jeongguk has never seen anyone coming out of the Dome alive.
And yet he's here, sword already bloody after fighting other contestants. His name is shouted by the ringmaster and then echoed by the audience, the bars of the Dome rattling and drowning him in noise.
But then, the crowd quietens. Jeongguk looks around and he sees someone else in the cage with him. They look much bigger than Jeongguk. The newcomer is partially hidden by the shadows and he can only see their silhouette, taller than him and wider.
He isn't worried. He already fought other contestants, even if it was before officially reaching the Dome. Violence is an exercice he has plenty of practice in.
The figure approaches and Jeongguk is surprised to see the other is actually similar in size to him. He's a young man, much like himself, tall and lean. His broad shoulders are weighted down by a strange coat made of pure black feathers and that’s the reason why he looks so much bigger. More threatening.
Jeongguk twirls the weapon in his hand. From the outside there is no information about what happens in the Dome, how it really works. It's all a mystery and so he's careful.
“Are you here for the Beast?” 
The man's voice is deep, but not hostile. Jeongguk doesn't let his guard down.
“We are all here for the Beast.”
The man chuckles, hiding his mouth with a feathered arm. "Ah, isn't it true? The prize is tempting."
No one knows anything about the Dome, but not knowing the truth never stopped gossip. Jeongguk has heard stories and myths, all claiming to be true but none denying to be false.
He heard stories about some contestants that don’t die but can’t escape the cage either. Trapped inside until they decide to face the Beast again and then they either die or win.
The man is strange. His coat, his movements – he can't be a newcomer to the game like Jeongguk. He moves too confidently in the Dome, as if he's used to it. He doesn't look like someone who ever loses but the Dome is full of enigmas, full of the unexpected.
"Do you think you can win, that you can triumph? Against the Beast?"
The Beast is the biggest enigma of them all. Some say it's a dragon. Some say it's a lion. Some say it's a chimera, a snake, a ghoul, a rotten deity. The Beast is every myth that was ever narrated and it's none of them at the same time.
If Jeongguk wants to kill it, he has to get more information about it. He doesn't know what game the man is playing, but he will play with him. Let him talk, let him reveal a secret or two.
"Who are you?" he asks. They are circling each other, walking around the cage but never getting closer. The man doesn't answer at first, just stares. His feathered coat looks like a shadow following him closely, almost as if it has a mind of its own.
"I'm Taehyung," he replies, but does not reveal anything more. He guesses he's gauging him out just as Jeongguk is doing to him. Whether he's a contestant or an outsider, he is facing him to fight.
Jeongguk also heard stories about nobles asking to join the fight, too blinded by bloodlust to realize the risk. That image fits Taehyung better. A cocky noble, with clothes too refined and a stance too arrogant to be afraid of death.
"Won't you offer your name? I offered you mine."
"I'm Jeongguk."
Taehyung hums at that. They are still walking, careful to keep their focus on one another. He can hear some of the audience getting impatient. They want the fight, they want the blood.
Taehyung doesn't speak again, so Jeongguk does. "You haven't answered me. Who are you?"
He doesn't get an answer. The deep gaze stays on him and he starts to feel unnerved. He feels like he has been thrown at the feet of a hungry lion, ready to feast on him. "But I did answer. I am Taehyung."
There is something wrong. The audience is getting impatient, but it's still too silent. They don't shout their names, no, they wait. Eager for what to come but willing to stay still, because they know they are getting a show. Jeongguk swallows. His palms are getting sweaty.
"Are you a contestant?"
Taehyung laughs at that but like before, his feather covered sleeve comes up to muffle the sound. His eyes are crinkled in genuine amusement.
“A contestant? Oh no, Jeongguk.”
Taehyung smiles, closed-lipped and enigmatic, and Jeongguk doesn’t quite understand why it feels so unsettling.
Then his smile widens and this time he doesn't hide it. It becomes a grin that shows his teeth and his canines are long and sharp, just as his eyes are. There are many stories about the Beast, all different. But they all have one feature in common.
The Beast has razor-sharp teeth to tear the flesh off its enemies. Long, sharp canines. And dangerous eyes. Taehyung looks at him and his coat puffs and moves and oh, that’s not a coat, that’s something completely different.
Taehyung is something completely different. He is still smiling when he utters the next words.
“I’m not a contestant. Not at all.” 
or: once there was a winged god that descended on earth. He had a son with a human and the baby was half a deity, half a monster. He is raised secluded, then he's captured and put in a cage. Forced to battle.
But he's the son of a god. And gods always loved blood sacrifices. Taehyung never knew glory, but he becomes the King of the Dome. He becomes the Beast.
Jeongguk is looking for glory and doesn't mind spilling blood, just like him.
Maybe he can keep him as his own pet. Just for a while. After all, even beasts get lonely.
0 notes
worldwidebt7 · 5 years
Sneak Peek: Hell[L]ing pt. 3
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§ — Pairing: Chimera!Taehyung x Empath!Reader (with mentions of Reader x Other Members)
§ — Genre: SciFi AU, fluff, angst, smut, horror
§ — Rating: M
§ — Warnings: Non-fluffy hybrid Taehyung, who can get pretty Yandere, so there’s some scenes of violent death, and some pretty crazy smut scenes, I don’t know, just… read at your own risk, I guess?
Summary: You moved out into the wilderness to live a calm, peaceful life. Your abilities made it impossible to live in crowded places, so even if you wanted to you couldn’t return. But when something happens outside the realm of even your normalcy, you start to think that maybe having everyone else’s emotions bearing down on you isn’t such a bad alternative to being trapped with your own.
Chapter 3 Excerpt
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“You’re Seokjin’s roommate, right? It’s nice to meet you…” You kept your voice as steady and pleasant as you could. He continued to scrutinize you, and you continued to try and hone in on what his intentions were, still only catching the small blips of hostility and distress at first until you saw his shoulders relax fractionally and you caught the smallest spark of the gentle caution you had earlier.
“Who’s Seokjin?” You heard Namjoon whisper to you, causing another aggressive spike in the air. This time, your head throbbed as well; an oncoming migraine more than likely caused by how hard you were trying to focus on your mysterious neighbor. You winced slightly, looking at Namjoon and withdrawing your abilities as much as you could.
“KIM TAEHYUNG!” Speak of the Devil, and so shall he appear. All three of you snapped your head in the direction of the voice that you vaguely recognized as your new neighbor. You saw him before you sensed him, and usually feelings began faint and grew stronger as they neared you. However, when he entered the radius in which your abilities were effective, you were blind-sided by the power of his emotions. Anger, fear— panic, panic, panic. Always with the panic with this man; was he always going to be this intense? At least now his face matched his emotions. Breath knocked from your lungs, you nearly doubled over by the force and you immediately became overwhelmed, only finding little relief in your editor’s voice giving you something different to focus on.
“Seokjin?” He asked you, to which you nodded. The scattered throbbing in your head became a cutting pain, one that had you shying away from the sunlight and gritting your teeth. You felt a wave of concern come from Namjoon at your sudden change in behavior and your sent him a tight smile in return to reassure him.
“Yeah, he just moved into the house up the lake…” Namjoon nodded, taking in this information, and you both turned to readdress the other men before you. Seokjin had made his way to his roommate’s side quickly, clearly out of breath from his fast pace, and you expected the black-haired boy to be looking at the purple-haired man. Except, he wasn’t; his gaze bore into your own as you made eye-contact and you froze, unable to look away. His eyes were onyx, so dark that you couldn’t see his pupils, and completely bottomless, as if they were a gate to the deepest part of the universe.
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BTS Masterlist (recommendations) Part- 1
Part- 2
None of these are my works. These are just recommendations and a way for me to keep track of my reads.
Nutjobs - best friends au
Kim Namjoon
Piece me together - minjoon, detective au, stalker au
Crystal snow - minjoon, christmas au
Love bite - minjoon, vampire au
Devil's hand - namkook, royal au
Under the moonlight - minjoon, fantasy au
A place to belong - minjoon, hybrid au
Caim - namgi, witch au
Home - namgi (platonic), hybrid au
Here there be beasts - minjoon, red riding hood au, fairytale au
Take me under - minjoon, greek mythology au
A devil's plaything - supernatural au
Solanacea - minjoon, gang au, stripper au
Triple plaisir - minjoonhope, camboy au
To tame a fox - established relationship au
Kim Seokjin
Silly Kitty - hybrid au
A lullaby on canvas - neighbour au, siren au, artist au
Monachopsis - namjin, selkie au
Currents - arranged marriage au
Dark chocolate snap - taejin, fwb au
Bad kitten - hybrid au
Warm this winter - vacation au, christmas au
Borderlines - betrothal au
Plaisir d'offrir - taejin, camboy au
Min Yoongi
Speed lane - yoonmin, racer au
Heart haunting - established relationship au
Somebody else - post breakup au, ft. Kth
Samhain's blessing - taegi, witch au, vampire au
Save me, I'm fine - yoonkook
Kingdom of ashes - yoonkook, daechwita au
Evergreen - yoonkook, hybrid au, gang au
Caim - namgi, witch au
Home - namgi (platonic), hybrid au
Feu rouge - yoonkook, brothel au
Better together - yoonmin, rapper au, dancer au
In love with your dark side - taegi, beauty and the beast au
Jamais vu - yoonkook, camboy au
Drown in me - yoonkook, pirate au, siren au
Jung Hoseok
Moon magic - mermaid au, pirate au, magic au
From eden - sope, greek god au
Amae - neighbour au
Not by the moon - friends to lovers au, werewolf au
Molotov cocktail - bartender au
→ Smoked peaches - sequel
Triple plaisir - minjoonhope, camboy au
Park Jimin
Mile high valentine club - minjoon, airplane au
→ Head in the clouds (sequel)
Crystal snow - minjoon, christmas au
Faded love - married couple au
Love bite - minjoon, vampire au
Under the moonlight - minjoon, fantasy au
A place to belong - minjoon, hybrid au
Better together - yoonmin, rapper au, dancer au
Here there be beasts - minjoon, red riding hood au, fairytale au
Take me under - minjoon, greek mythology au
Everything you're not - jikook, wolf au
Solanacea - minjoon, gang au, stripper au
Triple plaisir - minjoonhope, camboy au
Timid - hybrid au
Kim Taehyung
Cobalt blue - taekook, artist au
This little string - soulmate au, college au
Dark chocolate snap - taejin, fwb au
Somebody else - post breakup au, ft. Myg
Spaghetti syndrome - taekook, airport au
Samhain's blessing - taegi, witch au, vampire au
In love with your dark side - taegi, beauty and the beast au
Colorblind - taekook, gang au
Jeon Jungkook
Manager nim - yandere
Synthesis - chimera au
Down the rabbit hole - secret societies (bdsm)
Spaghetti syndrome - taekook, airport au
What's left of life after living - jikook (platonic) , post apocalyptic au
Save me, I'm fine - yoonkook
Kingdom of ashes - yoonkook, daechwita au
A well oiled machine - android au, futuristic au
Evergreen - yoonkook, hybrid au, gang au
Devil's hand - namkook, royal au
Feu rouge - yoonkook, brothel au
Jamais vu - yoonkook, camboy au
Everything you're not - jikook, wolf au
Colorblind - taekook, gang au
Drown in me - yoonkook, pirate au, siren au
Shield - security guard au, bartender au
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weishenbwi · 4 years
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Altschmerz (BTS)
Chapter 3 (Ch 1, 2)
Characters/Pairing: TaeKook
Words this Ch: 2163
Other formats: AO3
Warning: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Summary: “Taehyungie, you smell so good. Like sweat and panic.” Jungkook's a sadist and Taehyung is suffering. It's mostly TaeKook in anguish (I'm sorry babies ilysm). Jungkook loves playing with those who come into the asylum and it's even better when they cry. It’s not like he could ever be held accountable and even if he were it wouldn't matter. He doesn’t ever plan to leave here anyway. Not until the boy with the floofy hair, sad eyes, and love for tiny flowers walks in. Jungkook thinks it would be better if Taehyung's love for tiny flowers and soft things were crushed beneath him. Because lately his mind has been breaking and Taehyung should break too.
Jungkook is a sociopath, or so he’s been told, and he’s not sure why he’s even allowed on this ward. Doctor Joonie, as he jokingly calls him without feeling any playfulness at all, says he’s progressing in treatment and it shouldn’t be long before Jungkook is rehabilitated for the “real world” as they call it. As if it’s any more real out there than it is in here. If anything the rawness is more visceral here, everyone more painfully themselves. In here, it's like everyone's nerves are on the outside of their body and everyone else can see it. No one smiles if they don't want to. Laughs if they'd rather cry. One patient doesn't expect anything from the other. There’s also a lack of expectation from each other that anyone will actually get better. And when someone gets re-admitted, well, that’s just what the “real world” does for you.
Another benefit, Jungkook considers, is how he can watch this boy suffer in his sleep and no one knows he's doing it. In here, I can pull this chair up to his bed and have front row seats to Boy-Has-Daddy or Mommy-Issues, he thinks to himself. In here, I can lean forward and lick the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. Salty. In here, I can place my hand over his mouth and Hold. Hold. Hold. And stop. In here, I have power to give him life as he inhales deeply unaware that I could have just as easily taken it. In here, I can crawl into his bed slowly and gently lay next to him...
His thoughts are interrupted by Taehyung’s awareness that he isn't alone.
“Hu-“ A swift and firm hand covers the older’s mouth playing in harmony with the downpour outside. Jungkook's steady body presses closer into Taehyung’s own trembling one. “Shh…Taehyung. You’re okay. It's Jungkook. I’m not going to hurt you.”  It will lower the older’s defenses.
“K-Kookie? I- What are you-?” Taehyung whispers as his laborious breathing begins to quieten.
Jungkook presses his body against Taehyung’s a little more, nuzzling against him as he would if they were close friends. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”  He whispers. "I was out of bed when I heard you were having a panic attack.” Moving back a little, elbow propping up his body so as to look down on the older who was still reeling, eyes blinking slowly as his consciousness rouses. “So I came to see it.”  Very matter-of-factly. The separation between Jungkook's real self and his mask is thin. Blink and you'll miss it. Turn your head too quickly or not pay attention for one second and you'll miss which side it is. It's an easy feat for Jungkook, owing much to his appeal. Handsome in looks and attractive in mannerisms when he lets the lion portion of his chimera through. It's one of the factors that has helped Jungkook get out of trouble others less so wouldn't be able to. Jungkook is attractive, charismatic, and dexterous for practically everything. He’s picturesque. It catches people off guard because they expect one thing and he gives them another and then another.
Multi-faceted charisma. Multi-faced.
One or two flashes of that sweet, bunny smile have (in many cases) caused people to let things slide when they shouldn't have, when they knew they shouldn't have - but the appeal was overwhelming and so they gave in. Jungkook is aware of this and uses it to his advantage because Why not? It's useful.
“Kookie came to see me suffer?" Taehyung looks up at Jungkook, a small pout forming on his plump lips. For anyone else, they’d instantly do what they could to comfort the older. But Jungkook isn’t like that and Taehyung doesn’t know how to process any of it. Before he can think further on why Jungkook ended up his in room at this time of night, the younger continues-
“I crawled in, of course. How else do you think I did it? ” shaking his head like it should be obvious. “I opened the door because it wasn't locked. They should really do something about security around here, don't you think hyung?" Jungkook leans into Taehyung, chin resting on the older’s petite shoulder. Anyone observing would think it’s a soft and gentle moment between two boys. Whether friends or lovers, it’s sweet and reassuring. Except Jungkook doesn't feel anything. No intimacy. No bonding moment. 
However, Taehyung does and so he leans into Jungkook, thankful to have someone here he can somewhat rely on or at least share moments with so he doesn’t feel so alone. Someone to help the loneliness from seeping into his bones. Jungkook knows his presence here in this room, despite the circumstances surrounding it, have comforted the older- so he continues with societal norms and plays his part well.
"They should." Taehyung chuckles dryly, leaning his head onto Jungkook, tired from this nightly ordeal and his perpetual hell. "But if you don't mind, I should get some sleep. Doctor Joonie wants me to go over some childhood trauma tomorrow and I'm going to need some shuteye to not scream out against suppressed memories." Taehyung sighs as Jungkook rubs his arm softly, the way a parent would as they read bedtime stories to a little one, as Taehyung’s grandparents used to do for him.
"I don't mind." tilting his head to the side and smiling, Jungkook looks passively at Taehyung, before snuggling into his shoulder once more. He wants to play. It's unusual that Jungkook wants to play and when it happens, Taehyung’s usually excited because they both end up smiling or laughing and it’s a nice reminder that after everything he’s been through, there is some happiness still left in this world.
“No... you don’t. Good thing this isn't your room." Taehyung’s brows furrow coupled with a slight smirk. He wouldn't mind a playful Jungkook if he weren't so tired and if he didn't have a session in the morning. But as it stands, he really needs to get some sleep. To be honest, if it weren't for the rules, he might ask Jungkook to stay. He always did sleep better with someone or something next to him.
“No, I don't mind and this isn’t your room either. It’s the hospitals. Since I'm a patient here it’s just as much my room as it is yours... Taetae."
That name "Taetae". Jungkook only uses it when his playful mood is at its peak, which is apparently right now, which is also the most inopportune and unfortunate time for Taehyung. He usually enjoys these rare concoctions the younger brings him at all ungodly hours of the night. Tonight is different. He knows the theme of tomorrow's session and if he could avoid it entirely, he would. But unlike his mischievous bunny, Taehyung doesn't want to stay here forever and if he doesn't get enough rest then he'll have an attack. And no one wants to or will release someone into the free world with that kind of emotional response to something as simple as a conversation.
“No, it isn’t. Get off my bed Jungkook... Please.” It’s funny, Taehyung thinks, that even in the most unusual circumstance he doesn’t fail to remember his manners.
“Oh, well since you said it like that.” Jungkook moves on top of him, defined limbs stretching over Taehyung’s lithe frame, arms resting over the older’s chest. “I’m mostly off your bed now.” A self-satisfied smirk. And now it’s time to play. “Taehyungie, did you know the medicine they have you on for panic attacks actually increases your risk for having one? It's always like that isn't it? Take medication for depression? It increases your risk for depression. Take it for bi-polar disorder or bpd? Well you might have mania.” Laughing outwardly, the younger bends forward, lips and nose touching the sweat on the older’s neck, whose breathing hitches from trying to process everything that's happened in the past few minutes. He can feel Jungkook’s lips open and his tongue slide up against the nape of his neck before breathing deeply and sucking against the goosebumps now forming along his skin. 
“Taehyung, baby, you taste so good. Like sweat and panic.”
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Taehyung’s eyes open wide before trying to shove Jungkook off of him. However, Taehyung is smaller, his body more fragile, and his efforts are futile. He tries to kick at him, push him off, twist and turn underneath Jungkook’s body but nothing works. He’s simply weaker than Jungkook. But Taehyung, even in his state of panic, is smart and can think on his feet. Or, in this case, on his back. He shoves Jungkook one more time before opening his mouth to call out for help and barely manages to get the shortest "He-" when the younger covers his mouth swiftly, firmly, the scent of hand soap and sweat permeating his senses. The weight of Jungkook’s body presses down onto Taehyung as his mouth speaks tenderly onto the flesh of the older’s cheek. “Shh... shh... I haven’t given you anything to scream about."
“And I won’t"
"If you let me"
"Do what I want.”
His kisses are delicate, mixed with the institution's bargain mint toothpaste and a cold awareness of where they are: Seoul's third best choice for inpatient mental health. Curiously there are only four institutions of this type in the whole city. This one is currently hiring everyone from janitors and cooks to nurses and doctors. It's always understaffed. It's why patients who seem more capable help out where they can. Cheap or free labor; a bit like private prison. And so it's more of a playground than anything else for people like Jungkook. But Taehyung’s still new here or maybe he's never been in an institution before but he's never said anything about the small staff and it's a wonder if he's even noticed at all. It's certainly not information the younger would volunteer to the older. As many times as he's played with new patients, it's always better when they think help will arrive if they call for it. And it's even better when no help ever comes.
Jungkook smiles at the thought as his chapped lips press down onto Taehyung’s as he breathes him in. "Fuck, you smell just like you taste. Like fear and sweat." With that a long lick up the side of Taehyung’s face, from chin to temple. Jungkook’s tongue is dry and rough, probably from the medications he’s on, and Taehyung can't take it anymore. He twists and pulls, attempting to free himself or scream – whichever comes first. He can feel his heart rate increasing, worrying that Jungkook wasn't playing a sick joke about an induced panic attack. If he has a panic attack, Jungkook will leave him here and someone will overhear him screaming and flailing against his sweat-drenched sheets, maybe an orderly or nurse. It will look like a random, unprovoked attack. It'll seem as if he's not ready to go back into society. If that happens, he's going to be in here a lot longer than he hoped and what's more he'll be stuck with Jungkook to play with him however he wants for even longer. No. No, this can't happen! And so Taehyung twists and writhes under Jungkook, the friction of their bodies causing Taehyung to sweat even more as his attempts become exhausted, his strength lessening after such a restless night.
Jungkook keeps his eyes on Taehyung, watches him struggling, sweating, panicking. It's a sight to behold. "Taetae, you're so beautiful when you struggle."
With an array of kisses, Jungkook whispers against Taehyung’s lips:  Come on baby. Keep trying. Get that heart pumping. Push against me. Try harder and I’ll let you go.”
The younger thrusts against the older’s hips slowly, Taehyung’s arms firmly gripped above his head with both hands. A repeated motion. He'll take his time with Taehyung. No one's going to check on them until the sun is almost up... if at all. That's just the way it works in this place. They've never caught him before. Besides, it doesn't matter to Jungkook anyway. Even if they did catch them what would it matter? They're already in here. And so he thrusts again, this time with more force. Rough. Hands gripping Taehyung’s smaller wrists tighter. He hopes it'll leave bruises. He squeezes harder for good measure before bending down and biting gently on Taehyung’s bottom lip.
He has such beautiful lips.
Taehyung has beautiful everything but his lips... his lips are a rare type of beauty and they need to bleed for Jungkook.
It's at this thought, Jungkook concludes, that the night will not end until he breaks through Taehyung's delicate skin, until his red and white cells leak out for Jungkook to taste again and again. Nor will it end until Jungkook's spit covers entirely the place Taehyung's tears have fallen tonight and all other nights.
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sometimeinjoon · 6 years
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Most of, if not all, my work have mature content. Please do not read my content if you are under appropriate age.
(m) - mature
(f) - fluff
(a) -angst
(tb) - from my old ass short ass drabbles from literally 2 or 3 years ago
No label means there’s not much to worry about.
Also, if you find anything's been deleted, it's cause I'm not satisfied with the way I've written it. Struggling writer, you know. Trying to develop a style. May rewrite the deleteds later, may abandon it.
Do not repost or translate my work. 
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fire prince!jin, 2.3k (m, a)
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Jalapeno Cheese Chips
bff!yoongi, 1.6k
Even Slower
tb, 425
tsundere!yoongi (?), 3.3k (m, but just kissing lol)
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sun god!hoseok
What do you want?
sugar daddy!hoseok, 2.8k (m, f, a?)
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01 (3.5k)   -   02   -   03
chimera!namjoon (m, f)
Misleading Misdemeanor
01 (4.1k) -  02  -  03  -  04
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bf!jimin, 1.2k (m)
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Don’t forget
bf!taehyung, 1.2k (a)
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demon!jungkook, 2.3k (m, a?, f)
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48 notes · View notes
Jungkook: Wait for it… wait for it… 9:01. Hoseok is officially late for the first time ever. Alright, let’s do this. Who’s got theories?
Jimin: Uh… alarm didn’t go off.
Jungkook: All three alarms? All with battery backup? Come on, who wants to take this seriously?
Taehyung: He was taken in his sleep.
Jungkook: That’s what I’m talking about! Super dark, Tae, but way more plausible than the alarm clock theory.
Yoongi: I bet he tucked himself in the bed too tight and got stuck.
Jin: Maybe he fell into another dimension where he’s interesting.
Namjoon: It’s 9am. Why is no one practicing?
Jungkook: Hobi is a few minutes late, and we’re all trying to guess why.
Namjoon: I’d like a play. I’d say he’s… in line at the… bank. This is fun.
Jungkook: It is fun, but you’re all wrong. He clearly slipped through a sewer grate and is having terrible sex with a mole chimera.
*Hoseok enters*
Jungkook: There he is. Hobi! Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick! Do you care to explain yourself?!
Hoseok: I’m just seventy seconds late! It’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it.
Namjoon: Hoseok, you will tell us, and you will tell us now.
Hoseok: …There was a problem at the bank.
Namjoon: *claps* HOT DAMN!
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princekacho · 5 years
New idea: bts chimera ant arc concept. Taehyung as cheetu. Namjoon as zazan.
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uselessbreadcrumbs · 6 years
Perfect Eye, Weeping Eye
Park Jimin has been a witch in practice for four years now. He moved from the city to the countryside at the age of seventeen to train under Kim Seokjin, a professional warlock and mentor. He never expected to step into a hectic new world, meeting the peculiar chimera Kim Taehyung and necromancer boy-next-door Jeon Jungkook.
For four years now his life has consisted of practicing legal magic with Seokjin and illegal magic with Taehyung, worryingly watching Jungkook as he tries to make a love potion (and illegally sell it without Seokjin noticing), and of about forty-three cats. Jimin's life was crazy, and he never thought it could get any worse.
that is until he met Min Yoongi, who somehow managed to turn his world upside down.
read on ao3
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ateezartblog · 6 years
oo i also meant to send chimera in as well!!
No worries sweetie !! chimera: have/would you ever dye your hair? what colour?
I have dyed my hair :> 
I’ve had red / maroon & light pink ( similar to Taehyung’s colour from Tear ) 
I’ve also had purple highlights as well !! 
I would like to get my hair dyed again but I can’t because of my job :( 
I’d love to go pink again, I really liked how that looked on me - even if the colour didn’t last long it was nice.
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bts-fic-collection · 6 years
Hi! Do you know any Namjin or yoonmin or Taekook Ghoul AU? If there are any for others ship, it’s also fine with me. Thanks :)))
Hi! I do indeed, here you go :)
Show Me Mercy by drannie
Rating: M
Pairings: Taehyung/Jungkook, Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 267,562
Summary: "If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared?“
In a world that has become a cruel, merciless place where citizens live in constant terror of menacing beings called ‘mutants; who possess unexplainable powers, Jungkook is a mutant who is too curious for his own good and Taehyung is a prestigious hunter who has too many secrets to go by.
Borderline by diminies
Rating: E
Pairings: Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 11,137
Summary: Jimin’s life goes from simple to not so simple the moment he happens to stumble on (and catch the attention of) a gluttonous ghoul. One he’s convinced is tied in with Tokyo’s growing crime rate, and one who’s frequent in his nightmares.
Never mind the fact that he had a crush on the guy back when he’d foolishly believed him to be human.
Jimin doesn’t want to talk about it.
The World is Yours to Feast On by metastacia
Rating: E
Pairings: Namjoon/Seokjin
Status: Complete
Word count: 18,552
Summary: There are two types of people in the world, Namjoon realises. Those who live on the bright, sparkling streets of Tokyo where everything is beautiful and filled with hope, and those who live in the dark underbelly of the city, where everything is ugly and steeped in despair.
Seokjin is neither of those people, Namjoon decides.
the one where its another tokyo ghoul au but also unfinished by softcell
Rating: E
Pairings: Jungkook/Yoongi/Jimin
Status: Complete
Word count: 4,036
Summary: yoongi wakes up as a half ghoul and escapes the facility with imprisoned chimera jungkook and become a terrifying duo. they pick up jimin along the way,
14 notes · View notes
worldwidebt7 · 3 years
Hell[L]ing || 05
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§ — Pairing: Chimera!Taehyung x Empath!Reader (with mentions of Reader x Other Members)
§ — Genre: SciFi AU, fluff, angst, smut, horror
§ — Wordcount: 2,974
§ — Rating: M § — Warnings: None. Just an awkward AF encounter.
§ — A/N: Gone for so long, but not forgotten! I love this story, and I don't plan on letting it die any time soon~ I need a manager-- I've got way too many projects! Anyone want the job? LOL
Summary: You moved out into the wilderness to live a calm, peaceful life. Your abilities made it impossible to live in crowded places, so even if you wanted to you couldn’t return. But when something happens outside the realm of even your normalcy, you start to think that maybe having everyone else’s emotions bearing down on you isn’t such a bad alternative to being trapped with your own.
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You were definitely beginning to question your decision-making skills, or lack thereof. Any sane person would never let a man they met once into their isolated house on a rainy day— it was an exact recipe that stereotypical horror films follow. And you were to be the soon-hunted lead female. Whether or not you get killed milliseconds before the credits started rolling depended on how you treated the situation henceforth.
Standing in your bathroom, you contemplated your options as your fingers ran over the plush fabric of the grey towel you intended to hand to the soaking wet gentleman currently standing in your kitchen. First, you could continue on the path you were currently set on: heading back down the stairs to help the supposedly sick boy dry off and offer him a warm drink. This would most certainly end poorly if your expertise of the genre was anything to go by. Assist the helpless stranger, let his quirky personality charm you, then die. Not preferable.
You could, adversely, call the police or one of your friends to come save you and distract your company until they arrived. This would be the smarter move, though you have your doubts that the situation warrants such a reaction. Besides what your extrasensory abilities allowed you to perceive, your neighbor has done nothing to make you think he holds any ill-will against you. Having him forcibly removed from your home would only certainly sour his opinion of you.
Your last option, from what you could organize from your frayed thoughts, was to expedite option one, in which you dried him off, warmed him up, and sent him on his way before any amount of intimate time passed. You figured that this was the best option, even if it weren’t particularly the safest. You had no reason to suspect the boy of any violence or threat, but he made you inherently uncomfortable either way.
His emotions began to blip at a faster pace— nervousness, worry— were the rate of his emotional markers linked to his heart beat? That was something new. Well, everything dealing with this boy’s emotions was new to you. Taking a deep breath, you turn and leave the bathroom. You suppose your prolonged absence has made your guest begin to panic, and you really didn’t want to have his sporadic emotions to get more intense; you were already feeling the beginnings of a headache.
Scurrying down your wooden stairs, you felt his interest perk at the sound of your footsteps. Anticipation— but gentle anticipation. Warm, welcoming; you almost wanted to hurry to put yourself back in his line of vision, and as you stepped back into the kitchen, you felt the wave of relief that washed over him. His accelerated heartbeat kept the bursts of emotions abrupt, but they were soothed, a welcomed change from the abrasive concern.
His eyes were locked onto your form, taking in every miniscule movement you made. You made sure to avoid his gaze and cleared your throat as you stepped in front of him.
“Here,” You held out the towel for him to take. “You should probably dry yourself off…” He eyed the soft fabric for a moment, a shy gratefulness melding with slight apprehension. You sent him a warm smile when a few moments had passed and nudged the towel towards him a bit. With that, he tentatively reached forward and gently took the cloth from you. You retreated your hand swiftly and as he brought the towel to his chest you sidestepped towards the counter. “I’ll make something warm for you to drink, yeah?”
As you busied yourself, you didn’t see him lift the towel and softly burry his face in it, drying himself. You did, however feel the warm glow of comfort sprout in the air like quickly blooming flowers. With your back turned to him, you didn’t bother hiding the pleased look on your face. Finally— you thought— an emotion from him that didn’t barrage your senses.
With water heating up in your kettle and the packet of cocoa already retrieved from the pantry, you no longer had anything to distract yourself with. In an attempt to make this spontaneous visit less awkward and less unnerving, you turned to make light conversation. To begin, what on earth the sickly boy was doing wandering about in the rain.
“So…” you started, catching his attention immediately, his nerves returning. “Your name is Taehyung, right?” you received a delayed nod. “I’m Y/N. Ah, though you already knew that, right? From last time?” Another nod. Talkative, this one. You supposed you should get straight to your most burning question at the moment. “I gotta ask… I did extend the invitation, but… is there something I can do for you?” He visibly stiffened and the blips of his anxiety sped up with what, you were sure of now, was his increased heart rate. Oh, the headache. Perhaps you should rephrase. “W-what I mean is, since your health is poor, why’d you come over when it was raining of all days?” This seemed to calm him, as the frequency of his beats trickled off.
He didn’t answer you for a long while, opting to look down at the floor in contemplation. You did your best not to stare— you didn’t want to spike his unease once more— but you were finding it difficult to do so, seeing as the wet boy in your kitchen, now that he was up close and personal, was too beautiful to bear. Your previous appraisal of his other-worldly appearance was far too lenient; how could anyone like him possibly exist at all? And his dark hair— curled more from its damp state and hanging further over his obsidian eyes— only seemed to add more depth to the perfection of the features it framed. How utterly unfair it was for someone to be so beautiful.
“I—” you just about jumped at his voice, breaking the silence, but not cutting through it. The melodic depth of it filled the room. “…bad day…” he was pensive with his words— giving you all you needed to know and no more. There was no deception to him, but he was clearly safeguarding information, keeping it locked away.
You gave a thoughtful hum, but you couldn’t hide the shock and confusion you felt. He came to you because he was having a bad day? Someone he didn’t know and only met once before? You couldn’t help but feel this was… odd, for lack of a better term. And he seemed to realize this as well, as his eyes never once met yours. His apprehension was understandable now, and his fear of being turned away— he really had no reason to be here.
Still, your heart warmed at the thought that he had come to you for comfort, as unexpected as it was. And, slowly, the majority of your concerns over the situation began to melt away. Yes, he was a strange boy, yes, there were things about him that were odd and seemed unnatural, but… there was nothing aggressive, or dangerous about his intentions. He seemed more like a child than anything else with how small his large frame looked; like he was trying to curl in on himself.
A sharp whistle pierced the gentle atmosphere and both you and Taehyung jumped nearly out of your skin. You recognized the sound as your kettle quickly after having your nerves fried, but your guest was immediately on the defensive, his fear refusing to subside as he took a pathetic few steps back from the offending object.
“Sorry!” you called out to him and you turned on your heel to remove the kettle from the stove. His confusion was evident, and mixed with the other strong emotions bombarding you, you were almost inclined to say that he’s never heard the shriek of a kettle. The noise subsided as you lifted the item off the heat, turning the burner off in the process. “Phew— that scared me!” At your laughter, his confusion turned into curiosity, and his fear ebbed away.
You emptied the chocolate powder into one of your mugs and promptly drowned it in the hot water from your kettle, the smell of hot chocolate immediately permeating through the air. You se the kettle back down on the stove before stirring the drink, your neighbor’s curiosity only heightening. You turned back to him and beckoned him forward, placing the mug of hot chocolate on the island in front of him in hopes he would sit. When he did nothing, a breathy chuckle escaped you.
“You can sit down if you’d like,” you offered, hoping he would oblige. You realize that this directly opposes your original plan to make this visit as quick as possible, but his uncertainty had found it’s way into your heart. You weren’t sure if it was because he was often ill, but he seemed so unsure of how to interact with other people, like he hasn’t had much social interaction before. It was endearing in a way, and even though there were still some things that concerned you about the readings you got from him, you felt inclined to spend time trying to unravel him.
Or you could simply be suffering from your own solitude.
Either way, you smiled when he slowly made his way over to the counter and seated himself on the stool that the mug sat directly in front of. He still had the towel you had offered him clutched to his chest and seemingly hadn’t dried much more than his face with it. Cautiously, he eyed the mug of steaming liquid.
“Do you not like hot chocolate?” you asked, suddenly aware that it’s possible for people to have different tastes. Or worse, because of his illness he couldn’t drink it at all? “Oh, I’m sorry! Can you even drink hot chocolate? I should have asked before. If there’s something else—”
“No! I—” you blinked, surprised. It was the first time he had spoken so suddenly or with so much conviction. He seemed shocked by his own voice, and immediately receded into himself, almost as if berating himself for his outburst. He chewed on his lower lip, “…I’ve never had it… hot chocolate…” you blinked again.
“Really?” He nodded, and his hand slid forward, reaching for the mug. When you saw his fingers wrap around it, you realized how large his hands were— yet another ridiculously beautiful feature as you couldn’t help but think about how elegant the lines of hands were curved around the dwarfed mug. If he noticed you staring, nothing in his demeanor showed any discomfort at the attention, but you were quick to correct yourself when you became aware of it yourself. “Are you sure you can have it…?” you didn’t want to accidentally poison your neighbor if he was allergic to chocolate. A shake of his head did little to reassure you.
“I’ll drink it,” he said with confidence. He raised the mug, his other hand joining the action as the ceramic was completely eclipsed. It took you a moment to realize that he may not be are of the heat.
“Oh, wait, that’s hot—!” you were too late, and you watched him take a rather large sip from the cup. You blanched, expecting him to burn himself, but he only lowered the mug back to the counter, both hands still firmly encasing it, seemingly unaffected. Huh. Well then, wasn’t that odd?
After a moment of deliberation, excitement burst through the air and Taehyung’s eyes lit up. He quickly took another sip of the drink and from the rush of emotions you knew he was absolutely thrilledby the taste of hot chocolate. You stifled a good-natured laugh, not wanting him to think you were making fun of him, and settled for an endeared smile as you leaned forward to rest against the island counter. Why were you so scared of this boy again?
“I’m going to guess that you like it?” you couldn’t help but tease him a little, and, thankfully, he didn’t seem to take offense; he was far too enraptured by the sweet beverage before him. He nodded happily.
“Thank you,” he said, cheer popping in the air around him, making you want to squeal at his child-like wonder at something so simple. Still, you had to wonder— how is it that he never had hot chocolate before? And if he hadn’t had something so elementary, what else had he not been privy to and why? You suppose you could chalk it up to him being ill often, and if such is the case, he must have been sick for much of his life. You wondered who had been in charge of his health all these years and why they refused him such small pleasures such as hot chocolate, making you again second-guess giving him the cocoa treat. But the pure bliss he exhibited bade you believe that just one cup wouldn’t hurt and that it was surly worth it.
He had been so wrought with nerved when he appeared at your back door that any positive change in his emotions was a welcome one. Perhaps he would leave having a better day than when he came. You could only hope.
“I’m glad you like it,” you said simply before moving on, trying to keep whatever stilted conversation you had going. “I’m surprised you came here if you were having a bad day… did you and Seokjin fight?”
At the mention of his roommate’s name, he stiffened, some of his anxiety returning. You must have hit the nail on the head, because as his fingers fidgeted around the mug he looked off to the side towards the floor. You felt bad immediately, not wanting to sour his mood again.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t pry,” you straightened a bit at your mistake, readying to correct yourself if given the opportunity. “If you want to talk about it, um…” What could you offer him, honestly? Why would he divulge the details of his roommate quarrel with you? He barely knew you. Still, he did come to you— as a source of comfort, as a distraction, or as escape, you’ll never know. You did know that you may be his only choice out here in the remote wilderness and so, to an extent, you felt a certain obligation to offer him support. After all, should something happen to you, he and Seokjin were the only ones in miles that could aid you, and you could only hope that they would do so without hesitation.
However, he shook his head, signaling that he didn’t wish to divulge the issue. More mystery then, it seems. You nodded and gave no further attempts to interrogate despite the burning questions that nagged at you, knowing full well about the need to keeps certain things to yourself.
“I…” he began, suddenly standing. Startled, you too took a step back from the counter as well. “I should go…” he placed your towel on the island next to the half-empty mug after a long moment, seemingly disappointed to part with it. Taehyung hesitated, but eventually took a large step away from where he had been seated and began to make his way to the back door.
His sudden, hurried departure had you reeling. You had wanted a brief, eventless encounter, so letting him leave now would probably be for the best. Yet, despite all your concerns, you were still opening your mouth.
“W-wait!” you called after him, stepping out from behind your countertop. He immediately halted in his tracks, shifting slightly so he could see you out of his peripherals. His uncertainty thrummed in the air like drums, making your otherwise silent home ridiculously loud. “The… the rain…” For the first time in the last ten minutes, you peered outside your window, expecting to see the previous torrential downpour. However, to your surprise, it had calmed to a drizzle at some point during your neighbor’s momentary visit. When had that happened?
Sensing that you didn’t have anything else to say to him, Taehyung continued his journey to your glass doors slowly. You watched him with a rock settling into your stomach— this didn’t feel right to you, and as he opened the door, you called out to him again.
“Taehyung,” this time, at the sound of his name leaving your mouth, his head spun around completely, eyes wide and panic vibrating from him. No, not panic; something akin to panic, but not quite so negative. Something warmer… ugh, trying to decipher his emotions was like learning a new language. So, instead of feeding into your present headache, you continued, immediately embarrassed by what you say. “Come back again sometime… we can have lunch.” You felt the heat in your face from your blush and then, unexpectedly, it was as if the very space around you was placed under a heat lamp and Taehyung’s not-panic set your nerves on fire. What the hell was going on?
You didn’t have time to dwell, because as soon as the shocked, anxious boy recovered, he nodded quickly and slipped out the door, taking his blips of emotions and quickly disappearing into the tree line separating your properties.
With his departure, you could finally breathe, and you found that a tightness that you hadn’t been aware of begun to unravel in your chest. Your migraine, which you were hoping would leave with your neighbor, proceeded to hammer away in your skull. As much as you wanted to dissect your more than odd exchange with the onyx-eyed boy, you couldn’t imagine thinking about much of anything in your present condition.
“Bath…” you groaned, massaging your temples and groggily treaded your way upstairs to soak away the pain in scalding, fragrant water.
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jincherie · 7 years
If you had any plans for a part 2 for Synthesis.... I definitely would not oppose wink wink
LMAO tbh I hadn’t even thought of it, I have no idea what I would do ehehehehe
ON ANOTHER NOTE @yminie‘s reaction to this ask was the funniest thing omg, I’ve never seen her so protective before
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ao3feed-minjoon · 6 years
by Minamo_Kittu
This story follows the life of Kim Taehyung, a young scout and spy working for an underground agency that will be revealed soon in the story.
A seemingly simple mission for Kim turns into absolute chaos when the infamous Phoenix Killer gets in the way of his plans.
What happens when you mix in a little good ol' romance that snatches a few unlikely prey?
Main pairing :
kim taehyung / jung hoseok
There will be various other side pairings that will be mentioned and explained as you read further into the story.
Started : Friday, July 13th, 2018
Ended : Ongoing
Words: 1296, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook
Relationships: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Taehyung | V, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Guns, Violence, Dark Humor, Dark themes in general, Bombs, Explosions, Torture
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 years
by AyanaDiamond
"So who is he?" San asked, somehow dreading and wondering the answer at the same time. If he was going to stay here, he needed to know. For him, nerve-wracking caution was always better than blissful ignorance.
"I don't know."
"What do you mean you don't know?" San asked, taken aback.
"I mean, I do not know who Kang Yeosang truly is. No one does." The tall man with fierce red hair in front of him answered.
"But- but you live with him."
"... so?"
  A way early trip from the Heavens to Earth leaves one specific angel no choice but to trust an archdemon. An archdemon, a cold, ruthless creature that is supposed to be his biggest nemesis.
And the strangest thing is that, San is free to run. San is free to get away from him, if he wishes to. No body is keeping him at the hands of the archdemon against his will. But for some reason, he can't leave. Not before he learns the truth behind all the lies that were told to him. Not before he figures out all the mysteries surrounding him and finds the answers for all his questions. Including the biggest one of them all:
Who in Heaven's name, is Kang Yeosang?
Words: 212, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of supernatural is a natural occurrence
Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), Stray Kids (Band), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, NCT (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kang Yeosang, Choi San, Kim Hongjoong, Jung Wooyoung, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho, Song Mingi, Choi Jongho, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Hwang Hyunjin, Bang Chan, Kim Seungmin, Han Jisung | Han, Lee Minho | Lee Know, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Seo Changbin, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Seokjin | Jin, Nakamoto Yuta, Lee Taeyong, Lee Taemin, Choi Beomgyu, Lee Minhyuk (BTOB), Kim Jiwon | Bobby
Relationships: Choi San/Kang Yeosang, Kang Yeosang/Park Seonghwa, Kang Yeosang/Kim Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix, Bang Chan/Lee Felix, Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Demons, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Archdemons, archdemon kang yeosang, Demon Kang Yeosang, Angel Choi San, hongjoong is a hellhound, Demon lee Felix, Siren Jung Wooyoung, Angel Park Seonghwa, lamia kim taehyung, lamia is a kind of demon in this story, Gumiho Jeon Jungkook, Gumiho Kim Seokjin, half demon song mingi, Prince Hwang Hyunjin, Vampire Hwang Hyunjin, former prince kim seungmin, daywalker kim seungmin, skinwalker jeong yunho, chimera choi jongho, ghoul bang chan, necromancer lee know, incubus Han Jisung, Angel Yang Jeongin | I.N, demon slayer min yoongi, Nephilim Park Jimin, choi beomgyu is a jotun prince, goblin kim jiwon|Bobby, yuta nakamoto is angel of death
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