#choi youngjae fiction
t3kandson · 1 year
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Family’s at Friction
Word count; 8,977
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Kim Younghoon X Reader
Character; Kim Younghoon, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Sunwoo, Son Youngjae, Lee Hyunjae, Bae Jacob, Moon Kevin, Lee Sangyeon, Lee Juyeon Choi Chanhee & Ji Changmin
Warning; Angst, Guns, Robbery, Hostage, Violence (not by any TBZ characters), Oral (receiving), body marking & Unprotected sex
Notes; Happy Birthday Younghoon
Taglist; @ilovechanhee
“My son Isn’t home often, but I need to go back home, his grandfather is getting lonely without me,” Mrs Kim smiled your way. “Well I can wait till he’s home in the evenings and then leave,” you said as her appearance got brighter. “Or I could offer you a room in the house and you could reside here,” she said as you looked to the table between you. “I have a daughter I can’t leave her behind,” you admitted expecting the job to be removed. “How old is she?” Mrs Kim asked. “She’s 8,” you said looking at her with hope for the job to remain. “Who will look after her while you’re here?” she query’s as she smiles back your way. “My mother, she collects her from school and takes her home till I arrive, sleeping over if she has to. She’s a widow so there’s no one at home to miss her,” you say as Mrs Kim nods. “Well seems a good arrangement to me,” she smiles offering you her hand. “The jobs yours,” she says as excitement fills you. “Thanks Mrs Kim,” you said smiling
The first week Mrs Kim stayed in the home. Due to her son working hard on a project that he wouldn’t be home for the week. That time had gone well, you had established a good teacher pupil relationship with Youngil. He was 12 and a very intelligent young man, thriving to learn everything that could teach him and you honestly couldn’t have asked for a better pupil. However, you felt for the poor child. His mother had left the family home, affairs by the dozen. Choosing money from the divorce over her own son. He felt abandoned by his mother but also felt unwanted by his father also. Kim Younghoon, had taken solace in his marital break up by working extra hard in his company. You couldn’t help but add your motherly touch, making sure Youngil ate well during the dinners Mrs Kim encouraged you to join before leaving. But also making sure he kept healthy with his vitamins.
The first time you met Younghoon, you instantly didn’t like him. Holding your hand for him to shake but he coldly walked past. “You can leave now,” he grumbled placing his coat to grab yours to shake your way. Each day he greeted you this way as you kept your head down.
“Don’t leave yet we need to talk,” he growled placing his coat a couple weeks later. “Follow me,” he demanded walking off into a room you had realised was his private living quarters. Following, your eyes noticed the large sways of alcohol in the glass cabinets, all prettily displayed. Walking to the desk he sat in his chair looking up to you with his usual expression of arrogance. “Can I ask you your credentials?” He asked filling his crystal glass with whisky. “Pardon?” You said looking at him with confusion. “I would like to know what credentials you have to assess if your actually qualified for my sons needs,” he said rather sharply looking up at you with annoyance. “Your mother vetted me,” you looked at him confused with his request. “She vetted you as a teacher yes, but I would like to know your credentials as a psychiatrist,” he said taking a swig of his liqueur. “I don’t have any,” you replied looking at him puzzled. “Well could you explain why you seem fit to discuss his personal life?” Younghoon said with a slight growl in his tone. “What do you mean?” You questioned feeling annoyed with his accusations. “Well I pay you to teach my son well. Instead your offering advice to his apparent woes,” Younghoon accused as your eyes widened. “Your son mentioned something that worried him. As a teacher who knows a clear mindset improves their work I listened,” you scoffed arms folded as his eyes widened to your own tone. “But you gave your own opinion to Manipulate him into emotions he doesn’t actually have,” Younghoon said raising his voice to match yours. “That’s poppycock, just because you don’t have time for your son, don’t presume he doesn’t have the emotions he clearly does. If he’s telling you then it’s to express himself,” you said as his jaw tightened. “Well he never expressed it before you was employed as his teacher,” Younghoon growled. “Maybe if you gave your son the time of day he would have expressed that,” you said slamming your hand onto the desk startling him. “I think it’s best you leave,” he said bitterly slouching into his chair. “Goodnight,” you said spinning on your heel. “For good,” he added as you spun back to face him. Walking towards him his eyes differed with fear. “Good now I can really express myself. Your son is failing because of you. Your too selfish to hide from your pain, punishing your son for something his mother did twice off. Not just for cheating but taking your money and leaving. You’ve made that boy feel unwelcome and placed him in so much pain he can’t focus. Ignore me all you like but if you don’t put his emotional needs first then you won’t have a son to brag about at your regular golfing events,” you snap watching his words get stuck in his throat. “Now if you don’t mind I have a daughter that I love dearly who needs her mothers attention,” you add spinning back around to leave him dumbfounded.
It had been a week and things had fallen apart. Your argument with Kim Younghoon had left you without your wages you had rightly earned the last month. You had already fallen behind terribly before the job let alone now. The final demand came through the door as you held it shakily. You had till this evening to At least supply one months rent or you would be evicted. Tears fell from your eyes as you fell to the floor sobbing. What was you going to tell Yoona? Where was you even going to go?
When the door opened you had expected it to be your mother and daughter. But to your horror it was Younghoon, witnessing your complete breakdown. “Y/N,” he coo’d coming to you as he sat beside you. “What’s happened?” He asks as you sobbed even louder instead of replying. His arms wrapped around you like this was a different person you had experienced before. He held you tightly as you sobbed not caring that tears was beginning to fall on his expensive Gucci jacket. “So now you’ve sobbed the entire sea are you going to tell me what’s happened to create such a dam break?” He said rubbing your shoulder. “It doesn’t matter, it’s something I need to fix somehow,” you said pushing yourself out his hold. “Can I help?” He asks as you stand to your feet watching him follow. “You’ve done enough not paying me the months work I’ve done,” you said bitterly as you wiped your eyes. “Yeah about that,” he said with guilt in his expression. “What?” You snapped making his jaw tighten. “What issues do you have? Why do you feel the need to snap,” he growls folding his arms. “What’s your credentials as a psychiatrist?” You hit back at him. Instead of a snarky come back he stifles a laugh instead. “Hitting me with my own words are we?” He said amused. “Look I think we’ve got off on the wrong foot,” he said as you deadpanned his way. “No your an ass,” you said earning a brighter smile. “Fine I’m am ass, who thanks to you was dished some food to really think about,” he said smiling more Warmer then you experienced before. “Is this an apology,” you said tilting your head his way. “Well yes it is,” he said accepting responsibility. “Can I get that in writing?” You said arms folded. He looked around the room in sight for some paper as he made his way for it. “Fine if I have to,” he said picking up the letter in his hand. “Don’t worry,” you said as you panicked realising he was holding your eviction letter. As you attempted to swipe the document, he pulled it out your reach his eyes bulging as he read it. “This is my fault,” he said sorrowfully as you snatched it out his palm. “Yes, yes it is,” you growled taking it and throwing it on the side behind you. “Right I will sort it,” he smiled as you felt his words lift your worry’s. “You need to pay them my months wage to them,” you said more calmer as he picked up the letter once more, then his phone. “Hi I’m the employee of Mrs Y/N, I was wondering if I could pay a month off her backlogged rent,” he said in a professional tone. “How much?” He gasped. “For this shitty apartment,” he growled. “Sod that,” he snapped hanging up on the phone. “What did you say that for?” You said closing your eyes briefly. “Your months wage wouldn’t even cover that,” he scoffed as you breathed in deeply. “It’s 3 million won you owe me 4,” you said annoyed. “Funny that, they’ve asked for 5 million,” he said making your eyebrows furrowed. Picking your phone up you dialled your landlord. “Hi it’s Mrs Y/N, my former employer rang moments ago to pay my one month of rent as demanded in your eviction threat,” you said pausing as the female voice hit your ears. “Ahh yes, he refused saying he wouldn’t pay 5 million won,” she said down the phone. “But my rent is 3 million,” you questioned as Younghoon expression slightly showed a smirk. “We’ve decided to up the rent so to stop the eviction it will have to be 5 million won,” she said as your hands fell to your face, tears threatening to fall once more. “It’s ok I will arrange something,” Younghoon said down the phone he snatched from your hands. “The keys will be in the door once she’s moved this evening,” he growled hanging up. “What did you do?” You cried grabbing the phone. “Your not going to save this situation Y/N, your waste your time and breath trying,” he said placing his hand over your shoulder. “But where am I going to go, me and my daughter are going to be homeless,” you whispered as he looked at you with concern. “What are you going to do Y/N? Beg with every inch of your life?” He said sarcastically. “Yes if I have to,” you whined feeling defeated.
“Well good thing I’m here,” he said smiling at you. “I’ve come to offer you your job back. Youngil’s been quite hesitant to have another teacher. He demands you, so you can have your job back. I will even give you more financial support,” he said smiling. “Good then can I have a sub to get my rent paid,” you pleaded happily accepting your job back. “Oh the increase isn’t in money it’s still 4 million,” he said with his smirk returning to your confusion. “I have two spare rooms, you could move in with your daughter,” he said as you looked at him confused. “Two bedrooms, meals included, no bills and 4 million wons a month,” he said arms folded excited for your reply. It was like your brain froze in that second unable to process what he was promising. “But what do you get extra of?” You questioned as he chuckled. “To be the Nanny when I’m late from work, and I suppose his new psychiatrist,” he teases as you roll your eyes. “However, I must add time is of the essence,” he added looking at the clock just three hours left to unpack. “Fine, thank you,” you said offering him a smile. “Good now you can save my ear from my son’s emotional blackmail,” he added dramatically. “Maybe I should make you wait,” you said playfully. “Ok then maybe I should withdraw my offer,” he teased that made your eyes widen. “No, no need,” you said holding your hand in fear watching him chuckle. Had you read him the wrong way before hand? Had work and stress altered his moods when you found him. Because the man stood in your kitchen wasn’t the same man that you met at his lavish home.
Younghoon and Youngil was waiting patiently when you & Yoona arrived. Comforting your only child you was amazed at the sudden change in Younghoon’s character. Bending down to your daughter size, he brushed Yoona’s stray hair behind her ear in a comforting way. “It’s ok they’re is nothing to be scared about here, I promise,” he said softly as her hug tightened around your waist. “This is your home now,” he said looking somewhat excited himself. “We even have a games room,” Youngil said in an effort to help comfort her. “I can show you if you want?” He asked holding out his hand. Yoona shyly looked your way as you nodded reassuringly before looking the elder boys way. Taking his hand they dash away to the house as Younghoon looked contented. “Your good with her,” you complimented as he chuckled. “You sound as if your surprised,” he said smirking. “Well if I can be honest,”, “that you can,” he cut you off. “That your acting different,” you said bracing for his reaction. “Maybe you just didn’t look properly, you heard Youngil’s complaints and made your painting. Yes I’ve made mistakes a load of them. But I love that boy with every breath,” he added smiling your way. “However, your correct i showed you a bad side of myself. I saw a young attractive girl who I feared was trying to use my son to date me,” he added as you tilted your head his way. “My wife was like that, very manipulative, she didn’t want me she wanted money and she took it to the men she cheated on me with,” he said looking pained. “Sorry to hear that,” you said as he pursed his lips. “What about Yoona’s father?” He asked as your own past burned. “He left me when I fell pregnant,” you said biting your lips as you looked to the floor. “So you never married him?” He gasped as you closed your eyes. Being an single unmarried mother brought you so much awful looks in the past. You didn’t know why you slipped this information with someone so upper class. Breathing in deep you prepared for the disgust to fall from his lips. “So you had to provide all alone by yourself?” Younghoon quizzed as you nodded. “That’s awful, but you’ve worked so hard you should be so proud,” he said holding on to your arms. “Thank you,” you said appreciating his comforting words. “What do you fancy for tea,” he said stepping into the house. “Anything, me and Yoona’s not fussed,” you said as he smiled. “Well let’s go out for a meal, it’s the first night of you both being here,” he said excitedly. “You don’t need to,” you said bashfully. “I’m your boss it’s my orders,” he said smirking your way. “Fine,” you said rolling your eyes.
The house had become very family like, you made breakfast for Youngil & Yoona while preparing Younghoon’s packed lunch every morning. Dropping the children to their school you dropped off Younghoon’s lunch before returning back to the house. Evening meals you cooked normally with both the children helping before you set some tutorial work. Meals in the evening normally spent like a family before a movie or two. To an outsider you looked like a family. Younghoon doting on Yoona just as much as his own son. Both the children was dearly sweet, Youngil acting very brother like. Some weekends the four of you would walk in the natural reserves or enjoying fishing on Younghoon’s yacht.
However, everything started to feel different not long after. You had already smiled at the very like couple act you was currently experiencing. Watching him dry up the dishes you past after washing as you both chatted about your day. While you was lost in Younghoon’s topic about work related conversation, you mind was floating about how you could imagine him as a husband. The sadness that he had possibly given her everything and still cheated. If you was married to him you would have cherished him. You chuckled to your thoughts when it had not been long ago when you despised him instead. “Your not listening to me are you?” Younghoon said breaking you from your thoughts. “Yes, yes I was,” you lied letting a slight blush creep up your face. “So the clients fathers death is amusing,” he asked smirking as your face fell in horror. “Ok sorry I got lost in thought I’m sorry, but before that I really was listening,” you said chewing on your bottom lip. “So what was you day dreaming about?” He asked drying the dish you past him. “Nothing much,” you said feeling let down by your warming face. “Was it something sexy,” he whispered in your ear making you shudder as you gasped. “No,” you shot out abruptly as he chuckled looking at the mess you was making of yourself. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” he said playfully as he nudged you. “Just was thinking that the worlds an ass to leave someone like you single,” you admitted as he looked taken back. “Think I preferred the sexy thoughts,” he said trying to brush over your words. “Would you now,” you winked his way trying to bring the awkward tension to an end. His hands reached out to the bowl you past but his fingers overlapped yours. Instead of removing them his eyes got lost. The chemistry between you zapping into the atmosphere as you watched his eyes fall to your lips. Thighs tightened as your mind imagining him pulling you to him to place them on you. Words failing you both as each second made the environment almost unbearable under both your heated glances. As he nears closer you don’t know if you think he’s about to kiss you or because you want him to. But before your body moves towards him to figure that out you hear a patter of feet enter the kitchen as you turn to face Yoona with sleepy but wet eyes on her face. “Baby,” you cry as you walk towards her. But before you can, Younghoon scoops her up into his arms. “Did you have a nightmare?” He questions as he wipes her escaping tear as she nods. “Oh hunnie let mummy,”, “shall we get some cookies and milk to help your tears,” Younghoon cuts you off as she nodded. “Sorry I should ask your,” , “no your good,” you replied, now your turn to cut him off. You watched with a warming feeling in your body as he saw to your daughter. It looked like you wasn’t the only one getting attached to the wealthy business owner.
Excitement was buzzing through you as security approved you inside Younghoon’s building. You had been invited to have lunch with Younghoon that day. He had jokingly said the previous week of a promise of a lunch date and though you wasn’t intending it to be reality. His text this morning brought a sense of excitement to fill you. You knew the blurred line of his Son’s live in Nanny was getting complicated. But while everything was innocent you didn’t want to think of that. Upon entering his office you was surprised to find it was filled with some others. Instead of suits they looked relaxed and casual and told you they was his friends. Younghoon’s confused face turned to horror and he leapt up towards you. “Mrs Y/N,” he said looking shady which had your head tilt as you felt the eyes on you. He placed his hand around you taking you to the side of the room. “Oh I’m really sorry I forgot to message you. My friends are in town and sprung this visit,” he said looking anxious for your reply. “It’s ok really,” you smiled to reassure him as your eyes took to his friends beady one’s. “I’ll make it up to you I promise,” he said letting his eyes twinkle in your view as you smile smitten his way. “You guys might as well share this,” you said handing him the picnic bag of items you made for your lunch. “Thanks I appreciate it,” he said stiffening when he heard the mocking of his friends. “Well I’ll leave you to it,” you said bowing before leaving. You barely got to the lift when you remember your car keys was in the basket. Dashing back you heard their chatter within the hallway from the slightly ajar door. “Live in nanny or paid girlfriend,” you heard a voice jibe that made you realise you was the subject. “It’s not like that,” you heard Younghoon scoff as your stomach started to fall. “Those lover eyes you both looked with tells me otherwise,” another one chuckled. “Get off, she’s paid to look after the family that’s all,” Younghoon said as you felt that you was seeing the wrong signs clearly. “So you don’t like her then? Maybe you need to send her the memo,” hit the air as the rest of them laughed with him. “No I don’t like her, I appreciate her,” Younghoon said as you felt your eyes begin to water. Not caring for the keys you turned to dash away. However, you bumped into a solid form before falling to the floor with a yelp. “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, are you ok?” A worried face came into your view before he squatted to hold your arms. “Yes sorry I’m,”, “Y/N what happened?” You heard from the door cut you off. Younghoon’s eyes was fall of concern till they fell on the gentleman by your side, especially his hands gently on your arm. “She fell,” he said to Younghoon as his eyes fell back to concern to find your other arm. “Let me help you up,” he said softly with the other guy helping you to your feet. Brushing the gentleman hand off your arm to make sure you was steady before he left yours, his looked slightly annoyed. “Thanks Haknyeon, the guys are in there,” he said without his eyes on someone who clearly was also a friend. “Thanks,” you said grateful for his assistance when he could have laughed at you, like those in the very room he was entering. Haknyeon looked at you softly smiling before he felt Younghoon’s glare and entered his office. “Was you eaves dropping?” He scolded you into the hallway which was silent. “No I was coming for my keys, there in the basket,” you said feeling yourself annoyed with his accusation. He looked at you with his remaining annoyance on his expression as he left to the room. You stood there in silence feeling your heart beat heavy listening to the jibes about your incident. Younghoon emerged minutes later with your keys as he walked you silently away from the room towards the lift. It made you feel unwanted and question everything that you had believe was between you both. Maybe you needed to unblur the lines between you.
It had become clear that he felt he needed space as you received a message stating that he was going away for a couple of days with the guys. The house was quiet without Younghoon and you couldn’t help but miss his company. Youngil and Yoona clearly felt the change in your emotions. Both them being attentive with you and helping you with chores. Which made it a little painful watching the bond that they both had established. Youngil had become Yoona’s defender and very like a big brother. Even getting up to make breakfast to let you have a lay in to help you out. As much as you needed to find away to unattach yourself and Yoona from the family settings here, you just couldn’t bring yourself to, where Youngil was concerned.
You was woken with loud clatter downstairs one evening. Dashing downstairs in your silk gown over your Pyjama dress, you found Younghoon and his friends piling the house. “Oh look it’s the paid wife,” his friend with the most beautiful sun kissed skin mocked. “Sunwoo cut that shit out,” Younghoon growled slightly slurring his words. “Sorry I thought it was intruders,” you said chewing your bottom lip. Younghoon eyes looked lost in lust as he watched you bite your lip away. “Don’t do that you won’t have any skin left,” he snapped making you jump. “Sorry,” you replied as you went to return to your room. But before you could you felt a hand take your wrist to face them. Younghoon looked lost in your eyes not caring that he was showing the passion in them. But despite his deceiving eyes you knew he felt nothing for you. “Can you get us some drinks,” he finally spilled when your eyes took to his friends all amused. Nodding silently you made your way to his office to collect several liqueurs bringing them to the feisty loud living room. Haknyeon’s eyes take yours as you smile his way. Returning to the kitchen you find yourself startled when you turn to face Haknyeon stood there. Stood against the kitchen island his eyes are intently watching you. “Are you really just the live in nanny?” He questions tilting his head. “I’m only intrigued I’m not here to judge,” he said showing his beautiful smile your way. “I’m just his live in Nanny that’s all,” you said as he hummed to himself and came round to your side. Leaning into the Cupboard to reach for some more glasses he looked at you confused. “You don’t get paid to do that so let me help,” he said placing the glasses on to the tray. Younghoon’s eyes widened watching you following empty handed behind Haknyeon. “Didn’t I ask you to do that?” He snapped your way. Instead of taking it your annoyance kicked in as your jaw tightened. “I thought she’s just a live in Nanny not your maid?” Haknyeon said before you could open your mouth. “Who asked you?” Younghoon growled as you saw Haknyeon’s jaw tense. “Maybe if you learnt how to treat women with respect then your wife wouldn’t have cheated on you,” he said squaring up to his friend. Younghoon laughed in a mocking Way before attempting to swing towards his younger. His friends getting around him to pull him away. “You never could handle your drink,” Haknyeon tutted. “I’m not the one hitting their friend you can remove your hand Hyunjae,” Haknyeon said snapping at his friend who stepped back with his hands up. “Sunwoo, Youngjae let him be, let him take a swipe at me,” he snapped at the two holding Younghoon back. “If they let me go I’m going to beat you,” Younghoon growls. “Woah, woah come on guys,” another friend said standing between them all. “You shouldn’t have brought up Jiyeon,” he said at Haknyeon before turning to face Younghoon. “And you shouldn’t be treating your Nanny as a maid, let alone being rude,” he said to Younghoon, who’s eyes fell to you with a little bit of shame in them. “Unless there’s something your holding back from us,” he said looking between you both. “Shut up Chanhee,” Younghoon grumbles as you feel tears ready to spill. “Hyunjae can you take Haknyeon home please,” Chanhee says to his elder who nods. Haknyeon looks at you with concern as you nod to reassure him before they silently leave. Not before the iciness in Younghoon eyes take his, Sunwoo and Youngjae struggling to hold him back. Once the door shuts behind him and the car drives away the younger two release there hands. Chanhee turns to you smiling warmly. “Y/N maybe this is something that you don’t have to be around for. Why don’t you get some sleep,” Chanhee says as you feel your tears escape. Nodding you take yourself silently to your room as you hear Chanhee continue to scold his elder.
You woke early the rest of the week making Younghoon and the children their breakfast. But returned to your room so that you didn’t have to sit in the same room then him. You couldn’t afford to have the angry words you wanted to spill when your daughter and you could face homelessness. You still made his lunch dropping it at the front desk on the way home from the school run. The children was fed before you tutored them. Younghoon’s dinner placed ready to be heated by himself once home. There was occasions when Younghoon would attempt to communicate with you once he got back. Finding you in either in Youngil’s room or Yoona’s, but you kept him at arms length.
Mr Kim @10.55am; Thank you for my lunch it looks very yummy. Can’t wait for lunch time.
Can I be cheeky and ask that you can purchase some snacks. I’m hoping to host a party this evening. I have some apologising to be making to Haknyeon.
You @11;32pm Send me what you require and I will collect.
Throwing the items into the trolley you made your way to the counter. However, three guys in a balaclava storm the shop. One points their gun at the shop keeper making demands. The other aiming his gun in your direction as the last one bordered the door, aiming his at anyone who attempted to enter the shop. “Stand over there,” the one watching over you snapped as you tilted your head unafraid. “Don’t think I won’t shoot you,” he growled as you felt anger tense through you. He could sense your defiance as his gun aimed for the shopping in your trolley. Shooting the bottle of whisky you was ordered to buy for Younghoon to apologise to Haknyeon. The glass exploded, shards going everywhere. One scratching your arms, thankfully just a skin wound, but the blood attempt to drip down your arms. “Next shot will be you,” he threatened aiming the gun too closely. Biting your lip to ground yourself you obeyed moving to the area he pointed to. As you walked you felt your phone vibrate. “What do you hope to achieve?” You said loudly on the hope he wouldn’t hear the phone buzzing in your back pocket. You was grateful for your dark thick clothing that meant he wouldn’t see it flash from behind you. His silence continued as you continue to talk above the vibration. Walking you to the side of the building he turned his gun on anyone who he found. Your group becoming six of you by the time you reached the small staff room. He walked around the room picking the shop phone and smashing it to the floor. His heavy boots slamming down to completely destroy it. Your heart was beating heavy, the first time feeling fear. Storming out he locked the door as you looked to your five companions all of you written with fear on your face.
Slouching down you felt your phone vibrate as you dashed to the call. Mr Kim written all over the screen. “Finally you picked up,” he moaned down the phone. “I don’t need the shopping in the end, they’ve cancelled,” he breathed down the phone heavily. You heard noise from outside the door so you didn’t want to risk answering. The woman beside you her eyes beaded in fear. “Y/N, please answer, tell me you heard that,” he grumbled down the phone. “Or have you brought it already?” He questioned. Suddenly the door sounded as if it was being unlocked so you threw the phone behind you. Closing your eyes when you realised you forgot to hang up. “Get fucking in there,” the man growled tossing a battered and bruised gentleman who looked like he attempted to fight back. His eyes roamed the room as you could hear Younghoon calling in the distance. Fear setting in that he would be heard, you decided to speak once more. “Surely theirs a better way then this?” You said shakily. “What have I said,” he growls aiming his gun back in your direction. “I really will shoot you next time,” he hisses before he storms out the room locking it. As the others dash to the newest member in the room you dash to your phone. “Younghoon,” you whimper. “What’s going on?” He says sounding panicked. “The shop, three gunman,” you throw out choking in fear, not knowing how long you could keep the line of communication open. “Are you hurt?” He says fearfully. “No but one of us is,” you whimper. “I’ll get help, hold tight, keep that mouth under control please I beg you,” he pleads down the phone as a tear escapes. Before you can respond the door is opened once more, the phone placed behind you once again. This time on purpose so he can hear everything. Another two members of staff are thrown in looking in a traumatised expression. The mans eyes take you with anger once more as if he’s expecting you to speak, but you remain tight lipped. “Good you lost your mouth,” he smirks before walking out and locking the door once more. “Be careful,” the man next to you said as you nod before grabbing the phone back. “How many are they of you?” He questions when your heavy breathing hits the phone. “9 one badly injured,” you said as you can hear him passing the information to someone. “I’m on my way, the police have been notified, keep your self quiet and we’re get you out as soon as we can,” he says in an attempt to calm you. “If I don’t,” , “don’t you dare say that we’re not even talking like that,” Younghoon cuts you off. The door opens quick as a flash taking you unguarded. You know his eyes saw you throw your phone behind you. “I knew you was up to no good,” he growled storming his way your direction. Tossing you aside he picked the phone up pressing it to his ear. “Y/N, what’s happening,” you hear even from where you landed. “She’s not available at the moment, maybe check in with the local mortuary,” he chuckles hanging up the phone. He looks at your locked screen which was a photo of Yoona. “Is this your girl?,” he asks as you can’t find the words to respond even if you wanted to. “Well looks like her mummy wants to play at being our main hostage,” he grins throwing the phone to the floor. His feet stamping on it making it crunch under his shoes. Grabbing you by the collar he drags you up, your body not relenting as it tightens around your throat. Dragging you he takes you outside throwing you into the shelf. You whimper as the impact crushes against your chest. “What’s up you lost your bravado mentality,” he mocks after locking the room.
Your eyes find the other two, bags of money, alcohol and fags in sight. “As this one’s called the cops she’s gladly offered to be today’s hostage,” he snarls throwing you into the other masked man. “How long did you call them?” He said rather calmly as his hands brushed down your jawline. “I was on the phone to my boyfriend not the police,” you said scared to mention your boss was the very Ceo of Bbang express. “But he was talking to the police?” He asked tilting his head. “I believe so,” you said honestly as he brushed your hair out your face. “How long ago?” He asked softly your way. “Just before he walked in,” you said as tears pricked your eyes. “It’s ok princess, you do as your told and we’re get you home to lover boy,” he said as you could see the flashing lights outside the building. “Now If you spoke to her nicely you might have prevented this,” he grumbled at the guy who had attacked you. “Right all you need to do is do as I tell you and keep your mouth shut,” he said pressing the gun to your temple as his arm swarm around your chest. “It’s ok princess I won’t use this, unless you give me good reason to,” he coo’d in your ear. Walking to the fresh air which felt refreshing, but the sight not so much. Armed police with their guns pressed in your direction. In the distance though your eyes found Younghoon. He looked in a way you never experienced, his face full of concern and worry. “Let the hostage go,” you heard echo around you. “I will once we’ve escaped,” he smirks walking towards the car that was still parked. The other two jumped in the vehicle with their haul, he stepped backwards with you into the car. Your eyes taking Younghoon before the man pulled you in. Throwing himself to the floor the gun was pressed into your back. “Drive,” he grumbled as the car began to show life. “Don’t you dare move, not yet?” He said with a slight harshness. Tears flowing down your eyes, you watched Younghoon fade in to the distance looking distressed as he got into his own car. As you sped away, you watched as the police followed the chase. “How many,” he snapped pressing the gun into your back. “Too many to count,” you whispered. “Fuck sake put your foot down,” he snapped. You watched slowly as the cars chasing dwindled down. The clever manoeuvres and the sun being chased down, too you soon found secluded empty roads ahead and nothing following. The gun was removed from your back as your eyes looked to your captor sitting up. “Drive over,” he snapped, as his hands cupped your face. “I promised you you would be safe if you helped,” he whispered. “Your letting me go?” You questioned as he chuckled. “Why do you fancy joining me,” he sniggered as you screwed your face his way. “My life’s not one for you,” he said as he leaned over opening the door for you to escape. “Go live for you and your daughter,” he said beneath the mask. Climbing out the car your eyes took the bigger man who hurt you. He grumbled something you couldn’t hear and before you knew it the car drove off, leaving you in the pitch dark not knowing where you was.
For the first time in ages you felt vulnerable, alone and cold. Your feet stumbled as the tears fell as you made your way to find any sign of life. Your ribs hurting like hell with each step. You had walked at least a couple of miles, before a car came your way. You waved wincing almost immediately from the sharp pain, sighing in relief when the car pulled up. However, you felt even more at peace when it was Younghoon’s face that took yours. “Y/N,” he choked as he took you into his arms. “You found me,” you whimpered as the tears flooded. “I told you I wouldn’t let you out my sight,” he said patting your hair as he kissed your Crown. “Are you hurt,” he said examining you but he struggled in the dark. He grabbed his torch light on his phone checking you out, his face looking in fear at the glass cut skin in your arms. “We need to get you checked out,” he said as you didn’t stop crying to respond. Placing his jacket over you he brings you to the car holding you tightly as it takes you to the hospital.
Thankfully nothing was broken just sore muscle damage. Your flesh wound didn’t even need stitches. However, Younghoon demanded you was house bound for almost a month. He took time off work to become the home maker himself. When you was fed up being cooped up you pleaded to be left to your own devices. However, Younghoon didn’t want to pull any more chances. From now on you was all to have bodyguards. You already knew Juyeon, his own security and driver. But you soon met Jacob who was entrusted with Yoona’s care. Kevin with Youngil as well as your own Sangyeon. Younghoon ordered that no one was allowed to leave without their security. You was told not to do the school runs letting Jacob and Kevin deal with them. You had even moaned what was the point in your own security if you wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Especially as he made demands for no shopping trips or lunch time delivery’s. It was like the incident made the house go in some sort of high protection. You had to laugh that you had survived the last month since the incident why the sudden need now. But then you knew the Robbers still hadn’t been caught. You knew enough from eavesdropping that Younghoon had employed a team to investigate themselves. Ji Changmin had questioned you just as much as the police had, if not more. Changmin wanted to know every aspect of your life. Which infuriated you as how was your past life relevant to an incident where you was simply just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You appreciated Younghoon’s concerns, it felt good to know he cared enough about your safety. He had cared for you so intently while you recovered, that those butterfly feelings returned, even more so then normal. The way his eyes looked at you from the other side of the room. His friends even visiting to check up on you, he stop denying you was more then just a live in nanny. They had sniggered even more worse but after a while they became supportive. Haknyeon blamed himself. If it wasn’t for the argument he felt that you wouldn’t have been there getting his make up spread. But you told him you knew Younghoon well enough that he enjoyed his boys moments and he would have found another excuse.
Though you felt as if you and Younghoon was nearing breaking the line between you both. He reminded you as always that it was just your own Delulu mind. You watched as he left for the glamorous event at a local charity ball. He had looked dashing before you left and your thighs instantly tightened, leaving you wanting to be by his side. Your heart fell when you watched on social media him walk in with a girl on his arms. Talks of his secret relationship hit everywhere on the feeds that you couldn’t help but let the tears fall. You had obviously taken his caring nature for something else. Yet he always made it obvious that you wasn’t someone he was into. Instead he had been hiding a relationship. Beneath the jealous sizzling in you, you felt angered slightly that you was no doubt At least friends and he kept that from you. You didn’t wait up for him as planned, instead taking yourself to bed to sob yourself to sleep.
Realising that you had to create some form of distance between you, you started that following morning. Using the breakfast table to test Youngil and Yoona for their upcoming exams. It was to remember you wasn’t a paid substitute partner but Youngil’s tutor. Instead of his lunch being hand made you ordered it in for him. When Younghoon wanted to take you out for a meal you arranged for Kevin to take Youngil. While you and Yoona stayed home in your room ordering take out as you watched a movie.
“What’s going on?” Younghoon quizzed grabbing your wrist the second the children was taken to school that morning. You hadn’t realised Younghoon was yet to leave for work. “I’m waving the children off,” you smiled as you went to walk off before his hands grabbed your wrist. “Why didn’t you and Yoona come yesterday?” He quizzed looking hurt. “I’m use to your paddy’s but that really hurt you not letting Yoona come,” he said looking pained. “Because I’m just your live in nanny and Yoona is just the Nanny’s daughter. We’re all forgetting our roles here, this isn’t mine and Yoona’s home, it’s our work related residency,” you said as his eyes blinked in shock. “I’m confused,” he said as you smiled at him. “Younghoon we’re temporary, one day Youngil won’t need a tutor or to be minded. He’s 12, He doesn’t really need minding now that’s what Kevins for. When that day comes it will be painful for Yoona, she needs to be reminded we’re not a family,” you explained as you brushed his hand off your wrist to walk to the stairs to your room. “Wait Y/N,” He called behind you as you turned to face him half way on the stairs. “Why do you suddenly think this is temporary? do you think little of me that when Youngil don’t need you, that I will just brush you aside? Are you that blind to not even realise I care for Yoona myself?” He says looking pained. “So what your going to keep her here till she’s old enough to leave?” You mock rolling your eyes. “Why not?” He scoffs looking serious. “Because your not her dad Younghoon, we already confuse those kids as it is,” you spluttered as he furrowed his eyes your way. “Ok I do, I confuse them because I keep confusing your friendship with something else,” you let slip as his face relaxed almost amused. “You have feelings?” He teased as you grumbled continuing to walk up the stairs to run to hide in your room from revealing further more. “Y/N stop walking away,” he groaned following. “Why so you can continue mocking me,” you said as you go to open your bedroom door, before Younghoon’s hand press to avoid that. “I’m not mocking you I’m sorry,” he said throwing his head into your view against the door. His bottom lip playfully pouting as he try’s to make you smile. “See I’m just trying to make you laugh that’s all.” He said sweetly. “But seriously do you really like me?” He asked holding your waist just a breath away. “Please,” you said trying to brush him aside to no avail. “Can we not talk about this it’s embarrassing as it is,” you said looking up at him with pleading eyes. “If it makes you feel better i like you too,” he said his hands tightening around your waist.
You went into shock as your mind attempted to take his words. “What,” you stuttered as he laughed spinning you so you was against your own bedroom door. His hands placed either side of you, his face brought closer. “I like you Y/N,” he said whispering into your ear. “That girl from the ball,” you whispered yourself, closing your eyes as you struggled under him. “Is that what this weeks been about, her?” he chuckles. “She’s nothing special, I can promise you, it’s not like I could have taken you even though I wanted to,” he said watching you as you felt irritation attack. “Why because your ashamed of me?” you gasped as he shook his head. “Because you don’t like the spotlight, your not ready for the publicity of being with someone like me. Having to deal with the likes of my mother, Youngil’s mum,” he added as you calmed. “When I finally get you to accept a relationship with me I want to be greedy, I want you to myself, all mine,” he smirks devilishly.
Before you can speak another word his lips fall to yours. It’s like he’s held back for so long as the kisses are deep and frenzied. His teeth occasionally nipping at your lips when they don’t keep up with his desperate needy flow. His hands you can hear are fighting the handle of your door and you know he’s about to devour you. You can feel your thighs dampen in excitement. As he opens the door he winks at you having let you come up for air. Pulling you into your room he drags you to the bed. Dropping to the floor he removes your lower clothing, humming at the view of your glistering pussy on show. Pulling you to sit on the bed he hears his phone ring in his back pocket. He doesn’t even look at the device turning it off without his eyes leaving yours. Lips falling to your heat he lets his tongue swipe up and down your folds. Swirling the tip around your nub he enjoys listening to you moan into the air. It’s like it encourages him more as his tongue finds its way to slide against your velvety walls. Bringing your pelvis towards his tongue fucking you, become a messy feast for the both of you. While you feel like your slowly unwinding to your upcoming explosion. You know that your juices are flowing down his chin as he enjoys his meal. Thighs trembling you feel almost ready to jump off your high with him but he stops earning a grumble from your lips. “Don’t be so greedy my baby,” he teases wiping your juices from his chin. “I want you to be greedy with me at the same time,” he says standing to remove his clothes. Seeing him standing there naked almost knocks you into a different world. One where your mind is no longly functioning. From his chuckle your sure your dribbling in his view. Hovering over you his fingers attack your t-shirt till they remove your bra. His lips impatiently suckling over your nipple. It’s like the taste of your skin is his favourite as he enjoys licking, sucking along both your breasts. Your sure that he’s no doubt marked you as he struggles under his pleasure. Lips soon start to chase to your neck. This time there’s no mistake his suckling on purpose as he marks your skin. “Mine,” he whispers into your ear as your hand finds to his waist. Lining himself at your entrance he slowly presses into your core. His eyes not leaving you as he watches you fall apart underneath. Stilling as he bottoms out in you, your walls respond tightening around him. “Oh baby that feels so good,” he whispers with shakily breath. Lips crashing with yours, his needy inpatient kisses return, this time with a rhythm of his cock deep in you at the same time. Nails raking along his back encourages him to speed his pace as your moans are more whimpers and cry’s. Lifting your legs over his shoulder to reach a more deeper position the coil beneath you begin To evolve once more. Your own pelvis attempting to move against his own, but his hand weighs you down further restricting you. You suckled down his chuckles mixed with his own moans. Hands cupping your face gently doesn’t match the speed and harshness of his shaft hitting you so perfectly, your thighs shake as your orgasm nears. His lips leave yours as his own tethers, your name spills like a mantra. The words hitting the air is enough to send you crazy as you fall off your own. Your wall crushing around his cock that his grunts become deeper as he fills you with ropey cum. He continues as he slowly thrusts his last couple of movements against you.
Lips returning to yours he lets your legs drop. His kisses much more romantic as his hands brush down your face. “Are you really mine?” you ask between his kisses that makes him stop to look at you. “Do I really look like a man who spins words just to get them in to bed?” He questions as you smile shaking your head. “Y/N I meant what I said. Your mine, I just want to keep it private before the world, my world scares you away,” he said looking at you seriously. “I once thought i had lost you and I’m never going back there,” he said brushing his hands along your breasts watching them harden. “That wasn’t because I was connected to you,” you said trying to comfort him. “Maybe then yes, but anyone connected to me because my money, my status they could be hurt,” he said biting his lip. “I won’t ever risk losing you. It’s why I paid for that girl to be my plus one, the eyes are on her while I enjoy my time with you,” he said pressing kisses to your breasts that had your nipples erect. “You paid for a girlfriend?” you scoffed as he chuckled. “No I paid an actress to act like she was my date, so I could keep my new family safe,” he said looking at you totally in love. “New family?” You question as he smiles. “Yes you, Youngil and Yoona, my family,” he said as his lips fell to yours.
Getting lost in your moment you didn’t register the raised voices coming up the stairs. But the way Younghoon’s lips was engaged with yours he didn’t neither. Not till the door blasted open.
At the bottom of your bed was a woman looking at you both furious. Her eyes meeting Younghoon’s, guilt written all over them. “What the hell,” you hit out pulling the bed sheets to cover you. “What the hell? Is that all you can say when your in bed with my husband,” she screams angrily in to the room. Behind her seconds later walks in Youngil, his face in horror at finding you in bed with his father.
In that second you wanted the floor to eat you whole.
To be continued ……
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catboy-jaebeom · 10 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
it's been a year already since my last pinned, and I got shadowbanned exactly around that time back then because of course I did, so here's a new one 🩷
I'm Autumn, but you can call me Faon as well. my pronouns are they/ them. ticked all the boxes on the queer registration form, and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. I was born in '95. central european & white. future linguistics student. proud plant parent. kpop fan. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak english and german, and I'm studying french, japanese, korean and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. I sometimes make cat ear edits and vampire edits of idols and actors ( see: my icon ) so if you want me to make one for you, you can DM me.
my interests and hyperfixations change over time — yes, it was a phase, mum! name a constant state of being, mum! — and I change my username every two years, round about. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, live action one piece show, and I'm watching a couple of kdramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age as well as the james bond / 00q fandoms, and I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie. also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you. you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf.
this blog of mine was created in 2012, I was on here already when you could still count on the superwholock people to throw gifs at posts although I was never one of them, which, trust me, was a hilarious feeling in hindsight asjfjahajft. I have one sideblog worthy of note @splittergheist which is my writing blog, and I have a secret sideblog for my omegaverse / miscecanis stuff ( much more the lifestyle, world building and concept than the smut and stuff, I'll be honest, but no hate at all!! ) that I might give out if someone asks nicely and privately.
that said, I tag my posts extensively, and if you ask politely, I will try and tag specific things for you too! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 🦈 oftentimes I will message you privately when you've sent me an ask that doesn't seem to be an ask game or such! and while I do post stuff for tag games I'm not a fan of tagging others unless we're, like, really close, sorry ><
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the tag. I also put some "reviews" written by mutuals about my blog there, thank you everyone, you're lovely 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright I think we all could need that at the moment. I would super love new people to talk to ( please have your age / some approximate of it in your bio; I'm totally fine with talking to minors but I would like to know I am before I do, thank u ) so message me or reply to this!
kpop stuff
ult group: GOT7
other groups I like: NCT 127, WayV, Red Velvet, ITZY, Seventeen, SHINee, ONEUS; ...
soloists I like: XIA / Kim Junsu, Taemin
biases: Lim Jaebeom & Choi Youngjae; Nakamoto Yuta; Xiaojun; Kang Seulgi; Hwang Yeji; Joshua Hong & Lee Seokmin; Choi Minho & Taemin; Kim Leedo & Lee Seoho; Park Seonghwa & Jeong Yunho; Kanemoto Yoshi; ...
wreckers: Mark Tuan & Kim Yugyeom; Ten Lee; Kim Mingyu & Lee Woozi; Kang Yeosang & Song Mingi; ...
for as long as xitter still lives, you can find my kpop account under: jaebueomgi
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on 22nd November:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on 22nd November:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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justwritedreams · 3 months
✨ Get to know me ✨
it took me 3 years to do this but here we go
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◍ Mariana aka Maari
◍ Female
◍ 27 [97' line]
◍ Brazilian with japanese and italian blood
◍ Currently moving to Japan
◍ I like to write, photograph and mostly create something in Photoshop
◍ In this delulu world since I was 12
◍ Currently writing with Ateez, EXO and NCT, sometimes GOT7. I stopped writing for BTS sorry army
◍ In love with Lee Mark, Park Chanyeol, Lee Jeno, Oh Sehun, Jung Wooyoung, Lee Haechan, Choi Youngjae and Choi Jongho yes I do have a type
◍ My stories will always have a female reader, I try not to specify any ethnicity or physical characteristics so they can be as embracing as possible
◍ I don't write yandere, alpha and omega dynamics, any hybrid stuff or heavy dark themes
◍ This is a place for fiction and kpop only. Nothing else. I am reciprocal, if you have respect I will give you respect
◍ Open to talk with you anytime! 💚
@maryeolie [main blog], @maaris-reader [my blog to read], @into-the-unknow [personal blog] 🆕, my youtube channel
#maari’s mutuals ♾️
#maari’s best anons 🫂
#my Mona Lisa 🖼️
#✨my lil sis.✨
# 💕 my dearest amiga 💕
#talkin about: welcome to the kingdom
#talkin about: broken pieces
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Monsters Witch
Pairing: female reader x Sheol monsters x Choi Youngjae (ft. some of Got7)
World: King of Demons
Genre: demon au / witch au / fluff mostly
Warnings: set in hell, dark entities, death
A/N: Happy birthday to @smooshdelia​ ! I am so grateful that you and I became friends over King of Demons, and that you wrote the original Youngjae story in this world. However, I know how much you adore Smoosh and came up with this idea for you. I hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 4138
King of Demons series: Havoc // King of Demons // Unfathomable // Sacrifice // King of Demons: The Return // In The Night // Identity // Prophecy // Someone // The Devil Contained
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“Yes, you,” Jackson confirmed, folding his arms across his chest. “You’re the only one suitable for the job.”
“How do you know?” you wondered, glancing at his right-hand woman hesitantly before directing your focus to the commander in front of you.
“You were once a witch, were you not?” he reminded and you shrugged.
His partner held your file and she began to read out your accolades and what saw of your fall to Sheol. Burned at the stake by the humans above after saving so many of them with your pure magic, you had arrived in a blind rage, wanting to do nothing for anyone ever again.
Yet with your time here, you found yourself unable to sit still. You had helped an ogre with a nasty fungal condition and had tended to an outbreak of the plague with some difficulty. You listened to the world around you and healed it from the wounds inflicted by the entities with no remorse for their actions.
You stood in front of monsters far larger than yourself and placated them from causing havoc and yet equally led a revolution asking for better rights for those who were placed in Sheol simply because the Gods above wouldn’t allow them in.
You, in every sense of the word, were still a witch.
A very good one, indeed.
Still, you didn’t go around announcing that of your powers. Which was why you were perplexed by Jackson’s request.
“The Devil signed off on this himself,” he continued, leaning back in his chair. “We need you to go to the fields. The animals are out of control without their master present.”
“When will he return?” you asked, and the pair merely stared at one another. You frowned. “Is Youngjae gone for good?”
“He’s playing hooky up above.”
“Earthside?” you questioned ignorantly, having never heard of a demon going beyond that before. Jackson smirked and pointed higher. You gasped. “How… wait, a demon can go to heaven and yet someone who did so much good cannot?!”
“It’s a messed up system,” the fellow female in the room mentioned and Jackson nodded grimly. “Don’t try and question it, you’ll never be able to understand that of the Gods’ will.”
“I decline,” you answered, stepping back from the desk between you and the Purgatory keepers. “I’m happy here.”
Leaning forward with surprise, Jackson then eyed you cautiously. “You won’t work with the animals?”
“No. I don’t have any interest in keeping animals.”
“But as a witch-”
“Am I?” you challenged, uncaring of what the file stated. This was precisely what you disliked about labels and expectations. You had given up the status of a witch when you were burned at the stake. The power remained within and you might have used it during your time here. But it was your own, not theirs to request use of as it pleased them.
You suddenly craved solidarity.
Somehow, you knew you could receive just that in the fields. No one dared enter there unless their master was present who kept the creatures mostly calm and harmonious. And even then, no one just boldly stepped foot into the grassy terrain. Creatures of Sheol weren’t all visible to the naked eye. The amount of grass snakes that had attacked the one-eyed beasts in the past had given sufficient warning to all to tread with caution.
Everyone was scared of the fields even the demon lords of this realm.
It was tempting to head there and avoid all expectations.  
That would be stepping into what had been requested of you though. It was a double-edged sword and either way you would fall trap to something. Your annoyance of knowing where Youngjae had gone to turned you away from calming the spirits of the animals. It was unjust and frankly, downright abominable. You had no desire to make it to heaven yourself, having been punished by the very Gods for practising in good faith of healing the world that humans destroyed. Yet, you couldn’t agree with being punished either.
There was no place that fitted what you deserved in this realm.
But being away from other humans, entities and demons, well, that could at least be a start. You groaned, your mind had convinced your annoyance to simmer down.
“I will work with the animals,” you announced, receiving smiles from both of them. “However, once their master returns, I shall not be expected to come back here or work with anything else unless I choose to.”
“I can agree to that,” Jackson replied, holding out his hand. “May you find peace within the fields.”
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It was anything than peaceful when you arrived in Youngjae’s domain. The stables were in an uproar of noise and damage. Those who had yet to break free were working loudly on doing so, kicking at their stall doors angrily. Others roamed around and got into everything. Feed was sprawled across the aisle with strewn buckets and equipment leading to the other end, where a dark demon horse was pawing at the ground and snorting wildly.
Of course, you leapt into immediate action. You asked the homunculus in the form of a shaggy wolf to lend you its paw, closing your eyes to heal it from the pain of attacking a stall to release the chandelier horned deer. You moved onto the next area, opening doors so the agitated animals could be free. And you continued until you reached the spirited demon horse, lifting your hand to its neck.
“Calm down, my friend.”
It whinnied nervously, trying to rear up in front of you to scare you off. You smiled softly. “It’s okay. I know, your master was wrong for leaving you here. How can you all cope without him?”
Another spirited snort left the beast, though it kept its feet upon the ground. You patted its neck gently, nodding in answer. “I’m here. Please, be calm now.”
Within two days you managed to have the distressed animals listening to you at least. And by the end of a week, you had tidied most of the stables and that of your housing. Youngjae had evidently left in a hurry, even the morning dishes from his last meal were left unattended in the sink. You wondered what was so special about his trip to heaven with a grumble as you tackled the mess.
Although you hadn’t met the Monster Keeper, you certainly had heard enough about him. Some said the boom of noise that filtered down from the mountains of Purgatory were that of his laughter. Others depicted him as the kindest demon here yet there were the group of entities who were adamant that he was wickeder than any of the ruling demons of this place. You hadn’t chosen what to believe in until now. You decided anyone who could leave his creatures to struggle as badly as they had were either extremely cruel or given no choice. Either way, his belongings left a sour taste in your mouth and every time a creature wailed for his return, it added to your resolve that you wouldn’t ever like the man.
After six months of treating the animals, they were mostly harmonious. There was an elephant who would sometimes scream and stampede through the freshly planted vegetable garden you had made or trod down the wildflowers you had willed to grow to bring warmth to the fields. A griffin would also swoop down, pick you up and carry you far away just to drop you off in strange places that you had to trudge all the way back to the stables.
And today, that had happened again. “Seriously! Must we go on these adventures so often now?!”
The mythical creature merely cried victoriously as he flew through the skies, diving through the forest that edged the fields for the first time. You gasped, seeing so many hidden spots to cultivate your potions in that the monsters couldn’t disturb. And then, just as the griffin went to turn around, you spotted something unmistakably white and rare. Struggling in the hold upon your shoulders, the creature whined and let you go, much higher up than usual. The speed in which you fell at was also faster and you struggled to use your magic to land neatly, crumpling onto the forest floor with a thud.
Disorientated, you rubbed at your aches from your undesirable landing before remembering why you had fussed about. Springing up, you dashed through the scrub and trees towards the area you had seen from above.
Much as you hadn’t met the Monster Keeper, you had yet to lay your eyes on the large, hairy, white monster that was always talked about at his side. Slowing when you reached the spot you had seen him in, you guarded yourself as you climbed up to the ledge he was resting upon. The creature was asleep and you didn’t dare step into his space. Up close he was much larger than you had anticipated from in the skies. He didn’t look all that friendly either.
Still, you cleared your throat and the beast stirred awake, glowing blue eyes watching you carefully. “Smoosh?”
He growled loudly, climbing up from his slumbering position and glared at you. You sensed his grief produced the anger displayed and nodded, standing your ground. “It’s okay, I won’t come any closer.”
Smoosh huffed and flopped back down, however, he kept his eyes on you. Sitting down, you stretched your legs out in front of yourself. “Oh, the tree snagged at my skin.”
Placing a hand over your wound, you closed your eyes and relied on your powers to heal it. Smoosh was entirely fascinated by your gift and you giggled when you were finished which startled him.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you. You’re really cute, you know.” Smoosh grumbled and turned away from you petulantly. Laughing, you leaned back on your elbows. “Do you not like being called cute? I heard that there was a prophecy that one day a human would call Lucifer himself adorable. Can you imagine that?! Our leader would shrivel up and smite her I’m sure. Or maybe he’ll fall in love. We really can’t count on knowing what will happen, right? Just like with Youngjae leaving. I bet you weren’t expecting that.”
Smoosh glanced over his shoulder and then dropped his head miserably. “I bet he misses you too, wherever he is. I’m sure he’ll come back for you. Why don’t you come and wait with me up in the fields? I’m sure you’re hungry too. There’s nothing apart from trees in here.”
For a moment, you thought Smoosh was going to get up. Instead, he curled up further, ignoring your offer as he cried himself back to sleep.
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Smoosh continued to ignore your offers for an entire year. Still, you made the effort to go and see him often, taking food with you for him as well. At first, the trek was made difficult. However, you had befriended the demon horse, who graciously allow you to ride her into the forest for you to deliver the food.
Time soon grew irrelevant. Most of the animals now looked to you as their leader and you felt as if you had gained many friends within this part of Sheol. You woke in the mornings with vigour, chatting with all the stabled monsters as you fed them breakfast. And then you went about your day, harvesting your magically grown fruits, vegetables and potions. And when you were done with your chores, you would climb aboard Mystic, as you had named her, and gallop into the forest with the food you had cultivated especially for Smoosh.
Although he was still reluctant to leave the forest, he was always waiting for your arrival, this stumpy tail wagging excitedly. You thanked Mystic for the ride and offered her an apple before climbing up to where Smoosh was bouncing around animatedly.
You giggled. “Careful! If you’re too loud, you’ll cause another sonic boom.”
He tried his best to calm down, though the oversized monster couldn’t quite manage it either, bounding up to you as soon as you were on the ledge and licking your left side happily.
“Good to see you too!” you mentioned, reaching into your bag for the food you had transported. You then held up a hand and gave Smoosh a warning look. He rolled his eyes and stamped his front foot before plomping his butt down. “Well done. Now let me just size this up for you.”
With an incantation chanted whilst your hands hovered over the food, you watched as it tripled in size, a perfect feast for someone the size of Smoosh. He barely waited for you to step back before diving in, making a mess everywhere.
You loved that he was this messy and free.
And when he was done, you curled up in his fur, taking a nap with him until the night arrived. Staring up at the moon, you sighed.
“I was a child of the moon. Until moving here, I hadn’t seen night or day once in Purgatory. Sheol is very special, don’t you think? Every part of this place is different from the next.”
Smoosh hummed in response, lethargic after his dinner. You held up your hand to the sky and made a circle around the moon with your index finger and thumb. Smiling after capturing it in your grasp, you then buried yourself into Smoosh.
“I know you still miss him. I wish you would come down to the house with me. You’d be happier there.”
The monster snorted and you patted his fur. “Seriously. Everyone loves me.”
Mystic let out a long-winded whinny and Smoosh chuckled. You sat up and looked between the two creatures. “Don’t lie! So Griffin still wants to get rid of me and Phantom trod on my cornfield but listen! We’re all happy, are we not?! Who needs a Monster Keeper when you have me, a Great Witch!”
A gush of wind enveloped you then, and you blinked at how it picked you up, levitating you in the air. Mystic grew nervous and Smoosh tried to swat you back down. You laughed then, rolling around in the air.
“Did you hear me, Smoosh?! I’m a witch!” you exclaimed, the wind spiralling you around until you were laughing with enjoyment. “Mystic, let’s race!”
You controlled the wind and dove down towards the ground, flying through the forest. You grinned when you heard energetic hooves thundering along behind you. Dashing out into the fields, you laughed victoriously when Mystic arrived after you, her annoyance displayed in a large playful rear. Flying around her, you played with her some more until you saw a tree fall down.
Smoosh running towards you both. “Smoosh!”
Colliding into his fur fondly, you were filled with joy at his first venture away from the forest. “I’m so happy for you, you adorable giant polar bear!”
Smoosh growled and stamped his foot at your affection, though his tail was moving too fast to hide his satisfaction.
And then Mystic’s distress call ended all the happiness within you.
Looking at the stables in the distance, you sensed it as well.
Your monsters, they were falling ill.
One by one.
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“I demand a meeting with the Devil.”
The Gatekeeper looked you over and then groaned. “You’re not here for me?”
“Why would I come for someone I’ve never met?” you answered curtly and the demon shrugged.
“Love at first sight is a thing. Haven’t you heard of the human that caused chaos upon our Leader’s heart?”
You groaned impatiently, forming fists with your hands. “Do I have time to talk about humans right now?! The monsters are dying!”
When you had arrived back the stables, you had already found the chandelier deer down and laboured with breathing. She passed first, and no matter what you tried, you couldn’t revive her.
When the sun rose the following morning, you were fighting to keep three newly fallen monsters alive. They passed by the end of the day.
And when you found Griffin unable to fly the following morning, you had entrusted the care of the monsters to Smoosh and Mystic before flying to the Gatekeeper.
“The monsters are dying?” he repeated, his smile of daggers erasing. “But why?!”
“I don’t know and so I must talk with the Devil! Surely he can help them!”
“I cannot,” a new voice announced and you spun around to find your Overlord standing beside you both. He glanced at the fellow demon and nodded. “Allow her in, BamBam.”
Once taken up to the Devil’s office, you leaned forward with haste. “What do you mean you cannot do anything?! This is your realm!”
“It’s my fault,” he started, rubbing at his face. “I was greedy and now the Gods are punishing this world.”
“For what?!”
“For loving someone I shouldn’t,” he answered sadly, looking towards a portrait of a woman on his wall. He then turned back to you. “It’s not just one part of Sheol that’s affected. My love did too much good for this place. As have you. Which is why I believe the monsters were the first to be affected.”
“This is absolutely absurd! They’ve done nothing wrong! What is wrong with all of you? And where is Youngjae?!”
“He will return soon. The havoc being caused up above will filter down here rather quickly. Please feel assured by this.”
“I won’t feel anything until the animals I care for are back to full health.” Getting up, you glared at the ceiling of the ornate room. “If another single monster falls ill or dies, I don’t know what I’ll do, but I will do something major.”
“Please take this, Witch.”
You glanced at the large vial of indigo liquid. He smiled gently. “It is my blood. If this does not work to save those who have fallen, I have no ideas left.”
Thanking him for the offering, you hurried back to the fields, where Griffin was barely holding on. Taking up a spoon, you poured the glistening purple blood onto it before guiding it into Griffin’s mouth.
Calling upon your inner magic, you summoned your best source of protection and layered it around him.
And then you waited.
You awoke to a shove and a whine from Smoosh. Blearily glancing around, you looked to where Griffin had been resting. The straw bed was empty and you leapt up, searching the stables for him.
A swoosh of air from above when you stepped outside alerted you to look up. Tears ran down your cheeks. “Griffin! You’re alive!”
The mythical creature landed gracefully, raising a talon towards you as he roared cheerfully. Diving into his feathered chest, you cried with relief.
“The Demon King will save you all!”
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It was an exhausting period, but the monsters soon stopped dying off. With your powers and the blood gifted to you by the Devil, you managed to endure the hardships thrust upon you all.
You felt as if you would need a long vacation when all this was over.
Before you could settle back into any routine you once held, however, the fields were shaken once again.
You knew a demon was walking into these lands before you even left the house. By the time you had thrown your shawl around your nightgown and stepped outside, you could see the figure was close enough to see you. He paused, though that could be due to the way the homunculus wolf ran to him and howled at his reappearance. The animals, one by one ventured towards the return of their Almighty and you couldn’t help but smile with how bright the field became with light.
You knew you were only a substitute for their true master.
However, Mystic and Smoosh remained at your side, not rushing forward like the rest of them. You glanced at them both and laugh. “Go on! You’ve missed him too!”
Smoosh shook his head and grew broody, turning back for the stables. And Mystic merely snorted before following her close friend.
The demon stopped before you and bowed. “I hear you are the witch who cared for my animals.”
“Well someone had to mend all their broken hearts,” you answered without much thought, the demon growing perplexed for a moment.
And then his laughter boomed around the area. “They told me to be wary of you.”
“How so?”
“A feisty, strong and righteous witch wandered into my fields and strengthened my monsters.”
“I’d hardly say I wandered in.”
“And yet my monsters are stronger.”
“Perhaps that is because of the food I’ve cultivated for them.”
The demon nodded. “They glisten. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you replied with some surprise laced within your tone.
You blinked. When he first spoke to you, you felt nothing but contempt towards the entity. And now, with his honest compliment, you were easing in mind and heart.
He cleared his throat. “I am saddened that my Smoosh has yet to greet me. What have you done to him?”
Your annoyance instantly returned. “Why, I’ve done nothing but show him appreciation! He was the most broken-spirited of them all with you gone.”
“He’s a tough boy. I bet he was playing you.”
“Honestly!” you exclaimed, marching after the demon now heading into the stables. Mystic stood in the aisle eyeing you both before stomping her hooves impatiently. The demon raced down to the stall where Smoosh was and let out a wail.
“What is wrong with you, my boy?!”
“Absolutely nothing is-” Your sentence cut short when you found Smoosh labouring his breath. For a second, you panicked and gasped when you realised you were out of the Devil’s blood supply. And then you looked at the hairy creature, narrowing your gaze.
“I cannot believe you, Smoosh!” you cried, stepping into the stall and placing your hands on your hips. “Get up now.”
Smoosh let out a dramatic wail and the demon pushed you aside. “Get away!”
“He is playing you, can you not sense it?!” you told him exasperatedly though he ignored you and began to examine his friend. “Youngjae!”
“Dearest Witch, we are not on a first-name basis as of yet. Especially if there is something wrong here.”
You stared at both males incredulously, turning to Mystic who you were certain shrugged in response. Letting out a loud scoff, and twirling your finger in the air to prove the game at hand, you then stormed out of the stables.
Mystic followed you out into the middle of the field and nudged you softly. “Men! They’re awful! He barely thanks me before blaming me for hurting his beloved overgrown snowball! And then Smoosh! Ohhhh I could kill them both!”
Mystic whinnied in agreement, pacing alongside you. Glancing at your equine friend, you nodded determinedly. “You’ll be at my side no matter what, won’t you Mystic? Let’s set up our own place here in the fields away from the others. Just you and me and whoever wants to enjoy our company. What do you say?!”
“I’d be gravely disappointed if you did that,” a voice interjected and you spun to see the demon standing there, shooting a look at the guilty monster trailing behind him. “I’m Youngjae and you are?”
“A witch!”
“The finest witch I’ve ever met.”
“Yes, well, I tried my best. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have plans.”
“To come back with us, I hope. I can tell Smoosh is very fond of you.”
“Not fond enough to not play dirty tactics as soon as his master is home, apparently.” Smoosh whined apologetically at your answer and you let out a huff of air.
Youngjae stepped closer. “Please, a name.”
“Well, I must know of the person who will be spending her existence here with me and my animals, after all. I was instructed by Jackson that he must keep his word in allowing you permanent residence here.”
A small smile crossed your lips at the honourable commander’s mentioning. “And will you allow it?”
“I have no choice otherwise,” Youngjae admitted. “You see, even if I were to say no, I can tell more than half the animals would cause an outcry. Especially these two.”
Both Mystic and Smoosh nodded in agreement.
“I can stay?”
“If you will give me your name. It’s all I ask of you.”
“Just a name?” you echoed and Youngjae nodded.
“Oh, and that of your tales. It’s been some decades since I was here. So much has changed. Flowers growing everywhere!”
You grinned.
Although you were happy to have no humans or entities trouble you within these fields, you were strangely excited for the return of Youngjae. You realised there was a whole series of tales you could tell him.
And before you launched into your first one, you smiled up at the demon before you and uttered out your name.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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monnn · 3 years
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𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌 - 𝘑𝘢𝘺𝘉 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊 - 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵, 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯? (ʃ⌣́ ,⌣́ ƪ)
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 - 𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 1.2𝘬
All the playful teasing tonight had been paying off, for the both of you. Secret touches, dirty little whispers here and there throughout dinner with the boys. Hands on each other’s thighs, reaching up and in rarely – one would consider it quite dicey, yet it’d been intoxicating. Sooner or later, you guys were home and fatigued. Tired yet famished as fuck. Walking past the main door, sly smirks shot at each other, the little game of touch and starve still on. Huffing, Jaebeom sits on the couch, his legs perfectly spread and the marvelous view of his thighs. And quite inviting, of course. It was as if he were an open book to read that you took a seat, while he was thinking of you straddling his lap. You’re on Jaebeom’s lap, hands snaking around his neck – mouths so near, yet too far to collide. Neither of you were in a rush so he just held you close, igniting a flame to grow slowly, all while having an unintentional stare-off. It was actually quite beguiling, but a few light kisses and his strong grip on your waist was enough to have you both molding your lips against each other. The ardor – fascination – all that love was sifted into each other with no rush. Time might be precious, probably not when it’s spent in loving each other – time, can wait. The feeling is almost surreal; Jaebeom with his hair down, all worked up, waiting for you to take him. Stopping to catch breaths, you had to admit the view in front of you was ethereal. A sweaty, slightly quite needy Jaebeom with lechery and passion for eyes. It was quite the delight of a sight. You make sure to get enough of it before getting off and pulling him by the wrist to your bedroom. The place where all the magic unveils – at least for the both of you. Your room’s dimly lit by the city light as you take hot minute, looking out and adoring all the lights from the height of your apartment. But Jaebeom has other plans. He snakes his hands over, intervening your thoughts but staring in the same gaze as you. Pushing your hair aside, he plants a loving kiss to your neck, inhaling your scent as if you were a drug. His drug. Jaebeom pulls you by the wrist, landing himself on the bed with you on his lap. There’s a mirror in front of you both. When you look at him in the mirror, he almost – almost looks like the devil himself. His hands snake around your waist, slowly turning you around to face him. Without any further ado he closes in, slightly brushing his lips against yours. It’s like the both of you are the personification of repelling magnets. So far, yet so close to each other. You finally give in, kissing him earnestly while his hands guide your waist to grind on him. There’s no haste in anything as your kisses get sloppier, tongues melding into a hot mess. Your fingers tangle in his hair, while his grip on your waist strengthens – pretty sure they’d leave marks the next day, but that’s a care for tomorrow. Pulling away, clothes are off of each other in quite a brisk way. Maybe it isn’t about the time, but definitely the yearning. There’s a grip on one of your ankles while you climbing onto the bed, Jaebeom pulling you over to the edge and flipping you on your back. And before you could even comprehend, he’s on his knees, head deep in your cunt, lapping at you like a starved man. Sinful, Scandalous. Your moans make the best of music to him. Jaebeom continues until he’s made you cum thrice, sending you to an overstimulated, sensitive state and right when you’re about to cum again, he stops.
“I’m gonna burst if you don’t do anything about my little buddy here” he whines. You laugh at how swiftly he goes from a demon to a needy baby. Jaebeom moves to rest back on the headboard, while you straddle him with a smirk playing on your face. “I swear if you’re gonna tease me, this is not the right time for it.”
You chuckle, finding his agony funny. While he’s wondering the reason for your laughter, you sit down on him in a go, nearly making him squeal out of bliss. “That was quite a risky move sweetheart, I would’ve filled you up in a go”
“Maybe you should……or you could let me do some work” you say, winking at him. He shrugs, leaning back and resting his head while you move at your own pace. It’s almost as if you were cockwarming if it weren’t for him losing his control and thrusting up at random. Leaning forward, Jaebeom scatters feather kisses over your neck, unconsciously making you clench around him. You can feel his devious smirking at the effect those kisses had while continuing to kiss over your chest, leaving a few bites for memory. Fatigue now consciously on both of your minds, his speed increases with each of your moves, so does the sinful harmony of moans and groans. His heels press down, while he lifts up to thrust further in you – hitting all the spots dead right. Jaebeom knew all your spots like the back of his hand, thrusts getting irregular and steady, while a knot forms in your stomach, waiting to burst anytime. Both of you rut against each other as you come down from your high, slowly riding him out while he groans into the pillow beside, the vibration felt through your dripping cunt. You’re just like his books – he just needs a touch or two to delve right in. You get up and head to run a bath, while Jaebeom tries to compose himself and move his lazy ass to the bath. The tub is filled with dried petals, a very subtle and calming scent coming from it and with you in all your glory – Jaebeom would be down for round two if he weren’t this spent. He gets in, settling down on the opposite side of you to admire your grace. “You know,” he starts, voice raspy “I wouldn’t want anything than this with you. I’d fight Troy for you – god, I just fucking admire and love you so much, I really hope you feel the same or this would be quite embarrassing” he halts, burying his face.
“If that’s about you, well then I would travel through galaxies just to be with you in this moment. I love you much more Jaebeom. And I hope you know that too” you mumble in a breath, while he gazes at you endearingly. Without wasting another moment, he lays in your arms, cuddling and nuzzling up to you as the both of you talk about the most mundane things ever. Jaebeom is your somebody to do that with and you’re his for a lifetime or more.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------𝐀/𝐍 : 𝘩𝘪 𝘩𝘪, 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘶𝘷𝘴. 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦, 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴!!♡^▽^♡ 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥. 𝘭𝘮𝘬 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘨𝘶𝘺𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘮𝘶𝘵! 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 @/𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘐𝘎 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘷 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳'𝘴 𝘣𝘥𝘢𝘺! 𝘪 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳(🌸ゝ◡・)ノ♡
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phoenix-oasis · 4 years
I always loved you
Hello, lovelies, this is Admin Oasis.  This was a request for a best friend to lovers series of stories for Got7. I am not sure if this was more of a reaction request, but I decided to make them a series of stories, like I did for BTS.  The only difference is this might be just one part instead of three.  I hope that you like this, as much as you liked the BTS ones. If you do want a part two, let me know so that I can start planning it.
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Genre: BFF to lovers! Smut, Fluff, unprotected sex, slight angst.
Pairing: Mark Tuan x reader
Summary: You and Mark are best friends, and when he suddenly confesses to you, you don’t know what to do.  When he goes home, he questions how you feel about him too.
Warning: smut, unprotected sex, fluff, slight angst
Word Count: 6022
 Mark watched you as he was waiting for his time to audition in New York.  He had known you for years, since he and his family lived in Paraguay.  Your father had worked with his, and the two of you had been friends since before the two of you could talk.  You had become best friends, and you had cried when it was time for Mark to come back to LA.  
You had moved to LA, right across the street from him, when you were five.  The two of you were in the same kindergarten class, which was great. Mark didn’t make friends fast, and so to have you in his class offered him a sense of security.  Your circle of friends grew fast, and as the years went by and elementary made way to middle school, Mark realized that your friendship was essential to his mental state.  There was a couple of weeks in seventh grade where you and he were fighting, and not on speaking terms.  That week had been the most miserable, and stressful of his life.  
By the time high school came around, Mark knew for a fact that he had a huge crush on you.  You, however, were interested in one of his friends; a jerk who Mark knew would not be good for you.  Mark wasn’t sure how to handle the anger that had surged in him when you told him that you thought his friend was cute.  When his friend showed interest in you too, Mark was beside himself. This was the first time that he’d felt jealous, and he had realized that he was going to be a very jealous boyfriend eventually.  He had been there, though, to help you when his friend broke your heart.  That was the last time that Mark had spoken to him.
Mark knew that he wanted you to be more than just a friend, but he wasn’t sure how you felt about him. You had never made the move to be more than friends, not that he expected you to.  He had never made a move either.  You also seemed to be extremely content with being friends, albeit best friends, and Mark wasn’t sure he wanted to mess that up.  If he couldn’t have you as a significant other, then he wanted to have you as a friend.  
It didn’t help his feelings any that you and he were very close.  You two were so close that sometimes you fell asleep with your head on his shoulder.  Sometimes, he would fall asleep with his head on your lap while watching television. Sometimes, he would jump and hide behind your back when you watched horror movies.  You two were at each other’s houses all the time, every day. You called his parents mom and dad, and he called yours mom and dad.  Matter of fact, everyone who knew you two were taking bets to see when you two would end up together.
If you were content with just being friends, however, then Mark was too, or he would make himself content. At school, he’d been approached by a man who was claiming to be a rep of JYPE a kpop entertainment company, and they wanted to know if he wanted to be a kpop idol.  He wondered if this was something that he could do.  He turned to look at the table where his friends, and you were sitting.  Would you miss him?
His audition had gone well, and now he was sitting in the airport, in LAX, waiting for his flight to board.  You had come along because you and Mark were joined at the hip, and he wanted to have you there for his farewell.  He stood looking at the plane through the window, and he sighed.  He was going to a place where he didn’t know anything; most importantly he didn’t know a way to communicate with anybody.  Was he making the right choice?
“You seem pensive,” your voice found him, and he smiled, turning to look at you.  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“I don’t know Korean,” he said, shaking his head.  “I don’t know anything about the culture.  What if I’m making a mistake?”
“You come back,” you said, smiling at him.  “If it’s not everything you want, if you can’t do it, if it’s too difficult, and I mean after giving good effort, then you come back.”
“Is it really that simple?” he asked, laughing.  “I just hop on a plane back home?”
You looked up at him and nodded.  “I’ll be waiting here for you to come back,” you said, giving him a different kind of smile. “Whatever you need, just call me. You know I’ll always be here for you.”
He almost said it then. The look in your eyes, the way that you told him that you would wait for him, that you would be there for him, it made him feel a certain kind of way.  He almost told you that he loved you.  He didn’t though.  The plane started boarding, and he hugged you, told you he’d miss you, and then he boarded the plane.  He didn’t see you break down sobbing after he boarded.  Joey and Tammy were quick to rush to you.  You moved down to sit on the floor, your knees up, your face on your knees and you sobbed.  Everyone pulled their arms around you, missing your best friend already.  However, you were happy for him, and you hoped that he would be happy in Korea.
 For close to ten years Mark lived in Seoul.  He debuted with Got7, and they gained notoriety.  Every year or so, Mark came home, and he hung out with all his friends, including you. For almost ten years, he held back the fact that he loved you, because of his image, and because of JYPE.  Every time he came home though, he brought you something from Korea.  Every time that he was home it was like nothing had ever changed, like he wasn’t spending his time in Korea missing you.
You noticed, though, the decline in promotions for GOT7, the upset looks on his face when he did come home. You were worried.  So just before the comeback for Breath of Love, you went to visit him in Korea.  It was a surprise to him, the only ones knowing about this were Joey and BamBam. They were the ones that took you to the airport and picked you up.  When you got to Mark’s house, he thought he was letting BamBam into the house.  
He smiled, surprise on his face the second that he opened the door.  He pulled you into his arms, and he twirled you around.  When he put you down, he sighed in contentment.  
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, letting you and BamBam into the house.  “It’s so awesome to have you here!”
“I wanted to be here to cheer for the GOT7 comeback,” you said, moving down to pet Milo.
After the excitement of having you there, and the gratitude that Mark showed BamBam for getting you to him safely, he left, giving them some privacy.  Mark sat on his couch, and you lied on the sofa, head on his lap, and Mark just loved the sight of your hair falling over his lap.  His fingers ran through your hair, and he started to hum the main title for Breath of Love.  You smiled, turned to look up at him, and nodded.
“I like it,” you said, before you sighed.
“Are you tired?  Are you jet lagged?”
“I think so,” you answered, nodding.  “I just want to sleep right here.”
“You can’t,” he said laughing.  “My neck would hurt from sleeping on the couch.”
You slept in his room that night, cuddled into his side, because it was a lot colder in Seoul than it was in LA.  Mark woke up the next morning to your head on his shoulder, and he wanted to kiss your forehead so badly.  Milo beat him to it, though, and Mark laughed as you sputtered.  
With a groan, Mark helped you out of bed, and begged you to get dressed.  It was time for him to go to JYPE, and he was going to take you with him. There was no way that he was going to spend any of this limited time away from you.  JYP and Jimmy were not thrilled that he brought you, but Mark was over the restrictions this company was putting on him.  
Mark smiled as he walked into the conference hall.  The other six members smiled back at him, while Youngjae and Jackson gave him looks of surprise.  He just grinned at them, while Jimmy and JYP glared at him for daring to bring an outsider in. Mark ignored them and turned to the guys.  
“This is my best friend, Y/N,” Mark introduced.  “These are my other best friends.  That’s our leader, JB, and these guys are Jackson, Yugyeom, BamBam you know, Jinyoung, Youngjae. They are my bandmates.”
“Nice to meet you,” you said, smiling at the six other men.
“I’m Jimmy, and this is a closed conference,” he said.
Mark held up a hand as you moved behind Mark.  “She’s not leaving.  She will sit quietly next to me while we have the meeting, but she is staying, or I’m leaving.  I would rather spend my time with her, than with you anyway.”
JYP put a hand on Jimmy’s arm, and he nodded.  Mark sat down, you sat next to him, and he handed you his phone.  You turned on a game and it kept you sufficiently distracted for a while.  The meeting was long, and quite suddenly, in the middle of your game, you caught the middle of an argument.  
“If we aren’t promoting the album until the day of the video drop then how are our fans going to know about our comeback?” JB said, looking at JYP.  “How are we supposed to make sales?”
“None of you have said you’re going to re-sign,” Jimmy said, and JB rolled his eyes.
“Wait,” you said, furrowing your brow.  Everyone turned to look from the two men at the head of the table to you.  “You’re not going to promote the album?  You’re not going to let the fans know the drop date, BECAUSE they haven’t agreed to re-sign?”
“This is none of your business,” JYP said.  “You’re supposed to sit there quietly.”
“That’s until you decide to hurt my best friend,” you said, looking at JYP.  “What the hell is your problem?  You think people haven’t noticed that you haven’t been working with the guys?  We noticed, and we’re incredibly pissed off about it.  And if you think for one minute that if these men decide to leave you, aghase is going to stay you’re a moron.”
“Shut up,” Jimmy said.
“Hey,” Mark said, standing up.  “Don’t worry, I’ll do the job that you refuse to do,” Mark said, taking your hand.  He led you out of the room before he turned to look at you.  “You are amazing, you know,” he said, and you blushed.  Mark liked it when you blushed.
“I’m hungry,” you said, pouting.
He laughed, nodding his head.  “Let’s go eat.”
For a few weeks, until the comeback, you helped him promote the album on his social media.  After online showcase for the comeback, he and the boys went to their homes, and you fed him. Mark sighed contentedly.  He liked having you around when he came home from a tired workday.  He sat on the sofa, and you brought him some food.  He put on a drama, ate, and after the dishes were clean, you cuddled into his side.  He sighed, kissed your forehead, and then he looked down at you.
“I love you,” he said, closing his eyes.  “I am so in love with you, and to be honest, I’m not sure how I’m going to get on when you go back to LA.”
You moved back slightly, looking up at him.  He took in a deep breath, opened his eyes slowly, and then looked down at you. Your brow was furrowed, and you were looking at him curiously.  You tilted your head and swallowed hard.
“What did you say?”
“What did I say?” Mark asked, his tired eyes clearly not focused on what he had just said.
“We should go to bed, Mark,” you said, getting up from the sofa.  He nodded, following you to the bedroom.”
Early in the morning, before Mark could even wake up, you grabbed your things and you hurried down to the cab that was waiting for you outside.  The truth was that Mark’s confession scared the hell out of you.  In all the years that you had known Mark, he had never let you believe that he was in love with you.  You had been crushing on him since you’d gone through to middle school, but he had seemed so content with just being friends that you had let that go.  
The problem was that you weren’t sure what was on his mind.  Did he just like you because he’d liked having you around?  Did he just miss you?  Did you take his confession at face value, or not?  He didn’t even know what he’d said two seconds later.  You didn’t want to ruin your friendship, but you knew that you wouldn’t be able to see him in the morning, and not remember his words.
You rushed into the cab, and you were on your way to the airport.  You boarded the plane, and the plane took off, all before Mark woke up. You bit your lip, wondering if you’d just ruined your whole friendship.
Mark woke up, reached for you, and realized that your side of the bed was made.  He furrowed his brow, went to the closet where your suitcase was, and saw that your suitcase wasn’t there.  Did you leave already?  He pulled out his phone to call you, but the call went straight through to voice mail.  
Mark furrowed his brow and thought about last night.  What happened?  And then he remembered.  He’d been tired, really tired, and half asleep, and he’d told you he loved you. Not just that he loved you, he told you that he was in love with you.
“Oh, no,” Mark said, sitting on the sofa.  “Fucking great.  Son of a bitch!”  He was so sure that he’d just messed up the oldest friend that he had.  Truth was he wasn’t sure how he was going to go back home to LA and not hang out with you.  What if you didn’t want to see him anymore.  “Son of a bitch!” he shouted.
 January 2021, Got7 decided not to renew their contracts with JYPE, and that meant decisions had to be made. The boys had to decide who they wanted to sign with, if they wanted to sign with anybody to begin with, and what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives.  One thing was for sure, they were not going to disband.  They would remain together and come together whenever possible to release music together as a group.
After they recorded the video for Encore, and the song as well, Jackson put an arm around Mark’s shoulder.  “What are you going to do?  Are you going to stay here?”
“No, I’m going back home,” Mark said, making the other members turn to look at him.  “I’m going back to LA.”
“Oh, to your ‘Best Friend,’” BamBam said, making quotey fingers.  
Mark closed his eyes, shaking his head.  “I fucked that up.  I don’t even know if she’s my friend anymore, and that kills me.”
Mark moved down to his knees, his head in his hands, and he groaned.  Jackson looked over at Jinyoung, and they exchanged concerned looks. They moved down, putting an arm around him.  JB kneeled in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What do you mean you fucked that up?” he asked.
“I…after the premiere of Last Piece, I was so tired.”  He licked his lips and looked up at the rest of them.  “I told her.”
“Told her what?” Jackson asked.
“I told her that I love her,” he said.  He groaned, putting his face in his hands.  “I told her that I was in love with her, and the next morning she just up and left.  I fucked up. I really, really, really messed this up. She doesn’t feel the same.”  He shook his head, feeling miserable.  “I just ruined 20 plus years of friendship, because I was stupid enough to confess to her that I love her.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” Jinyoung said.  “You love her, that’s amazing.”
“Judging from the way she was with you,” Jackson started.
“I’m sure she feels the same way,” BamBam finished.  
“Then why’d she leave?” Mark asked, looking up at his friends.  “Why did she leave without one word, not even a goodbye.”
“Maybe because you haven’t ever told her, or even hinted that you like her, right?” Youngjae said, giving him a look.  “This had to have been shocking and surprising news to her.”  He shrugged.  “Maybe she didn’t want to act too fast, say the wrong thing, and she thought she might.”
“Yeah,” Jinyoung said, nodding.  “Maybe she was afraid that she didn’t want to say the wrong thing and risk your friendship.”
“When you go home,” Yugyeom said, moving down to his level, “you find her, and talk to her.  Explain to her everything.  Tell her that you’ve loved her for a long time, but you just now were able to express yourself.”
Mark nodded, looking at him. He really hoped it was going to be this easy, because if you were not going to be in his life, he wasn’t sure how he was going to stay sane.  Everything that had happened to him, and to the guys, you were a constant in his life, no matter how far away from you he was.  He hoped it would not change, or not change for the worse.  He wouldn’t mind a change in the lovers direction.
His father and mother picked Mark up at the airport, and the reunion was sweet.  He went home, put his bags in his pool house, where he was going to do his quarantine for two weeks.  He was happy to be home, if he was honest.  He was with his family, and soon he’d be able to see his nieces, and he’d be able to play with them.
The first day free from his quarantine, he went to the main house.  Joey and Abbey were there, talking, and you were sitting there, laughing and chatting with them.  Your legs were tucked under you, your arms crossed over the arm rest, watching the two, and laughing.  You looked stunning, and Mark wanted to just take you in his arms.
You laughed, and you looked over at him.  You gasped, your eyes widening a bit, and you blushed.  Mark stared right at you.  Joey was the first to react.  He walked up to Mark and hugged him.  As your eyes broke contact, Mark hugged Joey and looked over at you.
“Go to her,” Joey said. “Take her aside and talk to her.”
“What?” Mark said, looking down at Joey.
“BamBam and Yugyeom called and told me what happened.  I thought it was weird that she was acting strange when she came home.  She didn’t want to talk about it.  It’s taken her a little bit, but she’s talked to Tammy and to Grace, and to Abbey.  She feels the same way, she just isn’t sure about you.”  He smiled and nodded.  “Go talk to her.”
Joey walked over to the couch, took Abbey’s hand, and then walked out of the living room.  Mark walked over to you, sitting down across from you.  You bit your lip, looking down, then around, at anything but at him.  Mark sighed, before he put his hand on your shoulder. You actually stopped breathing for a second.
“Why did you leave?” he asked, his voice so soft it was almost impossible to hear.  “Why did you leave so suddenly without even saying good bye to me?”
“I should go,” you whispered, standing up.  
Mark reached out, grabbing your hand.  You froze, looking at the door.  Mark turned you around to face him.  You were looking down, and Mark sighed.  
“Why did you leave?” he repeated, only louder.
“I knew you’d find each other, eventually,” Raymond said, coming out of his room.  “Mark, I’m planning your welcome home party today.  Y/N, you’re staying right?”
“Anything you need help with?” you asked, pulling your handout of Mark’s grasp.  “I’ll help set up if you want.”
“Great,” Raymond said, grinning.  “Tammy will be here soon with her husband and the kids, and Grace is coming too with her wife.”  Raymond put a hand on her shoulders.  “All of the family will be there, you included.”
“Of course,” you answered, nodding and smiling.  “Put me to work, dad.”
Mark smiled.  If you were at the party, then he could talk to you later.  The party, small get together really, was a success.  Everyone ate, and laughed, and talked, and it was almost like everything was back to normal with you.  You were touching his arm, and laughing with him.  At one point you even held his hand.
Towards the end of the party, you walked into the house.  You had to go to the bathroom.  Joey came up to Mark, and pushed him.  He mouthed the words go, and pushed him towards the back door.  Mark nodded, and he walked into the house.  He leaned against the wall, next to the bathroom door.  He would wait for you to come out, and he’d talk to you then.
The door opened, and you walked out.  “Hey,” Mark said, making you jump and yelp.  Mark laughed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Somehow I think you’re lying,” you said, crossing your arms.  
“Rude,” he said, a smile on his face.  “So, why did you leave?”
Your defenses went back up instantly, but Mark didn’t waste any time.  He took your arm, not letting you turn away from him.  His hand came out to cup the back of your neck, and he sighed.  He noticed how your breath hitched, and how your breathing moved faster.  He was sure that if he were to feel for your heart beat it would be fast.  
“God, I hope I’m right,” he whispered.
Then he was leaning down, pulling you by the neck, and capturing your lips with his.  His free arm came around your waist, his head tilting to the side to better fit his lips to yours.  You gasped, and that was all the invitation he needed.  His tongue dived into your mouth, exploring, as he pushed you against the wall, his body trapping yours in place.
Your hands moved up his chest, and he was afraid for just a second that you would push him away. Your hands moved up around his neck though, and you started kissing him back.  Mark’s heart skipped several beats, leaving him slightly breathless.  He put both of his arms moved around your waist, and he picked you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist.
Neither of you noticed Raymond walk into the house, only to turn around and walk back out.  He ushered everyone around the backyard, through the side gate, and into the house via the front door.  A second later, Mark walked out of the house and started walking to the pool house, you in his arms, lips still attached to yours.  He made his way into the house, kicked the door shut, and walked right through to his room.  He kicked that door closed, then lied you down on the bed, still kissing you senseless.
His hands found the hem of your blouse, caressing up your sides, your blouse gliding up too.  Mark pulled it over your head.  You blushed, while Mark looked down at you, studying every curve of your body.  The look in his eyes, the love and possession in his eyes left you a little breathless. He caressed back down your sides, loving the feel of your soft skin against his fingers.  Goosebumps appeared on your skin, and he moved down to kiss your neck.
You moaned softly, and Mark sighed against your skin, the sound washing over his whole body.  He felt the touch of your fingers moving under the T-shirt on his body, also bringing it up over his head.  Then your hands moved down his chest, over his stomach, and he moaned softly.  This is what he’d been waiting for, for years.
He kissed your shoulder, lowering your bra straps.  His fingers caressed down your arms as he kissed your collar bone.  His lips moved over your breasts, as his fingers lowered the cup of your bra.  Your eyes closed, pleasure pooling in your center as Mark’s lips caressed the tops of your breasts softly.  Slowly his hands moved around your torso, unclasping your bra.  Slowly your bra came off, and Mark stared at you, worshiping every plane of your body.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.
You blushed, as he moved down to kiss down your chest, the valley between your breasts.  Mark’s hands cupped your breasts, thumbs flicking your nipples, and you moaned softly.  Mark moved to take your right breast in his mouth, suckling on your nipple. You moaned louder, closing your eyes, as your hands moved to tangle in his hair.
He kept kissing down your torso, over your stomach, stopping at the button of your jeans.  His eyes moved up to look at you, as his fingers undid the button of your jeans.  He unbuttoned your jeans and he pulled them off gently, leaving you in your panties.
Blushing furiously, you sat up, looking at Mark.  Hesitantly you reached for his jeans button.  He nodded at you, urging you to remove them.  So, you undid the button, pulled down the zipper slowly.  You looked up at him, as you pulled his pants down. Eyes locked together, you lowered his boxers, causing him to breathe a sigh of relief as the cold air hit his heated skin.  You took his rock-hard member into your hand, stroking from base to tip, smearing the precum over his cock.  Mark groaned, closing his eyes, putting his hand on yours.  He was way too excited to have you jerking him off.  He wanted to feel you around him, before he climaxed.  He moved down, kissing you hard on the lips. As he pulled your panties off of you, he lied you back on the bed.  
His hand caressed up your leg, bending your knee and hooking your leg around his waist.  He looked down, aligning his member to your entrance, then he looked up at you.  His hand came out to caress your face softly, and he lowered his forehead to you.
“Do I need to prepare you?” He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly.  “To be honest, I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to be able to keep myself in check.”
“I’m fine,” you said, nodding your head.  “Trust me, I’m ready.”
He smiled sideways. “Are you?” he asked, and you blushed. “Have I mentioned that I love it when you blush?”
He pushed himself into your entrance, stretching you.  You gasped, your hands gripping his arms, your back coming off the bed.  Your eyes closed as Mark pushed further into you, the friction of his member against your walls shooting pleasure through your core.
“Ooooh,” you voiced, flexing your hips.
This caused your passage to tighten around Mark, and his arms trembled as he tried to hold himself up off of you.  He closed his eyes, moaning loudly, burying his face in your neck.  Then he was inside you, hips to hips, pelvis to pelvis, and you felt so full, so fucking spectacular.  Mark stayed still, trying to give you some time to adjust.  
“You feel so fucking good,” he whispered into your ear.  “God, you feel so fucking good.”
Mark puled out slightly, and pushed himself back in, and you moaned.  “Mark,” you moaned, as he moaned back in return.  He had dreamt of you calling out his name in passion, and reality was much better than fantasy.  “Mark, oh God.”
His hips flexed, pushing deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot.  You whimpered, moaning louder, making Mark kiss you to shut you up.  He had just remembered that his family were supposed to be outside the pool house, in the back yard.  He didn’t want them hearing this.  He pulled out, almost completely, and moved back into you, picking up speed as he kissed you.  Over and over, he thrust into you, hitting your sweet spot.  You squealed into his kiss, his hands pushing you into the bed by your hips, as he thrust into you over and over.
Your sensitive walls trembled around him, and Mark knew that you were close.  Good, cause so was he.  He moved up off of you, putting his hands on your knees, hiking them higher around his waist.  His hips thrust harder and faster into you, hitting that spot in you over and over, and you put your hands over your mouth, as your walls clenched around him.  Your squeals grew louder, muffled, but louder. Then you moved your hands off your mouth.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” you said, gasping as a knot tightened in your gut.  “Oh, God, Mark please.”
“Yes, cum for me baby,” he said, thrusting one final time into you.
You slapped your hands on your mouth again, groaning loudly, squealing louder, as your climax hit you. Your walls clenched around him, as Mark pushed into you.  He savored the feeling of you cumming around him, milking him, squeezing him.  He groaned, flexing his hips into yours, helping you ride out your climax.  As your body twitched, convulsing under him, he pulled out, feeling a tightening in his balls, and ejaculated onto your stomach.  He landed on the bed, on his back, catching his breath.  
You lied on your back, staring up at the ceiling, as the realization of what you had just done dawned on you.  Mark got off the bed, and walked to the bathroom, after putting on his boxers, and you sat up, feeling really horrified.  What the hell had you just done?
You put your panties and your bra on, more in a state of shock and autopilot.  You put your pants on, and had your blouse in your hand while you made your way to the door of Mark’s bedroom.  How could you have been so stupid?  You didn’t know how Mark was feeling for you, and you just let your hormones take over and had sex, with your best friend.  If things weren’t awkward enough before, they were going to be worse now.
“Where are you going?” Mark’s voice asked, stopping you dead in your tracks.  “Turn around.”  You shook your head.  There was no way you were turning around.  Mark sighed. “I need to clean you off, unless you cleaned the cum off your stomach.”
You swallowed hard, and looked down.  Sure enough, you had thick strands of cum on your stomach.  Some was dripping down your jeans, and most had come off on the bed, but there was still some on your stomach.  You turned around slowly, and Mark walked up to you with a warm, damp cloth. He wiped your stomach off, before he took a step back.  
“Why are you leaving?” he asked, sounding angry.  “Why are you always leaving?”  You swallowed hard, biting your lip, not sure how to answer him.  “Don’t you love me back?”  You looked up at him.  He was staring at you, intently.  “Did I just kill our friendship?  Did I just ruin everything that we’ve been through for the past twenty some-odd years?”
You closed your eyes, because you could feel the tears filling your eyes.  “I don’t know,” you answered, shrugging.  “I don’t know what our friendship is now.  I care about you too much to be fuck buddies.  I don’t’ want to ruin our friendship that way.”
“Then we won’t,” he said, taking a step closer to you.  “We won’t ruin anything.”  You looked up at him again cautiously.  “I am in love with you.  I have been for years.  I’ve been crushing on you since middle school, and I’ve been in love with you since high school.  We can give it shot.  You and me, we can give it a shot, and we can see how we are.”
“Mark, what if things end badly?  That will ruin our friendship.  I love you, and I can’t see my life without you in it, and I’m fucking terrified that if things end badly with us, then you’re going to leave me, and I’m going to die a little inside.”
“Don’t end us before we even start,” he said, taking your hand.  “Don’t quit on us because I fucking love you.  I can’t see you not in my life either.  I need you for my very sanity, so you bet your sweet ass that I’m not going to jeopardize that.”  He grinned. “And for the record, your ass is sweet.”
You smiled involuntarily. “Will you stop?  Will you be serious?”
Mark smiled.  “I can’t.”  He sat down on his bed, pulling you onto his lap, his arm coming around you, holding you close to him.  “I can’t be serious, because we just did what I have been trying to get the courage to do for a long time.”
“You’ve wanted to have sex with me for a long time?” you asked, incredulously.
“Yes, I have.  If I had not been so damn tired the time you came to visit me, I would have seduced you that night.”  You blushed, and Mark laughed.  
“Mark!” you said, trying to get off of him.
Mark tightened his arms around you, and turned, so that he could lie you on the bed.  He hovered over you, and you couldn’t stop blushing. Mark leaned down and kissed you, moaning softly as he did.  Your arms moved around his neck, as he moved up on his knees, not once lifting his lips from yours.  When he did move up off of you, he rested his forehead on yours.
“I have been dying to kiss you since you moved into the house across the street,” he whispered.  “And I’ve been dying to sleep with you, really just worship your body, since I saw you in a two piece for the first time.” He rubbed his nose on your neck, kissing you softly.  “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Mark,” you answered, feeling like you were risking everything.
Mark smiled, as he stood up, jumping on the bed.  You laughed, as you rolled away from him.  He landed on his knees on the bed and pulled you into his arms.  You giggled, as he rained kisses on your face before he stood up.
“Wait, wait, we have to make this official,” he said, getting off the bed, and moved over to your side. He took your hand, and grinned. “Will you please be my girlfriend?”
You bit your lip, looked down for a second, and then looked back up at him.  “I have a few conditions,” you said, that fear coming back to your eyes.  “Promise me that our friendship will last, because regardless of what happens between us, I can’t live without you.”  Now it was his turn to blush, and you smiled.
“What’s your second condition?”
“We go to Harry Potter world every year for our anniversary and for my birthday,” you said.
Mark laughed, nodding his head.  “Deal, to both.”
You smiled and nodded too. “Then yes.  I will be your girlfriend.”
Mark laughed again, and he tackled you to the bed.  You laughed along with him, as he situated himself between your legs, and kissed you senseless.  Then there was a knock on the door, and Mark jumped off of you.  He put your blouse on and went to answer his door.
Joey was on the other side, a stupid grin on his face.  “Dad sent me to see if you were done, and decent,” he said, making you blush.  “You traumatized dad, by the way.”
“Oh my god,” you said, covering your face with your hands.  
Joey laughed and sighed. ‘It’s about damn time, though.” Mark furrowed his brow, and Joey grinned.  “You’ve been eyeing each other ever since I was a kid, so it’s about time that you two got together.  Now get out here because dad and mom made food.  It’s time to eat.”
You and Mark walked out of the pool house, hand in hand.  When you walked into the kitchen, Papa Tuan put his hands over his eyes.  You whimpered, and hid behind Mark.  Everyone laughed, and Mark turned to hold you in his arms, blocking you from their view.
“You stop embarrassing my girlfriend,” Mark said, turning to playfully glare at his family, who laughed.
Doreen came up to you and hugged you tightly.  She took you over to the table, where Raymond went to sit down, his hand still on his eyes. Doreen smacked his arm lightly. He laughed, then turned to look at you.
“I’m glad your together with him, but please, no more making out in the kitchen, especially the way you were when I walked in.”
“Dad,” Mark said, a clear warning in his tone.  “Stop embarrassing my girlfriend.”  Raymond laughed, and nodded.  “Thanks, and thanks for the food.”
After dinner, you and Mark sat in the living room to watch television.  In many ways, it was just like it was before.  The biggest difference was that Mark held your hand this time, or he pulled you into his arms when you leaned into him. Everything was better now that you and he were officially dating.  He would never let you go.
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sonnetsnerdstuff · 4 years
Got7 as Disney princes
! note: I choose only among the characters that are actual princes or nobles
JB - Beast.The beauty and the beast
Looks kinda scary and scruffy on the outside but it’s a loving, cultured prince on the inside.
MARK - Philip. Sleeping beauty
He waltzes into your life with his refined charm but don't be fooled, he will fight hard for you.
JACKSON - Hercules. Hercules
Loud, built and funny. Is admired and known by everyone but could throw away everything for love.
JINYOUNG - Eric. The little mermaid
Composed, he values other things rather than physical appearance, will be loyal until the end.
YOUNGJAE - Kristoff. Frozen
Pure and quirky. He devotes all himself to what he wants. Soft-hearted but can be also devilish.
BAMBAM - Naveen. The princess and the frog
Fun, rich and a little self-centered. Once he cares about someone he's able to adapt to anything.
YUGYEOM - Simba. The lion king
Naive, with lots of dreams. May be selfish but he'll commit with seriousness when he finds the right path.
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definitelyseven · 4 years
liability | nine (m)
 summary: reporter meets mafia boss, Park Jinyoung
one | two | three | four | five | six (m) | seven (m) | eight | nine (m) | ten | eleven | twelve | thirteen | fourteen (m) | fifteen | sixteen (m) | seventeen | eighteen - final |
You stopped in front of the door, afraid to go inside to see Jinyoung.
“Go in,” Mark said behind you. You sighed loudly before walking in. As soon as Jinyoung sees you, he runs up to you. You can tell from his face that he was worried. 
“Where the hell did you go?” he asked rubbing your arms up and down. “I was worried.”
“I know,” you said looking down at the floor. 
“You know and you did it?” he said raising his tone at you. You sighed and moved away from him, back to your shared room. He tells the body guards to leave the two of you alone before coming after you. “Y/N...” he called out. You quietly played on your phone, ignoring him. You didn’t want to argue tonight. “Y/N...” he said sitting next to you on the bed. “Answer me.” 
“I’m sorry, okay? I just wanted to be alone.”
“Talk to me. I know something’s bothering you,” you rolled your eyes, trying to get up away from him. He holds onto your hand and pulls you back down onto the bed. “We’re not done talking.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” you said angrily.  
“What did I do wrong?”
You scoff, “Nothing. You did nothing wrong, happy? Can I shower now?” 
“No. Not until you tell me what’s wrong. I know when people are lying, especially when a girl says they don’t want to talk.”
“I hate being watched, being followed everywhere I go,” you confessed. “I hate not knowing what you’re doing and I hate not knowing what we are.”
“I thought you knew what it meant to be with someone like me.”
You sighed, “I thought I did...”
“So, what? You want to leave me?” he asked. You sighed again, no matter how you explained it, he didn’t get it. “Do you want to leave me?” he asked again, this time enunciating every word. Tears formed in your eyes at his words. No, you didn’t want to leave him. You wanted to be with him, but you weren’t sure how he felt. You weren’t sure what this was to him - a casual fuck, a side chick? You didn’t know. “I won’t make you stay if you don’t want to,” Jinyoung said getting up. “I’ll ask Mark to book you the next flight out of here,” he said pulling out his phone and walking away from you. 
You didn’t want to go. 
You got up after him and ran to hug him from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I don’t want to go,” you said crying into his back. You feel his back relax at your touch as he grabs your hand on his waist. He hangs up the call with Mark and turns to you.
“Don’t cry,” he said, wiping your tears away. “Are you ready to talk?” he asked. 
You shake your head again, sniffling. “Can you just hold me?” 
He nods, bringing you back to his bed and pulling you into his chest. “You asked what we are,” he whispered in your ear, giving your temple a light kiss. This small gesture comforted you, calmed you down. “What would you say if I called you my girlfriend?” 
You looked up pulling away from him slightly, “W-what?”
“I said what would you say if I called you my girlfriend?” he asked again making your heart race. He knew what was bothering you.  
“Are you asking me because I’m upset about something or because you really want me to be your girlfriend?”
“Isn’t it the same?” he said pulling you back into his arms. You stopped him.
“No, it’s not,” you said sternly. “It’s not, Jinyoung. I need to know.”
“I care about you and if this title is important to you, then let’s put a title on it,” he said pulling you in for a kiss. 
This wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but it was better than nothing. It was good enough for now. 
Jinyoung cups your cheeks in his hands, bringing your lips closer to his. He licks your bottom lip signaling you to open your mouth for him. You do so obediently. Your tongues wrestle each other for a bit before he gives your tongue a light suck. He pulls your body close to his, pressing his lower body against yours. Jinyoung lifts your leg over his waist before flipping you over underneath him. His lips travelled down your jaw and to your neck, leaving wet kisses all over. You tangled your fingers in his hair, giving it a small tug just how he liked. Jinyoung reaches for your top, unbuttoning the front of your shirt. He takes his time with you once he removes your top. He takes your breast in his hands, gently massaging them. You moan at his touch, feeling your core dampen. 
“Jinyoung, please...” you begged. He takes your breast in his mouth, biting and sucking on your nipples until you couldn’t take it anymore. Your core ached to be touch and you felt your panties sticking to your core. He removes your pants in one swift motion, tracing his pointer finger up and down the wet patch of your panties. Jinyoung pulls your panties slightly upward, pressing your already damped panties against your own core. You moaned at the friction. He pulls your panties off and discards it across the room. 
“God, you look so pretty like this,” he said spreading your legs far apart. You helped Jinyoung out of his t-shirt and bottoms before he dives right into your core. You gasped once you feel his lips on your wet pussy. His lips moved strategically against your core, leaving no part untouched. Jinyoung gives your folds a small nibble before attacking your clit with his tongue in an up-down motion. You moan, spreading your legs further apart for him. You tangle your hands in his hair and thrusted your hips forward. “You taste so sweet...” he mumbles in your core. He spreads your folds apart, examining your wet and swollen core. Jinyoung inserts two fingers into you. You threw your head back, arching your back in pleasure. His fingers curved upwards as he pumped in and out of you while sucking your clit. The pleasure was overwhelming, feeling the pit in your stomach grow. You started thrusting your hips upward, hoping to chase your own high. “Patience baby...” he said holding your hips down. He removes his fingers out of your pussy, and hovers over you. He sticks his fingers in your mouth, making you suck your own juices. “Will you be a good girl for me?” he asked. 
You nodded and helped him lay down. You got on your knees, leaned down to his cock and looked up at him. He nods giving you the go ahead to take him. You opened your mouth and laid his cock on your tongue, giving it a slow lick, tasting his salty pre-cum. Jinyoung puts his arms behind his head, lifting it up to watch you. Your eyes looked up at him as you lick his veiny cock again. You hear him suck in a breath of air. 
“Come on, baby...” he said in a low voice. You opened your mouth wide and shoved his cock deep down in your mouth till it hit the back of your throat, choking on it. You pulled his cock out of your mouth before taking him full again. Jinyoung groans as you repeat this motion a couple times, sucking him harder each time. He grabs your hair in a ponytail and guides his cock in and out of mouth. You choked and gagged on his cock each time it hits the back of your throat. Your eyes red with tears as saliva drips out of your mouth and down your chin. You gave him another suck, feeling his cock twitch in your mouth. “That was amazing baby,” he said pulling you under him as he wiped the salvia off your chin. With his cock still drenched with your saliva, he positions himself in you. You moaned feeling his tip slowly insert in you - inch by inch, he pushes himself in you. He knows you are still getting use to this so he was careful not to be too rough with you, but you could take it.
“Jinyoung, I can take it,” you tell him. “I want you to fuck me hard...” you begged, pulling his body close to yours. 
“Are you sure baby?” he asked, brushing the hair out of your face. You bit your lip, nodding. You were sure. He nods, shoving the rest of himself in you in one motion. You arched your back in pleasure. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt, but you didn’t want to tell Jinyoung that. You didn’t want him to treat you like glass. He pumps himself in and out of you, giving you no time to adjust. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight.”
You spread your legs further apart for him, giving him more room to fuck you. He thrusts so far into you, you feel the tip of his cock hit a spot that was foreign to you. Each time he hits that spot, you moan louder and louder. “Jinyoung, don’t stop,” you begged, thrusting your hips upward. He reaches for your clit and rubs it in a circular motion. “Jinyoung...” you whimpered at the overstimulation. “Fuck, I’m close...” you whined, practically twitching underneath him.
“Hold it in baby. We still have the whole night,” he smirked, halting his movements on your clit. Jinyoung stops thrusting, he looks down at you, watching you struggle to hold in your orgasm.
“I can’t,” you begged, tears falling from the corner of your eyes. Jinyoung wipes the tears away as he leans down to give you a soft kiss. 
“Yes you can. Be a good girl,” he whispered before rubbing your clit again in circular motion. Unlike before, he goes slow - thrusting and rubbing slower than before. With each thrust and each rub, it pushes you closer to the edge. “You’re so pretty when you hold in your orgasm. Tell me what you want me to do,” Jinyoung said nibbling your earlobe. You moaned loudly, feeling your core clench on his cock. “Tell me...” he repeats.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to yours as you whispered in his ear, “Daddy, I want you to fuck me till I’m sore...I want to cum all over your hard cock.” 
He stops thrusting in you and looks like down at you, “What did you just call me?” 
“Y-you don’t like it?” you asked biting your lip. “I thought guys like that stuff...”
“No baby. I love it. You sound so hot,” he said picking up his pace again. He drills himself in you, over and over again, until you cry out loud. 
“Daddy, please...I have to cum,” you begged again. He pulls out of you and flips you over to lay on your stomach. You whined at the empty feeling in your core. Jinyoung motions you to get on your knees, facing away from him with your ass up. He spreads your butt cheeks apart, examining your glistening red pussy. Your face buried in the pillows as you spread your legs further apart for him to see. 
“You’re dripping, baby. Look at your core clench on nothing. I bet you’re dying for my cock.”
“Yes, please Jinyoung...please,” you begged for the nth time. You threw your head back in pleasure, when you feel his mouth on your core. Your core was clenching on nothing, anymore stimulation, you were sure you’d cum. 
“I can’t get enough of you,” Jinyoung said, pulling away from your core. “You’re doing so good,” he said tracing his finger up and down your folds. You wet core makes it so easy for him to slip right into you. The both of you moan at the feeling of him filling you up and you clenching on his cock. He spreads your legs further apart as he continues to fuck you. Jinyoung’s hands traces up your back, pressing your face against the pillow. The room was filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping against each other. You held your breath, trying to hold in your orgasm - this only made your core clench on his cock more. “Fuck...” Jinyoung groans, grabbing you by your hair. He pulls your body back to his chest as he continues to thrust into your sensitive core. He reaches for your clit, rubbing it vigorously in circular motion. Your body begins to shake and tremble in his arms. “Cum with me baby.” 
You tilt your head back on his shoulder, eyes rolled back in pleasure. With his free hand, Jinyoung wraps his fingers around your neck. His lips made its way to your neck, sucking and nibbling on your sweet spot. 
He was magical - how can someone make you feel this good? 
You moaned loudly, feeling a wave of pleasure hit your whole body. Your body became weak, trembling from the overstimulation. Within seconds of your orgasm, Jinyoung grunts, letting out a low moan before he spills his seed into you. Your core still overstimulated, still clenching on his cock, milking him dry. 
The both of you remained in this position until you calmed down. Jinyoung pulls out of you slowly before laying you on the bed. Your core ached, just like you wanted, and your body felt numb. He leans down to kiss your cheek, “Was I too rough?” he asked out of breath. You shake your head with a satisfied smile. Jinyoung gets up from the bed and heads to the bathroom for a wet towel. He cleans you up before getting in bed with you, pulling you in his arms. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers in your ear. You smiled at his sweet words, cuddling closer to him. 
As you were about to doze off, you hear a loud knock on your bedroom door. You shift in the bed when you feel Jinyoung leave your side. 
“Jinyoung, we have to go! Something’s happened,” you hear Mark say, waking you up. You sat up in bed with the sheets wrapped around your body, watching Jinyoung frantically put his clothes on. 
“Jinyoung?” you called, getting out of bed and walking towards him. 
“Something happened. I need to go back to Seoul,” he said buttoning his pants.
“Let me come with you.”
“No, you stay here. I promise I’ll come back for you,” Jinyoung said before grabbing his jacket. He leans down to give you a kiss before leaving. 
That was the last time you heard from him.  
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t3kandson · 1 year
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Friends Thrown In Love
Word count; 5,652
Fandom; The Boyz
Pairing; Reader X Choi Chanhee, Reader X Son Youngjae & Reader X Bae Jacob.
Characters; Bae Jacob, Son Youngjae, Moon Kevin, Ji Changmin & Heavily mentions of Choi Chanhee, slight mentions of Kim Younghoon.
Warning; Angst, Jealousy, References of cheating, Manipulation, Fake Relationships, Alcohol Consumption, Oral (Receiving), Fingering, Hand job, Accidental unprotected Sex, Choking & Squirting.
Notes; Sequel to Friends in Despair.
Happy Birthday Jacob ❤️😘
Taglist; @ilovechanhee @angstenthusiast
“We really should get you checked over,” Jacob said placing you on the bed, your mind numb from the evening’s drama. Dashing from the room he went to the bathroom, sounding like he was running you a bath. Your mind was swirling over the words from Chanhee’s fiancée. He had a new life, here in England with another woman. The pain of the beautiful female with features you could never match burned.
“Y/N,” Jacob said startling you from your self pity party as your eyes took to him. “You ok? you seem very shook up,” Jacob asked sitting by your side. “I’m fine I promise,” you forced a fake smile which he didn’t believe. “Y/N, I would be more happier getting you checked over, please reconsider,” he said cupping your face. “I’m fine Jacob, just a little traumatised,��� you whispered. “I know, it was a good thing Chanhee was there,” he said holding your body to him. As if his comfort opened the flood gates you sobbed on his chest. Once you had finished crying over Chanhee, the tears of your guilt towards Jacob encouraged more to fall. Kissing your crown, his hands rubbing circles into your shoulder for comfort, Jacob was silent while he gave you the space to sob. “You should have that warm bath it might make you feel better,” Jacob said finally letting his hands drop. Sniffling you stood thanking him as you made your way to the bathroom. Jacob had sprinkled bath salts and left it foaming with so much bubbles you was sure to disappear sinking in.
After Jacob held you through the night you woke up to the bleeding sunshine. Looking at Jacob resting face where he looked happy and contented, you turned to face him. His hot breath in your face helped you smile at how relaxed his features fell in slumber. Pressing a kiss to his nose he scrunched it and sighed as you smiled to yourself how adorable he really was. However, thoughts of Chanhee wasn’t far from your mind. Slipping from his arms you found yourself sat at the end of the bed with Jacob’s phone, before looking at him in deep slumber. Searching for Chanhee’s Number you found it before using your own to type away to your former best friend.
You @6;02am; Chanhee I think we need to talk, properly.
Watching the phone in your hand like a crazy person, you zoning in for the dots to appear. Just when you felt ready to give up with his usual ignoring you saw signs of a reply.
Chanhee @6.15am; How did you get my number? Never mind, half an hour in the foyer!
Slightly rushing but quietly you left the room dashing to Chanhee. Excitement filling the air at the chance to finally speak to him and at the very least get your friend back.
However, your heart and ego was bruised when you found his fiancée Meghan sat there. “Tea, Coffee or something stronger?” She asked smiling as if nothing was occurring. “Coffee thanks,” you placed a fake smile as you sat opposite her. “I can either bore you with fakeness or we can have a honest and frank conversation,” she said as the waiter left the table with your orders. “Seems the frank conversation is the route you want more,” you replied keeping your voice steady. “Chanhee doesn’t feel anything for you anymore. So you need to stop spending your time chasing him,” she said as she leaned back confidently as your heart shattered. “I’m confused, we’re just friends, I’m sure his family can confirm that,” you said as you smiled sweetly despite your body shaking inwardly from being exposed. Did he tell her those words to throw at you or had she guessed with insecurity. “Do you really think me and Chanhee don’t talk?” She questioned without losing her resolve. “Then you would know that our fathers was child hood friends so we both obviously was too,” you said feeling irritated all of a sudden. “I know, he told me everything, from your former partner to the email. Even to the text this morning hence why he sent me,” she said as you felt the sharp sting in her words. “Starting up his new life here in England was hard for him Y/N,” she said sweetly changing her tone while the waiter served you both your drinks. “Y/N can I ask where you think this is going to go?” She asked as your mind was still trying to process her words. “Did you really think coming to England to meet up with him that he would return to your side with a declaration of love?” She questioned tilting her head in your direction. “No I just wanted my friend back that’s all,” you stuttered out as you felt your mood slip. “If he wanted friendship, don’t you think he would have gone searching for it the second he heard you had split with Youngjae?” She said as you flinched from hearing his name spill. “You don’t know anything,” you said voice breaking. “I know you realised you loved him, I know you Manipulated Jacob bringing you here,” she said pausing to drink her coffee. “I also know that even once you heard he was engaged that you was coming to speak to him in a one last bid chance to reconnect,” she said gently placing her cup down before looking up at you. “You are so wrong I didn’t ask to speak to him about getting with him or anything romantically. He’s my friend Meghan and I want that back,” you said looking directly in her eyes as she smirked. “Yes your right I came here with Jacob knowing Chanhee was here. Yes I’m in love with him, yes I wanted him. But that changed the second I realised he had a fiancée. I was cheated on remember that’s an avenue i’ll never wish anyone to walk down,” you spat out as she softened her features slightly. “Y/N he wants nothing to do with you, lover or friend,” she said slicing you with her words. “I will wait to hear that from his own voice,” you said standing up not wanting to be part of the conversation anymore.
“Fine if that’s what you want,” she said grabbing her phone out as you looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. Sitting back down you watched her dial into the phone. “He really didn’t want to hurt you, neither of us do. But If this is what it takes for you to realise what he really wants then sorry,” she said with fake concern written over her. “Baby, sorry did I wake you,” she said sweetly into the loudspeaker as your heart thumped hearing his morning voice. “No I need to be up anyway,” he said as you listened impatiently. “I’ve just seen Y/N she’s really determined not to let you go,” she said into the phone as your eyes widened. “Well that’s tough isn’t it,” he growled into the phone that felt like your heart was shuddered into tiny pieces. “If I can’t get through to her i think you might have to speak up so she can get the picture painted,” she said pouting into the phone. “Do you want me to speak with her, tell her to leave us both alone?” Chanhee asked as tears escaped. “No let me try talking to her once more, maybe she’ll come to her senses that your relationship in anyway is gone,” she said looking at you with satisfaction. “Ok well hurry up baby, the bed is cold,” he purrs down the phone that has your stomach twist. “On my way baby,” she coos hanging up to look at you with enjoyment at your pain. “Well I did tell you but you wouldn’t listen,” she said placing down some Wons on the table. “Y/N my only advice to you is if you really do love him, to let him go. Because the pain isn’t worth it for either of you,” she said standing up and walking off.
You couldn’t let Jacob see these tears, ones that wasn’t for him, so you dashed to the grounds of the hotel. Finding the peaceful pond in the nearby quiet surroundings, you sat there for what felt like hours sobbing for what you had officially lost. You was never getting Chanhee back. The damage was too badly done between you both because of your words and stubbornness. Meghan was right, you needed to let him go if not for yourself for him. Let him enjoy his new life as Choi New. You sat their in deep thought till dusk appeared.
Making your way towards the hotel you found Jacob pulling his car up looking at you fraught. “Y/N where the hell have you been.” He whimpered squashing you into his hold. “I woke up and you had gone, you had completely disappeared,” he cried. “I had a lot of things on my mind,” you said as he pushed you gently to look your way concerned. “You’ve been crying,” he said tipping his fingers under your chin. “Do you want to talk?” he asked as you shook your head. “I just want to sleep,” you said as a tear threatened. “Have you eaten?” He asked looking concerned as you shook your head. “Let’s drive out for some takeout,” he smiled holding his hand to you as you stared it down. “You need food, this isn’t up for debate,” he said with a slightly demanding tone then usual. Taking his hand he smiled as he walked you to the car. Holding the car door he looked at you in silence as you took a seat in the passenger side.
“I know about Chanhee,” Jacob finally said into the silence as you flinched at hearing his name. “How?” You whispered not sure you wanted to hear what was being said. “Took me a while to work it out, but Chanhee told me about you,” he said as he focused on the road. “He spoke about me?” You questioned with warmth in your heart. “Not by name, but after watching Chanhee being ushed out and you disappearing, alongside the way you’ve both been behaving, I was able to work it out myself,” he explained as you sunk into the car seat feeling defeated. “Wait he’s left?” You said shooting up after the words he used sunk in. “Meghan practically chased him out, he didn’t seem impressed he had the room reserved for a couple days for a photo shoot,” Jacob replied as he drove into a drive through.
“So he didn’t want to leave?” You said hopeful as he looked your way. “I don’t know if I’m honest, I’m worried I’ll give you the wrong answer,” he said looking as if he was scared to say further.
After eating almost in silence Jacob asked you the question you really didn’t want him to hear. “Did you use me to see Chanhee?” He said with sorrowful eyes. “Yes.” You replied honestly as he closed his eyes looking in pain. “I saw on your social media account a picture of you with him,” you said fumbling with your fingers. “If Chanhee told you everything but my name, you would know we was childhood best friends,” you said looking at him as he nodded. “I just wanted my best friend back,” you said as he tilted his head. “A best friend who your in love with?” He asked as you nodded. “So did you use me to get your best friend back in your life? Or was it so you could chase for a life together with him as something more?” He asked as you closed your eyes momentarily. “Both,” you explained honestly. “My best friend as my priority because life without him is unbearable,” you said choking as tears started falling. “But if he felt the same still then yeah I wanted more,” you added as you wiped the tears just for more to fall. “Did I use you, yes I did. But I enjoy your company too Jacob. I see you as a good friend, someone who I was able to have a good time while I was here. So yes I used you but I gained a good friendship with you too from it so I don’t regret it.” You finished sniffling. “Thanks for being honest,” Jacob said opening his hand for you to take. “Let’s get you back to the hotel, you must be tired,” he added choking up himself.
On the way back he spoke about his life in Canada before moving to Korea. You sat listening to everything intently. He seemed to have lived quite the adventure, visiting other country’s. When you got back to the hotel his hands slipped with yours, his beaming smile warming you as if you didn’t just explain your feelings. It remained the same, Chanhee’s name unkept from both your mouths even as you finished your break and returned back to Korea.
That was till the week after, when you got a message asking to visit him urgently. Dashing to his apartment you found him looking sheepish but very anxious. “What’s up Jacob?” You asked walking to his arched body over the desk in despair. “I need a favour, like a big one?” He said peeking up looking like he wished the words wouldn’t fall but he had to.
“I’m your friend you know I’ll help if i can,” you said throwing your arms around him to rest your head on his shoulder. “I said something I shouldn’t have,” he looked up at you gulping. “Hey we’ve all told white lies,” you chuckled as he threw his head back into his arms. “Jacob theirs nothing we can’t do together to right your wrongs .” You chuckled as you stroked his head. “I have a friend coming to visit,” he said tossing his head up to face you before pausing. “What’s so scary about that,” you chuckled at his dramatics. “I told him I was dating someone,” he groaned throwing his head back into his arms. “Is that it,” you sniggered as he said something inaudible. “You have to speak clearer Jacob,” you said ruffling his head as he looked at you deadpanning your way. “Don’t make me say it again please,” he whimpered as you found his meltdown amusing. “I said i was dating you,” he said as he threw his head back into his arms.
His confession stunned you as you didn’t know how to take them. Peeking above his arms he took one look before closing his own eyes. “Oh.” You said sitting back as you looked at him silently having a meltdown.
You reminded yourself of this very man who you had used to get to Chanhee. Would it be the end of the world if you did the same for him with his friend. “I’ll do it,” you said as his head shot up confused. “Huh?” He gasped looking at you in shock as you chuckled. “We’re quits though, no more guilt tripping about Chanhee,” you said prodding a finger at him. A huge smile threw upon his face as he hugged you tightly. “You really should show your vulnerable side more often it’s cute,” you said tapping his back as he looked at you with delight and worry free. But deep down you was worrying that that blurred line was about to be damaged once more. Even though it had been months since Younghoon’s wedding, Chanhee was rarely far from your mind.
“It’s fine, stop worrying,” you said threading your fingers with his at the airport. “What if he guesses and realises what a loser I am,” he said anxiously. “Firstly your not a loser and secondly are you questioning your pretend girlfriends acting skills,” you teased, smiling when he showed you your favourite smile. “I’m sorry,” he chuckled as you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
“Y/N,” you heard the voice before you saw them. Your body freezing slightly, there in your sight was Youngjae and Yejin. Jacob recognising them from work events flung his arms around your waist to hoist you up. “Youngjae,” he said showing possession you never witnessed before. “Wow are you two, wow you move fast,” Yejin said looking excited to see what she thought was you moving on. “Not as fast as you two I hear,” Jacob said as Youngjae winced from his comment. His eyes flashing from your eyes to Jacob’s before focusing on his hold on your waist. “Since when?” Youngjae questions, his eyes looking full of jealousy as it took you in. “I don’t think your in a position to be questioning Y/N on her relationships,” Jacob said as you felt the anger in the arms that was holding you. “Youngjae it doesn’t matter, it’s good, this is good,” Yejin said feeling the jealousy off her boyfriend as she leant into his chest. You could easily say that the betrayal of what they had done hurt more then the signs of romance between them. “It is, we should meet for coffee one day soon,” you said feeling confidence shoot up at you as Jacob looked down at you confused. “Oh yes sounds a good idea,” Yejin stuttered not expecting that reply. “Or maybe a double date, what do you think honey?” you asked looking up at Jacob’s unsure eyes. “What ever makes you the happiest,” he said bending down to kiss your nose. The simplest of movements filled you with calm and security. It was the first time that you felt so relaxed with such an intimate moment. Without thinking your lips pressed to his, pulling away as you smiled at him. He couldn’t fake the grin on his Face If he tried. For a few minutes you was lost in each others eyes, both forgetting Youngjae and Yejin’s presence. “Yeah sounds good,” Yejin said with fake happiness. Youngjae’s face was paled and deep down you took enjoyment from watching him suffer. Especially after everything he let you witness with your former friend.
“Hey you brought me a party,” you heard the voice of who you presumed was Jacob’s friend. “Kev,” Jacob said walking towards him throwing his arms around him as they greeted each other. “This must be the lovely Y/N,” Kevin said making his way to you to hold you in his bear hug. “I’ve heard loads of things about you,” he said after he pulled away. “Hope they was all good,” you said as Jacob found his arms back around your shoulder. “Well your have to bribe me with drinks to get your answers,” he smirked as Jacob rolled his eyes. “Well bet that old boy of yours regretting what he’s lost, but your gain right,” he said wiggling his eyebrows Jacob’s way. “We should be going,” Youngjae said as he felt awkward with Kevin’s words. “Sorry you not here for me?” Kevin said playfully. “He’s the ex,” Jacob bit out as Kevin arched his eyebrow. “I can see why he’s the ex,” he said smiling at you before looking his way to eye Yejin up. “But why is she yours?” Kevin said to Youngjae as he paled. “Nice seeing you both,” Yejin said sounding annoyed as she linked her arm with the silent Youngjae before they both made there exit.
“Wow not actually kidding your well rid, you definitely got the better catch,” he said scuffing Jacob’s head under his arm playfully.
“So doesn’t it affect you working together?” Kevin asked you a couple evening’s later as you sat around the table to eat Chinese food. “Not really, not many people know,” you said looking at Jacob fondly. It had become reasonably easy to convince Kevin of the lie around Jacob. You had been amused the first few times he blushed when you cuddled up to him a little more. But he had settled when ever your moments was intimate as if you really was dating. Enjoying pressing his lips to yours seemed to be his favourite pass time. “Office romance always brings chaos,” Kevin sniggered popping his food into his mouth. “When we know that this is serious then we’re tell HR at the very least,” Jacob said as he took a glass of the whisky Kevin poured. “You telling me this isn’t serious?” He questioned deadpanning you both. “You two are so serious I need a bucket every time I catch you both making those eyes,” Kevin said as you chuckled. “What eyes?” Jacob said scrunching his face at his friend. Jacobs eyes flashes to yours who was smirking that they relaxed as you got lost in each other again. “Those eyes,” Kevin said with his mouth full as Jacob blushed. “He’ll be proposing soon,” Kevin said duck pouting your way. “Well my finger does feel slightly empty,” you chuckled wiggling your wedding ring finger to Jacob’s display. “Oh look at him blush,” Kevin sniggered bashfully as Jacob was lost for words. “It’s ok baby, my fingers can remain as empty as they need to, till you choose to fill them,” you said leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. Choking on his food he made his apologies as he dashed to the bathroom. Your cheeks brightening red when you noticed the erected dick print shape in his pants. Had you gone too far with your comment? The line blurred a little too much? You couldn’t help but get excited though as the thought of you turning Jacob on. Had your feelings suddenly started to numb from Chanhee and be pushed onto Jacob? You had to admit since Kevin’s arrival you barely thought of Chanhee. Like you had slipped into the role of Jacob’s girlfriend too easy. “He gets too embarrassed easily,” Kevin said stealing your attention from your thoughts. “I know he’s cute when he does that,” you said smiling as you dug back into your food. “You know I’ve never seen him so crazy about a girl before, not like he is with you,” Kevin said seriously. “Thanks,” you smiled into your food taking comfort from his warming comments. “Please don’t hurt him,” Kevin said as he was gently warning you. “I get an inkling that your holding on to your past and I’m worried it might affect Jacob’s future,” Kevin said his eyes looking more serious. “You mean Youngjae? that’s somewhere I’m never going I can promise you,” you said smiling his way. Though you knew Youngjae was a place you was never going back. Your heart stung thinking of Chanhee once again. Reassuring yourself that Jacob knew this wasn’t a real relationship. “Jacob will look after you well, he’s a very loyal man,” Kevin said pleading for his friend once more.
The rest of the week went well. You didn’t tell Jacob of Kevin’s words, instead you mulled over them. You found yourself longing the kisses on show but also the way his fingers entwined with yours. Sometimes you forgot that this relationship wasn’t real. It was Kevin’s last night and you enjoyed every second with Jacob as if it was the last moment that would be spent together in this way. Jacob felt it too, his eyes looking to you as if his mind was capturing every single moment he could steal, while you watched a film at the cinema, the three of you. While waiting for Kevin from the restroom you clung on to him more harder. “Y/N are you trying to break my ribs,” Jacob chuckled as you relaxed your arms a little. “What’s with you tonight your extra clingy, not that I’m complaining,” Jacob said pressing his lips to your crown. “I don’t want to let you go,” you said muffling your voice into his T-shirt. “What do you mean?” He said as he prised himself from your grip. “I can’t imagine my life without our snuggles, our holds, our kisses,” you said looking up to him as he looked lost in your words. “I don’t understand?” He questioned with confusion. “Me neither I just don’t want this to stop,” you said throwing your head back to his chest as silence hit. “Then let’s not stop,” he whispered making your spine shiver. The thought of continuing your close comforting touches filled you with joy and before you could explain that Kevin appeared.
Watching Kevin leave had Jacob smiling ear to ear. It wasn’t that he was looking forward to sending Kevin back home to Canada. But actually that you needed him in a way you never had before. You didn’t know how that made you feel. Did you want a relationship with Jacob? Was you ready to not just let Chanhee go but the pain from Youngjae?
“Just stop playing around and ask him out,” Changmin scoffed when you visited him for a coffee and a heart to heart that you hadn’t had for a while. “But what if,” , “But what what if you fall in love and live happily ever after,” Changmin said cutting you off as he handed you your coffee. “What if Chanhee comes back?” you whispered like the thought of giving up on him hurt. “He’s getting married Y/N, having a life without you. Surely your entitled to the same,” he scoffed grabbing the biscuit’s as he made his way to the living room. “But what if those feeling for Chanhee never leaves?” you said concern still filling your mind. “What if they disappear and Jacob is all you see?” Changmin hit back as you bit your lip contemplating. “He’s a good bloke he won’t cheat or hurt you,” Changmin said passing you a biscuit as you turned it down. “I know he makes me feel so safe and so secure. He’s my umbrella on a rainy day, the sun piercing through the cloud, a flower surviving the winter,” you chuckled how giddy he really made you feel. “Pass me the sick bucket,” Changmin said scrunching his face as you blushed. “But seriously if this is how you feel why are you wasting time when you two can be official,” Changmin said as you realised their was every bit of truth in that. “Your right,” you said standing as Changmin flinched. “I’m going to tell him,” you said firmly as he chuckled. “What right now?” He said looking amused. “Yes if I don’t say it now I don’t know when I will,” you said grabbing your coat.
Walking into his apartment, you used the key you was given to keep up the facade from your fake relationship, you found him cooking. “Y/N,” he questioned seeing you there with anticipation written on your expression. Dashing towards him you threw your lips on his, this time using your tongue to slide against his opening mouth. Your hands falling to behind his shoulder blade to hold him closer as your lips kissed like never before. “What’s this?” He questioned pulling you away from him panting. “Not that I’m complaining,” he added as he looked at you confused. “I want you, I need you more then what we have,” you said eyes searching his as he furrowed them. “Y/N I’m not really into having meaningless sex,” he said in horror as you rolled your eyes. “You don’t understand Jacob Bae, I want to be yours in every way possible,” you said shaking his collar impatience with his slow mindset to what you was saying. “Wait you want to be official with me?” he asked slowly worrying he was wrong. “Yes,” you smiled watching the smile on his face rise. Your heart thumping like crazy from the view. Hands falling through your hair he kisses your forehead. “Is that it a head kiss, I’m your girlfriend and that is all I get,” you pout as he chuckled his safe warm laughter. Turning to turn the stove off he looks back at you, with something in his eyes you’ve never witnessed before.
Lips crashing a lot more hungry then earlier, his hands reaching to pick you up to put you on the counter. Hands falling up your T-shirt towards your clothed bra, his hands removes them from their hold. Groping them as he kisses you, you let him suckle down soft moans. Leaning forward your hands fight for his buckle. Jacob’s lips and hands leave you briefly to release himself, his jeans slip to the floor as you take in the hard bulge in his boxers. “You can take them off right?” he asked teasingly.
Hands falling down the material of his boxers you find the warm hardening skin of his shaft. Feeling soft and silky, yet you can feel his Precum as you roll your thumb around the tip as he moans biting his lip. You find a slow pace to pump him as he spew small moans which your lips find to catch. Lips reattaching, the kisses are softer more passionate as his fingers find your bottoms. Helping to lift your ass to accompany him undressing you, you smile into the kiss. His hands find their way to your throbbing nub as he rolls eights into them. “Fuck,” you whimper under his fingers. You forgot he played an acoustic guitar and how skilled those fingers was making you buckle. Unlatching from you he bends to his knees, his hands pulling your ass to the edge of the counter as he latched his mouth around you. “Shit Jacob,” you cry as your hands grasp the side. Tongue rolling around your sensitive bud his fingers slips into your core. Swiftly finding your soft spot he rubs deliciously. The feelings of his tongue and fingers making your head fall back to the Cupboard. Not caring at the impact as you lose yourself on his tongue and digits. Bringing your pelvis to meet his actions you whimper when he removed himself. “As much as I want to fuck you in the kitchen. I want you to squirt and it’s not hygienic here,” he smirks lifting you up as he carry’s you to his bedroom. “You know I’m not that easy to make squirt right,” you said challenging him. “We’re see,” Jacob said confidently as he placed you on his bed. Placing a condom around his shaft he looked up at you, shy Jacob long gone.
Creeping between your legs he rolls himself against you, letting his member grind against your heat. Sitting it between your folds he thrust gently with the rolls he makes against you. Hands finding his ass to bring him closer as if it was even possible. Placing the tip by your entrance he pushes himself into you as you whine around him. Starting his Rhythm he starts heavy thrusts against you, enjoying the way your nails dig into his shoulders to hold yourself. The tip of his cock is hitting against your walls and you feel with each thrust as if he’s fucking you so dumb with how deep he is. You can feel your coil start to spring as your thighs shake. Feeling you chase your high, he removes himself leaving you whining as you feel empty.
“All fours baby,” he orders as you obey dashing to be filled once more. Slipping himself in a more rushed need, he starts thrusting straight away. Hands pulling at your arms to pull you up as they slither to your neck. “Your mine aren’t you?” he growls into your ears as his thrusts become sharper. Grip tightening when you fail to answer slowly losing your mind. His other hands finds your nub as it swirls around the bud. Grunting in your ear as he chases his own, his hand holds your throat which has you shaking as your high tethers. “Cum baby, cum on my cock,” he orders as his hand squeezes more around your neck. At the same time his fingers of his other hand presses in harsher on your clit. Walls clamping around his cock you feel your body burn with each thrust as you nearer to your euphoria. Loud shrieks fill the air as you lose control feeling the juice of the squirt he promised to steal from you. Mixtures of growls and grunts leave his lip as he finds his own, filling you up with his warm hot cum.
You collapse to the bed the second his hand leaves your throat as you lay there convulsing to Jacobs amusement. “Oh shit,” he cry’s panicking as you flip your exhausted body around to face him. The condom in his hands broken as you instantly realise the heat of the cum was him filling you not the condom. “It’s ok baby, that’s what the morning after pills for,” you lean up to reassure him. “That’s never happened before,” he explains as he looks anxious still. “What that you fuck someone so much the condom breaks,” you smirk as he smiles to himself with the facts you gave. Looking at the sticky and wet bedding he frowns to himself before his eyes take you besottedly.
“Right let’s clean you and the bed up,” he chuckled to himself as he lifts you in his arms once more. Taking you to clean you up he gives you the perfect after care you knew he would.
You and Jacob had been dating for six months now. He was your everything your joy, safety, happiness. Everything was perfect, that was till you opened your mail one morning.
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Meghan Lori & Chanhee Choi..…..,
Your eyes couldn’t read any further. It was like you had forgotten every feeling for Chanhee since dating Jacob. But it was like this invite re brought every emotion back. Why was he inviting you to his wedding when he walked away from your friendship twice. Was you sure if you attended the wedding that your relationship with Jacob would remain intact.
To be continued
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The Writers’ Guild - Youngjae
A/N: I enjoyed writing this so much, and I hope everyone who reads it does too. Thank you to everyone who has participated in this collab. I’ve loved every story! <3
Genre: 1800s AU, Fluff
Pairing: Choi Youngjae x Female Reader
Word Count: 1,876
Intro - Mark - Jaebeom - Jackson - Jinyoung - Youngjae - Bambam - Yugyeom
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It wasn’t the first time he had ventured out here into the wilderness, it had become a weekly and sometimes even daily routine for him to do so. Youngjae needed an escape from his everyday life. He never truly felt he fit into his small township in the ways that mattered to everyone else. He would much rather explore the outskirts of the town in search of solitude away from the hustle and commotion of the busy streets, or stay home with his nose in a book. He expressed himself in a way that nobody understood, and so the other locals took to calling him absurd and strange. Depending on the day, he was sometimes simply overlooked, but today he hadn’t been awarded such luxuries.
“Get back here prissy boy!”
“You think you’re better than the rest of us? Always got your head stuck in a book.”
“Come back and face us! We’ll show you what a real man is!”
He hurried as fast as his feet could carry him, up and away from the group chasing after him. Youngjae had been simply taking his allotted break at the correct time from his shift at the train yard, his pen and leather-bound notebook in hand as he urgently poured his thoughts onto its pages. He was blaming himself entirely for not noticing sooner when his co-workers bombarded him, pushing him roughly into the ground, his notebook falling into the dirt alongside him. It didn’t matter how many times the same situation occurred, he was always blind-sighted and never noticed until it was too late. He was however quick on his feet and always seemed to manage an escape before they got too rowdy with him.
Holding onto his satchel for dear life, he shoved the book and pen in it blindly as he ran towards the trees. They wouldn’t follow him there, they never did. His breathing caught in his throat as his chest heaved in and out rapidly, making his way past the old oak and into the densely plotted part of the woods. He knew the layout all too well now, never fearing that he might fall as others might. He slowed his pace, allowing himself to catch his breath and take in the all too familiar scenery before him.
The sun was high in the sky as it shone warmly down onto the treetops above, the light escaping through the leaves, allowing the colors to change as the wind gently rustled them.
This was his favorite spot to come to; the silence was comforting as he removed his satchel from his shoulders, placing it against the rocks at the edge of the bank. The water called to him, playing its own musical melody as it traveled along the pebbles, and weaving its way in-between the reeds. Youngjae closed his eyes momentarily, allowing himself to soak in the sun’s rays, his arms outstretched to the sky as he inhaled the fresh air deeply. 
“Nobody knows.” He mumbled to himself. As soon as the words were spoken a spark was lit inside, igniting the urge to continue with the thought onto paper. Sitting down on the soft green grass he scrambled for his leather-bound book, his pen already in his hand as he began to pour out the lyrics to another song.
He never knew where these thoughts would take him, only that if he didn’t write them out as they came, he would regret it immensely.
 Time began to pass quickly, although unknown to Youngjae, as he concentrated only on the book in front of him. He would be lying to himself however if the inkling of hope that resided inside wasn’t eager to spot the rare sighting of you again. He had been coming into these woods for many years and it was the first time he had ever seen another living person wandering through it. Surely there were hunters, but seeing you, it was different. The way you soaked in all the beauty around you, it felt like he saw some resemblance of himself. The same way his brown eyes appreciated the trees and animals the first time he stepped inside, it was welcoming, far more welcoming than the atmosphere in the town and he felt that very same feeling as he watched you do the same.
Although it was strange seeing you, what was even more peculiar to him was the fact you were not dressed like the other young women he had seen at all, actually very far from it. You weren’t in a flowing summer dress that accentuated your womanly figure; in fact, you wore pants, suspenders, and a white shirt very much like the one he wore.
He smiled at the thought then, much as he did now. He shook his head lightly to readjust himself and bring his concentration back to the task at hand. A sense of accomplishment coursed through him at his handwriting and the completion of yet another song. Brushing his fingers along the pages gently he murmured to himself as if to imprint the tune to memory, his voice getting louder and louder as he progressed.“What are you doing?”
Youngjae’s voice stopped instantly at the unexpected intrusion, his eyes snapping open a moment later as they landed on you. He gasped audibly, tightening his fists against his side as his senses became overwhelmed at seeing you so close. Although the forest was filled with many scents from the various flowers that grew there, the light aroma that was you invaded his sense of smell and captured something inside of him.
“I beg your pardon? I should ask of you the same thing.” He swallowed, roughly shaking himself back to the present.
“I will answer no such question from a stranger.” You answered defiantly, holding your chin up high as you crossed your arms in front of yourself.
Youngjae knew it then. You were different.
“I’m Youngjae and might I add you approached me first.” He held his hand out towards you politely, a bright welcoming smile on his face. You scrutinized the gesture for only a moment before taking his hand in yours and shaking it briskly.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Y/N.”
It suited you entirely and Youngjae liked the way it rolled off his tongue. He didn’t know what name he would have given you but now that he knew it, he couldn’t picture you as anything else.
“Now will you tell me what you’re doing out here?” You asked for the second time, your body language expectant now that you had been introduced.
“I came out here to be alone. I like the solitude.”
“Whatever for?” You continued, as you sat down on the rocks beside his satchel making yourself comfortable, your curiosity piqued.
“Do you ever feel that the world is suffocating with its ideals of how things should be? That you are somehow peculiar if you do not conform to them?” He turned to look at you briefly as you nodded your head lightly in agreement.
“I come out here to escape those ideals and relish in the beauty of the forest and what it allows me to do. I write music, songs. Others see me as odd for doing such things, but I know no other way than what I am.”
Youngjae’s heartbeat began to thud loudly in his chest, he was unsure of the reason why he became so blatantly honest with you, but it relieved him at the same time. It was exhilarating to share his inner thoughts with someone else. He closed his eyes as he tried to calm his body, his breathing becoming erratic as he inhaled.
“I do not think it is odd. I find it rather admirable.” You admitted, your hand reaching out for his as you squeezed it firmly. “If you cannot tell, I too am seen as peculiar. It isn’t every day you see a woman dressed as I. Am I correct?” You declare, your strong demeanor faltering for a moment as you blushed softly under Youngjae’s gaze.
“You are correct, although I see no problem in what you are dressed in. It suits you very much.” His eyes began to soak in the tiny details of your appearance. Your hair was tied up roughly in a bun, some of the strands escaping and surrounding your face. He chuckled lightly, reaching his hand up to remove the debris that had found a home in it. You swallowed roughly as his hand fell to your face, cupping your cheek affectionately.
“You find me admirable?” he whispered huskily as you nodded once, unable to tear your eyes away from his. “I find you utterly breathtaking.”
Before he could stop himself Youngjae leaned forward finding your lips with his as he kissed you tenderly. You reciprocated almost instantly, as your whole body moved towards his touch, deepening the kiss. Losing yourself in the moment you misplaced your balance, finding yourself above Youngjae in his embrace upon the grass.
You pulled away breaking the kiss as you tried to catch your breath. Your eyes taking in Youngjae’s now swollen lips as you ran your finger along them gently.
“I have a confession to make.”
“What kind of confession?” he chuckled, his hands rubbing soothing circles along your waist.
“I have known of you for quite some time.”
He paused in his actions, listening to you more intently. “Oh?”
“Mm. I’ve seen you write in your book and it made me curious because you weren’t like the other men in the town. So I followed you into the forest in hopes to find out more about you.”
“But I was unsure of how to approach you without seeming indecent.”
“What of this then? Are we not somewhat indecent in our position right now?” he teased as you slapped him playfully. “And so you decided today was the day you would come to me?”
“Well, I heard you singing. Your voice is beautiful and I knew then that there was no way I couldn’t become known to you.”
“And I am beyond happy that you have, although I must confess something too.”
You wrapped your arms tighter around his neck, moving forward as you closed the gap between you.
“Oh?” You smiled teasingly.
“I have known of you too. I come to this exact spot in hopes to catch a glimpse of you.”
“Really?” He nodded, brushing your hair out of your face once more. “Well, it is fate that we met in such a way is it not?”
“Two people unwilling to bend to the ideals of the world, and instead we embrace our own and in turn find each other. It is poetic, yes?”
“Worthy of a song or two in that little notebook of yours?” You laughed, leaning forward and kissing Youngjae briefly.
“Most definitely so.” He agreed, although unbeknownst to you was that the notebook he coveted so earnestly was already filled with lyrics and thoughts of you. He was thankful that the forest had brought the two of you together, and that he now had a chance to share himself completely with someone who understood. He was wrong in his thoughts that nobody knew, because you did.
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trustmypoisong7 · 4 years
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Purple Butterfly
This is actually JUST an imagination.
— smut
— GOT7 x y/n
- this will totally be inappropriate to young audiences so please, leave if you're below 18
— there may be typo errors and grammatical errors so forgive me for that
You and Mark went back to the hotel after taking out your orders after treating you to a luxurious restaurant which you thought was a date, it was not.
Mark let you enter the lobby first by holding the door open and the doorman held it as Mark entered after you.
You greeted some people in the lobby as they have already recognized you since you were always there at the hotel every week.
"Please press our floor." Mark said with his low, husky voice.
"Yes sir." You playfully saluted and pressed the '9' button.
"Why'd you take me out on a fancy restaurant if it wasn't even a date?" You asked, crossing your arms on your chest.
Mark averted his eyes quickly as he wasn't trying to focus on your breasts as you cross your arm.
He cleared his throat then faced the elevator door before answering, "Let's just say I wanted to try it there and I needed a plus one to get in there."
"User." You said as you smiled. The door 'dinged' then it opened, you went out first and he followed. You turned right and at the end of the hall, since you had the key card, you opened it revealing a very noisy guys. Jinyoung was trying to watch television in peace but then laughing at what Jackson jokes about, Yugyeom and Bambam were their usual younger selves, playing around, Jaebeom was trying to join Jinyoung in acting as if he's quiet too and watching with him but then ended up laughing at how hilarious Jackson is. And also there's Youngjae who makes everyone laugh louder 'cause of his laugh.
"What the hell have you all been doing?" You asked, trying to silence down the noise by turning the tv off. Mark placed the take out on the table and washed his hands and then joined the others.
"So, how was your date?" Jackson asked, sitting on the bed as if he was a kid and was about to listen to story time.
"See, Mark. Told you it was a date." I grinned and Mark just chuckled.
"It was quiet. I did most of the talking." I answered Jackson, making Mark react.
Yugyeom and Bambam quietly peeked into the take out and getting what's theirs without being noticed. But of course, they were noticed, by Mark.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. Please leave me some food or else." You widen your eyes to all of them, trying to threaten but ended up laughing instead.
"Go enjoy your bath, I'll save you some, don't worry." Jaebeom said as he stood up and looked at the take out.
You placed your towel on the towel rack and and your clothes on the table beside the sink. You undress and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature from default cold to just enough warmth.
As you were waiting for it to change, you heard one of the guys, obviously Jackson because of his distinctive voice, telling the young ones to open the window so you guys will be eating on the balcony to enjoy the fresh air.
As you were in the middle of taking a shower, bubbles still on your hair because of the shampoo and some soap on your body as you were scrubbing, it was awfully quiet. Knowing the guys, they're always at the top of their lungs as if the one they're talking to is deaf.
But you hear faint moanings, you don't know if it was something they're watching. Good thing you were almost done, so you just wiped yourself dry and wore your clothes. Towel wrapped up on your hair, humming a tune while fixing your clothes. You arranged your stuff back on your bag and went out.
You quickly shrieked as a purple butterfly landed on your nose bridge, showing all of its glory to you. It flew off, then revealed the reason why the boys were quiet.
All of them were waiting for you, but naked.
You felt something, something so strong you cannot or do not have the urge to fight back.
Jinyoung stood up and approached you, kissing you roughly. His tongue trying to slid in in your mouth, which you did answer back, by letting his tongue explore your mouth. Saliva escaping both your mouths in too much sloppy kissing.
He cupped your breasts and you pushed him on the bed, still not breaking that sloppy kiss, you roughly took of his top, making him groan. Jackson broke your kiss with Jinyoung and he took your top off almost roughly as well and kissed you, deep and passionate. You're still on top of Jinyoung when he was trying to unbotton your shorts.
You're now fully naked and all of its glory, as well as the boys. Jaebeom went on top of you, kissing your neck with such passion, and yet you know he's trying not to hurt you but he can't help but leave lots of hickeys on your neck and shoulders and chest.
He finally reached your breasts, sucking those nipples left and right. He nibbles on the right and sucks on your left breast, leaving you breathless, curling your toes in ecstasy.
"Jaebeom ... ah." You moaned so loud as his tracing fingers reached your most sacred part, in between your thighs.
Mark pushed Jaebeom off of you and Mark quickly suck those folds, making you arch your back and curl your toes, grasping the sheets with your fingers. You moaned Mark's name as he was licking his way inside you. You can hear the licking sounds and the way he moans under his breath as he was licking your pussy clean.
On the side you saw Youngjae and Jaebeom kissing, Youngjae's hand were masturbating Jaebeom's member, and vice versa.
Jinyoung was lying stomach flat on the bed beside you, while Yugyeom was inserting his member on Jinyoung's butthole, making both of them moan and groan, releasing their husky, horny voices.
Jackson was pinned on the wall by Bambam, you can hear both of them moaning as Jackson was riding Bambam.
Exhales and moans filled the room.
Mark stood up and masterbated, you went on your knees on the bed and grabbed his member, licking the tip, making him shiver and moan, arching his head back in pleasure.
You suck his cock slowly until you reached the end, trying not to gag, which you succeeded. You slowly took the pace, bobbing your head back and forth, back and forth, until Mark held your hair and moving your head instead.
You almost throw up but he quickly grab your hair to meet his lips, and the precum from his member, he took from your mouth as he kissed you sloppy.
He pushed you on the bed and he quickly crawl on too of you and sliding his member to your pussy, making you arch your back and moaning.
"Oh my — you're too big I can't — oh shit." You grasp for air, trying to take in his huge member. He slowly moved, making your walls familiarize his mamber, asking for permission to let it in, which it did. Both of ou are riding in unison, moans are in sync, as well as for the others.
Mark was quickly getting his pace, he kissed you, absorbing your moans in his mouth. You grabbed his hair, pushing his head to yours, deepening the kiss as he did his final push to you.
"I'm cuming." Mark said in between moans and breaths.
"I am too. Oh god." You exhaled and clawed your nails on his back, making his back bleed in beads.
He cum inside you and all of the guys came inside for their partners as well. You noticed the purple butterfly flew outside, then you all blacked out.
You woke up first, head pounding, the smell of sex still floats in the air. You look at yourself all confused, then you look beside you, Mark all blacked out, you see some hickeys on his chest, and also naked.
Your eyes widen and you quickly ran to the bathroom, picking up your clothes.
After an hour of showering, you went out, all of them are now dressed and are quiet.
"What happened? Why does my butt hurts like hell just went it?" Jackson said, caressing his buttcheeks.
"Same here. My dick's all swollen." Youngjae said, making Jaebeom hit him as a sign saying you were there and as a respect.
"NOTHING happened, okay? No one will speak of this. Whatever happened here." You said, adrenaline running out, you can bow feel the soreness on your breasts and your vagina.
"Don't worrry. Nothing happened." Jinyoung spoke, looking at you, with a faint smirk visible, which he's letting you know that only the two of you knows exactly what happened.
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fantastic-bby · 5 years
“That’s Ursa Major.” You pointed to the constellation, “But that’s Ursa Minor. People tend to confuse them since they look similar. Their tails are just different.” 
“Interesting.” Boyfriend!Jaebeom hummed out, leaning back on his arms as you pointed out constellations to him. “Is that a constellation?” He asked, pointing to another set of stars not far from the Ursa Major. 
“That’s Leo.”
“Like the zodiac?” He asked.
“Mhm. Leo was a lion that would take women to his den to lure warriors into trying to save them. Hercules killed him with his bare hands since no weapon could hurt Leo and when he was killed, all the women were free.” You explained, turning to look at him with bright eyes. 
He smiled back at you, wrapping his arms around you to get you to lie down on the hood of his car. You continued to search the sky for constellations with your head resting on his chest, his heartbeat sending comfort through your mind and heart as you pointed out more stars.
When Jaebeom had brought up the idea of driving out to the middle of nowhere to stargaze, you were so excited you grabbed all of your notes on constellations and followed him out. He was expecting himself to enjoy it since he was around you and God knows how much he loves your company. But he never expected himself to enjoy it as much as he was. 
“Why are you just staring at me?” You asked when you realised he didn’t seem to be listening to you anymore. He snapped out of his trance and answered by leaning down to press his soft lips against yours in a passionate kiss. He pulled away and smiled at you, “Didn’t answer my question, but I’ll take it.” You giggled. 
“I love you.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you, too, Jaebeomie.” You smiled, turning back to the skies. You let out a gasp and pointed to the sky, “A shooting star!” You exclaimed, sitting up quickly as you watched the star shoot across the sky in awe. “Jaebeomie, make a wish!” You sat him up. He chuckled at your excitement and closed his eyes to make his wish. 
When he opened them you still had your eyes closed. The smile on his face was wider than before, suddenly aware of how much he loved you as you made your wish. To him, nothing mattered unless he was with you. You were the stars that painted his blank night sky. You were the sun and the moon to him. You were his universe.
 You opened your eyes and turned to him, a blush creeping on your face when you realised he was staring at you, 
“What is it?” You asked. 
“You.” He hummed out, turning to the sky, “I just love you. That’s all.”
“What did you wish for?” You asked, lying back down with him. 
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.” He shook his head with a cheeky smile on his face. 
“Tell me!” You pouted at him but he continued to shake his head, smiling at how cute you were. Little did you know, this was his wish. He wished to spend all of his nights with you. He wished to spend all of his days with you. His wish was you.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Cloudy With A Chance of Sunshine
Prompt: #150 – “They may not understand you, but I do.”
Pairing: Choi Youngjae x reader
Genre: angst / fluff
A/N: I modified the prompt sentence a little to fit this idea. Also happy birthday to Youngjae!
Word count: 1613
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“Smile, Oppa!”
Forcing his lips wider than what felt comfortable right now, Youngjae lifted his hand in greeting to the swarm of people in front of him.
He didn’t want to seem ungrateful. Knowing he and the other members of GOT7 could garner such a response from all over the world was more than humbling. He worked hard, played even harder and if it weren’t for all the people before him right now, he’d just be back to being a nobody who could sing.
Hundreds of thousands of people could sing in this world, but not everyone made it to holding their dreams like he had.
Youngjae was thankful.
But he was also exhausted. Touring took its toll on him mentally and physically and with the old injuries worsening over time, he craved a break. He wanted to step out of the limelight and unwind in his apartment for more than the odd couple of days or so he was getting currently. He wanted to sleep uninterrupted, catch up on the lives of his family and close friends and spend time with his dog Coco.
He knew it would be several more weeks before he could even get to do that properly.
And so, even if he tried his best to keep smiling, to be the eternal sunshine that he was known as to his fans, Youngjae was struggling.
“Oppa, is everything alright?” a fan asked as he signed her an autograph, and he glanced up, hesitant to respond. She wasn’t asking to know his troubles, that much he could tell. Her round eyes were hopeful that he would assure her heart that everything was perfectly fine.
Even if his own heart was troubled.
“Of course!” he finally stated, chuckling loudly to hide his real answer. She beamed, giggling behind her hand and bowed appreciatively at him before moving on. It was his job to make sure his fans who relied on him were always happy.
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By the time Youngjae had a week’s break from work, his psyche was lower than it had been for some time. He had grown snappy behind closed doors and faker onstage. Most people didn’t stop to question his outlandish ways in covering up his feelings, though the fans who knew him well enough had been speculating something was wrong. And even though he wanted to tell them how he felt, he didn’t need to cause any problems right now. He was paid enough to keep his personal life just that, personal. But in this world where he had so many people looking up to him or seeking out his company, Youngjae wished he had someone who was there for him. Of course, his members were as best as they could be. Their lives were just as hectic, tiring and problematic as his could be. In fact, he knew some of them were struggling with issues bigger than his own. He wouldn’t burden them with his complaints. He felt incredibly alone in this giant world he was constantly travelling.
“Does that complete your order?” you asked and Youngjae nodded softly, shooting you a genuine smile. You grinned at him and gestured for him to move to the waiting station of the coffee shop. He watched you for some time as you greeted everyone enthusiastically, your bubbly personality infectious. Everyone who came into contact with you was smiling by the time you had finished serving them and you bounced over to the coffee machine to help with orders immediately, calling out when each one was ready. You eventually called out his name, handing him his coffee with a smile as warm as the takeout cup he now held.
“Have a wonderful day!” you exclaimed, turning back to the next order you had.
Oh, how Youngjae wished to be just like you. In his eyes, you were the real example of sunshine in a person. In that short space he spent inside the coffee shop, you had warmed his heart and made him smile effortlessly. He wasn’t sure if his regular need for coffee was the fuel or not, but Youngjae found himself entering the coffee shop every day from that first time he entered it. You soon recognised him and recited his order happily, making him chuckle as he handed over his card to pay with. Over the five days he had visited so far, you had recharged him more than the caffeine ever did. Youngjae chose to sit in and enjoy his beverage yesterday and today, soaking in your energy that brightened his morning each and every time.
He marvelled if this was your true personality or if you were just like him, playing a role that came along with customer service. Your position wasn’t too different as his in a basic form. You both were performing the ultimate service of making someone’s life brighter. His just happened to be in more than one location and definitely require a whole lot more hours too.
Yet Youngjae didn’t degrade your position, he admired it. You handled it with grace, making every person feel just like that. A human who mattered. He had been in a multitude of coffee shops in his time, but he had never met a barista quite like you.
“Was the drink just what you needed?” you asked when the store had slowed down from the rush that had been keeping you and the other staff on your toes, now able to get out and wipe down some tables. You had noticed he had finished his cup and Youngjae smiled up at you, nodding in response.
You had been just what he had needed.
“I’m glad to hear it. You seem to like the coffee here.”
“Don’t you?” he wondered and you looked both ways before leaning in towards him. Your eyes were twinkling with playfulness and he held his breath, enamoured by the way they shone.
“Don’t tell anyone but I hate coffee.”
He laughed loudly then and you grinned, tapping your nose on the side.
“That was unexpected,” he admitted and you shrugged, clearing the table next to the one he was seated in as you smiled over at him.
“So is serving an idol five days in a row. I hope it’s not just the coffee bringing you back every day, Choi Youngjae.”
He didn’t know why you recognising him made heat travel to his cheeks, but it did and he laughed, trying to hide his emotions. He then sighed heavily, shaking his head. He had the desire to be honest with you and not shy away from his thoughts. “Your personality is addicting, more than the coffee is.”
“Really?” You pouted in thought and then came back over to his side, taking a seat in the chair next to him. “I’m addictive?”
“You’re like pure sunshine.”
“Takes one to know one,” you commented and Youngjae shook his head, laughing again.
“No, I’m more like a cloudy day if I’m honest.”
You didn’t answer right away, but when you did, he was surprised by how vulnerable your gaze had become. He had been right, you were an excellent performer. “It must be hard, having to do all that you do and not experience the emotions you want to. I bet you bottle up a lot.”
“I don’t want my fans to worry about me, even though I know they do.”
You nodded. “It’s okay to let people worry, but when you’re a celebrity, I guess you need to showcase that your life isn’t a mess even if it can be behind the scenes, huh?”
“How did you…” he trailed off, staring at you intently. You smiled then and he mirrored your gesture.
“They might not be able to understand everything about you, Youngjae. But I get it. At least, some of it. People don’t want to hear of your hardships unless it will benefit them in some way. Your fans don’t desire to be above you, so holding that kind of ammunition wouldn’t please them. It would only concern them, right?”
“Just like being the happiest barista in a sea of caffeine-addicted humans?” he offered and you laughed, nodding lightly. “It’s had the right effect on me. You’ve been my sunshine these last few days.”
“Everyone needs someone to help them out when they’re feeling clouded by their lives, right? I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m cloudy myself, but it’s nice to meet someone who gets it from having a naturally bubbly personality.”
“It’s Y/N, right?” he said as he read your name badge even though he had memorised it much like you had his order, holding out his hand for you to take. You nodded brightly, before slipping your hand in his.
“I’m not sure how much time you have free, but whenever you need some sunshine, you know where to find me.”
“Only if you let me be that for you in return,” he suggested and you tilted your head to the side at his offer. “I’m hoping you’re not working tomorrow, everyone needs a day off right?”
“I am actually, I picked up another shift. But I do finish in about two hours, maybe we could get outside and see the weather for what it is today?”
Youngjae nodded, still not letting go of your hand. “It has been pretty cloudy this morning but I think the sun is set to break through this afternoon.”
As you went back to work, Youngjae waved you off; holding his phone you had just stored your number into and stepped back outside. The air was cool, but there was promise right around the corner for it to warm up.
And he couldn’t wait.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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youngjaebirdie · 4 years
So I'm just sort of asking around atm but I usually do bts fics on my main blog but I saw a post that mentioned how not enough Youngjae or Bam Bam fics are made and I was wondering if people would kindly comment if they were interested in me using this blog to fulfill that gap?
I'd probably start with a Youngjae fluff as he's my GOT7 bias to ease myself into writing for another band but yeah
In a nutshell: this blog doing GOT7 fiction yay or nay?
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kpopkeeks · 4 years
Choi Youngjae Oneshot/Drabble
Genre: Angst
They knew it was ending long before they parted ways in a storm of tears. They knew it was ending before either of them had the guts to admit it. It was also likely that everyone around them knew as well.
That’s the funny thing about love, however. You know it’s a bad idea, you know it won’t work, and yet you throw yourself headfirst hoping you’ll tame the beast before it tames you.
The bottle pressed to Y/N’s lips at midnight in a smoky bar says that she, much to her disbelief, could not tame the beast. The irony of comparing the man she loved to a beast almost made her chuckle; almost. To anyone who knew Youngjae, he was the farthest thing from a monster. She still felt that way, regardless of the current situation. People literally called him their sunshine. So why did everything feel so dark?
She huffed and put the bottle on the bar. The bartender eyed her cautiously; probably wondering when to offer to call her a cab. He couldn’t quite wrap his head around why someone so beautiful had found their way into his dive bar. It happened a lot, girls came here, drank too much, talked to any guy they could. She was different however, by her guarded body language and extreme avoidance of eye contact said she really was here to drink her pain away.
“Hey,” the bartender started, “do you need anything?”
“Another one.” She sighed, “thanks.”
He nodded curtly and grabbed another bottle of beer from under the bar. Popping it open, he rested it in front of her.
“What brings you here on a Tuesday so late?” He asked.
She looked up at him, where he finally could see how emotionless here eyes looked.
“Uh, this?” She pointed to the beer. She immediately felt guilty for the tone she used, but she really didn’t have it in her to carry on a conversation.
 He got the hint however, and nodded before heading to the other end of the bar.
 She was left alone with her thoughts for too long, which was annoying because her thoughts were always the same. Just echoes of his words, bouncing against her skull so hard she felt nauseous.
 “You know exactly why I haven’t told anyone about us.” Youngjae pleaded with Y/N for what seemed like the hundredth time.
“I know, I know, but do you know how hard it is to feel like you’re embarrassed of me every. Day.” She admitted, crossing her arms, staring him down. They stood about 6 feet apart, both defensive and exhausted. This conversation came up multiple times. Youngjae didn’t want to be public with their relationship; Y/N wasn’t pleased. She showed affection and love in a very public way, and Youngjae just didn’t speak that love language.
“I’ve told you, I’m not embarrassed.” He said bluntly, an uncharacteristic frown on his face.
“Youngjae, just admit it.” Y/N started, feeling her blood pressure rise and the thought of the man she absolutely loved everything about not reciprocating her same passion.  “I don’t always say appropriate things, I’m loud, I dress in a way you don’t approve of, just stop hiding behind your excuses and just admit that you don’t think I would handle the spotlight well. I’d bring you all sorts of bad press, right? Negative media, people saying you deserve better, calling me all these terrible things. You love me, but you hate, hate my dirty mouth, my big opinions, my-“
“Yes, fine, I’m embarrassed! You’re a beautiful, vibrant person and you say whatever comes to mind but I’m constantly under a microscope and you don’t seem to care that your actions would reflect on me! You’re just-…you’re just…” He trailed off as he saw her face contort like she had been smacked.
“Just what? Go ahead,” She spat.
“You’re just a lot sometimes. Not for everyone, but…for me.” He whispered, looking down at his feet.
And there it was. She knew it, he knew it, everyone knew it, and who knew it would be Youngjae to finally say it. They had always been polar opposites; Y/N sarcastic, loud, fun loving, center of attention. Youngjae quiet, reserved, sweet, soft-spoken.
She didn’t respond. She looked at him as he avoided her gaze. Her eyes threatened to cry but she’d be damned if he saw it.
“I’m happy you took your time figuring it out.” She whispered bitterly.
“W-what?” He stammered.
“I’m happy you pursued me, asked me to be with you, made me fall in love with you and robbed me of nine months of my life to decided that now, now I’m too much.” She took an involuntary step back, mostly because she felt like she might pass out. Was this really happening? How could it be possible that the only man she had ever let herself love was now pointing out all the things to her that he couldn’t deal with. So where did that leave them? Did she tone herself down for the sake of Youngjae? Maybe she could fit in his mold, maybe she could find a place in his lifestyle. At what cost? This wasn’t an annoying habit, this was her whole being.
“You’re not too much, but I…I-“
“Just stop. I’ve heard enough. I get it. So what now? How much of myself do I rip away so I can be what you want?” She asked, tilting her head. Youngjae pulled his eyebrows together. Was she serious, or being sarcastic again? It was hard to tell.
“Don’t patronize me. I’m not trying to hurt you. I don’t want to fight with you; I love you.” He tried, reaching an arm out to her. She quickly backed up a few more steps.
“Don’t say that. Don’t you dare.”
“What, Y/N,  I do. I do love you. You know that. Everyone knows that.” He defended, stepping towards her. She didn’t move, so he took it as a sign to take another step. And one more. Soon he was right in front of her.
“I don’t think your members count as everyone,” She sighed, looking up at him. He gazed down at her, looking for a sign of her next move. She was unpredictable and wild; he really never knew what to expect. Which, in any other world, would be exactly what he wanted. Someone to challenge him, to make him uncomfortable and help him grow. He brought his hand up to her cheek, slowly brushing her skin with his thumb. Her body reacted for her, leaning into his hand. He considered this a victory, maybe she would reason with him…
His warmth had always drawn her in. She knew she was rough around the edges, kind of cold and bitter. But he brightened her right up. He exuded this light about him that she felt addicted to; like a moth to a flame. She brought her hand up and rested it on top of his. He smiled softly, before wrapping his other arm around her waist and pulling her in. He tipped her face upwards towards his and leaned down slowly, brushing her lips softly with his.
As soon as she felt the soft touch, she stepped back abruptly.
“Please, don’t, please don’t pull me in just to break my heart. If this is really not going to work, stop being selfish. Stop hoping I’ll change. Just go.” She snapped, the tears in her eyes overflowing beyond her control.
His tears mimicked hers; this was never what he wanted. He wanted to think that they could overcome it but life taught an ugly lesson; sometimes love isn’t enough.
“Y/N, don’t-“
“I said go!” She shouted, turning away from him and furiously wiping her eyes.
He felt his chest get tight. The breath caught in his throat. His stomach twisted. He really did it this time, huh? Every other fight like this he broke down her walls, held her until she was calm, and kept her close. But this; this wasn’t like the other times. She’s never raised her voice at him. Ever. Sure, she said harsh things, she had a sharp tongue. But nothing like this.
Everything in his heart told him to fix what was broken, tell her he loved her. But her voice ringing in his head stopped him; “stop being selfish.”
He quietly turned to walk out of the apartment, taking one slow agonizing stare back at the woman he had fallen for. He wanted to remember every detail of her sharp features, soft lips, long hair, captivating eyes. Something in the knot in his stomach told him he better enjoy the sight; it might be the last time. Once he finished torturing himself, he saw his way out.
Leaving Y/N to grieve on her own. The worst part about being someone’s secret? Going through a heartbreak no one knows about.
“Ma’am? Its bar close.” The bartender’s kind voice snapped her out of reliving her personal nightmare.
“Oh, okay…thanks.” She tossed a twenty on the bar. “Keep the change.”
He nodded, “Do you need me to call you a cab?”
“I’ll walk, thanks though. Say, is it always this empty?” She inquired, looking around the bar.
“I mean, like I said, it’s a Tuesday. But, on average, we’re a pretty lowkey place.” He explained, wiping down the bar in front of him.
She smirked, nodding her head towards him. She gave a small wave before heading out into the cold night air.
The dark sky was the most comforting thing she’d experienced since their fight. Everything about Youngjae was bright, light, sunny and fun. However, when that is taken away, everything is dark.
“Alright, you can do this. Whatever makes you think of him, you avoid. The night time is your best friend now.” She thought to herself. She couldn’t even find it in herself to be upset, or angry with him. She can’t blame him without blaming herself as well. They were both guilty.
 Because, after all, they knew it was going to end.
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k-fiction-therapy · 5 years
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Moodboard by Admin Scar
[Flash Fiction, 05:04:13 AM]: /YoungjaeXReader Mini-Fic/ – Youngjae chased his orgasm like a coyote after a rabbit. Hips met your center with each thrust, the soft of Youngjae’s body a perfect compliment to your own. His pace fluid and quick, he became a whimpering mess the closer he got to his orgasm. Face red from pleasure and lips against the lobe of your ear, he breathed heavy. Hands on your hips and fingers pushed into your flesh, he held on for dear life. He held you like there was nothing he needed more, and pleasure played over his face like a new expression, coloring all the way to the curl of his ears. Shaking, he was unable to stop himself, falling completely prey to his pleasure. Gasping and moaning, his thrusts became erratic and he tried to speak, but nothing more than mumbles left his lips. Cum spurted from him in an impressive volume and he managed to pull out, but only halfway, his hips jerking hard, cock grazing you with each spasm, his cum hot against your flesh. After a moment, all you could hear was a deep chuckle as he realized what he had done and was no doubt embarrassed. For the moment, he couldn’t think of what to say, so he bent down and affectionately kissed at your tailbone, praying that you wouldn’t be too mad.
Admin Death
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