#chuuya: i seen it. it was extremely awkward
carrotkicks · 6 months
i should make a bsd fnaf au comic with the stay calm lyrics
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
~types of hugs they would give~
was daydreaming about ranpo and then my brain jumped to them giving hugs??? idk how that works but HERE WE ARE!!!
charas: dazai, chuuya, sigma, ranpo, and poe
genre: FLUFF >:))); a bit of flirting in dazai's because, well, dazai; can be seen as romantic or platonic other than that!!!; extremely wholesome shit idk :O; some hurt-comfort, but very mild!!
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-over dramatic mf FRRRR
-hugs with him arent really emotional or srs or anything like that, HE KINDA JUST CLINGS TO YOU OUTTA NOWHERE NGL-
-like he'll be running away from kunikida and cling to you from behind to use you as a sheild
-awoop, jumpscare!!
-would probably make a comment about ur body or something, and how your just, "so charming" and he "jUsT cAnt KeEp hIs hAnDs oFf yOu!1!" (you can admit youre scared of kunikida beating the shit out of you its ok)
-tbh if you were crying or something like that, i feel like you would have to ask him to hug you, rather then him automatically doing so. (as we can see with atsushi 🥶)
-i feel like his hugs would be good enough for the circumstance, but he's kinda cold ngl (unless you like that!!)
-pretty much just uses u as a sheild tho 😭
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-i know that ive always gotta make him floating someone or something..... BUT HIS ABILITY IS SO COOL CMON
-if you asked him (and yall were close) he may float you
-yall have really gotta have a really good amount of trust for him to hug you or just be physically affectionate in general!!!
-would grumble about it and pretend he totally didn't wanna hug you too
-would give pretty good hugs ngl
-if yall are around the same height or ur shorter then him, they're pretty comforting
-if you were crying or having a bad moment, he probably wouldn't hug you that fast though, but if you're ranting to him about how horrible it is, he might just hug you out of nowhere cuz he doesn't know what to say.
-if youre trustworthy to him, his hugs are very nice, he would prob be neutral temp or slightly warm ngl
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-THE ALMIGHTY INSPIRORER OF THIS (is that how you spell that ;-;??)
-all you gotta do is ask
-unless hes busy being possessive of his snacks, he might think you're tryna sneak in and take a bite when he's distracted (눈‸눈)
-but when hes not eating (which is pretty rare), just ask him and he will
-might complain about being lazy a bit, but in the end, he will always hug you if you insist!! <33
-if you were crying or sad about smth, he would either literally fucking bearhug yo ass and comfort you or he would give you space to process your emotions, there is no in between.
-he also smells like sweets which is a more comforting and homey bonus!!!
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-but anyways
-ngl he would be kind of awkward sometimes but YOU KNOW HE HAS THE BEST INTENTIONS!!!
-yknow how he memorizes everyones problems at the casino??
-yeah he also memorized yours, so he knows RIGHT AWAY when something is off or you need a hug!!
-he is very quick to hug you, not only to comfort you, but he also finds it comforting ⊂((・▽・))⊃
-will also leap on you out of joy (is extremely embarrassed after)
-overall, very wholesome, has the best intentions (i swear i forget he's apart of a criminal organization sm)
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-would be so flustered if you asked him
-seems like he would WANT to ask you, but is too embarrassed and shy to ಥ‿ಥ
-PLEASE ASK HIM HE IS INTERNALLY BEGGING, AND HE NEEDS ONE (honestly everyone in bsd needs one)
-would so awkward at first because he doesn't wanna make uncomfortable in any way so he's like barely hugging you
-if he eases into it tho, he would actually be a pretty nice hugger
-if you were upset or sad about something, i honestly feel like he would just give you space to sort yourself, i feel like he would want the same space when he's upset.
-very nice hugs once you get past the awkward stage!!! just takes practice tho <33
i was also getting distracted by my music and this was supposed to be posted yesterday but whatever!! that's how it be
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cakers-2000 · 4 years
~Karma’s A Bitch~ (Chuuya Nakahara X Fem!Reader)
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I am obsessed with Chuuya, I love him so much 🥺
I’m always open and down for Bungo requests guys!
Getting serious for a minute I absolutely adore Kokichi and Danganronpa but I’d like to be known for other stuff too!
Bungo Stray Dogs is my all time favorite anime so It’d be nice to have some Bungo requests if any of you are down for that.
This is the first piece that I’ve written straight from my own ideas and wasn’t Kokichi related in a very long time and I don’t know it just felt really good. I’m not saying I don’t want to write for Kokichi ever again, I absolutely adore him but there’s so many other fandoms I wanna write for as well!
I hope you guys understand if I like take a break from writing Danganronpa stuff every once in awhile, I won’t straight up drop it but it’s nice to have a change of pace every once in awhile! ❤️❤️
Word Count: 1.9k
Chuuya had a bit of a temper problem, you figured that out quickly. But when it came to anything regarding you, he was even faster to anger than normal. If one of his subordinates (or really any man, or even sometimes women on the street) even so much as looked at you he turned into a ball of fury that nobody but you could stop.
Chuuya was currently holding a meeting with his many subordinates to talk about some… problems that had erupted within his division lately. You went with him, of course. You weren’t a part of the Port Mafia but everyone knew that he hardly ever let you leave his side. You were practically glued together, though you didn’t mind. Hell at this point everyone knew that the two of you were a thing, and everyone knew not to fuck around with what was Chuuya’s.
But apparently one of his subordinates hadn’t been given the message.
He had only left for a few minutes to use the restroom, but when he came back the room had fallen eerily silent.
Except for the sound of a man’s voice, bragging about his ‘amazing kill streak’.
And except for the sound of your awkward laughter, sounding almost desperate as all you wanted was for the other man to leave you alone. He watched, arms crossed and rage bubbling within him as he waited for the other man to notice his presence.
“But yeah, I’ve killed at least a hundred people tops.”
“That’s… nice…”
“So uh, you wanna maybe see a movie or something once this meeting is over? I see you hanging around Chuuya a lot but I can show you a pretty good time too.” He smiled a big, cocky grin your way and moved so that he spoke directly in your ear, his hand falling onto your arm and gently tracing his fingers along your skin. “And maybe after we could go back to my place. I can guarantee I’m a hundred times better in bed than that shortstack.”
You shuddered as you felt his breath hit your face, you were beyond uncomfortable and extremely angry at the fact that this man even had the balls to suggest he was better than Chuuya at ANYTHING. Chuuya could tell instantly just how bad you wanted to escape when your eyes locked with his. He let his anger run wild and within seconds he drew out his gun, so fast you had barely seen his hand even move and placed the barrel directly on the side of the man’s head. “Just who the hell do you think you are? Who gave you permission to touch her? Who gave you permission to even TALK to her, cause I know I sure as hell didn’t.”
The man quickly pulled his hand away from your arm and held them up in defense. You took the opportunity to slide next to Chuuya, holding onto his jacket with a tight grip. This was the first time any of his men had ever tried to make any moves on you, and you had to admit it was kind of scary, they were all members of a mafia so it wasn’t as if you were dealing with a random boy on the street flirting with you. These people were dangerous, and that included your boyfriend but you at least knew you could trust him.
“I-I’m sorry sir I didn’t think it was a big deal I-”
“Didn’t think it was a big deal!? You openly insinuated that you wanted to fuck, god I should just fucking kill you right now!”
“P-Please don’t!”
Chuuya let out a ‘tsk’ sound and brought the gun down to his side, glancing in your direction as he felt your arm practically shaking out of fear, though he couldn’t tell if it was him or the other man that was scaring you.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen.” In one quick motion he kicked his leg up, slamming his foot onto the man’s shoulder, putting more and more pressure until the man was screaming in pain. “You’re going to apologize to her and then, you’re going downstairs for awhile.”
“N-No Chuuya please I promise I’ll-”
There was another aggressive stomp of Chuuya’s foot and you cringed as you heard the loud snapping sound that followed. The man’s scream was ear piercing and most of the other men in the room had to cover their own ears but Chuuya stayed perfectly still, not flinching at all.
“You don’t get it bastard! You touched something that didn’t belong to you. You flirted with MY girlfriend. You play by the rules here, by my rules, and anyone who breaks the rules receives proper punishment.”
He grabbed hold of your arm gently and pulled you so that you stood beside him, though still allowed you to hold onto him for comfort.
Deep down he truly felt bad for making you witness this. He knew how much you hated his mafia tactics but at the same time he wasn’t going to let this man get away with what he had done to you. In Chuuya’s eyes you were an innocent princess who needed protection, and this man had tried to taint your innocent aura. That was enough to push him off the deep end.
“Apologize to her.”
He dug his foot into his shoulder with even more force at hearing protest.
And the man spoke to you through tears. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
Satisfied, Chuuya finally moved his leg back to the ground and stood above the man who had curled himself into a ball on the floor. He let out a scoff at seeing the man so defeated and turned to two of his men in the room. “Take him downstairs. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
They nodded and each one grabbed his arms, beginning to drag him away but Chuuya placed a hand on one of the men’s chest, stopping them in their tracks.
“Start him off with a few rounds of Serum E.”
The man’s eyes grew wide in horror and he struggled in the two men’s arms. “No! Not Serum E! Chuuya I’m sorry! I-”
His voice was cut off as the door closed with a loud bang behind him. Chuuya let out a long sigh and turned to the remaining men who could do nothing but watch the scene that unfolded before them. “Meeting dismissed. We’ll pick this up another time.”
They dispersed and when the last man left and closed the door behind him Chuuya finally faced to look at you, though he felt awful at seeing the state you were in.
Fresh tears streaming down your cheeks, your body practically shaking in fear. He attempted to place a hand on your shoulder but you flinched away from his touch. You didn’t mean to you were just scared. It always terrified whenever Chuuya went off the deep end like that. He knew this as well and though he tried to hold it back, when it came to you he couldn’t help but be a bit overprotective of you. You weren’t a part of the mafia, you hated fighting or seeing anyone get hurt. You were, in all actuality, just an innocent girl wrapped up in his awful world. In his eyes someone as dangerous as him had no right even being with you so of course he felt the need to protect you and attack anyone that dared lay a finger on you.
He stepped closer to you, his hands slowly reaching for yours but before he could say more you slammed your eyes shut and lunged at him, hugging him tightly. He could feel your heart racing but he knew your fear was no longer aimed at him but of the situation you had just escaped from.
He ran his fingers through your hair, playing with the ends, intertwining the strands around his fingertips until you pulled away and felt secure enough to talk to him.
“Chuuya… Were you jealous of him?”
He was shocked at your question, but at the same time he couldn’t help but laugh a tiny bit. You had just gotten the courage to speak and THAT’S what you were going to ask him?
“No way. That bastard could never compare to me.”
You smiled at his confidence (or in other words his giant ego). You hated to admit it but it was one of the many things you loved about him, but you continued to tease. “You were I can tell.”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“Normally if they try anything you’d give them a warning like a bullet to the foot or something… You brought him downstairs for a torture session, didn’t you?”
“You can already see through my tactics huh?”
“Well by now you are pretty easy to figure out…”
The boy smiled at your teasing tone and placed a sweet kiss on your lips in response, still trying his hardest to keep himself calm, though the kiss did help.
“But he really did cross a line…”
You hummed in agreement at his words and he glanced behind you at the clock.
“I suppose I should deal with him now…”
He pulled away, adjusting the gloves on his hands before his eyes fell to the small pout on your lips. “I’ll be right back and after we can go home and I’ll make sure to show you a good time, alright?”
Your face instantly turned a tomato red and you could clearly see the smirk on his face, showing fully well what the other man had said to you, but you also knew that Chuuya wouldn’t hesitate to complete his request either.
He laughed at your embarrassment and shrugged his shoulders. “What? That bastard told you he’d be better than me in bed right? Well now I gotta remind everyone who’s Top Dog around here, and that includes you.”
“Chuuya I swear to god… You keep talking like that and you won’t be getting ANYTHING.”
“I was joking, honest.”
“Mhmm…” You nodded. “Sure you were.”
He once again kissed you, this time on the cheek before cupping your chin in his fingers and staring at you. It was rare for Chuuya to get affectionate and sentimental with you, it hurt his pride too much, unless it was in private, in which case he was a big softie. But the smile he gave you was kind, and full of nothing but love. He didn’t want to leave, he wanted to go home now, to hell with that man, but he had to put him in his place. That was his job after all.
He reached on his head and took off his hat, placing it on the top of your head, his smile only growing more as he watched your eyes light up in joy. “I’ll see you in an hour or so Princess.”
“I love yooouuu Chuuya.”
He couldn’t stop the smirk that fell on his face as he blew a kiss back towards you, but quickly returned his composure as he opened the door. He’d never let anyone see the soft side of him, no one but you. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, I love you too.”
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Hi! I recently read your Yandere Chuuya oneshot and loved it! Spot on my dude! Anyway I'd like to request some yandere headcannons for Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, and Akutagawa...How would they react to a pregnant s/o attempting to escape captivity? (She hasn't told him she is pregnant and that's why she's trying to escape)
I’m. So. Sorry for the wait with this. x_x I’ve never written something to do with pregnancy before so this was more than a little challenging to write but I sincerely hope that it was worth the wait. 
Also if some of the mentioned people in these requests have longer parts then the others I’m very sorry. x_x I’m not trying to trick you out of anything.
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Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Akutagawa is unquestionably merciless and cold when it comes to most things. However, the anger that comes to him when he returns home and finds you trying to escape him will cause him to be enraged. 
He will without a doubt grab you by the collar of whatever you are wearing or a few strands of your hair and drag you back into the room while your cries of pain fall on deaf ears if he’s not wearing his trademark coat. Though if he is wearing his coat then expect to be quickly grabbed by Rashomon, dragged back into the room and pinned to the bed while Ryunosuke simply stares at you with cold eyes that are burning with the silent rage and he will not have Rashomon release you until you explain yourself. 
Though he may appear composed in truth he is absolutely livid that you tried to escape him, and even if he doesn’t say as much it will be in his voice and eyes. Had he not given you everything? Everything that he had done had been for you and yet you try to escape? Perhaps he had been far too lenient with you or maybe he had been simply fooled by how you were behaving that he had allowed you to be unrestrained. After all, he had so far neglected using the chains, the collar, and the handcuffs but if you were going to continue to be stubborn and resist then he would have no choice. 
One of the many punishments was about to come your way since betrayal or things like this were never something that Akutagawa was very forgiving of, especially when it came to you. Losing you was something he would never allow. However, when the words leave your lips with fear twinged and pleading eyes Akutagawa’s thoughts come to a complete stop and for just a moment his eyes widen in stunned skeptic shock. 
Silence. For a long moment that is all, you’re met with. 
Pregnant? You were pregnant with his- His Child? 
Error AkutawaRyunosuke.exe has stopped responding. Please wait a moment as the system tries to restart and reboot.
He’s completely taken aback and unsure what to make of this news and even skeptical, as for a moment the thought that you were only saying such things to avoid your impending punishment comes to him, but the look in your eyes tells him otherwise. Both guilt and regret quickly come to him at how harsh he had been with his aforementioned treatment of you while the two words crawl up his throat and to the tip of his tongue.
Along with this guilt and regret that he has comes anxiety of what that entails and this is one that troubles him greatly. The thoughts of whether or not he is ready to be a father come and stay in his mind constantly since while he has experience with looking after Gin, a baby was a completely different matter and one that he isn��t entirely sure that he’s ready for.
After learning this Akutagawa will take time for himself, leading him to leave the room but not before locking it behind him. During this time he will use this time alone to process the news and you will likely not see him for a few hours or more.
When you do see him in the morning Akutagawa’s uncertainty will still be with him but his demeanor towards you will have changed. He will be more careful towards you and more awkward around you and this is something that is very easily seen when he brings you breakfast the next morning and his body language will seem stiffer. It will only be when you give him reassuring words or touches that he will visibly relax, before just sitting there with you for a while.
Sometimes his eyes will just drift to your stomach and his eyes will just stay on your stomach for a while, while his eyes unconsciously and noticeably soften. If you notice this and tease him about it; his cheeks will darken with an embarrassed blush and he’ll quickly look away, and while he won’t deny it he won’t confirm it either.
Akutagawa will undoubtedly grow even more protective and possessive over you the longer this news sets in, this is something that both he and Atsushi have in common. However, while Atsushi is like a tiger protecting its mate from any danger that poses a threat to them; Akutagawa is like a wolf, baring its fangs and viciously tearing apart any who dare try touching his mate. The fangs will come in the form of the glares that will be seen in his eyes if anyone tries anything with you while you are on an outing; whether it be just a walk through the park at night or to a doctors appointment and it goes without saying that whoever's dumb enough to try to lay a hand on you with ill intent; will be met by those vicious claws in the form of Rashomon, as they tear the fool to shreds without hesitation.
This is something the poor doctor who takes your appointments is not exempt from either, especially if this doctor happens to be a male. The entire time that doctor is giving you a checkup and checking the progress and health of the baby Aktuagawa’s eyes will be watching his every move and if his hands linger a little too long for his liking, his eyes will shift into a glare which will make the poor guy noticeably flinch. Honestly just see a female doctor it’s better for everyone that way. 
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Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi’s response to you trying to escape will be a mixture of self-hatred and desperation. This mix is only pushed on by his obsessive desire and need that he feels to protect you. It goes without saying that Atsushi has never felt much self-worth, he knows that you could do far better than him and that he doesn’t deserve you but at the same time he knows how horrible and cruel this world is, but that will not stop the tears from coming to and from his eyes as he begs you to stay; while he only just holds himself back from grabbing you and holding you to him to keep you from leaving him behind. There are so many people outside that could hurt you or worse! People exactly like the port mafia and he only wants to keep you safe! Isn’t it normal to want to protect the one you love?? You love him too so why won’t you let him??
Along with this mixture is confusion. Why? Why are you trying to escape? You were safe with him, he loved you so much and he’d happily give you anything. He’d wait on you hand and foot if you so desired. He’d do anything for the person who had made him feel wanted and loved for the first time in his life.
Silence would come to Atsushi as he sits next to you having locked the front door upon entering it again and this confusion and frustration will push and pull at him to ask and to demand why you tried to leave. 
When the confession comes from your lips Atushi will be stunned into silence like Akutagawa and for a moment he will just look at you with his lips parted in a small o. In that silence he will be trying to read your expression almost to see if you were lying but then again he knows you wouldn’t lie about something so big, he knew you, that wasn’t like you. 
Pregnant? W-With his baby? You were pregnant with his baby? 
Hearing this will cause his confusion to come to him again, first beginning with why would you want to leave if you were pregnant before the other questions came to his head. Was he ready to be a father??? The very thought made his head spin with confusion and concern. The aspect of being someone's father had never been something that Atsuhi had ever considered. What if he messed up? What if he wasn’t good enough as a father to the child? What if-?? All of these questions that spin around in his head will be joined by the most pressing question. What if this child inherited his ability? 
However at the end of all this one thing seems to reassure him and that’s the fierce will he had to protect you except now it isn’t just you who he wants to protect, but the child inside of you too. Even if the aspect of being a father scares him beyond belief and the possibilities that he would be a horrible father makes him incredibly nervous and worried he knows that there is nothing he can do except try. Despite this worry though, there are no words for how happy he is to learn this.
After he learns of your pregnancy Atsushi’s protectiveness of you will only increase. He is a tiger after all and tigers are always protective over their mates, especially when they’re pregnant with their cubs, however, his obsession with you causes him to be a little overbearing at times to the point where it’s close to smothering, even when you both go out for your appointments. 
Chances are that he will call into the Agency a few times from the desire and need he has to be near you and make sure that you are always comfortable, but when he is at work and on the job Atsushi’s thoughts will be on you constantly.
When at home there’s nothing that Atsushi enjoys more than being curled up next to you on the couch while you are snuggled up in a blanket that he had earlier got you while you either watch TV or just a movie that you wanted to watch. At first he was shy and extremely embarrassed to ask if he could rub your stomach; but after asking a few times even after you said yes it will become second nature to Atsushi and when the baby kicks Atsushi will be unable to keep from gazing at your stomach with both love, awe and amazement at the thought of a child made from the two of you is growing inside of you right now.
Don’t be surprised if you both end up falling asleep with his hand still on your stomach, while his free arm which had transformed into that of a tigers is wrapped around you; the action will seem tender and loving but it will also be to keep you from escaping should you even attempt to do so again.
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Osamu Dazai
Given just how perceptive Dazai is it’s very bold of you to even assume that you can hide anything from Dazai, much less the fact that you are pregnant with his child. 
Out of the four of them, it’s extremely likely that Dazai would have already picked up on the signs and put the pieces together, leading him to come to the conclusion himself before you even tell him
On one side he’s hurt that you’d feel the need to hide this from him, but the other is also understanding especially since you hadn’t exactly come into this relationship willingly. 
He’ll continue to act oblivious to this fact and play it off as if everything is normal but every so often he’ll ask you while dropping little hints but never coming right out and saying it, which will lead you to guess if he knows constantly to yourself.
While he does this conflict will be occurring in himself as well. Having children had never been something that he had never considered or really thought about after all his wish was to one day leave this mortal coil and the person he desires to do just that with one day was you. Yet now you were pregnant with his child. This makes him feel conflicted as he does not want to leave this child alone to fend for themselves should he follow through with his desires; as he knows just how cruel this world can be, especially if you have to go through that by yourself. 
Maybe this child could be another source of light and warmth for him just like you are to him. A means for him to find some hope in this world that in the past has given him nothing but darkness, one that he still fights within himself and at times comes to the surface, like his obsession with you.
These thoughts continue to go around in his head as he makes his way home after finally being allowed to come home to you, however when he finds the door unlocked and you nowhere in sight one big torrent of emotions go through him beginning from worry, to panic to fear and then a rage that’s followed by the desire to make whoever took you wish they were dead; only to draw out their suffering before ending their miserable lives for daring to even attempt to take you from him. 
However, as he takes more things into account such as the lack of signs of a struggle and the lack of evidence that leads to that, Dazai comes to another realization. One that will fill him with disappointment and hurt but his anger will not fade. You’d left on your own accord, though he isn’t too worried, he’d find you. He’d always find you and the fact that he knew you down the last detail including your thought process and where you’d likely be it doesn’t take long until he does. 
Once he finds you he’ll greet you with a perfectly innocent smile but one look in his eyes lets you know that that’s just a visage and it’s not long after that he informs you that he knew. He knew everything all along. 
As much as he would love to give you one of his very creative punishments he doesn’t want to harm your child in any way and so he lets you off easily and by the look in his eyes when you get home you know to consider yourself lucky.
While he won’t keep you restrained after your little stunt Dazai’s watch over you will become more intense, and every time you go to an appointment, he is always there; playing the role as the perfect and friendly boyfriend to everyone around you, including the doctor. Should you act hesitant to the point where you begin to draw suspicion from the doctor; the look that he’ll send you for just a moment when no one is looking and the dark curl of a smirk that will appear as an all too familiar warning will quickly change your behavior like a switch as you know full well what awaits if you choose to stir Dazai’s temper. 
However, on a lighter note Dazai’s affectionate, tender and loving side will come out more and he’ll feel relieved at no longer having to act oblivious to the fact that his darling is pregnant. He’ll happily call in sick under the notion that you aren’t feeling well that morning and he has to take care of you but he’ll do this just so he can spend more alone time with you.
Your lack of energy due to your pregnancy will be something that he will take complete advantage of and a majority of these moments will be spent wrapped in Dazai’s embrace as he holds you close to him and cuddles you. He’s not the best cook and is usually lazy but if you ask him to cook you up something easy like instant ramen a well as bring you a glass of orange juice he’ll happily do that for you while making himself up a cup of instant ramen himself, before getting back into bed with you and enjoying his ramen there while you both just relax and enjoy tv. After all, since he’s been dosing your food with that sleeping medicine that he plucked off the shelf on the hospital; due to using his skilled hands why wouldn’t he enjoy every moment without worry.
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Chuuya Nakahara
Please for the love of cheese give the Bitter lil Espresso kids. He really wants them, especially with his darling.
If there is ever a moment where his darling is around kids and those gentle and warm smiles come to their expression while they interact with them; a warm feeling will settle in his chest and it will only push on this desire to have them with you someday.
However when you begin to be constantly sick this warm feeling that had started in his chest once again as he found himself thinking back on it to himself will quickly change to concern. At first, he’ll think it’s just a stomach virus that’s going around but then he notices how strange your so-called virus was. You were throwing up constantly. 
As the pieces click together the longer this continues he’ll feel like this is way too good to be true, making him skeptical at first. Chuuya will ask you if you were alright in spite of knowing the answer as a means to push and encourage you to tell him but when you choose not to tell him and instead just give him an excuse that you think is believable others he’ll leave it alone for the time being and just wait until you decide to tell him yourself. 
However, while he is at work his thoughts will be all over the place from the prospect of possibly being a father and then shifting to the possibility that he was just overthinking this and blowing it out of proportion. Sure he wanted kids but that didn’t mean that he didn’t have his doubts and worries, having a parent who's in the Port Mafia wasn’t exactly the ideal parent for any child after all. Still, the thought of having a family with you is and has always been something that Chuuya has secretly wished for, but this is something that he will never admit to anyone but you.
After being cooped up inside with meetings and documents all day all Chuuya wanted was to go home and relax with you, in fact, the thought of seeing you made a soft smile grace his expression for just a moment, the smile he would only ever reserve for you. However, he comes home to find you have not only broken the window but were trying to escape out of it his blood runs cold as the smile completely leaves his expression. 
Fucking hell he thought you were over this! Instantly Chuuya will make a b line for you, grabbing ahold of your arm and pulling you back inside while being very careful not to injure you on the glass. Both hurt and seething from anger Chuuya will be seething inside as he’ll look at you with only barely held back anger in his eyes. If you don’t give him an honest answer then and there his anger will flare to the point where his ability will activate all while his grip stays on the wrist that he had pulled you back inside with. He won’t hurt you but he will use it to hold you down if you insist on being stubborn and not tell him the truth. 
When you do and the answer that a part of him already knew comes to his ears Chuuya’s eyes widen for just a moment before his eyes soften, so you were pregnant. He knew it. All the signs had pointed to that after all, but still, if you were pregnant then why the hell were you trying to leave him? He knew that your relationship wasn’t exactly healthy but everything he’d done had been for you, this was all to protect you, he loved you down to his very marrow and yet you still tried escaping? Again? After all this time?
Due to how hurt he feels over this it will lead Chuuya to become cold towards you for the rest of the night, and should you try to earn his trust again he will be a little bit suspicious at first but soon he’ll begin to relax, after all as much as you hurt him by trying to escape, he could never hate or stay mad at you for too long, those smiles and touches that you gave him made it near impossible for him to and soon enough things will return to ‘normal’ as his warm and passionate side will surface once more. 
Gentle kisses on your cheek and forehead while you sit on his lap while he enjoys a glass of wine on the sofa as you watch tv will be like heaven to him, but not quite as much as knowing that you, his queen were pregnant with his child. Even if he is busy at work he will always make time for you, if you want him to pick up something for you be it food, drink or other things he’ll get it for you on his way home or he’ll stop in when he has time for the purpose of giving you what you asked for and if it’s for an appointment to cheek up on the baby Chuuya will always ensure that he is able to make it to them.
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carrotcouple · 5 years
And I Could Come Home To You (AO3)
Everything about this screams:
Dangerous and stupid.
But that’s what they were.
For @rest-in-bees
The first time Dazai kisses him is during some ridiculous truth or dare game. Chuuya doesn’t quite think he will ever forgive Elise chan for that. Dazai smashes their mouths together in an obnoxiously wet and loud kiss. Their teeth clack against each other and above the roaring rush of his blood, he hears Kaji shriek like some kind of ungodly banshee. Dazai pulls away, swiping his tongue over Chuuya’s lips one last time before smirking triumphantly at Chuuya. 
Chuuya stares back blankly, his face devoid of any emotion. If Chuuya has learned anything about Dazai over the past few months that they’ve been partners, it’s that he gains some kind of satisfaction from seeing people’s reactions. Chuuya has been attempting to school his features lately, so despite his his heart almost thundering out of his chest and his extreme desire to strangle Dazai to death with his bare hands, Chuuya stays expressionless. 
“Aw, Chuuya, you’re practically frozen! Was that your first kiss?” Dazai asks cheerfully.
“No,” Chuuya scoffs.
Dazai turns back to Elise chan, who had given them that dare and is also hosting the truth or dare game, and she has disgust written all over her face. Dazai’s triumphant grin widens.
And with the chaos that ensues after, Chuuya thanks all the Gods that Elise chan locked Mori in his office.
The first time they have sex is after the first time Chuuya uses Corruption. They’re both drunk on adrenaline, fear, blood, excitement and power. Chuuya is exhausted, boneless and can barely move. Corruption takes the life out of him like nothing else. 
But he’s alive.
He’s fucking alive.
Dazai let’s go of his wrist, only to grab his collar and pull him into a bruising kiss that tastes of blood. And for all his exhaustion, Chuuya feels that edge that Dazai does and bites down sharply on Dazai’s lip. Iron blooms into their mouths and Dazai straight up moans.
And God, Chuuya can’t get enough of that sound. He wants to hear Dazai screaming his name the way he did when he grabbed Chuuya to stop him, to keep him alive. 
Clearly, Dazai wants the same wants the same, because he picks Chuuya off the ground and stumbles to the car they had stolen. Chuuya falls against the car seats with a thud, nearly smacks his head against the car door, and then Dazai is kissing him again. Hungry, desperate and almost murderous. 
They’ve left behind what was once a building, full of bodies - unidentified and unconfirmed dead. Everything about this screams:
Dangerous and stupid.
But that’s what they were.
Sex is messy, awkward, painful even, but they’re scrambling with blood stained fingers that were meant to kill and not to love and they’re both high from a massacre that didn’t cost their lives.
They’re both so high and so aware that if they fall, they’ll die.
Which makes it better.
Chuuya is alive.
It’s exhilarating.
The first time Chuuya experiences heartbreak, Dazai is smiling brightly at Odasaku, eyes filled with excitement, intrigue, affection, adoration, devotion. Chuuya has never seen Dazai like that in all the years they’ve been partners. Which is not many years now that he thinks about it.
Dazai with Chuuya is rough and sharp edges, violence dripping from his lips.
Dazai with Odasaku is soft, real, human, alive.
Dazai is in love.
And it’s so stupid and cliched that it’s only now that Chuuya realizes he’s in love.
And Chuuya also learns that heartbreaks don’t just go. They stay, stab you whenever you see that person and choke you whenever you try to breathe.
It’s like he’s using Corruption.
He can’t see, can’t breathe, can’t hear, can’t do what he wants to do. All he feels is rage. Rage and pain that only Dazai’s touch soothes. 
Chuuya hates it.
He hates it so much.
The car that Dazai stupidly gave him the money for on his birthday a year ago explodes and Chuuya watches the flames lick the metal, watches the paint job burn, tastes Dazai on his lips from when Dazai kissed him the night before and said goodbye.
Odasaku is dead.
Chuuya wakes up at three AM.
There’s someone shuffling under his blankets and all his instincts are telling him to go into fight mode, but he waits and a head of dark hair pokes out from underneath. Brown eyes and disgustingly pearly white teeth.
There’s a lot of things Chuuya could say.
How dare you show your face to me? How dare you crawl into into my bed? What the fuck? I should kill you right now, you bastard! I heard you joined the Armed Detective Agency, you traitor! Is this your death wish? How the fuck did you break in?
But all he says is:
“Dazai, it’s fucking three AM,”
“I know!” Dazai beams.
“I want to sleep,” Chuuya says irritably.
“More importantly, aren’t you forgetting something, shortie?” Dazai asks. Chuuya is too tired to get angry, so he quickly wracks his brain for whatever he could have forgotten.
“Oh. It’s been four years. Sucks to see you’re still alive. Now let me slee-” Chuuya grumbles, about to turn on his side.
“Welcome home kiss!” Dazai says.
“You can kiss my ass,” Chuuya mutters.
“Is that an invitation?”
“Dazai, I swear to God, if you don’t let me sleep, I will tie you to the door,” Chuuya says.
“Kinky~” Dazai sings, but settles down, arms wrapping around Chuuya and lips tickling his nape. 
“Hm…” Chuuya manages to mumble out before his eyes drift closed. He’s so warm and comfortable. It feels like he’s whole again.
“I’m home,” Dazai whispers long after Chuuya falls asleep.
The first time Chuuya thinks he knows what happiness tastes like, he’s trying to pull Dazai out of a fishing net for the sixth time that week. The Detective Agency now directs all calls of Dazai causing havoc at Chuuya and Chuuya regrets the day he gave Atsushi his number. Dazai insists he’s not trying to kill himself, he’s just enjoying the river. And given that Chuuya has only had to pick him up from the river for the past few months, he’s tempted to believe it. Heavens knows what he did in his past life to have to put up with this waste of brain cells for the past ten years now.
Their relationship is like a roller coaster of ups and downs and spirals. Sometimes scary, sometimes heart stopping, sometimes painful, sometimes thrilling and never, ever peaceful boring.
Not with Dazai. 
Chuuya manages to untangle Dazai and Dazai falls into his arms like some kind of dying, floppy fish. 
“Dazai, what the fuck,” Chuuya says.
“It’s Chuuya~” Dazai says, with such pure bliss in his voice, Chuuya’s heart seizes up. 
“You need to change,” Chuuya tries to set Dazai upright.
“I want to kiss you,” Dazai looks up at Chuuya, head still resting against Chuuya’s chest. 
“When you’ve taken a bath,” Chuuya wrinkles his nose.
“I want to kiss you now,” Dazai says and Chuuya is about to protest when Dazai continues. “I want to kiss you now, I want to kiss you when we get home, I want to kiss you before we go to sleep, I want to kiss you tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, and for the months that follow, and the years. Forever. I really want to kiss you, Chuuya. So even if I haven’t taken a bath yet, let me kiss you now.”
Chuuya is breathless.
There is no kind of facial expression training he can implement in this situation and Dazai grins.
“God dammit, you’re ridiculous,” Chuuya says, but he fists hands into Dazai’s hair, pulls him up and kisses him.
It tastes weird.
It tastes like Dazai.
It tastes like them.
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lackedflaw · 5 years
odasaku-centric 1,998 w
a.n: yes, this is supposed to be a five-hundred words drabble chronicling odasaku’s stay in koi. no, i don’t know what hit me ;;
he opens his eyes and everything is too bright.
ears ringing, head pounding, eyelids feeling like they weigh a ton each. his first instinct is to raise a hand to obstruct the sunlight from coming into his eyes, blinking the pain away until he’s able to make out the green of the trees and blue of the sky. 
then he hears the muffled screams, coming from somewhere in front of him. sakunosuke rises to his feet, struggling to stave off the oncoming wave of nausea by propping both hands on his knees, vision still adjusting as he looks for the source of the noise. it takes him a few seconds to realize that he is standing on a parking lot somewhere, another few to spot a white van parked not far from him as the source of the screams.
sakura? and yuu… and kousuke. what’s going on?
adrenaline takes over before any rational thoughts does; sakunosuke doesn’t even know why he springs straight into action and sprints towards the van at the sight, stumbling on his own foot once or twice in the process. he does know that there's an inexplicable sense of urgency that tells him to run as fast as he can, to not stop until he has all five of them safe in his arms- to tell them that he's there, it's going to be okay, they're going to be——
the explosion that occurs right after sends him flying thirty meters backwards, hot air hitting his face without mercy as he crashes upon the gravel. sakunosuke briefly registers the pain blooming all over his body, ignores the sting of scrapes and cuts on his skin as he stares at the burning car before him, throat burning from the cry of anguish that doesn’t sound anything like his voice.
he thrashes wildly on his bed and his head knocks against the headboard, jolting him awake.
he opens his eyes and darkness is the first thing that greets him. 
breathing comes in mouthful of air and painful inhales, memories of the black smoke from his dreams constricting against his lungs. yet the throbbing pain upon his joints feels like a fleeting sensation, almost like a mere ghost, now that he’s back in the comfort of his apartment in koi. for a moment everything is disoriented, mind still hazy from the sudden shift to consciousness.
sakunosuke attempts to sit up straight, hands grasping on the front side of his abdomen only to release a relieved sigh when his fingertips comes in contact with a damp t-shirt. there’s no trace of gravel- only the crumpled surface of his bed sheets and his own perspiration making his shirt cling onto him like a second skin.
nightmare. it’s just a nightmare- an extremely realistic one at that, too.
heaves a sigh, fingers brushing his own bangs off of his forehead. the frequency between one terror-filled night to another is getting shorter and shorter for his liking. sakunosuke steps out of his bed and discards the shirt he's wearing, crumpling it into a ball before throwing the gray cloth into the laundry basket. the fact that it was about his children this time isn’t helping at all. could it be because he's been missing them more lately?
azure shifts to the digital clock on his nightstand, red lines making out the shape of ‘03:56 AM’ jarring amidst the darkness. it’s too early to get up and make coffee, yet too late to fall back to sleep when he has work in three hours. maybe getting fresh air would do him good...
and by fresh air, he meant retrieving a cigarette pack and ashtray that he swore off not to touch a couple of months ago from his socks compartment.
the sky is still a dark shade of blue when he slides open the door to the balcony. sakunosuke leans against the railing as he plucks a cigarette from its container and clamp it between his lips, taking notice of that the streets down under isn’t as quiet as he thought it would be. but then again it’s only natural with the belladonna district only a short walk away. 
an idea to grab his coat and walk around the said district crosses his mind. being a member of the port mafia granted him access to a lot of places that most people rarely think of going into in yokohama. he can’t help but wonder if the nightlife district in koi is similar to the ones they have back home. 
although he wouldn’t be surprised if they end up kicking him out, now that he’s a detective for the local police force.
taking a drag of his cigarette, he lets his mind wander off to the distance, relishing the pleasant burn that trails down in his throat. the night air is cool, yet not particularly harsh upon the bare skin of his abdomen. he waits for a few seconds to exhale—just to get that little kick before releasing the smoke through his mouth. a little bit of nicotine never fails to soothe his jotting nerves, even after the most horrifying of nightmares or traumatizing event. 
ah, right- he forgot to check on his roommate. hopefully he didn’t wake micah up with his little incident from before. he has been nothing but accommodating throughout they time cohabiting together, even with that one awkward first dinner where sakunosuke took the initiative to cook spicy curry for both of them. it was sakunosuke’s first time sharing something so personal as a living space with someone else other than his mentor and micah’s presence feels almost natural around him, although he probably still needs to work on his own conversing skills with the latter.
to think about it… how long has it been since he arrived in koi? sakunosuke had lost track of the time. with the abrupt change happening in his lifestyle, he didn’t have the luxury of sitting around idly on the living room, having to go job hunting and get accustomed to the odd city he finds himself stranded in. it was fortunate that he managed to land a job in a cafe despite not having any prior experience in the hospitality or the restaurant business. 
he doesn’t suppress the smile that quirks the corner of his lips when he recalls his  former? boss’ words to him after their first encounter in the cafe. ‘it suits you’ chuuya had said when he served his tea to him. those three words—although simple ( and funny, coming from a port mafia executive )—left a lasting impression more than saku think it could. who would’ve known someone like him could also play the role of an ordinary barista? a child groomed since young to be a deadly assassin only to join the mafia afterwards, now playing house by making tea and serving cakes? makes him think that maybe, the black of his blood and gushing red on his hands can really be a thing of his past. that maybe, he can redeem himself completely.
then there’s the girl he met by the river after causing her to drop her crepe. the girl with large round eyes, yet no trace of the innocence most kids her age usually possess. what was her name again… kyouka? kyouka izumi? looking at her almost makes him feel like he’s seeing a reflection of his past self--except more hopeful, and loved. they have only met once but sakunosuke is sincere when he hopes that she could lead a better life than he did. 
his eyes drift towards a small potted flower near him as he releases another puff of smoke. it comes as a surprise to him that the begonia flowers he purchased from oichi’s workplace hasn’t wilted yet. sakunosuke has never been a potted flowers type of person before, as he considers them too beautiful- too fragile for someone like him to touch, but he didn’t put much thought into buying it since he wanted to congratulate the oichi for landing a job there. there's just something about her that makes him want to stay close, to make sure that her well-being is taken care of. is this what one would call as platonic affection?
speaking of affection… two brunettes are the first that come to mind.
first is dazai. his friend, who also happens to be one of the port mafia executives—or at least former, according to dazai himself. out of the other familiar faces he had encountered throughout the city, dazai was the one he didn’t see coming at all. it’s almost as if he’s a completely different person now... the way he’s dressed, the way the baby fats are gone and replaced by strong lines and sharp edges, shoulder much broader and nearly a head taller than the last time he had seen him. his gaze is also no longer hollow but melancholic, almost—for the lack of a better word—soft. dazai said it has been years since their last meeting that night in lupin, so sakunosuke supposes that not even a human conundrum like him can escape from time’s grasp.  
and ango. ango, ango, ango——
something stings inside his chest at the thought of the bespectacled man. sakunosuke used to think that he is the farthest thing from emotional, knows that rationality should precede any form of sentimental value, and yet he still finds himself upset at ango’s condition when he, from all people should know how disconcerting it is to lose a chunk of one’s memories. the city did it to him- to them. it’s unfair to blame one person for something he cannot help at all.
but that’s what ango has been capable of doing from the start, right? bringing out a side of him that even sakunosuke doesn’t know exist for the better or worse, knowing where to hit and where to stroke gently, his limit and what he’s capable of.
and subsequently spurred saku to take that trust fall years ago. 
“i want to take you around the streets of rome."
a shadow of a smile creeps up to his lips as he thumbs the ghost of a kiss upon his knuckle. although koi is not rome, they can make do with what they have now. like they usually do.
the sky has turned into a splash of indigo and coral by the time sakunosuke is done with his third stick. he takes one last drag—the longest one he had that morning—before extinguishing it on the ashtray and disposing the leftovers to the nearest trash bin. it’s a routine that he finds himself still unable to give up, rooting from the guilt of breaking a promise he made years ago with a certain someone. although they aren’t physically there to reprimand him, sakunosuke prefers to think that they’re always with him, in his heart.
gathering the pack and ashtray in his hand, he steps back inside the apartment before closing the sliding door behind him. the sun peeking behind the clouds illuminating the outlines of their apartment with a soft glow, providing sakunosuke with a better lighting to navigate around than an hour before. he quickly slips the two items back in it’s hiding spot and makes a beeline to his bathroom.
but not before something out of place catches his eyes in the full-bodied mirror of the closet door, causing him to retrace his steps back until he sees his full reflection upon it. 
a scar that can only be described as coming from a gunshot wound, not bigger than the size of a dime yet prominent on the smooth expanse of his skin, sitting on the lower right side of his chest, dangerously close to his heart. sakunosuke instinctively raise a hand to touch the uneven skin, mirror reflecting his furrowed eyebrows back at him. the scar doesn’t feel new- but not faded enough to come from his assassin days. how come he just noticed this now?
where did this one come from?
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62~ awk-Mitchell
62. seven characters you relate to?
A-ah, Miss Mitchell, I’m afraid even though I’ve spent many an hour thinking on this question you so kindly posed to me and would like nothing more than to answer it the correct way, it’s not so simple for me to give you a full list of characters. You see, though I’ve read many books and have even seen some television and such, I really don’t view a story with the intention of finding someone to whom I can relate; I’ve always thought a person like me shouldn’t be thinking of himself so often when every character has their own life and story to tell, and to project onto them and make it about myself would be cruel and selfish…
Still, there were just a handful of characters in some rather famous stories to whom I could relate and even see quite a bit of myself in, for better or worse, in different ways, so I hope that even if it’s not as many as you’d hoped, it might still be interesting to you.
Ahh, and…there’s this term I believe I should say…that these two answers will have…“spoilers” for the works they come from? I hope that you will keep it in mind.
1. Elizabeth “Eliza” Schuyler — Hamilton: An American Musical
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When you first asked me this question, this founding lady of the United States of America was admittedly my absolute first thought. I truly relate to her on a very personal level; not only is she, like myself, a very trusting, loyal individual who is ultimately blinded by the love she holds for those dear to her, seeing that same love reflected in those people’s eyes whether it is there or not, but some of her life struggles are, on some level, not unlike my own. Facing betrayal from the one so dear to her where she never expected it, after so many years — the amount of pity I have for her is insurmountable… Unlike me, however, she attempted to draw the line and stayed angry with that man much longer than I’m sure I could with the person who betrayed me, though she did forgive him in the end.
Also unlike myself, that forgiveness led to a somewhat happier ending with that person, and a long and prosperous life.
Ah…and I suppose that would bring me to the only other one I can easily think about for this list…
2. Nancy — Oliver Twist
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Differently from Miss Schuyler, this person’s overall personality is much different from mine, but I still find myself relating to her in a very important aspect, and that would be her relationship with her lover and the attitude she holds towards him, which I think is summed up rather well in one of her songs in a musical version of the story.
You see, this…isn’t all so unlike how I feel about…Paul… Her relationship with Mr. Sikes wasn’t much different from mine with my partner… He had a terrible temper at times and let that get the best of him; he said and did things I know he could never have meant, and though he said he didn’t need me…surely he did, right…? And yet, in our own ways, Miss Nancy and I both ultimately…died for the actions of the ones we remained so loyal towards — died…by his…betrayal…
…A-ah…I’m a bit embarrassed. The only people I mentioned here that I related to are both women…
Well, perhaps, to fill in those other spots, I could instead mention those in our world that I relate to most? I wouldn’t give such a long explanation on them for now, as I’m sure you know them as well as I, but… I feel terrible not completing the list, so that’s what I will do.
3. Chuuya Nakahara/Arabahaki
@awkward-chuuya @awkward-arahabaki
In spite of his job, Chuuya is not a cruel man who enjoys killing needlessly. We were both in the Port Mafia for a time, and like myself, he still values the lives of others, and doesn’t appreciate unnecessary bloodshed, though he may be slightly more willing and content with killing if it comes to it being necessary than I am. He is also an extremely loyal man and can be counted on by his comrades and friends without fear, which I deeply admire him over and to which I relate.
He, Arahabaki, and I…have…also had very similar experiences in our youths, and had many of the same doubts about our own nature and worth up to a certain point in our lives…though, let’s not talk about that right now, please. I’d rather move forward now.
…Still…I feel such a strong connection to him. I wonder if he notices that…?
4. Sigma
It’s true that I haven’t known him long and we never met during the days before my death, but since joining this group I have come to notice that our personalities are very much alike in many ways, and he also struggles with the mere thought of harming others as I do. He’s a very kind man and I think that he deserves a good life. He also dresses very warmly with a sweater underneath his suit, which I think is excellent, even if some are cruel about his fashion sense!
5. Oda Sakunosuke
I believe I remember meeting him in the past during my days in the Port Mafia, and I remember that he had a dream of becoming a writer and escaping the Mafia life, refusing to ever kill. If I had been given a choice like that, I would have gladly taken it… I also dislike that life of bloodshed. If only people would stop trying to eat half-grilled meat, surely the world would be a better place and no one would live such a life…
Sadly, his fate also…ended like mine…though, he also inspired and changed that young Dazai-kun, so his life wasn’t in vain. I admire him.
6. Louisa May Alcott
Ahhh, her awkwardness, her shyness, her loyalty, her kindness…! If only I could work up the courage to approach her, I’m sure we would be fine friends. We have a lot in common!
7. Mizuki Tsujimura
Well, what would this list be without my new best friend? Ah, she and I are rather alike, and she’s very kind… I’ll never forget the conversations we’ve had together…
(Mod Linkle: I’m really sorry this took so long! ^-^’ With all of my projects and how long I spent trying to figure this out, I hope it was worth it in the end! This was literally the only question you could’ve asked me that stumped me thoroughly! haha Also I assumed it was to Arthur since you didn’t specify — hope that was right!)
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leonawriter · 5 years
The Smell of Coffee and Bandages
Read it on AO3
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairings: Chuuya/Dazai, pre-relationship.
Summary: Chuuya works as a barista at a coffee shop, and sure it's something he's bored doing, but he's good at it. And then some guy in way too many bandages walks in and ruins his day.
Notes: Entirely inspired by me complaining with my friends over how there are coffee shop AUs in every fandom, but so many of these things (as well as most other mundane AUs) leave out the very things that I see as being the most interesting about the characters.
So, this is more like a mix between a 'mundane' AU, and a canon divergence of probably well over a decade ago.
Life could be worse, or at least that's what Chuuya thinks to himself as he makes yet another cafe latte. He's lost count, and it's only mid-morning. If he's honest - which, given he has to not drive the customers away, he can't be - he's bored as hell and can't wait to get free of this.
But still, things could be worse than a boring, stepping-stone job he's going to get out of and be only too happy to leave behind him as soon as he can. Although it's best not thought about why, when it's his ability to control gravity that's keeping the coffee shop afloat. 
Quite literally floating, to the discomfort of some who've either never seen an Ability being used before, or never seen his Ability being used before. A few of his old classmates had even given him strange looks, having only seen him floating pens and pencils in plain view before, if he could help it.
So, he busies himself with his work, mind half on the monotony and people watching, half on about a dozen other things he's hoping to be doing, making mental notes of what name goes to who, wondering if any of the people waiting in line had Abilities of their own.
It wasn't like there were that many of them, after all. Just enough that the general public knew they existed. Enough that there'd been laws enacted, to make sure those with Abilities had the same rights as anyone else - like people thinking it'd be just fine to do things just because they weren't like them-
A cup gets passed to him by the new trainee who's manning the tills, as well as the order; it only takes a moment, the actions ones he could do in his sleep by now, and then he's calling out the name written on the cup, and...
He blinks, taken aback just for a moment, because most normal people just don't have that many bandages everywhere. Chuuya can't see much more than the fact that they disappear into the guy's clothes like that, but, all the same. It's kind of concerning.
Bandages Guy - "Dazai", if that's the guy who's waiting for his coffee - smiles, though, as if there's nothing wrong with this picture at all and also as if he doesn't look like he's just escaped from a hospital ward.
Chuuya reaches out, coffee in hand, to pass it over, and that's where everything goes wrong.
First, he doesn't really notice anything, other than the fact that his fingers are brushing against Bandages Guy's in just that sort of way that's kind of awkward.
A moment later, and sure, the guy's got his coffee, but by then, Chuuya isn't really paying attention to that.
The sound of a great many things suddenly crashing to the ground as gravity - for a split second, just long enough - took hold once more, was deafening.
For a moment he just stands there, confused, because he's been doing this for so long he knows a simple lapse in concentration won't phase his grip on his Ability, so what-
It's about this time that Bandages Guy - or, as Chuuya is going to start calling him very soon, The Asshole - starts to laugh. It'd probably be a nice laugh, one he'd want to listen to, if it weren't for the fact that right now it's aimed at him, and the entire cafe is filled with the smell of coffee, and he's starting to wonder, and yet it can't be, the world can't be that cruel... can it?
"Oh!" Then again, by the expression on The Asshole's face, maybe it can. "So it was you who was keeping everything up like that! I had no idea!"
Chuuya leans forward, furious with the knowledge of knowing how much he's going to have to clean up, how much is coming out of his salary, and how much time is going to be wasted, and all because, if he's right, because of this person.
"Bullshit," he says, breaking his customer service face just for this one man, who barely even blinks at the anger directed at him, "what was it you just did?"
"Did? All I did was take my coffee," he says, as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Bullshit, Chuuya wants to say again, especially because the Asshole is smiling again. "Although, perhaps I would have been more careful had I known that you were the one with the amazing Ability. Or, you could wear gloves!"
Chuuya might not have that level of intuitive smarts of some people he'd heard of, but even he could read between the lines.
"You caused this, didn't you. You-"
"Now, now, you're in front of so many people, you don't want to give your shop a bad name, do you? But since I helped cause this, I'll help you clean up!"
He span around, turning away from the Bandaged Asshole and barks orders in his role as Assistant Manager for his subordinates to get the mops and buckets and cloths out to clean up the complete and utter mess, and only once he's done that, does he turn back around to face the customer-turned-disaster instigator.
"No. No way. You're going to stay at least five feet away from me at all times while I'm working. Understood?"
"Does that not count for when you're not working, then?"
Chuuya opens his mouth, and closes it again.
No, just... no. Don't give in to the temptation to deck a customer in the face. You're a trained martial artist. Asshole or not, he's obviously already beat up enough, even if it obviously hasn't taught him anything.
Aside from which, it'd be counter-productive in the extreme, since then everything Chuuya had started to fix using his Ability would then be ruined again.
And the Asshole, this Dazai, was still just stood there, holding his coffee, smiling, even though like everything and everyone else in the shop now, he was smelling strongly of coffee from everything that had spilled.
C. Oda.
Dazai walks out of Yokohama Port Coffee with a smile still on his face, and waves sheepishly over at the man who'd arrived earlier, ordered his coffee earlier, and had been waiting, as well as watching everything go down.
"Don't look at me like that," he whined, "it really was an accident. Besides, like I told him, I didn't really know that it was him."
The older man shook his head.
They continued walking a little way, and Dazai took a sip of his coffee, making a satisfied expression at the taste of it. It really was good coffee.
"I may have had my suspicions," he admitted. Which was tantamount, with Dazai, to a full confession that the entire scenario had been planned from the start.
"You do realise he's never going to let you back in there again, don't you."
Which would be an actual shame, he thinks, even though he did know before that it was a possibility. Who knew the short barista who needed gravity manipulation just to get at the harder-to-reach tools of his trade and who just did his job oh so nicely most of the time, bit back like that?
So many amazing, fascinating, and overall fun reactions.
"Awww, but Odasaku, we hardly even know each other, he only said he wouldn't let me near him in working hours!"
"Dazai, whatever you're thinking..."
"....Be careful, at least? You I can understand, but I don't want to get kicked out of everywhere too just for associating with you."
"Right, right!" There's a pause in conversation and train of thought both while they cross the road. It takes a few paces on the pavement again before Dazai remembers what he was going to say. "I really do want to talk to him again, though. An Ability like that... who knows, maybe in another life we'd have known each other in some other way... ah! Hey, hey, maybe you should add something like that into your book?"
Odasaku sighs, still looking straight ahead, and says, "Maybe."
A maybe like that most likely meant probably not, Dazai, but it wasn't an outright no either, and just like with the Barista from earlier who was cute when he was angry, all small and red and full of temper, Dazai would take what he could get.
Although, maybe he should wait a while to let things settle down before going back.
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rhiannons-realm · 6 years
Rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
I choose:
• Tokyo Ghoul/ Tokyo Ghoul :re
• Bungou Stray Dogs
• Shokugeki no Souma
the first character you loved:
• Nagachika Hideyoshi
• Nakajima Atsushi
• Aldini Takumi
the character you never expected to love so much:
• Urie Kuki - when I started :re I honestly didn't want to be reading about the investigators. All the Quinx grew on me significantly but Urie is 👌💯
• Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - in the beginning I was kinda salty he kept trying to kill Atsushi tbh. stop hurting my precious tiger boi
• Nakiri Alice - Honestly, I just found her extremely annoying at first but now she's kinda endearing? Idk man but she seriously grew on me from the beginning to now
the character you relate to the most:
• Urie Kuki - literally just doesn't care what you think, always has his headphones, salty af, sarcastic, internal thoughts vs vocal, also would fight you, cares but also acts like he doesn’t
• Nakajima Atsushi - awkward af, has no idea what's happening
•Aldini Takumi - honestly he’s so awkward I get secondhand embarrassment sometimes because I relate so much lmao
the character you’d slap:
• Furuta Nimura - He fucked a lot of shit up and endangered my faves so no matter how much his actions were important for us getting the end we did, I would still slap him with no hesitation.
• Dazai Osamu - Bad senpai, the mess that is Akutagawa is your fault, sir. (I don’t dislike Dazai, though)
• Nakiri Azami - I mean, I feel like everyone would slap him. He’s an abusive asshole who should never have been allowed to have children.
three favorite characters(in order of preference):
• Urie Kuki, Kirishima Ayato, Nagachika Hideyoshi (Honorable Mention: YONEBAYASHI SAIKO)
• Nakajima Atsushi, Ranpo Edogawa, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Honorable Mention: Yosano Akiko)
• Aldini Takumi, Kurokiba Ryou, Terunori Kuga (Honorable Mention: Nakiri Alice)
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
• Fueguchi Hinami - I’m sorry guys pls don’t attack me. I liked Hinami at first, she was cute and pretty bad ass but she kind of didn’t have enough... i don’t know maybe development? for me to stick with her. I mean, she’s still badass and I don’t actually dislike her but I don’t necessarily like her as much.
• Tanizaki Naomi - Again I don’t necessarily dislike her but I kind of started liking her less and less the more I watched the show. Honestly, it’s mostly the brother complex, I mean it’s kind of funny to a degree I guess but I also kind of hate it as a trope in anime.
• Tsukasa Eishi - I don’t know if I dislike him now but I liked him a lot more initially when he was introduced and I don’t really feel it anymore so I kind of dislike him
three otps:
• Touka X Kaneki, Tsukiyama X Chie, Akira X Amon
• Chuuya X Dazai, Ranpo X Poe, Odasaku X (Mafia!)Dazai
• Souma X Erina, Ryou X Alice, Hisako X Akira (kinda??mostly I’ve just seen some cute fics with them I really liked)
Tagged by: @orihara-infobroker
Y’all don’t actually have to do this but I needed people to tag and you’re my only friends so.
(I was tagged in this forever ago and it’s sat in my drafts for months lmao but I finally finished and posted it.)
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izanyas · 7 years
I finished reading Light, and it was absolutely beautiful! Can you give us any insight as to how you capture character voice so well? You have your own unique style, and then Kouyou sounds different from Chuuya, you know?
thank you!! this is a lovely thing to say, i’m going to try my best to answer your question. (EDIT: this got a little long, i’m sorry, characterization is my favorite topic and i can never shut up)
it’s not something i do extremely consciously while writing. i don’t have a detailed process that i go through with each character, and sometimes i’m actually afraid of how little conscious legwork i do for this, since it makes me run the risk of writing the same character very differently from story to story… however, i do have a few things i keep in mind.
for me it’s a question of finding what drives a character, and i’d say what drives them in 3 different places—emotionally, physically, and in how they want to appear to others.
i’ve said before that i never write with the intent of making characters perfectly IC. as far as i’m concerned, everyone i write is OOC, and i always advise others to let go of the idea that perfectly canon-fitting is good and any canon deviance is bad. when people tell me i write IC, what they really mean is that i write a character going from A to B in a relatable and believable way—what people really like reading is continuity. it’s believable development. 
it doesn’t matter how far from actual canon this development is. as long as you make your characterization solid, as long as you make your character stumble and question themself and eventually move on in ways the reader can relate to and believe in, it works. this is what i focus on while writing, never whether what i’m writing is IC or OOC re: canon. i need to be IC to my own characterization and story.
so, to go back to the drives—this is where the less conscious part happens, so it’s a little difficult for me to explain, but basically when writing a character (whether from their own POV or not!) i try to think about 3 different layers simultaneously:
what is the driving emotion in this scene? fear, anger, embarrassment, love, regret, etc? and how does this emotion compare with and complement the general goal/feeling that always drives this character?
what is my character’s body language in this scene? is it different from their usual body language? if so, how does that feel for them emotionally—awkward, freeing, scary—and physically—sweating, shivers, shaking, muscle tension or weakness, aches, hot, cold, etc.
how does my character want to appear to the people around them in this scene? is it different from how they try to appear in general? are they successful, are they not, and in which ways can i convey that through other characters’ reactions or their own awareness?
these 3 drives are always connected together, always moving together, and one may take precedence over the other two at any moment, causing the balance to crumble. this is what gives dynamism. it creates tension and release. you’re never alone in your head, everything you feel has a physical reaction to go with it, and as humans we are always managing both of these on top of how society and our relationships dictate the way we act and appear. 
you are not the same person around different people. you don’t act the same way with a very close friend and with your parents, or with coworkers, or with a lover, etc. you always need to keep in mind the relationship you’ve established between the present characters and how, consciously or not, one is always trying to maintain the fitting persona even in times of emotional or physical distress.
as an example, i’m going to look at chuuya in this excerpt from Light:
He masked it quickly enough, before she could wonder what he was jealous of. “I hate his guts,” he declared.
“You hate everyone,” Kouyou replied tiredly.
“He calls me by my name.”
She halted the steps she had taken toward the kitchen to look back at him again.
“Isn’t that normal?” she asked.
The boy struggled for a moment, looking at her and then down, and he said: “I haven’t told anyone here my name. I don’t know how he found it.”
Oh, she thought.
She had assumed that his secrecy about it was reserved for her alone. She hadn’t asked him again after that first night, and he had seemed unbothered by the fact that she had nothing to call him but boy, lad, child. He had never called her by name either. Only you, as rude as he could make it without stepping over the strenuous line she had drawn during their first conversation.
He aborted a movement in her direction. His foot came to rest again from where it had risen, hesitantly; it looked a little as though he were trapped in his spot by the door. Barefoot under the yellow light of her home, hat in hand, orange hair shining softly.
“Chuuya,” he said very quietly. His face grew crimson, and the quick look he gave her before looking away once more was accompanied by a hurried inhale. “My—my name. It’s Chuuya.”
Kouyou could hardly breathe. She dared not move either.
“Chuuya,” she repeated eventually.
The shiver than ran over him at the sound had very little to do with rancor. “You probably don’t give a shit, and I don’t care either, so—”
“No,” she cut in. “No, I do care.”
She cared so very much.
“It’s a beautiful name,” she said, looking at him with what she thought must be obvious longing. Chuuya, her mind told her again. Chuuya. A name to say in one heartbeat. “You should be proud of it.”
Chuuya looked up at her from under his lashes, cheeks flushed, eyes bright. He always wore vulnerability around him like cloth, but this kind, she had not seen before. This kind she felt in her heart at the turning point of anger; this kind she felt under her skin like a second set of ribs.
1) in this story, chuuya’s overall driving emotion is anger. he’s a child who has been abandoned again and again and who finds himself at the mercy of adults who decide his fate for him, and he hates it. in this scene, however, he’s already started trusting kouyou, because she proved that she cared about more than just his powers by protecting him and getting hurt in his stead. he makes the decision to let her know that he trusts her by telling her his name. so here the driving emotion isn’t anger, it’s trust, and how vulnerable that trust makes him feel, and how all of this is struggling with his anger.
2) i tried to show this struggle through his body language. he looks restless, he’s not sure if he wants to move or stay right where he is, he doesn’t meet her eyes and it takes him a long time to actually get the words out. when he does, he’s blushing, because he knows objectively that it’s ridiculous to feel so anxious about telling someone his name, and at the same time he’s not sure how kouyou’s going to react (if she’s going to react) and if she will understand what his telling her his name means to him. he becomes visibly and audibly defensive again as soon as he thinks she’s reacting the wrong way—that’s his usual driving body language.
3) chuuya is used to putting up a front around kouyou. he decided early on that he’s going to hate her forever, and now that this is no longer true, he doesn’t know how he should act. the version of himself that he was around her doesn’t fit how he feels anymore. so this is an example of a scene where how he wants to appear fades in the background of how he feels and how his body naturally betrays those feelings. he’s a clean slate. he’s starting to build a new way to present himself around her, to better match how he feels for her.
all of this takes into account the fact that he’s thirteen, of course. it’s easier for a child to reshape a relationship than it is for an adult. if the events of the story had unfolded with chuuya and kouyou as adults, their words and actions would’ve been very different.
like i said, this is not something i try to be very actively conscious about. i don’t have an explicit analysis process that i apply to every sentence i write, and i’m pretty sure trying to do it would only make it impossible to write anything. i don’t overthink while writing, only while editing. but i always keep in mind how a character feels, how their body reacts, and how that interferes with the present social circle’s impression of them / the impression they want to give to that social circle. these things are floating at the back of my head and guide how i write a scene. 
i like thinking of my characters as fully human, and no human is a solid block of character traits forever set in stone—everything is a struggle, emotion over physically over perception, it’s constantly changing, no matter how defined your character’s core personality or “voice” is. when i follow that struggle (core emotional/physical/social drives VS situational feelings/body language/appearance VS overarching plot and development of the story), i become unable to write 2 characters the same way, even if my writing style doesn’t change. it becomes impossible for 2 characters to be identical because there are just too many variables.
i hope this was clear/helpful! i don’t often analyze my own writing like this, so i’m not sure what this explanation is worth. and of course, this is only the way i see things—another writer might work with very different habits and understandings of characterization, and that’s great! we all create things in different ways.
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fy-soukoku · 7 years
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- Atsushi will probably begin as a normal human, just for the plot drama, but an unfortunate set of circumstances lead to him developing half-ghoul characteristics (I’m thinking somebody from the orphanage implanting ghoul organs in him after he gets injured.
His kagune is known as ukaku (like Touka’s kagune - extending from the shoulder blades) because he’s noted to be fast. Unlike other ukaku users, he is gifted in short range, and has a regenerative ability. (Ukaku kagune’s are noted to typically be weak at close range, but occasionally can hold an advantage.)
I like to imagine his is a very unique colour - probably whites and blues and such, all very crystal-like in appearance (i’m drawing them right now actually)
- Akutagawa will be a ghoul, probably in a similar place to Touka. (Bc I love Touka and I love Akutagawa and I love Shin Soukoku soooooo....) He uses his kagune, typically, to hunt down ghoul investigators and is known for ripping them to shreds in rage. Outside of his ghoul persona, he’s fairly quiet and awkward, not interacting with many people outside of the cafe.
Aku would totally have a rinkaku (a kagune that extends from the back of the waist) just like Kaneki. When taking form, it resembles Rashoumon. Rinkaku kagune are known for brute strength and quick strikes, capable of knocking down other’s defenses. I imagine he is skilled with detachment, meaning that he can detach pieces of his kagune and create walls or traps and such with them.
- Dazai would probably be a mentor for Atsushi, showing him how to live under the rules and limitations of a ghoul passing for human. He probably mentored Akutagawa for a long while and helped him learn to use his abilities to their extreme.
As much as I love Dazai, I want to embellish on how his intelligence is his true strength. His kagune is a bikaku, which extends from the tailbone and is considered fairly average in speed, offense, and defense. He’s not good his kagune, but he tends to rely on his wits and instincts to manipulate a situation to avoid conflicts.
- Chuuya works for another branch of ghouls, ones trying to eliminate the ghoul investigation unit. I like to imagine that he doesn’t enjoy killing anyone, but he’s seen so many of his family die that he just can’t stand by. He and Dazai have some bad blood, involving Dazai leaving the organization they had both grown up in. Kouyou raised him, obviously, and raised him on how to fight.
I like to imagine he possesses a rinkaku kagune, seeing as how it’s offense is higher than the others.
Also, because I can, his kagune can create fire, which is considered fairly rare. Essentially,  the cells can generate heat, eventually reaching even 4000 degrees celsius.
Yeah, that’s all I really have so far. I’m working on some artwork for it, but that’s about it. I just really wanted to share all of that. <3
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leio13 · 7 years
That Bandage Freak is Actually...
A Soukoku Fic
Summary: Chuuya, a young librarian, is searching for love, but he couldn’t possibly find it in that bandage-wasting disaster who’s tearing up his library. Could he?
My contribution for Soukoku Week Day 1 (sartorialism)
Relationship: Soukoku (Dazai/Chuuya)
Betaread by the amazing Whisp ( @waveswordswhispers) and Mina ( @fraink5-writes)!
Read it on Ao3 here!
After a particularly annoying bout of traffic, Chuuya strolled into the library five minutes after opening time, ready to work. The first thing he noticed is a strange man switching books on one of the shelves… improperly. The guy was fucking up the library’s orderly system. “Uh… boss?” Chuuya approached the counter where his boss, a young woman wearing an extravagant kimono, worked. “That guy over there is messing up the library.”
Kouyou glanced over Chuuya’s shoulder at the bandage-wrapped stranger. “Oh.” She frowned slightly. “That’s our new part-time employee, Dazai. He doesn’t have much experience, does he?” she sighed as if she didn’t want him there, even though she was the one who had hired him. The characters one hired when in desperate need of workers could be nightmares, angels, or anywhere in between. This one, dressed like a mummy, was most definitely going to be a nightmare. “Why don’t you lend him a hand, Chuuya?”
“Yes, boss,” Chuuya agreed. In his head, he sighed reluctantly. He wasn’t ready for whatever hell experience the new guy had waiting for him. Still, he trudged over to the sloppy brunette, trying to keep the frown off his face. “Let me help you out a bit. You’re new, right?”
Dazai, as Kouyou called him, laughed quietly, a hint of blush lit up his face–well, the part of his face that wasn’t smothered in bandages. The bandages engulfed a large part of his face, covering his left eye entirely. Kouyou must have been really desperate when he hired this freak. “This is my first day…”
“First job too?” Chuuya joked internally. As the (clearly) better person, he couldn’t say that out loud. “Do you know how books are organized in a library, Dazai?”
Dazai blinked upon hearing his name before glancing at Kouyou who wore one of the fakest smiles Chuuya had seen in his entire career as a librarian. “Nope!”
“Alright. Let me explain.”
And so, Chuuya ended up explaining the entire library system while Dazai simply nodded. Chuuya couldn’t help but wonder if Dazai actually understood all of it. “Well, I’ve got my own work to take care of. Let me know if you need anymore help.”
“Okay! Will do, uh…”
“Just Chuuya is fine.” Chuuya was done with this bandaged freak already.
Surprisingly, Dazai did not pester Chuuya that day (or any other day) with additional questions. Even more surprisingly, it seemed as if he understood Chuuya’s lecture quite clearly. The organization of the shelves he worked on was almost impressive. Not a single book out of line. When Chuuya didn’t have to see those ridiculous bandages, he could almost regard Dazai as a valuable member of the library’s workforce.
In fact, the current hour, his lunch break, was one of those times. Chuuya settled down into his usual booth at the local cafe and pulled his laptop out from his bag. He bit into his sandwich once before the moment was ruined.
“Eating alone, Chuuya?” Dazai was peering over his shoulder at the empty seat on the other side of the table. “Mind if I join you?”
“I’m alright.” After the words left his mouth, Chuuya realized they came off rudely. “I’m not lonely if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“That’s good,” Dazai frowned slightly, “but I’m a bit lonely myself, so if not for you, may we sit together for me?”
Chuuya wanted to say no, but he couldn’t unless he wanted to be an asshole. He didn’t really want to appear that way. Besides, it was his policy not to judge people by appearances (even if he had betrayed that policy multiple times over the past week since Dazai joined). Dazai was a bit sketchy appearance-wise, but Chuuya decided to live by his beliefs this time. “Go ahead. I might not be great company though.”
“Ah, thank you!” Instead of sitting down across from Chuuya though, Dazai continued looking over his shoulder. “A dating website? Are you looking for a date?”
“Yeah.” Chuuya glared at the the redhead on the screen. He didn’t actually have an issue with “Tachihara,” but he needed to release his anger somewhere.
“Hmm… No offense, but he’s not really that attractive…”
“Did I ask for your opinion?” Chuuya hissed in his head.
“I’m not a huge fan of the bandage on the nose.” Dazai finally sat down when Chuuya slammed his laptop closed. “It’s tasteless in my opinion.”
“In what way?” Chuuya was almost eager to hear what Dazai had to say back. The idiot was covered from head to toe in bandages, yet he had the audacity to criticize one small bandage on the nose. What kind of excuse would he offer?
“It looks like he got into a fight and lost. Pretty pathetic, don’t you think?”
Chuuya almost choked on a laugh. Was this guy for real? “If he looks like he lost a fight, you look like you lost to an elephant.” He noticed a small frown surface on Dazai’s face briefly, and while Chuuya didn’t care too much, he had to be nice. “Besides, I try not to judge people by their appearances.”
“That’s admirable!” Dazai smiled, sipping his drink slowly. He didn’t say anything after that.
“Um… Chuuya?” Dazai peeked out from behind the bookshelf Chuuya was organizing.
“Yeah?” Chuuya really didn’t want to talk to Dazai, but he wasn’t going shoo him away.
Dazai finally fully appeared from behind the shelf. “I’m really sorry for butting in the other day.” He bowed slightly.
Chuuya was frankly surprised. “No, uh, it’s alright. Don’t worry about it.” Now that the issue was resolved, he and Dazai could return to their usual awkward relationship, which in fact wasn’t very different at all–the only real difference being that Chuuya was no longer angry. Anyway, Dazai could leave Chuuya alone now that the conflict had ended.
Chuuya reached up to pull a book from the top shelf but couldn’t grab it, a sad reminder that he had stopped growing about 7 years ago at the age of 15. Thankfully, having a year of experience, Chuuya had a technique up his sleeve. He glanced towards Kouyou’s desk. She was on the phone with a customer and looking in the opposite direction just as Chuuya had hoped. Keeping his eyes on the boss, he lifted his leg and stepped onto the lowest shelf. Then, he grabbed a higher shelf with his two hands and began to simultaneously pull and push himself up. He was so close now. So clos–
The book was gone? It was just there a minute ago. Did someone take it while he was watching Kouyou? Chuuya turned his head around stiffly, the faintest idea of who it could be creeping unwantedly into his thoughts.
“Here!” Sure enough, Dazai was standing behind him offering him the very book he had been trying to get. “It looked like you needed help, so I took it down for you!” He smiled innocently.
Chuuya jumped off the bookshelf and snatched the book from Dazai’s hand. “I did not need help!”
“You didn’t?” Dazai blinked. “But you were climbing the bookshelf…”
“That’s how I reach high books.” Chuuya grumbled. His secret technique sounded pretty stupid when Dazai phrased it like that.
“Why don’t you just ask someone taller?”
“I can get them myself. That’s why.” Chuuya knew Dazai wasn’t trying to belittle him with that suggestion, but he hated being reminder that he was short. It was a sensitive topic for him. He wasn’t tall or slim like models and Dazai were; he was short and muscular. The muscles were nice–he liked those–but being short just made him the butt of the same unfunny jokes over and over again.
“But you could also get hurt.”
“I know what I’m doing. I’ve done this before. I won’t fall, okay?” Chuuya, hoping to end the painful conversation in which he was stuck, started moving towards the desk.
“If you insist…” Dazai sighed, following Chuuya. “But I’d prefer if you just asked me instead.”
“We’ll see…” Chuuya relented. They wouldn’t see. He didn’t need Dazai’s help. “Oh, and thanks, I guess…” Even if he felt unnecessarily belittled, Dazai did help him which was pretty nice. Dazai wasn’t such a terrible guy after all.
“My pleasure!”
Chuuya couldn’t help but notice that Dazai was sitting by himself in a small booth tucked in the corner of Chuuya’s favorite cafe. He tried to ignore it–he really did–but he couldn’t. He stood up with a sigh and approached the lonely brunette. “Eating alone, Dazai?”
“Eh?” Dazai looked up from his untouched plate of food. “I guess so.” He scratched the back of his neck, letting out a weak laugh.
“You can join me if you’d like.” Chuuya hoped he wasn’t making a mistake.
“Are you sure?” The smile on Dazai’s face betrayed the hesitation in his voice.
“Yeah, you don’t need to sit alone.” Chuuya returned to his favorite spot, and Dazai skipped behind him. It wasn’t going to just be his spot anymore. It would now belong to him and Dazai, a weird thought.
“You know, Chuuya, I realized that I don’t know a lot about you. You’ve always seemed a bit distant with me. Frankly, I’m surprised you invited me to join you. Of course, I’m extremely grateful for that!” He bowed his head in apology. “Please don’t shoo me away.”
Chuuya though would have much rathered that he himself disappeared. Dazai had noticed the way Chuuya had initially been avoiding him which made Chuuya feel ashamed of himself. He considered apologizing, but he honestly just didn’t want to talk about it. “Well, there isn’t much to know really. What did you want to know?”
“Anything!” Dazai grinned eagerly.
“Alright…” Chuuya told Dazai about how he grew up in an orphanage although he spent most of his childhood in the local library. He continued with his two college majors in French and literature and how he liked to translate French texts into Japanese during his free time, and that might have led to a mainly one-sided conversation about classic French authors. “What about you, Dazai?” he asked eventually though only five minutes of their lunch break remained.
“I haven’t done anything nearly as impressive,” Dazai sighed, “I didn’t even go to college.”
“Really?” Chuuya had to remind himself of his initial impressions of Dazai in order to fully accept those words. “What about employment? You had to have another job before this one, right?”
“I did. Well, I still do, actually.” Dazai checked his watch. “We can save that for another day. We need to return to the library now.”
“Oh. Okay.” Chuuya frowned slightly. He really wanted to know what it was. Who was Dazai outside the library?
The next time Chuuya needed to grab a book off the top shelf, Dazai wasn’t even there. According to Kouyou, he had some business to take care of in the morning. Either way, he wouldn’t be there to get the book for Chuuya. Oh well, Chuuya still had his handy dandy trick.
He placed his shoe on the lowest shelf, grabbed the sides of the bookshelf, and using his boot to push up, he pulled himself onto the first shelf completely. He reached for the book, but it was still too far away. Kids were giggling somewhere nearby, and even though he didn’t want to be seen doing this, he refused to stop. He had already started climbing. They couldn’t possibly judge him anymore. He pulled himself onto the second shelf. Letting go of one of the sides, he stretched his arm to touch the book. He could feel it’s rough casing, but he wasn’t high enough to get a good grasp.
The door behind him rang out a small bell noise as it usually did when someone entered or exited the library. Chuuya prayed that it wasn’t Kouyou returning from her lunch break. He didn’t want to know what sort of face she would make although he had a good idea in his imagination.
Something crashed into the back of the bookshelf, and a girl shouted out “No rough housing, Yumeno!”
But it was too late for that. Chuuya was already falling. “Shi–”
But he didn’t hit the floor, landing softly instead against someone’s chest. Two bandaged arms were wrapped around his waist. “Are you alright?”
“Dazai?” Chuuya peered up to see the brunette staring down at him. “I-I’m fine.”
“This is why I said you should ask me…” Dazai sighed, lowering Chuuya’s feet to the floor.
“You weren’t here when I checked!” Chuuya’s face burned. He had fallen from the bookshelf, and Dazai saw it and caught him. In his arms. Chuuya wasn’t sure whether the fall or the catch lit up his cheeks more.
“Sorry, I had something to do. Anyway, I’m glad you’re okay, Chuuya. You scared me for a second.”
“You were sca…?” Chuuya shook his head. “Sorry. I’ll try not to scale anymore bookshelves in the future…”
“Try not to what?” A woman’s voice replied. Kouyou was standing right next to them.
“Nothing.” Chuuya quickly answered. Hopefully, she’d drop it at that.
“Not to bother you, Chuuya, but” Dazai suddenly spoke up, “I need to put some books on the shelf you’re sitting in front.”
Chuuya jolted up and turned to face the brunette, closing the magazine he had been reading. He used his thumb as a bookmark for the page he was on. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright! Everyone gets distracted occasionally!” Dazai laughed, probably trying to reassure himself that it was alright. Chuuya had found Dazai with his nose in a book several times since he had joined about a month ago. “What are you reading anyway?”
“Just some article about that model, Shuuji.” Chuuya flipped open to the pages his thumb was marking. One of the pages was simply a picture of Shuuji. He wasn’t smiling–he never typically was. That was supposedly attractive. It didn’t really bewitch Chuuya personally, but he understood the appeal. In fact, minus the never-smiling thing, Shuuji was undoubtedly attractive: thin and tall with soft brown hair and caramel eyes that Chuuya imagined would have been warm if Shuuji actually smiled in the camera. Unfortunately, he didn’t, and his eyes simply looked dead.
“Hmm…” Dazai leaned closer for a better look. “He’s not really my type.”
“What is your type exactly?” Chuuya couldn’t even guess.
“I think I prefer curly red hair. Blues eyes and a proud yet kind personality are nice too.”
That was Chuuya. Dazai had just described Chuuya. Chuuya’s face hit record-breaking temperatures. He was blushing furiously. “I… I don’t know what to say… I wasn’t expecting that… at all… holy shit.”
Dazai laughed softly, pink highlighting his cheeks. “Sorry, that was really sudden on my part. You can just forget about it.”
“I…” How was Chuuya supposed to respond? Did he view Dazai that same way?
“Oh yeah,” Dazai interrupted Chuuya’s thoughts. “What happened with Mr. Bandaid Nose?”
“Oh. Michizou, you mean?” Chuuya wasn’t going to object to a new subject until right then when he started speaking. Suddenly, he dreaded the topic significantly. “Well, actually, uh, Michizou and I, uh, we hit it off pretty well, so we’re going to, uh, meet up this weekend.” Of all topics, why did Dazai switch to this one?
“You got a date!” Dazai clapped his hands together. “Congrats!” His eyes looked hollow.
“Yeah, the only problem is that I don’t know what to wear… he invited me to a fancy restaurant, but I don’t have any appropriate suits to wear…” Chuuya probably should have kept that to himself. The sooner they stopped discussing Michizou, the better.
“Well, that’s no good.” Dazai grinned. “I can help if you want.”
“You’d be willing to do that after all this…?”
“Sure! Let’s meet Saturday afternoon at the cafe!”
“Thank you, Dazai. Seriously, thanks.”
“Anytime, Chuuya!”
Dazai was already standing outside the cafe when Chuuya arrived even though Chuuya was five minutes early. He waved and without a word gestured for Chuuya to enter the open door.
“Look, Dazai,” Chuuya blurted out as they sat down. “You really don’t have to do this is you don’t want to. I won’t be ups–”
“But I want to!” Dazai interrupted. “You’re an important friend of mine after all!”
“Okay. What’s the plan for today? My date is at 8:30. It’s 12:25 now.” Chuuya watched as a server brought two cups of coffee to the table without being asked, Chuuya’s and Dazai’s favorites respectively.
“I think I know the perfect place for a suit.” Dazai grinned, blowing at the steam from his coffee.
“That’s good. Hopefully, it’s not too expensive…” Chuuya glanced down at his wallet mournfully. He loved the library, but it didn’t pay that well. He couldn’t spend too much money on this suit without it cutting into his living expenses. “Oh yeah. I also want to get something to eat a few hours before the date if you’d like to come. I don’t think my stomach can hold over until 8:30 on it’s own.”
“Sure, I’d love to!” Dazai finally took a sip out of his coffee. “So tell me about Bandai–Michizou.”
“Stop calling him that! I can’t take it seriously!” Chuuya laughed. “He’s nice. We have a lot of interests in common too.”
“That’s great.” Then, after taking another sip, Dazai stood up and pushed his chair in. “Shall we go?”
“Sure!” Chuuya followed after him, taking his coffee to go. They strolled down the streets of Yokohama before stopping at a relatively large shop by the name of Villon. Of course, Chuuya recognized the name instantly. Shuuji was one of the models for the brand. “Uh, Dazai? I would love a suit from Villon, but they are expensive as fuck.”
“You don’t want to take a look?” Dazai frowned.
“I guess a peek couldn’t hurt.” Chuuya knew it was a bad idea, but even so, he followed Dazai through the glass doors. There were endless rows of suits. If Chuuya seriously inspected each one, he’d lose a significant amount of his designated shopping time. He’d just have to skim through them, yet he found himself examining each one, admiring their designs and fabric. Eventually, he stumbled upon one he couldn’t resist.
Dazai caught him staring. “Why don’t you try it on?”
Chuuya probably should have said no, but his heart pulled him to the dressing rooms instead. He eagerly (but carefully) threw it on. Then, he inhaled and turned to face the mirror.
Chuuya almost gasped. It was perfect, especially the way the maroon of the dress shirt complimented his orange hair, the way it fit him snugly without pinching. Chuuya loved the way it looked. He strutted out of the stall to show Dazai. “How do I look?”
Dazai actually did gasp. “You look… breathtaking…” He pulled out his phone. “You look wonderful, Chuuya. Let’s take a picture, so we don’t forget!”
Chuuya posed, Dazai clicked the camera, and then, the suit had to come off. Even worse was what followed: checking the price tag. The cost made Chuuya’s singing heart drop. It was too much, way too much. “I can’t buy this, Dazai…”
Dazai took the suit from Chuuya’s hands and without inspecting the price tag walked over to the cashier. He beckoned Chuuya over. Chuuya reluctantly slumped over.
“That will be 65,000 yen.” The woman behind the counter smiled at Chuuya, waiting for an answer.
Chuuya’s jaw dropped. That was not price on the tag, not even close to it. “…excuse me?”
“Chuuya,” Dazai smiled, “I got you a discount.”
“Frequent buyers get discounts.”
Dazai was a frequent buyer at Villon? Dazai had enough money to shop frequently at Villon? Chuuya’s jaw dropped further. He never would have guessed by Dazai’s appearance. And such an extreme discount too! Chuuya could actually buy the suit now! The suit was his! He took the suit back into his arms and squeezed it to his chest. He almost wanted to squeal. He almost wanted to hug Dazai. Did he deserve all this? Probably not, but he wasn’t going to waste this opportunity. He quickly handed the cashier a bundle of cash, not even waiting for his change before skipping out the door.
Dazai appeared next to him moments later with Chuuya’s change in hand. “Weren’t you complaining about not having enough money the other day?”
Chuuya ignored Dazai’s remark. He was too absorbed in his own happiness.
“Anyway, it’s about 5:30 now. You should eat something light now if you want to eat.”
“Good idea! I’ll pay for the meal.” Chuuya promised. One meal wouldn’t pay back the amount he owed Dazai for all of this, but it was a start. “Thank you so much, Dazai! I really can’t thank you enough!”
“Don’t worry about it! It was my pleasure!” Dazai blushed. “Let’s go eat now, yeah?”
“Yep!” Chuuya bounded down the street to the little deli he had in mind, Dazai chasing after him.
“I’ve never seen you with so much energy before…” Dazai panted at the doorway.
“Well, I don’t really act like this unless I’m really happy, and I’m really happy right now!!” Chuuya squealed.
“Michizou better make you squeal like this.” Dazai smirked before disappearing to order two sandwiches.
“I hope so…” Chuuya slumped in his chair, the exhaustion from this excursion finally hitting him.
“I hope you like this kind.” Dazai placed a sandwich in front of Chuuya.
“It’s my favorite. How did you know?” Chuuya joked. “Definitely not because I eat it every day.”
Dazai laughed. “Nope, definitely not.”
Chuuya wondered when eating with Dazai became normal. He had learned a lot of things about Dazai: the dumb songs he liked to sing, his life growing up as an orphan, the way he fumbled with his bandages when nervous and how that way was different from when he was embarrassed. It was almost hard to believe that a bit more than a month ago Chuuya had been intentionally avoiding him.
There were also things about Dazai that he didn’t know like his other job, but Chuuya didn’t feel rushed to find them out anymore. They had time. Somehow Chuuya just knew this bond would last for a long time. Until that time had passed, Chuuya could take it easy and relax, slowly learning about Dazai in the process.
They ate as if it was any other meal together: a few jokes, a few petty arguments, a few bits of small talk; no one brought up Michizou. In fact, he was completely out of Chuuya’s mind.
Dazai glanced out the window. “Uh oh.”
Chuuya followed Dazai’s gaze. It was pouring outside. “I didn’t bring an umbrella because I didn’t think it would start raining.”
“Me neither.” Dazai sighed. “It should be fine though if we hurry, and hopefully, it’ll have stopped by tonight.”
Chuuya had forgotten about that night. It had began to feel like any other day, but then Chuuya remember that he had a date later. “I hope so. Let’s go back to our apartments before it gets worse first.” With that, Chuuya and Dazai hurried outside into the soaking rain.
“Chuuya~!” Dazai ran up next to Chuuya who had power walked ahead. “Don’t step in a puddle~!” He sang out while nudging Chuuya with his shoulder towards the nearest one.
Chuuya tripped, narrowly avoiding the death of his shoes. “What the fuck, Dazai?” Chuuya turned to face the brunette only to notice the bastard had already scurried away. He chased after him, slamming his shoulder into Dazai’s side. “You shouldn’t step into a puddle either~!”
Dazai stumbled to the side a few feet, his shoes splashing in a large puddle that went up to his ankles.
Chuuya laughed victoriously. Then, it thundered, and Chuuya’s pleasure vanished. “Shit.” He yanked Dazai out of the puzzle and down the street. Finally, they arrived at his small apartment building into which he hastily ushered Dazai. “You can dry off at my place.”
Dazai hesitantly followed Chuuya to his apartment, noting the dirty sprinkled on the floor and walls of the complex. It wasn’t the nicest place to live, and Chuuya wondered what Dazai, who was apparently rich, thought of it and consequently thought of Chuuya. The combination of autumn night temperatures and wet clothes made it cold too. “I’ll turn on the heater when we get inside.” He unlocked the door to his apartment. “You must be shivering.”
Dazai looked around the small apartment, making Chuuya embarrassed. It was clear that Chuuya lived there the second one entered. The area was clean, French literature lined the walls, and soft French jazz was playing quietly on an antique cassette player. Chuuya waddled in drenched clothes over to the heater and turned it on. Dazai remained standing awkwardly at the entrance.
“You can sit down if you want.” Chuuya sat down on one end of the couch and gestured for Dazai to join him.
Dazai reluctantly joined Chuuya on the couch. “I’d hate to soak your furniture…”
“It’s fine. I’m soaking everything already.” Chuuya suddenly grimaced and yanked his clinging jacket off, throwing it onto the broken chair besides the heater. “Aren’t you’re clothes disgusting like that?”
“A bit, yeah.” Dazai slowly removed his own vest which Chuuya quickly snatched from his hands to add to the wet pile next to the heater.
“Thank you for today, Dazai.” Without thinking, Chuuya leaned forward and kissed Dazai on the lips.
“Mm?” Chuuya responded, eyes still closed, faces inches apart.
“Did you just…?”
“Oh shit.” Chuuya froze. “Oh shit. Fuck.” He just kissed Dazai. Dazai of all people. And he enjoyed it.  Way more than he should have. “Did you, uh, enjoy it?”
Dazai blushed. “Yeah, but…”
“Okay. Good.” Chuuya decided to fuck it all. He reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from Dazai’s eyes, cupping his face with one hand in the process.
“Chuuya…?” Dazai took Chuuya’s hand, but he was unsure if he should pull it away.
“Hopefully, you’ll enjoy this one too.” Before Dazai could respond, Chuuya moved in for a second kiss, letting their lips linger together this time. Dazai tasted of crab and chocolate, just like Chuuya imagined he would.
They pulled apart, and Dazai gasped for air. “Chuuya…” He whispered.
“Yes?” Chuuya gently pushed Dazai down against the couch, snatching a third kiss.
“Do you love me, Chuuya?”
“I think so… yes.”
With that, Dazai grabbed Chuuya’s tie and pulled him closer. “I’m glad.” He pushed himself up slightly, taking the opportunity to steal a kiss of his own. They stayed like that for awhile with their lips locked together.
Meanwhile, Chuuya’s hands moved on their own, searching Dazai’s chest and undoing buttons. Dazai’s hands tugged at Chuuya’s tie and ripped it away.
Then, Dazai stopped. “Hey, Chuuya?”
“Yeah, Dazai?” Chuuya paused for a minute, his busy fingers halting.
“Is this going where I think it’s going?”
“Yeah, pretty sure.”
“In that case,” Dazai sat up, “I’m going to remove these bandages.”
“Okay.” Chuuya moved out of Dazai’s way and watched the brunette stalk into the bathroom.
Moments later, he returned shyly, bandages and everything gone. Without the bandages, Dazai almost looked like a separate individual. He looked slimmer yet healthier. His soft, wet, brown locks clung to his face almost photogenically. Seeing both eyes, Chuuya noticed a slight glimmer in Dazai’s pupils. As he was now, Dazai almost looked like…
Chuuya’s jaw dropped for a third time that day.
“…Something wrong?” Dazai asked self-consciously.
“Dazai… you’re…”
“You’re Shuuji… you’re a model?!”
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controliisms · 7 years
Ship: Soukoku?
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
answering this with the soukoku ship i have with @labem in mind!
who asks the other on dates: both do!who is the bigger cuddler: dazai. he’s always the bigger cuddler simply because he clings to people and won’t let go; though he sometimes is so into cuddling that he won’t let chuuya move from bed until he’s satisfied. who initiates holding hands more often: chuuya. dazai is a little hesitant at first but will come around to it. who remembers anniversaries: both of them do. especially their engagement anniversary and their wedding one ( when that happens )who is more possessive: oh boy both are very possessive in general? to the point where they’ll kill somebody for looking at the other wrong so i’m going to say both. one isn’t more possessive than the other.who gets more jealous: dazai. he has problems trusting the people around chuuya and constantly gets a little paranoid; which leads to extreme jealousy. it’s caused issues between them before for sure. who is more protective: i feel like chuuya, simply because he’s dazai’s bodyguard and all in the mafia boss verse, whereas dazai doesn’t really have an excuse to protect chuuya, since chuuya is able to handle any situation on his own. who is more likely to cheat: neither! who initiates sexy times the most: chuuya. dazai doesn’t like asking or anything, but sometimes he’ll try and stutter out a request.who dislikes PDA the most: neither! they’re both fine with being completely shameless in public!who kills the spider: chuuya. dazai’s terrified of bugs. who asks the the other to marry them: i mean, in blog canon, it was chuuya. who buys the other flowers or gifts: both do when they can!who would bring up possibly having kids: eh... we sort of agreed they wouldn’t have kids. but if they did, dazai would bring up wanting to have a protege or something. who is more nervous to meet the parents: neither! they’ve both met the people who raised the other!who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: chuuya. as seen in a thread somewhere, chuuya refuses to let dazai sleep on the couch. who tries to make up first after arguments: chuuya! dazai feels a little too awkward to. though if he knows the argument was his fault, dazai will at least attempt to make things right somehow. who tells the other they love them more often: both do! though it’s likely chuuya, since he says it many times in a single sentence sometimes. 
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