#chrom kin
dollarstore-kins · 9 months
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Self indulgent matching Christmas trans Chrom and Christmas nonbinary Robin!!
-Mod ET
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findinyourkin · 2 months
Hii! I am Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening, Mostly looking for Frederick, Lissa and Robin though any source mates are great, I have memories/kin spiritually though its fine if you do not. Be 20+ if you interact, I am in my mid twenties.
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kincalling · 2 months
Hello! My name is Chrom from Fire emblem Awakening! I realize this is a bit of a shot in the dark but I am currently searching for Emmeryn and Lissa. I miss my sisters dearly. However, I am open to talking to anyone from source even if we don’t share canons! I married Robin in every timeline and though I already have my Robin, I’d be more than happy to speak to anyone who kins Robin as well! I’m 25 so please be 20+! you can reach out to me on my kin blog @goldengatekeys
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asclepias0819 · 2 years
chrom is such a crazy character to me bc i quite literally fell in love with him on accident and i don’t mean i got to chapter 12 and got the triggered marriage but like. i played the game and was like “get a load of this idiot what are you gonna do kiss me you MAN????? fuck that” and then by chapter 6 i was like ohhhhhhh god i have to marry this man immediately. right now.
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sotiredmostnights · 9 months
i really feel like people underestimate the importance of the valm arc in awakening. to me, this arc is essential in chrom's character development as a new ruler trying to determine his place and ylisse's place in the world.
throughout the valm arc, chrom strengthens ylisse's alliance with regna ferox and begins a new alliance with the people of valm who oppose walhart. in addition to this, he also grows on a personal level: he further acknowledges the ways in which his own forms of justice differ from emmeryn's AND walhart's, and as he establishes his own justice, he uses his newfound conviction to liberate those under walhart's oppressive rule.
and then we have the subplot with say'ri and yen'fay. this was a nice little diversion on the surface, but what fascinates me about it is the parallels between chrom and say'ri. they both want to do what's best for their country, even if it means going against the ideals of their sibling (say'ri fights yen'fay head-on, and chrom rejects emmeryn's pacifist approach to the plegian conflict).
needless to say, the self-sacrifice of both emmeryn and yen'fay to ensure the safety of their respective siblings is another key element to the valm arc. here we have chrom, whose sister leapt to her own demise in order to spare him the painful choice of saving his sister or saving his country. on the flip side, we have yen'fay who chooses a more direct approach to saving his kin: he allies himself with walhart in the hopes that say'ri will be spared death at the hands of the conquerer.
this isn't even broaching the struggles lucina faces during this arc. basilio's presumed death really serves as a reminder to her that changing the course of fate is a daunting task, and her failure to convince basilio to stay clear of walhart solidifies the weight of the challenge that stands before her.
tldr the valm arc is incredibly underrated and it's a bit disappointing people often ignore it in favor of the other pieces of awakening's story
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fe-fictions · 8 months
M! Robin x Say'ri Commission (Say'ri's family suddenly grows...double in size!!)
Say’ri and Robin had been married only briefly, but they were so very happy. The stoic and composed swordswoman never wavered in her dignity when in public, but in private, she allowed her cool exterior to melt a little.
And at night, it was replaced with a blazing passion for her beloved. Robin would be lying if he didn’t say the same.
They were deeply in love, even if it wasn’t immediately obvious at first glance to the average bystander. Even Chrom wasn’t convinced by their “romance” when Robin confessed his intent to marry her.
But all doubts and skepticism quickly faded when their future daughter appeared before any other couple’s child. Clearly, the two of you worked quickly.
Her initial appearance was certainly a shock, and the thought that you and Say’ri would have a daughter not long in the future made your heart swell with love and excitement (once the anxiety at the thought of bringing another life into this world, given both your pasts).
At least, it did at first.
The battle to reach Morgan was difficult, and she was almost at risk of death. Say’ri was the one who recognized her before anyone else could.
The swordsmanship the cloaked stranger used was utterly unmistakeable.
Only she and her brother could possibly know how to fight lke that. It was specific to their noble family’s lineage; a traditional sword fighting technique passed down only to their family.
And she had passed it on to her own offspring.
“Robin-” Say’ri spoke within moments of the fight beginning, the Risen slowly making their way towards the young samurai who held her own.
You launched a bolt of Arcthunder into the mob, careful to avoid striking Chrom or Stahl as they charged forward.
“What’s wrong?” Your question was immediate; Say’ri rarely spoke in battle unless it was of the utmost importance.
“It is the stranger- they fight as Father and Mother did.”
Your gaze turned to the figure far ahead, eyes narrowed as you observed their movements. It was certainly similar to Say’ri’s fighting pattern, but you weren’t versed enough to tell it apart from other Chon’sin styles (yet, at least).
“What does that mean?”
“It means…we are of one blood. They are kin.” She stated with a swift strike of her blade, another Risen falling by her hand.
You drew her behind you to follow with a powerful blast of magic, lighting up the entire squadron that acted as another barrier.
“Could it be another Yen’fay? Or another family member from a different timeline?” He wondered, “They seem small…like a child, almost…”
“Robin-” She sucked in a breath, as if steeling herself for the words she spoke.
“There are no children. Brother and I are the last of our family’s bloodline. Unless…”
Suddenly, it clicked. Your stomach dropped, feeling a wave of urgency crash over you.
“That is our-”
“-We have to get them-”
“-We have a child from the future-”
“-They need our help!!”
You stumbled over each other’s words, the rush of adrenaline bordering into panic when you realized how much more dire the situation had become.
That wasn’t just a stranger who needed help- that was your very own child. Yours and Say’ri’s child!
“Fie!!” Say’ri bellowed, bursting forth with a renewed fire in her eyes.
It was all you could do to follow after her, alerting Chrom and Lucina that it was without doubt another future child.
The princess wasn’t far behind, the Shepherds realigning their strategy to make a beeline for that young one.
Unfortunately the Risen didn’t relent in their attack, all but swarming your battalion when your objective became clear.
It was a race to the end, and it was putting more pressure on the stranger.
More and more Risen clouded your vision, and it became difficult to see over the monsters before you. It took a few moments to realize that Say’ri was no longer at your side.
“Say’ri- hey, where did you go?!” You shouted for your wife over the clamor of battle. She did not respond- but you did spot a flash of black hair in the distance.
“Good gods- she’s just going in alone? Is she on a suicide mission??” Cordelia spotted her second, prompting you to order the pegasus knight down.
“Get me to her!!” Your demand was met with swift compliance, one arm wrapped around her waist and the other raining thunderbolts to the enemies below.
“She’s acting on her own, but for good reason- she thinks that’s our future child!” You explained in a rush, the winged beast swooping down closer to the woman who was closing in on the figure.
“What, really?!” Cordelia gasped, “That’s wonderful, but shouldn’t she be going in with you?!”
“I agree, but I lost track of her in the latest wave-- if we don’t get this under control, we’re all gonna be in trouble!”
It didn’t take long to catch up, but by the time you were able to drop in, Say’ri had already connected with the stranger.
“Say’ri!!” You called out to her, finding she had wrapped her arms around them and all but forgotten her blade.
It was wholly unlike her, and without doubt a cause for concern.
“We can reunite later!! We’ve gotta get this under control first!!” You shouted to her, which seemed to snap her back into focus.
You were shooting off Bolganone spells one after the other, your Arcthunder having run out of pages.
It was getting down to the wire.
Mercifully, their numbers were finally starting to thin out the Shepherds working on them from the other end while you blasted them from this side.
“Robin, look!!” She called to you, as she drove her sword into a nearby foe, “She is too young to fight any longer- she is exhausted!!”
Your heart hit your throat when you turned to her, sparing a moment’s glance at the stranger before you.
Your daughter.
A child who appeared no older than twelve…and she had been fighting on her own.
“Oh my gods, she’s- she’s just a-”
“She cannot fight any longer- please, we must extract her from this battle now!!”
You had never seen such desperation in her eyes, before. It was as though she had taken this little one into her heart, wholly.
And you couldn’t blame her- the girl looked like the spitting image of both of you.
She was scrawny, no doubt due to being a literal adolescent, unlike Lucina. She was far too young to be on the battlefield…let alone to be fighting as hard as she was.
You nodded to Say’ri then, shooting up a flare to bring Cordelia back to you. The knight was instructed to take the girl, and you left the fight to your wife long enough to reach the girl’s side.
“Hey, we’re getting you out of here! Can you ride a horse?” She didn’t seem capable of speaking, staring at you with wide eyes and mouth agape. She must’ve been in shock. “Just take my hand and we’ll- gah!”
You were cut off by her nearly squeezing the life out of you, hugging you for dear life.
It made your heart skip a beat; she was so little…but she was so happy to see you. It took only a moment for your thoughts to gather, and then you were quick to reciprocate.
“It’s all right. I’m here now, and we’re taking you somewhere safe.” She nodded into your shoulder, and the featherlight child was lifted in your arms, taking her onto the pegasus’ back.
You didn’t notice the look that Say’ri had on her face as you lifted away.
After all; the child didn’t acknowledge her as “Mama”…and it was Say’ri who had to hug her, not the other way around.
It did not sit well in her heart.
“Come now, that does not mean she doesn’t love you, Say’ri.”
“But she did not recognize me. She knew you so well, and yet I was but a stranger to our own daughter. And she is so young! Fie, am I not living in Morgan’s future? Before she even had a chance to know me?”
“No, that can’t be. Look at how she fought- she clearly trained with you in the future. It must be her amnesia.”
“We cannot know anything but what we see before us; and I see a daughter who does not recognize her own mother.”
She would have sounded angry to just about anyone else. But you recognized that heartbreak when you heard it; a similar voice had revealed itself when discussing Yen’fay countless times before.
“Hey…” You closed the distance between you, wrapping your arms around your wife and drawing her into your chest. “Morgan is a good girl. And I’m certain she loves you and knows you; she couldn’t have fought like that without your guidance, which is more than enough proof for me. And so what if she has a favorite parent? Every parent has a child they favor more than the other.”
“You lie! I could not love my own children more or less than another. Nor did my own parents.” She snapped at you, appalled at the very suggestion. You just laughed and pecked her forehead, drawing a bashful grunt.
“I jest, of course. I know that if we had a thousand children, you would love them all equally and without question. And I know that they would all feel the same about you, no qestions asked.”
“But…what do we do with Morgan? Isn’t there a way to cure her amnesia? I o not wish for her to continue growing up without remembering herself or her pat…it would be cruel for a child so small…”
“I’ll speak with Libra about it tomorrow morning. I don’t disagree; she’s barely over the age of 13. She’s a child, through and through…and I don’t want her to have to suffer any more than she alreay has.
“Nor do I.” She afreed, finally returning the embrace. “Forgive me. I did not mean to be so irrational. I was just…”
“…Never. Such a foolish assumption.” She hissd, swatting your hands away with a far reder face than before. You watche as she stalked away and threw herself below the quilts of the bed roll, fighting to keep your laughter from being heard.
Your wife was really so precious…you doubted she realized how cute she was when she got angry.
“It’s all right, Say’ri. Morgan will get her memory back and she’ll remember just how much she loves you. Until then, I’m sure you will show her all the love she deserves.”
“And more.” She huffed, leaning back into your chest. You smiled to yourself, burying your face in her hair as sleep started to take you both.
There was no doubt in your mind that she’d make good on that promise.
Another battle, another child from the future. So was the pattern over the next few weeks, with Lucina passionately campaigning for the Shepherds to take some time from the war to try and find all the other children that had been brought here from the future. They would all be capable fighters, and invaluable to the army’s cause.
Chrom couldn’t find a reason to say otherwise; though you were sure there was a lot of curiosity piqued when Lucina mentioned she had a younger sister she wished to reunite with.
Cordelia’s thorny daughter was recovered not long after Morgan, followed by Laurent, Nah and the mysterious Gerome. It wasn’t long after you found him and had crossed back into Valm that you discovered another one.
A strange, small child who was fighting with a Levin sword, but handled it much like your wife would.
Say’ri was quickly putting the pieces together (after all; what fool would try and wield an enchanted, jagged blade that was wholly impractical to use with her family’s methods).
It was when the battle ended and the field cleared that the new child made a beeline straight for your family. Specifically, your wary wife.
“Mama!! Thank goodness I found you! And wow, you look so much younger here! The air in this valley must be good for you!!”
The squeal of excitement you heard kind of threw you for a loop. After all, Morgan was standing right next to you, the battle having been just finished.
Neither you nor Say’ri expected the young child that suddenly ran up out of nowhere, immediately throwing his arms around your wife. You and Morgan jumped, ready to pull the stranger off of her, but Say’ri did not seem bothered.
Instead, she seemed surprised, but appeared much calmer than either you or your daughter.
“Uhh…who are you?” Morgan gathered herself first, and the other child pulled back to look at her. Said child who had the exact same hair, eyes and nose as your daughter…and who called Say’ri “Mama”…and was wearing a coat eerily similar to yours.
No, wait- it was…it was your coat?
“Oh, Sister!! I can’t believe you’re here, too! This must be where you all were hiding, huh?” The young one removed himself from Say’ri, closing the gap between himself and Morgan and grasping her hands.
They looked to be the same age, same height, same…everything, save for opposing colors of hair; a shock white versus a dark brown. Say’ri’s eyes snapped to yours, realization dawning on both of you.
“-Twins.” Say’ri finished your thought, looking incredibly surprised. The boy nodded at her as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Of course I am! You didn’t forget about one of your twin children, did you? That’d be a funny prank!” He giggled, but Morgan seemed equally perplexed.
“Oh, um…I-I’m sorry, but I don’t remember having a brother.” She admitted shyly, “I lost my memory when I was sent here…”
“What? Really!” He gasped, “T-that’s okay, because I kinda have the same problem.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Wait, you have amnesia too?” He nodded at your question, stunned by this. “Wow, er…I guess it really runs in the family then, doesn’t it?”
“The family?” He tilted his head, “Are you part of the family too?”
“He is your father.” Say’ri stated simply, unable to take her eyes off of him.
This was her son- and he reminded her so much of Yen’fay; he was clearly trained with the blade just as her daughter was. And he had that limber strength to him that her own brother did.
To think that she would be able to raise two children; siblings, who could grow up and experience life together in a way she and Yen’fay had when they were young.
It made her feel much more determined not to let Morgan suffer the same tragedies that she had when she was young.
Neither her, nor her newfound son.
“My father!!” He exclaimed, eyes blown wide. “W-wow, oh wow! I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you, Papa! I don’t think we ever got to meet in real life. But I remember lots of Mama’s stories about you!”
“The pleasure’s all mine, uh…”
Say’ri smiled; that was a family name. You beamed softly, the shock of finding a second child finally giving way to the joy of realization.
“Then, the pleasure’s all mine, Linfan.”
Morgan wrapped her arms around your bicep, observing this new individual who seemed utterly thrilled to reunite with all of them.
You looked down at the little one, recognizing the apprehension in her gaze when Linfan bounced back over to his mother.
“I…I don’t like that I don’t remember my own twin.” She confessed to you quietly, the two of you watching him all but circle his mother like a lost puppy. “Is that even possible?”
“Well, you did forget your mother when you were sent over. I don’t think forgetting your brother would be all that different.”
“I guess, I just…who knew?” She giggled nervously, “Is this what you felt when you and Mama first found me? Like, happy, but confused?”
“I’d say you nailed it,” You grinned at her, tousling her hair. “Don’t worry; we’re happy you’re here, and now that Linfan is joining us, it’ll be all the more joyful. Once we get to know a little more about him, I’m sure we’ll warm up to him.”
And your hypothesis was more than accurate; the boy was just so full of joy.
It wouldn’t take long for Morgan to warm up to her lost brother. She wasn’t able to stay wary of him for long. He was bubbly and warm, just like she was.
A personality trait you weren’t entirely positive where either of them got it from…though Say’ri was certain they got it from you.
Pehaps that's why she so enjoye inne that night; sharing the hearty stew as her two offspring chattere on about this and that, comparing memories and stories they coul recall, and discussing tactics an swoplay like any normal chilren shoul.
You couldn’t help the way your heart skipped a beat, seein ghow fondly she watche her two children interact. She was the picture of prie.
Though it certainly helpe that her son, who held her namesake, seemed attached at her hip and just couln’t get away from his mother’s attention.
She thought you didn’t notice, but it was not difficult to catch when she slipped some pieces of beef into his bowl.
But it was clear as day she was doting on her son. Perhaps it was because he was proof that she was the favorite parent.
Now you each had a child more attached than the other to you.
Of course, you were both incredibly thrilled to have two sweet children, at all. Though you wouldn’t miss an opportunity to tease Say’ri for her showing clear affection to her newfound boy.
“…You speak nonsense.”
“I do not.”
Say’ri scoffed, blowing off your clear attempt to make fun of her behavior following a rather sudden and passionate evening in each other’s arms.
It’d been a while since you’d both been able to have a proper bath, and after everything that happened the past few weeks, it was reasonable you’d be missing one another.
Her head rested on your chest, palm flat over your heartbeat that had finally slowed now that you were both basking in the afterglow of your tryst.
But of course, you just had to be the one to break the peaceful silence with a pointed comment.
“I saw you slipping extra meat into Linfan’s stew. You thought you were being sneaky.”
“Feh. We all saw you doing the same for Morgan, openly and long before I gave him extra.”
“Well, she’s a growing girl.”
“And so too, is he, a growing child! I simply felt they had not given him a large enough portion.”
“You’re right, you’re right. Forgive me.” You chuckled, running your fingers through her hair. She huffed softly, relaxing into your side. “But you have to admit…I think Linfan has a preference towards you moreso than me.”
“I suppose…you are right. I wonder if it is due to his amnesia. Similar to how Morgan behaved with you.”
“It does help me to understand how you were feeling, before. Trying to understand why one of us is forgotten by our own children…it is an unsettling feeling.”
“I wish you did not have to suffer the same uncertainty I did, but I appreciate that you are able to understand it.” She murmured, “I will choose to hope that he only forgets you because of an unfortunate mishap, and not that…you too, were…”
“Yes. Let us believe the former.” You turned to press your lips to her temple, soothing the despair that was clear in her voice.
She had already lost so much. Even the thought of losing you in another time wholly was enough to stir her heart.
She pressed her face against your collarbone, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves.
“There is so much we do not know about the future. I hate to think that anything terrible could have befallen either of our children, or ourselves. When I was younger and would dream of a family, I swore to myself they would be raised in a time of peace. I did not wish for my offspring to suffer the same struggle that Brother and I had to. I…believed that my children would deserve better. But it seems that we failed them…at least, in their future.”
“I know what you mean. But I’m afraid you cannot control a malevolent dragon being summoned and decimating the halidom.”
“Be silent.” She lightly slapped your chest, “Do not speak of such things. You may manifest it into existence, and I know it is the absolute last thing you would want for either of them to go through, again.”
“You’re right, of course. My apologies.” You smiled softly, “It warms my heart, to see how you dote on them so.”
“They are my only son and daughter. It would be of greater concern if I showed anything less.”
“Well…they don’t have to be our only son and daughter, you know.”
“I will strike you again, Robin. And I do not have to hold back if you continue to tease me.”
“Oh, dear. I beg mercy of you, my lady.” You chuckled lightly, squeezing her tight. “You must forgive me- I fear I’m simply elated with the realization that our family’s grown so much. Perhaps my giddyness just hasn’t worn off just yet.”
Say’ri simply huffed again, shifting slightly so that she could relax properly into her husband’s hold. You weren’t completely wrong, after all; she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t caught herself smiling twice more often in the last several hours.
Linfan being her own mini me, even with hair that was the sharpest opposite of her own…it was quite a thrill.
And of course, over the coming days, it only grew more so. The trials and tribulations that would be faced by your family were no joke, and not to be underestimated.
Walhart fought bitterly, and the dragon that would follow with the revelations of the end of days was unmistakably horrific.
But you joined together, and with Morgan and LInfan at your side, you were able to end the destruction of the Fell Dragon once and for all.
You would never be able to forget the grief and terror that was struck across your wife and children’s faces.
The very real fear that they might never see you again had come to fruition. The guilt you felt was insurmountable in that moment. But each of htem wer embraced tightly, tears dripping from each eye…
And a lingering kiss pressed to Say’ri’s grimacing lips sealed the promise of a reunion, before you disappeared into the aether.
Naga was gracious enough to erturn you to Ylisse only a year later.
You were met with a thrilled Exalt and his princess sister, just like all those years ago.
They would help you journey to Say’ri’s homeland, which she had quickly taken charge over and rebuilt. Morgan and Linfan had remained stuck at her side, waiting patiently and hopefully for their father’s swift return.
Seeing you walking up to the front gates beside Chrom sent the children shouting and wailing, sprinting to close the distance and throw their arms around you in a much needed embrace.
You were only able to pull yourself from them when you saw Say’ri standing twenty feet away, staring at you in awe as the wind whipped her hair around like the goddess she was.
You were the one to close the distance, this time; and the moment your hands cupped her face, she dissolved into tears.
It was the first (and only) time the children saw their mother openly sob. Even when you were gone, she did not allow herself to grieve; you had promised you’d return, after all. What could she do but hope?
A much deserved swat at your chest for leaving so long was followed by a kiss, and after that, you had two children tugging you and Say’ri back toyour new home.
Chon’sin welcome you with open arms, but all you wanted was a quiet sddinner with your family. A festival and feast could be helf another night.
But now, all the excitement he could possibly want was sitting at the table, listening to Linfan and Morgan chatter excitedly about all their adventures and experiences while you were gone, catching you up on anything you missed.
Say’ri watched over them as any doting, adoring mother would. Yousecretly noted the meat that she added to your bowl, before she slipped her hand in yours beneath the table.
This was truly heaven.
Spending a year in eternity with Naga was well and good, but…the warmth of your family, the love of your wife and children…there was nothing in the world you could possibly cherish more.
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iturbide · 1 year
Kay, but if Gangrel hates Chrom's dad so much, why he in such a hurry to be just like him? Chrom's dad be like 'hmm i believe i shall kill all those people for being plegian and i shall call it a crusade.' And then years later after everyone who could rightly be held accountable is dead and all that's left are victims, Gangrel's like 'hmm i believe i shall kill all those people for being ylissian and call it justice.'
Frankly, I don't think Gangrel has the level of self-awareness to recognize that he's become what he hated.
Because that's the thing, isn't it? There's a joke of sorts in a lot of media, where a character will be doing something and suddenly stop, saying "I've become my parent" or something along those lines, because they realized that their behavior replicated something from another person. And that same character may have sworn they would never become their parent, only to have it dawn on them that they've done that anyway. They needed a revelation of sorts to become self-aware of the behavior they were replicating.
Gangrel doesn't have that self-awareness. Gangrel is fueled by hatred for the country that nearly destroyed his own, and since it's been fifteen years and Ylisse seems content to just hide that stain on their history under the rug, somebody's got to bring justice to the situation. And with the power that comes with kingship in his hands, coupled with the backing of Validar's cult, Gangrel decides he's going to be that somebody. He doesn't stop to think that "hey, maybe I'm replicating the same crimes perpetrated by someone I despise," he barrels right ahead and takes out his pent-up rage on them once he has the means to do so, because it feels good to give Ylisse what he feels it deserves after they tried to wipe out Plegia.
And I do understand how he'd come to that. Because it's heavily implied that nobody from the Ylissean side ever came forward to say "hey, what happened under the last Exalt was really fucked up." I'm not even talking about reparations -- Ylisse didn't accept any accountability for that attempted genocide: Emmeryn ended the war...and then that was it. She focused on internal politics, trying to restore the Halidom after the toll that the crusade took on her own lands, and left that open wound to fester across the border. The victims from Plegia never got any justice. They were left with a war-torn country, struggling to rebuild in conditions already hostile to habitation, with no assurance that this wouldn't happen again. I think that their conversation in Chapter 5 of Awakening is pretty telling in that regard (emphasis mine):
Gangrel: Surely you have not forgotten what the last exalt did to my people? Your father named us heathens! His "crusade" across Plegia butchered countless of my subjects and my kin! Emmeryn: ...I have never denied Ylisse's past wrongdoings. But I have sworn to never repeat those mistakes. Ours is now a realm of peace.
She admits she hasn't denied Ylisse's past. But she says nothing about Ylisse accepting responsibility for those wrongdoings. Gangrel has spent the better part of two decades letting his hatred of Ylisse keep him warm: he's clung to that above all other things. And that focus has made it impossible for him to see that he's become exactly like the man that ruined his life all those years ago.
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wayward-sword · 1 month
Bro gets an Iris too-- one in a pot, so Sora and the kids can enjoy it too. And if he wants, he can plant it somewhere he wants. "It's one from the irises in my sister's garden. I hope you and your family like it."
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Well... The last person he was certainly expecting to receive a flower from was Chrom. What was that... An iris? Symbolic of faith, courage, valor, hope and wisdom... All that time spent helping Sora tend to the flowers was starting to rub off on him. It seemed somehow suitable for Chrom to fancy a flower such as this, given the man's own inherent qualities, but there had to be meaning to the color too right? That part was what escaped him. He would have to confer with Sora about that later, because it was where her knowledge definitely trumped his own.
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"I'm sure they'll love it, blueberry. Rose especially. She knows the symbolism behind these things better than anybody. Thank you. It's much appreciated." Especially, if he were to interpret this in another way, it was as though Chrom was sharing something pivotal about himself with Zech and his kin. A quality like that was truly priceless.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 3 months
guilty pleasure ramble about how i'd slot my self insert + zihark into fates since it feels inevitable after tellius/fe13(<where it got started)/feh
ironically mostly tellius & fates magic nerding, no worries. worldbuilding!
this is going to be incomprehensible without context lol, so: long story short i've spent the past uh. 20 years plopping those two in various FE worlds.
while tellius was naturally where it started, the story really solidified with fe13's spotpass characters and me trying to retcon (a) how tf they're viewed to the other living characters (shades, ghosts?) and how they got there, and (b) the avatar-tactician being all but a necromancer nosferatsu tank raising ghosts from her past and how the hell chrom + co would actually find that creepy.
(i need to name her at least for talking publicly. let's uh - bright eyes was ironically a name that a lot of dark mages started calling her way later on once she started hunting them down in tellius proper (the OG world) and she kind of likes that power trip. so let's go with that.)
anyway - bright eyes' (tellius) backstory is that she almost died as a kid from a sickness while growing up in begnion and unintentionally became a spirit charmer when making a pact out of sheer desperation of 'i don't want to die'. (-so be it, said the spirit).
so she gets regeneration and stunted aging at the cost of health.
a lot of the resulting tension of the story comes from playing with the dark sides of regeneration - not being able to die but still feeling pain, how can it be twisted into an advantage, etc. (if you've read the manga ajin, i loved how it really knuckled into the body horror and psychological horror of simple regeneration alone and how creatively it can be taken. are you yourself after being decapitated? if those two "parts" stay separate who *is* your true self? is the only way to stop somebody who can infinitely regenerate to cut them up in pieces and bury them alive? etc .... it gets dark yea)
anyway as time goes on, empress sanaki notices bright eyes during the mad king's war (being a simple mage that tags along with ike's army), and has her on retainer much like tormod investigating daein. (you can probably figure how things go when radiant dawn kicks off, and who she runs into again).
but while tormod's more there to investigate whether begnion's occupation is legit, bright eyes is there keeping tabs on dark mages and taking them out since she's gotten vastly better at combat.
since here's the thing - especially in tellius dark mages are much rarer/either begnion-sanctioned/branded/spirit charmers. there's a lot of fascinating social power dynamics i think are hinted in who gets sanctioned mage education and which kind of accepted mage training ... holy priests vs like, underground hedgewitches.
with the begnion empire and worship of ashera as monocultural? universal? as it is, i get the feeling that dark mages are seen as the "other evil" much like yune ("dark god" and all) - likewise, i am so fascinated by that one dark mage boss you get to see in p3 of radiant dawn. who'd he get trained by.
"dang bright eyes is a cop???" lol. yes, but rest assured that too is played with - when does it hit about hunting down kin, more similar than those who are your handlers? i love this kind of messy shit. consider it the ex-fundamentalist background of the author.
anyway, which! brings me to fates-verse.
nyx' whole eternal-youth-but-what-cost-curse-backstory instantly stood out to me as something similar (writing YRMR solidified my thoughts on how incredibly powerful and prestigious mages are in nohr compared to tellius; almost like minor nobles in their own regard) - but i also don't want to take that and copy it wholesale. that said bright eyes being nohrian feels patently obvious with the vampire background that nation has, lol; she'd always be the monster of the two.
zihark on the other hand feels easy; dead ringer for a hoshido mercenary - sort of like shura in he's willing to take on dirty jobs and crosses the borders into nohr unusually often for a hoshidan. almost frequently enough that a few folks mistake him for a nohrian at first (kind of like how no one in ike's army knew he was daein despite sothe himself also being daein).
but going back -
i kind of like the idea of bright eyes actually starting off in iago's mage guild; i want to explore how deeply fucked up nohrian's magic power dynamics are with the most emphasized bits of magic are mind wipes, faceless, sapping willpower, assassination via illusions ... simply controlling fire/ice feels positively tame in comparison.
anyway bright eyes basically trading health for regeneration as a way to survive in the mage's guild training feels remarkably on script there. all the baby mages trying to figure out how to "cheat" survival and the backstabbing until they graduate....
and well. can't kill a monster that just keeps coming back.
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galkanojo · 4 months
what are pendulum readings?
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hi anon! pendulum readings were big on kin tumblr back in the day (like, pre-2020) but i don't really see them anymore. i'll try and break it down as simple as i can.
a pendulum is a crystal attached to a string or chain. it is pointed at the bottom and can be used for divination. i have a few, but this is the one i primarily use;;
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you can ask it yes or no questions, and the way it swings will tell you your answer, generally on a scale of strong no -> strong yes. examples;;
Q: hi! i would like to get a pendulum reading to see if i kin mayu, the vocaloid?
A: hello! my reading gave me a strong yes, but you would know best!
alternatively, you can ask more complex questions about your kins/memories/timelines if you already know some of the details.
Q: hi! i'm inigo from fire emblem awakening, and i would like a pendulum reading to see if my father was chrom.
A: hello! my reading gave me a slight no, so i'd reccomend thinking about it more yourself, but you know yourself best!
obviously if you don't kin spiritually, this wouldn't apply to you, but it was a really common type of request on kinblr back in the day. i hope this explanation makes sense!
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fried-trash · 5 months
ooough if I start posting about selfshipping with Chrom do I tag any art with chrobin or tag it as selfship stuff because my s/i is literally just Robin with a slightly different coat of paint because I kin robin lol what do I do
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dollarstore-kins · 10 months
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Self indulgent matching winter trans Chrom and winter nonbinary Robin icons!!
-Mod ET
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ro-botany · 7 months
The game never gives any indications there are other sects of the Grimleal, the games glossary, located on the touch screen even describes Grimleal as wicked fanatics and there is zero distinction, as far as the game shows there is only one sect of Grima worshippers.
Its dumb, but that is what the game indicates. Similarly the game never attempts to give them any sort of motive.
Both are also something Fire Emblem did again recently in Three Houses with the TWISTD/Agarthans.
I'm gonna tackle the first two paragraphs one by one. I can't speak on any 3H content, as I haven't played the game, so, idk I'm just gonna leave that one hanging.
Its dumb, but that is what the game indicates. Similarly the game never attempts to give them any sort of motive.
I think what you're trying to get at here is that the Grimleal seem fairly shallow as villains. You're not entirely wrong; their writing often veers into the territory of cartoonishly evil, it's one of the game's weaknesses. But they are certainly not without motivation.
Awakening Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King, Opening:
Gangrel: Surely you have not forgotten what the last exalt did to my people? Your father named us heathens! His "crusade" across Plegia butchered countless of my subjects and my kin!
Awakening Chapter 6: Foreseer, Opening:
Chrom: [...] Not everything Gangrel said was a lie. The last exalt, my father, waged war on Plegia for many years. The violence… It was a brutal campaign. [...] Plegia rightfully remembers their suffering [...]
The holy war that Ylisse waged against Plegia is a massive part of the Grimleal's motivation for doing what they do. And I do mean a holy war specifically. Gangrel calls out Chrom's father for naming them "heathens", i.e. uncivilized brutes who do not follow the "correct" god. And the word "crusade" there is loaded with connotations of religious conflict, with it's most common usage in the real world being to refer to the religiously motivated wars waged by European Christians against Muslims.
Chrom talks at length about how hard the Ylissean crusade was on Ylisse--how it left them starving and fundamentally broken as a people. The invading halidom was left like that. Imagine how much worse things must have been for PLEGIA, the country being invaded!
Countless of people dying in a horrific war. Countless more starving to death. Refugees fleeing the front with their homes and lives and loved ones burning behind them. People get desperate. A lot of them probably fell into extremism; perhaps, even, extremism of the flavour the Grimleal was offering. Raising a god to smite the barbarians slaughtering your people would start to seem an attractive form of revenge, given the circumstances.
You may be tempted to go farther back in time, to the Grimleal's assumed founding. What reason would they have to try and destroy the world 1000 years ago? They're just evil!
In Awakening Chapter 2: Shepherds, we get this explanation of Ylissean history:
Frederick: [...] Long ago, at the dawn of our age, the fell dragon tried to destroy the world. But the first exalt joined forces with the divine dragon and laid the beast low.
Now, I want you to notice a few things. First and most crucial is that the Grimleal aren't actually mentioned here. There is no mention of Grimleal action whatsoever, only the actions of Grima himself.
Well, if Grima has always been so evil - why the hell would people worship him in the first place?!
The other thing I want you to notice is that we're given this history by an Ylissean knight. This is history as told by the victors. And as Panne so helpfully points out for us when she speaks of ancient Ylissean treatment of the taguel:
Panne: Humans are quick to forget history. ...Or rewrite it.
We don't actually know what happened 1000 years ago. Maybe Grima was trying to destroy the world for no reason. But maybe he was responding to aggression from the First Exalt and Naga. Or maybe he was previously a decent guy, but then started degenerating and getting violent. Or maybe he helped defeat a different threat to humanity, but after witnessing how his signature dark magic works, people turned on him, he retaliated, and Naga decided it was time to put him down.
The point is that we don't know and it's entirely possible that the Grimleal didn't exist back then, and that Grima worship, if it existed, was directed at a much more reasonable figure than the Grima we meet in the game's modern day.
All this to say: extremism tends to be born of desperation and modern day Plegia has that in spades after the wars vs Ylisse. The Grimleal absolutely have motive to want to send Grima to raze Ylisse to the ground.
Now! Back to your first paragraph:
The game never gives any indications there are other sects of the Grimleal. The games glossary, located on the touch screen even describes Grimleal as wicked fanatics and there is zero distinction, as far as the game shows there is only one sect of Grima worshippers.
As I said before the game does tend to veer into cartoonishly evil with the dialogue of individual Grimleal. But like I covered above; if you pay attention to the backstory being told, you'll notice we're being fed an imperfect and very likely biased version of history. Panne's entire character is meant to highlight this fact; the genocide and slavery of the taguel was perpetuated by Ylisseans, and it's not a very well known fact, people don't talk about that. They rewrite their history. They wage ugly wars on people who don't worship their oh so good and righteous god.
In many ways Ylisse's history is a direct mirror of the Grimleal. It sounds like Ylisse, or at minimum Ylisse's royalty, were dangerous warmongering zealots for a pretty significant portion of their history. Their commitment to peace seems like a recent development, born of their destroying themselves in the latest war and Emmeryn taking the throne and pushing different ideals.
So is it really so hard to believe that information the game gives us about Plegia and about Grima worship in general may also be biased? That it may be a case of Ylisse rewriting things?
We're never told that other Plegians don't worship Grima. This specific extremist sect, which has gained a lot of power recently, terrifies and oppresses the Plegian people. That's all we know.
Sure, some background Plegian villagers may be seen exclaiming "gods!" from time to time, stuff like that. But crucially; so do Ylissean characters, despite Ylisse being a nation that primarily worships Naga. Frederick exclaims shit like "gods!" and "by the nine heavens!" all the time. Libra, an Ylissean priest, also talks about "gods" plural. This is a setting where multiple gods happen to exist and get worshipped. That Plegians aside from the Grimleal acknowledge and pray to gods that aren't Grima is not proof that they don't worship Grima, just as Libra declaring he is "a man of the gods" doesn't mean he rejects Naga.
The game as a whole is not great at expanding upon religious culture in any of the countries it features, I admit. For a game that features a backdrop that's 80% religiously motivated war by volume, it's not great at worldbuilding religion, and I think that's one of it's big weaknesses as a story.
But between the likelihood that we are getting a very biased view of Plegia via being on the side of Ylisse, the lack of direct confirmation that common Plegians don't worship Grima, and the simple fact that extremist religious movements don't spring out of nowhere fully formed and instead have to come from somewhere... I feel pretty comfortable assuming the existence of non-extremist Grima worship, even if we don't know what form it takes.
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snakemansplaytoy · 11 months
Uhhh let me make a quick list of my other kins. I'm always okay with doubles but if you're not then I'M SO SORRY--
Yellow (Pokemon Special)
Ib (IB)
Ayano; Song Routes/Anime and Manga Route 2 and other non-canon routes (Kagerou Project)
Kuroha/Saeru/Snake of Clearing Eyes; Multiple routes, both canon and non-canon (Kagerou Project)
Chrom (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Grima Controlled!Robin (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Gold (Pokemon Special)
Son Goten (Dragon Ball Z)
Hiyori; multiple non-canon routes (Kagerou Project)
Kano; multiple routes, some canon and some non-canon (Kagerou Project)
Kido, multiple routes, some canon and non-canon (Kagerou Project)
Lucy/Kaede/Nyuu (Elfen Lied)
Mariko (Elfen Lied)
Riliane (Evillious Chronicles)
Ruby (Pokemon Special)
Seto; Both Good End and a really bad end, plus some other non-canon routes (Kagerou Project)
Shintaro; Route 1 and Route XX, have memories for multiple bad end timelines. (Kagerou Project)
Red (Pokemon Special)
Takane, multiple timelines. (Kagerou Project)
Kouichi (Another)
Touya (Pokemon)
Trunks (Dragon Ball Z)
Saeran (Mystic Messenger)
Yoosung (Mystic Messenger)
Kagerou (Non-canon, Kagerou Project)
Moon (Pokemon)
Morty (Pokemon)
Azura (Fire Emblem: Fates)
Lily (Vocaloid)
VY2 Yuuma (Vocaloid)
Male Diclonius (Elfen Lied)
X (Pokemon Special)
Chara (Undertale)
Son Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)
Gotenks (Dragon Ball Z)
Mary, multiple routes (Kagerou Project)
Momo, multiple routes (Kagerou Project)
Spence, multiple routes (OC; Calming Eyes, Kagerou Project)
Testuna, multiple routes (OC; Creating Eyes, Kagerou Project)
Cleaning Eyes, multiple routes (OC Snake, Kagerou Project)
Lisia (Pokemon)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Azami (Kagerou Project)
Spark (Pokemon GO)
Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko)
Kei Yonagi (Act-Age)
A ton of OCs ngl
I do have more/others but these are some of the more... Obvious ones.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
@ divorce ask: this is actually kind of funny as a mod to a kin server with a "divorce survivor" role LOL for myself i'm asgore kin, so i mean... but for a non-source-canon divorce, i would say chrom from FE. i had married the village maiden for specifically political and non-romantic reasons when robin had lucina, and then mutually agreed to a divorce when lucina was a bit older so she could live her life (which i helped and supported her with)
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Elyos timeline vs Xenelyos timeline
I was bored so i decided to see how much things changed between the main Elyos and the Xenelyos 
and because spoilers ahead, see under the cut
1- Genesis vs Xenogenesis
Elyos was a peaceful lands until Sombron decided to go to war a 1 000 years ago. Chronogically, Sombron arrived in Elyos when he was a child and was taken by humans, but then Emblem 0 gone Sombron choosed violence and spent the time he was here growing and turn to conquest, making kids with Mage dragons. I guess that during his time here since he is as old as Lumimi this allowed people to make him the figure of the cult of Elusia for whatever reasons since Elusia seems to have been worshiping him for as long as he has been here but basically this means that Fell dragons don’t originate from Elyos but from whatever realm Sombron originates from, and Sombron is the sole survivor of his tribe in his world (unless there were others fell kids that survived and they were send into another world idk) whereas Divine one and Mage dragons are native species
Meanwhile XenElyos was a land without any dragon, until a dragon was born and then his descendence got splitted into divine dragons and fell one, making both species native to Elyos and originally of the same kin, which explain better why Xenobron might have been place as the same status as Lumera’s unlike in Elyos where we have to imagine how the heck was it possible for him to gain this much authority. It’s worth noting though that the Realms in Elyos exist as well, but reversed since the map is mirrored in it’s axis, and those realms have a different reputation : Firene is a peaceful land in Elyos but in Xenylos it’ a land of warior, in short they swaped with Brodia.
2- Emblems 
So the accessories and Emblems are different since Elyos was blessed with 12 rings whereas Xenylos was blessed with 7 bracelets. Unlike what was shown of our units, Emblem seems to be unique to their worlds, however the emblems all represent the same world.
Elyos                                                                                                     XenElyos
World of Fe1/Fe3 : Marth’s ring                                                        Tiki’s bracelet
World of Fe7 : Lyn’s ring                                                              Hector’s bracelet
World of Fe 9/10: Ike and Micaiah                                              Soren (yes 10 too since it’s older Ike that appear in Radiant Dawn even if it’s to represent Radiance)
World of Fe 13: Lucina’s ring                                      Chrom and Robin’s bracelet
World of Fe14: Corrin’s ring                                                       Camilla’s bracelet
World of Fe 16: Byleth                                                     Eddie, Dima and Claude
The others Emblem don’t have a counterpart to represent their world but Vero-chan being here to represent multiverse you could argue
3- War of 1000 : case of uchronie
In french we call uchronie a case of alternate history and here the war went way differently. But since it’s parallel world, the events took place in the same time in parallell fashion unlike a classical case of uchronie where it’s “what if things took place differently” in a universe independ, like that one Friends episode of what would have happened if Rachel married Barry and we aren’t in a alternate universe but just a bonus what if episode, so i think you get the difference now.
- Elyos was already peupled with Divine Dragons and Mage dragons since Sombron said that when he was a kid, Elyos was alreday full of it. In his world however, his entire kind as being slewed in a war to control Emblem rings against others dragons whose nature is not specified but seeing how Fell dragon were exclusive to his world and that Divine one are native of Elyos, I am guessing it was not Divine dragons. Sombron brought one of the ring of his homeworld with him, 0 emblem and they stayed together until villagers found baby Sombron and took him within, 0 Emblem left and Sombron went bersek, killed the village and then growing up decided to find a way to return to his world and reunite with 0 emblem. This happened a 1000 years ago, since Lumera and Sombron are of the same age, this means it happened when Lumera herself was very young. Then a 1 000 years later when Sombron and Lumera are both 2000 years old, Sombron started to wage war to get back the rings to open the world’s gate and to do date he mated with Mage dragon and had numerous children so many that he can’t recall the face and names of many despite being the one having given them their name. Overall he was in this world “close” to only 2 of his kids, being Alear and Veyle. By that time, Veyle was still very young and Alear was their last sibling alive since all of Sombron’s children perished in the war of 1000 years ago and that’s during this war that Alear was slayed by Sombron at the cost of sealing him. By that time Alear befriended Lumera and they had agree that Lumera could turn Alear into a divine dragon and adopt them, so in their “dying moments” Alear begged her to so and Lumera waited for them a 1 000 years infusing her essence, turning Alear into Pepsi protag. Also, chapter 24 proved that Sombron’s side had managed to get back a great number of rings, including Marth which was fighting by Alear side until Alear betrayed Sombron and stayed with Alear during their 1 000 slumber and that by that time Lumera was the last of her kind.This also means that Sombron was the sole representant of his kind and that all fell children are actually Mage dragon/Fell dragon hybrid. 
- In Alternate Elyos, there was no dragon. Until a 1 000 years ago a first dragon was born. By that time, Sombron arrive in Elyos in the main world. Then this dragon had among his descendance Divine dragon and Fell dragon, meaning that in this universe Lumeralt and Xenobron are long distant relatives and that Fell dragon and Divine dragon are cousins species. Seeing how 0Emblem was an emblem ring and Emblem are uniques, this meas that Xenobron had different motivation (might make a whole post about it). Just like Sombron did a 1 000 years ago, Xenobron started a war against Divine dragon with his spawn which, because of his different genetics, are all born as twins. Meanwhile, seeing how the chronolgy is different, Lumeralt had a bioligical child with one of her fellow Divine dragon (idk if it was the one that was Lumera’s spouse in MGElyos though) that child being Altlear, however 1000 years ago, during the war, Sombron got sealed, Lumera died and Nil died too, leaving Rafal to switch places and according to Rafal, that happened when both were still children and unlike what happened in the main world, many others of the Xenobron children survived before the twins betrayed Xenobron to joined side with Alear (remember in the last CG Xenobron said that it had been sometimes since Nel and Rafal betrayed him) since there was a CG showing Nel killing at least 4 others fell children. This was after that they joined side with Altlear and Altear fought Sombron at the cost of their lives, which must have happened recently enough for Nel to still be deeply hurt by it. 
4 - The 4 hounds vs the 4 winds
Biggest changes are them. So let’s see.
Zephia vs Zelestia : Zephia was a powerful Mage dragon, so powerful that according to Mauvier, she could have remplaced Sombron and destroyed her own village, before entering Sombron’s side. She fought along side him during the war of 1 000 and was the one that founded the 4 hounds. This happened when Sombron was in slumber, as she also managed to get Veyle back once she met the Fell Dragon sympathizers that took her away when she was a sleeping in the temple. She mets Griss and Marnies as children and took care of them, along with Mauvier to “form a family”
Zelestia however, had a very different life. She for some reason that i think must be biological was way weaker than her Mage dragons fellow. In this world, Mage dragon refused to side with Xenobron (which can only makes me wonder how Sombron got to have stick to their side) which resulted in their kind being exterminated by Xenobron and Zelestia foind refuge by Lumeralt and Altlear side. Unlike Zephia, Zelestia meet with the other members of the 4 winds very late, Gregory saved her during a battle and Mauvier, founder and second in commend, was with Maddie when they encontered. 
Griss vs Gregory : Both were Elusian boys with neglectful parents. Whereas Griss got abandonned Gregory was sold to the worshippers of Sombron. Both had to go though the same ritual, expect that Gregory came to hate pain unlike Griss who become a masochist after experiecning it. Griss was taken care of by Zephia who was both a mother and elder sister figure to him, who still jad quite a sequels as apparently he was unable to speak for a long moments, whereas Gregory meet Zelestia during a battle where he saved her from a Corrupted. But both guys have strong bond with Zephia and Zelestia.
Marni vs Madeline: Marni was the daughter of a poor woman and had numerous brothers. Although she helped her mother took care of the household, the latter saw her of having no value explaining why she was longing for praise. Despite her efforts, her mother ended up abandoning her at a church of the Fell dragon. There she was raised by the clergy and receive the affection her mother never gave her and her abilty attracted the Fell dragon sect, explaning why Zephia took her with her. 
Madeline had a different alternate family. Rather than being the child of Marni’s mom’s double, like Altlear, she had a knight mother and knight father who served the Lumeralt party and had no siblings at all, in short she was a lonely child. She lost both her parents during the war against Sombron, but she was saved by Mauve who took her as her apprentice and according to Zelestia they looked like father and daughter. 
Mauvier vs Mauve : We all know Mauvier. He is a Firene native that moved to Elusia with his mother when his father died due to an illness and then they become member of Sombron’s chruch. Mauvier became a knight serving Veyle and grew found of her as he was the first person she met when she woke up. He doesn’t join Alear’s party until Marni’s death mainly because of Veyle, but seeing what Zephia did to her and how she killed Marni, he drew the line and join Alear. 
Mauve (that’s how I call Parallel Mauvier)’s origins are unknown but his Veyle dying sooner than in the MG, he had no other reason to stay as I suspect that Xenobron was the one to get rid of her and that he was just as dedicated to her than Mauvier to Veyle. He took Madeline with him and founded the 4 winds to protect the Fell twins but it doesnt change the fact that Zelestia like Zephia was the leader as Mauve left her the spot. 
6- Fell dragons vs Fell dragons
Strangely enough, the Fell siblings and the Fell twins don’t quite exaclty belong to the same species because of the difference. Sombron isn’t a native to his Elyos, meaning he can’t be a descendant of Lumera’s ancestor unlike Xenobron and Lumeralt so Fell dragon in MG Elyos have no link to Divine one whereas in XenElyos, Fell dragons are cousin species of Divine ones. After all the only reason why Fell dragon in our world could awake Emblems was because of Sombron having similar rings but Xenobron and his spawn would be able to do it just fine since they have a common ancestor to explain the why. That’s without taking into account the fact that unlike in Elyos where Sombron was the only pure fell blood, Xenobron could have mate with other of his fellow fell dragon seeing how there many others and no Mage dragon, and he killed them way before Veyle and Nel and Rafal were born so it’s more likely. Which makes it very weird because
Alear : Fell dragon turned into a hybrid Fell/Divine dragon
Veyle : Hybrid Fell/Mage Dragon
Sombron : pure fell dragon
The Fell twins : Pure fell dragon but their species is slightly different due to their origins...
If you noticed Veyle and the twins shared the common trait of having weird taste buds, something Alear doesn’t have anymore since Lumera messed their anatomy and seeing how Alear can use both invocations and prayers as well as having only one side with bed hair, being the red one, I guess this means there isn’t that much difference but when you compared Sombron’s dragon froms to the twins, the twins looked more like lizard which i think is because of that change of ancestor because some of the Lumera dragon from feature reapears through their own dragon form. And seeing how Xenobron had that quirk of having only twins unlike Sombron, I guess that’s also proof that Fell dragon in Elyos arent quite the same species as in the XenElyos
And that’s all I spotted for now. 
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