#choices platinum avery
masked-alien-lesbian · 4 months
Along Came Treble is just Roommates with Benefits but with rockstars and music rather than college
1st comparison: MC and the LI having instant attraction and "unbearable" lust for each other:
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#2: "Uptight" (in the LI's opinion) MC that starts off trying to keep things professional because it's a forbidden love
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#3: Carefree lackadaisical LI who wants to get MC to loosen up and smell the roses, experience life in the moment
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Which would be a good lesson to learn but they tend to go too far with the living in the moment attitude
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Like Cai being late to EVERYTHING, and Drew slacking off in their class project, MC ruining her friendship because she struggled with delegating time between lusting after Drew and being there for her friend's game.
Anyway, this is just another example of PB recycling book plots again and again.
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korgbelmont · 3 months
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Edit of Avery Wilshere as Black Canary
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
Vibing to Platinum playlist in 2023 like 💆🏽‍♀️
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itlivesinlahuerta · 1 year
she calls me back by noah kahan is so m!avery coded
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toriliashine · 1 year
How are they gonna make avery, a clean t swift wannabee the main love interest when these ABSOLUTE BABES are RIGHT THERE
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Fiona and tif please call me please please please
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avasversion · 2 years
Larries who play choices will know that avery and raleigh from platinum were basically written with Harry and Louis in mind. No one can convince me otherwise
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findingdrake · 8 months
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clarepreed · 1 year
Sexual Healing
Story Summary and Content - 5,074 words. Avery is on a work retreat with her crush, Cara, when Cara experiences a sudden cardiac arrest while masturbating. Cara’s coworkers have no choice but to revive her using controversial techniques developed from the procedures in Experimental. Sudden cardiac arrest, on-site resuscitation, intercourse with a person who cannot consent. 🏳️‍🌈
Recommended reading: Experimental.
“I can’t believe you didn’t cancel this retreat, Grace.” Avery stood in front of the cabin’s bay windows, squinting into the blinding white of the winter storm outside. “We’re going to be stuck here.”
“I’m possibly not the most responsible employer.” Grace spoke from the corner of the living room. When Avery turned to look, her friend and boss was also staring out at the blizzard, her arms wrapped tight around her middle. “I should have believed you, Jada.”
“I was almost a meteorologist.” Jada was sitting on the hearth, her back to the fire. She’d recently changed her protective hairstyle, and was careful about keeping her braids draped down her front and away from the sparks. “Who you really should have believed was Cara. Her migraines are like clockwork with weather systems. She barfed twice on the trip up.”
“I think she’s feeling better now,” Grace said. She peeled her arms off her midsection and raked a hand through her platinum blonde. “She’s just taking a nap to recover some energy. I wish I had done that.”
“She’s been asleep a while,” Avery commented, looking at her watch. “Maybe someone should check on her?”
“If she’s feeling better,” Grace said, “we should get some work done. Go ahead and check on her. Note that I said ‘check’ and not ‘hit.’”
Avery rolled her eyes and hurried back to her room, slipping into the Jack and Jill bathroom connecting her room with Cara’s. She flipped on the light, taking a minute to check her reflection.
No food in my teeth. No flakes of mascara on my cheeks. Hair still gelled back. That’ll do.
Avery always thought she and Cara were a study in contrasts; Cara short and curvy to Avery’s tall and athletic build. Avery kept her dark hair cropped short and gelled away from her face, while Cara wore her blonde hair long and streaked with bubble gum pink. Where Avery was serious and earnest, Cara was sweet and open-minded.
Cara was wonderful, and Avery had been trying to work up the nerve to ask her out for months.
Avery heaved a sigh and turned toward Cara’s door, knocking. “Cara?”
She leaned closer to the door, listening.
Jeez. She must still be asleep.
Avery knocked again, then tried the doorknob. The knob turned, and she pushed the door open. “Cara? Are you—” Avery froze.
Cara sprawled on the bed, nude, her hand between her legs.
“Shit!” Avery spun around and stepped back into the bathroom. “I’m so sorry! Oh my God!”
She felt a flush run from her scalp down to her chest and stomach. Then it enveloped her clit. Avery gasped. Cara, for her part, didn’t say a word. She didn’t make any noises at all.
She’s getting off, close the damn door!
Avery reached back for the door knob, trying not to look at Cara.
She was awfully still for someone masturbating.
“I’m s-sorry,” Avery stammered. “Um...”
Did she fall asleep? Faint?
“Hey, I’m not looking, but are you okay?”
Silence. Sweat sprung out on Avery’s palms. She took a few indecisive breaths and said: “Cara, I’m turning around. I just need to see if you’re okay.”
Avery turned, quickly finding Cara’s face with her eyes. The other woman looked ashen, her eyes half-lidded and staring at nothing.
“Cara?” Avery’s voice came out hoarse and wobbly. She hurried over, no longer having to make herself ignore Cara’s naked body. She grabbed her coworker by the shoulder and shook her, hard. “Cara!”
Cara’s head tipped to the side, but she remained otherwise still. 
“Oh my God… HEY! HELP!” Avery shouted toward the rest of the house, then grasped Cara’s face, turning it toward the ceiling and tipping her head back. She leaned over, her last bystander CPR training slotting into place in the foreground of her mind. “Cara, be breathing. Come on…”
The air remained still between them.
“GRACE! HELP!” Avery pinched Cara’s nose and sealed her mouth wide over her crush’s lips.
Not how I wanted this…
She gave Cara two breaths, watching her exposed breasts rise and fall. Someone yanked on the bedroom door as she slid her hands under Cara’s shoulders and dragged her unceremoniously onto the floor. 
“Cara? Avery?” Grace called out.
Jada walked in through the bathroom and stopped in her tracks, staring in shock at Cara’s naked, limp body on the floor. 
“Unlock the other door! We need the first aid stuff!” Avery ran her fingers across Cara’s skin, tracing her ribs and locating the lower third of her sternum. Then she clasped her hands together and rocked her shoulders over them. “She’s not breathing! One, two, three, four…”
Jada flipped the lock and ran out of the room, pushing past Grace.
“What happened? Oh my God!” Grace kneeled across from her. “What do you need me to do?”
“Call 9-1-1! Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty…” Avery’s brain slowed down again, struggling to process what she was doing. Her breath came short; she wondered how long she could keep this up and wished she was in better shape. Beneath her, Cara’s body rocked with the force of her compressions. Her head bobbed and her breasts wobbled. “Thirty!”
Avery leaned over, pinched Cara’s nose again. Under her mouth, the other woman’s lips were cool and slack. 
As she was giving the second breath, Jada ran back into the room with an AED, a small duffel, and the poster from the inside of the first aid cabinet installed in the pantry of the rental.
“Yes, I’m Grace Belgrave. I’m at fifty-seven East Mountain Bridge Byway.” Grace sounded harried.
“One, two, three…”
“What do I do?” Jada gasped, dropping down to her knees at Cara’s head.
“…seven, eight, nine…”
“My employee… my friend,” Grace amended, “she’s not breathing. No, we… Avery, do you know what happened?”
“…twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty! Jada, breathe for her!” Avery watched Grace move out of Jada’s way, and then Avery said: “I found her like that. She… it looked like she’d been touching herself. Masturbating. But I don’t know why she isn’t breathing!”
“Okay, she was found like this. She may have been masturbating—What do you mean you don’t know when someone can come out?”
“One, two, three, four—”
“The snow. Fuck. But you’ll talk us through it?”
Avery looked down at Cara’s body as she continued shoving her weight down between Cara’s ample breasts. The force made her soft stomach rippled and distend with each compression, and she heard huffs of air slip from between Cara’s lips. “…twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty! Breathe, Jada!”
“YES! We have a full kit and an AED. Okay. S-CPR? Really? I… Yes, I did say she was possibly masturbating… yes, we’re willing, I just…” Grace stared at Avery. “They want us to do S-CPR. I saw it on the news, but—”
There was a click and the sound of electronics powering down, and the room went dark. 
“Hello? Hello!” Grace shouted into the phone. “Oh my God, it disconnected.”
“Open the curtains,” Jada said.
“No, let’s get her in the living room! Huge window and the fire, we can see in there.” Grace dropped the phone and crawled around to Cara’s head. “I’ve got her head. Avery, get her feet. Jada, grab the supplies. Now! Hurry!”
Together, they carried Cara’s limp body into the living room, laying her out on the rug.
“I’ll take over chest compressions for a while,” Cara said. “Jada, you’re on breaths. Avery, read us the damn instructions!”
Grace found her landmark and started forceful compressions on Cara. The blonde woman’s head lolled to the side, her eyes still staring into space. 
Avery squinted at the poster. “Choking… drowning… sudden cardiac arrest. Is that it? No! Sexually-mediated cardiac arrest and suspected corsexamine depletion! Sexual-Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation!”
“…fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen…”
Jada began unpacking the duffel. “Pocket mask, oh… I’ll put that on her!” She grabbed the mask and popped it open, shaking out the straps. As she slid it onto Cara’s face, Avery continued reading.
“‘Start chest compressions, two inches deep at a rate of one hundred per minute. Thirty compressions to two breaths,’ yes… Okay, next step is to connect the AED!” She reached for the smaller red kit and unzipped it. The AED immediately powered on.
“Apply pads! Plug in the connector!”
Jada tipped Cara’s head back and wrapped her lips around the valve, blowing a breath into her coworker. Cara’s chest rose. Avery realized Cara’s nipples were hard, prominent and slightly dusky.
She shook herself and dug through the contents of the case, pulling out a sealed packet labeled “Adult.”
“Apply pads, plug in the connector!”
“One, two, three, four…”
“Give those to me,” Jada said. “Keep reading!”
Avery handed the packet to Jada and bent back over the poster. “‘Follow the AED instructions. If the AED does not shock or shocks and advises you to continue CPR, proceed to the next step.’”
Jada tipped open the packet and peeled the backing off the first adhesive pads.
“…twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four…”
“‘Locate the S-CPR kit.’” Avery reached for the duffel and overturned it.
Jada peeled the backing off the second pad, eyeing the diagram before applying it beneath Cara’s left breast.
Jada leaned over to give Cara two more breaths, and Avery grabbed the connector dangling from the defibrillator leads and plugged it into the AED.
“Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!” Jada and Cara scooted back. “Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!
Avery grabbed a smaller kit labeled “S-CPR” and unzipped it, tipping the contents onto the floor. She quickly rifled through the items. There were three cartridges labeled “7mg corsexamine-1mg epinephrine auto injector,” several condoms, dental dams, nitrile gloves, lube, and a black silicone dildo in a sealed package.
“Shock not advised. Continue CPR for two minutes.”
“Jada, take this round!” Grace, still breathing hard. “I’ll do the breaths!”
Jada went ashen, but she leaned over Cara, her clasped hands pressing to the reddened skin between Cara’s pale breasts. “One!” Her braids swung as she worked, her face determined.
“‘Following the instructions on the auto-injector, administer one dose of corsexamine-epinephrine to the thigh muscle of the patient.’” Avery picked up one of the auto-injectors.
“Here!” Grace said, reaching out. “I know how to use one of those.”
“…nineteen, twenty—oh my God!” A popping sound from Cara’s chest made Jada freeze up, her eyes wide and her hands still buried between Cara’s breasts.
“Keep going!” Avery said. “It’s okay!”
Grace removed the auto-injector from the tube, which she tossed to the side along with the blue cap from the top of the device. Jada resumed chest compressions. Cara’s feet swayed gently side to side with each thrust.
Without a word, Grace raised her arm and brought the end of the auto-injector down onto Cara’s thigh. There was a click, and Grace counted quietly to herself. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!”
She sat the pen to the side and quickly leaned over Cara, blowing two quick breaths into the mask.
“‘Continue AED and CPR cycles until patient recovers, rescuers arrive, or you are too exhausted to continue. If you have enough rescuers, proceed to sexual resuscitation.’�� Avery glanced up at Grace. “I can do that.”
“One, two, three, four…”
“You don’t have to do it just because you’re—”
“I’ve got it!” Avery snapped. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “‘Obtain consent from next of kin if present. If not, proceed according to your state’s updated Good Samaritan laws.’”
“What are our state’s Good Samaritan laws?” Grace asked.
“…thirty!” Jada called out.
While Grace bent over to breathe for Cara, Avery read: “‘Provide sexual stimulation to breasts, genitals and/or anus as rescuer is comfortable. Use included Personal Protective Equipment and lube. Sexual rescuer must follow AED no-contact instructions. Administer another auto-injector after every second AED analysis until all three have been administered, patient recovers, or EMS arrives. Do not stop CPR unless patient recovers or you are too tired to continue.’”
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven…” 
“Avery…” Grace said. “You don’t have to. We don’t have to. It’s still controversial—”
“I don’t want her to die,” Avery interrupted. Her voice sounded miserable to her own ears. “I’ve got it.”
“…twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six…”
Avery crawled over Cara’s prone body, quickly grasping Cara’s thighs and spreading her legs. 
She laid down on her stomach while Grace gave Cara air. Her hands rested on Cara’s hips, thumbs stroking her smooth skin.
Forgive me.
Live to forgive me.
Eschewing the gloves and dental dam, Avery leaned close, her breath caressing Cara’s vulva. Jada resumed pumping Cara’s chest. From this vantage point, all Avery could see was Jada’s hands between two large, swaying natural breasts, and the way Cara’s stomach popped with each pump.
She massaged Cara’s inner thighs, briefly confused, uncertain if she should dive right in or not. If she were making love to Cara, she’d start slow. But this wasn’t love-making, this was first aid. Sexual first aid.
Avery inhaled. Cara smelled like sex, probably from her activities prior to her cardiac arrest.
Who were you thinking of when you came?
She leaned closer, ran her tongue from anus to clit. Cara tasted sweet and tangy. She did it again, and slid her thumbs close to Cara’s opening. 
I could get lost in doing this, she thought, before chiding herself. She ran her hands back up Cara’s thighs, pressed her legs wider. 
“…twenty-nine, thirty!” Jada gasped. 
Avery plunged her tongue inside of Cara, then dragged it up and over her clit. Normally, she’d be checking in with her partner and paying attention to the movements and sounds she was making. She would ask Cara what she liked, what felt good. What she didn’t like. 
But Cara was still limp and unresponsive, her only sounds and movements created by Jada’s forceful chest compressions. At this distance, in addition to the puffs of air, Avery heard her ribcage creaking and her stomach sloshing.
“Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!” With a gasp, Avery lurched backward, lifting her hands from Cara’s skin. “Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!” 
“I’ll take over compressions this time!” Grace said
“No shock advised. Resume two minutes of CPR.”
Grace started chest compressions. “Come on, Cara! One, two, three…”
As Avery slid back between Cara’s thighs, Jada asked: “The instructions mentioned, uh, nipple simulation?”
“Yes!” Avery sealed her mouth over Cara’s clit. She looked up from that position, her eyes briefly meeting Jada’s. Jada slid around to the top of Cara’s head and reached down to rub and pinch Cara’s nipples.
Avery slipped a finger inside of Cara.
Come on, don’t die.
Strong, unexpected sensations pulled her out of the black hole she’d fallen in, alone in her room.
She’d been recovering from a migraine, yes, but she felt incredibly horny. She locked the door, stripped off her clothes, and laid down on the bed. As she touched herself, she thought about Avery. They’d been dancing around each other for months, and now she shared a room connected to Avery’s. She’d been wet just thinking about their proximity.
Her chest ached, and she sucked in a few deep breaths, thinking the excitement was making her chest muscles tense. Then she’d come hard and fast, and the pain had exploded, burning down and around to her lower back and up into her jaw. She’d ridden out the orgasm and the pain until everything went dark.
Now, her eyes were open but blurry, dark shapes moving over and around her. And she felt it all, whatever was going on.
Rhythmic pressure to her chest. Her breastbone shoved down toward her heart, over and over again, creating a burning pain that spread outward from her sternum. Fingers pinching and rolling her nipples. Another finger thrusting in and out of her slit. A warm, wet mouth sucking on her clit.
A mask on her face. The pumping stopped and she felt her lungs inflate with warm air. That’s when she realized she couldn’t move. The air rushed back out of her as soon as the incoming flow stopped. Another breath, and the same involuntary exhalation.
Then hands pressed to her skin and her sternum jerked downward. She heard a familiar woman’s voice say: “One, two, three…”
The mouth between her thighs sucked hard, tongue flicking across her clit. Another finger joined the first and curled inside of her. She wanted to moan, but she couldn’t take a breath, or move her hips, or reach out to touch whomever was pleasuring her.
“…fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen…” 
Chest compressions?
The pumping motion hurt her. The pain was sharp and burning, and she could feel the structure of her ribcage flex and pop with each thrust. The force sent air out from between her lips and forced her stomach to ripple and budge. She felt her limbs rock.
The compressions stopped, and there was a rush of welcome air down her throat.
Did I have a heart attack?
“Shit, is this helping?” Grace. Then the chest compressions resumed, followed by the fingers rubbing and pinching her nipples. “One, two, three…”
“If the kit comes with three injectors, then it must not be unheard of to use them,” Jada reasoned. “And we’re hopefully keeping her from being brain damaged, right?”
If Grace and Jada are talking, that means Avery is…
Cara felt the muscles inside of her quake. Avery must have felt it, because everything increased in intensity. The fingers pumped in and out of her hard, the mouth on her clit licked and sucked, and the hand on her abdomen slipped down to put light pressure on her anus. 
God, not being able to moan or move…
Grace was breathing hard above her. “…thirty!”
Jada must be breathing for me, she thought, as her chest rose and fell. Is she playing with my nipples, too?
She tried to picture how this must look. Her curvy body splayed naked out on the floor. Three attractive women in business attire crouched around her. Grace’s manicured hands between her breasts. Jada’s full lips wrapping around the pocket mask valve. Avery, her lanky body stretched out on the floor, face buried between Cara’s thighs.
Her muscles pulsated again.
She felt Cara’s vaginal muscles flex around her fingers, and darted her eyes up Cara’s prone form. Grace and Jada didn’t seem to see anything different, and Cara otherwise lay limp on the floor. 
I hope this is working.
Avery’s hair was damp with sweat. She removed her hands and mouth from Cara’s body and pushed herself upright, reaching up to unbutton her blouse. She was wearing a tank top underneath, and as soon as she had the buttons undone, she tore off the blouse and threw it to the side. Then she reached for the lube and dildo.
“…twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!” Grace leaned back, gasping. “The AED should analyze again soon, right?”
Jada gave Cara another two breaths. “This is your last round.”
Avery quickly tore open the package and drizzled lube into her palm. She pumped the dildo into her lubricated fist to spread the lube, then rubbed the tip of the dildo around Cara’s clit. Grace was pumping Cara’s heart again, and Avery could see her stomach rippling with each compression. After a few seconds, she ran the dildo down to Cara’s opening and thrust it inside of her. She imagined that if Cara were conscious, her back would have bowed and she would have let out a loud moan.
Or so she hoped.
“Analyzing rhythm, do not touch patient. Analyzing rhythm, do not touch patient!” 
Avery pushed the dildo deep inside of Cara and then leaned back. Everyone raised their hands, waiting.
Oh my God.
She laid on the floor during the AED’s analysis, her lungs burning, keenly aware of her own heart laying still in her chest. Blurry shapes moved around her, but she couldn’t see anyone clearly. Avery had left the dildo inside of her, and she could feel her own lubrication increase, oozing out from around the silicone cock.
“No shock advised. Resume CPR for two minutes.”
“Dammit, Cara!” Grace snapped. 
Chest compressions resumed, followed by the dildo pumping in and out of her. She heard a click and the sound of plastic hitting the floor, and then something slammed into her thigh, stinging and painful. The hard tip pressed to her skin for ten seconds before it was removed.
“…eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Chest compressions paused, and she felt another two breaths forced into her lungs. Then, to her surprise, the mask was removed from her face, and a pair of soft lips connected with hers for a deep kiss. A warm, wet tongue prodded her own unresponsive tongue, while a hand found her left breast, capturing it as it wobbled with the force of chest compressions.
Further down, Avery splayed her hand on Cara’s lower abdomen, her thumb rubbing circles around her clit as she pumped the dildo in and out of her slit.
“…ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen…” Jada’s voice, counting.
“Come on, Cara,” Avery said, sounding breathless. “I know you can feel us. Make your way back.”
“…twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
This time, her head was tipped back aggressively, and fingers pinched her nose hard. The soft lips sealed over her own mouth before a deep breath expanded her lungs. The process was repeated, and then she heard Jada call out: “One, two, three…”
A white-hot pain snapped through the center of her chest before settling just to the right of her sternum. Jada gagged, and Avery exclaimed: “Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Cara wanted to scream, but she still couldn’t move. She tried to focus on the pleasure instead.
Avery shifted again between her legs, and she felt her wet tongue replace the thumb, drawing shapes across her sensitive nub. She began thrusting the dildo in and out faster, angling the tip up toward the spongy front wall.
“…eight, nine, ten, eleven…”
Cara wanted to draw panting breaths, wanted to roll her hips, wanted to spread her legs wide. Wanted to thrust up toward the dildo and Avery’s tongue. Wanted to take her own breasts in her hands and pinch her hardened nipples. But she couldn’t move, and her heart refused to beat on its own.
The hot mouth on her own gave her two more breaths, then resumed making out with her, kissing and nibbling her lips.
Arousal, pain, and fear wove through her mind and body. The fear was that they would stop, and that what was left of her vision would fade, then her mind. Then she would be dead.
Don’t stop. Don’t stop.
Avery shoved the dildo inside of her and then held it there with her other hand. Cara felt the pressure grow and realized Avery was working two fingers inside of her, pushing them in between the dildo and her front wall. Then she rubbed, moving the fingers in short circles. All the while, her tongue kept drawing shapes on her clit.
The pressure was tremendous. Not just between her legs, but between her breasts. Her muscles tightened of their own accord. She felt her vaginal muscles tense, then her entire pelvic floor. Her legs didn’t exactly move, but she felt tension run down the backs of her thighs and into her calves.
“…twenty-nine, thirty!”
Then she came, hard, squirting into Avery’s mouth and over her fingers, her muscles pulsating around the dildo.
“She just came!” Avery blurted in surprise. “I didn’t know she… would. Or could.”
Grace’s cheeks rounded out as she blew into Cara.
“She’s still not breathing!” Jada gasped, rocking her shoulders over her hands and resuming chest compressions. “One, two, three, four…”
Avery removed her fingers but left the dildo inside of Cara. Her hands ran up and down Cara’s round thighs, and she leaned forward again, pressing a kiss to her mons. “I… Normally, I would stop now, but���”
“…fourteen, fifteen, sixteen…” 
Avery pushed herself up onto her knees, looking down at the scene in front of her. Cara’s eyes were closed now. Avery didn’t know what that meant, or when it had happened. Grace leaned over Cara, stroking her face and whispering something that Avery didn’t catch. Jada gave Cara forceful chest compressions, her hands thrusting down two inches into the other woman’s chest. With each thrust, her large, natural breasts quaked. Her nipples were still erect, drawing circles in the air as Jada worked. The force rolled through her body, forcing huffs of air between her lips and making her stomach ripple. Between her thighs, the dildo protruded, wet and glistening.
Grace sealed her mouth over Cara’s and gave her a deep, chest-rising breath. She followed quickly with a second, and then Jada resumed chest compressions.
“I’m going to keep at it,” Avery said. Her face flushed hot. “I don’t want to stop too soon.”
“I agree,” Grace said. She leaned down and wrapped her lips around Cara’s left nipple.
Avery leaned forward and ran her hands over Cara’s stomach as it rippled and bulged, feeling the displaced force as Jada pumped her chest. Her gaze briefly caught on the way Cara’s ribcage bobbed with each thrust, collapsing and then inflating over and over again.
She forced her eyes further down Cara’s body, to the neat triangle of hair above her clit. Grasping the end of the dildo, she started working it in and out of Cara, listening to the squelch it made and trying to match Jada’s rhythm.
The AED interrupted them. “Analyzing rhythm. Do not touch patient! Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!”
They each leaned back, Avery making sure she wasn’t touching Cara’s legs. She scanned her way up and down Cara’s body again, her eyes lingering on the bruises and reddened skin between her breasts, then landing on the white pads and the leads running to the defibrillator.
“Shock advised! Charging. Do not touch patient!”
“That’s good, right?” Jada said. “I think that’s a good thing.”
A loud alarm pealed and an orange button on the AED started flashing. “Press the shock button. Do not touch patient! Press the shock button!”
Grace glanced around at the three of them and then reached over and pressed the button. Cara’s body tensed up and released, and the AED said: “Shock delivered. Resume CPR for two minutes.”
“Fuck!” Grace interlocked her fingers and started chest compressions. Her hands worked hard and fast, her shoulders rocking forward and down. She looked angry. “One, two, three… Wake the fuck up, Cara! Ah, six, seven eight…”
Avery removed the dildo and set it to the side before running her fingers up Cara’s slit. Soaking wet. Avery herself was wet. She wanted to straddle Cara’s leg, grind against her as she worked. Instead, shoved two fingers inside of Cara and pressed the heel of her hand hard against Cara’s clit. “Come on, Cara!”
The shock felt like someone kicked her directly in the heart. She couldn’t gasp for air. She felt her heart flop and go still for several long seconds. Then it started moving, quivering in her chest but not beating.
The women were all talking around her, sounding more and more desperate. She felt her lungs inflate again, and then hands back on her chest. 
The dildo was withdrawn and replaced with fingers. Avery’s hand worked her hard, rubbing her from both the inside and out.
“…twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty…”
A warm, soft mouth found hers. Not Grace’s, Jada’s. Jada sucked on Cara’s bottom lip.
Oh, fuck… I’m going to come again…
“…twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty!”
Time stretched and contracted. She lost track of what happened when. Breaths and compressions, thrusting fingers. The chest compressions still hurt, but they seemed to arouse her now. The feeling of others supporting her life, giving her oxygen, circulating her blood. Giving her pleasure.
“Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient!” The hands all withdrew.
No, fuck!
“Analyzing rhythm! Do not touch patient! Shock advised! Charging!”
An ache ran from her lips down her throat and into her chest, then sank to her stomach and pooled between her thighs. A high-pitched alarm sounded.
“Press the shock button! Do not touch patient! Press the shock button! Do not touch patient!”
GAH! Another kick to the chest, and then the hands and lips were back on her again. Kissing her, pumping her chest, working in and out of her vagina.
The ache grew sweet.
I’m going to come!
Her heart twitched back to life. Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub.
Cara tried to take a breath, but her lungs didn’t respond. Jada’s lips sealed over hers and gave her what she needed just in time, before the air hunger became intolerable. Grace began pumping her chest again, unaware that Cara’s heart had started beating. Between her thighs, she felt a finger rub the ring of her anus before slipping inside.
That was enough to tip her over. This time, she sucked in a noisy breath. Her back arched and her legs shook. Chest compressions immediately halted, but Avery kept pumping her fingers in and out, letting Cara ride her orgasm to the finish.
Cara came down slowly, taking in ragged gasps of air. She wrenched her eyes open, blinked everything into focus. Avery removed her fingers and let her hands rest on Cara’s naked thighs.
Coughing, Cara gazed up at the trio of women. They each leaned in close, their heads almost touching. They were sweaty, lipstick smeared, hair mussed.
“Hey,” Avery said. She was stroking Cara’s skin in a slow, soothing pattern. “Just lay there and breathe, okay? You just went through a lot.”
Grace let out a huff of air and sagged back on her heels. “Holy shit.”
Jada crawled over to the sofa and brought back a throw pillow to put under Cara’s head.
“Just breathe,” Avery said again. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but she bit her lip and ran her hand up Cara’s stomach to the sore center of her chest. “You’re going to be okay.”
Cara nodded and closed her eyes, surrendering to exhaustion. The last thing she felt was a blanket draping over her naked body, protecting her from the growing chill in the air.
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choicesfanaf · 13 days
Melodies & Dreams
Late Submission for Choices September Challenge Day 2: Music
A moodboard based on Chapter 1 of Platinum, where MC end up meeting Avery, attend their concert and spend some time with them.
Tagging: @choicescommunityevents, @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @quixoticdreamer16, @burnsoslow
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yeeters-muse-archive · 8 months
Muse Bio’s
Incomplete Tags
research pending: haven’t gotten to reseaching the character to do them justice in asks or rps
denial of research: In some way or another such as overwhelming amounts of research needed, I can refuse to do research and try and do asks with them the best I can. Just don’t ask about anything in terms of their world.
reference image: basically what it says on the tin. I normally try finding ones that have the character fat, but not with ones with this tag on them
reaction images: This only has happened to two of my OC muses. This is due to them being very gimmicky in nature. It’s because of this that I have to refrain from using them.
List is shown below. Have fun! ^v^
Original cast:
Kasandra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2= Incomplete (reference image)
Fuyumi Todoroki, from My Hero Academia = Here
Bea, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Melony, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Zinnia, from Pokemon ORAS = Incomplete (research pending)
Mannequin, an OC = Here
Yugaami, an OC = Here
Elma, from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid = Here
Modeus, from Helltaker = Here
Muse Recruitment 1
Samus Aran, from Metroid = Here
Nessa, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Tifa Lockhart, from FFVII = Here
Cynthia, from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl = Here
Yu Takeyama (Mount Lady,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Rumi Usagiyama (Miruko,) from My Hero Academia = Incomplete (research pending)
Muse Recruitment: Males
Lavernius Tucker, from Red vs Blue = Incomplete (denial of research)
Kyojuro Rengoku, from Demon Slayer = Here
The Scout, from TF2 = Incomplete (reference image)
Astolfo = Incomplete (denial of research)
Milo, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Shulk, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Muse Recruitment: Furries
Isabelle, from Animal Crossing = Here
The Cheetah, from the DC Animated Universe = Here
Lola Bunny, from Loony Tunes = Here
Vanilla the Rabbit, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Rouge the Bat, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Margaret, from Regular Show by Cartoon Network = Incomplete (research pending)
Muse Recruitment: Original OCs
Gabriella Teho, an OC = Here
Avery Salazar, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Trish⍺, an OC = Incomplete (reaction images)
Tristin Baker, an OC = Here
Ashlee Philips, an OC = Here
Retta ‘Whale’ Joshua = Here
Muse: Recruitment: Mun’s Choices
Mio, from Xenoblade Chronicles = Here
Steve Tholomule, from The Owl House = Incomplete (reference image, research pending)
Melissa Shield, from My Hero Academia = Incomplete (research pending)
Arezu, from Pokemon Legends Arceus = Here
Yor ‘Briar’ Forger, from Spy x Family = Here
Grusha, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Muse Recruitment: Villains
Monika, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
Jessie, from the Pokemon Anime = Here
Lust from Full Metal Alchemist / Brotherhood = Incomplete (research pending)
Android 21, from Dragon Ball Fighterz = Here
Lady Dimitrescu, from Resident Evil Village = Here
Charmcaster, from Ben 10 = Incomplete (research pending, reference image)
Muse Recruitment: Milfs
Sadayo Kawakami, from Persona 5 = Here
Rosalina, from Super Mario = Here
Chi-Chi, from Dragon Ball = Here
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight,) from My Hero Academia = Here
Akane ‘Sato’ Taylor, an OC = Here
Baiken, from Guilty Gear = Here
Muse Recruitment: Muscles
Bria Hancock, an OC = Here
Hilda Valentine Goneril, from Fire Emblem: Three Houses = Here
Mikasa Akerman, from Attack on Titan = Incomplete (research pending, reference image)
Nana Shimura, from My Hero Academia = Here
Hildryn, from Warframe = Here
Chun Li, from Street Fighter = Here
Muse Recruitment: Indie
Natsuki, from Doki Doki Literature Club = Here
The Dryad, from Terraria = Here
Neon Red, from Neon White = Here
Miriam, from Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night = Here
Julianne “Jill” Stingray from VA-11 Hall-A = Here
Abigail, from Stardew Valley = Here
Muse Recruitment: J/RPGs
Mesa, from Warframe = Here
Pyra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Purah, from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Mad Moxxi, from Boarderlands = Here
Hinako Kujou, from Devil Survivor 2 = Here
Sheena Fujibayashi, from Tales of Symphonia = Here
Muse Recruitment: Pokemon Trainers
Klara, from Pokemon The Isle of Armor = Here
Shelly, from Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire = Here
Drasna, from Pokemon X and Y = Here
Sonia, from Pokemon Sword and Shield = Here
Professor Sada, from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet = Here
Skyla, from Pokemon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 = Here
Muse Recruitment: Males Round 2
Shadow the Hedgehog, from Sonic the Hedgehog = Here
Juan Teho, an OC = Here
Noah, from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 = Here
Kakashi Hatake, from Naruto = Here
Raiden, from the Metal Gear Franchise = Incomplete (research pending)
Kratos, from the God of War Franchise = Incompete (research pending, reference image)
Muse Recruitment: Super Smash Brothers
Shantae from the Shantae franchise = Here
“Cereza” Bayonetta from the Bayonetta franchise = Here
Wii Fit Trainer from the WiiFit series = Here
Mythra from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 = Here
Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom = Here
Lady Palutena from the Kid Icarus franchise = Here
Muse Recruitment: Fighting Games
Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers = Here
Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury = Incomplete (Research Pending)
Cammy White from Street Fighter = Incomplete (Research Pending)
Bridget from Guilty Gear = Here
Elphelt Valentine from Guilty Gear = Here
Mileena from Mortal Kombat (MK1 timeline) = Here
Special Reward Muses (Muses added for people who help me with problems I announce:)
Mitsuru Kirijo, from Persona 3 = Here
Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim = Here
Lady Nagant from MHA = Here
Tae Takemi from Persona 5 = Here
Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates = Here
Alisa Ilinichina Amiella from God Eater = Here
Part 2 Here
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korgbelmont · 2 years
Hi! Hru? Hope it's good
May I request all of Avery Wilshere's emotions on him shirtless, and then the same but with him being bald? So not bald and also bald :)
Hiya. I'm good thanks, hope you're doing good as well.
Your requested version of Avery with hair has been added to the Transparents folder. The bald version you'll find below
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fandomfiish · 2 years
Choices books RO's I picked Masterlist
Since I've successfully got my ass hauled back to playing choices (Due to It lives within, in a span of two days I already finished ILITW and started TE ... again. And I thought it'll be nice to share the RO's/LI's I've picked throughout the books, granted I haven't played all books yet so this will definitely be edited and updated as time goes on. Note: I haven't finished most of these books, just wanted to add which LI I picked.
Freshman series -  Zig Ortega || MC: Claire
The Crown and the Flame - Dominic
Most Wanted - Dave Reyes
Rules of Engagement - Blake Yasuda
Endless Summer - Jake Mackenzie
#LoveHacks - Ben Park
The Royal Romance/Heir - Maxwell Beaumont
Hero - Grayson Prescott || MC: Flynn Hudson
Highschool Story - Michael Reginald Harisson || MC: Klein Montgomery
Highschool Story: Class Act – Ajay  || MC: Kirby
It lives in the woods - Lucas Thomas || MC: Von Franco
It lives Beneath - Parker Shaw || MC: Seifer
It lives within - Lincoln Mcquoid || MC: Shohei Kim
Red Carpet Diaries - Matt Rodriguez/Seth Levine || MC: Jovia
Perfect Match - Hayden Young/Damien Nazario || MC: Liam Prescott
Bloodbound - Jax Natsuo/Adrian Raine || MC: Elise Sinclaire
Veil of Secrets – Flynn O’Malley || MC: Alex Thompson
America's Most Eligible - Unnamed Stranger/ Han|| MC: Isaiah Park / Han
Desire & Decorum – Ernest Sinclaire || MC: Ms. Camilla
Across the Void – Meridian / Zekei
Big Sky Country – Sawyer || MC: Thomas Jenkins
The Elementalists – Beckett Harrington || MC: Ike Eagleson
A Courtesan of Rome – Marc Antony
The Heist: Monaco - Fabien Ahmad || MC: Stiles Lee
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance - Colt Kaneko
Open Heart - Bryce Lahela / Rafelo Avelero || MC: Dr. Cryx Montero
Passport to Romance – Ahmed Khabbaz
Wishful Thinking – Jaime Lewis
Nightbound – Nik Ryder || MC: Dwight Park
Platinum – Avery Wilshire
Sunkissed - Nate
Bachelorette Party – Ash Tanaka
Mother of the Year – Thomas Mendes
Save the Date – Simon Hendricks  
The Royal Masquerade – Hunter Fierro/Kayden Vescovi
With Every Heartbeat – Dakota Winchester
Blades of Light and Shadow – Aerin Valleros
Distant Shores - Edward || MC: Christopher Bang
Queen B – Professor Kingsley
My Two First Loves – Noah Harris
Rising Tides – Robin Tora
Foreign Affairs – Tatum Mendoza
Laws of Attraction – Gabe Ricci
Shipwrecked – Brendan Fraiser
Wake the Dead – Eli Sipes
Crimes of Passion – Trystan Thorne/Luke Watanabe
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violentinecrl · 2 years
"For All The People You've Hurt" - Kamilah x F!Mc (BloodBound)
"The Question" - F!Avery x F!Mc (Platinum)
✩ 𐌂Ꝋ𐌌𐌌𐌉𐌔𐌔𐌉Ꝋ𐌍𐌔 ✩
Amalia de León x Mc (It Lives Within - @itlivesproject)
Jocelyn Wu x Mc (It Lives Within - @itlivesproject)
ILW Crew (It Lives Within - @itlivesproject)
Grace x Freddie (nsfw 🔞) (Stray Gods)
The Lovers (Oc)
Mal Valori x Mc (Choices trick or treat - @choicesfandomappreciation - for @storyofmychoices 🤍)
Choices Playlist (ILW, Guinevere, TCH, BB, CoP)
Song Edit (Platinum Choices)
Choices Wallpapers (Kamilah / Reagan)
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flowerpowelltales · 2 years
Get to know each other Choices Ask Game Time!!
What are your TOP 10 Choices books?
What are your TOP 10 Choices LIs?
hello! thanks for the ask!
for the books:
the royal romance series
ride or die
desire and decorum
the freshman series
mother of the year
perfect match
highschool story
and that's it 😅
i stopped playing choices long time ago but here i the books i LOVED. the books i only liked was: endless summer, rules of engagement, wishful thinking, red carpet diaries, home for the holidays.
for the LIs
chris powell (obvi!)
drake walker
...king liam lol
ernest sinclaire
colt kaneko
avery wilshere
raleigh carrera
damien nazario
zig ortega
levi and thomas from motr; dont ask me to choose!
thank you for sending me this fun ask!
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rarealdcresults · 1 year
Onstage New York, in Pittsburgh (May 3rd - 4th, 2008):
Primary Mini Solo:
Chloé Lukasiak - “Princess Chloe” (Ballet) - 1st Place / Gold
Paige Hyland - “Little Jazz Bird” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Mini Solo:
Brooke Hyland - “High Hopes” (Acrobatic) - 1st Place / 1st in Acro / Platinum
Sarah Restano - “Suppertime” (Acrobatic) - 3rd Place / Personality Award / Platinum
Taylor Breen - “Animal Jam” (Tap) - 10th Place / Costume Award / Platinum
Haley Grieco - “Going Bananas” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Flexibility Award / Platinum
Katherine Narasimhan - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Natalie Secola - “Work Me Down” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Gold
Olivia Ice - “Hit That Jive Jack” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Jordan Thomas - “?” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Maddie Brown - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Mini Duet/Trio:
Jessica Restano & Sarah Restano - “Little Me” (Musical Theater) - 2nd Place / Gold
Paige Hyland, Chloé Lukasiak & Maddie Ziegler - “Eyes In The Back Of My Head” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Mini Group:
“Winter” [Brooke Hyland, Gabrielle Casarcia, Haley Grieco, Natalie Secola, Jessica Restano, Sarah Restano, Maddie Brown, Katherine Narasimhan & Taylor Breen] - 3rd Place / Mini Critics Choice Award / Gold
“Pass The Pig” (Tap) [Brooke Hyland, Katherine Narasimhan, Olivia Ice, Taylor Breen & Jordan Thomas] - Did Not Place / Costume Award / Gold
Advanced Mini Line:
“Dr Beat” (Musical Theater) [Bella Saccomano, Brandon Pent, Chloé Lukasiak, Haley Grieco, Kassidy Leon, Maddie Ziegler, Maddie Brown, Paige Hyland, Makayla Paulone, Marina Paulone, Natalie Secola, Nia Frazier, Rylee Ireland, Sarah Canobbio, Sarah Restano, Shayne Coles, Taylor Reck, Tiffany Crosby, Trina Crosby & Wendy Jones] - 10th Place / Partnering Award / Gold
“Breakin’ Dishes” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Gold
“The Name Game” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Junior Solo:
Jessica Restano - “?” (Acrobatic) - 10th Place / Platinum
Jazmine Phillips-Acie - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Showmanship Award / Platinum
Nina Linhart - “Let Me Entertain You” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Gold
Gabrielle Casarcia - “?” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Elissa Berardi - “?” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Junior Duet/Trio:
Brooke Hyland & Brandon Pent - “One Dance” (Lyrical) - 2nd Place / Partnering Award / Platinum
Avery Coles, Jordan Thomas & Jazmine Phillips-Acie - “ABC” (Jazz) - 5th Place / Gold
Advanced Junior Group:
“Wheel Of Fortune” (Jazz) [Avery Coles, Gabrielle Casarcia, Olivia Ice, Stephanie Pittman, Jazmine Phillips-Acie & Elissa Berardi] - 4th Place / Precision Award / Platinum
“Fame” (Jazz) [Elissa Berardi, etc…] - Did Not Place / Costume Award / Platinum
Advanced Teen Solo:
Miranda Maleski - “Almost Lover” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / High Score in Lyrical / Technique Award / Platinum
Brittany Pent - “Indigo Haze” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Technique Award / Platinum
Josh Ice - “?” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Energy Award / Platinum
Stephanie Pittman - “Letter By Letter” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Costume Award / Platinum
Angelo Ragghianti - “Electricity” (Vocal) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Jesse Johnson - “?” (Contemporary) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Rachel Narasimhan - “Boyfriend Blues” (Musical Theater) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Rebecca Hudek - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Micha McGee - “?” (Acrobatic) - Did Not Place / Energy Award / Gold
Emily Burkhart - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Hollie Brown - “Beauty From Pain” (Lyrical) - Did Not Place / Gold
Janel Moriarty - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Natalee Bailey - “?” (Tap) - Did Not Place / Gold
Stephanie King - “?” (?) - Did Not Place / Gold
Advanced Teen Duet/Trio:
John Michael Fiumara - “Two Monkeys” (Specialty) - 3rd Place / Choreography Award / Platinum
Hannah Opalko & Stephanie Pittman - “Through The Glass” (Acrobatic) - 5th Place / Platinum
Janel Moriarty & Josh Ice - “Shall We Dance” (Musical Theater) - 10th Place / Partnering Award / Gold
Advanced Teen Group:
“Baby And The Dolls” (Tap) [John Michael Fiumara, Natalee Bailey, Nina Linhart, Rebecca Hudek & Stephanie Pittman] - 2nd Place / Style Award / Teen Critics Choice Award / Platinum
“Frost” (Lyrical) [Brittany Pent, Nina Linhart, Hollie Brown & Stephanie Pittman] - 7th Place / Platinum
“Snowfall” (Acrobatic) [Brooke Hyland, Erika Maruca, Hannah Opalko, Hollie Brown, Jessica Ice, Savanna Carrozzi & Stephanie Pittman] - Did Not Place / Platinum
“We’re Just Friends” (Musical Theater) [Brittany Tague, Jesse Johnson, Jessica Ice, Josh Ice, Matt Zagorski, Micha McGee & Natalee Bailey] - Did Not Place / Partnering Award / Gold
Advanced Teen Line:
“Where Have All The Children Gone” (Contemporary) [Brooke Hyland, Alyssa Giugliano, Brittany Pent, Chelsea Shott, Emily Burkhart, Erika Maruca, Hannah Opalko, Hollie Brown, Matt Zagorski & Stephanie Pittman] - 10th Place / Platinum
Advanced Senior Solo:
Kaitlyn Reiser - “Que Será Será” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Highest Scoring in Lyrical / Platinum
Hannah Opalko - “This Little Bird” (Acrobatic) - 4th Place / Highest Scoring in Acro / Platinum
Jessica Ice - “All That Jazz” (Musical Theater) - 9th Place / Highest Scoring in Musical Theater / Showmanship Award / Platinum
Matt Zagorski - “?” (?) - 10th Place / Platinum
Leah Pivorotto - “Fly” (Jazz) - Did Not Place / Platinum
Advanced Senior Duet/Trio:
Kaitlyn Reiser, Leah Pivorotto & Miranda Maleski - “Friends Dance” (Lyrical) - 1st Place / Platinum
Advanced Senior Group:
“Sorry” (Lyrical) [Alyse Keim, Chelsea Shott, Gianna Martello, Kaitlyn Reiser, Leah Pivorotto & Miranda Maleski] - 3rd Place / Platinum
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garrusknight · 2 years
Black gold dress from choices character Fiona Syed for any character ? I think the black-gold could impress Lady Smoke, hahahaha :^)
Her body is shaped similar to Katherine so maybe we could fit one of her outfits on her lol. I'm not sure though if you meant Fiona from Platinum because her dress in that one is purple. She does have a black and grey suit but I'm not sure that's what you meant either.
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