#choosing to be a Papa though? Choosing to save someone?? Everything.
olympiansally · 1 year
Ok so I think my favorite part of the Papa Rei arc was that he has really bad memories of a father figure, so he refuses to accept that role for Miri, yes - but when Miri redefines the meaning of that type of relationship the word she uses is Papa.
Why is that relevant? Because later the cops ask him is he’s her father first and he says no. What does he tells them instead? He says “I’m her Papa”
Poetic. Fucking. Cinema.
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excuse my media analysis but rewatching s1 has made me realize that the demogorgon isn’t real. like it IS in-universe but it’s a metaphor for other stuff. imo it represents several abstract concepts in season one which are
1. eleven’s guilt over her past and what the lab made her do—she blames herself for the demogorgon getting free and for will going missing, which is partially why the demogorgon keeps manifesting in the byers’ house (“i’m the monster, i let it in”), and the last episode climaxes with the demogorgon (allegory for eleven’s remorse-turned-anger) attacking brenner (stand-in for hawkins lab/the DOE) before eleven manages to kill it at the expense of herself, which symbolizes her turning her back on her “papa” (along with everything he was responsible for that she was an unwilling part of) and finally managing to rationalize/move past her misplaced guilt in order to overcome it and save her friends (at a high cost of her own well-being and mental health)
2. nancy and barb’s personal tension—their friendship is implied to have been becoming more fragile over time for a number of reasons, the most obvious of which being their differing priorities (nancy is growing up fast while barb is reluctant to), and the place this finally comes to a head is of course at steve’s party where nancy makes the nail-in-the-coffin decision to choose steve over barb (at least in the moment) and cements the metaphorical death of nancy and barb’s friendship (apparently catalyzed by steve and nancy’s relationship) which is symbolized by barb’s literal death taking place in steve’s backyard, and nancy’s following obsession with finding and killing the demogorgon responsible for barb’s death (as well as the blame she foists onto herself and steve in season two) is a metaphor for nancy trying to bridge an uncrossable chasm and mend an unfixable relationship with someone who’s already out of her reach
3. steve’s attraction to jonathan—he spends a long time vehemently trying to deny the existence of the demogorgon (even though the last anyone saw it was literally six feet from his patio door), with the only person still alive to have seen it being jonathan, and says several things that specifically target jonathan’s sexuality when he’s picking that fight (the fight that jonathan wins, which i think has less to do with either of their actual physical ability and more to do with what jonathan represents to steve, but that’s another post), but is forced to finally accept and internalize its existence (notably in the presence of his girlfriend) afterward, both by the demogorgon manifesting again in the byers’ house (since, in this case, it’s an abstract extension of jonathan) AS WELL AS by steve ignoring an out he’s been given in favor of going back into the house and facing what he fears head-on (much the same way many questioning people end up finally coming to terms with themselves), specifically doing so with the nail bat which was originally jonathan’s weapon
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erigold13261 · 1 year
How about Eve or Yinu's mama for the ask game!
-Mama (gonna be honest, I did Yinu entirely at first before rereading the ask lol):
First impression: I was so confused at first on who this is because for SOME FUCKING REASON, I legit though Tatiana was Yinu's mother. Had no idea why, so when I saw her I was confused. But then thought her design was really cool.
Impression now: She is a grieving mother doing everything in her power to give her daughter the best life and make sure she is happy, but she gets so easily blinded by rage she can't see she is hurting her own daughter at times. Also, she's probably overworked
Favorite moment: I LOVE both times she catches Yinu. The one in the beginning and tells her to relax, and the one at the end where she saves her from getting hurt in the fall. (Also just, her in the back of the stage in the shadow, you can't see it in game easily as you are focusing, but if you look at her, she looks so cool!)
Idea for a story: Mama needs to start using a cane after the fall she took during the fight. She has Neon help her learn how to properly use a cane and make it muscle memory, and Yinu and 1010 help decorate the cane to make her feel better about using it.
Unpopular opinion: I do not like it when people draw Mama short. Especially shorter than Papa. I'm sorry but she is tall to me. I know official Metronomik artist draw her shorter than him, and that there is a picture on the wall in Yinu's first collectable with her being shorter than Papa, but I refuse to accept that Mama is anywhere near being short. She's like just a bit shorter than Tatiana and maybe the same height as Eve. She tol.
Favorite relationship: I really only ever think of her hanging out with Yinu, Neon, and/or DJ, but honestly I love the version of her and Papa in my head so definitely those two.
Favorite headcanon: It's silly and has NO basis, but I like thinking she is also part snake, which is why she has a head tail thing. And her heart is a bunch of colored scales. :3
First impression: She seems like a bitch but she is so fucking beautiful and I love how she talks. Impression now: She is still hard to read and to write for, but that is because she is such a complex character with so much depth and I wish I could do her more justice when I draw her and make my own interpretations of her. Favorite moment: I really like her freak out part when she makes a realization Zuke and May formed a bond of hatred against her. Her smacking the Tatiana statue, laughing, and then creating her extra arms with her voice changing, I loved all of that so much! (Also the music at that part is super good) Idea for a story: I didn't really have one before, but now I really want to explore Eve's first time going into her "Diva's Realm," and her just exploring her powers. It's all fun and games until she can't get out of it and can hear her parents calling her name to wake up and she starts to panic and ends up messing the reality around her by accident and scaring her parents severely. Unpopular opinion: I really hate it when people make her overly obsessed with Zuke. Like yes, she was obsessed with him, but when people make her out to be a Yandere or something, I don't like it. Favorite relationship: I love her platonically with Zuke, and the dynamic they can have. I also really like her with Purl. If I had to choose though, I'd think I like the different scenarios and serious moments that can happen between Purl and Eve. Those two have a LOT of problems and can either help or hurt each other without realizing it. Favorite headcanon: Her powers are super weird. She can make temporary real realities and permanent fake realities. Her powers can do some major harm to someone's psyche. Her arms can be fake or real depending on what she needs. Literally she can do so much and is so powerful with her powers to bend the mind and reality around her that nothing would be able to really stop her if she truly wanted to hurt someone.
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"I know you're in there, Mama. And I know you're not sleeping, because when you're asleep you make a little whispery snore that your husband lies to you about." "Very well, keep pretending, just so long as you listen." "I'm not cross about the lying. Not really. Everyone lies outside, don't they?" "There's an abominable sort of wilful naïveté about it, I find." "They ask "how are you" when they don't want to know. They say "yes" and mean "no", and say "no" and mean "yes". They call things absolutely anything at all, save what they truly are." "They normalise falsehood." "And yet, when someone "lies" to them, they have the nerve to call it a scandal and an outrage." "You lied because you had to, Mama. To protect yourself. To protect me." "And to protect your husband, of course, because your husband is a dear sweet man, and like all dear sweet men he renders himself, by virtue of his dear sweetness, largely ineffectual." (No, I shall not call him Papa. That name is forever tainted by its previous bearer, may he rest in peace and thereby never darken our door again.) "I think that must be a part of why you consented to marry again. He never can bring himself to challenge your authority." "You became accustomed to that authority, didn't you? Once we were free of him?" "Thus, Lovett: a man who defers to you as if he, and not you, is the wife." "You are the man of the house, though you are not a man. It is a mask: a well-dressed, useful lie." "And who is Maria to be cross about a woman choosing a mask over exposure?"
"No, I can bear the lies. They were masks. Necessary." "What I cannot bear…" "…is that you never once took the masks off for me." "You could have told me everything, Mama. We could have borne the weight of it together." "We might even, upon discussion, have come to a solution. We are both so terribly clever." "Instead you put on your masks, layers upon layers of masks, and shut your Maria out." "How heavy it must have been." "I must allow that you're tired after all that. A ten-year shift… Only my Mama could do it." "I'll allow that you folded on the stand, too, even though you didn't have to. It was the first crack in the Reaper's mask. It was right." "But now we are come to this, you in a cell and Maria…outside, and no quantity of exhaustion will induce me to allow the fact that you do not stand up and fight." "Can a man with a broken neck stand up in a cage?" "When a lone woman moves a fresh corpse with a chest wound, placing necessary pressure above said wound in order to lift said corpse out of a cage, in which direction does the inevitable blood flow travel?" "How immeasurable, to a man who calls himself Law, is the benefit of being able to track a prolific criminal's dealings simply by feeding him, each month, five hundred subtly marked "scalpels"?" "Your Maria knows all of these answers, Mama. She knows them because you taught her." "The motive and scenario to which you conceded at Professor Harebrayne's trial are as flimsy as flesh before a scalpel. Why do you not cut them away?"
"I suppose it doesn't matter why. Perhaps you truly did create that spinal fracture yourself. Perhaps you truly did stab a living man through the heart. How can I know? Mama lives outside. Mama lies, even to her Maria." "Your Maria is tired too, Mama. So terribly, terribly tired." "It's to be expected. Your dear sweet husband has been weeping uselessly for two days. How am I supposed to sleep?" "Tears cannot save Mama now. Nor does Mama seem the least bit interested in saving herself." "Maria is… I am the man of the house now. And so it falls to me." "You are certainly guilty of some crime. Several crimes, in fact." "Perjury, falsifying evidence, aiding and abetting, murder as an accomplice - perhaps even murder itself, if Mr Drebber's incompetence left your hand to finish the work." "But the purpose of a defence is not merely to establish innocence where it exists. It stands also to mitigate the consequences of guilt where culpability must be agreed to be of a lesser degree." "You were being blackmailed by at least two men, if not three. One of those men sat, unchallenged and unsuspected, at the highest echelons of the British justice system. What recourse did you have to the law?" "You are not a great detective. You could not simply visit Her Majesty for tea." "And what of the consequences of failure? Unthinkable. At the outset your career was all you had to support us both. Blacklisting, which Stronghart was even then capable of engineering, could have spelled disaster for a lone mother and a young child. Thereafter…assassins." "Stronghart would have done anything, killed anyone to protect his secrets. Asogi-san, Dr Wilson, Inspector Gregson…what would he have cared if it became necessary to add you to the list? You, and all you held dear?" "How can a woman - how can anyone in such circumstances be expected to resist?"
"Palatable or not, the defence exists. It is viable. The court will listen." "And if my Mama is still tempted to hang with the men - perhaps to maintain the illusion of absolute agency, or because she doesn't know who she'll be if she can't be Doctor Sithe - then bluntly…I don't care." "You haven't the right." "You made me, and you married him. Before even to the highest court of England you are answerable to us. You haven't the right to turn your back and walk away from us just because you're afraid of the alternative." "When I cut up my Mama, I want to see evidence of arthritis and osteoporosis. I want to read the accounting of years in the bones of an old, old woman. I will settle for nothing less." "And if I have to drag you back to court for the appeal with my own two hands, if I have to learn all the extra pointless, asinine formalities that come with yet another facet of outside just to stand at the defence's bench and make your case myself, then so be it." "…I trust I've made my point." "So, will you cooperate? Or must I do everything myself?"
Video submitted by the objection.lol anon!
(I snore?) "Maria." "You've always been a handful for me. Do you know how long I've spent looking after you?" "It never occurred to me that you would start doing the same." "But you shouldn't. You shouldn't be." "You've thought of all these objections... and justifications... but Maria, even if I appeal--" (From where does this feeling of dread spring?…) "You're such a fool! Don't you see how many burdens YOU have ahead? Burdens beyond my own mistakes?" "Don't you see why I've never involved you in what I've done? You especially?" "It's not that I'm abandoning you, or Lovett. I am just---dead weight." "In the end, when everything's over, all I am is dead weight." "If you say I haven't the right to decide that... I'll do as you wish. I owe you that." "But please… don't cling to me. Not if it's to your detriment."
Check this page for credits
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peacehopeandrats · 6 months
8 & 14 please
Hmm.... Another interesting pairing. I think I know what I'm going to do with these as I save it for writing later. We will see where it goes.
It didn't go where I expected it to, but I like what I ended up with.
And so ends a month of writing prompts. Thanks to everyone who went along on this ride with me. Feel free to poke around with anything I've posted and ask more questions. Everything I've done this month has been a part of something as yet unwritten, either a chapter or part of a series, but always something that already exists. It was rough and it was raw, but it was fun to do. Glad some of you came along with me to do it.
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Gideon stared down at the restaurant table, pondering the rich, golden red color under the clear finish. He picked out one dark stripe that represented the tree's life and followed it from one end of the table to the other, then chose another.
"Gideon?" His mother pulled him from the mindless task he'd put to himself. "Are you feeling all right?"
He blinked at her. "Do I not look it?"
"You do look a little under the weather," his father admitted with concern.
He shook his head. "I'm fine." Neither of his parents seemed to believe him, so instead of insisting this was true, he shrugged. "Maybe just my brain is feeling kind of down."
There was something carved into the slick surface just to his left, interfering with the path of several wooden stripes. He placed his finger over the dent and traced it, then pulled his hand away. Having felt the groove, he could now easily make out the single letter 't'. Bent in what was almost a perfect handwritten script, the beauty of it struck him as unusual. It was the result of vandalism, after all, and he thought he should feel more dislike for this stray remnant of someone's lawlessness. He found that he couldn't hate it though, in fact it became something of a fascination rather than being something he could easily discard.
He wondered why it wasn't capitalized and what the person who made it was trying to say. Was it meant to be longer and they got interrupted? Had they been caught in the act and thrown out of the restaurant? It couldn't be just an initial, because certainly no one would carve their initials in lowercase lettering.
Around him, the buzz of other patrons drew his eyes upward, to take in the room. Every person at every table seemed to be engaged in pleasant conversation. Would any of them be willing to deface property like this? Could one of them have left this part of themselves behind and returned to mark another table? Maybe it was some sort of secret code, left from one diner for another who would take this seat on request and know exactly what the 't' meant.
"Gideon," his mother's voice broke the spell of his ponderings.
His eyes met hers and he noticed the sadness in them. "Yes?"
"I think it was wrong of me to let you choose that particular book from the library today. It seems to be a little darker than we thought. What do you think?"
"Maybe. I mean it talks about death a lot and people doing things with animals they shouldn't, but it's interesting."
His father shook his head. "I don't like how upset it seems to have made you," he said. "Even if it is meant to be a different representation of the tales from our realm."
"Not our realm, Papa. Just.. another one."
"All right. Another realm. Either way, you've not been yourself since you started reading it."
Both of his parents looked as if they would begin to cry at any moment and Gideon thought about the things they would never tell him, the secrets he would never know.
"Does this have anything to do with me?" He asked the question gently, hoping not to hurt them.
"No," his mother promised. "It has to do with me and being too lenient with your choices. When you are older, I'll let you try the book again, but for now, I think the theme is more for adults than even you can handle. Are we agreed?"
Gideon took in a deep breath and slowly let it escape him. Either his mothers words, the release of air, or quite possibly both, made him feel as if he were sending a hidden darkness away from himself and out into the corners of the dining space. He nodded. "Agreed."
Finally, his father smiled, and his mother joined in soon after, both grasping for Gideon's hand and giving it a squeeze.
"So, what can we talk about now to lift your mood?" His father's question brought a smile to Gideon's face.
Glancing down at the carved letter, Gideon wriggled closer to the table and lowered his voice as if sharing a secret. "Did either of you ever do something mischievous when you were my age?"
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
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summary || steve makes good use of you after kidnapping you from a hydra base
pairings || dark!steve rogers x reader
warnings || this post contains dark content (noncon) smut, swearing, dracaphilia kink, loss of virginity, non-consensual filming
notes || continuation of this imagine
you heard the sirens before anything else. they blared all over the facility, distracting you from your work and causing you to drop your graduated cylinder.
“shit!” you cursed in german and quickly began to gather yourself.
you knew what the sirens meant — your father had forced you to participate in every emergency briefing there was. he was a high level member of hydra and quite proud that you, his daughter, were following in his footsteps.
at only twenty years old, you were already a renowned scientist. often, you created remedies and such for hydra to use on their victims. you helped caused terror and chaos, but of course, you didn’t see it that way.
you quickly began to gather all of your important files as the sirens got louder. your whole lab was flashing red, causing your vision to be skewed.
you stumbled around in the red light, your heels not making it any better. you grabbed hard drives and anything else you could think of before quickly bursting out of the door, joining the chaos in the hallways.
all around you, hydra personnel was being scattered about, some running and others fleeing towards the fight. you didn’t even know what the threat was, but if it was enough to activate the emergency sirens then it had to be deadly.
“y/n!” in the midst of your running, someone called your name and pulled you to them. you yelped, but quickly calmed down once you saw that it was your father.
“papa,” you looked at him, shocked. “what’s going on? where is all this chaos coming from?”
“the avengers,” the answer made your blood run cold, “they are here. they have found us. we must get out, quickly!”
he wasted no time in pulling you towards the safety exit, one that only the most important memebers knew about. you stumbled as you struggled to keep up, your hands tightly clutching your precious research.
somewhere along the way though, you had accidentally dropped one of your drives. you let go of your father’s hand for one second to retrieve it, but that turned out to be the biggest mistake of your life.
a flash of blue in the red light could be seen as you bent over to grab it quickly. but you weren’t fast enough, and by the time you had come back up and started running again, it was too late.
steve rogers caught you easily as your father yelled behind him for you. his armor cladded suit pressed against your frame and you struggled against the muscular man.
“y/n!” your father panicked, wondering if he should run or help you.
“papa! go, please! it is too late for me,” you cried as you struggled in steve’s arms. “go!”
your father looked hesitant, but a nod from you urged him to keep running. that left you, helpless as the avenger glared at you fiercely.
“tony, nat, i’ve captured a prisoner. her father managed to escape but i think you can still catch him,” he spoke into a device.
“roger that, cap,” the voice of an unknown man came back.
you glared at him as you thrashed in his arms.
“there are no prisoners with hydra!” you yelled out, releasing the poison hidden behind your teeth and preparing to swallow it.
however, before you could steve already had an antidote shoved down your throat, knowing that this was common with those captured.
“you’re not dying today,” he snapped at you, as the concoction also knocked you out cold. “not before we make some use of you.”
when you woke up, you were in a moderately decorative room.
it was furnished with a dresser, a nightstand with a lamp, a tv, and a king sized bed that you were currently laying on.
as soon as you came to, you tried to hop off the bed and escape. but you were wildly unsuccessful, seeing as your hands and feet were tied and you were gagged.
“help!” you still tried to call out for someone, through your sounds were muffled. “somebody please, help me!”
there was shuffling out in the hallway and you paused, foolishly thinking it was your father or another hydra member coming to save you.
but quickly, you realized that wasn’t the case when the same man that kidnapped you walked in.
“well well, i see you’re awake,” his deep voice filled the room as he sauntered in.
you glared at him.
“let me go!” you yelled through the gag, trashing even though your movements were limited.
“what was that? sorry i can’t hear you,” he smirked. your hatred for him increased even more as he mocked you.
“asshole!” you cursed in german. “let me go, now! before i kill you!”
steve seemed to get tired of your muffled screaming so he finally removed the gag. when he did, the first thing you did was spit on him.
“filthy scum! how dare you tie me up like an animal!” you yelled.
you were met with a harsh glare and slap so hard that it knocked the breath out of you. steve fumed as he wiped the spit away, rasing his hand threateningly.
“do it again and i swear to god...” he trailed off.
“what do you want from me!” you resisted the urge to cry as your face stung from the violent blow.
“information,” steve said almost immediately, as if it were obvious. “we decided not to throw in you in a cell because you could be useful to us. tony figured you’d open up more in a more...comfortable setting.”
“go to hell,” you immediately spit, causing steve to raise an eyebrow. “i’ll never tell you anything. i’d rather die!”
“well then it’s a good thing you were already carrying these,” steve said coolly, holding up an object.
you gasped when you noticed it was your drives. the very ones you risked capture for.
“give those back!” you cried, struggling even harder. “those belong to hydra! those belong to me!”
“not any more,” steve said. “everything in that base now belongs to the avengers. including you.”
you didn’t like the way his eyes sized you up. it made you uncomfortable, scared even but you weren’t about to show it.
“you can keep me here until i starve. i won’t give you any more information,” you said.
“oh we know. we’ve been known that everyone in hydra has tight lips,” steve chuckled. “but you see, we started to figure out why. and do you wanna know what we came up with?”
you said nothing.
steve continued anyways. “see we figured it was because hydra never had anything to lose. their files are encrypted. everyone is willing to die for that scum organization. we the avengers have never had a way to gain leverage over them. but after we took you...we realized that now we do.”
“what do you mean?” you asked dumbly, though you feared the answer.
steve answered by stalking towards you. slowly, you began to try and back away as his face came down to yours, his voice dark and dangerously low.
“it means, it wasn’t an accident i took you over you father. i could have captured you both. but i let him go free, just so he and the rest of the scum can witness this. you, tied up in captain america’s bedroom, helpless,” he smirked.
“no!” you exclaimed, horror seeping through your veins.
“say hi to daddy and his colleagues,” steve chuckled, pointing towards the tv.
you didn’t know how you missed it, but on the dresser stood a camera, and on the tv itself showed live footage.
of you, handcuffed on steve’s bed.
“oh, i can’t say i won’t enjoy finishing this mission,” he shook his head. “it’s the first damn time i’m getting something in return.”
“get away from me!” you screamed at him as he undid your cuffs, yanking you closer to him.
the delightment of being free was replaced by utter panic at the pending situation. you tried your best to get up, springing off the bed but steve only pushed you down, laughing.
“did you forget who you were dealing with?” steve asked. “everything is this room will prevent you from escaping. the doors won’t open without a code. there’s no windows. and of course, you’d have to get passed me. but i’m not letting you leave until i get what i want.”
“you monster!” you punched his chest as he gripped you harshly, dragging you to the edge of the bed.
but your assault seemed to do nothing against the super soldier, merely egging him on as he reached for your clothing.
“nothing but a skirt and a blouse. not even pantyhose,” he tsked. “you must have been prepared for me, then.”
tears of humiliation began to form as he grabbed your skirt and shirt and tore them off. the black bra and lacy red panties that you were wearing were durely exposed to the camera, where your father and all your coworkers were watching.
“can you feel it now?” steve asked, dodging your blows and pinning you down with his arms. “the sheer panic creeping in your veins? the knowledge that there’s only one way out of this, and that’s by me taking control of that little pussy of yours?”
your eyes widened as he voiced his plans out loud, the reality of situation finally sinking in.
“no please!” all your life you had been taught not to beg. you had been taught to never give into the enemy, to always choose silence and death over the weakness of pleading. but this was steve rogers you were talking about. you thought he was one of the good guys. you thought he was america’s golden boy. “don’t!”
“what’s this, a little hydra slut begging for her life?” you cried out as steve ripped the bra off, too, leaving you completely exposed. “that’s definitely new. but i gotta say, begging wont get you anywhere now. it’s too late, i’m gonna make use of america’s golden toy now.”
“i thought you were a good guy! the avengers are supposed to be the good ones! you’re not supposed to do this!” you said while steve began to shed his clothes.
“good?” he chuckled as he stood over you. “that’s funny. i guess it just depends on the perspective.”
you stared at each other as he began to free his cock. it was impressive really, how he managed to get both of you naked all while holding you down.
you had never felt more powerless in your life. you were a scientist after all. you were smart and brilliant and on top of the world at hydra. but here though...
here you felt like nothing more than a simple speck of dust.
“open up, slut,” steve suddenly shoved his cock in your face as you jumped back, startled. “let’s show daddy how well your mouth works.”
“no!” you refused to open your mouth for him, you refused to even look at him, turning your head to face the wall.
but steve was quick to a solution; he grabbed your jaw and forced your lips open, backhanding you to get you to comply.
“i’m not gonna ask you again,” he said lowly while you sobbed. “open up.”
shakily, you obeyed. you opened your lips and slowly steve began to push his cock in, moaning at the feeling of your tight lips wrapped around him.
“ah, fuck,” he grabbed a hand full of hair to steady himself while you stood still. “go on, don’t be afraid. suck my cock like the little whore you are.”
you would have rather chosen death than blow steve rogers but that wasn’t an option. what was though, was moving your head back and forth, trying to take his impossibly thick length in your mouth.
“there’s a good girl,” he cooed as your head bobbed. “take me. take all of it!”
you resisted the urge to gag as he shoved himself in the back of your throat. gripping his hips, you sobbed on his dick, tears falling down your face as he throat fucked you.
“that’s it...nice and deep,” steve moaned. “god, i can’t wait to see what your pussy feels like.”
he was cumming in no time, the combination of you sucking and playing with his balls sending him over the edge.
he panted as he pulled out, his hot seed trickling down your throat. you gagged immediately as he released you, feeling absolutely and utterly disgusted with yourself.
“you see that, dad?” steve smirked at the camera. “your little girl just drained my balls dry. and she’s about to do it again. watch.”
you cried out as steve roughly pulled you up and flipped you on the bed. you tried one last time to escape, crawling on your knees away from him but it was all too easy for him to pull you back down.
“a fair warning to all hydra personnel, this is what happens if you mess with shield,” he growled.
you were a blubbering mess as he forced your legs open, pleading and begging for your release. you didn’t wanna be taken, not like this. you didn’t wanna lose your virginity to this man.
“you can’t save her now,” steve looked directly into camera, “but maybe when i’m through with her you’ll learn your lesson.”
he positioned his thick cock, lubricated with your spit, at your entrance. and then, before you could even comprehend what was happening, he slammed into you.
a scream bubbled up in your throat and ripped out as your pussy was violently desecrated.
steve filled you nearly to the brink, moaning and whimper at the tight fit.
pain exploded all over your body. your pussy felt like it was on fire. you tried to claw your way away but steve held you tightly in his arms, disabling you to move.
you were trapped, tears falling down wildly as steve began to fuck you balls deep.
“so tight,” he moaned while you let out a gutteted sob. “so fucking good to me. you’re squeezing me baby. you’ve must have never taken a cock a before, have you?”
“no!” you screamed out as steve pounded into you at a jarring pace. “p-please! please!”
“virgin,” steve realized, knowing why you were so scared. “god that’s so hot.”
“please...please! captain stop!” you begged, not being able to take it anymore. you couldn’t take him. your pussy wouldn’t even let him get all the way in. you were straining so much, but yet he fought. he fought so hard to make sure all but his balls were inside of you.
“well, since you asked so nicely,” steve smirked.
he flipped you over again but before you could cherish the release he was slamming into your pussy again, this time forcing on you top of him with your back laid against his chest.
steve cooed in your ear as you took his merciless pounding, reminding you of what a filthy whore you were.
you wanted this, he told you. this was your fault. you wanted his cock deep inside of you. wanted people to watch. you wanted people to know how much of a slut you were.
“tell them!” steve shouted, his balls slapping your pussy. you sobbed for his mercy. “tell them how much of a whore you are! tell your daddy how much you love captain america! tell him!”
“papa,” you blubbered towards the screen. you saw yourself, looking pathetic while you sat on captain america’s cock. he filled you to the brink, your stomach pretruding out to show just how deep he was. “i love him! i love captain america!”
“atta girl,” steve kissed your neck, his beard scraping your shoulder as he buried his face in your neck. he held you tight, the sound of him battering your little pussy echoing throughout the room.
finally, he turned your head towards him and kissed you. one last humiliating act before he finally came, shuttering to a stop as he drained his balls directly into your womb.
“how’s that for a mission accomplished,” steve laughed while you slumped against him, clinging to him for dear life. your pussy was battered, filled to the brink his cum. your mind was gone.
you could hardly think. you searched for a sense of safety. for a sense of warmth. you cuddled yourself closely to him, taking shelter in the arms of your abuser.
“please...please...” you sobbed against him.
steve held you tight in his arms, kissing your temple. he knew he had broken you. he knew that you were beyond recovering now.
“it’s okay,” he whispered, still buried deep inside of you. “you’re with the earth’s mightiest heroes now. you’re safe. nothing’s ever gonna hurt you again.”
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crystalirises · 3 years
FundXD au thrid part? Maybe the final confrontation between Dreamxd and George? imagine George offering to take Fundy's place, but XD teases him because he obviously only loves Fundy now (before Mumza saves the day!! or whatever you had planned if you already had something in mind).
Not me accidentally posting it separately. But anyway, here's the third part! I'm sorry it took so long, hope you enjoy this.
But yeah anyway, please do take heed of the trigger warnings. This is probably now what I consider the darkest and the most uncomfortable one-shot I've written. Like in terms of themes, yeah I am just: oh wow I wrote this huh...
So yes, please do heed the warnings and do not read it if any of the the warnings make you uncomfortable.
TW: Forced Relationships, Forced Kissing, Forced Marriage, Possessive Behavior, Captivity, Implied Harm, and A Lot of Dark Implications
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/84740365
“A radiant day for a wedding, do you not think so, my fox?” If only the mattress could swallow him whole. He buried his face on the silken sheets, pressing the pillow to the top of his head, wondering if he could suffocate himself if he tried really hard enough. “Beloved? You’re quiet.”
He rolled his eyes, holding back the urge to scream.
After a moment, he felt the twist of vines against his ankle, gently pulling him away from underneath the covers. Fundy let himself be dragged, having learned the hard way that clawing at the bed to keep himself from getting dragged was a bad idea. He shuddered at the bad memory.
“My darling star, don’t you agree that today is a splendid day for our wedding?”
No, he did not agree. There was no day where he’d ever even consider marrying the god.
“I don’t feel well. Can we move the wedding?”
“Do not lie.” The room turned colder, the chill of ice piercing through his skin that he nearly buckled underneath the pain. Then in just a second, the cold was gone. He was still in his their bedroom, the sunshine filtering in through the glass-stained windows, bathing the room in a kaleidoscope of color. XD was holding him by the elbow, their spherical head never faltering in its cheery smile, if one can call it a smile. The god pulled him into their embrace, holding him with such warmth that Fundy wanted to cry. They shouldn’t be so comforting. “You are well.”
“Ya…” Fundy felt like throwing up, “...well…”
For a god who had lived as long as the world, XD was not as patient as Fundy had hoped. It had only been a week, but the god had given up on Fundy’s flimsy excuses. Fundy had used every excuse that he knew: headaches, fevers, coughs, even “fainting” that one time XD had actually gotten him to stand on the altar. They had grown tired of waiting. Fundy turned his head towards one corner of the room, their wedding outfits only seemed to mock him. He shivered within the god’s hot touch, XD didn’t seem to notice his discomfort, but they noticed the way he was staring at those, arguably, beautiful outfits. XD led him towards them, holding him by the arms.
“I could change your suit if you wish, anything for you, my fox.” Fundy paled, refusing to look at the suit now that it was in front of him. It was in a beautiful hue of orange pastel, decorated with a pastel green flower pinned to its chest. XD had chosen to wear a dress for the wedding, and if Fundy wasn’t being held there against his will, he might have even blushed at the thought of the god in a dress… walking down the aisle. It was a mostly white dress which faded into a pastel green in the middle and into a forest green at the bottom. “You could wear a dress if yo—”
“No.” Fundy already loathed the suit, he wouldn’t know what he’d do if he had to wear a dress. At least XD didn’t mind, though - and Fundy knew it was stupid to feel - he found it somewhat adorable that XD wanted to wear a dress. The wedding dress suited them, even if Fundy didn’t want to marry them. The god hummed behind him, a low sound that had no lyrical or musical tone to it whatsoever, before picking him up. He shrieked, holding tightly to the god’s shoulders.
“My dear fox, the wedding will be divine, it shall take place the hour between day and night.” Fundy had a few hours of freedom. Then… He clenched his hands, angered that he no longer had his claws to tear into the god’s skin. “The wedding venue has not changed from the last time we tried to marry, but, sweet fox, would you wish for any new changes? What do you wish for?”
His only wish was to go home.
The god leaned down and Fundy knew what was to come. He closed his eyes, letting the god do what they wanted. Maybe he should have heeded his papa’s advice. Maybe he shouldn’t have befriended the god who seemed too kind to be true. Maybe he should have stayed at home and lived a normal life instead of searching for… he didn’t even know anymore. But he knew he missed his home, he missed his dads. He missed the normal life in their little cabin in the fields.
Once the god leaned away from the kiss, Fundy let out a sigh. “I want cake.”
“Wil, I love you, but now is the time for your ritualistic shenanigans.”
George tapped his foot on the muddy ground, placing his head in his hands as Wilbur ignored him for the tenth time. Wilbur had refused to say what his secret was, in favor of showing what his secret was. If George had known that said secret would involve Wilbur drawing intricate symbols in the mud, George would have gone deeper into the forest on his own instead.
After a few more seconds of agonizing silence and waiting, Wilbur finally stepped back, gesturing for George to come near him. He raised a brow, choosing to stand beside Wilbur despite the nagging voice in his head telling him to leave and go look for their son. George took in the symbol that Wilbur had drawn. He’d traced a circle in the mud, and within the complex lines, George could make out five symbols. The lines merged to showcase a woman. In her right hand, she held a blade. In her left, there were musical notes and discs emerging from her palm.
At the bottom of the symbol, the lines converged to create a pair of angel wings.
“Wil, is now the time to show me that you can draw—” He cut himself off once Wilbur started to chant under his breath. He stepped back, doubt racing through his mind. George had never been interested in magic, being more talented in redstone and engineering, but he feared those who excelled in the practice. Magic meant gods, and gods meant double-edged deals. “Wilbur…”
The symbol began to glow a light gray hue, the smell of metal and death tainting the air. His fear doubled, but he didn’t try to run off. Nervous as he was, he trusted Wilbur, his dear husband.
A splash of cold landed on his cheek, he brushed it away, but then a downpour of rain began to fall around them. The ground turned muddier, nearly grasping onto their legs. George looked up, furrowing his brows at the sight of sunlight. It was raining despite the warm sun rays that were filtering in through the trees. The intricate symbol wasn’t affected by the sudden storm, its glow intensifying underneath the torrent of water. George didn’t know why, but he felt sick. A sickness that wasn’t nausea, it was worse. Like someone had taken a sharp pickaxe and started to chip away at his heart. He held a hand to his chest, grasping for Wilbur’s arm with the other.
Wilbur’s chanting had grown louder despite the rain, almost like he was fighting against the noise. The light gray glow had taken over the entire drawing, the lines scorched away by its brilliance. Then the world began to shake, and for a moment, George could hear screaming.
He slipped once the earth started to sink. Wilbur pulled him up just as the ground gave way, the symbol had caved in, going deeper and deeper until he could see bright red. He shuddered, but Wilbur held him close. He had half a mind to throw his husband an irritated glare. If his husband would stop with the theatrics for a moment and actually tell George what his secret was, then maybe he wouldn’t be second-guessing everything that's happening right now. He glanced back down at the hole. Wilbur had just opened a gateway to the underworld. Despite the red lights of the underworld, the chasm let out a chilling cold that seeped deep into George’s skin and soul.
“You’re a hellspawn, is that the secret? If so, it was not much of a secret I already knew that, Mr. Soot.” Wilbur rolled his eyes, pressing a kiss to George’s cheek. Once Wil had left George on stable ground, he watched as his husband walked close to the chasm. Wilbur reached down a hand. George wondered if Wilbur was asking to get kidnapped. “Wilbur, the dead can’t help us.”
“You’re correct. Zombies are pretty shit at… everything. Skeletons… perhaps.”
George took a breath through clenched teeth. He knew Wilbur was worried about Fundy too, but he couldn’t afford to waste anymore time with Wilbur and his shenanigans. XD had taken their son, a wish god had taken their son and George knew the god would refuse to let Fundy go.
“Wilbur, please. We need to find Fundy. XD would do anything they could to keep our son from ever leaving them, we have to go.” He pleaded, but Wilbur was too busy looking into the chasm.
George loudly sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. The rain continued to pour around them, and if he didn’t hurry, he’d lose his way down the forest path due to the mud that was beginning to drown everything in its path. He turned to leave, but then a voice broke through the silence.
“A sunshower…? Did you forget to tell your own mum that you're getting married, Wilbur?”
Fundy flitted about the room, pressing his hands against his ears as the rain continued to pour outside. He didn’t know why XD had thought it would be romantic to marry one another while a storm threatened to destroy the land, but the constant tapping of the rain on the ground was beginning to grate on his ears. Despite the heavy rain, he hated the warm sunlight even more.
Why couldn’t the weather just be either gloomy or happy? It was a mockery of his life.
He glanced down at his suit, fixing the green flower so it wouldn’t fall off by accident. He didn’t know what XD would do if anything were to ruin their “special day.” He huffed, pressing his head against the glass window. He could see the neverending forest from there. XD had insisted that they live on one of the highest trees in the forest. They wanted to give Fundy a good view.
When XD had first shown him their abode, Fundy had been ecstatic to see the entire forest. He collapsed on a nearby chair, putting his head in his hands. Now everything felt like a big joke.
It was so wonderful before, but he saw through the roses, and now knew their thorns.
He looked back up, worried for a moment that XD would be standing in front of him, ready to whisk him away to the altar. There was a shift of movement at the right side of the forest, perhaps XD reimagining the wedding venue now that the rain had completely ruined the god’s chosen outdoor setting. He took momentary pleasure at the thought of the weather going against the god’s wishes. No, today was not a radiant day for a wedding. But Fundy knew that a “little” storm wouldn’t stop the god. They were too excited, too eager to get the ceremony over with.
Fundy winced, maybe his constant escape attempts had been the cause of that rush. It had only been a week since the god had taken him captive and kept him in their domain, but Fundy had spent every day trying to find a way to escape. He’d given up after the fifth escape… after… Fundy pulled his knees close to his chest. He didn’t want to think about it. But he had to. He had to keep a reminder in his mind about how much he loathed the god and what they’d done to him.
The first attempt wasn’t even an attempt, it was him screaming until XD forced him to sleep.
The second attempt had begun the moment the god had gone into stasis, or the godly equivalent of what was sleep. The god’s hands were wrapped around Fundy, keeping him close to their chest, but Fundy had managed to sneak away after hours of slowly moving. He’d gotten to the door of the bedroom, unlocking it with a bobby pin that he’d found in one of the drawers. He’d gotten down the tree by the time XD realized he was gone. They’d teleported him back to the bedroom, vines growing against the surface of the door, effectively keeping him locked inside.
The third attempt was Fundy painstakingly cutting through the clump of vines after XD had left him to prepare for their wedding. He’d gotten through half of them by the time the god had come back. They’d been disappointed in Fundy, sad that he hadn’t even gotten dressed in his wedding suit yet. Then in a blink of an eye, the vines had grown back, with even more thorns than before. Then XD had whisked him away to the wedding venue, where Fundy then pretended to faint.
The fourth attempt was Fundy getting so frustrated that he took a chair and threw it at one of the windows. The glass shattered on impact, and he’d quickly tried to squeeze through the space, not caring for the shards that pierced his skin. XD had not taken that escape attempt all too lightly.
The fifth and last attempt… he’d convinced XD to give him some sand and gunpowder.
The god had been furious, even more so than what they’d been after the fourth escape attempt. Fundy had nearly killed himself in the process and had even attacked XD out of anguished rage.
Well… XD made sure Fundy could never attack them again.
Fundy sniffed, wiping at his tears. He didn’t want to be crying at his own wedding.
It was odd to have a wedding without a wedding officiator. Fundy kept his gaze on his hands, his fingers trembling each time XD traced his knuckles with their thumb. He could feel his throat dry up, his head heavy with nausea that he thought he was actually going to faint and fall over.
“Do I take Fundy Lore-Soot as my lawfully wedded husband?” XD paused, “I do.”
Fundy found it ridiculous. XD had taken up the mantle of wedding officiator, and if Fundy didn’t know any better, he would think that he was part of some comedic play or some big cosmic joke.
“And do you, Fundy Lore-Soot, take the god of wishes, XD, as your lawfully wedded spouse?”
Fundy gritted his teeth, he could feel the god’s magic in his throat. He could barely breathe a few seconds ago, but now it felt like he needed to speak like his life depended on it. “I do. I do. I do.”
He trembled, uncontrolled anger racing through his veins. It was torture to say ‘I do’ once, but the god forced him to say it three times, like Fundy was as desperate as them to get married. XD pulled him close, their gaze hot against his skin. He wished he would melt, that he could melt against the god’s touch and be swallowed by the grass. Anything that could set him free.
“Then by the power vested in me as the god of wishes, I now pronounce us married for eternity.”
The god leaned close, “I may now kiss the groom.” Fundy tried to move back, but the god had formed one more pair of hands. One hand held his hands, curled gently around his wrists. One hand was cupping him by the waist. One hand was on his chin, pulling his face up and towards them. The last hand was at the back of his head, pushing him forward and keeping his head in place. He closed his eyes, losing himself in his mind, refusing to accept what was happening. He focused on the life he’d lost, and his dads who would no doubt why he never came back to them.
After what felt like a lifetime, the god finally let him go.
Well, they didn’t. But they’d stopped kissing him in favor of picking him up.
XD laid him down on the altar.
Fundy blinked, holding onto one of XD’s hands out of fear. The god chuckled at the “endearing” display. “H-hey… the wedding’s over, ya? Time to head home, right? W-what are you doing?”
“The ceremony is not yet over, my star.” XD tilted their head, “You are still mortal.”
Any thread of cooperation they had established broke with that proclamation. Fundy screamed, pushing himself away from the altar just as a series of golden chains rose up from its sides. They wrapped around his arms and his legs, pulling him back down on the altar’s marble surface. He wailed, tears slipping past his eyes. He thought he’d only endure it for this lifetime, that the god would have no choice but to give him up to death at some point in the future. XD watched his struggle, summoning an intricate dagger. “Don’t worry, my sweet fox, I shall make it painless.”
George pushed past the leaven doors, not caring that the action caused the whole entrance way to collapse to a flimsy pile of autumn leaves. He stood at the end of the wedding venue, drenched from the rain. His heart beated loudly in his chest, his ears ringing as he made his way down the aisle. Wilbur was still by the entrance. George had told him to wait before he actually entered.
“Papa—” Fundy’s scream was cut off with a hand, the god having swiveled around to face whoever had dared to ruin their perfect day. George kept walking down the aisle, anger racing through his bones. His son looked so frightened. He clearly didn’t want to be marrying the god.
“Let him go, XD.”
“Why ever shall I do such a thing, my dearest friend, Georgenotfound? I have no intention of ever letting my newly wedded husband leave me. My old friend, I believe you are a few seconds too late. Fundy and I are married.” He heard Fundy scream out a protest, muffled by the hand that the god had left. George could see the tears on their son’s face, and his gaze turned towards the dagger that the god was carrying. He took the chance to look behind him, catching Wilbur’s pale gaze. His husband was looking at the dagger. “Leave before I cast you out. You are tresp—”
“I’ll take his place.”
The only sound that could be heard was Fundy’s fit of screaming. Wilbur was silent. XD had merely tilted their head, the god’s cold gaze meeting George’s eyes, piercing right through the goggles that he wore. He swallowed down the sickness he felt at the thought of marrying the go. XD had been his best friend once, and George had never thought of them in any other way. But the god had taken his friendship as romantic affection. “Fundy doesn’t love you.” The god reeled back, the ‘XD’ carved symbol on their head disappearing, only to return as golden chains that surrounded their white spherical head. “You and I know he doesn’t love you, and neither did I.”
George shook his head, “But I am willing to stay with you if you let him go.”
He met his son’s eyes, holding Fundy’s gaze for as long as he could. He worried it might be the last time they’d ever see each other again… if it went wrong… George shook his head. It won’t go wrong. He turned back to the god, the chains still present. “We could pretend like nothing has changed. I could stay here with you for all of eternity. We could be friends again, you and I. It must have been lonely when I left. You were never really great with making friends with others. We could try again. Just you and me, stuck in this forest forever. Like how it used to be. I won’t run away anymore. I won’t leave you ever again. Let Fundy go, and I’ll stay with you forever.”
The god was silent. For a moment, George thought they would agree. Then the ground disappeared from underneath him and a large hand was painfully gripping him by the leg. “No.”
Sharp cold pierced through his leg. The god glared down at him, “You are nothing to me.”
XD looked over at Fundy, “He… He is everything to me now.”
George placed his arms over his head, preparing himself for the fall. He heard the loud screech, and then his leg was free. He closed his eyes, but instead of hard earth, he fell into a pair of warm arms. He opened his eyes, embarrassingly laughing once he’d realized that Wilbur had caught him. His husband placed him back down, looking at his leg with worry when George stumbled. It wasn’t broken, but XD’s sharp cold magic would keep him from properly walking for a while.
Wilbur helped him away from the angered god. George looked up, watching as the hand that was previously holding him rotted away. XD screeched, turning to them, their golden chains glowing with a blinding light. A scythe appeared within view, striking the wish god right on their face.
The Goddess of Death entered the wedding venue, a disappointed look in her eyes.
“You should have let my grandson go, God of Wishes.”
Ambiguous ending but uh... I have preferred ending and it's def not the bad one.
Clarification for the title (which can't be seen here but is in the ao3 version): So a sunshower is a weather phenomenon where it is raining despite there still being sunshine. While the rain is not as heavy as a storm, I changed the rain here to be that like a rainstorm despite the sunlight that is still present. The reason for this is because where I'm from (or at least according to my mother) when a sunshower happens, that means a kapre and a white lady are getting married (or well, other Filipino mythological legends are getting married).
I just think with XD here being a somewhat monster of a god... well, poor Fundy having to marry him.
The sunshower is basically an indication here that a god is getting married, that's why Mumza asked Wilbur if he was getting married (also Wilbur is the god of music here, not all that powerful against a wish god).
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helion-ism · 3 years
let’s talk about elucien
there are so many reasons why I love elain x lucien and why I think these two would not only be amazing together, but also why they belong together. one of those reasons is lucien’s sassy personality, which we already got a glimpse of in acotar (and that I miss terribly btw), and which is, in my opinion, exactly what elain needs in her life. we’re talking about lucien “your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold” vanserra. we know he’s got quite a big mouth, that’s how we got to know him, but we also know that mouth is exactly what’s gotten him into trouble before. case in point: the eye incident. lucien doesn’t mince his words and yes, that is one of the reasons why elain really needs to spend some more time with him. 
she has been coddled by not only her father, nesta, feyre, but also the entire inner circle, which has allowed her to live her life passively. yes, she killed the king of hybern, and good for her, but she did it because nobody else could have done it at that point in time. ever since the war ended, elain has not actively contributed to any plot matters, whether by choice or because someone else took the choice from her. azriel said in acosf, “there is an innate darkness to the dread trove that elain should not be exposed to.” even amren pointed out that elain is capable of defending herself, but for some reason, nobody let her even though elain said she would try to find it: “then I will find it. I might require some time to … reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today.” and yet,  by the end of the book, elain’s been barely in it and has not contributed at all. (I know some people claim there’s certain things already happening in the background, but honestly, I’m not satisfied with that development happening off page, so I can’t wait to finally go on her journey and actually see her do stuff)
this moment is crucial:
Tumblr media
does it look like she is happy with the way the others treat her? not really. when nesta snapped at her, elain started laughing. that signals relief to me because nesta, the one who has always tried to protect elain the most (nesta baby Ilysm), is the one who suddenly lost her patience. elain needs somebody like lucien, somebody with a big mouth and sassy attitude, who can coax her out of that paralysis she’s been stuck in, a bit like nesta in this scene. additionally, the banter would be top tier. I want another “if I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?” moment, please. god please. (elain blinks. “and where would you like that kiss?” — and lucien just loses his mind.)
another thing that lives in my head rent free is the fact that lucien has travelled almost everywhere and could introduce elain, who wishes to see more of the world (see: “elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers”), to the different courts and the continent. I refuse to accept that we will not get to learn more about the other courts, for my sake, but also for elain’s sake. I want her to see the spring court at least once. I want her to go and see those tulips she’s dreamt of. I want her and lucien to discover the day court as a new home, which brings me to the next point. 
elain has been craving sunshine for some time now. there’s several quotes that emphasise her connection to sunshine/light, here are a few of my favourites: 
I marveled at it, actually — that those years of poverty hadn‘t stripped away that light from elain.
the suite was filled with sunlight. every curtain shoved back as far as it could go, to let in as much sun as possible. as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent.
she had been always so full of light. perhaps that was why she now kept all the curtains open. to fill the void that existed where all of that light had once been. and now nothing remained.
what can I get you, elain? — sunshine.
elain doesn’t belong into the night court. feyre has found her family there, with rhys and the inner circle. nesta has found (or should I say accepted) cassian and found gwyn and emerie, her chosen sisters. but elain?
elain is somewhere in the background hiding with the twins and tending to gardens of the citizens of velaris. you can’t tell me that is satisfactory to you. she is currently ignoring her seer abilities, and the members of the inner circle are basically encouraging her to do so. the only time she’s been confronted lately was during that conversation with nesta and her reaction was not exactly what any of us readers would have expected, was it? that tells me there’s much more about her we don’t know yet, and I’m convinced we won’t know until she finally leaves and finds her own people, finds herself again and start dealing with everything that happened to her. elain must leave the night court, i.e. the darkness, behind in order to grow.
the same goes to lucien: he’s not at a place where he can just jump into a relationship or mating bond. he’s got so much stuff going on. lucien was forced to abandon his home and his abusive family, his “father” killed the fae he loved in front of his eyes, his best friend is an abusive pos who never appreciated him anyway, and neither has anyone in the night court. lucien is used because of his connections and because of the mating bond that ties him to elain, whether he wanted it or not. feyre knows he would never turn away from elain unless she explicitly wishes him to, and so she and rhys and the others use that to their advantage. it is smart, of course, but at the same time, they also keep important information about his own life from him that could change many, many things. so he’s spending his time with mortals in the human lands — a place where he as a fae really does not belong. 
lucien being the heir to the day court, well, to me, it feels like sjm is practically screaming it into our face: how could he find a home in the night court, the literal opposite to the day? darkness vs. light. and what about elain “he’d never once in the two years he’d known her found elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court … it sucked the life from her” archeron? just looking at the symbolism, not only do the quotes from above indicate that the night court cannot possibly be her home, but also very recent quotes from the latest book. elain is a side character in the night court. and so is lucien. they both need to leave in order to become main characters — and it doesn’t even matter that both are already crucial to the further plot of the series because how can they possibly contribute to it in a place where they are both kept down? 
mor said in acofas: “stay out of it. she’s not ready, and neither is he, no matter how many presents he brings.” and “let him figure out where he wants to be. who he wants to be. the same goes with her.” mor’s power is “truth”, whatever that means. but there you have it. they’re not ready to be with each other yet, and that’s okay. 
[elain and lucien are also connected not only because of the mating bond, but also because of the plot. lucien must know quite a lot about her and her sisters simply because of all the time he spent with their father. the father who made a bargain with koschei. koschei who put a spell on vassa. lucien is therefore tied to both papa archeron as well as koschei and vassa. elain, we know, is a seer, despite her not using her abilities (or is she, and we simply don’t know?). elain is (obviously) connected to her father, but also to koschei and vassa (remember those visions she had).]
now let’s get to the mating bond stuff, and I need to say this loud and clear: elain has always had and will always have one (1) true mate. there’s no such thing as “false mate” or even multiple mates. there has been no indication whatsoever. lucien is the mate the cauldron had given her when she was born. and elain is the mate the cauldron had given him when he was born. even when she was still human, they already belonged together — tied together by strings of fate. absolutely nothing will change this fact. should elain reject the bond, lucien will remain a part of her life/her soul forever. should lucien reject the bond, elain will remain a part of his life/his soul forever.
when she was still human, lucien had already felt a pull between them and tried to save and protect her from hybern. when elain was already fae, when it came to protecting her, azriel clapped cassian’s shoulder and left (is this the true mate they’re all talking about?). it’s unfair to lucien, elain, AND azriel and this comparison alone is enough to disprove this theory.
the thing is, lucien has been nothing but respectful, kind and caring towards elain. when he arrived in velaris in acowar, he could immediately sense what she needed and said, “she needs fresh air” (vs. the response “we’ll judge what she needs”) and “take her to the sea. take her to some garden. but get her out of this house for an hour or two.” (I’m gonna make another post about this because I have a few thoughts on this)
of course, she doesn’t owe him anything, but elain herself doesn’t wish to be treated like a child, she maybe she should start acting like an adult because although she doesn’t owe lucien an apology or explanation, she has to have a conversation with him, like two responsible adults. there is no way feyre or anyone in the inner circle hasn’t told her that she can reject the bond and move on with her life. but just like her powers, this is another thing she chooses to ignore. I’m not blaming her because I know she has to work through her trauma first and heal, but by the end of the series, she has to acknowledge that at least.
in acosf, elain says “I am not a child to be fought over” when they discuss the dread trove. I wonder what she would say about the fact azriel threatens to challenge lucien to the blood duel because of her? based on literally everything we know about lucien, I can say with certainty that he would not physically fight over elain. if she only had a conversation with him and told him to move on and leave her alone, lucien would do just that. he would leave her alone and try to move on as best as he could (which we know is difficult for males). but he would never act as entitled to her as to demand a blood duel and fight to death. it goes against his principles. 
to finish this off, sjm summing up everything I just said:
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
How would the Papas or ghouls react to finding out that their s/o is insulin dependent diabetic. And hide that and the fact that they have severe neuropathy pain in their feet as well from them?
Went with the Papas for this one! 
As always, feedback is always appreciated!! 
Papas Reaction to Finding out their S/O has hid that they have Diabeties and Neuropathy Pain
Papa Nihil: Is actually confused because he thought you already told him about your diabetes. Even though he can come off as oblivious, he is very observant when he wants to be. Papa had already saw you checking your blood sugar or taking insulin. In his mind he probably thought you had your conversation, and he possibly forgot most of it. A part of you was a bit thankful he already had an idea, but you were ready to sit down and talk about it. Mainly as to why he never spoke to YOU about your diabetes. Nihil admits that he thought it’s what you wanted, and you both would talk on your terms. After the confusion sub sided you did get to tell him everything you wanted. As you predicted, your opening up about your pain upset him. Nihil will be the one to say he knows you are more than capable of taking care of yourself, he never had doubts. But please, don’t shut him out when you are the one suffering. Nihil tends to get ahead of himself, but he does want to help and do whatever he can to ease your days of pain. If you let him he’d do anything if it means your feet feel better. Leave the man unchecked, and he’d hire a personal masseuse for your feet. 
Papa I: Thanks you for opening up to him but will ask why you personally kept it hidden. It’s a bit awkward, but he wants to make sure he understands your motivations. Papa knows there could be many reasons you kept it to yourself, but feels hearing it from you would be better for communicating needs in the future. Medical conditions, as he knows, are incredibly personal and everyone handles them differently. Whatever your reason, Papa knows not to take it personally. The fact you were ready to talk about it at all is very reassuring to him. All Papa asks is that sometime, on your terms, you both can sit down and you let him know what you expect out of him when it comes to your diabetes. If you need his help, when you’d like it, etc etc. Papa mainly is taken aback by your mention of pain, but knows that it is more common than anyone is comfortable with. He knows many ways to help you reduce your pain, especially when it comes to life style. Papa always offers any assistance should you choose to take it. As long as you know you don’t have to go through bad days alone and he is there for you is enough for him. 
Papa II: You weren’t sure how he really felt based on his silence and serious look. But he isn’t one to mince words. Papa asks you immediately, “Was there a reason you didn’t tell me? That is incredibly important information.” Papa does come off as chiding when that’s not his intention. He does apologize, and will bluntly state his concern. Papa knows he doesn’t have to tell you what COULD have happened if there was ever an emergency. But Papa would like to know so he can properly help when needed. This does spark a very serious conversation between you two. One about how you personally felt about the situation, his reaction, and how you would like your health handled in the future. Papa just wants the best for you and knows you are more than capable of managing your Diabetes, you aren’t a helpless child. But he does make the effort to let you know, as your partner, that he will be there for support. Honestly, the fact you are hiding pain is the topic that worries him more. Papa wants to have a serious talk and plan of action, because he doesn’t want you to suffer any pain alone. Encourages you to outline HOW he can assist during bad days. 
Papa III: Papa will even admit that his reaction is a bit of a selfish one. He’s more hurt that you kept this from him after you two have engaged in a serious relationship. The fact that you have diabetes doesn’t change anything, mind you. Nor will Papa go out of his way to make you feel ASHAMED that you hid this- it’s your health at the end of the day and, therefore, YOUR business. But he will personally wonder if he did or said anything to make you feel like you couldn’t tell him. Papa will ask if you if you kept it from him because of something he DID. Honestly, once you explain on your own time he will feel so embarrassed that he took it so personally and will apologize. Papa always wants to reassure you that he hates the idea of you feeling like you CAN’T come to him. Yes, this is your condition and you are an adult who can handle it- but Papa wants to be the partner that is by your side and supportive. As for your pain, Papa is always ready to assist! Whether that is foot rubbing or taking a nice bath together, he’s all for it! Papa just asks that you know you can come to him on bad pain days or days you just need the extra support. 
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Copia doesn’t think any different of you but he will admit he wished you would have told him sooner. During his time ascending the ranks of the clergy he has had many siblings who DO have diabetes or similar health concerns. You never know when an emergency is going to happen or knowing symptoms prior can save someone’s life. Copia will NOT lecture you, but he will talk to you about his feelings of concern. He’s grateful you never had to be in a situation where he couldn’t help you. When he’s sure you both are comfortable he would like to ask questions, provided you are willing. More about your specific health status and what he can do in the future for you. Copia will not take over your health plans or management, but he asks to be included enough to be of assistance when you need. As for the foot pain, Copia knows he can’t magically cure you but he will always be there to help! Copia takes exercise seriously for his own personal routine and offers to do gentle activities that have been known to help reduce pain. Suggests walks in the garden together as something both romantic and helpful! You end up picking whatever you prefer, but Copia will make sure you never have to exercise alone. 
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Being Peter Parker’s Little Sister Would Include
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Even as a young boy Peter knew to protect you with his life
He hated seeing you upset
So, he always made sure you were happy
Sure, he was the kind of brother that would tease you to no end
But he was also the kind who would hold you when you cried
He’d help you while you studied
Always gave you first pick
And he made sure you’d never feel a lack of love or acceptance
Him along with Uncle Ben and Aunt May made sure your childhood was a happy one
You were lucky enough to be so young that you don’t remember your parents
But you felt guilty for it
That you couldn’t remember the people who gave you life
So, you were always asking to hear stories about them
You and Ben would be curled up on the couch while he told you about your mother and father
You and May would bake and cook and clean together, always trying out new things and forcing the boys to eat it
Even though your life didn’t have such a good start
It was perfect
Until one day
A burglar broke into the house and held you at gun point, telling Ben he’d shoot you if they didn’t show him whatever was in the house
Your uncle Ben tried to reach for you but you heard a shot by your ear
Even though you shut your eyes you still saw the bullet hit Ben and felt his blood on your face and heard his body hit the ground
May and you saying your goodbyes to him, crying on the floor, covered in his blood
When Peter came home you were wrapped in a blanket, sitting on the edge of the ambulance where they were loading Uncle Ben
The next few days passing by in a blur
Crying in Peter’s arms while he tried to stay strong for you
One day after crying your heart out you managed to fall asleep in Peter’s bed
Seeing your face, he just broke down apologizing for doing this
You met Spiderman a few days after the funeral, at Uncle Ben’s grave
“I’m so sorry, if I had stopped the burglar before then this wouldn’t have happened to you. I promise I will find him and make him pay.”
“It was.... horrific. I saw it with my own eyes. That someone wouldn’t need to blink before taking someone’s life. That someone lacked so much humanity that they broke into a home and killed someone’s family. He’s a monster.”
“I’ll make him pay for what he did to your family.”
“If you kill somebody then you’re no better than he was. Don’t blame yourself, Spiderman, Uncle Ben wouldn’t have wanted it. Blame yourself for a very short time, but in turn, remember it forever. Don’t forget about him.”
“I promise.”
Just as Peter was about to leave, you spoke up again
“Uncle Ben always used to say that there wasn’t a point in becoming a new you if you forgot who you were.”
Suddenly Peter felt extremely nervous and sweaty and you turned to him with a small smile
“I’ll get my life together, I have my aunt and my brother, but I won’t forget who I used to be with Uncle Ben. You should do the same.”
He smiled awkwardly under the mask but you obviously didn’t see it before leaving without another word
You watched him shoot a web and swing away, chuckling
“Come back home safe tonight, Peter.”
Things get better after that
The man who killed Uncle Ben was caught and turned over to the police
And you begin to start paying attention to Peter’s alter ego
Being quick to accept his half-baked excuses and even giving better reasons to Aunt May
Sometimes you wonder just how stupid Peter thinks you are though because he expects you to believe these excuses of his
Always coming to the rescue when he forgets to do something because he was so busy
When he left Aunt May and you waiting at a restaurant for him, you conveniently remembered how he had a school project right when you saw Spiderman swing by the window, trying to catch a few criminals
When he forgot to bring Uncle Ben’s cake home, you picked it up saying that you took the reminder off his phone because you were planning to choose the best looking one
When you saw Harry waiting at the library for him, you told him that Peter got sick so he went home early
Keeping the first aid kit always stocked should Peter need anything
Teaching him to sew but telling him it was part of a home ec exercise so he could learn how to stitch up his own suit
Always silently looking after Peter
Whenever the three of you see a news report about him and Aunt May says that he’s awesome
You chuckling and saying
“Behind every amazing man there’s an equally amazing woman.”
Peter totally agreeing and then being nice to the two of you for the rest of the day
Things take a turn however when an Osborn gone crazy trying to get his hands on Peter finally turned his head to see you
And in his twisted goblin brain, he finally gets an idea
Peter’s DNA is too difficult to get his hands on because he has super powers and has been mutated because of the spider bite
But yours?
Blank slate free for him to manipulate
And you couldn’t fight back
It was all too easy to pluck you right out of their hands and bring you to his lair
Peter goes crazy trying to find you
Begging Nick, nearly in tears to help him find you
And Nick is actually kind of worried because he’s never seen Peter this way
Dispatches as many troops as he can afford trying to look for you
And as per Spiderman’s daily routine, he begins blaming himself
If you got hurt because he wasn’t there to protect you again, he’d never forgive himself
When they find you, you’re in a stasis chamber, nearly dead
There were vials of blood all over the place, and you looked severely malnourished
Peter definitely cried when he saw you
The team trying to comfort him, trying to get him to eat something while you’re in the med bay but him not moving
Although one day they notice something weird
Your heart rate suddenly spiked for some reason and you began tensing and struggling in the bed
Peter tried to get you to relax and immediately called a doctor
When they tried injecting you with a tranquilizer however your body was covered with a blue slime before slamming the doctor against the wall
It wasn’t difficult to figure out
You had been infected by a symbiote
It wasn’t long after that you woke up
Peter and Aunt May cried when you opened your eyes
They told you that Spiderman and his team saved you and even though you wanted to meet the team something told you that Peter was reluctant to get back in the suit
So, you continued to pretend you had no idea of his alter ego
Even though regular coma patients have to go through physiotherapy to get back their physical strength
You never had to do anything of the sort
They S.H.I.E.LD. doctors assume it’s because of the symbiote
You noticed how closed off Peter became and one day sat him down
“What’s going on with you?”
“I don’t deserve to be in this family.”
“What?! How can you say that?!”
“All I do is bring bad luck and people end up getting hurt because of me!”
“It wasn’t your fault Peter. How could you have known that the Goblin would have taken me.”
“It is my fault. Because of me, Uncle Ben was killed and because of me, you could have been too. I bring misfortune to everyone I ever loved.”
You see the way his face falls and your heart breaks
To see him blame himself this way and hate himself
To see him questioning his identity
The reason he became Spiderman was to make sure no innocent ever got hurt but because he was Spiderman his baby sister nearly died
So, you gently took his hand in yours
“I already told you, didn’t I? Blame yourself for a short time. But remember it forever.”
His eyes widened, remembering what you told Spiderman nearly a year ago
“You knew?”
“I’ve always known. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, Peter. You risk yourself every day to protect other people.”
“And I couldn’t even protect you.”
“I’m okay now. I know how you must feel but I hate seeing you like this. Uncle Ben would’ve hated it too. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I’m responsible for keeping my family safe.”
You didn’t know how to help him
You knew he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders and that it was difficult to live a life like this
‘With great power comes great responsibility’
But sometimes things are out of your control
So, you don’t say anything else and just pull him into your arms
The way he did when Uncle Ben had passed
And gently rubbed his back
“I love you, bro.”
And he just breaks down in your arms, apologizing for everything and you just held him tight and trying to calm him down
And in the middle of his crying he managed to stutter out an ‘I love you too.’
And then the two of you become the Spider Siblings
Dance Parties on the ceiling and swinging around town in the morning because you both slept in and now you’re late
Swining races that he claims to let you win
Talking about life while hanging from the side of a building
Going to Uncle Ben’s grave to keep him updated and tell him not to worry because now there are 2 superheroes there to protect Aunt May
Him training you and being extra hard on you during training because he wants you to be better than him
But also becoming sugary sweet after training and offering to piggyback you home because you’re so tired
Will let you take naps in the corner of the training room while he trains
Hates it when you get along with Sam
Also gets super stressed out when you’re on the field and tries to double the amount of people he fights so you don’t have to
But he knows you can hold your own
And gets really proud when you do but won’t tell you
Always makes sure you’re eating well and sleeping well
Now if you ever brought a boy home you never know what to expect
Sometimes he just teases you to no end 
Or he completely freaks out and goes totally papa bear over you
In conclusion
Peter Parker as a big brother isn’t the type to be completely like a guardian
He has a lot of things going on in his life so he ends up relying on you a lot
But you wouldn’t trade him for the world
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littlekatleaf · 3 years
The Dreams in Which I'm Dying
Well wtf, it's a new fandom for me. Unexpected! I started watching D/imension20 RPGs and fell in love with F/abian Seacaster and G/arthy O'Brien from F/antasy H/igh and P/irates of L/eviathan. This takes place 20 years after the events of the games.
And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had. ~ Tears for Fears, Mad World
It begins with nightmares - dark, heavy things Fabian doesn’t remember on waking. At least, not the first few nights. He’s left with nothing more than vague shadows and a lingering sense of unease. Everything seems wrong - his apartment simultaneously too big and claustrophobically small. He’s suffused with restlessness. He knows something’s coming, like a squall brewing just beyond the horizon. He might not be able to see the gathering clouds, but feels the barometric pressure plummeting.
At first he attempts to dance out of the way - to dodge and evade - but the dread wraps around him like his own battle sheet, tangling him tight. He tries to ignore the tension singing along his shoulders, the constant twist in his gut. It’s nothing, he tells himself, less than nothing. There’s no time for it to be something. Rumor has it the ship carrying one of the last pirates of the Crimson Claw will reach the mouth of Leviathan in mere days. If he’s going to meet it, he needs to pull together a party. Barely enough time remains to cement plans once he knows the group’s strengths and weaknesses.
As he paces his living room, trying to outrun the apprehension, Fabian’s eye is caught by a piece of red string, like Riz always used in his conspiracy boards. In that instant he longs for them. The Bad Kids. No matter how many years passed since any of them were kids, it’s still at the heart of who they are. (Isn’t it?) They fit together in their roles. Like that movie Kristen made them all watch once - a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess and a criminal. The others had bickered good naturedly over roles that night - specifically who was the basket case. Kristen joked it was Gilear. Ragh said it was her. Fabian didn't need to argue because he knew the truth - Riz was the brain, Gorgug the athlete, Adaine the princess, Fig the criminal, Kristen the saint. Himself the basket case. Even in all the intervening years, he’s never found a group that connects as well as they had, before they all went their separate ways. Even if they hadn’t lost touch, none of the others adventure anymore. In their absence he needs to choose alternatives, like he always does, attempting to fill the holes they left behind - and failing.
He picks up his crystal, turning it over in his hands. The group chat is saved, they are all still members, but no one has used it in years. Maybe he’s wrong; maybe he needs to let them go.
He knows there’s no time for self-indulgence. But he still stalls, the trepidation casting a fog of doubt over every option. He cannot decide on even one person to trust. Perhaps this time he should go alone. He can defeat one single pirate himself. The rest - crew and spoils alike - is irrelevant. The Maelstrom’s Maw will likely bring in the boat and then he can attack. He rubs his forehead against a growing headache and puts the decision off again.
Two nights pass, with only the lightest veil of sleep and even that torn by disquiet. The intervening days feel equally foggy with a mix of exhaustion and dread. Fabian drags himself through the necessary tasks by his fingernails until he’s done everything he can without a crew. A crew on which he still has not managed to settle. In the midst of circling the problem for the five hundredth, or five thousandth, time his crystal flashes an alert. The ship’s been sighted just a few nautical miles off Harroway Bay and will reach Leviathan before dawn. He’s waited too long, he realizes. It will be a solo adventure, then. Nothing else for it.
Fabian knows, almost from the moment he engages, that he’s made a deep mistake attempting the attack this way. Though he comes upon the pirate in the dead of night, alone as planned, he hadn’t considered that the pirate’s shipmates might still be within earshot. His blade only crosses the pirate’s once before he hears heavy boots closing fast.
The pirate thrusts and he manages to parry, but only just. His body feels strange and disconnected, as though he’s a half-beat behind in the dance, perpetually off-step. The pirate presses his advantage; Fabian retreats. Suddenly there’s a flash of light on another drawn sword and several more pirates surround him. At his best he can handle eight, maybe ten. He is not at his best, and light from the streetlamp falls on fifteen.
The pirate grins. “Yer goin’ down, boy.”
“Not a boy anymore.” At least he’ll die in battle, and if he’s very lucky he’ll take this scourge to hell with him. Make his papa proud.
“That remains to be seen,” another says.
The battle is fierce. Swords clash, lunge and dodge, strike-parry-riposte, movements Fabian knows in his sleep, but something is wrong. His body won’t obey. His lungs ache and he can’t catch his breath. Sweat drips into his eye, burning. And then - an opening - the pirate attacking leaves his flank unguarded and Fabian darts in fast - too fast to pull back when he realizes it’s a feint.
I’m fucked, he has time to think, as the pirate whirls. A sharp blow cracks across his elbow, his fingers go numb and his sword falls, clattering to the cobblestone. One of the crew kicks the back of his knees and he stumbles forward and drops. He grabs for his sword, but just as his hand closes around it, the point of the pirate’s sword is at his throat. Should have known it would end this way. Alone. On Leviathan. Fitting for it to be here, tonight - on the anniversary. The way it should have ended if he hadn’t run like a coward, abandoning Alistair to Captain James. Fabian fumbles in his pocket for his crystal, wishing for just enough time to send a last message to the Bad Kids. “Do it,” he says from between gritted teeth.
The pirate barks a laugh, but shakes his head. “Ain’t worth the world o’ hurt that would bring down on me head, boy. Chungledown Bim’s a right devil and yer marked as his. Can’t let ya follow for another go at me, though this has been a delight.”
A brilliant flash of pain blinds him. The crystal slides through his fingers. He falls… and falls… and falls…
through ropes that burn his skin and do nothing to slow his speed and his body hits water that closes over his head like he’s been swallowed whole and still he falls through freezing darkness until the ocean parts and he falls through fire and the flames crackle and whisper - What will you tell the Captain when you meet him in Hell? Have you written your name on the face of the world, Fabian? No, you have written nothing. Nothing to be remembered by. Even your friends have forgotten you. How does it feel to be a failure of a pirate and a failure of a friend? the whisper turns to choking smoke and
Fabian coughs himself awake, lungs aching like he’s been breathing water and smoke, but he still lays where he’d fallen, in some Four Castles back alley. His body’s not been hijacked. Not dropped here by imps. He blinks up at the sky for a long moment, struggling to orient himself. The sky is heavy with clouds, hiding even a sliver of moon. Fat drops of rain pelt down, edged with ice. He blinks the water from his eye and pushes himself to his feet. Once again he staggers through the streets of Leviathan, shivering hard enough to rattle teeth. This time, however, there’s no Cathilda to wrap him in a blanket, no Hangvan to disappear into. No Kristen to slap sense back into him. He wraps his arms around himself, but the rain soaks his shirt and finds no warmth.
Those he passes take no notice of him, perhaps assuming he’s nothing more than another drunken pirate. Even so, he needs to find a place to lay low. Given enough time someone will roll him just to see if he has any coin. Or simply for the fun of it. He’s not even sure, at this moment, that he could defend himself against a single assailant. His head aches where the pirate hit him and his throat is unaccountably raw. Then, as if to add insult to injury, he sneezes. Once, twice, thrice, smothered in the sleeve of his shirt. He always sneezes in threes. Riz teased him mercilessly about it.
“If you’d just sneeze like a normal person, instead of those pinchy things, you’d be done in one, Fabiahn,” Riz would say, drawing his name out like his elvish grandfather did.
“It’s called being polite, The Ball,” he’d reply. “And what do you know about normal?”
“About as much as you.”
They’d laugh together and Fabian’s embarrassment would ease. He would give anything for Riz to be laughing with him now.
Suddenly a door slams open and a wash of warm yellow light spills over the ground in front of him. He glances up. Maybe Kristen sent Cassandra to watch over him, because his meandering path has brought him to the Gold Gardens. The exiting patron brushes past with a muttered curse, but Fabian barely notices. As the doors swing shut, Bob’s voice slips through, full of dream and promise. Fabian checks his pockets and breathes a sigh of relief at the comforting feel of coin.
He stands straighter, raises his chin, allowing the light to fall on his face, scars and eyepatch and all, as the Goliath guard regards him suspiciously. Though it has been some time since he’s been on Leviathan and longer since he’s sought refuge at the Gold Gardens, he trusts the reputation he’s built in the intervening years yet holds. “Good evening. I find myself in need of a room for the night,” he says. “I have payment.”
The other guard, a half-orc he vaguely recognizes from previous visits, turns to him. Her face betrays no reaction to his disheveled state. It’s likely that she’s seen worse. “Ah, Master Seacaster. Garthy O’Brien has made it known there is always room for you here. Please, enter.”
Fabian sketches a small bow. The doors swing wide and the heat that flows out and envelops him is nearly as heavenly as Bob’s voice. But the change in temperature makes his nose run. He sniffs, presses the back of his wrist against the tickling itch, but can’t stop the inevitable. He’s barely inside before he’s sneezing again and wishing for something other than his sleeve to cover with. “H’tchsh! Chh! H’tsh!” He hopes the music and general merriment of the patrons is enough to hide the slight sound, but of course he is noticed.
“Blessings, Fabian, darling. Are you ill?” Garthy touches his shoulder gently and before he can stop himself, Fabian flinches away. His skin feels too tight, even the light pressure too much sensation. They take a step back, one hand raised in a calming gesture.
“I beg your pardon, Garthy,” Fabian says, attempting his usual charming smile. He’s not sure he pulls it off, because a small frown of concern still lingers between their brows. Somehow the expression does nothing to mar their beauty; the proprietor of the Gold Gardens is exquisite as always, the few silver threads in their black dreads the only indicator of years passing. “I’m fine. Just a little chilled from the rain. And you, my friend, are a sight for sore eyes. Eye.” His mouth quirks. “Might there be a room for a traveler seeking shelter from the storm?”
Garthy considers him for a long moment, gaze intent. Fabian resists the urge to look away, to avoid scrutiny. It’ll only make them more suspicious. He concentrates on keeping his expression vaguely flirtatious, his stance loose and easy. At last Garthy gives the smallest nod, allowing him his ruse. “I have told you before, lovey, you are always welcome here. You and yours. Come.” They turn down a hallway and Fabian follows.
Bob’s voice, the rattle of dice, the din of too much conversation fade and Fabian releases a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. The Bad Kids always stayed in a room just off the main parlor, right in the midst of the action. Fig and Gorgug would take over for the house band and practically blow the roof off. Kristen would try to outdrink that biggest pirate she could find, and usually ended up drunk-best-friends with everyone. If Tracker had to pull her out of a fight or two, well, that just kept things interesting. Ragh and Fabian would drink too much mead and take too much snuff and Ragh would challenge the wrong people to wrestling matches and Fabian would beat the wrong people at dice and sometimes fists would be thrown. Good naturedly, of course. Adaine would watch them all over the spine of a book from the Compass Points and shake her head. Sometimes she had to heal one or another of them, but she never seemed to mind. Riz would disappear into the crowd for indeterminate amounts of time, only to suddenly appear at their table with a sharp-toothed grin and clues to whatever mystery they were trying to solve that he’d gleaned from overheard conversations. Fig and Kristen, especially, never wanted the nights to end. Sometime around dawn, though, Kristen and Tracker would peel off, followed by Fig and Ayda. The rest of them shared a room, Fabian, Riz, Gorgug, and Ragh all sprawled on a huge bed while Adaine tranced on a chaise nearby. Somehow Fabian slept better those nights than before or since, even though the room was never peaceful, or silent. Ragh and Gorgug snored. Adaine muttered to herself in her trance. Riz, when he slept, was restless, taking up more room than a three and a half foot tall goblin should. When he didn’t, his pen would scratch across his notebook for hours. None of it ever bothered Fabian.
A door creaks open, startling Fabian out of his thoughts. The room Garthy offers is a small and simply furnished space, just a bed, desk, and fireplace. Fabian crosses the room to a large window and looks out over the edge of the city to the black ocean beyond. It’s still raining, drops pattering against the pane. He should say something to Garthy. Thank them for the room, make a joke about another Leviathan brawl gone badly. He can’t find the words. Any words.
“Would you like something to eat? Or perhaps a warm drink?” Garthy’s voice is quiet, as though they might be intruding.
“No, thank you,” he says. Kippers, Master Fabian? Cathilda’s voice in his head. I don’t deserve kippers. He didn’t. Doesn’t. Twenty men dead. Twenty innocent men. Worst of all, Alistair Ash. Still a child. Dead because he needed to prove that he was a true pirate, heir to his father’s fame. That he is worthy. Instead he left Alistair to the fate that should have been his. He rubs his hand over his eye as though he could rub away the ache. The failure.
Garthy whispers something Fabian doesn’t catch, and flames rise in the hearth, hot and bright, crackling cheerfully. “At least let me take your wet things,” they say. “You’re shaking.”
He hadn’t realized how cold he still feels, despite being out of the wind and rain, until Garthy points it out. He takes a breath to declare, again, that he’s fine, but a chill cascades over him, followed by several sneezes, instantly proving him wrong. “H’ngxt! Fuck. H’Ntch! Ngxt!” He straightens and Garthy offers a handkerchief. Abashed, he takes it, blows his nose. “Pardon me.” Before he can gather himself, he’s overtaken again. At least this time he has a handkerchief to mute the sound. The sneezes shiver through him hard enough to send drops of rain spattering from his hair.
“Bless you, darling.” Garthy draws him closer to the fire. With deft fingers they undress him, peeling sodden clothes from his body, then wrap him in a thick robe. He doesn’t resist, suddenly beyond exhausted. Everything feels like it’s happening at a distance. Or maybe through a pane of glass. “Come, have a lay down. Things’ll look better in the morning.”
Fabian nods, even though he’s certain things will look just the same. He barely slides between the sheets when his eye drifts closed. He feels the bed dip slightly as Garthy sits beside him and, seeking warmth, he curls close. They smell spicy and sweet, like cinnamon and sandalwood and orange blossoms. Garthy curves a hand over his forehead. It’s strangely comforting and he wants to bury his face in Garthy’s hair, but instead he drifts out and out and…
floats in a strange grey emptiness. He can only identify his surroundings by absence. No color. No sound. No touch. He thinks he lifts his hands, or tries to lift his hands, or what should be his hands, but there’s nothing. He tries to look down, what he might assume is down, only to find no body. Nothing. It’s like the Nightmare Forest, but worse because they defeated the Nightmare King. They defeated Kalina. Which means this must be real. This nought. Of course no one reaches out… you don’t exist.You never existed. You are not even memory. You are a nonentity. A nullity. He opens his mouth to argue, but there’s no mouth, no vocal cords, no lungs, no breath. No words. No thoughts. Just deep, endless cold. Bone aching cold, if he had bones.
“...safe…You’re all right. Wake up, Fabian, love.” Garthy’s voice coalesces from the cold, at first sounding sharp as ice breaking. But they know his name, beckon him back into form by shaping the word. “Come on, darling. You’re dreaming.”
“Should’ve left me; felt better there. Nothing hurts when you don’t have a body,” he mumbles, and even though he has vocal cords again, he sounds nothing like himself. He clears his throat, sniffs.
Garthy laughs, low and kind. “Let me help you feel better, here in your body.” They cup his cheek gently, then urge him up and through a door to a bathing chamber.
A large bathtub stands in the center of the room, steam rising in soft curls. It is surrounded with dozens of candles and in their light Garthy glows, irises and tattoos molten gold. Fabian reaches for them, hesitantly. As if touching them might dim their shine. They smile tenderly, allowing him to trace the Zajiri script, the flowers and leaves with one tentative finger. He wonders what the writing might mean. Their skin is soft under Fabian’s own calloused hands. He longs for Garthy to wrap their arms around him, to hold him close until his shivering stops, until he’s finally warm. He doesn’t know how to ask.
Instead he moves back, putting a bit of distance between them. “I’m not w…” he starts to say, but an unexpected set of sneezes interrupts and he only just manages to pull the handkerchief from his robe pocket. “Ht’ngxt! Heh...ihh… Nxgt! H’tchh!”
“Not well?” Garthy suggests, steadying him. “Blessings.”
Heat rises in Fabian’s cheeks and he coughs a laugh. “That either. But no.” He gestures broadly, including the room, the bath, Garthy themself. “Not worth this.”
Garthy tilts their head with a puzzled frown. “Oh, lovey, of course you are.” They press one finger to Fabian’s lips before he can continue arguing. “Shh. It’s all right.” They take Fabian’s elbow, guiding him into the bath.
Fabian sinks into the heat with a deep sigh as his muscles begin to relax. He slides down, submerging himself completely in warm darkness. The water closes over his face; he rests his head on the bottom of the tub, and the only thing he hears is the thump of his own heart in his ears, still beating, beating, beating. At last his breath runs out and he surfaces with a gasp.
Gathy’s pulled a stool up beside the bath and as Fabian wipes water out of his eye, they wet a cloth and begin to wash his back, humming quietly. The soap smells of eucalyptus and peppermint, cool and clean. Fabian shivers once, and only slowly eases into the touch, closing his eye as Garthy washes his hair, gently working his fingers over his scalp. A memory rises, unbidden - himself, in the bath, he can’t be more than five and he’s sobbing. His papa is away, his mama asleep in her room even though it’s not even dark outside and he’s sick and scared. But then Cathilda’s there, as she always is, and she’s cleaning him up and humming a lullaby. Tears rise now, before he can stop them, dripping into the water.
“What’s distressing you, love?” Garthy asks.
It takes him several minutes to gather his thoughts; they feel ephemeral as clouds floating through his mind. “It’s been twenty years, Garthy. Shouldn’t it have faded?” He coughs, trying to clear the lump in his throat. “I still see them, you know. My father’s warlocks.” He presses the heels of his palms against his eye sockets. Breathe, he tells himself.
Garthy hums a listening noise.
“I shouldn’t have gone alone that night. I just wanted a moment in Crow’s Keep - we’d gone there together, my papa and I. When I was little. It was the one time Mama got angry at him, for bringing me to Leviathan, when he wasn’t supposed to be interacting with pirates. But he’d taken me up to watch the sun rise. He said he’d bring me to the top of the world, that we could touch the clouds. If I was lucky, I might even bring some home in my pockets…
“He gave me cotton candy, told me it was one he’d harvested himself. I’d never imagined clouds tasted so sweet…” he licks his lips, remembering how the candy had melted on his tongue, just like a rain cloud.
“I thought, maybe… somehow… if I spoke to him from the top of the world, he might hear me.” Fabian laughs at himself, coughs on a sob but manages to swallow it back. “Of course, Papa wasn’t listening. He was busy taking over Hell and selling spells to pirates. Always on to a bigger adventure, even in death.
“When the warlocks came, I let myself get swept up. Figuratively, as well as literally. I told them about Papa. About what I’d done… and it wasn’t enough. I killed him and it wasn’t enough.” He takes a ragged breath and Garthy rubs his back in slow circles. “I thought we could take Captain James. I thought I could take Captain James. It would make up for… everything.” He sucks in another breath, on the edge of desperation. He can’t get enough air. When he blinks, he feels Whitclaw’s tentacles on his face, cold fingers gripping him tight, raw hatred pulsing in the air between them.
“It went so fast. So fast. If I didn’t run… if I didn’t… he would have killed me… with the others. I didn’t stop to think, I didn’t even grab Alistair and he was fighting for me. I abandoned him… and I didn’t die, but he did. Because I fucked up.” Fabian sits in silence for several minutes, jaw clenched, struggling to breathe and not cry.
“I thought the guilt would fade,” he finally says, voice rough and not much above a whisper. “I thought the good I’ve done since would make up for it. I thought the adventures I had with the Bad Kids would make up for it. But it hasn’t. It doesn’t. And they’re gone… I thought killing the last of Whitclaw’s men would be penance. But I fucked that up, too.”
The only sound for a long moment is the rain on the roof, thunder rolling in the distance. Then Fabian takes a breath like he’s about to dive into the ocean and turns to face Garthy. “Am I forgivable?”
“Oh my darling Fabian. Of course you are. You are already forgiven.” They lean forward and brush the lightest kiss across his lips. “Yes, dire mistakes were made. And you have repented of those mistakes, and made reparations. You did not follow in your father’s footsteps; you found your own way. You have made a good man of yourself. You help those who are in need. You do not take advantage of anyone. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. Tales of your deeds are not spoken of as widely as Captain Bill Seacaster, but I have heard them nonetheless. Be proud of who you have become, Fabian Aramais Seacaster. And you should know that Alistair Ash lives again.”
A warm breeze whirls through the room and the candles suddenly go out. It’s as though the light has been transmuted into a seed of hope in Fabian, gold as the irises of Garthy’s eyes. Back in bed, Fabian curls into Garthy and they wrap their arms around him, holding tight until his trembling passes.
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mindofharry · 3 years
in which you and grayson find yourself in the most absurd situation.
set in the 1800s, based on bridgerton.
a little bit of everything!! enjoy - feedback welcome as always! <3
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“so, let me get this right, your grace”
“it’s grayson” he interrupted clearing his throat as you both promenaded along the river, your mama and his aunt following behind.
“you want us to pretend to court? may i speak freely, grayson” you asked looking up, grayson rolled his and nodded, loaning you were going to speak to him whatever way you wanted with or without his permission.
“we have nothing in common. and i do not like your manners and the way you treat me and others around you” you rambled looking around at the people, also promenading and looking for potiental suitors.
You also noticed how the men were gazing at you in a way you’ve never seen before. Like you were a prize, the feeling didn’t feel good, it felt as if you were some trophy.
But you guessed that is all what women are to certain men, a trophy they can win and put up high in their house. sometimes you didn’t feel opposed to being someone’s trophy, but with the duke beside you, that feeling never came. All that came was disgust and wanting to cover up your body even more than your mother already made you.
“do forgive me if i’m wrong, but have you the way the suitors have been looking at you, and all we’ve done is look at eachother and smile a few times” grayson said, moving his hand over towards the group of men to prove his point.
“you’re a duke, grayson. I’m not yet prepared enough for that” you say and he nodded, obviously agreeing.
“that’s why courting exists, and i’ve seen how impatient your mama is. It might get her off your back for a little bit. You have a little more time to properly talk with the pointer suitors.” grayson argued, stopping infront of you.
“so this is a rouse then?” you asked placing your un opened umbrella infront of you, leaning your hands on it. Grayson nodded and stepped a little closer, your breathe hitched as you felt his breathe close to your face. “an agreement if you will. you get more time, i don’t have any mama’s trying to wed their daughters to me. It’s a win win.” he said trying to convince you.
“it’s not like we’ll actually get married. tell your mama you’re leaving your options open, or tell her you’re madly in love with me” he teased earning a slap on the arm from you and wide grin. he looked around and smirked.
“so are we in agreement?”
“i think we are”
Soon enough people started noticing you and grayson together — more people meaning more potential suitors for you. your drawing room was filled with men and your papa was not one bit happy about it, and suprisingly neither was your mama.
They had both taken a liking to grayson.
You weren’t sure if it was his charm or because of his title, but nevertheless they were set on you and him courting for more than a week. you even overheard your mother talking to the head maid about a wedding sometime in the spring.
A wedding in the spring sounded superb.
A wedding with grayson in the spring sounded traumatic.
“Grayson” you asked both of you sat beside each other, eating a rather delicious piece of cake. Grayson even bought the most expensive one, just for the both of you. That rather impressed you, you admit.
“Y/N” he mocked leaning back in the seat.
“I’d like to know you a little better. I mean, i know your name, your title and that you have a twin brother. That is all, your grace”
“just how i like it to be” grayson replied. Grayson was rather young when he became the duke, his brother didn’t want this life (grayson had to be the bigger person). The stress of being a duke, has made him sour and cold, and not up for anything to do with marriage. If he was ever to marry he’s sure it would be the most awful thing to come to his short life. He doesn’t understand what the fuss is all about, if you love someone, why do you have to go through all of the dramatics, surely just saying it enough?
Grayson didn’t understand the fascination and he’s not sure he ever will.
“Well, what’s your favourite colour?” you asked earning, a loud laugh. you smiled at the sound, it was nice to see him smiling for once. You knew he had it rough, so you could take the coldness and moodiness if this it was came out at some points of the time you guys are ‘courting’.
“It’s green. like forest green. It’s a dark but rather happy green”
“just like you, grayson” you added, grayson raised any brow making you blush “i just met, that you seem rather broody and dark but once you actually sit down and talk you’re a very warm man” you rambled. God, you were just trying to make some sort of conversation and your witty comebacks were not helping you.
“Let’s get you back home, shall we?”
you frowned standing up, you saw the governorness walking slowly behind you both. even though you were very much out in the open, you still had to be chaperoned, a part you hated very much.
“forgive me, your grace. I didn’t mean to be so rude” you say touching his hand ever so lightly. Grayson cleared his throat shaking his head “never mind that. shall we finish the game of 20 questions?” he teased, easing the butterflies in your stomach.
“my brother is called ethan. Smart man. Married last spring. I still don’t understand how i’m the duke, the man is quite smart and orderly. And a sister Cameron, who moved to the country with her family some years back” he said you nodding and listening very carefully.
“I think you’re quite smart, grayson.” you smiled, you reached home a lot quicker than expected. And for some reason, you wished he would ask you out again.
“Hmm. Have a good evening, y/n”
And with that the duke left, only you and your governorness. “i think he’d make a great husband” your governorness, anna, whispered.
“yeah. i do too”
You were in the drawing room playing piano when the duke was announced.
“Lady Y/L/N, The duke of jersey”
you turned around to see the duke, your parents bowing and praising every move grayson took. you stood from the piano and met grayson halfway.
you smiled and bowed “your grace” you teased earning a laugh. you looked behind grayson and saw the smiles on your parents face and the nod the both gave you before sitting back down.
“i came here to formally invite you and your family to the ball i’m hosting.” he said his hands becoming weirdly sweaty and his heart beating rapidly awaiting your answer.
you looked magnificent today, you hair was up in braids and your dress was simple but beautiful. The necklace that adorned on your neck was something he wished he bought you himself, it looked rather beautiful on you. Grayson had to remind himself numerous times during the two weeks you have been courting that it’s not real, that this will end soon and you will both go seperate ways. But a part of him wants to just pretend it’s real, he wants you to look at him the way you do without any agreement or rouse.
but of course, that would never happen.
you were both too different, he was a duke for christ sake. It just wouldn’t work out. So he pushed those feelings deep, deep down. And hopefully they’d never reappear, like they are doing right now.
“oh, of course! i’d never say no to a ball!” you squealed, your mother cleared her throat to remind you of your manners.
“forgive me. It would be an honour”
“I was thinking i could buy you a dress? Go to the tailors, pick out anything and i’ll get it for you” he said, grayson insisted on spoiling you. Buying you flowers and now dresses, your mother thought it was sweet, you did too. But it was very unnecessary, you didn’t want him wasting his savings on you.
“Oh! my grace, i couldn’t ask that of you”
“i’m buying and that’s it” he smiled bringing your hand up to his lips, making your breathe hitch and your heart speed up.
“see you there, y/n”
The next couple of days were spent preparing for the ball and of course accompanying you in picking a gown. He never actually knew how much went into making and choosing a gown, he’d never speak bad about shopping how, he was exhausted.
“i like you better, grayson” you say browsing the fabrics. Grayson snorted causing some of the people around him to stare.
“and why is that?” he asked leaning against the wall as you picked out a few fabrics. It was honestly quite relaxing seeing you in your element. It made him happy to see you happy.
“you’re more open. you smile” you grinned looking over at him “and i must say you’re manners are magnificent, your grace” she giggled making grayson shake his head. “you’re strange” he mumbled, his heart doing that weird thing again, and this time he doesn’t push those feelings away, he lets them stay. And it feels pretty good.
“how many dances should we have tonight? i think two should suffice” you mumble looking up at your ‘suitor’. You wished it was real, there, you had admitted. you wanted to know what his lips felts like and his felt like without gloves. you wondered what he was like early in the morning and late in the evening. what he had on sundays and did he ever eat too much he was sick? all these questions would be answered if you just admitted your feelings, but no, you knew grayson did not want to marry.
And sadly, you don’t think you’d be an exception.
“Not too worry, my lady. I’ll take these from you. My grace” the lady bowed taking the fabrics from y/n.
“i shall have this complete in no time, i have your measurements and such, so i only need you to try it on again”
You had already tried on the main part of the dress, but you wanted some sparkly fabric to add to it and maybe a bow. It was just last minute (anxiety induced) details, you wanted to add before the ball.
“thank you so much. we’ll be back in an hour”
“i don’t know how you do it” grayson said as you put your arm around his. “well, i like to shop, i like design” you smile “it’s quite fun actually.”
grayson thinks it’s quite fun too.
“I can feel the glare of your governess. how about some miniatures?” grayson asked getting a smile out of you. you nodded “that sounds lovely, grayson”.
The ball looks so amazing, it’s not like anything you’ve ever been to before.
There’s chandeliers and lights everywhere and the paintings are the most magnificent things you’ve ever seen, why had grayson been hiding such an extraordinary home from you? You could love in this room, ignoring the massive castle the duke resided in. This room was something you could only wished you could pull off when you finally marry.
Maybe, one day, you sighed.
“why the long face, ms Y/L/N?” a voice called out, making you turn around with a grin.
grayson looked just as beautiful as the lights and paintings, dare you say handsome. Something about the way his hair feel and his skin glimmered did something to you.
Grayson could say the same about you — god, your smile and the way your eyes lit up just for him was nearly enough for him to propose on the spot. Your hair was done up, but grayson just wanted to run his hands through it and head you sigh in complete relaxation.
“No frown. The ball is so beautiful, your grace” you say bowing causing grayson to laugh.
“Come with me, i have something you might like”
The duke dragged you out of the room ignoring the looks of mamas and debutants. He pulled you into what you could only describe as some sort of exhibit. Paintings adorned all over the walls and a fire place right in the middle of the wall. This had to be your favourite room thus far — excluding where the ball is taking place. The paintings were absolutely extraordinary and somehow even with a handsome duke beside you, you couldn’t take your eyes from them.
“My mother painted most of these — i think all, forgive me if i’m incorrect” grayson started moving to a beautiful painting off the sky. “She used to go to this cottage every summer, she brought me down last year when i became the duke. I painted with her and we talked. She’s extraordinary at art a shame my father never let her sell any or earn any money” he said with a shaky breathe. “She died this fall, along with my father. So these are the only things i have as a reminder of her, or of them. My sister took all of their belongings for safe keeping. Ethan does not care too much. I wish i was trusted more” grayson admitted, basically knocking the wind out of you.
You knew his parents had died, but you never knew how much hurt he still felt. Of course, thinking back that was such a stupid thought. His parents had died one after the other, leaving such a young duke behind.
“Your mother is very extraordinary indeed. Just like you” you say getting a smile out of the duke. “i must say the clouds and the river one must be my favourite.” you say easing the tension.
grayson nodded in agreement.
You turn to the duke, only now realising how close you actually were. “i trust you. a lot more than i should, my grace.” you whispered looking up at him, a flush appearing in your cheeks.
“i wish i had gotten to know you sooner” he admitted making your breathe hitch. “i wish i never came up with this agreement. i wish i just asked you to marry me then and there. Because you are the smartest, most beautiful woman i have ever had to privilege of meeting”
your eyes filled up with tears, as grayson held your hand. He started to pull down the sleeve of your glove, you eyes widening but there was no objecting. You felt your glove fall down the ground and the duke big, soft hand take its place.
“We will be married”
“And you will be my dutchess”
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jaxsteamblog · 3 years
Ice Queen
Click here to read the full fic on AO3!
After the borders were tacked down, and things returned slowly back to normal, the mundane aspects of life started to bubble back up. Thuy was off with her group, still working on the brand new world that opened in seemingly random points around the world. The Earth Empire was restructuring, a delightful task full of awkward meetings and forgotten names on Katara’s end, and so they were all expecting new ambassadors.
Zuko had to return to the palace for that. They had discussed for days what to do about Izumi, wondering what the best course of action was. Katara decided to meet her appointment in the new central palace in Republic City, figuring that Izumi could more easily spend time with her father should the need arise.
Not that they could figure out what was going on with their five-year-old since the news broke.
“Auntie!” Kya bellowed as she ran through the wide entry hall. Her small voice bounced off the cool marble and echoed in the empty space. Sokka and Suki followed; Sokka’s arm was thrown nervously over Suki’s shoulders.
“Hello dear one.” Katara murmured as Kya ran into her, putting her small arms around Katara’s hips. Her niece was the spitting image of Sokka, with only the faint reddish hue in her hair linking her to Suki. It made her heart ache sometimes, seeing the South Pole face and saying her mother’s name.
It was in these moments that she was relieved Kya had been born first, securing Sokka’s claim to the name.
“Can we practice now?” Kya asked excitedly.
“Don’t you want to see Izumi?” Katara asked curiously, too quick to think.
Kya’s face smoothed and she stepped back.
“Oh. Right. Sure.” She said and darted past Katara into the palace.
“She’s been really excited about this trip.” Suki said, looking after her daughter’s retreating form.
“Should we really be doing all this formal stuff so soon?” Sokka interjected and Suki sighed heavily.
“She’s a Waterbender. Everyone knows it and they’re asking questions.” Katara answered.
“I seem to recall someone being extremely pissed off about forced expectations and public announcements.” Sokka countered.
Katara gave him a stern look but he didn’t budge.
“I’m not taking her away or anything. She’ll just have to come for training sometimes, which of course means you both will be staying.” Katara glanced over at Suki, who smiled. “And if she chooses not to be my heir later on, then we figure something else out. It’s up to her.”
“How is Izumi taking it?” Suki asked.
Katara looked back over her shoulder, as if her daughter would appear.
“Zuko thinks she’s a late bloomer, but I know. I don’t know if that makes things worse or not.” She said and then sighed, turning back. “She’s not really talking about it.”
“And Lu Ten?” Suki inquired.
“He’s definitely a Firebender, but no fire yet. Which is a blessing I think.” Katara shook her head and shrugged.
“We’re doing the best we can.” She added.
“You think this would be easy, since we saved the world twice.” Sokka muttered.
“It is what it is.” Katara said, waving her hand in an attempt to dispel the lingering mood. “I’ve got some tea waiting.”
Kya, having forgotten her earlier disappointment, ran screaming through the halls with Izumi, two Swamp Tribe children, and a North Pole boy. Katara kept her amusement to herself as she watched the flinching security guards as something crashed in their earpieces. With the carnage, she assumed the younger brother of the Swamp Tribe matriarch was babysitting this time.
“So I assume I’m keeping my appointment?” Sokka asked as he plucked a red bean bun from the platter. Now deeply in their thirties, Katara had hoped he would stop eating like a child but half of the bun was shoved unceremoniously into his mouth.
“Nepotism at its finest.” Katara said as an answer. “No one else really wanted to go, seeing how Zuko spends most of his time here and the Prime Minister is kind of…”
“Dull.” Suki finished for her and Katara pointed back at her.
“I really liked that other guy.” Sokka said, taking a drink from his mug.
“Sato? Very nice man. His son Hiroshi always played so well with Izumi. Maybe next time.” Katara said and sat back. The banality relaxed her, and she wished her work would go no further than this. “I’ve finalized my schedule with Dong-Lee and dad, and nothing has really changed.” Katara continued.
“Still ignoring him?” Sokka asked.
“I’m not ignoring him.” Katara snapped. “I just think he needs to spend a little more time at the South Pole. With the people he actually represents.”
“Malina really isn't all that bad.” Sokka said and Katara glared at him. He responded by shoving the other half of the bun into his mouth.
“Look, the point is, the Earth Empire has finally selected their ambassador and he’s arriving tomorrow. There’s going to be a big, fancy dinner and I’ll introduce Kya as my heir.” Katara said.
“So where’s dad?” Sokka asked, his mouth still mostly full.
Katara slammed a hand on the table. “This isn’t about dad!”
“He’s on the triumvirate.” Suki said gently.
“And I am the head.” Katara retorted. Shaking her head, she deflated. “He’s flying up this evening. I figured he would’ve told you.”
“We haven’t caught up in a bit. Did you see what’s happening in the news right now?” Sokka replied and Katara snorted. For weeks there had been almost nothing talked about that wasn’t related to the spirits.
A knock at the door made them all turn.
“Come in.” Katara called. The door opened and a guard poked her head in.
“Excuse me, your Majesty, but Prince Lu Ten has woken up from his nap.” She said.
Sokka jumped up, shoving the back of Suki’s chair as he moved.
“Hey!” Suki exclaimed with a laugh. “You can’t monopolize all of the baby time!”
“Those freaky twins aren’t here, so I’m taking what I can get.” Sokka yelled back, sliding past the flustered guard to run into the hall.
After everyone was unpacked, and had a proper lunch, Sokka and Suki took Izumi and Lu Ten out into the gardens for a walk. Katara and Kya then made their way down to the practice grounds. The talk of her dad and growing stress of the next few days weighed on Katara and she hoped that this moment with her niece would cheer her.
The sun was shining, and it was a crisp day that she cherished in the early spring. The sea was a few miles away from the palace, but the building was situated atop a bending made hill so Katara could see ripples of blue-gray between the skyscrapers. A particularly strong breeze would occasionally bring the scent of salt water to her doorstep.
Kya held Katara’s hand as they walked over the small footbridge to the flat square. The training ground was covered in soft gravel and bordered by channels of water. It was a place they could all practice together, though more recently it was used to smooth out Toph’s plans for her new sport.
“Auntie?” Kya asked as they walked onto the gravel.
“Yes dear?”
“Is Uncle going to teach Izumi firebending?”
Anxiety plucked at a tendon in the back of Katara’s neck.
“Izumi isn’t a Firebender, sweetie.”
“Uncle says you don’t know yet.”
“Well…” Katara drifted, letting go of Kya’s hand and looking off into the empty air. “Your uncle didn’t have a strong spark at Izumi’s age, but he still had one. Izumi doesn’t, and that’s okay.”
“But how do you know? Is it because you’re a Waterbender?”
“I think so.”
“Will you teach me?”
“In time.”
“Yes dear?”
“Who taught you waterbending?”
Katara’s entire neck spasmed and her shoulders shot up to her ears. Muttering nonsense under her breath, she called some of the water from the channels and smoothed out the knots in her muscles.
Kya, her mother, had been there when Katara found her first instructor. It was Kya’s blood that Katara used in her final test with Hama.
“An elder taught me.” Katara said, using a truth to blur the unsaid horror. “She lives in a village somewhere in the South Pole now.”
It went against everything she had ever been taught to even consider killing Hama. Revenge took more than it gave, and Hama was not only an elder, but the only other South Pole Waterbender alive. She had returned Hama to the South Pole under heavy guard and with charms a Kyoshi Warrior had picked up from a guru in the Earth Kingdom. Hama had promised no further violence, being overcome with the promise of going home. She did not return to her village, to Katara’s village, but she was taken back home.
Kya had been buried at the prison, with hopes that she would be returned as well.
They were still waiting.
“Auntie?” Kya asked cautiously.
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Katara said brightly. “Did you say something?”
“Were you thinking about the war?” Kya asked and Katara flinched.
“Why do you say that?” She questioned.
“Papa looks like that too sometimes.” Kya answered.
“I’m fine sweetie.” Katara forced a smile and juggled three balls made of water. “Ready to practice?”
They practiced for a couple of hours before Kya inevitably got tired and asked to get a drink. By then, Sokka and Suki returned and Katara had to finish business of her own. Dong-Lee, the Swamp Tribe matriarch, was waiting for her with a dense looking folder.
The afternoon wound down that way, with Sokka making a call to Zuko about their next meeting. Suki took charge of all the children currently in the palace, telling stories and generally keeping the chaos relegated to one room. By dinner, most of them had calmed. Just in time for Hakoda to arrive.
Although completely expected, Katara still grumbled as Malina stepped into the main hall.
“Gran-Gran!” Kya and Izumi both yelled and Malina knelt down to hug them both.
“You’re going to pull something Tara.” Sokka said, keeping his voice low, and patting her upper back firmly.
“Shut up.” Katara grumbled, idly twisting the anchor bead of one hair loop.
“Oh look-” Sokka started just as Katara registered the third figure coming into view.
“Bato!” Katara said, her voice amplified by surprise.
Bato dropped his shoulder bag and strode forward, his arms open. Katara met him and they embraced each other tightly.
“What are you doing here?” Katara asked as they stepped apart.
“Can I not come pay homage to my queen?” Bato said with feigned shock. Katara laughed and swatted at him.
“If your father insists on sending me all over the frozen blue yonder doing his dirty work, I deserve the perk of visiting the High Queen in her fancy new palace in Republic City.” He explained.
“Good to see you Bato.” Sokka said and the two men hugged with the same type of loving force.
“Young man, fatherhood looks good on you.” Bato said, holding the back of Sokka’s head and pressing their foreheads together.
Sokka smiled, his eyes squeezing shut and a pin prick of water poked out the corner.
“Is Zuko not here?” Hakoda asked from behind them.
“His court is in session to approve the new Earth Empire ambassador.” Sokka said, moving off to the side. He stood between Katara and Malina, but that still put her in Hakoda’s line of sight.
“Daddy is going to bring me a present when he comes back.” Izumi interjected and Hakoda chuckled as he bent down.
“Oh is he now? I guess I better give you my present first!” He huffed as he stood up, swinging Izumi into the air.
“How are you Katara?” Malina asked softly. Katara watched her father carry Izumi, with Kya hopping at his side.
“I’m fine.” She said tersely and started walking. “Dinner is nearly ready.”
“That was ice cold.” Sokka said, jogging up to walk with her. Katara snapped sharply, sending sparks of frost into the air.
“Don’t you forget it.” She retorted.
“It’s okay that she’s not mom.” Sokka said.
“No Sokka, it’s not.” Katara replied, her words clipped short.
Despite their political positions, they took their dinner in the private family room, away from the other tribal members. Even with the separation, politics still dominated the table conversation.
“Who is the Fire Nation sending out?” Bato asked. Katara settled in her chair with Lu Ten wriggling in her lap. He had begun refusing the high chair, but was still too small for a booster. So Katara had to feed him while her own food cooled just out of reach.
“Zuko has made his appointments but the ministers have to approve them as well. I like the lady he sent to Ba Sing Se though, so I don’t see that changing.” She replied.
“Ugh, remember the ambassador last year? What a piece of work.” Sokka grunted, reaching over to cut Kya’s food. She fussed, insisting that she could do it herself, while Izumi smiled demurely with her chopsticks in hand. The mixed menu was always a struggle, and Izumi was leaning more toward Fire Nation fare while Kya was used to the knives and spoons of the South Pole.
“Who is going from us to Ba Sing Se?” Malina asked, of no one in particular.
“I have always wanted to do some proper travelling.” Bato said. “More than just the horrible marching in the war.”
“That might be pushing it.” Katara said. “Dong-Lee’s sister is going to Ba Sing Se, and I’m sending Hahn to Omashu.”
“HAHN?” Sokka cut hard and the knife in his hand went skidding across the plate. With a huff, Kya pulled her plate back and started sawing the meat with her own knife.
“Two ambassadors?” Suki asked.
“Omashu is the largest seat of power in the south, and it makes sense to have people in both places. Kuei won’t let the Fire Nation send more than one though.” Katara said.
“But why Hahn?” Sokka demanded.
“He’s grown up a lot, Sokka.” Katara said, sounding tired. “And no one could accuse me of favoritism since you hate his guts.”
“Fine.” Sokka said forcefully. Suki leaned over and rubbed his upper back.
“Paw-Paw, look what Auntie taught me!” Kya said suddenly. Everyone looked just as Kya levitated the tea from her cup, pushing it high above her head.
“Careful!” Katara warned.
“Mo-om! Kya shouldn’t play with her food!” Izumi said.
“I’m not playing, it’s waterbending.” Kya stated.
“That’s very nice Kya.” Hakoda said carefully. “But let’s make sure not to drop it.”
“I won’t!” Kya fussed.
“Even if I do-” Sokka took a finger and moved it toward Kya. “This?”
Cold tea fell on Kya’s head, causing her to burst into tears and Izumi started pummeling Sokka’s arm.
“Izumi! We don’t hit!” Katara jostled Lu Ten, who was still eating peacefully, as she tried to get up.
“Don’t be mean to Kya!” Izumi yelled while Sokka chuckled. Suki bit her trembling lip as she used her napkin to mop up as much tea as she could.
“That’s enough!” Katara said, keeping one hand on Lu Ten - who was starting to fuss - and using the other to bend away the tea.
“Izumi, go to your room!” Katara said.
“Katara, it’s fine.” Sokka said.
“Don’t tell me how to parent!” She snapped.
Sokka leaned back, holding up his hand.
Izumi, sniffling, stomped out of the room.
“I didn’t mean to get her in trouble.” Kya murmured.
“You didn’t.” Katara sighed.
“Kat, how about I take Lu Ten so you can eat?” Hakoda, suddenly at her side, asked.
Katara whirled around, grabbing hold of Lu Ten with both hands.
“I certainly don’t need your help.” She said sharply.
Hakoda’s eyes went hard but he didn’t move.
“I raised two children, Katara, I know what I’m doing.” He said.
“When? When mom was still alive and Gran-Gran lived with us? Or after you went off to fight, taking mom with you and leaving us behind? Or was it after mom died and you decided to stay in the North Pole to court a new woman?” Katara shot back. “Because it certainly seems like Gran-Gran raised two more children after you abandoned yours.”
“And where’s your husband then? He’s not here to raise them himself.” Hakoda said darkly.
“Zuko is the Fire Lord! And, if you really want to get technical about it, dad, he’s a five hour flight from here to the middle of the spirits be-damned palace!” Katara shouted. “Now sit down before I decide to make Bato the new chief of the South Pole and kick you out of my home.”
Turning on her heel, Katara shifted Lu Ten onto her hip and walked out the dining room. Ice crunched under her feet, grinding into her soles like diamonds. Goosebumps rippled on Lu Ten’s arms and Katara let out a worried breath as she moved down the hall to the bedrooms.
“I’m sorry baby-boo.” She whispered, kissing Lu Ten’s chubby cheek. “Let’s go call daddy.”
Katara grabbed a phone and went into Izumi’s room, letting her talk to Zuko first. Izumi immediately related what had happened at dinner, telling him all about Katara’s unfairness and tyrannical rule. Then, letting Izumi go back to dinner, Katara stayed in her daughter’s bedroom, letting Lu Ten play on the floor beside her while she talked.
“So what else happened?” Zuko asked.
“I got into a fight with my dad.” Katara answered.
“I know all about that.” Zuko said and she snorted.
“I just don’t get him.” Katara said with a sigh.
“Well of course. You lived with him for the first six of years of your life, while only being conscious of it for two, three years tops. Then he went off to fight when he was younger than you are now. He came back to his children being adults, and one of them bonded to the ocean spirit.” Zuko replied. Katara patted Lu Ten’s diapered backside while she listened. They were nearly done potty training, but it was a busy time and accidents happen. Lu Ten grumbled at the attention, pushing himself up to rummage through Izumi’s things.
“So you’re saying I should just forgive him?” Katara asked.
“I am the last person to ask about forgiving fathers.” Zuko quipped. “But more I’m just trying to break through your stubborn insistence to be mad at him.”
“I want to be mad at him?”
“Katara, you know this. We’ve talked about it in therapy. If you feel like you’re justified in being mad at someone, it means you can get away with being mean to them.” Zuko replied calmly.
“I do have a right to be mad!” Katara countered.
“I agree. But do you think Dr. Matsuzawa would think you’re handling this in a healthy and loving manner?” He questioned.
“Mmmmm.” Katara rolled her discontent in the back of her throat. Lu Ten repeated the noise, bouncing up and down as he did.
“Let’s talk about Izumi.” Zuko said, his tone shifting.
“What do you mean?” Katara asked.
“You don’t normally blow up at the kids.” He clarified.
“Yeah.” The pit of her stomach twisted, shooting sour bile into her throat.
Zuko kept quiet, giving her space to process her words.
“I’m just worried about her.” Katara said.
“Why?” She repeated, incredulous.
“Yeah, why are you worried about her? Has she said anything?” Zuko asked.
“Well, no. Not yet.” Katara admitted.
“Izumi and Kya adore each other. I don’t think she’s jealous.” Zuko said.
“I don’t know.” Katara said.
“Are you jealous?” Zuko questioned gently.
Katara sat up, her stomach wrenching horribly.
“What?” She asked.
Zuko didn’t reply right away, but sighed.
“I’ve been trying to find a way to talk to you about this, and now probably isn’t the best time to bring it up.”  He said.
“Well you brought it up!” Katara said sharply.
“You think I’m jealous that Sokka had a Waterbender and I didn’t?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? You’re weird about Kya.”
“How am I weird about her?”
“You nearly never say her name!” Zuko stated. “Maybe you’re not jealous but maybe you want Izumi to be, so you can have an excuse.”
“How can you say that?” Katara gasped.
“Katara, this isn’t an accusation. I think you’re hurting, a lot. The spirit world thing got us away from it all, but now we’re back. And there’s a little girl named after your mom, needing to learn waterbending, when you don’t really have the best experiences in your own instruction.” Zuko explained carefully. “I went through something similar with my firebending.”
“Zuko…” Katara whispered. Her throat tightened as her nose went numb and started to run.
“I’m coming home.” Zuko said softly.
“No, Zuko, you have things to do.” Katara said.
“I’ve already approved the ambassador, the ministers can handle the next part.” Zuko said dismissively.
“You can’t keep running from the palace. It’s pissing a lot of people off.” Katara said, sniffing and rubbing her weeping eyes with the heel of her hand.
“So what? What are they gonna do, depose me? None of these governors want to go up against me, my father is rattling around in a prison, Azula is quite happy in rehab, and Iroh is convalescent. Unless they want to go on a search for Ursa on their own, they’ve got no one to replace me.” Zuko scoffed. “Plus, Thuy likes me.”
“Having the Avatar in your pocket sure is handy.” Katara murmured.
“Thuy?” Lu Ten chirped, tottling back with his arms full of Izumi’s dolls. He held out one hand, dropping most of the dolls, and reached for the phone.
“Thuy?” He repeated and Katara laughed.
“It’s daddy.” She said.
“Daddy!” Lu Ten said excitedly, dropping all the dolls, and starting to bounce again.
“May I talk to my beloved youngest child?” Zuko asked. Katara laughed again and handed the phone over. Lu Ten took it with both hands, pressing it to the side of his face. A couple of the buttons beeped.
“Daddy coming home?” Lu Ten asked. Pushing herself back to lean against Izumi’s bed, Katara watched as Lu Ten babbled into the phone.
She wasn’t looking forward to their time apart.
With the call done, Katara gave Lu Ten a bath and put him to bed. Assigning a guard to act as a baby monitor, she then went in search of Izumi.
The residential wing of the palace was small compared to the rooms she kept in the North Pole and in the Fire Nation, but it was still much bigger than what she had grown up with. Being back in Republic City, Katara almost wondered if she was expecting her old college dorm. She hadn’t even returned to the campus, though they were certainly bothering her about it, but her mind kept returning to the uniform, beige buildings, relics of the war.
This palace was made with snow white marble, iron colored lumber from the Fire Nation, and miles of Omashu crystal to remind her of ice. The rooms were a mix of styles, some with low furniture and some with the more modern style of ornate desks and heavy pieces meant to be dusted, not moved.
Going through the rooms on the main floor, Katara found them all empty.
Not wanting to try the other bedrooms, she descended into the basement. This was the space Sokka had designed, and sure enough, it was where everyone important was hiding.
Sokka had built a pillow fort in the theater, a trail of popcorn leading to the draped blankets. An animated movie Katara vaguely remembered played on the large screen and she could hear both Izumi and Kya giggling. Deciding to leave them to it, Katara retreated.
With Zuko’s flight still hours away, Katara puttered around. She made more tea, put on a hoodie, and meandered out to the main courtyard to look at the stars. The sky was different here than the North Pole, and neither was at all like the sky in the South Pole.
Pulling her legs up higher on the lounge chair, Katara reached underneath for a folded blanket. She often spent nights out here and the staff was good about leaving cushions and blankets about for her. Folding herself over the arm was difficult with her tea in her other hand and Katara strained to reach.
“Let me.” A man’s voice said and the mug left her grip.
“Thanks.” She muttered, leaning further over and finally grabbing the blanket. As her hand folded over the fabric, the voice registered, and Katara looked down while she spread the blanket over her legs.
“Here you go.” Bato said, handing back her mug. Katara took it, holding it in her lap with both hands wrapped around it.
“Did you come to scold me?” Katara asked.
“You’re a grown woman.” Bato said with a grunt, sitting down in the grass beside her. “I want to make sure you still know your stars.”
Tilting her head back, Katara gazed at the stars.
“I’d rather you scold me.” She groaned.
“I’ve already yelled at Hakoda.”
Katara rolled her head to the side to look at Bato, but he was still looking up at the sky himself.
“At dad?” She asked.
“You weren’t totally wrong Katara. He wasn’t around, even if he hated being away from you and Sokka, it doesn’t change the truth. Trying to pretend that he was still a dad is his way of telling you that he didn’t want to leave in the first place.” Bato explained. “But it doesn’t fix anything.”
“But I shouldn’t have said what I said.” Katara admitted.
“Sure, but where do you think you got your temper? It wasn’t your mother.” Bato scoffed.
“I never asked you about her.” Katara said softly, rolling onto her side to look at him better.
“Sokka did, but I wasn’t sure you would.” He replied.
“Will you tell me?” Katara asked.
“Of course.”
Banging rattled the thin door frame and Bato jolted upright, still tangled in his blankets and furs. As the banging continued, he clawed his way to freedom and shoved his arms back into the longjohns he was wearing. Moving from his bedroom in the back, he paused for a moment to put his feet into his unlaced boots before heading to the front door.
He yanked the shuttering door open, swearing in the bright summer sun.
“May you and your namesakes drown for a thousand cycles.” Bato growled.
“Oh come on Bato, too much sleep is bad for your health!” Hakoda said briskly.
“Did Kanna kick you out again?” Bato asked. He moved sleepily back to his bedroom, letting Hakoda close the door and follow. Kicking off his shoes, Bato began picking through the pile next to his bed while Hakoda leaned in the open door frame.
“She was up late for a birth.” Hakoda said, avoiding the truth.  Bato found his pants, pulled them on, and then searched for his parka. When he found it, he shook it out sharply.
“Is Kya up yet?” Bato inquired, pulling the parka over his head.
“That’s why I’m getting you. You know her father hates me.” Hakoda said.
Bato straightened his parka and avoided his friend’s gaze.
He couldn’t put into words what his life was like at the time. His parents had died last winter when there was another outbreak of tuberculosis. There were relatives he could have stayed with, or even gone to live with Hakoda and Kanna. Instead he chose to stay in his family’s house. They weren’t adults yet, but life on the ice and a blockade cutting them off from the rest of the world, it wasn’t like there was enough room for a childhood.
Hakoda was trying, and so was Kya. They had grown up together; all of the children in the village had grown up together, but it was different for the three of them. Bato had known they all loved each other, but two summers ago, he found out that Hakoda loved Kya differently, and it made him feel strange.
But it was difficult not to love Kya, in one form or another.
Bato punished Hakoda by forcing him to wait as he got ready. Bato dressed properly, shaved, and put together a meager breakfast. Ever the spoiled one, Hakoda bemoaned the bland food, which got Bato in for whatever Kanna had bubbling away on her stove that day.
Being back at Kanna’s wasted another hour and finally, finally, they were out on their own.
Bato was sent to get Kya and he grinned weakly under her father’s glare. Whatever he had against Hakoda, Bato was sure it was both misunderstood and completely deserved.
“Ah Bato, I wish we were children again.” Kya said, hanging off of his shoulder. “I miss penguin sledding.”
“You know, I think there’s an old canoe out back of my house. My dad and I were supposed to mend it this summer.” Bato said.
“We can’t go fishing in a broken canoe.” Hakoda stated.
“But we might be able to go sledding.” Bato countered.
The sledding worked, but somehow Hakoda decided that what they really ought to do was hitch a polar bear dog to the sled and really get going. Figuring they wouldn’t even get close to a den, Bato agreed.
This resulted in them running full-tilt through the snow away from a pack of polar bear pups with their milk teeth still in.
Wanting to hide their injuries, Hakoda then decided it would be a good idea to sift through Kanna’s unguents while she was sleeping.
That turned into Hakoda and Bato being temporarily blinded and Kya laughing so hard she fell into a slush pit at the coast line.
From there, they all piled into Bato’s bathroom, sectioning off the shower stall for Kya while he and Hakoda squeezed into the tub.
The room was covered in clean, but cracked, white tile squares. Steam filled the space, making their vision foggy even after clearing away the odd unguents.
This was the pair he had done his ice dodging with. All of their parents had been alive and watched proudly as they completed the ritual. Hakoda was the brave, Kya was the wise, and he was the trusted. It felt like their fate had been sealed then, and Bato relaxed into the grip of it. When Hakoda’s father died in a fishing accident, he went right back into the sea to make sure he was taking care of his mother. Kya always knew how to draw Bato out when he was pulling away. It was how they would always be.
“What do you think will happen in the future?” Bato asked, watching the steam curl within itself.
“How far are we talking?” Hakoda asked in reply.
“Ten years.” Bato answered.
“Hopefully this war will be over.” Kya remarked. The sound of the water hitting her skin sounded different than the tile. It was a sound Bato hadn’t heard in his house for many months.
“I hope to have children.” Hakoda said.
“Oh?” Kya intoned, turning off the faucets. She stayed behind her curtain, and Bato heard the splash of water as she wrung out her hair.
Hakoda looked away and Bato chuckled.
“What if the war is still going on?” Bato asked.
“Well, we’ll have to fight in it I suppose.” Kya said dreamily.
“How do you figure?” Hakoda asked sharply, sitting up so quickly the water sloshed over the side.
“If you want to have children, you’re okay raising them in a world like this? Where we can’t even trade up north anymore for fresh food?” Kya asked. “No one’s buying our fish, the Waterbenders have already gone off to fight and none of them have come back, and we don’t even have a local hospital.”
“But there’s so much to lose if we enlist. There’s no guarantee it’ll turn out in our favor.” Hakoda said.
“And here I thought you earned the mark of the brave.” Kya chided.
“So are you not having children until the war is done?” Bato asked.
“I think if I married the right man, I’d have to win a war for my children.” She answered.
Hakoda, sinking back into the tub, sighed happily with a smile.
Katara looked at the cold remains of her tea as Bato’s words swirled in her head. She didn’t see any of her mother in Malina, and she couldn’t work out if that made her happy or not. Perhaps Malina was the type of woman Kya would have picked out for Hakoda herself, someone to comfort him, not challenge him.
“Losing Kya is different for your father and me. We all got separated, so I keep thinking Kya’s just waiting in an Earth Kingdom city somewhere, waiting for us to find her.” Bato added.
“I know where she is.” Katara murmured.
“I know. And it kills me that you do.” Bato said. “Your mother didn’t deserve any of this. She deserved to see her children grow up and to meet her grandchildren. She shouldn’t have a namesake yet.”
“So what about dad?” Katara asked.
“Hakoda deserves peace. If you hadn’t gone through what you did, I would say he deserves to reunite with his children and live comfortably to grow old and fat. But you also deserve a father not blunted by years of imprisonment.” Bato shook his head, now looking at the ground. “You both deserve better but there is no substitution.”
Briefly, Katara thought about Noriko, but banished the seed before it could plant itself in her mind.
“What do I do then?” She questioned.
“My advice? Start over. Your father is a good man, and he loves you very much. We went away because we really thought we were going to protect you, to save you. He never wants to be far from you.” Bato said.
“Then why does he only ever stay with Malina? He was barely in the South Pole until I ordered him to go back.” Katara said sharply, her anger returning faster than she expected.
“You were supposed to be in the North Pole more than you were, remember? But someone decided they were better off traveling with the Avatar, or hiding out in the Fire Nation. Places your father couldn’t easily get to.” Bato said. “And how often did you want to see Malina when you were home?”
“Mmmm.” Katara grumbled, assenting to his point.
“Zuko is coming, correct?” Bato asked.
“I’ll be glad to see him again. I haven’t had the chance to really talk to him.” Bato stood and stretched his back. Katara could hear the succession of pops from his joints.
“I think you’ll like him.” Katara said.
“Really? The son of the man who slaughtered my people? Who kept medicine from our village and killed my parents? You think I’ll like the Fire Lord, hmm?” Bato asked casually. Katara sat up, alarmed, and tried to see Bato’s face in the dark.
“Most of all, Katara, I think you need to understand just how much Hakoda is willing to deal with because of how much he loves you.” Bato said. “I hear that your husband is a good man, and I trust that you wouldn’t marry an evil person. But we have suffered differently, you and I. And I don’t have love to help me forgive as easily.”
Without another word, Bato turned and walked back to the palace, leaving Katara alone in the dark. Revenge was not sought in their tribe. Harming another person meant weakening the community. But there was still the matter of justice. Bato would not hold Zuko accountable for the sins of his father, but politics changed things. Katara understood that, and she understood Bato knew the difference as well. His hostility toward the Fire Lord was not the neutral friendliness he used to talk about her husband.
Hakoda had only ever fought with her about politics when he learned of her relationship with Zuko.
Heading back inside herself, Katara went straight to her private rooms. She showered and took extra care with her routine, wasting more of her time before Zuko arrived. Brushing out her hair, Katara’s shoulders sank seeing the wide swaths of black in her normal brown. The past two years had been exhausting beyond a physical way and had tapped into her spiritual reserves. So much had changed, but there was still that feeling of loss over what had been left behind or broken.
Very similar to how she felt at the end of the war.
While smoothing lotion into her arms and legs, Katara took a moment to examine the scars. She remembered Zuko’s fingers tracing them years ago, his pale skin somehow paler than the raised lines on her body.
Standing in the mirror, Katara saw the other scars that sank into her body. The stretch marks that rippled over her stomach and down her thighs. Ebony threads were like embroidery over her dark skin making no pattern but beautiful still.
Pulling on a robe, Katara tied the belt and walked silently to the bed. Purple sheets, made of silk to protect her hair and cool to the touch. There were places in the midlands of the Earth Empire that considered purple dye to belong to the royals. Apparently King Bumi was fond of it, mixing it with the typical green attire of Earth Kingdom citizens.
Katara just loved the blend of red and blue.
Sliding into bed, she shivered as her damp and lotioned legs brushed against the sheets. Tucking herself in, Katara shuddered deeply once and then relaxed. She thought for a moment that she was jealous, but not about Sokka or Kya specifically. Katara had hated everything she and Zuko had to go through in order to even have this place. She hated the schedule and the weeks away from her children and husband, or missing just Zuko.
If the world hadn’t been placed in peril yet again, they may never have won this small victory in the first place.
So in a way, Katara was bitter that she hadn’t earned any sort of simple ending. Her father, Sokka, even Thuy were uncomplicated by their relationships. Either no one was high enough or, as it was for Thuy, the Avatar was someone who could simply do whatever they wished.
A life where she graduated from medical school, became a doctor, and lived with her little family back in the South Pole would never happen. Instead, she had to worry about her daughter’s inheritance, take on her niece as her heir, and run three different nations while also sitting as the lady of another ruler.
And Thuy. Of course, she always had a duty to her Avatar.
Picking up her phone, Katara scrolled through the messages to see if there was any update from Zuko. The flight app showed his plane still in the air, but near enough to Republic City. With almost a decade of ruling as a monarch, her social media was limited, but it was still nice to see what her friends were up to.
Jinora’s daughter Bumi was in elementary school and had bonded with her Sky Bison. Ikki had adopted another flying lemur, bringing her total up to four. Meelo, while not specifically posting about it, was still living near the rehab center where Azula was staying. He was actually incredibly helpful, despite the strange stories Rohan had told her. Meelo seemed to care a lot about Azula and brought his trained, monastic calmness with him when he visited her.
Rohan was on radio silence, again, as they were doing something mysterious out at the Eastern Air Temple.
Thuy’s new account for “the family” was called The Dream Tweem, tweaking the pronunciation of Thuy’s name for the pun. It made Katara snort every time she saw it.
The Dream Tweem was heading to a remote village tucked somewhere in the Xishaan mountains. Jae-hwan, despite his numerous trips with Thuy, was still not a fan of the cold and there were plenty of pictures of him dealing with snow.
Just as Katara was flicking through the album, she got a video call.
“Good evening Auntie!” Thuy said cheerfully.
“Is that Lady Katara?” Suzu’s voice came from behind Thuy and Katara watched her push her shoulder back.
“The kids are in bed!” Thuy said sharply.
“You’re lying!” Suzu retorted and shoved Thuy’s face aside. Katara laughed as she watched the excitement drain from Sula’s face.
“Hello Fire Lady.” Suzu said sadly.
“I’m sorry Suzu, had I known Thuy was going to call, I’d have collected the children.”
“It’s fine.” Suzu replied, dragging the last word out on a sigh while she slunk of view.
“Have you met the ambassador yet?” Thuy asked, her face returning to the screen.
“He comes in tomorrow.” Katara said, shaking her head.
“Oh, Zuko got his then right?”
“Blazes, how can you just call him that?” Zula asked.
“Because my parents weren’t crazy Fire Nation royalists?” Thuy asked, annoyed and confused.
“Are you talking to Auntie?” Jae-hwan came from over Thuy, pushing down on her head.
“Auntie, it’s cold!” He whined.
“I’m not you’re Auntie.” Katara said. “And your mother would lose her mind if she heard you whine like that.”
“Don’t tell mom.” Jae-hwan said quickly.
“I have Toph on speed dial.” Katara warned.
Thuy shoved Jae-hwan off her and sat up, looking at him offscreen.
“You know, sifu says you can’t be cold if you’re practicing.” She said and then laughed as Jae-hwan made an unseen gesture.
“Am I going to hear from Aktuk or Tashi?” Katara asked.
“They’ve gone on ahead to scout since they can handle the cold better.” Thuy said.
“Excuse me?” Zula interjected and Thuy rolled her eyes.
“My apologies madam inner fire.” She said sarcastically.
“Did you call for a reason Thuy?” Katara asked.
“Oh, right. I was wondering if you’ve done any more research on the energybending thing. Tashi and I were talking about it, after that spirit debacle, but we don’t know if we should try again.” Thuy said.
Katara was silent for a moment and Thuy was also still, looking perfectly innocent.
“Where in the mountains are you going Thuy?” She asked.
“A village.”
“What village?”
“A…. mountainous one?”
“Thuy, are you looking for the guardians?”
“Okay so, remember, you can’t really tell me what to do anymore now that I’m a fully awakened Avatar!”
“Thuy! We were all going to go once Iroh recovered!”
“I am so close Auntie! Tashi and I feel really good about this one.” Thuy began but stopped as Katara sat up.
“We don’t know anything about the lion turtles. It could be dangerous!” Katara said.
“Mister Whiskers isn’t even freaking out a little.” Thuy said, trying to calm her down.
“That’s probably because she’s brumating, let’s be real.” Jae-hwan muttered.
“Oh, big word from the street urchin.” Suzu said with what passed for friendly mocking between them.
“I am a Beifong you horrendous little bit-” Jae-hwan’s voice was cut off as Thuy stepped away.
“Are any of you taking this seriously?” Katara asked.
“Auntie, we just came off a world saving mission. We know the stakes. I don’t think anyone else expects to find anything, so they’re doing, whatever. But Tashi and I can feel something out here.” Thuy said.
“Well, don’t poke around there for too long. We’ll go to Ember Island this summer. You and I already know something is out there and we can go as a family.” Katara urged gently.
Thuy smiled and nodded.
“You know, my parents are getting kind of jealous.” She said.
Katara’s breath slowed from the coincidence.
“Oh?” She asked.
“It’s not a big deal, considering how we view family in the Swamp. But it is weird for them to have me be so distant.” Thuy said.
“Comes with being the Avatar I suppose.” Katara agreed.
“We all have things to deal with. Good thing they had other kids.” Thuy said jokingly.
Remembering what Bato said about substitutions, Katara stayed quiet.
“We won’t stay long. I promise.” Thuy said, taking her silence as a reproach.
“Be safe.” Katara said.
“We will Auntie. I love you.” Thuy said.
“I love you. Give the others my love as well.” Katara said.
“Of course Auntie. Good night!” Thuy said.
Before she ended the call, Katara could hear the chorus of other voices wishing her goodnight.
Laying back, Katara held her phone to her chest.
Thuy called her Auntie, but she had become more like a little sister. Thuy had picked her from the very beginning and nothing over the years could change her mind. From every bad mood to times of no communication, Thuy never wavered in her loyalty to Katara.
Her family was such a complex thing.
Katara found a video channel about an unseen man who made knives from all sorts of materials. Hours in, and in the middle of a video about making a knife from smoke, her bedroom door opened slowly.
“Katara?” Zuko called out softly.
Half-asleep, Katara roused and sat up. Her body was warmer now and her robe slipped off one shoulder from her movement. Zuko paused as he stepped in, light burning in his palm.
“Well.” He said with enough interest that Katara felt her pulse quicken. She laughed and straightened out her robe.
“Oh don’t go through the trouble on my account.” Zuko said, walking to the bed.
“Did you just get in?” Katara asked.
Zuko extinguished his flame as he put a knee on the bed, propelling himself into her arms.
“Yes. I went to check on the children first.” He said, his voice muffled as he pressed his face into the dip of her shoulder.
“Are they asleep?” She asked. She felt him begin to untie the belt and she chuckled.
“They were when I left.” Zuko said, sitting back now to properly attend the knot.
“I thought we were going to have a big talk.” Katara said as Zuko loosened the knot and undid the belt. He slid his hands through the small gap of the robe and around to her waist.
“You distracted me.” He said.
“By sitting here?” Katara asked and giggled as Zuko pulled her closer.
“Exactly. You know how beautiful you are, how dare you be visible when we have serious things to discuss?”
“You’re impossible.” There was laughter in her voice and Katara knew Zuko was smiling in the dark.
“I’m not sitting here flaunting such allure as if it weren’t enough to declare war.”
“War, sir?”
“War, my lady, and while I shall put up an earnest fight,” Zuko moved her, laying her back down as he straddled her and began unbuttoning his shirt. “I do believe you will best me yet again.”
“Oh but darling,” Katara said demurely, her fingers plucking at his belt buckle. “You may certainly try.”
And while she wished for light to see him, there had been enough years between them that she knew his body by heart.
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
The Emperor’s Daughter in Wonderland
This is an IkeVamp/IkeRev crossover inspired by this post... I couldn’t resist myself.
I had this long note (this is still long though) about how I lost confidence because I read the notes on the original post and I thought I skipped over some huge points with the armies growing suspicious and some other things. Like there wouldn’t have been any real plot holes or anything but I still panicked for a moment (cause I thought people wouldn’t like what I wrote). But to sum up I think I fixed it and basically I focused more on the MC/Reader being the daughter of a suitor and the ‘it all goes down hill from there’ part of the original post - letting MC have the spot light because of that...And I also still tried to sprinkle in some general suitor romance (not a lot though cause it wasn’t the main focus) There are some dad!Napoleon moments too cause who doesn’t like it when the residents are dads
Still I hope who ever reads this still likes it! (Sorry if this isn’t good and I hyped you up for nothing...)
Warning(s): Descriptions of violence, injures, blood, roughly 5 swear words and potential OOCness because I haven’t finished all the IkeRev routes nor am I fully confident in writing Napo’s character...
Call it what you’d like, Napoleon could tell something was going to happen. 
Maybe it was just his protective fatherly side coming out for all to see, she is the only remaining family member he has left, his wife (her mother) gone along with his human life, but the ex-emperor knows better. 
It’s a gut feeling, something will happen.
The screech of Jupiter, who sat perched on a tree branch not too far away, alerted him that someone was coming. Looking over his shoulder towards the entrance of the mansion, out walked his daughter, satchel and coat in hand, a smile on her face.
“Finished saying goodbye?” Napoleon asked, stepping back from the horse he was petting. (Y/N) nodded, attaching the bag to the saddle of the horse.
“Yeah. Supposedly they’re all going to miss me? I don’t know why though. Even old man Leo said something about how ‘the passerotta is finally leaving the nest’.” she sighed, exasperated at the nickname the renaissance man used. 
“What have I told you about calling him that?” Her father asked, raising a brow. She turned from the animal to face him.
“To not to?” Napoleon nodded.
“So I can call Comte ‘old man’ but not Leo?” she asked, raising a brow.
“Exactly.” he smirked and she couldn’t help but sigh again, shaking her head. 
“You don’t make sense sometimes you know that?” Chuckling, Napoleon mussed up her hair, his way of showing her affection. It wasn’t as jovial as it usually was though, or relaxed for that matter, and (Y/N) picked up on it quickly. 
“Stop worrying. Remember, I had you and Uncle Jean teach me how to protect myself. Nothing is going to happen to me...” her attempt to ease her father’s anxieties didn’t go unnoticed, but it also didn’t help that much.
“I’d feel better if you brought your rapier...” 
“I would, really, but I don’t think the townspeople would take too kindly to me having it. It doesn’t help that I’m a woman either, because, you know...” 
“I know... Just, be careful” Had it not been for the way his jade green eyes stared at her, waiting for her to promise that she’d come home in one piece, (Y/N) may have laughed at the way he was acting. It was uncommon to see this underlining anxiousness in his expression. Usually when she was going out he was laid back, dropping the parting words of ‘be safe’ before going on as usual It sounded a little cold but he trusted in her to make the right choices. 
But this time he told her to be careful. Not safe, careful. In a roundabout way it was a sign that he cared and worried for her and didn’t want anything to harm her.
It also showed that something really had him on edge about her trip to London. The best thing to do though is to give him what he wants, which is reassurance.
“I’m only getting ink for Uncle Arthur, but if it eases your mind, I promise to be careful.”
“Thank you.” he mumbled, “Do you have enough Rouge?”
“What did I say about not worrying?” The look he gave her told her to just tell him, “Oui, I do. I even packed more than needed just in case. You never know when your thirst can suddenly be stronger than usual.”
“How much is more exactly?”
“I’m bringing eleven. If I drink half a day every other day I’d have enough for about a mouth plus some”  
“I know I said to be prepared but you really are an overachiever sometimes you know that?”
“Oui oui, I’m aware! Au revivor papa, I’ll see you in a week, alright?” With a smile, the two shared a parting goodbye hug, (Y/N) mounting the awaiting horse. A kick of her foot and she was off at a gallop, waving back one last time before disappearing over the horizon.
The dread in the pit of Napoleon’s stomach didn’t cease, even as he went back into the manor, and when the time was right, it’d be revealed just why that feeling was there.
“Damn it...” Oddly enough, in some form of twisted fate, the rapier that she left at home would’ve been beneficial in that moment. 
Honestly, no one thought that she’d fall into some fantasy land, one on the brink of war, obtain the power to break magic spells and then get kidnapped with the intention to be eliminated. By a research center trying to take over the world for themselves no less. 
Scrapes and bruises marked her entire body along with the stains of blood. She’s lost way more than humanly possible for her to still be standing, a large cut running down her arm and a rather deep puncture wound to her abdomen. Yet she continues to fight - she has to. 
Landing a final punch to the last robed disciple, a pounding pain thrummed throughout her entire body, though the one that sourced from her mouth was by far the most painful.
“I-Ignore it...” she told herself, staggering over to a fallen man that was taken care of earlier in the fray of fists and magic. Unhooking the belt, she took the sword from him, stumbling up to one of the horses that the enemy rode in on.
The truth was she wasn’t doing too hot. Turns out, no matter how much you practice or how much stamina you have, deflecting magic attacks takes a lot out of you. On top of that she was exerting herself to defend herself, while bleeding, and it all amounts up to her being on the brink of unconsciousness. 
“Why do you wield your blade?” A conversation she had with her father when she was younger came to mind as she leaned against a tree, the need to catch her breath too strong to brush off.
“Why do you fight (Y/N)? What’s your reason?” Right... he asked that when she was younger, feeling like a failure for not being able to fight like her dad could. Having been so young she was nearly on the brink of tears, about to give up ever learning the art of the sword.
“T-to protect and save others...” was her frail answer. Her father smiled, liking that her heart was in the right place. 
“Good. Now remember that when you’re about to give up. You can’t achieve that goal if you admit defeat.” 
“O-okay! I won’t ever give up!”
“C’est ma fille...” he said patting her head.
Growing up surrounded by some of the greatest men in history came with it’s perks, a vast knowledge ranging from science thanks to Isaac all the way to piano lessons with Mozart are under her belt. 
Though, if she had to choose, the greatest skill she acquired was how to protect the weak. How to raise a sword to save lives, never to take if at all possible. 
Her new found friends will die if she doesn’t move now. 
“Merci papa...” she whispered, finding the strength to push herself upright once more. Climbing onto the back of the horse a new, burning determination filled her. 
She will save those that have found a place in her heart and, when everything’s said and done, return home to her awaiting family.
By time the clearing to the Central Quarter came into view the sun had just started to set, bathing her surroundings in an orange glow. The closer she got to the opening the more she was able to make out, yet the sight wasn’t an uplifting one.
The Chosen Thirteen from both sides lay beaten on the cobblestone ground, exhausted and beat up. Even the kings, strongest among them all, struggled to get back on their feet. Lancelot sat against a wall while Ray was at the foot of the man behind everything - Amon Jabberwock. The other officers weren’t any better, most struggling to grasp their weapons but too drained to do so. 
And in the hands of Amon was a bigger than normal magic crystal, the glow emitting off of it bright, its spell nearly cast.
The sight only fueled the adrenaline that coursed through her veins.
Drawing her blade from its sheath, she was ready to face any foe that may hinder her in helping bring peace to Cradle. Aligning the course the horse is to take, (Y/N) let go of the reins, her voice ringing out. 
“Ray, move!”
The King of Spades did as commanded, rolling back and out of the line path of the stallion. Leaping from it, she barely landed on her feet, the hand free of anything outstretched. Instantly the harsh glow subsided, the gem now nothing more than a useless rock. 
The call of her name mixed with gasps of surprise, and perhaps relief, fell on deaf ears, her (e/c) eyes focused on one man and one man alone. Sweeping his legs out from under him, Amon dropped to his hands and knees, the tip of her rapier pressed against his neck.
“Amon Jabberwock-!” her voice echoed with power and authority, a cold look in her eye. 
Admittedly, it shocked those around her, no clues given during her stay that would allude to her having this hidden side. But the sight of her standing there, a will to fight in her eye, even as copious amounts of blood poured out of her, was astonishing and uplifting enough to repair their morale. 
And had the residents of the mansion been here to hear and see her, they would've remarked how similar it felt to her father when he faced his foes.
“As a temporary member of the Black and Red Army, I hereby arrest you on the count of treason against the country of Cradle!”   
“H-How...?” Amon stuttered, voice laced with anger and on the brink of snapping further into madness, “you should be dead with those wounds!” 
A weak, almost pained sounding laugh left her lips as she pushed the blade a little harder, lips parting, “I’m nothing like the others...” 
“Monster...” he gasped, fear in his eyes as he unsuccessfully tried to scoot away from her. By the way he acted, she could tell that he caught sight of the pointed teeth in her mouth.
“Mm... in a way, maybe I am...”
“You won’t kill me!” The way his voice shook made it sound like he was trying to convince her to not slit this throat right there and now. Fortunately for him, she wasn’t that kind of person. 
“While it’s true that I shouldn’t raise my sword like I am now unless I am willing to take the life that’s in my hands, you would be right, I won’t be ending your life. I learned all I know from my father, one of which was to never take a life, for fear it turns out I can’t live with the consequences. That doesn’t mean I won’t beat you and bring peace to Wonderland” Refusing to let another word be uttered from him, (Y/N) swiftly butted the hilt of the sword to his neck, knocking him out. 
“There she is!”
“Lord Amon!” Shouted more robed men from behind. The disciples reached for, presumably, magic crystals from their pockets but stopped at something she said, the saber pointed their way.
“You can fight me, but I just took down your leader. If you chose to fight me just know that I do not fall easily and I will fight till the bitter end for what is right... So, what will you do?”  
“C-crud, let’s get out of here! I’m not chancing it!” Her words reached them and made it clear that they didn’t stand to win. So, scouring away, the enemy tucked tail and ran. 
“Seems you’re all still alive...” She breathed, turning around to face the army soldiers. All of them smiled at her, glad that she was alright (for the most part) and that this war was over. 
Yet life is no fairy tale, something tragic usually hits in the best of times like these. Wise words from a guy who’s not all there (thanks Shakespeare).
She saw it before the words reached her ears and the next moments were a blur of colour. 
Someone from the shadows raised a sword of their own, the blade about to pierce the one person dearest to her, the one that stole her heart while in this new, unfamiliar world. He was unguarded with nothing to defend himself, about to die should she just stand there and not take action.
Mustering the last bit of energy she had, she parried the attack, the sound of steel on steel ringing in the still evening. The clash lasted less than a minute, the lesser vampire the one to be impaled, unable to block the second strike. Still, if she was to die, he would go down with her at least. 
No, she didn’t kill the attacker, merely used all she had to stab him in the leg, bringing him to the ground, the force and angle of the impact rendering him unconscious.
No one said anything, their minds unable to full register the events that just transpired. The pained words of their friend snapped them out though and all eyes went to her.
“I-I’m glad yo-ou’re safe...” she wheezed, eyes meeting the ones of the man she loves. A sense of calmness overcame her, he was safe, he would live. Maybe, just maybe, she could die a peaceful death knowing that she was able to protect the one she cares about. Her duty was fulfilled.
The only regret she’d bear would be the regret of being unable to say goodbye properly, both to the ones around her and the ones ignorant of what’s going on, as they await her return back in the Land of Reason. 
Something that seemingly won’t be happening now...
This was her bittersweet end.
A sharp intake of air. Vision blurry. The smell of antiseptic chemicals and whisky. These invaded her being and briefly, when she was able to at least think, she thought that this was a weird form of Heaven or Hell to be put into.
Though when her sight cleared up some more it was revealed that, no, she wasn’t in an abstract afterlife, she was just in Kyle’s infirmary. 
(Y/N) laid in that oddly comfortable bed for what felt like hours, which were really only minutes, before she found the strength to sit up, if only a little.
A slip of pink paper which rested on the nightstand caught her eye. Picking it up she read the note, relaying that, if she was to wake up, that everyone wanted to let her know that the war is truly over and that her boyfriend was safe, all thanks to her. A breath she didn’t know she was holding was finally let free, muscles relaxing. 
It was some form of a miracle that allowed her to still be here, like the world was telling her it wasn’t time for her to leave just yet. Not that she was complaining or anything, but she couldn’t help the giggle that came with the thought that the similarities between her and her dad are starting to get weird.
The click of the door pulled her from her funny thought, and in walked the last face she saw before blacking out. He really was okay, just like the note said. 
“We have to talk”
“We do, don’t we.” she smiled and he returned it, pulling up a chair. For the rest of the day (assuming based on the light that poured in through the window) the two lovers talked, expressing how glad they were that the other was okay, what happened after she collapsed and what their next steps would be. When everything was done, her boyfriend climbed into the bed with her, mindful of the injuries around her whole body, and with such gentleness pulled her flush against his chest. 
That evening they slept in each other’s arms, calmed by the sound of their mixed breathing and heartbeats, because later that night they’ll have to part again.  
“Tell me again what you are?” Kyle rubbed his temple, trying his hardest to wrap his head around her claim. The hangover he had wasn’t helping in this situation either. 
“I’m a vampire, a lesser vampire to be more exact” 
“I get that, but what is that?”
“Don’t worry too much about it, just know that if I was to bite you you wouldn’t turn and I’m not immortal. Now go drink some water. Can’t believe magic is a thing yet you’d get hung up on mythology...” she muttered the last part, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I would just like to go on record and say I knew all along” Edgar piped up, his usual innocent smile on his face. Zero and Jonah scoffed. 
“And how did you exactly?” Zero asked his teacher. The Jack of Hearts smiled just a little wider, fetching something from his pocket. The glass glittered in the moonlight.
“So that’s where my last bottle went! You had it!”
“Indeed. You did well to hide it Alice, but not well enough if I was able to find it” 
“Why do you have it anyway?” 
“I saw our dear Alice drinking it one day. She told me it was wine but by the viscosity I could tell she was lying. It also smelt like blood. So, I did some digging around her room while she was gone.” 
“Of course, only you would be able to smell it and instantly recognize it like that...” Jonah hissed under his breath. The statement went unheard by all except the subject of the comment, who simply continued to smile like he heard nothing. 
“That would explain why ya sometimes left the training grounds all of a sudden too when someone got hurt” Fenrir pointed out, the Black Army nodding along. 
“We just thought you were squeamish...” Luka mumbled.
“That would also explain the report I got saying we had a shortage of blood...” Lancelot spoke up, staring down at (Y/N). 
“I... got hungry and didn’t have enough?” she shrugged, a nervous smile on her face while averting her eyes to the side. Really, it was half a lie, she was hungry. It was just that the liquid was right there at the time and it’s scent was so sweet to her - she couldn’t help herself! 
“But,” the King of Hearts continued, a small, soft smile blooming on his face, “I’m willing to pardon it, you did save us all. So, thank you, for all you’ve done. Is there anything you’d like as a reward?” 
“I’m honored King Lancelot, but right now I think I have to go home. There are some people that are no doubt missing me.”
“Very well. Then you are welcomed back at the Red Army anytime”
“The Black Army will welcome you too, little lady” Sirius added, Ray nodding in approval. 
“Right, the room you used will be waiting for you should you ever come back”
“Ohhhh please come back Alice, the Black Army just won’t be the same without you!” Seth whined dramatically.
“Thank you... all of you” (Y/N) gave a closed eye smile, the light of the moon illuminating behind her. A hand suddenly cupped her cheek, the contact warm and prompting her to open her eyes. 
“I will see you again right?” he asked, low enough that only the two of them could hear it.
“Yes, just as we promised last night.” she whispered back, leaning in for a kiss, one he returned.
The rabbit hole that connected their worlds opened up, a spotlight like light shining onto it. Pulling away her hand clutched the bag she came with, along with the items she’s obtained, and she turned one last time. Her eyes roamed over each face a final time, stopping on his.
“See you later everyone!” A chorus of goodbyes paired with waves and she stepped backwards, falling down, down, down the hole like she did just one short month ago.
“The man at the stall said he saw her here one night, there must be a clue.” Napoleon stated, eyes hard with determination, certain that there has to be something here linking to his missing daughter. Deep down though he’s consumed with emotion, anger, fear and a great sadness.
Anger at himself, he should’ve been more persistent with her taking her rapier. Then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
The fear and sadness are a mix of the same reason, he’s sad and afraid that he’ll never see her again, that he’s lost her even after promising to protect her from the moment she was born.
And yet, as the third week of having nothing he’s starting to lose hope, and the others can tell.
“Napoleon...” Jean whispered, placing a firm hand on the man’s shoulder. “I think it’s time to head back to the inn...”
He wants to stay out longer, search every nook and cranny of this damn park a thousand times more.
“Jean’s right...” Isaac added, tilting his head and gesturing with it in the direction of where they’re staying, “we can look some more in the morning if you want.”
“Maybe you’re right...” the Demi-vampire sighed, beginning his slow, reluctant trudge to the cozy London inn.
“Oof! Ow, I guess it’s a bumpy landing on the way back too...” the three heard the thud and rustle before the voice, but Napoleon was already sprinting in its direction.
“(Y/N)!?” The call of her name erased the pain of the landing and any other insignificant thought, her eyes darting around through the trees.
“Dad!?” She shouted back. An urgency to her father again surged through her.
He sped faster, urged on by the sound of her voice. It’s her, he knows it is, and she’s alive.
Emerging from behind a tree Napoleon comes to a grounding halt, eyes wide at the sight in front of him. She’s there, right there, albeit a little banged up, but she’s safe - that’s all that matters.
Rushing up he engulfs her in a hug, loosening it only minimally when she let out a hiss of pain.
“Where have you been? Who hurt you?” his questions are rushed, breathless as he looks her over, the amount of bandages on her alarming.
“You’ll never guess...” she suddenly smiled.
“What?” He questioned, the smile on her face making him believe that she wasn’t taking this seriously. Yet her next words shocked him, enough for a visible reaction to show, and it became obvious that the two would have to have a long, long chat.
“I fought in and won a revolution...and I protected the weak... just like I said I would...”
“Oh I also have a boyfriend...”
“You have a what???”
Fun fact: at first this was going to be the MC/Reader as Leo’s daughter and she would’ve fixed the Black Army’s stuff or Fenrir’s gun, impressing them, but!!! We all know that ~war~ is a thing in IkeRev, so behold here we are! 
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ayuuria · 4 years
Yashahime Translation: Animage November 2020 Issue
Please do not repost this translation without my consent! @officialinuyasha will be making a video version of this so stay tuned!
The Three Girls’ Incident Fill Journey
While carrying the expectations of “Inuyasha” fans, the story of the 3 girls begins to move. What sort of fate awaits the 3 girls with different personalities and grew up in different eras?
The original anime that succeeds the world of “Inuyasha”, “Hanyou no Yashahime”, has finally begun broadcast! (We are) sure there were a lot of people who were surprised after watching episode 1. Afterall, not only were the trio of protagonists on screen, but also the characters of “Inuyasha”, Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Sesshomaru, were freely moving around!
In episode 1, the story started with Towa being told the story of Inuyasha and Kagome (A priestess who came from ‘Tokyo’ 10 years ago and the half demon that exterminated demons with her) while she was captured at the Kanto region’s governor-general’s mansion of Ougigayatsu-Hiiragi. As Inuyasha and others live while exterminating demons, after ending the battle with the half demon, Naraku, it is said they fought a demon called Root Head… Familiar scenes are jammed together showing everyone’s traits such as the black Tessaiga unleashing Meidozangetsuha and Kagome’s “sit”. It truly was a festive curtain opening.
However, this was just the prologue of the Yashahime’s adventure since as Setsuna’s voice actress, Komatsu Mikako, put it “Episode 2 is the first episode “Hanyou no Yashahime”. A “new age of feudal fairytale” with the 3 girls has finally begun!
Moroha Inuyasha and Kagome’s quarter-demon daughter. She makes a living as a bounty hunter. She doesn’t have any memories of her parents, but she inherited “demonic powers” and “spiritual powers of a priestess”.
It really is the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome! Moroha’s voice actress: Tadokoro Azusa
“Moroha is Inuyasha and Kagome’s daughter so from the time I auditioned for her, I wanted to incorporate elements from the two of them. I focused on things like how Inuyasha sits like a dog and his beast like manner when he speaks as well as Kagome’s strength as a woman and her suppleness. However, when I really thought about it, I thought the two of them had similar dispositions. It’s like they became similar as they journeyed together. Things like the kindness of when they end up saving people and how quickly the blood rushes to their heads when angered; (these) are traits they both have. That is why I thought Moroha might be like that too. I truly thought she was a child born from Inuyasha and Kagome from how emotional she is and how lightly she carries her body.”
Setsuna Towa’s younger twin sister. She is a member of the demon slayers and has a calm, collected personality. She was separated from Towa when she was young and does not remember anything from that time.
Staying calm while thinking of Sesshomaru Setsuna’s voice actress: Komatsu Mikako
“I was directed to “remember the way Narita Ken played Sesshomaru” when it came time to play Setsuna. During the audition, I did a version that had a cool aura at the forefront and a version that focused a little on being a realistic girl. At first I wasn’t sure which one to go with so I acted lightly but was told “More deeper, it’s okay to have a threatening quality in your voice.” Now I diligently act with complete collectedness while thinking of Sesshomaru. While I haven’t done any recording work with Narita-san yet, I worked with him a little over a year ago on a different work where we had a parent/child role so I can’t wait to show how happy I am to be his daughter again (laughs).”
Higurashi Towa Sesshomaru’s daughter and Setsuna’s older twin sister. She time traveled to the modern era when she was little. She excels at martial arts to the point that she can beat up gangs by herself.
She is good at fighting but she is still a regular girl Towa’s voice actress: Matsumoto Sara
“Since Towa spent 10 years under Papa Souta and does not remember her real parents, I think she’s more of a Modern girl than a Feudal girl. The first audition tape I submitted, I really focused on her being the daughter of Sesshomaru and had her sounding completely boyish. However afterwards I was told “Sounds too much like a boy.” Based on that, I think I got it just right with sounding like a 14-year-old middle school girl who’s good at fighting. Also just like Mikako-san, I have played a role as Narita-san’s daughter in a different work. As of now, I’m curious to see if there will be any parent/child interactions from here on.”
Cycling in Feudal Lands!?
The figures of Towa and Setsuna riding a bicycle while Moroha follows after them reminds one of the scene that unfolded in “Inuyasha”. In episode 1, Towa was presented with Kagome’s bicycle seat at Ougigayatsu-Hiiragi mansion. Does that mean a bicycle will be a key item in “Yashahime”?
Round Table Discussion with the Cast of the 3 Girls
The 3 of them who grew up influenced by “Inuyasha”
Everyone, (speaking) purely as “Inuyasha” fans. First, please tell us your favorite character or episode from “Inuyasha”
Matsumoto: Once we start talking about “Inuyasha”, forget the interview time, we’re going be talking past midnight! (laughs) For me, my favorites were Miroku and Naraku.
Tadokoro: Miroku! He’s precocious!
Komatsu: You liked Naraku?!
Matsumoto: First, I was overwhelmed by Miroku’s adult sexiness. I loved that fraudulent part of him. You know how whenever the air got tense within the Inuyasha group, Miroku would chime in with “Now then” and the air would soften. I felt that that was really cool. Back then, I ended up drawing Miroku’s wind tunnel on my hand and copying him (laughs).
Komatsu and Tadokoro: I did that too~! (in unison)
Matsumoto: On the other end, I felt charmed by how Naraku was too evil. I thought “There’s someone this evil!”.  I was shocked that even though he was originally human, as a result of getting all sorts of humans and demons involved, he became like that. I became completely enamored by the “true villain”.
Komatsu: If I were to speak in terms of Naraku’s faction, I loved Kagura.
Matsumoto and Tadokoro: Aah~ Kagura~!  (in unison)
Komatsu: Naraku is an existence that became a demon from the negative aspects of humans such as tenacity and envy. Yet from that, Kagura in a sense was born with a human like heart and I felt that that was attractive. Her life was always in Naraku’s hands. In reality, she wanted to join Inuyasha’s side but she couldn’t. Even so she wanted to be free like the wind and ironically at the end, she became the wind by Naraku’s hand. Then, in her last moments when she met Sesshomaru she said “I got to see you”….!
Matsumoto and Tadokoro: Yeah~!!
Komatsu: Kagura was the only character on the enemy’s side that I liked. On Inuyasha’s side, I’d have to say I liked the Inuyasha and Kagome pair. “Inuyasha” had a romance element to it; for me it was both a shounen and shoujo manga and it was a work that was truly like a textbook on life. I did things like ask my parents to make the Japanese style room in our house “my room” and bought folding fans because I said “I want to become a wind user too!”
Tadokoro: Mine is mainstream but I liked Sesshomaru.
Matsumoto and Komatsu: Aah~ Lord Sesshomaru~!!
Komatsu: Well our Papa is too cool.
Tadokoro: I can’t go against that charm. He doesn’t say much but despite it all, he does look out for the others. At first, he kept going after Inuyasha in order to take his sword but in the end, he ended up helping Inuyasha grow right? Something like that (laughs).
Matsumoto: He’s too tsundere!
Tadokoro: Exactly! Rin obviously but despite everything, he does consider Jaken important. My favorite episode was the one where Rin gets taken into the underworld.
Matsumoto and Komatsu: I feel you!
Tadokoro: To think that that Sesshomaru would say “There’s nothing that could ever be worth trading Rin’s life for”… I think that was the moment everyone fell for Sesshomaru (laughs). Also Kohaku. He went through something extremely painful and continued to suffer for a long time so that makes him do unnecessary things. He tends to value his life poorly and because of that, there are a lot of scenes where he’s saved by others. At first I thought “Please stop”, however in the anime because of Yajima Akiko’s voice, I really felt “It’s not that he’s getting in everyone’s way, he just takes action because he’s tormented”. Yajima-san’s acting of Kohaku is what made me want to be become a voice actor so I have a lot of feelings this character. When I saw him become an adult in “Hanyou no Yashahime”, I had this feeling of “Thank you for choosing to live”.
There is no end to the “Inuyasha“ talk. Then please tell us your impression of “Hanyou no Yashahime”. Did all of you audition for all 3 girls?
Tadokoro: I only did Moroha for the tape audition but afterwards I did all 3 girls in the studio audition. It’s just that there’s the fact that I just did Moroha for the tape so I was interested in her the most. My very first impression was that I was moved when I saw that the child born from Inuyasha and Kagome was this girl, and I was so happy to see their child. She really looks like them and she’s so lively that I thought she would actually come to life. I arbitrarily thought “I wonder if she’s living a happy life?”.
Matsumoto: I only auditioned for Towa. From her appearance, I thought she was cool but before anything else I was so shocked at the idea of “Sesshomaru’s daughter” that I was at a complete loss. I was like “S-Sesshomaru had a d-daughter…?!” (laughs)
All: (Laughs)
Matsumoto: I ended up thinking “How did he give birth when he’s a guy?”
Komatsu: With Sesshomaru, I can certainly see him doing something like cutting off his hair and breathing life into by blowing on it (laughs).
Matsumoto: I can see that smoking up and turning into a baby (laughs). While Towa has a twin sister named Setsuna, there was that setting of Towa spent time in the modern era. I felt there was a lot of ground for thought like “What happened between her and Setsuna?” or “Do they have different personalities?”.
Komatsu: In my case, when I received the notice for the audition, I only saw the title “Hanyou no Yashahime” and thought “This is going to be a title like “Inuyasha”” (laughs). When I read the explanation it really had “a work that succeeds the world of “Inuyasha”” written on it so I was really surprised. Not only that but it had the catch phrase “Sesshomaru has a daughter” so I was like “That Sesshomaru!?”. In any case, I was completely surprised. For the audition, I only did Setsuna but upon seeing the documents, her facial features and the white fluff (moko moko) around her neck, I thought she really is the daughter of Sesshomaru. In the audition manuscript, there were a few lines that showed that she didn’t seem to really remember her father but her closed off aura gave me the sense of ‘like father, like daughter’.
As you got into acting your roles, have there been any changes from your first impression?
Komatsu: Each of their backbones are slowly being dug up but among them, there a lot of scenes where you can tell that Towa has been heavily influenced by the modern era from having lived there so long.
Matsumoto: Yes. There’s a contrast like when they’re confronted by a demon; Towa will pull back where as Setsuna and Moroha will go on the offensive. Also when Towa hesitates to make the final blow, the two of them scold her.
Komatsu: For Setsuna and Moroha, exterminating demons is a job but for Towa, she exterminates demons with the idea of saving others. Hence, due to the difference in their way of thinking, they butt heads but as the 3 of them spend more time together, their sense of comradery will gradually deepen… I feel my impression is slowly changing as the story progresses like how Setsuna surprisingly participates in the joke scenes and how they move as a 3 person team.
Tadokoro: With Moroha’s change, I was first directed with “It’s okay to make it sillier”. Actually, while she does act on her emotions like a child and she can be a little stupid, in battle she’ll give out directions like “Do this” and I think she’s good at assisting. Based on appearances, Towa and Setsuna seem like they would be better at combat but the fact that Moroha has a sharp mind is something that surprised me.
Matsumoto: My impression of Towa hasn’t really changed but I’m curious to see how Towa will adapt to the Feudal Era and how the 3 of them will work as one. Even when Towa returns to the Feudal Era, it’s not like she forgets the modern era and she will show things to Setsuna, Moroha, and Takechiyo like “In the modern era, we have something like this”. Towa doesn’t seem to find it hard to go from the modern era to the Feudal Era and when recording began, I once again thought “It’s like this afterall”.
Komatsu: … I think the way Towa closes the gap between herself and others is similar to “that person”.
Matsumoto: You just made a big statement like it was nothing!
Komatsu: I thought the way Towa concerns herself with Setsuna and Setsuna responding with “Shut up! Leave me alone!” was a relationship similar to that of their parents… If you look at Towa, I think you can figure out who the mother is.
Tadokoro: Definitely get an idea. Then how about the possibility of Jaken? (laughs)
Matsumoto: The ‘Jaken is the mother’ theory huh! (laughs) What makes me get emotional is when even though Setsuna pushes Towa away and goes on ahead, she’ll stop, look back, and watch Towa complain behind her. She’s just like her father when she does that!
Komatsu: I feel! She’s totally concerned about her.
Tadokoro: To Moroha, despite what Towa and Setsuna say to eachother, they’re pretty lovey-dovey so she feels a little “left out”.
All: (laughs)
Matsumoto: The other day when we were recording a preview, Azusa-san said to me “Towa really doesn’t call for Moroha does she.” When I thought about it, it’s true that there’s a lot of “Setsuna and I did this” sort of talk (laughs).
Tadokoro: Moroha’s there too~! (laughs)
Matsumoto: To Towa, Setsuna is very precious. Even though Setsuna and Moroha are veterans when it comes to surviving in the Feudal Era, Towa still wants to be an older sister to Setsuna. That aspect is pretty amusing.
That is definitely something to keep an eye on in future broadcasts. Now then, please tell us your thoughts on episode 1 that was broadcasted.
Komatsu: The story of “Inuyasha” since then was drawn so I don’t suppose fans felt as if they had “come home”? I think it was a first episode that was like “First of all, welcome back and welcome to a new world of Inuyasha!”
Tadokoro: It really is moving isn’t it… I was also really excited for the broadcast.
Matsumoto: All the more since during the recording, the different casts recorded their scenes separately, so we never got to watch the “Inuyasha” cast acting directly.
Komatsu: Also there were nostalgic scenes that were just as they were in the original anime which is something that got me excited.
Matsumoto: There were. From episode 2 onwards, there will be lingering remnants of demons that appeared in “Inuyasha”. When past scenes come in, I myself become moved like “There was a scene like that!”
Komatsu: Episode 2 in a sense is the first episode of “Hanyou no Yashahime”. The first enemy demon that appears is a little similar to the first demon that appeared in “Inuyasha” so I think that’s a point that will make fans happy.
Tadokoro: Also in the TV anime, demons that appeared in scenes in the original work will also appear as “Hanyou no Yashahime” versions. That also makes me emotional.
Episode 2 onwards will be exciting for production key points that strike “Inuyasha” fans. Even in this edition’s illustration (P. 36-37), connecting with the bicycle Kagome was always rode in “Inuyasha”, we have a bicycle and the 3 girls.
Matsumoto: My heart is skipping seeing Setsuna wrap her hands around Towa’s waist.
Komatsu: She’s really looking (at her)! (laughs) Within the work, Setsuna hasn’t opened up to Towa yet but I wonder how much time has passed for the gap between them to close like this?
Tadokoro: Setsuna’s completely riding like a “girlfriend”! Moroha’s been taken off the bicycle (laughs)
Komatsu: We need to attach a side car to the bicycle for her (laughs)
Do you have any situations that you want to see illustrations of from here on?
Komatsu: I want to see everyone in a school uniform!
Matsumoto: Yes! Please put Moroha in Kagome’s sailor uniform.
Tadokoro: Yeah, I definitely want to see her wear that! Going along that line, I want to see Towa and Setsuna dressed like Lord Sesshomaru.
Matsumoto: Each one dressed like their parents, I like that. Not just a sailor uniform for Moroha but also in a priestess’s attire too.
Tadokoro: She has black hair so I’m sure it will look good on her.
Matsumoto: Moroha and Setsuna normally have their hair tied back so I want to see them with their hair down.
Komatsu: A situation where the 3 of them are in a hot spring. There were scenes like that in “Inuyasha” where there were monkeys in the hot spring. (laugh)
Matsumoto: Me personally, I want to see Setsuna and Moroha fully dressed in modern clothes. Something like all 3 of them going to an amusement park.
Komatsu: I want to see them taking tests for school!
Q. What do you think will happen when Towa and Setsuna reunite with Sesshomaru?
Komatsu: First, what will they call Sesshomaru? Will they call him “Father”? To begin with, I’ve been curious as to if Sesshomaru was the one who named them.
Tadokoro: That’s true. Who did name them?
Komatsu: “Towa = Eternity” and “Setsuna = Moment” … What sort of meaning do these complete opposite names have?
Matsumoto: I feel Setsuna’s is more fleeting. The wild ideas (translators note: head cannons to put it in western terms) won’t stop.
Tadokoro: Kagome’s was too but the names tend to have an uneasy nuance implied about them. For Moroha, the words “Double edged sword” and “Fragile” can have a close resemblance. There was a meaning to Kagome’s name so I tend to think there’s also a meaning in Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. Also, Moroha’s red clothes is the robe of the fire rat Inuyasha wore that apparently, she remodeled herself so I’m really curious about that. Is it by chance… a memento? I don’t want that~!!
Q. Among the 3 of you, who resembles their character the most?
Komatsu: Probably Towa (Matsumoto)? Her aura is similar to Towa in a gutsy, cheerful sense. It doesn’t feel like an “act” when she’s acting.
Tadokoro: Me too, my first thought was Towa. I thought they looked similar in appearances.
Matsumoto: That makes me so happy….! There are times where I feel I’m similar to Towa but I think everyone has something similar (to their characters). I feel like Azusa-san is mischievous and sparkling like Moroha and Komatsu-san has Setsuna’s cool beauty.
Komatsu: No, I have zero coolness within me (laughs). I think the rock essence that Koroazu (referring to Tadokoro) has during a concert performance is close to Moroha!
Tadokoro: That’s true, I try to bring out a wild flavor (laughs).
Episode 1 Play Back: Inuyasha Since Then
Inuyasha and Kagome exterminated Root Head with there superb combination (?)… or so it was thought, but in actuality, it entangled itself with the roots of the Sacred Tree/Tree of Ages deep within the earth. The still living Root Head extends its roots to the fates of Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. And the true identity of Munehisa, who told the tale, comes to light as the demon Yotsume (the 4 eyed owl). Just what is he is something to keep an eye on from here on.
Inuyasha Moroha’s half-demon father. After winning the battle against Naraku, he chose to live together with Kagome in the Feudal Era. He also drove back Root Head combining his power with Kagome’s but…
Sesshomaru A greater demon who is Towa and Setsuna’s father. While Inuyasha was fighting Root Head, he did not lend a hand but rather he quietly watched over Sango’s house where Rin was taking refuge.
109 notes · View notes
pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Summary: Kuro and Mahiru help a child and they’re confused when she starts to call them ‘Papa and Mama’. (KuroMahi)
“We’ve fought vampires and sorcerers but that midnight grocery sale must be the most difficult battle we’ve ever faced. At least we got the prize.” Kuro joked and held up the bag of instant ramen. He carried all of the grocery bags even though Mahiru offered to hold a few. He appreciated the small act of kindness. The effortless way he carried so much at once highlighted his strength and reminded Mahiru of the many times he had protected him. He only wished he could hold Kuro’s hand as they returned home.
A desperate scream caught Mahiru’s attention and he instinctively ran towards the person. He saw a little girl being chased and he rushed to help her. He started to cross the street but then he suddenly felt himself being lifted. Mahiru wasn’t scared after he recognized it as Kuro. He had his arm wrapped around his waist as he jumped over the cars to reach the other side quicker.
They landed on the ground and he placed him on the ground. He was grateful that it was dark and people wouldn’t see them use their powers. Mahiru summoned his broom and controlled it to save the girl. The broom flew between the child and the winged creature to block its path. The attack gave them enough the time to reach the girl before the demon could. “Are you okay?”
“Mama! Papa!” She cried and clung to Mahiru’s leg. He assumed that she was merely frightened and calling out for her parents. Mahiru knelt down to comfort her and Kuro stepped in front of them. To protect them, he transformed his hands into claws and then slashed the creature. Kuro prepared to strike it again yet it had disappeared into smoke.
Once Kuro was certain that the demon was gone, he relaxed and turned back to Mahiru. The child was crying and Mahiru spoke in a soft voice to calm her. “I know that demon was scary but it’s gone now. Kuro made it go away. It’s okay. Can you tell me your name and where your parents are? We’ll help you get back to them. I’m sure they’re worried sick.”
“Does Mama not recognize Machi?” More tears fell from her eyes and Mahiru gently wiped them away with his sleeve. He didn’t know what he should tell her that wouldn’t upset her further. While his friends would joke that he was motherly, he had never heard someone call him ‘Mama’ before. The child walked to Kuro and tugged on his jacket. “Papa, the bad fairy took Mama’s memories!”
“I’m sorry but we’re not your parents. It’s dark so you probably mistook us for them. Don’t worry, Kuro and I will help you find your parents and protect you from that fairy. If you know your parent’s phone number, I can call them for you.” Mahiru offered and took out his phone. She took off her backpack and slipped out a small schoolbook.
“Papa and Mama said I should only give this secret information to trusted adults. Machi trusts Papa and Mama the most!” She smiled and held out the notebook to him. His brows furrowed together when he saw the name inside the cover. I am Machi Shirota, age six. In case of an emergency, please call my parents, Kuro and Mahiru Shirota, at this number.
Mahiru easily recognized the handwriting as his own. Both of their phone numbers written next to their names. He became more confused by the situation. It was impossible for the girl to know his number and write it in her notebook. Her last name was the same as his but none of his relatives had a daughter. As he tried to make sense of the strange scenario, Kuro said: “She looks a lot like you, Mahiru.”
“Do you think so?” Mahiru asked and had to admit that Kuro was right. A sound nearby caught their attention and Machi ran into his arms for protection. He placed his hand on her tiny head to calm and comfort her. “That was only a deer. Earlier, you said a fairy took your Mama’s memories. Was the creature chasing you earlier a fairy?”
“You’re my Mama. Why can’t you recognize me?” Her expression became lonely and sad at the thought that her parents didn’t remember her. Mahiru still had a lot of questions but it was clear that she needed help. He felt sympathetic and he turned to Kuro. Even before he spoke, Kuro could read his thoughts and he knelt on the ground next to them.
“Mahiru’s a guy so he isn’t your Mama. We’ll help you find your parents though. We’ll protect you from the fairy as well.” He promised her. His words didn’t reassure her and it only caused her frown to deepen. It was clear that she was convinced that they were her parents. “Can you tell us what happened before we found you?”
She started to answer but then a long yawn overtook her words. Mahiru smiled softly and then handed the book back to her. “You must be tired. You can tell us everything in the morning. Let’s go home where that fairy won’t be able to hurt you. Do you know the directions to your house? Maybe there’s someone there who will know something.”
“Will Papa carry Machi?” She asked and held up her arms to Kuro. He thought it would be easier to carry her rather than have her walk so he lifted her onto his shoulders. From the spot, she gave them directions to her home. They walked back across the street and gathered the groceries that they had dropped. Mahiru hoped he could savage a few of the food. “What’s for dinner?”
“Umm, I was thinking of beef and broccoli.” He said and she pouted at the mention of the vegetables.
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“We’ve only started dating a month ago. I never thought we’ll start discussing kids through a situation like this. Then again, nothing is simple with you.” Kuro whispered to Mahiru as they washed the dishes together. They finished eating with Machi and the child was now watching the television in the living room. He was glad that she was too far to hear their discussion. Whenever they brought up that they couldn’t be her parents, she would frown. Her face resembled Mahiru’s so he didn’t want to see her sad.
“When we asked her to take us to her home, she brought us here. She knew the passcode to our apartment building too. I’m starting to think that Machi is our daughter from the future or something else.” Mahiru was happy to know that he and Kuro were together in the future and they had a family. On the other hand, he had a lot of questions of why their daughter was being attacked.
Mahiru looked over his shoulder to where Machi was watching a cartoon. He sighed softly and said, “The only way we’ll know is to ask her what happened. I don’t know if it’s the right time to talk to her about that fairy who attacked her. She’s only a kid and that must’ve frightened her. At least she seems calm and happy now.”
“If she’s actually our daughter, I think she’ll be strong and brave like you.” Kuro said. Though, he agreed that it would be best to give Machi more time before they brought up the subject to her. He considered calling Lily for help. Since he had been alone for so long, he didn’t know whether he could take care of a child. Mahiru reached towards him and wrapped his hand around Kuro’s. He must’ve read his thoughts because he reassured him.
“I know we’ve never talked about our future deeply but I’ve always thought you would be a good father. You’re someone I could always depend on, Kuro. Growing up as an only child, I wanted a big family. I wouldn’t be in a serious relationship with someone unless I was certain I could have something stable with them.” Mahiru reassured him with a smile. “I hope I didn’t scare you away by talking about the future like this. It’s probably too early.”
“After fighting vampires and sorcerers, something like the future can’t scare me away from you, Mahiru. We’ll face it together.” Kuro squeezed his hand back. Mahiru leaned against his shoulder and then shut off the water.
“You fought vampires, Papa? That’s cool!” They jumped apart when they heard Machi’s voice. She stared up at them and her eyes were filled with awe. Mahiru assumed that she easily believed in fantasy creatures due to her young age. However, a child would be frightened if they learned that their parents fought vampires. “Did Mama use her magic broom like the video I saw?”
“Video?” Kuro repeated in confusion. They had always been careful not to reveal that he was a vampire and C3 would destroy any evidence of their existence. Machi could be their daughter so there was a chance she learned about vampires from them. “Did you see us fighting vampires on the news?”
“It was a training video with Papa and Mama. Uncle Gear said he kept it to study the magic you used. I don’t really understand what he said but Mama looked super cool! She flew around on her broom and changed it to a spear.” She explained with wide gestures. “I wanted to see you use your broom but Gear said that you don’t have your powers anymore. I used a magic spell to bring back Mama and Papa’s powers.”
Machi skipped back to her backpack and she pulled out a large book. He sat next to her as she flipped through the pages. She found the spell she used and she read a few words out loud. “Reverse… Change… Time… Machi doesn’t know what this word is. Oh, this one is fairy! Uncle Lily taught me this word. He’s a nice fairy, not like that other one.”
“You’re a smart girl since you’re able to read at such a young age.” Her eyes beamed at the compliment and Kuro saw Mahiru’s smile reflected in her. “Where did you get this spell book?”
“Uncle Gear was babysitting me and he said I could choose a book to read while he makes dinner with Uncle Youtarou.” She explained. Mahiru skimmed through the spell that she had used and he quickly learned that Machi didn’t fully understand the spell. With the spell, the caster could travel to a parallel world but it would cost the life of a child.
“I am never letting that wolf babysit you again.” Kuro muttered to himself. He moved closer to Mahiru and whispered so only he could hear him. “The fairy might try to attack her again as payment for the spell. What do you want to do?”
“Let’s focus on Machi and make sure she feels safe. Tomorrow, we’ll ask the others for help with the fairy and search for a way to send Machi back.” Mahiru decided. He turned his attention back to Machi and said, “Gear didn’t read you a proper book. How about we read one right now?”
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A chill in the air woke Mahiru and he reached through the dark for the blanket. He drew the covers over Kuro and Machi so they would be warm. The three had fallen asleep on the living room floor as he read stories to Machi. In his haze of sleep, he saw that the balcony was slightly ajar and he reasoned that was the cause of the cold. He didn’t want the cold to bother Machi so he stood to close the door.
After a few steps, he was jolted awake by the realization that someone must’ve entered their home. He turned around sharply and he searched the darkness for any sign of the fairy. Mahiru rushed to Kuro and gently shook his shoulder to wake him. He didn’t want to scare Machi so he hoped she would stay asleep while he spoke with Kuro.
“Mahiru?” Kuro yawned his name as he opened his eyes. His gaze fell on something over Mahiru’s shoulder and he quickly sat up. A fairy hovered above them. He pushed Mahiru aside so he wouldn’t be hurt when the fairy aimed an attack at them. He summoned his claws and deflected the thorns the fairy used. Mahiru scoped Machi into his arms while Kuro stood in front of them.
During the fight, Machi slept soundly and she merely snored against his shoulder. Mahiru wanted to help Kuro but there was a chance Machi would be hurt in the struggle. He held her protectively and covered her ear with his hand so the sounds wouldn’t wake her. He summoned his spear in his hand. With his Lead, he could fight from a distance and cut the vines attacking Kuro.
A spear flew through the room and pinned the fairy against the wall. Mahiru was shocked since he hadn’t thrown it and he held his own spear in his hand. He followed the path the spear had taken and he saw two people standing in the balcony door. They wore full cloaks so he couldn’t see who they were. Cautious, Mahiru held Machi tighter against him and he ran to Kuro’s side.
“Even in this world, you like to mother everyone. Well, she is your child.” The taller person took off his hood and he was shocked to see that it was Kuro. The man appeared older though. “I’m glad that Machi was able to find us in this world and she’s safe. We were scared something might’ve happened to her before we could reach her.”
“You’re the Kuro from the alternate world? Are you here for Machi?” Mahiru asked. He was still wary of their sudden appearance and he didn’t know if he could trust them. He would worry about Machi if he gave her to a stranger, even if he had Kuro’s appearance.
“We’re from a parallel world. We used another spell to follow Machi.” The woman next to him answered. She walked towards them and she placed her hand on Machi’s tiny head. Love and fondness shone in her brown eyes. “Machi can sleep through a tornado. She inherited that from her father. We should take her back before we change too much from your world.”
“This woman smells like you, Mahiru. I think we can trust them.” Kuro said and Mahiru nodded. Slowly, he handed Machi to the woman and he saw how she held her. Mahiru thought of his mother as he watched them interact and he relaxed.
“Thank you for protecting our daughter.” They said and then left.
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Mahiru woke on the couch with his head on Kuro’s chest and the sound of his heartbeat in his ear. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. The television was still on and he wondered if they had fallen asleep while they watched a movie last night. He reached towards the remote control on the table to turn off the television but he couldn’t move with Kuro’s arms around him.
He didn’t want to wake Kuro so he gave up and relaxed in his embrace again. The family on the screen reminded him of his dream and he sighed to himself. His voice woke Kuro and he opened his eyes. Their gaze met and Mahiru leaned over him to kiss him. Kuro threaded his fingers through Mahiru’s hair and whispered, “Morning.”
“I think we overslept. Luckily, it’s Saturday.” Mahiru said but he didn’t move from Kuro’s arms. “Can I ask you a sudden question, Kuro? How do you feel about having a kid one day? It’s too early to adopt and start a family right now but, maybe in the future…”
“I wouldn’t mind if we had a kid.” Kuro shrugged. He answered quicker than Mahiru expected him to. “I had a strange dream about our daughter from a parallel world appearing in front of us.”
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