#choice of the Peredhel
thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
Elrond hides from the stars, at first. Morgoth's hazy corruption hid the sky, at Amon Ereb, and the Feanorians didn't spend much time outside at night anyway– it was dangerous, even for hardened warriors.
Maedhros and Maglor taught them about the stars of course, they were determined to give E&E education befitting of elvish princes, and no such education could be complete without thorough studies of both astronomy and the elvish star lore from the days of Cuivienen. Still, while they could chart the course of any star across the sky, and tell the tale of any constellation, E&E rarely actually got to see the stars.
They could, on rare nights when the smog wasn't so bad, see Gil-Estel, brightest of them all, faintly shining through the haze. They knew what it was. They didn't know what to think about it. The Feanorians didn't like discussing it, so E&E didn't either.
But then, Elrond and Elros left the Feanorians. Maedhros and Maglor sent them away from just about everyone and everything they'd ever known. They came to Gil-Galad's camp as traumatized children who were treated as objects of curiosity, veneration, even suspicion. Eyes follow them everywhere, and their gaze is never neutral– always approving or disapproving, angry or joyful, awed or fearful.
Gil-Galad's camp, guarded by Maiarin soldiers, is nearly free of Morgoth's corruption. For the first time, E&E see the light of the sun and moon in their full glory. They also see Gil-Estel, burning brightly against the dark sky; no faint light.
Elrond doesn't like it. He feels like Gil-Estel is watching him. When he tries to explain this to Gil-Galad, he's met with sympathy– of course Earendil is watching over him. But Gil-Galad doesn't understand.
Elrond hasn't gotten used to being watched, being evaluated, at Gil-Galad's camp. He'd never felt that way at Amon Ereb– where there had been far fewer elves and his presence had quickly become normal. All those elves watching him now? Viscerally uncomfortable. And the thought of the father he barely remembers being another set of eyes judging him is unbearable. After all, what if Earendil doesn't like what he sees?
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thelien-art · 10 months
Heirs of Quendi Edhel & Firya Feir; Elrond & Elros
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Green leaves: Green leaves symbolize new beginnings, rebirth, love, hope, and resilience
Blueberries: I found an article about blueberries, and it was mentioned that in Native American folklore, they were believed to be a gift from the great spirit, who sent star berries to ease children's hunger during hard times - as a whole blueberry symbolizes wisdom, knowledge, and understanding
Quendi, Edhel = Elvers: First; Quenya - Second; Sindarin
Firya, Feir = Humans/mortals: First; Quenya - Second; Sindarin
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sesamenom · 8 months
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Aragorn and Arwen taking a walk through Minas Tirith (she's venting about how maglor disappeared again right before el&el were going to drag him to valinor)
(Aragorn has a very good fashion sense, if he was a Noldorin ambassador living in Numenor during the Late Elros Era. Arwen is also very stylish for early Doriathrim royalty. The rest of Gondor got used to it eventually.)
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picspammer · 8 months
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Rings of Power Week 2023 Day 6 _ Favourite Peoples: Elves🧝‍♂️
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*ignoring the paper thrown at me by Tolkien's ghost as I post this* I think that the elf default of the Choice of the Peredhil is stupid and that Arwen (Elladan and Elrohir too, this post just isn't about them) continues to very slowly age up until she makes her final choice once and for all, so by the events of LotR she looks somewhere between late-20s to early-40s. She's gorgeous and elfly-ethereal and she has laugh lines and grey hairs and her neck hurts when she sleeps on it wrong. In this essay I will-
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justablix · 6 months
Starless Road is so good. i cry about Elured and Elurin every time i think about it.
I also cried every time fingon lost them and every time they popped up again. And then I sat on the kitchen floor and cried for like half an hour. And I cried on my way to work the next day
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anghraine · 1 year
It's always weird when (some) people talk about the choice of the half-Elven as if they evolve like Pokémon upon choosing their ultimate fates.
Elros didn't become exclusively human. He chose to retain the gift of Men and to be counted among Men as far as that ultimate fate went, but he remained a half-Elf. He didn't gain a beard (even descendants as remote as Aragorn, Boromir, and Faramir can't because of Elros) or most Mannish qualities he didn't already possess and he lived half a millennium.
Elrond chose to be counted among Elves in terms of immortality, but he isn't exclusively an Elf. He's described as both Elf and Man, and as the eldest of Aragorn's people. Elrond's marriage to a full Elf produces peredhel children. Two of them are given names signifying Elf+(human)Man, names which Tolkien translated as "Elf-knight" (in Númenórean Sindarin) and "Elf-Númenórean." Elrond's sons are always distinguished from Elves in LOTR.
Arwen doesn't morph into a human woman when she swears her vows with Aragorn; she still looks like f!Elrond and ageless years afterwards, and she would be very long-lived even if you only counted her married life. She is probably the most emphatically Elvish of any peredhel, but she's still a peredhel. Elwing and Eärendil are, too. Peredhil are peredhil are peredhil.
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elerondo · 6 months
Very much itching to talk about how Elros' choice reflects alot about him and Elrond, despite us not getting any backstory.
Most fanarts depict Elros as the more rugged one of the twins (probably based off of Aragorn), but what I like to point out is that Elros became the first King of Numenor at his young age. Considered an infant in the eyes of elves. If anything, Elros is more like Ereinion Gil-galad in theme, needing to be firm and wise beyond his years while surrounded by seniors and elders, both cunning and intellectual and certainly more experienced in politics and trade than Elros.
while Elrond is akin to Maedhros and Maglor in spirit, resolute in life and continuing on despite all the suffering, for the sake of whatever promise, for whoever, for honour, or even for revenge. The boldness to banner the Feanorian star, and the prophetic mission that he gives to Aragorn - resembling Thingol's madness on Beren and Luthien... yet triumphing over it... It's almost like Elrond Peredhel silently made it his life's mission to redeem every fault of his houses, even if they happened before he was born, and he should have no blame in it. Even if the Sindar never claimed him as a child. He named Estel after a biological father he never knew. Elrond forgave the folks who hurt him, and desired for the people to forgive them as well.
How much of Elrond's kindness could have developed from him wanting to prove to the haters that Maedhros and Maglor could raise a good and valiant son?
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sillylotrpolls · 9 months
Yes, these are your only choices.
Yes, these are all pairings with multiple fics on Archive of Our Own in the Lord of the Rings - All Media Types category.
Yes, I did deliberately exclude incest ships. You're welcome.
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maglor-my-beloved · 11 months
Erestor had not meant to be caught.
As he was dragged through the palace, he silently cursed himself for his carelessness. He never should have allowed himself to get this close to Lindon, no matter how lonely and exhausted he was, how much he longed for safety and companionship.
He had hoped, foolishly, to find Celebrimbor, to beg him for protection and a chance to atone for his crimes, but the last of his Lords was not here, and even if he were, why would he take in a kinslayer, a devoted follower of the very family he had tried so hard to distance himself from?
No, he never should have come here. Now it was too late, his hands tied and guards surrounding him, leaving him with no chance of escape as he was brought before the King. He tried not to think too much on what they would do with him. Death seemed to him preferable to a life in chains, but he did not think it would be his choice.
The King’s eyes were cold and unyielding as steel as he looked down at Erestor standing before the dais, and Erestor could feel the eyes of the courtiers on his back, glaring and muttering.
“It is a new Age,” the King proclaimed, “an Age of grace and healing. Pledge fealty to the crown and forswear the Kinslayers you once served, and you may stay and repent for your past deeds.”
Erestor snarled at him, his head proudly raised.
"I will swear to none but my Lords," he growled. Let them chain him, let them kill him, he would not be made a traitor.
"Then –" the King began.
"Would you swear to me?" his Herald cut in, and his was the first kind voice Erestor had heard in... he did not know how long.
He looked at the Herald, a short Elf in rich purple robes, his dark hair in courtly Noldor braids, his eyes bright and soft as the night sky. On his brow gleamed an eight-rayed star.
"I am Elrond Peredhel, raised by Maedhros and Maglor Fëanorion," he continued, ignoring the discontented whispers from the court. "I would offer you a place in my House, if you pledge fealty to me."
Elrond. Erestor had heard of him, of course, had heard of the children his Lords had taken in and raised, but he never had dared to hope… 
He tore his arm free from the guard’s grasp and took a step forward, falling to his knees before Elrond, and with his right fist pressed to his heart, he pledged his life and service to his new Lord.
“What is your name?”
“Erestor,” he whispered, tears choking him at the kindness in Elrond’s eyes, the softness of his grasp as he drew him to his feet and cut his bindings.
Elrond cupped his face as his tears began to spill, shielding him from the eyes of the court.
“Welcome home, Erestor.”
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Only the elves really see Elrond as "half-elven." They focus, of course, on who he is in relation to them. He's sort-of an elf– enough that they can accept him into their society, but not enough to erase his differences. They understand the different parts of him– his propensity to get sick, his elvish-sharp hearing, his need for sleep, his immortality– as "elvish" or "not-elvish." And while they can be rather condescending about anything they see as "not-elvish," they aren't usually very curious.
Most men regard Elrond vaguely as a fae being. This isn't unique to him– much of Middle-Earth's changling and fairy stories were built on the strange human-and-not-human nature of half-elves. Of course, different humans regard them very differently– sometimes with respect, even reverence, believing that "fairies" are beings of great wisdom and knowledge. Others see them with suspicion and fear, viewing them as sources of danger and deception.
To the Numenorians, Elrond is just one of them– a kind of "immortal man." He is like them in several key ways– he gets ill, he needs sleep, he regards the passage of time in a very "human" way. More importantly, he is their kin, a living remnant and reminder of both their mythical founder and non-human blood they share. He acts as a healer and counselor when they need him. This is all well and good until some of them start thinking that if Elrond could make the choice to be immortal, surely they should be able to as well.
The dwarves see Elrond as an elf. They absolutely do not care enough to tell the difference between him and the others. He's immortal, he's always with a bunch of elves. He's an elf.
The Maiar do not really understand what Elrond is, and have kind of defaulting to seeing him as one of them but like, small. Look, they're all uncounted thousands of years old, he's a child to them. They dote on him and think he's adorable, but sometimes forget that he's also part-elf and part-human, and can't just drop his physical form whenever he likes to go be a disembodied spirit in the clouds. Gandalf encourages all their antics. Elrond is working on it.
(Contrary to popular belief, the average hobbit does not have any kind of opinion on Elrond Peredhel. Bilbo Baggins, who lives in his house and has written several long, extremely personal ballads about his family history, is a statistical outlier and should not have been counted.)
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aotearoa20 · 3 months
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Penance: Part One. One/Two/Three
The little messenger of the Valar was actually very lucky to have found them all together at the same time.
There were many rooms and long corridors in Mandos. Ambarussa had found Curufin in this one some time ago, on the small outcropping of rock by an underground waterfall. And he would not be moved. He sat with a form that was barely distinguishable and stared out at where the water hit the pool, causing a continuous spray of bioluminescence.
Caranthir had no intention of lingering beside his brother’s bitterness. He wandered, often to the Halls of Vaire. He met his grandmother and her handmaidens. Sometimes he looked for news in the tapestries. Sometimes he could persuade the solemn to give him work. They never let him do more than untangle threads but in a being barely corporeal, it was enough of a challenge to keep him for utter boredom.
Ambarussa wandered too, Amras trailing after his twin as he showed every nook and cranny left in the Halls. But they returned now and again, trying to coax their brothers into their explorations. Celegorm followed them once or twice but usually remained within eyeshot of the little room with the waterfall.
It was pure chance that Caranthir had ended at back there at the same time as the twins and nothing was said of it. They didn’t speak all that much, well, save Amrod who never really stopped. He seemed scared of the empty space.
Mandos is quiet. For weary broken souls, the silence is a balm. A space to reorient and to heal. But Amrod has long come to terms with himself. Amrod is long healed and Caranthir knows the dark quiet has been smothering him. He thinks he may go mad and could almost laugh at the irony.
A light appeared in the doorway and it was strange. There was light down here. Green flamed lamps and plants that glowed hues of violet and blue. But this was different. This was warm and too bright for his imagined eyes. The figure obscured its glare was tangible enough for his footsteps to echo.
"What news, friend?" Amrod smiled.
Caranthir shivered. It’s eerie the ease with which Amrod could speak with Namo’s Maiar. Their presence still filled him witth a sense of dread, though this one didn’t seem to. Celegorm stood as it drew near but made no move towards it. There was somethingwrong about it. It was too bright, too solid -
“I’m looking for Maedhros Fëanorian.”
There was a beat of silence before Amrod grinned, “You are not dead”
There was a excitement in his voice that sounded nearly like a threat. The stranger lowered the lamp and as his face came into view, Caranthir was almost certain he knew him.
“Lúthien,” he heard Celegorm whisper and with that he was certain.
“You’re Elros’ brother” he said as he rose to his feet. The elf opened his mouth to reply but for a moment no words come out. As if he didn’t know where to pursue his first question or ask a new one.
“He came this way before he left.” Caranthir continued making the choice for him, “He also asked for Nelyo.”
“I am Elrond Peredhel.”
Half Elven. Dior’s grandson. He would have been the Prince of Doriath if fate and his family had been kinder.
“But you are not following him?”
He would have assumed so. He knew their own twins dealt ill with being parted. Elros had not stayed long. Caranthir’s remembered thinking of asking him to carry a message to the otherside. Perhaps he should have.
But it would appear this one was not bound for the Doors of Night. Amrod was right, he was still living and evenso he could sense a solidness to his fëa that his brother did not have.
“What do you want?,” Curufin's voice cut sharp from his little crevice of stone.
“To speak with Maedhros.” Elrond replied, undeterred by the coldness of it. 
Caranthir took a breath he didn’t need, ready to defend the poor boy from whatever was about to leave his brother’s mouth when they were both silenced.
They all turned to the shadowed door.
Maedhros had arrived so close to fading, they feared they would lose him forever. Even now his fëa was barely a wisp of a thing. It was as if the darkness had found a voice.
“So for this one he’ll appear, but we are not so worthy,” Celegorm doesn’t quite growl but Caranthir elbowed him as hard as an incorporeal spirit can elbow another. He might scare Nelyo away for another hundred years.
“Maedhros…” Elrond began, the word hung in the air a moment before he shook his head and looked away, “I have petitioned the Valar for your release.”
“Little pity,” Amras echoed softly.
Elrond turned to the voice and nodded, “but not none at all, I have come to you all with a proposition”
“All of us?” Celegorm said in surprise, he like the rest, assumed any bargaining would be for Nelyo alone. But the half-elf smiled and went to sit on a small shelf of rock. His grip on the lamp shook faintly as he placed it down.
He took a breath and said, “The Valar, Namo especially, have no desire to keep you in here until the world’s breaking. Some of you have been in these Halls longer than Morgoth himself and your crimes though terrible could not be counted as worse than his.”
Caranthir didn’t intend to laugh, but Celegorm chuckled beside him and he found he could not help himself.
“Even so,” Elrond stared at them both unimpressed, “There are many who would argue most of the great woes of the world came to being at Morgoth’s first release and the Valar would have you free to sow discord in Aman. If you were to return there would be conditions.”
Unease shivered through his fëa. Caranthir wasn’t sure he wanted to know of whatever deal Elrond teased out of the Valar. Return would be a curse while the Oath hung over them. Here at least it slept once they realised there could be no escape from the Halls. Better they languish here until Maglor deigned to joined them, and with him any chance of reclaiming the last of their own. And then to Darkness, whatever that entailed. Compared to rhe alternative it would be a relief.
Not that he didn’t appreciate the boy’s efforts. Misguided though they were he had no reason to go through the trouble. It was sweet really.
“You would be put under the responsibility of one of the Valar and under their service – ”
Never mind, he was a petty bastard. Caranthir almost respected him for it. He laughed again, harsh and deliberate. This had to be a joke.
“That’s no reprieve, it is another prison.” Curufin had no face with which to glare. The flickering mist the made him up seemed to pulse and condense in on itself.
“But we could be free of this place.” Amras muttered, wincing more out of habit than anything else as his twin gripped his shoulder.
“To what end?” Curufin hissed, “Are we to be thralls until the end of time?”
“The Valar agreed they would be poor judges of the length of such service. A small council was appointed to judge when it would be safe for you to be left free and unchecked. Olwë, Elwing and Nimloth. Idril also was asked but she said would trust in the wisdom of the three.”
“Then we should be slaves forever! Who would agree to such a bargain?!”
More was said, by most of them, with far less grace. Caranthir himself had no desire to be the lackey of any of the Powers. He was quite comfortable down here, awaiting their doom in his own dread and despair and he was more happy to explain that to the little upstart.
Elrond sat patient enough until their protests died down.
“I have spoken with my father,” he said, quietly softly now, his eyes landed on each of them, “He said if you would agree to these terms, he would return to you the last of the Silmarils for as long as it was necessary to release from your Oath.”
The silence that fell was black and cloying. Maedhros had told them he and Maglor had watched over the peredhel twins for a time. He’d said little more, only to get him off his case, the last time they had been visited by other. Given the extent the Oath had ravaged him by the time he arrived here, they all gathered that it would not have been a pleasant experience for any involved.
He studied the boy’s gentle expression. Did he know the power he held over them all in a single sentence? He must. He must know he could get them to agree to anything for the sake of that offer. It would be a fitting and complete vengeance for this prince of the Sindar to hold the fate of them all at his mercy. Except he couldn’t align such cunning with the person before him.
And for all the humiliation being at the beck and call of the Valar would be, given the truly limitless possibilities, it was a fairly tame punishment. Perhaps it would have to be for the Powers to agree to it.
“What of our father?” Celegorm said suddenly, his voice strangely void of its usual elegance, “and Maglor, we don’t even know where he is.”
“This offer is open to all of you, I can go no further into Mandos like this but Namo said he would speak to Feanor” Elrond sighed, “As for Maglor, he is found. He rests in my house.”
“Is he alright.” Maedhros asked in a tight voice.
“He is not,” Elrond replied and for some strange reason he seemed grieved, “He will not allow himself to be helped but has conceded to follow whichever fate you choose. I... it is not a choice to taken lightly, but please don’t tarry, for his sake.”
“We will do it,” Curufin spoke up. He paid no heed to the stared that stares leveled his way, instead he turned to Maedhros, “We have to don’t we? What use is there debating it?"
Maedhros sighed so deeply him might have dissipated himself into dust. But he nodded and all at once Caranthir’s grip on eternity pitched once again. He had half a mind to resist it. He did not have to agree to this deal that he had not hand in shaping or bargaining. There were too many loop holes that could be explored and exploited both ways. But a familiar heaviness gripped him and turned his tongue to lead. He could not risk Elrond recinding his offer by asking too many questions.
The smile on the half elf’s face was drenched with relief. If he didn’t know better Caranthir would have thought the lantern itself shone brighter at the news. He couldn’t fathom why. His head hurt, so little has happened for so long, for everything he knew to change once more! But to be free... Such hope was as sharp as a knife pericing the depths of his fea. He tore it out and shook his head. Free to do what?
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sesamenom · 2 months
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Ar-Pharazon from the Reverse Gondolin AU and as Witch-King of Numenor - thanks to @who-needs-words for helping develop this idea!
#silm#silmarillion#second age#ar pharazon#reverse gondolin au#(well more like the aftermath of gondolin reversal)#this au has consumed my life#on the plus side inspiration for feanor is finally reemerging from under the metaphorical couch so i might get something finwion-y done soo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so much to draw so little time#seriously though golden nazgul is such a cool idea#whatever the mordor equivalent for the angband trio is (sauron pharazon and shelob maybe?) is going to look so cool in black and gold#black/gold black hole shelob!!#and prince elrond is super finwiony looking#also he has his wings & glowiness out a lot more so that'll be fun#but yeah basically in the au Prince Elrond realized via foresight what was happening/going to happen in numenor#so he went there and disowned ar pharazon (by extension removing him from the throne) and crowned tar miriel rightful Ruling Queen#then later when sauron showed up he came back kicked sauron out and outlawed the death cult#but between that time sauron secretly recruited ar pharazon by promising him kingship in exchange for his support#and anyways ar pharazon survived all the way to the TA as the Witch King#(mr. angmar here gets to be second in command of the nazgul sorry)#-imagine this guy showing up to be all 'bagginssss' though#the witch king of numenor is somehow even more dramatic#also the whole 'no living man can kill me' is. a bit different coming from a guy who has many enemies in the form of#a) his cousin the Ruling Queen of Numenor#b) his uncle the choice-of-elves-peredhel#c) a bunch of Faithful in the Halls#the dead guys aren't too much of a problem#but i wonder if he heard that prophecy and worried a whole lot more about the Ruling Queens#or Prince Elrond who in the au has very definitely embraced his maia-ness#and then imagine his surprise hearing 'but no living man am i' and it coming from. a random human lady.
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tathrin · 1 year
Wait wait wait. So Erestor is never actually granted any damn details in the published text of Lord of the Rings aside from being Elrond’s “chief counselor.” And in one draft he’s explicitly an elf, and in another he’s a peredhel “of Lúthien’s line” or whatever, and his name might possibly, if one uses some old and potentially defunct translations, mean something like Lonely Brother...
And no one has yet written a fic (that I’ve found so far at least) where he’s a child of Elros who pulled an Arwen and picked the different option from his dad? Where he’s the one of Elrond’s nephews who did not choose to die as one of the Secondborn and thus be forever sundered from him? Someone from Elrond’s family who chose to stay by him? Who also knows what it’s like to be forever separated by his mortal family? Who maybe had to watch his dad and granddad age and die, and all his siblings and their kids, before eventually seeking refuge from the grinding sorrow of mortality in Imladris with his uncle who also chose the long life and sorrow of the elves?
Nobody has done that yet?
(I don’t by any means think that the Choice remains an option all the way down Elros’s line of course, I think that Númenor is too important as a Kingdom Of Men—and a place where mortality, specifically ends up having Serious Importance To The Narrative—for the Gift of Men to be something that they have the option of refusing all the way down the generations, but I can definitely see having Elros’s kids or grandkids still being given the Choice of picking the Firstborn over the Secondborn, hypothetically.)
Or hey another thought: Maglor. Either in disguise or simply renamed in penance (or sorrow) because he’s the last brother left...
I just. I feel like we as a fandom are maybe sleeping on this one?
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noirbriar · 1 month
Glorestor: 5 Times They Denied (Final)
+ 1 time They Did Not.
From the POVs of the various folks around the 2 elves who are convinced they are courting, or betrothed, even though they were told otherwise.
OOC as always is all on me and canon is super hazy now but ahhh I tried
The final part! Thank you esp @mae-it-be-an-evening-dhros @tamilhobbit @the-dreaming-plastic-dinosaur for following this indulgent writing of mine as part of me coping with things and being so kind to my first experiment writing based on Tolkien's works!
Sometimes, its the kindest ones who break the most.
6] Elrond Earendilion
Elrond is tired.
Here he sits on Celebrian's favourite bench in their balcony, watching the blazing crimson sun setting over the cliffs of his beloved Imladris. The light flooding the valley with endless red. Like fire, burning the skies, dripping into the water flowing endlessly, the life blood of all in this realm.A swallow chirps and lands on his shoulder, weightlessly and with ease.
Vilya pulses with every breath and each pulse of his fea as Elrond feels the fine well of power entangling around him. The Lord have been feeling the weariness of the ages sinking deep and clinging heavy on his bones.
The dull weight of it all drags on, settling on his spirit, plunging into depths unknown, rolling down and down, pulling into a deep, dark ocean beyond even Ulmo's reach.
And deeper.
And deep-
"-rond? Elrond!"
Elrond gets startled out of his darkening thoughts as the little swallow flutters off and faces the one face that he had always known.
One he and his brother have come to known as warmth and safety since they were but tiny elflings. Against the burning sky, Erestor stands before him, bent low with a gentle hand over his own, the one that bears the weight of power. The older ellon's cold hands cooling unlike the overbearing heat of his own skin. His slate green eyes dark, filled with a wide array of emotions unspoken, swirling in those orbs.
Right now, his Chief Councillor has forgone his usual heavy black robes, except for his elegant brocade robe of office over a tunic and leggings. The gold earcuff and feanorian earring shinning brightly.His twin blades strapped by his side and a crimson red scarf. No longer a mere advisor, Erestor and a select few of his staff have taken up the duty as the last means of defense of the Valley with the absence of Glorfindel and their troops.
Yet to Elrond, before him is not his Councillor and advisor, but one he and his brother have long recognised as another peredhel and claimed as kin of their own.
Elrond shifts and tugs Erestor down to sit beside him, the Lord of Imladris easing away the persona he carries.In his own private quarters, he cares not. The quiet guardian lets him, allowing Elrond to lean his head on his shoulder, his cold hand holding his own.The rare instance where Elrond feels the suppressed fea of the elder, the cold light bringing him familiar comfort. There was always something about the elder's fea he could never explain and he never knew why Erestor did so. Elrond never asked.
"You should not push yourself, Elrond." Erestor whispers.
"This land and many depend on me. As well as those further west. The darkness grows and without the strength of the land, it will be hard on our forces."
"Glorfindel and our warriors are more than capable of defending our borders against the wretched claws of evil and their ilk."Erestor admonishes gently, rubbing mindless circles on the peredhel's hand."You must rest, it will do us no good should you wear yourself thus. Arwen worries too."
"My precious daughter...always so sensitive and thoughtful. Even if I loathe to part from her, she has grown and found her own path. My sons, even if they have not made their choice to sail, they are finding their own place in this world. I cannot help but wonder...where does this leave me?"Elrond whispers his heartache in melancholy, closing his eyes and tries to ease the tension in him.
He is so, so tired. Like a thin piece of string, tattered and worn as time went on.
How he wished he could return to those innocent days! Safe and warm.There were days where he yearned for vague memories of the arms of nana, the hazy and distant gentleness of his adar's hand. Oh! How he longed for Celebrian's infectious joy and light. The ever smiling Celebrimbor's optimism. The ever practical Erenion and his laughter. In all that he had lost, he misses them the most. Dearest Elros by his side as they played with their strong Atto, with Atya singing enthralling songs and wonderous lullabies into the wild breeze.
His heart is so greedy and wants for them all. Fragments of light out of his grasp. Little fragments is all he craves.
"To be honest, when all is over, I had no desire to sail."
Erestor's words throws Elrond out of his maudlin thoughts like a broken glass, bringing everything to a standstill. The air freezes as Elrond's heart sinks, the younger elf turns harshly around as he hears the feanorian's proclamation.
"I have long thought I shall fade here. On this very land where my Atar and my Amil have held me and my siblings in their embrace. " Erestor stares at the crimson dusk, "Where it all began, is where I will find my end. The only home I had. Where all my memories are, and have possessed all that I have ever known."
The string breaks.
"You can't!"
Elrond snarls, grabbing Erestor's arms, clinging almost like a desperate man reaching for a distant shore. The son of Earendil and Elwing feels that the abyss have finally caught him in its cold maw, the endless waves of loneliness and loss, regrets and sorrow that he have kept away for so long, now unchained in its fury. He had long known many of the old feanorians and the noldor have thought to remain in Middle Earth, with Imladris as their final Home. However, to hear those words from his longest friend, protector and kin-
The power beneath this land moans painfully with her master's sorrow, clinging to Elrond like a child seeking solace.
"Everyone I have known and love are lost and gone. Forsaken and abandoned! I cannot! I cannot lose you as well, Tor!"
Elrond gives in as he finally wails, wretched and tormented, ages of heartache and desires bursting forth. The remaining one finally starts to crumble under the weight he has borne.
Dear Erestor who watched over him and Elros, and sheltered them after Maedhros and Maglor were gone. The one they have taken as their older sibling. Who had held them in the cold, somber nights in Lindon, with battered bloodied hands and lustrous raven locks shorn from his head. Who mourned with him the death of their beloved Elros, and the fall of his legacy. The one built with him this haven and held his own children with the same gentle hands filled with scars. The one who kept him and his children going as Celebrain's ship sailed.
Elrond has had enough.
"I don't want to lose anyone anymore. Please, Tor. You are all I have left..." was all Elrond could plead with what selfishness he could find in him.
He is a healer, he has seen broken hurts and deep wounds buried in the soul, mending each unspoken pain little by little with what strength he carries.
But who would bear and heal the pain of the healer then?
"Oh, Elrond..."
The old feanorian caresses his face in tender hold, wiping away the tears he have not realised were there from his redden cheeks. Bathed in ephemeral crimson light, the two companions through the ages holds the other quietly.
"Do not weep." Erestor whispers into his ear as he embraces the younger peredhel in sorrow.
"I will not lie, that was my thought for the longest time, to remain in the land where my amil and my siblings have laid to rest before passing into the Halls. I am tired, truth be told. Yet with all that has happened recently... watching you, the young ones, even Bilbo and the Dwarrow and Edain, and all who have came to this haven we have forged...I find myself wondering, if I could find that courage that you all have shown to walk a different path?"
Erestor then turns back towards Arien, watching the crimson setting sun. While Elrond stares up wonder at this Erestor who is still that calm and mighty guardian, yet different all the same. Within his eyes, they seem to hold a different light. A light that he feels in their shared bond of kinship in their fea, a burning ember chasing away the creeping darkness that have grown far and deep away inside.
And Elrond feels.
Things then swiftly happen in immediate succession, like something in the distance shattered and mended. A change in the air as that unseen miasma of dread it lifts as the birds cry. Vilya shudders, the elven ring trembling in resonance, before finally dimming itself into almost nothingness.
The horn of the Valley resounds.
An age ends. Another shall soon begin.
The residents of Imladris awaits at the square for the troops returning, bearing the wounded and the lost, but triumphant still with news of the destruction of Sauron and his Ring. Elrond bears his mantle once more with his circlet and heavy robes embroidered with patterns of gliding stars, hollow still but no longer in deep woe.
Vilya remains silent.
Their Lord descends to welcome their armies and the Edain back Home. Arwen remains close by his side, dressed in silver and silk. His daughter, ever empathic and sensitive. Her quiet presence a balm after that release of emotions welled up and sealed in him through the ages, bringing about much relief to his weary heart.
Bilbo Baggins, even with his body growing old and frail now that the final connection as Ringbearer is lost, hobbles slowly beside him in careful steps. The Hobbit probably hopeful for some news of his nephew and the fellowship.
A long welcoming horn sounds and there beyond the bridge, they see Glorfindel, glowing with the light of Aman, leading their victorious warriors and the last of their wounded home. Elrond's heart gladden to see them safe once more. As the Lord of Imladris, Elrond breathes in deeply the refreshing clean air, ready to give a speech to welcome them all home-
Right before he could get a word out, a blur of a shadow darts out, his Chief Councillor leaps elegantly past the many steps and simply crashes straight into his Captain dismounting Asfaloth. His favourite crimson scarf falling and lays forgotten in his wake.
The Golden Lord would have fallen over by the sudden unexpected impact from being pounced upon him if not for his unnatural strength. The Balrog-slayer dropping his helm and swiftly catching the dark haired elf with a hand on his back and another placed almost naturally on his assailant's bottom with no hesitation. The startled warrior's surprised noise also does not hinder Erestor in the slightest as he wraps his arms around the taller ellon and greets him.
Head on with a hard kiss.
Elrond nearly chokes.
The world seems to stop in that instant. Not a soul breathes. Not even as the caravan and wagons of the wounded behind holler at what was on with the hold up from behind. Asfaloth simply snorts in disbelief with a shake of his great head only a horse can, and wisely chooses to trot further away.
Everyone else remains still. Not even willing to move a muscle as the couple parted after a long heated kiss before a stunned audience, heaving with adrenaline and foreheads touching close.Unbothered and unconcerned.The silence is deafening, before someone finally speaks.
"Marry me, Laure." Erestor whispers, breathless.
Glorfindel gasps. His eyes bright with emotions, wild and free. The Hero of Gondolin could only gaze at his partner wordlessly filled with a fierce passion and endearing love.
"Eres? You are certain? You know we do not have to. I care not for oaths or promises or ceremonies, but only you by my side. My fea knows only you, forever and always. I am content!”
Erestor's hands clutches into the white cape of their Captain, his eyes fierce with raw determination, their unbridled Tempest.
"No more I shall fear of the unknown. Neither of Oaths nor Doom. Even if I am damned to the Void, even if I must claw my way out of the abyss, I will find my way back to you! It is you, and only you that I will hold till the end of all of Eru's Songs! I want to be one with you meldanya*. I am ready."
If there was a tear from either of them, no one could say for they were so enthralled by the words they share.
“My brave Eres! Have I not told you before? May it be in the light of grace or endless Void, all I care is you as you are. It will never change! If it is what you desire, then let us become one! None will keep you from me, for what use is my poor existence if I cannot keep my heart by my side?" Glorfindel smiles, holding Erestor close with no concern to the travel-worn state he is in. With a lighter, softer peck upon the soft lips of his partner.
“You need not protect me. Just, stay beside me, as I face what is ahead, that is all I shall ask. ” Erestor whispers softly. It was plain for all to see, even with that cool mein, their ever stern Councillor was basking in the raw light of love.
“That I can do.”Glorfindel returns with a soft laugh, eager and proud in their joy.
"I am sorry. I am sorry it took so long."
"Nay, it matters not for we are here at last, and what do you know? I am ready too." Glorfindel then pulls Erestor into a deep embrace.
"Let us be bound, Eres, and never be apart."
Elrond does not know why or how but watching this all unfold before his eyes, his two friends finally answering to those unspoken feelings that they have all long known felt like a refreshing air of relief for himself. The Lord can only give a loud laugh at the incredulous timing in the whirlwind of it all. Like a chapter coming to an end on its own.
Their happiness is so infectious and warm, that it urges the half-elven on with an unexpected impulsiveness as he descends down the steps to meet the couple. His arms reaching out and pulling them into a hug with his dear friends. Which causes the trio of Lords to nearly fall over into an unseaming heap if not for Glorfindel and Erestor pulling Elrond and each other safe on their feet on the solid ground.
"Mellyn nin! Does this mean we can safely deem that you are both together? After so many years, we are to have a wedding in the Valley then?" The Lord of Imladris smiles, feeling lighter than ever.
The couple shares a an uncharacteristically shy look, probably realising their open affections have been on full on display. The two shuffling awkwardly, as Glorfindel pulls back his golden braid and Erestor straightening his robes. Even as their hands remain clasped together through the motions.
"We are."
With that the dam breaks and there are cheers and roars from all around. The felicitations and laughter blooming and loud, even out beyond the gates, voices echoing far across Imladris.
Elrond even spots several bags of coin being passed around. Looks like the age old wagers have ended, one that he was unfortunately unable to participate out of fairness and status. His foresight definitely did not foresee any of this, Elrond can be certain, despite whatever one may believe. There were some hands passing over even to a rather eager Bilbo and...Arwen!? Elrond gives his daughter a incredulous stare of dismay with a raise of his brow, but Arwen simply wiggles the bag and mouths, "Aragon's!"
"But we will not be having a wedding."
The sounds all come back to a halt, leaving the birds to continue with their delightful song.
Everyone gets startled by the suddden aggressive shout and turns to its unlikely source. The ever polite and dutiful Steward of the House, Head Minstral of the bards, Lindir, stands in utter dismay and fury. A look of disdain upon his face with a hand clutching his robes in great horror. Elrond is rather certain its overly dramatic and very much out of character for the usually placid minstrel.
"No! No! Absolutely no! I have waited for an age for this and I refuse to accept-Its not how things are done! I made plans! I drafted songs! I will be vindicated! I WILL SEE A WEDDING!" Lindir declares with a glorious wave of his sleeves. Some of the household staff can be seen nodding in agreement.
Alright, he stands corrected with further observation. The little sleeve sweep was so much that he is reminded of Atya. Lindir certainly has enough flair to match with the Noldor he admires.
The couple can only simply blink blankly in response.
"But, we do not have the resources allocated for it, Lindir. Besides, we are short on time, we must prepare for our Arwen's wedding and for our House to journey forth to Gondor. There is also our wounded and our dead to care for, either way, it is not feasible at all." Their ever calculating and planning Councillor explains calmly.
"I politely disagree, my Lord Erestor."
Everyone now turns to Saelbeth who is the one to interrupt his mentor with a bow. His hands tucked in his sleeves as he steps forward from the group of councillors gathered.
"We not only have an abundance of resources stored, our staff and soldiers are more than capable and equipped to run autonomously. In fact, much of the preparations have already begun. Our household is more than proficient to handling the arrangements should our Lords be amendable in our suggestion."
Erestor narrows his sharp eyes at his protege, who is undaunted by the fierce look. As if the feanorian did not expect the efficiency he has implemented in this House to choose now of all times to work against him of all things.
Glorfindel gives a slight cough which sounded suspiciously like a laugh.
"We are also, able to oversee the duties of our troops as needed, if necessary." Deputies Laica and Thandor concurred from behind without prompt.
Which only earns them a careful glance from their Commander, one that the soldiers have chosen to disregard. Glorfindel rolls his eyes with an unbelivable shake of his head, muttering something along the lines of 'insubordination'.
"To be honest, Eres and I, we have both desired to only be wed simply by bonding. For our kin and friends here in our beloved home to recognise it, is more than enough." Their Captain elaborates, although this answer just seem to infuriate the usually calm minstrel even more, that the sindar is made speechless as he tries to breathe with his staff supporting him behind.
Elrond is a little guilty to find the whole situation a tad comical in any other circumstances.
"You will both not grant me the chance to witness an elven Wedding in my Home before I leave?"
They all turn around and come face to face with his daughter. Their beloved princess, their Evenstar, reaching out to hold their hands in hers. She gazes at her mentors and guardians with those gentle eyes, glimmering and full of hope under the golden rays of a new age of peace.
"Arwen-" Erestor began but Arwen urges him to listen with a shake of her head.
"Uncle Erestor, Uncle Glorfindel. Long have I wished to see you joined and blessed in ceremony. Will you not grant me this? Please?"
With that, Elrond can see the couple's resolve fall. Which was not surprising. For the two loved his daughter as though his children were their own since they were born. Elrond remembers the nights he and Celebrian handed his children to the two, watching them care for the young little elflings with so much care and selfless love.
Although that little spark in Arwen eyes is a little too obvious. Elrond gives his daughter an exasperated but fond look for that. It is somewhat reassuring to know his children all have not lost all of their playful innocence after all they have experienced in life and will carry them forth in what lies ahead.
Erestor manages to resist for a good while before giving a resigned sigh. He shares a knowing look with Glorfindel who returned with a wistful shrug.
"We can compromise, I suppose. Who needs tradition anyway in our haven, a Home for all walks of life?"
And compromise they did.
After mourning for the ones that have passed and comfoting those who grieved, the rest of Imladris sang for all, for those who cry and those who are to heal, and for everlasting peace.
Until the voices cease and raises once more in the flurry of excitement and chaos. The whole of Imladris prepares for the journey to Gondor and Arwen's wedding. Here in Imladris, where all of the elves from every clan have settled and called home for more than an age all prepare in their strange mix of elven customs hashed together in celebration.
On the night before their departure and their supposed wedding ceremony, Glorfindel and Erestor disappears, while Imladris makes merry in the name of the married couple.
The duo only emerges once more at the break of dawn, with Arien's greeting upon them. Glorfindel and Erestor appear, walking down the path from the sea of beech trees serenely, dressed in beautiful robes that Elrond has vaguely remembered from years long ago on one autumn eve. Their hair braided in a mix of noldor and vanyar patterns. They bear no wedding rings, but upon their brow, rests the circlet of their mate, with golden flowers shining against raven dark hair, and an elaborate twisting weaves gleaming upon glowing gold locks. It was plain for all to see, the marriage bond is complete and proud.
They stand before The Lord of Imladris and Arwen by his side, Lindir standing nearby bearing the ceremonial water from the Bruinen with almost the entirety of the Last Homely House welcoming the newly bonded Lords back with flowers. With bended knee, they greeted him and presented each other as their rightfully bonded mate, awaiting for his blessing. One that Elrond is more than eager to give, as he holds their warm hands in his.
Under all that happiness, Elrond suddenly senses a familiar light in Erestor as well. Elrond feels, and is surprised to find Erestor's fea dancing unbound, like a little ember on a quiet eve. With Glorfindel's powerful light mingling through like blooming vines, caressing across the shared connection. He simply cannot put a finger to no matter how he tried. Although he is unable to give much thought to it with most of his House eager to approach and congratulate the newly wedded couple until the time comes that they must leave for the long journey to Arwen's future.
Elrond watches it all, as he had done through the ages. A sense of acceptance settles within him as he urges his mount on, taking the first step out of Imladris with his daughter and friends by his side, and the elves of Imladris following behind.
Elrond turns to the boundless skies beyond.
Everyone is finding their own path, its probably time he walks down his own as well.
Flags flutter in the wind. Sails are prepared, and the ships are ready. Elrond observes as everyone else bid farewell to friends and kin. He has already made his goodbyes to his children but as a father, it is still difficult to part with them, forever his and Celebrian's treasured little ones. Bilbo and Frodo are huddling with their kin while Galadriel and Mithrandir speak with Cirdan in quiet voices.
It is hard to comprehend that he himself is finally leaving these shores for some place he has only heard and never seen. May it be from tales in the books or words of others. The unknown seems so difficult to grasp now that he is facing it.
Elrond turns and sees Erestor and Glorfindel approaching, probably done with overseeing things.
"Tor." Elrond indulges a childish whim, greeting his advisor the nickname out in the open. Before he is pulled into a warm embrace by his old companion.
"Be safe. Be happy."
"I will."
A press of their foreheads, the two part, before Glorfindel hugs Elrond as well.The warrior's arms folding over his form, strong yet gentle. Oh Glorfindel! Fair and selfless, who protected him and his family since the days of old, always cheerful and supportive. The defender of Imladris who sang so beautifully and made the flowers dance. Who also have the terrible habit of enabling little elflings with too much sugar and making him laugh.
He will miss them both dearly. His precious friends who have walked by his side.
"Send my regards to Celebrian and everyone there, alright?"
"Are you both sure you are staying?" Elrond asks once more, just to be sure.
Now that Glorfindel's duty is done, he is to return to Valinor. Erestor, now his husband and mate meant that he too, will sail with his beloved. Yet, the couple has elected to remain in Middle Earth and Imladris for sometime yet.
"Someone has to watch over Elladan and Elrohir. As well as those who seek to sail in the coming years, who will need guidance as they pass through the Last Homely House. Celeborn alone would not be possible!" Glorfindel remarks lightly in jest.
"It would not be long." Erestor reassures.
A bell sounds, and Cirdan calls for those looking to sail to finally board the ship. In that moment, the reality of the situation finally sinks in for Elrond like a skipping pebble finally falling into the water.
He looks back at his friends, who returns with an encouraging nod and a wave.With a deep breath, Elrond steps forward and onwards.
As everyone boards, Elrond notices Galadriel turning pointedly towards Erestor without a word. Who simply gives a small nod in acknowledgement to the Lady while Glorfindel keeps a hand proudly on his mate's waist. Galadriel gives a cryptic nod in return, and turns to board the ship.
As the hobbits follow along with Mithrandir, Erestor suddenly strides up, calling for Bilbo. The old hobbit and his nephew turns back towards the feanorian in wonder. It is then, Elrond sees Erestor removing his treasured earring bearing the feanorian star, bending down and handing it carefully into Bilbo's thin hands.
"I do not know what good this may do, but I hope it will aid you in what you seek in some way."
"And... should anyone ask?"
Erestor and Bilbo share a long moment in silence, before the old hobbit grips onto the gift with a new found strength in his old hands with grateful acceptance. Mithrandir watches on, curious and full of mirth, but wisely chooses not interfere as they move on.
The anchors are pulled. The wind picks up and the gulls sing an ode to bid them farewell.
Farewell to Middle Earth! Farewell to everything and all! As the Eldar and the ringbearers leave behind all they have known and onwards into another realm, into another journey unknown. The breeze grows strong and the waves rushes, pushing them on and into the light-
The Peredhel turns back and sees Erestor running upon the docks, robes in hand and shouting towards the ocean with little care for his usual decorum. Glorfindel following close behind, waving brightly and so enthusiastically, almost like a maniac should one stumble upon the sight.
"Go! My kin! We will be just right behind!"
"The journey will be awhile! Do not miss us! It will not be long and you shall have company to keep you busy, dear Elrond!"
Elrond blinks back a tear at his silly friends and laughs.
There was only so much one can do out in the vast and endless sea in close quarters with many others. However, Elrond has found comfort watching the stars and his Adar sail across the night skies, wondering in the quiet of his mind.
When the shores of the West are finally sighted, many are excited, though for a break in endless voyage or beauty of it, Elrond could not be certain. As they all clamouring and crowding on the bow for a glimpse of the blessed realm.
Yet the unexpected always happen when one least expects it.
With a loud cry resounding into the air breaking the peace, everyone on the ship are soon startled out of their watchful gaze of the their eternal home. Elrond jumps up, sprinting to the bottom of the deck to the storage where lies its source. Where a pale Frodo stares incredulously at an open box.
Galadriel arrives as well and they share a questioning look, leaving Mithrandir to quickly tend to the startled hobbit on the floor of the ship. Bilbo slowly joins in, offering a pat of comfort to his kin, though the old adventurer seems oddly calm by the chaos. Sounds of movement from the opened box increase with intensity, each rustling and rattling growing louder much like Elrond's own heartbeat. There is no foulness or evil in the air, but age old instincts has them on edge all the same.
With careful steps, Elrond approaches the crate first with Galadriel following close behind.
Cautiously, they all peer inside.
After all these years and in endless joys and unending sorrow, the half elven finds finally feels that burden upon him lifting, a light of hope and his being healing at long last. With quiet tears and a sob of delight, Elrond is finally able to smile again, full and free, as he dives in to embrace the beginnings of healing as his heart soared.
*Quenya: my beloved
A/N: I probably could have polished things more but at this point, I think I shall leave it as it is. A rather odd final part I think but I tried? Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment and reblog, you all made my day with each one!
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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Okay I'm definitely reading too far into it but the fact that Thingol names Dior his heir is so interesting to me. Because it seems...sentimental.
Like. Lúthien and Beren are mortal when Dior is born. It's a terrible grief to Thingol and Melian, as they know they will lose their daughter. And regardless of your thoughts on peredhel aging, Dior was unquestionably growing up far quicker than an elf. There's room for hope, but no certainty that Dior won't grow and die as a mortal man.
Thingol, meanwhile, is ancient, immortal, and tremendously proud. He does not seem to have anticipated his own death - and if he did, his choices are very strange indeed. Naming Dior as his heir seems more like an act of love, an affirmation of public support for Lúthien's family and Dior himself, than anything expected to ever be relevant. I wonder how that line of succession would have developed if things hadn't turned out the way they did.
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