#chit show
Watching a Vinny (Vinesauce) video from 6 years ago where he’s saying we are all going to hell but he will be there streaming video games for us. So, it’s cool.
I don’t know why I make posts like this here.
I’ve been up sick all night, I may be a little delirious.
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joeyclaire · 6 months
ultimately it doesn’t matter if you think benson likes women or not because the important thing is he would be absolutely terrible at having sex with them. let us all be grateful he’s pledged his dick to some twink a decade younger than him.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
Sonic wanting to help Knuckles so badly but not at all understanding why he can't just chill out and entertain himself has me going feral.
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As if I'm not insane enough about them forming a bond while being two child victims of a war that wiped out each others' families??? but I digress. The way their last interactions with their parental figures played out speaks such volumes about who they eventually became. Sonic's final instruction from Long Claw was to stay hidden and to never stop running. Eventually, Long Claw changed her tune in the message she left on the map to the master emerald, but until then she had made it abundantly clear that she wanted nothing more than for Sonic to just live his own life far from danger.
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Sonic took this to heart. He never stopped running, physically and emotionally. He's all about fun and self-distraction, and while he eventually overcame that pressure to stay hidden in order to take on a more heroic role, he does what he can to live up to Long Claw's expectations: live his own life and be himself.
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On the opposite end of things is Knuckles. He said he was "trained since birth in all forms of lethal combat." Knuckles was set up to go to war from the moment he hatched, and the last thing that his father said to him was an assurance that he would one day bring honor to their tribe.
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So that became his main goal from then on. He fought his way to the ends of the world until he was renowned as the most dangerous warrior in the galaxy. He spent every waking moment trying to track Sonic down so he could fulfill his destiny and reclaim the master emerald.
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He, like Sonic, lived a life of isolation, dedicated to honoring the memory of a dead parental figure, but while Sonic never stopped being his own person, Knuckles never quite started being his own person. He remains with the Wachowskis to honor a vow he made to Sonic and Tails. He tears the living room apart so that the household pet can face his "greatest enemy." He goes on a road trip with Wade to help him train after he gets kicked off his bowling team. How can he just step back and entertain himself when all "himself" has ever been is what he can be for his tribe? Old and new? How is he supposed to relax when he has probably, no exaggeration, never relaxed a single day of his life?
How can he take a break from being a warrior when being a warrior is all he has ever known?
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He literally didn't know the definition of the word fun until Sonic taught him how to play "base of ball." What has been Sonic's coping mechanisms his entire life are, to Knuckles, completely counterintuitive and alien.
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I wanna imagine that Neuvillette is also aware, and hoards y/n there so he and Ajax are the only two who know, though Ajax doesn’t know Neuvillette knows
Ough I need to redraw my melusona
every once in a while- aka every week- you vanish for one day. always the same day, too- always on Sunday, from dawn until dusk. Foul Legacy absolutely PANICS at first, checking every nook and cranny of Merusea Village with desperate cries and chirps. a few other Melusine even join him in a tizzy, looking for their missing sibling, when suddenly you walk into the caverns as if nothing happened at all, perfectly whole and healthy. Legacy chitters, frantically fussing over you, but you merely hug his leg with a lovely smile, bloopy antennae twitching as you stare up with innocent eyes. his panic fades, replaced by exasperation, and Legacy lifts you into his arms with an admonishing trill. a couple Melusine trail behind him as he carries you to the little shell cottage you reside in, huffing and checking your skin, making sure no other shimmering markings have joined your vast collection- beautiful scars, yes, but scars mean wounds. there's nothing new, and Legacy finally relents and bumps his head protectively against yours
the same thing happens again the next week. and the next, and the next
slowly, Legacy and your siblings grow used to it. the disappearances almost become part of your schedule, like painting with Mamere every Tuesday or late afternoon tea. you never emerge worse for wear, quite the opposite, and after the first incident you leave little notes for Foul Legacy in the morning to tell him you're okay. the other Melusine shrug and keep him company those days, climbing over him like a tree and giggling in delight. none of them know you're with the Iudex himself, helping him arrange flowers in a vase in his office. Neuvillette watches you quietly, his eyes tracing over those familiar shining scars, the ones that tore you apart in the first place. there's a trace of Abyssal magic on you, but also the care and protection of every other Melusine in Fontaine, and the Hydro Sovereign smiles just a bit when you tie a bow around the vase and look up at him happily
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meep-meep-richie · 10 months
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I need 20 more seasons of this
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angelicblondie · 2 months
I love the PJO show ver. of Luke, I'm so very normal about him skvqmw
So, for a fanfic request, I was thinking... It's the 4th of July, so everyone is staying up late, and fem!child of Apollo user and Luke are off in a different part of Camp to see the fireworks. And well their alone and waiting, he confesses how he fell in love with her (they're dating to begin with btw), and she lights up.
Like, glow-wise. Like Will can do.
awww this is the cutest thing ever!! im not exactly sure what you mean by "glow-wise" (bc i admit i havent read any of the recent books bc i just couldnt get into them), but i'll try my best hehe <333
the fourth of the july was your favorite day of the whole summer each year. you weren't exactly sure why - maybe it was that all camp duties were dismissed for the day, maybe it was that you held a deep love of america (which you didn't of course, but something about the fourth of july strangely made you a bit patriotic), or maybe it was that all the senior campers snuck off to the beach to watch the fireworks light. "snuck" might be the wrong word, considering chiron and mr. d definitely knew about it, but obviously they didn't really care since you guys never got in trouble.
moments like these were times you got to escape reality, even if it was just for a moment. it was a breath of fresh air to just be like every other teenager in the country, make a bonfire at the beach, and watch the fireworks. it was nice to pretend.
you, like every other person on the beach, had a red solo cup in your hands, taking leisurely sips. you decided to take it easy tonight - you wanted to witness the fireworks fully sober, which was unlike last year when you got plastered and your poor best friend (now boyfriend) luke had to take care of you the whole night. bless his heart!!
after spending the first half of the night chatting away with your girlfriends, luke came up behind you, placing his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. you didn't even flinch, knowing it was him, and you leaned back against him, hugging his arms around you with warm smile.
luke greeted your friends (who were smiling teasingly at your lovesick expression) and asked to take you away, to which they gave in with no hesitation. luke whisked you away to walk along the shore, away from the gathering.
you hugged his arm as it began to get chillier away from the fire, and right by the water. you walked mostly in silence, enjoying the pure serenity and peace in the moment, loving the way his arms radiated warmth into your skin.
you eventually found a log to sit on, the chatter of the gathering being out of earshot, but the bonfire still being visible. luke tore off his hoodie for you, and you swore to him as you put it on that you would return it (which you both knew wasnt true).
even with his hoodie on you still cuddled up close to him, staring out into the pitch black water and starry sky. "where did connor and travis even get these fireworks?" you ask him, voice muffled into his arm.
luke chuckled a bit when asked about his siblings. "zues knows," he muttered, turning down to look at you, cheeks scrunched up against his bicep with a faraway look in your eyes. for some reason, he couldn't stop looking at you - the way the water view in front of you reflected in your eyes, the way your lips sat in a gentle pout, how big his hoodie was on you - it gave him a sense of pride that you were his. that he had somehow, someway, managed to get you.
he began to smile to himself, and shook his head, almost as if he couldn't believe this was his life. and the way you looked up at him, turning your eyesight away from the view solidified his admiration.
you looked up at him the same way you looked at the stars and sea just then - with wonder and serenity. you bit your lip for a moment, as if you were hesitating to speak. "when'd you fall in love w'me?" you ask quietly and curiously.
luke raises his eyebrows at your question. "jeez, sunshine, where'd that come from?" he asks, and you giggle softly. "i dunno, i guess i was j'wondering," you explain, still looking up at him fondly.
luke blows out a breath of air and looks away to think. he racked his brain, trying to remember. in truth, luke believed he had always been in love with you, or as least slowly falling over time. but, if he thought about it, there was one moment he remembered admitting it to himself.
it was on your last birthday, a couple months after the two of you had started dating. your father (apollo), like every year, had left you a gift on your side table to wake up to. this year it had been a necklace with a sun on it, and he remembered you were so excited. "its like i can carry a piece of him everywhere!" you had excitedly squealed to your boyfriend after breakfast. he also remembered all the other years before feeling a bit jealous - and being incredibly guilty about it. your father gave you gifts, and visited you in your dreams - yet his father could only ever give him a doomed quest. he always knew he should've been souly happy for you, and he was, but the fucked up and bitter part of him was a bit envious of the love you had received effortlessly. now looking back, it felt stupid, because he didnt need his father to love him - as long as you did, nothing else mattered in his books.
he guessed that it was then when he realized that he loved you. this time around, he couldn't even be jealous, because he understood. luke loved you so much, that if he could, he would give you just abut anything you desired, simply for existing. he didn't have it in him to be bitter, because he was just so happy that you were happy on your special day.
after a moment, luke turned back to you to explain. the whole time he spoke, you lips were twisted in a soft smile and your eyes were lit up, feeling in awe of how lucky you were. moments like these made you feel grateful for your boyfriend. you didn't exactly know what life would look like without him, but you knew you never wanted to find out.
you pouted. "aww, lukey, that was adorable!" you exclaim, your hoodie-covered fingers grabbing his face and placing a fat kiss on his lips. he chuckled. "alright, back up." he joked.
you giggled, resting you head on his shoulder. "love you, luke." you say softly and quietly.
"love y'too, sunshine." luke whispered back, scincere michief filling his voice.
not too long after, the fireworks were lit, and you and luke watched in awe as the bright colors filled the sky, hearing the distant whoops and hollars from the campers not far away along the shore. luke tried to distract you, peppering kisses on you face and tickling you, so you giggled you scolded him, telling him you wanted to enjoy the moment and look at the fireworks. but you knew deep down that his teasing would only make the memory sweeter, and undoubtedly unforgettable.
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merakiui · 6 months
Mera have you ever wonder…
Doctor Azul…
Doctor Jade….
Doctor……… Floyd….
i’m on my knees for you to give me crumbs of yandere doctors of the octa trio cus it’s been HAUNTING MY MIND SO BADDD🛐🛐🛐
- 🦐 anon
MY DEAREST 🦐, YOUR BRAIN IS MARVELOUS!!!!!! We've discussed ob-gyn Azul on the blog before, but I don't think I've talked much about pediatrician Floyd!!! :D
Dr. Floyd Leech who has essentially watched your child grow up. He was there when they were a newborn in need of their first shots and whatnot, and he's still here now that they're a toddler. He happily anticipates your visits because he just loves getting to see his beloved Shrimpy. Everyone thinks Dr. Leech is wonderful. He's great with the kids, his coworkers appreciate how hardworking he is (when he's in the mood, that is), and parents have voiced their praise for him. You think he's a great doctor, always so friendly and sweet. He always knows just what to say whenever your child is worried about getting shots.
Sometimes Floyd peeks at the records they have on file just to learn your address or phone number. If you conveniently run into your child's pediatrician at your local grocery store, don't think about it too deeply. It's just a happy coincidence.
Doctor Jade.......... hmmmmmm. Surgeon Jade Leech who becomes infatuated with you after you come in and meet with him in anticipation of a major surgery you're scheduled to have. He's just so polite and intelligent, so you never think anything's amiss. But the truth is that Jade can't wait to open you up and look inside you. He thinks it's so romantic. After all, if he intends to get to know you, he ought to start from the inside. :)
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enluv · 1 year
— just a thought.
the excessive amount of hate writers have been getting lately is actually terrible?? it blows my mind that people can be so bold and mean on anon but if that anon button was not available they’d NEVER think to send that hate. it’s actually crazy to think that people believe writers owe them anything, yes we’re thankful that you support and read our stories but we are also human, we have feelings and lives too!! please remember that and remember to be kind to your favorite writers (all writers at that) because they work hard to provide you with amazing stories and writings everyday!!
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 5 months
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so-i-did-this-thing · 2 months
I cannot remember if it was you or someone else who had an ironing table (instead of a standard ironing board) but if it was you, how did you make it and out of what materials?
also, any thoughts on Brimfield for someone who's never been before? are there any particular things you see a lot of there? or is it really just EVERYTHING?
finally, your cats are so cute and i want to squish them every time i see them on my dash. <3
Yeah! It was my partner @crowtoed who took an IKEA work table and turned it into an ironing station. Tagging them to break down how they did it. :)
Brimfield rocks, it's truly a bit of everything, because it is multiple antique shows ("fields") happening simultaneously on the same strip of road. I park at the church by 7am, so it's easy to find my car again. If you arrive after 7am, you will not find parking on the main drag, so be prepared to walk. (Traffic is intense.) It isn't worth paying for early bird access to the fields that charge, imo, go back another day when they convert to free admission. Bring plenty of water, prep for about 5-7 miles of walking, and dress for the weather. I take my backpack with some towels so I can wrap up anything fragile.
As for the cats, I will give them a squish for you. Or a poke, for the moment.
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iwozlegit · 1 year
Earthspark Spoilers
|| 🍍• Earthspark has done it again. I’m crying. I love them all. A few very important points that elucidate the continuing strength of its narrative.
Incorporating Grimlock’s mind control as a metaphor for PTSD, and showcasing triggers.
Showcasing triggers in other characters.
Having the Maltos continually analyse all sides of issues they face (ethical/moral choices), for example when debating how to deal with Shockwave.
Having Hashtag acknowledge that Megatron (now an Autobot) once treated Starscream horrifically, and letting him know that he can talk about how hurt he’s been and be heard.
Combating the difficult topics of loss and anxiety (especially through the eyes of a child).
Discussing issues of self-esteem from a believable perspective by incorporating the use of feminism, sexism, and unity.
I’ve probably missed loads of important points from the new episode release and the conclusion of Season 1, but this show continues to not shy away from real-world topics. It’s real. It’s believable. And it’s not ashamed to be what it is.
It still baffles me endlessly how this series became under scrutiny in the media several months ago for being real. For having a character be real and authentic for themselves - a character with such an endearing outlook on life and exuberantly layered personality come under fire and scorned solely upon how they wish to be perceived. I hope this new instalment helps eradicate these issues, moving forth to educate and strengthen hope for many more great episodes for transformers fans and children everywhere.
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Well…at least he’s still getting me awesome stuff.
An early birthday present. Obviously, I love it.
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pistachions · 3 months
Begging for the new pnf episodes to start with some variation of I for one am starting to get bored and boredom is something up with which I will not put like idk what exactly but I want it back
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i am absolutely loving the melusine creator! could you maybe write a little bit more on what it was like when they first woke up as a melusine? i’d imagine that’d be quite the shift from human with fully articulate fingers to cute little mittens!
ohhhh you're so right!! also thank you hehe i'm also in love with this concept i'm glad people are enjoying it :]
the first thing you see when you open your eyes are colors. so. many. colors, all in dancing in your vision like a colorful array of gemstones. it's beautiful, and wonderful, and Archons it makes you dizzy so for a moment you just close your eyes and sit there in the quiet cavern, relishing the sudden silence. where you were slashed and stabbed and eventually slain still ache, but the pain slowly fades as you lay there in the dim light, intermittently opening your eyes and squeezing them shut again to get used to the new vibrancy of the world around you. you reach your arms up to give them a good stretch, stiff all over, and are greeted by a pair of colorful mittens rather than fingers and human hands
you freeze, holding yourself back from screaming when you take a look at your legs, all covered in swirling patterns almost dusted with tiny, shimmering stars
you're a Melusine, an actual Melusine, so small and colorful with a pair of squishy antennae and a little tail. everything is disorienting and odd as you attempt to walk around, not used to having such stumpy legs, contemplating your resurrection and new body. the surface has no appeal to you, filled to the brim with those who hunted and hurt you, so your legs carry you deeper into the caves, stumbling and tripping every so often. you barely even notice the tiny wings on your back, so overwhelmed by anything, by the memories of the pain and screaming. but there's a light touch on your shoulder that pulls you back to reality. another Melusine watches you worriedly, asking if you're lost and introducing herself as Cosanzeana
several nations over, an Abyssal beast sits bolt upright in the Eleventh Harbinger's chambers
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mischievousmoony · 11 days
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months
Sometimes I wish ao3 would tell me who subscribes to your works mostly because sometimes there will be one subscription on a story and eventually I turn it into something longer than a oneshot and I wanna go “this one’s for you, MrsDoomguy743” in the author note.
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