#city edinburg
oconnor2023 · 4 months
Edinburg Property Tax
Edinburg per capita property taxes grew from $186/ person to $359/ person between 2002 and 2021, an 93% increase. Find out more on Edinburg property tax : https://www.poconnor.com/edinburg-property-tax/
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whiskeysorrows · 4 months
maybe one day I'll make it out of here far far away from this place
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gusty-wind · 4 months
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aengell · 1 year
On days like these, when I sit on the train, heading south, into the city, I remember what you said to me once. What you said to me, on the day our eyes met for the first time, purposely. Right after we had kissed, still a bit out of breath. The morning after your Edinburg show, when my shirt still smelled of vanilla and gin, and your face was plastered with a tired smile.
On days like these I look outside the window, and it feels almost like I’m passing by memories. The fields and forests, like pages of a photo album. I’ve always felt pulled towards transitional spaces. I remember a university professor of mine once saying, that transitional spaces aren’t even really spaces. And that the fact that they were solely made to exist as the bridge between two spaces, Robbed them of all meaning.
I’ve always felt safe in the in-between. The low expectations, the excitement of what’s to come, the nostalgia of what’s behind. Existing in its purest form, not bound by time, but also not a forever. Empty airports, the felted backseat of the 120 bus going south, the parking lot of my hometowns’ Aldi on cold autumn days, the queue in front of a stuffy Berlin club.
- excerpt from a story, I might never finish
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 month
Hamish Hawk Interview: Pathos in the Ridiculous
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Photo by Michaela Simpson
"It's a very sunny afternoon here in Edinburg, so I'm in a good mood," Hamish Hawk told me over Zoom late last month. When I mentioned to him that I had spent time in Scotland's capital city decades ago and loved it, he lit up. "When it comes to Edinburgh, I'm such an enthusiast," he said. "I really like when people come here." Part of me was shocked that Hawk abided by such simple logic, that nice weather plus a feeling of civic pride equals even temporary happiness. On albums like Heavy Elevator, Angel Numbers, and his latest, A Firmer Hand, out Friday via So Recordings and Fierce Panda, Hawk is not necessarily a spoilsport, but he toes the line between truth and facetiousness. Such a balancing act has proven so far to be successful for Hawk, who has found himself fostering a long-term working relationship with Rod Jones of beloved Scottish rockers Idlewid and twice shortlisted for the Scottish Album of the Year award. But with A Firmer Hand, Hawk didn't withhold a thing, sharing an album focused on various types of relationships with men, from romantic to professional, as well as insecurities with masculinity. And he doesn't quite know whether people will like it. "[A Firmer Hand] is different enough from Heavy Elevator and Angel Numbers being safely on the cheaper poppy side of things," he said. "This one is lyrically and musically quite a change."
Don't get me--or Hawk--wrong: A Firmer Hand is very much a Hamish Hawk record, through and through. Jones returns to the producer's chair, the songs were written by Hawk, and the instrumentation was composed by his core band of guitarist Andrew Pearson, keyboardist/drummer Stefan Maurice, and bassist Alex Duthie. The songs exude familiar vibes, from the very opener "Juliet as Epithet", with its harmonic keyboards, rippling percussion, and of course, Hawk's unmistakable croon. But the first track also sets the mood for the entire record, individual verses encompassing simultaneous feelings of devotion, worry, bitterness, and self-aggrandizement. "So goddamn handsome he makes me anxious / He holds my hand thru the sad advances / Why wouldn't he tho? / I'm just the open secret no-one's ever gonna blow," Hawk sings, making you want to cry and laugh all at once. In general, Hawk uses explicitness not for shock value, but to reveal a similar contradiction within sex, that of vulnerability and hilarity. The album's double entendre title comes from dance punk jam "Big Cat Tattoos", one that both derides and expresses jealousy over traditional notions of manliness. "I think you'd prefer a firmer hand with big cat tattoos and a wedding band," Hawk sings to a lover, eyes rolled, taking down all types of compensatory masculine personas, from the tech bro and the music snob to even the strong-and-silent sad-sack within himself.
A skilled songwriter, Hawk both sings autobiographically and exaggeratedly, and he's able to present other perspectives without the pretense of becoming them. On A Firmer Hand, most importantly, you're not left wanting to solve a puzzle of what happened and when and to whom; instead, you can find a sense of solidarity with the imperfections and troubles of everyone involved, even if your life has nothing in common with them. The ivory tower narrator of "Nancy Dearest" may be lonely at the top, but what matters is that they're lonely at all. The slinky bass and trilling guitars of "Autobiography of Spy" visualize a suave 007 on paper but someone living a secret sexual existence in a sad reality. "We're footprintless on fallen snow / We wear the mist and learn the code," Hawk sighs. Yes, Hawk's clearly diffident himself on songs like "Men Like Wire" and "Questionable Hit", on the latter participating in a music industry where other men wont want to be him if he's clearly gay or effeminate, but thinking, "Will I never tire of fronting?" on the former. But he finds power for us all when adopting a devilish swagger on "Milk an Ending". "This is my ninth life / I shan't stand by like a half shut knife," he declares, continuing, "If you can't take this dance / If you won't fake romance, why should I?" After all, the right to live freely means the right to boast freely, too.
If I was surprised by the wholly sunny disposition of a purportedly autobiographical songwriter who made an album like A Firmer Hand, I was not taken aback by his willingness to break down its songs. Throughout our conversation, Hawk was honest about which aspects of the album were the results of a longstanding goal and which came naturally or even unexpectedly. Read our conversation below, edited for length and clarity, and catch him on tour in the UK and Europe through the rest of the year, with the same band who played on the album.
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Photo by Simon Murphy
Since I Left You: At what point did writing a "skeletons in the closet" record become unavoidable?
Hamish Hawk: The first song I wrote for the record was "Questionable Hit". It was written roundabout the same time as some of the Angel Numbers songs, or at least towards the end of the Angel Numbers era, as it were. There's something in the tone of "A Questionable Hit", and even of a song like "Money" from Angel Numbers, and of a couple others in my repertoire, that's similarly slightly finger-pointing, embittered, and cynical. But I felt with "Questionable Hit" there was a sharper tooth in there that I didn't expect. When I wrote that, I felt, even though it was roundabout the time of the Angel Numbers stuff, it wasn't going to fit very comfortably with Angel Numbers, so I sort of put it to one side. Then, my collaborator Stefan Maurice, my drummer, sent me a keys loop that essentially became "Machiavelli's Room". When I was writing that, I became consumed with it. Some songs come really fast, and others take months. This was neither. I ruminated on it, listening to it constantly trying to edit and redraft the lyrics to get them perfect. As soon as I finished it, I looked back at the work and thought, "Ok, I don't think a song like that is gonna sit very comfortably with songs that sound like Angel Numbers." It struck me quite quickly that whatever album "Machiavelli's Room" would appear on, the songs that surrounded it would have to be cut from the same cloth. It was from there that "Questionable Hit", even though it's got a slightly different tone, reared its head again.
[A Firmer Hand] became this wider exercise in seeing how direct, how honest, how diaristic I could be. I think the album has achieved that, but for that reason, I'm slightly more nervous about the release of this record than I was for the past two. It's a vulnerable record...albums kind of exist in this odd space before you release them where you feel you might want to change something, or you're not convinced of exactly what they are. As soon as they're released, it's like, "Ok, now that's done. I can close the door on that. I can orient myself towards something completely new." I'm still in that strange period with A Firmer Hand, admittedly, but I think it's a good piece of work.
SILY: It's not necessarily a logical step after you've gained critical acclaim and more fans to say to the general music listening public, "Here's an album where you might not like me very much." Would you describe the album as totally diaristic, or are there aspects that are tongue-in-cheek and a little self-aware?
HH: Across the board, even with Heavy Elevator and Angel Numbers, and even before that, the vast majority of the inspiration I get to write songs does come from real events and real life. I definitely write in heightened terms. I'm inspired by writers like Scott Walker and Jarvis Cocker who take mundane kitchen-sink narratives and bring them up to this level where they could sing about something incredibly ordinary, like taking the kids home from school or something, and put it on this big Las Vegas stage, this high drama Caravaggio lighting. That's a process I've always been really interested in. As much as my songs are autobiographical, they're not strictly autobiographical. I'll take the truth and polish it up a bit and inject it with this new dramatic or poetic energy. But if we were to go through my songs, I'd be able to point at lyrics and tell you exactly where they came from and what moment in my life caused them to be written. I'm definitely not an abstract writer in that sense: I don't attack things from the perspective of other characters, and I don't try to take on a different persona and write about a period in history or a place I've never been to. It is autobiographical in that sense. My songs are very personal to me. That's the only way I know how to do it, so within that frame, I am trying to push myself to write in different ways, but that's my medium, as it were.
SILY: Even if you don't inhabit other characters or mindsets, you still give space to other voices. There are conversational aspects of your songs where you're presenting the perspectives of others without inhabiting them. How do you find that balance when you write?
HH: I don't think it's necessarily the healthiest thing in the world. In the past, I've been guilty of other characters or people that feature in my songs turning into kind of cyphers, versions of them where they say the things I want them to say. Angel Numbers was when I first started working with other characters in the songs saying things that really did happen, exact phrases. I wouldn't note them down at the time, but they were etched into my brain forever. That continues into A Firmer Hand. I'm trying to be as cutthroat with myself as I possibly can, because more often than not, these characters are saying something to me or about me. This album was a warts and all approach. At the end of some of these songs, I'm not necessarily gonna look great. It was an exercise in seeing how true to life I could be without being fantastical or this sort of protection of artifice. Sometimes, when I listen to these songs back, I think, "Oh, I remember that, that wasn't [my] best day." [laughs]
SILY: On A Firmer Hand, you do write about the mundane, but at the same time, you include hyper-specific cultural references and, even if they're based on real people, tropes like the tech bro on "Big Cat Tattoos". I laughed at the line, "You vetoed every one of my miserabilist movies / You bored everyone from out of town with the virtues of shoegaze." Everyone knows someone like that. Do you try to connect with a wider audience by being hyper-specific?
HH: It's a really good question. In you saying that, I can see you agree with me in that often times, the more hyper-specific you can be, the more idiosyncratic, the more personal, the more likely it is to suddenly explode and be relatable to a huge number of people. More formulaic commercial pop music, there has been historically a belief that if you try to make things as generic as possible, it can be consumed by a much larger number of people. I think you find that the more you try to be generic, the more you try to dumb it down to the lowest common denominator so that everyone can get it, the more people are put off by it. I've always tried in my music to give a vast amount of credit to the listener. I don't want to dumb things down for anybody. I'd like to be immediate in my lyricism. I'd like my lyrics to be understood. I'm not trying to be so pretentious that no one can engage with it. The more personal I can be, the more it ends up relating to so many more people. By adding in cultural references or even local references, those things endear people much more than trying to get to them where they are. It's about creating something so they can approach you, as opposed to--I don't know--trying to be close to their life inauthentically. It's much stronger to be authentically you so people can move towards you.
SILY: It's almost a matter of humility. You don't know their life, and they don't know yours, but being hyper-specific is how we relate to each other.
HH: The song "Panic" by The Smiths has so many British references in it, but towards the end of the song, Morrissey sings, "Hang the DJ, hang the DJ, hang the DJ." He's talking about the songs the DJ is playing, singing, "It says nothing to me about my life." I don't think he's talking about songs that talk about far flung places, because even the songs that talk about far flung places can talk to him about his life. We don't have to have identical lives in order to relate to each other. There's so much more going on underneath all that. I like to give the listener fair credit and assume that they have what it takes to engage with the song on whatever level they'd like to. Pop music listeners are certainly very engaged and have the intelligence and willingness to engage on whatever level they'd like to.
SILY: And the internet prowess!
HH: [laughs] Yeah!
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A Firmer Hand cover art
SILY: The mid-album back-to-back of "You Can Film Me" and "Christopher St.", I don't know the stories behind the songs, but they seem to me to comprise a tragic mid-section. Am I off base there?
HH: Not at all. There is a link between those. I'm not going to disclose too much about it, if I may, but you're quite astute to pick that up. "Christopher St.", the music was written by Stefan. I've always been a fan of little vignettes in albums. The thing that makes Angel Numbers cohesive is that it is one unified voice: It is my voice. The band and I never worried too much about dipping our toes into different genres or different sounds or instrumentation within one album. Giving fair credit to the listener, they're able to deal with an album like Angel Numbers. It's not tricky: "Rest & Veneers" has a sort of country feel. "Elvis Look-alike Shadows" is bombastic and loud and high drama. "Frontman" is a harmonium-led lament. I don't think it's hard to engage with an album just because it has many different faces, so I've never worried about having fragments or vignettes or moments in albums that take you out of the world you think you're in, and suddenly they pull you right out. I've always been inspired by albums that seem like they have a left turn in the middle of the record.
I must say, to compliment him, that Stefan is an incredibly gifted piano player and composer on the keys. He's written so many beautiful songs for me and so many beautiful moments that no one's heard, so I was really excited to have a song like "Christopher St." [on A Firmer Hand] because it's such a beautiful piece of music. The writing and the lyrics came so, so quickly. I won't go too much into the inspiration or the stories behind the songs, but I think you're right. It's this tragic two sides. Everything that's in "You Can Film Me" is as bombastic and full of pomp, arch, raised eyebrow stuff I'm capable of, and "Christopher St." is about as earnest and as tender and as melancholic as I get. Those things are absolutely essential parts of my music, so to have them sit next to each other, you'd think it would be a contrast that could repel a listener, but I think--or at least I hope--it achieves the opposite. Having those things sit side by side is really effective. I've always been inspired by the idea of pathos in the ridiculous. Having something very deeply emotional and sad, the height of a certain emotion, next to something really amusing, silly, absolutely absurd. It makes the emotional thing more intense. It has this odd effect that you think would be uncanny and not work, but more often than not, it does.
SILY: Was there a general process for how you came up with the instrumentation on the record? Or was it truly on a song-by-song basis?
HH: It was different than the previous records. Heavy Elevator was one way, this sort of indie rock default. Angel Numbers took off and gave it a little more pomp with brass, horns, and pedal steel, embellishing the slightly rougher edges, softening them up, and bringing them to the fore. It was slightly ballroom. The band and I were very careful with A Firmer Hand to make it a band record. We wanted to be able to replicate all of the songs on the record on stage exactly as they are instead of having to make approximations or use samples or for someone to have to play the violin line on the keys or the trumpet line on the guitar. It was about having a band in a room. We wanted track 1 to track 12 to be obviously the same group of people and basically the same instruments. I think that limitation is really helpful and can often be really fruitful for a creative process. There wasn't too much pre-production involved in the songs. [Though,] the more we record and the more often we're in the studio, we think that's what we want to do next time, to have time to really work things out, as painstaking as it might be.
SILY: Have you played the songs from A Firmer Hand live yet?
HH: Some of them. We've played "Men Like Wire", "You Can Film Me", "Nancy Dearest", and "Big Cat Tattoos". Beyond that, most of the middle tracks we haven't touched yet. We've rehearsed them, and some of them are sounding really great. I'm certainly feeling--and I can't speak for the band--that it's an interesting experience trying to put these songs next to some of the older songs in our set. It starts to feel like a tale of two cities. I think that's exciting. I think it's probably somewhere where good things can come. I don't think it's going to be too much of a problem.
SILY: Do you have the same approach to adapting the new songs to the stage as you did for those on your previous records?
HH: I'd say so. I wouldn't say too much has changed. The first thing we've noticed is that setlists are becoming really tricky. Our sets are typically an hour and a quarter, an hour and twenty minutes, and we're having to cut out some of the mainstays of the set, turn it on its head completely and say, "Ok, suddenly, we're not playing that." Which is okay. That can only be good, to have a sense of renewal or rejuvenation. Reconfiguring the sets is tricky, but it's important we don't rest on our laurels. Any change is good for us. It's always the new song that feels exciting to play. With all these new shows coming up, we're excited to have some new blood in the set.
SILY: Is there one on this record that you're most excited to play, whether you've played it already or not?
HH: I have three, for different reasons. I'm really looking forward to playing "Machiavelli's Room" live. We've rehearsed it, and it's sounding great, but we haven't played it live yet. The first time that will likely get played live is before the album comes out. Who knows what people will make of it the first time they hear it? I'm excited about that one because it's so stark, and it's the type of song that's quite unyielding in the sense that it is what it is. You can't sugarcoat it. On stage, I love performing and love trying to engage with the audience and bring them in. Some of the songs on A Firmer Hand are more pushing people back, or more affronting in some sense. I'm excited to see how "Machiavelli's Room" works, not only in terms of how the audience experiences it, but in terms of what it does to us. It's a two-way street. We can treat the songs a certain way, but the songs treat us a certain way.
Another is "Autobiography of Spy". I really like that song, and I think it's a really interesting album track. It isn't a single, and isn't going to get that much limelight. But I really like it. I think it's a great length, the instrumentation is really interesting, and all the moments are sort of considerate and well thought-out. We're all quite happy with that song and how it happened.
The third is "Juliet as Epithet", the [opening track]. It's very atmospheric.
SILY: Do you use loops live?
HH: We do, but they're never a cornerstone of the songs. They're never an essential part. It's more window dressing. We have little things that will continue throughout the entire record. There are a few songs where we have a loop going on in the background, but it's more painting. We don't like having too many major parts being played by samples.
SILY: Are you planning on coming to the US?
HH: Next year, it's looking like it. This year, we have two tours in the UK, one in August and one in December. We're going on tour with Travis in September throughout Europe. America is likely on the cards for March or April for next year, though it's more likely to be February or March. We've played SXSW twice and are hoping to get invited a third time, but surrounding that, we're hoping to get things sorted on both coasts so we have shows either side of SXSW.
SILY: Would you come to Chicago?
HH: That would be ideal. Obviously, it's all up in the air right now. The ideal would be New York, L.A., and something in Austin, but something in the Midwest would be awesome. Chicago would have to get done. Not only do I love Chicago, but in terms of the numerous art scenes in Chicago, we'd have to sink our teeth into them.
SILY: Have you played here before?
HH: Yes. I've played there and in America, but it was sort of a shoestring tour of the US. I was playing DIY house shows, no money was exchanged. It was me playing in people's living rooms. I've played in 26 states. I played in a living room in Chicago. I've played in Detroit, Atlanta, Athens, Baltimore, L.A., Salt Lake City, all over the place.
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Photo by Elliot Hetherton
SILY: Are you the type of songwriter who's always writing, or do you compartmentalize between album cycles?
HH: Sadly, I do always write. Right now, I'm writing a little bit, but not much because I don't have too much time in my hands. But I've not been known to successfully compartmentalize and say, "This year, I've written my record, and next year, I won't write at all." I don't know how to do that yet. I don't have that relationship with my writing. It is quite consistent. When I do have a fallow couple of months, those months are full of insecurity and dread and self-doubt. Hopefully, in the future, I'll manage to foster something that says, "Okay, I haven't written something for 6 months, and that's okay." But at this stage, if I don't write anything for 2 weeks, I think, "Woah, what's happening? Is there something coming? Maybe I've dried up." Right now, the band and I are throwing some things around at the moment. Let's hope it's the beginning of the next record.
SILY: You could always write about writer's block!
HH: Exactly, but that's when you start falling down the rabbit hole of writing songs about writing songs, and writing songs about going on tour. Suddenly, no one relates to your albums at all except for musicians. "That album's so great, that one about being on the road." People don't really like listening to that on the way to work.
SILY: Is there anything you've been listening to, watching, or reading lately that's caught your attention?
HH: My listening at the moment, I don't know why it's happened this way, but it's been dominated by new country and roots music and new interpretations of traditional blues music. Since I was a kid, I've always really liked folk singers. My mum was a huge fan of James Taylor, Kris Kristofferson, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Ralph McTell, Gordon Lightfoot, and these 60s folkies. It was my first entrance into singer-songwriter music. Of late, I wouldn't say I've been listening to anything specific, other than the absolute classics of blues, Blind Willie McTell, Mississippi John Hurt, and Lead Belly, which I've always gone back to fairly infrequently. At the moment, I'm listening to a lot of blues and country music. Who knows what that promises for the next record, because I don't think country had much of an input on A Firmer Hand. Maybe I'll see if Willie Nelson wants to do a collab.
SILY: I don't know, the guitar tones on "The Hard Won" at the end are kind of country western.
HH: That's true. That's the last track as well, so maybe that suggests what might come. Here's hoping.
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lsdunesarchive · 1 year
Post-Hardcore Supergroup L.S. Dunes Debut New Single “Old Wounds”
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Words by wookubus Photo by Kevin Estrada August 24, 2023
Post-hardcore supergroup L.S. Dunes have dropped their second stand-alone single of the summer, “Old Wounds“. As with this past June’s “Benadryl Subreddit“, this song was produced by Alex Newport (The Mars Volta, Fudge Tunnel) during a recording session at Ranch De La Luna in Joshua Tree, CA.
Guitarist Frank Iero (also of My Chemical Romance, commented:
“‘Old Wounds‘ was a song that Travis brought to the band a while back. In getting ready for the upcoming desert session, Anthony came back around to it and ended up singing an incredible melody over it. After hearing Anthony‘s voice on that song, it was pretty obvious what needed to be played over those existing melodies. ‘Old Wounds‘ definitely feels like it represents the cold nights out in the desert for me and it might be one of my favorite songs we have done as a band.”
Vocalist Anthony Green (Circa Survive, etc.) added, “‘Old Wounds‘ was inspired by something I thought that I had lost that I actually needed to let go of.”
Guitarist Travis Stever (Coheed And Cambria) shared:
“The way everyone drifted into this song and brought their own energy was one of the most organic and natural approaches to songwriting I have ever been a part of. From the initial instrumental ideas to the vocals Anthony added, all the way to the production, it just flowed. Like we had a road map for where the song would go already. The feelings it derives from me, and the continued layers make it possibly my favorite song I have ever been a part of writing.”
The group will remain active on the road throughout the fall, having been booked for the below run of shows.
09/17 Chicago, IL – Riot Fest
With Pierce The Veil, Dayseeker & Destroy Boys:
11/04 Sacramento, CA – Hard Rock Live 11/05 Fresno, CA – Fresno Convention Center 11/07 Phoenix, AZ – Arizona Financial Theatre 11/08 El Paso, TX – UTEP Don Haskins Center 11/10 San Antonio, TX – The Espee 11/11 Edinburg, TX – Bert Ogden Arena 11/12 Houston, TX – 713 Music Hall 11/14 Orlando, FL – House of Blues 11/15 Orlando, FL – House of Blues 11/17 Myrtle Beach, SC – House of Blues 11/18 Corbin, KY – The Corbin Arena 11/19 Macon, GA – Macon City Auditorium 11/21 Boston, MA – MGM Music Hall at Fenway 11/25 Reading, PA – Santander Arena 11/26 Columbus, OH – KEMBA Live! 11/28 Chesterfield, MO – The Factory 11/30 Chicago, IL – Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom 12/02 Des Moines, IA – Vibrant Music Hall 12/03 Minneapolis, MN – The Armory 12/05 Oklahoma City, OK – The Criterion 12/07 Las Vegas, NV – Brooklyn Bowl 12/08 San Diego, CA – Viejas Arena
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yano2519 · 2 years
Sorry to say that, but the whole advertising for his book is bullshit. Now he allowed some fans on the Con to read parts of the book, while other fans are pissed off because they bought high price tickets for London, Edinburg and The 92Y. That’s the worsest book presentation I ever have seen.
I guess you've never been to a book launch before.
If you look at the subject less emotionally and more factually, his approach is no different from that of other authors (not counting the coordination difficulties for 92Y, but that was more an organizational issue).
When an author introduces a new book, he usually does so in author readings that last for days in many different cities. There he reads partial passages from his new book, which are exciting and captivating and should arouse the reader's interest, but at the same time do not reveal too much about the overall content. Afterwards, the author usually signs the books that were bought at the reading.
I have never heard that at a Diana Gabaldon reading, fans in Chicago were jealous of fans in NYC because they were first in line for the book tour. This issue is just overdramatized here because everyone wants a piece of Sam first🙄.
That being said, the fans at the con only read parts of the foreword, which is already available on Amazon anyway. And honestly, if I personally bought a ticket for Waypoints in Edinburgh and don't want to see any book content beforehand, I just don't read any posts on TW, Tumblr, etc. about it. In fact, it's relatively simple!
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Yes!! Edinburg is awesome! Here is a halfway decent picture I took of the church on Kings Cross (I think it was Kings Cross, it was a few years ago.)
If you ever have the funds, you should go!
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Funnily enough this exact conversation came up today, and a few days ago... and... a few days... before that am I in a loop (laugh)
My current plan is to spend the next few years launching and then solidifying Netherworld Post. Both from a business perspective and a personal mental/physical therapy perspective, this is where my focus needs to be.
Once we're on our feet as a shop, then I plan on traveling far and frequently and with minimal planning.
It is my dream to go to the library and thumb through their atlases and say "where will the moon send me next?"
stumble across a country or city or town or village or mountain or forest or whatever
say "ah ha" when a place feels right
spend the next several months figuring out the trip
and when I get home, repeating the process
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thelensofyashunews · 6 months
Superstar Mexican Act Fuerza Regida Announces "Pero No Te Enamores Tour," Their Summer 2024 Tour
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Led by their smooth-voiced singer Jesús Ortiz Paz, regional Mexican outfit Fuerza Regida has been climbing charts on both sides of the border. Today, the Platinum-selling grupo announces "Pero No Te Enamores Tour," their next headlining tour. Produced by Live Nation and kicking off on June 6th in Austin, TX, the "Pero No Te Enamores Tour" takes the group across North America for a series of dates, including shows in Atlanta, New York, Houston, and more, before closing with a show in Inglewood, CA. The 5-man group saluted their hometown fans with a special mural in their native San Bernardino, CA, displaying the tour artwork and dates in the center of the city.
TICKETS: General onsale tickets will be available beginning on Friday, April 12 at 10am local time at livenation.com.
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VIP:  Fans can also purchase VIP Packages, which may include premium tickets, access to the VIP after party with members of the band, Soundcheck, Meet & Greet + group photo with Fuerza Regida, Pre-show VIP Lounge, specially designed VIP gift item & more. VIP package contents vary based on offer selected. For more information, visit vipnation.com.
Fuerza's upcoming nationwide tour is their latest step on the road to world domination, following a 2023 full of new commercial heights and well-deserved accolades. The group shared their biggest album to date, Pa Las Baby's Y Belikeada, which peaked at #2 on Billboard's Latin Albums chart and reached the Top 15 of the Billboard 200. The album generated billions of streams across platforms, led by hits like "TQM" (peaked at #34 at the Billboard Hot 100), "Sabor Fresa" (#26 on the Hot 100), and "HARLEY QUINN" (#40 on the Hot 100), their collaboration with Marshmello that became their first-ever #1 hit on the Latin Airplay chart. The success of Pa Las Baby's Y Belikeada propelled Fuerza Regida to two Billboard Music Awards in 2023, plus the #1 spot on Billboard's Top Duo/Group year-end artist chart.
Most recently, Fuerza released their EP, Dolido Pero No Arrepentido, which arrived just in time for Valentine's Day. The album debuted at #2 on Billboard's Latin Albums chart, and all six songs from the EP reached Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart. The upcoming tour will feature the first performances of songs from the new EP. 
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Stay tuned for much more information about Fuerza Regida in the near future.
"Pero No Te Enamores Tour" dates:  *Not A Live Nation Date
Jun 06        Austin, TX        Moody Center Jun 09        Edinburg, TX        Bert Ogden Arena Jun 14        Oklahoma City, OK    Paycom Center Jun 15        Ridgedale, MO        Thunder Ridge Nature Arena Jun 16        Kansas City, MO    T-Mobile Center Jun 21        San Diego, CA        Viejas Arena Jun 22        Phoenix, AZ        Footprint Center Jun 29        Portland, OR        Moda Center Jun 30        Seattle, WA        Climate Pledge Arena Jul 06        San Jose, CA        SAP Center Jul 07        Fresno, CA        Save Mart Center at Fresno State Jul 13        Houston, TX        Toyota Center Jul 20        Dallas, TX        Dos Equis Pavilion Jul 26        Atlanta, GA        State Farm Arena Jul 27        Tampa, FL        Amalie Arena Jul 28        Sunrise, FL        Amerant Bank Arena Aug 02        Greensboro, NC    Greensboro Coliseum Complex Aug 04        Belmont Park, NY    UBS Arena Aug 16        Milwaukee, WI        Fiserv Forum Aug 17        Indianapolis, IN    Gainbridge Fieldhouse Sep 01        Tinley Park, IL        Credit Union 1 Amphitheatre Sep 06        Salt Lake City, UT    Delta Center Sep 08        Denver, CO        Ball Arena Sep 15        Las Vegas, NV        T-Mobile Arena Sep 20        San Antonio, TX    Frost Bank Center Sep 21        El Paso, TX        UTEP Don Haskins Center Sep 28        Anaheim, CA        Honda Center Sep 29        Palm Desert, CA    Acrisure Arena Oct 05        Sacramento, CA    Golden 1 Center Oct 11        Leon, MX        Mega Velaria* Oct 12        Mexico City, MX    Plaza De Toros* Oct 31        Monterrey, MX        Arena Monterrey* Nov 1        Monterrey, MX        Arena Monterrey* Nov 2        Torreon, MX        Coliseo Centenario* Nov 7        Oaxaca, MX        Auditorio GNP* Nov 9        San Luis Potosi, MX    El Domo Nov 16        Inglewood, CA        Intuit Dome
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v-thinks-on · 2 years
After a brief luncheon, Watson and I returned to the hotel and he kindly occupied himself with a book while I smoked my pipe by the fire, considering the evidence which had been laid out before us.
It was some hours before, at last, I declared, “I hope you packed your evening best, Watson, for tonight we dine in the most esteemed company.”
Watson put aside his book with a questioning glance. “For the case?”
“As astute as ever, my dear Watson.”
He appeared no less bemused, but acquiesced all the same.
I briefly sent a message to our host for the evening that we might be expected among the company, and then we soon put our afternoon occupations aside to dress for dinner.
Before we set off into the stormy evening, I said, “You ought to bring your old revolver, Watson, though I hope we do not need it.”
To his credit, he did not question it, only slipped the revolver into its holster with a serious nod.
The rain poured down without reprieve as we departed, but the doorman of the hotel obligingly hailed us a cab to take us to the manor of one of the most esteemed residents of the city, and so we stepped from one doorway to the other with our shoes hardly dampened despite the unending pounding upon the rooftops and down the streets.
“Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson,” the man in livery at the door announced us as we arrived as the maid took our overcoats.
“You were not exaggerating,” Watson murmured as we were ushered into the opulent parlour, adorned in the latest style with intricate patterns across the furnishings and walls.
Several gentlemen and a few ladies were already gathered for aperitifs and talk, and the oldest and largest among them stepped forward to greet us. “Welcome! I was astounded to hear that the Sherlock Holmes would be dining with us this evening. What brings you to our stormy city?”
I dismissed the question with a wave. “I am fortunate to not always travel for work, but also at times for pleasure. Thank you, gentlemen, for your gracious welcome on such short notice.”
As we made our way to the table for dinner, Watson discretely pulled me aside with a glance at the younger of the gentlemen of the company, and asked, “Is that…?”
I inclined my head, but said no more as dinner began.
It was an excellent meal, as such affairs always are, furnished with details on all the prominent houses in Edinburg and beyond. Afterward, the gentlemen retired to the parlour for the true highlight of the evening over fine digestifs.
At the insistence of our host, I sat down at the small table for the first round, opposite a young officer, while the rest of the party gathered around to watch with open curiosity. I glanced over my shoulder at Watson, who stood behind me, his hand upon my chair, and he only shook his head in quiet amusement.
Then, I faced the young officer and inclined my head in greeting. “Captain Bond, if you would be so kind as to deal.”
He obliged. “Mr. Holmes, you’re of course familiar with baccarat chemin-de-fer?”
“Yes, but do not go yet, Mr. Marcus.” I held up a hand to detain the other young man in attendance, who had begun to discreetly make his way to the door. “When I am done, my associate and I should like a word with you.” As that seemed not to convince him, I added severely, “We have reason to believe your very life is in danger.”
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rourkeoriain · 2 years
The gorgeous girl who had spent the entirety of her first ten minutes in the tiny Edinburg pub being accosted by a toothless would-be thug gave herself away with her kindness and her patience more than her wide doe eyes and air of soft innocence. The Scottish underworld was ugly. Far too ugly for something as beautiful as her.
The only thing worse than being in the wrong place of the wrong part of town at the wrong time of night was not knowing who you were there with. The pretty stranger would find that out quickly if Rourke had enough sense to mind his own business. But when the thug put his hand on the woman after she tried to move away, the young O'Riain lost his senses completely.
"If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you remove it."
Both sets of eyes blinked at him and he tried not to linger on the stranger's pretty hazel. He leveled a hard stare to the goon, daring him to protest.
"What." The guy snorted, mocking. "You gonna cut it off?"
The thug rolled his eyes and Rourke felt that O'Riain switch flip deep down inside. In the next breath he put his pistol on the bar top between them and squared his shoulders. "I've done a lot worse for a lot less." He wasn't typically the bragging type but it was nothing but truth that he'd gotten to where he was the hard way, in the gutters doing the Family's dirtiest work. "Wanna try me?"
The guy muttered and mumbled, cursing the O'Riain name as he finally backed off and threatening something about how he also had powerful friends.
"Are you alright?" Rourke motioned to the bartender to refill the woman's drink and leave the bottle on the bar.
"He said that being a guest of the O'Riains made me valuable." The woman stared into the reflections of the dim bar lights on the shining bar surface as she talked. "He called me an asset." She swallowed audibly and Rourke sighed. Of course she was a guest.
"I don't know how you wandered here, miss but I'm going to have to take you back." Rourke drained his glass and slid a stack of bills, far more than what they'd dranks worth, across to the man behind the bar with a respectful nod as he pulled his tight leather bomber back on and shrugged his shoulders to adjust the fit. His fingers idly played with the zipper as he tried not to startle the girl but also resolved not to linger. "S'not safe outside the estate for guests of the Family this time a'night."
"I don't want to go back to the estate." Kate blurted without meaning to, then awkwardly adjusted her hair behind her ear and tried again. "I just wanted to see the lower town. After such a long flight I couldn't stand be cooped up again."
Their eyes met. Rourke studied the almost shifting colors in her hazel eyes. He tried not to trace the gentle slope of her nose or the full curve of her lips. Gods she was lovely.
Rourke checked his watch with a huff, shrugged and then held out a hand. "My name is Rourke O'Riain, by the way. And there's only one place I can guarantee your safety that we could go."
Edinburgh didn't have the world class high rises of modernity, all steel and glass. But the rest of the world didn't have Edinburgh's history either.
"No freaking way." Kate, as he'd finally learned, seemed to love the land as much as he did. She had her face pressed to the glass of his absurdly tiny sports car the entire drive up the Scottish coast to Castle Rock, the city's oldest and highest point. "You live here?"
"I have holdings." Rourke replied, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as they idled, waiting for the massive iron gate tucked into one crook of the mountainside foothill slowly opened. "Family stuff."
He hoped that would suffice but couldn't help his little sigh. It was all a bit strange and he wasn't sure Skye would love her guest at one of their safe houses but at least he wouldn't have to explain away a firefight or get stuck burying more bodies any sooner than necessary.
"It's just for the night." Rourke's eyes were soft, softer than Kate expected even in the low light. It was all so much. They pulled into a spacious garage but Rourke motioned for Kate to sit tight until the massive steel doors sealed behind them. "Sorry about that." Rourke cleared his throat and swung open the driver's side door. He was at Kate's side just as she reached for the handle. "Protocol. We can go in now."
What seemed like a dark cavern slowly illuminated, as if the building itself had sensed their entrance and welcomed them with a soft warm glow. "There's more beds than you can imagine and the fridge and cellars are always full. You're welcome to help yourself to anything." Rourke stripped his jacket, leaving him in a tight white tee and tighter dark denim with pristine black leather boots. "Any guest of the family is family. If there's anything you need-"
"Anything I need?" Kate looked at Rourke like he'd grown another head. "You saved my life and brought me here and you're asking me if there's anything I need."
Rourke laughed, a warm sound that vibrated his chest. They both liked it. "Should I demand payment instead?"
He was joking, or at least he thought he was but the way her dark hair caught the moonlight streaming in through the sitting room's wide windows made his breath hitch.
"It'd be more reasonable than just this." Kate wrapped her arms around herself, clearly beginning to feel out of place and self conscious.
Rourke couldn't begin to imagine how strange her last 24 hours must have been. "I'll make you a deal, Katie." His blue eyes twinkled with the nickname. "I've decided that the cost of my saving your life should be a single kiss." He smiled at the shock in her eyes and the smile grew when she didn't immediately back down. "It's just a game. You don't owe me anything, Ka-"
"Okay." She blurted. "Okay. I'll do it." Her smile was small but she felt emboldened. "It's just a kiss, right."
"One kiss," he assured her.
Kate stepped closer, smiled and closed her eyes. What the hell, right.
Rourke smiled, tucked a lock of soft hair behind her ear, and dropped to his knees in front of her.
He chuckled as her eyes flew open and one of her soft hands found his shoulder. "Rourke- What?"
"Katie." Hed still stop if she wanted him to. He was pretty sure he'd do anything she wanted him to. But he bunched up her skirt in his hands and smiled up at her because he just had to try. "I never said where."
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Jack Lowden campaign to save Edinburgh Filmhouse and international film festival.
Jack Lowden used his acceptance speech to make an impassioned plea to save Filmhouse. (Image: BAFTA)
‘When it's gone, it's gone The phrase is pertinent. Buying and re-occupying the current building is, by a huge margin, the quickest, simplest and cheapest way to ensure that everything Filmhouse delivers is not lost.
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An image from the Scottish coming-of-age romantic comedy film Gregory’s Girl was projected onto the Filmhouse in Edinburgh last month. Picture: Jane Barlow
At the recent Bafta Scotland Awards on Sunday, efforts to secure the future of Filmhouse and the EIFF were supported and BAFTA winner Jack Lowden has thrown his weight behind a bid to save the Filmhouse in Edinburg, the former church as an "independent cinema and cultural hub", and led calls to support a crowdfunding campaign to secure his longstanding home, which is up for sale. The group trying to raise the money says it has received "significant commitments" for the buyout, which aims to preserve the Filmhouse and pave the way for its redevelopment.
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The Edinburgh Filmhouse will cease trading immediately.
Edinburgh will become the only UK city of its size and international cultural ambition to lack a cinema devoted to the full breadth and depth of cultural film.
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Edinburgh Filmhouse: Crowdfunder campaign launched to 'raise £2m in a fortnight' to save cinema has been launched to raise to secure the future of Edinburgh’s Filmhouse cinema and the home of its long-running film festival.
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Actors must support and come to the rescue. Peter Capaldi, Jack Docherty, Dougray Scott, and Sam Heughan also bolstered Lowden’s campaign to save Edinburgh Filmhouse and the international film festival. We will be aware of his Spaces.
@imahalfemptykindofgirl. Now we’ll know how much SH contribute (£) to this campaign to save the Edinburgh International Film Festival (EIFF) and the Filmhouse. In the end, He grew up in Edinburg and has spoken of his interest in a buy-out of the cinema as a business prospect.
@imahalfemptykindofgirl. After he spoke, are waiting for everyone to believe 🤔
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sapphireginger · 2 years
Title: Knots Are Knot for Everyone
Pairings: Stiam (Stiles Stilinski + Liam Dunbar)
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Word Count: 8,134
AO3 Link
Warnings: Brief Mentions of Non-Consensual Body Modification
Square Filled: Rivals
Written For: @anyfandomangstbingo
Tis beauty I have nare seen before but to admire it is no chore. I see both the inside and the out. For him I’m on my knees. To him I’m most devout. ~ Duke Gajos
Liam fidgets in his seat in front of Satomi's desk as he glances at the envelope she's examining. He's pretty sure he already knows what it says but he's learned to be patient and it's not like Satomi won't tell him what it says.
He startles when she clears her throat softly but firmly. "Are you sure about this Liam?"
"Yes, Alpha. I'm sure." He smiles. "I know I'm just a beta and he probably deserves much better but I–"
"I think that's for him to decide and you're not just anything. You are a beta in both classification and a beta in my pack, but you are first and foremost Liam." Her voice is firm but not unkind. "Now if you are sure then I will see that you have what you need to travel as well as help you with your suit."
Liam wets his lips nervously and nods. "I'm sure."
Satomi smiles and holds out the letter so Liam can read it. "Read through it while I go retrieve what you'll need."
"Yes, Alpha." He takes the letter and sinks back into his chair as he begins to read.
Beta Dunbar,
I have received your suit and find myself intrigued. I've seen your status, pack information and would appreciate it if you could travel to the city for the upcoming season. I make no promises, but your suit has been accepted into the next round.
Please be at the city by no later than October the 13th.
His Grace
Mieczyslaw Genim Gajos Duke of Edinburgh
Lord of Amhearst Manor of the Edinburg Estate
Liam swoons and traces each letter with his fingertips. "I intrigue him," he whispers.
Once again, he is startled when Satomi clears her throat. "All right Liam. Your bag is packed. Here is your pack symbol and your suit is in a small pocket inside the bag. Be safe and remember to be yourself. Do not try to be something you're not for you know he'll see through falsehoods."
"Yes, Alpha," the beta says as he stands and sets the letter back on her desk.
"Take it with you," she instructs. "Let it remind you that he did choose you."
Liam blushes and folds the letter up, sticking it back into the envelope. Then he walks over and takes his bag, slipping the envelope inside. "I will make you proud, Alpha Ito."
She scents him and ruffles his hair. "I already am proud, but I know you will do well. What must we also remember?"
"Three things are not long hidden. The sun. The moon. The truth."
"Good. Off with you. You don't want to be late."
Liam hurries out the door and takes a deep breath before attaching the bag to the back of his horse. He's glad he convinced Brett to help him ride better because otherwise he'd never get to the city in time. With a click of his tongue and a gentle tap of his feet the horse starts down the path.
All the while his thoughts are filled with nothing but him. The spark known round the world but also him, the boy who runs with wolves. He smiles when he thinks about everything he's read about the spark as his horse begins to gallop.
The sun is shining, the sky is clear and he's on his way to prove his worth as a mate.
Deucalion Blackwood is a stoic man and also a vindictive one. He watches his beta as he lounges sideways in the armchair. "So, you know what I'm asking of you?" he asks.
Theo tilts his head and nods. "Yep," he says popping the p.
"Then tell me."
"I'm not some stupid beta or omega who can't remember things. I'm an alpha."
Deucalion glares him into submission with a rumble in his chest. "We have one shot at this, and I won't have you ruining it. We need that spark and since the other one slipped through my fingers, I refuse to allow this one to get away as well."
Theo huffs. "Then why don't you go if you want him that badly?"
"Because he's not stupid. He knows who I am and well we already have you in place to say which pack you're from without lying don't we? Tell me Theo, who's your alpha?"
"I'm my own alpha," he sneers.
Deucalion gives a full belly laugh with a sinister smirk. "Excellent. There was no skip in your heartbeat. See it's the truth because you believe it. Now get going. I'm sure there will be others there as well who are hoping to be the lucky one to get the spark. So do what you must. Just no killing."
Theo smirks and stands up. "Of course, Alpha," he purrs as he grabs his bag. "Is Shadow ready for me?"
"You're taking Nightmare instead."
"Fine. Whatever." Theo rolls his eyes and pushes past his alpha freezing when claws grasp at his neck. "Yes, Alpha Blackwood."
Deuc smiles, tightening his hold for just a moment before releasing the beta. "Good boy. Shoo!"
Theo holds in a growl of annoyance as he leaves the manor and secures his bag to the ink black horse. He mounts Nightmare and heads off down the road. He snorts. "Nightmare. How fitting."
The alpha allows his mind to wander. He's seen the spark and the man is beautiful as fuck. He's also wickedly clever and very pretty. Theo smirks. "Such a pretty omega is he. Oh, the things I'll do when he's mine."
The Duke paces in his study, his mind racing with chaos. What if they don't come? What if they come and he doesn't want or like any of them? What if he gets a real knothead who only wants–
"You're thinking too hard about this, Your Grace."
He whips his head towards the study door and sighs. "Lady Martin. My apologies. I am just so nervous."
Lydia quirks a brow. "His Grace, the one and only Spark Gajos a Duke, is nervous about his suitors? Like this surprises me?"
He glares at her and huffs turning to face the window watching the light rain pittering against the glass. "You know I've always wanted what my mother before me had. I want love but it's time to make a choice. Love or not I must mate. I just hope one of them will at least be someone I can learn to love."
The study door closes, and the other omega makes her way over. "I know. I wish we had more time to make sure, but I've seen the ones you did select, and I just know that one of them will be the perfect mate for you."
"You really think so?" he asks, not taking his gaze from the window.
She gently places her hand on his arm. "I know so."
Stiles allows himself another few minutes to collect himself and then straightens his posture, his eyes flaring turquoise. "Let's get ready then. I have suitors to impress and a mate to meet."
"That's the spirit."
"Actually, it's spark."
He ducks to avoid her playful smack to the back of his head and lets her lead him to his room. There is much to do yet and what the hell should he wear? Thank hell for Lady Lydia Martin.
The morning of October 13th the manor and the estate itself, is a blur of activity as everyone puts finishing touches on the decorations, food and well Lydia of course puts the finishing touches on Stiles's outfit.
The stable hands receive the horses as the suitors begin to arrive and then they are led to the main room where refreshments are served while they wait for the Duke's arrival.
"I don't know if I can do this, Lyds. It's so much more daunting to see them all. Before they were just like an idea in my head and now they're actually like here and actual people."
She smooths out the collar of his coat and sighs. "Take a breath before you have a panic attack or spark out on accident."
He looks at her affronted. "I haven't sparked out in years."
"Exactly. So don't start now." She steps back and turns him to face the mirror. "What do you think?"
The Man gapes at his reflection then turns to the left and back to the right. "Holy shit," he mutters. "Damn. I look good."
Lydia stifles a laugh even as she fondly rolls her eyes. "You always look good. I just know how to bring it out. Now remember you are the Duke. You are the spark. This is your domain. They have to prove themselves. You have proven yourself to the world. Don't make it easy on them. Don't let them make the rules. This is your game. You make the rules. Act aloof and above it all but also use that sarcastic assholery that charmed me into being your best friend when we first met. Got it?"
Stiles swallows and nods. "Got it."
He adjusts his cravat and runs his hands down his front to smooth out the fabric of his black double breasted dress coat of fine wool his mother had made for him with real silver buttons. Underneath that he's wearing a light turquoise colored waistcoat over a white linen shirt. He rakes his eyes lower to admire the look of his off white tight fitting pantaloons tucked into black boots and then adjusts his black velvet cloak. "This is as good as it's going to get."
He turns and takes the black gloves from Lydia pressing a kiss to her temple. She smiles and ushers him to the door. "Good luck."
"Thank you," he whispers. He opens the door and glances back once more. "I'll tell you all about it over afternoon tea. Okay?"
"You'd better." She bites her lip and then nods. "Also remember that secondary gender should hold no bearing on your decision of them as a person. Just as your being an omega shouldn't matter either. You are first and foremost. Mieczyslaw Gajos."
Stiles smiles. "I know. See you at half past two for tea. If I am late, send Beta Lahey for me."
With a final nod they part, and Stiles pulls on his gloves. "It'll be fine. There's nothing to fear. This is my domain. I'm in charge here."
Liam looks around at the other suitors with nerves plain on his face. There's so many of them and he's just one person. One beta and how is he supposed to stand out? He takes a drink of his champagne and remembers his breathing exercises that Satomi taught him. It's not that he's afraid of losing control but they do help with anxiety.
Everyone is mingling but Theo is surveying each and every single one of them. He's seriously not impressed by any of them. There's two omegas which is absolutely ridiculous. Why in the world would the Duke want another just like him? There are several betas and they outnumber the alpha's by quite a bit. He thinks he counted like ten betas, two omegas and five alphas.
Then his eyes fall on a beta near the far side of the room who looks like she might be sick. He smirks and makes his way over. Perfect place to start weeding out the competition because that's what this whole thing is: a competition and Theo refuses to lose.
Liam has noticed the alpha who looks at everyone as a threat but also seems highly amused by them. He shakes his head and turns his focus towards the front of the room. Soon the Duke will enter, and they'll all get to see him in person. He tries very hard not to think about the book in his bag written by the spark. He hopes that even if he doesn't get chosen that he might get to talk to the man. If he talks like he writes it would be a wonderful conversation, he's sure.
The room goes quiet as a door near the back of the room opens which has everyone turning around. They had all expected him to enter in from the other side. That is probably why he didn't. They may as well learn right now that he isn't like any other omega, and he won't adhere to expectations.
A servant clears his throat. "May I introduce His Grace Mieczyslaw Genim Gajos Duke of Edinburgh, Spark, Omega and Lord of Amhearst Manor of the Edinburg Estate."
Everyone's eyes are locked on the door as the spark enters. The women curtsy, the men bow and Liam swoons. He's beautiful.
Theo can't take his eyes off of those pink pouty lips and all the dirty things they can probably do and say. Though he loathes to admit it, he should thank Deucalion for letting him put his suit in. There's no way he won't be leaving without the pretty omega.
The spark glances around as he makes his way to the front where a wingback chair is positioned next to the fire. He does not sit however but instead turns to face them all. "Please find a seat. We will be here for a while."
The alphas in the room hesitate and the spark quirks a brow at them before tilting his head. "If there is anyone here who has such a high opinion of themselves as to believe they are more important than the rest of the people here they should probably leave now. I won't tolerate discrimination against other classifications. So, if you alphas think you're too good to sit amongst us..." He gestures to the door where a guard is waiting. "Then by all means leave. You are not required to be here. You chose to put in a suit. If you don't leave now and I catch anyone with that opinion later on, you will be asked to leave and perhaps banned. My godmother Duchess Hale would have words with those of you with that opinion."
Everyone stills and says nothing.
He sees one person open their mouth and quirks a brow. "Perhaps I should call on my godfather Duke Hale. His claws are always eager for some sharpening." His tone is playful but he's deadly serious. Better they learn now he's not to be trifled with and he's not stupid and won't be treated as such.
One alpha, a curly blonde glares at him. Her tone is offended. "You're threatening us? How dare you! We are the higher biological classification as alphas. Everyone knows that omegas need an alpha. So, what is this little charade you're giving us really about?"
Stiles makes a fist but then takes a breath and relaxes it with only two people in the room having noticed the reaction. "Miss Swan is it?"
She gives a self-important nod.
"I see." He signals to his guard and then takes a seat. "Pity but then again not really. Your disrespect not just of station but lack of human decency is not wanted here. Good day Miss Swan." His gaze falls on the embers in the fireplace.
"What? That's it?! Hey! What are you–" she swears as the guard drags her out and boots her from the estate. "How dare you?! Don't you know who I am?!" she snarls.
The spark smirks. "No. I haven't a clue."
Everyone can hear her shrieks of anger as she's escorted all the way to the gate and then locked out and the smirk doesn't slip from the omega's face once. When he looks back at the room full of people he tilts his head, quirking a brow. "Take a seat and let's begin."
Lydia is just pulling the kettle off of the fire when the parlor door flings opens and a furious Stiles stalks in, slinging his tailcoat over the arm of the settee and plopping into the wingback chair with a huff.
She lets him collect himself as she pours them each a cup of tea. It takes a good ten minutes for him to relax but the tea helps a lot.
"I apologize for my countenance upon my arrival."
She smoothes out her green velvet skirt and smiles. "No worries. I suspected you would be as such. Hence why I have prepared for you your favorite."
Stiles smiles and takes a few more sips, humming pleased with the taste. "Thank you."
"So, what have they done to put you in such a state?"
"Oh well. Let's see. I had three knotheads, one of which I had to have removed and the other two I dismissed. Which leaves two alphas. I had five out of the ten betas ask to leave because they didn't know if they could handle me and then the two omegas told me they only came to see if the stories were true about my being the furthest thing from an omega. Then they left with such dramatic docility. Society's definition of omega and I had enough. So, I asked the servants to escort the remaining five betas and remaining two alphas to their rooms until dinner."
Lydia watches her friend's shoulders slump and sets her cup down. Her scent is soothing to him. So, she makes her way over and takes his cup, setting it on the table before taking a seat on his lap. His arms settle around her waist. His cheek rests against her bosom and he melts into the fingers running through his hair.
"I wish she was here," he says, his voice barely audible.
"I know. I wish she was too. She'd be better at this than me I can admit but you're not alone. We all want to see you mated but above all we want you to be happy. I can ask Peter to put the fear of god into them if you'd like. You know he'd do it for you."
Stiles snorts and purrs at her ministrations, his eyes sliding to half mast. "Yeah. We'll save that for later. I think Duke Hale is just being overprotective is all."
Lydia rolls her eyes. "If I was him and had raised you from preteen to adulthood, I would be overprotective too, but he did promise to stay out of this. Be grateful for that. Had he heard the knotheads or even the omegas hell even the betas he'd be furious."
"Which is exactly why we won't be telling him."
They sit in silence for a little while just listening to the flickering flames and the sound of each other's breathing. Lydia continues to run her fingers through her friend's hair and smiles when his breathing evens out. "You sleep. I'll keep watch."
Theo is feeling quite pleased with himself. Planting doubts in the betas's heads had worked wonders. Of course, none of them have the firm hand needed to control such an unruly omega. It's better they leave and try their hand elsewhere. They are down to seven suitors now and Theo doesn't see any of them as threats.
He strips off his blood red dress coat with golden buttons and lays it across the chair in his room. He's a bit disappointed that they are all not staying in the main house. It makes for less opportunities to run into the omega but he'll wait. The final two get to stay in the main house. Obviously, he will be one of those. He smirks at his reflection unfastening the top of his shirt to reveal a toned chest. Yeah. There's no way he won't have the omega drooling.
Liam sits in the chair by the fire in his room reading his book. His baby blue double breasted dress coat with silver buttons is hanging on a hook on the back of the door. He's made so many notes over the years of things he wants to know more about and things he wants to discuss. He feels terrible for how the spark was treated by the rest of them. Liam wonders if anyone actually sees that he's a person like them with real feelings or if they do, he wonders if they just don't care.
It makes him want to bundle the omega up but also makes him want to give the other suitors a piece of his mind. He'll do neither of course but it's nice to think about what he would do if he had the right.
They'll eat dinner with the Duke this evening and Liam is looking forward to it. The cook he met, Marie, was so quiet but she talked to him about what it's like working for the spark. Her favorite thing is when he comes down to the kitchens and teaches her to bake. It made Liam smile that the spark goes down to help and not because he's an omega but because his mother taught him and he's teaching someone else. Then again Liam isn't someone who believes in gender roles. Not one bit.
When Stiles wakes up, he's feeling a lot better. All is not lost and there is still hope. "What time is it Lydia?" he asks sleepily.
She looks up from her place on the settee. "Half fast four."
Stiles's eyes widen. "Oh great!" he mutters.
"Why is that your response?"
"I promised to help Marie this evening. She wanted to make sure the meal was perfect, and I told her it's okay if it's just something simple, but she is determined."
Lydia smiles. "You're sweet to her. I suspect she wishes the same happiness for you that you've helped give her."
The spark's brow furrows. "What do you mean?" he asks as he fixes his turquoise waistcoat and off white cravat. Then he smoothes the legs of his breeches.
"I mean that you're the one who brought her out of the awful orphanage, taught her to cook and gave her a home. She adores you and you're like a father to her even though you're not old enough to have actually sired her. Plus, there's her brother and her mate. Both of whom you saved from an awful fate of being shipped across the sea. So, I should think it fairly obvious why she wants to make sure everything is as close to perfect as possible."
He blushes and huffs. "Well, I did what anyone would've do–"
Lydia shuts her book firmly and sends him an annoyed look. "Then tell me why the rest of the city did nothing? If anyone would have then why did no one else?"
Properly chastised he nods. "I see your point. I'll head to the kitchens to help her, and I'll see you for dinner."
"No, you won't," she says softly. "I can't be there. You know this but I will be here for more omega cuddles. Okay?"
"Now go on and remember you are perfect the way you are."
He snorts. "So cliche but I know." He kisses her cheek and leaves the parlor.
Lydia watches him go and looks towards the fire. She wants the best for her friend. Perhaps it is time to visit the secret room so she can see just what these suitors really think.
"Hello darling," Stiles greets cheerily as he hangs his coat up and rolls up his sleeves. "What are we having?"
Marie smiles at him with flour on her cheeks. "Honey bread with chicken and hopefully vegetables." She chews her lip. "What do you think? Too much? Too little? Maybe bread without honey?"
Stiles smiles and shakes his head. "I think it sounds perfect. You know how much I love chicken and there is nothing better or sweeter than your honey bread. Well, unless we count you."
She giggles and gestures to the fireplace. "I've heated the water for the veggies. I know you like the repetition of cutting them up."
"Indeed I do. You know me so well."
They work in companionable silence for a little while until Marie places the bread in the stone oven to bake. "Your Grace? I hope you don't think it forward of me but how did the first meeting go?"
Stiles pauses and tries to smile. "It could have gone much better, but it also could have been worse."
"Do I need to go deal with some knotheads?"
Her protectiveness makes him smile. "No need. I can handle some knotheads. It was more the others that wounded me. Hearing a bunch of betas say they don't think they can handle me and then omegas saying they just wanted to know if the stories about me were true and then leaving, that's what hurt the most. I'd rather they be sexist pricks about my biology than judgemental assholes about my personality and countenance."
Marie frowns, her heart hurting for him. "I'm sorry, Your Grace. It's a good thing I made the honey bread then huh?"
Stiles smiles and chuckles wetly. "Good thing indeed."
Dinner is served at half past six and Stiles watches as the remaining two alphas and five betas take their seats. He isn't impressed by either of the alphas but he did promise Peter to consider them even though he's pretty sure the man knows he won't choose one.
He takes his seat at the head of the table and the servants bring in the food. Marie gives him an encouraging and reassuring smile as she sets his plate down in front of him. He's about to thank her when two of the betas growl.
His gaze snaps to them. "Why do you think it is appropriate to growl? I ask for civility."
The betas huff and the raven haired one gestures with his chin to Marie. "Seems suspicious you have us all staying elsewhere and then let a pretty pair of tit–"
"OUT!!" the Duke snarls his fingers sparking and eyes black with rage. "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOME!!!!"
Both betas nearly wet themselves as they bolt out the door. Marie is shaking and startles when Stiles gently touches her arm. "Thank you darling."
Marie nods and goes to leave. She nearly stumbles but an arm shoots out to catch her. "Careful," the voice says softly, and she smiles at the beta she had spoken to earlier that day.
"Thank you."
Liam nods and then turns his attention back to his food. He misses the curious and intrigued look on the Duke's face.
Theo watches the omega and has to think of unsexy things to dampen his arousal at the display of power. The man is so damn gorgeous especially when he's angry. Maybe he won't break him fully because that anger is simply breathtaking. Five left and it's only the first day.
Stiles asks them a few questions after their meal is finished before bidding them a good night and retreating to his rooms.
Liam makes his way to one of the guards and speaks softly. "May I help with the dishes? I-I know it's probably not proper, but I don't really care when it comes to gender roles and I would like to thank the cook."
The guard, a stoic man, sizes him up and then nods gesturing to the kitchen but gives a look that says he'll be watching.
With a nervous gulp, Liam heads to the kitchens with a smile when he sees the cook but freezes when he sees the Duke as well. The way the light of the moon shines on the man's face makes his skin look pale but so beautiful.
Marie stops mid sentence and smiles. "Hello Beta Dunbar."
Stiles whips his head to look at him and quirks a brow. "I thought I bid you all a good night."
Liam swallows and nods. "You did, Your Grace, but I asked if I could help with the dishes, and I wanted to make sure she was okay. The food was delicious, and I-I think it was rotten what they said but I don't want to intrude so I won't stay if you wish me to go."
The spark bites his lip to hide a smile and gestures to the sink. "Have at it. I appreciate your concern for her."
"For both."
"Pardon," the spark says.
Liam rolls up his sleeves as he makes his way to the sink. "I was concerned for both of you."
Stiles's eyes narrow but before he can say he can take care of himself the beta speaks again.
"Not that you need me to be concerned about you. I mean I should think knowing someone cares matters a great deal but I also know that you're not some damsel either. So, though I'm concerned I also recognize the difference between someone who needs to be saved and someone who wants to be cherished."
Stiles swallows thickly and turns back to the fire. He sees Marie watching him and smiles softly at her. The beta helps with the rest of the dishes and then looks around to see if there's anything else he can do. His eyes fall on the spark now sitting in front of the fire much more relaxed than he was at dinner.
He allows his eyes to wander over the man's form admiring his beauty. He blushes when he sees more of the man's chest, and it's drool worthy, but his eyes are the real treasure.
Liam is pulled from his thoughts by the spark's amused voice. "Your assistance has been appreciated, Beta Dunbar. I should think you have much better things to do than stare."
Liam's cheeks flush. "Tis beauty I have nare seen before but to admire it is no chore. I see both the inside and the out. For him I'm on my knees. To him I'm most devout."
The spark's eyes darken but with heat and his breath catches. "You've read..." he trails off. "I'll see you in the morning, Beta Dunbar."
He knows he's being dismissed but the soft smile, an almost smirk, that the spark is giving him makes his insides warm. "I hope so, Your Grace." Then he leaves and makes his way to his room.
Stiles can't help but smile, pleased with the beta and surprised at the same time. Marie hands him a bowl of fruit and smiles. "Someone seems to be feeling better."
"He's read my book. No one could quote it like that if they hadn't."
"Then I think sleep is in order so you can find out in the morning."
He stands and squeezes her shoulder gently before kissing her forehead. "Goodnight." Then he leaves.
She watches him leave and sighs hoping that he will find a mate. He more than anyone she's ever known deserves it.
The next two days see that only two betas and one alpha remain, and Stiles watches them closely. Lydia has of course given her ten cents because she doesn't give only two.
She agrees with him that Alpha Raeken is pretty to look at for sure, but he has no sincerity to him. Beta Alaksander is quiet but when he does speak it's not very intelligent. That's not to say he's dimwitted but he just doesn't keep up with Stiles in the least. Then there's Beta Dunbar and well when Stiles talks about him Lydia just knows.
By the end of the week the only ones remaining are Beta Dunbar and Alpha Raeken. The two men lounge in the main parlor as they wait for the Duke to arrive.
"So why are you here?" Theo asks.
Liam tilts his head. "I would say for the same reason as you but we both know that wouldn't be true."
Theo narrows his eyes. "Trying to imply something there? Don't be shy. Say what's on your mind."
"He'll see right through you."
"Then why am I still here?"
Liam shrugs. "Maybe he thinks you're pretty, but he won't choose you. I'm not saying he'll choose me either, but you can't fake these things. Alpha Ito says–"
"Oh, just shut up already. You're so annoying!" the alpha snaps. "He'll choose me because he knows he needs an alpha. What can you offer him that I can't?"
The two men are oblivious to the partially ajar door.
The beta tilts his head. "An equal."
Theo snorts. "Alphas and omegas aren't equal. Neither are betas and omegas. You will have no hope of a match if you can't give him a firm hand."
"Why do you think he's something to be controlled or changed? He's perfect the way he is."
"You're just a lovesick puppy, a fool and he'll see that. Tell me, does he know you keep a book he wrote with little notes in it?" The alpha pulls the book out and smirks.
Liam's eyes widen and he makes fists. "Give it back to me. You shouldn't have gotten your hands on it. It was in my room."
Theo makes a tiny tear on the page eliciting a whimper from the beta. "Yes, but it should have been my room. Tell me why did the omega let you be closer to him than me? Have you been sleeping with him to gain his favor?" he asks, making a small tear on another page.
"Stop! Please? Just give me the book back."
"Tell me the truth and rescind your suit. You do that and I'll give you the book."
Liam swallows nervously as his gaze flicks between Theo and the book. He remembers Satomi's words and almost smiles. "Three things are not long hidden. The sun. The moon. The truth." He smirks at the alpha. "I wonder how long you expect your truth to remain hidden."
"You little bast–"
The door slams open and Stiles stares at the alpha with eyes of fury.
Theo for all his bravado looks like he may wet himself. That fury isn't so wonderful when it's directed at him. "Hello Omega. We have been wondering if everything was alright since you were late."
"You should address me as Your Grace. I am more than biology and oh really? Tell me something, Alpha Raeken. What pack do you belong to?"
"I'm my own alpha."
Stiles smiles but it's not a nice one at all. "I see but you're a wolf and wolves without packs are to be brought to the city authorities. So, if you are packless, I must do my civic duty and warn them of a packless wolf."
Theo's face pales and Liam watches with wide eyes. The alpha tries to regain his composure. "I have a pack, but I am not lying about being my own alpha." He flashes red eyes at the omega and smirks. "Kneel."
Liam winces worried about the spark, but he needn't have been concerned. The next thing he knows the alpha is the one kneeling at the spark's feet and has a blade at his throat. "You can tell Deucalion that he's wasting his time. My mother never wanted anything to do with him and though he forced himself on her, he is not my father. So, you go back to him and if I ever see you again, I will kill you."
He wants to look away as the Duke mutilates the Alpha's hand as an example to those who view omegas as property.
Liam isn't ignorant to the fact that while Theo may have arrived an alpha in rank he will be leaving without his alpha spark. Blue eyes are obvious indicators of murderers.
Liam watches as the Duke's chest heaves and slowly walks over. He's not expecting to be slammed into the ground with the man on top of him, but he freezes.
"I won't hurt you. I am sorry for approaching, I shouldn't have crowded you."
The spark blinks a few times and the turquoise bleeds from his eyes leaving amber gems staring back at him. "I-I–" The spark's cheeks flush and embarrassment clouds his scent as he scrambles to get up.
Liam rests his hands gently on the spark's hips and the man stills. "It's okay. I'd react the same way if someone like him posed a threat to me or was connected to someone who harmed someone I love."
Stiles slowly relaxes and smiles but then realizes he's still straddling the beta and squeaks as he moves to sit next to him instead. "Still, I know it was intense. I knew he wasn't sincere, but I had not thought him connected to Alpha Blackwood."
The beta tilts his head. "Forgive me, but why let him stay if you did not think him sincere?"
The spark snorts and Liam finds it adorable. "He was pretty to look at."
"I admit to thinking that you would prefer an alpha over a beta."
"Now why would I want an alpha? I may be an omega, but betas are just as good. Plus, all the hype about a knot isn't my thing. They're completely overrated. I can look at something pretty and not want to fuck it or mate it." Then he glances at the lamp nearby. "See that lamp is pretty but I'm not into objectophilia. I'd prefer a perfect beta co—" he clears his throat, his cheeks a little pink. "I apologize. I'm getting ahead of myself."
Liam isn't objecting and feels a bit hot under the collar but clears his throat and shrugs. "I don't mind."
Stiles chuckles and gestures to the door. "Come with me."
He leads the beta to his own parlor and then waits until they are both comfortable before speaking. "Tell me about yourself, Beta Dunbar."
"What do you want to know?"
Stiles hums in contemplation. "Why did you put in your suit? Was it coerced, bargained, bartered, or free willed?"
Liam swallows thickly. "I-I um. So, I just joined a pack. My alpha has been helping me with control, but I still suck at it. I was coming here because I've read all your work and I've seen how you treat people regardless of status and I wanted to be able to talk to you," he growls frustrated with himself. "I thought I had my control at a place where I could try to court you. I guess it's not as good as I thought."
The spark is suddenly sitting much closer making Liam almost topple backwards. "You've read my work?" he whispers, his tone awed.
"Yes. Every word."
Stiles smiles and it's the first real smile Liam has seen from him. "Which was your favorite?"
Liam smiles. "Ses lettres d'amour."
"Est-ce que tu parles français?"
Liam nods. "A-A little. Not fluent but I would like to be."
Stiles finds himself brushing his fingers over the betas hand. "You're the first person to just make me feel normal. Other than Lady Martin or my father."
Their fingers intertwine and the beta's heart races as he meets amber eyes. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're you and shouldn't have to fit into the boxes others have made to try to control or change you."
"And you?" Stiles says. "You don't wish to change me?"
Liam shakes his head. "No. I wouldn't change a thing."
Their faces are so close now Liam's nostrils are flooded with the scent of pleased omega, and he rumbles in his chest before blushing. It makes the spark laugh and then his lips are on the beta's and nothing else matters.
Over the course of the next three months the two of them spend as much time together as they can. They share stolen kisses and exchange courting gifts. They ride horses and cuddle. Then they do Stiles's favorite. They go swimming.
They went into the water in just their braies. Stiles almost opted to go in naked but figured it was too soon for that. It felt like they were in their own little world which led to this moment.
Liam brushes wet strands of chocolate curls from the spark's face and smiles. Stiles loves those baby blue eyes, and he nuzzles into the palm cupping his jaw. They eagerly lean in and connect their lips.
They're far enough from the estate to afford them a certain measure of privacy as they make their way to the grassy spot beneath an oak tree where they press their bare chests together and intertwine their legs. The only sounds are the racing heartbeats, heavy breathing and smack of lips.
Stiles pulls back and searches the beta's face. "Be my mate," he whispers.
"Really?" Liam asks surprised but butterflies explode in his stomach as he grins.
It makes the spark laugh and kiss him again. "Yes. Really. Be mine."
Baby blue eyes widen and then soften. "Yes. I'll be yours."
With only close family to witness they mate in April in the evening under the oak tree where Liam said yes and it's hard to breathe in the best way when they see each other under the light of the full moon.
"As long as I have breath in my lungs, I shall be yours. As a spark. As an omega. As a Duke. As a mate."
"As long as I have breath in my lungs, I shall be yours. As a wolf. As a beta. As a Lord. As a mate."
They seal their bond with a bite and then Stiles slips the robe from his shoulders leaving his body bared to his mate. "Come catch me my mate. Come make me yours." Then he runs.
A howl sounds from the beta's throat as he strips and races after the spark. Mate. Mine. Claim.
He catches him in under an hour and tackles the spark to the ground. Both are glad they are so far from the city because neither of them could have kept silent for this.
As they lay together basking in the afterglow of their mating Stiles coaxes his mate to turn and face him. Liam smiles. "Are you happy?"
Stiles grins and pecks his mate's lips. "Very."
It's nearly July when an unwanted guest arrives. The newlyweds–they married two months after mating–are attending to their duties.
Stiles is upstairs writing letters of correspondence and Liam is downstairs in the kitchen with Marie.
A guard comes to fetch him. "Your Grace," the man says with a bow. "There is a man here and I was asked not to disturb His Grace Gajos."
Liam dries his hands and nods. "I'll see to it. Thank you."
With a nod the guard leaves and Liam makes his way to the front door. He's both surprised and not to find Theo standing there. "Alpha Raeken. You do remember what my mate said would happen if he saw you again don't you?"
Theo grimaces but plasters on a smirk. "I just wanted to be sure you were satisfying him is all. I figured if you weren't I could offer my services."
Liam gives him a look of disgust and snarls. "He's my mate and I'm his. There is no way you're going anywhere near him let alone have access to him intimately. You're insane."
"Hardly. I just think he acted rashly and figured he has to have come to his senses by now."
"You're delusional."
Theo makes fists. "Can you honestly say you fuck him and leave him satisfied?"
Liam smirks and crosses his arms leaning against the doorway. "No."
The alpha looks triumphant. "Then you need me. It wouldn't do for him to seek it elsewhere and bring disgrace to the name of Gajos. Not that much more disgrace can be brought after what happened with his mother."
With a flash of red eyes Liam slugs the other man and Theo ends up on his back on the ground wheezing. "The only one disgracing their namesake is you. Never speak against my mate or his mother's memory. Now you need to leave, or I'll kill you myself."
Theo spits blood and snarls. "Little beta has an alpha spark. You didn't earn it."
Liam grins. "Oh, but I did. I assume you've never heard of a True Alpha. Rising to the status by will of the heart. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other more important matters to attend to than further conversation with something beneath me."
"He needs a knot, and you don't have one!"
With a shake of his head his eyes take on an amused glint. "He doesn't want one. In fact, I know you couldn't satisfy him. You know why?"
Theo grits his teeth. "Why?"
"Because he fucks me, and I'm always satisfied. Every. Single. Time." He bites his lip and smirks. "I see him in the throes of passion and lust. Not you. He's my mate. Not yours."
"He knows how to find me when he needs a knot because mark my words, he'll want one. He'll crave one and you won't be able to give it to him."
Liam snorts. "Knot every omega wants a knot. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to have my mate fuck me now." He turns to the guard. "Let Peter have him. Mieczyslaw said if he returned, he was fair game."
With a nod the guard pulls a cord, and a side door opens as the front door closes. Theo trembles at the man advancing on him. "Shit."
"Hello Theodore. This will be fun," Peter says, flicking out his claws.
The screams of pain are only slightly muffled by the door and Liam smirks, pleased with himself as he turns around but then he freezes when he sees his mate watching him. "Uh..." he says, his mind blank.
A hand stretches out and he eagerly takes it, moaning when lips capture his. Hands slip to the swell of his ass and squeeze. He groans at the harsh bite to his bottom lip soothed with a pink tongue as his mate stares at him with eyes full of desire. "That was so damn sexy."
Liam blushes and shrugs one shoulder. "I was just popping off at him is all."
Stiles squeezes the beta's ass harder and then slips one hand into Liam's breeches and presses a dry finger over his hole. "Well, it revved me up. So, we're going to go upstairs to my study where I should be writing letters and I'm going to bend you over my desk and fuck you." He nibbles at his mate's earlobe and then at the sensitive spot behind his ear. "You want that baby?" he purrs.
"Yes. God yes!"
The omega chuckles and leads his mate into the study. Lydia sees them disappearing into the room and shakes her head with an amused smile. She looks at one of the servants. "Get some towels ready. With the mood he's in they won't be coming out for a while.
She quickly makes her way to her own parlor not needing to hear the squelches of her friend's sex life. Goodness knows she knows way too much already.
Meanwhile in the study Stiles is on his back on the floor and Liam is straddling him. The omega is leaking slick like crazy, and the beta could die happy with that taste on his tongue. He pushes back against the tongue in his hole and long slender fingers stroking his hard cock.
He whines when he's told to get up and bend over the desk but the smirk on his mate's face tells him he can have full access to the omega's slick after. So, he bends over the desk and groans in pleasure when the omega easily sinks into his heat.
"You always feel so good. O-One of these days," the spark stutters out as he begins to firmly thrust. "I'll let you fuck me."
Liam rumbles at that even as he moans, unable to help the sounds he's making. He never thought that he'd actually get to have the spark as his mate but every day he wakes up next to him is a gift.
"Even if you never let me, I won't care. I could live without it just never stop doing tha–Fuck!"
Stiles purrs and covers his mate's back with his body as his hips circle and push his cock deeper. "Believe me, if you want me to fuck you I absolutely will but I do want to try it at least once." His hands grip his mate's hip tight as he snaps his hips harder. "Now cum for me baby. Let go and cum."
And Liam does.
Stiles is elected into parliament two years after they mated and then a year later, they welcome their first pup that they name Claudia after his mother. She has amber eyes and blonde curly hair. She is the apple of her daddy's eye and Liam spends every spare minute with her that he can.
The two mates are happy, and they never care that they do knot have a knot.
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Which is the best Family Hotel near Scone Palace in Scotland?
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Perthshire, Scotland can be a great vacation destination for tourists looking for a mix of outdoor adventure, history, and culture. Located in the heart of Scotland, Perthshire is known for its stunning natural beauty, scenic countryside, and charming towns and villages.
Perth is amazing tourist destination on the banks of River Tay with rich historical sites, castles, forts, and world class museums and art galleries. It is known as big county due to its sheer size, beautiful diverse landscapes. This central Scottish region is renowned for world-class golf courses, shooting ranges, wildlife, castles, and adventure sports. Tourism has blossomed in Scotland and historic city of Perth has gained popularity season after season. The alluring highlands and scenic view is appreciated by tourist while holidaying.
Perthshire also has a rich history and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore historic sites such as Scone Palace, where Scottish kings were crowned, or the Black Watch Castle and Museum, which chronicles the history of Scotland's most famous military regiment. The region is also home to several charming towns and villages, such as Pitlochry and Dunkeld, where visitors can explore local shops, restaurants, and museums. Hotel near Scone Palace Scotland with the Famous Bein Inn is excellent place to stay and explore the hidden tourist gems in Scotland. Top outdoor recreational and adventure activities in proximity with hotel include walking, sightseeing, golfing, cycling, hiking, off-roading, horseback rides, shooting, fishing, biking and more.  Easy access to Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburg, Inverness, and Dundee make Perth great holiday destination in Scotland. All ingredients for ideal holiday are there in Perth including waterfalls, forest, castles, rivers, historical sits, woodlands, gardens, golf courses, fishing spots, hunting, and amazing hiking trails.
There are several luxury vacation accommodations filled with luxury amenities and services to attract traveler in the beautiful picturesque landscape of Perthshire. Perth is dotted with wide array of holiday accommodation such as B&B, private estate, campsites, and all-inclusive hotels. Tourist avail holiday stays accordingly their travel itinerary and budget. Luxury Hotel Room Perthshire Scotland is beautifully decorated, well-furnished with all modern amenities and services to the comfort of visitors. Two distinctive restaurant’s menu contains wide variety of delicious cuisines and traditional Scottish meals. There are renowned art galleries and museums along with historical monuments and ancient sites tourist explore during their fruitful holiday in Perth, Scotland. The River Tay is the longest river which runs alongside Perth. Top outdoor recreational and adventure activities include walking, sightseeing, golfing, cycling, hiking, off-roading, shooting, fishing, biking and more.  Easy access to Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburg, Inverness, and Dundee make Perthshire a great holiday destination in Scotland.
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notesonartistry · 1 year
Did you get tickets for somewhere yet? Because I saw people say Edinburg still had tickets left so maybe another city in the uk besides London?
I didn't get tickets, but my friends are going to try using my account tomorrow. The August London ones or maybe Dublin are the only dates that really work, unfortunately. I'll keep trying and there's lots of time.
Thank you 🥰
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