dotsayers · 5 months
hello hello if you are still up to be asked about your wips I would GREATLY like to hear about biggles in space (he has gone to pretty nearly every other place, it is About Time someone sends him to space)
i am ALWAYS up to talk about my wips, thank you very much for asking.
biggles in space is in the planning stages at the moment, but the basic idea is that rather than raymond forming the special air police after ww2 it's the special astronaut police (or similar acronym) which deals with issues occurring outside the atmosphere. very much an alternate universe where regular space travel is possible and spacesuits are lightweight and maneuverable enough to for example throw a large crate of corned beef at another spaceship with some velocity out of an airlock door
eventually they end up on the moon looking for gold smugglers and find von stalhein is also on the moon, but has actually been captured by the smugglers for reasons i haven't plotted yet. then they all have to work together to steal the smugglers' spaceship because their own craft got a tiny bit exploded when they crashed. on the moon.
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kaxenart · 7 months
for the color palette prompts, perhaps temir in 'citric acid,' or any of the hussars might look nice in 'individuation'?
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cadmusfly · 3 months
hello! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹!
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
That's a lot of roses! Let's do different sentences from different WIPs, adding to five sentences in total~
You will meet those who will give yourself up to you, his mother had said. And you will meet those you will give yourself up to.
With the memories that had been gifted to her, some matters did not seem so important- but now she bore the cold facade passed down to her from one too keenly aware of his poise and presentation.
Where he, the dreamer of this exquisite dream, was placed was upon the table itself. His place of honour was a carefully prepared undressing, anointed with yearning and dedication, seated upon a silver plate that was perhaps also a mirror.
[In order, Dragon Soult piece, Reincarnated Magical Girl Marshals (with transfem bessieres), and a dream cannibalism napjuno thing that's probably going to end up in Let's Make Out To Make Napoleon-Senpai Jealous!! yes that's the actual title]
Thanks for the ask!
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natdrinkstea · 1 year
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how could I ever choose anyone else over My Special Fellow and The First and Only Person I Ever Cosplayed the one the only Cecil Gershwin Palmer!!
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you said I could doodle whatever I wanted, so here's a Luna for you!! thanks for the vote
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silverfoxstole · 9 months
art style ask!! in your digital art you have a very loose, liquid-ink way of using lines, where it's almost reminiscent of having dipped your pen into fresh ink for the heavier lines. and there's a thing you do as well with white line-based highlights particularly when you're working over dark blue, plus a combination of light celshading and scribbly airbrush texture that is very recognizable as your own (I'm very fond of the white highlight thing — it's such an interesting way to jazz up that unremitting blue of naval uniforms!)
Oh, thank you! ☺️
I think I must have got the white highlight thing from black and white comic strips; it’s great for breaking up what would otherwise be a solid block of dark colour.
When I was still working with ink (which I haven’t done for a few years now) I used to use a brush pen quite a lot. Now I use a simple pen with pressure in my art app, which gives a similar look. It’s taken me a little while but I think I’ve finally found a style I’m happy with.
Thanks again! 😀
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baronetcoins · 11 months
song asks song asks! how about 'king orfeo' by emily smith or 'runs in the family' by amanda palmer?
song asks song asks song asks!
king orfeo, emily smith
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Ough I love folk music, even though I don't remember I do and seek it out very often. She has a really lovely voice this was wonderful to listen to. Perfectly fits my latest dnd character actually, which is funny.
runs in the family, by amanda palmer
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
Ah I LOVE this song!!! It doesn't come up often bc I have like three types of playlists- artists, vibes, and characters and it hasn't neatly fit into any of those boxes yet so I don't have it on a playlist but it's so emotional in the best way and.. yeah. family problems. yk how it is.
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wromwood · 2 years
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I just participated in a super fun art challenge with @gaymarriedinspace and @chiropteracupola! Our theme was “Softboy Meets Something I Love.” We’re posting our own parts of the challenge individually before the finished pieces (and their previous sketches and lineart) are posted on the Softboy blog this upcoming Saturday.
First pic: My own sketch
Second pic: @gaymarriedinspace‘s sketch and my lineart
Third pic: @chiropteracupola‘s sketch, @gaymarriedinspace‘s lineart, and my colors
Many thanks again to my incredibly talented art friends! This was a blast, and a cool insight into how we all work as artists.
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🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 :3
What about a modern Flight of the Heron re-write in which Keith Windham is a hapless schoolteacher who unsuccessfuly has to supervise a class on a hiking trip?
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(Screenshot from the movie Get Duked!)
Now was the time to call in an emergency, however much he resented the idea of having to be rescued. Wearily, he fumbled in his pocket for his phone, and pressed the key which, in theory, would switch it on, yet the screen remained dark. Keith was almost relieved that he would now not make BBC Scotland’s and all the local newspapers’ headlines, yet equally disconcerted by the very likely possibility of instead having to spend as much time in this place as it would take another hiker to come to this godforsaken part of the world. With his hand to his head he glanced in disgust at the prostrate trunk with which it had just made such painful acquaintance. Detestable country, where even the wildfowl and the vegetation were in league with the school board!
And a bonus 5 sentences featuring Ewen:
“Margaret has gone to prepare a room for you, for the night,” he explained, “but it is not ready yet, as it has to be heated first. We have been in need of a new boiler since 1983, but luckily, the old ways have always answered well to such predicaments.” He gestured towards the fire and stretched like a contented cat. Keith, who had observed this Ben Nevis come to life, quickly averted his eyes when the young Highlander, apparently a little warm in his pullover now, pulled the article of clothing over his head, which in turn caused the underlying t-shirt to ruck up far enough to leave little of the current Ewen Cameron’s astonishingly muscular physique to his imagination. Ewen Cameron however seemed not to mind and, pulling down his T-Shirt that commemorated a highland games competition sponsored by a local insurance firm named J. F. E. Stuart and Son a few years ago so that it once again decently covered his hairy (if muscular) form, stretched contentedly in his chair.
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softboy-pillowman · 2 years
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Everyone in Chrisville is still buzzing about the amazing art exchange that happened between this blog, @gaymarriedinspace, and @chiropteracupola. I thought I’d show a few characters displaying their own appreciation of the utter talent that went into these pieces!
Also, I promise this wasn’t a ploy to get free art, no matter what Dirk says.
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focsle · 1 year
for the ask game, could we perhaps hear about 14, 19, and 27?
Sure, thank you!
14. Any favorite motifs
Not so much in terms of symbolism that’s coming to mind…but I feel like my character designs for Lacrimore really speak to my ideal aesthetics since I’m not bound by any real-world limitations. Which is a lot of heavy embroidery, a lot of draping designs set off by sharper angles. I think candles come up a lot—I’m really interested in where light comes from. So I’m a big fan of candles. And I like a lil blood…..I love a tasteful little bloodiness. GTW will have More-Than-Tasteful bloodiness but I’m sure I’ll be into that too.
15. Favorite inanimate objects to draw
Do bones count? Things that were once-animate? I love some bones. Particularly skulls of any creature. I think it has the same interest for me as drawing insects, in that I don’t ACTUALLY have a preconceived notion of what the thing looks like, so I can really get lost in the structure of it.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
Oh absolutely not. I’m not a sketcher either. When I draw something I sit down with the intention to complete it (though ‘complete’ can mean different things). But no warm ups. I feel the crushing weight of time upon me which means I don’t want to waste time with warm ups. Which I’m sure will have some Artist Sorts gearing up to reprimand me but…NO WARMUPS…..
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graveyardrabbit · 1 year
all of your art is So Good!! I love your drawing style, and the dolls are super cool (also, I’m delighted with Flintlock Fortress)
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malebreastfeeding · 1 year
just found put my favorite blogger deleted their blog... and idk why
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kaxenart · 9 months
art style ask!! you've got a very distinct black lineart look to a lot of your work, but also I always recognize the way you do mouth-expressions and the sort of D-shaped eyes!
It's a stock Kaxen Dude lol
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I feel like I had to bone up a lot on mouths as I stopped drawing anime.
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cadmusfly · 5 months
'crown,' 'braid,' and 'button' for the wip words?
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Crown From the Weird Fairytale Bessimu fic which is currently stalled because I’m wondering if it’s too close stylistically to TDTDODO
In the mirror, where a reflection should have been, a smiling man sat upon a dark horse. Both were crowned in beautiful dark curls, both were attired royally- the horse in tiger skins and gold cord, the man in a uniform of pure gold glitter accentuated with all the colours of the rainbow.
If I actually get a move on with the Weird Fairytale Roi Nicolas fic then it will appear a lot in there too lol
Braid None actually! For the 19th Century Man Hairstyle I’m more likely to use the word “queue” (which does appear in chapter two of Night At The Marshalate), I think, but I really should use “braid” for “cord” in that above excerpt as well.
Button Not actually in my fanfics, but twice in SbS-
The words were green, angular numbers drifting across a computer screen, lights and buttons flickering in odd patterns, and the words were True. Shiloh had no idea how she knew that, but she did.
thanks for the ask!
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natdrinkstea · 1 year
cosplay ideas of varying quality for you and juno also:
something from hadestown. will not specify further.
howl movingcastle (goth edition) and sophie hatter
mallow and the marquess from the fairyland books
the green wind and the blue wind also from the fairyland books
sun knight and moon knight duo of some kind
these guys:
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EM CUPOLA YOU KNOW US SO WELL!!!! I think mallow and the marquess or howl + sophie would actually kill me in real life (excited)
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baronetcoins · 5 months
'ring', 'red', and 'rust' for the wip words, perhaps?
From my awful dastardly sci fi longfic
And with the knowledge of the stars, and how to cross them, and enough of a mind to start giving it form, it took flight.   And on the edge of the solar system, it formed a ring.
From that AU we keep bouncing around.
Montjoy was the last of the main party to ride back into camp—he’d been spreading word up and down what remained of the lines. Rain dripped off tents and mixed with the sodden ground to form yet more mud. He wiped his face off with a glove. It came away smeared with red and brown—even he hadn’t managed to escape unbloodied. 
and no hits for rust!
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